



Jim, with his father, goes to see his grandfather. In the train Jim often puts his head out of the window. His father says,“Jim! Don’t put your head out of the window!”But Jim goes on putting his head out of the window.

Here his father takes Jim’s cap quietly, hides(藏)it behind his back and says,“You see your cap is gone.”Jim is afraid.

His father says,“Well, whistle(吹口哨)once. Perhaps your cap will come back.”Jim whistles. His father puts quickly the cap on Jim’s head.

Oh! It’s wonderful! Jim laughs. He quickly takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the window. “Now it’s your turn to whistle, Dad!”He says happily.

Write T or F.

1.Jim and his father go to see his grandfather by bus.

2.Jim’s father tells Jim not to put his head out of the window.

3.Jim’s father takes Jim’s cap and hides it behind his back.

4.Jim doesn’t want to have his cap back.

5.Jim takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the window.


Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!

Guitar lessons

Experienced musician from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!

For more information, please visit Larry’s website:


Lost dog

Medium size, with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you when you call it David. Many thanks for sending it back.

Call Susan at 7328059

Taxi driver wanted

Full time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary. English is also a must.

Under 45 years old.

Call Mr. White at 5132683.

Apartment for sale

Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Hot water 8:00-18:00.

Beautiful sights out of the windows.

E-mail: sdgt@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517995091.html,.

1. If you want to have a guitar lesson, you may ________ .

A. call Susan at 7328059

B. surf the website.au

C. telephone Mr. White at 5132683

D. e-mail sdgt@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0517995091.html,

2. Who is the owner of the lost dog?

A. Mr. White

B. Larry

C. Susan

D. David

3. If you want the job as a taxi driver, you should


A. master at least three languages

B. know the city very well

C. be an experienced driver

D. both B and C

4. Which information about the apartment is not mentioned in the table?

A. It has a beautiful view.

B. It has hot water in the daytime.

C. It has three floors.

D. It has a kitchen.

5. How can you contact the owner of the apartment for more information?

A. By sending an e-mail.

B. By going to visit it.

C. By making a phone call.

D. By sending a fax (传真).


American football

In almost every big university in the USA, football is a favourite sport. American football is not like soccer.


讲解: 1.第二段开头讲互联网是在60年代建立的,故至今历史已超过30年。 2.文中第二段阐明计算机网络工作状况不好(didn't work well)。 3.第三段中说明大学、医院等都被允许使用电脑,然而,计算机仍然很贵,并且网络很难使用。 4.由第三段最后几句介绍可知,到90年代,计算机便宜且好用。科学家也发展了软件使网上浏览更方便。而本题干用了not…until句型,译为“直到90年代早期人们才有足够的软件上网”。 阅读理解3 Mr. and Mrs. Turner live outside a small town. They have a big farm and they are always busy working on it. Their son, Peter, studied at a middle school. The young man studied hard and did well in his lessons. It made them happy. Last month Peter finished middle school and passed the entrance examination (升学考试). Mrs. Turner was very happy and told the farmers about it. Yesterday morning the woman went to the town to buy something for her son. On the bus she told one of her friends how clever and able her son was. She spoke very loudly. All the people in the bus began to listen to her. “Which university (大学) will your son study in?” a woman next to her asked.


A In the USA, there are many types of restaurants. Fast food restaurants are very famous. You can find McDonald?s and Kentucky Fried Chicken in many countries around the world. You look at a menu above the counter, and say what you?d like to eat. You p ay the person who serves you. You take your food and sit down or take it away. There?s no need to leave a tip. In a coffee shop you sit at the counter or at a table. You don?t wait for the waitress to show you where to sit. She usually brings you coffe e when you sit down. You tell her what you?d like to eat and she brings it to you. You pay the cashier as you leave. A diner is like a coffee shop but usually looks like a railway carriage. In a family restaurant the atmosphere is casual, but the waitress shows you where to sit. Often the waitress tells you her name, but you don?t need to tell her yours. If you don?t eat everything, your waitress gives you a doggy bag to take your foo d home. You add an extra fifteen percent to the bill as a tip. In top class restaurants, you need a reservation and you need to arrive on time. The waiter shows you where to sit. If you have wine, he may ask you to taste it. You can only refuse it if it tastes bad, not if you don?t like it. When you get your b ill, check it and then add fifteen to twenty percent to it as a tip for the waiter. 1. counter柜台 2. tip小费 3. carriage火车车厢 4. casual随意的 5. percent百分之…… 6. reservation预定 7. refuse拒绝 1. There are ______ types of restaurants here. A. three B. four C. five D. six 2. We should sit ______ in a coffee shop. A. near the door B. in the corner C. at a counter D. on the floor 3. In what kind of restaurant does the waitress often tell you her name? A. In a top class restaurant B. In a fast food restaurant C. In a coffee shop D. In a family restaurant 4. How much do you need to tip in a top class restaurant? A. Ten percent B. Fifteen percent C. Thirty percent D. Forty percent C Apoliceman was sitting in his car on the side of Highway25,hoping to catch speeders .After a while, a car full of elderly woman slowly rolled by. The policeman realized that the slow-moving car was a danger to other drivers on the highway, so he decided to ask them to pulled up .After the car had stopped on the side of the road, the policeman got out and came to the car to speak to the driver .He said, “The speed limit(限制)on this highway is fifty-five miles per hour. Why are you driving so slowly?” “Well, officer, I?ve seen a lot of signs on this highway that say …twenty-five? not …fifty-five?, the old woman politely replied.“Ma?am,” the officer told the driver? “those aren?t speed limit signs. Those signs mean that you are driving on Highway 25.”“Oh, silly me. I didn?t know. I?m sorry officer .I?ll be more careful in the future,” she said. Then the police officer looked in the backseat of the car. He noticed that the elderly passengers looked frightened and were shaking with fear. The officer asked the d river, “What?s wrong with them ? They look like they?ve been frightened to death by something.” The driver replied, “Oh, they?ll be all right in a minute. You see ,we just got off Highway 120.” ( )21. The policeman stopped the car because the car was _________. A .running too slowly B. running too fast C. over-crowded D. full of elderly people ( )22.The driver is a __________. A. a young man B. an old man C. a girl D. an old lady ( )23.If you drive on Highway 25, you should drive _______miles per hour. A. at most 25 B. at most 55 C. at least 120 D. at most 120 ( )24.The passage hints(暗示)that________. A. the Highway 120 is frightening B. you can drive at any speed on highways as long as you break the limit55. C. the driver adjusted(调整)the driving speed by the number of the highways D. the driver of the car understands the signs on the highway very well. ( )25.What do you think “Ma?am” means according to this passage?


初二下学期英语阅读理解题 读短文并根据文章内容判断下列陈述的正误。 Jim, with his father, goes to see his grandfather. In the train Jim often puts his head out of the window. His father says,“Jim! Don’t put your head out of the window!”But Jim goes on putting his head out of the window. Here his father takes Jim’s cap quietly, hides(藏)it behind his back and says,“You see your cap is gone.”Jim is afraid. His father says,“Well, whistle(吹口哨)once. Perhaps your cap will come back.”Jim whistles. His father puts quickly the cap on Jim’s head. Oh! It’s wonderful! Jim laughs. He quickly takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the window. “Now it’s your turn to whistle, Dad!”He says happily. Write T or F. 1.Jim and his father go to see his grandfather by bus. 2.Jim’s father tells Jim not to put his head out of the window. 3.Jim’s father takes Jim’s cap and hides it behind his back. 4.Jim doesn’t want to have his cap back. 5.Jim takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the window.


初二英语(下)阅读训练Module 5 A 请根据材料内容,从各题后所给的三个选项中选择最佳答案。 Dear editor, My English teacher is very strict (严厉)with us. Several days ago, when we were in class, Tom asked me a question. But she thought we were speaking in class. She asked us to stand at the back of the classroom for a few minutes. This made me uncomfortable. After that, I feel nervous in her class, so I don’t like her class. However, I really want to learn English well. What should I do? Yours Mike Dear Mike, I am sorry you are having difficulty with your English class. Every teacher wants his or her students to study hard. So I think you should have a talk with your English teacher and tell her what you were doing with Tom that day. If she knows your worries, maybe she will help you with your English. And she will be pleased to hear you want to learn English well. I believe when students are not trying as hard as they can, a teacher is forced(被迫)to take action. Yours Editor 1. What’s wrong with Mike? A. He doesn’t like learning Englis h . B. He meets trouble with his English teacher. C. He doesn’t know how to get on well with his English teacher. 2. Mike feels nervous in English class because________________. A. he doesn’t like his English teacher B. he can’t speak in class C. his English teacher punished him 3. In the editor’s opinion, the English teacher asked mike to stand for a while because_______________.. A. she didn’t like him B. she didn’t think Mike learned English hard C. Mike was bad at English 4. What does “ take action” mea n in Chinese? A.采取行动 B.参加活动 C. 帮助 5. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to(根据)the passage? A. Mike dislikes English classes, but he wants to learn English well B. Mike wants the editor to say something to his English teacher C. The editor gave Mike some advice, but it didn’t work B 请阅读短文,从方框中所给A--F的六个句子中选出五个适当的句子填空,使短文通顺、内容完整。 A. He went to ask the great man what the secret was. B. The boy’s father decided to take the boy to him. C. Soon the boy did not ask for sweets any more. D. He said he could help the boy give up sweets in a month. E. He always asked his father for sweets. F. He told the father to bring his son back after a month. Once there was a boy. He loved sweets very much. 1.________ The boy’s father thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets. There was a great man living nearby. 2.__________ He might be able to make the child give up sweets. So they went to thee great man. The father asked the great man to help him. But the great man liked sweets himself. 3.____________ During the month, the great man tried to give up eating sweets. At last he did it. When the boy and his father returned after a month, the great man had a talk with the boy. 4.____________ The boy’s father felt surprised. 5.____________ The man said ,”How could I ask a boy to give up sweets while I loved sweets myself? In the last month I gave up eating sweets.” A person’s action is always stronger than words. We should not ask others to do what we can’t do ourselves. C 请根据材料内容,从各题后所给的选项中选择最佳答案。 Everyone knows that exercise is important. We need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It keep our bodies strong. When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you excise in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough ---but not too much. It is good to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or three sports that feel right for you. Exercise can be fun. Friends can exercise together at fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise? 1. In the passage the writer tells us that we all need to_______________. A. drink B. relax C. exercise D. work 2.Which of the following sports can’t we find in the passage? A. Fishing B. Running C. Swimming D. Walking 3. What does exercise mean? A. It means doing things with the body


新目标英语八年下阅读理解20篇 参考答案:1.B2.C3.A4.B5.C 讲解: 1.第一句介绍杰克今年20岁,2年前中学毕业,故选B。 2.结合前后文意,前面讲他吃完饭就去睡觉,并且很快就睡着了,文章最后介绍他用脚跺楼,发出声音,奶奶阻止他,说明他奶奶怕吵,综合判断选C。 3.由第二段倒数第二句判断。 4.根据文意,他奶奶住他楼下,倒数第二句又讲他用脚在地板上发出“Bang...”的声音,故应是用脚跺楼。 5.因他表坏了,Mary 又没带,他们想知道时间。 阅读理解2 We are all busy talking about and using the Internet (互联网), but how many of us know the history of the Internet? Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络) didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time. At first the Internet was only used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made 'surfing' (浏览) the Internet more convenient. Today it is easy to get on-line (上网) and it is said that millions of people use the Internet everyday. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life. 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。 l. The Internet has a history of less than thirty years. T F 2. In the 1960s computer networks went wrong easily. T F 3. Computers become cheaper so that many hospitals and banks were allowed to use them. T F 4. People didn't have enough software to get on-line conveniently until the early 1990s. T F 参考答案:1.F2.T3.F4.T 讲解: 1.第二段开头讲互联网是在60年代建立的,故至今历史已超过30年。 2.文中第二段阐明计算机网络工作状况不好(didn't work well)。 3.第三段中说明大学、医院等都被允许使用电脑,然而,计算机仍然很贵,并且网络很难使


八年级下期末英语 【阅读与完型填空题】专项练习 阅读 A We have heard about people who have special memories.Recently there has been a report about a woman from Australia who can remember almost every detail(细节)of all the events in her daily life. Rebecca Sharrock,25,is one of just80people worldwide who have been identified(确定)as having Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory(HSAM,超级自传体 记忆症).It means she can remember every small event-which most people would forget within(在......以内)days-as if it had happened just minutes ago. "I remember my mum putting me in the driver's seat of a car and taking a picture of me when I was12days old,”she said."That's my earliest memory.I remember every day since then.I can't tell all the dates exactly because I was too young to understand calendars,but I remember what I did that every day,what the weather was like and so on.” Rebecca can also re-experience taste.If she's eating something that she doesn't like, she thinks about Black Forest cake,her favorite food,and the memory will be so strong it. that she can nearly"taste” However,sometimes her memories prove(证明)to be painful.Because they're not just events that she remembers."When I relive(再体验)memories,the feelings return,too,”Rebecca said."For example,I remember falling over when I was three at my grandparents'house and hurting my left knee.Talking about it now,I feel painful in my left knee." "At night,I have to sleep with the radio/recorder and a soft light on,she added."1f it's too dark or quiet,my mind would be filled with all these memories and I can't sleep." 1.Which is NOT TRUE about Rebecca A.She has special memories. B.She is from Australia. C.She is25years old. D.She can remember every detail of all the events. 2.What happened to Rebecca on the day when she was3years old A.She was identified as having HSAM. B.Her mother put her in a car and took a picture of her. C.She started to understand calendars. D.She hurt her left knee at her grandparents'. 3.Whenever she is reliving her memories,__________ A.she is happy B.she experiences the feelings again C.she feels pain in her knees D.she can taste her favorite food 4.What is the result of having HSAM A.She can remember every event in her daily life. B.She can re-experience taste. C.She can relive feelings. D.All the above. 5.From the passage,we can infer(推断)that________ B


D1(朝阳区) Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost mention recycling, which is the process (过程) of treating used things, such as paper or steel so that they can be used again. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more things than we need. We are now dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the possible greenest way, but it would be far better if we did not bring so many things home in the first place. Here is an example. In the UK, the total of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of a household’s waste. In many supermarkets, foods are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard. Too much packaging causes serious environmental problems. The UK is running out of different kinds of ways for dealing with this unnecessary waste. If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect (效果). Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. The best way of avoiding this problem is to stop producing such unnecessary things in the first place. Food waste is another serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers (消费者) to buy more than they need. They seldom encourage customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue. But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to connect packaging with quality (质量). We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. Is it true for all the products? In fact, more and more companies realized the importance of protecting the environment. They try to package what really should be packaged, including products in good quality. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize how many unnecessary things are being collected. We need to face the waste of our daily life. Although many people have taken action to recycle, we have a high mountain to climb. 1. What does the underlined word ―over-consumption‖ mean? A. Making the environment green. B. Recycling as much as possible. C. Making more products than necessary. D. Having more things than being needed. 2. What is the main purpose of the second paragraph? A. To show the facts of over-used packaging. B. To talk about the possible greenest ways. C. To teach people how to do recycling at home. D. To express worries about environmental problems. 3. What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph? A. Unpackaged products are of bad quality. B. Other products are better packaged than food. C. We can’t always connect quality with packaging. D. Supermarkets should care more about packaging. 4. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Supermarkets should recycle first. B. Packaging causes serious problems. C. Needless things are mostly recycled. D. Recycling should be done in the first place. D2(西城区) The secret in re-remembering is to allow the full powf er of your memory to flow freely without ―trying‖ to remember any one specific (特定的) thing. I recently sat down to a relaxed and enjoyable dinner with some friends. At the beginning of the meal, a friend told us that his car had just been broken into and his briefcase (公文包) had been stolen. He was frustrated (懊恼的) because his diary and a number of other items (物品) important to him were in the briefcase. He said he could remember only four items that were in his stolen briefcase, that he knew there were many more, that he had to give a full report to the police within two hours, and that the more he tried to remember the more blocked he became.


八年级英语下册第一次月考试题 亲爱的同学,在你答题前,请认真阅读下面的注意事项: 1.本试卷由第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分组成。全卷共10页,七大题,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。 2.答题前,请将你的姓名、准考证号填写在“答题卡”相应位置,并在“答题卡卡”背面左上角填写姓名和座位号 3.答第I卷(选择题)时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答在“试卷”上无效. 4.答第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)时,答案用0.5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔书写在“答题卡”上。答在“试卷”上无效。 5.认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项预祝你取得优异成绩! 第I卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分听力部分 一、听力测试(共三节) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 1. A. She’s smart. B. She’s Green. C. She’s waiting for you. 2. A. By bus. B. Very early. C. Near the market. 3. A. A small one. B. A football. C. Too heavy. 4. A. Cheap. B. To cut pears. C. The new one. 5. A. Around five. B. With Tom. C. Not very far. 第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段対话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小題。每段对话仅读一遍。 6. What can we know about Mary? A. She is better now. B. She feels bad. C. She wants to be better. 7. What’s Bill’s phone number? A. 85658977. B. 85658976. C. 84658977. 8. What does the man want to do? A. To stay in the room. B. To have some coffee. C. To go for a walk. 9. Where are these people? A. In the classroom. B. In the shop. C. At the cinema. 10. How was the football game? A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Boring. 11. What do we learn from the talk? A. The woman wants to finish her paper. B.The woman wants to swim. C. The woman wants to the cinema.
