自考英语(一)考前要点复习Unit3(2)4. unusual adj. 少有的;不寻常的;不同凡响的,独特的It was not unusual for him to work very late every night.(每天工作到深夜对他来说是很平常的事。
)He has an unusual name.(他有一个不寻常的名字。
)It is unusual to see snow in this region.(这个地区难得下雪。
)This young man has an unusual talent for organization.(这个年轻人有不凡的组织才能)。
5. salty adj. 咸的,含盐的salt n. 盐;风趣v. 用盐调味;用盐腌;撒盐于道路上He didn’t have much for dinner as the dishes were too salty.(他晚餐吃的不多,因为菜太咸了。
)It might be a good idea to wash these in salty water.(把这些放在盐水里洗一洗也许是个好主意。
)He added a bit more salt to the soup to make it tastier.(为了使汤的味道更好,他又加了一点盐。
)His wit added salt to the discussion.(他的妙语使讨论增添了风趣。
)Have you salted the potato?(你往土豆里加了盐了吗?)It took them a long time to salt the main roads.(他们花了好长时间才在主要公路上撒上盐。
)grind salt in sb.’s wounds 在某人伤口上撒盐,使某人痛上加痛with a grain of salt将信将疑地Salt Lake City盐湖城(美国尤他州州府)salt mine盐矿salt shaker(瓶盖上有细孔用于匀撒的)盐瓶salt spreader撒盐车 a saltwater lake咸水湖saltwater fish海产 a salted egg咸蛋请注意:形容词salty是由名词salt加形容词后缀-y构成的。
(完整版)自考英语二重点讲解复习资料自考英语二重点讲解复习资料自考英语二复习资料第一章重点单词扩充讲解:1. organizational: a 组织上的由此我们可以联想到:organize: v 组织; organization: n 组织;organizer: n 组织者请看下列习题,选择该组词里恰当的词填空:1). Last week, our school ________ a spring outing. 2). The task calls for the high est _________ skill. 3). China has joined World Trade __________. 4). He is the _ _________ of the speech contest.Answers: organized, organizational, Organization, organizer 2. objective: n 目标; a 客观的,反义词subjective: 主观的 3. predict: v 预言、预示;由此我们可以联想到:prediction: n 预言; predictable: a 可预测的; predictor: n 预言家 4. simplify: v 简化由此我们可以联想到:simple: a 简单的; simply: ad 简单地,仅仅地; simplification: n 简化; simplified: a 被简化的。
Exercises for the above words:1). The machine is _____ in operation but complex in structure.2). Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the original is beyond our capacity while ___ _ edition is quite easy.3). There is no point in arguing about it, because it is _______a question of proced ure. 4). The ______ of working process freed the workers fro heavy labor. Answer s: simple; simplified; simply; simplification5. tendency: n 趋势、倾向;tend : v 倾向于…,tend to do sth e.g. old people have the tendency ofgetting fatter. Or old peop le tend to get fatter. 6. managerial: a 经理的、经营上的;由此我们可以联想到:manage: v管理、经营; management: n; manager: n 经营者,管理者; manageable: a 可管理的、可经营的。
2013年新版英语二讲义(全)Unit 1 The Power of LanguageI. New w o rd s an d ex p ress io n sNe w wor ds1. c r itic a l a dj. 有判断力的;判断公正(或审慎)的2. no n-f ic tion n. 纪实文学3. pos iti on n. 观点;态度;立场4. s tatem ent n. 说明;说法;表态5. qu es tio n v. 表示疑问;怀疑out of ques ti on / ou t of the q ues ti on6. e va luat e v. 估计;评价;评估7. c ont ex t n. 事情发生的背景,环境,来龙去脉8. v al ue n. v al ues [p l.]是非标准;价值观va lu abl ein va lua bl e=pr ic el es sva lu eles s9. r epr es e nt v. 描述;表现r epr es enta tiv e a dj./n.10. as s er ti on n. 明确肯定;断言11. s uf f ic ient a dj. 足够的;充足的Suf f ic ienc y ins uf f ic ient12. s tat is tic n. s tat is ti c s [pl.]统计数字;统计资料13. inte gr ate v.(使)合并,成为一体14. a uth or it y n.专家;学术权威;泰斗an/th e a uthor it y o n s th.auth or i ze15. c om par e v. 比较;对比c om par e A w ith Bc om par e A t o B16. s ubj ec t n. 主题;题目;题材17. c ons is tent adj. 相符的;符合的18. inc ons is t enc y n. 不一致19. as s um ption n. 假定;假设20. c as e n. 具体情况;事例in c as ein c as e of f ir ein c as e t hat…a c as e i n po intc onf irm ed/s us pec ted c as es21. d ir ec tl y a d v. 直接地;径直地22. ide ntif y v. 找到;发现23. va lid adj. 符合逻辑的;合理的;确凿的va lid it y n. 有效性,正确(性)in val i d24. c r ed ib le a dj. 可信的;可靠的inc r ed ibl e=unb el ie vab le25. lan dm ark n.(标志重要阶段的)里程碑26. r e le van t adj. 紧密相关的;切题的r ele vanc y n. 关联;恰当ir r ele va nt27. c ur r ent adj. 现时发生的;当前的28. a ppr o pr iat e adj. 合适的;恰当的ina ppr opr iat eIt's (not) ap pr opr i ate t hat ….29. b ia s n. 偏见;偏心;偏向30. c ons ider a bl y a dv.非常;很;相当多地c ons iderc ons ider ingc ons ider a bl ec ons ider a tec ons ider a tio n31. D em oc r at n. (美国)民主党党员,民主党支持者民32. R epu bl ic an n. (美国)共和党党员,共和党支持者33. r ef lec t v. 显示;表明;表达34. inf or m ed adj. 有学问的;有见识的wel l-inf or m edil l-inf or m edPhr as es a nd Ex pr es s i ons1. ap pl y t o 使用;应用2. pu t f or th 提出;产生3. tak e … i nto ac c oun t 考虑到;顾及4. ac c ept/tak e … at f ac e v alu e 相信表面;信以为真5. wi th a gr ai n of s alt有保留地;持怀疑态度地II. T ext L earn in gCr itic a l R e ad ing① (1)Cr itic a l r ead ing app lies to n on-f ic tio n wr i tin g in whic h th e a uthor pu tsf or th a pos it io n or s e ek s to m ak e a s tatem ent. C r itic a l r ea di ng i s ac tiv er eadi ng. It in vo lv es m or e than j us t(不只是,不仅仅是)und er s tand ing what an a uthor is s a yi n g. Cr itic a l r ea din g in vol v es ques t ion ing an d e v alu ati ng what t he auth or is s a yi n g, and f or m ing yo u r own o pi nio ns ab out w hat t he auth or is s a yi ng. H er e ar e the t hi ngs yo u s hou ld do t o be a c r itic al r ea der.(启下句)本部分重点及难点:1. Cr it ic al r ead ing ap pli es to non-f ic tio n wr iti ng in whic h t he aut hor putsf or th a pos it io n or s e ek s to m ak e a s tatem ent.app l y to s b./s th.= b e ap pl ic abl e to s b./s t h.app l y的派生词:a p plic a tio n, a pp lic a nt, a ppl ic ab le② C ons ider t he c o nte x t of wh at is wr itte n. You m a y b e r ea di ng s om ething that w as wr itt en b y a n aut hor f r om a diff er ent c u ltur a l c ont ex t th an your s.(2)O r, you m a y b e r e adi ng s om ethin g wr it t en s om e tim e ago in a dif f er ent tim e c ontex t tha n yo ur s. (3)In eit her c as e, you m us t r ec ogn i ze an d tak e into ac c ount a n y dif f er enc es bet ween yo ur v al u es and att itud es an d t hos er epr es ente d b y t he a u thor.本部分重点及难点:2. O r, yo u m a y be r ea din g s om ething wr itt e n s om e tim e ago in a dif f er ent tim e c ontex t tha n yo u r s.s om e tim e注意区分:s om etim e / s om etim es / s om e tim es3. I n eit her c as e, you m us t r ec ogn i ze and ta k e into ac c ount a n y d i ff er enc es bet we en yo ur v al ues and att itud es an d t hos e r epr es e nted b y t he auth or. 不论哪种情况,你必须注意并考虑你的价值观和态度与作者所述的价值观和态度有何不同。
完整版讲义---华夏大地自考高伟老师主讲,真的很MAN!!第一单元知识点的回顾Text A1.choose----choice:词型转换经常考,同时注意该词的过去式和过去完成式。
这个词出现的句子中经常会同时出现ticket, food, book等。
4.purpose:这个词一旦出现,它既可以考本词的意思,也可以考后面的谓语动词的形式,记住:凡是出现purpose, aim, objective, plan,dream, goal等有含有目的性的词,后面的谓语动词一定是to do的形式,同时关注这些词是否为复数形式,如果是,谓语动词一定是复数的。
6.★in the way:妨碍,挡路,阻碍。
区别in a way:从某种程度上。
★on theway (to)在去…路上(★on the way home)和by the way:顺便说一句。
7.★★involve----involve ment(in):注意词型转换,词义及介词搭配。
注意词型上的转换,同时牢记take intoconsideration(account),如果单独考本词,后面的动词一定是+ing形式(动名词),但注意主动和被动含义上的区别。
9.make a guess at:注意固定习语的搭配。
12. sometimes…;at other times…:注意前后句型上的搭配,很有可能在完型里考。
(完整版)最新2013版自考英语二精讲讲义Unit 1—A Critical Reading(批判性阅读)1. critical adj. 有判断力的;判断公正(或审慎)的2。
non-fiction n. 纪实文学3. position n。
statement n. 说明;说法;表态5. question v. 表示疑问;怀疑out of question / out of the question 毫无疑问 / 不可能的补: in charge 管理;掌管in the charge 由…负责;由…管理(被动)6。
evaluate v。
context n. 事情发生的背景,环境,来龙去脉8. value n。
values [pl.]是非标准;价值观valuableinvaluable=priceless 无价的;valueless = 无价值的9. represent v。
描述;表现representative adj。
assertion n。
sufficient adj。
足够的;充足的sufficiencyinsufficient 不够的;不充分的 in—:否定前缀12。
statistic n. statistics [pl.]统计数字;统计资料13. integrate v.(使)合并,成为一体14. authority n。
专家;学术权威;泰斗an/the authority on sth。
compare v. 比较;对比compare A with B 把A和B进行比较compare A to B 把A比成B。
(打比方)16. subject n. 主题;题目;题材17。
consistent adj. 相符的;符合的18. inconsistency n. 不一致19. assumption n。
与四六级06年改革后的新题型中快速阅读的最初形式类似(Yes,No, Not given).第二部分阅读选择该部分要求考生:理解文章主旨和要义;把握文章的基本结构;理解文中说明要点的事实和细节;作出简单推理和判断;根据上下文推断生词的释义;领会作者的意图、观点和态度.该部分选用1篇长度350词左右的短文,题材包括人文、科技、经济、环境、卫生等热点话题,文中会适当给出个别生词的中文释义。
全国高等教育自学考试英语(二)要紧内容•试卷分析和最新出题思路•重点语法•备考要诀及学习方法最新英语〔二〕试卷主观题统计数据考题总分值平均分•单词拼写10 2.48•词形填空10 2.17•汉译英15 5.53•英译汉15 10.75•总分50 20.93最新出题思路〔1〕与课文的关系往年与课文有关的大题:第【一】第【四】第五和第六大题近年与课文有关的大题:第四和第六大题建议:熟读课文,掌握课文中的大纲词汇,特别留意课文中表达重点语法和经典句型的句子。
历年试题举例:1.Attheendof1994theBritishgovernmentintroducednewmeasurestohelp____domesticwork ersfromabusebytheiremployers.[A]protect [B]suspect [C]expect [D]inspectA2.I’mwonderingwhyhehasn’tturned___atthemeeting.[A]down [B]up [C]out [D]overB3.Byusingbothearsonecantellthedirection___asoundcomes.[A]inwhich [B]fromwhich[C]overwhich[D]withwhichB第二题:完型填空题要紧考点:除了第一大题已提到的考点外,还注重考察介词、连词、副词、代词等虚词的用法。
专升本英语讲义Here is an English essay with the required word count, without a title, and without any extra punctuation marks in the main body.The path to academic advancement can be a challenging yet rewarding journey for many students seeking to further their education and unlock new opportunities. One such avenue is the transition from a vocational or technical program to a university-level bachelor's degree program through the process of professional upgrading or "专升本" in the Chinese context. This essay aims to explore the significance of the English language in this academic endeavor and provide insights into the essential components of a comprehensive English language study guide for those embarking on this educational pathway.Proficiency in the English language is a fundamental requirement for success in the professional upgrading process. As the global language of academia, business, and international communication, a strong command of English is essential for navigating the rigorous curriculum, engaging with course materials, and effectively communicating with instructors and peers. The ability to comprehend complex academic texts, articulate ideas clearly inwritten assignments, and participate actively in class discussions can make the difference between academic triumph and struggle.At the core of the English language study guide for professional upgrading students lies a focus on developing well-rounded language skills. This encompasses a deep understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and syntax, as well as the ability to apply these linguistic elements in practical, real-world contexts. Mastering the intricacies of English grammar, from verb tenses and sentence structures to the proper use of prepositions and conjunctions, is crucial for crafting coherent and well-structured academic writing. Similarly, a robust vocabulary, including subject-specific terminology and academic jargon, empowers students to engage with course content more effectively and express their ideas with precision and clarity.In addition to these foundational language skills, the study guide should also emphasize the development of essential academic skills, such as critical reading, analytical writing, and effective research techniques. Professional upgrading students must be adept at navigating complex academic texts, extracting key information, and synthesizing ideas from multiple sources. The ability to craft well-structured, well-reasoned essays that demonstrate a deep understanding of course material is paramount for success in the university setting.Equally important is the cultivation of effective communication skills, both in written and oral formats. The study guide should provide guidance on crafting persuasive and well-organized presentations, participating actively in class discussions, and engaging in constructive academic discourse. These skills not only enhance the student's academic performance but also prepare them for the demands of the professional world, where the ability to communicate effectively is highly valued.Furthermore, the study guide should address the unique challenges faced by professional upgrading students, who often juggle work, family, and academic responsibilities simultaneously. Strategies for time management, effective study habits, and stress management should be incorporated to help students navigate the rigors of the program and maintain a healthy work-life balance.Beyond the acquisition of language and academic skills, the study guide should also emphasize the importance of cultural awareness and adaptability. Professional upgrading students may come from diverse backgrounds and educational systems, and understanding the cultural nuances and academic conventions of the university environment can greatly facilitate their transition and integration into the new academic community.In conclusion, the English language study guide for professional upgrading students is a comprehensive resource that should address the multifaceted needs of this unique student population. By focusing on the development of well-rounded language proficiency, academic skills, communication abilities, and cultural awareness, the guide can empower students to overcome the challenges of the professional upgrading process and emerge as confident, competent, and successful university-level scholars.。
全国高等教育自学考试英语(二)北京航空航天大学主要内容•试卷分析和最新出题思路•重点语法•备考要诀及学习方法最新英语(二)试卷主观题统计数据考题满分平均分•单词拼写10 2.48•词形填空10 2.17•汉译英15 5.53•英译汉15 10.75•总分50 20.93最新出题思路(1)与课文的关系往年与课文有关的大题:第一、第四、第五和第六大题近年与课文有关的大题:第四和第六大题建议:熟读课文,掌握课文中的大纲词汇,特别留意课文中体现重点语法和经典句型的句子。
(2) 与课文无关的大题:第二、第三、第七大题。
历年试题举例:1. At the end of 1994 the British government introduced new measures to help____domestic workers from abuse by their employers.[A] protect [B] suspect [C] expect [D]inspect A2. I’m wondering why he hasn’t turned ___ at the meeting.[A] down [B] up [C] out [D] over B3. By using both ears one can tell the direction ___ a soundcomes.[A] in which [B] from which[C] over which[D] with which B第二题:完型填空题主要考点:除了第一大题已提到的考点外,还注重考察介词、连词、副词、代词等虚词的用法。
自考英语(二)讲义完整版三自考英语(二)讲义完整版三Unit 2 练习:1.词汇英译汉:escape,explode,collapse,shrink,gravity,measurement,basis,launch,convincing,companion,speculation,swallow,operate,to make use of,a great many,above all2.句子英译汉:1)Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape.2)The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point.3)Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.4)If a man fell into a black hole,he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly.5)It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.6)On the other hand,scientists have suggested that every advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind.7)There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.8)They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.3 句子汉译英黑洞是什么,天文学家还没有完全解决这个问题。
自考《英语二》讲义自考“英语(二)”完整讲义讲义一T ext A What Is a Decision ?I.课文内容简介决策的目的是制定和实现组织目标。
II.New WordsOrganizational a. 组织上的goal n. 目的,目标objective n./ a. 目标,目的/客观的,真实的Accomplish vt. 完成(任务等)predict vt./vi. 预言;预示accompany vt. 伴随,陪同Implement vt. 实现;完成Constraint n. 强制;强制因素precedent n. 先例,前例Simplify vt. 简化tendency n. 趋势,倾向Managerial a. 经理的,管理人的maker n. 制造者;制造商Achievement n. 完成,达到attain vt. 达到;完成optimal a. 最适宜的,最理想的suboptimization n. 局部最优化trade-off n. 权衡;物物交换argue vt./vi. 争辩,争论budget n./vt. 预算scheme n./vt.把… 编入预算define vt. 解释,给…下定义Multiple a./n.多样的,复合的/倍数Profitability n. 赚钱,获利correctness n. 正确,正确性unintended a. 非计划中的,非故意的ongoing a. 进行中的,非故意的entity n. 存在,实体Skilled a. 熟练的;有技能的in the way 挡路、碍事to make a guess at 猜测and the like 等等,诸如此类to seek to 追求,争取in part 部分地,在某种程度上point of view 观点词汇精讲1.goal n. 目标,进球,球门(同义词:aim ,end ,purpose,objective)Her goal is a place at university . 她的目标是在大学任教。
自学考试 英语(二)教材
01-A . What Is a Decision?什么是决策?A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. 决策就是从现成的行动方案中做出选择。
The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives. 它旨在确立并实现组织机构的目标及指标。
The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them.之所以要决策,是因为有问题存在,目标或指标错误,或有某种东西妨碍了它们的实现。
Thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management.因此,决策过程对于管理至关重要。
Almost everything a manager does involves decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. 管理者所做的一切几乎都与决策有关,事实上,有人认为管理过程就是决策过程。
Although managers cannot predict the future, many of their decisions require that they consider possible future events. 管理者虽然不能预测未来,但很多决策要求他们考虑未来可能发生的情况。
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II. Text Learning
Reflections: Friendship and loyalty
①How many of us recognize true loyalty in a friend? Loyalty consists
of(参考Unit1,TextA)a friend, who will stick by you, through thick and thin. A
friend who is always honest with you and never betrays the friendship with lies
is a loyal friend. If you have a loyal friend, you have indeed found a true
virtue in that friend.(承上句)
②The current trend on the internet is befriending anyone who requests to be
your friend. However, this new trend may lead to disasters.(承上句)It may be
popular and trendy to have a network filled with a multitude of mutual friends.
However, one true loyal friend may be the only friend you need.
③A term used on the popular Facebook site is B.F.F. This acronym means best
friends forever. Are they really your best friends forever? You might ask
yourself this question, "Will they share my private matters with others on the
pages of Facebook, or perish the thought, engage in gossip about me with
others?" (1)If the answer to that is , "I don't know", more than likely, they
will not be your best friends forever. Maybe not, even for a day. 本部分重点及难点:
1. If the answer to that is , "I don't know", more than likely(很有可能), they will
not be your best friends forever.
more than likely: very likely
more than happy: very happy
more than pleased: very pleased
请认真答题,答题结果将记入知识点测评的成绩!【单选题】6. He is _______ willing to shall his happiness with
us.A.moreB.more thanC.enoughD.too【答案】B【解析】本题考查more than+adj.。
than"后接形容词相当于"very+形容词",本句中more than willing意为"非常乐意"。
④I choose to have a B.L.F., a best loyal friend, for those of you who may be
challenged by the use of acronyms during this age of technology and
⑤(2)Loyalty found in a friend is akin to making a deposit in a bank account.
More often than not, your deposits gain internet, an internet in your well-being
and welfare. A loyal friend attracts another loyal friend. (3)In essence, water
does seek its own level.(承上、总结的句子)
⑥(4)If you were a B.L.F. way before Facebook gained notoriety, then I'm sure
you understand the priise of loyalty in a friend. You should never exploit your
B.L.F. to gain more friends or make yourself sei more important to others. These
are not the traits of a best loyal friend.(承上句)
⑦A best loyal friend does not care who is invited to your party.
They will
attend your party and celebrate you, just in the way a best loyal friend should
⑧Reconnecting with a best loyal friend is easier to do on the pages of
Facebook. However, a virtual friend does not assure you of his loyalty. My
caution to you is that you'd better pay attention to the smiling faces on the
Facebook pages. In the eighties we were warned of smiling faces in a song, which
contained these lyrics, "A smile is just a frown turned upside down, my friend."
Now, that is the undisputed truth for my generation.
2. Loyalty found in a friend is akin to making a deposit in a bank account.
(1) akin to: similar to
(2) make a deposit in a bank account 往银行账户存款
make withdrawals from a bank account
3. In essence, water does seek its own level. 本质上,水自然会向下流--朋友间总是惺惺相惜。
4. If you were a B.L.F. way before Facebook gained notoriety, then I'm sure you
understand the priise of loyalty in a friend.
way (与介词或副词连用,加强程度)very far 很远
如:She finished the race way ahead of the other runners. 她第一个跑到终点,远远领先于其他选手。
The shot was way off target. 这次射的远离目标。
The price is way above what we can afford. 价格高得我们绝对付不起。
way back: a long time ago 很久以前
I first met him way back. 我和他初次见面时很久以前的事了。