All cultures have established
英语哲学思想解读50题1. The statement "All is flux" was proposed by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. HeraclitusD. Socrates答案:C。
选项A 柏拉图强调理念论;选项B 亚里士多德注重实体和形式;选项D 苏格拉底主张通过对话和反思来寻求真理。
2. "Know thyself" is a famous saying from _____.A. ThalesB. PythagorasC. DemocritusD. Socrates答案:D。
选项A 泰勒斯主要研究自然哲学;选项B 毕达哥拉斯以数学和神秘主义著称;选项C 德谟克利特提出了原子论。
3. Which philosopher believed that the world is composed of water?A. AnaximenesB. AnaximanderC. ThalesD. Heraclitus答案:C。
选项A 阿那克西美尼认为是气;选项B 阿那克西曼德认为是无定;选项D 赫拉克利特提出万物皆流。
4. The idea of the "Forms" was put forward by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. EpicurusD. Stoics答案:A。
选项B 亚里士多德对其进行了批判和发展;选项C 伊壁鸠鲁主张快乐主义;选项D 斯多葛学派强调道德和命运。
5. Who claimed that "The unexamined life is not worth living"?A. PlatoB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Epicurus答案:C。
浅谈礼仪在商务谈判中的作用IntroductionEtiquette is the process and means to show respect to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures. The Etiquette can be said to be a person’s external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. Firstly, it can help people raise their self-cultivation. Secondly, it will promote social interaction and improve people’s interpersonal relationship. It also can purify the society. Since different countries have differentpolitical, conomical historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as different ways of developing, there are a lot of differences in etiquettes in many fields and many aspects, especially something related to culttural background. The good understanding of different etiquettes between the Eastern and the Western countries are becoming absolutely necessary and popular.Negotoaotion plays a virtual part in business activities. Negotiation between the seller and the buyer normally covers aspects inculding quality, quantity, packing, price, shipping, insurance, payment, complatints, and arbitration. To reach an agreement or to sign a contract, appropriate negotiation tactics and etiquettes shall be adopted.In modern society, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller, people are very active with frequent exchanges. Many countries are paying great attention to the combination of international etiquettes and national etiquettes. So we should enrich our cross- culture awareness and hold a changing attitude toward all kind of equettes. Etiquettes are the culture wealth of human being.This paper explores the different etiquettes in different countries in the international business negotiation settings, so as to make it possible for future successful negotiations.I Different Concepts Reflected from Negotiation Etiquettes in the East and the West.The cultural varieties make the world splendid. In order to dobusiness actively and successfully. It is necessary for the businessmen to have the knowledgement and the required skills in interculture communication and enhance basic skills in using different cultures in negotions.Seen the Negotiation Etiquettes from IntroductionDifferent people show different appriciation of etiquettes in negotiations because of the differences of races, regions and characteristic features. Generally speaking, the western people are positive and agressive in negotiations, the Eastern people show the conservative and passive characteristic features. These differences rooted in the induvidual culture concepts. The most distingushed representive of the Western countries is America, The most distingushed representive of the Eastern countries is Japan. Let see the different culture concepts reflected in negotiationsFirst, American concepts seen from negotiations. Amercians are outgoing and good at expressing themselves, and most Amercian speak often hold suspection to negotion who say something indriectly and implicitly. Their negotiation styles are as followConfident and positiveDirect and strategic forestall one's opponent by a show of strengthClear attitude towards agreement and disagreement .Various ways of negotiationsCherish time and pay special attention to deadlineEsp. ProfitableStrong sense of laws and contactsKeen on package deal.Strong race superiority, hard to make concessionAn American businessman wanted to sell a new product to a Japanese businessman, they agree to meet.At their first meeting, the American businessman wasted no time. He introduced his product and after his introduction, he waited for questions in what he had said. To his surprise, the Japanese businessman showed no interest in what had said, Instead, the Japanese businessman asked about the weather and holidays in their two countries. The American businessman felt frustrated and even annoyed. He concluded that the Japanese was ‘impolite’, and did not know how to do business. Furthermore, he decided, the Japanese didn’t like him, which explained everything.Anaiyze the situation and decide what went wrong? In fact, the Amercian businessman was ignorant of Japanese culture. He did not understand that before a business relationship can be established with the Japnese, he must first develop a good personal relationship with him. He should take the time to cultivate a closer relationship with the Japanese businessman, and then, taking about this company’product.Introductions are important aspects of our daily life. however, few people know how to make them properly. In business, there are two rules to be observed. First, the person of lesser importance, regardless of gender, is introduced to the person of greater importance. Second, the name of the more important person is mentioned before the name of the less important person.Seen the Negotiation Etiquettes from Eye ContactEye is an important aspect of body language. The Chinese saying: the eye is the window of the soul”. A lyric goes : “ your lips tell me no, but there’ yes, yes in your eyes ”. Eyes can speak in interpersonal communication .All cultures have their unique social rules governing their eye contact and these differences can make people feel uncomfortable without being aware of why they are uncomfortable .Eye contact shows trustworthiness, and integrity(= honest). One does’ t anythi ng to hide. When greeting and conversing with others ,direct eye contact is highly valued by people of these countries. People expect the person they are interacting with to “ look them in the eye” . Not doing so implies boredom or disinteresting . Avoidi ng the partner’s eye could discourage him from going on . The eye, however, is not steady, it is maintained for a second or two, move away quickly, staring at someone’s eye while talking is not polite.•In Northern American and Northern European cultures•. persons are very uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact.•What are the rules for eye contact according to the Chinese custom•If you are speaking in public, do you look at your audience frequently, or you bury your nose in your manuscript ion to read your speech all the time There is no written rules for eye contact in China, but it’s observed that Chinese people usu. lower our eyes as a sign of deference, but these differences can lead to miscommunication in the multicultural workplace.•The eyes can be very revealing during negotiation. The pupils of the eyes contract or dilate in response to emotions.Well-trained negotiators will watch the pupils for signs that you are willing to make concessions.•Because people of the Middle East know they may give away how they feel with nonverbal eye messages, they may wear dark glasses to hide such messages.II Respect Different Cultures and Making Good Use of EtiquettesIn international trade, visitors should act in accordance with local businss is a comman saying“Do as Romans do”,in chinaare show this you get to a place, you should obey the principle of local people but to have your own course to have you own characteristics shoule include to know the sensitive topic of local people,to respect the customs of local people and culture. In the following passage we will discuss matters needing affection by using in the international as example.2.1Know About Different Negotiation Taboo and StyleTaboo is a ban or an inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion and that is a kind of culture.An object, a word, or an act protected by such a prohibition.Amercian Taboo:•“13” and “ Friday”“ black cat”•Dislike 蝙蝠“ bat” , hate any product and packaging with bat luck.•Pay special attention to privacy•Avoid largesse and make-up, perfume and clothes to woman.•Keep appropriate distance .For example, a British mangagerwent to an Arab country for a business meeting with his Arab counterpart. Discussions went smoothly and both sides felt pleased.During a break, both stood talking casually. The Arab manager, thinking they now knew each other quite well, felt they should stand closer together to show the closeness of their bilateral relationship. So he moved nearer to the British manager. The British manager was surprised by this move, but thought the action was unintention on the Arba manager’s part. He stepped back a bit to keep the distance between them.The Arab manager, in his turn, was surprise by his British counterpart’s stepping back. He took it as a sign that the British manager was ignorant of his good intentions and again decided to move forward to show his good intentions and decided to move forward to show his sincerity. This further move, on the part of the Arab manager, made the British manager feel uncomfortable and even unhappy. Both felt frustrated by the situation, and neither of them understood why the other person felt the need to alter the distance between them.In the arena of international business communication, the more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with,the less likely you are get into difficult.Features of international negotiationNot only share similar features with national negotiations but also have specific features•Political and diplomatic•International•Risky•Complicated•Wide- rangedKnowledge and Skills Requirements•Proper attitude towards negotiation•Good preparation•Awareness of cross-culture•Getting familiar with policy and international rules and laws.•Good command of foreign languages.American features in negotiation•Character: easy- going , out-going (in general )•Negotiation style:Confident and positiveDirect and strategicforestall one's opponent by a show of strengthClear attitude towards agreement and disagreement .Various ways of negotiationsCherish time and pay special attention to deadlineEsp. ProfitableStrong sense of laws and contactsKeen on package deal.Strong race superiority, hard to make concessionVary from place to place (3 major areas)Three major area1. East of America, esp. people from the cities around the centerof Network in the northeast .Features: master all kinds of economic dynamics in the world at any time, strong activity, do business according to international custom and i nternational conventions, they are quick-minded and skilled at bargaining and profitable,at the same time they have a good command of business trade knowledge and skills.2. Mid-east of USA.Feature:People are kind, communicative, easy-going , they honor the contract and keeping one's word.Do business and purchasing from Sep. to Nov. each year.3. South AmericanFeature: treating others with sincerity, nice but hot-tempered, pay special attention to letter/ writing and credit .The final stage of business negotiations involves concession making and building toward agreement. Negotiation requires compromise. Usually, both sides give up something to get even more. However, the approaches used to get the compromise differ on the two sides. Americans and other western business executives tend to take a sequential approach to solving complex problems. That is, “let’s discuss and settle quantity, then price, then delivery, then after-sale service”and so on. Alternatively, the Asian approach is more holistic-looking at all issues simultaneously and not agreeing on any single issue until the end. Americans often are very upset by such differences in style of concession making. American managers report great difficulty in measuring progress. “After all, in America you are half done when half the issues are settled.”In Japan, nothing seems to get settled. Frequently, impatient Americans make unnecessary concessions right before agreements are announced by the Japanese. In the American view, a business negotiation is a problem –solving activity and the solution is a deal that suits both parties. From the standpoint of the Japanese, a business negotiation is a time to develop a business relationship with the goal of long-team mutual benefit. For the Japanese the economic issues are the context, not the content, of the talks. Settling any one issue is not really so important. Such details will take care of themselves once a viable, harmonious business relationship is established. Establishing the relation, signs the fist “agreement,” then the other “details”are settled quickly.In conclusion, American mangers will spend more time putting deals together with Japanese clients or partners than with other Americans. If the negotiation processes are handled adroitly, the Americannegotiations can look forward to long, mutually beneficial business relationships with Japanese partners.2.2Avoid Offending Taboo in Different CultureHandshaking is always be accompanied by a direct look into the eyes of the person you are shaking with, and sweet/ sincere smile as well as appropriate verbal communication.The way of handshaking in different cultures is different in intensity and duration. A firm handshake plus direct eye contact is the standard form of greeting in English-speaking countries .People in American are taught to do so with a firm, solid grip from an early age.They usually step forward to shake hands, then loosen their grips quickly, and back to a certain distance from each other.The Chinese often hold hands at first, then come closer to each other, sometimes with hands still unloosened , even for a long time, esp. when two old friends meet after a long time.People of the English- speaking countries always feel embarrassed and uncomfortable at what they think as “ over intimate”, while Chinese may take the English way of handshaking as unfriendly and cold, or not sincere enough.Remember that women will offer their hand in both business and social settings in many countries.The Germans prefer a firm handshake, which is seen as a symbol of strength and character.The German culture uses the handshake more frequently than almost any other culture. This form of touch is the acceptable and expected form of touch in every situation, whether meetinga stranger or greeting one’s family. Not following this customis viewed negatively.The French generally have a much softer handshake. They may feel uncomfortable with the grip of a German, and the German may wonder about the limp handshake of the French. In the middle east,a limp handshake is more common than a firm handshake. MiddleEasterners may put the free hand on the forearm of the person with whom they are shaking hands. As a result , the distance tothe other person diminished.The Japanese, used to bowing, may shake hands with foreign business partner but keep their arm firmly extended to keep a greater distance. In addition, they may slightly bow and thereby combine the Japanese and Western greeting ritual.Above all we know:United Stated: firmAsia : gentle (shaking hands is unfamiliar and uncomfortable for some; the exception is the Korean, who usu. has a firm handshake;in Japan, handshake with arm firmly extended, accompanied by bow ) British: softFrench: light and quick ( not offer to superiors); repeated on arrival and departureGerman: firm; repeated on arrival and departure; traditionally accompanied by a slight bowLatin American :moderate grasp; repeated frequentlyMiddle Eastern : gentle; repeated frequently, and free hands placed on forearm of the other personFor example, at an international airport in an Arab country, a Chinese engineer had had his luggage checked and had been impressed by the friendly attitude of the Arab custom officer. He wanted to express his appreciation and, as he knew no Arabic thought he’d shake hands with the officer.Unfortunately, both the engineer’s hands were full. He was holding a small traveler’s bag in his left hand and a larger piece of luggage in his right hand. So the engineer quickly put the traveler’s bag into his right hand and extended his left hand for the handshake with the officer.Then, something unexpected happened. The officer’s smiling face turned pale and the smile disappeared. Instead of giving the expected handshake, he slapped the engineer’s extended hand and walked away angrily.We will think why was the Arab officer angry? He extended his left hand ( instead of his right hand ) to the Arab officer for the handshake. In Arba culture, the left hand is dirty, and using it for a handshakeis regarded as an insult.III Flexible Use of EtiquettesCustom is the principle of communication between people a kind of language and a kind tool. Because the roots of custom ,culture are different from each other . People around the world different region obey different custom. China is one of the four ancient civilized country .Chinese race is the only race inheriting civilization of thousands of years. The Chinese customs have established a system of its own after gradual changes. The eastern society is inheritor of several ancient civilization , which once always chime in with eastern china . But the east and west have completely different customs and culture. As the step of our nation is reforming and opening upis accelerating , intercultural communication is becoming more and more frequent and the contact of customs and culture between east and west are increasing . It is necessary for us to know more about eastern and western customs of communication .In terms of the customs of dress ,western men usually wear reserved western suit and white shirt with tie inside in formal social occasion . They like black so they usually wear black shoes .western women must be in dress in formal occasion. Today the Chinese dress are westernizing .Traditional Chinese dress for example QiPao , Zhong Shan Zhuang are fading from the stage of history .Men and women dress the same as the west in formal occasion.In terms of food and drink , western fast food and western style meal has a large proportion in Chinese food and drink market more and more people begin to try and accept these imported food . Mainland almost becomes an cultural fashion as an symbol of American culturein the field of food and drink . At the same time , French cultural of the noble .English culture of gentlemen also pour in to China with the communication of western and eastern culture many advanced western ways and methods of food and drink are brought in ,which inject new energy to the old traditional Chinese culture of food and drink . Of course , the long history and splendid culture of food and dink nation also has more and more effect on those of foreign country . There area large number of Chinese restaurant appeared in everywhere in theworld. Chinese cuisine is gradually beconing more and more popular and favorable .ConclusionFrom the discussion above, we can see there are thre mai differences between Eastern etiquettes and the Western etiquette. In modern society, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller, ineter people are very active with frequent exchanges. Human decency plays the basic role of social ethics. The international etiquettes combine ritual characteristics of various countries and people and can be understood by the people of different countries and nations. International etiquettes can be shared by more and more people of different countries, because etiquettes itself is a cultural phenomenon. Therefore, people are not only paying great attention to international etiquettes , but also different etiquettes in different countries and nations the final purpose is to do successful business with the help of etiquette.BibiliographyBeijin: International Business Research, 2001.Fang Yanmei. Difference of Transnational Commercial Etiquette Cultures. Guangxi: Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College, 2006. Lin Yeyun. Foreign Business Etiquette Training and Development Prospect.hnda/thread?tid=77b538daeb564a04关世杰:《跨文化交流学》, 北京大学出版社 1995 年版。
电影观后感英语作文(共9篇)电影观后感英语作文(共9篇)篇一:电影观后感英文版My Big Fat Greek Wedding 电影:我盛大的希腊婚礼 My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a movie about the heroin , Toula , ho is a Greek oman and failed to marry a Greek boy ,falls in love ith a non-Greek men .Despite the fact that her family ,especially her father , disagrees, they make every effort and manage to fight for their love, hich is hat true love should be ----ithout boundaries , regardless ofage ,nation ,race, or hatever… In the movie ,Toula is expected to marry Greek boy ,make Greek babies , and feed everyone until the day she dies ,hich makes me think about omen’s status in our old China .Greek omen have the role in mon ith our traditional Chinese omen in their family ---they do the cleaning ,cooking ,ashing and so on. Many people say that the United States is a big melting pot for the reason that after immigrants ere there for some time, they may bee Americanized, and differences gradually melt don .But in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the Greek family keep their on customs and identities. We can conclude that each country has its on culture. Therefore there are many cultures in the orld, and they are different but equal .So it is rong for the racists to think their culture is superior to other cultures, because all cultures have both strengths and eakness .And since the cross-cultural marriage beteen Toula and Ian Miller is reached, e ought to accept and respect foreign cultures ithan open minds and develop our aareness of globalization hen e are confronted ith the multicultural orld. 篇二:英文电影观后感The sho After atched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, e all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, stilldid not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is orthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, e ant to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building poerful motherland, so, e should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness. 篇三:诺丁山电影英文观后感41204076 单林戈英师3班 Revie My feeling of the film Notting Hill It’s an old film hich shoed us a romantic love story. After atching it, I have some feelings to share. Firstly, I think it’s far aay from our real orld. At least, I never thought I can have such an opportunity to be ith a famous star. It is just like a dream. Because they are in different classes. Maybe they cannot share mon interests and topics. Their life s and friends can be different as ell. Hoever, it just happened in the film, maybe it is the reason hy this film is so attractive and popular. After all, art es from our lives and higher than lives. But I still insist that equal status as ell as perfect match is really significant. Secondly, that to guys, Anna and William, they fall in love at the first sight, hich impressed me a lot. Noadays, plenty of people talk about if they can fall in love at the first sight. It is really a hot topic. I am ondering that hat they can figure out just rely on the first sight. But love is an amazing thing indeed. We cannot kno hat ill happen hen e fall in love ith others. One more thing, William’s pride makes influence. But after struggling, he found thathe loved girl very much so he decided to strive for true love. To conclude, true love cannot be affected by time, space and any uncertain factors. Never give up. Finally, William’s sister makes a deep impression on me. She is a brave girl. I like her personality. By the ay, the music in the filmis pretty good. From my point of vie, if the plots ould be pact, the film ill be prefect. 篇四:英文电影赏析——雨人观后感课号:064J22A03 课程名称:英文电影赏析改卷教师:学号:116030126 姓名:徐欣得分:篇五:电影观后感,英文The film tells people to live in harmony ith nature, to care for animals, but the depth of the kind of film on faith and trust。
跨文化交际 Intercultural Communication智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年
跨文化交际 Intercultural Communication智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下内蒙古民族大学内蒙古民族大学绪论单元测试1.Foreigners are interested to learn about Chinese Culture and Chinese People.At the same time, there are misunderstandings of Chinese culture.A:错 B:对答案:对2.Overseas experiences can expand one's vision and enrich one'sunderstanding of Intercultural Communication.A:对 B:错答案:对3.Before communicating with others, you need to understand your own culturewell.A:错 B:对答案:对4.Culture learning is not so important as language learning.A:错 B:对答案:错5.Knowing all the words and having perfect grammar of a language is enoughto deal with Intercultural Communication.A:错 B:对答案:错6.Everything abroad is the same as “at home”.A:错 B:对答案:错7.In this course, we are going to learn aboutA:Intercultural communication barriers B:Verbal and non-verbalcommunication C:Thearatical foundations of Intercultural Communication D:Acquring Intercultural Communication Competence答案:Intercultural communication barriers;Verbal and non-verbalcommunication;Thearatical foundations of InterculturalCommunication;Acquring Intercultural Communication Competence8.In the study of intercultural communication, we are going to achieve thegoals ofA:understanding the basic termsB:developing communicative competence C:fostering critical thinking ofdifferent cultures D:avoiding potential problems in interculturalcommunication答案:understanding the basic terms;developing communicative competence;fostering critical thinking ofdifferent cultures;avoiding potential problems in interculturalcommunication9.The course you are taking isA:Phycology B:Communication C:Intercultural Communication D:EnglishLiterature答案:Intercultural Communication10.When being asked by other people about your culture, you will be moreaware of your identity.A:对 B:错答案:对第一章测试1.The dialogues at the United Nations, for example, would be termed _________.A:international communication B:interpersonal communication C:interracial communication D:interethnic communication答案:international communication2.In China, if a Tibetan communicates with a Han, it is _____.A:interracial communication B:international communication C:interethnic communication D:interpersonal communication答案:interethnic communication3._____ is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society.A:Enculturation B:Deculturation C:Acculturation D:Assimilation答案:Enculturation4.Many of the same proverbs appear throughout the world, because all people,regardless of their culture, share common____.A:experiences B:stories C:languages D:arts答案:experiences5.In the popular cultural iceberg metaphor, you can only see about 10-15%above the surface, most part of the iceberg is under the water, which is a bit of a mystery. Which of the following do you think are above the water?A:clothing B:food C:architecture D:music答案:clothing;food;architecture ;music6.Six reasons of why study intercultural communication were mentioned,please try pick the ones mentioned in the following.A:technology B:imperative C:self-awarenessD:demographic changes答案:technology;imperative;self-awareness;demographic changes7.Culture can be categorized as either material or nonmaterial culture.A:对 B:错答案:对8.Culture is that complex whole whichincludes knowledge,belief,arts,morals,law,custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.A:对 B:错答案:对9.It is reasonable that we use what's below our surface to try to understandwhat's above somebody else’s.A:错 B:对答案:错10."Dig the well before you are thirsty" is a Chinese proverb meaning "吃水不忘挖井人”。
小学上册英语第3单元真题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The main gas in the air we breathe is _____.2.The _____ (basil) plant is great for cooking.3.The invention of the steam engine revolutionized _____ transport.4.What do we call the process of turning liquid into gas?A. CondensationB. EvaporationC. FreezingD. Melting答案:B.Evaporation5.We have _____ (two/four) eyes.6.I enjoy _____ (学习) new languages.7.What do we call a scientist who studies the weather?A. BiologistB. MeteorologistC. ChemistD. Physicist答案:B8.My favorite sport is _______ (冲浪).9.Water is made up of __________ and oxygen.10. A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share _____.11.The puppy loves to ______ (玩) with its ball.12.I think that connecting with nature helps us appreciate its __________.13.My brother has a ________ (机器人) toy that can ________ (走动) and talk.14.The sun is ___ (rising) early.15.I enjoy painting my ________ (陶瓷娃娃). I give each one a special ________ (颜色).16.The butterfly flutters around the ______.17.What do you call the study of human societies and cultures?A. SociologyB. AnthropologyC. PsychologyD. Political science答案:B18.We will have a ___. (picnic) next week.19. A _______ is a device used to measure the concentration of a solution.20.What is the name of the famous lion in "The Lion King"?A. SimbaB. MufasaC. ScarD. Nala答案:A21.I enjoy playing ______ during the holidays.22.The __________ (奴隶制) was a significant part of American history until the Civil War.23.I enjoy cooking with my family. We often make __________ together.24.The green _____ has sharp thorns.25.听录音,把图片与颜色连起来。
研究⽣英语核⼼教材—综合教程(下册)课后练习答案unit6-unit10Unit 6 Same Sex Marriage in the United StatesVocabularyI. Word Distinctions1. allege; charge两个词均有…指控?的意思:allege: 在没有证据或得到证据之前指控(To assert without or before proof): 课⽂中Baehr and her attorney sought their objectives ... by alleging exclusively violations of state law,所以州政府以failure to state a claim(未能提出充⾜的证据) 申请州法院将其起诉驳回。
charge: 掌握证据后正式起诉(make a formal accusation)。
选择以上适当的词填空:1)The former mayor will appear before the local court today ____ with taking bribes.2)His classmates ____ that he was cheating in the exam, but they failed to produce any solid proof.3)She?s been arrested after being____ with murdering her husband.4)The ____ murderer was proved innocent.charges alleged charged alleged2. affirms; confirm两个词均指…确认?affirm: to state something as true;confirm: to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by telephone or writing选择以上适当的词填空:1)Six people have ____ that they will be attending and ten haven?t replied yet.2)The suspect ____ that he had been at home all evening.3)I?ve accepted the job over the phone, but I haven?t____ in writing yet.4)She ____ her intention to apply for the post.5)Flights should be ____ 48 hours before departure.confirmed affirmed confirmed affirmed confirmedII. Decide the meanings of the following words by matching each word in Column A with the word or expression in Column B that is similar in meaning.TranslationI.Put the following Chinese expressions into English.1) 有争议的问题provocative issues2) 社会和宗教传统societal and religious conventions3) 异族通婚interracial marriage4) 法律援助legal aid5) 家庭伴侣关系法domestic partnership laws6) 异性婚姻heterosexual marriage7) 违反法律violations of laws8) 单⽅婚姻⽆效singular marriage voidII.Put the following Chinesse sentences into English with the words or phrases in the brackets.1) 所有的战⼠都知道他们的秘密任务需要冒⼀定的风险。
高二阅读技巧提升英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>In today's rapidly evolving world, technology has become an integral part of our lives. It has brought about significant changes and has had a profound impact on various aspects of our daily existence. From the way we communicate to the way we work and learn, technology has transformed almost everything.One of the most notable areas where technology has made a huge difference is in communication. With the advent of smartphones, social media platforms, and messaging apps, people can now stay connected with each other no matter where they are in the world. We can send messages, make calls, and even video chat with ease. This has not only made communication faster and more convenient but has also brought people closer together.Technology has also revolutionized the way we learn. Online learning platforms and educational apps have made education more accessible than ever before. Students can now access a wealth of information and resources at their fingertips. They can take courses, watch lectures, and do assignments online. This has opened up new opportunities for learning and has made education more flexible and personalized.Moreover, technology has had a major impact on the way we work. With the rise of remote work and digital tools, people can now work from anywhere and at any time. This has increased productivity and has given workers more freedom and flexibility. However, it has also brought new challenges such as distractions and the need for self-discipline.Despite all the benefits that technology has brought, it also has some drawbacks. For instance, excessive use of technology can lead to addiction and can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. It can also cause social isolation and a lack of face-to-face interaction. Additionally, technology can sometimes be unreliable and can fail when we need it the most.In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on our lives. While it has brought many benefits, it also poses some challenges. It is important for us to use technology wisely and to be aware of its potential drawbacks.1. What is one of the most notable areas where technology has madea huge difference?A. Education.B. Work.C. Communication.D. Entertainment.答案:C。
中法餐桌礼仪对比英文作文英文回答:In the realm of fine dining, the French and Chinese cultures have established intricate table manners that reflect their respective traditions and values. Below is a comprehensive comparison of these two distinct sets of dining etiquette:Seating Arrangement:French: Guests are seated in a specific order, with the host and guest of honor occupying the head and foot of the table respectively.Chinese: The most honored guest is typically seated at the center of the round table, facing the door.Utensils and Table Setting:French: Multiple forks, knives, and spoons are provided for each course. The bread plate is positioned to the left of the setting.Chinese: Chopsticks, a soup spoon, and a rice bowl are the primary utensils. The rice bowl is placed to the left, and the soup spoon to the right.Napkins:French: Linen napkins are used to wipe one's mouth or hands during the meal. They are placed on the lap when seated.Chinese: Paper napkins are commonly used and placed to the right of the plate.Food Serving:French: Food is served in small portions on individual plates. The host or a designated server typically oversees the meal flow.Chinese: Dishes are shared among the guests, with each person serving themselves from communal platters.Toasting:French: Formal toasts are common, with guests raising their glasses to celebrate the occasion.Chinese: Toasting is less frequent, but when it occurs, the gesture typically signifies gratitude or respect.Conversation:French: Conversations are generally polite and subdued, with guests avoiding controversial topics.Chinese: Lively discussions are encouraged, especially on matters of family, business, or current events.Tipping:French: Tipping is not common in France, and a service charge is usually included in the bill.Chinese: Tipping is not expected but may be appreciated for exceptional service.Other Etiquette:French: Chewing with one's mouth closed, avoiding loud noises, and refraining from using one's phone at the table are considered good manners.Chinese: Respecting elders, sharing food, and avoiding negative comments are important aspects of Chinese table etiquette.中文回答:座次安排:法国,宾客按特定顺序就座,主人和贵宾分别坐在桌子的首尾两端。
英语作文生日派对简单句子A birthday party is a special occasion to celebrate the anniversary of someone's birth. It is a time to gather with friends and family, share laughter and memories, and enjoy each other's company. While birthday parties can range from elaborate and extravagant to simple and intimate, the most important element is the celebration of the individual and the joy of being together.One of the most enjoyable aspects of a birthday party is the opportunity to connect with loved ones. In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to become disconnected from the people who matter most. A birthday party provides a dedicated time and space to focus on the guest of honor and to strengthen the bonds of friendship and family. Whether it's catching up over a piece of cake, reminiscing about shared experiences, or simply enjoying each other's presence, the social aspect of a birthday party is truly invaluable.Another key element of a birthday party is the sense of tradition and ritual. Many families and cultures have established customs and practices that are observed during these celebrations. This couldinclude singing a special birthday song, blowing out candles on a cake, or opening presents in a particular order. These traditions not only add a sense of familiarity and comfort to the event but also help to create lasting memories and a sense of belonging.One of the most simple yet meaningful aspects of a birthday party is the act of gift-giving. Selecting a thoughtful present for the guest of honor is a way to show that you have put time and effort into acknowledging their special day. The act of unwrapping gifts can be a highly anticipated and exciting moment, as the recipient discovers what surprises their loved ones have in store. Even a small, inexpensive gift can hold great sentimental value when given with genuine care and consideration.In addition to the social and traditional elements, a birthday party also provides an opportunity for personal reflection and growth. As we celebrate another year of life, it can be a time to consider the accomplishments, challenges, and lessons of the past year. This introspection can help to inform our goals and aspirations for the year ahead, and can serve as a source of motivation and inspiration.Moreover, a birthday party can be a chance to create new memories and experiences. Whether it's trying a new activity, exploring a different venue, or simply enjoying a favorite pastime in the company of loved ones, these shared moments can becomecherished memories that will be fondly recalled for years to come.Ultimately, the beauty of a birthday party lies in its simplicity. At its core, it is a celebration of life, a chance to come together and honor the unique individual who is being celebrated. Whether the party is elaborate or understated, the true essence of the event is the love, laughter, and connection that are shared among the guests.In conclusion, a birthday party is a special occasion that offers a multitude of benefits beyond just the celebration of a single person's birth. It is a time to strengthen relationships, uphold traditions, reflect on personal growth, and create new memories. By embracing the simple pleasures of being together, a birthday party can become a truly meaningful and joyful experience for all who participate.。
理想是成为一名历史老师英语范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Dream is to Become a History TeacherEver since I was a young child, I've been fascinated by stories of the past. I would sit for hours, completely enraptured as my grandparents regaled me with tales of their youth growing up during World War II. The way their eyes would light up as they vividly described ration lines, air raid sirens, and the sheer jubilation of V-E Day captivated me in a way that no storybook ever could. History wasn't just dry names and dates to memorize - it was a living, breathing thing full of real human experiences and profound lessons to learn.As I grew older, my passion for history only intensified. I devoured every book on ancient civilizations, medieval monarchs, and modern revolutions that I could get my hands on. While my friends zoned out during boring lectures on the Renaissance, I was frantically scribbling notes, desperate to soak in every detail. To me, history class was like being transported through a time machine to eras long past. I loved piecing together the vestigesof evidence like a forensic detective, trying to construct a picture of what life was truly like for the people who came before us.What ultimately made me decide to pursue a career as a history teacher, however, was the realization of how powerful an understanding of the past can be in shaping the present and future. The famous words of George Santayana echoed in my mind: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." My heart broke as I learned about the incomprehensible horrors of the Holocaust and how the winds of hatred, discrimination, and antisemitism were allowed to sweep across Europe unchecked. I felt immense sorrow over the brutal legacy of slavery, segregation, and systemic racism that has left deep scars across America. And I was shaken by the catastrophic human toll of conflicts like the Crusades, Mongol Conquests, and the World Wars that ravaged entire generations.At the same time, studying history filled me with hope and inspiration. I marveled at the courage of leaders like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King Jr. who fought tirelessly against injustice. I was awed by the groundbreaking accomplishments of pioneers like the Wright Brothers, Marie Curie, and Alan Turing who expanded the frontiers of human knowledge and innovation. And I washumbled by the resilience of the human spirit embodied by people who endured unimaginable hardship like Holocaust survivors, Civil War soldiers, and locals who rebuilt their lives after natural disasters.To me, the role of a history teacher is so much more than just lec篇2My Aspiration to Become a History TeacherAs far back as I can remember, I've been fascinated by stories of the past – the triumphs and tragedies, the legendary figures and ordinary people who shaped the course of history. When I was a child, my parents would read to me from picture books filled with vivid illustrations and tales of ancient civilizations, great explorers, and pivotal moments that changed the world forever. Those nights spent being whisked away to other eras sparked an insatiable curiosity about history that has only grown stronger over time.In school, history was always my favorite subject. While some of my classmates would groan when it was time for a lesson on the French Revolution or the American Civil War, I was enthralled. I loved piecing together the puzzle of how eventsunfolded, understanding the motivations and contexts that drove historical figures to action. To me, the past wasn't just a collection of names and dates to memorize, but a rich tapestry woven with stories of human resilience, innovation, and the never-ending quest to understand our place in this world.As I've progressed through my educational journey, my passion for history has evolved from a casual interest to a profound calling. I've come to realize that the role of a history teacher goes far beyond merely reciting facts and figures from a textbook. It is a sacred responsibility to kindle the same sense of wonder and intellectual curiosity in young minds that was first ignited in me as a child.A truly great history teacher has the power to bring the past to life, to transport students across oceans and centuries with the vivid storytelling and attention to detail of a master novelist. They can take a pivotal moment like the storming of the Bastille or the signing of the Magna Carta and weave it into a rich, multifaceted narrative that explores not just the chronology of events, but the social, political, and cultural undercurrents that gave rise to such watershed moments.Moreover, a skilled history teacher can impart invaluable lessons that transcend any single era or civilization. By studyingthe triumphs and failures of those who came before us, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human experience – our capacity for greatness and our propensity for folly. We can learn from the mistakes of the past to build a better, more just, and more enlightened future.This is perhaps the most noble and vital aspect of being a history teacher: instilling in young people a sense of perspective, empathy, and critical thinking skills that will serve them well no matter what path they choose in life. By grappling with the complexities of historical events and the myriad perspectives involved, students develop the ability to see issues from multiple angles, to question long-held assumptions, and to think for themselves.In an increasingly polarized world, where social media algorithms and echo chambers threaten to lock us into narrow ideological silos, the lessons of history have never been more essential. A deep understanding of how civilizations have risen and fallen, how ideologies have taken root and been upended, can inoculate young minds against the dangers of dogmatism and intellectual stagnation.To be an effective history teacher is to be a storyteller, a guide, a critical thinker, and a lifelong learner all rolled into one.It requires a passion for continuous learning and a willingness to constantly reevaluate one's understanding of the past as new evidence and interpretations come to light. It demands a commitment to objectivity, to presenting multiple sides of every story, and to empowering students to draw their own conclusions.This is the calling that stirs my soul – to stand at the front of a classroom and share the incredible, complex, and endlessly fascinating stories of our collective human journey. To kindle that same sense of wonder and intellectual curiosity in a new generation of young minds that was first ignited in me all those years ago. To equip them not just with a mastery of historical facts, but with the critical thinking skills, empathy, and nuanced perspective to navigate the challenges of our modern world.Some may argue that in an era of rapidly advancing technology and an ever-increasing focus on STEM fields, the study of history is becoming increasingly irrelevant. I could not disagree more vehemently. It is precisely because we live in such a time of rapid change and unprecedented challenges that a deep understanding of our past is more crucial than ever before.After all, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.For me, pursuing a career as a history teacher is about more than just imparting knowledge or securing a stable profession. It is a higher calling, a sacred duty to keep the stories of our shared human experience alive and to pass on the lessons of the past to future generations. It is a chance to play a small but vital role in shaping the minds of young people, helping them to become critical thinkers, empathetic global citizens, and well-rounded individuals prepared to tackle the complexities of the 21st century.I know that the path ahead will not be an easy one. Teaching, like any truly worthwhile endeavor, will demand countless hours of preparation, a lifelong commitment to learning, and the resilience to overcome inevitable challenges and setbacks. But when I envision myself standing before a classroom of eager young minds, their eyes alight with curiosity as I regale them with the tales of ancient heroes and long-forgotten civilizations, I know that it will all be worth it.For in those moments, I will not simply be imparting facts and dates, but carrying on a tradition as old as humanity itself –the sharing of stories that reveal fundamental truths about who we are, where we've come from, and what we're capable of achieving. And in doing so, I will be helping to shape the mindsof the leaders, innovators, and visionaries who will one day write the next chapter in the great, unfolding story of human existence.篇3My Dream of Becoming a History TeacherAs long as I can remember, I've been captivated by the stories of the past. Growing up, I devoured books on ancient civilizations, pivotal wars, and groundbreaking scientific discoveries. History wasn't just a collection of dry facts and dates to me—it was a grand tapestry woven with the threads of human struggle, triumph, and everything in between.I think that's why I've always gravitated towards history class. While my friends would groan about having to memorize names, places, and events, I found myself eagerly drinking in every detail.I was that overeager student with my hand perpetually raised, ready to share an anecdote or obscure fact I had picked up in my spare time.To me, history is endlessly fascinating because it's the story of us—of humanity's collective journey across eons and continents. It's an exploration of how civilizations have risen and fallen, how cultures have clashed and intermingled, and how theworld we live in today was shaped by the actions and decisions of countless individuals who came before us.More than that, though, history is a discipline that teaches invaluable critical thinking and analytical skills. It trains us to look at events from multiple perspectives, to question established narratives, and to draw connections between seemingly disparate occurrences. These are abilities that extend far beyond the classroom, equipping students to navigate the complexities and nuances of the modern world.That's why, for as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of becoming a history teacher. I want to be the one who sparks that sense of wonder and curiosity about the past in young minds. I want to be the guide who helps students understand not just what happened, but why it happened and how it shaped the world we live in today.As a history teacher, I envision my classroom as a vibrant, interactive space where the past truly comes alive. Instead of dryly reciting names and dates from a textbook, I would strive to make history tangible and engaging. We'd re-enact famous battles and debates, using props and costumes to transport students to distant eras. We'd analyze primary。
世界和平 祖国繁荣昌盛的题材英语作文
世界和平祖国繁荣昌盛的题材英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Peace on Earth and Prosperity for Our HomelandAs a student, I often dream of a world free from conflict, where all nations can coexist harmoniously. A world at peace would allow every country to focus its resources on uplifting its citizens rather than engaging in senseless wars and hostilities. Prosperity would follow naturally in the wake of peace, with open trade, shared innovation, and collaborative efforts to tackle global challenges like poverty, disease, and climate change.Sadly, the reality we live in today is far from this utopian ideal. Geopolitical tensions, armed conflicts, and lingering animosities from past wars cast long shadows over the possibility of achieving true and lasting peace. The constant sabre-rattling of nations jockeying for power and influence breeds an environment of mistrust and perpetual arms races. Valuable resources that could be spent on education, healthcare, and infrastructure get diverted to beef up military might in an unending cycle of escalating hostilities.At times, it feels like an intractable catch-22 - we want peace, but we keep preparing for war. This paradox has kept humanity trapped for centuries, leading to incalculable loss of human life and a massive squandering of potential. Just think of how much further along we might be as a species if the time, money and brain power poured into instruments of destruction had instead been invested in productive endeavors that improve our quality of life.Nevertheless, I refuse to surrender to cynicism or defeatism. The path towards world peace might be arduous, but it is a prize worth fighting for through proper channels like diplomacy, ethical leadership, and a true commitment to upholding international laws and human rights. We must have the courage to shed our insularities and recognize that in this globally interconnected world, peace, prosperity, and human welfare are indivisible across borders.At the heart of it all, the quest for world peace stems from a basic truth - we all share one tiny planet hurtling through the vast cosmos. We are all human beings who desire security, dignity and opportunity to achieve our highest potentials. These fundamental rights and aspirations transcend nationality, ethnicity, religion or ideology. If we can tap into that commonground, perhaps we can start building sturdy foundations for an enduring peace.Beyond stopping wars and preventing conflict, true peace means addressing systemic issues that breed unrest in the first place. It means securing justice for the oppressed and marginalized. It means ensuring equitable access to food, water, shelter, healthcare and education as basic birthrights. It means respecting diversity while celebrating our common humanity. It means sustainable stewardship of our environment to protect our planetary home for future generations. Only when these building blocks of human security and development are in place can we hope to construct a durable peace.With world peace established, nations can channel their full productive capacities inwards to keep elevating their citizens' quality of life through sustainable economic development. My dream for my beloved homeland is to see it become a shining beacon of prosperity amidst this peaceful world order - a nation overflowing with opportunity, innovation, and fulfillment for all its people. I want to see local communities across my country thrive and flourish on the back of robust public services,world-class infrastructure, and an economy fueled by knowledge and cutting-edge industries.I envision a future where every child in my homeland has access to quality education that equips them with the skills and knowledge to reach their fullest potentials. A future where citizens need not worry about basic healthcare or housing because the foundations of a robust social safety net are firmly in place. A future where bountiful high-paying jobs awaithard-working youth regardless of background because an environment of merit-based upward mobility permeates every sector. A future where all people can feel safe, respected, and empowered to pursue their dreams without fear or systemic barriers holding them back.In this prosperous homeland, cities will be marvels of modern planning - green and sustainable urban centers optimized for efficiency and quality of life. Public transportation will be fast, clean and interconnected across the nation through high-speed rail and other innovations. Digital connectivity will place the entirety of human knowledge at every citizen's fingertips. Vibrant cultural hubs will promote a renaissance of the arts, music, literature and intellectual discourse.The engines of the economy will hum with entrepreneurship and technological advancement as an educated and creative workforce propels the country into the vanguard of cutting-edgeindustries like renewable energy, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and space exploration. Blue-skies research and a spirit of innovation will be amply nurtured in universities and specialized research hubs. A thriving private sector driven by free market principles, competition, and consumer choice will provide prosperity and dynamism.At the same time, we must ensure that rapid economic progress does not leave any segments of society behind. A strong yet lean social safety net will protect the vulnerable like the elderly, disabled, impoverished andmarginalized minorities. Labor rights and environmental protections must be robustly enforced to prevent worker exploitation or corporate excess from fouling our land, air and water. A meritocratic yet caring homeland can show the world that economic vibrancy and social justice are not mutually exclusive ideals when implemented pragmatically.Harmony between humanity and nature is another key pillar of this idyllic vision. An ethos of conservation and sustainability will permeate industry and society at every level. Buildings will be constructed with green materials and passive heating/cooling designs. Clean and renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear fusion will steadily replace dirty fossil fuels. Urbanplanning will optimize green spaces and transit to reduce emissions and environmental footprints. Concerted national efforts to clean up polluted waterways, remediate toxic sites, protect biodiversity and expand forests will restore environmental health and beauty. The relentless pursuit of new green technologies will be a source of pride and global leadership for my nation on the world stage.Of course, none of these ambitious aspirations can be achieved without principled and ethical governance that strives for the greatest good while safeguarding human rights and civil liberties. Democratic institutions, transparency, freedom of speech and freedom of the press must be sacrosanct in my flourishing homeland. The rule of law applied equally to all citizens without prejudice is a prerequisite. Meritocratic and professional civil services free of graft or cronyism will be the custodians of effective and pragmatic policymaking.At the international level, I want my nation to be a responsible global citizen and force for peace, cooperation and mutual prosperity. Commitments to treaties, ethical conduct in trade and fair dealings with all will build trust and goodwill on the world stage. With domestic harmony and strength secured, my country can play a constructive role in resolving regionaltensions and global conflicts through dialogue, multilateral cooperation and adherence to international law. Its economic and technological prowess can be leveraged as a positive force by collaborating with allies and partners to help developing nations meet human development goals and adapt to climate change.As a hub for global talent, my prosperous homeland will be a magnet for the world's brightest minds across fields like science, technology, arts and culture. Its doors will be open to immigrants and refugees fleeing conflict or hardship in search of safety and opportunity, like countless previous generations who found new lives and contributed immensely to the nation's dynamism. This enlightened openness to global talent and diversity will breed further creativity and innovation to benefit the world.At its core, the homeland I dream of will be an inspiring example of what can be achieved when people of all backgrounds work towards a shared vision of peace, prosperity and human welfare on a bedrock of universal rights and sustainable principles. A homeland that lifts up not just its own citizens, but contributes solutions for the betterment of all humanity. A harmonious nation in a more harmonious world order where cooperation transcends conflict at long last.It is an ambitious and audacious vision to be sure, and one that will require immense perseverance and efforts sustained over generations to manifest in its full glory. But what is the alternative - to resign ourselves to perpetual strife, injustice and unfulfilled human potential? As a student with dreams for the future, I cannot accept such a cynical fate for our world.Instead, I choose to embrace this noble quest for world peace and human prosperity as an important touchstone to orient my life's journey. I will dedicate myself to acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to help make this dream a reality in whatever role I may play - as a engaged citizen, a professional in my chosen field, or perhaps even as a principled leader in the public arena one day. The path will be difficult with many obstacles to surmount, but the shining vision will forever be my lodestar to motivate me onward.In the end, world peace and human prosperity are not mere idealistic fancies, but a moral cause that speaks to the highest values and deepest yearnings we all share across cultures. They are visions of what can be achieved when 'we the people' collectively choose hope over cynicism, courage over fear, and justice over injustice. If we stay true to these clarion callings ofour conscience, I believe this dream can and will be realized in my lifetime and that of future generations to篇2A Harmonious World and a Thriving MotherlandAs a student, I often find myself pondering the state of the world and my nation's place within the global community. It is a time of both immense challenges and boundless opportunities, where the pursuit of peace and prosperity has never been more crucial. From my vantage point, I can see the intricate tapestry of human civilization, woven together by the threads of diverse cultures, beliefs, and aspirations.The concept of world peace is not a mere idealistic notion; it is a fundamental necessity for the continued progress andwell-being of humanity. In a world plagued by conflicts, violence, and discord, the pursuit of harmony and understanding among nations and peoples is the only path that can lead us towards a brighter future. History has taught us time and again that wars and hostilities breed nothing but suffering, destruction, and the erosion of human dignity.It is disheartening to witness the countless instances of strife and turmoil that continue to unfold across the globe, fueled byideological differences, territorial disputes, and the insatiable thirst for power and resources. The consequences of these conflicts are far-reaching, impacting not only those directly involved but also the innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. Children, the most vulnerable members of our society, bear the brunt of these conflicts, deprived of their fundamental rights to education, safety, and a nurturing environment.However, amidst the darkness, there are beacons of hope that illuminate the path towards a more peaceful coexistence. International organizations, such as the United Nations, have played a pivotal role in fostering dialogue, mediating disputes, and promoting global cooperation. The adoption of frameworks like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has demonstrated the world's commitment to addressing pressing issues, including poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation – all of which are inextricably linked to the pursuit of lasting peace.As citizens of the world, it is our collective responsibility to embrace the values of tolerance, empathy, and mutual respect. By recognizing our shared humanity and celebrating our differences, we can build bridges of understanding that transcend borders and ideologies. Education plays a crucial rolein this endeavor, equipping young minds with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and ethical foundations necessary to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world.Turning my gaze towards my beloved motherland, I cannot help but swell with pride at the remarkable progress and achievements that have been made in recent decades. From a nation once ravaged by poverty and turmoil, my country has risen to become a formidable economic powerhouse, a beacon of innovation, and a champion of sustainable development.The prosperity and stability that my nation enjoys today are the fruits of unwavering determination, visionary leadership, and the collective efforts of its people. The unwavering commitment to reform and opening-up policies has ushered in an era of unprecedented growth, lifting millions out of poverty and propelling the country towards modernity.However, this journey towards prosperity has not been without its challenges. The rapid pace of development has brought with it environmental concerns, urbanization pressures, and societal shifts that must be addressed with foresight and prudence. It is imperative that we strike a delicate balance between economic progress and environmental stewardship,ensuring that the gains of today do not come at the cost of compromising the well-being of future generations.As a student, I am deeply inspired by the strides my nation has made in the realms of education and scientific advancement. World-class universities and research institutions have emerged, nurturing the minds of tomorrow's leaders and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. It is this investment in human capital and intellectual prowess that will propel our nation to new heights, enabling us to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time and contribute to the betterment of humanity.Yet, amidst this progress, we must not lose sight of our cultural heritage and the values that have guided our nation through centuries of adversity. The rich tapestry of our traditions, philosophies, and artistic expressions serve as a profound source of strength and resilience, reminding us of our roots and the wisdom of our ancestors.As I look towards the future, I am filled with a sense of optimism and determination. The path ahead may be fraught with obstacles, but I firmly believe that through unity, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to peace and progress, we can overcome any challenge that lies before us.To my fellow students and citizens of the world, I implore you to embrace the ideals of global harmony and cooperation. Let us be the architects of a better tomorrow, where nations coexist in peace, and prosperity is shared equitably among all peoples. Together, we can build a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, where diversity is celebrated, and where the pursuit of knowledge and understanding transcends boundaries.In this noble endeavor, my motherland stands as a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering pursuit of progress. As we stride forward into the future, let us draw inspiration from our nation's achievements and contribute our talents and efforts towards the realization of a harmonious world and a thriving motherland, where peace and prosperity reign supreme.篇3Peace on Earth, Prosperity for Our HomelandAs a young student, I often find myself pondering the world around me and the future that lies ahead. In these moments of quiet reflection, two hopes burn brightly within my heart – thepursuit of lasting world peace and the enduring prosperity of my beloved motherland.Peace, that elusive yet precious ideal, has long been the dream of countless generations before us. Throughout human history, we have witnessed the devastating consequences of conflict, the senseless loss of life, and the destruction wrought by war. Entire civilizations have crumbled, cultures have been erased, and the progress of humanity has been set back time and time again by the scourge of violence.Yet, in the face of such adversity, the human spirit has remained resilient, and the quest for peace has persisted. We have seen glimpses of what is possible when nations and peoples come together in solidarity, setting aside their differences and embracing the common bonds that unite us all. The formation of international organizations, the signing of treaties, and the tireless efforts of peacemakers across the globe have all contributed to the gradual erosion of the barriers that divide us.However, true and lasting peace remains an elusive goal, one that will require the collective efforts of every nation, every community, and every individual. It is a challenge that transcends borders and ideologies, demanding that we look beyond ourown self-interests and embrace the shared values of compassion, understanding, and respect for one another.As a student, I am acutely aware of the crucial role that education plays in fostering a culture of peace. It is through the acquisition of knowledge, the cultivation of critical thinking, and the exposure to diverse perspectives that we can begin to dismantle the prejudices and misconceptions that fuel conflict. By encouraging open and respectful dialogue, by promoting empathy and understanding, and by instilling a sense of global citizenship in the hearts and minds of young people, we can lay the foundations for a more peaceful world.Yet, my aspirations for peace are inextricably linked to the prosperity and well-being of my motherland. For it is within the embrace of a strong, prosperous, and stable nation that the seeds of peace can truly take root and flourish.My motherland, a land of rich cultural heritage and boundless potential, has weathered its fair share of challenges and adversities throughout its storied history. Yet, through the unwavering resilience and determination of its people, it has emerged time and again, stronger and more resolute in its pursuit of progress and development.As a student, I am in awe of the remarkable strides my nation has made in various fields – from technological advancements and economic growth to achievements in science, arts, and culture. The rise of thriving industries, the construction of modern infrastructure, and the cultivation of a skilled and educated workforce have all contributed to the growth and prosperity that we enjoy today.However, true prosperity extends far beyond mere economic indicators and material wealth. It encompasses the well-being of our citizens, the preservation of our environment, and the nurturing of a society built upon principles of equality, justice, and opportunity for all.It is my fervent hope that my motherland will continue to embrace these ideals, investing in the education and empowerment of its people, promoting sustainable development practices, and fostering an inclusive and harmonious society where every individual can thrive and contribute to the greater good.Moreover, the prosperity of our nation is inextricably linked to the stability and cooperation of the global community. In an increasingly interconnected world, the challenges we face – be they economic, environmental, or security-related – transcendnational boundaries and demand collective action. It is through strengthening international partnerships, promoting free and fair trade, and fostering mutual understanding and respect among nations that we can create an environment conducive to lasting prosperity for all.As I look towards the future, I am filled with a sense of hope and determination. I am inspired by the countless individuals, organizations, and nations that tirelessly work towards the noble goals of peace and prosperity, undeterred by the obstacles and challenges that lie ahead.It is my sincere belief that through education, open dialogue, and a unwavering commitment to the values of compassion, justice, and cooperation, we can build a world where lasting peace becomes a reality, and the prosperity of our motherland serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all nations.In this pursuit, I pledge to play my part, no matter how small. Whether through academic excellence, civic engagement, or the simple act of fostering understanding and goodwill among my peers, I will strive to contribute to the greater cause of a peaceful and prosperous world.For it is only through the collective efforts of individuals, communities, and nations that we can transcend the divisionsthat have plagued humanity for far too long, and usher in a new era of global harmony, where the aspirations of peace and prosperity are no longer mere dreams, but tangible realities that we can all embrace and celebrate.。
世界文化交融英语作文素材Embracing a Tapestry of Cultures: The Interconnectedness of Our World.In an era characterized by rapid globalization and technological advancements, the boundaries separating cultures have become increasingly blurred. The world has transformed into a vibrant tapestry interwoven with diverse traditions, languages, and perspectives, making cultural exchange and intermingling an inescapable reality.Historical Melting Pots.Throughout history, cross-cultural interactions have shaped the contours of civilization. The Silk Road, a network of trade routes connecting East and West, served as a conduit for the exchange of goods, ideas, and beliefs. From the spice trade between Arabia and India to the diffusion of Buddhism from India to East Asia, cultural encounters have left an enduring legacy on human societies.The colonial era witnessed the forced intermingling of cultures as European powers established empires across the globe. While colonialism inflicted untold suffering, it also inadvertently facilitated cross-cultural exchanges. Introduced plants, livestock, and languages left a lasting imprint on the colonized regions.Modern Interconnectedness.The 20th century ushered in an unprecedented era of global connectivity. Advances in transportation and communication technology made travel and information exchange more accessible than ever before. This has led to a surge in cultural tourism, student exchanges, and international partnerships.The internet has emerged as a powerful platform for cultural exchange, allowing people from all corners of the globe to connect, share ideas, and learn from one another. Social media, in particular, has played a significant role in breaking down cultural barriers and fosteringunderstanding.Benefits of Cultural Intermingling.The intermingling of cultures offers numerous benefits to individuals and societies alike. It promotes:Increased tolerance and understanding: Exposure to diverse cultural perspectives challenges stereotypes and prejudices, fostering empathy and respect for others.Cultural enrichment: Intercultural interactions allow us to discover new customs, art forms, and cuisines, broadening our worldview and enriching our lives.Economic growth: Cultural diversity attracts tourists, investors, and skilled workers, contributing to economic development.Innovation: The blending of cultural influences can lead to new ideas, artistic expressions, and technological advancements.Peace and harmony: By fostering mutual understanding and cooperation, cultural exchange can contribute to conflict resolution and promote peace and harmony.Challenges and Considerations.While cultural exchange offers significant benefits, it also presents challenges that need to be carefully considered:Cultural preservation: In the face of globalization, it is essential to preserve and protect endangered cultural traditions and languages.Cultural appropriation: Respecting cultural boundaries is crucial to avoid the appropriation of cultural symbols or practices by non-native communities.Language barriers: Differences in communication can hinder intercultural understanding and limit opportunities for meaningful exchanges.Social conflict: In some cases, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, tensions, or conflicts.Identity loss: Excessive cultural intermingling can threaten the distinctiveness and identity of minority cultures.Promoting Harmony in a Multicultural World.To harness the benefits of cultural exchange while mitigating its potential risks, it is important to:Encourage intercultural education: Promote understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures through education from a young age.Foster dialogue and交流: Facilitate respectful and constructive conversations between people of different cultural backgrounds.Support cultural preservation: Invest in efforts topreserve and protect endangered cultural traditions and languages.Address cultural appropriation: Educate people about the importance of cultural sensitivity and discourage the disrespectful use of cultural symbols.Promote inclusivity: Create welcoming and inclusive environments that embrace and celebrate cultural diversity.Conclusion.The interconnectedness of our world has woven together a tapestry of cultures, creating a rich and vibrant human experience. While cultural intermingling offers immense benefits, it also presents challenges that require thoughtful consideration. By embracing intercultural education, promoting dialogue, preserving cultural traditions, and fostering inclusivity, we can harness the power of cultural exchange and create a world where diversity is celebrated and harmony prevails.。
In the vast tapestry of human civilization,labor has always been a thread that weaves through the fabric of culture.It is through labor that societies have developed, traditions have been passed down,and cultures have flourished.The act of working with our hands,minds,and hearts has not only shaped our physical world but also our cultural identities.The Role of Labor in Cultural PreservationLabor plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage.Traditional crafts,for instance, are often passed down through generations,with each artisan adding their unique touch to the work.This continuity ensures that the cultural significance and techniques of these crafts are not lost over time.For example,the intricate weaving patterns of the Navajo people or the pottery techniques of the Chinese have been preserved through the labor of skilled artisans.Cultural Expression Through LaborLabor is also a means of cultural expression.The way people work reflects their values, beliefs,and social structures.In many indigenous cultures,the labor of farming,fishing, or hunting is not just about sustenance it is a way of connecting with the land and the spiritual world.This connection is often expressed through rituals,songs,and dances that accompany these activities.Labor as a Catalyst for Cultural EvolutionFurthermore,labor has been a catalyst for cultural evolution.As societies develop new technologies and methods of production,they also create new cultural practices.The Industrial Revolution,for example,brought about significant changes in the way people worked and lived,leading to new forms of art,literature,and social organization.The Impact of Labor on Cultural IdentityThe type of labor a society engages in can also shape its cultural identity.Agricultural societies often have a deep connection with the land and the cycles of nature,which is reflected in their festivals,rituals,and daily life.In contrast,societies that are heavily reliant on technology and digital labor may develop a culture that values innovation, efficiency,and connectivity.Challenges and OpportunitiesHowever,with the rapid pace of globalization and industrialization,there are challenges to the traditional forms of labor that have been the bedrock of many cultures.The loss of traditional skills and the homogenization of culture are real concerns.Yet,there are also opportunities for new forms of cultural expression and innovation to emerge from these changes.ConclusionIn conclusion,labor is not just a means of production it is a vital component of cultural identity and heritage.It is through the recognition and celebration of the diverse forms of labor that we can ensure the richness of our cultural tapestry continues to thrive.By supporting traditional artisans,promoting sustainable practices,and encouraging innovation,we can honor the past while shaping a vibrant cultural future.。
小学上册英语第6单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is a primary color?A. GreenB. OrangeC. PurpleD. BlueD2. A lion's roar can be heard from ________________ (远处).3.I want to be a ______ (teacher) when I grow up.4. A _______ is a large area of land that is covered with trees.5.The discovery of fire was an important step in _______ history.6.We can _______ a cake for the party.7.The first successful face transplant was performed in ________.8.I have a ___ (pet) hamster.9.My friend is a _____ (艺术家) who draws comic books.10.I want to ___ (visit/see) my friend.11.The pH scale measures how _______ or basic a solution is.12.What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. OnionD. PepperB13.The pigeon is often found in _______ (城市).14.What is the sound a cat makes?A. BarkB. MeowC. RoarD. Chirp15. A _______ is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed.16.What do we call the center of an atom?A. ProtonB. NeutronC. NucleusD. ElectronC17. Carta paved the way for modern ________ (民主制度). The Magn18.What do we call a baby dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. FoalB19.The stars are ___ (fading/shining) brightly.20.The chemical symbol for hydrogen is ____.21.marine life) is diverse and vital for ecosystems. The ____22.The _____ (土壤类型) can affect plant growth.23.Oceans are home to a variety of ______.24.The grey wolf is a ______ predator in its habitat.25.I want to ________ a new bike.26.The tree is _______ (full) of leaves.27.What is the capital city of Russia?A. MoscowB. St. PetersburgC. KievD. MinskA28. A _______ can be used for making paper.29.What do we call the tool used to measure temperature?A. ThermometerB. BarometerC. HydrometerD. Anemometer30.What is the term for a baby chicken?A. DucklingB. CalfC. ChickD. LambC31.The ______ is known for his bravery.32.The dog wags its _______ (尾巴) when happy.33.What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia?A. AtlanticB. PacificC. IndianD. ArcticC34.The chemical formula for sulfur trioxide is _____.35.The __________ (历史的主题) resonate across cultures.36.My mom makes _____ for dinner. (chicken)37.Some _______ are used for decoration.38.小虫子) crawls on the ground. The ___39.The ______ is known for her fashion sense.40.What do we drink in the morning?A. JuiceB. SoupC. BreadD. RiceA41.The balloons are ______ (floating) in the air.42.The kitten loves to play with ______ (毛球).43.What do you call a small, round fruit that is usually sour?A. AppleB. CherryC. GrapeD. LemonD44.My friend is a ______. He enjoys studying different cultures.45.We have a ______ (愉快的) time during family outings.46.Which animal is known for its stripes?A. LionB. TigerC. BearD. GiraffeB47.The ______ teaches us about international relations.48.The cat is chasing a _____ (mouse/bird).49.We have a ______ (充满乐趣的) sports day at school.50.My sister enjoys __________ (参与博物馆活动).51.What is the term for someone who flies an airplane?A. PilotB. EngineerC. MechanicD. NavigatorA52.I like to ________ (做) puzzles.53. A _______ is a state of matter characterized by a fixed shape and volume.54.I want to _____ (visit) historical sites.55.I want to learn _____ (游泳).56.My grandmother tells the best ____ (stories) before bed.57.What is the term for a baby rabbit?A. KitB. CubC. FoalD. PupA Kit58.I have _____ (one/two) pet cats.59.The __________ is a famous national park in Wyoming. (黄石公园)60.What is the name of the city known as the Big Apple?A. Los AngelesB. ChicagoC. New York CityD. Miami61.There is a _______ (big/small) dog in my yard.62.The ______ (种植) process requires care.63.I think animals are amazing! My favorite animal is __________ because it is__________. I would love to have one as a pet. I enjoy visiting the __________ to see different kinds of animals.64.Joan of Arc was a hero in _____ history.65.The girl sings very ________.66.The __________ is a region known for its artistic expressions.67.The crow is known for its ______ (智慧).68. A fox is a clever _______ that roams the forest.69.We have ______ (家人) gatherings on holidays.70.What do you call a person who writes books?A. AuthorB. EditorC. PublisherD. ReaderA71.Some birds migrate to find ______ during winter.72.We can use _____ (堆肥) to enrich the soil.73.I can create a dance party with my toy ________ (玩具名称).74. (World) Health Organization was established in 1948. The ____75.What is the capital of Denmark?A. OsloB. StockholmC. CopenhagenD. Helsinki76.The __________ (历史的重演) serves as a warning for future generations.77.I enjoy visiting ______ (农场) to see all the different animals.78.The capital city of Egypt is __________.79.I enjoy spending time at the ______ with my friends.80.The __________ is the capital of the United Kingdom. (伦敦)81.The __________ is the boundary between the United States and Canada. (边界)82.My neighbor is a ______. He enjoys mentoring kids.83.In a chemical reaction, substances are transformed into new _____.84. A _______ is a reaction that produces an explosion.85.The ________ (project) is well organized.86. A landslide can be triggered by an ______ or heavy rainfall.87.I like to go ________ (跳伞) during summer.88.I think it’s important to be _______ (形容词) to everyone. Kindness goes a long way.89.ts are adapted to ______ (高海拔) environments. Some pla90.I can count to ______.91.What is the largest land animal?A. LionB. ElephantC. GiraffeD. HippoB92.The ________ (气候变化影响) is studied globally.93.The city of Beirut is the capital of _______.94.The chemical symbol for titanium is ______.95.They _____ (are/is) my neighbors.96. A __________ is formed through the accumulation of sediment in a coastal delta.97.The chemical formula for calcium hydroxide is _______.98.The chemical formula for iron(II) chloride is ______.99.What is the temperature at which water freezes?A. 0 degrees CelsiusB. 32 degrees CelsiusC. 100 degrees CelsiusD. 212 degrees Celsius100.The __________ is the area where most geological activity occurs.。
小学下册英语第六单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the term for a baby pig?A. PigletB. CalfC. KidD. LambA2.My uncle is a ______. He travels a lot for work.3.My father likes to _______ (活动) on weekends. He is very _______ (形容词) about it.4.My favorite toy is a ________ that rolls on the floor.5.The bird is ___ in the tree. (singing)6.I love to play with people, so I often invite friends to join me in playing with my________ (玩具名).7.In my dream, I can fly like a ______ (鸟). It would be amazing to see the world from above.8.I like to share my ____ with my friends. (玩具名称)9.The flowers smell very _____. (nice)10.I want to _______ (去旅行) this summer.11.The flowers smell _______ (这些花闻起来_______).12.What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?A. OxygenB. HeliumC. NitrogenD. HydrogenC13.The main product of photosynthesis is _______.14.The oyster produces _______ (珍珠).15.What is the name of the famous dog in the movie "The Wizard of Oz"?A. TotoB. SpikeC. RexD. MaxA16.What do you use to write on paper?A. PaintB. PencilC. ClayD. GlueB17.What do you call a person who helps you learn?A. DriverB. TeacherC. ChefD. ArtistB18.She is studying _____ (biology/math) in school.19. A puppy loves to _______ (玩耍) all day.20.My cat enjoys the warmth of the _______ (阳光).21.The ability of metals to be drawn into wires is called _____.22. Barrier Reef is located off the coast of __________. (澳大利亚) The Grea23.Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to mimic sounds?A. ParrotB. DogC. CatD. Dolphin24.My favorite movie is ________ because it is funny.25.What is the main language spoken in France?A. SpanishB. ItalianC. FrenchD. GermanC26.She is a _____ (记者) who reports the news.27.The chemical symbol for phosphorus is ____.28.What do you call a person who catches fish?A. FishermanB. HunterC. GathererD. TrapperA29.What is the main language spoken in the UK?A. FrenchB. SpanishC. EnglishD. German30.What do you call the result of adding numbers?A. ProductB. SumC. DifferenceD. QuotientB31.We eat ______ (lunch) in the cafeteria.32.The clock _____ ticks loudly. (always)33.The discovery of penicillin was made by ________ (弗莱明).34.What do you call a baby sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal35.My favorite drink is ________ (冰水) on hot days.36.The _____ (火山) is active.37._____ (sunflowers) follow the sun across the sky.38. A __________ is a large area of sand.39.The first successful spacecraft to land on the moon was ______ (阿波罗11号).40.The ____ waddles by the water's edge.41.The __________ (历史的连接) fosters understanding.42.She has a ___ (bright/dim) flashlight.43.Insects can be both helpful and ______ (有害) to plants.44.What do you call the person who teaches you in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. EngineerB45.We are going to ________ a concert.46.The cheetah is the fastest animal on _________. (陆地)47.The __________ (世界地图) shows all the countries.48.The boiling point of water is ______ degrees Celsius.49. A diatomic molecule consists of two atoms of the _____ element.50.The teacher is _______ (鼓励) us to read.51.The __________ helps some animals to find food.52.The wallaby is a smaller ______ (袋鼠).53.What do we call a scientist who studies rocks and minerals?A. GeologistB. ChemistC. BiologistD. PhysicistA54.The otter likes to _________ (玩) in the water.55.My favorite season is __________.56.The product of a chemical reaction is found on the _______ side of the equation.57.Which part of the body helps us to see?A. EarsB. EyesC. NoseD. MouthB58.The _______ (The American Revolutionary War) established a new nation.59.We have ______ (许多) different cultures in our city.60.I enjoy making my own toys using ________ (材料).61. A _______ (金鱼) can live for many years.62.The armadillo curls up into a _______ for safety.63.I have a _____ (cat/dog) at home.64.We have a ______ (丰富的) curriculum at school.65.My favorite animal is a _______ (大象).66.What is the term for a baby rabbit?A. KittenB. PuppyC. BunnyD. FawnC67.My sister’s favorite animal is a _______ (我姐姐最喜欢的动物是_______).68. A baby cat is called a ______.69.I help my sister with her __________. (项目)70.What is the main ingredient in cereal?A. RiceB. CornC. WheatD. Oats71.I love to see _____ (小动物) at the farm.72.My mom loves __________ (参加志愿活动).73.The __________ is the main body part where digestion occurs.74.We drink ________ (water) when we are thirsty.75.The main component of starch is _____.76. A chemical bond formed by the transfer of electrons is called an ______ bond.77.Which month comes after April?A. MarchB. MayC. JuneD. July78.The _______ (The Cuban Missile Crisis) brought the US and USSR close to nuclear war.79.What is the name of the famous bear at the San Diego Zoo?A. PandaB. Polar BearC. Grizzly BearD. KoalaA80.I like to ______ (参与) in school plays.81.I enjoy ______ (与同学一起) studying together.82. A kitten learns to hunt by watching its ______ (母亲).83.I like to _______ in the winter.84.What do you call a person who cooks food?A. ChefB. WaiterC. FarmerD. BakerA85.The turtle slowly walks on the _______ (乌龟慢慢地走在_______上).86.Circuits can be series or ______.87.What is the color of an apple?A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. All of the aboveD88. A ____ is a small bird that often sings in the morning.89.The _____ (老虎) has stunning orange fur with black stripes.90.My cousin is very __________ (理智).91.I practice ________ (钢琴) every day after school.92. (Ming) Dynasty is known for its porcelain and trade. The ____93. A nonpolar molecule does not have a positive or negative ______.94.Roses need ______ (适量的) sunlight.95.The main gas produced during respiration is _____.96.What is the name of the sweet substance made by bees?A. SyrupB. HoneyC. JamD. JellyB97.古代的________ (territories) 常常经历战争与和平的变迁。
小学上册英语第1单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______ (海洋植物) contribute to ocean health.2. A mixture with a uniform composition is called a _______ mixture.3.What do we call a baby kangaroo?A. CalfB. JoeyC. KittenD. CubB4.I can ______ (解决) puzzles quickly.5.My family enjoys __________ during the holidays, especially __________.6.What do we call a young cow?A. CalfB. FawnC. KidD. LambA7.The _______ of sound is perceived as volume.8.The __________ is very noisy.9.I like to play ______ (basketball) with my friends.10.The jaguar is a _________ predator. (强大的)11.The ______ (露台) is great for potted plants.12.What do we call the act of cutting down trees?A. ReforestationB. AfforestationC. DeforestationD. ConservationC Deforestation13.__________ are used in paints for color and durability.14.What is the main ingredient in ice cream?A. WaterB. MilkC. SugarD. All of the above15. A __________ is a reaction that produces new substances with different properties.16.What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Greece?A. ColosseumB. ParthenonC. AcropolisD. PetraB Parthenon17.My _______ (蜗牛) is very slow and steady.18.What is the main gas that plants use for photosynthesis?A. OxygenB. Carbon dioxideC. NitrogenD. HeliumB Carbon dioxide19.What is the name of the famous American author known for his works on the Great Depression?A. John SteinbeckB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. Ernest HemingwayD. Mark TwainA John Steinbeck20.The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is _______.21.Where do you usually go to learn?A. ParkB. SchoolC. StoreD. Home22.The cookies are ___. (fresh)23.The ________ (market) sells fresh fruit.24.What is the main ingredient in a burrito?A. RiceB. TortillaC. MeatD. Beans25.The grass is ___. (green)26.Every year, I participate in a ________ (艺术比赛) at school to showcase my creativity.27.What is the capital of France?A. RomeB. BerlinC. ParisD. Madrid28.How many sides does a hexagon have?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightB29.I enjoy ______ in my free time. It allows me to express my feelings and creativity. Sometimes, I like to ______ with different colors and styles. My favorite materials to use are ______ and ______.30.What is the name of the popular show about a group of friends living in New York?A. FriendsB. SeinfeldC. How I Met Your MotherD. The OfficeA31.The Sun's corona is visible during a total ______.32.My dad enjoys __________ (修理).33.The chemical symbol for iodine is ______.34.What is the opposite of "cold"?A. CoolB. WarmC. HotD. FreezingC35.The _____ (火烈鸟) is often seen in shallow waters.36.Which large mammal lives in the ocean?A. SharkB. WhaleC. DolphinD. Seal37.My favorite character from a series is _______ (名字). 他/她的性格很 _______ (形容词).38.The _____ (图纸) is detailed.39.How many senses do humans have?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. SevenB40.My friend has a pet ______ (兔子) that is very fluffy.41.What do you use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. GlueC. TapeD. Ruler42. A __________ is a large region known for its agriculture.43.I can use my ________ (玩具名称) to create art.44.The _____ (博物馆) has ancient artifacts.45.We have a ______ (丰富的) menu at the café.46.What is the largest continent?A. AfricaB. AsiaC. EuropeD. America47.My favorite childhood toy is a ____ from my grandma. (玩具名称)48.The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be __________.49.My brother is a ______. He enjoys participating in sports.50.What do you call a baby llama?A. CriaB. PupC. KitD. FoalA51.We need to _______ (学习) for the test.52.The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called ______.53.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?A. Big BenB. Leaning Tower of PisaC. Eiffel TowerD. Tower of London54. A plant’s life cycle includes germination, growth, and ______ (结果).55.The bird is _____ (singing).56.The simplest form of matter is called an _______. (元素)57.Which season is known for flowers blooming?A. WinterB. FallC. SummerD. Spring58.At school, my favorite subject is __________ because I like __________.59.The ______ of an element is determined by the number of protons.60.My ________ (玩具) is made of eco-friendly materials.61.The capital of Singapore is __________.62.He is very _____ (认真) about his studies.63.We have a ______ (丰富的) variety of activities at school.64.The ________ has many different shapes.65.The famous singer I like is _______ (名字). 她的歌很 _______ (形容词).66.The age of the universe is estimated to be about ______ billion years.67.What is the main ingredient in traditional pesto sauce?A. BasilB. ParsleyC. CilantroD. DillA68.My favorite sport is ________ (足球).69.The ________ (建筑风格) reflects history.70.My sister enjoys __________ (学习) about different cultures.71.I have _____ pencils in my bag. (four)72.My favorite subject is ________.73.The chemical symbol for yttrium is _______.74.What is the term for a young female deer?A. FawnB. CalfC. KidD. LambA75.The store opens _____ (early/late) in the morning.76.What country is famous for kangaroos?A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. BrazilD. India77.The process of respiration takes place in the _______ of cells.78.My cousin is a ______. She loves to create digital art.79.I have a toy _______ that can dig in the playground.80.The butterfly flutters around the ____.81.The firefighter is _____ (勇敢) and saves lives.82. A ________ (温室) helps plants grow all year round.83.What do we call the invisible force that pulls objects towards the Earth?A. MagnetismB. GravityC. FrictionD. PressureB84.The chemical formula for potassium nitrate is _______.85.What is 1 + 1?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 486.What do we call the area of land covered by trees?A. ForestB. DesertC. PlainD. MountainA87. A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of ______.88.How many legs do spiders have?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12B89. A frog can jump very ______ (高).90.The concept of continental drift explains how continents ______ over time.91.The _____ (树皮) protects the tree from harm.92.The baby is _____ (crawling/walking).93.What is the name of the story about a boy who never grows up?A. Peter PanB. Harry PotterC. The Little PrinceD. Alice in WonderlandA94.My sister is an ______. She draws beautiful pictures.95. A tall _______ provides shade on a sunny day.96.The rabbit hops _____ across the grass. (quickly)97.The _____ (滑翔机) glides through the air.98.The _______ (The Japanese Internment Camps) were established during WWII.99.I want to learn to _____ (swim/fly).100.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. WheatD. MilkB Cocoa。
最后祝小伙伴们顺利通过跨文化交际考试!Unit 1(第一单元抽象的理论很多,只做了名词解释和简答)名词解释Culture: In other words, culture is the set of values and beliefs, norms, and customs, rules and codes that socially defines a group of people, binds them to one another, and gives a sense of commonalityCommunication is a process by which a source transmits a message to a receiver through some channel.Intercultural communication occurs whenever a minimum of two persons from different cultures or microcultures come together and exchange verbal and nonverbal symbols.简答1. What is Characteristics of Culture?1) Culture is learned.2) Culture is transmitted from generation to generation.3) Culture is based on symbols.4) Culture is subject to change.5) Culture is ethnocentric.具体解释如下:1. 1 Culture1.1.1 A Definition of CultureIn 1993, two anthropologists, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhorn examined 300 definitions of culture , and they found none of them are the same;Yet there are some fundamental properties about culture on which most people agree. Culture is the collective answer to questions as: Who am I? How should I live my life? Where do I fit in the world? In other words, culture is the set of values and beliefs, norms, and customs, and rules and codes that socially defines a group of people, binds them to one another, and gives a sense of commonality (Trenholm and Jenson, 2000)1.1.2 Characteristics of CultureDespite of the different opinion about the definition of culture, most people agree about the main characteristics of culture. Larry A. Samovar and Richard E. Porter summarized thecharacteristics of culture as followings:Culture is learned. If one can’t learn from those who live before, we would not have culture. Therefore, we say learning was the most important of all the characteristics of culture. If a baby was cut off from all adult care, training. He can still instinctively eat, drink, defecate, urinate and cry. But what and when would he eat, where would he defecate and urinate, it is most likely he would do all these things randomly.But where and how can we learn culture is hard to explain. We learn our culture through interactions with other people. It’s hard to name who are the “other people”, we receive instructions from family and friends and numerous other “teachers” without knowing it.Culture is transmitted from generation to generation.For culture to exist, endure, and perpetuate, they must make sure that their crucial “message” and elements get passed on. Brislin once said “ if there are values considered central to a society that have existed for many years, they must be transmitted from one generation to another” (p. 6). Keesing said, “ any break in the learning chain would lead to a culture’s disappearance” (p. 28).Culture is based on symbols. Culture is learned and passed from generation to generation, but how to learn and pass? It is our symbol-making ability enables us to learn and pass on our culture from individual to individual, group to group, and generation to generation. The portability of symbols allows people to package and store them as well as transmit them. Culture is historical as well as preservable. Each new ge neration might “write”Culture is subject to change. Cultures are dynamic systems that do not exist in a vacuum and therefore are subject to change. Cultures are constantly being confronted with ideas and information for “outside” sources.When we talk about culture change, we should keep two points in mind. First, cultures are highly adaptive. In history, there are a lot of examples of how cultures have been forced to change their course because of natural disasters, wars, and etc. Second, although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the deep structure of a culture resists major alterations. Barnlund clearly make this point when he writes: “The spread of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Confucianism did not homogenize the societies they enveloped. It was usually the other way around: Societies insisted on adapting the religions to their own cultural traditions” (p.192)Culture is ethnocentric.The important tie between ethnocentrism and communication can be seen in the definition of the term “ ethnocentrism”. Summer defined it as “ the technical name for the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it” (p.13) Keesing summarized the power and impact of ethnocentrism “ Nearly always the folklore of a people includes myths of origin which give priority to themselves, and place the stamp of supernatural approval upon their particular customs” (p. 45).2. What are the Prosperities of Communication?1) Communication is a process2) Communication is dynamic.3) Communication is interactive/ transitive.4) Communication is intentional5) Communication is symbolic6) Communication is contextual7) Communication is ubiquitous.8) Communication is cultural具体解释如下:1. Communication is a process. “Communication theory reflects a process point of view…you cannot talk about the beginning or the end of communication…”(Berlo)2. Communication is dynamic. “Communication is a transaction among symbol users in which meanings are dynamic, changing as a function of earlier usages and of changes in perceptions and metaperceptions. Common to both meanings is the notion that communication is time-bound and irreversible.” (Bowers and Bradac)3. Communication is interactive/ transactive. “Communication occurs when two or more people interact through the exchange of messages.” (Goss)4. Communication is symbolic. “… all the symbols of the mind, together with the means of conveying them through space and preserving them in time.” (Cooley)5. Communication is intentional. “…communication has as its central interest those behavioral situations in which source transmits a message to a receivers with conscious intent to affect the latter’s behavior.” (Miller)6. Communication is contextual. “Communication always and inevitably occurs within some context.” (Fisher)7. Communication is ubiquitous. “…communication is the discriminatory response of an organism to a stimulus.” (Stevens)8. Communication is cultural. “…culture is communication…communication is culture.”(Hall)Unit 3(加粗的要重点记忆,考查方式多样,可能是判断选择或翻译,汉译英英译汉都有!)Translation1.天何言哉?四时行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.2.天地之大德曰生The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life.3.获罪于天,无所祷也He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray4. 仁者,爱人,亲亲为大.The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents.5. 己所不欲,勿施于人Do not do toward others anything that you would not want to be done to you6. 父母在,不远游,游必有方.Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.7. 父母之年,不可不知也。
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All cultures have established a set of beliefs that constitute the code of values and moral laws for the people who belong to that particular culture. In Asia, for instance, people were all exposed 1 certain social phenomena and consequently adopted 2 beliefs that now dictate their behavior as a completely separate culture. In other countries, people share different beliefs and values 3 to a variety of important factors. Religion is one of the most important deciding points that 4 the society in terms of its cultural beliefs and traditions. Another important component is history that can tell us about the events of the past that might have had some 5 on the further development of people in that particular country. We are inevitably shaped by our past because history has a habit of repeating itself, 6 the human condition allows us to intellectually forget. Cultural differences present a very 7 social phenomenon to study and understand. There are cultures that share very similar values and traditions while there are other cultures that have very 8 beliefs. To study a particular culture is virtually to study the people and their behavior from a sociological 9 . It is very important to construct a working definition of a culture. Culture is a set of social norms, traditions, beliefs and values 10 by a large group of people. Individuals who belong to that group can be 11 a culture. They can be called a society because 12 this point there is not much difference between the two notions. A society is literally a group of people that share that particular set of beliefs, values and so on, whereas the word “culture” has 13 different, but not much, connotations (涵义). A particular culture may as well be shared by 14 one nation whereas the word “society” is usually applicable 15 the nation that inhabits a particular country. There are slight differences between these two terms, 16 most sociologists and anthropologists (人类学家) replace one for the other. In 17 words, a culture is a set of beliefs or a particular ideology that a society shares. It is very interesting to understand 18 people develop a culture, because it seems to be a purely 19 phenomenon developed by a group of people and then spread among other people who somehow relate 20 that particular group.
6.even if
9.perspec tive 10.shared 11.considered 13.slightly 14.more 16.but 17.other。