



C.标准状况下,22.4L N2和H2混合气中含nA个原子 D.3mol单质Fe完全转变为Fe3O4,失去8nA个电子 11.一定温度下,水溶液中H+和OH-的浓度变化曲线如图2,下列说法正
A.升高温度,可能引起有c向b的变化 B.该温度下,水的离子积常数为1.0×10-13 C.该温度下,加入FeCl3可能引起由b向a的变化 D.该温度下,稀释溶液可能引起由c向d的变化
胶头滴管、玻璃棒、药匙、天平、PH计、温度计、恒温水浴槽 (可控制温度) ①实验目的:探究 对溶液中NH4Cl水解程度的影响。 ②设计实验方案,拟定实验表格,完整体现实验方案(列出 能直接读取数据的相关物理量及需拟定的数据,数据用字母表 示;表中V(溶液)表示所配制溶液的体积)。
32.(16分)七铝十二钙(12CaO·7Al2O3)是新型的超导材料和发光材料, 用白云石(主要含CaCO3和MgCO3)和废Al片制备七铝十二钙的工艺 如下:
(1)煅粉主要含MgO和 ,用适量的NH4NO3溶液浸取煅粉后,镁化合 物几乎不溶, 若溶液I中c(Mg2+)小于5×10-6mol·L-1,则溶液PH大于 (Mg(OH)2的Ksp=5×10-12);该工艺中不能用(NH4)2SO4代替 NH4NO3,原因是 ,


C、使用更好的催化剂 D、移去H2O



2015广东省高考理科综合卷参考答案一、选择题:26.(1)类囊体薄膜黄绿色A TP和[H] C3的还原(2)加剧酸雨对三种植物叶绿素含量的影响严重程度由大到小依次是腊梅、桃树、木樨,其中pH4.0酸雨对木樨没有影响在正常情况下三种植物叶绿素含量不同,由大到小依次是腊梅、桃树、木樨(3)抵抗力长期酸雨导致植物叶绿素减少,光合作用减弱,生产者固定的能量减少,物种多样性降低,因此整个生态系统的抵抗力稳定性减弱27.(1)下丘脑电信号突触(2)促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素促肾上腺皮质激素反馈调节(3)浆细胞记忆T细胞增殖分化成效应T细胞凋亡28.(1)多对易于区分的相对性状假说演绎(2)减数分裂细胞分裂和分化(3)进化不定向性(4)2 长翅可育:长翅不育:短翅可育:短翅不育=2:1:2:129.(1)避免氧气进入,为乳酸菌的无氧发酵创造无氧环境丙酮酸,[H],ATP(2)亚硝酸盐含量较低,酸度适宜,口感也较好乳酸含量增加(3)实验结论: 适中盐浓度条件下,用优选乳酸菌制作的泡菜亚硝酸盐含量比普通乳酸菌低,且在第8天后,亚硝酸盐含量下降到较低水平,适宜食用。

30.(1)129C H Br (2)AD(3)25C H OH HBr2222225CH =CH COOH CH Br CH COOH CH Br CH COOC H −−−→−−−−→----- (4)4,4 (5)31.(1)()()()()22212HCl g +O g =H O g +Cl g 212H H ∆+∆(2)<① ()K A②增大压强,平衡向气体分子数减少的方向移动,即平衡正向移动,()HCl α增大. ③B D(3)()33415.410mol -1.810molHCl 9.010mol min 4minv ----⨯⨯==⨯⋅ (4)()()222222Ca OH +2Cl =CaCl +Ca ClO +2H O 32.(1)CaO 11 Ca 2+与SO 42-在溶液中不能大量共存,使用(NH 4)2SO 4会产生CaSO 4沉淀,不利于CaO 溶解.(2)3NO -、OH -()32Ca HCO(3)--2322Al O +2OH =2AlO +H O(4)()2232Al +6H O2Al OH +3H ↑电解(5)427Al 3e +7AlCl =4Al Cl ----33.(1)A C G(2)①产生白烟 A 瓶中HCl 进入B 瓶,然后和NH 3发生反应,HCl+NH 3=NH 4Cl ,生成的NH 4Cl 为白色固体小颗粒②烧杯中石蕊溶液进入B 中,溶液变红(3)(浓度、温度只要选择一种进行探究)③15.3510Ym α-=× 34.(1)①靠近;先接通电源,待打点计时器打点稳定后释放纸带。



DIt was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics.In recent years, many writers have begun to speak the 'decline of class' and 'classless society' in Britain. And in modern day consumer society everyone is considered to be middle class.But pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging society of public opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in particular class; 73 percent agreed that class was still a vital part of British society; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an important part of British society. Britain seems to have a love of stratification.One unchanging aspect of a British person's class position is accent. The words a person speaks tell her or his class. A study of British accents during 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice, Most people said this accent sounded 'educated' and 'soft'. The accents placed at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, were regional(地区的)city accents. These accents were seen as 'common' and 'ugly'. However, a similar study of British accents in the US turned these results upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.In recent years, however, young upper middle-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins. This is an indication of class becoming unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song 'Common People' puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may 'want to live like common people' they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.41. A recent study of public opinion shows that in modern Britain ________.A. it is time to end class distinctionB. most people belong to middle classC. it is easy to recognize a person’s classD. people regard themselves socially different42. The word stratification in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.A. varietyB. authorityC. divisionD. qualification43. The study in the US showed that BBC English was regarded as _________.A. regionalB. educatedC. prejudicedD. unattractive44. British attitudes towards accent _________.A. have a long traditionB. are based on regional statusC. are shared by the AmericansD. have changed in recent years45. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The middle class is expandingB. A person’s accent reflects his classC. Class is a key part of British societyD. Each class has unique characteristics.信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。













1.建国初期修建的兰新铁路最终未能通过西宁,现在的兰新高铁经过西宁,什么因素的改变得以实现( )ﻩA.气候ﻩ B.地形ﻩﻩ C.资源ﻩﻩﻩD.科技2.不属于兰新高铁带来的影响是( )A.优化西北省区之间的交流环境B.拓宽沿线省区天然气运输通道C.促进沿线文化旅游产业链发展D.大大提高出疆通道的运输能力读世界某区域年均气温分布图,回答3-4题。

3.奥伊米亚康气温明显低于圣彼得堡的主要原因是( )A.海拔高,气温低 B.纬度高,太阳辐射弱C.冬季受来自极地冷气团控制 D.受寒流影响明显4. 奥伊米亚康的房屋底部与地面最少有近1米的间隔,其原因是( )ﻩA.防止流动沙丘掩埋房屋 B.保持室内较高的温度C.多发地震,抗震能力强D.防止室内热气会融解冻土地基读我国某城市人口增长曲线图,回答5-6题。

5.对该城市人口增长分析不准确的是( )A. 人口再生产类型现已进人“低出生、低死亡、低增长率”的阶段。



第1页 共18页 ◎ 第2页 共18页2015年第三次全国大联考【广东卷】-掌门1对1理科综合能力测试考试范围:高考全部内容;考试时间:150分钟注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。


2.答题前考生务必用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 3.考试作答时,请将答案正确填写在答题卡上。

第一卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;第Ⅱ卷请用直径0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效...........................。

4.以下数据可供解题时参考:可能用到的相对原子质量: H -1 O -16 P -31 Zn -65第I 卷(选择题 共118分)一、单项选择题:本大题共16小题,每小题4分,满分64分。


1.下列有关细胞凋亡的叙述,正确的是( )A .激活T 淋巴细胞凋亡基因的表达可治疗艾滋病B .免疫细胞的凋亡不利于机体抵抗病原体的侵染C .灼伤引起皮肤细胞死亡属于基因控制的细胞凋亡D .细胞凋亡过程体现了基因的选择性表达2.下图中的曲线甲代表某种酶在温度与pH 值确定的条件下,进行催化反应的速率与底物浓度的关系。

当达到最大反应速率时所需的底物浓度是2 mM 。

下列叙述不正确的是( ) A .若加入某化学物质后反应曲线变为乙,说明该物质能抑制反应的进行 B .曲线乙达到最大反应速率的一半时,所需底物浓度是1.5 mM C .若该酶是唾液淀粉酶,改变pH 值有可能使反应曲线由甲变为丙 D .若改变温度使反应曲线由甲变为丙,曲线甲所处温度为最适温度3.对非洲爪蟾的精巢切片进行显微观察,绘制以下示意图,有关说法错误的是( )A .甲、丁细胞均为初级精母细胞B .乙、丙细胞不含有染色单体C .丙细胞处于有丝分裂后期D .乙、丁细胞内的两条染色体都发生了互换4.果蝇的黑背对彩背为显性,基因位于常染色体上,黑背纯合子致死;红腹对黑腹为显性,基因位于X 染色体上。







A.徘徊积聚宵衣旰食 B.徘徊积淀废寝忘食C.踟蹰积淀宵衣旰食 D.踟蹰积聚废寝忘食2、下列各句中,没有语病的一项是A.只有当促进艺术电影繁荣成为社会共识,从源头的创作方到末端的受众方的各环节都得到强有力的支持,艺术电影才能真正实现飞跃。












第1页 共16页 ◎ 第2页 共16页绝密★启用前 2015年第二次全国大联考【广东卷】理科综合能力测试考试范围:高考全部内容;考试时间:150分钟;命题人:学科网大联考命题中心注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。


2.答题前考生务必用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 3.考试作答时,请将答案正确填写在答题卡上。

第一卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;第Ⅱ卷请用直径0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效...........................。

4.以下数据可供解题时参考:可能用到的相对原子质量: H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Al 27 S 32 Cl 35.5 Cu 63.5第I 卷(选择题 共118分)一、单项选择题:本大题共16小题,每小题4分,满分64分。


1.下列有关细胞膜的化学成分和结构的叙述,错误的是( )A .原核细胞和真核细胞的细胞膜,其主要成分都是磷脂和蛋白质B .置于低渗溶液中的细胞体积变大,能体现细胞膜的结构特点C .细胞膜可以通过高尔基体分泌的小泡实现自我更新D .同一生物体不同细胞,其细胞膜中蛋白质的种类和含量大体相同 2.关于生命科学研究中所选择的技术(或方法)的叙述,正确的是( )A .使用干燥处理过的定性滤纸条来分离新鲜绿叶中的色素B .使用过氧化氢溶液和新鲜肝脏来探究温度对酶活性的影响C .选取群体中发病率较低的单基因遗传病来调查其发病率D .使用血球计数板时,应先向计数室滴加培养液,后放置盖玻片3.已知豌豆红花对白花、高茎对矮茎、子粒饱满对子粒皱缩为显性,控制它们的三对基因自由组合。




Think about your favorite TV shows. .Is there a girl on them who isn't pretty? A recent study says that TV shows aimed at eight to twelve-year-old 1 .convey the message that girls should be attractive no matter what other skills they have, while boys don't really have to worry about their 2.The researchers studied how gender roles were portrayed(描绘)on 40 popular TV shows. The male characters on the shows were mostly considered to be "average" and 3 .worried about their looks. But a most female characters were described as "very 4 ".The female characters on the shows worried more about how they 5 .and received more comments on their appearance. The researchers say this difference between them suggests 6 .to young viewers that males can be unattractive, but that, if you are a female, it is 7 .to be unattractive.Children of these ages are forming opinions about who they are and how they should look and act. Children watch TV more often than any other 8 .group. The more often they watch TV, the more 9 . they are to be influenced by what they see. That means children who are 'watching shows like those in the study may 10 .a very narrow idea about appropriate behavior for each gender. On these shows, some female characters also had 11 .and acted excellently. But the researchers say the 12. seems to be that, even if girls can do everything boys can do, they still have to look 13.The researchers suggest that parents both help 14 .the possible negative impact and 15 .with children about what they see when they watch TV.1. A. researchers B. girlsC. childrenD. boys2. A. ambition B. knowledgeC. honestyD. appearance3. A. rarely B. usuallyC. finallyD. mostly4. A. positive B. expressiveC. creativeD. attractive5. A. looked B. smeltC. playedD. saw6. A. impossibly B. undoubtedlyC. truthfullyD. incorrectly7. A. widespread B. reasonableC. unbelievableD. unacceptable8. A. age B. interestC. incomeD. work9. A. ready B. likelyC. willingD. lovely10. A. change B. avoidC. developD. explain1I. A. faces B. performanceC. skillsD. respect12. A. behavior B. descriptionC. influenceD. message13. A. pretty B. handsomeC.1iVelvD. independent14. A. create B. replaceC. reduceD. increase15. A. agree B. communicateC. dealD. compete第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,根据上文在空白处填写适当的词语,或使用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空A sketchbook, two friends. and imagination are all Kirby Buckets needs to get intotrouble. The story follows 13-year-old Kirby as he 16.____ (search) for his goal of becoming an artist to make cartoon drawings.Kirby is a talented artist,17.____ his drawings, as well as his playful personality, tend to cause trouble. His two best friends, Eli and Fish, join 18.____ as he gets into situations. Eli is a lovable and sweet friend. 19.____ always has a smile on his face. Fish is fashionable and sharp, and balances out Kirby and Eli.Kirby's elder sister Dawn, who Kirby teases 20.____calling Dawnzilla, constantly tries troop Kirby from embarrassing her. Following heris her loyal friend Belinda, a smart and friendly girl who aids in finding out 21.____exactly Kirby is doing at the moment. Although Dawn may not act like a best friend sometimes, . the relationships between Belinda and her seems to be 22._____(absolute)pricelessThere is a 23.____(combine) of live-action and animation that adds humor to the story. In the first part of the story, 24.____Cars,Buses, and Lawnmowers", Kirby decides to enter one of his drawings int0 25._____contest. On the way, he meets with some strange difficulties. Will he be able to succeed? Viewers can tune in to find out more.第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。




A guest speaker is a person who is invited to speak at an event. The person is usually not 1 connected with the organization of the event, but the guest speaker may add to it by sharing knowledge, giving support, 2 others, or doing, a little bit of all of these things. They are explained by the fact that they will communicate otherwise.Even in the 3 events, the guest speaker can be well worth listening to. They hold views different from those 4 or attending the event and often bring something new to it. 5 , their success depends on how well their message is matched to the event and also on how well they can 6 a speech at the event.A successful guest speaker is certainly able to 7 prepare a speech that will be enjoyed by the audience. Some preparation is 8 for this, and some speakers will 9 speeches first and then remember them fully. It helps very much if the guest speaker is given information on what topics would be of most 10 to the audience.Almost equal in importance is the 11 of the guest speaker, which should also be well prepared. Especially in large event settings, the host should give a little information about the background of tiie guest speaker and name some of his or her 12 .Intros and actual speeches may be a little less 13 , especially when they take place on the Internet. TTiere are lots of chat rooms that 14 guests at various time, who discuss something or answer questions from an expert’s view. Clearly, long intros would take away from the time the guest speaker has, so the intros should be a little 15 and to the point, if in brief.1. A. slightly B. deeplyC. unnecessarilyD. obviously2. A. helping B. rewardingC. entertainingD. thanking3. A. greatest B. smallestC. latestD. best4. A. sharing B. explainingC. supportingD. organizing5. A. Fortunately B. TypicallyC. ProudlyD. Differently6. A. deliver B. polishC. analyzeD. write7. A. carelessly B. hurriedlyC. skilfullyD. silently8. A. unexpected B. particularC. essentialD. arbitrary9. A. write B. makeC. reciteD. forget10. A. difficulty B. interestC. significanceD. boredom11. A. conclusion B. determinationC. personalityD. introduction12. A. preferences B. explorationsC. amusementsD. achievements13. A. lively B. formalC. famousD. popular14. A. satisfy B. refuseC. inspireD. invite15. A. easier B. shorterC. moreD. harder第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。



文科综合能力测试试卷 第1页(共14页)文科综合能力测试试卷 第2页(共14页)绝密★启用前2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)文科综合能力测试本试卷满分300分,考试用时150分钟。

注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。


2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答案卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。


3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔或涂改液。


4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。



在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. 数字高程模型是对地貌形态的虚拟表示,可描述地面高程信息。

图1为某旅游区的数字高程模型图,图中甲、乙、丙、丁四处观景平台视野最广的可能是 ( )A. 甲B. 乙C. 丙D. 丁2. 大规模的火山爆发可能造成地表温度下降。

其合理的解释是火山爆发导致 ( ) A. 大气二氧化碳浓度增加 B. 高纬度地区极光现象减少 C. 地球表面长波辐射增强D. 到达地面的短波辐射减弱3. 有文献表述:“地带性就是地球形状和地球的运动特征引起地球上太阳辐射分布不均而产生有规律的分异”。

按此理解,下列景观变化属于地带性的是( )A. 非洲西部从赤道向南北出现的森林—草原—荒漠景观B. 阿尔卑斯山从山麓向上出现的森林—草甸—寒漠景观C. 内蒙古自治区从东向西出现的森林—草原—荒漠景观D. 新疆维吾尔自治区塔里木盆地出现的荒漠—绿洲景观4. 表1为2009年四个国家的人口数及百万人口以上大城市人口占本国人口比重统计表。




Green tourism, a form of ecotourism, is low-impact tourism with an eye toward protecting the environment and culture of an area. It is less 1 for the environment than ordinary tourism. The number of 2 traveling the world has been increasing, which makes green tourism not only preferable but a 3 in some areas. It might seem wiser to some people to protect natural habitats by 4 visitors completely to these areas, but many areas depend on the 5 from tourism to support the local economy. Green tourism is considered to offer the best of both aspects, protecting the 6 of an area while keeping businesses prosperous.Green tourism doesn't 7 a vacation with little interest or no comfort. On the contrary, it can be a 8 adventure. Ecotourism resorts(胜地)exist in various styles and tastes. So there are many vacationing 9_ for you.A very green holiday can be spent studying cultural heritage(遗产)of an area, and most, 10 leaning ways to protect it. Guides and wildlife-viewing platforms help tourists experience the local scenic spots while making no 11 to the environment. There also are trips available in which vacationers take an active part in 12 the local area by working to preserve the natural habitat, or performing other Services that benefit the area。



found a great costume. After picking it up, I was able to see that the jacket was from West Point, the United States Military Academy, and it had the name "deGavre" written inside.Everything changed at that point. I realized the jacket might be important to someone. As I thought about what the soldiers did for our country, I decided to find the jacket's owner and return it to him or his family. I called the West Point Museum, considering that if the family could' not be found, the jacket should go there. The museum connected me with Kim McDermott, Director of Communications for the Academy's Association of Graduates. Kim soon determined that the jacket had belonged to Chester Braddock deGavre, who was a 1933 graduate and war hero, but passed away in 1993.I sent Kim a photo of the jacket and she posted it on the West Point Association of Graduates Facebook Page, asking if anyone could help us find the family. In less than two hours, someone found and called the hero's wife, Teresa. Soon I started to receive personal messages from members of the deGavre family, their friends and others who were touched by the story and had found me on Facebook.Finding Chester deGavre's jacket and connecting to his family with the help of Facebook have been so meaningful to me. I've formed a connection with amazing people I otherwise would have never met.26. Seeing the sight after the storm, the author felt very_______.A. sadB. surprisedC. nervousD. disappointed27. After seeing the jacket, at first the author thought that she could_______.A. try to find its ownerB. wear it on HalloweenC. return it to West PointD. send it to others for free28. The author called the West Point Museum because she thought_______.A. the jacket' s owner might be found thereB. the jacket might be collected by the museumC. the jacket's information might be recorded thereD. the jacket might attract the museum staff’sattention29. After reading the passage, we can infer that_______. .A. Chester deGavre had lost his jacket for almost 60 yearsB. the jacket finally became a meaningful Halloween costumeC. the deGavre family might not know the author but for the jacketD. the author was made famous by posting her photos on Facebook30. What does the text mainly tell us?A. A jacket was lost during a storm.B. A lost jacket was found by a woman.C. A photo of a jacket was posted online.C. To teach him / her to be a responsible credit card user.D. To encourage him / her to share household expenses.35. Compared with credit cards, debit cards_____. .A. have no overdraft functionB. can help build credit historyC. have nothing to do with accountsD. may often be rejected by cash registersCMy parents lived to be ninety-three and ninety-four. Mother lived longer and kept her mental sharpness until a few days before she died. Dad suffered from dementia (痴呆) probably for the last six months of his life. It's hard to say how long because his dear wife knew how to cover his forgetfulness or sometimes strange behavior for him.There were times, however, when mother became totally frustrated with the changes she saw taking place and she would blame him for doing things on purpose just to make her angry. He loved juicy fruit gum, but she kept it hidden from sight and rationed (定量供应) it because he could chew five or six sticks in an hour and ask for another' package. "I have to watch him like a hawk," she said.Even though they lived in an assisted-living facility, my father would not bathe himself and would not let any staff person help him. So mother adjusted his shower temperature, washed his back, brought him a dry towel, and helped him dress. With her heart failure and the need for oxygen full time, this chore wore her out, both physically and emotionally. Then he started getting up in the middle of the night. He would go into their bathroom, which was actually a part of their bedroom, turn on all of the lights, and shave. Mother could not convince him to return to bed until he finished. As a result, mother couldn't get enough sleep at night.I don't have any answers that might have made their last months together any easier. Since they were very private people, sometimes it was hard to know what was really going on. When I stopped by their place, mother would talk nonstop as usual and daddy would smile a lot, like what he used to do. I took along food they enjoyed to them, like smoothies or milkshakes. Mother loved orchids and they thrived under her care so she usually received one for any special occasion. Daddy would often let me brush his “angel hair", as mother named it, and I might help her fasten jewelry.All of these little things were ways to say "I love you", but we didn't often discuss some of the truly important issues related to my. daddy's declining health. I tried to respect their privacy and treat them with the dignity they deserved. I think they both tried to protect me, their daughter. I guess that's what parents do.36. The writer didn't know much about her father's dementia, because_____. .A. she didn't visit her parents muchB. her father hid his conditions carefullyC. her father's conditions weren't seriousrealized my dream and become the goalkeeper in our national team. I think I am so lucky to have won the Golden Glove award. really like the green field.48. My name is Blake Griffin and I was born on March 16, 1989, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. My elder brother Taylor and I were home-schooled by my mother from first grade until Taylor was in the tenth grade. In 2003, we went to Oklahoma Christian School, where we played under my father, head coach Tommy Griffin. Now I'm 2.08 meters tall and weigh 114kg. I'm a professional athlete, a power forward in our team.49. My name is Jack William Nicklaus but the others always call me "The Golden Bear" kindly because of my golden hair and large body. I have won a total of 18 career major championships all my life. My final U.S. Open was held at a beach in 2000, where I didn't play well because of my old age. I used two more strokes and missed the cut. Now I am 75 years old and seldom pick up my club. I am writing a book about my experience.50. My name is Justine Henin and I was born on June l, 1982 in Liege in Belgium. My father is Jose Henin and my mother, Francoise Rosiere, was a history teacher. When I was two, my family moved to a house in Rochefort, situated next to the local tennis club. I remember my father bought me my first racket as my 12th birthday gift. My father encouraged me to try my best. With his help, I became famous by winning the year-ending Sony Ericsson Championships twice and the singles gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics.Ⅲ写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节基础写作(共l小题;满分15分)你班上周开展了一项话题讨论,讨论情况如下:nowadays. Students working part-time usually adopt a positive attitude towards this extracurricular social experience and benefit a lot from it. Apart from making some money to support themselves, they can learn a great deal which cannot be normally learned from textbooks. Moreover, they will learn the techniques of how to get along well with the people around them, obtain related social experience and have a better understanding of the value of labor through doing part-time jobs. Nevertheless, the disadvantages in students doing part-time jobs cannot be overlooked. For instance, too much work may have a negative impact on students' academic performances. After all, they should get the best of their college life and lay a solid foundation of knowledge for their future work. Another weakness is that the money earned, if not properly spent, tends to result in some bad habits, like gambling or even taking drugs. Worse still, some inexperienced students doing part-time jobs may fall into traps and be cheated by some mean and heartless employers. Good or bad, with the population explosion in -China, more and more students find it increasingly difficult to get part-time jobs now. Even if they get one, they're often unfairly paid.【写作内容】1.以约30词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约120个词就“中学生是否该做兼职”,内容包括:(1)列举现实生活中学生做兼职的情况;(2)分析学生做兼职的原因;(3)列举你或你认识的中学生做兼职的一次经历。

2015年高考广东卷:语文+英语试卷真题及参考答案 (完整解析版)

2015年高考广东卷:语文+英语试卷真题及参考答案 (完整解析版)

绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)语文本试卷共8页,24小题,满分150分。


注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、座位号、填写在答题卡上。



2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。


3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。


4. 作答选做题时,请先用2B铅笔填涂选做题的题组号对应的信息点,再作答。


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请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效第 1 页 共 2 页2015年高考广东卷理科综合(物理部分)物理答卷34.(1) (8分)① (填“靠近”或“远离”)计时器下端; , ,使重物自由下落;关闭电源,取出纸带;换新纸带重复实验。

②应选取 (填“b ”或“c ”)主要原因是空气阻力和 。

(2)(10分)①选择“×1”欧姆档测量,示数如图15(a )所示,读数为 Ω。

据此应选择图15中的 (填“b ”或“c ”)电路进行实验。

②滑片P 从左向右滑动,电流表的示数逐渐 (填“增大”或“减小”) ③由图可判断元件 (填“X ”或“Y ”)是非线性元件。

④可算得E= V ,r= Ω(结果均保留两位有效数字,视电压表为理想电压表)。

题号 13 14 15 15 答案 题号 17 18 19 20 21 答案得 分 35.(16分)高2014级 班 姓名 考号···············································密····························封··································线············································请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效第2 页共2 页得分36.(18分)。



高三年级综合能力测试(五)第一节完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I had always expected to get a degree. I thought why not try to achieve something while I still had the 1 . I told my husband about my plan and he was proud of me. Both of my kids reacted 2 . Our daughter thought it was a great idea. However, our son was 3 that we might be in college at the same time. My friends advised me to go into the 4 field, because jobs in that field are always available, and I followed their advice.As the first day of school chew near, I became 5 . I didn't want to study any more. Finally, with 6 from my family and friends, I stuck with my decision. I entered my classroom and chose a seat in the back, hoping to 7 others' attention - after all, I'm a mother of two. I did what the other students did, and 8 , I found the classes and tasks interesting.It was 9 for me to study and meanwhile keep up with my duties at home. No sooner had I begun to 10 than it was time to put down my books and get down to the housework. Math and science were never my 11 subjects, so I devoted more time to them.By the second year, I had learned how to comfortably 12 my school and home life. One of my professors encouraged me to 13 associations. That meant being required to go in for extracurricular (课外的)activities. The 14 included scholarship funds, so I decided to do so.I participated in a writing contest and had my story published in the college magazine. My hard work paid off. After graduation, I was hired by the hospital where I' m still working. It ' s never too 15 to try again.1. A. dream B. expectationC. opportunityD. development2. A. positively B. differentlyC. similarlyD. approximately3. A. excited B. touchedC. delightedD. upset4. A. engineering B. medicalC. gardeningD. financial5. A. confused B. optimisticC. confidentD. concerned6. A. observation B. requirementC. appreciationD. encouragement7. A. attract B. keepC. avoidD. turn8. A. generally B. punctuallyC. graduallyD. absolutely9. A. simple B. challengingC. inspiringD. fortunate10. A. study B. restC. cookD. play11. A. main B. favoriteC. weakD. strong12. A. improve B. cherishC. changeD. balance13. A. build B. joinC. experienceD. interrupt14.A.benefits B. operationsC. strategiesD. features15.A,good B.youngC.late D. early第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,根据上下文在空白处填写适当的词语,或使用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。

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Most Americans now are generally deprived (剥夺) of sleep. Therefore, Dr Charles Czeisler decided to do something about it. According to him,1 is the third most important factor of health, along with exercise and2 well. But the public hasn't got the message that getting enough sleep is3 for good health.As happened with smoking, Czeisler believes we need a campaign to educate people about the proven 4 of a lack of sleep. Here are some reasons why not getting enough sleep is dangerous.Increased risk of 5 : Studies have shown that 6 sleep can raise blood pressure and affect how people regulate blood sugar. As a result, people who lack sleep are more likely to 7 heart disease, high blood pressure, and some cancers.8 immune health: People who sleep less than seven hours a night are about three times more likely to 9 cold symptoms, researchers have found. And a lack of sleep could make vaccines(疫苗)less 10 .Increased risk of obesity: Obesity has been linked to a lack of sleep. If you diet when you are 11 , your body will burn muscles, not the fatyou want to lose. A lack of sleep can also change hormone levels linked with appetite.Bad mental health: Many people with poor mental health and 12 disorders also have insomnia (失眠症).For good mental health, sleep is important.Increased risk of dying 13 : One 2010 study showed that men who slept--fewer than six hours per night were more likely to die young.Now we can 14 that getting enough sleep is very important. If you generally don't get enough sleep, 15 this bad habit for the sake of your health.1. A. exercise B. diet C. sleep D. food2. A. housing B. livingC. travellingD. eating3. A. available B. ordinaryC. necessaryD. acceptable4. A. trends B. dangers C. causes D. factors5. A. drawbacks B. concernsC. diseasesD. threats6. A. short B. lightC. soundD. disturbed7. A. contact B. transfer C. obtain D. suffer8. A. Complicated B. StrangeC. DelicateD. Strong9. A. detect B. avoidC. identifyD. develop10. A. harmful B. effectiveC. dangerousD. advantageous11. A. anxious B. frightenedC. exhaustedD. depressed12. A. muscle B. mood C. breath D. heart13. A. early B. painfullyC. instantlyD. peacefully14. A. explain B. ignoreC. decideD. conclude15. A. form B. hideC. changeD. understand第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

I am deeply excited whenever I see children playing in the sun, shouting and even screaming. They are like little angels 16 voices seem like tiny bells.Once I had a conversation 17 a little girl aged five. She always told me everything she saw, from flowers to butterflies till many 18things around. Some would think the things she mentioned were useless, but it seemed to me that I was listening to a scholar 19 (tell) new stories.Children are more 20 (curiosity) and more intelligent than us older people. We are only conscious of 21 every day will bring us. We keep on searching for things that will make us either happy 22 known; we want to be praised by others. However, are we satisfied with these things? Are we really happy with the way we live? No. 23 we notice the things children can see, we will perhaps experience the 24 (glad) they feel. These things are noticed only by a person who is satisfied with what 25 (give) to him. So if l could have only one wish to be granted, it would be to be a child again.第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)B3阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。

ALast Tuesday, I was teaching the second day of a first aid at work requalification course in Dearne Valley, Sheffield. Just before I was about to send the students first aiders (急救员) for their morning break, oneof the gentlemen on the course mentioned that he felt unwell.It was coming up to the point of the day when students would complete their assessments (评估), and sometimes people did feel anxious about it. However, as soon as I saw the man, I knew this was more than just a case of the nervousness. His skin had turned grey and he was sweating, which are classic symptoms of a heart attack.As we were on our break, he went out to the parking lot to get some fresh air. I was very apprehensive and thought that he should not be on his own, so I went outside with him and at first he did seem a little better. However, as the gentleman and I returned to the building, events took a dramatic turn for the worse when he fell down. I knew that my first assessment of his condition was correct and immediately I placed him in a comfortable, half-sitting position, supported his head and shoulders and raised his knees to form the "lazy W". After that, I asked one student to call the emergency services while I started performing CPR on him with the help of my students. The emergency services arrived on the scene very quickly and rushed him to hospital.Two days later, I received a "thank you" card from the company the gentleman worked for saying he was well and making a good recovery. I was so glad to hear that. But what made me even happier was that many of the students that day commented that there could have been no greater example of why my course was so important.26. Informed that a gentleman was unwell, at first the writer thought hewas _____.A. just trying to take a breakB. suffering a terrible heart attackC. trying to escape from assessmentsD. just feeling anxious owing to assessments27. The underlined word "apprehensive" in Paragraph 3 means “_____”.A. angryB. curiousC. concernedD. shocked28: Before the gentleman was sent to hospital, the writer _____.A. called the emergency servicesB. correctly gave him a first aidC. asked other students for adviceD. immediately helped him lie down in "W"29. Which of the following made the writer feel happiest?A. That he / she was praised by his / her students.B. That he / she was thanked by the company.C. That the man was recovering quickly.D. That his / her action proved the course important.30. What is most probably the writer's purpose in writing the passage?A. To show the process of performing CPR.B. To attract more people to his / her course.C. To show the importance of learning first aid.D. To prove that he / she is a qualified first aid trainer.BI recently heard someone who studies various languages say that he didn't care about learning the culture behind those languages. This is really surprising to me on many levels since not only is culture a major and inseparable part of "knowing" a language, it is also one of the most enjoyable aspects of acquiring a new language and keeping yourself motivated.If you learn a language without learning its culture, then what you will end up with is the mere ability to function in the language as an outsider. Choosing not to learn about the country or countries where a particular language is spoken not only robs you of the richness that knowing another language normally brings with it, but also makes it very difficult to appreciate the news or place current events in any meaningful context.However, trying to avoid the culture of a language is actually rather hard to do if you study a language to a thorough level and interact with its speakers. For example, you simply cannot learn to speak and function in Arabic if you are not familiar with its underlying culture or Islamic influence. Speaking Japanese without understanding its rather complicated honorific speech system would be socially disastrous andharmful to any business negotiation. Each language carries with it all of the history and culture of the area that it arose from. The political, social and economic conditions of the country influence its vocabulary and the shades of meaning of its words. The cultural landscape of some languages is quite vast since they are spoken across many different countries, each flavoring the language in its own unique way. In cases like this where a language is spoken in different countries, it's more practical to learn the most about the culture and people of the country that you will actually interact with. Without learning the cultures behind the language, you will often get confused and cannot really learn the language well.Learning a language without the cultural framework in which it exists is like cooking ethnic food without the spices of the region. You simply will move all of the flavor from the language. Don't just be bilingual, be bicultural!31. How does the writer begin with the topic of the passage?A. By showing the importance of culture.B. By listing what to learn about a language.C. By telling how he / she learns new languages.D. By mentioning how someone learns languages.32. To the writer's surprise, he / she found that _____.A. it's enjoyable to master various languagesB. some learners do nothing but learn the cultureC. it's important to keep language learners motivatedD. some people don't learn the cultures behind languages33. In the writer's opinion, learning a language without learning its culture will make you _____.A. unable to speak it fluentlyB. fail to keep yourself motivatedC. just be an outsider when using itD. unable to enjoy the fun of language learning34. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to _____.A. the languageB. the cultureC. the historyD. the area35. From the last paragraph, what are we advised to do?A. Experience all the flavors from the language.B. Not to learn two languages at the same time.C. Learn a language like cooking food in the kitchen.D. Learn a language not only linguistically but culturally.CWhen I turned 43, I started having bad headaches and I found my eyesight had been impaired. After paying a visit to the eye doctor, he informed me that it was time for me to start wearing eyeglasses. He explained that it was due to all the computer work I had been doing overthe years and the stress that it continued to put on my eyes.At the age of 49t I left my job and soon started pursuing an online business where I ended up working on the computer even more hours during the day than before. While trying to pursue my online career, I came across some information that soon opened my eyes to a possibility.I purchased the material and read it from beginning to end. I found it so fascinating and it all made perfect sense to me. I started to put a lot of what was taught into practice. During that time, I learned a lot about how to live in the present moment and not let outside interferences cloud my day. I also learned how to deal with difficult people and situations that could cause stress.By implementing some of the methods and techniques that were taught, I started seeing good results. It does seem too good to be true and too easy to think that this could possibly work. But what most people don't realize is that in order to improve your eyesight, you have to practice these methods every single day. It's the same thing as exercising your body and once you get the figure that you want, you quit and expect it to remain in that condition.If you want to remain healthy in all areas of your life, you have to continue to apply the methods that will improve your life on a daily basis. Eating right, getting plenty of rest, exercising and avoiding stress are veryimportant to your health. Implementing the type of exercise that will improve your vision is just very important. Because I have now improved my eyesight by following the methods and techniques outlined in this material, I know that I can lay my eyeglasses aside and never have to worry about picking them up again.If you would like to learn more about the methods mentioned above, please be sure to visit Vision Without Glasses today.36. What does the underlined word "impaired" in Paragraph 1 mean?A. ImprovedB. Discovered.C. Replaced.D. Harmed.37. The underlined part m Paragraph 2 can be replaced by ” _____”.A. cured headaches completelyB. improved eyesight naturallyC. succeeded in an online careerD. reduced stress in daily life gradually38. What does the writer most probably think of the methods and techniques?A. Costly.B. Beneficial.C. Unacceptable.D. Challenging.39. From Paragraph 5, we can learn that now the writer _____.A. has very good eyesightB. is satisfied with his / her weightC. has given up his / her online careerD. spends most of his / her time on exercise daily40. What’s the passage mainly about?A. What people can do to keep fit.B. How the writer improved his / her eyesight.C. Miserable experiences of a middle-aged person.D. Healthy way of life for people with health problems.DThree-dimensional printers (3-D打印机) are fast becoming everyday devices in the United States. Three-D printers are used to make everything from automobile parts to bone replacements (骨头替换件) for patients.American research scientists are now working on creating replacements for living tissue. Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina have been working on creating and manufacturing living tissue since 2003. This process is called biofabrication(生物制造). it requires special printing equipment and a special kind of ink.Traditional printers require ink to produce an image or design on a piece of paper. For their three-D printer, the South Carolina researchers prepare complex nutritious solutions they call bio-inks. Bio-inks are made of proteins and glucose, which normally provide energy. for mostcells of the body. The researchers also add living cells taken from the animal that will receive the new, printed tissue. The bio-inks are then added to a device that researchers call the Palmetto bio-printer.Sarah Grace Dennis is one of the researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina. She says new technology, like the Palmetto bio-printer, is of great help to the biofabrication process. She said, "When I got here a year ago, we were printing a-cellular bio-inks to see if patterns could be printed. And now we are printing skeletal muscle. replica implants(移植)that we have been implanting into rats."The bio-inks are placed in three dispensers, containers, inside the printer. Lasers control both the position of the printing surface and the places where the bio-ink is released. Michael Yost is a leader of the research team. He says the printing process is fully machine-operated. He says that the Palmetto bio-printer makes it possible to create complex tissue types.The researchers say bio-printing is still experimental. But they hope in a few years they may be able to print tissue to replace damaged human organs. However, there are still concerns with biofabrication. Some scientists worry about how to get blood to the replacement tissue. The flow of blood is important to keeping the printed tissue alive.41. Paragraph l shows that 3-D printers are _____.A. bringing challenges to patientsB. playing a bigger role around the worldC. mainly used to make simple things nowD. gaining popularity very quickly in the US42. What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 3?A. Why bio-inks are hard to produce.B. Why biofabrication is so important.C. What materials are needed for biofabrication.D. What proteins and glucose can be made into.43. According to Sarah Grace Dennis, we can know that _____.A. the biofabrication process has become perfectB. a-cellular bio-inks have been widely used in the USC. new technology has made the biofabrication process possibleD. printing skeletal muscle replica implants will become possiblesoon44. What is implied about bio-printing in the last paragraph?A. It will be sure to print tissue.B. It doesn't have a bright future.C. It cannot be put into use yet.D. Some researchers think poorly of it.45. What is the main idea of the text? .A. 3-D printers have received great improvements.B. Researchers have found better bone replacements.C. 3-D printing is playing a bigger role in everyday life.D. The development and future research of 3-D printers.第二节信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。
