



Today, we tell the story of the 9-11 attacks through some of the words spoken that morning ten years ago. A newly released document includes recordings of air traffic controllers, military pilots and others reacting to the fast-moving events.今天,我们将通过9.11袭击事件发生时的一些对话回顾10年前的那一幕。


On September eleventh, two thousand one, nineteen al-Qaida members hijacked four passenger planes in the eastern United States. They crashed two of them into the World Trade Center in New York City, destroying the Twin Towers.2001年9月11日,19名基地组织成员在美国东部劫持了4架客机,并将其中两架撞向纽约世贸中心,撞毁了这栋双塔楼。

A third plane hit the Pentagon, the Defense Department headquarters outside Washington. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.第三架飞机撞到了华盛顿郊外的国防部总部五角大楼。


The document is known as an "audio monograph." It begins with normal radio calls shortly after eight o'clock. American Airlines Flight 11 had just left Boston for Los Angeles with ninety-two people.这份新公布的文件被称为“音频专辑”,它从八点后不久的正常电台呼叫开始。

餐厅英语类 中文菜单翻译(二十)

餐厅英语类  中文菜单翻译(二十)

美联英语提供:中文菜单翻译(二十)分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0头盘及沙拉类(Appetizers, Starters and Salads)1997. 腌熏三文鱼Smoked Salmon1998. 凯撒沙拉Caesar Salad1999. 鲜蘑鸡肝Chicken Liver Terrine with Morel 2000. 奶酪瓤蟹盖Baked Crab Shells Stuffed with Cheese 2001. 鲜果海鲜沙拉Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruits 2002. 厨师沙拉Chef's Salad2003. 金枪鱼沙拉Tuna Salad2004. 尼斯沙拉Salad Nicoise2005. 奶油蘑菇汤Cream of Mushroom Soup2006. 奶油胡萝卜汤Cream of Carrot Soup 2007. 奶油芦笋汤Cream of Asparagus Soup 2008. 墨西哥辣味牛肉汤Mexican Chili Beef Soup 2009. 番茄浓汤Tomato Bisque Soup2010. 海鲜周打汤Seafood Chowder2011. 法式洋葱汤French Onion Soup2012. 牛肉清汤Beef Consommé2013. 匈牙利浓汤Hungarian Goulash2014. 香浓牛尾汤Oxtail Soup2015. 意大利蔬菜汤Minestrone Soup2016. 蔬菜干豆汤Hearty Lentil Soup2017. 牛油梨冻汤Chilled Avocado Soup2018. 西班牙番茄冻汤Gazpacho汤类Soup2019. 红酒鹅肝Braised Goose Live in Red Wine2020. 奶酪火腿鸡排Chicken Cordon Bleu2021. 烧瓤春鸡卷Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls2022. 红酒烩鸡Braised Chicken with Red Wine2023. 烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushroom and Cheese2024. 炸培根鸡肉卷Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls2025. 水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamic Sauce2026. 烤火鸡配红浆果沙司Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce2027. 烤瓤火鸡Roast Stuffed Turkey2028. 烧烤鸡腿BBQ Chicken Leg2029. 烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries2030. 扒鸡胸Char-Grilled Chicken Breast2031. 咖喱鸡Curry Chicken2032. 秘制鸭胸配黑菌炒土豆Pan-Fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles2033. 火腿煎蛋Fried Eggs with Ham2034. 洛林乳蛋饼Quiche Lorraine2035. 熘糊蛋Scrambled Egg2036. 红烩牛肉Beef Stew2037. 白烩小牛肉Fricasseed Veal2038. 牛里脊扒配黑椒沙司Grilled Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce2039. 扒肉眼牛排Grilled Rib-Eye Steak2040. 西冷牛排配红酒少司Roast Sirloin Steak with Red Wine2041. T骨牛扒T-Bone Steak2042. 烤牛肉Roast Beef2043. 罗西尼牛柳配钵酒汁Beef Tenderloin and Goose Liver with Truffle in Port Wine2044. 青椒汁牛柳Beef T enderloin with Green Pepper and Corn Sauce2045. 铁板西冷牛扒Sirloin Steak Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate2046. 香煎奥斯卡仔牛排Pan-Fried Veal Steak Oscar in Hollandaise Sauce2047. 咖喱牛肉Curry Beef2048. 威灵顿牛柳Fillet of Beef Wellington2049. 俄式牛柳丝Beef Stroganoff2050. 烩牛舌Braised Ox Tongue2051. 红烩牛膝Osso Bucco2052. 黑胡椒鹿柳配野蘑菇和芹菜烤面皮Venison Fillet with Black Pepper Coated with Mushrooms and Celery猪肉类Pork2053. 烧烤排骨BBQ Spare Ribs2054. 烟熏蜜汁肋排Smoked Spare Ribs with Honey2055. 意大利米兰猪排Pork Piccatta2056. 瓤馅猪肉卷配黄桃汁Stuffed Pork Roulade in Yellow Peach Sauce2057. 煎面包肠香草汁Pan-Fried Swiss Meat Loaf with Pesto Sauce2058. 炸猪排Deep-Fried Spare Ribs羊肉类Lamb2059. 扒羊排Grilled Lamb Chops2060. 扒新西兰羊排Grilled New Zealand Lamb Chops2061. 烤羊排配奶酪和红酒汁Roast Lamb Chops in Cheese and Red Wine 2062. 海鲜串Seafood Kebabs2063. 扒金枪鱼Grilled Tuna Fillet2064. 清蒸熏鱼Steamed Smoked Haddock2065. 扒挪威三文鱼排Grilled Norwegian Salmon Fillet2066. 三文鱼扒配青柠黄油Grilled Salmon with Lime and Butter2067. 比目鱼柳和扇贝配红酒核桃汁Braised Flatfish Fillet and Scallop with Walnuts in Red Wine2068. 煎比目鱼Pan-Fried Flatfish2069. 烤三文鱼柳配香草汁和黑橄榄酱Roasted Salmon Fillet in Pesto and Black Olive Purée2070. 烤三文鱼排意大利宽面和藏红花汁Roasted Salmon Steak in T agliatelle and Saffron Sauce2071. 煎红加吉鱼排Grilled Red Snapper Fillet2072. 黄油柠檬汁扒鱼柳Grilled Fish Fillet in Lemon and Butter2073. 扒大虾Grilled King Prawns2074. 蒜茸大虾Grilled King Prawns with Garlic, Herb and Butter2075. 巴黎黄油烤龙虾Baked Lobster with Garlic and Butter2076. 奶酪汁龙虾Gratinated Lobster in Mornay Sauce 2077. 香炸西班牙鱿鱼圈Deep-Fried Squid Rings2078. 荷兰汁青口贝Gratinated Mussels with Hollandaise Sauce分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0。



考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译Science1.scientific [,saiən'tifik]a. 科学上的【同义词】systematic【真题例句】The scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its critics.(1998阅读3)参考译文:科学界如此强大以至于可以对批评者置之不理。

2.scientist ['saiəntist]n. 科学家【同义词】【真题例句】Scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted.(1999阅读5)参考译文:确切知道自己的目标和怎么实现这一目标的科学家们根本没必要分心。

3.conscience ['kɔnʃəns]n. 良心,良知[真题例句]Mental health has commonly been called conscience, instinct, wisdom, common sense, or the inner voice.参考译文:心理健康普遍被称作良知、本能、智慧、常识或者内心的声音。

(2016考研英语翻译)4.conscientious[,kɔnʃi'enʃəs]a. 审慎正直的,认真的,本着良心的5.conscious ['kɔnʃəs]a. (of)意识到的,自觉的;神志清醒的【同义词】aware[真题例句]Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.参考译文:一个世纪前,弗洛伊德提出了革命性的理论,即梦是我们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧经过伪装后的反映。



考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译Surge1.surgeon ['sə:dʒən]n. 外科医生【同义词】sawbones chirurgeon【真题例句】Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.(2003阅读4)参考译文:最高法院法官桑德拉·欧康奈70有余,前卫生局医务主任C. Everett Koop 80多岁还出任了一家互联网创业公司的CEO。

2.surgery ['sə:dʒəri]n. 外科,外科学;手术室,诊疗室【同义词】theater surgical department【真题例句】A robot that can fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery.(2002阅读2选项)参考译文:机器人可以完成很多细致的任务,如做脑部手术。

3.suicide ['sjuisaid]n. 自杀;自杀行为;自杀者a. 自杀的vt. 自杀vi. 自杀【同义词】dutch act self-destruction【真题例句】There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide.(2000阅读2)参考译文:另一种进行进化性自杀的方法。

Sure1.assure [ə'ʃuə]vt. 使确信,使放心;(of)向…保证/担保【同义词】ensure[真题例句]When assured that they do, she replied, “Then I would have to say yes.”(2003考研英语阅读Text 2)参考译文:当被告知的确如此,她回答道:“那么我不得不说,是的,我反对接种。










【关键字】总结总结:外国语与应用语言学:George Yule, “The study of language”(Second edition), Cambridge University Press, 1996;《语言学教程》胡壮麟主编,北大2001修订版;《新编简明英语语言学教程》戴纬栋、何兆熊著,上海外语教育出版社2002修订版。

英语翻译与写作:A Textbook of Translation,Peter Newmark,上海外语教育出版社,2001;《翻译学入门》(2011版),陈刚,浙江大学出版社。










上海卷20011. 我们的祖国从来没像今天这样强大。

(Never…2. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论。

(before3. 据说那个湖底发现了一个古城的遗迹。

(discover4. 这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。

(quality5. 他们应从这事中吸取教训;玩火者必自焚。

(burn上海卷20021. 当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助于游客。

(choice2. 我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。

(occur3. 如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包囊。

(convenient4. 应该鼓励学生将课堂所学的知识运用到实践中去。

(apply5. 如果队员之间不加强配合,我校篮球队就不可能在决赛中战胜对手。

(unless 上海卷20031. 请尽早作出决定,不然你会坐失良机。

(or2. 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出他的美丽。

(It…3. 勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。

(infect4. 这条铁路横贯平原,把那个偏远山城与海港连接了起来。

(remote5. 这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。

(so…that 上海卷20041 小组讨论有助于更好地理解课文。

(help2 上周因为生病我缺了一些课,但是我会努力赶上大家的。

(miss3 这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语解释不清。

(too…to4. 你该就刚才的所作所为,向在场的人道歉。

(apologize5 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。

(…it…上海卷20051 我希望尽快收到你的照片。

(hope2 多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。

(good3 今天下午我没有空,我和牙医有约。

(appointment4 你最好乘出租车去电影节的开幕式,不然就要迟到了。

(or5 这款手机式样新颖、携带方便,深受年轻人的欢迎。

(popular6 他进公司不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。

(so 上海卷20061. 我们相信农民的生活会越来越好。



考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译1. catch[kætʃ]v.捕捉,捕获;赶上;感染;理解,听到【同义词】grasp;capture[真题例句]First two hours, now three hours - this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight.参考译文:起先是两小时,如今是三小时——这是官方建议搭乘国内航班的乘客需提前抵达机场的时间。

(2017考研英语阅读text1)2. cater['keitə]vi.(for/to)满足,迎合;(for)提供饮食及服务【同义词】satisfy[真题例句]Demand comes mainly from two sources: independentmom-and-pop grocery stores and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don’t eat at home.参考译文:市场需求主要来自两方面:一是独立经营的夫妻式杂货铺,其次是饮食服务经营者,他们满足不在家吃饭的消费者的需求。

(2010考研英语新题型)3. cattle['kætl]n.牛;牲口,家畜4. catastrophe[kə'tæstrəfi]n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局5. catalog['kætəlɔɡ]n.(catalogue)目录(册)v.编目(录)6. category['kætiɡəri]n.种类,部属,类目;范畴,类型【同义词】class[真题例句]While still catching up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category.参考译文:尽管女性在现代生活中的不少领域仍在努力追赶男性,但至少在一个不利的方面女性似乎遥遥领先。




)【每年的题目单独编译成页是为了便于打印后直接在上面进行书写】翻译主题分析:1994年:天才、技术与科学发展的关系 1995年:标准化教育与心理评估(364词)1996年:科学发展的动力(331词) 1997年:动物的权利(417词)1998年:宇宙起源(376词) 1999年:史学研究方法(326词)2000年:科学家与政府(381词) 2001年:计算机与未来生活展望(405词)2002年:行为科学发展的困难 2003年:人类学简介(371词)2004年:语言与思维(357词) 2005年:电视媒体2006年:美国的知识分子 2007年:法学研究的意义2008年:达尔文的思想观点 2009年:正规教育的地位2010年:经济与生态 2011年:能动意识的作用2012年:普遍性真理 2013年:人类状况2014年:贝多芬的一生 2015年:历史学方面2016年:心理健康46) We don't have to learn how to be mentally healthy, it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend, a broken bone. 47) Our mental health doesn't go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.48) Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are.49) Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives, it is perfecting ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions.50) As you will come to see, knowing that mental health is always available and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily.46) This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.47) The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. 48) But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes.49) The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after thefifteenth- and sixteenth-century explorations of North America.50) The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia in the south. Here was abundant fuel and lumber.46) It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.47)By all accounts he was a freethinking person, and a courageous one, and I find courage an essential quality for the understanding, let alone the performance, of his works.48) Beethoven’s habit of increasing the volume with an extreme intensity and then abruptly following it with a sudden soft passage was only rarely used by composers before him.49) Especially significant was his view of freedom, which, for him, was associated with the rights and responsibilities of the individual: he advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression.50)One could interpret much of the work of Beethoven by saying that suffering is inevitable, but the courage to fight it renders life worth living.46) Yet when one looks at the photographs of the garden created by the homeless, it strikes one that , for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.47) A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need.48)The gardens of the homeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. In so doing they give composure to a segment of the inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.49) Most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on some psychological conditions, until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the expression vanish as if by magic.50) It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature that fully justifies the use of word garden though in a “liberated” sense, to describe these synthetic constructions.46) In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything—a single generative equation for all we see.47) Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification for it all humans share common origins it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings.48) To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behavior arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.49) The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many language which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints.50) Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it.46)Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.47) While we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”48) This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.49) Circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us and if we feel that we have been “wronged” then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation.50)The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. the evidence had to be economic in order to be valid.47) But we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.48) Time was when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on "worthless" species.49) In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason.50) It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning.46) It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.47) Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.48) While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.49) Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.50) We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling.46)He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.48)On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning.49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was "superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully."50)Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.46) Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear preps of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems.47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.49)But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.50)They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served to much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in Europe.47) In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.49) Crea ting a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice - that of producing programs in Europe for Europe.50)In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unity we stand, divided we fall” -and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.”61) The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.62) We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.63) The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code during World War II to send secret messages.64) Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.65) Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.61) Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.62) Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.63) The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.64) Tylor defined culture as “...that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”65) Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture,” like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.61) One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on.62) The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.63) The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.64) They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. 65) Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.71) There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived.73) Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.74) But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration: “It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century."75) And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder--kitchen rage.71)There will be television chat shows hosted by robots and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools relaxation will be in front of smell-television and digital age will have arrived.73)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications,people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas,while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.74) But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration:“It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.”75) And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder kitchen rage.71) While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.72) Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.73) During this transfer,traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.75) It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources. And to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.71) But even more important,it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past,for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.72) The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang,first put forward in the 1920s,to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.73) Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures,and may report their findings soon.74) If the small hot spots look as expected,that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea,a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory.75) Odd though it sounds,cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics,and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.71) Actually,it isn’t,because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights,which is something the world does not have.72) Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract,as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.73) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all.74) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect,extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.75) When that happens,it is not a mistake: it is mankind’s instinct for moral reasoning in action,an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.71) Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.72 )This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail. 73) This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.74) However,the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world more fascinating and delightful aspects.75) New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past,giving rise to new standards of elegance.1995年考研英语(一)翻译真题71) The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.72) How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.73) Whether to use tests,other kinds of information,or both in a particular situation depends,therefore,upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.74) In general,the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicated can not be well defined.75) For example,they do not compensate for gross social inequality,and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.1994年考研英语(一)翻译真题71) Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.72)“In short”,a leader of the new school contends,“the scientific revolution,as we call it,was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.”73) Over the years,tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. 74) Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.75) Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa(反之)often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving for。












2012年,ASD(L&MR) 进行了两项研究,其中一个侧重改善DLA(国防后勤局)的消费品供应链管理,另一个侧重可修复产品管理。








[2007]The shipper is deemed to have guaranteed the accuracy at the time of shipment of the quantity and weight as furnished by him, and must indemnify ____ against all losses, damages and expenses arising from the inaccuracies in such particulars.
Key: A 在交叉态势中你是直航船。假如你认为让路船没有采取足够的行动避免碰撞时,你应鸣放危险信号。
[2010]After oil pollution occurs in Chinese ports, what action shall be first taken by ship's Captain and Chief Engineer? ____
Key: D 如果一个建议的温度被标注在前面的提单中,货主应将货物交给承运人时温度在标注温度2度范围内是允许的。
[2005] If there is no invoice value of the goods, such compensation shall be calculated by reference to the value of such goods _____ they are delivered to the merchant in accordance with the contract or should have been so delivered.
C. three strokes of the bell before and after the rapid ringing of the bell D. no additional signals








































Unit 11. 请将下列英语句子译成汉语(1)在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。






2. 请将下列段落译成英文。

Price and pricing policy play an important role in all marketing strategy. It is worthwhile for any exporter to pay special attention to pricing before coming to grips with overseas buyers. Overseas purchasers are generally reputed to be professional, knowledgeable and possessing solid information as a basis for their decisions. In most cases, hey are guided in their business activities by a budget which in turn is based on direct costing. This means that to them the purchase price is but one cost element among several others and that the total cost does not accrue until the goods have been sold to the next customer. It is therefore irrelevant to the purchasers whether they can lower the price by bargaining or, as an alternative, make the sellers take over part of their other costs for the product. Such peripheral costs may include special packaging, price marking.3.请将下列段落译成汉语。




)【每年的题目单独编译成页是为了便于打印后直接在上面进行书写】翻译主题分析:1994年:天才、技术与科学发展的关系 1995年:标准化教育与心理评估(364词)1996年:科学发展的动力(331词) 1997年:动物的权利(417词)1998年:宇宙起源(376词) 1999年:史学研究方法(326词)2000年:科学家与政府(381词) 2001年:计算机与未来生活展望(405词)2002年:行为科学发展的困难 2003年:人类学简介(371词)2004年:语言与思维(357词) 2005年:电视媒体2006年:美国的知识分子 2007年:法学研究的意义2008年:达尔文的思想观点 2009年:正规教育的地位2010年:经济与生态 2011年:能动意识的作用2012年:普遍性真理 2013年:人类状况2014年:贝多芬的一生 2015年:历史学方面2016年:心理健康46) We don't have to learn how to be mentally healthy, it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend, a broken bone. 47) Our mental health doesn't go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.48) Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are.49) Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives, it is perfecting ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions.50) As you will come to see, knowing that mental health is always available and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily.46) This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.47) The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. 48) But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes.49) The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after thefifteenth- and sixteenth-century explorations of North America.50) The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia in the south. Here was abundant fuel and lumber.46) It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.47)By all accounts he was a freethinking person, and a courageous one, and I find courage an essential quality for the understanding, let alone the performance, of his works.48) Beethoven’s habit of increasing the volume with an extreme intensity and then abruptly following it with a sudden soft passage was only rarely used by composers before him.49) Especially significant was his view of freedom, which, for him, was associated with the rights and responsibilities of the individual: he advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression.50)One could interpret much of the work of Beethoven by saying that suffering is inevitable, but the courage to fight it renders life worth living.46) Yet when one looks at the photographs of the garden created by the homeless, it strikes one that , for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.47) A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need.48)The gardens of the homeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. In so doing they give composure to a segment of the inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.49) Most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on some psychological conditions, until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the expression vanish as if by magic.50) It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature that fully justifies the use of word garden though in a “liberated” sense, to describe these synthetic constructions.46) In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything—a single generative equation for all we see.47) Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification for it all humans share common origins it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings.48) To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behavior arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.49) The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many language which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints.50) Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it.46)Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.47) While we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”48) This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.49) Circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us and if we feel that we have been “wronged” then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation.50)The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. the evidence had to be economic in order to be valid.47) But we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.48) Time was when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on "worthless" species.49) In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason.50) It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning.46) It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.47) Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.48) While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.49) Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.50) We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling.46)He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.48)On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning.49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was "superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully."50)Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.46) Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear preps of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems.47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.49)But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.50)They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served to much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in Europe.47) In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.49) Crea ting a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice - that of producing programs in Europe for Europe.50)In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unity we stand, divided we fall” -and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.”61) The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.62) We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.63) The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code during World War II to send secret messages.64) Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.65) Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.61) Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.62) Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.63) The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.64) Tylor defined culture as “...that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”65) Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture,” like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.61) One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on.62) The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.63) The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.64) They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. 65) Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.71) There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived.73) Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.74) But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration: “It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century."75) And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder--kitchen rage.71)There will be television chat shows hosted by robots and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools relaxation will be in front of smell-television and digital age will have arrived.73)Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications,people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas,while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.74) But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration:“It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.”75) And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder kitchen rage.71) While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.72) Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.73) During this transfer,traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.75) It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources. And to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.71) But even more important,it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past,for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.72) The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang,first put forward in the 1920s,to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.73) Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures,and may report their findings soon.74) If the small hot spots look as expected,that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea,a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory.75) Odd though it sounds,cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics,and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.71) Actually,it isn’t,because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights,which is something the world does not have.72) Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract,as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.73) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all.74) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect,extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.75) When that happens,it is not a mistake: it is mankind’s instinct for moral reasoning in action,an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.71) Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.72 )This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail. 73) This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.74) However,the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world more fascinating and delightful aspects.75) New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past,giving rise to new standards of elegance.1995年考研英语(一)翻译真题71) The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.72) How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.73) Whether to use tests,other kinds of information,or both in a particular situation depends,therefore,upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.74) In general,the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicated can not be well defined.75) For example,they do not compensate for gross social inequality,and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.1994年考研英语(一)翻译真题71) Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.72)“In short”,a leader of the new school contends,“the scientific revolution,as we call it,was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.”73) Over the years,tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. 74) Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.75) Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa(反之)often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving for。



考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译1.party ['pɑ:ti]n. 聚会,政党,当事人v.举行(参加)社交聚会【真题例句】Britain’s Labor Party, as its name implies, has long been associated with trade unionism.(2012考研英语阅读Text 4)参考译文:顾名思义,英国工党长期以来一直与工会主义联系在一起。

2.partial ['pɑ:ʃəl]a. 部分的,不完全的;偏袒的,不公平的,偏爱的【同义词】unfair【真题例句】A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 2007 and the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont Yankee’s safety and Entergy’s management.(2012考研英语阅读Text 2)参考译文:一系列的事故,包括2007年冷却塔局部倒塌以及地下管道系统泄漏为人所知,使得人们既对Vermont Yankee核电厂的安全也对Entergy公司的管理提出了严重质疑。

3. Impartial4.particle ['pɑ:tikl]n. 粒子,微粒;极小量;小品词,虚词【同义词】grain【真题例句】Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics.(1998考研英语翻译)参考译文:尽管听起来很奇怪,宇宙膨胀是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的观点在科学上合理的推论。



(2011年)When flying over Nepal, it’s easy to soar in your imagination and pretend you’re tiny —a butterfly —and drifting above one of those three dimensional topographical maps architects use, the circling contour lines replaced by the terraced rice paddies that surround each high ridge.Nepal is a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12, 000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles off the left window.Out the right window, the view is of three or four high terraced ridges giving sudden way to the plains of India beyond.There were few roads visible below, most transportation in Nepal being by foot along ancient trails that connect and bind country together. There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination. I was on a flight to the local airport.(2010年)I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May; that it was Easter Sunday, and as yet very early in the morning. I was standing at the door of my own cottage. Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height, and there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns; the hedges were rich with white roses; and no living creature was to be seen except that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had tenderly loved, just as I had really seen them, a little before sunrise in the same summer, when that child died.(2009年)We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency –a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here. But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst – though not all – of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.However, despite a growing number of honorable exceptions, too many of the world's leaders are still best described in the words Winston Churchill applied to those who ignored Adolf Hitler's threat: "They go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful to be impotent."So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will dump aslightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun.(2008年)But, as has been true in many other cases, when they were at last married, the most ideal of situations was found to have been changed to the most practical. Instead of having shared their original duties, and as school-boys would say, going halves, they discovered that the cares of life had been doubled. This led to some distressing moments for both our friends; they understood suddenly that instead of dwelling in heaven they were still upon earth, and had made themselves slaves to new laws and limitations. Instead of being freer and happier than ever before, they had assumed new responsibilities; they had established a new household, and must fulfill in some way or another the obligations of it. They looked back with affection to their engagement; they had been longing to have each other to themselves, apart from the world, but it seemed they never felt so keenly that they were still units in modern society.(2007年)Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 9/11 and avian flu remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge – but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.For all these reasons I believed –and I believe even more strongly today –in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.(2006年)On May 13, 1940, Winston Churchill, the newly appointed British Prime Minister, gave his first speech to Parliament. He was preparing the people for a long battle against Nazi aggression, at a timewhen England’s survival was still in doubt.―… I h ave nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs --- victory in spite of all terrors --- for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, ―Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength’.‖(2005年)For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life and mine has been that for the last twenty years, is that it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days, and know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog, read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness.I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants and, perhaps, by looking again at each one as though it were a person.It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious, bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood.(2004年)In his classic novel, ―The Pioneers‖, James Fennimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a teeming metropolis. But his cousin looks around bew ildered. All she sees is a forest. ―Where are the beauties and developments which you were to show me?‖ she asks. He’s astonished she can’t see them.―Where! Why everywhere,‖ he replies. For though they are not yet built on earth, he built them in his mind, and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.Cooper was illustrating a distinctly American trait, future-mindedness: the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said,‖ Life for the American is always becoming, never being.‖(2003年)Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance maintaining pretence, and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others,evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.Winners do not play ―helpless", nor do they play the blami ng game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives.(2002年)Effort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of ―the pleasure of taking pains‖. The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in fact that it purports to be effortless.We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.(2001年)If people mean anything at all by the expression ―untimely death‖, they must believe some death run on a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called untimely — a long life is thought to be a full one. But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best year lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken.History denies this, of course. Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Deans, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26, and only half playfully judged their own lives as failures when they pass that year. The idea that life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue.(2000年)In addition, one class of family reasons shares a border with the following category, namely, having children in order to maintain or improve a marriage; to hold the husband or occupy the wife; to repair or rejuvenate the marriage; to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way. The point is underlined by its converse: in some societies the failure to bear children (or males) is a threat to the marriage and a ready cause for divorce.Beyond all that is the profound significance of children to the very institution of the family itself. Tomany people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family --- they need children to enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. Children need the family, but the family seems also to need children, as the social institutions uniquely available, at least in principle, for security, comfort, assurance, and direction in a changing, often hostile world.(1999年)To speak of American literature, then, is not to assert that it is completely unlike that of Europe. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step. At any given moment the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same style in dress, the same books on the shelves. Ideas have crossed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly. When I refer to American habit, thoughts, etc., I intend some sort of qualification to precede the word, for frequently the difference between America and Europe (especially England) will be one of degree, sometimes only of a small degree. The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. He is looking at a country which in important senses grew out of his own, which in several ways still resembles his own--- and which is yet a foreign country. There are odd overlappings and abrupt unfamilarities; kinship yields to a sudden alienation, as when we hail a person across the street, only to discover from his blank response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend.(1998年)Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society’s power of ch oice. We can choose to make opera, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defense, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw.The impulse towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation, is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire; they carry the most profound message that can be sent from one human to another.(1997年)It should have been easy. These were battle-tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ones to the Republican Party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country. The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nation’s economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession.Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeeded more than any president since John F · Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America ---A nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government.。






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哈佛大学的Tal Ben-Shahar教授说,“健康的乐观主义意味着要处于现实之中。


2.Ben-Shahar 会使用三种乐观的方法。

















2004年,曾针对印度家庭进行过一次大型调查,结果发现,近40%有移民倾向的人受过中学以上教育,而25岁以上的印度人只有约 3.3%受过中学以上教育。







47. 但我们至少几乎也承认这样一点:不管鸟类是否给我们带来经济上的好处,但鸟类作为生物其固有的权利应该继续存在。

48. 曾几何时,生物学家们有点过度使用这个证据,即这些物种通过杀死体质弱者来保持猎物的正常繁衍或者这些生物捕杀的仅仅是毫无价值的物种。

49. 在欧洲,林业在生态方面更加发达,无商业价值的树种被看作是原生森林群落的一部分,而得到合理的保护。

50. 这一系统易于忽视,因而最终会消除掉这个土地共同体里的许多要素(成员),虽然这些要素(成员)缺乏商业价值,但这些要素(成员)对这个共同体的健康运行来说是必要的.200946.虽然我们可以说衡量任何一个社会机构价值的标准是其在丰富和完善人生方面所起的作用,但这种作用并不是我们最初的动机的组成部分.47. 人们只是逐渐地才注意到机构的这—副产品,而人们把这种作用视为机构运作的指导性因素的过程则更为缓慢。



50. 这就使我们得以在一直讨论的广义的教育过程中进一步区分出一种更为正式的教育形式,即直接讲授或学校教育。

200846. 他认为或许正因为(语言表达上的)这种困难,他不得不对自己要说的每句话都经过长时间的认真思考,从而能发现自己在推理和观察中的错误,结果这反而成为他的优点。

47. 他还坚持认为自己进行长时间纯抽象思维的能力十分有限,由此他也认定自己在数学方面根本不可能有大的作为。

48. 另一方面,某些人批评他虽然善于观察,却不具备推理能力,而他认为这种说法也是缺乏根据的。

49. 他又自谦的说,或许自己"在注意到容易被忽略的事物,并对其加以仔细观察方面优于常人".50. 达尔文确信,没有了这些爱好不只是少了乐趣,而且可能会有损于一个人的思维能力,更有可能导致一个人道德品质的下降。










200546. 电视是创造和传递感情的手段之一。


47. 多媒体集团在欧洲就像在其他地方一样越来越成功了。


48. 仅这一点就表明在电视行业不是一个容易生存的领域。


49. 创造一个尊重不同文化和传统的“欧洲统一体”绝非易事,需要战略性选择。



”200461. 希腊人认为, 语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。


62. 我们之所有感激他们(两位先驱), 是因为在此之后, 这些(土著) 语言中有一些已经不复存在了, 这是由于说这些语言的部族或是消亡了, 或是被同化而丧失了自己的本族语言。

63. 这些新近被描述的语言与已经得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区的语言往往差别显著, 以至于有些学者甚至指责Boas和Sapir编造了材料。

64.Whorf对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣, 逐渐形成了这样的观点:在一个社会中, 语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构。

65. Whorf进而相信某种类似语言决定论的观点, 其极端说法是:语言禁锢思维, 语言的语法结构能对一个社会的文化产生深远的影响。





65.因此,人类学中“文化”概念就像数学中“集”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和认识成为可能200261. 难题在于所谓的行为科学几乎全都依然从心态、情感、性格特征、人性等方面去寻找行为的根源。

62. 行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分原因是用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他的解释方式一直难以找到。

63. 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。

64. 自由和尊严(它们) 是传统理论定义的自主人所拥有的,是要求一个人对自己的行为负责并因其业绩而给予肯定的必不可少的前提。

65. (如果) 这些问题得不到解决,研究行为的技术手段就会继续受到排斥,解决问题的唯一方式可能也随之继续受到排斥。





”75. 家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病-- 厨房狂躁2000句子分析:第一、句子可以拆分为三段:Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control/and hence the help of specializedscientists/such as economists and operational research experts.第二、句子的结构:1)主干结构是一个带双宾语的简单句:this requires varying measures of...and hence the help of...2)两个宾语各带有of短语作定语。
