北京第二外国语学院2006年硕士研究生入学考试试卷英语专业文学专业 综合考试1
a. all the phonemes are the same except one b. the stress is the same
c. the tone is the same d. both words are meaningful
1)The child found the puppy.
2)The child is leaving.
2. Drawing out two tree structures for this sentence as the following sentence may have two interpretations. .
IV.Each of the following utterances is ambiguous. Give an unambiguous
paraphrase for each of the two meanings (20%).
1. Bob can not bring a salad.
Morphonologyis the study of how words are structured and how they are put together from ___(8)___ parts. __(9)_____ studies the units smaller than words that have meaning. There are two types: ____(10)_ morphemes which can stand alone; and __(11)____ morphemes which must be with another morpheme. Morphemes that change the meaning or part of speech of a word are calledderivationalmorphemes. Morphemes that create a different grammatical form, not the meaning of a word, are called ____(12)____ morphemes. The morpheme "-ment", as in "statement", is an example of _(13)_____ morphemes. It changes the ___(14)___ "state" into a ___(15)___.he correct answer for each question.
培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学卢静妮10031905020800275.482.978.40中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学刘子薇10031905020800378.687.3882.11中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学祁弘10031905020800677.878.3178.00中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学刘兴运1003190502080087678.5377.01中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学王丽洁1003190502080137674.0575.22中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学史满鑫1003190502080158088.7483.50中东学院阿拉伯语语言文学陈丽彬1003190502080187279.3874.95中东学院阿拉伯语口译任海越10030902008182072.283.6176.76中东学院阿拉伯语口译苏夏10031905511600172.882.1276.53中东学院阿拉伯语口译马涛10031905511600273.684.7278.05中东学院阿拉伯语口译朱佳璐10031905511600875.276.2375.61中东学院阿拉伯语口译魏婧媛10032905511500778.668.9474.74中东学院翻译学高子玥10032905020803376.871.8474.82英语学院英语语言文学孟悦10031905020102278.685.3881.31英语学院英语语言文学李璐1003190502010267682.1678.46英语学院英语语言文学李梵凌10031905020103377.287.5981.36英语学院英语语言文学郑子炎10031905020103580.279.4379.89英语学院英语语言文学王路明10031905020104485.690.6287.61英语学院英语语言文学潘密雯10031905020104982.884.3683.42英语学院英语语言文学李思梦10031905020105179.286.6682.18英语学院英语语言文学赵天星1003190502010547684.7979.52英语学院英语语言文学樊思琦10031905020106182.477.7680.54英语学院英语语言文学杨琛10031905020106277.689.5482.38英语学院英语语言文学王亚静10031905020107179.890.3684.02英语学院英语语言文学王丹10031905020107277.883.8380.21英语学院英语语言文学毛昱力10031905020107781.884.5482.90英语学院英语语言文学李徐琳1003190502010888488.3285.73英语学院英语语言文学李宛妮10031905020108977.287.381.24英语学院英语语言文学李志航10031905020109573.486.6578.70英语学院英语语言文学解思维10031905020109873.284.477.68英语学院英语语言文学张雯10031905020110980.679.3880.11英语学院英语语言文学马美雲10031905020111282.488.5984.88培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩英语学院英语语言文学秦影10031905020112277.282.9879.51英语学院英语语言文学胡秀芸10031905020112577.885.0480.70英语学院英语语言文学王文静10031905020112680.689.484.12英语学院英语语言文学沈美娟1003190502011297983.1480.66英语学院英语语言文学于春华10031905020113477.678.0877.79英语学院英语语言文学仝点妹10031905020114475.275.0175.12英语学院英语语言文学陈子明10031905020114673.482.4277.01英语学院英语语言文学程鲁月10031905020114776.685.2380.05英语学院英语语言文学刘惠敏10031905020115276.886.2280.57英语学院英语语言文学解明鑫10031905020115378.287.6381.97英语学院英语语言文学欧纹童10031905020115680.284.5481.94英语学院英语语言文学臧红芹10031905020116580.284.281.80英语学院英语语言文学张端10031905020116978.479.8678.98英语学院英语语言文学庄义会10031905020117380.285.6682.38英语学院英语语言文学付格10031905020117876.283.9679.30英语学院英语语言文学付小雨1003190502011808284.282.88英语学院英语语言文学于晓颖10031905020118180.486.1682.70英语学院英语语言文学答佳静10031905020118381.68783.76英语学院英语语言文学黄芬10031905020118878.480.479.20英语学院英语语言文学仲琳10031905020119476.485.4880.03英语学院英语语言文学敬伟10031905020119577.885.280.76英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学王京京10031905021100275.687.9980.56英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学王艳华10031905021100579.489.2283.33英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学沈安童10031905021100979.286.7282.21英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学张家川10031905021101179.289.4583.30英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学杜梦一10031905021101281.485.1682.90英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学焦思盈10031905021101782.693.0586.78英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学王亚新10031905021102380.888.984.04英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学孙宁10031905021102780.888.783.96英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学田凯旋10031905021103284.486.9185.40英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学沙芳兵1003190502110367884.4580.58英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学车虹虹1003190502110488087.6983.08培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学郑天娇10031905021105179.484.9681.62英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学张红1003190502110548188.6884.07英语学院国际文化贸易汪明慧10031905020113675.688.0880.59英语学院国际文化贸易王慢慢10031905020116875.483.0378.45英语学院翻译学熊晟1003190502010047479.6476.26英语学院翻译学张沛10031905020100774.482.477.60英语学院翻译学梁瀚实10031905020109474.291.881.24英语学院翻译学申金10031905020117975.687.2780.27英语学院翻译学肖燕10031905020118274.284.3278.25亚洲学院亚非语言文学王云月10031905021000174.691.6281.41亚洲学院亚非语言文学黄楠10031905021000274.690.8281.09亚洲学院亚非语言文学姚欣10031905021000976.288.9381.29亚洲学院亚非语言文学徐育蕾1003190502100268077.7179.08亚洲学院朝鲜语口译廉婧10031905511200281.491.8685.58亚洲学院朝鲜语口译李青格10031905511200381.684.4482.74亚洲学院朝鲜语口译杨晨10031905511201284.486.6885.31亚洲学院朝鲜语口译王海军10031905511202181.666.9875.75亚洲学院朝鲜语口译邢宇轩10031905511202681.483.9482.42亚洲学院朝鲜语口译张晓庆10031905511202982.683.2282.85亚洲学院朝鲜语口译高舒欢1003190551120428185.4482.78亚洲学院朝鲜语口译唐莞雲10031905511204381.290.5784.95亚洲学院翻译学刘浩冉1003190502927027188.2177.88文化与传播学院马克思主义哲学谭佳鑫10055933331884973.279.34675.66文化与传播学院马克思主义哲学宋嘉璇10487900013555370.675.42872.53文化与传播学院外国哲学孙喆1061090101200687383.80277.32文化与传播学院美学谭嘉怡10027921801010669.682.4174.72文化与传播学院美学王茜10031901010600660.882.2669.38文化与传播学院美学张媛10031901010600966.281.76472.43文化与传播学院美学廖世桢10559921001224273.276.96874.71文化与传播学院美学赵文航10559921001225071.285.1976.80文化与传播学院美学许珊茹1057490000091047372.12272.65文化与传播学院美学杨新柳10574900000911872.680.5675.78培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩文化与传播学院文艺学韩明宇10031905010100278.291.10883.36文化与传播学院语言学及应用语言学陈娟娟10031905010200771.690.7579.26文化与传播学院语言学及应用语言学栗若云10052911110576378.260.9371.29文化与传播学院语言学及应用语言学蔡晓睿10486911101559877.689.7282.45文化与传播学院语言学及应用语言学何娇娇10542936080799676.484.4779.63文化与传播学院汉语言文字学韩婧媛10032905012400975.284.2178.80文化与传播学院汉语言文字学张小砚1024692100080547593.9782.59文化与传播学院中国古代文学王露雨10031905010500677.485.54680.66文化与传播学院中国古代文学王思纯10031905010500872.485.54477.66文化与传播学院中国古代文学谢若颖10031905010500978.887.51282.29文化与传播学院中国现当代文学李丹10031905010600478.291.40883.48文化与传播学院中国现当代文学杨楚菲10031905010600578.677.478.12文化与传播学院中国现当代文学兰爽10055933331963176.490.51482.05文化与传播学院比较文学与世界文学李燃10031905010800277.288.06481.55文化与传播学院比较文学与世界文学黄玲丹10031905010801177.687.16481.43文化与传播学院比较文学与世界文学李舒萌10486911101584775.491.15481.70文化与传播学院比较文学与世界文学周安馨1061090501209777194.78880.52商学院会计学吴卓星10031912020100773.680.1576.22商学院会计学孙晓婷10031912020101169.477.5372.65商学院会计学曲艺10036999990726781.1488.0983.92商学院会计学黄利鑫10036999990732477.1491.3882.84商学院会计学马芳10070955550611668.8683.474.67商学院会计学温西蒙10272900000548476.2967.472.73商学院会计学高宏旭10423937010462972.8679.2175.40商学院会计学赵东晓10423937010484271.1485.4176.85商学院企业管理吴恺1003191202020057285.377.32商学院企业管理孙美霞10031912020200675.685.6579.62商学院企业管理胡志婷10033917606603477.1489.1581.95商学院企业管理俞雅玲10247936011351874.2982.577.57商学院企业管理汪青10286932020368476.2984.379.49商学院企业管理薛萌10423923131361974.2984.9578.55商学院企业管理朱缤绮10532941010196374.5789.7580.64培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩商学院会计(全日制)兰晓涵1003191253000117882.5479.82商学院会计(全日制)郑爱慧10031912530002467.3375.2870.51商学院会计(全日制)周楠10031912530003070.6777.01673.21商学院会计(全日制)乔方禹10031912530003873.3385.0578.02商学院会计(全日制)董浩10031912530004367.6781.19273.08商学院会计(全日制)董佳珺1003191253000536281.36869.75商学院会计(全日制)杨贺10031912530005463.3381.74670.70商学院会计(全日制)苏健雄10031912530005861.6780.34469.14商学院会计(全日制)杨博妍10031912530006364.6778.64670.26商学院会计(全日制)杨珺10031912530006763.6777.76469.31商学院会计(全日制)赵培月10031912530006970.3386.67476.87商学院会计(全日制)侯策10031912530007365.6772.81668.53商学院会计(全日制)万小伟10031912530007867.6785.17674.67商学院会计(全日制)杨雨迪1003191253000857486.35478.94商学院会计(全日制)王祺佳10031912530009263.3376.83668.73商学院会计(全日制)赵若丞10031912530009676.3386.02280.21商学院会计(全日制)刘常达10031912530010070.6793.52879.81商学院会计(全日制)苑普威10031912530010163.6780.89270.56商学院会计(全日制)汪迪10031912530010266.6779.271.68商学院会计(全日制)张方旭10031912530010368.3386.5775.63商学院会计(全日制)吕单10031912530010766.3390.7676.10商学院会计(全日制)邢英祺1003191253001087388.81679.33商学院会计(全日制)朱欣怡10031912530010964.6780.7671.10商学院会计(全日制)张馨月10031912530011266.6781.36472.55商学院会计(全日制)陈惠敏1003191253001156976.60272.04商学院会计(全日制)阮成思1003191253001167178.89274.16商学院会计(全日制)耿艺铭10031912530012172.3381.33275.93商学院会计(全日制)杨依1003191253001226386.33672.33商学院会计(全日制)霍艺帆1003191253001237585.86479.35商学院会计(全日制)曹慧莹10031912530012876.6793.3783.35商学院会计(全日制)赵良苗1003191253001307186.33277.13商学院会计(全日制)张旭10031912530013864.3376.4869.19培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩商学院会计(全日制)张雯昕10031912530014568.6781.79273.92商学院会计(全日制)王天予1003191253001467090.378.12商学院会计(全日制)王紫薇1003191253001487068.19269.28商学院会计(全日制)滕达10031912530014971.6783.34476.34商学院会计(全日制)高裴10031912530015273.3390.34480.14商学院会计(全日制)郜娜娜10031912530015574.3387.1479.46商学院会计(非全日制)齐妙1003191253000126080.00268.00商学院会计(非全日制)刘岚10031912530001759.6773.12265.05商学院会计(非全日制)张琛10031912530003465.3371.0367.61商学院会计(非全日制)李雪梅1003191253000366063.88861.56商学院会计(非全日制)王璐莹10031912530004970.3377.68273.27商学院会计(非全日制)冯垚鑫1003191253000506270.03665.21商学院会计(非全日制)归颖瑄10031912530005560.3367.70463.28商学院会计(非全日制)范竞丹10031912530005972.3381.73676.09商学院会计(非全日制)曹樱瀚10031912530006061.3376.60267.44商学院会计(非全日制)李彦宏10031912530006860.6767.76863.51商学院会计(非全日制)张彤1003191253000816571.7367.69商学院会计(非全日制)杨乐乐10031912530008864.6772.19267.68商学院会计(非全日制)于洋10031912530009558.3363.6660.46商学院会计(非全日制)潘慧洁10031912530010662.3369.71465.29商学院会计(非全日制)唐含笑10031912530011461.3363.2162.08商学院会计(非全日制)刘婧鑫10031912530012061.6774.1366.65商学院会计(非全日制)周文莉10031912530013259.3378.45666.98商学院会计(非全日制)贺文美10031912530013461.6777.33267.93商学院会计(非全日制)张涵10031912530013664.6769.57666.63商学院会计(非全日制)沈卓君10031912530014764.6760.3262.93商学院会计(非全日制)王萍萍10290925070901974.3383.37177.95商学院会计(非全日制)郑兆运1035392500062457384.09177.44商学院会计(非全日制)施瑞娜10651912539124779.3381.53180.21商学院会计(非全日制)张彤11832912530001873.3384.79777.92日语学院日语语言文学马瑶瑶10031905020501077.290.5682.54日语学院日语语言文学张旭晓10031905020502176.688.4681.34培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩日语学院日语语言文学张锡嘉1003190502050297684.0279.21日语学院日语语言文学祝晨10031905020503676.890.0482.10日语学院日语语言文学甘雨10031905020503878.880.879.60日语学院日语语言文学范思齐10031905020503974.491.3781.19日语学院日语语言文学曲明华1003190502050597882.2679.70日语学院日语语言文学刘月10031905020506274.686.2679.26日语学院日语语言文学赵璐璐10031905020506376.683.2279.25日语学院日语语言文学唐雅琪100319050205070809385.20日语学院日语笔译白佳欣1003190551050267184.9876.59日语学院日语笔译石静1003190551050427187.5877.63日语学院日语笔译杨梦婷10031905510505374.283.677.96日语学院日语笔译王舒慧10031905510505971.888.5878.51日语学院日语笔译盛晴10031905510506671.886.9477.86日语学院日语笔译代珺10031905510507071.685.3577.10日语学院日语笔译魏蕾珊10031905510507475.691.2381.85日语学院日语笔译潘姝臻10031905510507575.291.881.84日语学院日语笔译朱新玲10031905510507681.290.4584.90日语学院日语笔译方佳玲10031905510507771.685.577.16日语学院日语笔译李雅琦10031905510510672.470.3571.58日语学院日语笔译刘宇蒙10031905510511173.890.980.64日语学院日语口译刘力玮10031905510601677.284.0679.94日语学院日语口译武静10031905510604178.292.183.76日语学院日语口译游凝10031905510605077.690.8882.91日语学院日语口译李希月10031905510606073.284.2877.63日语学院日语口译史春艳1003190551060628090.284.08日语学院日语口译余茜10031905510606380.887.6283.53日语学院日语口译陈洁10031905510606973.888.6279.73日语学院日语口译李雨晴10031905510607574.487.1279.49日语学院日语口译赵甜甜10031905510608474.291.781.20日语学院日语口译刘鲁钰10031905510609175.286.8279.85日语学院日语口译张齐10031905510610272.693.180.80日语学院日语口译游寅灏10031905510610372.692.780.64培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩日语学院翻译学李晓蕾10031905029250281.289.5984.56日语学院翻译学徐颖10031905029250384.690.9887.15日语学院翻译学李潇10031905029250677.681.0478.98日语学院翻译学笪京京1003190502925187686.2480.10日语学院翻译学宋玉秀10031905029252276.485.7680.14欧洲学院俄语语言文学王帅10031905020200476.489.1481.50欧洲学院俄语语言文学张家璇10031905020200573.479.49475.84欧洲学院俄语语言文学刁蕊10031905020200779.479.99279.64欧洲学院俄语语言文学张乐然10031905020201774.290.36480.67欧洲学院俄语语言文学郑亚星10031905020202678.266.37473.47欧洲学院俄语语言文学张雅雯10031905020202977.282.2879.23欧洲学院俄语语言文学侯斌10031905020203375.488.90280.80欧洲学院俄语语言文学浮念雪10031905020203980.282.52881.13欧洲学院法语语言文学胡雅楠10031905020300275.468.5472.66欧洲学院法语语言文学赖思琪1003190502030127473.7873.91欧洲学院德语语言文学钟敏洁1003190502040107679.977.56欧洲学院德语语言文学殷乐儿10031905020402177.289.2182.00欧洲学院德语语言文学郑晓慧10031905020402577.485.8480.78欧洲学院西班牙语语言文学沈牧生10031905020700771.672.5972.00欧洲学院西班牙语语言文学陈佳凝1003190551140037172.871.72欧洲学院西班牙语语言文学吴芷君10271921000354077.286.9481.10欧洲学院俄语口译郑春旭10031905510401273.689.2879.87欧洲学院俄语口译李娜10031905510402073.681.776.84欧洲学院俄语口译李珊10031905510402377.681.28879.08欧洲学院俄语口译彭琳10031905510404174.477.81675.77欧洲学院俄语口译张梦雪10031905510404277.686.22881.05欧洲学院俄语口译孙奇1003190551040507777.73277.29欧洲学院俄语口译梅鑫怡10031905510406274.481.18677.11欧洲学院法语口译努尔比耶·伊敏10031905510800274.684.7878.67欧洲学院法语口译戚向磊10031905510801479.276.278.00欧洲学院德语口译王淼10031905029230371.663.9868.55欧洲学院德语口译杨倩文10031905511001671.483.3276.17培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩欧洲学院德语口译潘晗箫10031905511003073.29079.92欧洲学院西班牙语口译王圣文10031905511400576.676.176.40欧洲学院西班牙语口译姜欢文1003190551140137481.6877.07欧洲学院翻译学殷梅1003090200717407379.9275.77欧洲学院翻译学张秀慧10031905029220171.477.8473.98欧洲学院翻译学万颖10031905029220274.677.5475.78欧洲学院翻译学方世雅10031905029230678.290.0482.94欧洲学院翻译学周雪宁1003190502923077682.8878.75欧洲学院翻译学彭程1003190502923117176.9473.38旅游科学学院旅游管理黄迪1003191202030107389.6679.66旅游科学学院旅游管理刘乙10031912020301772.286.9278.09旅游科学学院旅游管理张存1003191202030197085.1676.06旅游科学学院旅游管理张雅婷10031912020302577.488.8481.98旅游科学学院旅游管理李晓南10031912020303471.290.578.92旅游科学学院旅游管理霍蕾10031912020303976.484.5479.66旅游科学学院旅游管理鹿广娟10031912020308369.48876.84旅游科学学院旅游管理韩莹1003191202030937786.8580.94旅游科学学院旅游管理梁文琪1003191202030968092.9285.17旅游科学学院旅游管理耿婧1003191202031077790.2482.30旅游科学学院旅游管理蘧浪浪10031912020311773.886.4878.87旅游科学学院旅游管理张晓丹10031912020311872.283.8476.86旅游科学学院旅游管理胡蝶10031912020313269.691.0878.19旅游科学学院旅游管理黄佳佩10031912020314369.686.5676.38旅游科学学院饭店管理陈维10031912020309070.288.2677.42旅游科学学院饭店管理王倩文10031912020313471.690.4479.14旅游科学学院饭店管理陈雪睿10031912029100579.492.6884.71旅游科学学院饭店管理周莹10031912029100676.489.4281.61旅游科学学院会展管理李玉琪10036999990770574.5771.573.34旅游科学学院会展管理靳杨楠10269915704007563.718973.83旅游科学学院会展管理张茵10651912028203063.1492.975.05经济学院金融学曹阳10034922803034274.5786.2779.25经济学院金融学姚蕴琪10036911110032475.7190.5881.66培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩经济学院金融学于淼10036999990491775.1479.676.93经济学院金融学曲艺10036999990584872.5787.578.54经济学院金融学周建文10038902020413971.7172.6472.09经济学院国际贸易学田媛1000291110104778091.8484.74经济学院国际贸易学宋晋冀10002911611590873.4375.974.42经济学院国际贸易学邹昌10034911803001473.1486.3678.43经济学院国际贸易学管淑珍10036999990515175.7192.2182.31经济学院国际贸易学王志浩10036999990559571.7180.2775.14经济学院国际贸易学邓国梁1003699999066657881.5479.42经济学院国际贸易学薛妮桠10486910501285067.4390.1876.53经济学院国际商务王月10002911130260177.4385.2380.55经济学院国际商务王晓博10002911130266475.1481.4277.65经济学院国际商务陈迪100029111302703789082.80经济学院国际商务万粲10002911130941679.7186.4182.39经济学院国际商务程慧娴10002911131579977.1489.181.93经济学院国际商务李传玲10002911131987278.8691.4983.91经济学院国际商务陈杨10002913861548573.7181.1476.69经济学院国际商务安然10003906011395574.289.5880.35经济学院国际商务张景宜10003906011422381.7190.1485.09经济学院国际商务康潇元10027999834010675.1481.1977.56经济学院国际商务胡慧祯10034911936003173.4389.1279.71经济学院国际商务刘冬雪1003492293600497283.2476.50经济学院国际商务蔺天祺10036911110067973.4377.9475.23经济学院国际商务刘紫薇10036911110130873.7187.3879.18经济学院国际商务崔若溪10036911110147678.5778.9978.74经济学院国际商务陈欣10036911110149573.1480.0675.91经济学院国际商务任俊朋10036911110165172.5780.0975.58经济学院国际商务廖麟玉10036999990900474.2988.8580.11经济学院国际商务侯书迪10036999990969676.2983.6279.22经济学院国际商务高刘双10036999991112771.1474.7572.59经济学院国际商务席文月10036999991113975.7182.4278.40经济学院国际商务陈歆瑜10036999991117873.1478.8975.44培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩经济学院国际商务张韶洁10036999991121275.7183.3278.76经济学院国际商务兰鑫宇10036999991123678.489.9883.03经济学院国际商务许桢莹10036999991138274.5779.3176.47经济学院国际商务刘嘉瑶10036999991154375.4385.2579.36经济学院国际商务王钦10036999991193572.2984.6677.24经济学院国际商务王昕10036999991194370.5782.5975.38经济学院国际商务李海晖10038902510046476.2971.574.37经济学院国际商务陶韬1003890254001197665.971.96经济学院国际商务黄琼慧10055933330555869.1484.1575.15经济学院国际商务高子昕10055933330811076.2988.3281.10经济学院国际商务韩博阳10055933332262370.5782.1875.22经济学院国际商务王知贤10183921210427565.1473.4468.46经济学院国际商务汤婉月10246921000484774.5789.1480.40经济学院国际商务王昕蕊10272900000408974.8683.7878.43经济学院国际商务王叶武10272900001197077.685.2480.66经济学院国际商务王雨露10284921152315370.2981.0574.59经济学院国际商务孙光辉1053293701135787463.9269.97经济学院国际商务王言10532941031359874.5782.577.74经济学院国际商务袁畅10532941081360476.8685.980.47经济学院国际商务彭江潮1056192000144477686.5880.23经济学院国际商务杨丽颖10610902022012769.1483.7875.00经济学院国际商务陈美博10610902512008868.8681.4173.88经济学院国际文化贸易张莹雨10036999990402068.2990.8877.32经济学院国际文化贸易王雪飞10055933331733372.8688.6479.17经济学院国际文化贸易熊睿10055933332335470.5789.0477.96汉语学院汉语国际教育张玺元10001900044002971.285.2576.82汉语学院汉语国际教育刘智贤10001900044009769.882.4974.88汉语学院汉语国际教育樊宇婷10001900044023069.685.1875.83汉语学院汉语国际教育黄钰舒10001900044026072.278.474.68汉语学院汉语国际教育肖瑶10001900044028473.475.2974.16汉语学院汉语国际教育高田10027999832013173.676.9874.95汉语学院汉语国际教育李鑫一10030901012287871.278.474.08汉语学院汉语国际教育韦哲元10031904530001569.883.1675.14培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩汉语学院汉语国际教育闫旭10031904530001668.687.0875.99汉语学院汉语国际教育傅思涵100319045300017668674.00汉语学院汉语国际教育方晨璐1003190453000186885.2874.91汉语学院汉语国际教育王儒生10031904530002865.672.6868.43汉语学院汉语国际教育张毓哲10031904530004667.880.4972.88汉语学院汉语国际教育张艺格10031904530005068.479.6472.90汉语学院汉语国际教育崔艺博10031904530005167.278.8271.85汉语学院汉语国际教育钱璐10031904530005365.679.7471.26汉语学院汉语国际教育李洪波10031904530007668.486.5675.66汉语学院汉语国际教育李雁鹏1003190453000776784.7874.11汉语学院汉语国际教育李雪10031904530009673.493.2481.34汉语学院汉语国际教育赵安琪10031904530010470.285.9676.50汉语学院汉语国际教育郭娅丽10031904530010868.886.8676.02汉语学院汉语国际教育吴梦婷10031904530011370.879.5474.30汉语学院汉语国际教育齐紫薇10031904530011468.881.9474.06汉语学院汉语国际教育周谨100319045300117727171.60汉语学院汉语国际教育邓兰娟1003190453001186879.7872.71汉语学院汉语国际教育王美玉10031904530012367.681.5473.18汉语学院汉语国际教育吕淑萍10031904530013466.688.6675.42汉语学院汉语国际教育刘函10031904530014766.476.9270.61汉语学院汉语国际教育黄文静10031904530015665.478.3270.57汉语学院汉语国际教育鲁莹10031904530015768.679.3272.89汉语学院汉语国际教育向琴1003190453001626783.8273.73汉语学院汉语国际教育廖云帆10031904530017171.884.9677.06汉语学院汉语国际教育李书情10031904530017568.880.273.36汉语学院汉语国际教育张焜10271921000019475.477.4276.21汉语学院汉语国际教育黄冠玉10271921000361075.876.1675.94汉语学院汉语国际教育张儒秋10284921080730074.876.5575.50汉语学院汉语国际教育赵紫文10335900091119369.485.4475.82汉语学院汉语国际教育开莹莹10335900092521267.280.2972.44汉语学院汉语国际教育李秋红10610904532015572.269.7671.22高级翻译学院英语笔译杨欢欢10031905510101779.274.0377.13高级翻译学院英语笔译袁航10031905510102873.479.84675.98培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩高级翻译学院英语笔译李明怡10031905510103273.879.06275.91高级翻译学院英语笔译冯帆10031905510104175.274.3774.87高级翻译学院英语笔译宋甜田1003190551010427676.97276.39高级翻译学院英语笔译杨艳杰1003190551010617670.773.88高级翻译学院英语笔译李浩宁10031905510106376.471.1274.29高级翻译学院英语笔译王昱皓10031905510107779.684.78881.68高级翻译学院英语笔译薛娜10031905510108176.273.95875.30高级翻译学院英语笔译刘畅畅10031905510113777.673.77676.07高级翻译学院英语笔译王玉杰10031905510114277.874.96476.67高级翻译学院英语笔译康宗光10031905510114775.872.76874.59高级翻译学院英语笔译郝元元10031905510115374.277.0275.33高级翻译学院英语笔译程鑫10031905510116077.679.53878.38高级翻译学院英语笔译刘威10031905510117575.479.30676.96高级翻译学院英语笔译陈赫楠10031905510119673.479.52875.85高级翻译学院英语笔译牛盈盈10031905510120877.875.44276.86高级翻译学院英语笔译郭思琪1003190551012287677.82676.73高级翻译学院英语笔译吕亮10031905510122980.274.81278.05高级翻译学院英语笔译谢晴10031905510123279.474.11877.29高级翻译学院英语笔译李静平10031905510123580.877.33679.41高级翻译学院英语笔译安重瑾10031905510125478.688.0282.37高级翻译学院英语笔译白丽荣10031905510126279.476.94278.42高级翻译学院英语笔译洪亚平1003190551012708080.1980.08高级翻译学院英语笔译黄虹妍1003190551012787472.72673.49高级翻译学院英语笔译孟爱宇10031905510129176.471.31274.37高级翻译学院英语笔译李慧1003190551012927866.9373.57高级翻译学院英语笔译张莹10031905510130276.472.15874.70高级翻译学院英语笔译刘瑾玥10031905510130574.477.93675.81高级翻译学院英语笔译方佳豪10031905510130773.684.23277.85高级翻译学院英语笔译马秀华10031905510130974.676.79875.48高级翻译学院英语笔译黄倩10031905510132776.676.2376.45高级翻译学院英语笔译杜茵10031905510133077.683.76280.07高级翻译学院英语笔译赵子昊10031905510133379.883.33681.21高级翻译学院英语笔译宋庆蕊10031905510134973.873.95473.86培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩高级翻译学院英语笔译郭欣10031905510135175.877.93276.65高级翻译学院英语笔译陆普10031905510137175.270.93873.50高级翻译学院英语笔译豆豆10031905510139674.275.26274.63高级翻译学院英语笔译张悦10031905510141177.481.94679.22高级翻译学院英语笔译唐婷婷1003190551014127583.26278.31高级翻译学院英语笔译梁晴晴10031905510141475.275.17875.19高级翻译学院英语笔译谭馨10031905510143074.473.05273.86高级翻译学院英语笔译刘潇10031905510146377.686.39481.12高级翻译学院英语笔译杨纹1003190551014657772.64675.26高级翻译学院英语笔译仇艺谕10031905510147773.478.81275.57高级翻译学院英语笔译杨欣怡1003190551014807879.94678.78高级翻译学院英语笔译郭浩10031905510148475.477.11276.09高级翻译学院英语笔译薛英英10031905510148576.677.03676.77高级翻译学院英语笔译刘佳桥10031905510148973.682.85277.30高级翻译学院英语口译蔡艳媛10031905510202481.886.30483.60高级翻译学院英语口译黄歆然10031905510202579.288.6682.98高级翻译学院英语口译张亚昊10031905510203075.877.56476.51高级翻译学院英语口译韩雨辰10031905510203676.287.97480.91高级翻译学院英语口译张水勤10031905510203876.472.67474.91高级翻译学院英语口译常一冉1003190551020437875.04876.82高级翻译学院英语口译高瑛10031905510204880.884.61882.33高级翻译学院英语口译张贺10031905510205376.486.51280.45高级翻译学院英语口译王莉10031905510205877.275.5376.53高级翻译学院英语口译姚嘉宁1003190551020677983.71280.89高级翻译学院英语口译唐甜10031905510208576.480.31877.97高级翻译学院英语口译谢诗嘉1003190551020967684.8279.53高级翻译学院英语口译马海磊1003190551021138184.01282.21高级翻译学院英语口译魏贵宾10031905510212077.282.33879.26高级翻译学院英语口译吴晗10031905510212476.876.49276.68高级翻译学院英语口译冯慧凝1003190551021337879.85878.74高级翻译学院英语口译张筱晶10031905510215280.880.6780.75高级翻译学院英语口译杨欢10031905510215376.881.2278.57高级翻译学院英语口译李虹娇10031905510216676.872.45675.06培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩高级翻译学院英语口译周倩10031905510217075.675.96475.75高级翻译学院英语口译丛莹颖10031905510217977.271.82275.05高级翻译学院英语口译张姣1003190551021877675.10875.64高级翻译学院英语口译伍佳10031905510219276.482.44678.82 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理李华蔚1000190003207635885.9869.19 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理殷艳明10002951710705457.6786.7469.30 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理张智超10002951711230458.3384.968.96 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理李姝岑10003905900695056.6789.2469.70 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理韩天佩10004911040259657.3389.6270.25 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理孙欣雨10030902016435170.3388.9677.78 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理高捷1003191251000026982.8874.55 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理顾智慧10031912510000761.3381.7269.49 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理谷静10031912510001559.3385.769.88 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理王珊珊1003191251000446188.1671.86 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理王晓琴10031912510006356.6779.5665.82 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理郑鹏10031912510007957.3389.6470.26 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理高浩10031912510008359.6785.2869.91 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理张玉苹10031912510008661.6791.2273.49 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理刘燕涛1003191251000895885.8269.13 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理黄芙蓉10031912510009159.3386.3870.15 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理杨康康10031912510010162.6784.5871.43 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理王小晓10031912510010259.3383.1268.85 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理王久慧10031912510010457.3389.9470.38 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理张毅婷10031912510010959.6791.0472.22 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理陈雷1003191251001156991.1877.87 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理刘思洋10031912510013859.3387.970.76 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理庞冉10031912510013959.3386.2270.09 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理赵磊10031912540001562.6786.8672.34 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理张志超10036911110307669.3382.8474.74 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理尹慧玲1005490000019556283.370.52 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理温媛1005690001902076389.8473.74 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理祁朝晖1012590000057216177.4267.57 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理刘丽君10139925000101556.6785.0868.03培养单位专业考生姓名考生编号合100分)成绩成绩MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理王琦1015190076049675789.5670.02 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理李光明10403901525060856.6788.8869.55 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理刘兴旺1042295109017076283.2470.50 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理冯玉冰10486910401213867.3383.6273.85 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理王晶10520966660035660.3379.4667.98 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理张仪10559925000000460.3381.4668.78 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理刘赤男11232912510004568.3387.9676.18 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理李永1459698020001486590.5675.22 MTA/MBA教育中心工商管理董雪8040191253001226883.8274.33 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理伊利娜10001900032073861.3387.0671.62 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理白玉洁1000190003217065788.7469.70 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理杨毅雯10002951741891569.3387.1676.46 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理毛亚静10031912540001363.6783.7271.69 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理曹敏靖10031912540002570.6782.5875.43 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理马建雪10031912540002660.6782.669.44 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理侯凯音1003191254000285785.0868.23 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理冯立斯10031912540005457.6789.2470.30 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理杨奥博10031912540005766.3384.2673.50 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理符健10031912540006768.6788.7276.69 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理张韵琴10031912540007660.3387.2471.10 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理李晨曦10031912540008059.3386.7470.30 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理胡欣悦10031912540008958.6786.8869.95 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理刘贺10031912540010657.6787.969.76 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理余得光10031912540010782.3392.686.44 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理李栋斌1011991400002085788.1669.46 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理白雪10125900000630861.3385.0870.83 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理胡盼10246925002323557.3384.4668.18 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理柳冰洁10533932112105062.6783.470.96 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理刘四宝10558940052850959.3387.370.52 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理邹淼10610912543020961.3380.2468.90 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理李霞14430908700111557.3387.0269.21 MTA/MBA教育中心旅游管理王皎艳80402925000016557.3384.7268.29。
2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Structure (20 points, l point each)Directions: In this section, there are 15 sentences each with one word or phrase missing Choose one of the four choices marked A. B. C. and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. I ought to _____ them about the new, but I forgot to do so.A. remember tellingB. remember having toldC. have remembered to tellD. have remembered telling【答案】C【解析】ought to have done表示对过去事情的虚拟,意为“本应该,而实际上并未做”。
remember to do sth.记得去做某事。
remember doing sth.记得做过某事。
2. On that rainy night, John told his father that the lock on the door _____ loose.A. was feltB. felt likeC. was feelingD. felt【答案】D【解析】感官动词feel,taste,sound,smell等无需用被动语态,后面直接加形容词。
3. _____ now, he prefers a quiet life.A. T o be all old manB. Being an old manC. Having been an old manD. Be an old man【答案】B【解析】根据句中的now可判断,空白处需填表示目前状况的短语,选项B现在分词短语做状语,表进行。
说明:本书精心搜集了市面上的历年真题,并整理了答案详解,备考价值尤为珍贵!若需要纸质内容,可以申请定制,详情咨询在线客服!•试看部分内容2003年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. GRAMMAR (20 points, 1 point each)Di re c ti o n s: In t h i s se cti o n, th e re a re20se n te n ce s e ach wi th o ne wo rd o r ph rase mi ssi n g. Ch oo se one o f the four choice s marke d A, B, C, and D th at be st comple te s th e se n te n ce. Th e n m ark th e co rre spo n di ng l e tte ron the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. Th e re are m an y val u abl e se rvi ce s wh i ch th e p u b l i c are willing to p ay for, bu t which _____ bring a retu rn in money to the community.A. does noB. did notC. could notD. do not【答案】D查看答案【解析】句意:有很多公众可以出钱的有价值的服务,但是哪些会为社会回馈利益呢?很多中并不一定只有一个服务项目可赚钱回馈,所以应该用复数。
2011年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(语言学)真题试卷(总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、填空题(总题数:5,分数:10.00)nguage enables its speakers to refer to all kinds of things, which are either present or absent; either existing at present, in the past or in the future; either real or unreal. This quality is called 1.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________2. 1refers to a sound produced with the obstruction of the air stream caused by two lips, such as in the production of[p].(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________3.In Chomsky"s view, language is a kind of innate endowment with which children are born. This endowment is called 1.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________4.In the word "suitable" , -able is a 1morpheme rather than an inflectional one.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________5. 1refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________二、判断题(总题数:5,分数:10.00)6.Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist, and he is called the father of linguistics.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.False7.The smallest units that affect meaning are morphemes.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.False8.According to the notions of construction and constituent, the largest construction in a language is sentence.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.False9.When varieties of language are classified in respect of their users, they are called registers.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.Falsenguage variation is diachronic while language change is synchronic.(分数:2.00)A.TrueB.False三、单项选择题(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.The morpheme "vision" in the word "television" is a(n)______.(分数:2.00)A.bound morphemeB.bound formC.inflectional morphemeD.free morpheme12.There are generally three kinds of sense relations recognized, namely, sameness relation, oppositeness relation and ______ relation.(分数:2.00)A.exclusivenessB.conclusivenessC.inclusivenessD.deduction13.The word "laze" is an example of______in word formation.(分数:2.00)A.acronymB.blendingC.functional shiftD.back formation14.A grammar which consists of a set of statements or rules which specify which sequences of language are possible, and which impossible, is a ______ grammar.(分数:2.00)A.systemicB.descriptiveC.generativeD.functional15.Speech act theory was first proposed by ______.(分数:2.00)A.Jane AustinB.John SearleC.John AustinD.John Firth四、简答题(总题数:10,分数:20.00)16.What are the four basic requirements for the description of vowels?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.In what aspects are the concepts root and stem different? Use examples to elaborate your points.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.Tell whether each of the underlined part is endocentric or exocentric. (1)The problem under consideration. (2)I saw a bridge damaged beyond repair. (3)He kicked the ball. (4)Andy looked excited.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.Correctly classify the following pairs of antonyms into different types of antonymy.(1)parent —offspring;(2)teach—learn;(3)rude—polite;(4)false—true(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.What are the two versions of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? What do they mean?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.Please list some differences between Langue and Parole.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.What are the three criteria linguists use to group allophones into phonemes?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 23.What are the differences between syntagmatic relations and paradigmatic relations? Please use examples to illustrate them.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 24.Based on the Cooperative Principle, analyze the implicature of the utterance "Well, boys are boys" and discuss the reasoning process of the implicature.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 25.Please use notions of "deep structure" and "surface structure" to analyze the ambiguity of the sentence Flying planes can be dangerous.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。
第一卷,基础卷分析:该卷分值为150分,各题分值分布如下:1. 阅读理解50分(multiple choice 24 points; true or false 12 points; gap filling 24 points)2. 英译汉50分3. 汉译英50分该卷题型比较简单,但难度不小。
此外,该题型答题方式多样,有multiply choice, true or false, gap filling,要求考生在考前针对各种题型做一定训练,以适应题型变化。
如:a. Every landscape bears the traces of this continuous and cumulative laborb. The cast will alter, but the set remains broadly the same.在a句中,continuous and cumulative是一个难点,而b句中broadly不好译。
此外,有的句子尽管意义浅显明白,但依然难以表达,如:c. To take inherent advantages, every civilization is born of immediate opportunities, rapidly exploited.在c句中,immediate可理解但不好翻译。
北京第二外国语学院2006年硕士研究生入学考试试卷英语专业文学专业综合考试1卷Instructions: Y ou are required to answer all the following questions in English.I. Explain the following (15)1. the Glorious Revolution2. the Ku Klux Klan3. Progressive MovementII. Choose the correct answer from teach of the following (15)1. Which of the following is the most famous of all British newspapers?A. The Times.B. The Guardian.C. Daily TelegraphD. Daily Mirror2. Which of the following is a tabloid?A. New Statesman.B. The Sun.C. Sunday Times.D. Morning Star3. How many terms was Franklin Roosevelt elected for?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.4. The nuclear family consists of the following except .A. grandmother.B. mother.C. father.D. unmarried children.5. The first group of English Puritans to land in America called themselves "Pilgrims" becauseA. it was the name of their churchB. they had been persecuted .,.C. they had wandered for a great distance in search of freedomD. they came from HollandIII. Answer the following question (20)What, according to the author, is the fundamental cause of poverty in affluent America?IV. Complete each of the following statements. (8)1. A morpheme is one that cannot constitute a word by itself.2. By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the level are composed of elements of the level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.3. According to Chomsky, the object of investigation in linguistics is the ideal speaker\'s rather than his performance.4. According to G Leech, meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content.5. "X buys something from Y" and "Y sells something to X" are in a relation of .6. In linguistics, languages are studied at a theoretical point in time: one describes a \'state\' of the language, disregarding whatever changes might be taking place.7. The features that define our human languages can be called features.V. Tell if each of the following statements is true or false. (8)l. The last sound of "sit" can be articulated as an unreleased or released plosive. These different realizations of the same phoneme are in complementary distribution.2. All words contain a root morpheme.3. After comparing "They stopped at the end of the corridor" with "At the end of the corridor, they stopped", you may find some difference in meaning, and the difference can be interpreted in terms of collocative meaning.4."Tulip", "rose" and "violet" are all inc luded in the notion of "flower", therefore they are super ordinates of "flower".5. The words "water" and "teacher" have a common phoneme and a common morpheme as well.6. Paradigmatic relation in syntax is alternatively called horizontal relation.7. Root also falls into two categories: free and bound.8. The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for,is known as the referential theory.VI. Fulfill the following requirements.(22)1. Distinguish between the two possible meanings of more beautiful flowers by means of IC analysis.(4)2. Classify the following pairs of antonyms into the three types such as complementary, gradable, and converse.(4)Host----guest borrow ----lend innocent-----guilty strong ------weak3. Tell whether each of the underlined part is endocentric or exocentric.(4)a matter of degree the man who laughed It is going to take place The train arrived on time.4. Give the phonetic term for each of the following descriptions. (2)(1) the sound produced by the lower lip and the upper front teeth(2) the sound produced with a complete closure in the mouth so that the air stream cannot escape through the mouth5. Fill in the blank: (1)=CHILD (x, y) & MALE (x)6. Tell the sense relation between a and b in each pair: (3)(1) a. She got a tulip. b. She got a flower.(2) a. Y ou haven t returned the book to me. b. Y ou received a book from me.(3) a. The boy chased the dog. b. The dog was chased by the boy.7. Analyze the following dialogue with reference to Grice\'s Cooperative Principle: (4)A: I know you are a famous sociologist. Could you define the term "culture", please1?B: Well, culture is culture. That\'s it.VII. Answer the following questions briefly. (12)1. What is a root used in morphology? (3)2. Define "minimal pairs". (3)3. What is meant by "arbitrariness" according to Saussure? (6)VIII. Complete the following sentences by choosing and mark the best alternative (A, B, C or D) in each bracket (20)( ) 1. Geoffrey Chaucer, the "father of English poetry", is one of the greatest poets of England.A. LyricalB. narrativeC. sonnetD. dramatic( ) 2. "To be, or not to be: that is the question: / Whether \'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, /And by opposing end them." This excerpt is taken from Shakespeare\'s tragedy .A. Romeo and JulietB. King LearC. Othello, the Moore of V eniceD. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark( ) 3. The trumpet of a prophecy "0 Wind,/If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" is from .A. Keat\'s Ode to a nightingaleB. Byron\'s The Isles of GreeceC. Shelly\'s Ode to the West WindD. Frost\'s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ( ) 4. The following works are all of Charles Dickens except .A. Oliver TwistB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationD. Martin Eden ( ) 5. The form of John Bunyan\'s masterpiece, The Pilgrim\'s Progress, isA. allegoryB. epicC. fairytalesD. legend( ) 6. Jane Erye and the greater WutheringHeight by brought to the novel an introspection and an intense concentration on the inner life of emotion which before them had been the province of poetry alone.A. Virginia WoolfB. George EliotC. the Bronte sistersD. Emily Dickinson ( ) 7. The V ictorian poets include (①Lord Alfred Tennyson ②Robert Browning ③ Matthew Arnold ④John Keats)A. ①②④B. ②③④C. ①②③D. ①③④( ) 8. The spokesman for the school of "Art for Art\'s Sake" isA. Oscar WildeB. Bernard ShawC. William Y eats .D. Thomas Hardy ?( ) 9. "Diedrich Knickerbocker" is the pseudonym of for his works which combines European legends with New England reality.A. CooperB. Washington IrvingC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Philip Frenau( ) 10. Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the greatest American litterateurs whose call for an independent American culture played a crucial part in the American intellectual history.The following works are all his exceptA. NatureB. "The Poet"C. The American ScholarD. Walden( ) 11. The term of "the gilded age" comes from \'s work with the same name.A. F. S. FitzgeraldB. William FaulknerC. Mark TwainD. James Joyce ( ) 12. The following authors are famous American realist novelists exceptA. Henry JamesB. Jack LondonC. Mark TwainD. Stephen Crane( ) 13. The novel describes the struggle of a young country girl, half aware of her powers, to protect herself against the cunning wiles of the capitalist society.A. Tess of the D\'UrbervillesB. Pride and PrejudiceC. The Purple ColorD. Sister Carrie ( ) 14. "The Lost generation" refers to the young who experienced the disillusion after WWI. One of its representative writers isA. William FaulknerB. F. S. FitzgeraldC. Langston HughesD. Vladimir Nabokov ( ) 15. Mark Twain\'s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that his works reflect the keynote of localism atA. the Romantic AgeB. the Age of ModernismC. the Age of RealismD. the Jazz Age ( ) 16. Although modernism is a vague term in definition, it might contain some characteristics such as __________ (①complexity ②the use of symbols ③allusion ④irony)A. ①②④B. ②③C.①②③D. ①②③④( ) 17. The title of the following poem "The apparition of these faces in the crowd/ Petals on a wet, black bough.” isA. "The Waste Land"B. "In a Station of the Metro"C. "The Road not Taken"D. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers( ) 18. is the only Afro-American woman writer who won the Nobel Prize in literature.A. Toni MorrisonB. Lalita TademyC. Catherine Ann PorterD. Alice Walker ( ) 19. As the leader of the Harlem writers who created the Black Renaissance, was known as the "Poet Laureate of Harlem".A. Ralph EllisonB. Langston HughesC. Richard WrightD. Alice Walker ( ) 20. As the first important American playwright with 49 published plays, did agreat to establish the modes of the modern theatre in the country.A. BeckettB. Eugene O\'NeilC. RichardsonD. Bernard ShawIX. Explain the following literary phrases and indicate at least one representative writer with one of his major works respectively. (15)1. Code hero2. Angry Y oung Man3. The Jazz AgeX. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions. (15)One night I accidentally bumped into a man, and perhaps because of the near darkness he saw me and called me an insulting name. I sprang at him, seized his coat lapels and demanded that he apologize. He was a tall blond man, and as my face close to his he looked insolently out of his blue eyes and cursed me, his breath hot in my face as he struggled. I pulled his chin down sharp upon the blood gush out, and I yelled, "Apologize! Apologize!" But he continued to curse and struggle, and I butted him again and again until he went down heavily, on his knees, profusely bleeding. I kicked him repeatedly, in a frenzy because he still uttered insults though his lips were frothy with blood. Oh yes, I kicked him! And in my outrage I got out my knife and prepared to slit his throat, right there beneath the lamplight in the deserted street, holding him by the collar with one hand, and opening the knife with my teeth - when it occurred to me that man had not see me, actually; that me, as far as he knew, was in the midst of a walking nightmare! And I stopped the blade, slicing the air as I pushed him away, letting him fall back to the street. I stared at him hard as the lights of a car stabbed through the darkness, he lay there, moaning on the asphalt; a man almost killed by a phantom. It unnerved me. I was both disgusted and ashamed. I was like a drunken man myself, wavering about on weakened legs. Then I was amused. Something in this man\'s thick head has sprung out and beaten him within an inch of his life. I began to laugh at this crazy discovery. Would he have awakened at the point of death? Would Death himself have freed him for wakeful living? But I didn\'t linger. I ran away into the dark, laughing so hard I feared I might rupture myself. The next day I saw his picture in the Daily News, because a captain stating that he has been "mugged". Poor fool, poor blind fool, I thought with sincere compassion, mugged by an invisible man!1. What novel is this excerpt chosen from? Who is the author?2. Summarize the narrator\'s change of emotion in encountering the white man and analyze the causes for the change.3. What is the significance of this novel in literature history?英美概况部分I. Explain the following (15)1. the Glorious Revolutiona. It refers to the event of 1688 the English Revolution, when the Catholic king James II was forced to flee with his baby son to France.b. The throne was offered to his daughter and her husband Dutch king William.c. The Bill of Rights was passed by Parliament to restrict the power of the Monarchy.d. This was the beginning of the Constitutional Monarchy in Britain.2. the Ku Klux Klana. After the Civil War, some southern whites formed the Ku Klux Klan.b. It was a violent secret society that hoped to protect white interests and advantages byterrorizing blacks and preventing them from making social advances.c. By 1872, the federal government had suppressed the Klan, but it revived several times in later history.3. Progressivea. It was a movement in early 20th century to reform society and indiv iduals through government action.b. It was primarily a movement of social engineer who believed that scientific and cost-efficient solutions could be found to all political problems.II. Choose the correct answer from teach of the following (15)1. A2. B3. D4. A5. CIII. Answer the following question (20)The fundamental cause of poverty in affluent America is the overall unequal distribution of wealth and income. The richest fifth of American family receives over 40 percent of the national income, whereas the poorest fifth receives only 5.21 percent.语言学部分plete each of the following statements. (8)1. bound2. primary, secondarypetence4. connotative5. synonymy6.synchronic7.designV. Tell if each of the following statements is true or false. (8)l. F 2.T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8.TVI. Fulfill the following requirements. (22)1. ((more beautiful) flowers) (more (beautiful flowers))2. complementary: innocent---guilty,gradable: strong---weak,converse: host---guest borrow---lend3. endocentric: a matter of degree the man who laughed It is going to take place exocentric: The train arrived on time.4. (l) labiodental (2) nasal5. son6. (1) entailment (2) presupposition (3)synonymy7. B fails to comply with Maxim of quantity and Maxim of manner.VII.Answer the following questions briefly. (12)See the text book英美文学部分VIII. Complete the following sentences by choosing and mark the best alternative (A, B, C or D) in each bracket. (20 )1-5. BDCDA6-10. C CABD 11-15. CDDBC 16-20. DBABBIX.Explain the following literary phrases and indicate at least one representative writer with one of his major works respectively. (15)X. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions. (15)。
2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解【圣才出品】2006年北京第二外国语学院611基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Structure (20 points, l point each)Directions: In this section, there are 15 sentences each with one word or phrase missing Choose one of the four choices marked A. B. C. and D that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening it.1. I ought to _____ them about the new, but I forgot to do so.A. remember tellingB. remember having toldC. have remembered to tellD. have remembered telling【答案】C【解析】ought to have done表示对过去事情的虚拟,意为“本应该,而实际上并未做”。
remember to do sth.记得去做某事。
remember doing sth.记得做过某事。
2. On that rainy night, John told his father that the lock on the door _____ loose.A. was feltB. felt likeC. was feelingD. felt【答案】D【解析】感官动词feel,taste,sound,smell等无需用被动语态,后面直接加形容词。
3. _____ now, he prefers a quiet life.A. T o be all old manB. Being an old manC. Having been an old manD. Be an old man【答案】B【解析】根据句中的now可判断,空白处需填表示目前状况的短语,选项B现在分词短语做状语,表进行。
2009年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷(总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.The history of English literature begins in the______century.(分数:2.00)A.7thB.6thC.5thD.4th2.______is often considered as the "poets" poet" because of his considerable influence on later poets.(分数:2.00)A.Edmund SpenserB.William ShakespeareC.Thomas WyattD.Ben Johnson3.The epic of Paradise Lost is based on the stories from______.(分数:2.00)A.The New TestamentB.The Old TestamentC.The Ancient Greek MythsD.The Ancient Roman Myths4.Which of the following is NOT true about Robinson Crusoe?(分数:2.00)A.It is written in the autobiographical form.B.It is a record of Defoe"s own experience.C.Robinson spends 28 years of isolated life on the island.D.It is set in the middle of the 17th century.5.From her novel we can deduce Jane Austen"s view of life is______.(分数:2.00)A.romanticB.sentimentalC.realisticD.pessimistic6.In______, common sense and moral propriety took the place of the principle of Romanticism and became the predominant preoccupation in literary works.(分数:2.00)A.RenaissanceB.the Elizabethan periodC.the gilded ageD.the Victorian period7.Sheridan is considered usually as a great______writer.(分数:2.00)edyB.tragedyC.essayD.short fiction8.The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at______.(分数:2.00)A.JamestownB.New YorkC.BostonD.Concord9.The first symbol of self-made American man is______.(分数:2.00)A.George WashingtonB.Washington IrvingC.Thomas JeffersonD.Benjamin Franklin10.American Renaissance started from______.(分数:2.00)A.PragmatismB.UtilitarianC.New England TranscendentalismD.the age of Realism11.The most influential novelist in Romantic period is______.(分数:2.00)A.Nathaniel HawthorneB.Edgar Allan PoeC.Emily DickinsonD.Fennimore Cooper12.______divides the 19th century into the age of Romanticism and Realism in American literature.(分数:2.00)A.The Spanish-American warB.The Civil WarC.WWID.WWII13.William Dean Howells explores the life of______Americans.(分数:2.00)A.lower-classB.upper-classC.working-classD.middle-class14.______addressed Ernest Hemingway and his peers as "the Lost Generation" which entitled a generation in the 1930s.(分数:2.00)A.Gertrude SteinB.William Dean HowellsC.Sherwood AndersonD.Henry James15.Catch-22 is a novel with outstanding .(分数:2.00)A.euphemismB.black humorC.allusionD.stream of consciousness二、名词解释(总题数:3,分数:6.00)16.art for art"s sake(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.self-reliance(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.the Jazz Age(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、分析题(总题数:1,分数:4.00)The following poem is written for the mourning of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.Read it and answer the questions:O Captain! My Captain!O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather"d every rack, the prize we sought is won,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring.But O heart! Heart! Heart!O the bleeding drops of red!Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells;Rise up—for you theflag is flung—for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon"d wreaths—for you the shores crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;Here Captain! Dear father!This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deckYou"ve fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchor"d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult, O shores! And ring, O bells!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.(分数:4.00)(1).The writer of this famous poem is one of the most influential poets at the age of Romanticism. Can you give out his name and present his contribution in literature briefly? (3 points)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (2).Can you enlist at least two major figures of speech used in this poem and illustrate their functions respectively? (8 points)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。
北京第二外国语学院2010年硕士研究生人学考试试卷I. Grammar (15 points/1 point each)Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes these sentences. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.The kids dare not walk on the ice. Neither ______ to skate on it.A) they dare B) do they dare C) dare they D) daren't they2.It was when their house had been buried in snow________ some idea about the seriousness of the situation.A) that they had B) had they C) that did they have D)did they have3.There used to be a children's palace before 1990, _________ ?A ) was there B) wasn't there C) used there D)didn’t there4._______ a machine, she met with a lot of difficulties at first.A) Having never handled B) Never handlingC) Having handled never D) Never handled5.In the corner of the room__________ .A) a small round wooden table was B) was a small round wooden tableC) a wooden small round table was D) was a wooden small round table6.All____________ of the world carry on breeding experiments to increase yield or to improve disease resistance.A) countries that grow wheat B) growth of wheat countriesC) wheat-producing countries D) countries where wheat is grown7.High levels of hazardous waste_________ in soil near many nuclear defense facilities.A) have been measured B) has been measuredC) is measuring D) are measuring8..In the type of________ radio receivers,a signal is transmitted upward or downward in frequency.A) used mixer in B) mixer used C) used in a mixer D) mixer used in9.A dog__________ on his owner's lap may refuse to eat from a bowl on the floor.A) fed B) is fed C) was fed D) to feed10.The details of the geological history of the Rocky Mountains have been lost_ hundreds of millions of years.A) on the passage for B) during the passage ofC) in the passage D) at the passage11.To plant rice,farmers,_______ ,set young plants in the mud..A) they wade with bare feet in the waterB) water wading in their bare feetC) wading in the water in their bare feetD) whose bare feet wading in the water12.It takes______car to get there.A) a shorter time by subway than byB) shorter time than by subway and byC) by subway shorter time thanD) shorter time by subway than13.His father had promised to buy him a computer_________ he behaved himself.A) in case B) while C)after D) provided14.The factory has turned out_____A) twice more TV sets this year than last year B) TV sets this year twice as many as last yearC) twice as many TV sets this year as last year D) TV sets twice more this year than last year15.That___________ the case, we have to make some changes in our plan.A) is B) was C) being D) has beenII. V ocabulary (15 points/1 point each)Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A) ,B),C)and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.I'd like to buy the mobile, but I haven't got any money on me at the moment. Could you____ for me for a day or two?A) put it out B) take it in C) put it by D) lay it in2.When I was told I had won first prize in the speech contest, I had to ____myself to make sure I was n’t dreaming.A) grasp B) scratch C) pinch D) seize3.Marina failed to finish her speech at the appointed time because there were so many_______ from the members of the organization.A) delays B) gaps C) intervals D) interruptions4.My woolen sweater used to be bigger than this. It has_________ in the wash.A) shortened B) shrunk C) reduced D) lessened5.As the boat bound for Nanjing leaves only on__________ days, we had no choice but to stay in the hotel overnight.A) alternative B) separate C) successive D) alternate6.The unprecedentedly big floods in our village did not start to________ until four days after the torrential rain had stopped.A) sink B) reduce C) lower D) withdraw7.They crawled for the next three hours along a main road where a line of traffic was so tightly together that it was__ almost stationary.A) crowded B) blocked C) assembled D) wedged8.The bus turned and rushed along the _____ road and then veered.A) level B) smooth C) even D) horizontal9.My grandmother's eyelids_________ and she dozed peacefully, with the clock ticking rhythmically and the logs cracking cheerfully.A) dangled B) drooped C) sagged D) stooped10.As the final exam was drawing near, Mary spent the rest of the week with her books, trying to______________ with some reading.A) make up B) pick up C) catch up D) hurry up11. The explorers' hopes of finding their missing colleagues are now beginning to_________.A) faint B) darken C) shrink D) fade12.By two o'clock the tide which had reached an all-time high was beginning to _____.A) recede B) reverse C) return D) retire13.During the big fire in the school, the teacher ____ the students into groups and asked eachgroup to carry water to throw on to the flames.A) dispersed B) organized C) scattered D) ordered14.After the eruption of the volcano there was a serious _____ of typhoid in the area.A) outrage B) outbreak C) outcome D) output15.Whenever you see an old film, you can't help being struck by the appearance of the actresses, such as their dated hair styles, their general appearance is slightly______ .A) classic B) fanciful C) deranged D) ludicrousIIICloze (30 points/1 point each)Cloze 1Directions:There are 16 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D).Choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly _________ ( 1) than male managers? Some research_______ (2) the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater ______ (3),an emphasis on affiliation on attachment,and a ________ (4) to bring emotional factors to bear_________ (5) making workplace decisions. These differences are_______ (6) to carry advantages for companies,_______ (7) they expand the range of techniques that can be used to______ (8) the company manage its workforce_______ (9).A study commissioned by the International Women's Forum_____ (10) a management styleused by some women managers (and also by some men) that______ (11) from the command-and- control style_______ ( 12) used by male managers. Using this “ interactive leadership ” approa ch,”women_______ _(13) participation,share power and information, ______ (14) other people's self-worth ,and get others excited about their work. All these ______ ( 15 ) reflect their belief that allowing_______(16) to contribute and to feel powerful and important is a win-win situation 一good for the employees and the organization. "The study's director predicted that "interactiveCloze 2Directions:There are 14 blanks in the following passage. Supply only ONE word for each blank that best fits into the passage. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.How much living pace does a person need? What happens when these space requirements arenot adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are (17) conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of (18)_overcrowding on humans. Recent studies have shown that the (19)_behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate (20) living space;they eat well, sleep well, and reproduce well. But, if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior (21)_patterns_ and even their health conditions (22)_change perceptibly. They cannot sleep and eat well, and (23)_signs_of fear and tension become obvious. The more ( 24 ) _crowded_they are, the more they (25)_tend_ to bite each other and even (26)__kill each other. Thus, for rats, population and violence are directly (27)_related . Is this a (28 ) natural_law for human society as well? Is adequate space not (29)__only_desirable but also ( 30) essential for human survival?IV. Reading Comprehension:(30 points) Section A:(10 points/2 points each)Directions:The following passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A ,B9C and D. Decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Anyone who. has a fat friend or who is, perhaps, himself more than ample, knows only too well how little provision our society makes for such people. Even the daily round provides numerous problems and snags. There are few pieces of clothing that can be bought off the peg, seats in cinemas or theatres are a subtle sort of torture only partially relieved by the rarity of good performance, and home furniture is hopelessly inadequate (imagine a fat person moving among a houseful of delicate antique chairs!). Then there is the problem of having a bath;the standard size of bathtub just does not allow a fat person to take up a horizontal position but demands of a grotesque squat reminiscent of his simian ancestry. In today's world, however, these are minor worries in a culture where slimness has become a fetish and all things desirable come to the person with a sylph-like figure. Especially in women, this attribute is a must if they are to compete on anything like equal terms with their contemporaries in the marriage market.' The fact that slimness is not necessarily either an ideal condition from a physiological point of view or a natural characteristic is of little comfort to the fat man or woman living in our present society obsessed by thinness. This fashion has been just another facet of the desire for conformity;we have charts showing correct weights for each height,and there are whole counters in many shops given over to the display of non-fattening foods. The fat person is doubly unfortunate in that he cannot hide his non-conformity, unlike so many of us who have perhaps more' subtle forms of eccentricity. In those cases where fatness is the result of over-eating, it is, of course, a reaction to some form of inner conflict and a much less harmful one than, say, alcoholism, drug addiction or suicide. Where the excess weight is due to some disorder of the body, the person so afflicted is an all-round loser, for riot only has he a physical illness to cope with but is mocked for having it by many people who should know better.Perhaps fashion will eventually change to allow an ample frame to become acceptable, but at present it seems that the pencil-slim models of the fashion salons are in safe jobs.1.The author says that the present society _________.A. doesn't give any good food to overweight peopleB. provides for fat people when they are illC. doesn't recognize the needs of fat peopleD. makes ample provision for fat people2.What is the special problem of women in this matter?A. There are many competitions for slimming.B. It is necessary to be slim to be acceptable.C. Contemporary fashion dictates their shape.D. Slimness and fatness are equally prevalent.3.It is of no1 comfort to the fat person that ______.A.obesity is not always a physiological problemB.fatness gives a person a comfortable characterC.slimness is a condition imposed by societyD.slimness is not always an ideal condition4.A fat person is especially unfortunate because _________.A. he is too big to hideB. every one can see his fatness.C. it is impossible for him to conformD. he looks so different from many others.5.According to the author,over-eating is _______ .A. similar to other desiresB. a harmless habitC. the result of some inner unrestD. a disorder of the bodySection B:(20 points)Directions:Read the following two passages carefully and briefly answer the questions in complete sentences on the Answer Sheet.Passage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Around the corner from the Dwight D. Eisenhower presidential library in Abilene, Kansas, is the Museum of Independent Telephony. Its 20000 visitors a year see a bewildering collection, ranging from wooden wall phones, "candlestick" phones and old pay phones, to switchboards and a reconstructed operator's lair. Despite their years, some of the artifacts continue to work as interactive exhibits.The museum has been receiving more than usual interest in recent years, for Abilene has become a focus for a new American phenomenon. In this age of modems, mobiles and voice mail, Americans are going all gooey over old phones.The ancient railroad town, has arguably become the antique phone center of America—the Antique Telephone Collectors Association is also headquartered in Abilene. It owes its status partly to the generosity of the Sprint Corporation, a telecommunications giant which funds the museum because someone called C. L. Brown founded the company there many years ago.Ironically, a big factor in the birth of the old phone market has been the Internet. It has allowed enthusiasts to link up with like-minded souls thousands of miles away. “ There are too few collectors to form local organizations of any size,but the Internet has been a wonderful way for people to connect," says Karen Poza, who two years ago joined the ranks of collectors. "Wecollectors are like vu ltures,” says Paul Wiltfong of Lenexa,Kansas, a construction worker who has collected some 14,000 items since 1981.Auction websites like Bay offer a lively marketplace for the buying and selling of old phones and switchboards. Many vintage phones now cost between $ 500 and $ 1,000, with a few exceptional ones running into five figures. The most popular collectable phones tend to be the ones that people remember using themselves. For instance, interest in early 20th century wooden wall phones---once the most popular models—has waned because fewer people are now alive who remember using them.One aspect of older phones that attracts aficionados is their reliability. Back in the days when the phone company—not the consumer一owned most phones, it was in the company's interest to provide durable machines that cut down on repair trips. Many collectors actually use the rotary-dial phones that they buy. Indeed, many old models are still compatible with current phone networks. "There's no such thing as an unfixable phone,” says Steve Hill who repairs phones and writes troubleshooting guides for old-phone users.Dealers say that some of the new buys in the market are people who have decorated their houses in retro styles a nd need “era-appropriate" phones. Indeed, some upmarket retailers are already serving this market by reproducing the old-fashioned designs. How long will it be before they end up in Abilene?6.What practical purposes do some old phones displayed in the Museum serve?The old phones are on one hand antique for exhibition, and on the other hand they also work as interactive exhibits. That is to say, they still functioned by person to communicate with each other.7.What contributed a lot to the popularity of old phones?Though there were normal factors like big companies’ investment, the real one to contribute a lot to the popularity of old phones lead to the Internet.8.Why does Paul, the construction worker, draw an analogy between collectors and vultures? Because the collectors’s thirst for old phones are comparable to vultures’ fondness for eating dead animals as their basic food.9.What phones are most expensive?The most expensive phones are ones that people remember using themselves.10.Why were old phones intended to stay in service longer than today's phones?Because the old phones are of some reliability.Passage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Potatoes free of blemishes, vegetables that can stand up better to shipping and fish that grow 11 times faster than normal. These are some of the wonders food engineers are creating in their laboratories. But not all consumers are eager to dig into this cornucopia. They query:Are these genetically engineered marvels really safe to eat? Are they being foisted oil unsuspecting customers without proper warning?Governments around the world have been slow to regulate these products. The US has no labeling laws but requires approval for genetic foods under certain specific conditions, such as if they contain known toxins,allergens or an entirely new substance. In July, the European Community ruled that foods made with genetically engineered soybeans or corn must be labeled. In Japan, 15 genetically- altered farm products have been approved for consumption,including such staples ascorn,soybeans, potatoes and rape seeds, but only now are institutions beginning to hear the call for truth—in labeling.A few companies are taking advantage of consumer uneasiness about the whole issue to stress that their products come just as nature made them( with some help,perhaps,from artificial fertilizers,insecticides and additives). A food company is happy to slap a label proclaiming that the soybeans in its tofu are “alteration-free" direct from fertile fields of America's farm belt.Experts acknowledge that there are some causes for concern. Allergies could result if a gene from an allergenic food such as peanuts is transplanted into a non-allergic one. Scientists in America ran into allergy problems when they tried to create a new protein by splicing a gene from a Brazil nut into a soybean plant.But biofood producers and the people who regulate them maintain that these are minor bumps on the road to producing perfect food. What is really behind resistance to biologically altered food products is the fear of the unknown. Researchers hope this will lessen as more people learn about biotech. “ We're scientists;we're aware of the issue and take them into account in our review," says Arnold Foudin ,deputy director of the US Department of Agriculture's Biotechnology Permits Office. "The more people know, the less fearful they will be."Most consumers have little choice in the matter of altered foods. Many staples such as milk,baby food, flour and three fifths of those foods that contain soybeans already have been altered or contain altered ingredients. Many vegetables, such as peanuts, squash and tomatoes are also often re-engineered.All of this contributes to a growing sense of wariness among Asian consumers. “ The thought of eating genetically created vegetables doesn't feel right,” says a Tokyo housewife. “ It's something definitely different from the natural processes we are used to. ” Genetically engineered foods may seem hard to swallow now, but the producers are betting they will go down more smoothly in time.11.What does the genetically engineered food refer to?The genetically engineered food refers to some certain kind of food which can grow much faster and much bigger than ever after their genetic chains are changed in laboratories.12.To dispel consumers' worries, what should be done with the genetic foods?To dispel consumer’s worries, the governments around the world offer different criteria to measure and limit such special products. For example, the US requires approval for genetic foods under certain specific conditions, such as they contain known toxins, allergens or an entirely new substance.13.According to the biofood producers, why do consumers feel uneasy about the altered foods? The fear of the unknown always makes consumer’s steps hesitate.14.What is the author's attitude toward genetically engineered foods?According to the author, we still know too little about these products. When we want to buy something, we have little choice in the matter of altered foods. Many staples such as milk, baby food, flour and three fifths of those foods that contain soybeans already have been altered or contain altered ingredients. Many vegetables, such as peanuts, squash and tomatoes are also often re-engineered.15.What seems to be the author's purpose of writing this essay?The author chooses a hot issue to discuss to remind customers to demand some regulations and clear measurements which can be easily-accepted and uniformed. On the other hand, theauthor puts forward to us that there is still a long way to go in the process of genetic food.V. Translation (30 points)Section A:(15 points)Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple, is harboring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside.Passage 2The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquire it. Section B:(15 points)Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.VI. Writing(30 points)Directions: Read the following topic. Write on your Answer sheet a composition of about 200 words. Be sure to provide a title for your composition and write in paragraphs.Topic:Nowadays, young people tend to get information from the internet and gradually lose the habit of reading and consequently the ability of hand-writing. A lot of people are worried about this trend and they try to find ways to keep the habit of reading. Do you think it is necessary in modern times? Why or Why not?Write an article to the school newspaper to express your opinion on this issue. You could use your knowledge or experiences to generate support for your argument.。
[考研类试卷]2011年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷一、单项选择题1 Anglo-Saxon literature is almost exclusively a verse literature in______. It was passed down by words of mouth from generation to generation.(A)realistic form(B)lyrical form(C)oral form(D)no form2 The______is an important form of British literature in the 15th century.(A)epic(B)popular ballad(C)sonnet(D)quatrain3 Chaucer's literary career is highlighted by the publication of his work______.(A)The Song of Beowulf(B)The Canterbury Tales(C)The Ecclesiastical History of the English People(D)Confessio Amantis4 Merchant of Venice shows the achievements made in______.(A)comedy(B)tragicomedy(C)tragedy(D)absurd theatre5 The most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration Period was John Dryden, poet,______and playwright.(A)novelist(B)essayist(C)critic(D)editor6 Friday is a character in the novel written by______.(A)Charles Dickens(B)Thomas Woolf(C)Daniel Defoe(D)Henry Fielding7 ______is NOT one of the first generation of English Romantic poets.(A)Coleridge(B)Keats(C)Wordsworth(D)Southey8 Jane Eyre stands for those______working women, who are struggling for the recognition of their basic rights as a human being.(A)lower class(B)first class(C)middle class(D)grass root9 D.H. Lawrence's works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. Among his works,______explores the possibilities for life and is concerned with the nature of relationships that can be had within industrial settings.(A)Lady Chatterley's Lover(B)A Lost Lady(C)Gravity's Rainbow(D)The Escaped Peacock10 ______is the symbol of America in the Age of Enlightenment.(A)Benjamin Franklin(B)Washington Irving(C)Thomas Jefferson(D)George Washington11 ______has been addressed by Faulkner " the Father of American literature" for his artistic innovation and concern of the south in his works.(A)Benjamin Franklin(B)Washington Irving(C)Thomas Jefferson(D)Mark Twain12 Basically, Melville's most well-known novel Moby Dick shows his______view of human power and the world.(A)optimistic(B)negative(C)pragmatic(D)objective13 1925 witnesses great events in American literary field: Hemingway published his novel In Our Time, and so did Fitzgerald with his______.(A)The Gilded Age(B)The Last Tycoon(C)The Great Gatsby(D)Tender Is the Night14 John Dos Passos' trilogy of U.S.A. in the 1930s includes ______(① The 42nd Parallel ②1919 ③District of Columbia ④The Big Money)(A)①③④(B)①②③(C)①②④(D)②③④15 The following authors are all black EXCEPT______.(A)Arthur Miller(B)Richard Wright(C)James Baldwin(D)Alice Walker二、名词解释16 Absurd theatre(3 points)17 Roaring twenties(3 points)18 Local color(3 points)三、分析题18 Essay questions.(11 points)This text below is Robert Frost's Poem "The Road Not Taken". Please answer the following questions according to it: The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same, 10And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back. 15I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence;Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. 2019 What is the form of this poem: is it a lyrical poem or a narrative poem? Use your own words to give an illustration to prove your idea.(3 points)20 "Sigh" on the 16th verse can indicate relief or happiness, or it can indicate regret or sorrow. Please give your own interpretation of its meaning.(4 points)21 Themes of this poem could be explained in more than one aspect. Give out two themes that you can find in this poem.(4 points)。
北京第二外国语学院2011年攻读硕士学位研究生专业目录参考书目: 622美学原理: 《美学原理新编》,杨辛、甘霖主编,北京大学出版社,1996。
822中西美学史: 《西方美学史》,朱光潜著,人民文学出版社,2002。
培养单位:国际经贸学院参考书目:821国际贸易与国际金融:《国际贸易》(第五版), 薛荣久 等,对外经济贸易大学出版社。
《国际金融学》, 姜波克 等,高等教育出版社,2004年。
参考书目:623比较文学原理:《比较文学》,陈惇、孙景尧、谢天振主编,高等教育出版社,2008年修订.823外国文学:《外国文学史》上下册,郑克鲁等主编,高等教育出版社,2006年修订.参考书目:外国语:262日语:《标准日本语》(中级上、下册)〈新版> 人民教育出版社263法语:《简明法语教程》(上、下册)孙辉编商务印书馆264德语:《德语速成》外语教学与研究出版社《德语-300小时》外语教学与研究出版社265俄语:《大学俄语基础教程》(1-4册)高教社出版或其他相应水平的公外教材266西班牙语:《现代西班牙语》(1-2册)董燕生、刘建合编《西班牙语实用语法新编》(第6、7、8、9、13章)孙义桢编上海外语教育出版社611基础英语:水平测试,无指定参考书811综合考试(英1):《英国文学选读》(第二版)王守仁高等教育出版社《美国文学选读》(第二版)陶洁高等教育出版社《美国文学简史》(第二版)常耀信南开大学出版社《英国文学简史》(第二版)常耀信南开大学出版社《语言学教程》(英文版)(修订版或第三版) 胡壮麟北京大学出版社《英语国家社会与文化入门》(第二版)朱永涛等高等教育出版社培养单位:俄语系参考书目:614基础俄语:《大学俄语(东方)》1-7册外语教学与研究出版社814综合考试(俄):《俄罗斯文学选集》张建华等外语教学与研究出版社《俄罗斯文学史》张建华、任光宣、余一中北京大学出版社2003年《俄罗斯文学简史》郑体武上海外语教育出版社2006年《俄罗斯历史》李英男、戴桂菊外语教学与研究出版社2006年《俄罗斯地理》李英男、戴桂菊外语教学与研究出版社2005年《当代俄罗斯》戴桂菊外语教学与研究出版社2008年《俄罗斯文化》戴桂菊外语教学与研究出版社2010年参考书目:616基础法语:水平测试,无指定参考书816综合考试(法):《法国文学史》,陈振尧,外语教学与研究出版社,1988年。
北京第二外国语学院美学(无此试卷)比较文学与世界文学(无此试卷)英语语言文学日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001第 1 页/共 5 页英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999俄语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)德语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)日语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础日语1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(专业)1998——1999,2002(2002有答案)专业日语(日本文学史)2004答案综合考试(日)(含日本文学、日本概况、翻译)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)综合考试(日本概况)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日本文学史)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日语翻译部分)2003——2023年年(2004——2023年年有答案)阿拉伯语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)外国语言学及应用语言学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,第 3 页/共 5 页英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999国际贸易学国际贸易与国际金融2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)国际贸易理论与实务1998——2003(2003有答案)经济学原理1999企业管理管理学综合(企业管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002经济学原理1999旅游管理管理学综合(旅游管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002旅游管理2004——2023年年(2023年年有答案)旅游经济学1998——1999,2003旅游学概论2000旅游专业综合考试2001——2003经济学原理1999第 5 页/共 5 页。
[考研类试卷]2010年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷一、单项选择题1 Sonnet in English poetry contains______.(A)four lines(B)a couplet(C)fourteen lines(D)a terza rima2 Francis Bacon, one of the most important British essayists, was active in the______.(A)Middle Age(B)Anglo-Saxon Period(C)English Renaissance(D)Victoria Age3 ______, whose name comes from Greek words meaning "no place" , is written by Thomas More to name his ideal society.(A)Utopia(B)Shangrila(C)News from Nowhere(D)Wonderland4 Of the following writers who is NOT a poet in English Renaissance? ______.(A)William Shakespeare(B)Robert Burns(C)Edmund Spenser(D)John Milton5 ______founded a new school of poetry by the name of metaphysical school. (A)John Smith(B)John Bunyan(C)John Milton(D)John Donne6 Modern English novel arose in the______century.(A)16th(B)17th(C)18th(D)19th7 Don Juan is______'s poetic drama with the material taken from Biblical stories. (A)Byron(B)Shelley(C)Wordsworth(D)Coleridge8 In 1878,______moved to London. His lifestyle and humorous wit made him soon spokesman for Aestheticism, the late 19th century movement in England that advocated art for art's sake.(A)Walter Scott(B)Oscar Wilde(C)Robert Browning(D)Alfred Tennyson9 ______belongs to "stream of consciousness" school.(A)Virginia Woolf(B)Thomas Wolfe(C)Somerset Maugham(D)Thomas Hardy10 American Colonial literature is longer than any other literary period, which started when the first settlers kept diaries and sermons and developed till______.(A)the mid of 18th C.(B)early 17th C.(C)the end of 17th C.(D)the end of 18th C.11 "Oh Captain! My Captain!" is Whitman's mourning poem to______.(A)Martin Luther King(B)utilitarian(C)New England transcendentalism(D)Abraham Lincoln12 Of the following writers______is not influenced by naturalistic writing. (A)Theodore Dreiser(B)Stephen Crane(C)Isaac Singer(D)Frank Norris13 F. S. Fitzgerald is NOT the writer of______.(A)The Great Gatsby(B)The Last Tycoon(C)As I Lay Dying(D)Tender Is the Night14 ______addressed Ernest Hemingway and his peers as "the lost generation". (A)Gertrude Stein(B)William Dean Howells(C)Sherwood Anderson(D)Henry James15 The author of Long Day's Journey into Night also wrote______.(A)Death of a Salesman(B)The Hairy Ape(C)A Streetcar Named Desire(D)Looking Back in Anger二、名词解释16 American Transcendentalism(3 points)17 The Southern Renaissance(3 points)18 The Beat Generation(3 points)三、分析题18 When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant—a combined gardener and cook—had seen in at least ten years.It was a big, squarish frame house and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street. But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood; only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps— an eyesore among eyesores. And now Miss Emily had gone to join the representatives of those august names where they lay in the cedar-bemused cemetery among the ranked and anonymous graves of Union and confederate soldiers who fell at the battle of Jefferson(the Town of Jefferson).Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of heredity obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily's father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of business, preferred this way of repaying. Only a man of Colonel Sartoris' generation and thought could have invented it, and only a woman could have believed it. This section above is an excerpt from William Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily.Please answer the following questions according to the excerpt:19 What is the town people's response toward Emily's death and what's the reason for that? Use your own words to give an illustration.(3 points)20 These paragraphs typically show Faulkner's major concern in literary writing. Please explain Faulkner's literary concern in general with one representative work except this short story.(4 points)21 In the 3rd paragraph, Miss Emily is referred to as "a tradition". What does this tradition mean? When the paragraph ends with the sentence " Only a man of Colonel Sartoris' generation and thought could have invented it, and only a woman could have believed it" , what information does the writer want to give to his readers?(4 points)。
2004 北京第二外国语学院----综合英语
北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试考试科目:综合考试(英美文学) 满分:40分考试说明:请将答案直接写在试卷上总分阅卷人I. Fill in the blanks with proper information (10 points):1.The Renaissance period in which Shakespeare wrote his poems and plays is generally known as ______________in the history of England.2. The novel of Waiter Scott that deals with a stage of English history, covering the days after the Norman Conquest, is .3. John Milton’s is a poetical drama modeled on the Greek tragedy, which takes its story from the Old Testament of the Bible.4. The rising of the naturalistic novel was influenced mainly by Taine’s application of deterministic theories to literature, Comte’s application of sci entific ideas to the study of society, and .5. A line of verse that ends on a stressed syllable, as any regular iambic line does, is called ending.6. The publication of the Lyrical Ballads in the year of marked the beginning of the Romantic period of English literature.7. The first major, self-conscious literary movement of American black writers after the First World War is known as .8. Falstaff is a comic character that first appeared in .9. Henry James sought perfection in his style and technique. He made various experiments in novel writing. In addition to an abundant production of fiction, he wrote a theoretical book on fiction, which is named . .10. William Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury employs the technique of and introduces us to the Compson family through the mind of the idiot Benjy.II. Read the following excerpts and identify the author (full name) and work respectively (10 points):1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.And sorry I could not travel both.And be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Author: Work:2. The grass-plot before the jail, in Prison Lane, on a certain summer morning, not less than two centuries ago, was occupied by a pretty large number of the inhabitants of Boston; all with their eyes intensely fastened on the iron-clamped oaken door. Among any other population, or at a later period in the history of New England, the grim rigidity that petrified the bearded physiognomies of these good people would have augured some awful business in hand.Author: Work:3. Thus consciousness does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pitch and momentAnd lose the name of action.Author: Work:4. April is the cruelest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain.Winter kept us warm, coveringEarth in forgetful snow, feedingA little life with dried tubers.Summer surprised us, ...Author: Work:5. “What is it, Angel?” she said starting up. “Have they come for me?”“Yes, dearest,” he said. “They have come.”“I t is as it should be!” she murmured. “Angel--I am almost glad--yes, glad! This happiness could not have lasted--it was too much--I have had enough; and now I shall not live for you to despise me.”She stood up, shook herself, and went forward, neither of the men having moved. “I am ready,”she said quietly.Author: Work:Ⅲ. Analyze the following poem by William Wordsworth and elucidate how it illustrates Romanticism in poetic creation (20 points):I Wandered Lonely as a CloudI wondered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of daffodils;Beside the lakes, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin ora bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOutdid the sparkling waves in glee;A poet could not but be gay.In such a jocund company;What wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:英语综合试卷(语言学部分) 满分:30分考试说明:请将答案直接写在试卷上I. Complete each of the following statements. (5)1. Consonant articulations are relatively easy to feel, and as a result are most conveniently described in terms of____________ and manner of articulation.2. transcription should transcribe all the possible speech sounds, including the minute shades.3. The sound[b]can be described with “bilabial, stop”.4. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words is called .5. An approach in linguistic study which attempts to lay down rules of correctness as to how language should be used is .II. Choose a, b or c for each blank. (5)1. When the word “root” means “part of plant that keeps it firmly in the soil and abso rbs water and food from the soil”, the meaning is meaning.a. connotativeb. conceptualc. reflected2. Of the three cavities, is the most variable and active in amplifying and modifying speech sounds.a. nasal cavityb. pharynx cavityc. oral cavity3. refers to the relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at particular place in structure, or between one element present and the others absent.a. Syntagmatic relationb. Paradigmatic relationc. Co-occurrence relation4. All syllables contain a .a. nucleusb. codac. onset5. The sense relationship between “John plays the piano” and “John plays a musical instrument” is.a. synonymyb. antonymyc. entailmentIII. Fulfill the following requirements. (12)1. Distinguish the two possible meanings of “more beautiful flowers” by means of IC analysis.(4)2. Tell whether each of the underlined part is endocentric or exocentric .(4)the politician who often lies the issue of great moment He will be arriving soon. The house fell into disrepair.3. There are several kinds of antonymy. Classify the following pairs of antonyms into three types such as complementary, gradable, and converse. (4)husband—wife dead—alive odd—even generous—stingy1. Why is it difficult to define language?2. How do you understand “displacement”, a design f eature of language?北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:综合考试(英美概况) 满分:40分考试说明:请将答案直接写在试卷上.总分阅卷人: Instructions:Y ou are required to answer all the following questions in English.I. Explain the following (10%)1. the Pilgrims2. Boston Tea PartyⅡ. Choose the correct answer in each of the following (15%)1 .How many continental states were there at the time of independence of the United States ?A. 35.B. 13.C. 48.D.502. Which of the following was the last continental state added to the Union?A. Kentucky.B. Pennsylvania.C. Arizona.D. Alaska.3. Which of the following is not a New England state?A. Connecticut.B. New York State.C. New Hampshire.D. Vermont.4. Which of the following is not in New York City?A. Hollywood.B. Broadway.C. Rockefeller Center.D. Harlem.5. How many states are referred to as the mid-Atlantic states?A. 6.B. 5.C. I1.D. 4.Ⅲ.Answer the following question (15%)Explain the characteristics of the uniformity in American culture and give your own evaluation.北京第二外国语学院2004年硕士研究生入学考试试卷(A卷)考试科目:翻译总分:40分一、英译汉(20分)Directions: Translate the following two paragraphs into Chinese, provide your translation below the original text. The time for this section is 20 minutes.On LifeThe most refined abstractions of logic conduct to a view of life, which, though startling to the apprehension, is, in fact. that which the habitual sense of its repeated combinations has extinguished in us. It stripes, as it were. the painted curtain from this scene of things. I confess that I am one of those who am unable to refuse my assent to the conclusions of those philosophers who assert that nothing exists but as it is perceived.It is a decision against which all our persuasions struggle, and we must be long convicted before we can be convinced that the solid universe of external things is“such stuff as dreams are made of”. The shocking absurdities of the popular philosophy of mind and matter, its fatal consequences in morals, and their violent dogmatism concerning the source of all things, had early conducted me to materialism.二、汉译英(20分)Directions: Translate the underlined parts of the following into English. Write your translation below the original text. The time for this section is 20 minutes.合作的利己主义合作,任何形式的合作.都具有一定意义上的竞争。
2012年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷.doc2012年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷(总分:44.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.In Benjamin Franklin"s The Autobiography, 13 virtues are enlisted for seek of self-discipline, which show representatively ______.(分数:2.00)A.the American valueB.spirit of democracyC.ideal of equalityD.the great awakening2.Different from other writers of______, Edgar Allan Poe"s works show reminiscence of a genteel tradition.(分数:2.00)A.the colonial timeB.American RomanticismC.American RealismD.American Naturalism3.The spirit of the Romantic Age of American literature is ______.(分数:2.00)A.retrospect of American pastoral lifeB.understanding and sympathy to the poorC.affirmation of American identityD.criticism of industrialization and urbanization4.Which of the following is NOT true about Emily Dickinson?(分数:2.00)A.One of the major themes of her poetry is death.B.Her use of dash and capitalized letters in poems influencesmodern poetry deeply.C.She is a radical fighter against patriarchal society.D.Although there is a frequent use of first person narration in her poem, the "I" has a diversified connotation except a reference to the author.5.Edgar Allan Poe is not only a poet, but also the founding father of ______in American literature.(分数:2.00)A.detective storiesB.psychological allegoryC.political commentsD.folklore6.Of the following writers, ______ is NOT a writer of Realism.(分数:2.00)A.Mark TwainB.William Dean HowellsC.Herman MelvilleD.Henry James7.The most influential poets in early 20th century are ______.① Ezra Pound ②Robert Frost ③T.S. Eliot ④Longfellow(分数:2.00)A.①②③④B.②③④C.①②③D.①②④8.______ period extended from the invasion of the Celtic England by German tribes in the first half of the 5 th century to the conquer of England in 1066 by the Norman French under the leadership of William the Conqueror.(分数:2.00)A.The Anglo-NormanB.The Middle EnglishC.The Chaucerian EnglishD.The Old English9.A group of tales in several languages concerning ______ and his knights developed into a literary tradition around a core of possible historical authenticity.(分数:2.00)A.King LearB.King ArthurC.King SolomonD.King Henry III10.According to Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve are forbidden to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of______.(分数:2.00)A.Wisdom and IgnoranceB.Love and HatredC.Faith and BetrayalD.Good and Evil11.______ has been considered the most famous British dramatist since Shakespeare, who advocates that artistic work should reflect the urgent social problem in the late 19th century.(分数:2.00)A.Bernard ShawB.Henrik Johan IbsonC.Jonathan SwiftD.Virginia Woolf12.There are two types of poetry: narrative poetry and ______ poetry according to their different stress on action or emotion.(分数:2.00)A.epicB.folkloricC.lyricD.romantic13.In ______, morality and common sense became the predominant preoccupation in literary works.(分数:2.00)A.Victorian timeB.Elizabethan timeC.modern timeD.old English time14."Ode to the West Wind" is the representative work of romantic poet______.(分数:2.00)/doc/d114407074.html,tonB.ShellyC.ByronD.Yeats15.The Hero in Romance is usually the(分数:2.00)A.kingB.knightC.ChristD.churchman二、名词解释(总题数:3,分数:6.00)16.Byronic hero(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 17.West humor(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________18.Imagism(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 三、分析题(总题数:1,分数:8.00) Read the following passage and answer the questions: This text below is taken from Alice Walker"s short story " Everyday Use". Please answer the following questions according to theexcerpt: Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eying her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. * She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that " no" is a word the world never learned to say to her. * You"ve never doubt seen those TV shows where... mother and child embrace and smile into each other"s faces... Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort... In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall. But of course all this does not show on television. I"m the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like an uncooked barley pancake. My hair glistens in the hot bright lights. Jonny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue. I never had an education myself. After second grade the school was closed down. Don"t ask me why; * in 1927 colored asked fewer questions than they do now. * Sometimes Maggie reads to me. She stumbles along good-naturedly but can"t see well. ...She will marry John Thomas and then I"ll be free to sit here and I guess just sing church songs to myself. AlthoughI never was a good singer. Never could carry a tune. I was always better at a man"s job. Notes:1. Maggie and Dee are the daughters of the narrator. "her sister" refers to Dee.2. Jonny Carson is a very popular TV host in 1960s in the States.(分数:8.00)(1).Paraphrase the underlined sentence between the asterisks in Paragraph 1.(2 points)(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________ (2).What kind of person is "I" according to the excerpt?(2 points)(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________ (3).What writing skills are used to construct the narrator"s image? What artistic effect does this kind of narration achieve?(4 points)(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________ (4).Comment on the underlined sentence between the asterisks in the last paragraph and explain what social movement influenced the ethnic Americans when the story happened?(3 points)(分数:2.00)________________________________________________________________ __________________________。
And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 7. Though justice be thy plea, consider this, That in the court ofjustice none of us Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy, And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy. 8. The Bennets were speedily pronounced to be the luckiest family in the world, though only a few weeks before when Lydia had first run away, they had been generally proved to be marked out for misfortune. 9. "Only think of that my dear; he actually danced with her twice; and she was the only creature in the room that he asked twice." 10. Is not a Patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the \Vater, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help? The notice which you have been pleased to take of my labours, had it been early, had been kind; but it has been delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it; till I am solitary, and cannot impart it, till I am known, and do not want it.
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北京第二外国语学院2006年硕士研究生入学考试试卷英语专业文学专业综合考试1卷满分:150Instructions:You are required to answer all the following questions in English.I.Explain the following(15)1.the Glorious Revolution2.the Ku Klux Klan3.Progressive MovementII.Choose the correct answer from teach of the following(15)1.Which of the following is the most famous of all British newspapers?A.The Times.B.The Guardian.C.Daily TelegraphD.Daily Mirror2.Which of the following is a tabloid?A.New Statesman.B.The Sun.C.Sunday Times.D.Morning Star3.How many terms was Franklin Roosevelt elected for?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.4.The nuclear family consists of the following except.A.grandmother.B.mother.C.father.D.unmarried children.5.The first group of English Puritans to land in America called themselves"Pilgrims"becauseA.it was the name of their churchB.they had been persecuted.,.C.they had wandered for a great distance in search of freedomD.they came from HollandIII.Answer the following question(20)What,according to the author,is the fundamental cause of poverty in affluent America?plete each of the following statements.(8)1.A morpheme is one that cannot constitute a word by itself.2.By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures,such that units of thelevel are composed of elements of the level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.3.According to Chomsky,the object of investigation in linguistics is the ideal speaker\'s rat her than his performance.4.According to G Leech,meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to,over and above its purely conceptual content.5."X buys something from Y"and"Y sells something to X"are in a relation of.6.In linguistics,languages are studied at a theoretical point in time:one describes a\'state\'of the language,disregarding whatever changes might be taking place.7.The features that define our human languages can be called features.V.Tell if each of the following statements is true or false.(8)l.The last sound of"sit"can be articulated as an unreleased or released plosive.These different realizations of the same phoneme are in complementary distribution.2.All words contain a root morpheme.3.After comparing"They stopped at the end of the corridor"with"At the end of the corridor, they stopped",you may find some difference in meaning,and the difference can be interpreted in terms of collocative meaning.4."Tulip","rose"and"violet"are all included in the notion of"flower",therefore they are super ordinates of"flower".5.The words"water"and"teacher"have a common phoneme and a common morpheme as well.6.Paradigmatic relation in syntax is alternatively called horizontal relation.7.Root also falls into two categories:free and bound.8.The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to,or stands for,is known as the referential theory.VI.Fulfill the following requirements.(22)1.Distinguish between the two possible meanings of more beautiful flowers by means of IC analysis.(4)2.Classify the following pairs of antonyms into the three types such as complementary, gradable,and converse.(4)Host----guest borrow----lend innocent-----guilty strong------weak3.Tell whether each of the underlined part is endocentric or exocentric.(4)a matter of degree the man who laughed It is going to take placeThe train arrived on time.4.Give the phonetic term for each of the following descriptions.(2)(1)the sound produced by the lower lip and the upper front teeth(2)the sound produced with a complete closure in the mouth so that the air stream cannotescape through the mouth5.Fill in the blank:(1)=CHILD(x,y)&MALE(x)6.Tell the sense relation between a and b in each pair:(3)(1)a.She got a tulip.b.She got a flower.(2)a.You haven t returned the book to me.b.You received a book from me.(3)a.The boy chased the dog.b.The dog was chased by the boy.7.Analyze the following dialogue with reference to Grice\'s Cooperative Principle:(4)A:I know you are a famous sociologist.Could you define the term"culture",please1?B:Well,culture is culture.That\'s it.VII.Answer the following questions briefly.(12)1.What is a root used in morphology?(3)2.Define"minimal pairs".(3)3.What is meant by"arbitrariness"according to Saussure?(6)plete the following sentences by choosing and mark the best alternative(A,B,C or D)in each bracket(20)()1.Geoffrey Chaucer,the"father of English poetry",is one of the greatest poets of England.A.LyricalB.narrativeC.sonnetD.dramatic()2."To be,or not to be:that is the question:/Whether\'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,/And bye\'s tragedy.opposing end them."This excerpt is taken from ShakespearShakespeare\'sA.Romeo and JulietB.King LearC.Othello,the Moore of VeniceD.Hamlet,Prince of Denmark()3.The trumpet of a prophecy"0Wind,/If winter comes,can Spring be far behind?"is from .A.Keat\'s Ode to a NightingaleB.Byron\'s The Isles of GreeceC.Shelly\'s Ode to the West WindD.Frost\'s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening()4.The following works are all of Charles Dickens except.A.Oliver TwistB.David CopperfieldC.Great ExpectationD.Martin Eden()5.The form of John Bunyan\'s masterpiece,The Pilgrim\'s Progress,isA.allegoryB.epicC.fairytalesD.legend()6.Jane Erye and the greater WutheringHeight by brought to the novel an introspection and an intense concentration on the inner life of emotion which before them had been the province of poetry alone.A.Virginia WoolfB.George EliotC.the Bronte sistersD.Emily Dickinson()7.The Victorian poets include(①Lord Alfred Tennyson②Robert Browning③Matthew Arnold④John Keats)A.①②④B.②③④C.①②③D.①③④()8.The spokesman for the school of"Art for Art\'s Sake"isA.Oscar WildeB.Bernard ShawC.William Yeats.D.Thomas Hardy?()9."Diedrich Knickerbocker"is the pseudonym of for his works which combines European legends with New England reality.A.CooperB.Washington IrvingC.Nathaniel HawthorneD.Philip Frenau()10.Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the greatest American litterateurs whose call for an independent American culture played a crucial part in the American intellectual history.The following works are all his exceptA.NatureB."The Poet"C."The American Scholar"D.Walden()11.The term of"the gilded age"comes from\'s work with the same name.A.F.S.FitzgeraldB.William FaulknerC.Mark TwainD.James Joyce()12.The following authors are famous American realist novelists exceptA.Henry JamesB.Jack LondonC.Mark TwainD.Stephen Crane()13.The novel describes the struggle of a young country girl,half aware of her powers, to protect herself against the cunning wiles of the capitalist society.A.Tess of the D\'UrbervillesB.Pride and PrejudiceC.The Purple ColorD.Sister Carrie()14."The Lost generation"refers to the young who experienced the disillusion after WWI. One of its representative writers isA.William FaulknerB.F.S.Fitzgeraldngston HughesD.Vladimir Nabokov()15.Mark Twain\'s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that his works reflect the keynote of localism atA.the Romantic AgeB.the Age of ModernismC.the Age of RealismD.the Jazz Age()16.Although modernism is a vague term in definition,it might contain some characteristics such as__________(①complexity②the use of symbols③allusion④irony)A.①②④B.②③C.①②③D.①②③④()17.The title of the following poem"The apparition of these faces in the crowd/Petals on a wet,black bough.bough.””isA."The Waste Land"B."In a Station of the Metro"C."The Road not Taken"D."The Negro Speaks of Rivers()18.is the only Afro-American woman writer who won the Nobel Prize in literature.A.Toni Morrisonlita TademyC.Catherine Ann PorterD.Alice Walker()19.As the leader of the Harlem writers who created the Black Renaissance,was known as the"Poet Laureate of Harlem".A.Ralph Ellisonngston HughesC.Richard WrightD.Alice Walker()20.As the first important American playwright with49published plays,did a great to establish the modes of the modern theatre in the country.A.BeckettB.Eugene O\'NeilC.RichardsonD.Bernard ShawIX.Explain the following literary phrases and indicate at least one representative writer with one of his major works respectively.(15)1.Code hero2.Angry Young Man3.The Jazz AgeX.Read the following excerpt and answer the questions.(15)One night I accidentally bumped into a man,and perhaps because of the near darkness he saw me and called me an insulting name.I sprang at him,seized his coat lapels and demanded that he apologize.He was a tall blond man,and as my face close to his he looked insolently out of his blue eyes and cursed me,his breath hot in my face as he struggled.I pulled his chin down sharp upon the blood gush out,and I yelled,"Apologize!Apologize!"But he continued to curse andand d again until he went down heavily,on his knees,profusely struggle,and I butted him again anbleeding.I kicked him repeatedly,in a frenzy because he still uttered insults though his lips were frothy with blood.Oh yes,I kicked him!And in my outrage I got out my knife and prepared to slit his throat,right there beneath the lamplight in the deserted street,holding him by the collar with one hand,and opening the knife with my teeth-when it occurred to me that man had not see me, actually;that me,as far as he knew,was in the midsmidst t of a walking nightmare!And I stopped the blade,slicing the air as I pushed him away,letting him fall back to the street.I stared at him hard as the lights of a car stabbed through the darkness,he lay there,moaning on the asphalt;a man ed by a phantom.It unnerved me.I was both disgusted and ashamed.I was like a killedalmost killdrunken man myself,wavering about on weakened legs.Then I was amused.Something in this man\'s thick head has sprung out and beaten him within an inch of his life.I began t o laugh at this crazy discovery.Would he have awakened at the point of death?Would Death himself have freed him for wakeful living?But I didn\'t linger.I ran away into the dark,laughing so hard I feared I might rupture myself.The next day I saw his picture in the Daily News,because a captain stating that he has been"mugged".Poor fool,poor blind fool,I thought with sincere compassion,mugged by an invisible man!1.What novel is this excerpt chosen from?Who is the author?2.Summarize the narrator\'s change of emotion in encountering the white man and analyze the causes for the change.3.What is the significance of this novel in literature history?。