感谢有你陪伴的那些年It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with th em. – RalphWaldo Emerson―与老友傻乐相伴,莫大幸哉!‖——拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生When you’re a child, making friends does not require too much effort. Still, as much as I lovechildren, I know that they can be very mean creatures. I know it first-hand, and as the sister toan adolescent girl, I am reminded of it often. 童年时,交朋友无需刻意便能做到。
But with similar schedules and mostly innocent oblivion, having the opportuni ty to make friendsis presented to us all the way through our formative years. And somewhere along the way, ifwe’re lucky we can make really good friends, who when we reach adulthood, start to feel like oldfriends.可是,成长时期的相似经历和单纯懵懂却又为我们提供了诸多交友机会,而且幸运的话,或许我们还能遇到知己,一起走向成年,形若老友。
There are many friends that will come into your life – some you will passively lose touch with,some will become more like acquaintances; and yet still, som e you will actively choose to nolonger be friends with. It’s a reality that we be gin to realize in our collegiate years and itcontinues beyond those years. But your old friends seem to stick around, and no matter hownear or far they are, they continue to be a part of your life.人一生中会遇到各种各样的朋友——有些渐渐就失去了联系,有些会变得越来越亲密,而有些则被我们主动从朋友名单中删除。
古典小说·励志书籍,在线阅读经典励志书籍第1部《富兰克林》---本杰明·富兰克林第2部《依靠自我》---拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生第3部《自己拯救自己》---塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯第4部《伟大的励志书》---奥里森·马登第5部《致加西亚的信》---阿尔伯特·哈伯德第6部《巴比伦富翁的秘密》---乔治·克拉森第7部《思考致富》---拿破伦·希尔第8部《一生的计划》---格莱恩·布兰德第9部《积极思考的力量》---斯科特·文特雷拉第10部《人人都能成功》---拿破仑·希尔第11部《世界上最伟大的推销员》---奥格.曼迪诺第12部《与你在颠峰相会》---金克拉第13部第14部第15部第16部第17部第18部第19部第20部---戴尔.卡内基 ---安东尼·罗宾斯 ---哈维.麦凯 ---斯宾塞·约翰逊 12个关键点》---博恩·崔西 ---约翰·库缇斯 ---史蒂芬·柯维---马克·桑布恩《人性的弱点》《唤醒心中的巨人》《攻心为上》《谁动了我的奶酪》《高效人生的《平地而起》《高效能人士的七个习惯》《邮差弗雷德》推荐阅读: [改变生活的几本励志书籍]西方世界:《不抱怨的世界》---威尔·鲍温《羊皮卷》--- 奥格·曼狄诺《心灵鸡汤》系列---杰克·坎菲尔和马克·汉森《肖申克的救赎》---斯蒂芬.金《阿甘正传》---温斯顿.格鲁姆《如何才能停止焦虑开始新生活》---戴尔.卡内基《人性的优点》---戴尔.卡内基《最伟大的力量》---j.马丁.科尔《思考的人》---詹姆斯.e.艾伦《钻石宝地》---拉塞尔.h.康维尔《向你挑战》---廉.丹佛《思考与致富》---拿破伦.希尔《取得成功的精神因素》---n.克莱门特.斯通《神奇情感和力量》---罗伊.加恩《信仰的力量》---路易士.宾斯托克《爱的能力》---艾伦.佛罗姆《富爸爸,穷爸爸》---罗伯特·清崎《一分钟经理人》---肯尼斯·布兰查德中国本土:《规划人生:唐骏向左·李开复向右》---武敬敏、杨秉慧《士兵突击》---兰晓龙《把梦留住》---叶楠《平凡的世界》---路遥《人生以快乐为目的,爱情以互惠为原则》---吴淡如《主动快乐》---孔建霞、李琼鑫《成长比成功更重要》---凌志军《性格企业家》---张小平10本经典职场励志书籍一、《天下没有怀才不遇这回事》二、《蔡康永的说话之道》内容简介:《蔡康永的说话之道》是蔡康永的第一本实用书,在“说话”多年之后,首次尝试教人“说话”。
中英文对照阅读--- 10年:10个人的成功传奇豆蔻青春尼克•阿洛伊西奥豆蔻青春:尼克•阿洛伊西奥人的成长轨迹不同,成功也有早有晚。
豆蔻青春:尼克•阿洛伊西奥有多少脸上长着青春痘的少年少女们对尼克•阿洛伊西奥的故事向往不已?他在12岁时自学编程,15岁时打造出新闻摘要应用,促使投资者李嘉诚的维港投资(Horizons Ventures)向这项技术投资了30万美元。
现年17岁的他已经与阿什顿•库彻、艾维•尼沃和Yoko Oko等投资者和顾问称兄道弟。
”芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)经济学家大卫•加伦森的研究显示,不同于那些通过实验和辛勤研究来创新(这可能需要数十年)的人,在职业生涯早期就崭露头角的创新者往往能实现观念性的突破。
他们拥有全新的创意,”《高龄大师和年轻天才》(Old Masters and Young Geniuses)的作者加伦森说。
”Adolescence: Nick D'AloisioHow many pimply-faced adolescents salivate over a story like Nick D'Aloisio's? He taught himself to code at 12 and at 15 created a news summary app that prompted investor Li Ka Shing's Horizons Ventures to invest $300,000 in the technology. After a few more rounds of funding and a name change to Summly, D'Aloisio sold the app to Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) for a reported $30 million in March 2013, joining the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based tech giant from his home base in England. Now 17, he hobnobs with investors and advisers like Ashton Kutcher, Vivi Nevo, and Yoko Oko."I try to maintain a level of humbleness to this," he told the Guardian newspaper, adding that his motivation wasn't simply monetary reward. "Because the motivation was technology and product, this is just the beginning of what I want to do."Research by University of Chicago economist David Galenson finds that innovators who make their mark early on in their careers tend to accomplish conceptual breakthroughs, as opposed to those who innovate through experimentation and laborious research -- which can take decades."There are two very different kinds of people who make innovations. The people who are traditionally regarded as geniuses are the people I refer to as conceptual. They have a brand-new idea," says Galenson, author of Old Masters and Young Geniuses. "The ability to form new abstractions tends to be greatest early in your career."。
成功的例子英文版1:成长不息Sir Edmund Hillary is famous for being the first person to climb Mt. Everest.埃德蒙·希拉里爵士是登上珠穆朗玛峰的第一人,他因此而闻名天下。
What many people do not know is that Sir Hillary did not make it to the top of Everest the first time he tried The first attempt was a complete failure. His c1imbing party encountered one problem after another and more than half his climbing party died.然而,很多人并不知道,希拉里爵士第一次试着攀登珠穆朗码峰时并未成功登顶。
Nonetheless, the British Parliament decided to honor him with some type of award. When he entered the chamber to receive his award, Sir Hillary saw that a large picture of Everest had been set up.尽管如此,英国议会还是决定授予他某种奖励。
During the standing ovation that he was receiving, he walked over to the picture, shook his fist at it and said, "You won, this time. But you are as big as you are ever going to get. And I'm still growing."大家起立热烈欢迎希拉里爵士,这时他走到画跟前,冲画挥动了一下拳头,说道,“你这次赢了。
two kinds
小说《两类人》里的母女冲突<转自书斋原创天下>文/ 紫色王家思絮絮在小说《两类人》("two kinds") 里,作者美藉华裔小说家谭恩美(amy tan) 描述了一对住在加州的母女之间的关系和冲突。
故事的主人公吴景梅(景梅"珠妮",jing-mei "june" woo) 的母亲在中国出生长大,后来因为中国政局动荡的缘故而移居美国。
事实上这个故事只不过是作者的畅销书《喜福会》("the joy luck club")系列故事中的一个而已。
该书以包括景梅母女在内的四对在美的华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭几十年的遭遇和矛盾冲突(tan 11)。
《两类人》是《喜福会》里的第八个故事,这本畅销书“交织了家庭里的女性因为代沟和不同的文化背景而导致的错综复杂的关系和矛盾” (schilb 346),这些故事基本上也是根据作者谭恩美亲身的家庭矛盾和中美之间的文化冲突而完成的。
毕克10000单词翻译1.A monument was built to commemorate the victory.记念碑是为了记念胜利而建的.2. The children huddled together for warmth.孩子们暖和暖和挤成一团。
3. Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.责难有时比责罚还难以忍受。
4. The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.新疫苗在3个月内彻底根出了这种疾病。
5. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.蛮夷之人把教堂当作畜生圈,使其受到玷污。
6. The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.孕妇大腹偏偏。
7. The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.营救飞机没有发现迷路的徒行者,他们绝望之极了。
8. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.孩子失去了双亲。
9. This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.这个战场纪念那些英勇牺牲在此的战士。
10. A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.极品笑话未必哄然大笑。
残阳犹念桥上人11. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.车辙印在泥泞路上。
中英文对照阅读--- 10年:10个人的成功传奇懵懂童年:秀兰•邓波儿懵懂童年:秀兰•邓波儿人的成长轨迹不同,成功也有早有晚。
20世纪30年代晚期,她在20世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)每部电影中的片酬达到史无前例的5万美元。
“年少的冲锋者们愿意在年纪轻轻时就牺牲了自由和选择,”位于纽黑文市的咨询顾问、《像个老板样》(It's Okay to Be the Boss)的作者布鲁斯•塔尔干说。
Childhood: Shirley TempleBefore the age of 10, Shirley Temple enjoyed four years as the top box-office draw in America, earning an unprecedented $50,000 per film from 20th Century Fox in the late 1930s. She gave definition to the term child star, which was the title of her autobiography.But early success often comes with the cost of devoting your childhood to hard work rather than play. Temple acted in four films a year at an age when ordinary children swing in the playground and master cursive writing."The early young chargers are willing to sacrifice freedom and choice at a young age," says Bruce Tulgan, New Haven-based consultant and author of It's Okay to Be the Boss. "They put in a huge amount of time and energy in a focused pursuit at a very young age."Although Temple retired from movie-making at age 22, that early sacrifice gave her the platform and name recognition to become active in politics, serve on corporate boards, and fill the role of U.S. ambassador to Czechoslovakia during the administration of President George H.W. Bush.。
10 Habits of The Richest People in the World富翁们的10大成功基因There is one secret that almost every rich person knows. This secret is very important because it’s the reason they are rich in the first place. This big secret can be summed up in the words of the mighty Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”几乎所有富翁间都有个不言而喻的秘诀。
”Rich people have gone through the painful process of forming rich people’s habits, and you can become financially prosperous as well if you make up your mind to do the same. Together, let’s examine 10 habits of the richest people in the world to help you make up your mind to make these habits yours, too. 富人历经了痛苦的磨砺才养成了富人特有的习惯,只要你坚定地追随他们的步伐,你也能够富贵荣华。
There's no room under the bed..
- Is everything okay? - Yeah.
- 出什么事了? - 没……
- Hey. Do you know where Joey is? - Hi.
- 嘿。 - 嗨… - 你知道乔伊在那儿吗?
- Is everything okay? - It's just.. I don't think I can do this.
- 呃……怎么啦? - 对,只是……我想我不能这么做……
Oh, is it because of what might be on the bed?
- I saw that report, with the infrared.. - No! No.
- 我也看过那些报道了,在红外线下和... - 不,不!
Look, I need to talk to Joey. I mean, you guys just broke up.
呃,我要跟乔伊谈谈。 你们才刚刚分手。
- 好了,过会儿见。 - 好的……
That's the door. He's gone.
And she's turning on the TV..
and watching Miss Congeniality.
Honey? If you know it through a wall, you know it too well.
5. 《女人一定要有钱》这本书的目的阅读人群为中产阶层,他们的收入不是很高。
7. 《失落的致富经典》沃特尔斯提供了如何通过积极的思考获得财富的智慧。
The Rocking-Horse Winner翻译
多年来,她身为自己于2003年创立的非营利组织——养殖动物人道关爱组织(Humane Farm Animal Care)的执行董事,每周工作7天,每天工作18个小时。
这个组织在对待家禽、饲养家禽及其他做法方面为那些希望获得“人道养殖认证”(Certified Humane)标签的养殖场设置标准。
2007年,她获得了旨在奖励60岁及以上社会企业家的“目标奖”(Purpose Prize),2008年又当选为“爱创家伙伴”(Ashoka fellow)。
The best career advice is universal. It applies to a CEO of a Fortune 500 company and to a kid aspiring to make it through college.最好的职业建议具有普适性。
它不仅适用于一家《财宝》500强公司(Fortune 500)的CEO,还适用于一位渴望考上好大学的孩子。
I tried to keep this in mind last week when I spoke at Allentown Central Catholic High School, which in 1978 sent me on my way from Pennsylvania to what has turned out to be a thrilling and very satisfying life and career.I told the CCHS students, who packed Rockne Hall for inductions of their new Student Council and class officers, that Ive spent the past 30 years at Fortune going to school on success. That is, my job profiling some of the worlds most successful people--fromOprah Winfrey to Yahoo (YHOO) CEO Marissa Mayer to Rupert Murdoch (NWS) to Melinda Gates--is to learn and explain what makes these extraordinary people win and adapt to all sorts of challenges. I pared my message to 10 pieces of advice, which include a few obvious truths and, I hope, some enlightening points that are universal.上周,当我在艾伦敦中央天主教高中(CCHS)发表演讲时,我尝试着到达这一标准。
The Joneses《琼斯一家(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本
Man, this thing rides smooth.这车真棒It's very nice. Yes.很好是的It's like riding on the ass of an angel.像骑在天使的背上一样I mean, I wish I could have sold a crossover like this. 我以前要是推销这种越野车就好了I wouldn't have been able to keep them in stock.就不会留下库存了I'm gonna race you to the other side.我要和你赛跑跑到彼岸The win embrace, I'm on a brand-new ride.拥抱胜利开始一段新旅程Did you know that there are 5,000 teenagers here 你们知道这儿有五千多个between 15 and 18?十五到十八岁间的学生吗There's four high schools,有四所高中three private schools.三所私立中学Nice. The average income's over $100,000.很好平均收入超过十万美元I'm gonna bet you that there's more to this,我向你保证一切远不止如此more than will reach the human eye.多的让你眼花缭乱How many courses? Three private. One public.有多少球场三个私人球场一个公立的Looks like I'll be getting my swing back.看来我要重回赛场了I promise you'll remain anonymous.我保证你身份不会曝光An honest lover under an evening sky,夜空下的真诚爱人then I let you go.然后我就会放你自♥由♥We are gonna do some damage in this town.我们可要在这小镇里搞些破坏What do you think, kids? Huh?你们觉得怎样孩子们Slip of the tongue and I'll just walk in here,不慎失言我只是无意走到这儿来and all the melodies that disappear.所有消散的美妙旋律I'm gonna put you on a righteous path.我要引导你走正确的路I'm gonna get you clean and I'll be back.我要帮你改正过失然后再回来And l let you go and I let you go,我会放你自♥由♥ 放你自♥由♥ and I let you go and I let you go.我会让你离开让你离开And we're home. I think this looks good.到家了看上去不错啊Mick. I got it.米克我拿了Huh. This is it, huh?就这儿可以吗Wow. It's huge.好大啊Yeah, this is pretty nice. Quick, quick.是啊很漂亮快过来快过来Okay, I'll get a video. Let's get in.好的我来录像我们进去吧Oh. Hey, sir, um, do you mind helping us out?你好先生能帮我们个忙吗Sure. Just wanna get a quick video.当然我们想拍个短片No problem. It's real simple. Here's the viewfinder.没问题很简单这是取景器Hit the button. Then I can send the video to my grandma. 按这个键这样我就能把录像发给我奶奶看了No kiddin'. Yeah.没问题好的Is this new? What is this?这是新出的产品吗是什么Yeah, it's the new HTC.对这是新款的HTC手♥机♥This is great.太棒了All right. Okay, everybody smile.行了好了大家都笑一个Hi, grandma. Hi, grandma!你好啊奶奶你好啊奶奶I am an incredibly powerful salesperson,我是个极其出色的推销员constantly climbing the ladder of success.一直努力攀登成功的阶梯I'm an incredibly powerful salesperson,我是个极其出色的推销员constantly climbing the ladder of success.一直努力攀登成功的阶梯I am an incredibly powerful salesperson.我是个极其出色的推销员Put your shoes on, Larry.穿上鞋拉里We've gotta go welcome those new neighbors right now. 我们要去欢迎新邻居马上就去Don't you think we should at least let the people settle in? 你不觉得我们至少要让他们安顿一下吗I will never become an Omega Strata Robustion如果等着别人安顿好的话我就永远Cosmetic associate waiting for people to settle in.不能成为欧米茄美肤化妆品的合伙人了Please, boo-boo.求你了亲爱的I am an incredibly powerful salesperson, constantly...我是个极其出色的推销员一直Climbing the ladder of success.努力攀登成功的阶梯Neighbors.邻居来了Hello!你们好Well, hi.你们好Um, we're the Symondses from next door.我们是隔壁的西蒙斯一家I'm Summer, and this is my husband Larry.我是夏沫这是我丈夫拉里Hey, neighbors.你们好啊邻居们I just wanted to bring you this welcome gift我只是想送给你们一份欢迎礼of various samples from the new Robustion Aphrodite 各种阿佛洛狄忒美肤系列line of beauty products.新产品试用装But I'm sure you're in no mood for guests.但我想你们可能现在还不想招待客人Don't be silly. Come in. Come in.怎么会呢进来快进来I'm Steve Jones. Hi.我叫史蒂夫·琼斯你好Aw. Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你Steve. Uh, Larry Symonds.史蒂夫拉里·西蒙斯Pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你This is Jenn and Mick, and I'm Kate. Hello.这是珍和米克我叫凯特你们好Hi, Mick. Nice to meet you.你好米克很高兴见到你So nice to meet you. You too.见到你很高兴你也是Do you have kids?你们有孩子吗Because they should come over and meet Mick and Jenn. 他们可以过来见见米克和珍Actually, we don't. I was, uh-实际上我们没有我是I wasn't able... Oh. What?我不能什么I know that with a big move in "conduction"我知道大热天搬家with a woman's naturally fluctuating hormones,会影响女性正常激素分泌水平it can leave your skin a wreck,这会让你的肤质变得很差but you'll find that the Aphrodite line但你会发现阿佛洛狄忒系列of beauty products can really give you a glow.美肤产品真的能让你容光焕发I bet. Look at you. You're a vision of beauty.我想是的看看你就知道你真是道美丽的风景线Well, thank you.谢谢You're welcome.不客气Larry, wanna grab a cold one?拉里想来瓶冰啤吗Come on. Okay?来吧行吗Sure. Yeah, sure. Okay.当然好的当然可以Come on in.快进来Well, would you like a tour? Sure.你想四处看看吗当然These rooms are divine. Thank you.这些房♥间装♥修♥得太美了谢谢You should come over to our house, and we can talk decor. 你应该来我家看看我们能谈谈装潢Oh, I would love that.好啊我很愿意Boy. I'm very "impassionate" about interiors myself.天啊我很"崇尚"提高内部修养So what line of work is your husband in?你丈夫从事什么方面的工作Well, you know, he does a little of this and a little of that,好吧他的工作很杂什么都做一些and mostly he works on keeping me happy.但他的主要工作就是让我开心Oh, you're right. This is really a good beer.你说得对这啤酒真不错I told you that would hit the spot.我就说这啤酒肯定会让你满意的Hey, that was nice visit with the Symondses today, wasn't it? 今天西蒙斯一家的拜访很不错是吧Yeah. It was.对很好I think that you may have overdone it a little.我觉得你可能表现得夸张了点What do you mean?你指什么Uh, "a vision of beauty"?"美丽的风景线"Aw, come on. I was just having fun.好了我只是开个玩笑And she loved it. Made her day.她很高兴这让她一天都开心Well, I love your enthusiasm. Thank you.我喜欢你的热情谢谢I just think you need to go slow.我只是觉得你应该慢慢来Oh, this is a soft, soft bed.这床真软啊I could really get used to being in it.我真想在这床上睡觉Mm-hmm. It's nice.很不错Sweet dreams. Good night.好梦晚安All right. This is a very big day.好了今天是很重要的一天Your first day of your new school.你们第一天去新学校Important you make a good impression.好印象很重要I have my sweater right there.我的运动衫在这儿Good morning. Good morning.早上好早上好Morning.早上好So what are you doing today, daddy?你今天打算做什么呢爸爸I am, uh- I'm gonna try to scare up a golf game.我我要去打打高尔夫球What are you gonna do? Oh, you know, a little manipedi, 你打算干什么你知道美甲maybe a facial, get my hair done.也许做个美容做个头发I think we're gonna do really, really well here. 我觉得我们在这儿会小有成就But you guys are gonna be late.你们要迟到了Oh! We are. Let's get going. Here you go.是啊我们出发吧给你Thank you.谢谢See you later.一会儿见It's not just created.不只是凭空创造的He pulls it from the air around him, from the... 他从周围的空气里提炼出来May I help you?有什么事吗Hi.你好We have a new student joining us today.今天我们来了一位新同学This is Jennifer Jones.这是珍妮弗·琼斯It's Jenn.叫我珍好了All right, Jenn. Choose any available seat.好的珍找个空位坐下Thanks.谢谢I love your shoes. Thanks.你的鞋子真漂亮谢谢The biatch borrowed 'em from me.那个贱♥人♥找我借的鞋Let's all meet up, it's after midnight.我们见面吧在午夜之后Hey, Jones!琼斯Jones!琼斯Steve.史蒂夫Hey, Larry. You, uh, you playin' today?拉里你今天来打高尔夫吗Uh, no. You know, I haven't really met anybody. So-不是你知道我还没认识什么人所以Well, you can play with me.你可以跟我一起I'm paired up with a couple of guys,我和其他几个人一起but there's room for a fourth.再加一个也可以I wouldn't want to impose on you. Don't be silly.我不想麻烦你啊怎么会呢You can ride with me.你可以跟我一起坐车Really? Thanks, Larry.真的吗谢谢你拉里No problem. Thank you.没问题谢谢Hi. You've got glistening teeth.你的牙齿真闪亮Thanks. See you later.谢谢再见Bye, sweetie. Thank you.再见甜心谢谢New client.新客户Are you Kate?你是凯特吗Yes. So sorry about the wait.是的抱歉让你久等了You know how it is. When the mouth starts going,你是知道的一旦聊起来there goes the whole day.就停不下了I'm Billay.我是毕雷Welcome to my salon.欢迎光临我的理发店You're not from around here, are you?你不是这附近的人吧I just saw that YSL bag come down the runway on , 我刚在时尚网站看到那款圣罗兰包and I know you didn't get that around here.我知道你不可能在附近买♥♥的We just moved here yesterday.我们昨天才搬来So how on earth did you find me?那么你是怎么找到我的呢Well, I... Do my research,好吧我也调查过and anyone who's anyone knows you're the best.而且谁都知道你是最棒的Isn't that the truth?难道不是真的吗And there isn't anyone who's anyone that I don't know.而且还没有我不知道的人呢Mm-hmm.请坐So. What are we going to do today?那么我们今天要做个什么发型呢I'm a mess from the move.搬家弄得我一团糟I think I need an overhaul.我想我需要换个全新的发型Sugar, if this is a mess,亲爱的如果这是一团糟的话then I want whatever you're taking.那你以前的发型都该美呆了That'll play.打得漂亮Nothin' wrong with that.果真如此Clean livin'. Yeah.直接击球是的Nice shot. Thank you.好球谢谢Have you seen these new MP52 irons? I don't believe I have. 你见过这款MP52球杆吗我想没有They have a lower, deeper center of gravity,这款重心更低更深so they're more forgiving.用起来更顺手Really?真的吗Yeah, so if they'll forgive me,是的如果我用起来顺手的话they'll forgive anyone.任何人都会用起来顺手Very nice.真不错Excuse me.不好意思Hey, baby. Hi, baby. How's your game?宝贝宝贝玩得怎么样My game's great. How's your game?玩得不错你呢Fantastic. I was just missing you. Byebye, Kate.棒极了我只是想你了再见凯特It was great meeting you. You too, Sylvia.见到你很高兴你也是塞尔维亚And I'll see you tomorrow for that hot yoga class.明天高温瑜伽课见Right. Bye, sweetie.好的再见甜心I see you're making some new friends. Well, I'm trying. 看来你交了些新朋友是的我在努力That's hot. Oh, I love this.太棒了是的我喜欢这手♥机♥The phone's great, but I was talking about the husband. 手♥机♥是很棒但我说的是你的丈夫Yeah. He's pretty yummy too.是的他也很帅Hello? Don't come home too tired.听到我说话没不要太累了Bye. Love you.再见爱你I love you.我爱你You lucky bitch. I know.你这个幸运的妞我知道You know what I'm gonna do for you?你知道我要为你做什么吗I'm gonna have a special lunch我要准备个特别午餐to introduce you to my ladies.把你介绍给我的女士们I would love that. You got it.我很乐意没问题Hello?我回来了How'd it go today?今天进展得如何啊Very well. Did you make friends?很好你交到朋友了吗I did. I made friends.是的我交到朋友了Oh. Did you get their, uh, contact info?弄到他们的联♥系♥方式了吗Of course I did.当然弄到了Great. Well, your dinner's in the fridge.很好你的晚餐在冰箱里You like that?你喜欢吗Jenn?珍Come on. Let's go. Shit!过来快离开妈的Let go of me! Kate.放手凯特Get your clothes on.把衣服穿上I'll handle this.我来处理No. Nothing happened.没事什么都没发生Ladies, come on.女士们好了Goddamn it, Jenn.该死的珍We told them that this was not going to happen again. 我们告诉过他们这种事不会再发生了What, are you jealous? Oh, that's ridiculous.怎么你嫉妒了吗太荒唐了Now, hold on!现在不要吵了If you're not gonna do him, why can't I?如果你不和他上♥床♥ 为什么我不行Do you want me to call KC?你想让我打电♥话♥给KC吗Freak's back in action, huh?又开始发疯了吗Fuck you! Mick, stay out of this.去你的米克没你的事Go get in your room now.现在回你房♥间去Night, dad.晚安爸爸Shit.该死的Why did you let her in your room? Come on. I was sleeping. 你为什么让她进你房♥间拜托我睡着了You're not blaming me?你不能怪我She's got a problem.她有问题What am I supposed to do?那我应该怎么做Well, we're not gonna solve this tonight,今晚我们不解决这问题so we're gonna discuss it in the morning.我们明早再讨论Good morning. You have a nice glow about you.早上好你气色不错Did you sleep well?昨晚睡得好吗That's very funny. Hi.这笑话真好笑早上好I really think we should talk... Good morning.我觉得我们应该谈谈早上好Good morning. We should talk about...早上好我们该谈谈Good morning. What happened... Morning.早上好昨晚发生的早上好Good morning. What happened last night.早上好昨晚发生的事Jenn, do you have something to say?珍你有什么要说的吗Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry.是的我很抱歉You know, you're new and你知道你是新人I totally took advantage of the situation.我就利用了这一点I shouldn't do that. I'm so sorry.我不应该这么做对不起This really wasn't covered in my orientation.我可没想到你会这么说Well, we may not be a normal family. You think? 我们可能不是个正常的家庭还用你说But we do have to operate as a team.但是我们必须像团队一样合作We have a huge opportunity here.这地方商机无限I'd like to see us keep our focus.大家要全心投入到工作中Our first review is in 30 days.一个月后会审核大家的业绩Gotta sell, sell, sell.了解加油加油加油All right. can I get a ride with you?好吧你能开车送我吗bite me.想得美Kate, this is why l need a car.凯特我需要自己的车I don't wanna hear it.我不想听这个Mick, wait.米克等等我I'm gonna be late for my hot yoga class.我的高温瑜伽课要迟到了Oh, you know, sure. That's really.是啊没错这真是Have a nice day.愿你今天一切顺利You have a nice day too.你也一样Hi. l'm Steve Jones.你好我是史蒂夫·琼斯you can call me Steve.你们可以叫我史蒂夫I don't know我不知道my right from wrong我的错与对Or Mr. Jones.或者琼斯先生Steve's fine.还是叫史蒂夫吧I won't sing我不想唱no broken song皆大欢喜的歌♥Now some say love有人说爱情is a splendid thing是美好的事but ain't nobody可又有谁gonna clip my wing会剪掉我的羽翼I'm singin' yeah, yeah, yeah我要唱till I turn you around到你高兴为止I'll set your blood on fire我要让你热血沸腾i'm gonna break it all down gonna break it all down 我要发泄我要发泄I don't know我不知道up from down从上到下ain't nobody有谁gonna push me around gonna push me around会戏弄我玩弄我I'll set the world on fire我要轰动全世界I'll set the world set the world我要玩转整个地球i'll set the world on fire我要轰动全世界I'll set the world set the world我要玩转整个地球Come on加油Bye. See ya, Jenn. bye,Jenn.再见再见珍All right, then.那好I'm sure you're all eager to hear your results... 大家肯定都迫不及待地想知道第一个月From our first month of sales.各自的销♥售♥业绩吧Let's start with Steve.先说史蒂夫的吧Total sales in this first month...第一个月的销♥售♥额Up three and a half percent.共增长了百分之三点五Boo-yah!太棒了All right.很不错吧Here are a few highlights.有几个亮点Sporting goods, four percent increase.体育用品的销量增长了4个百分点Watches, up two percent.手表增长了2个百分点Golf-related merchandise, three percent.高尔夫周边产品销量增长了3个百分点Nice.不错Okay, Mick, overall sales up 16%.米克的总销♥售♥额增长了16% Yes.是的Video games, up 13.电子游戏销量增长了13%Sportswear is up 21 .运动衫销量提高了21%Cool.不错Excellent. way to open up the market, Mick.很出色米克开拓了市场Good work.干得不错And Jenn, up 14% overall.珍的销♥售♥业绩提高了14% Solid work, my dear.很不错亲爱的You did good.干得不错Hey, you're still two down.比我还低2%呢kate, congratulations on being our top producer. 凯特恭喜你成为本月销♥售♥冠军Thank you.谢谢Up 20%.总销量增长了20%Wow. Okay.还不错Wow. thank you. thank you.谢谢谢谢Cosmetics, up 24.化妆品的销量增长了24%Great form.状态不错Thank you.谢谢Are you focused?你全心投入到工作了吗Am I focused? yeah, I'm focused.我吗是的我尽力了You know, you were a great car salesman.你以前是个出色的汽车销♥售♥People trusted you and they liked you,大家都很信任你喜欢你So they bought what you were selling.你卖♥♥什么他们就会买♥♥什么But you're not selling things anymore.可你现在卖♥♥的不是产品了To succeed here, you can't just sell things.想要成功不能只卖♥♥产品You're here to sell a lifestyle, an attitude.而是要推销一种生活方式一种态度If people want you,如果他们需要你They'll want what you've got.就会想得到你拥有的一切Um, do the clients know how this works?客户知道这些流程吗Of course not. That's why it's called "stealth marketing."当然不知道这是秘密营销The fact is, we get results.我们要看业绩How we go about that is our business.如何推销是我们的工作The question you have to ask yourself is你需要思考的是How far are you willing to go to get what you want?你愿意为此付出多少努力It's called killer instinct.这叫杀手本性If you can find it,如果你能悟出这个道理You could have anything you want.你就会拥有一切Anything.所有Thanks.谢谢I don't think he's got it.我觉得他还没理解我的意思I think we may have to bag him.不如让他走人No, no. l...别别这样I know he's green. he just needs some time.他是嫩了点给他点时间And-and l-l can deal with this.我能搞定I warned you not to pick a rookie我警告过你别找菜鸟in your first "head of household."来做一家之主You've known me a long time. I can handle this. 你了解我这么久了我能搞定I'll give you 60 days.给你两个月的时间But this is your ass on the line, not mine.这关乎你的前途不是我的Thank you.谢谢Thank you. You won't regret it.谢谢你不会失望的We'll see, won't we?咱们走着瞧吧We're in a terrible situation right now.我们现在情况不妙Why are you talking about spending?你怎么还在说开支的事Have you read my new book?我的新书你看了吗I have, and I disagree with you completely.我看了和你的看法♥正♥好相反Oh, okay.那好吧Looks like sales for luxury items貌似最近两个月的have been up for the last two months.奢侈品销♥售♥量提高了You think we're in a bull market?你觉得我们的市场前景很乐观吗That's what I said. spend, spend, spend.那是我说的开支开支开支Bull market's around the corner.咱们的大好机会就要来了I understand that bulls are bad.我知道市场情况不理想Anyone can see how upside-down the entire market is. 谁都知道整个市场是多么混乱Foreclosures at an all-time high.取消抵押品赎取权的次数创历史新高That's true. about four million foreclosed homes this year. 是的今年有400万套抵押住房♥The dollar is on its way up. I'm telling you.不妨告诉你美元一直在涨If you want to spend your way out,你要是再一意孤行The dollar will end up the same way as the peso.美元就会落得和比索一样的下场So we need to step it up,我们得采取进一步行动了so l've decided that we're gonna throw a party.我要办个派对Jesus. look at Larry. he is a miserable bastard.天哪看看拉里真是个倒霉蛋My guess is they sleep in separate bedrooms.他们俩大概分床睡了Yeah, l know how that feels.我知道这滋味This is serious, and l'd really like you to focus.这事很重要我希望你认真对待Okay?行吗I mean, we really need to pull out all the stops.咱们不能再停滞不前了I'd like to put our contact list to good use...我得好好利用通讯薄上的名单And start to showcase all we've got.把我们有的都展示出来It's a good time for me to wear the YSLl dress.是时候穿上我的圣罗兰晚礼服了I'd really like to roll out the Van Cleef earrings.戴上范克黎的耳环I think you have some of those costume nationality...我希望你穿得正式点Oh, ho, ho, ho.好好好Have a chance to...有机会Thank you.谢谢I really have some things that I'd like...to talk to you我想和你好好谈谈So l, There's some things that I want...我想跟你Hey, Larry.拉里Come on. Come on.走啊走啊I'm on poop patrol here.我在这遛狗呢Nice. Mind if I ask you a question?很好我能问个问题吗Hmm?什么事Think kate'll like these?你觉得凯特会喜欢这个吗Chacha, bling. yeah. Yeah, I think so.瞧瞧很闪吧是啊What's the occasion? No occasion.什么日子没什么Oh, geez. Summer would love those.夏沫也会喜欢的Well, business is good, isn't it?生意挺好的吧Oh, yeah. yeah.是啊Terrific. absolutely.很好完全没问题This is what it's all about.那就行Yeah. yeah.是啊Yeah. yeah, l guess so. you, uh- are you gonna play today? 大概是吧你呢要去玩吗Oh, uh, no.不去了You know, l pulled- I kinda pulled a muscle.我感觉脖子有点肌肉拉伤Oh, yeah?是吗Yeah.是啊Kate and l are into this new tantric sex thing.我和凯特最近迷上了坦陀罗性♥爱♥方式I don't know how I got in the...我不知道该怎么But it, you know...可是It went too far. yeah.玩得太过火了I sure haven't pulled any muscles lately.我最近都没有肌肉拉伤的机会No?没有吗You know how l keep it fresh between kate and me? 你知道我是怎么保持夫妻新鲜感的吗Uh, good listening?成为好的听众No. no, no.不It's about me never really believing that I have her.我总是在怀疑她是不是属于我Being full of surprises... and a steady stream of gifts. 制♥造♥各种惊喜送各种各样的礼物It's great to see you.欢迎你们来玩Hi. How are you?你好啊Have you tried this yet?味道怎么样Yes不错and I think you're gonna love it.我想你会喜欢的How are you ladies? Are you enjoying that pomtini? 你们好吗旁米提尼怎么样It's good, yeah?不错Well, we'll just, uh, make sure we'll keep 'em coming. 我去看看酒是不是还够喝This vodka is either.这伏特加It's either from Mexico or Antarctica.要不就是墨西哥的要不就是南极洲的How are you guys doing?你们玩得怎么样Oh, those earrings are gorgeous.你的耳环真好看Thank you. Steve surprised me.谢谢史蒂夫给我的惊喜What was the occasion?是纪念日吗It was a tuesday gift.是星期二的礼物Tuesday? what's a tuesday gift?星期二什么是星期二的礼物Just for being tuesday.因为是星期二Oh, my. that's so romantic.好浪漫Makes me want a cannelloni.让我不禁想吃这个烤碎肉卷These are delicious. You like 'em?太好吃了你喜欢吃吗Who does your catering?今晚的美食是谁负责的Chef Robert.罗伯特主厨No.不会吧Really?真的吗Excuse me. Will you show that?麻烦你能给我们看一下吗I didn't know he was doing frozen food.我都不知道是他做冷冻食品Can you believe it?你能相信吗Oh. you know, we had the most incredible chicken "Fricazini," 我们在春意盎然的派对上吃到了Homemade, at the robustion spring gala...最美味的自♥制♥"福利卡基尼"鸡肉Oh, I've got to try the sushi.我要去尝尝寿司Oh! Now, this is one thing you won't find in your freezer.这在自家的冰箱里肯定找不到Oh, yes, it is.没错Wataru flash-frozen sushi.华他路速冻寿司This is the view from base camp.这是营地的照片I can't believe you actually climbed Everest.真不敢相信你居然爬过喜马拉雅山The sherpas are the key, you know.多亏了有雪巴人You don't wanna do it without the sherpas.没有雪巴人根本不可能爬上去Man, this system's great.这设备不错Yeah, with the bundle of services,有了这套设备You get the clearest HD picture.可以拍到超高清的照片All your personal media is just a click away.电子设备靠鼠标操作就可以了You can see it你们可以看到What are you boys up to?你们在干吗...best hd picture.超高清的照片Are you showing off your new toy?你在展示新玩具吗Guilty.我有罪And... who's your favorite toy?谁是你最爱的玩具You are.你啊All right, can I get you guys another...我给你们拿点别的No, no. I'm good. it's a little hot in here.不用了我吃饱了这有点热Thank you.谢谢Maybe a big boy drink?不如喝个痛快No, I'm good, thank you.不用了谢谢Do you want something? um, I'm... I'm...你还要点什么吗我Nice.真不错Where were we?我们说到哪了Watch for the guy on the top right now.留神最上面的那个人All right. Shoot him. Shoot him now.好的打他打他Oh, awesome! Told you this was easy.真好玩跟你说很简单了What kind of shit did your parents do to get you that thing? 你父母做什么对不起你的事了给你买♥♥这个What are you talking about?你说什么呢Oh, l know a guilt gift when I see one我看到了一个代表内疚的礼物And that one's got "l'm sorry for being a fucked-up parent"... 上面写满了对不起Written all over it.我是个不合格的家长Yeah, l guess so.大概是吧I'm Naomi.我叫内奥米Mick.米克I know.我知道You have this whole cult following at school.我们在学校见过面了I do?是吗Yeah. you've been there, what, two months?你来了2个月了吧Everyone's drinking your kool-aid.每个人都喝过你推荐的酷爱So, why are you here? You a friend of Jenn's?你为什么来这是珍的朋友吗Yeah, right. Yeah. Can't you see me with that crowd? 是啊你没看见我和那帮人是一起的吗Nah.不是No, not really.不是的I'm here with my parents.我是和爸妈一起来的Wanna get high?想来点大♥麻♥吗Sure. yeah.好啊Well, it must be really big to be called "the hammer." 既然有人叫你铁锤家伙应该很大吧Well, yeah. I'd love to show it to you.我倒是很想让你看看Really?真的吗Yeah. You'll have to stop by the marina one day.你得来一下码头Soon.很快的I would love to.我愿意That'd be great.太棒了Yeah. you know what? I'm gonna have to go.你知道吗我得走了Well, it was nice meeting you, mr. Bayner.认识你很开心贝纳先生You too. bye, now.我也是再见Oh, there you are, sweetheart.宝贝你在这儿啊怎么样How's it going? You have a good time?玩的开心吗And her hair was not她头发没有Yeah.是啊What are you doing? Mingling.怎么样很顺利Maybe you might wanna go and show the girls your room.应该向同学们展示一下你的房♥间Yay.好吧How are you guys doing?还好吗This sushi is incredible.寿司太棒了You guys are so wonderful. Nobody throws a party like you do.非常高兴你能喜欢这聚会无人能及Well, we'll have to do it again.那我以后得再办一场Troublemaker. Hey, look who's here.捣蛋鬼看看谁来了You know who this is. The lady of the evening.知道她是谁吗今晚的主角Hey, Naomi? Mmhmm.内奥米怎么了Do you wanna know why all those people are in my house right now? 你知道为什么这些人到我家来吗It's a party. Duh. Yeah.因为这是个聚会算是吧No, it's so my so-called "family"...是因为我所谓的家庭can show off all their shit.能借此展示一些垃圾东西And you know all those people...然后那些人are fucking blown away by it all.就开始追捧Yeah.没错That sounds like something my parents would do.听起来像我父母做的事情Aren't you two the sexy couple?这不是有名的模范夫妻吗Don't forget about lunch next week.别忘了下周的午餐Good night.晚安I think it wentwent great... tonight. Yeah.我觉得今晚还不错很好I mean, l personally didn't feel like l, uh, connected with Melanie. 但是我没有融入梅兰妮I don't know if you- did you speak with her husband, Alex?你跟她的丈夫阿历克斯说上话了吗Don't-don't- slow down, slow down. It was fine, it was perfect. 别慌今天晚上很好非常完美You were perfect.你表现得非常好You- you know, you don't realize the effect you have on people. 你自己没意识到你的魅力Thank you.谢谢Um, just, uh, doing my job. yeah.我只是在工作You might want to lay off the Robert hors d'oeuvres though.你也许应该别再吃罗伯特的开胃菜Why? what do you mean? Oh, God. Loaded in garlic.为什么什么意思上帝大蒜味道Are you kidding? Really? No, not kidding, no, no, no.你在开玩笑吗真的吗没开玩笑Oh, my God. Good night.天啊晚安Some party tonight, huh?今晚的聚会真好Oh, my God.上帝That house. I could die for that dining set.那栋房♥子为了那套餐具我死也值了Think she'll buy any of your products?。
穿普拉达的女王台词中英字幕-Good luck.祝你好运。
Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton?你好,我约了艾米莉·查尔顿-Andrea Sachs? -Yes.安吉丽娜·塞克斯?-是的Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor.要命。
Follow me.跟我来。
Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant…听着,我本是马林达的第二助手but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first.她首席助手近期晋升,所以我现在是首席助手。
-Oh, and you're replacing yourself. -Well, I am trying.-哦,你给自己找替身。
Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks.马林达几周内炒了前两个女孩。
We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand? 我们需要生存者,明白不?Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda?当然。
马林达是谁?Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that.哦,天哪。
She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend. 她是《天桥》杂志主编,是一名传奇人物。
You work a year for her, and you can get a job at anymagazine you want.只要为她卖命一年,之后随你想去什么杂志社A million girls would kill for this job.所有女孩都会为这工作发疯的。
英汉励志故事:罗宾汉与吉斯本的盖伊One day, Robin Hood and Little John went together through the forest. They had a little quarrel for some reason and went on their separate ways. Unfortunately Little John was arrested by the sheriff of Nottingham and tied to a tree. Meanwhile Robin Hood met with Guy of Gisborne, who had boasted that he would capture Robin Hood sooner or later. After a fierce fight, Robin killed Guy. He put on Guy’s clothes, took his weapons and blew a blast on his horn, and then rode on until he came to the tree where Little John was bound. The sheriff mistook Robin for Guy, thinking he had killed Robin. As a reward, he gave him permission to kill Little John. But Robin released Little John, and gave him Guy’s bow. The sheriff and his men realized they had been fooled and took to their heels.有一天,罗宾汉与小约翰一同在森林里赶路。
旅行通用语1 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直捍卫着法语的尊严。
法国总统希拉克很可能会继续加大力度,直至连英特网internet和字节流(信息组)byte stream 之类的词也找到相应的法语新词。
2 不幸的是(或许并非不幸),英语没有受到如此的保护。
“honour”普遍被写成“honor”, “night”也变成了“nite”。
比如说,汽车的行李箱“boot”变成了“trunk”(一个在英国指代树干的单词);引擎盖“bonnet”变成了“hood”(英式英语中的风帽);老式婴儿尿布“nappy”变成了“diaper”(英式英语中的菱格花纹织物);婴儿小外套“matinee ja cket”也变成了“vest”(英国的内衣汗衫)。
3 实际使用中,甚至还有更糟的英语呢!只要你在外国旅游并注意一下菜单、海报、旅店、甚至当地日常生活中的英语,就可以证明过去的标准用语在这些地方已变得不伦不类,让我详例如下:4 旅行作家波洛.菲利浦曾不异笔墨地渲染自己的几番经历,我觉得该有更多的读者了解一下。
他提及某份荷兰的灯泡目录,上面对用户承诺有“a speedy execution”—快速处死(毫无疑问,候表达的应是“送货及时”)。
此外,东柏林的一个衣帽间告示要求客人“please hang yourself here”—请在这儿吊死自己(本想说的是“将衣帽挂在这儿”)。
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中英文对照阅读--- 10年:10个人的成功传奇双十年华:杰西•乔伊娜•柯西
她六夺奥运会奖牌,被《体育画报》(Sports Illustrated)评为“20世纪最杰出的女运动员”。
24岁时,乔伊娜•柯西在1986年墨西哥友好运动会(Goodwill Games)上成为首位突破7,000分的女性。
《成功人士共有的8个特征》(The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common)一书的作者理查德•约翰说,对进步的不懈追求是获得成功、保持成功的重要因素。
”20-something: Jackie Joyner-Kersee
"Success for me is never quite completed," says Jackie Joyner-Kersee, a six-time Olympic medalist and Sports Illustrated's pick for the Greatest Female Athlete of the 20th Century. "There are successful moments from the standpoint of the goals I set and was able to reach. That doesn't mean the work is done."
At 24 years old, Joyner-Kersee became the first woman to break 7,000 points in the 1986 Goodwill Games in Moscow. The challenge was not only in physically being able to master all seven track and field events, but also in standing up to the mental pressure. Since then, Joyner-Kersee continues to set new goals, in her community work and personal relationships.
"You're always looking for new challenges. You're always looking at what's going to be the next roadblock. It's those roadblocks that help me get up in the morning and keep working every day," she says. "If you have nothing to work for, you're asleep all day."
A relentless pursuit of progress is typical of people who become and stay successful, says Richard St. John, author of The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common. Such achievers must maintain that drive. "The ones who are successful throughout life don't change. They stay the same," he says. "If you're following your passion, keep following it."。