















关键词:拖拉机,液压机械传动,无级变速器,行星排DESIGN OF CONTINUOSLY VARIABLETRANSMISSION OF TRACKED TRACTOR(PLANETARY GEARS DESIGN)ABSTRACTAt present, international large crawler tractors, as well as some works vehicles widely used transmission torque converter with variable power shift speed box combinations, which is the power mechanical drive. There are also some advanced models use a hydraulic transmission technology, which has been manually manipulated its electro-hydraulic control or microcomputer control technology development, and achieved very good results, greatly enhance the overall ride comfort and operational performance, although they have CVT function, manipulating light, whole dynamic, and high reliability, but because the transmission system drive less efficient direct impact on the overall productivity and economy.Hydraulic machinery CVT is a synthesis of highly efficient mechanical transmission and hydraulic drive CVT merits of the two new motivation - structure. Hydro-Mechanical - drive is a multi-stream transmission, power will be divided into two hydraulic and mechanical transmission path, streaming agencies triaged hydraulic motor in forward and reverse maximum speed between both CVT. Each of its itinerary and a planetary gear mechanism for a state match, most roads converge into two by a number of variable speed converge and the group has to absolutely no higher level of output speed changes. Hydraulic and mechanical transmission, the loading capacity can be increased by 30%, fuel economy can be increased 25%.This design is mainly directed against planetary gear mechanism and the control of the clutch part of the design. For single planetary gear arrangement of the structure, thus reducing the entire CVT axial dimensions, however, in order to be able to make and take greater changes in the load, So in the center of theround around evenly distributed several planetary gear to load shared. The three designs on the planet uniform layout can meet the requirements. Clutch with load increasing friction can increase the number of tablets or increase its radial dimension. In the process of designing these two aspects are considered, as it is impossible to make radial or axial dimensions excessive.Key words:tractor,hydro-mechanical transmission,continuously variable transmission, planetary gears符 号 说 明K 载荷系数D 摩擦片的外径d 摩擦片的内径B 储备系数q 摩擦片的单位压力MpaR 摩擦片的平均作用半径mF 摩擦面的平均作用面积2m1F 每个摩擦副扣除沟槽后的净面积2mQ 摩擦片上的总压力N1e 摩擦系数2e 花键轴的摩擦系数i 摩擦片的对数K 压力损失系数n 旋转油缸的转速0r 旋转轴的外径0q 排油需要的压力Mpaq 油缸的工作压力Mpaf Q 密封圈的摩擦阻力N0Q 压力损失对活塞的阻力N1Q 离心力对活塞的阻力Nt Q 回位弹簧力N'1P 最小工作载荷是'P 弹簧的刚度1F 最小工作下的变形量n F 最大工作下的变形量min τ 最小切应力max τ 最大切应力目录第一章绪论 (1)§1.1 液压机械无级变速器研究的意义 (1)§1.2 液压机械无级变速器的传动原理 (1)§1.3 此设计的研究重点 (2)第二章行星齿轮的设计与计算 (4)§2.1行星齿轮的特点分析 (4)§2.2行星齿轮的尺寸计算 (6)第三章离合器的设计与计算 (9)§3.1 离合器的特点分析 (9)§3.1.1 摩擦离合器的作用 (9)§3.1.2 湿式摩擦离合器的设计要点 (10)§3.2 离合器C的计算............................... .111§3.2.1 离合器C的尺寸计算 (11)1§3.2.2 离合器C的弹簧计算 (12)1§3.3 离合器C计算 (15)2§3.3.1 离合器C的尺寸计算 (15)2§3.3.2 离合器C的弹簧计算 (16)2§3.4 离合器C的计算 (19)3§3.4.1 离合器C的尺寸计算 (19)3§3.4.2 离合器C的弹簧计算 (20)3§3.5 离合器C的计算 (23)4§3.5.1 离合器C的尺寸计算 (23)4§3.5.2 离合器C的弹簧计算 (24)4第四章结论 (28)参考文献 (29)致谢 (31)第一章绪论§1.1 液压机械无级变速器的研究意义目前国际上大功率履带拖拉机以及部分工程车辆的传动系广泛采用液力变矩器与动力换档变速箱组合形式,即我们常标的动力机械传动。













第一章转向技术的发展及趋势§1.1 转向技术的发展过程及优缺点转向机构对于任何车辆来说都是重要的组成部分。

















关键词:履带,双功率流,转向,液压RUBBER TRACK TRACTOR IMPROVE DESIGN(MECHANICAL DOUBLE POWER TRANSFERDEVICE)ABSTRACTAlong with the development of science and technology changing, agricultural technology has been steadily progressing. To meet the needs of agricultural production, agricultural machinery power is gradually increasing, therefore, power, strong function and can adapt to the modern developed highway traffic rubber crawler gradually produced and put into use.Crawler vehicle's steering bodies and vehicles have great differences, the development of technology has also gone through a very long process. Power-flow device is for single-phase power flow speaking. Apart from its engine to the drive side of the straight ahead speed power flow, we can also set aside another road to power flow, both devoted to the cause output to the speed difference. This appeared to 2 pm flow transfer power transmission system tracked vehicle, known as the dual-power transmission. With the traditional single-power spread Mechanism, the two-power dynamic is a popular new trend of development. Double transfer power to the device to achieve low-block radius to small, high-block radius to large traffic demand; and can reduce the power flow single excessive use of the sliding friction conditions, to reduce energy consumption when; Finally, Shuangliu transmission in neutral gear can be achieved side track forward, the other side of the track backward movement to the center in situ.Double Power has already spread in the modern crawler vehicles generally used, and with the development of hydraulic technology, Hydraulic machinery-power spread to become a dynamic new direction of development. But mechanical power spread-tracked vehicles move in the development processis essential. It is a two-power process of the development and spread of the foundation stage, the status is irreplaceable.KEY WORD:Crawler, double power ,steering, hydraulic符号说明P 功率, kWn 转速,n·min-1T 扭矩,N·mv 线速度,m/s齿轮所受切向力,NFtF齿轮所受径向力,Nr齿轮所受轴向力,NFaη齿轮传动效率cη行星轮系传动效率xη离合器效率ld 齿轮分度圆直径,mma 齿轮中心矩,mmm 齿轮模数,mmz 齿轮齿数m端面模数,mmnβ齿轮螺旋角,oα齿轮压力角,ob 齿宽,mmR 车辆转弯半径,mM 弯矩,N·m目录第一章绪论(或引言或前言) (1)第二章方案分析 (1)§2.1机械双功率流传动基本原理 (2)§2.2机械双功率流传动分类 (2)§2.3 确定方案 (3)第三章圆柱斜齿轮设计 (4)§3.1设计前预定参数值 (4)§3.2确定传动比 (4)§3.3 选择材料,确定试验齿轮的疲劳极限 (5)§3.4按接触强度初步确定中心距,并初选主要参数 (5)§3.5 校核齿面接触强度 (6)§3.6 校核齿根弯曲强度 (8)§3.7 主要几何尺寸 (9)第四章锥齿轮的设计 (10)§4.1 选择齿轮的材料、齿数、分锥角等 (10)§4.2 按齿面接触强度设计 (10)§4.3 接触强度校核 (12)§4.4 弯曲强度校核 (13)第五章圆柱直齿轮 (15)§5.1 选择材料确定试验齿轮的极限应力 (15)§5.2 按接触强度计算小齿轮直径 (15)§5.3 校核齿面接触强度 (16)§5.4 计算安全系数 (17)§5.5 修正中心距 (17)第六章行星轮系设计 (19)§6.1 初定主要参数 (19)§6.2按接触强度初算a-c传动的中心距和模数 (19)§6.3 计算a-c传动的实际中心距变动系数 (20)§6.4 计算a-c传动变位系数 (20)§6.5 计算c-b传动的中心变位系数y和啮合角 (21)cb§6.6 计算c-b传动变位系数 (21)§6.7 几何尺寸计算 (21)第七章轴的设计 (22)§7.1 选择材料 (22)§7.2 初步确定轴端直径 (22)§7.3 键的强度校核 (22)§7.4 计算支撑反力 (22)§7.5 校核轴的疲劳强度 (23)§7.6 轴的静强度校核 (26)第八章结论 (27)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)第一章绪论随着公路设施的日渐完备,可以在公路上方便行驶的履带式车辆也越来越多地进入人们的视野,马力大、性能强劲的履带式拖拉机也越来越多地被投入使用。

橡胶履带车辆液压机械差速转向装置设计——变速箱设计 摘要

橡胶履带车辆液压机械差速转向装置设计——变速箱设计  摘要



















关键词:变速器,啮合套,齿轮,传动比HYDRO-MECHANICAL DIFFERENTIAL TURNING MECHANISM OF TRANSMISSIONABSTRACTtransmission is used to change engine crank shaft revolution regulation, to fit in withlead the different request responding to the gravitation and speed of a vehicle understarting , acceleration, run to overcoming the various road obstacle In our country, restrict since the technology is conditional, dyadic having of the tradition machinery all is worth transmission used by tractor than level transmission, this transmission speed change being that are several fixed. Its structure is simple , easy to make; The shortcoming is that the rotation rate is different since every blocks , inevitable essential points creation pounds , produces to the gear wheel a breakdown when shifting gears. Want to come to solve with synchronism implement , make structure complicated. Since the transmission ratio is fixed , the engine can, similar works add area most. Capital is designed time adopt this transmissionThe tractor designs 1302R capital is designed time consulting the East is red mainly , the upper fundamental operating instruction manual parameter, comes to accomplish dyadic four scrolls of 6 + 2 gear variables implements of machinery designing a mission. Farmland school assignment , agriculture transportation applying to the paddy field , dry land and kitchen garden and no big knobs of slope etc., may be various driving force of fixing school assignment of rural area, First, when secretly scheming against want the rotation rate ,general transmission ratio according to the engine and the tractor , ascertain the transmission ratio that transmission blocks respectively. May adopt same method to ask out to reverse gear. Ascertain the transmission ratio queen , secretly scheme against every modulus needed a gear wheel by gear , tooth number , pressure angle according to the transmission ratio. All gear adopt the straight tooth column gear wheel without exception. And then carry out the core ofschool on the person. To ascertain change gear inner structure.In abroad, hydraulic drive , driving force drive form infinitely variable speeds have already been used for tractor , it has overcome dyadic transmission of machinery shortcoming. Its structure is complicated , but difficult to make. But, it has broad prospects, by the fact that ceaselessness of various tractor scientific research worker making great efforts , stepless transmission being sure to get ceaseless improving and perfectingThe transmission designing that this time is aimed at the average common people mainly , design that time according to accomplishing capital coming pragmatic principle of economy, therefore needing to avoid selecting and using a little comparatively expensive material and unitary school assignment on designing that the material choosing is upper and pragmatic, second therefore this design ought to comparatively economical and also ought to on structure arrangement comparatively rational, welcoming ought to get farmers on the marketplace.KEYWORDS: transmission , marching collar, gear,gear ratio符号说明i传动系总传动比;总r驱动半径;dD驱动轮直径;qu拖拉机行驶速度;ai变速箱前常啮合减速齿轮传动比;cn发动机额定输出转速;ebT发动机额定输出转矩;eb'i从发动机输出轴到计算零件之间的传动比;"i从被计算零件到驱动轴之间的传动比;'η从发动机输出轴到计算零件之间的传动效率;"η从被计算零件到驱动轴之间的传动效率;n驱动轮胎数或履带数;φ附着系数;Q驱动轮在胎内压力为100MPa时的承载能力,或单条履带承载量(N);ψ齿宽系数;Z节点区域系数;HZ单齿啮合系数;BZ弹性系数;EZ螺旋角系数;βu传动比;K使用系数;AK动载系数;VK齿向载荷分布系数;βHK齿向载荷分配系数;αHσ齿面接触应力;Hσ许用齿根弯曲应力;HPHLim σ 齿根接触疲劳极限; lim H S 接触强度的最小安全系数; V Z 速度系数; L Z 润滑油系数; R Z 粗糙度系数; F σ 齿根弯曲应力; βF K 齿向载荷分布系数; αF K 齿向载荷分配系数; eF b 有效接触齿宽; Fa Y 载荷作用于齿顶时的齿形系数; Sa Y 载荷作用于齿顶时的应力修正系数; εY 弯曲强度计算的重合度系数; βY 弯曲强度计算的螺旋角系数; K Y 弯曲强度计算的锥齿轮系数; ST Y 试验齿数的应力修正系数; relT Y δ 相对齿根圆角敏感系数; RrelT Y 相对齿根表面状况系数; X Y 弯曲强度计算的尺寸系数;。










关键词:变速器,传动比,设计,计算,校核TRACKED TRACTOR TRANSMISSION IMPROVEDDESIGNⅣABSTRACTWith the continuous progress of agricultural development,agricultural production mechanization, the scale of the means of production and agriculturalland and building materials and other goods traffic increasing, more and more farmers need the help of tractors, therefore, farm tractors development prospectsare broad, there will be greater development.Tractors to meet the power and economic indicators, and transmission ofthe file, the transmission ratio of the scope and the transmission of the file. Tractor work of the road conditions more complex than the smaller power, the transmission of the transmission ratio greater. Reducer and the main transmission and engine parameters to optimize the allocation and availability of power and good economy.In order to make it come true that the transmission is adapted to the engine and its structure is sound, I pay close attention to the development of the clutch transmission shaft and collectivity arranging designers in my design,and have a repeating discussion with them .For shifting gear steadily , fourth and third gear have synchrotron ,and in consideration of the simplicity and reliability .According to the traditional meanof design ,part experience and theory and analogism ,the blue print come intobeing .by virtue of tradition transmission I verify the size of element which havebeen chosen, according to mechanical theory, in consideration of the qualification bringing down the cost and cycle time.KEY WORD:Transmission, transmission ratio, design, calculations, checking符号说明A 中心距D 直径E 弹性模量i g 传动比f 挠度转角M 弯矩m 汽车总质量kgg 重力加速度N/kg道路最大阻力系数maxr r 驱动轮的滚动半径mm Te max 发动机最大扭矩N· m i 0 主减速比汽车传动系的传动效率igI 一档传动比G2 汽车满载载荷N路面附着系数K A 中心距系数m t 直齿轮模数齿轮压力角°斜齿轮螺旋角°b 齿轮宽度mmZ x 齿轮齿数齿轮弯曲应力MPa W齿轮接触应力MPa jF t 齿轮所受圆周力NF a F r T g K K f E K r z r bzb T W T G I P fc f s轴向力N径向力N计算载荷N· m应力集中系数摩擦力影响系数齿轮材料的弹性模量MPa重合度影响系数主动齿轮节圆半径mm从动齿轮节圆半径mm主动齿轮节圆处的曲率半径mm从动齿轮节圆处的曲率半径mm扭转切应力MPa轴的抗扭截面系数mm3轴的材料的剪切弹性模量MPa轴截面的极惯性矩mm4垂直面内的挠度mm水平面内的挠度mm目录第一章绪论 (1)第二章变速器传动方案的研究与改进 (9)§2.1 变速器的功用与要求 9§2.2 变速器的种类10§2.3 课题变速箱存在的问题与解决方案11§2.4 变速器改进方案的确定12第三章变速器传动方案与参数的确定 (14)§3.1 变速器档位与传动比的初定14§3.1.1 最高档传动比的选择14§3.1.2 最低档传动比的选择14§3.1.3 各档位传动比的分配15§3.2 变速箱外形尺寸的初定15§3.2.1 变速箱齿轮中心距的确定15§3.2.2 变速箱的轴参数确定16§ 3.3 变速器各项参数的最终确定16§3.3.1 齿轮齿数及其参数的确定16§3.3.2 齿轮模数确定17§3.3.3 齿轮其他参数的计算18§3.3.4 齿形、压力角α、螺旋角β21§3.3.5 齿宽的确定 21§3.3.6 中心距的最后确定22第四章齿轮与轴的校核 (23)§4.1 齿轮的校核 23§4.1.1 齿轮的损坏形式 23§4.1.2 齿轮的强度校核与计算23§4.2 轴的校核 25§4.2.1 轴刚度的校核25§4.2.2 轴的强度校核26第五章轴承的校核 (28)第六章啮合套的设计 (29)§6.1换挡机构形式29§6.2 防脱挡措施 29第七章变速器操纵机构设计 (32)第八章结论 (33)参考文献 (34)致谢 (36)第一章绪论随着社会经济展和农业机械化水平的提高,拖拉机保有量迅猛增长,同时对拖拉机性能和质量提出了更高的要求。

履带拖拉机变速器改进设计 Ⅳ(有cad图)

履带拖拉机变速器改进设计 Ⅳ(有cad图)








关键词:变速器,传动比,设计,计算,校核TRACKED TRACTOR TRANSMISSION IMPROVEDDESIGN ⅣABSTRACTWith the continuous progress of agricultural development, agricultural production mechanization, the scale of the means of production and agricultural land and building materials and other goods traffic increasing, more and more farmers need the help of tractors, therefore, farm tractors development prospects are broad, there will be greater development.Tractors to meet the power and economic indicators, and transmission of the file, the transmission ratio of the scope and the transmission of the file. Tractor work of the road conditions more complex than the smaller power, the transmission of the transmission ratio greater. Reducer and the main transmission and engine parameters to optimize the allocation and availability of power and good economy.In order to make it come true that the transmission is adapted to the engine and its structure is sound, I pay close attention to the development of the clutch transmission shaft and collectivity arranging designers in my design, and have a repeating discussion with them .For shifting gear steadily , fourth and third gear have synchrotron ,and in consideration of the simplicity and reliability .According to the traditional mean of design ,part experience and theory and analogism ,the blue print come into being .by virtue of tradition transmission I verify the size of element which have been chosen, according to mechanical theory, in consideration of the qualification bringing down the cost and cycle time.KEY WORD:Transmission, transmission ratio, design, calculations, checking符号说明A中心距D 直径E弹性模量i传动比gf 挠度δ转角M 弯矩m汽车总质量kgg重力加速度N/kgψ道路最大阻力系数maxr驱动轮的滚动半径mm rT发动机最大扭矩N·m emaxi主减速比η汽车传动系的传动效率i一档传动比gIG汽车满载载荷N 2ϕ路面附着系数K中心距系数Am直齿轮模数tα齿轮压力角°β斜齿轮螺旋角°b齿轮宽度mmZ齿轮齿数xσ齿轮弯曲应力MPa Wσ齿轮接触应力MPa jF齿轮所受圆周力Nta F 轴向力 Nr F 径向力 Ng T 计算载荷 N ·mσK 应力集中系数f K 摩擦力影响系数E 齿轮材料的弹性模量 MPaK ε 重合度影响系数z r 主动齿轮节圆半径mm b r 从动齿轮节圆半径mm z ρ 主动齿轮节圆处的曲率半径mm b ρ 从动齿轮节圆处的曲率半径mm T τ 扭转切应力MPa T W 轴的抗扭截面系数3mm G 轴的材料的剪切弹性模量MPa P I 轴截面的极惯性矩4mm c f 垂直面内的挠度mm s f 水平面内的挠度mm目录第一章绪论 (1)第二章变速器传动方案的研究与改进 (9)§2.1 变速器的功用与要求9§2.2 变速器的种类10§2.3 课题变速箱存在的问题与解决方案11§2.4 变速器改进方案的确定12第三章变速器传动方案与参数的确定 (14)§3.1 变速器档位与传动比的初定 14§3.1.1 最高档传动比的选择14§3.1.2 最低档传动比的选择14§3.1.3 各档位传动比的分配15§3.2 变速箱外形尺寸的初定15§3.2.1 变速箱齿轮中心距的确定15§3.2.2变速箱的轴参数确定16§3.3 变速器各项参数的最终确定 16§3.3.1齿轮齿数及其参数的确定16§3.3.2 齿轮模数确定17§3.3.3 齿轮其他参数的计算18§3.3.4 齿形、压力角α、螺旋角β21§3.3.5 齿宽的确定21§3.3.6 中心距的最后确定22第四章齿轮与轴的校核 (23)§4.1 齿轮的校核23§4.1.1齿轮的损坏形式23§4.1.2 齿轮的强度校核与计算 23§4.2 轴的校核 25§4.2.1轴刚度的校核25§4.2.2 轴的强度校核26第五章轴承的校核 (28)第六章啮合套的设计 (29)§6.1 换挡机构形式29§6.2 防脱挡措施29第七章变速器操纵机构设计 (32)第八章结论 (33)参考文献 (34)致谢 (36)第一章绪论随着社会经济展和农业机械化水平的提高,拖拉机保有量迅猛增长,同时对拖拉机性能和质量提出了更高的要求。






本改进型变速箱为了简化结构,减少齿轮数量采用空间多轴组成式结构,主变速在前、区段换档副变速在后来实现4 (3+1)档;为了提高齿轮传动啮合质量采用啮合套换档,常啮合斜齿圆柱齿轮传动;主、副变速采用两根变速杆分别操纵,采用自锁及互锁装置、倒档安全装置,可使操纵可靠,不跳档、乱档、自动脱档和误挂倒档,为了保留一定的工艺继承性和能投入的较少,保持原来变速箱孔中心距及相对位置不变。


关键词:变速器,组成式结构,牵引特性,啮合套The improvement of the track draws the vehiclegear boxAbstractOriginally designed the improvement that the track draws the vehicle gear box to design. The function of the gear box is: It change by transmission than,expand by torque and t he change ranges of rotational speed drive wheel, more make engine unable to work at favorable operating mode at the same time; Under the circumstances that the engine rotates the prerequisite that the direction does not change , enable tractor to fall back and go ; Utilize the noload position, cut off motive force to transmit . Essential motive force and economic index that the design of the gear box is satisfied .Originally the improving type gearbox, in order to simplify the structure, it is last axle making up type structures many not to reduce by gear wheel the quantities ,it change speed mainly in before, change sector it is vice that if changing speed , realize later to shelf 4 ( 3+ 1) Shelf; For improve gear wheel transmission meshing quality adopt , clench the teeth set change shelf , clench the teeth oblique tooth cylinder gear wheel transmission often; Main fact , pair change speed , adopt two gearshift levers handle separately , adopt from the lock and lock the device , pour the safety device of the shelf each other, can make , handle reliable , jump the shelf , haphazard shelf , automatic and out of supply and hanging and pouring the shelf by mistake , it is less in order to keep certain craft succession and can be put into, the hole centre-to-centre spacing of gearbox and relative position did not change that kept originally.And economy of fuel originally design and also draw drawing the curve of characteristic of the tractor for essential analysis person who draw of tractor, in the check part of the manual , the crooked fatigue strength and contacting fatigue strength mainly to the gear wheel, having calculated in rigidity of the axle and life-span of intensity and bearing, the part designed meets the demands .Keyword: gear box,making up type structure, the characteristic of traction, meshing set目录前言―――――――――――――――――――――――6第一章概述―――――――――――――――――――7第二章传动方案的确定―――――――――――――8 § 2.1传动机构布置方案分析―――――――――――8§ 2.2部件结构方案分析――――――――――――――9第三章变速器主要参数选择―――――――――――9§ 3.1档数――――――――――――――――――9 § 3.2传动比―――――――――――――――――9 § 3.3 中心距――――――――――――――――――13 § 3.4齿轮参数――――――――――――――――13§ 3.5轴承参数―――――――――――――――15第四章拖拉机的牵引特性曲线――――――――15 第五章校核―――――――――――――――17§ 5.1齿轮强度计算――――――――――――17§ 5.2 轴的校核――――――――――――――21§ 5.3轴承的寿命计算―――――――――――29设计总结―――――――――――――――――――33参考文献――――――――――――――――――――34 致谢――――――――――――――――――――――35附录――――――――――――――――――――――36 英文原文――――――――――――――――――――37 中文翻译――――――――――――――――――――45前言虽然自动变速器在近年来有很大发展,但手动机械变速器在拖拉机传动中仍占有很大比例。












关键词:拖拉机机械液压双功率流差速转向机构设计AbstractProduction in order to meet the needs of modernization, crawler tractors continuously improve the speed. To enhance tractor mechanical functions required to carry out arbitrary radius steering. To avoid crawler tractor on the road friction and also requires two tracks to achieve differential. This need for a body to achieve these tractor use requirements. At this time, the mechanical-hydraulic power flow Differential Steering institutions on the merits of the reflected. This shift in the level of continuous output speed without the prerequisite of the application of smaller hydraulic components significantly improve power transmission The total power, and its transmission efficiency far exceed net hydraulic steering mechanism of transmission efficiency. In this regard, based on the popular action-power principle, the use of hydraulic components of limitless speed characteristics, Tracked vehicles suitable for themechanical-hydraulic differential power flow shifted to the principle of analysis. Tractor and machinery from the two hydraulic power differential steering the steering characteristics, Analysis of three representative mechanical-hydraulic power-shift differential to the performance indicators and steering. Finally, the choice of a trailer company in the planetary bodies arrangements for the design, made arrangements to planetary bodies characteristic parameters of the principles, and the combination of the East-1302 R-rubber track tractor parameters for the design and performance analysis to campaign, Whole selected parameters to meet performance requirements.Keywords : tractor-mechanical hydraulic power flow differential steering mechanism design目录第一章绪论........... ...... .. (1)第二章方案分析 (4)§2.1转向性能........... ...... ............... (4)§2.2评价指标........... ...... ............... (4)§2.3卡特.小松.一拖公司三种产品方案的比较........ ..5第三章设计计算 (7)§3.1行星齿轮的设计计算. .... (7)§3.1.1选取行星齿轮传动的传动类型和传动简图 (7)§3.1.2进行行星齿轮传动的配齿计算......... ...... (7)§3.1.3初步计算齿轮的主要参数........ .. ........ . (8)§3.1.4几何尺寸计算... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... .9§3.1.5行星齿轮传动装配条件的验算. ... ... .... .. . .. .11§3.1.6计算行星齿轮传动的效率 ... ... .. ... . ... .11 §3.2 最终传动部分的设计计算.. (12)§3.2.1最终传动比齿轮的设计计算.............. (12)§3.2.2最终传动比齿轮的尺寸计算............... (13)§3.2.3最终传动齿轮上短支撑轴的设计计算 (14)§3.3 液压马达部分的设计计算......... . (14)§3.3.1液压马达输出端齿轮的设计计算 (14)§3.3.2液压马达输出端齿轮的尺寸计算......... (15)第四章校核计算.. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... (17)§4.1 行星齿轮传动的校核计算... ... .. ... .. .. ... (17)§4.2 最终传动部分的校核计算... ... .. ... .. .. ... (19)参考文献 (21)致谢 (22)第一章绪论履带作为车辆的行走机构既加强了车辆离开道路的越野能力,也增大了车辆的负重能力。


老 剂 用量 较 大 . 并采 用 多 品种 物 理 和化 学 防老 剂 并
用 。胶 料 一般 以 N 为主 的 N /B NRS R R、 R R S R、 /B /B
为 了提 高橡 胶 履 带 整 体 抗 拉 强 度 与 保 持 履 带 节 距 的稳 定 性 , 计 使 用 高强 力 、 设 预伸 张钢 丝 帘 线
含 量 ; 用 溶 聚 丁 苯 橡 胶 , 低 滚 动 阻 力 , 省 燃 使 降 节 油 , 且提 高 橡胶 履 带 防滑 性 能 ; 并 使用 新 型 补强 剂 ,
降低 炭黑 用量 等 。 3橡 胶履 带带 体 结构设 计 .
② 轮侧胶 性能设计特点 。轮侧胶应具 有较高
的 弹 性 、抗 撕 裂 性 、耐 空 气 中 氧 、臭 氧 、 日光 老
展橡 胶履 带工 业 。
橡 胶 履带 基 本 以出 口为 市 场 . 原材 料 应 用方 在 面要 达 到欧 盟 实施 的 R A H 等一 系列 环保 法 规要 EC 求 , 外, 另 注重 节 能 减 排 、 降低 滚 动 阻 力 , 节省 燃 以
布 层使 用 材 料 主要 有 尼 龙 帘子 布 、 尼龙 帆布 以
平 坦 期 。与 模 具 接 触 要 求 胶 料 充 模 性 好 、流 动 性 好 .以及 排 气性好 。 齿 胶 与轮 侧 胶 复合 成 橡 胶履 带 轮侧 面弹 性 体 ,
作 为一 个 整 体 要 求 其 复 合 件 有 优 异 的耐 机 械 齿 轮
行 驶 时的碾 压强 度 。
( ) 胶履 带原 材料 应用 特点 4橡 橡 胶 履 带 弹 性 体 的配 方 设 计 随履 带 的使 用 条 件 与机械 性 能不 同有所 区别 。但是 配方 设计有 一 些








关键词:拖拉机,变速箱,啮合套,改进设计IMPROVED DESIGNⅠOF TRACTOR TRANSMISSIONABSTRACTT h e s t r u c t u r e o f t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n h a s d i r e c t e f f e c t o n t h e t r a c t o r’s t r a c t i o n p e r f o r m a n c e a n d e c o n o m y p e r f o r m a n c e a s w e l l a s i t s r e l i a b i l i t y,w o r k i n g n o i s e a n d s o o n.T r a n s m i s s i o n i s m a i n l y u s e d t o c h a n g e t h e e n g i n e t o r q u e a n d s p e e d r e a c h e d o n t h e d r i v i n g w h e e l, t h e a i m i s t o a c q u i r e d i f f e r e n t t r a c t i o n a n d s p e e d i n v a r i o u s d r i v i n g c o n d i t i o n s l i k e s t a r t i n g,c l i m b i n g,t u r n i n g a n d a c c e l e r a t i n g.A t t h e s a m e t i m e t h e e n g i n e c a n w o r k i n o p t i m u m c o n d i t i o n.T h e t r a n s m i s s i o n h a s r e v e r s e g e a r,z e r o g e a r a n d p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n s h a f t.To m e e t t h e c o m p l e x f a r m i n g c o n d i t i o n s,t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n s h o u l d h a v e a m u l t i-g e a r s o t h a t t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n s p e e d r a t i o c a n b e c h a n g e d i n a w i d e s c o p e. T h e n t h e t r a c t o r c a n c o m p l e t e a l l k i n d s o f o p e r a t i o n e f f i c i e n t l y a n d h i g h-q u a l i t y.T h e t r a n s m i s s i o n a d o p t s t h e m a n u a l s h i f t m e s h i n g s e t s,t r i a x i a l s p a c e l a y o u t. A n d i t s s t r u c t u r e i s c o m p a c t.T h e d e s i g n o f t r a n s m i s s i o n u s e s t h e t r a d i t i o n a l d e s i g n m e t h o d.B a s e d t h e s e m i-e m p i r i c a l a n d s e m i-t h e o r e t i c a l d e s i g n p r i n c i p l e s,t h e d r i v e s c h e m e i s d e t e r m i n e d b y a n a l o g y.I n o r d e r t o m e e t t h e c o n d i t i o n s,s h o r t e n t h e d e s i g n c y c l e a n d r e d u c e d e s i g n c o s t s, t h e s h a p e a n d s i z e o f t r a n s m i s s i o n a r e c a l c u l a t e d a n d c h e c k e d b y t h e m e c h a n i c a l p a r t s s t r e n g t h a n d s t i f f n e s s t h e o r y.K e y w o r d s:t r a c t o r,t r a n s m i s s i o n,m e s h i n g s l e e v e,i m p r o v e d d e s i g n符号说明A变速箱中心距m mm齿轮模数G重量NT转矩N mf摩擦系数D轴的直径m mZ齿数B齿轮宽度D直径E弹性模量i传动比gT发动机最大输出扭矩emaxη机械效率Z齿轮齿数α节点处压力角σ弯曲应力wσ接触应力jF圆周力tF径向力rF轴向力aI惯性矩目录第一章前言 (1)第二章变速器结构设计 (2)§2.1概述 (2)§2.2变速器布置方案分析 (2)§2.2.1 变速器传动机构的方案分析 (2)§2.2.2 变速器零部件结构分析 (4)第三章变速器基本参数的确定 (5)§3.1传动比的确定 (5)§3.2中心距计算 (5)§3.3齿轮参数 (5)第四章齿轮的设计和计算 (8)§4.1齿轮的设计思想 (8)§4.2齿轮设计及变位计算 (9)第五章齿轮的强度校核 (15)§5.1校核二轴一挡齿轮 (15)§5.2校核一轴一挡齿轮 (16)第六章轴的校核 (18)§6.1轴的受力分析 (18)§6.2轴刚度校核 (18)§6.2.1一轴刚度校核 (18)§6.2.2二轴刚度校核 (19)§6.3轴强度校核 (20)§6.3.1一轴强度校核 (20)§6.3.2二轴强度校核 (23)第七章轴承选择的寿命计算 (25)第八章键的选择及校核 (27)第九章变速器操纵机构 (29)第十章结论 (33)参考文献 (34)致谢 (36)第一章前言东方红履带拖拉机6+2挡变速器设计,由于原来的变速器采用滑动齿轮换挡,拖拉机行驶时,因变速器内各转动齿轮有不同的角速度,所以用轴向滑动直齿齿轮方式换挡,会在轮齿的端面产生冲击,并伴随噪声。









关键字:履带驱动轮支重轮托轮张紧轮和张紧缓冲装置RUBBER TRACK TRACTOR DESIGN (HIGH SPEED WALKING)ABSTRACTIn recent years, China has made rapid economic development, agricultural modernization has been further improved .After entering the 21st century, countries more noted the importance of agriculture, adopted a series of preferential policies to support the development of agricultural machinery.China is a large agricultural country, a tractor manufacturing and use of the quantity has been in the forefront of the world. However, its technical content and the wide gap between the developed countries in terms of changing the backward machinery, To improve efficiency and performance and further improve the power and economy of our country is of great significance, on the strategy of sustainable development has far-reaching impact.Crawler tractor from the Department of crawler devices and suspension components, including the installation of crawler tracks, driving wheel, supporting wheels, Roller, Tension round and tension device; Suspension includes the connection tractor rack and support all the wheels framework.Crawler device design requirements is to ensure that the main tractor attachment performance, lower ground pressure, reduced rolling resistance, Parts raise life expectancy. Suspension design requirements is to ensure that the tractor ride comfort and stability. Keywords : Tracked driving wheel supporting wheels Roller Tension round and tension device符号说明G拖拉机使用重量 T Sφ地面附着系数一般取φ=1.0D支重轮滚动表面直径㎜zD拖链轮轮缘直径㎜TE弹性模量 N/㎜2D驱动轮节圆直径㎜qD驱动轮齿顶圆直径㎜eD驱动轮齿根圆直径㎜it履带节距㎜d履带销套外径㎜tZ'驱动轮工作齿数Z驱动轮轮齿数g重力加速度g=9.8 m/s2i每侧支重轮个数tϕ履带前倾角1ϕ履带后倾角2目录第一章前言 (5)第二章履带行走系的总体设计 (7)§2.1履带行走系的总体设计 (7)§2.2 履带行走系类型的选择 (7)§2.3 整体台车行走系总体设计 (8)§2.4平衡台车行走系总体设计 (9)§2.5其它台车行走系总体设计 (10)§2.6动力性能估计 (11)第三章悬架的设计 (12)§3.1履带车辆的悬架机构 (12)§3.2 整体台车行走系悬架结构 (12)§3.2.1半钢性悬架机构 (12)§3.2.2 刚性悬架和弹性悬架结构 (13)§3.3平衡台车行走系悬架机构 (13)§3.3.1悬架结构 (13)§3.3.2 悬架性能参数的选择 (14)第四章履带行走系结构与选择 (15)§4.1驱动轮的位置 (15)§4.2引导轮的位置 (15)§4.2 引导轮的位置 (15)§4.4托链轮的个数和位置 (16)§4.5方案设计 (16)第五章履带行走装置 (18)§5.1 履带技术要求 (18)§5.2 履带类型 (18)§5.3 履带尺寸确定 (19)§5.4 履带的校核 (22)§5.5 履带的尺寸确定和校核 (23)第六章驱动轮 (26)§6.1驱动轮齿形设计 (26)§6.2驱动轮的结构设计 (26)§6.3凹齿齿形的设计计算 (27)§6.4驱动轮轴各项尺寸的确定 (28)§6.5 驱动轮强度校核 (29)第七章支重轮 (30)§7.1结构设计 (30)§7.2各项尺寸的确定 (31)§7.3支重轮各个构件的选择 (32)§7.4支重轮强度验算 (32)第八章张紧轮及张紧装置 (34)§8.1 张紧轮 (34)§8.2 张紧度调整机构 (35)§8.3 缓冲弹簧 (36)§8.4 零件强度计算 (37)第九章托链轮 (38)第十章结论 (39)致谢 (40)参考文献 (41)第一章前言在拖拉机制造的多年发展历史中,行走系的技术进步和水平一直处于举足轻重的地位。









关键词:拖拉机,液压机械传动,无级变速器,特性分析CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSIS OFHYDRO-MECHANICAL CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION OF TRACTORABSTRACTTo study the characteristics of hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission device , based on the hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission (HMCVT) of Donganghong 1302R tractor, the relation formulas of speed ratio of HMCVT with displacement ratio of variable hydraulic motor (MF) , hydraulic power distributing ratio and transmission efficiency are established. The characteristic curves of HMCVT are drawn. The power flow direction of each range is presented. The existing conditions of circulation power and its influence on mechanism out put are analyzed. The analysis results show that the characteristic parameter of planetary ear train and displacement ratio of PV and MF are the main design parameters that influence on the characteristics of speed ratio ,hydraulic power distributing ratio and efficiency of HMCVT ;the HMCVT has the characteristics of stepless speed regulation and high efficiency This main gearbox design is the two-axis gearbox, and the three-axis gearbox compared to its simple structure, compact, Except maximum block (not directly block), the other of the block of higher transmission efficiency, low noise, the manufacture and use of low cost; Gearbox shift structure of the sliding gear shift, it is relatively simple structure, convenience. Input shaft and output shaft rectangular spline shaft, the gear is also used rectangular key to input or output shaft linked. Farm tractor gearbox in the design, Main Gearbox transmission ratio is the basis for determining the main users of agricultural operations in the course of speed needs and the needs of tractor work to be determined, therefore, the current design of the first tractor to determine thestructure of the transmission system, then divided speed, thereby delimiting the 3 km/h ~ 9km/h and 9km/h ~ 30 km/h speed of the two main areas, calculate and determine each block’s speed and the transmission ratioes, the design process to determine the necessary structural components, Bearing under which the need to use a deep groove ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearings these two types of bearings, and then the final structure of its various components of the check, and eventually met the requirements of design.KEY WORD:tractor, gearbox ratio, continuously variable transmission, hydro-mechanical transmission, Characteristics analysis符 号 说 明i z :第i 个齿轮ij i :第i 和第j 个齿轮的传动比m :齿轮模数 n mi T :第i 轴的转矩 m N ⋅Z :齿数η:机械效率α:节点处压力角 o'α:啮合角 ow σ:弯曲应力 MPaj σ:接触应力 MPaed n :发动机标定转速 m i n /rd r :驱动轮动力半径 mmmax e T :发动机最大输出扭矩 m N ⋅:j T 名义计算载荷m N ⋅ H z :配合齿轮的总齿数E :弹性模量 M P ari F :第i 档颈向力 Ni r F 1:第i 档左侧颈向力 Ni r F 2:第i 档右侧颈向力 N2A :中心距 mmlj v :拖拉机第j 挡理论工作速度 m i n /r目录第一章前言 (1)§1.1对变速器的要求 (1)§1.2变速器的分类 (1)第二章传动方案的确定 (4)§2.1传动方案的选择 (4)§2.2 传动方案的比较 (4)§2.3 传动方案的分析 (6)第三章传动参数的确定 (9)§3.1初步确定各段特性参数 (9)§3.2中心距的选择及传动比的分配及齿轮齿数的选择 (11)§3.3重新计算前进段的转速和突变点e (12)§3.4 倒挡的计算 (13)§3.5计算各段的功率分流比 (14)第四章齿轮的校核 (16)§4.1低速级齿轮的校核 (16)§4.1.1校核齿面的接触强度 (16)§4.1.2校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 (17)§4.2 倒挡第一级齿轮传动的校核 (17)§4.2.1校核齿面的接触强度 (18)§4.2.2校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 (18)§4.3各段齿轮参数 (19)第五章离合器的选择 (21)§5.1行星轮系离合器的计算 (21)§5.1.1 离合器C1的计算 (21)§5.1.2 离合器C2、C3、C4的计算 (22)§5.2前进、倒档离合器的计算 (23)第六章液压传动系统的选择 (24)§6.1 液压马达的选择 (24)§6.1液压泵的选择 (24)第七章结论 (25)参考文献 (26)致谢 (28)第一章前言汽车上广泛使用活塞式发动机,其输出转矩和转速变化都和小,而汽车在行驶时所遇到的复杂的道路条件和使用条件要求汽车的驱动力和车速能在相当大的范围内变化。












































关键词:啮合套, 双作用离合器,拖拉机,变速器IMPROVED DESIGN OF THE TRACKEDTRACTOR TRANSMISSIONABSTRACTThis article describes in detail the design of this content and design ideas. The design is mainly in the DFH 1302R prototype on the basis of the analysis improvements, focus on the prototype design deficiencies and the problems. Analysis of crawler tractor in the work environment and agriculture operations on the basis of a re-arrangement of the distribution of transmission ratio, manipulation of the optimization, and improving the mode of engagement are done, such as increasing the scope of the transmission ratio, increasing a low-speed operation block, and the favorable environment for the complex, shifting the original style of direct pull shift into gear meshing sets shift, shifting more convenient and reliable. In order to prevent tooth playing with greater impact and improve the tractor started in suit performance of the dual role of the structure of the clutch, the output power and transmission shaft in different light moment, and combining the features were in agricultural production is very necessary.For structural design using compact three-axis, it can meet the compact structure, material savings. For gear settings, as far as possible to save space, a reasonable layout is done. Using contour shape of a large number of circular arc transitions so that the casting performance enhancement, reasonable structure, pleasing in appearance. Agricultural mechanization in the number of such gear today, with the development and revitalization of agriculture, high-power tractor, they have broad market prospects.Key words : meshing sets, double-clutch, tractor,transmission符号说明A 变速箱中心距 mmm 齿轮模数G 重量 NT 转矩 Nmf摩擦系数D 轴的直径 mmZ 齿数B 齿轮宽度D 直径E弹性模量i传动比gT发动机最大输出扭矩emaxη机械效率Z齿轮齿数α节点处压力角σ弯曲应力wσ接触应力jF圆周力tF径向力rF轴向力aI 惯性矩目录第一章前言 (1)第二章履带拖拉机变速箱的改进方案的探讨与确定 (2)§2.1变速箱存在的问题 (2)§2.2 变速器的功用 (2)§2.3变速器的类型 (3)§2.4变速器传动方案的确定 (4)第三章变速器的结构参数的设计及选择 (6)§3.1确定变速器的外形尺寸 (6)§3.1.1变速箱齿轮中心距 (6)§3.1.2 变速箱的轴参数确定 (6)§3.2 传动比的确定 (7)§3.2.1 最高档传动比的选择 (7)§3.2.2最低档传动比的确定 (8)§3.3 变速箱齿轮设计计算 (9)§3.3.1齿轮的设计准则 (9)§3.3.2变速箱各档齿轮基本参数的选择…………………………10 §3.3.3齿轮参数的计算 (12)第四章变速器齿轮的校核 (15)§4.1齿轮的损坏形式 (15)§4.2 轮齿弯曲强度计算 (15)§4 .3 齿轮接触应力计算 (17)第五章变速器轴的强度校核 (19)§5.1轴的刚度校核 (19)§5.2 轴的刚度校核 (20)第六章变速器轴承的校核 (22)第七章变速器操纵机构的设计说明 (23)§7.1 功用和要求 (23)§7.2 换档机构 (23)§7.3锁定机构 (24)第八章结论 (27)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)第一章前言在拖拉机制造的多年发展历史中,变速箱的技术进步和水平一直处于举足轻重的地位。



























关键词:总体设计,改进,橡胶履带拖拉机,牵引特性The 1302R rubber caterpillartractor improves the designAbstractThis design is the improvement design which the 1302R rubber caterpillar tractor general arrangeme nt carries on, needs to satisfy the new diverting device, new walks the requirement which the organization and the improvement transmission gearbox arranges, carries on the arrangement to the control mechanism, satisfies the man-machine project the requirement.After the improvement 1302R rubber caterpillar tractor even more will conform to user's requirement, the efficiency, the stable line all will have the enhancement.The rubber caterpillar tractor more wheeled and the metal caterpillar tractor has the obvious superiority:1st, good technical efficiency2nd, bigger mobility and reliability3, good operation comfortablenessIn view of this, the rubber caterpillar tractor future is extremely optimistic. As the agricultural production great nation, China's farm machinery manufacturer, should pay attention to the rubber caterpillar tractor in particular the development direction, the positive research, reduces with the international advanced level disparity, the development suits the Chinese use level, the economy purchases the ability, the production and the manufacture level new agricultural tractor.This improvement design then is faces this direction to develop.In this improvement design, has drawn up the tractive characteristic curve, has calculated the entire computer nature heart position and has conducted the man-machine project research, the entire design satisfies the project description requirement.Key words: System design, improvement, rubber caterpillar tractor, tractive characteristic.前言 (6)第一章橡胶履带的发展历史 (7)§1.1 国外橡胶履带拖拉机的发展 (7)§1.2 国内橡胶履带车辆的发展 (11)第二章总体设计 (12)§2.1 一般用途履带拖拉机总布置方案 (12)§2.2 总体布置的主要任务 (12)§2.3 整机参数的确定 (13)§2.4人机工程与驾驶室内部操纵机构的布置 (20)§2.5 发动机的选择与技术参数 (23)第三章1302R橡胶履带拖拉机简介及改进前后对比 (26)§3.1 1302R橡胶履带拖拉机简介 (26)§3.2改进前后对比 (26)设计总结 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)1302R橡胶履带拖拉机改进设计橡胶履带拖拉机近年来异军突起,成为拖拉机行业发展的新动向,被国内成为新一代拖拉机。

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关键词:拖拉机,液压机械传动,无级变速器,特性分析CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSIS OFHYDRO-MECHANICAL CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION OF TRACTORABSTRACTTo study the characteristics of hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission device , based on the hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission (HMCVT) of Donganghong 1302R tractor, the relation formulas of speed ratio of HMCVT with displacement ratio of variable hydraulic motor (MF) , hydraulic power distributing ratio and transmission efficiency are established. The characteristic curves of HMCVT are drawn. The power flow direction of each range is presented. The existing conditions of circulation power and its influence on mechanism out put are analyzed. The analysis results show that the characteristic parameter of planetary ear train and displacement ratio of PV and MF are the main design parameters that influence on the characteristics of speed ratio ,hydraulic power distributing ratio and efficiency of HMCVT ;the HMCVT has the characteristics of stepless speed regulation and high efficiency This main gearbox design is the two-axis gearbox, and the three-axis gearbox compared to its simple structure, compact, Except maximum block (not directly block), the other of the block of higher transmission efficiency, low noise, the manufacture and use of low cost; Gearbox shift structure of the sliding gear shift, it is relatively simple structure, convenience. Input shaft and output shaft rectangular spline shaft, the gear is also used rectangular key to input or output shaft linked. Farm tractor gearbox in the design, Main Gearbox transmission ratio is the basis for determining the main users of agricultural operations in the course of speed needs and the needs of tractor work to be determined, therefore, the current design of the first tractor to determine thestructure of the transmission system, then divided speed, thereby delimiting the 3 km/h ~ 9km/h and 9km/h ~ 30 km/h speed of the two main areas, calculate and determine each block’s speed and the transmission ratioes, the design process to determine the necessary structural components, Bearing under which the need to use a deep groove ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearings these two types of bearings, and then the final structure of its various components of the check, and eventually met the requirements of design.KEY WORD:tractor, gearbox ratio, continuously variable transmission, hydro-mechanical transmission, Characteristics analysis符 号 说 明i z :第i 个齿轮ij i :第i 和第j 个齿轮的传动比m :齿轮模数 n mi T :第i 轴的转矩 m N ⋅Z :齿数η:机械效率α:节点处压力角 o'α:啮合角 ow σ:弯曲应力 MPaj σ:接触应力 MPaed n :发动机标定转速 m i n /rd r :驱动轮动力半径 mmmax e T :发动机最大输出扭矩 m N ⋅:j T 名义计算载荷m N ⋅ H z :配合齿轮的总齿数E :弹性模量 M P ari F :第i 档颈向力 Ni r F 1:第i 档左侧颈向力 Ni r F 2:第i 档右侧颈向力 N2A :中心距 mmlj v :拖拉机第j 挡理论工作速度 m i n /r目录第一章前言 (1)§1.1对变速器的要求 (1)§1.2变速器的分类 (1)第二章传动方案的确定 (4)§2.1传动方案的选择 (4)§2.2 传动方案的比较 (4)§2.3 传动方案的分析 (6)第三章传动参数的确定 (9)§3.1初步确定各段特性参数 (9)§3.2中心距的选择及传动比的分配及齿轮齿数的选择 (11)§3.3重新计算前进段的转速和突变点e (12)§3.4 倒挡的计算 (13)§3.5计算各段的功率分流比 (14)第四章齿轮的校核 (16)§4.1低速级齿轮的校核 (16)§4.1.1校核齿面的接触强度 (16)§4.1.2校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 (17)§4.2 倒挡第一级齿轮传动的校核 (17)§4.2.1校核齿面的接触强度 (18)§4.2.2校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 (18)§4.3各段齿轮参数 (19)第五章离合器的选择 (21)§5.1行星轮系离合器的计算 (21)§5.1.1 离合器C1的计算 (21)§5.1.2 离合器C2、C3、C4的计算 (22)§5.2前进、倒档离合器的计算 (23)第六章液压传动系统的选择 (24)§6.1 液压马达的选择 (24)§6.1液压泵的选择 (24)第七章结论 (25)参考文献 (26)致谢 (28)第一章前言汽车上广泛使用活塞式发动机,其输出转矩和转速变化都和小,而汽车在行驶时所遇到的复杂的道路条件和使用条件要求汽车的驱动力和车速能在相当大的范围内变化。














