Effect of Static Magnetic Field on Extracellular Proteins Synthesis in Escherichia coli
电磁场英文作文English: Electromagnetic fields are a fundamental aspect of physics that encompass the combined electric and magnetic fields that permeate through space. These fields are generated by the movement of electrically charged particles, such as electrons, creating a force that can affect objects within the field. Electromagnetic fields play a crucial role in numerous phenomena, including light propagation, radio wave transmission, and the operation of electrical devices. Understanding electromagnetic fields is essential in various fields of science and technology, from designing electrical circuits to explaining the behavior of celestial bodies. Moreover, the study of electromagnetic fields has significant implications in our daily lives, such as in the development of new technologies and advancements in communication systems. Overall, the intricate interplay of electric and magnetic fields in electromagnetic phenomena highlights the fundamental nature of these fields in shaping the physical world around us.中文翻译: 电磁场是物理学中的一个基本方面,涵盖了贯穿空间的电场和磁场的结合。
磁场对CsI赝量子点中极化子基态能量的影响肖景林【摘要】The impact of the magnetic field on properties of the strong-coupling magnetopolaron in a CsI quantum dot crystal was determined. The Pekar variational method was adopted and it was de-termined that the ground-state energy of the strong-coupling magnetopolaron in a CsI quantum dot changed with the changing of the cyclotron frequency of the magnetic field and the polaron radius. This indicates that the ground-state energy of the magnetopolaron increases with decreasing of the cyclotron frequency and increasing polaron.%研究了磁场对CsI赝量子点晶体中强耦合磁极化子性质的影响。
【期刊名称】《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2016(031)005【总页数】3页(P369-371)【关键词】赝量子点;极化子;Pekar类型的变分;基态能量;磁场【作者】肖景林【作者单位】内蒙古民族大学凝聚态物理研究所,内蒙古通辽028043【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O469低维半导体材料由于量子限制效应而表现出特有的光电特性,已经成为科研人员研究的热点,而采用不同受限势的量子点(quantum dots)则更引起人们的关注.量子点是一种半径小于或接近于激子玻尔半径的半导体纳米晶粒,它由有限数目的原子组成.由于它具有与原子一样的电子能级结构,被称为“人造原子”.近些年,很多人采用不同的方法通过实验和理论研究了量子点的各种性质.实验上,Miska等〔1〕探究了生长在(001)和(113)B InP基底上InAs量子点的电子能级.Srujan等〔2〕实验验证了自组装InAs/GaAs量子点光致发光的热处理效应模型.Bird等〔3〕进行了GaAs/AlGaAs半导体量子点电子输运性质的实验研究.这些实验研究都选用了不同材料的量子点.理论上,Cetin〔4〕得到了赝量子点系统中电子波函数和能谱,Ikhdair等〔5〕运用Nikiforov-Uvarov方法模拟计算了在温度和外加磁场的影响下二维赝谐势量子点中的电子的能级和能级波函数.Khordad〔6〕计算了赝量子点带间光吸收的几何尺寸和磁场效应.本文作者〔7〕曾研究RbCl赝量子点量子比特的磁场效应.这些人员研究了赝量子点诸多方面的性质,然而在磁场的作用下,CsI赝量子点极化子的基态能量还没有人研究.在本文中,作者采用Pekar类型变分方法,研究磁场对CsI赝量子点晶体中强耦合极化子性质的影响.计算了基态能量随磁场回旋频率和极化子半径的变化关系.假设电子是被限制在CsI赝量子点晶体中,电子处在赝势中并和体LO声子相互作用.当电子处在z方向外加恒稳磁场中运动,有矢势.电子-声子相互作用系统的哈密顿量可以表示为其中是电子的带质量,表示体LO声子的产生(淹没)算符.p和r是电子的动量和坐标矢量;表示赝势〔4〕,赝势包含谐量子点势和反点势.其中V0和r0分别是二维电子气的化学势和赝势的零点.方程(1)中的Vq和α表示为按照Pekar类型的变分方法〔8~10〕,赝量子点中强耦合磁极化子的尝试波函数为其中仅表示电子的波函数,是声子的真空态和表示声子的相干态.其中是变分函数,我们选择电子的基态尝试波函数〔11,12〕:其中λ0是变分参量.通过计算我们可以得到赝量子点中强耦合磁极化子的基态能量为其中表示极化子半径,是磁场的回旋频率.在这一节采用Pekar类型的变分理论研究一种新的纳米量子系统赝量子点中基态能量的极化子效应.以CsI赝量子点晶体为例进行数值计算,利用在计算在的实验参量是ℏωLO=11.22845266meV,m=0.42m0和α=3.67〔13〕.图1表示当二维电子气的化学势V0=7.0meV和赝势的零点r0=11nm时,赝量子点中强耦合磁极化子的基态能量E0随磁场回旋频率ωc和赝量子点的极化子半径R0的变化关系.由图可以发现基态能量的绝对值||E0随磁场回旋频率ωc减少呈增大趋势.其产生的原因是,随磁场回旋频率的增加,磁场强度增大,它使电子的能量增大和导致电子和更多的声子相互作用,使磁极化子的基态能量增加.从另一种观点,磁场的存在等于对电子附加了一种新的限制,而这种限制使更大的电子波函数彼此交叠,电子-声子相互作用增强,因此,基态能量随磁场的增加而增高.但是,方程(7)中的第五项表示磁场对基态能量贡献的项,它取正值,而基态能量取负值,因此,基态能量的绝对值随磁场回旋频率的增加而减少.由图1还发现基态能量的绝对值||E0是极化子半径R0的增函数.方程(7)中的最后一项表示极化子半径R0对基态能量贡献的项,这一项随着极化子半径的增加而增大,这一项取负值,而基态能量取负值,因此,基态能量是极化子半径的增函数.由此可以通过改变外磁场的强弱和极化子半径的大小调节基态能量的高低.采用Pekar类型的变分方法从理论上研究CsI赝量子点晶体中强耦合磁极化子的基态能量的性质,导出了基态能量随磁场回旋频率和极化子半径的变化关系,研究结果表明:基态能量是回旋频率的减函数,而它是极化子半径的增函数.〔1〕Miska P,Paranthoen C,Even J,et al.Experimental and theoretical studies of electronic energy levels in InAs quantum dots grown on(001)and(113)B InP substrates〔J〕.Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter,2002,14(47):12301.〔2〕Srujan M,Ghosh K,Sengupta S,et al.Presentation and experimental validation of a model for the effect of thermal annealing on the photoluminescence of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots〔J〕.Journal of Applied Physics,2010,107(12):123107.〔3〕Bird J P,Ishibashi K,Aoyagi Y,et al.Experimental studies of electronic transport in semiconductor quantum dot structures〔J〕.Solid-state electronics,1994,37(4):709-712.〔4〕Cetin A.A quantum pseudodot system with a two-dimensional pseudoharmonic potential〔J〕.Physics Letters A,2008, 372(21):3852-3856.〔5〕Ikhdair S M,Hamzavi M.A quantum pseudodot system with two-dimensional pseudoharmonic oscillator in external magnetic and Aharonov-Bohm fields〔J〕.Physica B:Condensed Matter,2012,407(21):4198-4207.〔6〕Khordad R.Effects of magnetic field and geometrical size on the interband light absorption in a quantum pseudodot system〔J〕.Solid State Sciences,2010,12(7):1253-1256.〔7〕Xiao J L.The effect of magnetic field on RbCl quantum pseudodot qubit〔J〕.Modern Physics Letters B,2015,29(19): 1550098.〔8〕L D Landau,S I Pekar.Effective mass of a polaron journal of experimental and theoretical〔J〕.Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics,1948,18:419-423.〔9〕S I Pekar,M F Deigen.Quantum states and optical transitions of electron in a polaron and at a color center of a crystal〔J〕.Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics,1948,18:481-486.〔10〕S I Pekar.Untersuchungen über die Elektronen-theorie der Kristalle 〔M〕.Berlin:Akademie Verlag Publishing company,1954.〔11〕Xiao W,Qi B,Xiao J L.Impurity Effect of Asymmetric Gaussian Potential Quantum Well Qubit〔J〕.Journal of Low Temperature Physics,2015,179(3-4):166-174.〔12〕Ding Z H,Sun Y,Xiao J L.Optical phonon effect in an asymmetric quantum dot qubit〔J〕.International Journal of Quantum Information,2012,10(07):1250077.〔13〕Devreese J T.Polarons in ionic crystals and polar semiconductors 〔M〕.Amsterdam:North-Holland Publishing company,1972.。
第31卷第2期 202丨年4月粉宋冶全工业P O W D E R M E T A L L U R G Y I N D U S T R YVol. 31,No.2,p52-56Apr. 2021DOI : 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn 1006-6543.20200137磁场流速对传感器用C u电极电解过程及质量的影响孙娟',孙栗2,金晗3(1.河南科技职业大学,河南周口466000; 2.国网浙江海宁市供电公司,浙江海宁314400;3.中原工学院能源与环境学院,河南郑州460000)摘要:在电解工艺制备铜的过程中加入磁场以达到协同强化效果,分析了磁场流速对传感器用C u电极电解过程及质量的影响。
当提高磁场流速后,铜阳极质量损失减小,最大阴极析出量出现于流速为0.25 m/s的情况下。
磁场流速对C u电极电解阶段的杂质离子产生着显著影响。
处于0.25 m/s磁场流速下,能够获得最大的阴极析出速率,从而减小电解液内的杂质离子浓度并降低铜损失。
处于垂直磁场中,在0〜0.75 m/s范围的电解液黏度基本恒定,并在0.25 m/s时达到最小值。
随着流速的增大,阻碍了 Cir1扩散过程,在0.25 m/s速率下获得最大阴极析出量。
关键词:磁化电解;强磁场;铜电解;表面质量文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-6543(2021)02-0052-05Effect of magnetic field velocity on electrolysis process and quality of Cuelectrode used in sensorSUN Juan1,SUN Li2,JIN Han3(1. Henan Vocational University of Science and Technology, Zhoukou 466000, China; 2. State Grid HainingPower Supply Company, Haining 314400, China; 3. School of Energy and Environment, Zhongyuan Universityof Technology, Zhengzhou 460000, China)A bstract:The effect of magnetic field velocity on the electrolytic process and the quality of Cu electrode used inthe sensor was analyzed.The results show that a more complex copper electrolysis reaction is formed by applying amagnetic field.After increasing the magnetic field velocity, the mass loss of copper anode decreased, and the maximum cathode precipitation appeared at the flow rate of 0.25 m/s.The magnetic field velocity has a significant effecton the impurity ions in Cu electrode electrolysis stage.The concentration of impurity ions decreases after the magnetic field is applied, and the actual effect is influenced by the magnetic field orientation and the flow velocity.Atthe magnetic field velocity of 0.25 m/s, the maximum cathode precipitation rate can be obtained, thus reducing theconcentration of impurity ions in the electrolyte and reducing the copper loss.In the vertical magnetic field, the electrolyte viscosity in the range of 0-0.75 m/s is basically constant, and reaches the minimum value at 0.25 m/s.Vertical magnetic field can inhibit electron transport and enhance diffusion.With the increase of flow rate, C u2'diffusionprocess was hindered, and the maximum cathode precipitation was obtained at the rate of 0.25 m/s.Key w ords:magnetization electrolysis; strong magnetic field; copper electrolysis; surface quality 现阶段,电解技术己经成为一种非常广泛的铜 制备工艺。
介绍地球磁场的作文英文英文:The Earth's magnetic field is a fascinating and essential aspect of our planet. It plays a crucial role in protecting the Earth from harmful solar winds and cosmic radiation. The magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron and nickel in the Earth's outer core. This movement creates electric currents, which in turn produce a magnetic field. This field extends from the Earth'sinterior out into space and is often compared to a giant bar magnet.The Earth's magnetic field has a significant impact on our daily lives, although we may not always be aware of it. For example, it is the reason why a compass always points north. The magnetic field also affects the behavior of migratory birds and certain animal species that use it for navigation. Furthermore, it helps scientists understand the geological history of the Earth, as the magnetic mineralsin rocks align themselves with the Earth's magnetic fieldat the time of their formation.The magnetic field is not static and has undergone numerous reversals throughout Earth's history. These reversals, known as geomagnetic reversals, occur when the magnetic north and south poles switch places. This phenomenon has been studied by scientists, and the evidence of these reversals can be found in the ocean floor and in rocks.中文:地球的磁场是我们星球上一个迷人且至关重要的方面。
巨磁电阻效应的英语Giant magnetoresistance effect, huh? That's a mouthful! But let's break it down. Basically, it's this crazy phenomenon where the resistance of certain materials changes significantly when a magnetic field is applied.It's like they're super sensitive to magnets.Now, imagine this: you've got a material and you give it a little magnetic push. Suddenly, its resistance to electricity goes up or down by a huge amount. That's what we call giant magnetoresistance. And it's not just anylittle change; it's huge!One of the coolest things about this effect is how it's being used in tech. You know, like in those tiny sensors that can detect magnetic fields with incredible precision? They rely on this effect to work. It's like having a superpower to sense magnetic fields.And speaking of superpowers, imagine if we couldharness this effect for even more amazing things. Like, controlling robots with just our thoughts or something crazy like that. The possibilities are endless, really.So, in a nutshell, giant magnetoresistance is this fascinating effect where materials change their resistance a lot when you apply a magnetic field. It's not just a science experiment; it's shaping the future of technology in ways we can only imagine.。
麦婷婷,高梦祥,李利,等. 磁场调控丝状真菌生长发育及代谢产物合成的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(13):450−457.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022090173MAI Tingting, GAO Mengxiang, LI Li, et al. Research Progress on the Regulation of Magnetic Field on the Growth and Development of Filamentous Fungi and the Synthesis of Metabolites[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(13): 450−457. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022090173· 专题综述 ·磁场调控丝状真菌生长发育及代谢产物合成的研究进展麦婷婷1,高梦祥1,李 利1,张佳兰2, *,王劲松3(1.长江大学生命科学学院,湖北荆州 434025;2.长江大学动物科学学院,湖北荆州 434025;3.荆楚理工学院生物工程学院,湖北荆门 444800)摘 要:磁场作为一种普遍存在的环境因子,影响着微生物的生长及代谢。
Magnetic Flux Density, Field Equations Boundary Conditions
1. Magnetic Flux Density, Flux, and Field Lines 2. Equations for Steady Magnetic Fields in Free Space 3. Vector & Scalar Magnetic Potentials 4. Magnetization of Media 5. Equations for Steady Magnetic Fields in A Medium 6. Boundary Conditions for Steady Magnetic Fields
Experiments show that the magnetic force acting on a moving charge is related not only to the magnitude and the speed of the charge, but also to the direction of motion.
In-line Direction
Assuming the maximum force is Fm, if the angle between the direction of charge motion and the in-line direction is , the force will be
地球磁场在减弱的证据英文回答:Evidence of Earth's Weakening Magnetic Field.The Earth's magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is generated by the movement of molten iron in the outer core of the planet. This magnetic field is crucial for protecting the Earth from harmful solar radiation and maintaining a stable climate. However, there is mounting evidence that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening.One piece of evidence is the observation of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). The SAA is an area in the South Atlantic Ocean where the Earth's magnetic field is significantly weaker than in other regions. Satellites passing through this anomaly experience higher levels of radiation, which can affect their electronic systems. This anomaly has been expanding over the past few decades,indicating a weakening of the Earth's magnetic field.Another piece of evidence comes from studies of ancient rocks. Rocks contain tiny magnetic minerals that align with the Earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation. By analyzing these rocks, scientists can determine the strength and direction of the Earth's magnetic field in the past. These studies have revealed that the Earth's magnetic field has been weakening over the past few centuries.Furthermore, researchers have found that the rate of decline in the Earth's magnetic field has been accelerating in recent years. This rapid decline suggests that the weakening of the magnetic field is not a gradual process but rather a more significant and concerning phenomenon. If this trend continues, it could have significantimplications for our planet.The weakening of Earth's magnetic field has several potential consequences. One of the most significant is the increased exposure to solar radiation. The magnetic field acts as a shield, deflecting charged particles from the Sunaway from the Earth. Without a strong magnetic field, more solar radiation would reach the Earth's surface, increasing the risk of skin cancer and other health issues.Additionally, a weakened magnetic field could have implications for navigation systems that rely on magnetic compasses. The accuracy of compasses could be compromised, leading to errors in navigation. This could be particularly problematic for ships and aircraft that heavily rely on magnetic compasses for direction.In conclusion, there is compelling evidence that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening. The South Atlantic Anomaly, studies of ancient rocks, and the accelerating rate of decline all point to this concerning phenomenon. The implications of a weakened magnetic field range from increased exposure to solar radiation to potential navigation issues. It is crucial for scientists to continue monitoring and studying this phenomenon to better understand its implications for our planet.中文回答:地球磁场减弱的证据。
Electromagnetic Induction: The Heart ofModern ElectricityElectromagnetic induction, a fundamental concept in physics, lies at the core of our modern electrical era. It describes the phenomenon where a changing magnetic field creates an electric current in a nearby conductor. This remarkable discovery, first made by Michael Faraday in the 19th century, revolutionized the way we generate, transmit, and utilize electrical energy.The principle of electromagnetic induction is straightforward but profound. Imagine a coil of wire placed near a magnet. When the magnet is moved relative to the coil, the magnetic field around the coil changes, inducing an electric current to flow through the wire. This current can then be harnessed for various applications, such as powering electrical devices or charging batteries.The beauty of electromagnetic induction lies in its versatility and efficiency. It allows us to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, a process known as electromagnetic generation. This is how most of ourpower plants operate, converting the kinetic energy of moving water, steam, or gas turbines into electricity.Moreover, electromagnetic induction plays a crucialrole in transformers, which are essential for increasing or decreasing the voltage of electrical power. Transformersrely on the principle of electromagnetic induction to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another without a direct electrical connection. This allows us to safely and efficiently distribute electricity over long distances, powering homes, businesses, and industries worldwide.The applications of electromagnetic induction are vast and diverse. It is the backbone of many modern technologies, including electric motors, generators, induction cooktops, and wireless charging systems. Electric motors, which rely on electromagnetic induction to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, are ubiquitous in our daily lives, powering vehicles, appliances, and even small toys.The significance of electromagnetic induction extends beyond its practical applications. It has deepened our understanding of the fundamental relationships betweenelectricity and magnetism, laying the foundation for advancements in fields like quantum physics and materials science.In conclusion, electromagnetic induction is a pivotal concept that has revolutionized the way we generate, transmit, and use electrical energy. Its widespread applications and profound impact on modern technology underscore its importance in shaping our world. As we continue to explore and harness the power of electromagnetism, electromagnetic induction remains at the forefront of our efforts, driving innovation and progressin the electrical age.**电磁感应:现代电力的核心**电磁感应,物理学中的一个基本概念,是我们现代电力时代的核心所在。
Fan滑环Slip Ring定子Stator铁心core绝缘纸insulation槽楔slot wedge整流桥Rectifier极板/支架bracket整流二极管Power Diode 励磁二极管Electric Diode 电容器Capacitor绝缘材料insulation紧固件/连接件Connector 调节器Regulator碳刷架Brush Assy’支架Brush Holder电刷Carbon Brush弹簧Spring真空泵Vacuum Pump泵壳Pump Shell泵芯Pump Core盖板Cover管接头Joining其它部件Other Parts端盖Frame轴承Bearing外风扇叶Ext。
Fan皮带轮Pulley紧固件/连接件Connector 绝缘/塑料件insulation油封Oil Seal原材料Raw Material钢Steel铝Aluminum铜Copper铁Iron塑料Plastic尼龙Nylon纸Paper漆Lacquer其它Others辅料Complement包装材料Packing防潮/防锈材料Damp proof焊接材料Solder清洁/清洗材料Cleaner来源:中国汽车电机网作者:管理员发布时间:2007—06—15 abscissa axis 横坐标ac motor 交流环电动机active (passive) circuit elements 有(无)源电路元件active component 有功分量active in respect to 相对….呈阻性admittance 导纳air—gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布air-gap flux 气隙磁通air-gap line 气隙磁化线algebraic 代数的algorithmic 算法的alloy 合金alternator 交流发电机ampere-turns 安匝(数)amplidyne 微场扩流发电机Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅armature circuit 电枢电路armature coil 电枢线圈armature m。
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介绍地球磁场的英语作文Earth's magnetic field is like a giant invisible shield wrapped around our planet. It's like our own cosmic bodyguard, deflecting harmful solar winds and cosmic rays away from us. Without it, we'd be in serious trouble, getting bombarded by all sorts of dangerous radiation from space.Think of it as Earth's own magnetic superhero cape, always ready to swoop in and save the day. But unlike a regular superhero, this cape isn't made of fabric or fancy materials. It's actually created by the swirling molteniron deep inside the Earth's core. That's some serious superhero material right there!But just like any superhero, Earth's magnetic field has its weaknesses too. Sometimes it gets a little wonky and starts flipping its poles. Yup, you heard that right –it's like the magnetic North Pole decides to take a vacation down to the South Pole for a while. Scientistsaren't exactly sure why it does this, but they think it has something to do with the chaotic dance of the molten iron inside the Earth's core.And hey, did you know that animals can actually sense Earth's magnetic field? It's true! Birds, turtles, and even some bacteria use it like a built-in GPS to navigate their way around the world. Talk about having a natural sense of direction!So next time you look up at the sky and marvel at the stars, take a moment to appreciate Earth's magnetic field quietly working its magic to keep us safe. It might not wear a flashy costume or have a catchy theme song, but it's definitely one of the coolest superheroes out there.。
电影院英文篇一:电影常用中英文对照电影常用中英文对照ACTION ………………………………………………… 动作ANIMATOR ……………………………………………… 原画者,动画设计ASSISTANT…………………………………………… 动画者ANTIC …………………………………………………… 预备动作AIR BRUSHING ………………………………………… 喷效ANGLE………………………………………………… 角度ANIMATED ZOOM……………………………………… 画面扩大或缩小ANIMATION FILM ……………………………………… 动画片ANIMATION COMPUTER ………………………………… 电脑控制动画摄影ATMOSPHERE SKETCH………………………………… 气氛草图B.P.(BOT PEGS) …………………………………… 下定位BG(BACKGROUND) ……………………………………… 背景BLURS………………………………………………… 模糊BLK(BLINK) …………………………………………… 眨眼BRK DN(B.D.)(BREAK-DOWN) ……………………… 中割BG LAYOUT…………………………………………… 背景设计稿BACKGROUND KEYS…………………………………… 背景样本BACKGROUND HOOKUP………………………………… 衔接背景BACKGROUND PAN ……………………………………… 长背景BACKGROUND STILL …………………………………… 短背景BAR SHEETS …………………………………………… 音节表BEAT …………………………………………………… 节拍BLANK …………………………………………………… 空白BLOOM …………………………………………………… 闪光BLOW UP ………………………………………………… 放大CAMERA NOTES ………………………………………… 摄影注意事项C.U.(CLOSE-UP) …………………………………… 特写CLEAN UP ……………………………………………… 清稿,修形,作监CUT…………………………………………………… 镜头结束CEL=CELLULOID……………………………………… 化学板CYCLE………………………………………………… 循环CW(CLOCK-WISE) ……………………………………… 顺时针转动 CCW(COUNTER CLOCK-WISE)………………………… 逆时针转动 CONTINUE(CONT,CON‘D)…………………………… 继续CAM(CAMERA)………………………………………… 摄影机CUSH(CUSHION)……………………………………… 缓冲C=CENTER ……………………………………………… 中心点CAMERA SHAKE ………………………………………… 镜头振动CHECKER……………………………………………… 检查员CONSTANT ……………………………………………… 等速持续COLOR KEYS=COLOR MARK-UPS……………………… 色指定COLOR MODEL………………………………………… 彩色造型COLOR FLASH(PAINT FLASH) ………………………… 跳色CAMERA ANIMATION …………………………………… 动画摄影机 CEL LEVEL…………………………………………… 化学板层次CHARACTER…………………………………………… 人物造型DIALOG (DIALOGUE)………………………………… 对白及口形DUBLE EXPOSURE …………………………………… 双重曝光MULTI RUNS ………………………………………… 多重曝光1st RUN……………………………………………… 第一次曝光2nd RUN……………………………………………… 地二次曝光DRY BRUSHING ……………………………………… 干刷DIAG PAN(DIAGONAL) ………………………………… 斜移DWF(DRAWING) ………………………………………… 画,动画纸DOUBLE IMAGE ………………………………………… 双重影像DAILIES (RUSHES) …………………………………… 样片DIRECTOR …………………………………………… 导演DISSOLVE(X. D) ……………………………………… 溶景,叠化DISTORTION …………………………………………… 变形DOUBLE FRAME ………………………………………… 双(画)格DRAWING DISC ………………………………………… 动画圆盘 E. C. U = EXTREME CLOSE UP ……………………… 大特写EXT(EXTERIOR)……………………………………… 外面;室外景EFT(EFFECT)………………………………………… 特效EDITING……………………………………………… 剪辑EXIT(MOVES OUT, O. S. )………………………… 出去ENTER(IN)…………………………………………… 入画EASE-IN……………………………………………… 渐快EASE-OUT ……………………………………………… 渐慢EDITOR ………………………………………………… 剪辑师EPISODE……………………………………………… 片集FIELD(FLD) …………………………………………… 安全框FADE(IN/ON)………………………………………… 画面淡入FADE(OUT/OFF)……………………………………… 画面淡出FIN(FINISH)………………………………………… 完成FOLOS(FOLLOWS) ……………………………………… 跟随,跟着FAST; QUICKLY……………………………………… 快速FIELD GUIDE………………………………………… 安全框指示FINIAL CHECK ………………………………………… 总检FOOTAGE……………………………………………… 尺数(英尺) F. G. (FOREGROUND) ………………………………… 前景FOCAL LENGTH ……………………………………… 焦距FRAME………………………………………………… 格数FREEZE FRAME ………………………………………… 停格GAIN IN……………………………………………… 移入HEAD UP……………………………………………… 抬头HOOK UP……………………………………………… 接景;衔接HOLD …………………………………………………… 画面停格HALO …………………………………………………… 光圈INT(INTERIOR)……………………………………… 里面;室内景 INB(IN BE TWEEN)…………………………………… 动画IN-BETWEENER ……………………………………… 动画员I&P(INK & PAINT) …………………………………… 描线和着色INKING ………………………………………………… 描线IN SYNC……………………………………………… 同步INTERMITTENT ………………………………………… 间歇IRIS OUT ……………………………………………… 画面旋逝JIGGLE ………………………………………………… 摇动JUMP …………………………………………………… 跳JITTER ………………………………………………… 跳动LIP SYNC(SYNCHRONIZATION)……………………… 口形LEVEL………………………………………………… 层LOOK …………………………………………………… 看LISTEN ………………………………………………… 听LAYOUT ………………………………………………… 设计稿;构图LAUGHS(LAFFS)……………………………………… 笑L/S(LIGHT SOURCE)………………………………… 光源LINE TEST(PENCIL TEST) …………………………… 铅笔稿试拍;线拍M. S. (MEDIUM SHOT)……………………………… 中景M. C. U. (MEDIIUM CLOSE UP)…………………… 近景MOVES OUT(EXIT; O. S. )………………………… 出去MOVES IN ……………………………………………… 进入MATCH LINE …………………………………………… 组合线MULTI RUNS …………………………………………… 多重拍摄MOUTH………………………………………………… 嘴MOUTH CHARTS ………………………………………… 口形图MAG TRACK(MAGNETIC SOUND TRACK)……………… 音轨MULTICEL LEVELS…………………………………… 多层次化学板MULTIPLANE …………………………………………… 多层设计 N/S PEGS…………………………………………… 南北定位器 N.G.(NO GOOD)…………………………………… 不好的,作废NARRATION…………………………………………… 旁白叙述OL(OVERLAY)………………………………………… 前层景OUT OF SCENE ………………………………………… 到画外面O.S.(OFF STAGE OFF SCENE)…………………… 出景OFF MODEL…………………………………………… 走型OL/UL(UNDERLAY) …………………………………… 前层与中层间的景OVERLAP ACTION …………………………………… 重叠动作ONES …………………………………………………… 一格;单格POSE …………………………………………………… 姿势POS(POSITION)……………………………………… 位置;定点POPS IN/ON………………………………………… 突然出现PAUSE………………………………………………… 停顿;暂停PERSPECTIVE………………………………………… 透视PEG BAR……………………………………………… 定位尺P.T.(PAINTING) …………………………………… 着色PAINT FLASHES(COLOR FLASHES) …………………… 跳色PAPERCUT ……………………………………………… 剪纸片PENCIL TEST………………………………………… 铅笔稿试拍PERSISTENCE OF VISION…………………………… 视觉暂留POST-SYNCHRONIZED SOUND………………………… 后期同步录音PUPPET ………………………………………………… 木偶片RIPPLE GLASS ………………………………………… 水纹玻璃RE-P EG ………………………………………………… 重新定位RUFF(ROUGH-DRAWING)……………………………… 草稿RUN…………………………………………………… 跑REG(REGISTER) ………………………………………… 组合RPT(REPEAT)………………………………………… 重复RETAKES……………………………………………… 重拍;修改REGISTRATION PEGS………………………………… 定位器REGISTRATION HOLES ………………………………… 定位洞SILHOUETTE(SILO) …………………………………… 剪影SPEED LINE …………………………………………… 流线STORM OUT…………………………………………… 速转出SPARKLE……………………………………………… 火花;闪光SHADOW ………………………………………………… 阴影SMILE………………………………………………… 微笑SMOKE………………………………………………… 烟SLOW …………………………………………………… 慢慢的SC(SCENE)…………………………………………… 镜号S/A(SAME AS)……………………………………… 兼用S.S(SCREEN SHAKE) ………………………………… 画面振动SIZE COMPARISON…………………………………… 大小比例STORYBOARD(SAB)…………………………………… 分镜头台本SFX(SOUND EFFECT)………………………………… 声效;音效SETTLE ………………………………………………… 定姿;定置 SELF-LINE(SELF-TRACE LINE) ……………………… 色线SOUND CHART(BAR SHEEETS) ………………………… 音节表SPECIAL EFFECT ……………………………………特效SPIN …………………………………………………… 旋转T.A.(TOP AUX)…………………………………… 上辅助定位T.P.(TOP PEGS) …………………………………… 上定位TRACK………………………………………………… 声带TAKE …………………………………………………… 拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序) TRUCKIN ……………………………………………… 镜头推人TRUCK OUT…………………………………………… 镜头拉出TR(TRACE)…………………………………………… 同描TAPERS ………………………………………………… 渐TAPER-UP ……………………………………………… 渐快TIGHT FIELD………………………………………… 小安全框TAP(BEAT)…………………………………………… 节拍TITTLE ………………………………………………… 片名;字幕UL(UNDERLAY) ………………………………………… 中景;后景UP ……………………………………………………… 上面USE…………………………………………………… 用VERT UP……………………………………………… 垂直上移V.O. (VOICE OVER)………………………………… 旁白;画外音value………………………………………………… 明暗度WIP E …………………………………………………… 转(换)景方式WORK PRINT …………………………………………… 工作样片X(X-DISS) (X. D. ) ………………………………… 两景交融XEROX DOWN …………………………………………… 缩小XEROX UP(XEROX PASTE-UPS)……………………… 放大X-SHEET……………………………………………… 摄影表ZOOM OUT ……………………………………………… 拉出ZOON CHART …………………………………………… 镜头推拉轨迹ZOOM IN……………………………………………… 推进ZOOM LENS…………………………………………… 变焦距镜头篇二:电影常用英文电影中常用英语表达Screenplay(n)剧本direct(vt)导演based on the book By 小说改编于produce(vt)监制special appearance特别演出supervisor总监制executive producers执行监制photograph摄影指导action choreograph动作导演edite剪接production/costume design美术、服装指导music pose 作曲cello solos 大提琴独奏co-produce联合监制associate producer策划cast 主演 production crew工作人员line producer制片主任production manager制片assistant production manager 助理制片production coordinator联络first assistant director 第一副导演second assistant director 第二副导演script supervisor场记assistant script supervisor 场记助理supervising art director 副美术指导art director 美术助理first focus puller第一摄影助理camera assistant/dolly第一副摄影助理crane operator遥控控制loader制片clapper打板正音first caffer第一灯光师best boy electrician灯光助理electrician电工still photographer 剧照chief makeup artist第一化妆师key second makeup artist 第二化妆师makeup artist 化妆chief hairstylist发型师chief costume supervisor服装总领班wardrobe master服装领班costumer服装助理costume assistant 服装场工property master 道具领班supervising standby prop 道具副领班standby prop道具助理construction coordinator置景领班assistant construction coordinator 置景副领班sound mixer现场录音师boom operator第一录音助理sound assistant第二录音助理interpreter翻译video operator录像martial artscoordinator副武术指导martial art stunt 武师及替身production accountant会计location accountant现场会计secretary 文书assistant to somebody **的助理production assistant剧务set camera grip机器组场务set lighting grip灯光组场务set prop 道具场务set production assistant现场场务craft茶水staff member参加工作人员second unit第二组工作人员second unit cameraman 第二组摄影师second unit focus puller第二组摄影助理second unit clapper/loader第二组副摄影助理video operator 录像set camera crip机械组助理underwater photography水底摄影steadicam operator史泰尼康控制员second unit caffer 第二组灯光师second unit electrician 第二组电工set lighting grip灯光组助理unit publicist公开post production后期制作first assistant editor第一助理剪接second assistant editor第二助理剪接conform assistant拷贝剪接post production supervisor后期制作行政post production assistant后期助理supervising sound editor音效监制sound effects editor音效剪接dialogue editor 对白剪接re-recording mixer 混音师sound one corp foley editor背景声音剪接foley artist背景声音制作foley engineer 背景声音录制assistant sound editor 助理声音剪接apprentice sound editor 声音剪接室助理intern声音剪接实习生special visual effect视觉特效visual effects producer 视觉特效制作visual effects supervisor视觉特效监制production coordinator 视觉特效行政positor成影3D artist 3D特效人员3D supervisor 3D特效制作editor剪接general manager经理bidding producer竞标technical assistant技术助理runner特效部门跑片wire removal and digital effect电脑特效in association with 联合出品producer联合出品人associateproducer策划篇三:英语电影介绍-英文电影功夫熊猫英语简介两篇This original story is one of the best since Shrek. And the meaning behind the story may be even better! The story is about Po, an overweight panda who is the son of a noodle maker, who dreams of Po following in his footsteps. But Po longs to be a ninja fighter. Po is as you know is a panda bear and the film's unlikely hero: as the bigger than life and pletely lovable bear voiced by the ic genius Jack Black. Po is a Sweet but clumsy, bear who hears the news the ancient and long awaited dragon warrior will be named, so he runs (as much as he can) to hear who will be named at the celebration. Without giving too much away, when an "accident" seems to name Po as the dragon warrior (much to the horror of Master Shifu (voiced perfectly by Dustin Hoffman) and the disappointment of Furious Five: Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Viper (Lucy Liu), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Crane (David Cross) and Monkey (Jackie Chan). Shifu must find a way to train him. One hilarious moment after anothercontinues until Shifu recognizes Po's true driving force. This is just in time as the villain Tai Lung (Ian McShane), a snow leopard has returned as he believe is the true Dragon Warrior.Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated edy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb and stars Jack Black as Po. The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation's studio in Glendale, California anddistributed by Paramount Pictures. The film stars the voice of Jack Black as the panda, Po, along with the voices of Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, James Hong and Jackie Chan. Set in ancient China, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda who aspires to be a kung fu master. After a much-feared warrior is prophesied to escape from prison, Po is foretold to be the Dragon Warrior, much to his shock and surprise, as well as the chagrin of the resident kung fuwarriors.Transformers is a 2007 live-action film adaptation of the Transformers franchise, directed by Michael Bay and written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It stars Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky, a teenager involved in a war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everydaymachinery. The Decepticons desire control of the All Spark, the object that created their robotic race, with the intention of using it to build an army by giving life to the machines of Earth. Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight and John Turturro also star, while Peter Cullen and Hugo Weaving provide the voices of Optimus Prime and Megatron respectively.My favorite movie is "kung fu panda,". This movie is about the beautiful scenery in the pinggu and, there lived a group of wulin. But the difference is, and the wulin, pinggu are all animals. The panda the treasureis probably one of the valley will not the fightingskill of residents. And fat and slow the treasure in the father of work in business noodle, father hope the treasure can inherit, however thetreasure is a noodle who is learning in the valley,and bee the first fighting skill of kung fu masters. But it has always been lazy to bo, it was just adistant dreamonly. The tortoise master recently had the foreboding: the great dragon snow leopard, is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely e and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting《阿拉丁神灯》Aladdin is a street-urchin who lives in a large and busy town long ago with his faithful monkey friend Abu. When Princess Jasmine gets tired of being forced to remain in the palace that overlooks the city, she sneaks out to the marketplace, where she accidentally meets Aladdin. Under the orders of the evil Jafar (thesultan's advisor), Aladdin is thrown in jail and bees caught up in Jafar's plot to rule the land with theaid of a mysterious lamp. Legend has it that only a person who is a "diamond in the rough" can retrievethe lamp from the Cave of Wonders. Aladdin might fight that description, but that's not enough to marry the princess, who must (by law) marry a prince.<<泰坦尼克号>> Titanic Titanic is a love story about Jack and Rose.They were happy to be with each other on the ship celled Titanic.On the night of April 15 1912,the Titanic had a serious accident on the way to America.Jack and Rose fell into thr sea with many other people.They were very nervous and frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose felt very sad.She was so lonely.马达加斯加At New York's Central Park Zoo, a lion (Stiller), a zebra (Rock), a giraffe(Schwimmer), and a hippo (Smith) are best friends and stars of the show. But when one of the animals goes missing from their cage, the other three break free to look for him, only to find themselves reunited ... on a ship en route to Africa. When their vessel is hijacked, however, the friends, who have all been raised in captivity, learn first-hand what life can be like in the wild.阿甘正传Shortly after the end of world war ii, content was born in southern Alabama a block town, he congenital weak-minded, IQ is only 75, but his mother is astrong-minded woman, her to let the son and other normal person life, she often encourage forrestgump "stupid is as stupid does," he strives constantly for self-improvement. And god did not abandon forrestgump, he not only give forrestgumpa pair of pledge of such as fly "leg", also gave him a simple and straight, don't store a mind of evil thoughts. In school, forrest and blond girl Jenny meet, and since then, on mother and Jenny's love,forrestgump began his life on the run. Forrest gumpbee a football star, the Vietnam war hero, tabletennis diplomacy angel, a billionaire, but he still couldn't forget Jenny, a few times together and leave in a hurry, but also deepen the forrestgumpthoughts.One day, forrestgump received Jenny letter, they finally and to meet, he again saw Jenny, and a small boy, that is his son. At this time of Jenny has got a fatal disease. Kennedy and Jenny with three people returned to his hometown, together had a happy time.经典台词: 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料. 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福 5.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事.In fact, it is only a gump, a fictional character, the movie just want to through the characters experience, teach people to a different kind of attitude of lifeis like forrestgump, that no matter what the next step will face, he can always dull to accept, and do your best, not plain, also not then, forrestgump, isactually the most simple, do your best, don't stopyour footsteps.3. The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)In 1947, a banker named Andyis convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong evidence. Heis sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary. There he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammerto escape from the prison.Finally,he is free and lives in a coastaltown.He gets what he wants.And his prison-mate,Redfinally achieves parole after serving 40 years of his sentence.Eventually Red es across Andy on the coast, and they happily reunite.主题:hope friendship freedom 经典台词: 1、“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing everdies!”1.Roman Holiday.(罗马假日)A Princess makes a goodwill tour of Rome .She is tired of the responsibility and demands of the role she has played, then she escapes and meets up with a newspaper journalist on a street then she was taken his home and stay overnight. The next day , the journalist foundthat the girl is quite the princess. they have played together for a whole day and after spending time together in fun ,the reality of their love stronglyshows, but she is reminded of her duties and returns to her previous life in the palace.2. Forrest Gump(阿甘正传)Forrest Gump grows up in Green bow, Alabama. Although his IQ is just 75, his mother strives to make him feel no different from others。
磁场强度的英文Title: The Concept of Magnetic Field StrengthIn the realm of physics, the magnetic field strength, often denoted as 'H', emerges as a fundamental quantity that plays a pivotal role in characterizing the magnetic influence exerted by electric currents. It is a vector field that describes the magnetic force experienced by a unit positive test charge and is distinct from the magnetic flux density or induction ('B'), which measures the density of magnetic flux lines through a surface.The SI unit for magnetic field strength is the ampere per meter (A/m), reflecting its direct proportionality to the electric current producing it, according to Ampère's law. This relationship underscores the intimate connection between electricity and magnetism, two pillars of electromagnetism. Unlike the magnetic flux density, magnetic field strength does not account for the presence of magnetic materials, making it an extrinsic property that solely depends on the distribution and magnitude of electric currents.One might wonder why both 'H' and 'B' are used if they seemingly describe similar phenomena. The rationale lies in their differing responses to materials placed within a magneticfield. While 'B' takes into consideration the susceptibility of materials—quantified by their relative permeability—'H' remains unaffected, thereby offering a more universal measure of the magnetic force generated by currents. In vacuum or air, where relative permeability approximates unity, 'H' and 'B' numerically coincide, but diverge significantly in magnetic substances due to polarization effects.To illustrate, consider the core of an electromagnet. When a current flows through its coil, it generates a magnetic field characterized by 'H'. However, the insertion of a ferromagnetic core amplifies the field inside the core, a phenomenon captured by an increase in 'B' due to the core's high permeability, while 'H' remains consistent, illustrating the material-independent nature of this field strength.In practical applications, understanding magnetic field strength is imperative for designing electrical devices, such as transformers and motors, where controlling the magnetic environment ensures efficient energy conversion and transmission. Engineers manipulate 'H' through adjusting current flows, coil configurations, and material selection to optimize device performance. Moreover, in research, measuring 'H' provides insights into material properties,particularly in exploring magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologies and developing novel magnetic materials for data storage.In summary, the concept of magnetic field strength encapsulates the fundamental aspect of how electric currents shape our magnetic world. Its unique position as a bridge between electricity and magnetism, coupled with its material-agnostic characteristic, renders it an invaluable tool in both theoretical explorations and practical engineering endeavors. By grasping the essence of 'H', we unlock a deeper understanding of the magnetic phenomena that pervade our universe, from the microscale of atomic particles to the macroscale of power grids and beyond.。
M Mach number 马赫数machine 机械macroscopic 宏观的magnadur magnet 玛格纳多尔磁铁magnet 磁铁,磁体magnet keeper 永久磁铁衔铁magnetic domain 磁畴,磁域magnetic effect 磁效应magnetic field 磁场magnetic field board 磁场板magnetic field intensity 磁场强度magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通量密度magnetic flux linkage 磁链,磁键,磁通匝数magnetic force 磁⼒magnetic hysteresis 磁滞magnetic induction 磁感应强度,磁感应magnetic line of force 磁⼒线magnetic material 磁性材料magnetic meridian 磁⼦午线magnetic moment 磁矩magnetic north pole 磁北极magnetic permeability 磁导率magnetic pole 磁极magnetic screen 磁屏magnetic shield 磁屏magnetic south pole 磁南极magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetic tape 磁带magnetic tape recorder 磁带录⾳机magnetic torque 磁矩magnetic track 磁迹magnetism 磁学,磁性magnetization 起磁,磁化作⽤magnetize 磁化magnetizing current 磁化电流magnification 放⼤,放⼤率magnified 放⼤的magnifying glass 放⼤镜magnifying power 放⼤率magnitude 量,量值mains frequency 市电频率mains immersion heater 市电浸没式热器mains supply 市电电源majority carriers 多数载流⼦malleable 展性的,韧性的Maltese cross tube 马尔塔⼗字管manometer 流体压强计mass 质量mass defect 质量亏损mass number 质量数mass spectrometer 质谱仪mass-energy relation 质能关系matter wave 物质波maximum error 误差mean free path 平均⾃由程measurement 测量mechanical advantage 机械利益mechanical efficiency 机械效率mechanical energy 机械能mechanical oscillation 机械振荡mechanical wave 机械波mechanism 机制,机理medium 介质medium wave 中波Melde's experiment 迈尔德实验melt 熔化melting point 熔点meniscus 弯液⾯,弯⽉⾯meniscus lens 凹凸透镜,弯⽉形透镜mercury 汞,⽔银metal fatigue ⾦属疲劳fetal grid ⾦属珊metallic bond ⾦属键metastable 亚稳态的,介稳态的method of dimensions 维量法,因次法method of no-parallax ⽆视差法metre ⽶metre bridge 滑线电桥,⽶尺电桥metre rule ⽶尺mica 云母mica capacitor 云母电容器microammeter 微安培计,微安计microelectronics 微电⼦学micrometer 测微计micrometer screw gauge 螺旋测微计microphone 微⾳器,传声器microscope 显微镜microscopic 微观的microwave 微波microwave apparatus 微波仪器microwave receiver 微波接收器microwave transmitter 微波发送器milliammeter 毫安计,毫安计Millikan experiment 密⽴根实验millimetre 毫⽶minimum deviation 最⼩偏向minority carrier 少数载流⼦minute 分,分钟mirage 海市蜃楼,蜃景mirror 镜mirror formula 球⾯镜公式mobility 动性,迁移率mode 模式model eye 眼球模型model power line 输电线模型moderator 减速剂,缓和剂modulation 调制,调节module 组件modulus of elasticity 弹性模量modulus of rigidity 刚性模量molar gas constant 摩尔⽓体常数,摩尔⽓体常量molar heat capacity 摩尔热容量molar volume 摩尔体积mole 摩尔molecular bombardment 分⼦撞击molecular force 分⼦⼒molecular motion 分⼦运动molecular polarization 分⼦极化molecular separation 分⼦间距molecular structure 分⼦结构molecule 分⼦moment 矩moment arm 矩臂,⼒臂moment of couple ⼒偶矩moment of dipole 偶极矩moment of force ⼒矩moment of inertia 转动惯量moment of momentum 动量矩momentum 动量monatomic molecule 单原⼦分⼦monochromatic light 单⾊光motion 运动motor 电动机motor rule 电动机法则movable pulley 动滑轮moving-coil galvanometer 动圈式电流计,动圈式检流计moving-coil loudspeaker 动圈式扬声器moving-coil meter 动圈式电表multiflash photography 多闪照相法multimeter 万⽤电表,多⽤电表multiple image 复像multiple reflection 多次反射multiplication process 倍增过程multiplier 倍加器multivibrator 多谐振荡器musical instrument 乐器mutation 突变multiple-slit interference 多缝⼲涉mutual inductance 互感mutual induction 互感应mutually perpendicular 互相垂直的。
电磁的生物效应 英语
电磁的生物效应英语Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are all around us in our modern world. They are produced by everything from Wi-Fi signals, power lines and cell phone towers, to microwaves and computer screens. While there is still much debate about the long-term health effects of exposure to EMFs, some studies suggest that they can have a range of biological effects on our bodies.Step 1: Understanding Electromagnetic FieldsBefore we can discuss the biological effects of EMFs,it's important to understand what they are. EMFs areinvisible fields of energy that are created when electrically charged particles, such as electrons, move through space. They can be created by natural sources, such as the sun and the earth's magnetic field, or by artificial sources, such as electrical appliances and electronic devices.Step 2: The Biological Effects of EMFsWhile the long-term health effects of exposure to EMFs are still not fully understood, there is evidence to suggest that they can have a range of biological effects on our bodies. Some of these effects include:- Disrupting the body's natural electromagnetic fields: Our bodies have their own natural electromagnetic field, and exposure to external EMFs can disrupt this field, potentially leading to negative health effects.- Changes in the function of cells: Studies have shown that exposure to EMFs can affect the function of cells in our bodies, including DNA damage, changes in gene expression, andaltered cell growth.- Increased risk of cancer: Some studies have suggested alink between EMF exposure and an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as brain cancer and leukemia.Step 3: Limiting Exposure to EMFsWhile it's impossible to completely avoid exposure to EMFs in our modern world, there are steps we can take tolimit our exposure. Some strategies include:- Avoiding close proximity to sources of EMFs, such as power lines and cell phone towers.- Turning off electronic devices when they are not in use.- Using wired devices instead of wireless ones, as wireless devices produce more EMFs.- Using shielding products, such as EMF-blocking fabrics and phone cases.In conclusion, while the long-term health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields are not yet fully understood, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to limit our exposure. By understanding what EMFs are and how they can affect our biology, we can make informed decisions about our use of electronic devices and other sources of electromagnetic radiation in our daily lives.。
H 2是一种理想的二次能源,具有燃烧热值高,其能量密度是固体燃料的两倍多[1],来源丰富,反应产物绿色无污染等优点,被认为是未来最有潜力的能源载体和传统化石能源的最佳替代品。
H 2制备的途径有多种,传统化石燃料制氢虽然是一种工艺简单、成本低廉的制氢方法,成本可以控制在0.6~1.5元·m -3,95%以上的H 2是由煤、天然气、石油等化石燃料制取所得[2]。
但化石燃料制氢过程中不仅制得的H 2纯度低,而且会产生大量温室气体,不符合当今社会绿色工业发展的要求。
而电解水制氢法,设备简单,工艺流程相对稳定可靠,且产生的H 2纯度高,可以基本满足高纯度的H 2的需求,且不产生污染,能够循环利用,是一种相对比较理想的方法。
在这耗能问题上,各国一直都在努力,日本开发了高温加压法,将电解水的效率提高到75%;美国建成一种SPE 工业装置,能量利用效率达90%;我国研制了双反应器制氢工艺,先进的PEM 电解工艺,使其总转换效率达95%,电解水制氢的电耗一般为4.5~5.5kWh ·m -3[4]。
1、矢势 稳恒电流磁场的基本方程是
H j
由此可看出,磁场的特点和电场不同。静电场是无旋 的,即引入标势 来描述。而磁场是有旋的,一般不 能引入一个标势来描述整个空间的磁场,但由于磁场 是无源的,可以引入一个矢量来描述它。
B 0
,dS可r 得0到
即在两介质分界面上A ,2S 矢 势A 1 AS 是连续的。
4、静磁场的能量 磁场的总能量为
在静磁场中,可以用矢势 A和电流 表 j 示总能量,即
B H(A) H
(AH)A j
1 2
( A H )
r A
r j dV
1 2
I 2
1 R
I 2R
I 2R
[例2]半径为a的导线园环载电流为I,求空间的矢势和 磁感应强度。
r j
xr )
4 V
r r
0 4
d r
φ' a
Idl (a,φ',o)
布 的情况,所以无法从(1)式求场,只有从(2)
式出发: 即
j c ( E E 外 ) 0
J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2010, 3, 300-303 doi:10.4236/jbise.2010.33040 Published Online March 2010 (/journal/jbise/JBiSE).Effect of static magnetic field on erythrocytes characterizations Mohamed A. ElblbesyMedical Biophysics Department, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University,Alexandria, Egypt.Email:Received 29 November 2009; revised 15 December 2009; accepted 28 December 2009.ABSTRACTThe interaction of static magnetic field (SMF) with living organisms is a rapidly growing field of investi-gation. Recently, exposure to moderate intensity SMFs (1 mT – 1 T) has attracted much attention for its various medical applications. This study was de-signed to show the microscopic effect of SMF on erythrocytes in vitro. For this purpose SMF system was constructed in my lab on basis of the idea of cell tracking velocimetry system. The changes in eryth-rocytes surface area, sphericity, and adhesion num-ber for erythrocytes were calculated to quantify the effect of SMF on erythrocytes characterizations. The results showed that SMF increased erythrocytes sur-face area and reduced their sphericity. The adhesion number of erythrocytes under the influence of SMF showed the tendency of erythrocytes to adhere with each other. These findings indicate that more study on microscopic scales must be carried out in order to investigate the effect of SMF on erythrocytes. Keywords:Static Magnetic Field; Erythrocytes; Surface Area; Shericity, Adhesion1. INTRODUCTIONDuring the last few years there has been an increasing interest in the influence of magnetic field on biological cell [1]. Many attempts have been made to measure the magnetic effects. Historically, there are several signifi-cant studies in the field of erythrocyte rheology [2]. Reports from in vitro research indicate that low level high frequency fields may alter membrane structural and functional properties that trigger cellular responses. It was hypothesized that the cell membrane may be sus-ceptible to low level high frequency fields, especially when these fields are amplitude modulated at extremely low frequencies [3]. There are abundant data on the ef-fects of weak physical signals on cell functional activity. However cell targets for these signals are not established yet. Since water is the main component of biological systems and all metabolic processes take place in aque-ous medium it was supposed that even minor changes in the physico-chemical properties of water could signifi-cant modify cell functional activity. The data about the effect of EMF on water specific electrical conductivity and wheat sprouting serve as an additional evidence for the hypothesis according to which the EMF-induced water structure changing is an important pathway through which the biological effect of EMF is realized [4].Most of the theories addressing the mechanism of in-teraction between biological systems and MFs suggest that the plasma membrane, by virtue of its bioelectrical properties, is the site, where MFs exert their primary effects [5]. To investigate the effect of static magnetic on biological system, it is necessary to clarify interaction mechanisms of magnetic field with biological systems. Simple components of biological system, as cells, bio-molecules, artificial membrane, are used in vitro studies that allow reducing of biological variables and more precisely defining and controlling the exposure parame-ters, compared with in vivo exposure. Erythrocytes are often used as model in exploring the structure and func-tion of the biological cells as well as studying the effect of different physical and chemical factors on the cell. The present study was established to elucidate the changes in biological cells interaction and morphological characterization through in vitro exposure of human erythrocytes to SMF.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1. Samples Collection and PreparationTwenty blood samples of 5 ml were collected from healthy volunteers of the same age and gender. The blood samples were centrifuged and erythrocytes were separated. Erythrocytes were washed three times in 0.155 M NaCl (2,000 rpm for 10 min). After the final centrifugation suspension were diluted to final erythro-cytes concentration 2% in phosphate buffer slain (PBS).2.2. SMF SystemThe SMF system was constructed in my lab. SMF sys-tem is based on the idea of cell tracking velocimetry system. In this system the movement of cells in a wellM. A. Elblbesy / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 300-303 301defined magnetic field is videotaped [6]. Erythrocytes suspension were placed in a glass sample holder and viewed using an inverted optical microscope in conjunc-tion with a computer linked via digital camera and image capture software. Two rod of iron to produce a magnetic field with large gradient, were placed on both sides of sample holder. The iron rods were alternately magnet-ized by solenoids controlled by a DC power supply. When magnetized, the magnetic field produced by each rod exerted a force on erythrocytes directed towards the edge of the rod.2.3. Erythrocytes Surface Area and SphericityErythrocytes were suspended in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) at concentration of 5%. The erythrocytes suspen-sion was placed on the sample holder of SMF system. Image of unexposed erythrocytes (control) was taken then the magnetic field was turned on and the image of exposed erythrocytes was captured. For each value of B images of exposed erythrocytes were compared with control by imaging processing software in order to cal-culate the changes in erythrocytes surface area A ch and sphericity of each erythrocyte in the image.The change in erythrocytes surface area was calcu-lated as the following:Exch 0A A A =(1) where A ch is the change in erythrocytes surface area, A Ex is the surface area of the erythrocytes after exposed to SMF, and A 0 is the surface area of unexposed erythro-cytes.A ch was calculated as the average of 100 erythrocytes for each image. It was taken that if A ch greater than one there was an increase in erythrocytes surface area, and if A ch smaller than 1 there was a decrease in erythrocytes surface area.The sphericity of an erythrocyte is a dimensionless parameter first described by Canham and Burton [7] and is a measure of how spherical a cell is, with values be-tween 0 and 1, for a sphere and laminar disk, respec-tively. It was calculated as the following:23ExV Sphericity 4.84A = (2)where V is the volume of erythrocytes and is taken to be 88.5 µm 3.2.4. Erythrocytes Adhesion NumberFive volume fractions (0.00001, 0.00003, 0.00005, 0.00007, 0.00009) of erythrocytes suspensions in PBS were prepared by further dilution of the main erythro-cytes suspension. The erythrocytes suspension was placed in sample holder of SMF system. For each sam-ple counting of doublets erythrocytes (N 2) and singlet erythrocytes (N 1) was performed. The plot of doublet to singlet ratio versus particle volume fraction should yield a straight line passing through the origin. The gradient of the line is a measure of the adhesion number. The same previous procedure was performed with SMF turned on to calculate the adhesion number of exposed erythro-cytes.2.5. Statistical AnalysisThe data was present as the mean ± SD. For each plot, correlation (R 2) was calculated using Microsoft Excel.3. RESULTSThe erythrocytes surface area increased as the value of magnetic field intensity increased (Figure 1). A strong correlation was found between A ch and B (mT) (R 2 = 0.95). At low magnetic field the increased in erythro-cytes surface area was slightly small. At higher values of magnetic field the increased in erythrocytes surface area raised.The sphericity of the erythrocytes is inversely propor-tional to the applied SMF (Figure 2). Under the influ-ence of SMF, the sphercity of erythrocytes was reduced by about 35 % in comparison with unexposed erythro-cytes. The decrease in erythrocytes sphericity was re-duced rapidly when SMF was applied. A small decrease in sphericity was recorded at higher values of B.As indicated in Figure 3, The adhesion number in-creased under the influence of SMF. Acute increase in adhesion number was indicated at 15 mT. A strong rela-tion between adhesion number and B was pointed out (R 2 = 0.96).4. DISCUSSIONIt is generally known that morphological and structural changes to the plasma membrane interfere with many functional and structural features of the cells, leading,Figure 1. Erythrocytes surface area increased as the values of SMF intensity increased. Strong correlation between A ch and B was observed (R 2 = 0.95).302 M. A. Elblbesy / J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (2010) 300-303Figure 2. Sphericity of erythrocytes decreased under the in-fluence of SMF. The correlation between sphericity and B is strong (R2 = 0.765).Figure 3. Sharp increase in erythrocytes adhesion number according to increase in SMF intensity (B).for example, to changes in cellular shape, cytoskeleton arrangement, ion flux, receptor distribution, phagocyto-sis etc. Modifications in cell shape and plasma mem-brane as a consequence of exposure to MFs or EMFs have also been reported in many different cells [8,9,10]. Moderate-intensity (6 mT) SMFs exert a strong and rep-licable effect on cell shape and plasma membrane of dif-ferent cell types [9]. In spite of the fact that this is not a high-intensity magnetic field, it is nevertheless able to produce changes in cell structure and function. Chionna et al. [9] focused their research on cell shape and cell surface modifications, providing evidence for time-re-lated changes. As a general effect, cells growing in sus-pension lost their round shape and became irregularly elongated, while cells growing attached modified their shape and orientation or detached themselves, becoming freely suspended in the culture medium. Consistent with the previous studies increased in surface area and de-creased in sphericity of the erythrocytes were found in the present study. The increased in erythrocytes surface area was at the expense of regular shape of the erythro-cytes.Dilek Ulker Cakir et al. [11] showed that long-term exposure to ELF-EMF decreased the mean volume of thrombocytes in the group of rats exposed for 50 days. Sanjay Jayavanth [12] showed that erythrocytes were monodisperse and with the formation and sedimentation of erythrocytes aggregates. In agreement of the previous studies our results showed that the adhesion of the erythrocytes increase under the influence of SMF com-pared to control.From this study it can be concluded that studying the effect of SMF on the microscopic scale give a clear vi-sion about the mechanisms of interaction between living cell and SMF. Also, it could be suggested that the SMF my increase the erythrocytes adhesion hence erythro-cytes aggregation. It must be take in a count the changes of erythrocytes morphological structure when dealing with SMF.REFERENCES[1]Higashi, T., Ashida, N. and Takeuchi, T (1997) Orienta-tion of blood cells in static magnetic field. 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常用电工缩略语表GND ground 接地PLC programmablelogiccontroller 可变程序逻辑控制器HB highband 高频带PM pulsemodulation 脉冲调制HF highfrcquency 高频POWER 电源Hi-Fi highfidelity 高保真度PP Peak-to-peak 峰值HIGH 高PROM Programmableread-onLymem-ory 可变程序只读存储器HOLDING 保持IN input 输入,入口PU pullup 上拉INC increase 增加PWM pulsewidthmodulation 脉冲宽度调制IND induction 感应R right 右INDEX 指示RAM randomaccessmemory 随机存取存储器INDICTOR 指示器RANDOM 随机的INT interrupt 中断RD read 读I/O Input/output 输入输出red 红KC Kilocycle 千周RE repeat 重复L left 左REC Record(ing) 录音limiting 限制RECIEVER 接收机LD load 负载RELAY 重放LED Light-emittingdiode 发光二极管REMOTE 摇控LEVEL 电平RES reset 复位LF lowfrequency 低频reservation 预置LINE 线RESRUN resetrun 复位运行LIQ(Liq) liquid 液体REV reverse 倒转LOUDNESS 音量REVERBERA TION 混响M main 主REWIND 倒带medium 中RF radiofrequency 射频M(MAN) manual 手动r/m revolutionsperminute 转/分MAX maximum 最大值ROM Read-onlymemory 只读存储器M/C msnualcontrol 手控RUN 运行MIC microphone 话筒S south 南MIN(min) minimum 最小值/分钟save 存储MODE 模式spare 备用MUTING 噪声抑制SCAN 搜索MW mediumwave 中波SCR siliconcontrolledrectifier 晶闸管N north 北SEL select 选择neutral 中线SELECTOR 选择器NIR Near-infrared 近红外线SET 置位NORMAL 正常的SH shift 移位NTSC nationaltelevisionsystemcom 电视制式委员会SPEAKER 话筒OFF 断开ST(START) 起动ON 闭合STANDBY 待机(打开)PAL phasealternationlinebyline 正交平衡调幅制STE stepping 步进PAM pulseamplitudemodulation 脉冲幅度调制STEREO 立体声PAUSE 暂定STP(STOP) 停止PC pesonelcomputer 个人计算机SURROUND 外界programmablecontroller 可变程序控制器SW(S-WS/W) shortwave 短波PE protectiveearthing 保护接地SWG standardwiregauge 英国标准线管PLAY 放音SYN synchronizing 同步电器类常用字母对照表。