The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog I. Early Data Release
施勇 教育经历:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
南京大学 天文与空间科学学院email: yong@教育经历: 1999.9-‐2003.7 北京大学,地球物理系,天文专业,学士学位。
2003.8-‐2008.8 亚利桑那大学(美国),天文学,博士学位。
工作经历: 2008.8-‐2009.8: 亚利桑那大学(美国),博士后。
2009.9-‐2013.2: 加州理工学院(美国),博士后。
2013.3至今: 南京大学,教授,博导,国家青年千人。
科研基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目,11373021,极端贫金属星系:尘埃特性和恒星形成,2014/01-2017/12,80 万元,在研,主持。
中国科学院战略性先导B专项,XDB09000000, 宇宙结构起源B类先导,2014/01-至今,66万,在研,参与(骨干成员)。
中央组织部青年千人项目(第四批),2013.1-2015.12, 200万,在研、主持。
江苏省基金杰出青年项目,BK20150014, 2015.7-2018.7, 100万,在研、主持。
空间望远镜项目: • P I o n H erschel O T2 y shi 3 (16.1 h rs, p riority 1):“Extremely-‐metal p oor g alaxies: m apping d ust e mission”• T echnical C ontact a nd C o-‐I o n S pitzer-‐50507, 50508 (14.2 h rs, P I: G. R ieke)“Quasar a nd U LIRG E volution”• T echnical C ontact∗ a nd C o-‐I o n S pitzer-‐50196 (25.1 h rs, P I: G. R ieke.):“Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation in Quasar Hosts from z=1 to the Present”• T echnical C ontact∗ a nd C o-‐I o n S pitzer-‐40385 (2.1 h rs, P I: G. R ieke.):“A C hallenge t o t he U nification M odel”地面望远镜项目:• K eck 10 m: D EIMOS• I RAM 30 m: 24 h rs (2014A), 59.5 h rs (2016A).• P alomar 200 i nch: D BSP; L FC; W IRC• C FHT: M egaCAM• B ok 2.3 m• A rizona R adio O bservatory N RAO-‐12m• A rizona R adio O bservatory S MT-‐10m学术服务:ApJ, A pJL, A&A, A J, S ciChina, R AA的审稿人Telescope A ccess P rogram 望远镜分配委员会委员论文发表情况汇总(共36篇)通讯作者 非通讯作者 总计Nature 1 0 1Nature子刊 0 1 117 18 35ApJ, ApJS, ApJL,MNRAS, A&A(全部为NatureIndex高影响力科学期刊)AJ 0 1 1总计 18 20 38第一或通讯作者论文: 18. Zhang, Z.; Shi, Y* et al. 2016, ApJL, 819, 27“Distributions of quasar hosts on the galaxy main-sequence plane”17. Zhou, L.; Shi, Y* et al. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 772“Spatially resolved dust emission of extremely metal poor galaxies”16. S hi, Y.*, W ang, J., Z hang, Z.-‐Y. e t a l. 2015, A pJL, 804, 11“The Weak Carbon Monoxide Emission in an Extremely Metal-‐poor Galaxy, Sextans A”15. S hi, Y.*, A rmus, L., H elou, G. e t a l. 2014, N ature, 514, 335–338“Inefficient s tar f ormation i n e xtremely m etal p oor g alaxies”14. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G., Ogle, P. et al., 2014, ApJS, 214, 23 “Infrared spectra and photometry o f c omplete s amples o f P G a nd 2MASS q uasars”13. Shi, Y.*, Helou, G., Armus, L. 2013, ApJ, 777, 6 “A Joint Model Of X-‐ray And Infrared B ackgrounds. I I. C ompton-‐Thick A GN A bundance”12. Shi, Y.*, Helou, G., et al. 2013, ApJ, 764, 28 “A Joint Model of the X-‐Ray and Infrared E xtragalactic B ackgrounds. I. M odel C onstruc-‐ t ion a nd F irst R esults”11. Shi, Y.*, Helou, G., et al. 2011, ApJ, 733, 87 “Extended Schmidt Law: Roles Of Existing S tars I n C urrent S tar F ormation”10. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 115 “Unobscured Type 2 Active Galactic N uclei”9. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., et al. 2009, ApJ, 703, 1107 “Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation i n T ype-‐1 Q uasar H osts S ince z = 1”8. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., et al. 2009, ApJ, 697, 1764 “Role of Major Mergers In Cosmic S tar F ormation E volution”7. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H. et al. 2008, ApJ, 688, 794 “BH Accretion in Low-‐Mass Galaxies S ince z∼1”6. Shi, Y.*, Ogle, P., Rieke, G. H. et al. 2007, ApJ, 669, 841 “Aromatic Features in AGN: S tar-‐Forming I nfrared L uminosity F unction o f A GN H ost G alaxies”5. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Hines, D. C. et al. 2007, ApJ, 655, 781 “Thermal and Nonthermal I nfrared E mission f rom M87”4. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Hines, D. C. et al. 2006, ApJ, 653, 127 “9.7 um Silicate Features i n A ctive G alactic N uclei: N ew I nsights i nto U nification M odels”3. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Papovich, C. et al. 2006, ApJ, 645, 199 “Morphology of Spitzer 24 u m D etected G alaxies i n t he U DF: T he L inks b etween S tar F or-‐ m ation and G alaxy M orphology”2. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Hines, D. C. et al. 2005, ApJ, 629, 88 “Far-‐Infrared Observations o f R adio Q uasars a nd F R I I R adio G alaxies”1.Shi, Y., & Xu, R. X.* 2003, ApJ, 596, 75 “Can the Age Discrepancies of NeutronStars B e C ircumvented b y a n A ccretion-‐assisted T orque?”其他作者论文:20. G uo R. e t a l. (Shi Y. 5th a uthor), 2016, A pJ a ccepted, a rXiv:1604.0712219. Chen, Y. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2016, MNRAS accepted, “Boxy Hα EmissionProfiles i n S tar-‐Forming G alaxies”18. Bian, W. H. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2016, MNRAS, 456, 4081, “Spectral principal component analysis of mid-infrared spectra of a sample of PG QSOs”17. Wang, J. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2016, MNRAS, 455, 3986, “Dense-gas properties in Arp 220 revealed by isotopologue lines”16. Wang, J. et al. (Shi Y. 7th author), 2014, Nature Communication, 5, 5449 “SiO and C H3OH m ega-‐masers i n N GC 1068”15. Kirkpatrick, A. et al. (Shi Y. 10th author) , 2014, ApJ, 796, 135 “Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Exploring the Effect of AGN Activity on the Relationships b etween M olecular G as, D ust, a nd S tar F ormation”14. Wang, J. et al. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author) , 2014, ApJ, 796, 57 “Isotopologues o f Dense G as T racers i n N GC 1068”13. Jin, S. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2014, ApJ, 787, 63 “Color-‐Magnitude Distribution o f F ace-‐on n earby G alaxies i n S loan D igital S ky S urvey D R7”12. D ale, D. e t a l. (Shi Y. 6th a uthor), 2014, A pJ, 784, 83 “A T wo-‐parameter M odel for the Infrared/Submillimeter/Radio Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies and A ctive G alactic N uclei”11. Wang, J. et al. (Shi Y. 3rd author), 2013, ApJL, 778, 39 “A SiO 2-‐1 Survey toward G as-‐rich A ctive G alaxies”10. Magdis, G. E. et al. (Shi Y. 22th author), 2013, A&A, 558, 136 “Mid-‐ to far infrared p roperties o f s tar-‐forming g alaxies a nd a ctive g alactic n uclei”9. Kim, Ji Hoon, et al. (Shi Y. 16th author), 2012, ApJ, 760, 120 “The 3.3 m Polycyclic A romatic H ydrocarbon E mission a s a S tar F ormation R ate I ndicator”8. Wang, J., et al. (Shi Y. 3rd author) 2011, MNRAS, 416, 21 “CS (5-‐4) survey towards n earby i nfrared b right g alaxies”7. T yler, K. D., R ieke, G. H. e t a l. (Shi Y. 9th a uthor) 2011, A pJ, 738, 56 “The N ature of S tar F ormation a t 24 m i n t he G roup E nvironment a t 0.3 < z < 0.55”6. Wu, Y., et al. (Shi Y. 2nd author) 2011, ApJ, 734, 40 “The Mid-‐infrared Luminosity Function at z < 0.3 from 5MUSES: Understanding the Star Formation/Active G alactic N ucleus B alance f rom a S pectroscopic V iew”5. W u, Y., e t a l. (Shi Y. 5th a uthor) 2010, A pJ, 723, 895 “Infrared L uminosities a nd Aromatic F eatures i n t he 24um F lux L imited S ample o f 5MUSES”4. Mason, R. E., et al. (Shi Y. 3nd author) 2009, ApJ, 693, 136 “The Origin of the Silicate E mission F eatures i n t he S eyfert 2 G alaxy N GC 2110”3. B allantyne, D. R., e t a l. (Shi Y. 2nd a uthor) 2006, A pJ, 653, 1070 “Does t he A GN Unified M odel E volve w ith R edshift? U sing t he X-‐Ray B ackground t o P re-‐ d ict t he Mid-‐Infrared E mission o f A GNs”2. J iang, L. e t a l. (Shi Y. 4th a uthor) 2006, A J, 132, 2127 “Probing t he E volution o f Infrared P roperties o f z ∼6 Q uasars: S pitzer O bservations”1. Wu, Y. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author) 2004, A&A, 426, 503 “A study of high velocity molecular o utflows w ith a n u p-‐to-‐date s ample”。
专题05 阅读理解D篇(2024年新课标I卷) (专家评价+三年真题+满分策略+多维变式) 原卷版
《2024年高考英语新课标卷真题深度解析与考后提升》专题05阅读理解D篇(新课标I卷)原卷版(专家评价+全文翻译+三年真题+词汇变式+满分策略+话题变式)目录一、原题呈现P2二、答案解析P3三、专家评价P3四、全文翻译P3五、词汇变式P4(一)考纲词汇词形转换P4(二)考纲词汇识词知意P4(三)高频短语积少成多P5(四)阅读理解单句填空变式P5(五)长难句分析P6六、三年真题P7(一)2023年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P7(二)2022年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P8(三)2021年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P9七、满分策略(阅读理解说明文)P10八、阅读理解变式P12 变式一:生物多样性研究、发现、进展6篇P12变式二:阅读理解D篇35题变式(科普研究建议类)6篇P20一原题呈现阅读理解D篇关键词: 说明文;人与社会;社会科学研究方法研究;生物多样性; 科学探究精神;科学素养In the race to document the species on Earth before they go extinct, researchers and citizen scientists have collected billions of records. Today, most records of biodiversity are often in the form of photos, videos, and other digital records. Though they are useful for detecting shifts in the number and variety of species in an area, a new Stanford study has found that this type of record is not perfect.“With the rise of technology it is easy for people to make observation s of different species with the aid of a mobile application,” said Barnabas Daru, who is lead author of the study and assistant professor of biology in the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences. “These observations now outnumber the primary data that comes from physical specimens(标本), and since we are increasingly using observational data to investigate how species are responding to global change, I wanted to know: Are they usable?”Using a global dataset of 1.9 billion records of plants, insects, birds, and animals, Daru and his team tested how well these data represent actual global biodiversity patterns.“We were particularly interested in exploring the aspects of sampling that tend to bias (使有偏差) data, like the greater likelihood of a citizen scientist to take a picture of a flowering plant instead of the grass right next to it,” said Daru.Their study revealed that the large number of observation-only records did not lead to better global coverage. Moreover, these data are biased and favor certain regions, time periods, and species. This makes sense because the people who get observational biodiversity data on mobile devices are often citizen scientists recording their encounters with species in areas nearby. These data are also biased toward certain species with attractive or eye-catching features.What can we do with the imperfect datasets of biodiversity?“Quite a lot,” Daru explained. “Biodiversity apps can use our study results to inform users of oversampled areas and lead them to places – and even species – that are not w ell-sampled. To improve the quality of observational data, biodiversity apps can also encourage users to have an expert confirm the identification of their uploaded image.”32. What do we know about the records of species collected now?A. They are becoming outdated.B. They are mostly in electronic form.C. They are limited in number.D. They are used for public exhibition.33. What does Daru’s study focus on?A. Threatened species.B. Physical specimens.C. Observational data.D. Mobile applications.34. What has led to the biases according to the study?A. Mistakes in data analysis.B. Poor quality of uploaded pictures.C. Improper way of sampling.D. Unreliable data collection devices.35. What is Daru’s suggestion for biodiversity apps?A. Review data from certain areas.B. Hire experts to check the records.C. Confirm the identity of the users.D. Give guidance to citizen scientists.二答案解析三专家评价考查关键能力,促进思维品质发展2024年高考英语全国卷继续加强内容和形式创新,优化试题设问角度和方式,增强试题的开放性和灵活性,引导学生进行独立思考和判断,培养逻辑思维能力、批判思维能力和创新思维能力。
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Status and Prospects
a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /9605028v 1 7 M a y 1996THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SUR VEY:STATUS ANDPROSPECTSJon Loveday Fermilab,Batavia,USA.(On behalf of the SDSS collaboration.)Abstract The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)is a project to definitively map πsteradians of the local Universe.An array of CCD detectors used in drift-scan mode will digitally image the sky in five passbands to a limiting magnitude of r ′∼23.Selected from the imaging survey,106galaxies and 105quasars will be observed spectroscopically.I describe the current status of the survey,which is due to begin observations early in 1997,and itsprospects for constraining models for dark matter in the Universe.1IntroductionSystematic surveys of the local Universe (z ∼<0.2)can provide some of the most important constraints on dark matter,particularly through the measurement of the clustering of galaxies and clusters of galaxies on large scales.Most existing galaxy and cluster catalogues are based on photographic plates [7,3],and there is growing concern that such surveys might suffer from severe surface-brightness selection effects,so that they are missing a substantial fraction of the galaxy population.In addition,the limited volume of existing redshift surveys means that even low-order clustering statistics,such as the galaxy two-point correlation function,cannot reliably be measured on scales beyond 100h −1Mpc,an order of magnitude below the scale on which COBE has measured fluctuations in the microwave background radiation.A collaboration has therefore been formed with the aim of constructing a definitive map ofthe local universe,incorporating digital CCD imaging over a large area in several passbands and redshifts for around one million galaxies.In order to complete such an ambitious project over a reasonable timescale,it was decided to build a dedicated 2.5-metre telescope equippedwith a large CCD array imaging camera and multi-fibre spectrographs.The collaboration com-prises around100astronomers and engineers from University of Chicago,Fermilab,Princeton University,Institute for Advanced Study,Johns Hopkins University,US Naval Observatory,University of Washington and the JPG—a group of astronomers in Japan.The total cost ofthe survey is around$30million,and funding sources include the Alfred P.Sloan Foundation,the National Science Foundation and the participating institutions.2Survey OverviewThe survey site is Apache Point Observatory,New Mexico,at2800metres elevation.Whilebetter sites probably exist in Chile and atop Mauna Kea,for a survey with such state-of-the-art instrumentation and significant on-site manpower requirements(eg.fibre plugging andchanging spectroscopic plates),it was decided to use a site within mainland USA and withgood communications and existing infrastructure.Figure1:SDSS system responsecurves,with(lower)and without(upper)atmospheric extinction.The survey hardware comprises the main2.5-metre telescope,equipped with CCD imagingcamera and multi-fibre spectrographs,a0.6-metre monitor telescope and a10µall-sky camera.On the best nights(new moon,photometric,sub-arcsecond seeing)the2.5-metre telescopewill operate in imaging mode,drift scanning the sky at sidereal rate,and obtaining nearly simultaneously images in thefive survey bands u′,g′,r′,i′and z′.The system response curvesthrough thefivefilters are shown in Figure1.On sub-optimal nights,which will comprise thebulk of observing time,the imaging camera will be replaced with a spectroscopicfibre plug-plate.It is planned that imaging data will be reduced and calibrated,spectroscopic targetsselected,and plates drilled within the one-month lunar cycle,so that we will be obtainingspectra of objects that were imaged the previous month.We will spend most of the timeobserving within a contiguousπsteradian area in the north Galactic cap(NGC).For thosetimes when the NGC is unavailable,about one third of the time,we will repeatedly observethree southern stripes,nominally centred at RAα=5◦,and with central declinations ofδ=+15◦,0◦and−10◦.The nominal location of survey scans is shown in Figure2.In the remainder of this section I discuss the various components of the survey in moredetail.Figure2:Whole sky plot show-ing the location of SDSS scans.The light lines show galactic lat-itudes of b=0,±30and±60◦,with the north and south Galac-tic poles being the upper andlower crosses respectively.TheGalactic plane runs horizontallythrough the middle of the plotand the grey scale map showsStark HI contours in units of1020cm−2.The dark lines show thesurvey scan-lines,all of which fol-low great circles.We observe acontiguous area ofπsr in thenorth,and three separated stripesin the south.Note that the north-ern survey is tilted with respect tothe b=+30◦contour to avoid re-gions of high HI column density.2.5-metre telescope.The main2.5-metre telescope is of modified Richey-Chretien design with a3◦field of view,and is optimised for both a wide-area imaging survey and a multi-fibre spectroscopic survey of galaxies to r′∼18.One of the most unusual aspects of the telescope is it’s enclosure.Rather than sitting inside a dome,as is the case with conventional optical telescopes,the enclosure is a rectangular frame structure mounted on wheels,which is rolled away from the telescope in order to take observations.By completely removing the enclosure from the telescope,we can avoid the substantial degradation to image quality due to dome seeing.The telescope is situated on a pier overlooking a steep dropoffso that the prevailing wind willflow smoothly over the telescope in a laminarflow,which will also help to ensure good image quality.A wind baffle closely surrounds the telescope,and is independently mounted and driven.This baffle serves to protect the telscope from stray light as well as from wind buffeting.Imaging Camera.In order to image a large area of sky in a short time,we are building an imaging camera(Fig.3)that contains30×20482CCDs,arranged in six columns.Each column occupies its own dewar and contains one chip in each of thefivefilters.Pixel size is 0.4′′.The camera operates in drift-scan mode:a star or galaxy image drifts down the column through thefivefilters,spending about55seconds in each.This mode of observing has two significant advantages over conventional tracking mode.1)It makes extremely efficient use of observing time,since there is no overhead between exposures:on a good night we can open the shutter,drift-scan for eight hours and then close the shutter.2)Since each image traverses a whole column of pixels on each CCD,flat-fielding becomes a one-dimensional problem,and so can be done to lower surface-brightness limits than with tracking mode images.This,along with the high quantum efficiency of modern CCDs,will enable us to detect galaxies of much lower surface brightness than can wide-field photographic surveys.There is a gap between each column of CCDs,but this gap is slightly smaller than the width of the light-sensitive area of theFigure3:Focal plane layout ofthe SDSS CCD imaging camera,showing the30photometric and24astrometric/focus CCDs.CCDs,and so having observed six narrow strips of sky one night,we can observe an interleaving set of strips a later night,and thus build up a large contiguous area of sky.The northern survey comprises45pairs of interleaving great circle scans,and so imaging observations for the north will require the equivalent of90full photometric nights.The camera also includes24smaller CCDs arranged above and below the photometric columns.These extra CCDs,equipped with neutral densityfilters,are used for astrometric calibration,as most astrometric standards will saturate on the photometric CCDs.Thus the photometric data can be tied to the fundamental astrometric reference frames defined by bright stars.Spectrographs.The2.5-metre telescope will also be equipped with a pair offibre-fed, dual-beam spectrographs,each with two cameras,two gratings and two20482CCD detectors. The blue channel will cover the wavelength range3900–6100˚A and the red channel5900–9100˚A and both will have a spectral resolving powerλ/∆λ≈1800.Thefibres are3′′in diameter and the two spectrographs each hold320fibres.Rather than employing roboticfibre positioners to place thefibres in the focal plane,we will instead drill aluminium plates for each spectroscopic field and plug thefibres by hand.We plan on spectroscopic exposure times of45minutes and allow15minutes overhead perfibre plate.On a clear winter’s night we can thus obtain8plates ×640fibres=5120spectra.In order to allow such rapid turnaround time between exposures we plan to purchase8sets offibre harnesses,so that each plate can be plugged withfibres during the day.It will not be necessary to plug eachfibre in any particular hole,as afibre mapping system has been built which will automatically mapfibre number onto position in the focal plane after the plate has been plugged.This should considerably ease the job of thefibre pluggers,and we expect that it will take well under one hour to plug each plate.Monitor telescope.In order to check that observing conditions are photometric,and totie imaging observations to a set of primary photometric standards,we are also employing a monitor telescope.While the2.5-metre telescope is drift-scanning the sky,the0.6-metre mon-itor telescope,situated close by,will interleave observations of standard stars with calibration patches in the area of sky being scanned.Operation of this telescope will be completely au-tomated,and each hour will observe three calibration patches plus standard stars in allfive colours.10µall-sky camera.As an additional check on observing conditions,a10µinfrared camera will survey the entire sky every10minutes or so.Light cirrus,which is very hard to see on a dark night,is bright at10µ,and so this camera will provide rapid warning of increasing cloud cover,thus enabling us to switch to spectroscopic observing rather than taking non-photometric imaging data.10/7/93Figure4:Top-level data processing diagram.Data-reduction pipelines.The last,but by no means least,component of the survey is a suite of automated data-reduction pipelines(Fig.4),which will read DLT tapes mailed to Fermilab from the mountain and yield reduced and calibrated data with the minimum of human intervention.Such software is very necessary when one considers that the imaging camera will produce data at the rate of around31Gbytes per hour!A“production system”has been specced and purchased that can keep up with such a data rate(bearing in mind that imaging will take place only under the best conditions,on average around two full nights per month), and consists of two Digital Alphaserver82005/300s,each with1GByte of memory.Pipelines exist to reduce each source of data from the mountain(photometric frames and “postage stamps”,astrometric frames,monitor telescope frames and2-D spectra)as well as to perform tasks such as spectroscopic target selection and“adaptive tiling”to work out the optimal placing of spectroscopicfield centres to maximize the number of spectra obtained.Thepipelines are integrated into a purpose-written environment known as SHIVA(Survey Human Interface and VisualizAtion environment,also the Hindu god of destruction)and the reduced data will be written into an object-oriented database.3Data ProductsThe raw imaging data infive colours for theπsteradians of the northern sky will occupy about 14Tbytes,but it is expected that very few projects will need to access the raw data,which will probably be stored only on magnetic tape.Since most of the sky is blank to r′∼23,all detected images can be stored,using suitable compression,in around200Gbytes,and it is expected that these“atlas images”can be kept on spinning disc.The photometric reduction pipeline will meaure a set of parameters for each image,and it is estimated that the parameter lists for all objects will occupy∼100Gbyte.The parameter lists for the spectroscopic sample will proabblyfit into1–2Gb,and the spectra themselves will occupy∼20Gb.Work is progressing well on an astronomer-friendly interface to the database,which will answer such queries as“Return all galaxies with(g′−r′)<0.5and within30arcminutes of this quasar”, etc.3.1Spectroscopic SamplesThe spectroscopic sample is divided into several classes.In a survey of this magnitude,it is important that the selection criteria for each class remainfixed throughout the duration of the survey.Therefore,we will spend a considerable time(maybe one year),obtaining test data with the survey instruments and refining the spectroscopic selection criteria in light of our test data.Then,once the survey proper has commenced,these criteria will be“frozen in”for the duration of the survey.The numbers discussed below are therefore only preliminary,and we expect them to change slightly during the test year.The main galaxy sample will consist of∼900,000galaxies selected by Petrosian mag-nitude in the r′band,r′∼<18.Simulations have shown that the Petrosian magnitude,which is based on an aperture defined by the ratio of light within an annulus to total light inside that radius,provides probably the least biased and most stable estimate of total magnitude. There will also be a surface-brightness limit,so that we do not wastefibres on galaxies of too low surface brightness to give a reasonable spectrum.This galaxy sample will have a median redshift z ≈0.1.We plan to observe an additional∼100,000luminous red galaxies to r′∼<19.5.Given photometry in thefive survey bands,redshifts can be estimated for the reddest galaxies to ∆z≈0.02or better[4],and so one can also predict their luminosity quite accurately.Selecting luminous red galaxies,many of which will be cD galaxies in cluster cores,provides a valuable supplement to the main galaxy sample since1)they will have distinctive spectral features, allowing a redshift to be measured up to1.5mag fainter than the main sample,and2)they will form an approximately volume-limited sample with a median redshift z ≈0.5.They will thus provide an extremely powerful sample for studying clustering on the largest scales and the evolution of galaxies.Quasar candidates will be selected by making cuts in multi-colour space and from the FIRST radio catalogue[1],with the aim of observing∼100,000quasars.This sample will be orders of magnitude larger than any existing quasar catalogues,and will be invaluable for quasar luminosity function,evolution and clustering studies as well as providing sources for followup absorption-line observations.In addition to the above three classes of spectroscopic sources,which are designed to providestatistically complete samples,we will also obtain spectra for many thousands of stars andfor various serendipitous objects.The latter class will include objects of unusual colour ormorphology which do notfit into the earlier classes,plus unusual objects found by other surveysand in other wavebands.4Current StatusIn this section I discuss the status(as of April1996)of the various systems within the survey.The monitor telescope has been operational now for several months,and is routinelyoperated remotely from Chicago.It is equipped with a set of SDSSfilters,and is being used toobserve candidate primary photometric standard stars,as well as known quasars to see wherethey lie in the SDSS colour system[8].Figure5:Photograph of the2.5-metre telescope structure,takenshortly after installation,on10October1995.Part of the tele-scope enclosure,in its rolled backposition,appears in the bottom-left of this picture.Note that nei-ther the mirrors nor the wind baf-fle are installed yet.The2.5-metre telescope structure was installed on the mountaintop in October1995(seeFig.5).Work is currently underway on the control systems for the telescope.Telescope opticsare all due to be ready by June1996.These include the primary and secondary mirrors andvarious corrector elements.We posess all of the CCDs for the imaging camera,which is under construction at Prince-ton.Delivery to the mountain is expected by September1996.Construction of the spectro-graphs is well underway,with the optics installed for one of the spectrograph cameras.Each of the data reduction-pipelines is now basically working,with ongoing work on minorbug-fixes,speed-ups and integration of the entire data processing system.The photometricreduction pipeline is being tested using both simulated data and with data taken using theFermilab drift scan camera on the ARC3.5-metre telescope at the same site.Similar tests arebeing carried out on the spectroscopic reduction pipeline,and our ability to efficiently placefibres on a clustered distribution of galaxies is being tested using the APM galaxy catalogue[7].The currently-projected survey schedule is as follows:September1996Optics to be installed on2.5-metre telescope.Autumn1996Imager and spectrograph commissioning.Winter1996Astronomicalfirst light.Early1997Test period begins.1998–2003Survey proper carried out.2002First two years of survey data become public.2005Complete survey data become public.The intent of this project is to make the survey data available to the astronomical community in a timely fashion.We currently plan to distribute the data from thefirst two years of the survey no later than two years after it is taken,and the full survey no later than two years after it isfinished.Thefirst partial release may or may not be in itsfinal form,depending on our ability to calibrate it fully at the time of the release.The same remarks apply to the release of the full data set,but we expect the calibration effort to befinished before that release.5Prospects for constraining dark matterSince one of the topics of this meeting is dark matter,I will highlight two of the areas in which the SDSS will provide valuable data for constraining dark matter.5.1Measurement of the Fluctuation SpectrumThe huge volume of the SDSS redshift survey will enable estimates of the galaxy power spectrum to∼1000h−1Mpc scales.Figure6shows the power spectrum P(k)we would expect to measure from a volume-limited(to M∗)sample of galaxies from the SDSS northern redshift survey, assuming Gaussianfluctuations and aΩh=0.3CDM model.The error bars include cosmic variance and shot noise,but not systematic errors,due,for example,to galactic obscuration. Provided such errors can be corrected for,(and star colours in the Sloan survey will provide our best a posteriori estimate of galactic obscuration),then thefigure shows that we can easily distinguish betweenΩh=0.2andΩh=0.3models,just using the northern main galaxy sample.Adding the southern stripe data,and the luminous red galaxy sample,will further decrease measurement errors on the largest scales,and so we also expect to be able to easily distinguish between low-density CDM and MDM models,and models with differing indices n for the shape of the primordialfluctuation spectrum.5.2Cosmological Density ParameterBy measuring the distortions introduced by streaming motions into redshift-space measures of galaxy clustering,one can constrain the parameterβ=Ω0.6/b,whereΩis the cosmological density paramter and b is the bias factor relatingfluctuations in galaxy number density to fluctuations in the underlying mass distribution.While existing redshift surveys,eg.IRAS[2] and Stromlo-APM[6],are hinting thatβ<1(ie.that galaxies are significantly biased tracers of mass or thatΩ<1),their volumes are too small to measure galaxy clustering in the fully linear regime reliably enough to measureβto much better than50%or so.With the SDSS redshift survey,we expect to be able to constrainβto10%or better.There are several ways we might hope to determine the galaxy bias factor b.By measuring galaxy clustering on∼1000h−1Mpc scales as shown in Figure6,we can compare with the COBE microwave backgroundfluctuations directly,and so constrain large-scale galaxy bias inFigure6:Expected1σuncer-tainty in the galaxy power spec-trum measured from a volume-limited sample from the SDSSnorthern survey,along with pre-dictions of P(k)from four vari-ants of the low-density CDMmodel.Note that the modelshave been arbitrarily normalisedto agree on small scales(k=0.4);in practice the COBE observa-tions of CMBfluctuationsfix theamplitude of P(k)on very largescales.a model-independent way.Analysis of higher-order clustering statistics[5],and of non-linear dynamical effects[2]will also set constraints on galaxy bias.Knowingβand b.we will be in a good position to reliably measure the cosmological density parameterΩindependent of models for the shape of thefluctuation spectrum.6ConclusionsIt is probably no exaggeration to claim that the Sloan Digital Sky Survey will revolutionize the field of large scale structure.Certainly we can expect to rule out large numbers of presently viable cosmological models,as illustrated in Figure6.As well as measuring redshifts for a carefully controlled sample of106galaxies and105quasars,the survey will also provide high quality imaging data for about100times as many extragalactic objects,from which one can obtain colour and morphological information.In addition to measuring the basic cosmological parametersΩand h discussed in the preceding section,the SDSS will also allow us to measure the properties of galaxies as a function of their colour,morphology and environment,providing valuable clues to the process of galaxy formation.Finally,I cannot resist the temptation to give a visual impression of what we might expect to see with the SDSS redshift survey.Figure7shows the distribution of62,295galaxies in a6◦slice from a simulation carried out by Changbom Park,assuming a low-density CDM model. This slice represents just one sixteenth of the million galaxy redshifts we will be measuring with the Sloan survey.I leave it to the readers imagination to dream up all the projects they would love to carry out given such a data-set.The work described here has been carried out by many people throughout the SDSS collab-oration,and I thank all my colleagues warmly.I am particularly grateful to Chris Stoughton and Michael Vogeley for providing Figures2and Figure6respectively,and to Philippe Canal for translating the Abstract into French.My attendance at the meeting was supported by a generous grant from the EEC.Figure7:Redshift-space distribu-tion of galaxies in a6◦slice from alarge,low-density CDM N-bodysimulation generated by Chang-bom Park.References[1]Becker,R.H.,White,R.L.and Helfand,D.J.,1995,ApJ,450,559[2]Cole,S.,Fisher,K.B.and Weinberg,D.H.,1995,MNRAS,275,515[3]Collins,C.A.,Heydon-Dumbleton,N.H.and MacGillivray,H.T.,1989,MNRAS,236,7P[4]Connolly,A.J.,et al.,1995,AJ,110,2655[5]Gazta˜n aga,E.and Frieman,J.A.,1994,ApJ,437,L13[6]Loveday,J.,Efstathiou,G.,Maddox,S.J.and Peterson,B.A.,1996,ApJ,in press[7]Maddox,S.J.,Sutherland,W.J.Efstathiou,G.and Loveday,J.,1990,MNRAS,243,692[8]Richards,G.T.,et al.,PASP,submittedLE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY:L’´ETAT ET CES PERSPECTIVES Le Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)`a pour but de cartographi´eπsteradians de l’univers local.Une matrice de dispositif`a transfert de charges(CCD)scannant en mode balayage produira une image digitalis´e e du ciel avec cinq diff´e rentsfiltres et avec une pr´e cision allant jusqu’a`a peu pr`e s magnitude23.Une´e tude spectroscopique sera faite sur une s´e lection de106 galaxies et105quasars.Dans cet article,apr`e s avoir d´e cris l’´e tat d’advancement du projet qui doit commencer`a faire des observations des le d´e but de l’ann´e e1997,je pr´e sente ces perspectives pour l’´e tablissement de mod`e les de la mati`e re noire dans l’univers.。
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Technical Summary
a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0006396v 1 27 J u n 2000The Sloan Digital Sky Survey:Technical Summary Donald G.York 1,J.Adelman 2,John E.Anderson,Jr.2,Scott F.Anderson 3,James Annis 2,Neta A.Bahcall 4,J.A.Bakken 2,Robert Barkhouser 5,Steven Bastian 2,Eileen Berman 2,William N.Boroski 2,Steve Bracker 2,Charlie Briegel 2,John W.Briggs 6,J.Brinkmann 7,Robert Brunner 8,Scott Burles 1,Larry Carey 3,Michael A.Carr 4,Francisco J.Castander 1,9,Bing Chen 5,Patrick L.Colestock 2,A.J.Connolly 10,J.H.Crocker 5,Istv´a n Csabai 5,11,Paul C.Czarapata 2,John Eric Davis 7,Mamoru Doi 12,Tom Dombeck 1,Daniel Eisenstein 13,1,14,Nancy Ellman 15,Brian R.Elms 4,16,Michael L.Evans 3,Xiaohui Fan 4,Glenn R.Federwitz 2,Larry Fiscelli 1,Scott Friedman 5,Joshua A.Frieman 2,1,Masataka Fukugita 17,13,Bruce Gillespie 7,James E.Gunn 4,Vijay K.Gurbani 2,Ernst de Haas 4,Merle Haldeman 2,Frederick H.Harris 18,J.Hayes 7,Timothy M.Heckman 5,G.S.Hennessy 19,Robert B.Hindsley 20,Scott Holm 2,Donald J.Holmgren 2,Chi-hao Huang 2,Charles Hull 21,Don Husby 2,Shin-Ichi Ichikawa 16,Takashi Ichikawa 22,ˇZeljko Ivezi´c 4,Stephen Kent 2,Rita S.J.Kim 4,E.Kinney 7,Mark Klaene 7,A.N.Kleinman 7,S.Kleinman 7,G.R.Knapp 4,John Korienek 2,Richard G.Kron 1,2,Peter Z.Kunszt 5,mb 1,B.Lee 2,R.French Leger 3,Siriluk Limmongkol 3,Carl Lindenmeyer 2,Daniel C.Long 7,Craig Loomis 7,Jon Loveday 1,Rich Lucinio 7,Robert H.Lupton 4,Bryan MacKinnon 2,23,Edward J.Mannery 3,P.M.Mantsch 2,Bruce Margon 3,Peregrine McGehee 24,Timothy A.McKay 25,Avery Meiksin 26,Aronne Merelli 27,David G.Monet 18,Jeffrey A.Munn 18,Vijay K.Narayanan 4,Thomas Nash 2,Eric Neilsen 5,Rich Neswold 2,Heidi Jo Newberg 2,28,R.C.Nichol 27,Tom Nicinski 2,29,Mario Nonino 30,Norio Okada 16,Sadanori Okamura 12,Jeremiah P.Ostriker 4,Russell Owen 3,A.George Pauls 4,John Peoples 2,R.L.Peterson 2,Donald Petravick 2,Jeffrey R.Pier 18,Adrian Pope 27,Ruth Pordes 2,Angela Prosapio 2,Ron Rechenmacher 2,Thomas R.Quinn 3,Gordon T.Richards 1,Michael W.Richmond 31,Claudio H.Rivetta 2,Constance M.Rockosi 1,Kurt Ruthmansdorfer 2,Dale Sandford 6,David J.Schlegel 4,Donald P.Schneider 32,Maki Sekiguchi 17,Gary Sergey 2,Kazuhiro Shimasaku 12,Walter A.Siegmund 3,Stephen Smee 5,J.Allyn Smith 25,S.Snedden 7,R.Stone 18,Chris Stoughton 2,Michael A.Strauss 4,Christopher Stubbs 3,Mark SubbaRao 1,Alexander S.Szalay 5,Istvan Szapudi 33,Gyula P.Szokoly 5,Anirudda R.Thakar 5,Christy Tremonti 5,Douglas L.Tucker 2,Alan Uomoto 5,Dan VandenBerk 2,Michael S.Vogeley 34,Patrick Waddell 3,Shu-i Wang 1,Masaru Watanabe 35,David H.Weinberg 36,Brian Yanny 2,and Naoki Yasuda 16(The SDSS Collaboration)ABSTRACTThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)will provide the data to support de-tailed investigations of the distribution of luminous and non-luminous matter inthe Universe:a photometrically and astrometrically calibrated digital imagingsurvey ofπsteradians above about Galactic latitude30◦infive broad opticalbands to a depth of g′∼23m,and a spectroscopic survey of the approximately106brightest galaxies and105brightest quasars found in the photometric objectcatalog produced by the imaging survey.This paper summarizes the observa-tional parameters and data products of the SDSS,and serves as an introductionto extensive technical on-line documentation.Subject headings:instrumentation---cosmology:observations1.IntroductionAt this writing(May2000)the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)is ending its com-missioning phase and beginning operations.The purpose of this paper is to provide a concise summary of the vital statistics of the project,a definition of some of the terms used in the survey and,via links to documentation in electronic form,access to detailed de-scriptions of the project’s design,hardware,and software,to serve as technical backgroundfor the project’s science papers.The electronic material is extracted from the text(the “Project Book”)written to support major funding proposals,and is available at the As-tronomical Journal web site via the on-line version of this paper.The official SDSS web site()also provides links to the on-line Project Book,and it can be accessed directly at /PBOOK/welcome.htm.In the dis-cussion below we reference the chapters in the Project Book by the last part of the URL,i.e. that following PBOOK/.The versions accessible at the SDSS web sites also contain extensive discussions and summaries of the scientific goals of the survey,which are not included here.The text of the on-line Project Book was last updated in August1997.While there have been a number of changes in the hardware and software described therein,the material accurately describes the design goals and the implementation of the major observing subsys-tems.As the project becomes operational,we will provide a series of formal technical papers (most still in preparation),which will describe in detail the project hardware and software in its actual operational state.Section2describes the Survey’s objectives:the imaging depth,sky coverage,and instru-mentation.Section3summarizes the software and data reduction components of the SDSS and its data products.Section4reviews some recent scientific results from the project’s initial commissioning data runs,which demonstrate the ability of the project to reach its technical goals.All Celestial coordinates are in epoch J2000.2.Survey CharacteristicsThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey will produce both imaging and spectroscopic surveys over a large area of the sky.The survey uses a dedicated2.5m telescope equipped with a large format mosaic CCD camera to image the sky infive optical bands,and two digital spectrographs to obtain the spectra of about one million galaxies and100,000quasars selected from the imaging data.The SDSS calibrates its photometry using observations of a network of standard stars es-tablished by the United States Naval Observatory(USNO)1m telescope,and its astrometry using observations by an array of astrometric CCDs in the imaging camera.2.1.TelescopeThe SDSS telescope is a2.5m f/5modified Ritchey-Chr´e tien wide-field altitude-azimuth telescope(see telescop/telescop.htm)located at the Apache Point Observatory(APO),Sunspot,New Mexico(site/site.htm).The telescope achieves a very wide(3◦)distortion-freefield by the use of a large secondary mirror and two corrector lenses.It is equipped with the photometric/astrometric mosaic camera(camera/camera.htm,Gunn et al.1998) and images the sky by scanning along great circles at the sidereal rate.The imaging camera mounts at the Cassegrain focus.The telescope is also equipped with two doublefiber-fed spectrographs,permanently mounted on the image rotator,since the spectrographs arefiber fed.This ensures that thefibers do notflex during an exposure.The telescope is changed from imaging mode to spectroscopic mode by removing the imaging camera and mounting at the Cassegrain focus afiber plug plate,individually drilled for eachfield,which feeds the spectrographs.In survey operations,it is expected that up to nine spectroscopic plates per night will be observed,with the necessary plates being plugged withfibers during the day.The telescope mounting and enclosure allow easy access for rapid changes betweenfiber plug plates and between spectroscopic and imaging modes.This strategy allows imaging to be done in pristine observing conditions(photometric sky,image size≤1.5′′FWHM)and spectroscopy to be done during less ideal conditions.All observing will be done in moonless sky.Besides the2.5m telescope,the SDSS makes use of three subsidiary instruments at the site.The Photometric Telescope(PT)is a0.5m telescope equipped with a CCD camera and the SDSSfilter set.Its task is to calibrate the photometry.Two instruments,a seeing mon-itor and a10µm cloud scanner(Hull et al.1995;site/site.htm)monitor the astronomical weather.2.2.Imaging CameraThe SDSS imaging camera contains two sets of CCD arrays:the imaging array and the astrometric arrays(camera/camera.htm,Gunn et al.1998).The imaging array consists of302048×2048Tektronix CCDs,placed in an array of six columns andfive rows.The telescope scanning is aligned with the columns.Each row observes the sky through a differentfilter,in temporal sequence r′,i′,u′,z′,and g′.The pixel size is24µm(0.396′′on the sky).The imaging survey is taken in drift-scan(time-delay-and-integrate,or TDI)mode,i.e.the camera continually sweeps the sky in great circles,and a given point on the sky passes through thefivefilters in succession.The effective integration time perfilter is54.1seconds,and the time for passage over the entire photometric array is about5.7minutes(strategy/strategy.htm;Gunn et al.1998).Since the camera contains six columns of CCDs,the result is a long strip of six scanlines,containing almost simultaneously observedfive-color data for each of the six CCD columns.Each CCDobserves a swath of sky13.52′wide.The CCDs are separated in the row direction(i.e. perpendicular to the scan direction)by91.0mm(25.2′on the sky)center-to-center.The observations arefilled in by a second strip,offset from thefirst by93%of the CCD width, to produce afilled stripe,2.54◦wide,with8%(1′)lateral overlap on each side.Because of the camera’s largefield of view,the TDI tracking must be done along great circles.The Northern Galactic Cap is covered by45great-circle arcs(shown projected on the sky in Figures1and2).2.3.Photometry and Photometric CalibrationThefivefilters in the imaging array of the camera,[u′,g′,r′,i′and z′]have effective wavelengths of[3590˚A,4810˚A,6230˚A,7640˚A and9060˚A](Fukugita et al.1996;Gunn et al.1998).An a priori model estimate of the telescope and camera throughputs and of the sky brightness predicted that we would reach the5σdetection limit for point sources in1′′seeing at[22.3,23.3,23.1,22.3,20.8]in the(u′,g′,r′,i′,z′)filters,respectively,at an airmass of1.4.We have put formal requirements on throughput at75%of the values used for the above estimation,and have demonstrated that we meet this requirement in all bands with the possible exception of z′.The sensitivity limit can be tested byfinding the magnitude at which repeat observations of a given area of sky yield50%reproducibility of the objects detected.This has been tested most thoroughly with data taken in less than optimal seeing(1.3′′−1.6′′);nevertheless,the50%reproducibility level lies within a few tenths of a magnitude of the above-quoted5σdetection limit in allfive bands(see Ivezi´c et al.2000). The SDSS science requirements demand that photometric calibration uncertainties for point sources be0.02in r′,0.02in r′−i′and g′−r′,and0.03in u′−g′and i′−z′.To meet these stringent requirements in both signal-to-noise ratio and photometricity,imaging data are declared to be survey quality only if the PT determines that the night is photometric, with a zero-point uncertainty below1%,and if the seeing is better than1.5′′.The imaging data saturate at about[13,14,14,14,12]magnitudes for point sources.The magnitude scale is on the ABνsystem(Oke1969,unpublished),which was updated to the AB79system by Oke&Gunn(1983)and to AB95by Fukugita et al.(1996).The magnitudes m are related toflux density f by m∼sinh−1(f)rather than logarithmically(see Lupton,Gunn&Szalay1999and Fan et al.1999).This definition is essentially identical to the logarithmic magnitude at signal-to-noise ratios greater than about5and is well behaved for low and even zero and negativeflux densities.The calibration and definition of the magnitude system is carried out by the USNO1m telescope and the0.5m PT.The SDSS photometry is placed on the ABνsystem using threefundamental standards(BD+17◦4708,BD+26◦2606,and BD+21◦609),whose magnitude scale is as defined by Fukugita et al.(1996);a set of157primary standards,which are calibrated by the above fundamental standards using the USNO1m telescope,and which cover the whole range of right ascension and enable the calibration system to be made self-consistent;and a set of secondary calibration patches lying across the imaging stripes, containing stars fainter than14m whose magnitudes are calibrated by the PT with respect to those of the primary standards and which transfer that calibration to the imaging survey. The locations of these patches on the survey stripes are shown in Figure1.On nights when the2.5m is observing,the PT observes primary standard stars to provide the atmospheric extinction coefficients over the night and to confirm that the night is photometric.The standard star network is described in photcal/photcal.htm—note that the telescope described there has now been replaced by the0.5m PT.2.4.Astrometric CalibrationThe camera also contains leading and trailing astrometric arrays—narrow(128×2048), neutral-density-filtered,r′-filtered CCDs covering the entire width of the camera.These arrays can measure objects in the magnitude range r′∼8.5-16.8,i.e.they cover the dynamic range between the standard astrometric catalog stars and the brightest unsaturated stars in the photometric array.The astrometric calibration is thereby referenced to the fundamental astrometric catalogues(see astrom/astrom.htm),using the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA1997)and specially observed equatorialfields(Stone et al.1999).Comparison with positions from the FIRST(Becker et al.1995)and2MASS(Skrutskie1999)catalogues shows that the rms astrometric accuracy is currently better than150milliarcseconds(mas) in each coordinate.2.5.Imaging Survey:North Galactic CapThe imaging survey covers about10,000contiguous square degrees in the Northern Galactic Cap.This area lies basically above Galactic latitude30◦,but its footprint is adjusted slightly to lie within the minimum of the Galactic extinction contours(Schlegel,Finkbeiner &Davis1998),resulting in an elliptical region.The region is centered atα=12h20m,δ=+32.5◦.The minor axis is at an angle20◦East of North with extent±55◦.The major axis is a great circle perpendicular to the minor axis with extent±65◦.The survey footprint with the location of the stripes is shown in Figure2—see strategy/strategy.htm for details.2.6.Imaging Survey:The South Galactic CapIn the South Galactic Cap,three stripes will be observed,one along the Celestial Equator and the other two north and south of the equator(see Figure2).The equatorial stripe(α=20.7h to4h,δ=0◦)will be observed repeatedly,both tofind variable objects and,when co-added,to reach magnitude limits about2m deeper than the Northern imaging survey.The other two stripes will cover great circles lying betweenα,δof(20.7h,-5.8◦→4.0h, -5.8◦)and(22.4h,8.7◦→2.3h,13.2◦).2.7.The Spectroscopic SurveyObjects are detected in the imaging survey,classified as point source or extended,and measured,by the image analysis software(see below).These imaging data are used to select in a uniform way different classes of objects whose spectra will be taken.Thefinal details of this target selection will be described once the survey is well underway;the criteria discussed here are likely to be very close to thosefinally used.Two samples of galaxies are selected from the objects classified as“extended”.About 9×105galaxies will be selected to have Petrosian(1976)magnitudes r′P≤17.7.Galax-ies with a mean r′band surface brightness within the half light radius fainter than24 magnitudes/arc second2will be removed,since spectroscopic observations are unlikely to produce a redshift.For illustrative purposes,a simulation of a slice of the SDSS redshift survey is shown in Figure3(from Colley et al.2000).Galaxies in this CDM simulation are‘selected’by the SDSS selection criteria.As Figure3demonstrates,the SDSS volume is large enough to contain a statistically significant sample of the largest structures predicted.The second sample,of approximately105galaxies,exploits the characteristic very red color and high metallicity(producing strong absorption lines)of the most luminous galaxies: the“Brightest Cluster Galaxies”or“Bright Red Galaxies”(BRGs);redshifts can be well measured with the SDSS spectra for these galaxies to about r′=19.5.Galaxies located at the dynamical centers of nearby dense clusters often have these properties.Reasonably accurate photometric redshifts(Connolly et al.1995)can be determined for these galaxies, allowing the selection by magnitude and g′r′i′color of an essentially distance limited sample of the highest-density regions of the Universe to a redshift of about0.45(see Figure4for a simulation).With their power-law continua and the influence of Lyman-αemission and the Lyman-αforest,quasars have u′g′r′i′z′colors quite distinct from those of the vastly more numerousstars over most of their redshift range(Fan1999).Thus about1.5×105quasar candidates are selected for spectroscopic observations as outliers from the stellar locus(cf.,Krisciunas et al.1998;Lenz et al.1998;Newberg et al.1999;Figure5below)in color-color space.At the cost of some loss of efficiency,selection is allowed closer to the stellar locus around z= 2.8,where quasar colors approach those of early F and late A stars(Newberg&Yanny1997; Fan1999).Some further regions of color-color space outside the main part of the stellar locus where quasars are very rarely found are also excluded,including the regions containing M dwarf-white dwarf pairs,early A stars,and white dwarfs(see Figure5).The SDSS will compile a sample of quasars brighter than i′≈19at z<3.0;at redshifts between3.0and about5.2,the limiting magnitude will be about i′=20.Objects are also required to be point sources,except in the region of color-color space where low-redshift quasars are expected to be found.Stellar objects brighter than i′=20which are FIRST sources(Becker,White and Helfand1995)are also selected.Based on early spectroscopy,we estimate that roughly65% of our quasar candidates are genuine quasars;comparison with samples of known quasars indicates that our completeness is of order90%.In all cases,the magnitudes of the objects are corrected for Galactic extinction before selection,using extinction in the SDSS bands calculated from the reddening map of Schlegel, Finkbeiner&Davis(1998).Objects are then selected to have a magnitude limit outside the Galaxy.If this correction were not made,the systematic effects of Galactic extinction over the survey area would overwhelm the statistical uncertainties in the SDSS data set.After the imaging and spectroscopic survey is completed in a given part of the sky,the reddening and extinction will be recalculated using internal standards extracted from the imaging data. The SDSS plans to use a variety of extinction probes,including very hot halo subdwarfs, halo turnoffstars,and elliptical galaxies whose intrinsic colors can be estimated from their line indices.Together with various classes of calibration stars andfibers which observe blank sky to measure the sky spectrum,the selected galaxies and quasars are mapped onto the sky,and ‘tiled’,i.e.their location on a3◦diameter plug plate determined(tiling/tiling.htm).The centers of the tiles are adjusted to provide closer coverage of regions of high galactic surface density,to make the spectroscopic coverage optimally uniform.Excessfibers are allocated to several classes of rare or peculiar objects(for example objects which are positionally matched with ROSAT sources,or those whose parameters lie outside any known range–these are serendipitous objects)and to samples of stars.The spectra are observed,640at a time(with a total integration time of45-60minutes depending on observing conditions)using a pair offiber-fed double spectrographs(spectro/spectro.htm).The wavelength coverage of the spectrographs is continuous from about3800˚A to9200˚A,and the wavelength resolution,λ/δλ,is1800(Uomoto et al.1999).Thefibers are located at the focal plane via plugplates constructed for each area of sky.Thefiber diameter is0.2mm(3′′on the sky),and adjacentfibers cannot be located more closely than55′′on the sky.Both members of a pair of objects closer than this separation can be observed spectroscopically if they are located in the overlapping regions of adjacent tiles.Tests of the redshift accuracy using observations of stars in M67whose radial velocities are accurately known(Mathieu et al.1986)show that the SDSS radial velocity measurements for stars have a scatter of about3.5km s−1.3.Software and Data ProductsThe operational software is described in datasys/datasys.htm.The data are obtained using the Data Acquisition(DA)system at APO(Petravick et al.1994)and recorded on DLT tape.The imaging data consist of full images from all CCDs of the imaging array,cut-outs of detected objects from the astrometric array,and bookkeeping information.These tapes are shipped to Fermilab by express courier and the data are automatically reduced through an interoperating set of software pipelines operating in a common computing environment.The photometric pipeline reduces the imaging data;it corrects the data for data de-fects(interpolation over bad columns and bleed trails,finding and interpolating over‘cosmic rays’,etc),calculates overscan(bias),sky andflatfield values,calculates the point spread functions(psf)as a function of time and location on the CCD array,finds objects,com-bines the data from thefive bands,carries out simple modelfits to the images of each object,deblends overlapping objects,and measures positions,magnitudes(including psf and Petrosian magnitudes)and shape parameters.The photometric pipeline uses position cali-bration information from the astrometric array reduced through the astrometric pipeline and photometric calibration data from the photometric telescope(reduced through the photomet-ric telescope pipeline).Final calibrations are applied by thefinal calibration pipeline,which allows refinements in the positional and photometric calibration as the survey progresses. The photometric pipeline is extensively tested using repeat observations,examination of the outputs,observations of regions of the sky previously observed by other telescopes(HST fields,for example)and a set of simulations,described in detail in simul/simul.htm.For an example of the repeatability of SDSS photometry over several timescales,see Ivezi´c et al. (2000).These repeat observations show that the mean errors(for point sources)are about 0.03m to20m,increasing to about0.05m at21m and to0.12m at22m.These observed errors are in good agreement with those quoted by the photometric pipeline.They apply only to the g′,r′and i′bands–in the less sensitive u′and z′bands,the errors at the bright end are about the same as those in g′r′i′,but increase to0.05m at20m and0.12m at21m.The outputs,together with all the observing and processing information,are loaded into the operational data base which is the central collection of scientific and bookkeeping data used to run the survey.To select the spectroscopic targets,objects are run through the target selection pipeline andflagged if they meet the spectroscopic selection criteria for a particular type of object.The criteria for the primary objects(quasars,galaxies and BRGs)will not be changed once the survey is underway.Those for serendipitous objects and samples of interesting stars can be changed throughout the survey.A given object can in principle receive several targetflags.The selected objects are tiled as described above,plug plates are drilled,and the spectroscopic observations are made.The spectroscopic data are automatically reduced by the spectroscopic pipeline,which extracts,corrects and calibrates the spectra,determines the spectral types,and measures the redshifts.The reduced spectra are then stored in the operational data base.The contents of the operational data base are copied at regular intervals into the science data base for retrieval and scientific analysis(see appsoft/appsoft.htm).The science data base is indexed in a hierarchical manner:the data and other information are linked into‘containers’that can be divided and subdivided as necessary,to define easily searchable regions with approximately the same data content. This hierarchical scheme is consistent with those being adopted by other large surveys,to allow cross referencing of multiple surveys.The science data base also incorporates a set of query tools and is designed for easy portability.The photometric data products of the SDSS include:a catalog of all detected objects, with measured positions,magnitudes,shape parameters,modelfits and processingflags; atlas images(i.e.cutouts from the imaging data in allfive bands)of all detected objects and of objects from the FIRST and ROSAT catalogs;a4×4binned image of the corrected images with the objects removed:and a mask of the areas of sky not processed(because of saturated stars,for example)and of corrected pixels(e.g.those from which cosmic rays were removed).The atlas images are sized to enclose the area occupied by each object plus the PSF width,or the object size given in the ROSAT or FIRST catalogues.The photometric outputs are described in /SDSS/photo.html.The data base will also contain the calibrated1D spectra,the derived redshift and spectral type,and the bookkeeping information related to the spectroscopic observations.In addition,the positions of astrometric calibration stars measured by the astrometric pipeline and the magnitudes of the faint photometric standards measured by the photometric telescope pipeline will be published at regular intervals.4.Early Science from the SDSS Commissioning DataThe goal of the SDSS is to provide the data necessary for studies of the large scale structure of the Universe on a wide range of scales.The imaging survey should detect∼5×107galaxies,∼106quasars and∼8×107stars to the survey limits.These photometric data, via photometric redshifts and various statistical techniques such as the angular correlation function,support studies of large scale structure well past the limit of the spectroscopic survey.On even larger scales,information on structure will come from quasars.The science justification for the SDSS is discussed in several conference papers(e.g. Gunn&Weinberg1995;Fukugita1998;Margon1999).The Project Book science sec-tions can be accessed at /PBOOK/science/science.htm. Much of the science for which the SDSS was built,the study of large scale structure,will come when the survey is complete,but the initial test data have already led to significant scientific discoveries in manyfields.In this section,we show examples of thefirst test data and some initial results.To date(May2000),the SDSS has obtained test imaging data for some2000square degrees of sky and about20,000spectra.Examples of these data are shown in Figures5(sample color-color and color-magnitude diagrams of point-source objects),6 (sample spectra)and7(a composite color image of a piece of the sky which contains the cluster Abell267),Fischer et al.(2000)have detected the signature of the weak lensing of background galaxies by foreground galaxies,allowing the halos and total masses of the foreground galaxies to be measured.The searches by Fan et al.(1999a,b;2000a,c),Schneider et al.(2000)and Zheng et al.(2000)have greatly increased the number of known high redshift(z>3.6)quasars and include several quasars with z>5.Fan et al.(1999b)have found thefirst example of a new kind of quasar:a high redshift object with a featureless spectrum and without the radio emission and polarization characteristics of BL Lac objects.The redshift for this object(z =4.6)is found from the Lyman-αforest absorption in the spectrum.Some150distant probable RR Lyrae stars have been found in the Galactic halo,enabling the halo stellar density to be mapped;the distribution may have located the edge of the halo at approximately60kpc(Ivezi´c et al.2000).The distribution of RR Lyrae stars and other horizontal branch stars is very clumped,showing the presence of possible tidal streamers in the halo(Ivezi´c et al.2000;Yanny et al.2000).Margon et al.(1999)describe the discovery of faint high latitude carbon stars in the SDSS data.Strauss et al.(1999),Schneider et al.(2000),Fan et al.(2000b),Tsvetanov et al. (2000),Pier et al.(2000)and Leggett et al.(2000)report the discovery of a number of。
附录 4-变星的名字
然后再从AA开始到AZ,BB到BZ,等等,直到QZ 为止(不使用字母J)。
NSV xxxxx——这表示《新变星及疑似变星星表》(the Catalog of New and Suspected Varia-bles)中的星。
它是莫斯科B. V. Kukarkin et al.出版的《变星总表》(GCVS)的姊妹版。
关于 NSV和GCVS的信息请访问http://www.sai.msu.s u/groups/cluster/gcvs/gcvs/intro.htm。
3C xxx——这表示《剑桥第三星表》(the Third Cambridge [3C] Catalog [Edge et al. 1959])中的天体。
BL Lac Objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
a rXiv:as tr o-ph/612523v119Dec26**FULL TITLE**ASP Conference Series,Vol.**VOLUME**,**YEAR OF PUBLICATION****NAMES OF EDITORS**BL Lac Objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)A.C.Gupta 1,W.Yuan 1,X.Dong 2,T.Ji 2,H.-Y.Zhou 2&J.M.Bai 11National Astronomical Observatories/Yunnan Observatory,CAS,P.O.Box 110,Kunming,Yunnan 650011,China 2Center for Astrophysics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,Anhui,China Abstract.We collected a sample of 661confirmed and 361possible BL Lac candidates from the recent catalog of BL Lac objects (Veron-Cetty &Veron 2006).We searched these sources in the recent data release DR5of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)and found spectra were available for 169and 109confirmed and possible BL Lac candidates respectively.We found 32candidates from confirmed and 19candidates from possible BL Lac lists have non feature-less spectra and are thus possibly not BL Lac candidates.We report here the preliminary results from our analysis of a sample of 278BL Lac objects.1.Introduction A small subset of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs)show rapid variability at complete EM spectrum with the emission being strongly polarized.Such AGNs are called blazars and their radiation at all wavelength is predominantly non-thermal.BL Lac objects are a subclass of blazars which have featureless spectrum,so it is difficult to estimate the distances,luminosities and redshifts of these objects.In a small population of BL Lacs,host galaxies are also seen.A careful study of these sources can give few weak emission lines which will be helpful to determine the redshifts.In the present work based on the sample of 169confirmed and 109possible BL Lacs,our main aim to find genuine BL Lacs and separate out BL Lacs and non BL Lacs in two different lists.2.Optical Spectrum Analysis and ResultsWe searched the spectra of 1022BL Lacs sample in SDSS DR5catalog and found spectra were available for 278sources.The spectra of these sources were extracted and corrected for the galactic extinction using the extinction curve of (Schlegel et al.1998).Extinction corrected spectras were smoothed with a boxcar of 5pixels for illustration.Then we visually inspected spectra of all sources and based on that we divided the spectra into two groups:(i)featureless spectrum (BL Lac objects),(ii)spectrum with emission and/or absorption line features (non BL Lacs).In our visual inspection,we found 137sources from the list of confirmed and 90sources from possible BL Lacs have featureless spectrum i.e.confirmed BL Lacs.We found respectively 32and 19sources from confirmed and possible12Figure1.Top,middle and bottom panels show the extinction correctedspectrum of confirmed BL Lac(form possible BL Lac list),non BL Lac(formpossible BL Lac list)and non BL Lac(form confirmed BL Lac list)respec-tively.candidate lists are non featureless and so classified as possibly non BL Lacs. Further analysis is going on.3.Conclusion&Future PlanIn the SDSS spectra of our sample of278BL Lac objects,we found227sources are genuine BL lacs and51possibly belongs to non BL Lacs.We have following strategy for further detail analysis of spectra to study these sources in more detail.1.Sources having non featureless spectrum,redshift will be multi-wavelength published data of these sources,we will be able to get the spectral energy distribution(SED).3.We also have plan to search for new BL Lacs in SDSS DR5data release.We will do proper modeling of stellar component(Lu et al.2006)and decompose AGNs spectra into stellar and non stellar nuclear components,provided that two components are comparable in strength.Acknowledgments.The work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSF-10533050).ReferencesLu,H.,Zhou,H.,Wang,J.,et al.2006,AJ,131,790Schlegel,D.J.,Finkbeiner,D.P.,Davis,M.1998,ApJ,500,525Veron-Cetty,M.P.,&Veron,P.2006,A&A,455,773。
Quasars Probing Quasars I Optically Thick Absorbers Near Luminous Quasars
a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0603742v 2 29 M a r 2006Draft version February 5,2008Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.6/22/04QUASARS PROBING QUASARS I:OPTICALLY THICK ABSORBERS NEAR LUMINOUS QUASARSJoseph F.Hennawi 1,2,3,Jason X.Prochaska 4Scott Burles,5Michael A.Strauss,2Gordon T.Richards,6DavidJ.Schlegel,7Xiaohui F an,8Donald P.Schneider,9Nadia L.Zakamska,10,11Masamune Oguri,2James E.Gunn,2Robert H.Lupton,2Jon Brinkmann 12Draft version February 5,2008ABSTRACTWith close pairs of quasars at different redshifts,a background quasar sightline can be used to study a foreground quasar’s environment in absorption .We search 149moderate resolution background quasar spectra,from Gemini,Keck,the MMT,and the SDSS to survey Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs)and Damped Ly αsystems (DLAs)in the vicinity of 1.8<z <4.0luminous foreground quasars.A sample of 27new quasar-absorber pairs is uncovered with column densities,1017.2cm −2<N HI <1020.9cm −2,and transverse (proper)distances of 22h −1kpc <R <1.7h −1Mpc,from the foreground quasars.If they emit isotropically,the implied ionizing photon fluxes are a factor of ∼5−8000times larger than the ambient extragalactic UV background over this range of distances.The observed probability of intercepting an absorber is very high for small separations:six out of eight projected sightlines with transverse separations R <150h −1kpc have an absorber coincident with the foreground quasar,of which four have N HI >1019cm −2.The covering factor of N HI >1019cm −2absorbers is thus ∼50%(4/8)on these small scales,whereas 2%would have been expected at random.There are many cosmological applications of these new sightlines:they provide laboratories for studying fluorescent Ly αrecombination radiation from LLSs,constrain the environments,emission geometry,and radiative histories of quasars,and shed light on the physical nature of LLSs and DLAs.Subject headings:quasars:general –intergalactic medium –quasars:absorption lines –cosmology:general –surveys:observations1.INTRODUCTIONAlthough optically thick absorption line systems,that is the Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs)and damped Lyman-αsystems (DLAs),are detected as the strongest absorp-tion lines in quasar spectra,the two types of objects,quasars and absorbers,play rather different roles in the evolution of structure in the Universe.The hard ultravi-olet radiation emitted by luminous quasars gives rise to the ambient extragalactic ultraviolet (UV)background (see e.g.Haardt &Madau 1996;Meiksin 2005)responsi-ble for maintaining the low neutral fraction of hydrogen (∼10−6)in the intergalactic medium (IGM),established during reionization.However,high column density ab-sorbers represent the rare locations where the neutral1Department of Astronomy,University of California Berkeley,Berkeley,CA 94720;joeh@2Princeton University Observatory,Princeton,NJ 085443Hubble Fellow4Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,UCO/Lick Ob-servatory;University of California,1156High Street,Santa Cruz,CA 95064;xavier@5Physics Department,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge,MA 02139.6Department of Physics and Astronomy,Johns Hopkins Uni-versity,3400N.Charles Street,Baltimore,MD 21218-26867Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,One Cyclotron Road,Mailstop 50R232,Berkeley,CA,94720,USA.8Steward Observatory,University of Arizona,933North Cherry Avenue,Tucson,AZ 857219Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Pennsylvania State University,525Davey Laboratory,University Park,PA 16802,USA10Institute for Advanced Study,Einstein Drive,Princeton,NJ 0854011Spitzer Fellow12Apache Point Observatory,P.O.Box 59,Sunspot,NM88349-0059.fractions are much larger.Gas clouds with column den-sities log N HI >17.2are optically thick to Lyman contin-uum (τLL 1)photons,giving rise to a neutral interior self-shielded from the extragalactic ionizing background.In particular,the damped Ly αsystems dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe (Prochaska et al.2005),which provides the primary reservoir for the star formation which occurred to form the stellar masses of galaxies in the local Universe.One might expect optically thick absorbers to keep a safe distance from luminous quasars.For a quasar at z =2.5with an r -band magnitude of r =19,the flux of ionizing photons is 130times higher than that of the extragalactic UV background at an angular separation of 60′′,corresponding to a proper distance of 340h −1kpc and increasing as r −2toward the quasar.Indeed,the decrease in the number of optically thin absorption lines (log N HI <17.2hence τLL 1),in the vicinity of quasars,known as the proximity effect (Bajtlik et al.1988),has been detected and its strength provides a measurement of the UV background (Scott et al.2000).If Nature provides a nearby background quasar sightline,one can also study the transverse proximity effect ,which is the expected decrease in absorption in a background quasar’s Ly αforest,caused by the transverse ionizing flux of a foreground quasar.It is interesting that the transverse effect has yet to be detected,in spite of many attempts (Crotts 1989;Dobrzycki &Bechtold 1991;Fernandez-Soto,Barcons,Carballo,&Webb 1995;Liske &Williger 2001;Schirber,Miralda-Escud´e ,&McDonald 2004;Croft 2004,but see Jakobsen et al.2003).On the other hand,it has long been known that quasars are associated with en-2HENNAWI et al.hancements in the distribution of galaxies (Bahcall,Schmidt,&Gunn1969;Yee&Green1984, 1987;Bahcall&Chokshi1991;Smith,Boyle,&Maddox 2000;Brown,Boyle,&Webster2001;Serber et al.2006; Coil et al.2006),although these measurements of quasar galaxy clustering are limited to low redshifts 1.0. Recently,Adelberger&Steidel(2005),measured the clustering of Lyman Break Galaxies(LBGs)around lu-minous quasars in the redshift range(2 z 3.5),and found a bestfit correlation length of r0=4.7h−1Mpc (γ=1.6),very similar to the auto-correlation length of z∼2−3LBGs(Adelberger et al.2003).Cooke et al. (2006)recently measured the clustering of LBGs around DLAs and measured a bestfit r0=2.9h−1Mpc withγ=1.6,but with large uncertainties(see also Gawiser et al.2001;Bouch´e&Lowenthal2004).If LBGs are clustered around quasars,and LBGs are clustered around DLAs,might we expect optically thick absorbers to be clustered around quasars?This is especially plausible in light of recent evidence that DLAs arise from a high redshift galaxy population which are not unlike LBGs(Møller et al.2002).Clues to the clustering of optically thick absorbers around quasars come from a subset of DLAs with z abs∼z em known as proximate DLAs,which have absorber redshifts within3000km s−1of the emission redshift of the quasars(see e.g.Moller et al.1998).Recently, Russell et al.(2005)(see also Ellison et al.2002),com-pared the number density of proximate DLAs per unit redshift to the average number density of DLAs in the the Universe(Prochaska et al.2005).They found that the abundance of DLAs is enhanced by a factor of∼2 near quasars,which they attributed to the clustering of DLA-galaxies around quasars.Here,we present a new technique for studying ab-sorbers near luminous quasars,which can be thought of as the optically thick analog of the transverse proxim-ity effly,we use background quasar sightlines to search for optically thick absorption in the vicinity of foreground quasars.Although such projected quasar pair sightlines are extremely rare,Hennawi et al.(2006a) showed that it is straightforward to select z 2projected quasar pairs from the imaging and spectroscopy pro-vided by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS;York et al. 2000).In this work,we combine high signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)moderate resolution spectra of the clos-est Hennawi et al.(2006a)projected pairs,obtained from Gemini,Keck,and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT),with a large sample of wider separation pairs, from the SDSS spectroscopic survey,arriving at a to-tal of149projected pair sightlines in the redshift range 1.8<z<4.0.A systematic search for optically thick ab-sorbers in the vicinity of the foreground quasars is con-ducted,uncovering27new quasar absorber pairs with column densities17.2<log N HI<20.9and transverse (proper)distances22h−1kpc<R<1.7h−1Mpc from the foreground quasars.A handful of quasar-absorber pairs exist in the lit-erature,all of which were discovered serendipitously. In a study of the statistics of coincidences of opti-cally thick absorbers across close quasar pair sightlines, D’Odorico et al.(2002)discovered one LLS(z abs=2.12) and one DLA(z abs=2.54)in background quasar spec-tra within∆v 1000km s−1of the foreground quasar redshifts,corresponding to transverse proper distances of320h−1kpc and1.75h−1Mpc,respectively.More recently,Adelberger et al.(2005)serendipitously discov-ered a faint background quasar(z=2.92)49′′from a luminous(r∼16)foreground quasar at z=2.84,corre-sponding to transverse separation R=280h−1kpc.A DLA was detected in the background spectrum at the same redshift as the foreground quasar.This is thefirst in a series of four papers on op-tically thick absorbers near quasars.In this work, we describe the observations and sample selection and present27new quasar-absorber pairs.Paper II (Hennawi&Prochaska2006a)focuses on the cluster-ing of absorbers around foreground quasars and a mea-surement of the transverse quasar-absorber correlation function is presented.We investigatefluorescent Lyαemission from our quasar-absorber pairs in Paper III (Hennawi&Prochaska2006b).Echelle spectra of sev-eral of the quasar-LLS systems published here are ana-lyzed in Paper IV(Prochaska&Hennawi2006). Quasar pair selection and details of the observations are described in§2.The selection techniques and the sample are presented in§3.A detailed discussion of how the systemic redshifts of the foreground quasars were estimated is given in§4.The individual members of the sample are discussed in§5.Cosmological applications of quasar-absorber pairs are mentioned in§6and we summarize in§7.Throughout this paper we use the bestfit WMAP (only)cosmological model of Spergel et al.(2003),with Ωm=0.270,ΩΛ=0.73,h=0.72.Unless otherwise specified,all distances are proper.It is helpful to re-member that in the chosen cosmology,at a redshift of z=2.5,an angular separation of∆θ=1′′corresponds to a proper transverse separation of R=6h−1kpc,and a velocity difference of1500km s−1corresponds to a ra-dial redshift space distance of s=4.3h−1Mpc.For a quasar at z=2.5,with an SDSS magnitude of r=19, theflux of ionizing photons is130times higher than the ambient extragalactic UV background at an angu-lar separation of60′′(R=340h−1kpc).Finally,we use term optically thick absorbers and LLSs interchange-ably,both referring to quasar absorption line systems with log N HI>17.2,making them optically thick at the Lyman limit(τLL 1).2.QUASAR PAIR OBSERVATIONSFinding optically thick absorbers near quasars requires spectra of projected pairs of quasars at different redshifts, both with z 2,so that Lyαis above the atmospheric cutoff.In this section we describe the spectra of pro-jected quasar pairs from the SDSS and2QZ spectroscopic surveys as well our subsequent quasar pair observations from Keck,Gemini,and the MMT.2.1.The SDSS Spectroscopic Quasar SampleThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey uses a dedicated2.5m telescope and a large format CCD camera(Gunn et al. 1998,2006)at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico to obtain images infive broad bands(u,g,r,i and z,centered at3551,4686,6166,7480and8932˚A, respectively;Fukugita et al.1996;Stoughton et al.2002)QUASARS PROBING QUASARS3of high Galactic latitude sky in the Northern Galac-tic Cap.The imaging data are processed by the as-trometric pipeline(Pier et al.2003)and photometric pipeline(Lupton et al.2001),and are photometrically calibrated to a standard star network(Smith et al.2002; Hogg et al.2001).Additional details on the SDSS data products can be found in Abazajian et al.(2003,2004, 2005).Based on this imaging data,spectroscopic targets cho-sen by various selection algorithms(i.e.quasars,galax-ies,stars,serendipity)are observed with two double spec-trographs producing spectra covering3800–9200˚A with a spectral resolution ranging from1800to2100(FWHM ≃150−170km s−1).Details of the spectroscopic ob-servations can be found in Castander et al.(2001)and Stoughton et al.(2002).A discussion of quasar target selection is presented in Richards et al.(2002a).The blue cutoffof the SDSS spectrograph imposes a lower redshift cutoffof z≈2.2for detecting the Lyαtransi-tion.The Third Data Release Quasar Catalog contains 46,420quasars(Schneider et al.2005),of which6,635 have z>2.2.We use a larger sample of quasars which also includes non-public data:our parent quasar sample comprises11,742quasars with z>2.2.Note also that we have used the Princeton/MIT spectroscopic reductions13 which differ slightly from the official SDSS data release. The SDSS spectroscopic survey selects against close pairs of quasars because offiber collisions.Thefinite size of opticalfibers implies only one quasar in a pair with separation<55′′can be observed spectroscopically on a given plate14.Thus for sub-arcminute separations,addi-tional spectroscopy is required both to discover compan-ions around quasars and to obtain spectra of sufficient quality to search for absorption line systems.For wider separations,projected quasar pairs can be found directly in the spectroscopic quasar catalog.2.2.The2QZ Quasar SampleThe2dF Quasar Redshift Survey(2QZ)is a homo-geneous spectroscopic catalog of44,576stellar objects with18.25≤b J≤20.85(Croom et al.2004).Selec-tion of quasar candidates is based on broad band col-ors(ub J r)from automated plate measurements of the United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope photographic plates. Spectroscopic observations were carried out with the2dF instrument,which is a multi-object spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope.The2QZ covers a total area of721.6deg2arranged in two75◦×5◦strips across the South Galactic Cap(SGP strip),centered onδ=−30◦, and North Galactic Cap(NGP strip,or equatorial strip), centered atδ=0◦.The NGP overlaps the SDSS foot-print,corresponding to roughly half of the2QZ area.By combining the SDSS quasar catalog with2QZ quasars in the NGP we arrive at a combined sample of12,933 quasars with z>2.2,of which11,742are from the SDSS and1,191from the2QZ.The2QZ spectroscopic survey is also biased against close quasar pairs:theirfiber collision limit is30′′.The 13Available at 14An exception to this rule exists for a fraction(∼30%)of the area of the SDSS spectroscopic survey covered by overlapping plates.Because the same area of sky was observed spectroscopi-cally on more than one occasion,there is nofiber collision limita-tion.fiber collision limits of both the SDSS and2QZ can be partly circumvented by searching for SDSS-2QZ pro-jected quasar pairs in the region where the two surveys overlap.2.3.Keck,Gemini,and MMT SpectroscopicObservationsAnother approach to overcome thefiber collision lim-its is to use the SDSSfive band photometry to search for candidate companion quasars around known,spec-troscopically confirmed quasars.Hennawi et al.(2006a) used the3.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory (APO)to spectroscopically confirm a large sample of photometrically selected close quasar pair candidates. This survey discovered both physically associated,binary quasars,as well as projected quasar pairs,and produced the largest sample of close pairs in existence.We have obtained high signal-to-noise ratio,moder-ate resolution spectra of a subset of the Hennawi et al. (2006a)quasar pairs from Keck,Gemini,and the MMT. Thus far,88quasars with z>1.8have been observed, which is the operational lower limit for detecting Lyαset by the atmospheric cutoff.We primarily targeted the closest quasar pairs with small separations below the fiber-collision limit(∆θ<55′′).In some cases other nearby quasars or quasar candidates were also observed at wider separations from a known close pair.This was most often the case with the Keck observations,where a multi-slit configuration was used,such that other nearby known quasars or quasar candidates could be simultane-ously observed on a single mask.Because some of the 88quasars we observed are in triples or quadruples,the total number of pairs is greater than44.About half of our pairs targeted consisted of projected pairs of quasars (∆v>2500km s−1)at different redshifts;the rest were physically associated binary quasars.This spectroscopy program has several science goals: to measure small scale transverse Lyαforest correlations, to constrain the dark energy density of the Universe with the Alcock-Paczy´n ski test(Alcock&Paczy´n ski 1979;McDonald&Miralda-Escud´e1999; Hui,Stebbins,&Burles1999),and to characterize the transverse proximity effect.None of these projected pairs were specifically targeted based on the presence or absence of an LLS.Thus these projected sightlines constitute an unbiased sample for searching for optically thick absorbers near foreground quasars.For the Keck observations,we used the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph(LRIS;Oke et al.1995),in multi-slit mode with custom designed slitmasks,which allowed placement of slits on other known quasars or quasar can-didates in thefield.LRIS is a double spectrograph with two arms giving simultaneous coverage of the near-UV and red.We used the D460dichroic with the1200lines mm−1grism blazed at3400˚A on the blue side,resulting in wavelength coverage of≈3300−4200˚A.The disper-sion of this grism is0.50˚A per pixel,giving a resolution of FWHM≃125km s−1.On the red side,we used the 300lines mm−1grating blazed at5000˚A,which covered the wavelength range4700−10,000˚A,resulting in2.4˚A per pixel dispersion or a FWHM≃500km s−1.All the LLSs discovered in the Keck LRIS data were found in the blue side spectra,owing to the low redshift(z∼2)4HENNAWI et al. of our Keck targets.We used the longer wavelength cov-erage on the red side to aid with the identification of newquasars and to determine accurate systemic redshifts(see§4).The Keck observations took place during two runson UT2004November7-8and UT2005March8-9.The Gemini data were taken with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph(GMOS;Hook et al.2004)on theGemini North facility.We used the B1200QUASARS PROBING QUASARS5TABLE1Optically Thick Absorbers Near QuasarsName z bg z fg∆θR z abs|∆v|∆v fg log N HI g UV Redshift Fg Bg(′′)(h−1kpc)(km s−1)(km s−1)(cm−2)Inst.Inst. SDSSJ0036+0839 2.69 2.569154.5894 2.564736050018.95±0.357C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0127+15071 2.60 1.818131.0794 1.81883030018.6±0.33Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B2.38 1.81851.9315 1.817510030018.9±0.313Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ0225−0739 2.99 2.440214.01251 2.447669050019.55±0.25C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0239−010623.14 2.308 3.722 2.3025540150020.45±0.26369C IV SDSS LRIS-B SDSSJ0256+0039 3.55 3.387179.0960 3.38720100019.25±0.2520C IV SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0303−0023 3.23 2.718217.61240 2.7243500100018.95±0.28C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0338−0005 3.05 2.23973.5436 2.2290960150020.9±0.213C IV-C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0800+3542 2.07 1.98323.1139 1.98284030019.0±0.15488Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ0814+3250 2.21 2.18210.361 2.1792280150018.8±0.21473Template GMOS GMOS SDSSJ0833+0813 3.33 2.516103.4601 2.505980100019.45±0.318C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0852+2637 3.32 3.203170.9931 3.211550150019.25±0.413C IV SDSS SDSS SDSSJ0902+2841 3.58 3.325183.0986 3.3421200500>17.234C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1134+3409 3.14 2.291209.21237 2.287932050019.5±0.311C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1152+4517 2.38 2.312113.4669 2.315837050019.1±0.330C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1204+0221 2.53 2.43613.378 2.4402370150019.7±0.15625Template GMOS GMOS SDSSJ1213+1207 3.48 3.411137.8736 3.410530150019.25±0.339Template SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1306+6158 2.17 2.11116.397 2.108420030020.3±0.15420Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ1312+0002 2.84 2.671148.5850 2.668820050020.3±0.323C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1426+5002 2.32 2.239235.61397 2.2247133050020.0±0.1519C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1427−0121 2.35 2.278 6.237 2.27885030018.85±0.257871Mg II DEIMOS GMOS SDSSJ1429−0145 3.40 2.628140.2808 2.6235400100018.8±0.220C III]2QZ SDSS SDSSJ1430−0120 3.25 3.102200.01100 3.115960150020.5±0.226Template SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1545+5112 2.45 2.24097.6579 2.24332050019.45±0.330C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ1621+3508 2.04 1.93176.7463 1.93091030018.7±0.212Mg II LRIS-R LRIS-B SDSSJ1635+3013 2.94 2.49391.4532 2.5025820500>19111C III]SDSS SDSS SDSSJ2347+15013 2.29 2.15747.3282 2.176********>18.363C III]APO GMOS2.29 2.171223.01329 2.176380500>17.28Mg II SDSS GMOSNote.—Optically thick absorption line systems near foreground quasars.1In the systems SDSSJ0127+1507there are two distinct background quasars at z=2.38and z=2.60,which show absorption in the vicinity of the same foreground quasar at z=1.818.2The foreground quasar for this system has large BAL troughs in the Lyαand C IV emission lines.The redshift was computed by comparing the peak of C IV,determined by eye,to the shifted wavelengthλ=1545.3˚A.We apply a conservative redshift uncertainty of±1500km s−1.3Voigt profilefits to the Lyαabsorption in the SDSS spectrum of the background quasar gave log N HI=19.55±0.3.An archive echelle spectrum of this quasar gives the smaller value which is listed in the table log N HI=18.8±0.2.4In the systems SDSSJ2347+1501,there is a single background quasar at z=2.29and two foreground quasars at z=2.157and z=2.167, although the velocity separation is larger than our nominal1500km s−1cutofffor the former.spectra do not have sufficient resolution or SNR tofind high column density absorbers,so these quasars could only serve as foreground quasars.Furthermore,all of our Keck/Gemini/MMT spectra easily satisfy our SNR criteria,so in practice,we only apply a SNR statistic to the SDSS spectra.3.1.SNR StatisticWe define a signal-to-noise statistic SNR bg in the back-ground quasar spectrum which is an average of the me-dian signal-to-noise ratio blueward and redward of the Lyαtransition at the foreground quasar redshift.For the blue side,we begin at the wavelengthλblue= (1+z fg)(1215.67−20)˚A,and take the median SNR of the 150pixels blueward of this wavelength.The20˚A offset (4936km s−1)is applied so that the SNR is not biased by the presence of a potential absorber.If there are not150available pixels blueward ofλblue because of the blue cutoffof the spectrum,we take the median of the n blue>50pixels which remain.If less than50pixels are available,we set SNR blue=0and n blue=0. Similarly,on the red side we begin atλred=(1+z fg)(1215.67+20)˚A,and take the median SNR of the150pixels redward of this wavelength.If there are not150pixels redward ofλred which also have λ<(1+z bg)1190˚A,we compute the median SNR red of the n red pixels available.Wavelengths larger than (1+z bg)1190˚A are avoided because the SNR rises at the Lyαemission line in the background quasar spectrum.If n red<150,we then also compute the median SNR1275 of the n1275=150−n red remaining pixels redward of the wavelengthλ1275=(1+z bg)1275˚A,which is free of emission lines and a good place to estimate the red continuum SNR.Our SNR statistic is defined to be the averageSNR bg≡n blue SNR blue+n red SNR red+n1275SNR12756HENNAWI et al. These pairs with small velocity separation are excludedto avoid confusion about which object is in the back-ground and to avoid distinguishing absorption intrinsic to the background quasar from absorption associated with the foreground quasar.Because the small angu-lar separation projected pairs are particularly rare,we set a more liberal minimum SNR of SNR bg>1.5for projected pairs which have(comoving)transverse sep-aration R<1h−1Mpc.For wider separation pairs 1h−1Mpc<R<5h−1Mpc(comoving),we require SNR bg>2.3.2.Visual InspectionAll projected quasar pairs satisfying the aforemen-tioned criteria were visually inspected and we searched for significant Lyαabsorption within a velocity window of|∆v|=1500km s−1about the foreground quasar red-shift.This velocity range because it brackets the un-certainties of the foreground quasar systemic redshift (see§4).Strong broad absorption line(BAL)quasars with large C IV equivalent widths(EWs)were excluded from the d BALs were excluded if the BAL absorption clearly coincided with the velocity window about the foreground quasar redshift which was being searched.Systems with significant Lyαabsorption wereflagged for H I absorption profilefitting.In the SDSS spec-tra,all systems which had an absorber with rest equiv-alent width Wλ>2˚A wereflagged to befit.We adopted a lower threshold of Wλ>1.5˚A for the Keck/Gemini/MMT spectra,which have higher SNRs and slightly better resolution.These equivalent width thresholds correspond to column densities of roughly log N HI 19and log N HI 18.5,respectively.The H I search was complemented by a search for metal lines at the foreground quasar redshift,in the clean continuum region redward of the Lyαfor-est of the background quasar.The narrow metal lines provide a redshift for the absorption line sys-tem and,if present,they can help distinguish opti-cally thick absorbers from blended Lyαforest lines. We focused on the strongest low-ion transitions com-monly observed in DLAs(e.g.Prochaska et al.2003): Si IIλ1260,1304,1526,O Iλ1302,C IIλ1334, Al IIλ1670,Fe IIλ1608,2382,2600,Mg IIλ2796,2803; and the strong high-ionization transitions commonly seen in LLSs:C IVλ1548,1550and Si IVλ1393,1402. Any systems with secure metal-line absorption were also flagged to befit.The Lyman limit at912˚A is redshifted into the SDSS spectral coverage for z>3.2.Although we did not ap-ply any specific SNR criteria on the spectra at these bluer wavelengths,special attention was paid to pro-jected pairs for which the Lyman limit was detectable. Systems which showed Lyman limit absorption at the redshift of the foreground quasar were alsoflagged,re-gardless of the equivalent width of their Lyαabsorption or the strength or presence of metal lines.3.3.Voigt Profile FittingFor all of the systems which wereflagged by the ini-tial visual inspection,we estimated the H I column den-sity byfitting the Lyαprofiles using standard practice.1010101010gUV567tcross(yrs)R (kpc/h)z(redshift)λ(Å)Fig.1.—Distribution of foreground quasar redshifts,transverse separations,and ionizingfluxes probed by the background quasar sightlines.The upper plot shows ionizingflux versus proper separa-tions,which explains the general R−2trend.The lower plot shows foreground quasar redshift versus proper separations and the y-axis on the right indicates the wavelength of the Lyαλ1215.67˚A tran-sition at this redshift.The(blue)squares have a Keck(LRIS-B)spectrum of the background quasar,(red)triangles have Gem-ini(GMOS)background spectra,(magenta)upside down triangles have MMT(Blue Channel)background spectra,and(green)circles have SDSS background spectra.Filled symbols outlined in black have an optically thick absorber at the foreground quasar redshift (see Table1)and open symbols have no absorber.The region to the left of the dotted line is excluded by the SDSSfiber collision limit ofθ=55′′,which explains the paucity of SDSS background spectra there.The follow-up Keck/Gemini/MMT spectra probe angular separations an order of magnitude smaller than thefiber collision limit,allowing us to probe the foreground quasar environ-ment down to20kpc/h where the ionizingflux is∼10,000times the UV background.Namely,we over-plotted a Voigt profile on the Lyαtran-sition,and centered the profile according to the redshift of metal-lines,if present.Otherwise,the redshift of the absorber was allowed to be a free parameter in thefit. Thefits are done‘by-eye’,which is to say we do not minimize aχ2because the error in thefit is dominated by systematic uncertainty related to the quasar contin-uum placement and line-blending.Conservative error es-timates are adopted to account for this uncertainty.In all cases,we assume a Doppler parameter b,which is typical of the high z Lyαforest(e.g.Kirkman&Tytler 1997).In general,thefits are insensitive to the Doppler parameter parameter because most of the leverage in the fit comes from the damping wings of the line-profile;we assume b=30km s−1.See Prochaska et al.(2005)for more discussion on Voigt profilefits to Lyαabsorption profiles.The completeness and false positive rate of our sur-。
英语作文-观光游览航空服务行业:数字化转型的成功典范In the realm of tourism, the aviation industry stands as a towering example of successful digital transformation. The journey from ticket booking to boarding the plane has been redefined by the seamless integration of digital technology, enhancing the travel experience manifold.The inception of this transformation can be traced back to the digitization of booking systems. Gone are the days of physical travel agencies and cumbersome paper tickets. Today, travelers can book flights, select seats, and even order meals through airline websites or mobile applications. This shift not only offers convenience but also empowers customers with more control over their travel plans.Airlines have also revolutionized check-in processes. Self-service kiosks at airports allow passengers to check in without waiting in long lines. Moreover, the advent of e-boarding passes, which can be accessed on smartphones, has expedited the boarding process, reducing paper waste and increasing efficiency.In-flight services have not remained untouched by this digital wave. Many airlines now provide personalized entertainment options through in-flight Wi-Fi, allowing passengers to stream content on their devices. This personalization extends to customer service as well, with AI-powered chatbots available 24/7 to assist with queries and issues, ensuring a smoother journey for every traveler.Behind the scenes, digital technology plays a pivotal role in improving operational efficiency. Data analytics and machine learning algorithms are employed to optimize flight routes, predict maintenance issues, and manage inventory, leading to reduced delays and enhanced safety.The digital transformation of the aviation industry is not just about technology; it's about reimagining the travel experience. It's a shift towards a more customer-centricapproach, where convenience, efficiency, and personalization are at the forefront. As this industry continues to evolve, it sets a benchmark for others, demonstrating the profound impact of digitalization on service-oriented sectors.In conclusion, the aviation sector's embrace of digital technology has set a precedent for the tourism industry. It showcases how embracing innovation can lead to significant improvements in customer experience and operational excellence. As we look to the future, the aviation industry's journey serves as an inspiring blueprint for the potential of digital transformation across various service domains. 。
以天文摄影展为题的英语作文高中Astronomy photography exhibition is a display of breathtaking images captured by skilled photographers who have a passion for astronomy. These images not only showcase the beauty of our universe but also educate and inspire viewers about the mysteries of space.The exhibition features a wide range of photographs, including stunning images of celestial bodies such as galaxies, nebulae, planets, and stars. Each photograph is a masterpiece that highlights the intricate details and colors of our universe. From the mesmerizing swirls of a distant galaxy to the glowing colors of a nebula, every image tells a unique story about the wonders of space.One of the most striking aspects of the exhibition is the sheer scale of the universe. The vastness of space is captured in each image, reminding viewers of how small we are in comparison to the cosmos. The photographs also reveal the beauty of the night sky, with its twinkling stars and mysterious shapes that have fascinated humanity for centuries.In addition to showcasing the beauty of space, the exhibition also serves as an educational tool. Each photograph isaccompanied by informative captions that provide context and explanations about the celestial objects featured in the image. Viewers can learn about the different types of galaxies, the process of star formation, and the importance of space exploration.Furthermore, the exhibition serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring astronomers and photographers. Seeing the stunning images captured by talented photographers can motivate others to pick up a camera and explore the night sky themselves. It encourages creativity and curiosity, sparking an interest in space and the natural world.Overall, the astronomy photography exhibition is a celebration of the beauty and complexity of our universe. It allows viewers to marvel at the wonders of space, learn about the mysteries of the cosmos, and be inspired by the creativity of talented photographers. It is a reminder of the vastness and beauty of our universe, and a testament to the human spirit of exploration and discovery.。
Unit 3 Astronomy
• Impact crater 撞击坑、陨石坑 • Impact basin 撞击盆地
asteroid 小行星 comet 彗星 Difference? 1. 小行星主要沿椭圆形轨道运行;彗星 除了椭圆形轨道,还可以沿抛物线和 双曲线运行。 2. 小行星较稳定,不太容易挥发物质; 彗星在距离太阳较近时,会挥发气体。 (彗星成分多为尘埃和冰块)
Gas Giant Planet 气体巨行星
• 又名类木行星,是不以岩石和固态物 质组成的巨行星。太阳系有4个气体巨 行星—木星(Jupiter)、土星(Saturn)、 天王星(Uranus)与海王星(Neptune)。 一般大于十倍地球质量的行星即为~
Cosmochemistry 宇宙化学
• 宇宙化学是研究宇宙物质的化学组成及其 演化规律的学科,研究对象包括陨石、月 球、行星系天体、行星际物质、太阳、恒 星、星际物质、星系等。 • 主要研究内容有:①确定组成宇宙物质的 元素、同位素和分子,测定其含量。②探 讨宇宙物质的化学演化。这对研究天体起 源和生命起源都有重要的意义。
Late Heavy Bombardment, also known as Lunar Cataclysm.
• About 4 to 3.8 billion years ago a period of intense comet and asteroid bombardment is thought to have peppered all the planets including the Earth. Many of the numerous craters found on the Moon and other bodies in the Solar System record this event.
政府应该花钱在宇宙探索 英语作文
政府应该花钱在宇宙探索英语作文Space exploration has been an intriguing and fascinating topic for humans since the beginning of the space age. The desire to explore and understand the universe has driven countries to invest heavily in space programs, providing valuable knowledge, advanced technologies, and unlocking the potential for economic growth. Investment in space exploration is essential as it contributes to science and technology development, inspires future generations, and encourages international cooperation.Investing in space exploration leads to the development of groundbreaking scientific discoveries and cutting-edge technologies that benefit numerous industries and human life. Space research has given birth to innovations such as GPS navigation systems, artificial limbs, satellite communicationsystems, and weather forecasting, all of which have had a profound impact on our everyday lives.For example, many of the advancements in our smartphones can be traced back to innovations designed for space travel. These include cameras, touchscreens, accelerated processing units (APUs), and various sensors used in navigation. The development of energy-efficient solar panels used widely today also stems from the need to provide sustainable power sources for spacecrafts.By continuing to invest in space programs, governments are supporting research that drives technological innovations with promising applications in other sectors such as healthcare, transportation, renewable energy, and agriculture.Additionally, investment in space exploration galvanizes future generations to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). People around the worldare captivated by significant achievements in space travel by watching space shuttle launches, following planetary missions, or admiring images taken by powerful telescopes such as Hubble Space Telescope. This excitement has led many students to choose STEM studies with ambitions of becoming astronauts or contributing to advancements that shape our understanding of the cosmos.Governments should prioritize funding for space exploration not only to make these dreams possible but also as a means of generating jobs within the expanding space economy. It is crucial that they encourage a new wave of engineers and scientists who will lead us towards even greater discoveries that enhance human knowledge.Another significant advantage of government investment in space exploration is its ability to promote international cooperation. Space programs often require complexcollaborations involving various scientific institutions, aerospace companies, and organizations that transcend national borders.For instance, the International Space Station (ISS) can be considered a prime example of successful international collaboration. It is supported by fifteen nations including the United States, Russia, Europe’s ESA member states, Japan, and Canada. Working jointly on such projects fosters mutual understanding between nations while pooling resources and reducing costs.Funding space exploration represents a vehicle for diplomacy as it promotes peace through international cooperation on scientific advancements that strive towards a common goal - understanding our place within the cosmos.Lastly, investing in space exploration allows us to consider solutions for potential challenges we may face on Earth. One day, Earth might experience overpopulation or scarcity ofnatural resources due to human activities and climate change. On top of this issue lies the potential threat posed by astronomical events such as asteroid collisions or solar flares that could cause immense devastation.By investing in space programs focused on technologies that enable humans to inhabit other planets or moons, governments are proactively addressing these future challenges. For instance, the Moon and Mars missions aim to develop habitats, resource extraction systems, and crop cultivation techniques adapted to harsh conditions.Overall, the benefits of investing in space exploration are invaluable. Government funding for space programs enhances critical advancements in science and technology that contribute to improvements in various sectors, inspires future generations of STEM professionals, encourages international cooperation, and provides foresight planning for long-term human survival. It is our responsibility to build a strong foundation for our futuregenerations and conquer new frontiers in space to ensure humanity’s continuous growth and expansion beyond Earth.。
英语作文-观光游览航空服务行业:数字化时代的颠覆性创新In the digital age, the tourism and aviation service industry is experiencing a revolutionary transformation. The rapid advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in the way people travel and the services they receive. This article will explore the impact of digital innovation on the tourism and aviation service industry, and how it has reshaped the way people experience travel.First and foremost, the digitalization of the tourism and aviation service industry has greatly improved the efficiency and convenience of travel. With the advent of online booking platforms and mobile apps, travelers can now easily plan and book their trips with just a few clicks. This has eliminated the need for traditional travel agencies and has empowered individuals to take control of their travel arrangements. Additionally, digital boarding passes and self-service kiosks at airports have streamlined the check-in process, reducing wait times and enhancing the overall travel experience.Furthermore, digital innovation has also revolutionized the way airlines and tourism companies interact with their customers. Social media and online review platforms have given travelers a powerful voice, allowing them to share their experiences and provide feedback in real-time. This has forced companies to prioritize customer satisfaction and has led to the development of more personalized and tailored services. In addition, the use of big data and analytics has enabled companies to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, allowing them to anticipate and meet the evolving needs of their customers.Moreover, the integration of digital technology has led to the enhancement of in-flight entertainment and connectivity. Airlines now offer Wi-Fi services and streaming entertainment options, allowing passengers to stay connected and entertained throughout their journey. This has not only improved the overall travel experience but has alsoopened up new opportunities for airlines to generate additional revenue through the sale of digital services.In conclusion, the digitalization of the tourism and aviation service industry has brought about a paradigm shift in the way people travel and experience air travel. The convenience, efficiency, and personalized experience offered by digital innovation have redefined the standards of the industry. As technology continues to advance, we can expect further disruptions and innovations that will continue to shape the future of travel.。
英语作文-观光游览航空服务行业:数字化时代的典范企业In the digital era, the tourism and aviation industry has witnessed significant changes and advancements. With the rapid development of technology, the digitalization of services has become a crucial aspect for companies to stay competitive and provide exemplary customer experiences. In this article, we will explore the paradigmatic enterprises in the tourism and aviation industry that have embraced digitalization to transform their operations and enhance customer satisfaction.One such exemplary enterprise is XYZ Airlines, which has revolutionized the way people experience air travel. By leveraging digital technologies, XYZ Airlines has streamlined its services, making it convenient and efficient for travelers. From online booking platforms to self-check-in kiosks, the airline has embraced digitization at every touchpoint of the customer journey.The first digital innovation that XYZ Airlines has implemented is the online booking system. Customers can now book their flights from the comfort of their homes or offices, eliminating the need to visit a travel agency or call a reservation hotline. The online booking platform provides users with a user-friendly interface, allowing them to search for flights, compare prices, and select their preferred options. This digitalization of the booking process has not only simplified the customer experience but also reduced the operational costs for the airline.Furthermore, XYZ Airlines has introduced self-check-in kiosks at airports, enabling passengers to check-in without the need for assistance from airline staff. These kiosks are equipped with touch screens and barcode scanners, allowing travelers to print their boarding passes and baggage tags effortlessly. By automating the check-in process, XYZ Airlines has significantly reduced waiting times and improved overall efficiency.In addition to streamlining the booking and check-in processes, XYZ Airlines has also embraced digitalization to enhance in-flight services. Passengers can now access awide range of entertainment options through the airline's mobile app or in-flight entertainment system. From movies and TV shows to music and games, travelers have a plethora of choices to keep themselves engaged during the flight. Moreover, XYZ Airlines has also introduced onboard Wi-Fi, allowing passengers to stay connected and browse the internet while in the air.Another noteworthy digital innovation by XYZ Airlines is the implementation of a personalized customer service system. By analyzing customer data and preferences, the airline can offer tailored recommendations and suggestions to enhance the travel experience. For example, frequent flyers are provided with exclusive offers and discounts, while passengers celebrating special occasions receive personalized greetings and surprises. This level of personalization not only fosters customer loyalty but also creates a memorable and delightful experience for travelers.In conclusion, XYZ Airlines serves as a prime example of a paradigmatic enterprise in the tourism and aviation industry that has embraced digitalization to enhance its services. From online booking platforms to self-check-in kiosks and personalized customer service, the airline has leveraged technology to streamline operations and provide exemplary customer experiences. As the digital era continues to evolve, it is crucial for companies in the tourism and aviation industry to adapt and embrace digitalization to stay competitive and meet the ever-changing needs of travelers.。
航天展览英语作文The captivating world of space exploration has always been a source of wonder and fascination for humanity. From the early days of rocket science to the remarkable achievements of modern space programs, the journey of human exploration beyond our planet has been a testament to our insatiable curiosity and unwavering determination. It is within this context that the Space Exploration Exhibition stands as a testament to the remarkable feats of human ingenuity and the endless possibilities that lie among the stars.As I step through the grand entrance of the exhibition, I am immediately struck by the sheer scale and scope of the displays. The vast, cavernous halls are filled with an array of artifacts and interactive exhibits that transport me to the very heart of the space exploration narrative. From the meticulously recreated models of iconic spacecraft to the awe-inspiring footage of launches and landings, every element of the exhibition is designed to immerse the visitor in the thrilling experience of space travel.One of the first exhibits that catches my eye is a towering replica ofthe Saturn V rocket, the colossal launch vehicle that carried the Apollo astronauts to the Moon. The sheer size of the rocket is overwhelming, and as I stand in its shadow, I can almost feel the thunderous rumble of its engines and the trembling of the ground as it lifts off into the unknown. The attention to detail is truly remarkable, with every rivet and panel meticulously recreated to capture the essence of this engineering marvel.As I move deeper into the exhibition, I am greeted by a dazzling array of interactive displays that bring the history of space exploration to life. One such exhibit is a virtual reality simulation that allows visitors to experience the thrill of a rocket launch, complete with the sensation of weightlessness and the breathtaking view of our planet from the perspective of an astronaut. The level of immersion is truly remarkable, and I find myself gripping the controls of the simulated spacecraft, my heart racing as I navigate the challenges of a lunar landing.Another captivating exhibit is a collection of artifacts from past space missions, each item a tangible link to the remarkable feats of human achievement. From the charred heat shields of returning spacecraft to the personal effects of astronauts, these relics serve as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices and triumphs that have defined the history of space exploration. As I carefully examine these objects, I am struck by the sense of connection they evoke, a tangible link to the braveindividuals who have ventured beyond the confines of our planet.One of the most awe-inspiring sections of the exhibition is the display dedicated to the International Space Station. Here, visitors are invited to explore a meticulously recreated module of the iconic orbiting laboratory, complete with realistic simulations of the day-to-day activities of the astronauts who call it home. The attention to detail is simply breathtaking, from the intricate instrumentation panels to the cramped living quarters where the crew members sleep and work. As I navigate the module, I am struck by the sheer ingenuity and determination required to sustain human life in the harsh environment of space.Throughout the exhibition, I am constantly reminded of the remarkable achievements of the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of space exploration. From the pioneering efforts of the early rocket scientists to the modern-day teams of engineers and astronauts, each chapter of this story is a testament to the power of human innovation and the boundless potential of the human spirit.As I wander through the final sections of the exhibition, I am confronted with displays that explore the future of space exploration. Here, I am presented with tantalizing glimpses of the technologies and missions that may one day take us even further into the cosmos.The prospect of establishing permanent human settlements on the Moon or Mars, or of unlocking the secrets of the universe through advanced telescopes and probes, is both thrilling and humbling.Ultimately, the Space Exploration Exhibition is more than just a collection of artifacts and displays. It is a testament to the enduring human desire to explore the unknown, to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. As I exit the exhibition, my mind filled with the wonder and awe of the journey I have just experienced, I am left with a renewed sense of appreciation for the remarkable feats of human ingenuity and the endless possibilities that lie beyond our planet.。
航天展览馆英文作文高中The Aerospace Exhibition Center is a fascinating place to visit. It is a hub of innovation and scientific discovery, showcasing some of the most advanced technologies that humanity has ever created.Upon entering the exhibition center, visitors are greeted by an array of stunning exhibits that showcase the latest advancements in aerospace technology. From rockets and satellites to space suits and lunar landers, the center offers a unique insight into the incredible achievements of the aerospace industry.One of the most impressive exhibits is the replica of the International Space Station. Visitors can explore the various modules and learn about the daily life of astronauts living in space. The exhibit also highlights the important scientific research that takes place on the station, including experiments on plant growth and human physiology.Another fascinating exhibit is the collection of historic spacecraft, including the Apollo lunar lander and the Mercury capsule. These artifacts serve as a reminder of the incredible feats of engineering and bravery that made space exploration possible.The Aerospace Exhibition Center also features interactive exhibits that allow visitors to experience the thrill of space travel firsthand. From simulators that recreate the sensation of weightlessness to virtual reality experiences that transport visitors to other planets, the center offers a range of immersive experiences that are both educational and entertaining.In addition to the exhibits, the center also hosts a range of educational programs and events. These include lectures by leading scientists and engineers, workshops for students, and even opportunities to meet astronauts and other space professionals.Overall, the Aerospace Exhibition Center is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in science, technology, and space exploration. It offers a unique and inspiring glimpse into the cutting-edge technologies and groundbreaking research that are shaping the future of space exploration.。
Recovering 3 z 35 Quasars Using A Multicolor Techn
Sample Stacked Images
Z=3.01 (R filter-7 images)
Z=3.19 (V filter-11images)
Z=3.4251 (R filter- 6 images)
Unknown Area (B filter- 8 images)
Results (z=3.01 Quasar)
Results (z=3.19 Quasar)
Results (z=3.4251 Quasar)
Results (z=3.19 and z=3.4251)
Results (Unknown Area)
SDSS Data Release 3 Quasar Catalog contains exactly 3 quasars that match specifications with which we would have success.
Their energy output comes from gigantic accretion disks surrounding black holes.
Importance of Studying Quasars
Since quasars are highly red-shifted, studying them allows us to study the universe when it was very young.
Classification was not possible on this quasar. This might have occurred due to:
1) Faintness of quasar.
太空探索雅思英语作文{z}Title: Space Exploration - A journey beyond EarthIntroduction:Space exploration has been a subject of curiosity and fascination for humanity for centuries.The vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds have triggered the quest for knowledge and the desire to explore the unknown.This essay will discuss the significance of space exploration, the benefits it brings to humanity, and the challenges that lie ahead in this fascinating journey.Body:1.Historical Perspective:The journey of space exploration began in the 20th century with the advent of powerful rockets and advancements in technology.The first manned mission to the moon in 1969 marked a significant milestone in human history.Since then, numerous space agencies and organizations have embarked on various missions to explore the cosmos.2.Scientific Benefits:Space exploration has led to significant scientific discoveries and advancements.The study of celestial bodies has provided valuable insights into the formation of the universe, the existence of other planets, and the possibility of life beyond Earth.It has also led to the development of new technologies, such as satellite communication, GPS systems, andweather forecasting, which have greatly benefited humanity.3.Technological Advancements:Space exploration has driven technological innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.The development of powerful rockets, spacecraft, and other technologies has not only facilitated manned missions to the moon and Mars but has also led to advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, and materials science.These technological breakthroughs have found applications in various fields, improving our quality of life on Earth.4.Economic Impact:The space industry generates billions of dollars in revenue and creates jobs for scientists, engineers, and researchers.The development of new technologies and industries, such as satellite communications and space tourism, has stimulated economic growth and created new opportunities for businesses.Space exploration has also fostered international cooperation, as countries work together to achieve common goals and share the costs and benefits of space exploration.5.Challenges and Future Perspectives:Despite the numerous benefits, space exploration faces significant challenges.The high costs, risks associated with space travel, and the vastness of the universe make it a challenging endeavor.However, advancements in technology and the commitment of governments andprivate entities are paving the way for future exploration.The establishment of permanent space stations, the development of reusable rockets, and the search for extraterrestrial life are some of the exciting prospects for the future.Conclusion:Space exploration is a testament to human curiosity, ingenuity, and the desire to push the boundaries of knowledge.It has brought about significant scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and economic benefits.Despite the challenges, the pursuit of space exploration continues to inspire and drive humanity forward.As we venture further into the cosmos, we may unravel more mysteries and perhaps find the answer to the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe.The journey beyond Earth is a story of human resilience, collaboration, and the pursuit of the unknown.。
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a rXiv:as tr o-ph/11629v129Oct21Accepted by The Astronomical Journal The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog I.Early Data Release 1Donald P.Schneider 2,Gordon T.Richards 2,Xiaohui Fan 3,Patrick B.Hall 4,5,Michael A.Strauss 4,Daniel E.Vanden Berk 6,James E.Gunn 4,Heidi Jo Newberg 7,Timothy A.Reichard 2,C.Stoughton 6,Wolfgang Voges 8,Brian Yanny 6,Scott F.Anderson 9,James Annis 6,Neta A.Bahcall 4,Amanda Bauer 10,Mariangela Bernardi 11,Michael R.Blanton 6,William N.Boroski 6,J.Brinkmann 12,John W.Briggs 11,Robert Brunner 13,Scott Burles 11,Larry Carey 9,Francisco J.Castander 14,A.J.Connolly 15,Istv´a n Csabai 16,17,Mamoru Doi 18,Scott Friedman 16,Joshua A.Frieman 11,Masataka Fukugita 19,3,Timothy M.Heckman 16,G.S.Hennessy 20,Robert B.Hindsley 21,David W.Hogg 3,ˇZeljko Ivezi´c 4,Stephen Kent 6,Gillian R.Knapp 4,Peter Z.Kunszt 16,Donald mb 11,22,R.French Leger 9,Daniel C.Long 12,Jon Loveday 23,Robert H.Lupton 4,Bruce Margon 24,Avery Meiksin 25,Aronne Merelli 13,Jeffrey A.Munn 26,Matthew Newcomb 27,R.C.Nichol 27,Russell Owen 9,Jeffrey R.Pier 26,Adrian Pope 27,Constance M.Rockosi 11,David H.Saxe 3,David Schlegel 4,Walter A.Siegmund 9,Stephen Smee 16,Yehuda Snir 27,Mark SubbaRao 11,Alexander S.Szalay 16,Aniruddha R.Thakar 16,Alan Uomoto 16,Patrick Waddell 9,and Donald G.York 11,22ABSTRACTWe present thefirst edition of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)Quasar Catalog.The catalog consists of the3814objects(3000discovered by the SDSS)in the initialSDSS public data release that have at least one emission line with a full width athalf maximum larger than1000km s−1,luminosities brighter than M i∗=−23,andhighly reliable redshifts.The area covered by the catalog is494deg2;the majorityof the objects were found in SDSS commissioning data using a multicolor selectiontechnique.The quasar redshifts range from0.15to5.03.For each object the catalogpresents positions accurate to better than0.2′′rms per coordinate,five band(ugriz)CCD-based photometry with typical accuracy of0.05mag,radio and X-ray emissionproperties,and information on the morphology and selection method.Calibratedspectra of all objects in the catalog,covering the wavelength region3800to9200˚A ata spectral resolution of1800-2100,are also available.Since the quasars were selectedduring the commissioning period,a time when the quasar selection algorithm wasundergoing frequent revisions,the sample is not homogeneous and is not intended forstatistical analysis.Subject headings:catalogs,surveys,quasars:general1.IntroductionSince thefirst measurement of a quasar redshift nearly40years ago(Schmidt1963),the number of known quasars has steadily risen;the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database(NED) and the quasar catalog of V´e ron&Veron(2001)each contain on the order of25,000quasars.A large fraction of these objects were recently discovered by the2dF Quasar Survey(Croom et al.2001),which is extremely effective at identifying quasars with redshifts below3.0that have b J magnitudes between18.25and20.85.This paper presents thefirst edition of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS)Quasar Catalog. The goal of the SDSS quasar survey is to obtain spectra of≈100,000quasars from10,000deg2of the North Galactic Cap.For quasars with(u−g)<+1.5(which corresponds to a redshift of near three),the survey will reach aflux limit of i≈19;quasars with(u−g)>+1.5(corresponding to a redshift range in the SDSS of between3.0and≈5.5-6.0),the sensitivity limit will be i≈20. The survey will provide CCD-based photometry infive broad bands covering the entire optical window,morphological information,and spectra from3800˚A to9200˚A at a spectral resolution of1800-2100.A review of the SDSS is given by York et al.(2000);Richards et al.(2002)present the details of the quasar target algorithm.The catalog in the present paper consists of the3814objects in the SDSS Early Data Release (EDR;Stoughton et al.2002)with reliable redshifts whose spectra have at least one emission line with a FWHM broader than1000km s−1and which have a luminosity larger than M i∗=−23 (calculated assuming an H0=50km s−1Mpc−1,ΩM=1.0,ΩΛ=0cosmology,which will be used throughout this paper).The quasars range in redshift from0.15to5.03,and3000(79%) were discovered by the SDSS(an object is classified as previously known if NED contains a quasar within5′′of the SDSS position).A few quasar-related studies based on subsets of the SDSS Early Release Data have been recently published.The most comprehensive investigations,both using samples containing more than2000quasars,are the quasar color-redshift relation for redshifts between zero andfive (Richards et al.2001a)and the construction of a very high signal-to-noise ratio composite quasar spectrum(Vanden Berk et al.2001).The SDSS has proven to be extremely effective at identifying high-redshift quasars;to date the SDSS has discovered more than140at redshifts above four,and ten of the eleven known quasars at z≥5(see Zheng et al.2000,Anderson et al.2001,Fan et al.2001,and references therein;the sole non-SDSS z>5quasar is described in Sharp et al.2001).The observations used to produce the catalog are presented in Section2.The construction of the catalog and the catalog format are discussed in Sections3and4,respectively,and Section5 contains a summary of the catalog.A brief discussion of plans for future editions of the catalog is given in Section6.The catalog material can be found at a public web site28.2.Observations2.1.Sloan Digital Sky SurveyThe Sloan Digital Sky Survey uses a CCD camera(Gunn et al.1998)on a dedicated2.5-m telescope at Apache Point Observatory,New Mexico,to obtain images infive broad optical bands over10,000deg2of the high Galactic latitude sky centered approximately on the North Galactic Pole.Thefivefilters(designated u,g,r,i,and z)cover the entire wavelength range of the CCD response(Fukugita et al.1996);thefilter response curves are given in Stoughton et al.(2002). Since the SDSS photometric system is not yetfinalized,we refer to the SDSS photometry presented here as u∗,g∗,r∗,i∗,and z∗.The photometric calibration is reproducible to0.05,0.03,0.03,0.03, and0.05magnitudes in u∗,g∗,r∗,i∗,and z∗,respectively;the absolute calibration in Janskys is uncertain at the10%level.All magnitudes in the quasar catalog refer to the point spread function measurements of the photometric pipeline(see Stoughton et al.2002for details).Photometric calibration is provided by simultaneous observations with a20-inch telescope at the same site(see Hogg et al.2001and Stoughton et al.2002).The survey data processingds.htmlsoftware measures the properties of each detected object in the imaging data in allfive bands,and determines and applies both astrometric and photometric calibrations(Pier et al.,unpublished; Lupton et al.2001).The image quality in the EDR,which consists of observations taken during the SDSS commissioning period,is considerably poorer than that expected for the survey proper; the95%completeness limits for stars in the EDR are typically22.0,22.2,22.2,21.3,and20.5 in u∗,g∗,r∗,i∗and z∗,respectively.The image of an unresolved source brighter than r∗≈14will be saturated.The imaging data in the SDSS EDR consists of eight imaging scans(SDSS scan numbers94, 125,752,756,1336,1339,1356,and1359),acquired between September1998and April2000,that cover approximately500deg2.Thefirst four scans are along the celestial equator in the Northern and Southern high-latitude Galactic sky;thefinal four contain68deg2in the SIRTF First Look Survey region(see Stoughton et al.2002).2.2.Target SelectionThe SDSSfilter system was designed to allow quasars at redshifts between zero and sixto be identified with multicolor selection techniques.The effective wavelength of the ufilter is shortward of the Balmer discontinuity;therefore the color difference between low-redshift quasars and early-type stars is larger in(u−g)than the standard color of(U−B).The inclusion of the near-infraredfilter(z)extends the maximum redshift for SDSS quasars out to≈6(Fanet al.2001).The vast majority of quasars follow a tight color-redshift relation in SDSSfilters (Richards et al.2001a);this feature allows development of techniques that may produce reliable photometric redshifts for quasars(Richards et al.2001b,Budavari et al.2001).In addition to the multicolor selection,unresolved objects brighter than i≈19that are coincident with FIRST radio sources(Becker,White,&Helfand1995)are also identified as quasar candidates.Note that the point spread function magnitudes are used for the quasar target selection.For candidates whose likely redshifts are less than three,both extended and point sources are included as quasar candidates;however,extended sources are excluded if they lie in a region of color space that is densely occupied by normal galaxies(see Richards et al.2002).At larger redshifts,an object must be unresolved in the SDSS images to become a spectroscopic target.Target selection also imposes a maximum brightness limit on the objects.Accurate photometry of point sources brighter than r≈14is impossible as their images are saturated; objects that have saturated pixels are dropped from further consideration.An additional constraint is introduced to prevent saturation andfiber cross-talk problems in the SDSS spectroscopic observations;an object cannot be included in the quasar spectroscopic program if it has an i magnitude brighter than15.0.Objects may also dropped from consideration if the photometric measurements are considered suspect,for example objects close to very bright stars,data affected by cosmic rays,etc.One of the most important tasks during the SDSS commissioning period was to refine the quasar target selection algorithm.This selection algorithm was varied throughout the time that the EDR observations were obtained,so the objects in this catalog were not found via a uniform set of selection criteria.Indeed,some of the quasars in the catalog were not spectroscopically targeted just by the SDSS quasar selection algorithm,but rather by one of the other modules (Stoughton et al.2002):galaxies,stars(mostly aimed at objects with the colors of unusual types of stars),optical counterparts of ROSAT sources,or serendipitous targets(again,objects of extreme colors,but defined independently from the quasar selection color limits).For a detailed discussion of the process of spectroscopic target selection,see Stoughton et al.(2002);Richards et al.(2002) discuss thefinal SDSS target selection criteria for quasars.The evaluations of the survey selection efficiency(number of quasars compared to the number of quasar candidates)and completeness(fraction of quasars found by the SDSS)are complex tasks,particularly when dealing with the EDR data base;these issues,as concern future data releases,will be addressed by Richards et al.(2002).The current estimate on the efficiency of the final selection algorithm is65-70%;the algorithm’s completeness,determined from simulations and comparison with previously known quasars,should be approximately90%.Both of these values have brightness and redshift dependences.2.3.SpectroscopySpectroscopic targets chosen by the various SDSS selection algorithms(e.g.,quasars,galaxies, stars,serendipity)are organized onto a series of3◦diameter circularfields(Blanton et al.2001). The positions are mapped and drilled into aluminum plates;each plate contains640fibers that feed two double spectrographs mounted at the Cassegrain focus of the SDSS2.5-m telescope(see York et al.2000and Castander et al.2001for details).The spectrographs produce data covering 3800–9200˚A,with the beam split at6150˚A by a dichroic.The data have a spectral resolution ranging from1800to2100.A total of320fibers enter each spectrograph;eachfiber subtends a diameter of3′′on the sky,and because of mechanical constraints the centers of thefibers must be separated by at least55′′(although in regions of sky in which plates overlap,one can have spectra of objects separated by less than this angle).Typically about75quasar candidate spectra among the640fibers are observed in a45-minute observation(broken into three15-minute exposures)of afield;the exposure time is increased in conditions of poor seeing or reduced sky transparency to meet survey’s minimum signal-to-noise ratio requirement of(S/N)2of15per spectrograph pixel at g∗=20.2and i∗=19.9.(See Stoughton et al.2002for an extensive discussion of the spectroscopic observations.)Observations from92spectroscopicfields are used to form the catalog.The EDR contains95 spectroscopic plates;of the three“missing”plates,one was a special observation of a star cluster, and the other two were duplicates of other EDR plates but drilled for observations at different airmasses.The celestial locations of the92plates are are displayed in Figure1.The total areacovered by the spectroscopic observations is494deg2(as can be seen from thefigure,there is significant overlap between many of thefields).The locations of the plate centers are givenin Table1,along with the number of quasars in the catalog contained on each plate.Note the wide range(10to123)in the number of quasars per spectroscopic plate in these commissioning observations;this variation is due to the various tests carried out during the commissioning exercise.The data,along with the associated calibration frames,are processed by the SDSS Spectroscopic Pipeline(Burles et al.,unpublished),which removes instrumental effects,extracts the spectra,determines the wavelength calibration,subtracts the sky spectrum,removes the atmospheric absorption bands,and performs theflux calibration.The calibrated spectra are classified into various groups(e.g.,star,galaxy,quasar)by another automated software pipeline(Frieman et al.,unpublished).The quasar classification is based solely on the presence of broad emission lines in the spectra;the classification software does not employ information about the selection of the object(e.g.,was the spectrum obtained because the target selection process identified the object as a quasar candidate?),nor is luminosity used by the SDSS pipeline as a criterion for designating an object as a quasar.See Stoughton et al.(2002)for details regarding the spectral classification criteria.The redshifts are measured by a combination of cross-correlation(using Fourier techniques) to a quasar template,and searches for emission-lines,together with code that recognizes the onset of the Lymanαforest.The software returns a redshift qualityflag;when thisflag indicates that a reliable redshift cannot be assigned,the redshift is measured manually.In practice,all of the quasar spectra presented herein(and the sample from which they were drawn)were visually inspected multiple times.Figure2shows the calibrated SDSS spectra of six of the catalog quasars representing a wide range of properties;all were previously unknown.We discuss these individual objects in Section5. These spectra have been slightly smoothed for display purposes.3.Construction of the SDSS Quasar CatalogThe quasar catalog was constructed in three stages.Thefirst step,which produced over99% of the entries in the catalog,was simply tofind the objects(4487in total)in the EDR that the spectroscopic pipeline classified as quasars.These objects were selected using a simple SQL query to the EDR database using the SDSS Query Tool29(Stoughton et al.2002).We requested all objects with spectral classifications of SPEC HIZ29/sdss/software/SELECT objIDFROM sxPrimaryWHERE specobj.specClass==3||specobj.specClass==4This query does not necessarily return all quasars in the EDR database,but rather it identifies all spectra that meet some well-defined criteria that cause them to belong to the sxPrimary class of objects and to be classified as quasars.This data base was supplemented by two additional efforts.A total of16quasars,missed by the SDSS pipeline but identified during a visual inspection of all the EDR spectra during a search for extreme BAL quasars,were added to the quasar list.Besides BAL quasars,these objects include two star-quasar superpositions(SDSS J012412.47−010049.8and SDSS J014349.14+002128.4)and the enigmatic object SDSS J010540.75−003314.0;see Hall et al.(2002)for a discussion of this sample.At a late stage of the production of the catalog,a visual search of all≈17,000EDR spectra that were not classified as either quasars or galaxies was completed;the spectra of61of these sources indicated a possible AGN nature,and they were added to the initial quasar data base.For the catalog we selected the subset of objects that1)have at least one emission line with a FWHM that exceeds1000km s−1and2)have luminosities that exceed M i∗=−23.The FWHMs of the lines were determined by performing Gaussianfits to the line profiles.Note that any“narrow-lined”(Type II)quasars whose lines have FWHMs less than1000km s−1will not be included in the catalog.The absolute magnitudes were calculated by correcting the i∗measurement for Galactic extinction(using the maps of Schlegel,Finkbeiner,&Davis1998)and assuming that the quasar spectral energy distribution in the ultraviolet-optical can be represented by a power law(fν∝να), whereα=−0.5(Vanden Berk et al.2001).The i band was selected for the luminosity indicator rather than the more standard definition that uses the Bfilter primarily because of the ability of the SDSS to detect high-redshift quasars.Luminosity estimates of objects at redshifts where the Lymanαemission line is shifted redward of the observedfilter are unreliable because of the absorption produced by the Lymanαforest and Lyman-limit systems;the Lymanαline does not reach the center of the ifilter until redshifts of≈5.Other advantages of the i band are1)theflux limit of the SDSS quasar survey is set by the i bandflux and2)Galactic(and internal)reddening will be less in i than in B measurements.This definition actually matches the canonical definition of M B=−23quite well;for typical quasars,the rest frame(B−i)≈+0.35.The only significant drawback to basing quasar luminosities on i rather than B is that at redshifts of a few tenths or less the luminosity calculation could be heavily influenced by the presence of a luminous stellar component rather than the quasar continuum(although note that we use point spread function magnitudes in this calculation,not Petrosian magnitudes,even for extended sources).These criteria reduced the sample from4564to3847objects.Of the717objects that were dropped from the catalog,only ten were rejected solely because of the line width requirement. Of these ten objects,seven came from the second supplemental sample,which was producedby a visual inspection of the spectra and objects were included if the emission line appeared to be resolved;the other three objects,all from the original EDR quasar query,had poor quality spectra that were erroneously assigned redshifts larger than six.As expected,the vast majority of the rejected objects were low-luminosity active galactic nuclei;the SDSS images of82%of the rejections were morphologically classified as extended sources.The SDSS spectrum of each of the3847quasars was manually inspected by several of the authors.The SDSS pipeline redshifts were undoubtedly correct for over97%of the objects;for most of the remaining spectra the redshift statusflag indicated that the redshift was either uncertain or,in some cases,unknown.These spectra tended to be either of very low signal-to-noise ratio,strong(often spectacular)broad absorption line(BAL)quasars,or spectra containing only one,relatively weak,emission line.Upon review of the spectra,a consensus was reached that it was impossible to reliably determine the redshifts of32objects;these were dropped from the sample(but of course are available as part of the EDR).The spectroscopic pipeline redshifts of33objects were significantly in error(again,most wereflagged as uncertain measurements);the revised redshifts are included in this catalog.The revised redshift for one of the objects caused it to fall below the quasar luminosity cutoff.We have also revised the redshifts of many of the high-redshift(z>4)quasars (usually by≈0.02),as automated redshift measurements of these objects is difficult because the emission lines unaffected by the Lymanαforest either become inaccessible in the SDSS spectra or are located in regions of the spectrum with low signal-to-noise ratio;we have included the values determined in previous publications(see Anderson et al.2001and references therein).As afinal note,we searched for BL Lacs in the EDR by matching the FIRST catalog with the entire EDR spectroscopic data base,but after visual examination of the spectra of the candidates we did not identify any unambiguous examples of BL Lacs that are not already in the catalog.4.Catalog FormatThefirst edition of the SDSS Quasar Catalog consists of3814quasars.The catalog is written in ASCII format and is685kB in size.Thefirst37lines consist of catalog documentation;this is followed by3814lines containing information on the quasars.There are32columns in each line;a summary of the information is given in Table2(most of the catalog documentation is a repeat of Table2).Notes on the catalog columns:1)The official names of the objects are given by the format SDSS;onlythefinal18,nondegenerate characters are given in the catalog.2-3)These columns contain the J2000coordinates(Right Ascension and Declination)in radians. The positions for the vast majority of the objects are accurate to0.1′′rms in each coordinate;the largest expected errors are0.2′′.4)The SDSS quasar redshifts are not determined by simply using the the rest laboratory wavelengths of their emission lines,but according to the empirical rest wavelengths of their emission lines based upon the composite spectrum of Vanden Berk et al.(2001)assuming that [O III]represents the systemic(center of mass)redshift of the quasars.The redshifts are so determined because it is now well-known that the empirical centers of many quasar emission lines (the high ionization lines in particular)are shifted with respect to the systemic redshift of the quasars(Tytler&Fan1992,Vanden Berk et al.2001,and references therein).The method used by the SDSS will produce redshifts that are much closer to the systemic redshift in the ensemble average;see Stoughton et al.(2002)for more details regarding how the redshift determination is implemented.The statistical errors of the redshifts,based on either the height and width of the cross correlation function(c.f.,Tonry&Davis1979)or on the scatter of the redshifts measured from the individual emission lines,are less than0.01for the non-BALs and0.01-0.03for BAL quasars.5)The data base search technique used tofind the quasar is coded in this column.If the spectrum of the object was classified as a quasar by the SDSS software,this column contains a“0”;a“1”indicates the16objects identified in the extreme BAL search,a“2”is given for the10quasars found in the extensive visual search of EDR spectra that were not classified as either quasars or galaxies by the SDSS software.6-15)These columns contain the magnitudes and errors for each object in thefive SDSSfilters. The values refer to magnitudes measured byfitting to the point spread function to the data (see Stoughton et al.2002).Note that the quantities are asinh magnitudes(Lupton,Gunn,& Szalay1999),which are defined bym=−2.52b+ln bwhere f0is theflux from a zero magnitude object and the quantity b is the softening parameter. The SDSS has set b,which is dimensionless,such that zeroflux corresponds to magnitudes24.63, 25.11,24.80,24.36,and22.83in the u,g,r,i,and z bands,respectively(Stoughton et al.2002). For measurements that are approximately2.5magnitudes brighter than the zeroflux values,the difference between asinh magnitudes and standard magnitudes(Pogson1856)are less than1%; for the vast majority of the entries in the catalog the differences between asinh and standard magnitudes are negligible(the primary exceptions being the u magnitudes of high-redshift quasars).The SDSS photometric system is normalized so that the ugriz magnitudes are on the AB system(Oke&Gunn1983).16)Galactic absorption in the u band based on the maps of Schlegel,Finkbeiner,&Davis(1998). For an R V=3.1absorbing medium,the absorptions in the SDSS bands areA u=5.155E(B−V)A g=3.793E(B−V)A r=2.751E(B−V)A i=2.086E(B−V)A z=1.479E(B−V)17)If there is a source in the FIRST catalog within2.0′′of the quasar position,this column contains the FIRST peakflux density(mJy)at20cm.18)The logarithm of the vignetting corrected count rate(photons s−1)in the broad energy band in the following ROSAT catalogs:All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalog(Voges et al.2000);All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog(Voges et al.1999);and the PSPC Pointing and HRI Pointing Catalogs(private communication from the ROSAT Result Archive collaboration).The matching radius was set to60.0′′(Faint Source Catalog),30′′(Bright Source Catalog and PSPC Pointings) and10′′(HRI Pointings);an entry of“0”in this column indicates no X-ray detection.19)The absolute magnitude in the i band calculated assuming H0=50,ΩM=1,andΩΛ=0,a power law(frequency)index of−0.5,and correcting the i∗measurement for Galactic extinction.20)If the SDSS photometric pipeline classified the image of the quasar as a point source,the catalog entry is0;if the quasar is extended,the catalog entry is1.21)The version of the quasar target selection algorithm used to select the object is coded in this column(1=v2.2a,2=v2.5,3=v2.7);see Stoughton et al.(2002)for details of the different techniques.22-27)These six columns indicate the spectroscopic target selection status for each object.An entry of“1”indicates that the object satisfied the given criterion(see Stoughton et al.2002for details).Note that an object can be targeted by more than one selection algorithm.29-31)Information about the spectroscopic observation(modified Julian date,spectroscopic plate number,and spectroscopicfiber number)used to determine the redshift are contained in these columns.32)If there is a source in the NED quasar data base within5.0′′of the quasar position,the NED object name is given in this column,unless the NED name refers to an SDSS-discovered object.In addition to the catalog,the SDSS spectra of all objects in the catalog are available at apublic internet site30.5.Catalog SummaryOf the3814objects in the catalog,3000were discovered by the SDSS.The3814quasars span a wide range of properties:redshifts from0.15to5.03,15.16<i∗<20.82(only four objects have i∗>20.5),and−30.1<M i∗<−23.0.The catalog contains329matches with ROSAT catalogs and326FIRST sources,as well as a number of unusual BAL quasars.Figure3displays the i∗-redshift relation for the quasars.Previously known objects are indicated with open circles.The curved cutoffon the left hand side of the graph is due to the minimum luminosity criterion(M i∗<−23).The ridge of points just fainter than i∗=19at redshifts below three is theflux limit of the low redshift sample;low-redshift points fainter than i∗=19primarily represent objects selected via criteria other than the primary multicolor sample (e.g.,serendipity).Above a redshift of≈3,nearly all the quasars in the catalog were discovered by the SDSS.A histogram of the catalog redshifts is shown in Figure4.The clear majority of the quasars have redshifts below two(the median redshift is1.46),but there is a significant tail of objects out to a redshift offive.The dip in the curve at redshifts between3.3and3.5is due to difficulties encountered selecting these objects during the commissioning period;thefinal version of the target selection algorithm will significantly reduce the number of missed quasars in this redshift region.5.1.Analysis of Quasar SelectionA summary of the spectroscopic selection is given in Table3.There are six selection classes, which are columns22to27in the catalog.The second column in Table3gives the numbersof each object that satisfied a given selection criteria,the third column contains the number of objects that were identified only by that selection class.As expected,the solid majority(81%) were selected based on the SDSS quasar selection criteria;one-third of the catalog objects were selected on that basis only.Over60%of the quasars were identified by the serendipity code,which is also primarily an“unusual color”algorithm.About one-seventh of the catalog was selected by the serendipity criteria alone;these objects tend to be low-redshift quasars that fall below the magnitude limit of the quasar survey algorithm.Of the2528quasars with i∗<19.0,2477were found from the quasar multicolor selection;if one includes multicolor and FIRST selection,then only20i∗<19.0catalog quasars are missed. For the entire catalog,over99%of the quasars are selected by either multicolor,FIRST,ords.html。