中考单选 Word 文档











四川省雅安市2021年中考数学试卷一、单选题1.(2021·长丰模拟)-2021的绝对值等于()A. 2021B. -2021C. 12021 D. −120212.(2021·雅安)我国在2020年10月开展了第七次人口普查,普查数据显示,我国2020年总人口达到14.1亿().A. 14.1×107B. 14.1×108C. 1.41×109D. 1.41×10103.(2021·雅安)在平面直角坐标系中,点A(−3,−1)关于y轴的对称点的坐标是()A. (−3,1)B. (3,1)C. (3,−1)D. (−1,−3)4.(2021·雅安)下列运算正确的是()A. (x2)3=x6B. 3x2−2x=xC. (−2x)3=−6x3D. x6÷x2=x35.(2020八上·唐山月考)若|x|−1x−1的值为零,则x的值为()A. -1B. 1C. ±1D. 06.(2021·雅安)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,点F为AC中点,DE是△ABC的中位线,若DE=6,则BF=()A. 6B. 4C. 3D. 57.(2021·雅安)甲和乙两个几何体都是由大小相同的小立方块搭成,它们的俯视图如图,小正方形中数字表示该位置上的小立方块个数()A. 甲和乙左视图相同,主视图相同B. 甲和乙左视图不相同,主视图不相同C. 甲和乙左视图相同,主视图不相同D. 甲和乙左视图不相同,主视图相同8.(2021·雅安)下列说法正确的是()A. 一个不透明的口袋中有3个白球和2个红球(每个球除颜色外都相同),则从中任意摸出一个球是红球的概率为 23B. 一个抽奖活动的中奖概率为 12 ,则抽奖2次就必有1次中奖C. 统计甲,乙两名同学在若干次检测中的数学成绩发现: x 甲̅̅̅̅=x 乙̅̅̅̅ , S 甲2>S 乙2,说明甲的数学成绩比乙的数学成绩稳定D. 要了解一个班有多少同学知道“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的事迹,宜采用普查的调查方式9.(2021·雅安)若直角三角形的两边长分别是方程 x 2−7x +12=0 的两根,则该直角三角形的面积是( )A. 6B. 12C. 12或3√72D. 6或3√7210.(2021·雅安)如图,将 △ABC 沿 BC 边向右平移得到 △DEF , DE 交 AC 于点G.若 BC:EC =3:1 . S △ADG =16 .则 S △CEG 的值为( )A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 811.(2021·雅安)如图,四边形 ABCD 为⊙ O 的内接四边形,若四边形 OBCD 为菱形, ∠A 为( ).A. 45°B. 60°C. 72°D. 36°12.(2021·雅安)定义: min{a,b}={a(a ≤b)b(a >b) ,若函数 y =min(x +1,−x 2+2x +3) ,则该函数的最大值为( )A. 0B. 2C. 3D. 4二、填空题13.(2021·雅安)从-1, 12 ,2中任取两个不同的数作积,则所得积的中位数是________.14.(2021·雅安)已知一元二次方程 x 2+x −2021=0 的两根分别为m ,n ,则 1m +1n 的值为________. 15.(2021·雅安)如图, ABCDEF 为正六边形, ABGH 为正方形,连接CG ,则∠BCG+∠BGC=________.16.(2021·雅安)若关于x的分式方程2−1−kx−2=12−x的解是正数,则k的取值范围是________.17.(2021·雅安)如图,在矩形ABCD中,AC和BD相交于点O,过点B作BF⊥AC于点M,交CD 于点F,过点D作DE∥BF交AC于点N.交AB于点E,连接FN,EM.有下列结论:①四边形NEMF为平行四边形,② DN2=MC⋅NC;③ △DNF为等边三角形;④当AO=AD时,四边形DEBF是菱形.正确结论的序号________.三、解答题18.(2021·雅安)(1)计算:(12)−2+(3.14−π)0+|3−√12|−4sin60°(2)先化简,再求值:(1x−1−x+1)÷x−2x2−1,其中x=√2.19.(2021·雅安)为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,某中学组织全校学生参加党史知识竞赛,从中任取20名学生的竞赛成绩进行统计.(1)分别求m,n的值;(2)若把每组中各学生的成绩用这组数据的中间值代替(如60~70的中间值为65)估计全校学生的平均成绩;(3)从A组和D组的学生中随机抽取2名学生,用树状图或列表法求这2名学生都在D组的概率.20.(2021·雅安)某药店选购了一批消毒液,进价为每瓶10元,在销售过程中发现销售量y(瓶)与每瓶售价x(元)之间存在一次函数关系(其中10≤x≤21,且x为整数),当每瓶消毒液售价为12元时,每天销售量为90瓶;当每瓶消毒液售价为15元时,每天销售量为75瓶;(1)求y与x之间的函数关系式;(2)设该药店销售该消毒液每天的销售利润为w元,当每瓶消毒液售价为多少元时,药店销售该消毒液每天销售利润最大.21.(2021·雅安)如图,△OAD为等腰直角三角形,延长OA至点B使OB=OD,其对角线AC,BD 交于点E.(1)求证:△OAF≌△DAB;(2)求DF的值.AF22.(2021·雅安)已知反比例函数y=m的图象经过点A(2,3).x(1)求该反比例函数的表达式;的图象上点A的右侧取点C,作CH⊥x轴于H,过点A作y轴的垂线AG (2)如图,在反比例函数y=mx交直线CH于点D.①过点A,点C分别作x轴,y轴的垂线,交于B,垂足分别为为F、E,连结OB,BD,求证:O,B,D 三点共线;②若AC=2OA,求证:∠AOD=2∠DOH.23.(2021·雅安)如图,在⊙O中,AB是直径,AB⊥CD,垂足为P,过点D的⊙O的切线与AB 的延长线交于点E, 连接CE.(1)求证:CE为⊙O的切线;(2)若⊙O半径为3,CE=4,求sin∠DEC.24.(2021·雅安)已知二次函数y=x2+2bx−3b.(1)当该二次函数的图象经过点A(1,0)时,求该二次函数的表达式;(2)在(1) 的条件下,二次函数图象与x轴的另一个交点为点B,与y轴的交点为点C,点P从点A出发在线段AB上以每秒2个单位长度的速度向点B运动,同时点Q从点B出发,在线段BC上以每秒1个单位长度的速度向点C运动,直到其中一点到达终点时,两点停止运动,求△BPQ面积的最大值;(3)若对满足x≥1的任意实数x,都使得y≥0成立,求实数b的取值范围.答案解析部分一、单选题 1.【答案】 A【考点】绝对值及有理数的绝对值【解析】【解答】解:﹣2021的绝对值即为:|﹣2021|=2021. 故答案为:A .【分析】根据绝对值的定义得出。



Word单选题「附答案」一、单选题1.有关格式刷,下列说法错误的是:A 首先双击格式刷,然后在段落中多次单击B 首先将光标插入点定位在目标段落中,再双击格式刷C 首先将光标插入点定位在源段落中,或选中源段落,再双击格式刷D 取消格式刷工作状态,不能用Esc键答案:C2.通过以下哪种方法可以修改保存文档的默认文件夹?A 在“选项”下,单击“保存”选项卡。

B 在“自定义”下,单击“选项”选项卡。

C 在“选项”下,单击“文件位置”选项卡。

D 在“自定义”下,单击“文件位置”选项卡。

答案:C3.在Word文档中,关于设置字号,说法正确的是:A 最大字号为“初号”B 可在工具栏的“字号”框中直接输入自定义大小的字号,例如200C 最大字号为“72”号D 最大字号可任意指定,无限制答案:B4.在Word中输入“叁万贰千捌佰肆拾柒”,最便捷的方法是:A 利用“插入”→“数字”的方法,再选择“壹,贰,叁…”数字类型B 利用查找替换C 插入特殊符号D 插入符号答案:A5.以下哪一项功能可以帮助您查找不熟悉单词的近义替换词?A 同义词库。

B 自动编写摘要C 拼写和语法。

D 自动更正。

答案:A6.在Word 2003中,通过以下哪一项功能可以将不同人员的编辑内容合并到一个文档中:A 自动编写摘要。

B 插入引用。

C 比较并合并文档D 插入文件。

7.通过以下哪种方法可以最便捷地统计文档的行数和段落数?A 使用“字数统计”功能。

B 启用行号功能。

C 查看“文档结构图”中的统计信息。

D 通过“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”看每页的行数。

答案:A8.下面说法中不正确的是:A 工具栏主要包括常用工具栏和格式工具栏B 标尺分为水平标尺和垂直标尺C 状态栏可以显示正在使用何种中文输入法D 滚动条可以隐藏。

答案:C9.通常情况下,“标题栏”是以何种颜色为底色A 黑色B 白色C 蓝色D 灰色答案:C10.下面说法中不正确的是A 状态栏位于文档的底部,可以显示页号、节号、页数、光标所在的列号等内容B 滚动条是位于文档窗口右侧和底边的灰色条C 通常情况下,菜单栏中有8个菜单D 标题栏可以显示软件名称和文档名称答案:C11.新建文档的快捷键是A Alt+NB Ctrl+NC Shift+ND Ctrl+s答案:B12.在Word2003文档中,对图片设置下列哪种环绕方式后,可以形成水印效果。



word初中试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Word中,要将文档中所有的“学生”替换为“学员”,应使用以下哪个功能?A. 复制B. 查找C. 替换D. 格式刷答案:C2. 下列哪个快捷键可以打开Word中的“查找和替换”对话框?A. Ctrl+FB. Ctrl+HC. Ctrl+GD. Ctrl+V答案:B3. 在Word中,要将文档中的所有段落首行缩进2字符,应使用以下哪个功能?A. 格式刷B. 段落C. 样式D. 缩进答案:B4. 在Word中,下列哪个选项可以用来插入页码?A. 插入B. 引用C. 视图D. 布局答案:B5. 如果要在Word文档中插入一张图片,应该使用以下哪个选项?A. 插入B. 引用C. 视图D. 布局答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Word中,可以通过________菜单下的“字体”选项来改变文字的字体。

答案:开始2. 要调整Word文档中表格的行高,可以使用“表格工具”下的________选项。

答案:行3. 在Word中,使用________视图可以查看文档的打印效果。

答案:打印布局4. 要将Word文档保存为PDF格式,可以通过“文件”菜单下的________选项进行操作。

答案:导出5. 在Word中,可以通过________菜单下的“插入”选项来插入超链接。

答案:插入三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述在Word中如何设置文档的页边距。


2. 描述在Word中如何创建一个新的表格。


3. 如何在Word文档中插入一个目录?答案:在Word文档中插入目录,首先需要确保文档中的标题使用了内置的标题样式。

初三答案Office Word 文档

初三答案Office Word 文档

一.选择:BCCCBABAAD二.填空11.2(a-2)(a+2)12.111016.9⨯13.38=x 14.1015.相等的角是对顶角16.2.517.12-18.48619.(1) (4分) (2)3X+7(4分)98-20.(1) (4分)(2)(4分)3,121-=-=x x 1->x 21.略22. (1)如图①所示,射线OC 即为所求;(4分)(2)如图,圆心O 的运动路径长为C △OO 1O 2,过点O 1作O 1D⊥BC、O 1F⊥AC、O 1G⊥AB,垂足分别为点D 、F 、G ,过点O 作OE⊥BC,垂足为点E ,连接O 2B ,过点O 2作O 2H⊥AB,O 2I⊥AC,垂足分别为点H 、I ,圆心O 运动的路径长为. (4分)3212+23.(1)略 2分 (2)0.56 2分 (3)54人 2分24.(1) 2分 (2) 6分319425.(1)设该商城前个月的自行车销量的月平均增长率为,则,得,因为,所以,解得,故该商城月份卖出自行车辆。


利润,因为随的增大而增大,所以当时,最大,但此时不为整数,不符合题意,当时,,此时利润最大,故为使利润最大,购进型车辆,则购进型车辆5分26.(1)4 1分(2) 9分 )6313()6(563132(13612)20(31638395222≤<-≤<-≤≤++-=x x x x x x x s 27. (1)① 3分31② 4分)3)(1(1515-+=x x y (2) 3分5.11<<a 28.(1)① 2分3p ② 4分222222-≤≤-≤≤p p x x 或(2) 4分2213153-≤≤-≤≤c c x x 或。




























山东省聊城市2021年中考数学试卷一、单选题1.(2021·聊城)下列各数中,是负数的是()A. |﹣2|B. (﹣√5)2C. (﹣1)0D. ﹣32【答案】 D【考点】正数和负数的认识及应用【解析】【解答】解:A. |﹣2|=2,是正数,不符合题意,B. (﹣√5)2=5,是正数,不符合题意,C. (﹣1)0=1是正数,不符合题意,D. ﹣32=-9是负数,符合题意,故答案为:D.【分析】先计算,再根据负数的定义对每个选项一一判断求解即可。

2.(2021·聊城)如图所示的几何体,其上半部有一个圆孔,则该几何体的俯视图是()A. B.C. D.【答案】A【考点】简单几何体的三视图【解析】【解答】解:从上向下看几何体时,外部轮廓如图1所示:∵上半部有圆孔,且在几何体内部,看不见的轮廓线画虚线,∴整个几何体的俯视图如图2所示:故答案为:A【分析】根据几何体和俯视图的定义对每个选项一一判断求解即可。

3.(2021·聊城)已知一个水分子的直径约为3.85×10﹣9米,某花粉的直径约为5×10﹣4米,用科学记数法表示一个水分子的直径是这种花粉直径的()A. 0.77×10﹣5倍B. 77×10﹣4倍C. 7.7×10﹣6倍D. 7.7×10﹣5倍【答案】C【考点】科学记数法—表示绝对值较小的数【解析】【解答】由题意得:(3.85×10﹣9)÷(5×10﹣4)= 7.7×10﹣6倍,故答案为:C.【分析】根据一个水分子的直径约为3.85×10﹣9米,某花粉的直径约为5×10﹣4米,计算求解即可。

4.(2021·聊城)如图,AB∥CD∥EF,若∠ABC=130°,∠BCE=55°,则∠CEF的度数为()A. 95°B. 105°C. 110°D. 115°【答案】B【考点】角的运算,平行线的性质【解析】【解答】解:∵AB//CD∴∠ABC=∠DCB=130°∴∠ECD=∠DCB−∠BCE=130°−55°=75°∵EF//CD∴∠ECD+∠CEF=180°∴∠CEF=180°−75°=105°故答案是:B.【分析】先求出∠ABC=∠DCB=130°,再求出∠ECD+∠CEF=180°,最后求解即可。



初中信息技术word操作试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,要将文档中的所有“学生”替换为“学员”,应使用以下哪个功能?A. 复制B. 粘贴C. 查找和替换D. 格式刷答案:C2. 在Word文档中,下列哪个选项可以设置段落的行间距?A. 段落对话框B. 格式工具栏C. 样式和格式D. 插入菜单答案:A3. 在Word中,以下哪个快捷键可以打开“查找和替换”对话框?A. Ctrl+FB. Ctrl+HC. Ctrl+GD. Ctrl+J答案:B4. 如何在Word文档中插入一张图片?A. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“图片”B. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“形状”D. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“对象”答案:A5. 在Word中,要将文档中的所有英文单词首字母大写,应使用以下哪个功能?A. 字体设置B. 段落设置C. 格式刷D. 更改大小写答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 在Word中,以下哪些操作可以插入页码?A. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“页码”B. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“页眉和页脚”C. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“页眉”D. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“页脚”答案:A B D2. 在Word中,以下哪些选项可以调整文字的字体?A. 选择文字,点击“开始”菜单中的字体下拉列表B. 选择文字,点击“开始”菜单中的字号下拉列表C. 选择文字,点击“开始”菜单中的加粗按钮D. 选择文字,点击“开始”菜单中的斜体按钮答案:A B C D3. 在Word中,以下哪些功能可以插入表格?A. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“表格”B. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“形状”D. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“对象”答案:A4. 在Word中,以下哪些操作可以改变段落的对齐方式?A. 点击“开始”菜单中的“左对齐”按钮B. 点击“开始”菜单中的“居中对齐”按钮C. 点击“开始”菜单中的“右对齐”按钮D. 点击“开始”菜单中的“分散对齐”按钮答案:A B C D5. 在Word中,以下哪些选项可以设置文档的背景颜色?A. 点击“页面布局”菜单,选择“页面颜色”B. 点击“设计”菜单,选择“页面颜色”C. 点击“插入”菜单,选择“形状”,然后设置填充颜色D. 点击“格式”菜单,选择“背景”答案:A B三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 在Word中,可以通过“插入”菜单插入超链接。



(完整word版)武汉中考单选单项选择专项训练十套题(有答案)单项选择专项训练<一>26、-Are you new here?—No, I`m not。

I in this school.A、studyB、have studiesC、had studiedD、studied27、—When Mr Black to our country?—Last year.A、did; comeB、do; comeC、had; comeD、have; come28、-Where is Mr Brown?—He Shanghai to visit his uncle.A、had gone toB、has gone toC、had been toD、has been to29、He his homework this time yesterday。

A、is doingB、was doingC、didD、will do30、Even the top students in our class can`t work out the problem, so it be very difficult.A、mayB、mustC、canD、need31、-How many of these books have you read?— of them, every one.A、ManyB、SomeC、AllD、None32、—Hi, Tony, you won an award yesterday, didn`t you?—Yes, I also got some money。

I`m going to the bank to the money。

A、saveB、stealC、collectD、raise33、—Would you like to watch soap operas with me?-Yes, .A、I would beB、I likeC、I`d like toD、I do34、-May I put on this skirt, Mum?-No, it has . Nobody likes it。



一、单项选择题(第十八套)1. 同学们对如图所示的情景,纷纷提出了自己的看法,以下说法中错误的是( )A.在紧急刹车时,人由于惯性要向前倾倒B.汽车司机通过光的反射,利用倒镜观察车后的情况C.汽车刹车时,变滚动摩擦为滑动摩擦,减小摩擦力D.行驶的汽车停下来,体现了力改变物体的运动状态2. 在庆“十一”篝火文艺晚会上,同学们围着篝火唱歌、跳舞.某同学观察当时的情景,应用物理知识,做出下列解释,其中错误的是( )A.同学们听到歌声,说明空气可以传播声音B.该同学发现篝火对面的同学身体弯曲变形,她猜想是由于光的反射造成的C.木柴燃烧是将化学能转化成内能D.在篝火旁,同学们感到暖洋洋的,该同学猜想是由于热传递的结果3. 如图所示,定滑轮重2N,动滑轮重1N.物体A在拉力F的作用下,1s内将重为8N的物体A沿竖直方向匀速提高了0.2m.如果不计绳重和摩擦,则以下计算结果正确的是( )A.绳子自由端移动速度为0.6m/sB.滑轮组的机械效率为80%C.拉力F的功率为l.8WD.拉力F的大小为5N4. 如图是某居民家中的部分电路,开始时各部分工作正常,将电饭煲的插头插入三孔插座后,正在烧水的电热壶突然不能工作,但电灯仍正常工作.拔出电饭煲的插头,电热壶仍不能工作.把测电笔分别插入插座的左、右孔,氖管均能发光.若电路中仅有一处故障,则( )A.电热壶所在电路的B、D两点间断路B.插座的接地线断路C.插座左、右插孔短路D.电路的C、D两点间导线断路5. 一位同学观察了妈妈在厨房做饭的情景,提出以下说法,错误的是( )A.妈妈闻到饭的香味,是由于分子在做无规则运动B.电饭锅工作是应用了电流的磁效应C.电冰箱内的压缩机将气体液化时放热,冷冻室管内将液体汽化吸热D.电风扇工作时将电能主要转化为机械能6. 下列防止发生事故或处理事故的措施中正确的是( )A.发现高压线断头落地时,应立即将它捡起B.当电器设备失火时,应选用泡沫灭火器C.家庭电路中的保险丝熔断时,可换用不易熔断的铜丝或铁丝D.若家中使用的燃料是天燃气,燃气报警器应安装在燃气灶的上方7. 有两位同学抬着一桶水,在水平路面上走向教室,其中女同学提桶的拉力F 1=100N ,男同学提桶的拉力F 2=150N ,以下说法中错误的是( )A.水桶受到的重力和拉力F 1、F 2的合力是平衡力B.男同学对地面的压力和地面对男同学的支持力是相互用作力C.F 1与F 2的合力是250ND.男同学和女同学能走向教室是因为人和地面间有摩擦力8. 把标有“6V 9W”的灯泡L 。



1000题1 .Tom is not英语at school. Do you know what happen __ ?A. with him B .to him C. to he D. for he2 .My mother is _. I have to look after her.A .in the hospital B.At a hospital C .in hospital D. in a hospital3 . Did you hear someone ___at the door?A. knocksB. to knockC. knockedD. knocking4 .The teacher told the children, “it is very important___ careful ___fire.”A. to be; withB. is; withC. being; withD. to be; to5 . She saw ____ boy playing with his dogA eight-year-old B.An eight-years-old C.An eight-year-old D.A eight-years-old6 .The story sounds___ .A. interestinglyB. interestingC. interestedD. danger7. John told me to __ the pictures __ tomorrow.A. take; hereB. bring; thereC. taking; thereD. bring; here8. There __ a lot of __ in the kitchen and it was very__.A. was; smoke; hotB. were; smokes; hotC. was; smoke; hotterD. were; smoke; hotter9. Do you __ drive on the left in England?A. have toB. mustC. shouldD. may10. It is very hot today, please keep the window__.A. openingB. openC. opensD. to open11. --May I play with my dog?--I am afraid not. You can’t play with it __ you finish your homeworkA. whenB. untilC.afterD. because12. I am afraid I won’t __ finish reading the book in two daysA. canB. couldC. be able toD. may13. They have ___.A. enough food to eatB. food enough eatC. enough food eatingD. food enough eating14. --Must I clean the cage today?--No, you___.A. must notB. can notC. need notD. may not15. She ___ so much ___ her mother.A. looks; likeB. looks; forC. looks; afterD. looks forwards; to16. Mr. White likes to live in a __ place.A. quiteB. quietC. quickD. quietly17. Kate has a cat __ Mimi.A. calledB. callC. to callD. calling18. -- May I take my pet to school?-- No, you__.A. may notB. might notC. need notD. can not19. The teacher told the children to keep the classroom__.A. to cleanB. cleansC. cleanD. cleaned20. He doesn’t smoke and hates women __.A. smokesB. smokeC. smokedD. smoking21.-- How often do you clean the fish tank?--____.A. this afternoonB. only onceC. once a monthD. for two days22. Tom’s gold fish died because he gave them ___ food.A. too muchB. much tooC.A fewD. too many23. I __ , because I don’t want to be late for school.A.Am used to getting up earlyB. used to getting up earlyC. was used to getting up earlyD. used to get up early24. I need __ candles. Please pass them to me.A. two moreB. one moreC. more twoD. more one25.All the students in my class did their homework except__.A. Jane and IB. Jane and mineC. I and JaneD. Jane and me26. Will you please give the boy__ to eat?A. favorite somethingB. different anythingC. popular everythingD. something delicious27. Mr. Wang told his son __ football on the road.A. not playB. to not playC. not to playD. doesn’t play28. Both ___ watches were broken.A. Jim and Tom’sB. Jim’s and Tom’sC. Jim’s and TomD. Jim and Tom29.–Don’t forget to bring your son here next time, please.--____.A. No, I don’tB. No, I won’tC. No, I canD. Yes , I do30. I saw the boy__ the classroom.A. enter intoB. enterC. to enter intoD. to enter31. Miss Li is ___ our teacher ___our friend.A. neither; orB. either; orC. not only; but alsoD. either ; nor32. He began learning English. ___ the age of five.A. forB. onC. inD.At33. His job is __ cars.A. to repairB. repairedC. repairsD. repair34. We should protect our eyes __ sunglasses.(考有动作含义的介词)A. in wearB. by wearingC. with wearingD. to wear35. He visited Uncle Li___ a cold morning.A. onB. inC.AtD. for36. They often __ school activities after school.A. joinB. doC. take part inD. play with37. I have seen the movie __ times.A. the number ofB.A number ofC. muchD.A number38. The boy is made__ the room every day.A. cleanB. cleaningC. to cleanD. cleans39. You can find some ___ on the Internet.A. informationsB. informationC. pictureD. story40. The ___ girl is looked well by her grandmotherA. five-years-oldB. five year oldC. five-years oldD. five-year-old41. Great changes ___ in the last ten years.A. have taken placeB. have been taken placeC. took placeD. were taken place42. __ does your brother__ ?A. how; look likeB. What ; look likeC. what; lookD. How ; looks43. You must have left your glasses___.A. somewhere elseB.anywhere elseC. somewhere otherD. some other where44. I will talk with you about it ___time.A. the otherB. othersC.AnotherD. the others45. When I was walking in the street, I saw him ___ his brother.A. to quarrel withB. quarrels withC. quarrel withD. quarreling with46.All the students like the teachers who__ their lessons interesting.A. makesB. makeC. makingD. to make47. we’d better go and tell her the __ news. I am sure she will be very __ it.A. surprised; surprising inB. interested; interesting inC. interesting; interesting atD. surprising; surprised at48. We can watch the TV programmers from other countries __ the satellites.A. becauseB. because ofC. ifD. that49. The teacher told us not___ our dictionaries to school the next day.A. to bringB. to takeC. bringD. take50. I will go to visit my uncle___ next week.A. sometimesB. some timesC. some timeD. sometime51. When I was watching TV, I __ someone calling my name outside.A. heardB. listenC. listen toD. hear52. The policeman asked John __ he knew the victim.(受害者)A. whatB. thatC. ifD. which53. Betty and John have come back, but___ students aren’t here yet.A.AnotherB. the otherC. othersD. the others54. The robbery_____ in Sun Town last Sunday.A. is happenedB. was happenedC. happenedD. happens55. He said that __ eight- year-old child was__.A.A; kidnappedB.An; kidnappedC.A; kidnapedD.An; kidnapped56. Tom asked, “Did you hear___?A. something strangeB. nothing strangeC. strange anythingD.Anything strange57. The boy is __ in __ on the ice.A. interesting; skatingB. interesting; to skateC. interested; skatingD. interested; to skate58. You don’t need ___ if you feel sick.A. to comeB. comeC. comingD. comes59. The house is ___ for us to ___.A. big enough; liveB. enough big; live inC. big enough; live inD. enough big; live60. He finished his sandwich and asked for ____.A. the otherB.AnotherC. otherD. others61. Do you like the cake __ nuts __ it?A. with; inB. have; inC. has; onD. with ; of62. Will you ___ come tomorrow?A. be able toB. canC. mustD. be able63. The used car is ___ 500 dollars.A. costB. payC. worthD. spend64. --- Will you go shopping tonight?--- If you go,___.A. so do IB. so will IC. so I goD. that I will go65. --- Do you still remember ___ me somewhere in ShangHai?--- yes, of course, two years ago.A. seeingB. seeC. to seeD. saw66. __ is really hard ___ them to climb Mount QomolangmA.A. This; isB. it ; forC. This ; forD. it; to67.–Jack hasn’t paid for the school things, has he?-___. His father will pay for him.A. yes, he hasB. no, he hasn’tC. yes, he didD. no, he didn’t68. She is __, but she looks young.A. in her fiftiesB.At her fiftyC. in her fiftyD.At her fifties69. Tom studies__, but his sister __ studies.A. hard; hardB. hardly; hardlyC. hard; hardlyD. hardly; hard70. Do you know the lady__ is interviewing our headmaster?A. whichB. whoC. whomD. whose71. It’s ___ ride from my home to the factory.A. two hours and half’sB. two and half hours’C. two and a half hours’D. two hour and a half’s72. I have __ a raincoat __ an umbrellA. That is why I have to wait until the rain stops.A. neither; norB. either; orC. not only; but alsoD. both; and73. Most of us wondered if girls’football team could ___ boys’football team in the final match.A. beatB. winC. hitD. lose74.–___ is the Summer Palace from here?-- about three kilometers away. You can take the No. 35 bus.A. how longB. how oftenC. how farD. how much75. ___ a heavy snow tomorrow.A. there will haveB. there is going to haveC. there will hasD. there is going to be76. Who will ___ if he ___ come?A. mop it up; won’tB. mop up it; doesn’tC. mop it up; doesn’tD. mop it up; don’t77. ___ cloudy day it is!A. howB. whatC. how aD. what a78. The flood killed ___ peopleA. thousands ofB. thousand ofC. thousandsD. thousand79. This math problem is not easy. I can’t work it out __.A. without heB. with himC. without himD. with he80. This problem is so difficulty that only __ students can work it out.A.A fewB. fewC. littleD.A little81. We all think __ to play the gameA. it is interestedB. that was interestingC. it is interestingD. that interesting82. I think he will prefer the blown trousers. Let’s buy__.A. itB. oneC. onesD. that83. --___is the movie ticket for <a world without thieves>?--About 30 yuanA. how longB. how manyC. how muchD. how soon84. --___will your manager return to the company, please?-- in about three daysA. how longB. how soonC. how oftenD. how much85.–__did it take him to repair the computer?--about 2 daysA. how soonB. how oftenC. how longD. how far86. She taught __ English.A. herB. hersC. herselfD. she87.–if you want to keep fit, you have to eat__ food and do _sports.-- You mean the more exercise I do, the __ I will be.A. less; more; healthierB. more; less; healthC. less; fewer; healthilyD. most; fewest;88. I must return the digital camera to Nancy. I __ it 2 weeks ago.A. lentB. borrowedC. have keptD. have lent89. The number of the boy babies__ much larger than that of the girl babies these years.A.AreB. wasC. isD. were90. I felt sorry that I was late for the meeting. I was so busy _ a novel that I forgot __ the meeting.A. to read; looking atB. reading; to useC. to read; seeingD. reading; to look at91. I am not sure if I am going to Tim’s party. I may go to the concert__.A. onlyB. insteadC. earlyD. late92. His mother will go to New York with his brother__ a few days.A. inB.AfterC. withD. before93. His parents couldn’t __ if they would buy a secondhand car.A. describeB. discoverC. decideD. disappear94. When the old woman was in good health, she __ shopping on Sunday.A. was used to goB. used to goingC. used to goD. get used to going95. When I got __ home, I saw my mother __picture on the wall.A. back; putting offB. off; put upC. back; putting upD. off; putting off96.–I know your father __ to a lot of cities, but what about your mother?--my mother? She __ away from my hometown even once.A. has gone; has never goneB. has been; has never goneC. has gone; has never beenD. has been; has never been97.__ of us could understand the article,__ we could hardly find any new words in it.A. few; thoughtB. few; becauseC.A few; soD. few; though98.A group of scientists__ some eggs __ by dinosaurs in the Gobi Desert in the 1920s.A. found; lyingB. founded; laidC. found; lainD. found; laid99. Many of the stars are__ far away __ .A. so; to seeB. very; to be seenC. too; to be seenD. much; to see100. You __ the flowers, for the earth is __.A. needn’t to water; enough wetB. needn’t water; wet enoughC. mustn’t water; enough wetD. needn’t water; wet enough101. I don’t know __ the computer .A. what to useB. how useC. how to useD. how can use102. He often __ from the Internet for us.A. get informationB. gets informationC. get informationsD. gets informations 103. You can __ the umbrella___ .A. take; homeB. take; to homeC. bring; homeD. bring; to home104. The boy is __ the ballA. tall enough catchingB. enough tall catchingC. enough tall to catchD. tall enough to catch 105. Jack is good at___.A. playing the pianoB. to play the pianoC. playing pianoD. to play piano106.–May I put my bike here?-No, you __A. may notB. can’tC. might notD. mayn’t107. He __ a lot of time__ me with my math .A. spends; helpB. spend; helpingC. spend; to helpD. spends; helping108. I have __ to tell you.A.Anything interestingB. something interestingC. interesting anythingD. interesting something109. Thank you for __ us the news.A. to tellB. tellsC. tellingD. told110. He is very __. He often__ his school things at home.A. careful; leavesB. careless; forgetsC. careful; forgetsD. careless; leaves111. The soldier saved __ boy.A.An 11 year oldB.An 11-year-oldC.A 11-year-oldD.A 11-years-old112. Sam likes music very much. He lives __ but he never feels__ .A.Alone; lonelyB.Alone; aloneC. lonely; aloneD. lonely; lonely113. Billy didn’t come to school this morning. What happened __ him?A. withB. forC. toD. in114. She was glad __ her friends againA. seeB. sawC. seeingD. to see115. let’s __ every Monday after schoolA. practise dancingB. practise to danceC. to practise dancingD. to practise to dance 116. Will you __ come to me tomorrow?A. canB. couldC. be able toD. may117. There is a lot of __ outside when he is trying to sleep.A. noiseB. noisesC. noisyD. noisily118. Can you hear someone __ in the next room?A. singB. singsC. singingD. sang119. She __ feed the cat. Her parents do it.A. don’t have toB. has not toC. have not toD. does not have to120.–Must I walk the dog in the park now?- no , you __.A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. can’tD. may not121. If you want to ask your sister not to pull y our rabbit’s ears, you should say, “___”.A. you might pull the rabbit’s earsB. Not pull the rabbit’s earsC. Don’t pull the rabbit’s earsD. I don’t let you pull the rabbit’s ears122. He spent the whole afternoon __ booksA. on readingB. in readC. to readD. reading123. There __ for him __ for two days.A.Are enough food; to eatB. is enough food; to eatC.Are food enough; eatingD. is enough food; eating124. If you want to be __ you must take more___.A. healthy; exerciseB. health; exerciseC. healthy; exercisesD. health; exercises 125. please __ the new shoes here and __the old ones thereA. bring; takeB. take; bringC. bring; bringD. take; take126. Would you please keep the window __?A. closeB. closedC. closingD. to closed127. __ afraid of the camel! It is friendly !A. Doesn’t beB. Not beC. Don’t beD. Don’t is128. The shirt doesn’t fit me. It’s __ small for me.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too129. I have a dog. I think it is __ in the world.A. very cleverB. clevererC. the most cleverD. the cleverest130. Mr. Li teaches __.A. my EnglishB. my with EnglishC. me with EnglishD. me English 131. Each of the children __ his own bicycle.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have132. When did audrey __ the film industry(电影工业)?A. joinB. take part inC. took part inD. joined133. Would you like __ actress?A. to be aB. is aC. be anD. to be an134. I would rather__ than go outA. staying at homeB. stay at homeC. to staying at homeD. to stay at home 135. __ David __ Jack has such a bag. It must be __.A. Both; and; someone elseB. Either; or; someone elseC. Neither; nor; someone else’sD. Not only; but also; someone else’s136. The boy’s dream is __ a computer engineer.A. beB. to becomeC. becomingD. becomes137. He __ a writer for five years before he came to ChinA.A. had beenB. had becomeC. wasD. became138. The film star __ both a TV series and some well-known films.A. joinB. take part inC. took part inD. joined139. She is not sure__.A. how does she use the computerB. what to use the computerC. how to use the computerD. what she uses the computer140. They didn’t __ the town until last night.A. get inB. reach toC.Arrive inD.Arrive at141. Why is George going to give up__?A. studies EnglishB. studying EnglishC. to study EnglishD. study English 142. The old man practises __ 10,000 steps every day.A. to walkB. to walkingC. walkingD. walk143. Can you __ Mr. Johnson’s address for me?A. findB. find outC. looked forD. look for144. She is forgetful. She often __ her books at home.A. leavesB. forgetsC. forgotD. left145. You don’t __ do it if you don’t want to.A. had betterB. ought toC. mustD. have to146. The old man __ the last few years in __ trees in the desert.A. spent; plantingB. spent; to plantC. took; plantingD. took; plant147. I have __ question to ask you.A. more oneB.Any moreC. some moreD. one more148. The child felt __ when they heard the news.A. happilyB. happyC. sadlyD.Angily149. His parents’death made him__ .A. leaving schoolB. to leave schoolC. leave schoolD. leaves school150. I am not sure if they __ tomorrow. If they __ tomorrow they will tell me.A. will go hiking; will go hikingB. will go hiking; go hikingC. go hiking; go hikingD. go hiking; will go hiking151. Yesterday I saw __ action film __ Cheng Long.A.A; starringB.An; starredC.An; starringD.A; starred152.–Must we get there before six?-No, you__.A. mustn’tB. may notC. can’tD. don’t have to153. His mother’s __ was a great blow to him.A. diedB. deadC. deathD. die154. There is __ food in the fridge. Let’s go to the supermarket.A.A bitB.A bit ofC. littleD.A little of155.–Would you mind __ care of our child?--__.A. to take; of courseB. taking; certainlyC. to take; certainly notD. taking; of course not156. I don’t know if she __ tomorrow. If it __ , perhaps she’ll come.A. will come; stops rainingB. comes; will stop rainingC. will come; won’t rainD. comes; doesn’t rain157. I found John was very careful. He __ everything__ than I did.A. plans; betterB. planed; bestC. planned; betterD. planned; well158. Hainan is a good place __ for touring __ for surfing. It has the best beaches and waves all the year around.A. neither; norB. not only; but alsoC. either; orD. both; and159. He couldn’t decide__.A. which sweater he boughtB. which sweater did he buyC. which sweater will I buyD. which sweater to buy160. She asked __.A. who was he talking withB. who he is talking withC. who he was talking withD. who is he talking with161. He had a bad cough. the doctor advised him to give up__.A. smokeB. smokingC. to smokeD. smoked162. He is __ at English than Kate.A. betterB. bestC. goodD. well163. If he does the work__, he will make__ mistakes.A. more carefully; fewerB. more careful; lessC. more carefully; fewD. careful; less164. Hawaii is__ island that attracts __ many tourists.A. so beautiful; soB. such beautiful; suchC. quite a beautiful; suchD. such a beautiful; so165. __were sitting at the supper table when I knocked at the door.A. WhiteB. The WhiteC. The WhitesD. Whites166. It’s __ now. let’s go home.A. fifty past fourB. four past fiftyC. fifty to fiveD. ten to five167. --___ do you watch TV, Lin Feng?-- Twice a week.A. how oftenB. how longC. how soonD. how much168. The bu s ticket from Nan Jing to Shanghai __ about 80 yuan.A. costsB. takesC. spendsD. pays169. My father can’t come to parents’meeting. He __ to Beijing on business this morning.A. has goneB. has beenC. wentD. would go170. I __ to answer the question in English. But as you know, I’m not so good at English. A. told B. was told C. have told D. was telling171. Would you please __ him up? He is too tired and let him have a good rest.A. not to wakeB. not wakeC. don’t wakeD. to not wake172. –what a day! It is quite hot today.--___.A. So it is.B. So is it.C. So it doesD. So does it173. Beethoven heard someone playing __ piano while he was walking in the street.A.AB.AnC. theD. /174. My uncle can speak German. He can make friends with __.A. GermanB. GermenC. GermansD. Germens175. There is no__ in the boat, so we have to wait for another one.A. seatsB. roomC. roomsD.A seat176. The wind is blowing more and more strongly. Why not__ the windows__?A. to keep; closeB. to keep; openC. keep; openedD. keep; closed177. There are a lot of new buildings on __ side of the street.A. everyB. eitherC. bothD.All178. It is a very long day for Jackson. He didn’t get home from school __ six o’clock.A. sinceB.AfterC. untilD. by179. Li Lei looks happy, __ he’s __ his English examA. because; pastB. when; pastC. since; passedD. because; passed180. No matter __ , we should not change our plan.A. what does it happensB. happens whatC. what is happenedD. what happens 181. Mr. Green and Mr. king__ at this school__ they came to China two years ago.A. taught; whenB. have taught; sinceC. have taught; becauseD. taught; until 182. Nobody except Li Ping and Liu Ying __ at school this time yesterday.A. wereB. has beenC. wasD. had been183. These foreign friends have already __ Nanjing for about two days.A. reachedB.Arrived inC. got toD. been in184. I think traveling by train is much cheaper and __ a rushed trip by air.A. far more enjoyable thanB. very much enjoyable thanC. so much enjoyable thanD. much more enjoyable as185. –will you please __ him the pictures as soon as he __ back tomorrow?--With pleasure.A. to give; will comeB. give; comesC. gave; will comeD. giving; come 186. The teacher has done his best __ their studies.A. help his students to improveB. to help his students to improveC. helps his students to improveD. helped his students to improve187. She feels like __ TV.A. watchesB. watchC. watchingD. to watch188. Our teacher, Miss Green, __ English on the radio the day before yesterday.A. teachesB. taughtC. teachD. had taught189. Hello, Mr. Green! I want to see you right now. Can you come as __ as possible ?A. manyB. lateC. muchD. soon190. I must return the camera to Li Lei. I __ it for two weeks.A. have boughtB. borrowedC. have keptD. have lent191. The black bag__ be anna’s. she has a blue oneA. shouldB. can’tC. wouldn’tD. could192. __ the morning of July the 5th, we finally __ the town by train.A.At; reachB. on; arrived atC. in; got toD. on; arrived in193. My watch doesn’t work. I have to __ it __ right now.A. make; repairB. have; repairedC. make; to repairD. have; repair194. We prefer__ at the party rather than__.A. to sing; danceB. to sing; dancingC. sing; to danceD. sing; dance195. –May I speak to Mr. Black, please?--Sorry, he’s __ Beijing for about three daysA. been toB. gone toC. been inD. gone in196. Parents are more worried about their children’s lessons. In fact, it’s not necessary for them to watch their children__ every night.A. studyB. to studyC. studiesD. studying197. –Have you sent your grandparents an e-mail telling them you arrived already?--No, __ of them can use a computer.A. noneB. bothC. NeitherD.All198. __ interesting work it is!A. HowB. What aC. How anD. What199 . Did you find__ to sit down in the train?A.A roomB. roomsC. roomD. place200.As close friends,they used to walk to school____.A. face to faceB.little by littleC. step by stepD.side by side201 . Would you please tell me ___ the computer?A. what to useB. how to useC. how can useD. what can use202 . Simon heard his neighbor ___ for help at nightA. callsB. callC. callingD. to call203 . I am very busy. I have a lot of clothes___.A. washB. washingC. washedD. to wash204.–Could you teach us how to look after the rabbit?--_____.A. good ideaB. you are welcomeC. no problemD. that’s all right205 . We look forward to ___ from him soon.A. hearB. hearsC. heardD. hearing206 . It takes him half an hour __ to work by bike.A. goingB. to goC. goD. goes207 . My baby is sleeping. Don’t make ___.A. much noiseB.A lot noiseC. many noiseD. noise208 . The old woman ___ a lot of time___.A. spends; playingB. takes; to playC. spent; to playD. spent; playing209 . Do you know the young man ___ John?A. to callB. callC. calledD. calling210 . This book is __ for us___.A. enough easy; to understandB. easy enough; to understandC. enough easy; understandingD. easy enough; understanding211 . My car is broken. I __ go to the office on foot.A. mayB. mustC. canD. have to212 . She is __ unusual speaker.A.AB. /C.AnD. the213 . The old man practises ___10,000 steps every day.A. walkB. walkingC. to walkD. walks214 . They will play___ basketball instead of___ piano.A. the; playing theB. /; playC. the; play theD. /; playing the 215 . You must have __ the book __.A. forgotten; somewhere elseB. left; somewhere elseC. left; somewhere otherD. forgotten; anywhere else216 . The man was seen __ the car in the garden an hour ago.A. to washB. washesC. washingD. washed217 . We have to put off the sports meeting__ the rain.A. becauseB. ifC. sinceD. because of218 . The girl was seen ___ the office.A. leaveB. to leaveC. leavingD. to left219. The children were__ at the thought of the journey.A. excitingB. excitedC. exciteD. excitedly220 . When he heard the news, he felt__.A. happilyB. sadlyC. happyD. bad221 . The old man is jogging __ a blue sweater.A. putting onB. wearC. inD. with222 . You are so hungry. Would you like__ cake?A.AnotherB. otherC. the othersD. others223 . Please make the girl__.A. to keep quietB. keep quietC. keep quiteD. keeping quiet 224. --___ does he take the medicine?--__ twice a day.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How much 225. -- How often do you clean the fish tank?--____.A. this afternoonB. only onceC. once a monthD. for two days 226 . --___will your manager return to the company, please?-- in about three daysA. how longB. how soonC. how oftenD. how much 227. –__did it take him to repair the computer?--about 2 daysA. how soonB. how oftenC. how longD. how far228. --__ is it from your school to the farm?--__ about five kilos. You had better take a busA. how longB. how farC. how muchD. how tall229.–Can I come this morning or tomorrow morning?--__ is OK, I am free today and tomorrowA. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. None。











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19.在Word 中,要对一个存放在硬盘里的文档进行编辑,用户正确操作方法是(选择"文件"菜单,单击"打开",再在"打开"文件对话框中选择该文件)。








word初中操作试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,以下哪个功能可以快速查找文档中的特定内容?A. 格式刷B. 替换C. 查找D. 撤销答案:C2. 如何在Word文档中插入一张图片?A. 点击“插入”选项卡,选择“图片”B. 直接将图片拖入文档C. 点击“插入”选项卡,选择“形状”D. 点击“文件”选项卡,选择“打开”答案:A3. 在Word中,如何将文字设置为加粗?A. 选中文字,点击工具栏上的“B”图标B. 选中文字,按Ctrl+BC. 选中文字,点击工具栏上的“U”图标D. 选中文字,按Ctrl+I答案:A4. 以下哪个选项不是Word中的段落格式设置?A. 首行缩进B. 行间距C. 段落间距D. 字体颜色答案:D5. 如何在Word文档中插入一个表格?A. 点击“插入”选项卡,选择“表格”B. 点击“布局”选项卡,选择“表格”C. 点击“设计”选项卡,选择“表格”D. 点击“引用”选项卡,选择“表格”答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,可以通过点击工具栏上的“____”图标来插入超链接。

答案:插入超链接2. 使用Word的“____”功能,可以将文档中的某些文字或图片进行格式化处理。

答案:格式刷3. 在Word中,可以通过设置“____”来调整段落之间的距离。

答案:段落间距4. Word文档中,可以通过“____”功能来插入页码。

答案:页眉和页脚5. 在Word中,可以通过“____”功能来插入脚注或尾注。

答案:引用三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述在Word中如何设置文档的页边距。


2. 描述在Word中如何插入一个目录。




初中word试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,下列哪个快捷键可以快速打开“查找和替换”对话框?A. Ctrl + FB. Ctrl + HC. Ctrl + GD. Ctrl + J答案:B2. 如果想要在Word文档中插入一个分节符,应该使用以下哪个选项?A. 插入B. 引用C. 视图D. 设计答案:B3. 在Word中,下列哪个功能可以用来设置文档的页边距?A. 页面布局B. 引用C. 插入D. 视图答案:A4. 如何在Word文档中插入一个超链接?A. 选中文本,点击“插入”选项卡中的“超链接”B. 选中文本,点击“引用”选项卡中的“超链接”C. 选中文本,点击“设计”选项卡中的“超链接”D. 选中文本,点击“视图”选项卡中的“超链接”答案:A5. 在Word中,如何将选中的文字设置为斜体?A. 选中文字后按Ctrl + IB. 选中文字后按Ctrl + UC. 选中文字后按Ctrl + BD. 选中文字后按Ctrl + T答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Word中,可以通过按下________键来复制选中的内容。

答案:Ctrl + C2. 若要将Word文档保存为PDF格式,可以在“文件”菜单中选择“另存为”,然后选择保存类型为________。

答案:PDF3. 在Word中,可以通过按下________键来粘贴复制的内容。

答案:Ctrl + V4. 若要在Word文档中插入一个表格,可以在“插入”选项卡中点击________按钮。

答案:表格5. 在Word中,可以通过按下________键来撤销上一步操作。

答案:Ctrl + Z三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述在Word中如何设置文档的水印。



2. 描述在Word中如何插入页码。

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