Research of Network Intrusion Detection(网路入侵检测系统研究)



架 Filter-XGBoost。该检测框架第一层为基于自适应阈值的检测模型,第二层为
基于贝叶斯优化算法(BOA)的 XGBoost 检测模型对第一层中的异常窗口进一
Filter-XGBoost 充 分 结 合 了 两 种 检 测 模 型 各 自 的 优 点 。 与 其 他 算 法 对 比 ,
1.4 本文组织结构 .............................................................................................. 11
1.5 本章小结 ...................................................................................................... 11
摘 要
accurate to a single flow. Compared with the separate detection models,
Filter-XGBoost combines the advantages of both detection models. Compared with
other algorithms, Filter-XGBoost performs well in detection rate and false alarm rate.



基于改进自组织特征映射的网络入侵检测Network Intrusion Detection Based on the Improved SOM Algorithm篯著銬成伴豸滎系(南京工业大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏南京211816)摘要:针对如何提高网络入侵检测率并进行正确分类的问题,提出了一种改进的自组织特征映射(SOM)网络算法。

该算法通过对 竞争机制的自适应调整来减少过度学习,并采用灰关系分析的动态权值机制降低邻域神经元中杂质的影响。

KDDCUP99数据集的试 验结果表明该方法具有更高的准确率。

关键词:自组织特征映射神经网络自适应竞争机制灰关系入侵检测中图分类号:TP393 文献标志码: A DOI:10.16086/j. cnki. issnl000 -0380.201510017Abstract:For enhancing netw ork intrusion detection rate and implementing correct classification, the improved self-organizing map ( SOM) algorithm is proposed. W ith this algorithm, excessive learning is decreased through adaptive adjustment of competitive mechanism, and the influence of impurities in neighborhood neurons is reduced by dynamic weights mechanism of grey relation analysis. The result of test based on KDDCUP99 data set shows that this method features higher accuracy.Keywords :Self-organizing map ( SOM) Neural netw ork Adaptive competitive mechanism Grey relation Intrusion detection〇引言随着信息技术的发展,网络安全问题越来越受 到人们的关注。














相比传统方法,基于深度学习的入侵检测技术具有以下优势:1. 自动学习特征:深度学习能够从原始的网络流量数据中自动学习到最具代表性的特征,无需依赖于繁琐的特征工程。

2. 多层次表示:深度学习模型可以通过多层次的神经网络结构来学习不同层次的特征表示,从而提高检测的准确性和泛化能力。

3. 强大的泛化能力:深度学习通过大规模的训练数据和优化算法,能够捕捉到网络入侵中的隐含规律和关联性,具有较强的泛化能力。

4. 实时响应:基于深度学习的入侵检测技术能够实时处理大规模的网络流量数据,并快速准确地检测到入侵行为,提高了网络安全的响应速度。


1. 基于传统神经网络的模型:传统的神经网络模型如多层感知机(Multi-Layer Perceptron, MLP)和循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)可以应用于网络入侵检测任务。



一种群智能算法,该算法基于如下 3 个假设条件的 2 正则化极限学习机
基础提出 [4]:
假设 1:所有蝙蝠通过回声定位感知距离; 假设 2:在位置 X i 处蝙蝠以速度 Vi 随机飞行, 并且以可变波长 λ、固定频率 fmin 以及响应 A0 搜索 猎物,蝙蝠在搜索过程中自动调节发射出的脉冲波
极 限 学 习 机(Extreme Learning Machine,
ELM)的数学模型为 [5]:
∑ fL (x) = βiG(ai , Hale Waihona Puke i , x) i =1(6)
式中,L 为隐含层节点数; ai , bi 分别为第 i 个隐含
冲的频度 r ∈[0,1];
随着互联网规模的日益扩大化和复杂化,网络安 全成为当前研究的重点问题和热点问题,而网络入侵 是网络安全的重点威胁问题,因此进行网络入侵检测 具有重要意义。目前网络入侵检测的方法主要有人工 神经网络、支持向量机等 [1-2],然而这些算法具有训 练时间长、复杂度高和检测精度低的缺点,为提高网 络入侵检测的准确率,提出一种基于蝙蝠算法 [3(] Bat Algorithm,BA)优化正则化极限学习机(Regularized Extreme Learning Machine,RELM)的网络入侵
层节点的输入权重和节点偏置,其中 ai ∈ Rn ,bi ∈ R;
假设 3:在 BA 算法中,假设响应从最大值 A0 到固定的最小值 Amin 。
入侵检测提供新的方法。 关键词 蝙蝠算法;正则化极限学习机;粒子群算法;入侵检测;神经网络
中图分类号 TP391.1
文献标识码 A
Network intrusion detection based on bat algorithm optimizing RELM



Abstract—With the development of computer networktechnology,the risk of network intrusion also has greatly increased.But the traditional Encryption and firewall technology can’t meet the security need today. So the intrusion detection technology is being developed quickly in recent years,which is a new dynamic security mechanism in a set of detecting, preventing the behavior of system intrusion.Unlike the traditional security mechanism,intrusion detection has many features such as intelligent surveillance,real-time detection,dynamic response and so on.And in a sense,intrusion detection technology is a reasonable supplement of firewall technology.Index Terms—network security,intrusion detectionI.THE N ECESSITY OF I NTRUSION D ETECTIONWith the development of computer network technology,the destructive effects and losses of network attacks also have greatly increased.The network security is becoming more and more complicated,the traditional and passive Encryption and firewall technology can’t against the diverse and complex attacks. Recently,intrusion is very easy to many computer competent,and there are many intrusion courses and tools.So it’s of great significance and necessity to develop the Intrusion Detection System.II.T HE DEVELOPMENT OF I NTRUSION D ETECTION S YSTEM In 1980,James P.Anderson wrote a book named “Computer Security Threat Monitoring and Surveillance”,which explained the concept of Intrusion Detection in detail ,the threat classifications of computer system and the idea of monitoring intrusion activities using auditing tracking data.From 1984 to 1986,Dorothy Denning and Peter Neumann worked out a real-time Intrusion Detection System model--IDES.In 1990,L.Heberiein and some other people developed NSM(Network Security Monitor),which made a great development of IDS and has formed IDS based on network and IDS based on host computer.After 1988,America began to study DIDS(Distributed Intrusion Detection System),which became a milestone-product of the history of IDS.From 1990s to now,the research and development of Intrusion Detection System has made great process in intelligence and distribution.III.DEFINITION AND WORK-FLOWA.DefinitionIntrusion Detection is the discovery of intrusion behaviors.It collects and analyses the data from some key points in computer networks or computer systems,and checks up whether there exists behaviors violating security policies or attacking signs in networks or systems.Then,it can sound the alarm or make corresponding response in time to ensure the confidentiality and availability of system resource.B.Work-flow1)Information GatheringThe first step of intrusion detection is information gathering.And the information include the contents of network traffic,the states and behaviors of the the connection of users and activities.2)Signal AnalysisFor the information gathered above,there are three technologies to analyze them:pattern matching,statistical analysis and integrity analysis.3)Real-time Recording,Alarming and Limited Counterattack The fundamental goal of IDS is to make corresponding response to the intrusion behaviors,which includes detailed logging,real-time alarm and limited counterattack resource.IV.G ENERIC M ODEL AND F RAMEWORKA.The Generic ModelIn 1987,Denning proposed a abstract generic model of intrusion detection. In figure 1 below,the model mainly consists of six parts:subjects, objects, audit records,activity profiles,exception records and activity rules.Intrusion Detection in Network SecurityZhang San 201221xxxxMaster of Computing, xxx xx xx University,Wuhan,China**************figure 1B.The FrameworkIn recent years,the market of intrusion detection systems develops very quickly,but the lack of the universality of different systems hinders the development of intrusion detection ,because there is no corresponding general standard. In order to solve the universality and coexistence problem between different IDS,America Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) started to make CIDF (Common Intrusion Detection framework ,the common intrusion detection framework) standard,and they tried to provide a fundamental structure which allows intrusion detection,analysis and response system.Finally the security laboratory in the University of California at Davis completed CIDF standard.The main purpose of the framework is:1)IDS component sharing, that is a component of the IDS can be used by another IDS.2)Data sharing,that is,all kinds of data in IDS can be shared and transferred between different systems by the standard data format provided.3)To improve the universality standards and establish a set of development interface and support tools.The CIDF expounds the generic model of a intrusion detection system,it will classify a IDS into the components below:a)Event GeneratorsGetting events from the whole computing environment and providing them to the other parts of the system.b)Event AnalyzersAnalyzing the data obtained and producing the analytic results.c)Response UnitsIt is the functional unit which responses to the analytic results.It can make a strong reaction such as cutting off the connection or changing the attribute of files,or just a simple alarm.d)Event DatabasesIt is a collective name of the place where all kinds of data is stored.It can be a complex database or a simple text file.V.T HE CLASSIFICATION OF INTRUSION.A.Intrusion Base on the HostUsually,it makes use of the operating system audit, track log as a data sources,for detecting intrusion,some will also interact with the host system to get the information that doesn’t exist in the system log.This type of detection system does not need additional hardware.It's insensitive to network traffic and have high efficiency,and it can accurately locate the invasion and respond in a timely manner.However,it will occupy the host resources and rely on the reliability of the host.At the same time it can only detect limited types of attacks.Also,it can't detect network attacks.B.Intrusion Base on the NetworkBy passively listening to the transmission of the original traffic on the network,it processes the network data and draws useful information from it,and then recognizes attacks by matching with the known attack signatures or being compared with the normal network behavior prototype.Such detection system does not rely on the operating system as detection resources,and can be used to different operating system platforms. It equips with simple configurations and does not need any special auditing and logging mechanism.And it also can detect protocol attacks, the attacks of specific environment and so on.But it only can monitor the activities after the network ,and cannot get the real-time status of the host system which shows its poor accuracy.Most of the intrusion detection tools are based on the network intrusion detection system. C.Di stributed IntrusionThis kind of intrusion detection systems are generally distributed structure, composed of multiple components,which using intrusion detection based on the host on the key hosts while using intrusion detection based on the network on the network key point.At the same time,it analyses the audit log from the host system and the data traffic from network to detect whether a protected system is attacked.Thees three kinds of intrusion detection systems above have their own advantages and disadvantages,they can complement each other.A complete intrusion detection system (IDS) must be a distributed system based on the host and the network,but at present there is no perfect IDS system as a model.As a matter of fact,the commercial products is rarely based on only a kind of intrusion detection model.The intrusion detection system implemented in different structure and different technique have different advantages and disadvantage ,and each of them can be only used to a particular environment.VI.THE METHODS OF I NTRUSION D ETECTIONAt present,there are many methods of intrusion detection in IDS.There are some common methods below:A.Statistical MethodThe statistical method is a commonly used method of intrusion detection system in production.And it is normally used to Anomaly Detection.The statistical method is a relatively mature intrusion detection method ,it makes the intrusion detection system identify the abnormal activities which are different from the normal activities by learn their main daily behaviors.B.Expert SystemUsing the expert system to detect the intrusion is usually aimed at the diagnostic intrusion.The so-called rules,that isknowledge.the establishment of expert system depends on the Completeness of the knowledge base,and the Completeness of the knowledge base depends on the completeness and real - time of the audit.C.Keystroke MonitorKeystroke Monitor is a simple method to detect intrusion by analyzing the pattern of users' keystroke sequence.It can be used to the intrusion detection based on the host.The disadvantages of this technique is very obvious.To begin with,the batch processing or the shell program can directly call attack command sequence instead of keystroke.Secondly,the operating systems generally do not provide keystroke detection interface,so it need extra hook function to monitor the keystrokes.D.Model-based MethodThe attackers often use a certain behavioral sequence in attacking a system such as guessing the password,this kind of behavioral sequence forms a model with a certain behavior syndrome.According to this,it can detect harmless attack attempts.The advantage of this method lies in its sound uncertainty reasoning.Model-based intrusion detection method can monitor only some of the major audit event, after these events,it will start to record detailed audit, so as to reduce the processing load of audit events.E.Pattern MatchingThe intrusion detection method base on pattern matching encodes the known intrusion feature into the pattern which coincides with the audit records.When the new audit event occurs,this method will find the matched intrusion pattern.VII.I NTRUSION D ETECTION T ECHNOLOGY Intrusion Detection Technology is one of the kernel technologies in security auditing,which is also an important component of the network security protection.There are two main techniques of intrusion Detection--Anomaly Detection and Misuse Detection.A.Anomaly DetectionAnomaly Detection can be classified into static Anomaly Detection and dynamic Anomaly Detection. Static Anomaly Detection retains a character representation or backup of the static part of the system.When the static part of the system is different from former character representation or backup during a detection, it turns out that the system was attacked.What the dynamic Anomaly Detection aims at is the behavior.A kind of the files which describe the normal behaviors of systems and users should be established before the detection. When the difference between the current behavior and the normal behavior recorded in the files exceeds the predefined standard,it turns out that the system was attacked.B.Misuse DetectionThe following list outlines the different types of graphics published in IEEE journals. They are categorized based on their construction, and use of color / shades of gray:Misuse Detection is mainly used to detect known measures of attack,which can judge whether the user’s behavior matches with the measure of attacks in the character lib.Obviously,Misuse Detection is of high accuracy.And its shortcomings also because of this feature.With the fast development of attack models,only if we add new models into the character lib can it make the system detect new measures of attack.VIII.T HE ARCHITECTURE OF INTRUSION DETECTION Throughout the history of the development of intrusion detection technology, the architecture mainly consists of the following several forms:A.Integrative StructureIn the early development of intrusion detection system,IDS uses mostly single architecture.That is,all the work,including the collection and analysis of the data,are completed on a single host by a single program.The advantage of this technique is that the centralized processing of data makes it more accurate to analyze possible intrusions.The disadvantages is that the centralized processing of data makes the host a bottleneck of network security.When it fails or is attacked,there will be no guarantee for the whole security of network.In addition,this way of data gathering is very difficult to achieve for large network.The drawbacks of concentrated Intrusion detection system mainly lie in:1)Poor expansibility.Processing all the information on a single host limits the scale of monitored network2)Hard to reconfigure and add new features.The IDS usually needs to be restarted when it needs to give effect to the new settings and functions .3)Central analyzer is a single fail-point.If it is destroyed by invaders,then the whole network will lose the protection.B.Distributed StructureWith the development of intrusion detection products applied to the enterprises day by day,distributed technology also integrates into the intrusion detection products.This kind of distributed structure uses the method that multiple agents separately detect intrusion in various parts of the network,and process the possible intrusions.Its advantage is that it can monitor data well and detect the internal and external intrusion behavior.But this technology cannot completely solve the shortcomings of the centralized intrusion detection.Since the current network is generally hierarchical structure,but the pure distributed detection requires that the agent distribution should be in the same layer.If the layer is too low,it cannot detect the intrusion aimed at the upper layer.If the layer is too high,it cannot detect the intrusion aimed at the lower layer.At the same time ,since each agent doesn't have the whole cognition of network data,so it cannot accurately judge some certain attacks and is easy to be attacked by attacks aimed at IDS,such as IPsegmentation .C.L ayered StructureBecause the restriction of single host resources and the distribution of attack information,many detection units should be processed together in high-layer attacks.But the detection unit is generally intelligent agent.Therefore the architecture of recent intrusion detection begins to think about using layered hierarchical to detect intrusion which is becoming more and more complex,as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2In this kind of system,the lowest layer agent is responsible for the collection of all the basic information,and then it simply processes these information and complete simple judgment and processing.Its characteristics are fast speed, high efficiency and large data volume,but it can only detect some simple attacks.The middle layer agent is a link between the one before it and the one after it. On the one hand,it can accept and process the data processed by the lower nodes.On the other hand,it can contact with upper layer,judge and output the results to the upper nodes which enhances the scalability of the system.The top node is mainly responsible for the management and coordination on the whole.In addition,it can dynamically adjust the node layer figure according to the requirement of environment in order to implement the dynamic configuration of the system.IX.THE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTION OF INTRUSION DETECTION With the rapid development of network technology, intrusion technology also has developed day by day.The switching technology and the data communication through encrypted channels make the methods of network data gathering defective.Moreover the huge traffic brings new requirement for data analysis the development direction of intrusion detection technology mainly include the following: A.Distributed Intrusion Detection ArchitectureThe traditional IDS is limited to a single host or network architecture,but for the heterogeneous system and large scale network detection is obviously insufficient,and different IDS systems cannot work together.Therefore, it is necessary to develop distributed intrusion detection architecture.B.Application Layer Intrusion DetectionMany semantics of intrusion detection only can be understood by the application, but the current IDS can only detect the general protocol such as Web,it can not deal with other application systems such as Lotus Notes, the database system.C.Intelligent Intrusion DetectionIntrusion methods become more and more diversified and comprehensive,although there are the intelligent body,neural network and genetic algorithm which applied in intrusion detection technology now,but these are just some tentative research work,we still need further research on the Intelligent IDS to improve its abilities.D.The Auto-protection of Intrusion Detection SystemOnce the intrusion detection system is controlled by invaders,the security of the whole system will face the danger of collapse.So how to prevent invaders from undermining the functions of intrusion detection system will continue for a long time.E.The Evaluating Method of Intrusion DetectionThe user needs to evaluate many IDSs, the evaluation indexes include the IDS detection range,the occupation of the system resources and the the reliability of itself.Designing the stage for evaluating or testing the IDS to implement the detection of various IDS systems has been called another important research and development field of the current IDS.X.C ONCLUSIONWith the network security issues have become increasingly salient,the development of intrusion detection has greatly increased ,and it has already begun to play a key role in various environments. Predictably, the development of intrusion detection technology has important significance and profound influence for network application.And the future development direction of IDS will be intelligent distributed intrusion detection system.How to develop self - owned intellectual property IDS will become an important task in the field of information security for China.R EFERENCESJournal Article:[1]YanHua Wang,ZhiQiang Ma and Lu Zang,”The Application andResearch of the Intrusion Detection Technologies in Network Security ”.[2]Ran Zhang,”The Research of the Intrusion Detection Technologies ”.[3]Fei Feng,”The Network Security and Intrusion Detection ”. Reference Website:/view/20936.htm?adapt=1。






关键词:机器学习算法;网络入侵;特征提取;传输量;检测方法;观测向量Research on Network Intrusion Detection Method Based on Machine LearningSUN Yukun1, HAN Yubiao2(1.Sinochem Transportation Construction Group Operation Management (Shandong) Co., Ltd., Jinan 250014, China;2.Shandong Electronic Information Products Inspection Institute,Jinan 250014, China)Abstract: Considering the low accuracy, detection rate and F1 score of traditional methods in detecting network intrusion data, a network intrusion detection method based on machine learning is proposed. According to the change of network intrusion data transmission, the transmission amount of network intrusion data is estimated. By initializing the parameters of machine learning algorithm, the probability matrix of network intrusion data extraction results is obtained.The feature vector of network intrusion data detection is used as the input of machine learning algorithm to build a network intrusion detection model, and network intrusion detection is realized. The experimental results show that the method in this paper can effectively improve the detection rate and F1 score in the process of detecting network intrusion data, and has better detection performance.Keywords: machine learning algorithm; network intrusion; feature extraction; transmission quantity; detection method; observation vector0 引 言互联网技术不断发展的过程中,经常会遭到网络入侵,因此对网络入侵数据和行为进行检测,可以保证网络的安全性[1-3]。










入侵检测的概念是1980年由Jam es A nder son's首次提出的。



此后,D or ot hy D enni ng博士的研究工作又将入侵检测系统向前推进了一大步。

D enni ng博士的研究工作主要是基于用户行为的入侵检测系统,她的重要著作(A n I nt r usi on D et ect i on M odel)给出了开发一套商用入侵检测系统所必需的知识,成为了后来大多数I D S发展遵循的基础。

与此同时,美国加州U C D avi s大学的研究人员也在致力于入侵检测系统的研究。

他们设计了一种将审计数据与定义好的模型进行比较的分析审计数据的新方法,后来的分布式入侵检测系统(D I D S)中就用到了这种技术。

D I D S的出现将现有的入侵检测解决方案从跟踪客户机扩展到了对服务器的跟踪,使I D S的方法又进入了一个新阶段。













为了解决此问题,研究人员提出了许多快速有效的社区发现算法,例如Louvain算法和Label Propagation算法等。

















仿真结果表明所设计的算法能够对复杂的入侵数据具有较高的威胁检测准确度,测试数据集对按照公式计算最终测得的检测率为95.22%和误报率为0.67%$关键词:入侵防御;深度学习;神经网络;入侵检测中图分类号:TP242.3文献标志码:AResearch on Network Intrusion Prevention Technology Based on Deep LearningZHOU Luming1,ZHENG Mingcai21.DepartmentofInformationStatistics,HubeiCancer Hospital,Wuhan430079,China;work Engineering College,Jiangxi Software Vocational and Technical University,Nanchang330041,China) Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet technologies,the number of network users has increased rapidly.In China, therearenearlyhalfofthepopulationofusers.Suchalargescalenetworkhasbroughthugepotentialbenefitstonetworkat-tackers,and puts forward higher requirements for the defense of network intrusion.Traditional network defense means can on-yscreenspecificnetworkintrusionsandcannotdealwithcomplexnetworkintrusionsinte l igentlyanddynamica l y.Therefore, tisincreasinglydi f iculttomeetcurrentneeds.Aimingattheproblemofnetworkintrusionprevention,thispaperproposesan ntrusiondetection methodbasedondeeplearning,andexpoundsthedesign methodofintrusionpreventionsystem.Firstly, thepaperintroducestheseveresituationofnetworkintrusionprevention.Secondly,theframeworkofnetworkintrusiondetec-ionandnetworkintrusionpreventionisdiscussed.Thirdly,the design method of intrusion detection algorithm based on deep earningiselaboratelyexplained,andthekeypointsofintrusionpreventiondesignareexpounded.Fina l y,thee f ectiveness andaccuracyofintrusiondetectionalgorithmareverifiedthroughthesimulation.Simulationresultsshowthattheproposedal-gorithm has a high threat detection accuracy for complex intrusion data,and the detection rate of the test data set calculated ac­cording to the formula is95.22%and the false alarm rate is0.67%.Keywords:intrusionprevention;deeplearning;neuralnetworks;intrusiondetection0引言2000年以后,我国的互联网技术在政策支持以及实际需求的双重助推下迎来了发展的高峰&物联网、大数据以及云计算等网络技术随之出现,通过技术变革的力量改善着人民大众的生产生活,有效提高社会资源的利用效率(1)&互联网的优势来自于其互联性与开放性,以网络服务为核心将现有的社会资源进行优化配置⑵&但任何的开放均有着一定程度的数据安全威胁,互联网更是因其海量的数据吞吐和服务人群的庞大而时刻收到巨大的安全威胁,这也给网络安全的维护提出了前所未有的挑战⑶&按照国家互联网信息中心的不完全数据统计,截至2018年中期中国网民数量已经超过了 6.6亿,从2014年至2018年每年以约2〜3千万的数量稳步增长⑷。



RESEARCH ON INTRUSION DETECTION IN WLANABSTRACTSince 802.11 protocol is presented, it has been verified that, WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy) ,the foundation of security mechanism, is weakly vulnerable. To improve the security of WLAN,IEEE has put forwarded series of protocols ,such as WPA,IEEE 802.11i and so on. However, these protocols enhance the securities on encipher and authentication of WLAN. As the attack on WLAN becomes more complicated, to strengthen the security of WLAN, it is necessary to introduce intrusion detection system .There are two problems existed in intrusion detection on WLAN. First, the vulnerabilities detected are not so many, and the attacks found are not so easily to simulated, which can both be owed to that the research on attack is deficient. Second, there are no systems specially for WLAN intrusion detection. IEEE 802.11 protocol defines standards of Physic and MAC layer, so research on WLAN intrusion detection should be refined to the two layers. However, the methods of intrusion detection presented by some references cannot be supported by experiments, and most of intrusion detection systems based on Network Layer or above. As a result, it may lead to low efficiency and increase the cost of network layer.According to CIDF Frame,an intrusion system comsists of events collector,events analysis and event response unit. Data sources,collected by the events collectror,is the foundation of detecting and response.To improve the detecting efficiency,data sources should be learned necessary first.In the paper, the attacks on WLAN are studied according to the vulnerabilities of 802.11 protocol, such as illegal AP rogue, MAC rogue, denial of service, which happens more frequently in WLAN. The characteristic and principles of these attacks are learned, and DoS attacks are simulated by Lorcon functions, which sends control frames and management frames to WLAN to realize.Then an intrusion detection system based on MAC Layer is presented. In Physical Layer, the control frames and management frames are captured by Libpcap, then detect the attacks by characteristic match. To distinguish from former systems, BM algorithm is applied during characteristic matching. On theoption of detection methods, misuse methods is selected, as it is difficult to set up the anomaly modes, owing to the dynamic structure of WLAN. Followed by the experiment, some DoS attacks,disassorciaton and RTS/CTS attacks are successfully detected. Since the modes of WLAN intrusion detection system based on MAC layer, the environments of experiment and the capture of MAC frames are similar, so if central processing unit is fulfilled by the suitable rule case, the range of detection can be extended to other 802.11 attacks.Keywords: WLAN,802.11 Protocol,MAC Attack,Intrusion Detection缩略语WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 无线局域网WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy 有线等效保密DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 直接序列扩频FSSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 跳频扩频MAC Media Access Control 媒体接入控制OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 正交频分复用BSS Basic Service Set 基础服务集DS Distribution System 分发系统IBSS Independent BSS 独立基本服务集AP Aceess Point 接入点IDS Intrusion Detection System 入侵检测系统SSID Service Set Identifier 服务区标识符WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access Wi-Fi网络安全存取EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol 扩展认证协议CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol 临时密钥完整性协议MIC Message Integrity Check 信息完整性检查MPDU MAC Protocol Data Uint 媒体访问控制协议数据单元RSN Robust Secure Networks 健壮安全网络WAPI WLAN Authentication and Privacy InfrastructureWAI WLAN Authentication Infrastructure 无线局域网认证机制WPI WLAN Privacy Infrastructure 无线局域网加密机制ASU Authentication Service Unit 认证服务单元DoS Denial of Service 拒绝服务SIFS Short Interframe Space 短帧间间隔DIFS DCF Interframe Space 分布式协调功能帧间间隔RTS Ready to Send 准备发送CTS Clear to send 允许发送CIDF Common Intrusion Detection Framework 公共入侵检测框架上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。



2020年第7期信息与电脑China Computer & Communication计算机工程应用技术卷积神经网络在入侵检测方面的应用赵 欣(华北电力大学,北京 102206)摘 要:入侵检测是电力监控网络安全领域的重要研究方向。





关键词:卷积神经网络;入侵检测;深度学习;电力网络安全中图分类号:TP393.08;TP183 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9767(2020)07-023-03The Application of Convolutional Neural Network in Intrusion DetectionZhao Xin(North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China)Abstract: Intrusion detection is an important research direction in the field of power monitoring network security. At present,the popular detection technology is to use the traditional machine learning algorithm to train the intrusion samples, so as to obtain the intrusion detection model. The diversity of wireless network traffic attack characteristics leads to the problems of high false alarm rate, low detection efficiency and poor generalization ability of traditional intrusion detection technology. Deep learning is an advanced technology, which can automatically extract features from samples. With its own advantages, it has been widely used in intrusiondetection, and can effectively improve the ability to detect malicious intrusion. Based on this, the application of convolutional neuralnetwork in intrusion detection is analyzed.Key words: convolutional neural network; intrusion detection; deep learning; power network security作者简介:赵欣(1995—),女,河北宁晋人,硕士研究生在读。



基于强化学习的网络入侵检测与响应技术研究Title: Research on Network Intrusion Detection and Response Techniques based on Reinforcement LearningAbstract:With the rapid development of the internet and the increasing complexity of network security threats, network intrusion detection and response have become crucial for maintainingthe security and integrity of computer systems. Traditional signature-based intrusion detection systems (IDSs) have limitations in detecting unknown or novel attacks. Therefore, this paper investigates the application of reinforcement learning (RL) techniques in network intrusion detection and response.Keywords: Reinforcement learning, network security, intrusion detection, response techniques.1. Introduction:Network security breaches can lead to severe consequences, including data theft, system damages, and financial losses. The constantly evolving threat landscape necessitates the development of more advanced intrusion detection and response techniques. This paper aims to explore the potential of reinforcement learning in enhancing network security, particularly in the field of intrusion detection and response.2. Network Intrusion Detection Systems:2.1 Signature-based IDSs:Signature-based IDSs rely on pre-defined patterns orsignatures to detect known attacks. However, they are ineffective against zero-day attacks and cannot adapt to new attack variations.2.2 Anomaly-based IDSs:Anomaly-based IDSs analyze network traffic or behavior patterns to identify deviations from normal activities, which may indicate an intrusion. While capable of detecting unknown attacks, they often suffer from high false positive rates.3. Reinforcement Learning:3.1 Overview of RL:Reinforcement learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on making decisions based on interactions with an environment and received rewards. RL algorithms aim to maximize a cumulative reward over time by learning optimal policies.3.2 Components of RL:This section discusses the key components of RL, includingthe agent, environment, state, action, reward, and policy. Reinforcement learning algorithms such as Q-learning and Deep Q-Networks (DQN) are briefly explained.4. Reinforcement Learning in Network Intrusion Detection: 4.1 State Representation:The selection of appropriate features and theirrepresentation in RL is critical for effective intrusion detection. This section discusses potential state representations, including packet-level features, flow-level features, and high-level behavioral features.4.2 Action Space:The action space in network intrusion detection can include actions such as labeling an observed data point as normal, malicious, or unknown. RL models need to explore the networkspace efficiently to accurately classify network traffic.4.3 Reward Design:This section investigates various reward design strategies, including accuracy-based rewards, efficiency-based rewards, and penalty-based rewards. The choice of appropriate rewards plays a significant role in RL model performance.5. Reinforcement Learning in Network Intrusion Response: 5.1 Action Selection for Incident Response:Reinforcement learning can be employed in incident responseto autonomously determine appropriate actions upon detecting a network intrusion. Various actions, such as blocking traffic, escalating security levels, and reconfiguring network settings, can be explored.5.2 Adaptive Intrusion Response:This section examines how reinforcement learning can continuously learn and adapt its response strategies based on the changing network security landscape. The importance of updating RL models with new attack samples is emphasized.6. Challenges and Future Directions:6.1 Imbalanced Data Distribution:Real-world network intrusion datasets are often imbalanced, making intrusion detection challenging. This section proposes techniques to address this issue through cost-sensitive learning and data augmentation.6.2 Sample Efficiency and Scalability:Reinforcement learning algorithms often require a large number of interactions to converge, which may be time-consuming and impractical in network intrusion detection. This section explores methods to improve sample efficiency and scalability, such as transfer learning and meta-learning.7. Conclusion:This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the application of reinforcement learning techniques in network intrusion detection and response. The advantages andpotential challenges of RL in this field are highlighted, and future research directions are suggested.。



基于机器学习的网络入侵检测方法研究Title: An Investigation on Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection MethodsAbstract:With the ever-increasing reliance on computer networks for various applications, the need for effective network security measures has become paramount. Network intrusion detection systems play a crucial role in safeguarding network infrastructures from malicious activities. Traditional signature-based intrusion detection systems are limited in their ability to detect new and unknown attacks. To overcome these limitations, machine learning techniques have gained prominence in recent years. This paper aims to investigate and analyze various machine learning-based methods used for network intrusion detection.1. Introduction:The introduction provides background information on the significance of network intrusion detection systems and their limitations. It provides an overview of the objectives of the paper and outlines the structure of the subsequent sections.2. Traditional Network Intrusion Detection Systems:This section discusses the shortcomings of traditional signature-based intrusion detection systems, such as their reliance on predefined attack patterns and inability to detect unknown attacks. It also presents an overview of anomaly-based intrusion detection systems as an alternative approach, which forms the basis for machine learning-based methods.3. Machine Learning Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection:This section explores various machine learning algorithms and techniques used for network intrusion detection. It providesa detailed explanation of popular algorithms such as decision trees, support vector machines, artificial neural networks, and ensemble methods. Additionally, it discusses the pre-processing steps involved in feature selection and dimensionality reduction.4. Evaluation Metrics and Datasets:To evaluate the performance of machine learning-based methods, this section discusses commonly used evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. It alsopresents and describes widely used datasets for training and testing intrusion detection models, such as the NSL-KDD dataset.5. Implementation and Experimental Results:This section describes the implementation of machinelearning-based intrusion detection models using a selected dataset. It presents the experimental setup, includingfeature extraction, model training, and testing procedures. The results are analyzed and compared in terms of various performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness ofdifferent machine learning techniques.6. Challenges and Future Directions:This section discusses the challenges and limitations of machine learning-based network intrusion detection systems.It identifies issues such as the imbalance of dataset classes, adversarial attacks, and model interpretability. Additionally, it suggests potential research directions to overcome these challenges and improve the effectiveness of intrusiondetection systems.7. Conclusion:The conclusion summarizes the findings from the investigation and emphasizes the importance of machine learning-based methods in network intrusion detection. It highlights the benefits and limitations of these methods and provides suggestions for future research in this domain.。

基于小波变换神经网络入侵检测系统的研究 精品

基于小波变换神经网络入侵检测系统的研究 精品

目录摘要 (3)Abstract (4)第1章绪论 (5)1.1课题的研究背景和意义 (5)1.2入侵检测的国内外现状分析 (5)1.3本文的研究内容和主要创新点 (6)1.4论文内容安排 (6)第2章入侵检测技术 (8)2.1入侵检测的概念 (8)2.2入侵检测的功能 (8)2.3入侵检测的组成与结构 (8)2.4现有的入侵检测分析技术 (10)2.4.1静态配置分析 (10)2.4.2异常检测技术 (10)2.4.3误用检测技术 (11)2.4.4入侵检测的发展方向 (13)第3章小波神经网络 (15)3.1小波分析理论 (15)3.1.1小波分析方法的起源与提出 (15)3.1.2小波分析的应用 (15)3.1.3小波变换 (16)3.2人工神经网络理论 (18)3.2.1神经网络的基本理论 (18)3.2.2神经元的结构模型 (18)3.2.3神经网络的一般框架 (19)3.3小波神经网络理论 (19)3.3.1小波神经网络的基本结构 (19)3.3.2小波神经网络学习算法 (20)3.3.3小波神经网络训练方法 (20)3.3.4 BP网络的训练及算法 (21)3.3.5小波网络与BP算法仿真对比 (22)第4章小波神经网络在入侵检测中的应用 (25)4.1入侵检测系统设计目标 (25)4.2小波神经网络入侵检测模型的设计 (26)4.3检测系统工作模式的应用 (27)4.4仿真试验与结果 (30)结论 (35)致谢............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

参考文献 (37)摘要现今社会,Internet已经受到人们越来越广泛的使用。







基于特征选择的网络入侵检测模型研究李文【摘要】In order to effectively extract features from the malicious data collected to analyze,security network system security and stability,the need for network intrusion detection model is studied.But the current approach is to use genetic algorithm to find out the characteristics of the network intrusion subset of recycled for further selection of particle swarm optimization (pso),find out the optimal feature subset,finally using extreme learning machine classifying network intrusion,but this method has the problem of accuracy is low.Therefore,proposes a network intrusion detection methods based on feature selection.This method firstly in order to enhance optimal performance as the goal to feature selection of network intrusion detection,combined with analysis of characteristics of feature selection using the attributes of the Fisher than feature subset evaluation function is constructed,and combining with the feature subset of calculated results of evaluation function fdr support vector machine (SVM) to network intrusion detection based on feature selection methods.Simulation experiments show that support vector machine (SVM) is used to analyse the network intrusion detection can effectively improve the accuracy of the speed of intrusion detection and intrusion detection.%为了有效从收集的恶意数据中选择特征去分析,保障网络系统的安全与稳定,需要进行网络入侵检测模型研究;但目前方法是采用遗传算法找出网络入侵的特征子集,再利用粒子群算法进行进一步选择,找出最优的特征子集,最后利用极限学习机对网络入侵进行分类,但该方法准确性较低;为此,提出一种基于特征选择的网络入侵检测模型研究方法;该方法首先以增强寻优性能为目标对网络入侵检测进行特征选择,结合分析出的特征选择利用特征属性的Fisher比构造出特征子集的评价函数,然后结合计算出的特征子集评价函数进行支持向量机完成对基于特征选择的网络入侵检测模型研究方法;仿真实验表明,利用支持向量机对网络入侵进行检测能有效地提高入侵检测的速度以及入侵检测的准确性.【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》【年(卷),期】2017(025)008【总页数】4页(P214-217)【关键词】特征选择;网络入侵;Fisher比;支持向量机【作者】李文【作者单位】广东科贸职业学院信息工程系,广州 510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393随着互联网技术应用的日渐广泛,互联网络的安全性以及可靠性越来越受到人们的关注[1]。



产生式/专家系统是误用检测早期的方案之一,在 MIDAS、IDES、NIDES、DIDS和CMDS中都使用 了这种方法。
状态转换方法使用系统状态和状态转换表达式来描述 和检测入侵,采用最优模式匹配技巧来结构化误用检 测,增强了检测的速度和灵活性。
误用检测(Misuse Detection)指运用已知攻击方法,根据已
IDS在处理数据的时候可以采用实时在线检测 方式,也可以采用批处理方式,定时对处理原 始数据进行离线检测,这两种方法各有特点 (如图5-5所示)。
基于主机、 基于网络、 混合入侵检测、 基于网关 基于文件完整性检测
从具体的检测理论上来说,入侵检测又可分为异常 检测和误用检测。
异常检测(Anomaly Detection)指根据使用者的行为或资源 使用状况的正常程度来判断是否入侵,而不依赖于具体行为是否 出现来检测。
1990年,Heberlein等人提出了一个具有里程碑意义 的新型概念:基于网络的入侵检测——网络安全监视 器NSM(Network Security Monitor)。
1991 年 ,NADIR ( Network Anomaly Detection and Intrusion Reporter ) 与 DIDS ( Distribute Intrusion Detection System)提出了通过收集和 合并处理来自多个主机的审计信息可以检测出一系列 针对主机的协同攻击。

《网络安全》_第06章 入侵检测

《网络安全》_第06章 入侵检测
集中式:多个分布于不同主机上的审计程序,一个入侵检测服务器 等级式:定义了若干个分等级的监控区域,每个IDS负责一个区域 ,然后将当地的分析结果传送给上一级IDS 协作式:将中央检测服务器的任务分配给多个基于主机的IDS,这 些IDS不分等级,各司其职,负责监控当地主机的某些活动。
未考虑事件的发生顺序,所以对利用事件顺序关系的攻击难以检测; 利用统计轮廓的动态自适应性,通过缓慢改变其行为来训练正常特征 轮廓,最终使检测系统将其异常活动判为正常; 难以确定门限值 。
Intrusion Detection Work Group
IDS系统之间、IDS和网管系统之间 共享的数据格式 统一的通信规程
IDMEF(入侵检测消息交换格式) IDXP(入侵检测交换协议) 最终成为RFC,尚需时日
入侵检测概述 入侵检测结构 入侵检测技术 入侵检测部署 入侵检测发展
操作提供反馈 训练模块
网络原语层 原始网络层(DLPI)
在最底层是原始网络接口。它提供的接口允许程序传输和接收数据 链路层包。 网络原语层使用原语把从DLPI接口获取原始网络数据,封装成 agent可处理的方式。 在agent用于监控系统之前,必须训练到可以对入侵作出正确反应 。训练是通过一种反馈机制,操作员考虑是否agent的实际行为接 近于给定的流量模式所期望的行为,然后给出训练数据。训练要求 agent减小入侵误报数。 多agent相互协作:每个agent监控整个网络信息流的一个小的方面 。有些情况下,可能需要数个agent一起涵盖可能入侵的所有方面。



文章编号:1671-5977(2003)03-0030-02网络入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention Systems )介绍收稿日期:2003-04-15作者简介:李学勇(1977-),山东潍坊人,华北工学院计算机系硕士研究生。

李学勇1,屠全良2(1.华北工学院 计算机科学与技术系,山西 太原 030051)(2.太原大学 设备处,山西 太原 030009) 摘要:网络安全防御已成为世界范围内普遍关注的热门话题,与现有的网络安全解决方案诸如防火墙和入侵检测系统(I DS )相比较,网络入侵防御系统(IPS )能够以更全面、更智能的检测方法,使用户的网络免受多种类型的网络入侵与攻击。

关键词:入侵防御系统;入侵检测系统;七层交换;网络欺骗中图分类号:TP 393.07文献标识码:E 入侵主御系统(IPS )的功能是:能够检测已知类型和未知类型的网络攻击,并且成功地防御这些攻击。


比如防火墙无法阻挡通过以正常通道(http 、ftp 、sm tp 、pop3、VPN …)或由内部网络发动的网络攻击,入侵检测系统由于在算法上存在缺陷,经常产生误报和漏报,并且只能检测网络攻击而不能进行防御。

目前的网络安全解决方案还是基于边界网关防火墙结合入侵监测系统这种方式,特别是解决日益猖獗的拒绝式服务攻击(DoS ),也只能采用这种组合。

现在DoS 的攻击还没有根本有效的办法解决,所以发展的方向应该是在入侵检测系统的基础上开发入侵防御系统。


一、基于网络的入侵监测系统(Netw ork In -trusion Detection Sy stems )基于网络的入侵监测系统是指在网络的传输线路上安装类似于网桥的一个设备,它能够检测分析数据报,并且根据NIDS 定义的语法则对所分析的数据报进行处理,处理过的数据报交给防火墙过滤,从而减小网络的压力。

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Chapter130Research of Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Data Mining ApproachesXiao-chun Guo,Dong-mei Ma,Ying-juan Sun and Hong-ying MaAbstract This paper provides a network intrusion detection system based on data mining approaches.The framework of the intrusion detection system and the function of components are introduced.An anomaly intrusion detection system is implemented based on association rule.This system does not depend on experi-ences,it hasflexibility.Keywords Network securityÁAnomaly detectionÁData miningÁAssociation rule 130.1IntroductionAs network-based computer systems play increasingly vital roles in modern society,they have become the targets of our enemies and criminals.Therefore, we need tofind the best ways possible to protect our systems.Xiao-chun Guo(1972–)—Female,Shenyang,Master,Associate professor,main research direction for information security and confidentiality.X.GuoÁD.MaÁH.MaSchool of Information Engineering,Shenyang Broadcasting TV University,Shenyang110003,Liaoning,Chinae-mail:guoxc72@D.Mae-mail:mdm1226@H.Mae-mail:mahy@Y.Sun(&)College of Computer Science and Technology,Changchun Normal University,Changchun,Chinae-mail:syj_pyf@Y.Yang and M.Ma(eds.),Green Communications and Networks,1101 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering113,DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-2169-2_130,ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.20121102X.Guo et al.Intrusion prevention techniques,such as user authentication,avoiding programming errors,information protection andfirewall technology have been used to protect computer systems as afirst line of defense.Intrusion prevention alone is not sufficient because as systems become ever more complex,there are always exploitable weaknesses in the systems due to design and programming errors,or various‘‘socially engineered’’penetration techniques.Intrusion detec-tion is therefore needed as another wall to protect computer systems.Currently,many intrusion detection systems are constructed by expert systems or based on statistical methods,which need more experience.Data mining approaches have the advantage that they extract knowledge and rules which people are interested in from a large number of data.Data mining approaches do not rely on the experience.Intrusion detection system based on data mining approaches[1] can help tofind knowledge and rules from the system logs,audit data,and network traffic work security using this technology is a new attempt at home and abroad.130.2Intrusion DetectionIntrusion detection can identify people who are not authorized to use computer systems(e.g.hacking),and authorized users who have abused their authority(such as internal attack).Intrusion detection techniques can be categorized into misuse detection,which uses patterns of well-known attacks or weak spots of the system to identify intrusions;and anomaly detection,which tries to determine whether deviation from the established normal usage patterns can beflagged as intrusions.According to the source of test data[2],intrusion detection system can be divided into host-based intrusion detection system and network-based intrusion detection system.Host-based intrusion detection system can detect possible intrusions by analyzing audit data and system work-based intrusion detection can detect possible intrusions system by analyzing network packets. 130.3Systematic FrameworkWe want to build a network-based anomaly detection model[1,3,4].The premise of establishing model is that the behavior of hosts and servers can reflect some laws during the long running in the network.For example,what is the server which hosts frequently visit,which ports of the server are frequently visited.In the learning phase of establishing model,we should collect data of normal network conditions,so that the law(anomaly detection model)is the normal state of the behavioral pattern of the host and server.In the detecting phase,if there is some connection that does not meet these rules,we have to think that these connections are abnormal.130Research of Network Intrusion Detection System1103The framework of anomaly intrusion detection system shown in Fig.130.1 consists of event generator,event analyzer,response unit and cluster rule set (anomaly detection model).Event generator can capture network packets.Event Analyzer analyzes the network packets which is obtained from the event generator according to the association rules of cluster rule set,and produces results. Response unit can respond to the results of the analysis.Cluster rule set(anomaly detection model)describes the characteristics of the user’s normal behavior. 130.3.1Event GeneratorIn order to establish a TCP connection,two sides of connecting need to be a three-way handshake,therefore a connection contains multiple IP packets.Multiple packets belonging to the same connection should be merged into a connection record.A connection record contains the following attributes:(time,duration,service,src_host,dst_host,src_bytes,dst_bytes,flag)Time:the start time of connection.Duration:the time of connection from the beginning to the end.Service:connection application protocol,such as WWW,FTP,DNS,Telnet,etc. src_host:source host.dst_host:destination host.src_bytes:the bytes which source host sends.dst_bytes:the bytes which destination host sends.flag:the connection status,normal end state and the states whose connection requests are rejected etc.130.3.2Cluster Rule Set(Anomaly Detection Model)Cluster rule set describes the characteristics of the user’s normal behavior. Therefore,in the learning phase of establishing anomaly detection model,data of user’s normal behavior requires collecting.The following describes the process of modeling. Association RulesThe goal of mining association rules is to derive multi-feature(attribute)corre-lations from a database table.Association rules define as follows: I¼i1;i2;ÁÁÁi mf g is called itemset,let D be a transaction database,any subset of I is called T(T I),and has a unique identifier ID.Define support(X)as the percentage of transactions(records)in D that contain X.An association rule is the expression X!Y;s;c:Here X&T;Y&T;and X\Y¼U:s¼support(X[YÞisthe support of the rule,and c¼supportðX[YÞsupportðXÞis the confidence.The purpose of mining association rules is to identify credible and represen-tative rules,so a minimum support threshold and a minimum confidence threshold should be given.Mining association rules is to derive association rules which the support and confidence exceed in the specified thresholds.This mining process can be divided into two steps:First,identify all the frequent itemsets that are all itemsets whose support is not less than the minimum support threshold.Second, construct the rules whose confidence is not less than the minimum confidence threshold from the frequent itemsets in thefirst step.Here,we introduce the Apriori algorithm of mining association rules[5]. Introduce a number of notation:k-itemset:itemset of size k;L k:frequent itemset of size k;C k:Candidate itemset of size k.(1)Apriori algorithm:find all frequent itemsetsInput:database D;the minimum support threshold min_sup.Output:the frequent itemsets L in D.L1=find_freguent_1-itemsets(D);for(k=2;L k-1=U;k++){C k=apriori_gen(L k-1,min_sup);for each transaction t[D{//scan D for countsC t=subset(C k,t);//get the subsets of t that are candidatesfor each candidate c[C tc.count++;}L k={c[C k|c.count C min_sup}}return L=^k L k;procedure apriori_gen(L k-1:frequent(k-1)-itemsets;min_sup:minimum support threshold)for each itemset l1[L k-1for each itemset l2[L k-1if(l1[1]=l2[1])^(l1[2]=l2[2])^…^(l1[k-2]=l2[k-2])^(l1[k-1]\l2[k-1])then{c=l1?l2;//join step:generate candidatesif has_infrequent_subset(c,L k-1)then1104X.Guo et al.delete c;//prune step:remove unfruitful candidateelse add c to C k;}return C k;procedure has_infrequent_subset(c:candidate k-itemset;L k-1:frequent(k-1)-itemset)for each(k-1)-subset s of cif s2L k-1thenreturn TRUE;return FALSE;(2)generating association rules1)For each frequent itemset l,generate all non-empty subset of l.2)s is called each non-empty subset of l,if support countðlÞsupport count(s)!min conf;gen-erate association rule:‘‘s!ðlÀsÞ;min sup,min conf’’.The min_conf is called minimum confidence threshold.In analysis network traffic,a connection is called a transaction T,transaction database D is composed of many connection records.Each transaction T is composed of duration,service,src_host,dst_host,src_bytes,dst_bytes,flag.Time is the Unique identifier for the transaction.The following lists an association rule:src host¼202:96:7:5^dst host¼202:108:35:210!service¼WWW,10,90The association rule indicates that there are10%of network traffic connections which is consistent with the source host IP202.96.7.5,destination host IP is the access service is WWW service.WWW service may be 90%of the access service when the source host IP is202.96.7.5and destination host IP is202. Rule SetClustering rule set is the process of learning and training for anomaly detection model(association rules).The basic idea is:Initialize cluster rule set,and then collect a certain amount of network data, mine these network packets and get some association rules.These rules are to be integrated into the cluster rule set.Cluster rule set will be updated.Update process is as follows:(1)For each new association rule,it will be matched with the association rules ofthe cluster rule set.The meaning of the rule matching is that two rules are exactly the same on both sides.(2)If a new association rule matches the association rule of the cluster rule set,the counter of the association rule in cluster rule set will add1,and the support and confidence of the association rule in the cluster rule set will be 130Research of Network Intrusion Detection System1105updated by the weighted average method.Otherwise,if the new association rule does not match the rule of the cluster rule set,this new association rule will be added to the cluster rule set,and the counter of the rule will be set to 1.The cluster rule set is trained many times in this way,until cluster rule set is stable (Little or no new association rules are added). ModelThe rules of cluster rule set should be compressed.We delete those rules whose counter value is less than the minimum counter value specified by the user.The cluster rule set which will be cut is the anomaly detection model.130.3.3Event AnalyzerThe captured IP packets that we need to test will pretreat and convert into connection record.Connection record set that we need to test execute association rule mining,then generated association rule set to be generated compare with cluster rule set (anomaly detection model),and calculate the similarity [3].If similarity is less than a user-defined a threshold,we consider connection record set that we need to test exist anomaly.Meaning of two rules that match is that rule’s left and right sides are equal and the deviation of two rules’s support and confidence should be in the range of user defined.similarity ¼p n Ãp m ;in which n is cluster rule set’s number of rules,m is the number of rules that is mined from testing records.p is the number of rules with two rules that match.130.3.4Response UnitResponse unit will process the result of the event analyzer.When the test results are abnormal,it will alarm the security administrator,and the alarm information will store to a file for later analysis.When the test results are normal,detection rule set that is generated will integrate into the cluster rule set,and the cluster rule is set to be updated.The process of updating is described in Sect. makes the intrusion detection system to have a self-learning ability.1106X.Guo et al.130Research of Network Intrusion Detection System1107 130.4ConclusionThis paper describes the use of association rules algorithm to construct the process of network intrusion detection model,and how to use anomaly detection models have been established.Because data mining approaches[6]can extract rules quickly from a large number of network data,it greatly improves the performance of intrusion detection system.Acknowledgments This paper is supported by(1)Project of Research on Science and Tech-nology of Jilin Education Ministry of China under Grant No.2007-172and2010-383.(2)Science-technology Development Project of Jilin Province of China under Grant No.20115056.(3)The Natural Science Foundation of Changchun Normal University.References1.Lee W,Stolfo SJ(2000)Data mining approaches for intrusion detection.http:\\2.Debar H,Dacier M,Wespi A(1999)Towards a taxonomy of intrusion-detection systems[J].Comput Netw31:805–8223.Lee W,Stolfo SJ,Mok KW(1999)A data mining framework for building intrusion detectionmodels[C].In:Proceedings of the1999IEEE symposium on security and privacy,pp120–132 4.Lee W,Stolfo SJ,Mok KW(2001)Mining audit data to build intrusion detection models.http:\\5.Han J,Kamber M(2001)Data mining concepts and techniques[M](trans:Ming F,Xiao-FengM).Machinery Industry Press,Beijing6.Liu H,Lin Y,Han J(2009)Methods for mining frequent items in data streams:an overview.Knowl Inf Syst(Online:11Nov2009)。
