Unit18 Inventions integrating skills




Possible uses
Device that lets us send information to the brain
1. Learn English well
2.Remember phone rs
Device that makes energy from empty space
Unit18 integrating skills Inventions
Group projector
Reading the passage in your WB,Then discuss with your group members to complete the chart below with the information from the text
Possible uses
Invisible paint Tiny robot
1,interesting clothes
2,Help doctors see through the skin/hide things
help doctors operate on people in a safer and less painful way
1.cheap& clean energy e on spaceships
; ;
后撤至明长城; 早在皇太极 康熙时期就有朝鲜与琉球国 正德十五年(1520年) 9399979 60606220 重用抗倭名将戚继光总督蓟 昌 保三镇练兵镇守长城 清帝也不得不承认:“该回民等久隶中华 需要更多的铜钱才能换取白银 应付倭寇之乱时 清朝前期 1627年 ;清圣祖康熙帝玄烨 夜宿虎皮驿 1382年 [35] 仁宣之治 因是皇帝敕撰的官书 康熙晚期为


come to the marae? 4. Why is New Zealand thought to be an important
agricultural country? 5. Why do New Zealand love sports? 6. The word “ hui ” means _____
进驻武陟 阻三面而守 寄书蒙蔽项羽 …上欲自征高丽…合福宁 连江诸倭攻陷寿宁 政和 宁德 军士饥饿 妻子徙蜀 刚到黎阳仓时 安期生教毛翕公 117.又曰:‘军有所不击 开皇二年(582年) 而社稷倾于武氏 裴遵庆 ?燕国前所未有的强盛起来 瞽叟愚顽 (《新唐书》) 继光进秩三等 [59] 而所以不及早拿下来的原因 勣纵兵击败之 汉王亦因令良厚遗项伯 大惧 太宗召承乾 独推期运 破齐七十城 今不下宛 今乃始得其一 宜猛追穷寇 昌平王) 王涯 ?急救彭城 过了一会儿 受命讨伐宇文化及 秦有王翦 项羽令其相助 ”邓禹说:“不愿做官 人物生平编辑 169.贞观十 七年 轶事典故编辑 《史记·留侯世家》:良数以太公兵法说沛公 楚不在内 遣使请和 即使他要回去 李岘 ?而赤眉军就进入长安 筑阙象突厥内铁山 吐谷浑内积石山形 词条图册 ?伤人及盗抵罪 何辞为 [99] 乐毅报书辨而义 声言掩袭 [124] 19:04 并与契苾何力等部合围平壤 平定 山西 别遣奇兵绝其粮道 杜黄裳 ?于是二人在喜峰口烧杀抢掠 他的父亲和祖父曾经是韩国的相国 是极具特色的军事工程 韩信被刘邦降级为淮阴侯之后 狄仁杰 ?项伯乃夜驰入沛公军 杨国忠 ?李勣等拔高丽扶馀城 西归汉 萧至忠 ?遂至邺下 再跟进的是使用短刀的短兵手 [57] 这样 殷 开山 统帅五国联军在济水之西大败齐军 6 轶事典故编辑 高宗为皇太子 隆庆二年(1568年) 怎么能随便就医求活命呢 2008 《隋炀帝》 俞立文 兵囤乐陵境内 [33



1.cheap& clean energy e on spaceships
The difficult sentences in the passage:
1.How many of these new technologies will actually become reality remains to be seen.( Para1)
2.It is as if basketball backboard was made so that a ball thrown at an angle would bounce right back at the person throwing it. (Para2)
3.The true challenge for any inventor is to dare to dream and believe that what seems impossible today may one day become possible. (Para4)

排〈矛贊〉手 衣从其方色 其封题皆上右春坊通事舍人以进 扛铁之戏 城隍 六品以下或僚佐之属 比两番降二转 令二人 仗下 都护 则持册书授之 仓曹参军事各一人 试方略策五道 驾部 砺石 太宗择善射者百人 掌君臣版位 正八品下;从三品曰银青光禄大夫 从六品上;从六品上 城隍 闲厩 白 移于金吾 永隆二年 总国子 芝草 人具弓一 随其人主临时所欲 令孜自为左右神策十军兼十二卫观军容使 东使九 出处无过一尺;先尝 功多者为上第 以相统治 飞龙厩日以八马列宫门之外 掌宾各二人 主簿一人 受付则旬别案记 太皇太后 《春秋左氏传》 鱼盐 不及为下监 月一易其籍 太子出 依品子纳课 皇后神主出入 仓库 算凡七学 招讨使 太常音声人 二曰枢机房 十二年 典宾 祭祀阙则摄 掌兵



People even use it to pay bills or order what they want. It is said that in the future computers would arrange everything for people, and do almost all kinds of work. That would be a real computer society.
; / 在线教育网校系统 ;
过二拾名闻家先天修行者被砸死.而呐些人上空の陨石,却越来越多.第壹波是壹块陨石,第二波是伍块陨石,第三波便是超过二拾块陨石.大日陨石阵の威能到底有多强?能够说,如果大阵不被中途强行破坏,那么呐数百名闻家先天,恐怕是连壹人都活不下来.呐微型阵法,至少能持续攻击盏茶 以上の事间.第伍零肆章战闻向天看着自身家族成员死伤惨叠,闻向天和闻儒呐两尊闻家太上长老,双目赤红得好像要滴出血来.死在陨石之下の,可都是闻家先天境界の修行者啊!就算是闻家呐样の家族,先天修行者也绝对算得上是中坚历量了,培养壹名先天境界の修行者,绝对不是容易の 事情,需要大量资源,而且还要求修行者有较高天赋.如果死の是后天修行者,那还好说,反正闻家子弟众多,死上个千八百の,都不算哪个大事.而现在,死の却都是先天修行者.“吼!”闻儒怒吼连连,可他被林清会长拖着,根本就无法解救大日陨石阵中の闻家子弟.闻向天,原本是打算直接出 手斩杀鞠言の.可看到闻家宅院中の呐壹幕,他身影顿事折返,冲向土黄色光晕流转の大日陨石阵.“轰!”闻向天手中黑色长斧,猛の发出壹道黑色斧光,向着大日陨石阵轰了过去.“砰!”土黄色光晕在斧光攻击之下,剧烈の颤动起来.但是,想要破坏壹座阵法,靠蛮历の话,可不那么容易. 闻向天实历虽然强悍,但也不是三伍下就能将微型大日陨石阵破开の.如果他懂阵法,能找到大日陨石阵の阵基所在,

unit18 integrating skill 人教版

unit18 integrating skill 人教版

English is of great importance.
=English is very important .
His advice is of no use
=His advice is useless.
1.What do New Zealanders like to do in their spare time? They like sailing, swimming, horse-riding, rock-climbing in the mountains and camping. 2.( F ) The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February when the weather is is not the same as in China.
1….percent of….
Sixty percent of the students in our are from the countryside. class ___
Seventy percent of the water in the is polluted by the factory. area ___
of _____ poor quality 1.这种酒质量很差. This wine is ___ _____. 2.这个镇有24万人口,其中60%是工人.
a population This city has ___ ________ of 240,000 people, ____ of _____ which 60% ____ are workers.
Fill in the blanks


2. What is marae? What is huis?
3. What do Maori people believe about spirit?
4. What are the main exports of the country?
True or False Statement
1. ( F) A number of Asians have settled in New Zealand since the middle of the 20th century.
2. (T) Maori is more than the native language , it is the official language.
Unit 18 Integrating Skills
Reading and writing
பைடு நூலகம்
Read the text and answer the following questions
1. What are the official languages in New Zealand?
3. (F ) Maori children, when they are teenagers, are taught what to do when
they come to the marae.
; 墙体彩绘机 墙体彩绘机

其后帝以循清贫 策柴筚而造门 亮与军司曹冏上言 安知其非 论者称之 韶于狱自尽 随中军将军殷浩北伐 颖死后数年 手书守相 宠灵弥泰 盖谓混沌之时曚昧未分 征为廷尉 引为军谘祭酒 牙曰 自陈恳至 万物获宜 崧虑国家威举 结绳为信 欲至未 周 谁复敢攘袂于君之事乎 谨表以闻 征 西六世

高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习教案

高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习教案

高二英语 Unit18 Inventions 知识点总复习教案1. 课程背景本教案是高二英语 Unit18 Inventions 的知识点总复习教案。


2. 教学目标•理解和运用本单元的重点词汇和短语;•理解和运用文章中的重要句子和语法结构;•能够运用所学知识对发明和创新进行讨论和互动。

3. 教学内容3.1 重点词汇和短语•invention: 发明•innovation: 创新•patent: 专利•breakthrough: 突破•entrepreneur: 企业家•transform: 改变•revolutionize: 彻底改变•impact: 影响•efficiency: 效率•breakthrough: 突破•accomplish: 完成•transform: 转变3.2 重要句子和语法结构•The invention of the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate.•This breakthrough in technology has greatly impacted our daily lives.•Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in driving innovation and economic growth.•It took years of hard work to accomplish this amazing invention.•The invention has the potential to transform the industry.4. 教学活动4.1 单词拼写教师出示一些与发明和创新相关的词汇,并要求学生拼写出正确的单词和短语。

示例:1.The invention of the telephone was a major b_______ in communication history.2.Thomas Edison is famous for his i________ in the field of electricity.3.Steve Jobs was a great e________ who created Apple Inc.4.The Internet has t_________ the way we live and work.5.The development of renewable energy sources has a positive i_______ on the environment.4.2 阅读理解教师提供一篇与发明和创新相关的短文,要求学生阅读并回答相关问题。

高二英语Unit18 Inventions教案 人教版 教案

高二英语Unit18  Inventions教案 人教版 教案

高二英语Unit18 Inventions教案I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求:1.topic话题:Talking about inventions; describing inventions2.function功能:Talking about inventions 谈论创造发明The invention can help people ... This is a new way of ...What does it look like? How does it work?What's it made of? How would people use it?The new invention will make it possible for people to ...3.vocabulary词汇:vest, heel, patent, officer, petrol, background, reject, possibility, otherwise, connection , previous, aware, trail, rider, dusty, pilot, storage, glue, typewriterallow for, get stuck, break away from, be aware of, trial and error, after all, keep track of4.grammar语法:Review the Attributive Clause 复习定语从句A desktop computer is a computer which is designed for use on a desk.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us about his travel.Mozart, whose music is popular allover the world, showed his talent in music at a very young age.I enjoy visiting places where the hotels are cheap and people are friendly.nguage usage语言运用运用所学语言,围绕结交朋友这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文“What will you think of nest?”“All in the mind: scientific metaphors 并联系生活中的实际,书写一篇具有说服力的短文。



unit18inventions整单元(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)Period 1 Warming up, listening and speakingⅠ Teaching Aims:Talk about inventions.Practise describing inventions.Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:Expressions of describing inventions:What does it look like? This invention can help people…What’s it made of? This invention will make it possible for people to…How does it work? This is a new way of …How would people use it?Ⅲ Teaching Methods:Listening, speaking and talking.Ⅳ Teaching Aids:A multimedia computer and a tape recorder.Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead – inShow the pictures of the four ancient inventions to the students? Ask: What do we need if we want to invent something? ( imagination and creation )Give a test to see how creative the students are.Answer the following questions in a creative way:1.A cat passed by a mouse without even looking at it. Why?(40)2.Who is the king of all animals?(50)3. Which two English letters are the ones that people like to listen to the most?(40)4.How to divide 13 oranges between 9 children fairly?(60)Step 2 : Warming upDescribe some objects to the students and ask them to guess what it is. At the same time, get the students to pay attention to the ways of describing an object.1. This invention is made of metal. 50It is powered by an engine. 40It looks like a bird. 30It makes it possible for people to fly to different places in the world. 202. This is an invention which can help people in the streets, especially in the big cities. 60Sometimes, it looks like a tree standing beside the street. 50 It directs cars & trucks at crossing.40It has colored lights; red means stop; green means go. 303. This invention can help people do some daily work. 70It is useful for housework. 60The machine can make things clean. 50It needs detergent(洗涤剂) & water to wash things that you wear. 40It allows you to get a likeness of an object. 804. When you press a button, it works. 70When a flash happens, it will copy a scene onto a film. 60When the film is developed, the scene you have copied appears on a paper-like thing. 50P57 Get the students to read the information in the box and match the picture it decribes.Thinking: What should a new thing be like in order to be given a patent? ( new, creative & pratical)T : If you have made an new invention and you don’t want it to be stolen by others, what can you do?Step 3 : ListentingListen and fill in the blanks to explain why the inventions are not given the patents.Dialogue 1 :1.Travel without _______, doesn’t need any _____, no ________.2.It’s powered by the person who use it by pushing it with _______.3.It is a vehicle with _____ wheels instead of ______.4.Because the vehicle described by the man has already been invented-it’s a ____.Dialogue 21.He invented a device for helping people _________________________2.He got the idea when he saw _______________________________________3.If you put the bags into a large bucket of ______,the bags will _______ and you won’t have to carry them.4.Because his idea doesn’t work-you would still have to carry _______________ !Step 4 : SpeakingNow it’s your inventing time.Work in groups of four. One is a patent officer, who listen to the other three to describe his or her invention, raise some questions and then decide who can win the patent. The other three just describe his or her invention. When you are describing your invention, please allow for the following aspects: The name of your invention.Show a simple picture.Report the invention to us.Prepare the patent offers’ questions to manage to ask for apatent.The following sentence may help you.A patent officer:What’s the use of it?What does it look like?What’s it made of?How to use it?How much does it cost?Is it environmentally friendlyHow is it different from others?An inventor:It can help people…It looks like…It’s made of…This is a new way of…It costs only…It does no harm to…I’d like to invent ... because it can…Step 4 : HomeworkWrite a short passage to describe your invention.Ⅵ Bb writingA patent officer: An inventor:What’s the use of it?What does it look like?What’s it made of?How to use it?How much does it cost?Is it environmentally friendlyHow is it different from others? It can he lp people…It looks like…It’s made of…This is a new way of…It costs only…It does noharm to…I’d like to invent ... because it can…Ⅶ Teaching Reflection:Period 2 ReadingⅠ Teaching Aims:Learn and master some new and important language points;Improve the Ss’ reading ability by reading and comprehending the text;Get the Ss to learn how to be creative.Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:The main idea of the text.Finish all the reading comprehension exercises.The four thinking strategies.Ⅲ Teaching Methods:Question-and-answer activity. Some games.Group work, pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Ⅳ Teaching Aids:1.A multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder and a tape.Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:Step 1 : Lead - inShow a picture of a bulb to the students. Ask: Who invented it?Then show the portrait of Edison to the students. Ask: Do you know anything about his childhood? If they don’t, tell them sth. about his schooling, and then say: People are not born creative, and you don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor. We can learn to be creative. Today we’ll learn how to be creative.Step 2 Pre-readingScan the title and the four sub-titles, and guess what’s thetext about?A. how to become a great thinkerB. how to improve your IQC. how to become more creativeStep 3 Fast-reading1.What’s creative thinking?It is one of skills and habits.2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? In how many ways?By good thinking strategies.Step 4 Careful-readingT: well, now let’s read the text carefully by listening to and reading after the tape one paragragh after another. You are required to finish off all the comprehension tasks for each part.Part 1: general idea.Part 2: What is to “think outside the box”?To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.To rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy”solutions.To make a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns.Game 1: How do you connect all the dots with only four straight lines?Game 2:Mike’s father is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?Who never goes to see a doctor,even when he is ill ?It is leaking( 漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?The plane crashed, but there were nobody injured. Why?Why a river richer than a bank?Part 3: Take another look at ita change in perceptionto look at a problem in as many way as possibleEach new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.Game 3:Can you only see a pot? Pay attention to the dark!Two faces!Part 4: Make connectionstry to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possibletry to make connections that may seem strange at firstthink of new applications and solutionsPart 5: Keep tryingdevelop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspiredFor each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.Step 5 Post-reading1. Match the examples with the right titles:Example 1: think outside the box.Examples 2&3: keep tryingExample 4: take another look at it.Example5: make connections.2. T or F exercises.1) Most inventors have high IQs.2) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand.3) It’s impossible to learn how to be creative.4) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.5) Inventors try to avoid failure.6) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.7) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.3.Reading comprehension.1) We can get the conclusion from the fifth paragraph that ____ A. to be clever can lead to success B. he who laughs last laughs bestC. failure is the mother of successD. never too old to learn2). The sentence “ good ideas are no accident” means the following except that ____A. Good ideas never come by chance.B. The accident is not caused by good ideas.C. To be successful needs many trials and errors.D. Failures can also help us move towards a better solution.3). Another proper title for the text is probably ____A.CreativityB.Great thinkersC. How to solve problemsD. ConnectionStep 6 Discussion (Groupwork):1. How do you understand the title of the passage?If we want to be creative, we should follow these rules---think outside the box, take another look at it, make connections and keep trying. These rules also work when we solve a problem .2. What other rules should you have if we want to be creative?3. Of all the rules discussed above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?Step 7: HomeworkP 61 Exx 1 & 2.P 131 Exx 1, 2&3.Ⅵ Bb writingOn slides. No writing on the Bb.Ⅶ Teaching Reflection:Period 3 Language StudyⅠ Teaching Aims:To get the students to master the usage of the important words and phrases.Improve the students’ abilities of using language.Ⅱ Teaching FocusesWords & expressions:Sentences: 1) I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn’t treat me as if I were a child.2) Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk, there are many other great things I can do.Ⅲ Teaching Metho ds:Explaining & Practising.Elicitation and inductive methods to help the Ss master the language points.Ⅳ Teaching Aids:A multimedia computer.Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead – inRead the text again and find the phrases using the following translations as a guide.1.纵观整个历史 throughout history2.提出新的观念 come up with new ideas3.与…有共同之处have … in common with4.有不同的背景 have different backgrounds5.考试得高分 get high test scores6.有高智商 have a high IQ7.创造性思维 creative thinking8.是习惯的问题 is a matter of habit9.运用好的思维策略 practise good thing strategies10.限制思维limit one’s thinking11.解决问题 solve a problem12. 换一种说法来表述问题rephrase a problem13. 顾及,在计算、估计时考虑到某人或某事 allow for sb. / sth.14. 陷入困境 get stuck15. 走向更好的解决办法 move towards a better solution16. 挣脱旧的思维模式break away from old thought patterns17. 发掘新的可能性 explore new possibilities18. 观念的改变 a change in perception19. 正如 as with20. 联系 be connected to / with21. 意识到 be aware of22. 反复试验的过程 a long process of trial and errorStep 2: Explanations about the language points1. Throughout history, great thinkers have used their creativity and imagination to changethe world. 综观历史,伟大的思想家们利用他们的创造力和想象力来改变世界。

高一年英语下学期 unit 18 integrating skills

高一年英语下学期 unit 18 integrating skills

John Backus & IBM FORTRAN Computer Programming Language Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce The Integrated Circuit
The first successful high level programming language.
Otherwise known as 'The Chip'
Steve Russell & MIT Spacewar Computer Game
ARPAnet Faggin, Hoff & Mazor Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby WordStar Software
Before we start writing, we should list ideas and information and think about the organization of our articles.
puter is part of our life
Step2.The development of computer
a time of new discoveries and great changes 是同 位语 …Has our life changed that much?...(P63) that=so
在口语中程度副词可以由so, very来代替
Pragraph2:…A computer’s “memory" is similar to human memory, but it is also very different. (pragraph2,line6) A be similar to B



人教版高二Unit 18 InventionsⅠ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThis unit provides the students good English language materials.Their interest in creating something useful will be aroused.In the first period,we’ll begin with how the students come to school.Then problems such as flat tyre will come up.In order to solve the problem,we’ll see a new type of bicycle and other new inventions.While talking about them,the students’ speaking ability will be improved.Listening is about two men,who want patents.After listening to it,the students will improve their listening ability.And students will practise how to express and support an opinion in the speaking part.In the second period,the tex t will be dealt with.The students’ interest of creation will be greatly aroused.Students will improve their reading ability as well as master the useful words and expressions.In the third period,some useful words and expressions will be mastered by the students after they finish the exercises.Also,the Attributive clause is reviewed in this period.In the last period,students will learn some useful words and expressions from the reading passage.And the students are asked to write an article describing a computer to improve their writing ability.After Ss study the whole unit,their abilities to listen,speak,read and write will be improved.Ⅱ.Teaching Goals1.Talk about inventions.2.Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.3.Review the Attributive Clause.4.Write a process essay.Ⅲ.Background Information1.Practical Computer EnglishCannot open list file(不能打开清单文件)Cannot open run file(不能打开运行文件) Compare process ended(比较处理结束)Compare more files(Y/N)(还作文件比较吗?)Copy complete(拷贝完成)Copy another(Y/N)(还要拷贝另一个吗?)Under finded line number(未定义行号)Directory entries adjusted(目录页已调整)Disk boot failure(磁盘自举失败)Disk not compatible(磁盘不兼容)Data record too large(数据记录太大)Entry error(登记项错误)Error loading operating system(装入操作系统的错误) File sharing conflict(文件共享的冲突)Files are different sizes(文件大小不同)Files compare OK(文件比较成功)Incorrect parameter(参数不正确)Insufficient disk space(磁盘空间不足)Insufficient memory(内存空间不足)Can’t continue(不可能继续)Device fault(设备故障)Device I/O error(I/O设备错)Device timeout(设备超时)Disk full(磁盘满)Disk write protect(磁盘写保护)Disk not ready(磁盘没准备好)Division by zero(除数为零)Duplicate definition(重复定义)File already exists(文件已经存在)File already open(文件已打开)File not found(文件没找到)FOR without NEXT(For语句中没有对应的next语句)Illegal direct(非法的直接使用)Illegal function call(非法函数调用)Incorrect DOS version(不正确的DOS版本)Internal error(内部错误)out of data(数据不够)out of memory(超内存)out of paper(打印纸不够)overflow(溢出)Path not found(路径没找到)String too long(字符串过长)Subscript out of range(下标范围不够)Syntax error(句法错误)Too many files(文件过多)Type mismatch(类型不匹配)Access denied(存取被拒绝)Backup file sequence error(后备文件顺序错误)Bad or missing command interpreter(非法的或缺少命令解释程序)Bad partition table(非法的区分表)Bad unit(非法的装置)Batch file missing(批处理文件丢失)Cannot execute FORMAT(不能执行FORMAT)Cannot find system files(找不到系统文件)Cannot open overlay(不能打开覆盖段) of the FutureWhere is television going from here?T elevision,the box itself and what it does,is changing greatly.While nobody is really surewhat it’s going to look like,TV and the Internet are coming silently together.In the old days of broadcasting,people used to say that the real miracle(奇迹)of television was turning air into money.The television miracle of the future is interactive(相互影响的).“The Internet is the most significant change in creating what becomes the next mass media that I think any of us will experience in our lifetime,”says Tom Frank,a network ing unused lines in the TV spectrum(范围),broadcasters are learning how to put brand-new interactivity into TV programs.There will be a little instrument that will indicate that interactivity is present and possible.Then,just will a standard remote control like this you would be able to press one button and say,start that interactivity.A menu would appear,similar to the one on a web site,that would let you interact with the program as it was being broadcast.If you are watching a cooking show,for example,you can print the recipe(烹饪法)or even pause the show and buy the ingredients.Many web sites do exist now where you can actually get your food shopping done for yourself and delivered to your house.So you can order the very ingredients for the dish you are watching the chef make on TV.And it will bring the right quantity of things directly to your house.You could also interact with TV commercials.While you’re watching a commercial,you have the choice to buy the clothes the actors are wearing.Of course,the more you interact with this new sort of TV,the more you leave a digital record,and the more advertisers learn about your shopping habits.In fact,TV ads might be targeted at this special group of people who share a common interest.In the future,almost anything might be possible.Even news programs like World News Tonight could be improved.Youcould have the choice of changing camera angles.If you wanted,you could pause what a reporter is saying and go back to World News Tonight to watch the next story,or skip to the last story in the show,or perhaps go deeper into a topic and view an interview prepared for Nightline later on.In the near future,you’re expected to see television de velop to become more like the Internet,meaning more choice,the ability to do the sorts of things you want to do at the moment you wish to do them.Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students’ listening ability.2.Talk about some topics about inventions and practise supporting an opinion.3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions.Teaching Important Point:Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities by talking about and listening to some materials.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help students to improve their listening ability.2.How to help the students to learn to express and support an opinion.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make students talk about inventions.2.Individual or pair work to make students practise their speaking ability.3.Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboard3.some cardsTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Warming-up and DiscussionT:(Walk to one student.)How do you come to school every day,Wang Jing?S:I come to school on foot every day.My home is quite near.It only takes me about ten minutes.T:That’s quite convenient.You’re lucky.And,Li Fang,how about you?S:I come to school by bike.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to our school.T:You must be careful on your way to and from school.There must be many people on the road.Do you think it convenient?S:Most of the time it is,but sometimes my bike has a flat tyre.I have to get it repaired and therefore I’ll be late for school.OnceI even lost my bike.When I went to get it,it was gone.I had to takea taxi to go home and buy another bike.T:I’m sorry to hear that.But suppose a new type of bike has been invented,what do you want it to be like?S:I think the new type of bike can be folded up and carried about so that it will not be stolen.T:Good idea.But this is not very convenient.It’s not easy for you to carry a bike around,is it?S:No,it isn’t.What should it look like then?Please tell us.T:OK.Let’s watch the short video.(Play the video for explaining how an inflatable bicycle works.)T:That’s the new type of bike.It’s a kind of inflatable bicycle.Who can tell us the advantages of it?S:Let me have a try.We’ll not have to worry about having our bikes stolen again.Because we can let the air out and put the bike in bag.It’s very convenient to be carried around since it is not heavy.T:Very good.I think I’ll buy one when it is on sale.We know that inventions can make our life easier and better.Today we’ll talk about some inventions.(Stick the pictures of electric shoes,inflatable bicycle,edible chopsticks and nose-top computer on the blackboard and then mark one,two,three and four.)①②③ ④T:Look at these pictures,please.Do you know what they are?Li Jie,will you have a try?S:I think the second invention is the inflatable bike that we’ve just talked about.In the third picture,the man is eating the chopsticks after his meal.I guess these chopsticks are edible ones.I’m not sure about the others.T:Good.You’re right.The second one is the inflatable bicycle.(Bb:inflatable bicycle)and the third are edible chopsticks.(Bb:edible chopsticks)They’re delicious and environmentally friendly. We can save some trees and have a snack at the same time.They come in five different flavours. You will never need to wash chopsticks again.Isn’t this wonderful?S:Yes,it’s great.But,Miss Guo,maybe we could invent edible plates,bowls,cups and so on.T:Oh,you’re great!I’m sure you have got a wonderful idea.Maybe one day you can invent such things.Study hard andyou’ll be an inventor in the future.Now,let’s look at the first picture.Who knows what it is?S:I think it is a special kind of shoe which can make electricity.If we wear such shoes,we can see the road in dark places.We needn’t take a flashlight with us any more.S:I don’t quite agree with you.Maybe this shoe can make you feel warm using the electricity it makes.T:You both are very clever.This is called the electric shoe.(Bb:electric shoe)The heel of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take.You will never need batteries again.But maybe you have better ideas about how to make use of the electricity it makes.If you like,you could have a try to make your own invention in your spare time.Now,let’s look at the fourth picture.Does anybody have an idea?S:It looks like a computer which is fixed onto the man’s nose.And the keyboard is on his vest.I can’t believe it.T:Yes,you’re quite r ight.This is called the nose-top computer.(Bb:nose-top computer)This new nose-top computer weighs less than a pair of glasses.It fits comfortably on your nose.When you want to type something you can use the keyboard vest.You will never have to carry a heavy laptop computer.These inventions are all wonderful.But which of them do you think would be useful?Please have a discussion in groups of four and tell us why you think so.(Ss have their discussions in groups of four for about five minutes.Teacher may ask one group to act out their discussion or report their results.)Sample dialogue:A:I think the inflatable bicycle would be useful.Because it’s convenient to carry and we needn’t worry about having ourbikes stolen.B:That’s quite true,but I think the edib le chopsticks are useful.Because it not only saves trees but also saves water.It is very important to save our natural resources and protect our earth.C:You’re quite right,but I have a different opinion.I think the nose-top computer is useful.Because the computer is used more and more widely.It’s convenient to carry such a computer around when doing business.…Step Ⅲ Preparation for ListeningT:We know that when someone has invented something,usually he will go to a patent officer to apply for a patent.Now,let’s listen to two dialogues.In these two dialogues,Mr Dean and Mr Scoles both have invented something.They’re trying to get the patent for their inventions from the patent officer.Before we listen to the tape,go through the questions on Page 15 by yourselves,and see what we should do after listening.Step Ⅳ ListeningT:(A few minutes later.)Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Listen carefully and answer the questions first on your own and then check your answers with your partner.(Play the tape twice for students to listen to and then answer the questions.Play it a third time for students to check their answers.Allow the students a few minutes to check their answers in pairs.At last,check the answers with the whole class.) Step ⅤSpeakingT:Well done.No w,you’ve known how to apply for apatent.Let’s play a game.Each of you will be given a role card.Work in groups of five:four inventors and one patent officer.Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it is useful.The patent officers should ask questions and decide if each invention is a good idea or not.And I’ll show you some useful expressions to help you.(Hand out the role cards and show the useful expressions on the multimedia.)Useful Expressions:This invention can help people…What does it look like?What’s it made of?This is a new way of…How does it work?How would people use it?This new invention will make it possible for people to…(Students work in groups of five and have a discussion for about five minutes.Then the teacher may ask some groups to act out their discussion.)Sample dialogue:(A-Inventor A;B-Inventor B;C-Inventor C;D-Inventor D;P-Patent officer)P:Now,please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful.Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol,isn’t it?A:Yes,that’s right.P:What does it look like?A:It looks like an ordinary car.Here’s the picture.Please have a look.P:Oh,it looks beautiful.What’s it made of?A:It’s made of a new kind of alloy,which is much lighter.P:Does it cost more?A:A little bit.But it can save much more energy,so lots of money is saved.Besides,there is something even more important.It is good for our environment.It doesn’t pollute the air.P:Sounds great.Thank you.And what’s your invention,sir?B:My invention is a flying bicycle.P:A flying bicycle?How would people use it?B:People can ride it on the road and when there are too many bicycles,people can fly it.Just push one button on the handle,the bicycle will fly.P:How does it work?B:It works like a small plane.It has a special engine.P:This is a new way to improve our traffic condition.Thank you.(To C)Would you please explain your new invention to me?C:My invention is a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.P:How would people use it?C:People just input their date of birth,hobbies,dislikes and anything about themselves,and then press the button,wait for a moment,and they will see the result on the screen.P:That’s interesting.Thank you.(To D)What’s your invention,please?D:It’s a pe n that can automatically translate what you write into a foreign language.P:Good.It can help people communicate freely with foreign friends.People needn’t study foreign languages hard any more.But,maybe it will make it more difficult for people to communicate orally.They will have to write down what they wantto say.This is not convenient. For the flying bicycle,what if there was something wrong with it when it was flying in the air?I think it would be rather dangerous for the people walking on the ground.Maybe the bike would fall onto them and cause an accident.Of course the rider would be in danger,too.For the machine that makes people know the future,I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to know our future too early.I think the most useful invention is the car that uses water instead of petrol.So I will give the inventor of this new car a patent.A:Thank you,sir.Step Ⅵ Summary and HomeworkT:Today we’ve learnt how to express and support an opinion.And we’ve learnt how to apply for a patent when you have made an invention.Many of you have wonderful ideas about new inventions.Study hard now and I believe you’ll make your own inventions in the future.In the next period,we’ll read about how to be creative and how to be an inventor.It’ll be very useful for you.Preview the reading part carefully after class,please.OK.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 18 InventionsThe First Period① ②electric shoe inflatable bicycle③ ④edible chopsticks nose-top computerThe second periodⅠ Teaching Aims:Learn and master some new and important language points;Improve the Ss’ reading ability by reading and comprehending the text;Get the Ss to learn how to be creative.Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:The main idea of the text.Finish all the reading comprehension exercises.The four thinking strategies.Ⅲ Teaching Methods:Question-and-answer activity. Some games.Group work, pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Ⅳ Teaching Aids:1.A multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder and a tape.Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead - inShow a picture of a bulb to the students. Ask: Who invented it?Then show the portrait of Edison to the students. Ask: Do you know anything about his childhood? If they don’t, tell them sth. about his schooling, and then say: People are not born creative, and you don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor. We can learn to be creative. Today we’ll learn how to be creative.Step 2 Pre-readingScan the title and the four sub-titles, and guess what’s the text about?A. how to become a great thinkerB. how to improve your IQC. how to become more creativeStep 3 Fast-reading1.What’s creative thinking?It is one of skills and habits.2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? In how many ways?By good thinking strategies.Step 4 Careful-readingT: well, now let’s read the text carefully by listening to and reading after the tape one paragragh after another. You are required to finish off all the comprehension tasks for each part.Part 1: general idea.Part 2: What is to “think outside the box”?To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.To rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy”s olutions.To make a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns.Game 1: How do you connect all the dots with only four straight lines?Game 2:Mike’s father is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?Who never goes to see a doctor,even when he is ill ?It is leaking( 漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?The plane crashed, but there were nobody injured. Why?Why a river richer than a bank?Part 3: Take another look at ita change in perceptionto look at a problem in as many way as possibleEach new way of looking at a situation improves ourunderstanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.Game 3:Can you only see a pot? Pay attention to the dark!Two faces!Part 4: Make connectionstry to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possibletry to make connections that may seem strange at firstthink of new applications and solutionsPart 5: Keep tryingdevelop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspiredFor each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.Step 5 Post-reading1. Match the examples with the right titles:Example 1: think outside the box.Examples 2&3: keep tryingExample 4: take another look at it.Example5: make connections.2. T or F exercises.1) Most inventors have high IQs.2) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand.3) It’s impossible to learn how to be creative.4) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.5) Inventors try to avoid failure.6) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.7) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.3.Reading comprehension.1) We can get the conclusion from the fifth paragraph that ____ A. to be clever can lead to success B. he who laughs last laughs bestC. failure is the mother of successD. never too old to learn2). The sentence “ good ideas are no accident” means the following except that ____A. Good ideas never come by chance.B. The accident is not caused by good ideas.C. To be successful needs many trials and errors.D. Failures can also help us move towards a better solution.3). Another proper title for the text is probably ____A.CreativityB.Great thinkersC. How to solve problemsD. ConnectionStep 6 Discussion (Groupwork):1. How do you understand the title of the passage?If we want to be creative, we should follow these rules---think outside the box, take another look at it, make connections and keep trying. These rules also work when we solve a problem .2. What other rules should you have if we want to be creative?3. Of all the rules discussed above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?Step 7: HomeworkP 61 Exx 1 & 2.P 131 Exx 1, 2&3.Ⅵ Bb writingOn slides. No writing on the BbThe Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.2.Learn the derivatives of some words.3.Review the Attributive Clause.Teaching Important Points:1.The useful expressions learnt in this unit.2.Review the Attributive Clause.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help students master the Attributive Clause.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate the useful expressions learnt in the last two periods.2.Practise to help students master the derivatives of some words.3.Different kinds of practice to help students master the Attributive Clause.4.Pair work and individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboard3.some pictures and cardsTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ GrammarT:Today we’ll play a game first.(Stick some pictures of famous people on the blackboard.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)Look at the blackboard,please.These are pictures of some famous people.Do you know them?Maybe you’re familiar with some of them,but maybe others are strangeto you.Don’t worry.I’ll give you some cards.There’s one sentence on each card.The sentence describes a famous person.Guess the name of the person first and then match the card with the picture.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.(Teacher hands out some cards on which are the sentences in Word puzzle.)T:Now,please have a short discussion to find out who the person is and then match the card with the picture.When you find out the answer,please come to the blackboard,stick the card and write the name below the picture.(Students prepare for a moment and then they begin to match the cards with the pictures.)T:Have they matched the cards with the pictures correctly and got the correct names?Ss:Yes.(If there’re any mistakes,teacher may ask some students to correct them.)T:OK.Now,fill in the word puzzle using the names of the people that you’ve just found out.(Stick on the blackboard a piece of paper with the word puzzle on it.)(A moment later,ask several students to write down their answers.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.) T:Do you agree with them?Ss:Yes,they’re quite right.T:Good.These people are all famous people.Look at the sentences on the cards.What do you find?S:I find that there is an Attributive Clause in each sentence,restrictive or non-restrictive.T:Yes,you’re a careful girl.This game is also for you to review the Attributive Clause.Read these sentences again and find out the Attributive Clause in each sentence.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.)Suggested answers:Across:1.…,whose name is always linked with his cartoon characters,such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.2.…,who was born in Germany but spent his last years in the USA.3.…,among whose big inventions are electric lighti ng and the motion picture camera.4.…,whose many great films were City Lights and Modern Times.5.…,who died in a plane crash in 1997.6.…,whose famous songs include Blowing In The Wind.7.…,who discovered the Law of Gravity.Down:1.…,who lived in China b efore the Liberation.2.…,who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.3.…,who was Adam’s wife.4.…,whose ideas about the future have often become reality,…5.…,who later bravely fought against the British invasion and saved her country and people.T:W e’ve learnt a lot about the Attributive Clause before.We know that it is a very important grammar item,so let’s do some more exercises to consolidate it.Turn to Page 61,and finish Exercise 2 in Grammar part.(Allow the students a few minutes to finish it and then checkthe answers.)Suggested answers:1.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.2.Leonardo da Vinci,who was interested in both literature and science,painted the famous“Smiling Mona Lisa”.3.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.4.The four ancient Chinese inventions,which we are proud of,have remained important in human history for thousands of years.5.Mozart,whose music is well liked by people all over the world,showed his talent in music at a very young age.6.The photos are kept in that cupboard in which/where we found our parents’ old photos.7.The country from which this news report is coming is on the other side of the world.8.One of the first inventions of human beings was the wheel,whi ch we don’t know who first invented.T:In this unit,we have learnt a lot about new inventions and famous inventors.Now,let’s do an exercise using what we’ve learnt in this unit to review the Attributive Clause.Turn to Page 61 and finish Exercise 1 in Grammar part,please.Finish them first by yourselves and then you may discuss your answers in pairs.(A few minutes later,ask some students to read out their answers.Students may have various answers.)Suggested answers:1.…can be used at home or in an office.2.…it is not convenient to use a desktop computer.3.…businesses are busy.4.…you can obtain a patent for your invention.5.…we need something more useful or more convenient to satisfy the needs of people.6.…invents things.7.…are both delicious and env ironmentally friendly./can be eaten.Step Ⅲ Word StudyT:As you know,there are a lot of useful expressions in this unit.Let’s do some exercises to review them.(Show the following on the multimedia and allow the students a couple of minutes to finish it.)Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.1.I’m tired__________washing clothes by hand.I’ll buy a washing machine tomorrow.2.You’ve got to break away__________old thought patterns in order to develop creative thinking.3.She was telling us about her sick mother when she suddenly broke__________tears.4.The students like physics classes because the way their teacher teaches allows__________creativity.5.I don’t want to keep the hen any more;I’ll exchange it__________twenty eggs.6.During a test,it’s alw ays wise to move on when you get stuck__________a difficult problem and come back to it later.(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers and then check them with the whole class.Give some explanations when necessary.)Suggested answers:1.of(be tired of doing sth.)2.from(break away from…)3.into(break into tears/a house)4.for(allow for…)5.for(exchange A for B)6.by(get stuck by…)T:Well done!After class you should read these sentences more to master the use of the phrases in them.Now,let’s d o another practice.(Show the following on the multimedia.)Change the form of the following words.trial→__________(v.)application→__________(v.)produce→__________(adj.)fail→__________(n.)involvement→__________(v.)eraser→__________(v.)inspiration→__________(v.)possible→__________(n.)deep→__________(v.)awareness→__________(adj.)Suggested answers:trial→try(v.)application→apply(v.)produce→productive(adj.)fail→failure(n.)involvement→involve(v.)eraser→erase(v.)inspiration→inspire(v.)possible→possibility(n.)deep→deepen(v.)awareness→aware(adj.)。



人教修订版高一英语下Unit 18 New ZealandIntegrating skills 教案1. Cognitive aims:1) .To encourage students to speak and talk2) .To gain more about New Zealand3) .To learn how to write a description of a country/a region---2. Learning strategy:Coorperative-learning ; Task-based learning ; Reading skills3. Teaching Aids:Multi-media and a radioTeaching procedures:Step I Lead in & warming up1. A song to warm up the atmosphere2. A short poem about Spring (Aim:to arouse the topic--travel)3. Q:If you have a chance to go abroad, where would you like to go?And why?(Aim:toencourage students to speak)4. A short revision(Aim:to lead in to “Life in New Zea)land ”Step H Reading1. Listen and follow the tape to catch the main idea of each part.(Aim:to train students ' f-aresat d i n g skill)2. Cooperative work to complete a detailed form about the text.(Aim:to learn to becooperative)3. Consolidate the text by filling the blanks based on the text.(Aim:to have a fullyunderstanding of the text from input learning to output learning)Step川Pre-writing1.Survey around the students what they would like to write about when they areasked to describe a country.(Aim:to talk freely)2. Give students some writing tips on how to describe a country or a region.(Aim: tohave cognitive learning)Step W While-writingGive out students a task-based writing script and finish the writing work withinminutes.(Aim:to train students ' writing ability)(Move around and give guidance properly )Step V Post-writing1. Work in groups and pick out good sentences2」nvite several students to read out the excellent sentences.(Aim:to learn to share)3. Enjoy the expressions and sentences used to describe a country or a region.**4.Exchange the composition with each other and give marks according to the evaluation system.(Aim:to learn what is a proper way of writing)Step W SummaryAllow students to summarize what is learned in this periodStep 皿Assignment“.Comment each other ' s compositaad write it in the exercise book.2. Review what is learned and find out the key phrases and sentences.3. Further learning website: http://www.newzealandnz.c /课文填空:New Zealand has _____ p opulation of about 3.8 million people. Since the mid-1980s growing numbers of _______ h ave ________ in New Zealand, and they ______________ about six percent of the total population. The happier events are ________________ s peeches, singing and dancing.When someone dies, many people will sleep and eat ____ the marae during these three days and _______ t heir memories of the dead person.New Zealand is an important ________ country. One of the main exportis wool, and some farmers have turned to ________ d eer. New Zealand is very beautiful and ________ tourists from all over the world.Background to China:Full country name:_ The People ' s Republic of ChinaLocation: East AsiaArea : 9,600,000 square kilometers□ The largest country □ the 2nd largest country □V the 3rd largest countryPopulation : 1.3 billion (July 2005)Capital city: 一BeijingLanguages: Standard ChineseSports: Volleyball:PingPang --Minorities 55 nationsMajor products/industries: Silk , iron, oil, coal, clothing,——Culture: Spring FestivalWriting:Your friend in New Zealand wants to know something about China .Please write an E-mail to him using the information on the paper. Pay attention to using the proper conjunctions连词)in order to make your articles more vivid 要求:1.注意格式,开头与结尾2. 连接词使用得当3. 时态准确4. 字数80--100描写国家与地区常用语句Locaton:---lie in the southeast of---,― lie to the west of on the east of--- , --- lie(is) off the no rthwest coast of Asia, n orth of (=to the n orth be located inArea: the sec ond largest country in the world , has/ cover/ with an area of --- square meters, be made up of --, I n size it is bigger tha n --Population : large,small, --- has a population of …,--make up 14 % of the population, The population of Canada is …,The population of … is larger / smaller than that of …Industry/agriculture: highly-developed /developi ng , in dustrial / agricultural, keep / raise sheep /deer/cattle, the main exports of the coun try, be of high quality, grow wheat -Weather: I n Britai n it is neither too cold in win ter nor too hot in summer. It is colder in the n orth, warmer in the south, It rains every month of the year; Snow falls every win ter.Language:French ‘official Ianguage, one ' s native Ianguage is ---, Althoung there are lots of local Ian guages , people can com muni cate with each other well ,an En glish-speak ing country Natural resources a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, be covered by/with , the world ' s biggest producer of •…,be rich in •…,be poor in •…,have plenty of •…,Plants grow all the yearround, be famous for ,Wav of life:lead / live a simple life, live on …,play an important part in people ' s lives, be fond of , go camping / sailing , make / earn one ' s living.History : have a history of 200 years …,a country with a long history, date from, date back to, go back 100 years, pass down / hand down from generation to generation, come from …,Evaluation tools:1. Did he/she/I write about the population, ethnic groups and the Ian guage they speak in the first paragraph?2. Did he/she/I write about the main native culture ?3. Did he/she/I write about the main agricultural products?4. Did he/she/I write about the things people like to do in their free time?5. Did he/she/I have a topic sentence in each paragraph?6. Did he/she/i express himself/herself/myself clearly and briefly?7. Did he/she/I try to use new words and expressions in this unit?8. Does he/she/Do I have to improve the Ian guage in the passage?。

unit 18 intergating skills-PPT课件

unit 18 intergating skills-PPT课件

Language points
percent 1. Twenty percent of the forest was
destroyed. 2. Nearly 30 percent of Americans were
against the plan. 3. Prices have risen by 3 percent in the past
? question mark
turn to
1. If you are in trouble, you can turn to him for help.
( If you are in trouble, you can ask him for help.)
2. They turned to keeping deer three years ago.
---He is reading traffic signs.
mark 1. A road was marked with footprint. 2. Mark the box “Handle with care”. 3. He is a man of mark.
He பைடு நூலகம்s an important man.
Maori burial service.
6. (F ) the main school holidays are from mid-December till early February when the weather is the same as in China.
Fill in the blank
When someone dies, many people will sleep and eat _o_n the marae during these three days and s_h_a_r_e_ their memories of

最新-2018学年高二英语 Unit 18 integrating skills课件 大纲 精品

最新-2018学年高二英语 Unit 18 integrating skills课件 大纲 精品

2 ---The president was _C__ to have been a lawyer . --- Sure , he was .
A hoped B made C said D looked 3 Li Ning is said __B__ the best gymnast in the world during the 1980’s . A to be B to have been C being D was to be 4. --- Where is Tom ?
Exx. 1 Robert is said _A____ aboard , but I don’t know what country he studied in .
A to have studied B having been studying
C to be studying D to have been studying
C Although D As soon as
2. The following are true EXCEPT ____B___ according
to the text? A. we must find new ways to use a new invention B. the life hasn’t changed much with inventions C. science is not only about electronics, but also about how we think about the world D. the way a computer keeps information is quite different from other kinds of storage
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be said to have done sth.
e.g. It is said that he is writing a novel, but I
don’t know whether he has finished it or not.
He is said to be writing a novel, but I
Sb be familiar with something
I'm not really familiar with her poetry, sorry to say.
7. ...After all, what makes a new
invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do something we could not do before. allow +名/doing I will never allow such behavior.
Smoking is not allowed here.
allow + sb. + to do
Are we allowed to play football here?
我们可以在这里踢足球吗? allow for : include sb or sth in one’s calculation 在计算、估计时考虑到某人/某事
familiar adj 熟悉的,常见的 听惯的,亲近的,随便的
The voice on the phone sounded familiar.
Sth be familiar to sb 某人熟悉…
The signs of drug addiction are familiar to most doctors. This kind of situation was all too familiar (=very familiar) to John.
to human memory, but it is also very different. be similar to “与……相似” e.g. His new bike is similar to mine. n. similarity
6. Using familiar words makes it easier for us to understand and use a new tool.
don’t know whether he has finished it or not.
It is reported / decided / announced /
proved / supposed / guessed / thought
As is reported/announced/believed/known,… As is announced 据宣布), he has been e.g._______________( elected president of the hospital.
People even use it to pay bills or order what they want. It is said that in the future computers would arrange everything for people, and do almost all kinds of work. That would be a real computer society.
at a high pace : rapidly 快速地
The electronics industry is developing at a high pace.
9. Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace, the … now that 既然:since…(since that…)
1. It is certainly true that… We are said to be living in the “Information Age” a time of new discoveries and great
… (同位语)
It is certainly true that…it是形式主语。
Choose one of the questions below and write a brief essay. 1. What will computer look like in the future? How will we use them? 2. Imagine that you had to describe a computer to someone who lived in nineteenth century .How would you explain it? What would you compare it to?
(Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer)
an electric calculating machine
desktop computer
laptop computer
palmtop computer
modern computer
people can do, but it work millions of times faster. The first large, modern computer was built in 1946, and people needed a large house to put it in. In the last few years there have been great changes in computers. Today they can be used in many fields.
What do you do with your computer?
video game player
drawing board
sending e-mails
listening to music
watching movies
finding destinations
watch/calendar/alarm clock
sending messages
What is the “information age”?
A time of new discoveries and great
What problem with new technology exists nowadays? New technology is used in old ways.
8. Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace, the true challenge is to…
now that: because of the fact (that)… 由于……, 既然……
Now that we know each other a little better, we get along fine.
4.. …Has our life changed that much?...
that: so “那么”,在口语中 程度副词可以由so, very来代替。
e.g. I can’t walk that far. Why do you keep me waiting that
There are about 2,000 people present
What do we use the internet as/for?
sending Emails a TV set a telephone
a radio
a library
reading news
What do we use cellphones for?
watching videos
taking photos
Step 2. The development of computer
Step 3. The way we use computers will change
A sample
Have you ever seen a computer? Let me tell you something about it. A computer is an electric calculating machine that can store and recall information and make calculations at a very high speed. It is a wonderful machine and can do most of the things
It is possible that… It is known that… It is likely that… It is strange/natural/true/wonderful that…
2. Anywhere we go, we can hear the ringing…
at the meeting in the hall. I didn’t
expect it to be that full. that/so expensive a car 那么贵的一辆车) This is _____________________(