机经题目总结 Dec
填空专题机经丨重点全面分析,做题看解析1. Reading chunks of Shapiro’s verse in one sitting, it must be said, exposes the _____ nature of his writing: scads of poems are too glancing to strike a nerve, scarcely worth a second reading.A. jejuneB. esotericC. corrosiveD. finickyE. Indiscreet解析:A逻辑关系提示词:“:”,取同填空对应:glancing, scarcely worth a second reading词汇:jejune 枯燥Esoteric 深奥的Corrosive 腐蚀的Finicky 挑剔的Indiscreet 轻率的2. The painter’s problem, lik e that of an author whose early literary masterpiece exhausts the themes it embodies, is how to _____ his first highly acclaimed efforts with works of comparable significance and presence.A. combineB. illuminateC. realizeD. amendE. Follow解析:E逻辑关系提示词:like,取同填空对应:early ...exhausts解释:like部分说,正如一个早期作品就耗尽了主题的作家,painter很author有相似性,那么painter的问题就是如何避免耗尽,如何延续下去,选出E词汇:combine 组合Illuminate 阐明Realize 实现Amend 修改Follow 跟随3. Harper’s draw, while (i)_____ in the United States for years, has remained (ii)_____ in London, where the public greets virtually every work with unabashed enthusiasm.A. in eclipse D. controversialB. unrivaled E. unsurpassedC. unchanged F. unexceptional解析:AE逻辑关系提示词:while,取反填空对应:greets virtually... with unabashed enthusiasm词汇:in eclipse 黯然失色Unrivaled 无敌的Unchanged 不变的Controversial 有争议的Unsurpassed 卓越的Unexceptional 普通的4. Even if the merits of the proposal are (i)_____, faculty members may be reluctant to (ii)_____, given their fear of offending the group that champions it.A. unparalleled D. demurB. dubious E. approveC. obvious F. acquiesce解析:BD逻辑关系提示词:even if,取反;given,取同填空对应:fear of offending - reluctant to blank ii - blank i;词汇:unparalleled 无比的Dubious 可疑的Obvious 明显的Demur 反对Approve 批准Acquiesce 默许5. Until now, old snapshots and home movies faded and crumbled and were eventually (i)_____. Only a few precious mementos were preserved and passed along. But as photography moves into the digital realm, family albums and home videos see capable of (ii)_____: our capacity to store them is, for all practical purposes, approaching the infinite. Is such a transformation a good thing? The natural world teaches us that (iii)_____ are vital to ecological health. Does a similar principle apply to communal memory?A. archived D. transmission G. death and decayB. discarded E. immortality H. predator and preyC. reproduced F. revolution I. reproduction and renewal解析:BEG逻辑关系提示词:“.”,取同;but,取反填空对应:crumble - blank i; infinite - blank ii; blank i -blank iii;词汇:archive 归档Discard 丢弃Reproduce 复制Transmission 传递Immortality 不朽Revolution 革命Death and decay 死亡和衰退Predator and prey 捕食者和被捕食者Reproduction and renewal 繁殖和更新6. In medieval Europe, watermills were more (i)_____ than windmills. It is true that windmills could be built virtually anywhere, whereas watermills (ii)_____. However, watermills’ greater capacity and reliability provided a better (iii)_____ the money required to build the mill.A. problematic D. were suitable only for certain locations G. source ofB. profitable E. inspired a variety of new technologies H. adjunct toC. versatile F. required a good deal of upkeep I. return on解析:BDI逻辑关系提示词:whereas,取反;however,取反填空对应:built anywhere - blank ii; greater capacity and reliability - blank iii&blank i;词汇:problematic 问题的Profitable 有利可图的Versatile 多功能的Were suitable only for certain locations 只适合某些地点Inspired a variety of new technology 激发新技术Require a good deal of upkeep 要求大量维护Source of 来源Adjunct to 附属Return on 回报7. Despite the general _____ of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology hascontributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.A. opennessB. indifferenceC. hostilityD. animusE. biasF. Orientation解析:EF逻辑关系提示词:despite,取反填空对应:better词汇:openness 开放Indifference 冷漠Hostility - animus 敌意Bias - orientation 偏见8. Our mass media are much more fascinated by bad ideas or the failure of good ones than by successes: we drown in bad news—tales of how things went wrong--but we have only the most_____ discussion on how they might go right.A. incisiveB. tantalizingC. trenchantD. cursoryE. illusoryF. Perfunctory解析:DF逻辑关系提示词:but填空对应:drown in词汇:incisive 深刻的Tantalize 逗弄Trenchant 尖刻的Cursory - perfunctory 粗略的Illusory 错觉的9. A few decades ago the idea of animal morality would have been met with _____; however, recent research suggests that animals not only act altruistically but also have the capacity for empathy, forgiveness, trust, and reciprocity.A. derisionB. resentmentC. dismissalD. convictionE. ridiculeF. Certainty解析:AE逻辑关系提示词:however,取反填空对应:not only act altruistically but also...empathy...词汇:derision - ridicule 嘲笑Resentment 怨恨Dismiss解散Conviction 定罪Certainty 确定10. At first, most of the famous fairy tales seem so implausible and so irrelevant to contemporary life that their _____ is hard to understand.A. universalityB. persistenceC. appealD. ephemeralityE. survivalF. Transience解析:BE逻辑关系提示词:so...that..取同填空对应:implausible, irrelevant 词汇:universality 广泛Persistence - survival 留存Appeal 吸引Ephemerality - transience短暂。
中级经济师考试-《经济基础知识》一千题总结目录1. 宏观经济政策2. 微观经济政策3. 金融体系与金融市场4. 财政与税收5. 人力资源与管理6. 企业经营与发展7. 国际经济环境1. 宏观经济政策1.1 宏观调控概述- 宏观调控的主要目标是:促进经济增长、稳定物价、增加就业、平衡国际收支。
- 宏观调控手段包括:经济手段、法律手段、行政手段。
1.2 财政政策- 扩张性财政政策的主要措施包括:增加政府支出、降低税率、发行国债。
- 紧缩性财政政策的主要措施包括:减少政府支出、提高税率、减少国债发行。
1.3 货币政策- 宽松的货币政策措施包括:降低法定存款准备金率、降低再贴现率、买入政府债券。
- 紧缩的货币政策措施包括:提高法定存款准备金率、提高再贴现率、卖出政府债券。
2. 微观经济政策2.1 市场机制与市场失灵- 市场失灵的表现包括:垄断、外部性、公共物品、信息不对称。
- 政府对市场失灵的干预措施包括:反垄断政策、环境政策、公共物品供给、市场监管。
2.2 企业理论与企业行为- 完全竞争市场下企业的行为主要包括:生产决策、价格接受者、产品同质。
- 垄断市场下企业的行为主要包括:价格制定、产量决策、市场进入壁垒。
3. 金融体系与金融市场3.1 金融市场概述- 金融市场的分类包括:货币市场、资本市场、衍生品市场。
- 金融市场的功能包括:资金筹集、风险分散、价格发现、流动性提供。
3.2 金融机构体系- 金融机构体系的构成包括:中央银行、商业银行、非银行金融机构。
- 金融机构的主要业务包括:存款、贷款、支付结算、投资银行。
4. 财政与税收4.1 财政制度- 财政制度的构成包括:预算制度、税收制度、财政转移支付制度。
- 财政预算的分类包括:中央预算、地方预算、政府性基金预算。
4.2 税收制度- 税收制度的构成包括:直接税、间接税、关税。
- 税收政策的主要目标包括:收入调节、消费调节、投资调节。
5. 人力资源与管理5.1 人力资源管理- 人力资源管理的主要内容包括:招聘、培训、绩效评估、薪酬管理。
Tcf 机经整理Compréhension orale图题1 1 vendeur assis derrière le guichet et un client debout devant le guichet.Tenez, voilà vos billets.2 une photo d’un quartierc’est un quartier très animéil y a beaucoup de monde dans la rueil y a une colonne au bout de la rue3 une dame avec un garçon se promènent dans la ruela dame montre sa coiffure avec ses doigts‘elle te plaît , ma nouvelle coiffire?’ou bie n ‘comment trouve-tu ma nouvelle coiffure ?4 quel temps va-t-il faire demain ?on entend pas mal d’informations dérangeantes.Par exemple les glacier en mois de septembre etcMais le demain, il fera beau.5 a quelle heure la réunion , c’est un peu comme l’exercice qu’on a fait dans le livre 250 ;un couple se parle. La dame demande à son mari d’aller emmener les enfants à l’école. Parce qu’elle a rendez-vous demain.Là aussi , il y a des informations dérangeantes. Donc il faut être très attentif, la réunion est prévue pour neuf heures.6 Où se trouve la poste ?au fond une question simple , il faut trouver la bonne réponse , mais pas n’importe quoi7 demander l’addresse exacte d’un lieuil faut être très attentif , parce que on parle des halls etc des pièges8je suis très fatigué, est-ce que je peux m’asseoir un peubien sûr reposez-vous9un entretien entre un jeune qui cherche du travail et un employeurle jeune qu’il vient de terminer ses étudesla quelle des affirmations suivantes est vrai ?le jeune a beaucoup de temps librela réponse il souhaite traviller à plein temps , ce n’est pas correct, parce qu’il dit qu’il veut travailler à mi-temps10généalogieil a une dame et un monsieur , tous les deux savants mais dans deux domaines différents. Pourquoi la dame est passionnée par cette disciplineJ’ai choisi parce qu’elle aime bien voyager beaucoup et rencontrer beaucoup de gens11pourquoi le jeune veut –il aller dans un endroit ? (je n’ai pas pu retenu le nom du lieu ? ) parce q u’il veut s’acheter une maison12deux jeune filles se parlent. Pour décider où aller faire de la natationla jeune fille n’aime pas aller nager, parce qu’elle craint que l’eau du lac doit gelée.13un dialogue entre deux jeunes filles , une d’entre elles vient de se coiffer. L’autre lui donne des compliments.La réponse doit être que la dame pense que cette coiffure la rajeunit.14on parle des expositions à la mairiela réponse exposer les œuvres des jeunes peintres dans le salon15on parle des textes pour les jeunes , la lecture des jeunesla réponse on ne peut pas accabler le’s jeunes par les textes trop longs16téléphoneun jeune et une femme se parlent au téléphonele jeune va bientôt déménager et il demande les informations concernant la résiliatio du contrat téléphoniquela réponsele monsieur voudrais résilier le contrat17téléphoneun jeune souhaite installer sa ligne téléphonique mais il ne peut pas pour l’instantparce que les travaux ne sont pas encore achevés18le livreun homme cheche un livre sur les filmréponse il cherche des livres sur les réalisateurs connus19les enfants et leurs idolesil faut faire attention que les enfants se sous-estimer par rapports à leurs idoles20que pensez-vous des aliments génétiquement modifiésje ne mange que des produits saines et naturels21un couple se parle d’un ton pas doux même fâchéle jeune veut que se femme respecte son travail alors que la femmeréponsepense qu’il naturel qu’il fasse un effort22des bijoux dans les vitrines,j’aimerais bien avoir un de ces bijoux23deux caféjulie etcque font les amisjouer aux cartesstructures de la langue1 à raison d’une enquête minutieuse, un réseau de .. . a été démantelé.2 je pars pour Mosou dans huit jours.3 J’ai rencontré mon copain hier dans un bar. ( à peu près )j’ai conne le mien il y a 5 ans.4je viendrais à condition qu’il fasse beau5pouvu qu’il puisse venir ; sinon, ils ne peuvent se concentrer que dans 15 jours.6Redoute qu’elle ait été7Quoiqu’il fasse bien8Je n’aiment p as ces deux films. Ce sont deux films pour lesquels je ne ferai pas de publicité. 9Il faut qu’ils semblent être en forme.10 A la suite des pluies, des inondation11Un porpose qch,L’autre répond poliment , ‘non, merci12les copains regardent ensemble les photos.Paul peut porter préjudice àtout , chaque aucun13les femmes ont changé leur statut dans la sociétégrâce à professionnalisationles contraceptions ont en effet favorisé cette tendance.14si + présent15transformer discours directs en discours indirectpassé composéplus que parfait16il a vouluapercevant la queur devant la tour eiffel, il s’est contenté de regarder en bas.17en éteignant la lumière en sortant, vous faites un geste pour18votre attention , s’il vous plaît, les cl ients sont attendus à la sortiecompréhension écrite1 un texte un peu comme celui montré dans le livre blanc ;une personne invite son ami pour les vacances ,question quelle est la nature de cet articleune lettre2 passage piéton souterrain4 les bijoux d’une dame a été cambriloé6000 euros de bijoux5 la police a arrêté le vendeur6 un texte qui parle de responsabilités des hôteliers si les clients ont perdu leurs affaires ou leur argent des l’hôtelprésente le justificatif de valeur de cet objet7espèces il faut prouver qu’elles étaient dans la chambre8 mode d’emploi d’un radiateuril faut pas l’utiliser pour sécher9 critiquescritiques de l’art pictural10trop conformiste aveugle11 vaccin gratuit s’addresseaux majeurs plus de 18 ans12 conciergegratification du travail bénévole13 la recherche du personnel pose des problèmes quand le quartier n’est pas très bienlaisse à désirer14ce site a été bien conservé15ce qui passionne le plus les jeunes,c’est le métier de repor ter photographe16en une certaine mesure , le succès des reporter dépend en partiedes chances17à cause de forte pluie18 incendie feu19se sentiment qui domine le textedéçu , triste , haine , perdu2030Eurosloueur de voitures21 l’augmentatio n de la délinquence dans le métro est préoccupanteon s’inquiète pour les agressions qui augmentent dans le métro21tel jour et tel jour le ferme plus tôt , ouvre comparer tout simplement les horaires22à la suite d’un décès d’un garçon23la loi puni la collectivité si elle ne justifie pas son choix24poupéepeut présenter des risques de25qussi interactif que les peluches。
国际经济法概论 历年试题整理.doc
机经话题分类总结教育类老师:2009/02/28Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2009/04/03There should be an increase of teachers’ salary for promoting education quality.2009/08/08Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.2009/03/27Teachers should not show their political or social views in the classroom.2010/02/21All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.学习工具、渠道2009/03/29( 时间对比)In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.2009/02/14In order to become well-informed, a person should get information from different news sources. 2010/05/14People should acquire information through various channels.2009/10/25Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.学习内容:2009/05/09In order to become a financially responsible adult, people should be taught?2009/05/16The school should make students learn at least one course of the culture of a country rather than their own.2009/05/30The younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language science and history.2010/02/27北美托福考试High school students should take a course on basic economics.2009/06/13All university should be required to take history courses n o matter what field they study in. (2010/03/06)In order to solve the problems in the future, it is necessary to understand the past.学生(孩子)2009/06/12University students should do part-time jobs.2009/10/24It is better for parents to encourage their children to take a part-time job.2010/05/08The best way for parents to teach their children responsibility is to let them have an animal. 2010/09/11(时间对比)Parents today are more involved in their children’s education than parents were in the past. 2009/09/12Children should only play and study, and should not do any housework.2010/02/27Children should play sports only for fun, not for competitions.国家政府与学校2009/11/07The government should spend more money on education of very young children than on the education of university.(2010/05/22 政府投资The government should put more money on internet access rather than on public transportation.) 2010/05/16Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.媒体类2009/02/22The purpose of television should be education, but not entertainment.2009/10/17Movies and televisions should show the audiences that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.2010/03/13Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.2010/08/21Telephones have greater impact on our life than televisions do.2010/08/28Movies and TV programs made in your country are more interesting comparing to movies and TV programs made in the other countries.家人、朋友关系2009/01/18It is important for families to regularly eat together.2009/10/18It is more fun to see a movie in the cinema with other people than to see a movie at home. 2009/10/31It is often not a good thing to move to a new country because of losing old friends.工作2009/09/25Having jobs with low salary and high security is better than having jobs with high salary but easy to lose.2010/01/16It is better for children to choose the jobs of their parents.2010/01/17Finishing one task before taking on the next one or work on several tasks at the same time, which do you prefer?2010/04/10北美托福考试People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one’s work. 2010/05/22北美托福考试Do you prefer to work at home by using the computer and telephone or work in the company’s office?2010/06/12Should people get a secure job right away or wait for a more satisfying job.2010/07/10Professional athletes such as football players and basketball players deserve high salaries.2011/03/26Young people should try different jobs before they decide which job pr career they will take in the long term.成功类2010/06/26北美托福考试People who have several skills are more successful than those who only have one skill.2009/03/07It is better to use one’s own knowledge and experience to solve questions or to ask other people for advice.1 advice from others may not fit into the specific situation where you are.2 innovation 创新3 concession(让步)( our company has the pleasant working environment which I likeour company has the pleasant working environment where I like to stay at … )2009/06/27For future career success, is relating well with others more important than studying hard at school.2009/07/25Being creative rather than planning carefully will come up with best solutions to a problem. 2009/08/01It will help you succeed if you make sure others, such as influential people like your boss, know your strengths and accomplishments.2009/10/10It was easier to succeed in the past than it is today.2009/11/08How a person look or dress is more important to one’s success than a good idea.In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.2010/2/13NAWhen working with fellow teammates, those who cannot accept criticisms from others cannot succeed.2010/06/26 NAPeople who have several skills are more successful than those who only know one skill.2010/07/24Students who keep their rooms neat and original will be more likely to succeed than students who do not.2011/02/20People who move out of their native village or town are more successful and happier than people who stay in one place in their whole life.科技类2009/06/21Does technology make people’s lives simpler or instead makes people’s lives more complicated? 2010/04/24Scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries.Money 类2009/03/14It is better to spend money on travelling and vacation than to save money for the future.2009/05/09In order to become a financially responsible adult, people should be taught.2009/05/15It is reasonable that professional athletes such as basketball and soccer players earn so much money.2009/11/07The government should spend more money on education of very young children than the education of university.2010/01/15 NAIn order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at the young age.2010/05/22The government should put more money on internet access rather than public transportation. 2010/07/24Professional athletes such as football players and basketball players deserve high salaries.时间对比/发展变化2009/03/29In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.2009/5/31People will spend less time on cooking.20 years later people would have more spare time in their lives.2009/09/19People in the past were more friendly than people nowadays.2009/10/10It was easier to be successful in the past than it is today.2010/07/23 NAYoung people nowadays are facing pretty much the same challenges as their parents and grandparents were facing.2010/09/11Parents today are more involved in their children’s education than parents were in the past.动物&环境类2006年10月29日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The renewable sources of energy, such as sun, wind and water will soon replace the fossil energy such as gas, oil and coal.2006年12月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Human needs for farmland, housing and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals.2007年8月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The only effective way to encourage energy conservation is by increasing prices of gasoline and electricity.2007年10月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Observing and studying animal’s behavior is useful to know human nature.2008年1月12日Should government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development?2008年2月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Renewable resources of energy (Sun, wind, water) will soon replace fossils fuels such as gases, oil, and coal.2008年3月14日北美The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual. Do you agree or disagree?2008年3月15日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important to use the lands for farming, housing and industry than save the land for endangered animal.2008年4月26日Should governments pay more attention on health care issues rather than on environmentalissues?2008年6月22日Do you agree or disagree that the most important thing that government can do in improve health care is to clean the environment2008年9月28日he only effective way to encourage energy conservation si by increasing prices of gasoline and electricity.2009年3月22日Should governments pay more attention on health care issues rather than on environmental issues?2009 年6月5日To improve health care in society, do you think it is better to put environmental construction in the first place or to improve other things?2009年08月30日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important thing that the governments should improve health care is clean the environment.2009年09月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Government should pay more attention on health care issues than on environmental issues.2010/05/08The best way for parents to teach their children responsibility is to let them have an animal.抽象类。
5、9章,大纲上写的,计算题集中在234,简答分布在23459 ,背过知识总结的就差不多,。
问答题1 .用IS一LM模型说明投资变动对利率和国内生产总值(de)影响.(要求作图)参考答案:(1)IS一LM模型是说明物品市场与货币市场同时均衡时利率与国内生产总值决定(de)模型.(3分)(2)投资(de)变动会引起自发总支出变动,自发总支出(de)变动则引起IS曲线(de)平行移动,从而就会使国内生产总值与利率变动.这就是,在LM曲线不变(de)情况下,自发总支出增加,IS曲线向右上方平行移动(从IS0移动到IS1),从而国内生产总值增加(从Y增加到Y1),利率上升(从i上升为 i1);反之,自发总支出减少,IS曲线向左下方平行移动(从IS0移动到IS2),从而国内生产总值减少(从Y0减少到Y2),利率下降(从i下降为 i2).(12分,作图占3分)2 .作为一个企业经理,你在垄断竞争市场上如何创造自己(de)产品差别答案要点:(1)产品差别是同一种产品在质量、牌号、形式、包装等方面(de)差别.(3分)(2)实际差别(de)创造.企业创造产品差别就要使自己(de)质量、外形、包装不同于同类其他产品.这些不同差别(de)产品可以满足消费者(de)不同偏好,在一部分消费者中形成垄断地位.(4分)(3)广告与营销手段(de)应用.广告(de)作用是要使消费者认识那些不易辨认(de)产品差别,甚至使消费者承认本无差别(de)产品有差别.(4分)(4)创名牌.在产品差别中,品牌是一种重要(de)产品差别,它既有实际差别,又有消费者对它(de)认知.但名牌还要靠广告宣传,让消费者认知.在垄断竞争行业中,企业创造名牌是十分重要(de).(4分)3. 国防、钢铁厂(de)污染、特大企业(de)存在都会引起市场失灵,它们各自引起市场失灵(de)原因是什么应该如何解决参考答案:(1)国防之所以会引起市场失灵,是因为它是一种公共物品.(2分)(2)钢铁厂(de)污染之所以会引起市场失灵,是由于外部性(de)存在.(2分)(3)特大企业会引起市场失灵,是由于垄断(de)存在.(2分)(4)用政府干预来解决这些问题:(9分)国防――由政府提供;污染――可以使用立法或行政手段,或者采用经济或市场手段;垄断――政府可以用价格管制、反垄断法或国有化来消除垄断.4. 目前,保持我国经济增长(de)关键是增加国内需求,用消费函数理论说明如何才能增加消费需求.参考答案:(1)消费函数是消费与收入之间(de)依存关系.在其他条件不变(de)情况下,消费随收入(de)变动而同方向变动,消费函数用公式表示为:C=f(Y).(5分)(2)消费函数说明增加收入是增加消费(de)关键.(4分)(3)说明增加农民收入(de)重要意义.(3分)(4)通过改革,提高边际消费倾向.(3分)5. 用IS-LM模型分析扩张性货币政策对经济(de)影响.参考答案:(1)IS一LM模型是说明物品市场与货币市场同时均衡时利率与国内生产总值决定(de)模型.(3分)(2)扩张性货币政策就是增加货币供给量,降低利率,刺激总需求.(3分)(3)当货币供给量增加时,LM曲线向右下方移动,即从LM0移动到LM1.(3分)(4)LM曲线向右下方移动,引起GDP从Y0增加到Y1,利率从i下降为i1.(3分)(5)作图占3分.6. 根据总需求分析说明增加国内总需求对我国经济发展(de)意义.参考答案:(1)总需求指一个经济中对物品与劳务(de)需求总量,包括消费需求、投资需求、政府需求与国外(de)需求.(4分)(2)根据总需求分析原理,GDP是由总需求决定(de),它与总需求同方向变动.(4分)(3)如何增加消费.(3分,只要答出一条言之有理(de)建议就可以.)(4)如何增加投资.(2分,同上.)(5)如何增加出口.(2分,同上.)7. 简要说明决定经济增长(de)因素.参考答案:(1)经济增长是GDP或人均GDP(de)增加.(3分)(2)决定经济增长(de)因素主要有:(12分)第一、制度.它是一种涉及社会、政治和经济行为(de)行为规则,决定人们(de)经济与其他行为,也决定一国(de)经济增长.制度(de)建立与完善是经济增长(de)前提.第二、资源.经济增长是产量(de)增加,产量是用各种生产要素生产出来(de).各种生产要素是资源,因此,增长(de)源泉是资源(de)增加.资源包括劳动与资本.劳动指劳动力(de)增加,劳动力(de)增加又可以分为劳动力数量(de)增加与劳动力质量(de)提高.资本分为物质资本与人力资本.物质资本又称有形资本,是指设备、厂房、存货等(de)存量.人力资本又称无形资本,是指体现在劳动者身上(de)投资,如劳动者(de)文化技术水平,健康状况等.第三、技术.技术进步在经济增长中(de)作用,体现在生产率(de)提高上,即同样(de)生产要素投入量能提供更多(de)产品.技术进步在经济增长中起了最重要(de)作用.技术进步主要包括资源配置(de)改善,规模经济和知识(de)进展.8. 汽车价格下降、汽车保险价格下调,以及收入增加都会使消费者对汽车(de)购买量增加.从经济学(de)角度,用图形说明这三种因素引起(de)汽车购买量增加有什么不同.答案:(1)汽车价格下降引起需求量增加,这种需求量增加表现为同一条需求曲线上由a点移动到b 点.(4分)(2)汽车保险价格下调以及收入增加引起需求增加,这种需求增加表现为需求曲线(de)移动,即从D1 .(5分)移动到D2(3)本题作图各占3分,共6分.9. 什么是菲利普斯曲线它有什么政策含义答案要点:(1)菲利普斯曲线是用来表示失业与通货膨胀之间交替关系(de)曲线,它是一条向右下方倾斜(de)曲线(即图中(de)PC).这条曲线表明,失业率与通货膨胀率之间存在反方向变动关系.(4分)(2)菲利普斯曲线(de)政策含义是,在通货膨胀率超过社会临界点时,可以采取紧缩性政策,以提高失业率为代价降低通货膨胀.在失业率超过社会临界点时,可以采用扩张性政策,以提高通货膨胀率为代价降低失业率.(5分)(3)现代经济学家认为,菲利普斯曲线所反映(de)失业与通货膨胀之间(de)交替关系只在短期内存在,在长期中不存在,主张在短期内政府应该干预经济.(3分)(4)作图占3分.10. 用图形分析在完全竞争市场上,一个企业(de)短期与长期均衡.参考答案:(1)假设在短期内整个行业供给小于需求.此时价格高(图1中(de)P),企业有超额利润(图1中1);(4分)(de)ABCP1(2)在长期中,各个企业都可以根据市场价格来充分调整产量,也可以自由进入或退出该行业.当供给小于需求,价格高时,企业会扩大生产或其他企业涌入该行业,从而整个行业供给增加,价格水平下降到P,需求曲线移动为,这时既无超额利润又无亏损(总收益与总成本均为),实现了长期均衡.(6分)(3)作图占5分.(可以分别画出短期均衡与长期均衡(de)图,也可以将两个图合在一起)说明:此题只需分析一种情况即可.也可以假设在短期内整个行业供给大于需求.此时价格低(图2中(de)P1),企业有亏损(图2中(de)ABCP1);在长期中,当供给大于需求,价格低时,企业会减少生产或退出该行业,从而整个行业供给减少,价格水平上升到P,需求曲线移动为,这时既无超额利润又无亏损(总收益与总成本均为),实现了长期均衡.11. 当经济过热时应该采取什么货币政策它对经济有什么影响参考答案:(1)货币政策就是通过货币量影响利率,通过利率影响总需求.(3分)(2)当经济过热时,经济中(de)总需求大于总供给,为了抑制总需求,就要运用紧缩性货币政策.(4分)(3)紧缩性货币政策就是减少货币供应量,提高利率,抑制总需求(de)货币政策.其中包括在公开市场上卖出有价证券、提高贴现率并严格贴现条件、提高准备率,等等.(6分)(4)紧缩性货币政策也会引起经济短期内衰退.(2分)12. 在开放经济中,由于国内消费和投资增加而引起(de)总需求增加与由于出口增加而引起(de)总需求增加,对宏观经济均衡有什么不同影响参考答案:(1)总需求(de)变动来自国内总需求(消费与投资)(de)变动和出口(de)变动.(3分)(2)国内总需求(de)增加会使总需求曲线向右上方移动,这就会使均衡(de)国内生产总值增加,同时也会使贸易收支状况恶化(即贸易收支盈余减少或赤字增加).(6分)(3)如果总需求(de)变动是由于出口(de)变动引起(de),宏观经济均衡(de)变动与国内总需求引起(de)变动有所不同.这就在于出口(de)增加提高了对国内产品(de)需求,从而总需求增加,并使国内生产总值增加.国内生产总值(de)增加会使进口增加,但由于这时国内生产总值(de)增加是由出口增加引起(de),一般来说,出口增加所引起(de)(de)国内生产总值增加不会全用于进口(即边际进口倾向是小于一(de)),所以,贸易收支状况改善(贸易盈余增加或赤字减少).(6分)13. 什么是汇率为什么一些国家在国内经济衰退时实行本国货币贬值(汇率下降)答案要点:(1)汇率又称“外汇行市”或“汇价”,是一国货币单位同他国货币单位(de)兑换比率.(3分)(2)一国货币贬值(汇率下降)时,如果外国产品价格不变,用本国货币表示(de)外国产品(de)价格就上升,从而进口减少,但用外国货币表示(de)本国产品(de)价格下降,从而出口增加.(6分)(3)汇率下降引起一国出口增加,进口减少,净出口增加.净出口是总需求(de)一部分,净出口增加,总需求增加.(6分)14. 说明自然失业与周期性失业(de)差别是什么参考答案:(1)自然失业是指由于经济中一些难以克服(de)原因所引起(de)失业.周期性失业又称为总需求不足(de)失业,是由于总需求不足而引起(de)短期失业.(6分)(2)自然失业是长期现象,周期性失业是短期现象.(4分)(3)原因不同.引起自然失业(de)原因主要包括正常(de)劳动力流动(摩擦性失业)和一些制度因素(结构性失业).引起周期性失业(de)主要原因是总需求不足.(5分)15. 用IS一LM模型说明货币量(de)变动对利率和国内生产总值(de)影响.(要求作图)参考答案:(1)IS一LM模型是说明物品市场与货币市场同时均衡时利率与国内生产总值决定(de)模型.(3分)(2)货币量(de)变动会引起LM曲线(de)平行移动,从而就会使国内生产总值与利率变动.这就是,在IS曲线不变(de)情况下,货币量增加,LM曲线向右下方移动(从LM0移动到LM1),从而国内生产总值增加(从Y0增加到Y1),利率下降(从i下降为i1);反之,货币量减少,LM曲线向左上方移动(从LM移动到LM2),从而国内生产总值减少(从Y减少到Y2),利率上升(从i上升为i2).(12分,作图占3分)16. 美国对失业者是如何具体规定(de)如何计算失业率参考答案:(1)失业者是指一定年龄范围内能够工作,愿意工作而又正在寻找工作,但仍然没有工作(de)人.(3分)(2)美国规定,年龄在16一65岁者,符合下列三种情况之一即属于失业者:第一,第一次找工作或再次进入劳动市场,连续四周未找到工作者.第二,停止工作等待企业召回,连续一周未在企业领到工资者,第三,被企业解雇或自愿离职者.(8分)(3)失业率是失业人口与劳动力(de)比例,用公式表示为:失业率=失业人数/劳动力.其中,劳动力包括就业者和失业者.(4分)17. 在开放经济中,增加出口对一国经济有什么影响我们应该如何增加出口答案要点:(1)出口(de)增加提高了对国内产品(de)需求,使总需求增加,国内生产总值增加.(3分)(2)国内总需求增加对国内生产总值增加(de)影响取决于乘数(de)大小.开放经济中(de)乘数要考虑到进口增加在国内生产总值增加中所占(de)比例,即边际进口倾向.(3分)(3)国内生产总值(de)增加会使进口增加,但由于这时国内生产总值(de)增加是由出口增加引起(de),一般来说,出口增加所引起(de)(de)国内生产总值增加不会全用于进口(即边际进口倾向是小于一(de)),所以,贸易收支状况改善(贸易盈余增加或赤字减少).(4分)(4)在加入WTO后,我们应该如何增加出口(只要答出一条言之有理(de)建议就可以).(5分)18. 在经济衰退时应该采取什么财政政策参考答案:(1)财政政策是通过政府支出与税收来调节经济(de)政策,它(de)主要内容包括政府支出与税收.政府支出包括政府公共工程支出、政府购买,以及转移支付.政府税收主要是个人所得税、公司所得税和其他税收.(4分)(2)在经济衰退时期,由于总需求小于总供给,经济中存在失业,政府就要通过扩张性(de)财政政策来刺激总需求,以实现充分就业.(4分)(3)扩张性财政政策是通过政府增加支出和减少税收来刺激经济(de)政策.政府公共工程支出与购买(de)增加有利于刺激私人投资,转移支付(de)增加可以增加个人消费,这样就会刺激总需求.减少个人所得税(主要是降低税率)可以使个人可支配收入增加,从而消费增加;减少公司所得税可以使公司收入增加,从而投资增加,这样也会刺激总需求.(5分)(4)扩张性财政政策可以通过乘数效应刺激经济.(2分)19. 用粘性工资理论、粘性价格理论解释,在短期内为什么总供给与价格成同方向变动参考答案:(1)短期总供给曲线是反映短期中总供给与物价水平之间关系(de)一条曲线.在短期内,总供给与物价水平成同方向变动,总供给曲线是一条向右上方倾斜(de)线.(3分)(2)粘性工资理论是指短期中名义工资(de)调整慢于劳动供求关系(de)变化.因为企业根据预期(de)物价水平决定工人(de)工资.如果以后实际(de)物价水平低于预期(de)水平,即发生了通货紧缩,那么,工人(de)名义工资仍然不变,但实际工资水平却上升了.工资(de)增加使企业实际成本增加,从而减少就业,减少生产,总供给减少.总供给与物价水平同方向变动.相反,如果以后实际(de)物价水平高于预期(de)水平,那么,工人(de)名义工资仍然不变,但实际工资水平却下降了.工资(de)减少使企业利润增加,从而增加就业,增加生产,总供给增加.总供给与物价水平仍是同方向变动.(6分)(3)粘性价格理论是指短期中价格(de)调整慢于物品市场供求关系(de)变化.因为在物价总水平上升时,一些企业不迅速提高自己产品(de)价格,从而它(de)相对价格(相对于物价水平(de)价格)下降,销售增加,生产增加,总供给增加.这就是物价上升引起总供给增加.同样,在物价总水平下降时,一些企业不迅速降低自己产品(de)价格,从而它(de)相对价格上升,销售减少,生产减少,总供给减少,这就是物价下降引起总供给减少.价格(de)粘性引起物价水平与总供给同方向变动.(6分)20. 用需求弹性与总收益(de)关系解释“薄利多销”(de)原因.(1)总收益是指厂商出售一定量商品所得到(de)全部收入,也就是销售量与价格(de)乘积.(3分)(2)“薄利多销”中(de)“薄利”就是降价,降价能“多销”,“多销”则会增加总收益.(2分)(3)只有需求富有弹性(de)商品才能“薄利多销”.因为对于需求富有弹性(de)商品来说,当该商品(de)价格下降时,需求(从而销售量)增加(de)幅度大于价格下降(de)幅度,所以总收益会增加.(6分)(4)总收益(de)增加不一定等于利润(de)增加.在“薄利多销”(de)情况下,企业应使价格(de)降低不仅能增加总收益,而且还能增加利润.(4分)21. 序数效用论是如何说明消费者均衡(de)实现(de)参考答案:(1)消费者均衡所研究(de)是消费者在既定收入(de)情况下,如何实现效用最大化(de)问题.序数效用论是用无差异曲线分析法来说明消费者均衡(de)实现(de).(2分)(2)无差异曲线是用来表示两种商品(de)不同数量(de)组合给消费者所带来(de)效用完全相同(de)一条曲线.(3分)(3)消费可能线又称家庭预算线,或等支出线,它是一条表明在消费者收入与商品价格既定(de)条件下,消费者所能购买到(de)两种商品数量最大组合(de)线.(3分)(4)如果把无差异曲线与消费可能线合在一个图上,那么,消费可能线(图中(de)AB)必定与无数条无差异曲线(I1、I2、I3)中(de)一条(I2)相切于一点(图中(de)E点),在这个切点上,就实现了消费者均衡.(7分,不作图扣3分)22. 当一个经济已经实现了充分就业时,总需求增加会引起什么结果,用图形分析.参考答案:(1)根据总需求一总供给模型(de)分析,当宏观经济实现了充分就业均衡时,总需求曲线、短期总供给曲线与长期总供给曲线相交于一点,均衡(de)GDP 正好等于充分就业(de)GDP.(3分)(2)总需求增加引起总需求曲线向右方移动,从AD 0移动到AD 1,物价水平由P 0上升到P 1,这样就由于总需求过度而引起了通货膨胀,这种通货膨胀被称为需求拉上(de)通货膨胀.(5分)(3)在经济实现了充分就业均衡时,总需求增加会引起物价水平上升,GDP 也会暂时增加(资源超充分利用),但会受到资源与技术(de)限制.(4分)(4)作图占3分.23. 用图形说明,20世纪70年代石油价格上升引起了哪一种类型(de)通货膨胀.答案要点:(1)石油是成本中重要(de)一部分,石油价格上升使成本增加,短期总供给曲线从SAS 1向上移动至SAS 2.(4分)(2)石油价格上升只影响短期总供给,并不影响总需求和长期总供给.短期总供给曲线向上移动决定了价格水平为P 2,价格水平从P 1上升到P 2是由于成本(de)增加所引起(de).这种由于成本增加所引起(de)通货膨胀称为供给推动(de)通货膨胀.(6分)(3)当AD 和LAS 不变时,SAS(de)向上移动引起通货膨胀和经济衰退(GDP 减少由Y 1减少到Y 2).(2分)(4)作图占3分.24. 从投资(de)角度说明总需求曲线向右下方倾斜(de)原因.用图形说明物价水平(de)变动如何引起总需求(de)变动,政府支出(de)增加如何引起总需求水平(de)变动参考答案:(1)从投资(de)角度看,总需求与物价水平反方向变动,即总需求曲线向右下方倾斜,这一点可以用利率效应来解释.利率效应就是物价水平通过对利率(de)影响而影响投资.物价水平→实际货币量→利率→投资→总需求.(5分)(2)物价水平变动对总需求(de)影响可以用同一条总需求曲线上(de)上下移动来表示,即物价上升(从P2上升到P1),引起沿同一条需求曲线向左上方移动(从b点到a点),总需求减少(从Y2减少到Y1);物价下降(从P1下降到P2),引起沿同一条总需求曲线向右下方移动(从a点到b点),总需求增加(从Y1增加到Y2).(5分,其中作图2分)(3)当物价不变而其他影响总需求(de)因素变动时,总需求曲线平行移动.政府支出增加引起总需求增加表现为总需求曲线向右移动,即从AD1移动到AD2.(5分,其中作图2分)25. 根据需求弹性理论解释“薄利多销”和“谷贱伤农”这两句话(de)含义.参考答案:(1)需求富有弹性(de)商品,其价格与总收益成反方向变动.“薄利”就是降价,降价能“多销”,“多销”则会增加总收益.“薄利多销”是指需求富有弹性(de)商品小幅度降价使需求量较大幅度增加,而引起(de)总收益(de)增加.(8分)(2)需求缺乏弹性(de)商品,其价格与总收益成同方向变动.谷,即粮食,是生活必需品,需求缺乏弹性,其弹性系数很小,在粮食丰收、粮价下跌时,需求增加得并不多,这样就会使总收益减少,农民受到损失.(7分)26. 石油是重要(de)工业原料,如果中东政治动荡引起石油产量减少,用总需求—总供给模型说明它会给世界经济带来什么影响.参考答案:(1)总需求一总供给模型是要说明均衡(de)国内生产总值与物价水平(de)决定(de).总需求曲线与短期总供给曲线相交时就决定了均衡(de)国内生产总值和均衡(de)物价水平.这时总需求与总供给相等,实现了宏观经济(de)均衡.(3分)(2)石油产量减少,价格上升,从而生产其他相关产品(de)成本增加,这会影响短期总供给.(3分)(3)短期总供给曲线从SAS1向上移动至SAS2.(3分)(4)当AD和LAS不变时,SAS(de)向上移动引起GDP减少(从Y1减少到Y2),物价水平上升(从P1上升到P2).(3分)(5)作图占3分.27. 根据总产量、平均产量和边际产量(de)关系,用图形说明如何确定一种生产要素(de)合理投入区间.参考答案:(1)边际产量递减规律表明,在其他生产要素不变(de)情况下,随着一种生产要素(de)增加,总产量、平均产量和边际产量都是先增加而后减少.边际产量等于平均产量时,平均产量达到最大;边际产量为零时,总产量达到最大;边际产量为负数时,总产量就会绝对减少.(5分)(2)根据总产量、平均产量与边际产量(de)关系,可以把总产量曲线、平均产量曲线与边际产量曲线图分为三个区域.Ⅰ区域是劳动量从零增加到A这一阶段,这时平均产量一直在增加,边际产量大于平均产量.Ⅱ区域是劳动量从A增加到B这一阶段,这时平均产量开始下降,边际产量递减.由于边际产量仍然大于零,总产量仍在增加.Ⅲ区域是劳动量增加到B点以后,这时边际产量为负数,总产量绝对减少.(3)劳动量(de)增加应在Ⅱ区域(A-B)为宜.但在Ⅱ区域(de)哪一点上,就还要考虑到其他因素.首先要考虑企业(de)目标,如果企业(de)目标是使平均产量达到最大,那么,劳动量增加到A点就可以了;如果企业(de)目标是使总产量达到最大,那么,劳动量就可以增加到B点.其次,如果企业以利润最大化为目标,那就必须结合成本与产品价格来分析.28. 凯恩斯主义经济学家为什么主张运用赤字财政政策参考答案:(1)财政赤字就是政府收入小于支出.(3分)(2)凯恩斯主义经济学家认为,财政政策不仅是必要(de),而且也是可能(de).这就因为:第一,债务人是国家,债权人是公众.国家与公众(de)根本利益是一致(de).政府(de)财政赤字是国家欠公众(de)债务,也就是自己欠自己(de)债务.第二,政府(de)政权是稳定(de),这就保证了债务(de)偿还是有保证(de),不会引起信用危机.第三,债务用于发展经济, 使政府有能力偿还债务, 弥补赤字.这就是一般所说(de)“公债哲学”.(12分)29. 什么是公共物品公共物品为什么会引起市场失灵参考答案:(1)公共物品是集体消费(de)物品,它(de)特征是消费(de)非排他性和非竞争性.(3分)(2)公共物品(de)非排他性和非竞争性决定了人们不用购买仍然可以消费,这种不用购买就可以消费(de)行为称为搭便车.公共物品可以搭便车,消费者要消费不必花钱购买,公共物品就没有交易,没有市场价格,生产者不愿意生产.由于公共物品没有交易和相应(de)交易价格,如果仅仅依靠市场调节,就没人生产或生产远远不足.公共物品(de)供小于求是资源配置失误,这种失误是由于仅仅依靠市场机制引起(de),这就是市场失灵.(9分)(3)市场失灵指在有些情况下仅仅依靠价格调节并不能实现资源配置最优.(3分)。
新托福独立口语分类机经汇总一、Person1. 好老师的character1. What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?)1. 说一个你敬佩的人的好性格1. 你最崇拜的人是谁?1. An older people you respect1. 描述你的role mode1. 对你影响最深刻的人。
1. Describe the person who have had positive impact on you1. (Important) characteristic of friends;1. 问好朋友什么最重要?loyalty,honest还是humor1. Who would you love talking with? What do you talk about?1. What qualities should a leader have?1. 遇到困难时,找谁寻求建议,你为何value that person’s advice1. 说说作为team member一个重要的quality1. many students do volunteer work, 问what kind of volunteer do you want to be?2. 人是被电视、报纸、广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多2. Get advice from family and friends/learning through personal experience, which one do you prefer?2. Do you agree or disagree, the most important influences that young adults have are from their families.2. Family can help young adults a lot(大概是这意思),agree or disagree?2. Do you always make friends who have different interests from you? Why?2. 你是愿意当leader 还是当follower2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are useful nowadays 大概这样.二、Money1. Power and money is the definition of success.2. 你是想把多余的一点点钱马上用掉,还是存2.飞来横财,是用来do practical thing还是用来只do leisure thing.第2页 /(共2页)三、Events1. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.1. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration 或者moment1. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country (culture)1. A popular activity in your country1. 说一个参加过的memorial 活动之类的(有意义难忘的一件事)1.描述一件童年很happy 的event,然后explain why it is memorable1. 讲一个难忘的event,跟你家人和朋友在一起的1. The most memorable and important event of you happened in school1. 印象比较深的celebration,为什么important?1. 描述你最enjoy的一天and why1. 你朋友曾经做过让你开心的事的经验1. Describe a recent experience。
有效保护率是以生产某产詁的国内附加值计算的关税,指关税使被保护行业每单 位产出的附加值提高的百分率。
国际交易依其性质可以划分为自主性交易和调节性交易。自主性交易是指基于商 业动机和收益口的而进行的交易「调节性交易是指为弥补自主性交易差额而进行 的交易。凡自主性交易借贷双方相等,不需用调节性交易弥补时,称国际收支平 衡。
(1)推动屮国与屮亚,南亚地区新市场的合作,逐渐摆脱对传统欧美日发达 市场的依赖。
(2)可以通过对沿途国家地区的投资缓解中国国内产能过剩和外汇过剩的问 题。
3货币分析法强调货币市场在汇率决定屮的作用。在“一价定律”的基础上, 货币分析法认为汇率是两国货币的相对价格,两国间汇率决定于两国货币的 相对供求关系,当货币市场中货币存量的供求达到平衡时,此时决定的汇率
3货币分析法认为:从短期来看,汇率的变动主要取决于两种货币的相对供给 量,E的变动与Ms成正比,与M *s成反比。从长期来看,汇率完全取 决于两种货币的相对供给量与相对实际需求量。利率和实际国民收入的变化 只冇通过影响货币需求才会使汇率发生变动。
3 这一理论认为,进口商品的价值不是由其生产成本,而是出“获得成本”决 定的。
5两国贸易产品的国内交换比例决定其国际交换比例的上下限,实际的交换比 例必定处于这一界限之内,它取决于两国对对方产品的需求强度。如果外国 对木国产品的需求强度越大,实际交换比例就越接近外国的国内交换比例, 贸易利益的分配对本国就越有利,反之则反是。
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1.(问题解决型)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for an animal.·2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The advice from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? College or University should offer students more job preparation before they start working.4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can learn more from watching television than by reading books.5.Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. a. joining a sports team, b. participate in community activities, c. traveling6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.7.从前很依靠父母做决定,但现在由孩子自己做决定更好。
9.Do you think teachers have greater influence on young children in the past than today?10.Do you agree or disagree that universities should spend money on improving facilities (labs and general requirements) rather than hiring famous teachers?11.Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past.12.Agree or Disagree: the rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.13.大托福机经作文。
问你赞成在家利用电脑和电话(work at home by using computer and telephone)工作,还是去公司的办公室(company's office)工作。
14.It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exersice. Do you agree?15.你同意不?现在越来越多人把钱花在PETS 上头了,尽管钱还有好多用处的。
16.high school students should take a course on basic economics.17."The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'."18.Do you agree or disagree the following statement?The rapid growth of cities has a mostly positive impact on the development of the society.19.Do you agree that people should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.20.P eople who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill.21.Do you think that young people should take several different kinds of job before they take a career in a long term?22.A high-paid job with less leisure time is better than alow-paid job with more time spent with their family members and friends.23.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.24.For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?25.When people are going to celebrate a special event such as graduation or a special party, some of them prefer a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members. 你喜欢哪个?26.People should buy products made by their own countries, even if they are more expensive than those made in foreign countries.27.Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.28.S hould the government support artists or should artists support themselves?29.If you cannot say anything nice about others, you’d better not say anything.30.T o remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.31.Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.32.Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.33.It is better to choose a secure job with a low pay than to choose a high-paid job that is easy to lose.34.Younger school children (aged from five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history35.The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past.36.Telephone has greater influence on peo ple’s lives than television has.37.The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.38.C hildren should only play sports for fun, not in competition or contests.39.In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past40.I t is more important for the government to spend money on improving Internet access than on public transportation41.Most business people are only motivated by the desire of money.42.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people more lessons about the life.。