

































命名[编辑]这种滤波方法以它的发明者鲁道夫.E.卡尔曼(Rudolph E. Kalman)命名,但是根据文献可知实际上Peter Swerling在更早之前就提出了一种类似的算法。


施密特(Stanley Schmidt)首次实现了卡尔曼滤波器。


关于这种滤波器的论文由Swerling(1958)、Kalman (1960)与Kalman and Bucy(1961)发表。



除此以外,还有施密特扩展滤波器、信息滤波器以及很多Bierman, Thornton开发的平方根滤波器的变种。



卡尔曼滤波建立在线性代数和隐马尔可夫模型(hidden Markov model)上。













最简单的方法之一是跟踪连续两帧之间的区域的差异(Haritaoglu et al .,2000)并且它的性能可以通过使用自适应背景生成法和减背景法提高。




作为基于帧差跟踪方法的替代方法,一个blob 或地区跟踪,可以用来定位目标的重心。

基于静止背景的假设,Wren et al.(1997)提出了一种实时blob 跟踪算法。

使用目标直方图是另一种blob 跟踪算法并且均值漂移的方法已经提出了在Comaniciu et al.(2003)。









matlab图像处理外文翻译外文文献附录A 英文原文Scene recognition for mine rescue robotlocalization based on visionCUI Yi-an(崔益安), CAI Zi-xing(蔡自兴), WANG Lu(王璐)Abstract:A new scene recognition system was presented based on fuzzy logic and hidden Markov model(HMM) that can be applied in mine rescue robot localization during emergencies. The system uses monocular camera to acquire omni-directional images of the mine environment where the robot locates. By adopting center-surround difference method, the salient local image regions are extracted from the images as natural landmarks. These landmarks are organized by using HMM to represent the scene where the robot is, and fuzzy logic strategy is used to match the scene and landmark. By this way, the localization problem, which is the scene recognition problem in the system, can be converted into the evaluation problem of HMM. The contributions of these skills make the system have the ability to deal with changes in scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint. The results of experiments also prove that the system has higher ratio of recognition and localization in both static and dynamic mine environments.Key words: robot location; scene recognition; salient image; matching strategy; fuzzy logic; hidden Markov model1 IntroductionSearch and rescue in disaster area in the domain of robot is a burgeoning and challenging subject[1]. Mine rescue robot was developed to enter mines during emergencies to locate possible escape routes for those trapped inside and determine whether it is safe for human to enter or not. Localization is a fundamental problem in this field. Localization methods based on camera can be mainly classified into geometric, topological or hybrid ones[2]. With its feasibility and effectiveness, scene recognition becomes one of the important technologies of topological localization.Currently most scene recognition methods are based on global image features and have two distinct stages: training offline and matching online.。








在旋转不变性的实际问题中得到了良好的实验结果,与来自其他的旋转角度的样品一起以一个特别的旋转角度试验而且测试得到分类, 证明了基于简单旋转的发生统计学的不变性二值模式的分辨是可以达成。



关键词:非参数的,纹理分析,Outex ,Brodatz ,分类,直方图,对比度2 灰度和旋转不变性的局部二值模式我们通过定义单色纹理图像的一个局部邻域的纹理T ,如 P (P>1)个象素点的灰度级联合分布,来描述灰度和旋转不变性算子:01(,,)c P T t g g g -= (1)其中,g c 为局部邻域中心像素点的灰度值,g p (p=0,1…P-1)为半径R(R>0)的圆形邻域内对称的空间象素点集的灰度值。

图1如果g c 的坐标是(0,0),那么g p 的坐标为(cos sin(2/),(2/))R R p P p P ππ-。

图1举例说明了圆形对称邻域集内各种不同的(P,R )。







Semiconductors are a substance whose conductivity lies/comes/is between that of conductors and that of non-conductors. Common examples are silicon and germanium. Semiconductors are quite sensitive to heat and light, both of which have a great effect on their conductivity. Therefore/Thus/So/As a result semiconductors are widely used for automatically counting parts on conveying belts for many other purposes Here is an example. 下面举一个例子。

(要译) Here X is a variable. 这里x 是(一个)变量。

(可译可不译) A watt is the unit of electrical power. 瓦特是电功率的单位。

(全不译). A transmitter consists commonly of several parts. 发射机通常是由几部分构成的。

2. ____ successful design of the equipment requires ____ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications.3. In ____ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _____ single electron revolves around _____ single proton in a circle of radius R.4. The unit of frequency is _____ hertz.5. If _____ voltage is applied across ____ circuit, ____ electric current will flow in ____ circuit.6. It is necessary to use ____ S-shaped tube here.7. The author works at ____ University of Texes at ____ Arlington. 8. ____ Fig.5-1 shows _____ Oersted's experiment. 9. We should use ____ 18-volt battery here.10. ____ study of fluids in motion is one of ____ more difficult branches of mechanics because of _____ diversity of phenomena that may occur.1、功率额定值是电阻器能够安全地消耗而又不引起温度升高太多的最大功率。

机械手 外文文献及翻译

机械手 外文文献及翻译

body dynamic and yields the input current vector of the servovalve, the dynamic gravity term including the gravity of platform, load and hydraulic cylinders is used to compensate the influence of gravity of parallel manipulator platform. 入电流矢量的伺服阀,动态重力项包括重力平台,负载和液压缸,用于补偿重力的影响,对并联机器人平台。

In analytical, the steady state errors converge asymptotically to zero, independent of load variation. 在分析,稳态误差渐近收敛于零,独立的负载变化。

The model-based controller, PD control with gravity compensation, is developed to reduce the effect of load variety of platform and eliminate steady state error of hydraulic driven parallel manipulator. 基于模型的控制器,控制重力补偿,以减少开发影响负载多种平台和消除稳态误差的液压驱动并联机器人。

MATHEMATICAL MODEL 数学模型The 6-DOF hydraulic driven parallel manipulator consist of a fixed base (down platform) and a moveable platform (upper platform) with six cylinders supporting it, all the cylinders are connected with movement platform and base with Hooke joints, as shown in Fig.1. 六自由度液压驱动并联机器人包括一个固定基地(下)和一个可移动的平台(平台)六缸支持它,所有气缸的运动平台和基地连接万向接头,如图1所示。



Quaternions And Rotation SequencesJACK B. KUIPERSDepartment of Mathematics, Calvin CollegeGrand Rapids, MI 49546, USAAbstract. In this paper we introduce and define the quaternion; we give a brief introduction to its properties and algebra, and we show, what appears to be, its primary application一the quaternion rotation operator.The quaternion rotation operator competes with the conventional matrix rotation operator in a variety of rotation sequences.1.IntroductionThe 1950's post World War II period was a time in world history when large nations were again driven by Minds of Fear一fear of each other. The development of many new technologies continued to flourish, perhaps because of this fear. In these post-war years I was involved in the aerospace industry. On various occasions, I would meet with several people, each of whom represented one of several companies. These companies together formed a Consortium witha common goal一that of designing an anti-Inter Continental Ballistic Missile(anti-ICBM).My interest at that time (for the Consortium) was Inertial Guidance. The proposed anti-ICBM Guidance strategies suggested by members of the Consortium often encountered orientations which approached gimbal-lock and therefore it would introduce its associated errors. At one point someone asked whether quaternions might offer an alternative computational approach. I didn't know一in fact, that was my first encounter with the term quaternion. That was quite long time ago, but it was the start of my personal foray into these matters.In this paper we introduce and define the quaternion, give a brief introduction to its properties and its algebra. We then illustrate what is perhaps its primary application in a quaternion rotation operator. And, finally, we use these quaternion operators in a variety of rotation sequence applications.2. Hamiltons QuaternionsWhile numbers of the form a+ib, that is, complex numbers of rank 2, were gaining general acceptance, some mathematicians of that day sought other mathematical systems over thehyper-complex numbers of, say, rank 3, 4,…,n. In 1843 after years of struggling, in an effort to create such a system, a sudden stroke of mathematical insight came upon William Rowan Hamilton. History says he happened to be out walking with his wife and, reputedly, carved these now famous equations in the stone wall of the bridge, in Dublin, over which they happened to be walking:Implicit in these equations, of course, is thatAll of quaternion algebra proceeds from these equations, e.g.the product of two quaternions p and qwherecan be reduced toall in accordance with Hamiltons foregoing original equations.3. Quaternion NotationBold-faced letters denote ordinary vectors in three-dimensional space;in particular we use i, j, and k to denote the standard orthonormal basis for.Vectors in three dimensional space are written as triplets of real numbers (scalars), so we write the orthonormal basis asA quaternion, as the name suggests, is a 4-tuple; it defines an element in So for a quaternion we writewhere qo,q1,q2, and q3 are simply real numbers or scalars.As an alternative representation for a quaternion, we define a scalar part一some real number, sayqo, and associate with it a vector part, say q, an ordinary vector in ,namelyHere i, j, and k are the standard orthonormal basis in , we define the quaternions as the unlikely sumIn summary, q0 is called the .scalar part of the quaternion while q is called the vector part of the quaternion. The scalars q0,q1,q2,q3 are called the components of the quaternion.4. Some Quaternion Properties4.1. Complex ConjugateThe complex conjugate of the quaternionis denotedIt follows thatand ,etc.4.2. Quaternion NormThe norm of a quaternion q is denoted by the scalar N(q) whereor4.3. Unit QuaternionA unit quaternion, q, has a norm equal to one, that isandThe product of unit quaternions is a unit quaternion.4.4. Quaternion InverseBy definition of an inverse we have Then pre-multplyingboth sides of, say, the 2nd equation from previous section by ` we tray writefrom which it follows thatand if q is a unit quaternion, then5. Quaternion AlgebraQuaternion algebra proceeds from these fundamental equations:and implicit in these equations is thatetcThe set of all quaternions with operations addition and ring一or more explicitly a non- commutative division multiplcation defines a ring. This merely emphasizes that in the set of all quaternions every non-zero longer title quaternion has an inverse and that quaternion products, in general, are non-commutative.A pure quaternion is defined as a quaternion whose scalar part is zero. From the one-to-one relationship between all vectors in IIg3 and their corresponding pure quaternion, the meaning of the product of a vector and a quaternion merely becomes the quaternion product of two quaternions一one of which is a pure quaternion6. Special Quaternion Triple-Product一A Rotation OperatorFirst we note that any unit quaternion q may be written aswhereandTheorem 1. For any unit quaternionand.for any vector the action of the operatorLq (v} = qvq*on v may be interpreted geometrically as a rotation of the vector v through an angle 2θabout q as the axis of rotation.7. Rotation Operator GeometryThe quaternion rotation operator takes V--->w. That is,If we write the vector v in the formwhere, a is the component of v along the vector part of q, and n is the component of v normal to the vector part of q. Then, it follows that8. Rotation Operator Interpretation as a Frame or a Point-Set RotationTheorem 2. For any unit quaternionsand fo any the action of the operatormay be interpreted geometrically as.a rotation of the coordinate frame with respect to the vector v throughan angle 2θ about q as the axis, o r,.an opposite rotation of the vector v with respect to the coordinate framethrough an angle 2θ about q as the axis.9. Open Rotation SequencesWe adopt the following useful symbol to represent the rotation Thus, this symbol in this case,represents a rotation about the z一axis through a positive angle α. The new frame isrelated to the old frame by the equationsClearly, the coordinate frame consists of coordinate axes 一where a positive rotation will always be regarded as right-handed rotation about the indicated axis.The notation for a sequence of rotation operators is then a string of such symbols, the order of the sequence is read from left to right. Thus a sequence of two coordinate frame rotations symbolically represents an open Potation sequence, as shown below. Proceeding from left to right, the first rotation is through an angle αabout the z一axis, followed by the second rotation through an angle βabout the new y-axis10. Closed Rotation SequencesIt is clear that the inverse of a rotation through an angle } about some axis is simply a rotation through the angle一αabout that same axis. Further, it is clear that the inverse of a sequence of rotation operators is simply the product of the inverses of the individual rotations in that sequence, written in reverse order. Thus the inverse of the two angle sequence is a rotation through the angle 一βabout the y-axis, followed by a rotation through the angle一αabout the z一axis.Our new notation nicely represents this fact.In this figure, the closed-loop merely emphasizes that the final frame is the same as the initial frame. That is, being closed, this entire sequence represents an identity. Moreover, for analysis purposes the sequence may be opened at any point. This attribute of some application sequences is found to be very useful in the analysis of multi-coordinate relationships一whether related by rotation matrices or quaternion rotation operators.四元数和旋转序列卡梅隆大学数学系[美国] 杰克.库博斯摘要:本文介绍了四元数的定义,列举出出了四元数的性质和四元代数,并且举出了它的主要应用实例--四元数旋转算子。



外文文献:A SURVEY ON MOTION IMAGEAND THE SEARCH OF MOTION VECTORAfter motion detection, surveillance systems generally track moving objects from one frame to another in an image sequence. The tracking algorithms usually have considerable intersection with motion detection during processing. Tracking over time typically involves matching objects in consecutive frames using features such as points, lines or blobs. Useful mathematical tools for tracking include the Kalman filter, the Condensation algorithm, the dynamic Bayesian network, the geodesic method, etc. Tracking methods are divided into four major categories: region-based tracking, active-contour-based tracking, feature based tracking, and model-based tracking. It should be pointed out that this classification is not absolute in that algorithms from different categories can be integrated together.A. Region-Based TrackingRegion-based tracking algorithms track objects according to variations of the image regions corresponding to the moving objects. For these algorithms, the background image is maintained dynamically, and motion regions are usually detected by subtracting the background from the current image. Wren et al.explore the use of small blob features to track a single human in an indoor environment. In their work, a human body is considered as a combination of some blobs respectively representing various body parts such as head, torso and the four limbs. Meanwhile, both human body and background scene are modeled with Gaussian distributions of pixel values. Finally, the pixels belonging to the human body are assigned to the different body part’s blobs using the log-likelihood measure. Therefore, by tracking each small blob, the moving human is successfully tracked. Recently, McKenna et al.[11] propose an adaptive background subtraction method in which color and gradient information are combined to cope with shadows and unreliable color cues in motionsegmentation. Tracking is then performed at three levels of abstraction: regions, people, and groups. Each region has a bounding box and regions can merge and split. A human is composed of one or more regions grouped together under the condition of geometric structure constraints on the human body, and a human group consists of one or more people grouped together. Therefore, using the region tracker and the individual color appearance model, perfect tracking of multiple people is achieved, even during occlusion. As far as region-based vehicle tracking is concerned, there are some typical systems such as the CMS mobilized system supported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), at the Jet PropulsionLaboratory (JPL), and the PATH system developed by the Berkeley group.Although they work well in scenes containing only a few objects (such as highways), region-based tracking algorithms cannot reliably handle occlusion between objects. Furthermore, as these algorithms only obtain the tracking results at the region level and are essentially procedures for motion detection, the outline or 3-D pose of objects cannot be acquired. (The 3-D pose of an object consists of the position and orientation of the object).Accordingly, these algorithms cannot satisfy the requirement for surveillance against a cluttered background or with multiple moving objects.B. Active Contour-Based TrackingActive contour-based tracking algorithms track objects by representing their outlines as bounding contours and updating these contours dynamically in successive frames. These algorithms aim at directly extracting shapes of subjects and provide more effective descriptions of objects than region-based algorithms. Paragios et al. detect and track multiple moving objects in image sequences using a geodesic active contour objective function and a level set formulation scheme. Peterfreund explores a new active contour model based on a Kalman filter for tracking nonrigid moving targets such as people in spatio-velocity space. Isard et al. adopt stochastic differential equations to describe complex motion models, and combine this approach with deformable templates to cope with people tracking. Malik et al. have successfully applied active contour-based methods to vehicle tracking. In contrast to region-based tracking algorithms, active contour-based algorithms describe objects moresimply and more effectively and reduce computational complexity. Even under disturbance or partial occlusion, these algorithms may track objects continuously. However, the tracking precision is limited at the contour level. The recovery of the 3-D pose of an object from its contour on the image plane is a demanding problem. A further difficulty is that the active contour-based algorithms are highly sensitive to the initialization of tracking, making it difficult to start tracking automatically.C. Feature-Based TrackingFeature-based tracking algorithms perform recognition and tracking of objects by extracting elements, clustering them into higher level features and then matching the features between images. Feature-based tracking algorithms can further be classified into three subcategories according to the nature of selected features: global feature-based algorithms, local feature-based algorithms, and dependence-graph-based algorithms.• The features used in global feature-based algorithms include centroids, perimeters, areas, some orders of quadratures and colors, etc. Polana et al. provide a good example of global feature-based tracking. A person is bounded with a rectangular box whose centroid is selected as the feature for tracking. Even when occlusion happens between two persons during tracking, as long as the velocity of the centroids can be distinguished effectively, tracking is still successful.• The features used in local feature-based algorithms include line segments, curve segments, and corner vertices, etc.• The features used i n dependence-graph-based algorithms include a variety of distances and geometric relations between features.The above three methods can be combined .In there cent work of Jang et al. [34], an active template that characterizes regional and structural features of an object is built dynamically based on the information of shape, texture, color, and edge features of the region. Using motion estimation based on a Kalman filter,the tracking of a nonrigid moving object is successfully performed by minimizing a feature energy function during the matching process.In general, as they operate on 2-D image planes, feature-based tracking algorithms can adapt successfully and rapidly to allow real-time processing and tracking of multiple objectswhich are required in heavy thruway scenes, etc. However, dependence-graph-based algorithms cannot be used in real-time tracking because they need time-consuming searching and matching of graphs. Feature-based tracking algorithms can handle partial occlusion by using information on object motion, local features and dependence graphs. However, there are several serious deficiencies in feature-based tracking algorithms.• The recognition rate of objects based on 2-D image features is low, because of the nonlinear distortion during perspective projection and the image variations with the viewpoint’s movement.• These algorithms are generally unable to recover 3-D pose of objects.• The stability of dealing effectively with occlusion, overlapping and interference of unrelated structures is generally poor.D. Model-Based TrackingModel-based tracking algorithms track objects by matching projected object models, produced with prior knowledge, to image data. The models are usually constructed off-line with manual measurement, CAD tools or computer vision techniques. As model-based rigid object tracking and model-based no rigid object tracking are quite different, we review separately model-based human body tracking (no rigid object tracking) and model-based vehicle tracking (rigid object tracking).1.Model-Based Human Body Tracking:The general approach for model-based human body tracing is known as analysis-by-synthesis, and it is used in a predict-match-update style. Firstly, the pose of the model for the next frame is predicted according to prior knowledge and tracking history. Then, the predicted model is synthesized and projected into the image plane for comparison with the image data. A specific pose evaluation function is needed to measure the similarity between the projected model and the image data. According to different search strategies, this is done either recursively or using sampling techniques until the correct pose is finally found and is used to update the model. Pose estimation in the first frame needs to be handled specially. Generally, model-based human body tracking involves three main issues:• Construction of human body models;• Representation of prior knowledge of motion models and motion constraints;• Prediction and search strategies. Previous work on these three is sues is briefly and respectively reviewed as follows.A.Human body models:Construction of human body models is the base of model-based human body tracking. Generally, the more complex a human body model, the more accurate the tracking results, but the more expensive the computation. Traditionally, the geometric structure of human body can be represented in the following four styles.• Stick figure. The essence of human motion is typically contained in the movements of the torso, the head and the four limbs, so the stick-figure method is to represent the parts of a human body as sticks and link the sticks with joints. Karaulova et e a stick figure representation to build a novel hierarchical model of human dynamics encoded using hidden Markov models (HMMs), and realize view-independent tracking of a human body in monocular image sequences.• 2-D contour. This kind of human body model is directly relevant to human body projections in an image plane. The human body segments are modeled by 2-D ribbons or blobs. For instance, Ju et al. propose a cardboard human body model, in which the human limbs are represented by a set of jointed planar ribbons. The parameterized image motion of these patches is constrained to enforce the articulated movement of human limbs. Niyogi et al. use the spatial-temporal pattern in XYT space to track, analyze and recognize walking figures. They examine the characteristic braided pattern produced by the lower limbs of a walking human, the projections of head movements are then located in the spatio-temporal domain, followed by the identification of the joint trajectories;The contour of a walking figure is outlined by utilizing these joint trajectories, and a more accurate gait analysis is carried out using the outlined 2-D contour for the recognition of the specific human.• Volumetric models. The main disadvantage of 2-D models is that they require restrictions on the viewing angle. To overcome this disadvantage, many researchers use 3-D volumetric models such as elliptical cylinders, cones, spheres, super-quadrics,etc. V olumetric models require more parameters than image-based models and lead to more expensive computation during the matching process. Rohr [28] makes use of fourteen ellipticalcylinders to model a human body in 3-D volumes. Wachter et al. establish a 3-D body model using connected elliptical cones.• Hierarchical model. Plankers et al. present a hierarchical human model for achieving more accurate results. It includes four levels: skeleton, ellipsoid meatballs simulating tissues and fats, polygonal surface representing skin, and shaded rendering.B. Motion models:Motion models of human limbs and joints are widely used in tracking. They are effective because the movements of the limbs are strongly constrained. These motion models serve as prior knowledge to predict motion parameters, to interpret and recognize human behaviors,or to constrain the estimation of low-level image measurements. For instance, Bregler decomposes a human behavior into multiple abstractions, and represents the high-level abstraction by HMMs built from phases of simple movements. This representation is used for both tracking and recognition. Zhao et al. learn a highly structured motion model for ballet dancing under the minimum description length (MDL) paradigm. This motion model is similar to a finite-state machine (FSM). The multivariate principal component analysis (MPCA) is used to train a walking model in Sidenbladh et al.’s work. Similarly, Ong et al. employ the hierarchical PCA to learn their motion model which is based on the matrices of transition probabilities between different subspaces in a global eigensapce and the matrix of transition probabilities between global eigenspaces. Ning et al.learn a motion model from semi-automatically acquired training examples and represent it using Gaussian distributions.C. Search strategies: Pose estimation in a high-dimensional body configuration space is intrinsically difficult, so, search strategies are often carefully designed to reduce the solution space. Generally, there are four main classes of search strategies: dynamics, Taylor models, Kalman filtering, and stochastic sampling. Dynamical strategies use physical forces applied to each rigid part of the 3-D model of the tracked object. These forces, as heuristic information, guide the minimization of the difference between the pose of the 3-D model and the pose of the real object. The strategy based on the Taylor models incrementally improves an existing estimation, using differentials of motion parameters with respect to the observation to predict better search directions. It at least finds local minima, but cannotguarantee finding the global minimum. As a recursive linear estimator, Kalman filtering can thoroughly deal with the tracking of shape and position over time in the relatively clutter-free case in which the density of the motion parameters can be modeled satisfactorily as Gaussian. To handle clutter that causes the probability density function for motion parameters to be multimodal and non-Gaussian, stochastic sampling strategies, such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms, and CONDENSATION, are designed to represent simultaneous alternative hypotheses. Among the stochastic sampling strategies in visual tracking, CONDENSATION is perhaps the most popular.2. Model-Based Vehicle Tracking:As to model-based vehicle tracking, 3-D wire-frame vehicle models are mainly used. The research groups at the University of Reading, the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) and the University of Karlsruhe have made important contributes to 3-D model-based vehicle localization and tracking.The research group at the University of Reading adopts 3-D wire-frame vehicle models. Tan et al. propose the ground-plane constraint (GPC), under which vehicles are restricted to move on the ground plane. Thus the degrees of freedom of vehicle pose are reduced to three from six. This greatly decreases the computational cost of searching for the optimal pose. Moreover, under the weak perspective assumption, the pose parameters are decomposed into two independent sets: translation parameters and rotation parameters. Tan et al.propose a generalized Hough transformation algorithm based on a single characteristic line segment matching to estimate vehicle pose. Further, Tan et al.analyze the one-dimensional (1-D) correlation of image gradients and determine the vehicle pose by voting. As to the refinement of the vehicle pose, the research group in the University of Reading has utilized an independent 1-D searching method in their past work. Recently, Pece et al., introduce a statistical Newton method for estimating the vehicle pose.The NLPR group has extended the work of the research group at the University of Reading. Yang et al. propose a new 3-D model-based vehicle localization algorithm, in which the edge points in the image are directly used as features, and the degree of matching between the edge points and the projected model is measured by a pose evaluation function. Lou et al. present an algorithm for vehicle tracking based on an improved extended Kalmanfilter. In the algorithm, the turn of the steering wheel and the distance between the front and rear wheels are taken into account. As there is a direct link between the behavior of the driver who controls the motion of the vehicle and the assumed dynamic model, the improved extended Kalman filter outperforms the traditional extended Kalman filter when the vehicle carries out a complicated maneuver.The Karlsruhe group uses the 3-D wire-frame vehicle model. The image features used in the algorithm are edges. The initial values for the vehicle pose parameters are obtained from the correspondence between the segments in an image and those in the projection model. The correspondence is calculated using viewpoint consistent constraints and some clustering rules. The maximum a posterior (MAP) estimate of the vehicle position is obtained using the Levenberg–Marquardt optimization technique.The algorithm is data-driven and dependent on the accuracy of edge detection. Kollnig et al. also propose an algorithm based on image gradients, in which virtual gradients in an image are produced by spreading the Gaussian distribution around line segments. Under the assumption that the real gradient at each point in an image is the sum of a virtual gradient and a Gaussian white noise, the pose parameters can be estimated using the extended Kalman filter (EKF). Furthermore, Haag et al.integrate Kollnig et al.’s algorithm based on image gradients with that based on optic flow. The method uses image gradients evaluated in the neighborhoods of the image features. However, the optic flow uses global information on image features, integrated across the whole region of interest (ROI). So the gradients and the optic flow are complementary sources of information.The above reviews model-based human body tracking and model-based vehicle tracking. Compared with other tracking algorithms, model-based tracking algorithms have the following main advantages.• By making use of the prior knowledge of the 3-D contours or surfaces of objects, the algorithms are intrinsically robust. The algorithms can obtain better results even under occlusion (including self-occlusion for humans) or interference between nearby image motions.• As far as model-based human body tracking is concerned, the structure of human body,the constraint of human motion, and other prior knowledge can be fused.• As far as 3-D model-based tracking is concerned, after setting up the geometric correspondence between 2-D image coordinates and 3-D world coordinates by camera calibration, the algorithms naturally acquire the 3-D pose of objects.• The 3-D model-based tracking algorithms can be applied even when objects greatly change their orientations during the motion. Ineluctably, model-based tracking algorithms have some disadvantages such as the necessity of constructing the models, high computational cost, etc.中文翻译:运动图像和运动矢量检测综述经过运动检测,监控系统一般会在图像序列中一帧一帧地跟踪着运动目的。



基于H.264/A VC视频编码算法综述Abstract: H.264/AVC is the video coding standard jointly developed by ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group(VCEG) and ISO /IEC Moving Picture Experts Group(MPEG).This coding standard has high coding efficiency which is significantly increased in the low bit-rate compared with MPEG-4, and is available for the low-bandwidth,high-quality network video applications.In order to facilitate the realization of H.264 in the low bit rate and real-time application system the coding algorithm has to be optimized.After the analysis of H.264 encoder we can get that,motion estimation is one of the mainly technology for the video compression coding, and with the motion compensation technology they can eliminate time redundant of video signal to improve the coding efficiency.As a result,how to improve the efficiency of motion estimation to make the search process more robust,faster and more efficient becomes one of the hot spots of the current study.This paper first discusses the basic principles and key technologies of H.264 video coding standard;then introduces several existing classical Block-Matching Motion Estimation and analyses their strengths and weaknesses respectively;while,in depth analyses the H.264 recommended core algorithm of motion estimation UMHexagonS and Other fast optimization algorithm.Key words: H.264/A VC, motion estimation, motion vector, video compression摘要:H.264/AVC是由ITU-T视频编码专家组VCEG(Video Coding Experts Group)和ISO/IEC运动图象专家组MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group)共同制定的视频编码标准,这一编码标准可获得很高的编码效率,尤其是在低码率方面比MPEG-4有明显提高,适合低宽带、高质量网络视频应用的需要。

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外文文献:A SURVEY ON MOTION IMAGEANDTHE SEARCH OF MOTION VECTORAfter motion detection, surveillance systems generally track moving objects from one frame to another in an image sequence. The tracking algorithms usually have considerable intersection with motion detection during processing. Tracking over time typically involves matching objects in consecutive frames using features such as points, lines or blobs. Useful mathematical tools for tracking include the Kalman filter, the Condensation algorithm, the dynamic Bayesian network, the geodesic method, etc. Tracking methods are divided into four major categories: region-based tracking, active-contour-based tracking, feature based tracking, and model-based tracking. It should be pointed out that this classification is not absolute in that algorithms from different categories can be integrated together.A. Region-Based TrackingRegion-based tracking algorithms track objects according to variations of the image regions corresponding to the moving objects. For these algorithms, the background image is maintained dynamically, and motion regions are usually detected by subtracting the background from the current image. Wren etal. explore the use of small blob features to track a single human in an indoor environment. In their work, a human body is considered as a combination of some blobs respectively representing various body parts such as head, torso and the four limbs. Meanwhile, both human body and background scene are modeled with Gaussian distributions of pixel values. Finally, the pixels belonging to the human body are assigned to the different body part’s blobs using the log-likelihood measure. Therefore, by tracking each small blob, the moving human is successfully tracked. Recently, McKenna et al.[11] propose an adaptive background subtraction method in which color and gradient information are combined to cope with shadows and unreliable color cues in motionsegmentation. Tracking is then performed at three levels of abstraction: regions, people, and groups. Each region has a bounding box and regions can merge and split. A human is composed of one or more regions grouped together under the condition of geometric structure constraints on the human body, and a human group consists of one or more people grouped together. Therefore, using the region tracker and the individual color appearance model, perfect tracking of multiple people is achieved, even during occlusion. As far as region-based vehicle tracking is concerned, there are some typical systems such as the CMS mobilized system supported by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), at the Jet PropulsionLaboratory (JPL), and the PATH system developed by the Berkeley group.Although they work well in scenes containing only a few objects (such as highways), region-based tracking algorithms cannot reliably handle occlusion between objects. Furthermore, as these algorithms only obtain the tracking results at the region level and are essentially procedures for motion detection, the outline or 3-D pose of objects cannot be acquired. (The 3-D pose of an object consists of the position and orientation of the object).Accordingly, these algorithms cannot satisfy the requirement for surveillance against a cluttered background or with multiple moving objects.B. Active Contour-Based TrackingActive contour-based tracking algorithms track objects by representing their outlines as bounding contours and updating these contours dynamically in successive frames. These algorithms aim at directly extracting shapes of subjects and provide more effective descriptions of objects than region-based algorithms. Paragios et al. detect and track multiple moving objects in image sequences using a geodesic active contour objective function and a level set formulation scheme. Peterfreund explores a new active contour model based on a Kalman filter for tracking nonrigidmoving targets such as people in spatio-velocity space. Isard et al. adopt stochastic differential equations to describe complex motion models, and combine this approach with deformable templates to cope with people tracking. Malik et al. have successfully applied active contour-based methods to vehicle tracking. In contrast to region-based tracking algorithms, active contour-based algorithms describe objects moresimply and more effectively and reduce computational complexity. Even under disturbance or partial occlusion, these algorithms may track objects continuously. However, the tracking precision is limited at the contour level. The recovery of the 3-D pose of an object from its contour on the image plane is a demanding problem. A further difficulty is that the active contour-based algorithms are highly sensitive to the initialization of tracking, making it difficult to start tracking automatically.C. Feature-Based TrackingFeature-based tracking algorithms perform recognition and tracking of objects by extracting elements, clustering them into higher level features and then matching the features between images. Feature-based tracking algorithms can further be classified into three subcategories according to the nature of selected features: global feature-based algorithms, local feature-based algorithms, and dependence-graph-based algorithms.• The features used in global feature-based algorithms include centroids, perimeters, areas, some orders of quadratures and colors, etc. Polana et al.provide a good example of global feature-based tracking. A person is bounded with a rectangular box whose centroid is selected as the feature for tracking. Even when occlusion happens between two persons during tracking, as long as the velocity of the centroids can be distinguished effectively, tracking is still successful.• The features used in local feature-based algorithms include line segments, curve segments, and corner vertices, etc.• The features used in dependence-graph-based algorithms include a variety of distances and geometric relations between features.The above three methods can be combined .In there cent work of Jang et al. [34], an active template that characterizes regional and structural features of an object is built dynamically based on the information of shape, texture, color, and edge features of the region. Using motion estimation based on a Kalman filter,the tracking of a nonrigid moving object is successfully performed by minimizing a feature energy function during the matching process.In general, as they operate on 2-D image planes, feature-based tracking algorithms can adapt successfully and rapidly to allow real-time processing and tracking of multiple objectswhich are required in heavy thruway scenes, etc. However, dependence-graph-based algorithms cannot be used in real-time tracking because they need time-consuming searching and matching of graphs. Feature-based tracking algorithms can handle partial occlusion by using information on object motion, local features and dependence graphs. However, there are several serious deficiencies in feature-based tracking algorithms.• The recognition rate of objects based on 2-D image features is low, because of the nonlinear distortion during perspective projection and the image variations with the viewpoint’s movement.• These algorithms are generally unable to recover 3-D pose of objects.• The stability of dealing effectively with occlusion, overlapping and interference of unrelated structures is generally poor.D. Model-Based TrackingModel-based tracking algorithms track objects by matching projected object models, produced with prior knowledge, to image data. The models are usually constructed off-line with manual measurement, CAD tools or computer vision techniques. As model-based rigid object tracking and model-based no rigid object tracking are quite different, we review separately model-based human body tracking (no rigid object tracking) and model-based vehicle tracking (rigid object tracking).1.Model-Based Human Body Tracking:The general approach for model-based human body tracing is known as analysis-by-synthesis, and it is used in a predict-match-update style. Firstly, the pose of the model for the next frame is predicted according to prior knowledge and tracking history. Then, the predicted model is synthesized and projected into the image plane for comparison with the image data. A specific pose evaluation function is needed to measure the similarity between the projected model and the image data. According to different search strategies, this is done either recursively or using sampling techniques until the correct pose is finally found and is used to update the model. Pose estimation in the first frame needs to be handled specially. Generally, model-based human body tracking involves three main issues:• Construction of human body models;• Representation of prior knowledge of motion models and motion constraints;• Prediction and search strategies. Previous work on these three iss ues is briefly and respectively reviewed as follows.A.Human body models:Construction of human body models is the base of model-based human body tracking. Generally, the more complex a human body model, the more accurate the tracking results, but the more expensive the computation. Traditionally, the geometric structure of human body can be represented in the following four styles.• Stick figure. The essence of human motion is typically contained in the movements of the torso, the head and the four limbs, so the stick-figure method is to represent the parts of a human body as sticks and link the sticks with joints. Karaulova et e a stick figure representation to build a novel hierarchical model of human dynamics encoded using hidden Markov models (HMMs), and realize view-independent tracking of a human body in monocular image sequences.• 2-D contour. This kind of human body model is directly relevant to human body projections in an image plane. The human body segments are modeled by 2-D ribbons or blobs. For instance, Ju et al. propose a cardboard human body model, in which the human limbs are represented by a set of jointed planar ribbons. The parameterized image motion of these patches is constrained to enforce the articulated movement of human limbs. Niyogi et al. use the spatial-temporal pattern in XYT space to track, analyze and recognize walking figures. They examine the characteristic braided pattern produced by the lower limbs of a walking human, the projections of head movements are then located in the spatio-temporal domain, followed by the identification of the joint trajectories;The contour of a walking figure is outlined by utilizing these joint trajectories, and a more accurate gait analysis is carried out using the outlined 2-D contour for the recognition of the specific human.• Volumetric models. The main disadvantage of 2-D models is that they require restrictions on the viewing angle. To overcome this disadvantage, many researchers use 3-D volumetric models such as elliptical cylinders, cones, spheres, super-quadrics,etc. V olumetric models require more parameters than image-based models and lead to more expensive computation during the matching process. Rohr [28] makes use of fourteen ellipticalcylinders to model a human body in 3-D volumes. Wachter et al. establish a 3-D body model using connected elliptical cones.• Hierarchical model. Plankers et al. present a hierarchical human model for achieving more accurate results. It includes four levels: skeleton, ellipsoid meatballs simulating tissues and fats, polygonal surface representing skin, and shaded rendering.B. Motion models:Motion models of human limbs and joints are widely used in tracking. They are effective because the movements of the limbs are strongly constrained. These motion models serve as prior knowledge to predict motion parameters, to interpret and recognize human behaviors,or to constrain the estimation of low-level image measurements. For instance, Bregler decomposes a human behavior into multiple abstractions, and represents the high-level abstraction by HMMs built from phases of simple movements. This representation is used for both tracking and recognition. Zhao et al. learn a highly structured motion model for ballet dancing under the minimum description length (MDL) paradigm. This motion model is similar to a finite-state machine (FSM). The multivariate principal component analysis (MPCA) is used to train a walking model in Sidenbladh et al.’s work. Similarly, Ong et al. employ the hierarchical PCA to learn their motion model which is based on the matrices of transition probabilities between different subspaces in a global eigensapce and the matrix of transition probabilities between global eigenspaces. Ning et al.learn a motion model from semi-automatically acquired training examples and represent it using Gaussian distributions.C. Search strategies: Pose estimation in a high-dimensional body configuration space is intrinsically difficult, so, search strategies are often carefully designed to reduce the solution space. Generally, there are four main classes of search strategies: dynamics, Taylor models, Kalman filtering, and stochastic sampling. Dynamical strategies use physical forces applied to each rigid part of the 3-D model of the tracked object. These forces, as heuristic information, guide the minimization of the difference between the pose of the 3-D model and the pose of the real object. The strategy based on the Taylor models incrementally improves an existing estimation, using differentials of motion parameters with respect to the observation to predict better search directions. It at least finds local minima, but cannotguarantee finding the global minimum. As a recursive linear estimator, Kalman filtering can thoroughly deal with the tracking of shape and position over time in the relatively clutter-free case in which the density of the motion parameters can be modeled satisfactorily as Gaussian. To handle clutter that causes the probability density function for motion parameters to be multimodal and non-Gaussian, stochastic sampling strategies, such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithms, and CONDENSATION, are designed to represent simultaneous alternative hypotheses. Among the stochastic sampling strategies in visual tracking, CONDENSA TION is perhaps the most popular.2. Model-Based Vehicle Tracking:As to model-based vehicle tracking, 3-D wire-frame vehicle models are mainly used. The research groups at the University of Reading, the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) and the University of Karlsruhe have made important contributes to 3-D model-based vehicle localization and tracking.The research group at the University of Reading adopts 3-D wire-frame vehicle models. Tan et al. propose the ground-plane constraint (GPC), under which vehicles are restricted to move on the ground plane. Thus the degrees of freedom of vehicle pose are reduced to three from six. This greatly decreases the computational cost of searching for the optimal pose. Moreover, under the weak perspective assumption, the pose parameters are decomposed into two independent sets: translation parameters and rotation parameters. Tan et al.propose a generalized Hough transformation algorithm based on a single characteristic line segment matching to estimate vehicle pose. Further, Tan et al.analyze the one-dimensional (1-D) correlation of image gradients and determine the vehicle pose by voting. As to the refinement of the vehicle pose, the research group in the University of Reading has utilized an independent 1-D searching method in their past work. Recently, Pece et al., introduce a statistical Newton method for estimating the vehicle pose.The NLPR group has extended the work of the research group at the University of Reading. Y ang et al. propose a new 3-D model-based vehicle localization algorithm, in which the edge points in the image are directly used as features, and the degree of matching between the edge points and the projected model is measured by a pose evaluation function. Lou et al. present an algorithm for vehicle tracking based on an improved extended Kalmanfilter. In the algorithm, the turn of the steering wheel and the distance between the front and rear wheels are taken into account. As there is a direct link between the behavior of the driver who controls the motion of the vehicle and the assumed dynamic model, the improved extended Kalman filter outperforms the traditional extended Kalman filter when the vehicle carries out a complicated maneuver.The Karlsruhe group uses the 3-D wire-frame vehicle model. The image features used in the algorithm are edges. The initial values for the vehicle pose parameters are obtained from the correspondence between the segments in an image and those in the projection model. The correspondence is calculated using viewpoint consistent constraints and some clustering rules. The maximum a posterior (MAP) estimate of the vehicle position is obtained using the Levenberg–Marquardt optimization technique.The algorithm is data-driven and dependent on the accuracy of edge detection. Kollnig et al.also propose an algorithm based on image gradients, in which virtual gradients in an image are produced by spreading the Gaussian distribution around line segments. Under the assumption that the real gradient at each point in an image is the sum of a virtual gradient and a Gaussian white noise, the pose parameters can be estimated using the extended Kalman filter (EKF). Furthermore, Haag et al.integrate Kollnig et al.’s algorithm based on image gradients with that based on optic flow. The method uses image gradients evaluated in the neighborhoods of the image features. However, the optic flow uses global information on image features, integrated across the whole region of interest (ROI). So the gradients and the optic flow are complementary sources of information.The above reviews model-based human body tracking and model-based vehicle tracking. Compared with other tracking algorithms, model-based tracking algorithms have the following main advantages.• By making use of the prior knowledge of the 3-D contours or surfaces of objects, the algorithms are intrinsically robust. The algorithms can obtain better results even under occlusion (including self-occlusion for humans) or interference between nearby image motions.• As far as model-based human body tracking is concerned, the structure of human body,the constraint of human motion, and other prior knowledge can be fused.• As far as 3-D model-based tracking is concerned, after setting up the geometric correspondence between 2-D image coordinates and 3-D world coordinates by camera calibration, the algorithms naturally acquire the 3-D pose of objects.• The 3-D model-based tracking algorithms can be applied even when objects greatly change their orientations during the motion. Ineluctably, model-based tracking algorithms have some disadvantages such as the necessity of constructing the models, high computational cost, etc.中文翻译:运动图像和运动矢量检测综述经过运动检测,监控系统一般会在图像序列中一帧一帧地跟踪着运动目标。
