1 basic economic problem and opportunity cost
经济学专业英语教程(精编版)(第二版)课件:Economic Globalization
Globalization makes the promise: increased access to resources and markets, tariff-less geographical boundaries and increased efficiency in resource utilization will generate wealth for the poorer countries.
Waters defined globalization as “a social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding.”
This process was achieved by various means and often involved overcoming political resistances (frequently through military means) in the new “markets.”
Text: Economic Globalization (经济全球化)
1. Key words 2. Phenomena of economic globalization 3. Benefits of globalization 4. Concepts of globalization 5. Three dimensions of globalization 6. Essence of globalization 7. Questions
《宏观经济学》-双语版-第 2 版
第三节 现代宏观经济学的历史演变
(The Evolvement of Modern Macroeconomics)
◆1933 年挪威经济学家弗里希(Ragnar Frisch)提出“宏观经济学”概念。1936 年, 凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)发表著名的《就业、利息和货币通论》 (the general theory of employment, interest, and money) ,提出以“三大心理规律” (mental patterns)为基础的“有 效需求理论” (effective demand theory) ,标志着现代宏观经济学的产生。 一、现代宏观经济学的产生(generation of modern macroeconomics) 1、宏观经济学的萌芽(emerge) ( 1 )自 17 世纪开始,英国的重商主义( mercantile system )者和法国的重农主义 (physiocracy)者关注“国民财富”问题。 (2) 19 世纪晚期, 瑞典经济学家缪尔达尔 (Gunnar Myrdal) 将总量分析 (macro-analysis) 和动态分析( dynamic analysis )结合,研究国民财富的动态变化过程( dynamic changing process)和经济增长。 (3) 19 世纪晚期, 奥地利经济学家熊彼特 (Joseph Schumpeter) 研究经济周期 (business cycle)理论,强调宏观经济体系的周期性波动。 2、现代宏观经济学的产生(generation) (1) “凯恩斯革命” : 20 世纪 30 年代, 资本主义世界爆发严重经济危机 (economic crisis) ; 传统的新古典经济学无法提供合理解释(explanation)和有效对策(countermeasure) 。在这 种历史背景下,凯恩斯在 1936 年发表《就业、利息和货币通论》 ,提出有效需求理论,试图 通过政府干预来 “改造” 资本主义经济运行机制, 史称 “凯恩斯革命” (Keynesian revolution) 。 (2) “三大心理规律” :针对 20 世纪 30 年代的经济萧条状况,凯恩斯批驳古典主义传 统的 “充分就业” (full employment) 信念, 指出 “萨伊定律” (Say’s law) 的局限性 (limitation) , 其理论立足点是“三大心理规律” 。 (3) “有效需求理论” :在“三大心理规律”的基础上,凯恩斯提出“有效需求理论” 。 “有效需求理论”强调:①在萧条时期的经济体系中,消费需求(consume demand)不足和 投资需求(investment demand)不足直接导致了总需求(aggregate demand)不足。②解决 这个问题的根本途径(ultimate approach)是努力提高总需求,使宏观经济体系保持平衡。 ③根据这一基本思路,凯恩斯本人建立“简单的凯恩斯宏观经济模型” (Simple Keynesian macroeconomic model) ,重点讨论产品市场的宏观经济均衡(macroeconomic equilibrium) 。 二、凯恩斯主义宏观经济学的发展(development of Keynesian macroeconomics) 时至今日,凯恩斯主义传统(Keynesianism tradition)仍然是宏观经济学领域的主导力 量。在“原教旨的凯恩斯主义” (Original Keynesianism)之后,依次出现“后凯恩斯主义” (Post Keynesianism)和“新凯恩斯主义” (New Keynesianism) 。 1、 “后凯恩斯主义” ◆“后凯恩斯主义”包括两个相互对立的阵营:新古典综合派(Neoclassical Synthescs) 和新剑桥学派(Neo Cambridge School) 。它们都坚持凯恩斯主义传统,但在凯恩斯主义传统 的发展方向(developing direction)上存在着根本分歧,从而形成经济学说史上著名的“两
暑期原汁原味赏析报刊特训专辑Scientific American:Nature's Goods and Services Get Priced经济衡量新指标(GEP)关注经济的可持续发展课前导读:在发展经济的过程中,我们无意识地破坏了自然的某些部分,那是一些对人类的福祉也很重要的部分。
Gross domestic product, the GDP, is a simple way to describe the health of big, complicated economies. And for the last century, the goal of many countries has been to make their GDP go up.But concentrating only on GDP has had some downsides.“”In growing the economy, we have, as an unintended consequenc e, destroyed parts of nature, which are also important for our well-being." said Stephen Polasky, an environmental economist at the University of Minnesota. He and his colleagues have created a new measurement: the gross ecosystem product, or GEP."So that we actually have metrics that say how are we doing on ecosystems management, managing nature—and not just for nature's sake but how is that coming back and influencing our own well-being?So really, GEP is trying to say, What is the contribution of nature to the economy? So in a parallel way to what GDP does in measuring economic performance."Evaluating up the economic value of timber and fisheries is fairly straightforward. But other benefits of a healthy environment can be less obvious.Insects pollinate crops. Intact rivers improve water quality and buffer downstream cities from floods. Thriving ecosystems draw tourists, who spend money."And part of the issue here is that it is difficult to price some of these things.Some people even say, Well, they are priceless. Unfortunately, what it means inZero value in the GDP but not in the GEP.For example, Polasky and his colleagues calculated the figure for Qinghai, a province in western China.They found that the gross ecosystem product exceeded GDP in the year 2000 and equaled three quarters of GDP in 2015.Over that period, GEP rose by 127 percent, thanks to major restoration efforts and the increasing value of water. The results are in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. The researchers focused on Qinghai because it's one of several provinces where the Chinese government is experimenting with using GEP as part of its formal decision-making process. For instance, GEP can help officials weigh the pros and cons of potential projects like dams. Or it can be used to show whether local leaders are taking care of the environment and not just expanding the economy.GEP could also serve as the basis for programs that pay residents to be good stewards of natural resources that benefit themselves and others.In Qinghai, such a program could work for water—the province is where the Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong rivers originate, and their waters sustain cities and farms across Asia.Polasky says their work is just a first step, and he expects GEP to be refined over time. But he says we have to start somewhere."If we are actually going to have a sustainable civilization, then we have to pay attention to, kind of, the infrastructure, basically—the essential things that nature does for us—and not continue to just take them for granted."基础知识板块:长句子析练破1. So that we actually have metrics that say how are we doing on ecosystems management, managingnature—and not just for nature's sake but how is that coming back and influencing our own well-being?【翻译】:因此,我们实际上有了衡量指标,_________________________________________________________,而是这对我们自己的福祉有何影响?【剖析】:本句的主句部分:___________________________________.本句的枝叶:that say how are we doing on ecosystems management, managing nature—and not just for nature's sake but how is that coming back and influencing our own well-being为_______________修饰__________________.其中not….but….___________________;破折号进一步解释:how are we doing on ecosystems management, managing nature.2. The researchers focused on Qinghai because it's one of several provinces where the Chinese government is experimenting with using GEP as part of its formal decision-making process.【翻译】:研究人员把重点放在青海省,_______________________________________________________________________________。
Basic Economic Concepts
MACROeconomicsStudy of the large economy as a whole or in its basic subdivisions (National Economic Growth, Government Spending, Inflation, Unemployment, etc.)
• Economists use the scientific method to make
generalizations and abstractions to develop theories. This is called theoretical economics. • These theories are then applied to fix problems or meet economic goals. This is called policy economics.
3. Everyone’s goal is to make choices that maximize their satisfaction. Everyone acts in their own “selfinterest.”
Marginal Analysis
In economics the term marginal = additional
“Thinking on the margin”, or MARGINAL ANALYSIS involves making decisions based on the additional benefit vs. the additional cost.
5 Key Economic Assumptions
1. Society’s wants are unlimited, but ALL resources are limited (scarcity). 2. Due to scarcity, choices must be made. Every choice has a cost (a trade-off).
经济学导论 outcome 1 带图
1. Apart from an increase in price, what other determinant would encourage Scot Rail to increase its supply of rail journeys?There are5 non-price factors that can impact supply. They are as follows: changes in the price of factors of production, methods of production, government policy, seasonal factors, and changes in the price of other goods.Government policy: the government offer grants to increase supply. In addition to the market price paid by the customer for the product the supplier will receive an additional payment from government. So, the supply can be increased.Seasonal factor: the company aims at the tourist market and operates throughout the summer months in various parts of Scotland. So, the supply can be increased in summer.2. Scot Rail faces a …basic economic problem‟!What is this …problem‟ and what is the opportunity cost of the replace and repair programmed?(A) The SteamScot face “basic economy problem” include: resources scarcity, human has great desire and our wants exceed our resources. It is estimated that in the coming year it will have £2.5 million to spend. The managers of SteamScot are considering an expansion of its operations. However, it is also aware that within the next five years a major overhaul of its capital stock as well as major repairs will have to be undertaken. It is this dilemma about human wants exceeds our resources that the board of the company faces.(B) The opportunity cost of the replace and repair program is open a new line between3. How would the advertising campaign by Visit Scotland affect demand for Scot Rail journeys?There are a number of factors that determine the demand patterns, causing the demand for goods to change. They are real income; population; advertising; personal tastes; seasonal factors; availability of hire purchase/finance/other credit; price of other goods.In this case, Because Visit Scotland will mount a major advertising campaign in England to encourage more visitors from that country; the visitors from the England are expected to rises.4. From the table in the previous passage, construct demand and supply curves on a diagram and identify the equilibrium price and quantity.5. Using a diagram show what would happen to the equilibrium if the ScottishExecutive gave Scot Rail a subsidy. Explain any changes and how the market would return to equilibrium.The subsidy belongs to the government policy.The Scottish Executive gave SteamScot a subsidy, so the cost reduction. Therefore profit increase lead to increase in supply. In addition to the market price paid by the customer for the product, the supplier will receive an additional payment from government.An increase in supply from SS to S 1S 1 causes, in the short-term, a surplus price P. This surplus supply will force the price downwards, quantity demanded will increase and a new equilibrium will be found at price P 1 and quantity p 1. Therefore, the new equilibrium point E 1 with a lower in price and higher in quantity.6. If the Chancellor of the Exchequer was to reduce income tax, would this affect demand for Scot Rail‟s products? Explain your answer with reference to income elasticity of demand.According to the income elasticity we know that: Income decreases do not affect the demand for inferior goods and basic foods and clothing. Income increases also does not affect the demand of durable goods and services. But increase income will lead toincrease in demand of normal goods. In this case, if government reduces the personal60,000revenue tax, the real incomes of the customers will rise. The SteamScot products belong to normal goods. Therefore, the policy will be affect demand of SteamScot.7 (a) Calculate, using total revenue, the price elasticity of demand when:(I) Price rises from £4 to £5(ii) Price falls from £4 to £3(b) If you were a member of the Scot Rail board, what would you recommend the company do in both situations? Give reasons for your advice.Price rises from £4 to £5Elasticity of Demand= (20,000/60,000) ÷ (1/4) =4/3>1 elasticityElasticity of Demand=| [(-20,000)/60,000]| ÷ (1/4) =4/3>1 elasticity(b)When the price of ticket rises from £4 to £5 the total revenue decreases from £240,000(60,000*£4) to £200,000(80,000*£5), that is a total fall in revenue that was lose due to the fall in price. So we don‟t use way of rises price to solve question of Scot Rail.When the price of ticket fall from £4 to £3 the total revenue still are £240,000(60,000*£4). Although £3 and £4 when the total revenue are same, we should be choose £3 to increase to improve other sales. Because the quantity demand of£4 is lower than£3. And more customers will be bringing other revenue in order to obtain greater benefits.。
高三英语经济学基础单选题30题1. What is the main goal of a firm in a market economy?A. To maximize profits.B. To provide social welfare.C. To create jobs.D. To increase market share.答案:A。
2. Which economic concept refers to the total value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given period?A. Gross Domestic Product (GDP).B. Consumer Price Index (CPI).C. Unemployment rate.D. Inflation rate.答案:A。
3. In a supply and demand diagram, an increase in the price of a good will lead to:A. An increase in supply.B. A decrease in supply.C. An increase in demand.D. A decrease in demand.答案:D。
经济学的定义:研究我们社会中的个人、 企业、政府和其他组织之间关系的学科, 以及对各种资源(包括土地资源、人力资 源)的运用。
具体的说,经济学研究物品或劳务的生产、 分配和消费,以及这一过程中有限资源的 消耗和使用。
第七讲 经济学
一、什么是经济、经济学 Economy and economics
1.经济就是生产或生活上的节约、节俭,前者包括节约资金、物 质资料和劳动等,归根结底是劳动时间的节约,即用尽可能少的劳 动消耗生产出尽可能多的社会所需要的成果。后者指个人或家庭在 生活消费上精打细算,用消耗较少的消费品来满足最大的需要。总 之,经济就是用较少的人力、物力、财力、时间、空间获取较大的 成果或收益;
在经济学中,常用GDP和GNI(国民总收入, gross national Income)共同来衡量该国或地区 的经济发展综合水平通用的指标。
消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index),
做出选择或资源配置决策并付诸实施的过 程就是经济活动。
各个社会做出选择或资源配置的方式称为 经济制度。 计划经济和市场经济及混合经济
计划经济和市场经济的差别: 1、决策机制不同 2、协调机制不同 3、激励机制不同
AP 宏观经济 考试纲要 MacroEcon topic outline
Students should be able to use the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model to determine equilibrium income and price level and to analyze the impact of economic fluctuations on the economy's output and price level, both in the short run and in the long run.
I. Basic Economic Concepts
A macroeconomics course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts such as scarcity and opportunity costs. Students understand the distinction between absolute and comparative advantage and apply the principle of comparative advantage to determine the basis on which mutually advantageous trade can take place between individuals and/or countries and to identify comparative advantage from differences in opportunity costs. Other basic concepts that are explored include the functions performed by an economic system and the way the tools of supply and demand are used to analyze the workings of a free market economy. The course should also introduce the concept of the business cycle to give students an overview of economic fluctuations and to highlight the dynamics of unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. Coverage of these concepts provides students with the foundation for a thorough understanding of macroeconomic concepts and issues.
1.狮舞(Lion Dance)是中国最广为流传的民间舞蹈之一。
在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),狮舞就已经被引入了皇室。
因此,舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。
The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China.The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese traditi on, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck.Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of bra veness and strength, which could drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history of more tha n 2,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where pe ople could pray for good luck, safety and happiness.2.中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。
What is the basic economic problem
Recall – circle the right one•What is the basic economic problem?We want too muchWe have finite wants and resourcesWe have infinite wants and finite resourcesThere is one planet, and we need more resources to live then it hasThe subject of economics is all about…People have unlimited wants but there are limited resourcesLesson ObjectiveTo investigate the 4 factors of productionSuccess CriteriaTo know the 4 different factors of productionTo classify different things into the 4 factors.On your tables number yourselves 1, 2, 3, 4You will go to a difference corner of the room and read a bit of information and then come back and speak to each other about what you have read.Task:Produce a spider diagram with the title being ‘factors of production’ – write a brief description of each and draw a picture to represent it. Give some examples.Land•Refers to natural resources provided by nature, for example:•Agriculture (farming)•Fishing•Forestry•Mining for oil, gas, metals and other minerals•The payment given to the owners of land is rent.Labour•The physical and mental efforts of people needed to make products and provide services (human resources).•The payment to labour is wages.Capital•The finance, machinery and equipment needed to make products and provide services.•These are the man-made resources which help to produce goods and services.•The payment for capital is interest.Enterprise•The skill and risk-taking ability of the person who brings the other resources or factors of production together to produce a good or a service. For example, the owner of a firm (the entrepreneur).•The payment for enterprise is profit.Richard Branson: AnEnglish entrepreneurClassify these as land, labour or capital.Think!1.Think of a product (e.g. car, pen, table etc.)2.In columns with the title of the 4 factors of production put somelabels in each column.3.Which column is easiest to fill?4.Which column is most difficult to fill?Important economic termsneeds natural resourceswants human resourcesresources man-made resourcesfactors of production firmland rentlabour wagescapital interestenterprise profitThese are very, very, very important terms and you need to be able to use them in sentences when writing in economics and they will come up in questions. You need to ensure you know what they all mean and can give examples where required – mini test next lesson!!!Bell workWhat economic terms could you use for the following pictures?。
Basic Economics经济学基础内容,货币
Are there any other coins you can think of?
Other Coins
Half-Dollar = 50 cents =
Gold Dollar = 1 dollar
Silver Dollar = 1 dollar
Money Math
= = = =
Here, the farmer is trading with the baker. The farmer has many items from the farm, but does not have time to bake. The baker needs items from the farm, and so trades baked goods, such as bread, for farm goods, such as carrots. Now both people can have everything they need. How do you decide how many breads equals one carrot? What if the baker only needs one carrot, but for one bread gets four carrots? Then those carrots would be wasted.
Lesson Review Answers
7. What is a service?
Things that you can buy that you can't touch or feel are called services
8. What does supply mean?
1 basic economic problem and opportunity cost
The Diverse Fields of Economics
Examples of microeconomic and macroeconomic concerns
Production Microeconomics
Production/Output in Individual Industries and Businesses How much steel How many offices How many cars
Employment by Individual Businesses & Industries Jobs in the steel industry Number of employees in a firm Employment and Unemployment in the Economy Total number of jobs Unemployment rate
Revenue = Price of goods X Quantity sold
Cost = Price of inputs X Quantity used
Profit = Revenue – Cost
1.3.1 Limited Resource
Factors of Production:
1.3.2 Unlimited Demands on these resources
Unlimited Demands on these resources from
Individual Business governments
EXAMPLE: Unlimited Wants from individual
全球化对经济利弊英语作文In the modern era, globalization has become an integral part of the world economy, influencing trade, culture, and the exchange of ideas. While it has opened up numerous opportunities for growth and development, it has also raised concerns about its impact on various aspects of economic stability and social equity. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of globalization on the economy.Advantages of Globalization:1. Increased Trade and Investment: Globalization has led to the expansion of international trade, allowing countries to access a broader market for their goods and services. This has resulted in increased foreign direct investment, which can stimulate economic growth and job creation.2. Access to Resources: Companies can now source raw materials and labor from the most cost-effective locations, leading to reduced production costs and increased competitiveness.3. Technological Advancements: The exchange of ideas and technology across borders has accelerated innovation. Businesses can leverage the best technologies available, regardless of where they are located, to improve their products and services.4. Cultural Exchange: Globalization has facilitated the spread of cultural practices and consumer preferences, leading to a more diverse and enriched global marketplace.5. Economic Growth: By integrating economies, globalization has the potential to increase overall economic efficiency and productivity, leading to higher standards of living.Disadvantages of Globalization:1. Income Inequality: While some individuals and nations have reaped significant benefits from globalization, others have been left behind. This has led to a widening gap between the rich and the poor, both within and between countries.2. Job Losses: The relocation of manufacturing and service industries to countries with lower labor costs can lead to job losses in developed nations, causing economic hardshipfor affected workers.3. Cultural Homogenization: The spread of global brands and consumer culture can sometimes lead to the erosion of local cultures and traditions, as they are replaced by a more uniform global culture.4. Economic Vulnerability: Globalization can make economies more susceptible to financial crises, as problems in one country can quickly spread to others due to interconnected financial markets.5. Environmental Concerns: The pursuit of economic growththrough globalization can lead to overexploitation of natural resources and contribute to environmental degradation.In conclusion, globalization has both positive and negative implications for the economy. While it has the potential to boost economic growth and improve living standards, it also poses challenges such as income inequality and environmental harm. Policymakers and businesses must work together to harness the benefits of globalization while mitigating its adverse effects.。
english first paper board question 2020 -回复
english first paper board question 2020 -回复题目:探讨数字货币对金融体系的影响摘要:本文将详细探讨中括号内内容作为题目的主题——数字货币对金融体系的影响。
最新-Section 1 The Fundamental Economic Problem第1节的基本经济问题-PPT文档资料
Being an Economically Smart Citizen!: 3 terms to describe our economy!
The US uses a market economy-
economic system in which supply, demand and prices help people make decisions and use resources.
A want-some things that we would like to have.
Entertainment, vacations, clothing, shoes, PS3s, jewelry…
Things that make life more “comfortable and enjoyable FUN”
U.S. has this problem and so do you and I!
rational consumer asks whether or not he or she can afford the expensive car or the cheaper car
Brand name or generic
Spend more than just cost iggest cost is full-time income that you will not be able to earn because of the time you will have to spend studying and going to class and other time-consuming activities…
Variable costs: parts to make the tv, or to ship the tv… keep up with demand
Section 1 The Fundamental Economic Problem第1节的基本经济问题-精品文档
Entertainment, vacations, clothing, shoes, PS3s, jewelry…
Things that make life more “comfortable and enjoyable FUN”
Box 2 cont…
things that can be made or manufactured/used to satisfy our wants and needs (books, cars)
Capital goods
the things used to manufacture other goods (tools, machinery)
The alternative you face if you decide to do one things rather than another
Ex: economic choice to buy a DVD player. Or more pollution-free air means less driving Taking more time to study means having less time to…
Why does the government pay so much attention to the economy???
B/c resources are limited
Needs and Wants
A need is something that we “need”
Required for survival such as food, clothing and shelter
2. The cost of something is what you give up to get it
The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to obtain that item. 机会成本——为了得到某种东西所
households decide what to buy and who to work for. Firms decide who to hire and what to produce.
6. 市场通常是组织经济活动的一种好方法
市场经济——当许多企业和家庭在 物品与劳务市场上相互交易时通过 他们的分散决策配置资源的经济。
The standard of living depends on a country’s production. Prices rise when the government prints too much money. Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.
1. People face tradeoffs.
Efficiency v. Equity
Efficiency means society gets the most that it can from its scarce resources. Equity means the benefits of those resources are distributed fairly among the members of society.
Unit 1 Introduction to Economics - 学生阅读
Unit one Introduction to Economics READING ONEIntroduction to EconomicsPeople usually ask such question----what is economics? Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), a famous economist of the past, once said: Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life; it examines that part of individual and social action which is most closely connected with the attainment and with the use of the material requisites of well-being.Nowadays, economics has been defined as the study of decision-making. It explains how human interaction within markets help people get what they want or accomplish certain goals. Basically, economics is a driving force of human interaction, which interprets people and governments’ behavior in particular ways.Therefore, economics can describe all aspects of a country’s economy, such as how a country uses its resources, how much time laborers devote to work and leisure, the outcome of investing in industries or financial products, the effect of taxes on a population, and why businesses succeed or fail. Knowledge of economics will allow us to analyze and assess the values of policies and decisions made by politicians, and it will help us to become more aware of the current and future problems of our society.As for individuals, since we are all consumers, we are interested in the goods and services which we buy and how much they cost us, and we are interested in the incomes we can earn. Even our own personal decisions are often affected by the state of the economy, so we could make better choices if we understood the way the economy operates.Everyone is affected by employment and government policies.Employment is akey aspect of any economy. One can describe employment variously to refer to the ability of an economy to put people to work. Employment, or unemployed levels of an economy, is typically determined over a specified period of time, usually one year or more depending on the circumstances.The economic system is made up of human beings and so human behavior is crucial to the system. The principles and motives form which people act are not necessarily economic in origin, and are often based on non-economic values. Differing values and social forces have led to countries developing different economic systems, but all countries face the same economic problems—such as whether they are producing the right things and by the best methods, how wants are to be satisfied, and whose wants are to be satisfied.There is no denying that the debate on whether economics is a science never stops. Since it is a social science, economics is affected by the many influences that lead to incessant change. Human behavior, based on what is known as a value judgment, which means it is based on the personal values of individuals, cannot be examined with the same precision and is extremely difficult to test or measure.Economics is a study of living and working in society; but not all societies behave in the same way.Organization becomes essential in the case of producing the things people want. An economic system is made up of the collection of relationships, customs, institutions, laws and arrangements that are combined to satisfy the economic wants of the community—to determine what and how production takes place, and who receives the output. Naturally it depends on the participation of the members of the community. An economic system is not just an abstraction; it is the real world.The job of an economic system is to form a framework of organization which enables choices and decisions to be made on how to satisfy the wants of the community. The way it does this depends largely on the type of society. In the USA there is still a belief in the value of free enterprise and the ability of individuals to succeed if they work hard enough. In some countries, such as England and possibly Sweden, there is a belief in the welfare state, that it is up to the government to lookafter the citizens from the cradle to the grave, although there have been criticisms of this approach because of cost. Countries like Australia seem to represent mixture of both these attitudes.National characteristics and belief systems have led to many differences between economic systems. It cannot by say that just because two countries have the same political governments, they will run their economics in the same way. It is not easy to compare one economy with another and say that one is better or worse—there is too much diversity, and adequate measurement is impossible. One can, however, say that the standard of living is better in one economy than in another. Or one can compare such things as the level of unemployment or the stability of prices. But these single measures cannot show a true or complete picture of an economy.New Words and Proper Termsabstraction 抽象概念;抽象化assess 评定;确定;估价diversity 多种多样;多样性framework 框架;结构incessant 连续的;持续不断的inflation 通货膨胀requisite 必须的食物;必须的物品specialization 专业化specimen 样品;标本(复数加S)Sweden 瑞典(国名)verify 证实;核对Notes1. Alfred Marshall. (1842-1924) He was a British economist. He gave the name economics to the science formerly known as political economy.Marshall examined the low of supply and demand. His most important works are Principles of Economics(《经济学原理》,1890),Industry and Trade(《工业与贸易》,1919),and Money, Credit and Commerce(《货币、信贷与商业》,1923)ExercisesI. Check Your UnderstandingAnswer the following questions according to the text.1. What is the definition of economics?2. What are the main concerns of economics?3. What are economic goods and services?4. What influences the type of economic system in a country?5. What type of economic system operates in China?II. Build Up Y our Vocabulary经济体系经济机构经济目标经济布局经济活动经济命脉经济增长经济结构经济萧条经济合同经济理论经济危机经济收益经济业绩经济效益经济效益III. Translate the following phrases from English into Chinese.1.value judgment2.living standard3.natural science4.construct socialism with Chinese characteristics5.The “great Depression”of the 1930s resulted in social instability in manycountries.6.We may compare the unemployment rate and the stability of prices of twocountries.7.All entrepreneurs go after maximum profits and minimum costs.8.It is the duty of every citizen to pay personal income tax.IV. Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English.经济学经常被认为是一门科学。
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The ― bird's eye view " The "analysis of prosperity and recession"
Includes: National income, money supply, growth, inflation, unemployment
EXAMPLE: limited Resource of Business
企业的内部资源可分为:人力资源、财物力资源、信息资源、技 术资源、管理资源、可控市场资源、内部环境资源;而外部资源 可分为:行业资源、产业资源、市场资源、外部环境资源。
资金、债权和其他权利。工厂车间、机器设备、工具器具、生产资料、土地、房屋 等各种企业财产。时空资源、信息资源、技术资源、品牌资源、文化资源和管理资 源等。生产工艺技术、设备维修技术、财务管理技术、生产经营的管理技能。市场 活动的技能、信息收集和分析技术、市场营销方法,策划技能以及谈判推销技能等 市场发展的技术。企业内部和外部各种与企业经营有关的情报资料构成。产品品牌、 服务品牌和企业品牌。企业形象、企业声誉、企业凝聚力、组织士气、管理风格等。 人员的数量,员工内在的体力、智力、人际关系、知识经验和心理特征等无形物质。 企业因为与顾客、政府、社区、金融机构等个人或组织之间良好的关系而获得了可 以利用的存在于企业外部的资源,客户关系资源OEM生产、特许经营、加盟连锁。
1.1 What is Economics?
Economics is the science of choice — the science that explains the choices that we make and how those choices change as we cope with scarcity.
Economic Problem- Scarcity
12 sectors of the UK economy
Agriculture,forestry,fishing Mining,quarrying,oil extraction Manufacturing Construction Gas,water,electricity
Firms Maximize Profits
The core neoclassical assumption:
Firm goal ≡ profit maximization Input:Factors of Production ----- cost Output:Goods & services for sale in the market -----Revenue
Employment by Individual Businesses & Industries Jobs in the steel industry Number of employees in a firm Employment and Unemployment in the Economy Total number of jobs Unemployment rate
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Transcendence
• Self Actualizing Needs
• Esteem Needs
• Love and Belonging Needs(Acceptance) • Safety Needs (Safety Security) • Physiological Needs (Survival)
and businesses make Micro = ‘small’
Macroeconomics: The study of the total effects on the
national economy and the global economy of the choices that individuals, businesses, and governments make. Macro = ‘big’
The Diverse Fields of Economics
Examples of microeconomic and macroeconomic concerns
Production Microeconomics
Production/Output in Individual Industries and Businesses How much steel How many offices How many cars
Macroeconomics National
Aggregate Price Level Rate of Inflation
Production/Output Total Industrial Output Gross Domestic Product Growth of Output
National Income Total wages and salaries Total corporate profits
Chapter 1
basic economic problem and opportunity cost
1.1 Economic Problem — Scarcity
Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants and needs in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfill all human wants and needs. Alternatively, scarcity implies that not all of society's goals can be pursued at the same time; trade-offs are made of one good against others.
Price of Individual Goods and Services Price of medical care Food prices Apartment rents
Distribution of Income and Wealth Wages in the auto industry Minimum wages
Neoclassical economists did not theorize about what goes on inside firms.
Input:Factors of Production Output:Goods & services for sale in the marketቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Revenue = Price of goods X Quantity sold
Cost = Price of inputs X Quantity used
Profit = Revenue – Cost
1.3.1 Limited Resource
Factors of Production:
Society’s wants exceed the resources available to satisfy them. (society )
Firm production function
Goods & services for sale in the market
1.3.2 Unlimited Demands on these resources
Unlimited Demands on these resources from
Individual Business governments
EXAMPLE: Unlimited Wants from individual
1.3 Economic Problem- Scarcity
Question: Free goods(自由品 )or economic goods(经济品) ? Not all resources are scarce- these are call free goods.
Economic goods
The ― worm’s eye view ‖ How buyer and seller behave in the marketplace Focuses on economic behavior of a household or firm Includes: pricing, distribution, investment, supply and demand
Transport communication Distributive trades Insurance,banking,financial service Ownership of dwellings Public admin and defense Professional and scientific services Other services
Abraham h. Maslow, 1908-1970
《十不足》 [明]朱载育