An Agent-Based Simulation Method for Studying Nervous System




afsim系统开发方法AFSIM(Agent-based Framework for Simulation)是一种用于开发模拟系统的方法。






















agent based模型

agent based模型

agent based模型Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a computational modeling technique used to simulate the actions and interactions of autonomous agents within a complex system. These agents can represent individuals, groups, organizations, or any other entities that can make decisions and interact with their environment. ABM is a powerful tool for studying emergent phenomena and understanding the dynamics of complex systems.In an agent-based model, agents are typically programmed with a set of rules that govern their behavior, decision-making processes, and interactions with other agents and their environment. These rules can be based on empirical data, theoretical principles, or a combination of both. By simulating the behavior of individual agents and observing how they interact with one another, researchers can gain insights into the macro-level patterns and dynamics that emerge from these interactions.One of the key advantages of agent-based modeling is its ability to capture the heterogeneity and complexity of real-world systems. Unlike traditional modeling approaches that rely on aggregate equations and assumptions about the behavior of a system as a whole, ABM allows for the representation of individual-level variability and interactions. This makes ABM particularly well-suited for studying social, economic, and ecological systems, where the behavior of individual agents can have a significant impact on the system as a whole.Agent-based models can be used to explore a wide range of research questions, such as the spread of infectious diseases, the dynamics of financial markets, the emergence of social norms, and the effects of land-use changes on biodiversity. By experimenting with different parameters, assumptions, and scenarios, researchers can gain a better understanding of how the system behaves under different conditions and identify potential interventions or policies to improve its performance.Developing an agent-based model typically involves several key steps, including defining the research question, identifying the relevant agents and their interactions, specifying the rules that govern agent behavior, implementing the model in a simulationplatform, calibrating and validating the model, and conducting sensitivity analyses and scenario testing. While the process of developing an ABM can be complex and time-consuming, the insights gained from the model can provide valuable insights that would be difficult or impossible to obtain through empirical studies alone.In conclusion, agent-based modeling is a powerful and flexible technique for studying complex systems and understanding the emergent properties that arise from the interactions of individual agents. By simulating the behavior of autonomous agents and observing the dynamics of the system as a whole, researchers can gain valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms driving the system and develop strategies for improving its performance. ABM has applications in a wide range of fields, including social science, economics, ecology, and public health, and is a valuable tool for researchers seeking to explore the complexities of the world around us.。


பைடு நூலகம்目标设定
根据问题定义,设定模拟要达到的目标,如预测、优化、 验证等。
根据问题特点选择合适的模拟模型, 如物理模型、数学模型等。
Agent-Based Simulation适用于描述和分析具有异质性、自适应性和交互性的复杂系 统,如生态系统和社交网络等。
Agent-Based Simulation通常需要定义个体的属性和行为规则,并使用随机数或确定 性算法来模拟个体之间的相互作用和演化过程。
通用Simulation软件通常提供丰富的库和工具箱,支持多种Simulation方法和算法,可进行系 统建模、仿真分析和优化设计等。这些软件通常具有友好的用户界面和易用的操作方式,使得 用户可以快速地建立模型、设置参数并进行仿真分析。
离散事件Simulation适用于描述 和分析在离散时间点上发生的事 件,如排队系统、生产制造过程 等。
离散事件Simulation通常使用事 件调度表来记录事件发生的时间 和顺序,并根据事件调度表更新 系统状态。





Agent-based Modeling and Simulation(ABMS)作为一种重要的建模与仿真技术,逐渐成为研究和应用的热点。




















收稿日期:2004Ο07Ο14基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50479018);江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK 2003026)作者简介:倪建军(1978—),男,安徽黄山人,博士研究生,主要从事复杂系统、智能控制、信息融合等方面的研究.一种复杂适应系统仿真的Agent 混合结构模型倪建军1,王建颖2,马小平1,徐立中2,李臣明2(1.中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,江苏徐州 221008;2.河海大学计算机及信息工程学院,江苏南京 210098)摘要:分析了复杂适应系统的多Agent 建模方法以及系统仿真框架,提出了一种复杂适应系统仿真的Agent 混合结构模型,在该模型中构造了基于知识的协调控制器,通过它来协调慎思式过程和反应式过程.最后,结合跨流域调水管理这一复杂过程,对跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统仿真的Agent 结构模型的应用进行了实例分析.关键词:复杂适应系统;Agent 建模;系统仿真;跨流域调水管理;水资源配置中图分类号:TP39119 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000Ο1980(2005)02Ο0207Ο051994年,美国霍兰教授从注重个体的主体性以及其与环境之间的相互影响和相互作用出发,提出了复杂适应系统(C om plex Adaptive System ,C AS )理论[1],从一个侧面概括了生物、生态、经济、社会等一大批重要系统的共同特点.复杂适应系统是一类复杂巨系统,国内外研究表明[2],传统的建模方法(诸如还原论方法、归纳推理方法等)已不能很好地刻画复杂适应系统,而基于Agent 的建模方法,具有主动性、层次性、动态性、可操作性等优点,成为研究复杂适应系统新的有效手段.Agent 的结构模型是复杂适应系统仿真的基础,复杂适应系统的复杂性、适应性都是通过Agent 结构模型中的规则、智能以及Agent 之间、Agent 与环境间的交互等来体现的[3].在C AS 理论中,霍兰提出一种基于遗传算法的刺激反应模型[1],来描述他所定义的具有主动性个体的基本行为模型.邓宏钟[3]给出了复杂适应系统中Agent 结构模型的六元组描述,即Agent =<标识、类型、知识库、规则库、属性、参数>.Alfonseca 等[4]针对生物系统的仿真建立了觅食Agent 的模型.该模型具有生物的一些特性,如生命周期、繁殖能力、移动能力、交流能力等.这些能力以基因的方式给出.该模型中一共有6种基因,分别是说谎的基因、相信别人的基因、交流能力的基因、移动能力的基因、遗忘概率的基因以及攻击的基因.Fu 等[5]针对供应链仿真中多种不同Agent 要求提出了一个通用Agent 的结构模型.该模型包括输入输出模块、事件选择模块、信息处理模块、过程执行模块以及知识库、策略、状态等,核心是由过程驱动的.Bunn [6]针对电力贸易市场的Agent 仿真提出一种自治的Agent 结构模型,以模拟市场中的各种经济实体,这些Agent 没有通讯能力,但具有感知信息的能力,有在交互中学习的能力,能作用于环境,并修改自身行为,以达到自身利润最大化.赖旭芝等[7]针对足球机器人仿真提出了一种基于行为的双层动态智能体结构模型,它包括反应式结构和慎思式结构,并采用自信度来连接这两种结构,既可以提高在实时动态环境下智能体反应的敏捷性,也使自主机器人能够在动态环境下识别任务.关于Agent 的结构模型,不同的研究者根据自己的研究背景和研究领域提出了不同的研究观点和看法,但针对跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统的仿真,上述模型有的过于简单,有的通用性和适应性较差,不能满足跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统仿真要求.本文结合跨流域调水管理这一复杂过程的仿真,提出一种Agent 混合结构模型,并进行了实例分析.1 复杂适应系统与基于Agent 的建模方法[1,2,8]复杂适应系统理论的提出,是从对系统演化规律的思考引起的,其核心思想是:适应性造就复杂性.复杂适应系统理论包括微观和宏观两个方面.在微观方面,其基本思想是:把系统中的成员称为具有适应第33卷第2期2005年3月河海大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of H ohai University (Natural Sciences )V ol.33N o.2Mar.2005性的主体(Adaptive Agent ),简称Agent.所谓具有适应性,就是指Agent 能够与环境以及其他Agent 进行交互作用.Agent 在这种持续不断的交互作用中,不断地“学习”或“积累经验”,并且根据学到的经验改变自身的结构和行为方式.而整个宏观系统的演变或进化,包括新层次的产生、分化和多样性的出现,新的、聚合而成的、更大的Agent 的出现等,都是在微观的基础上逐步派生出来的.在宏观方面,由微观逐步派生出的Agent 组成的系统,将在Agent 之间以及Agent 与环境的相互作用中发展,表现出宏观系统中的分化、涌现等种种复杂的演化过程.复杂适应系统的仿真,首先通过研究Agent 的适应性、主动性来建立其模型,然后通过这些Agent 之间以及Agent 与环境之间的交互建立起多Agent 系统模型,最后借助计算机仿真方法并采用自底向上的方式来研究系统的复杂性、系统的个体与整体的关系以及系统的涌现机制等.复杂适应系统的仿真框架如图1所示.图1 复杂适应系统仿真框架Fig.1 Frame for simulation of the complex ad aptive system复杂适应系统仿真框架中包容了仿真过程中的所有对象,即包括一个环境、一个Agent 社会、一些辅助Agent 等.其中“环境”包含了环境拥有的所有属性,包括一些Agent 生存所需的资源以及一些障碍物等其他属性,具体情况根据仿真需要确定,所有的Agent 活动都在这个环境下进行.Agent 社会由所有实体Agent 组成,每个Agent 都是这个社会的一员,他们在其中进行交互、协调,甚至交配、繁殖,直到死亡;同时,这些Agent 还和环境之间发生交互,从环境中获得资源,影响环境的状态等.辅助Agent 负责对环境和Agent 社会进行统计、分析和观察,给观察者提供一个观察的窗口. ①S warm Development G roup.S warm 21111Reference G uide.http ://w w .M ar 28,2000.2 Agent 混合结构建模2.1 跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统南水北调东线工程建成后,将形成连接长江、淮河、黄河、海河,供水、防洪、排涝、航运并举的水资源复杂大系统.对这样的多流域、多水源、多目标复合系统的管理是一个极其复杂的过程,其复杂性主要体现在:(a )系统组成的多要素和大规模;(b )系统各要素之间或各子系统之间存在着各种各样的非线性关联形式,表现在内容上是物质、能量和信息的交换;(c )系统的开放性导致系统演化的复杂性;(d )系统的空间结构具有复杂性;(e )系统的复杂性与人类社会的复杂性密切相关[9].目前水资源开发配置和调度管理采用传统系统动力学方法进行系统仿真[10,11].本文根据复杂适应系统理论,采用基于Agent 的建模仿真方法,在SW ARM 仿真平台上①构建跨流域调水管理———南水北调东线工程仿真系统.南水北调东线工程仿真系统具有层次性,按照水资源管理的区域,将区域Agent 层划分为:江苏水资源系统Agent 、南四湖水资源系统Agent 和山东水资源系统Agent.每个区域Agent 又划分多个功能Agent 层,如江苏区域Agent 的T op 功能主体层包括供水Agent 、用水Agent 、排水Agent 、管理者Agent 等;而T op 802河海大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷层中的每个功能Agent 又可以根据研究的需要划分为子功能Agent 层.Agent 行为规则的选择、参数的扰动将突现出一个合适的、协调规范的整体.在一定的规则和市场机制的约束下,每个Agent 追求自身的利益和目标,但是这些Agent 又都应该具有适应性,能够不断地调整行为规则,达到与其他Agent 和环境的协调发展.图2 Agent 的混合结构模型Fig.2 Agent hybrid architecture model2.2 跨流域调水管理仿真系统Agent 混合结构模型通过上述分析,并参考文献[5~7]中Agent 的结构模型,建立了一种适合于跨流域调水管理仿真系统的且具有一定通用性的Agent 混合结构模型(图2).模型中包含协调控制器、感知器、执行器、反应器、规划器、决策器和学习器等部件.a.基于知识的协调控制器.协调控制器负责整个Agent 的协调运行,本文采用基于知识的协调控制器来协调慎思式过程和反应式过程,当感知器发现环境的状态发生变化或接收到供水Agent (或用水Agent 、排水Agent 、管理者Agent )等其他Agent 的任务请求时,协调控制器根据信息的类型和协调控制知识对信息进行解释和分类,并将其分配到相关的工作单元,以适应动态的、不确定的环境和任务需求.协调控制器采用基于全局系统策略的结构模型[12](即模型视图控制器(M odel 2View 2C ontr oller ,M VC ))来实现,其结构如图3所示.图3 基于知识的协调控制器结构Fig.3 Architecture of coordination controller b ased on know ledgeb.反应器.反应器使Agent 能根据输入信息和当前状态,实时处理一些常规的情况和洪水、污染等突发事件以及实现一些政策性短期目标.它运用动作型规则(规则库中的条件规则),将来源于协调控制器中的反应型信息直接映射为动作(或预定义规则).反应器生成的动作和目标通常以最高优先级加入到执行器单元,立即执行,而中断从决策模块送来的动作.如果执行器单元中断从决策模块送来的动作,决策模块将决定是重新规划还是继续原来规划好的动作序列.反应器的作用就是使Agent 对突发或常规情况做出迅速反应,所以反应器基本上不进行推理,而是直接由感知的信息映射到某种行动.反应器一般采用如下规则Rule :IF 感知信息条件子句THE N 行动c.规划器.Agent 的规划器负责建立中短期水资源配置计划.Agent 的规划是一个局部的规划,局部性体现在两个方面:一方面,每个Agent 根据目标集合、自身的状态、自己对环境和其他Agent 的模型,以及以往的经验规划自身的行为,而不是由某个Agent 对全局进行规划并将命令分发给其他Agent.另一方面,Agent 并不需要对它的目标做出完全的规划,而只要生成近期的行动序列就可以了.因为环境是变化的,很多情况无法预料,长期的规划很可能会因为情况的变化而失去意义.规划器需要从目标集合、环境模型、其他Agent 模型、经验库以及自身的状态等数据结构中提取信息,经过局部规划器,产生出近期的动作序列,送交给决策器.目标集合包含Agent 要达到的目标,环境以及其他Agent 的模型存储于知识库,Agent 可根据环境的变化趋势做出预测,并反映到规划中.经验库是一些范例的集合.902第2期倪建军,等 一种复杂适应系统仿真的Agent 混合结构模型012河海大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷d.决策器.根据Agent信念空间反映的状态,决策器从中选择Agent能达到的目标,将其按照不同的优先级加入到活动目标议程表.然后,从动作空间选择并采用那些预先定义的可达到目标的规划,使之成为行动规划.之后行动规划被加入到可执行行动序列,交由相应模块执行.决策模块所选择的预定义规划来源于知识库中的预定义规划库,决策负责消解这些规划间的可能冲突,修改已经过时的、错误的、冲突的及当前不再可用的规划,并决定在必要时重新规划.e.学习器.学习器是Agent具有智能的重要表现.学习器使用学习知识和规则库中的启发性知识,对可执行动作队列中的活动规划、活动规划执行对Agent信念空间的改变、规划模拟和规划优化的结果等进行分析.根据分析结果,把新规划和新目标作为新知识加入到行动和决策空间.其他学习过程还包括规则库中规则的获取、规则的更新等.2.3 供水Agent的结构模型以跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统中的供水Agent为例,对模型中各个部件的工作情况进行详细说明.供水Agent的内部工作流程如下.a.通过感知器感知水资源系统的各种状态变化,主要包括:水资源供需情况变化(主要感知工业需水量、农业需水量、生活需水量、生态需水量以及可供水量的变化)、水市场的变化情况(主要感知水资源利用率、水权交易、水价波动等情况)、水环境的变化情况(主要感知地表水水质、地下水水质、水生态保护、污水处理及回用率等情况)、其他Agent的反馈信息(主要管理Agent的各类经济指标信息、用水Agent的反馈信息等)以及监测是否有其他Agent发出的任务请求.b.将感知到的情况传送到协调控制器的视图,视图负责产生内部请求,传送到控制器,由控制器对所感知到的信息进行解释和分类,并调用模型进行处理.而模型根据相应的规则和知识对不同的任务类型给出不同的处理结果,并将结果返回给控制器.控制器根据结果选择相应的视图,向目的过程提供输出.例如当控制器接收到来自用水Agent的一次需水请求时,首先将用水Agent需水请求送给模型去处理,而模型会根据用水Agent的需水请求的供水时间要求、供水水量要求、气象条件等确定该任务是否紧急,自身能否独立完成该任务等,并将这一结果反馈给控制器.控制器根据这些结果调用相应的视图,由视图将结果传送给相应过程.如果任务十分紧急,则视图将调水指令传给反应式过程,产生泵站调用指令,通过执行器和泵站Agent交互,调用泵站Agent供水;如果发现是复杂的任务请求,如要考虑来自雨情测报Agent等的相关气象信息时,视图则将相应的指令传给规划器和决策器,由规划器和决策器调用知识库中的相关知识做出中短期的调水规划和决策,防止出现严重缺水或调水过多等现象.c.学习器在相应的时候启动,这时供水Agent通过感知器感知水资源系统的变化状态,包括用水Agent、管理Agent等的反馈信息,水环境的变化情况等,然后通过信息处理以及性能评估模块,学习这些信息,获得相关知识,对知识库和规则库进行修改和补充,完成学习过程.例如当感知到在供水之后一段时间,需水区的水质下降很多,则学习器对上述情况进行分析学习,得到当地水质与水价、供水量等变量之间的相互关系的知识,并据此提出修改行为规则和知识库的相关内容,以改善需水区的水质情况.由上述供水Agent的内部工作流程可以看出,该Agent结构模型能够完成跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统仿真中不同的任务,具有自适应能力,可以根据不同的外部需求自动调整内部动作,而且具有快速反应能力和学习功能,可以满足跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统仿真中对Agent的不同要求.3 结 语复杂适应系统的建模仿真研究是复杂性研究领域的一个热点问题.本文分析了复杂适应系统仿真框架,提出了一种复杂适应系统仿真的Agent混合结构模型.该模型中采用M VC结构构造的基于知识的协调控制器来协调Agent的慎思式过程和反应式过程,满足了跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统仿真中对Agent的不同要求.最后,对跨流域调水管理复杂适应系统仿真Agent结构模型的应用进行了实例分析,给出了供水Agent详细的内部工作流程.参考文献:[1]H O LLAND J H.隐秩序:适应性造就复杂性[M].周晓牧,韩晖译.上海:上海科技出版社,2001.1—25.[2]陈禹.复杂性研究的新动向———基于主体的建模方法及其启迪[J ].系统辩证学学报,2003,11(1):43—50.[3]邓宏钟.基于多智能体的整体建模仿真方法及其应用研究[D].长沙:国防科技大学,2002.[4]A LFONSEC A M ,LARA J.T w o 2level ev olution of foraging agent communities [J ].BioSystems ,2002,66:21—30.[5]FU Y,PIP LANI R ,S OUZ A R ,et al.Multi 2agent enabled m odeling and simulation towards collaborative inventory management insupply chains [A].In :Proceeding of the 2000winter simulation con ference [C].New Y ork :IEEE C omputer S ociety Press ,2000.1763—1771.[6]BUNN D W ,O LI VEIRA F S.Agent 2based simulation —an application to the new electricity trading arrangements of england and wales[J ].IEEE T ransactions on Ev olutionary C omputation ,2001,5(5):493—503.[7]赖旭芝,宁志宇,仵博.一种基于行为的双层动态智能体结构及其在R oboCup 中的应用[J ].计算机工程与应用,2004,(8):28—30.[8]廖守亿,戴金海.复杂适应系统及基于Agent 的建模与仿真方法[J ].系统仿真学报,2004,16(1):113—117.[9]赵建世,王忠静,翁文斌.水资源复杂适应系统配置的理论与模型[J ].地理学报,2002,57(6):639—647.[10]杨方廷,赖纯洁.南水北调工程仿真系统[J ].系统仿真学报,2002,14(12):1563—1578.[11]赵勇,解建仓,马斌.基于系统仿真理论的南水北调东线水量调度[J ].水利学报,2002,(11):38—43.[12]徐正权,李俊峰.M VC 模式下的界面再工程[J ].计算机工程与应用,2004,(14):115—116.An Agent hybrid architecture model for simulationof complex adaptive system NI Jian 2jun 1,WANG Jian 2ying 2,MA Xiao 2ping 1,XU Li 2zhong 2,LI Chen 2ming 2(1.School o f Information and Electrical Engineering ,China Univer sity o f Mining and Technology ,Xuzhou 221008,China ;2.College o f Computer and Information Engineering ,Hohai Univ.,Nanjing 210098,China )Abstract :The multi 2Agent based m odeling method and its simulation frame for the C om plex Adaptive System (C AS )were analyzed ,and an Agent hybrid architecture m odel for the simulation of C AS was developed.In this m odel ,a coordination control unit based on knowledge was proposed to coordinate the cognitive process and reactive process.Finally ,a case study was made on the application of the Agent hybrid architecture m odel to C AS for interbasin water trans fer management.K ey w ords :com plex adaptive system ;Agent 2based m odeling ;system simulation ;interbasin water trans fer management ;water res ources allocation112第2期倪建军,等 一种复杂适应系统仿真的Agent 混合结构模型。



- disruption ,: Global convergence vs nationalSustainable-,practices and dynamic capabilities in the food industry: A critical analysis of the literature5 Mesoscopic- simulation6 Firm size and sustainable performance in food -s: Insights from Greek SMEs7 An analytical method for cost analysis in multi-stage -s: A stochastic / model approach8 A Roadmap to Green - System through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation9 Unidirectional transshipment policies in a dual-channel -10 Decentralized and centralized model predictive control to reduce the bullwhip effect in -,11 An agent-based distributed computational experiment framework for virtual -/ development12 Biomass-to-bioenergy and biofuel - optimization: Overview, key issues and challenges13 The benefits of - visibility: A value assessment model14 An Institutional Theory perspective on sustainable practices across the dairy -15 Two-stage stochastic programming - model for biodiesel production via wastewater treatment16 Technology scale and -s in a secure, affordable and low carbon energy transition17 Multi-period design and planning of closed-loop -s with uncertain supply and demand18 Quality control in food -,: An analytical model and case study of the adulterated milk incident in China19 - information capabilities and performance outcomes: An empirical study of Korean steel suppliers20 A game-based approach towards facilitating decision making for perishable products: An example of blood -21 - design under quality disruptions and tainted materials delivery22 A two-level replenishment frequency model for TOC - replenishment systems under capacity constraint23 - dynamics and the ―cross-border effect‖: The U.S.–Mexican border’s case24 Designing a new - for competition against an existing -25 Universal supplier selection via multi-dimensional auction mechanisms for two-way competition in oligopoly market of -26 Using TODIM to evaluate green - practices under uncertainty27 - downsizing under bankruptcy: A robust optimization approach28 Coordination mechanism for a deteriorating item in a two-level - system29 An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm for sustainable -/ design under uncertainty: A case study of medical needle and syringe -30 Bullwhip Effect Study in a Constrained -31 Two-echelon multiple-vehicle location–routing problem with time windows for optimization of sustainable -/ of perishable food32 Research on pricing and coordination strategy of green - under hybrid production mode33 Agent-system co-development in - research: Propositions and demonstrative findings34 Tactical ,for coordinated -s35 Photovoltaic - coordination with strategic consumers in China36 Coordinating supplier׳s reorder point: A coordination mechanism for -s with long supplier lead time37 Assessment and optimization of forest biomass -s from economic, social and environmental perspectives – A review of literature38 The effects of a trust mechanism on a dynamic -/39 Economic and environmental assessment of reusable plastic containers: A food catering - case study40 Competitive pricing and ordering decisions in a multiple-channel -41 Pricing in a - for auction bidding under information asymmetry42 Dynamic analysis of feasibility in ethanol - for biofuel production in Mexico43 The impact of partial information sharing in a two-echelon -44 Choice of - governance: Self-managing or outsourcing?45 Joint production and delivery lot sizing for a make-to-order producer–buyer - with transportation cost46 Hybrid algorithm for a vendor managed inventory system in a two-echelon -47 Traceability in a food -: Safety and quality perspectives48 Transferring and sharing exchange-rate risk in a risk-averse - of a multinational firm49 Analyzing the impacts of carbon regulatory mechanisms on supplier and mode selection decisions: An application to a biofuel -50 Product quality and return policy in a - under risk aversion of a supplier51 Mining logistics data to assure the quality in a sustainable food -: A case in the red wine industry52 Biomass - optimisation for Organosolv-based biorefineries53 Exact solutions to the - equations for arbitrary, time-dependent demands54 Designing a sustainable closed-loop -/ based on triple bottom line approach: A comparison of metaheuristics hybridization techniques55 A study of the LCA based biofuel - multi-objective optimization model with multi-conversion paths in China56 A hybrid two-stock inventory control model for a reverse -57 Dynamics of judicial service -s58 Optimizing an integrated vendor-managed inventory system for a single-vendor two-buyer - with determining weighting factor for vendor׳s ordering59 Measuring - Resilience Using a Deterministic Modeling Approach60 A LCA Based Biofuel - Analysis Framework61 A neo-institutional perspective of -s and energy security: Bioenergy in the UK62 Modified penalty function method for optimal social welfare of electric power - with transmission constraints63 Optimization of blood - with shortened shelf lives and ABO compatibility64 Diversified firms on dynamical - cope with financial crisis better65 Securitization of energy -s in China66 Optimal design of the auto parts - for JIT operations: Sequential bifurcation factor screening and multi-response surface methodology67 Achieving sustainable -s through energy justice68 - agility: Securing performance for Chinese manufacturers69 Energy price risk and the sustainability of demand side -s70 Strategic and tactical mathematical programming models within the crude oil - context - A review71 An analysis of the structural complexity of -/s72 Business process re-design methodology to support - integration73 Could - technology improve food operators’ innovativeness? A developing country’s perspective74 RFID-enabled process reengineering of closed-loop -s in the healthcare industry of Singapore75 Order-Up-To policies in Information Exchange -s76 Robust design and operations of hydrocarbon biofuel - integrating with existing petroleum refineries considering unit cost objective77 Trade-offs in - transparency: the case of Nudie Jeans78 Healthcare - operations: Why are doctors reluctant to consolidate?79 Impact on the optimal design of bioethanol -s by a new European Commission proposal80 Managerial research on the pharmaceutical - – A critical review and some insights for future directions81 - performance evaluation with data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard approach82 Integrated - design for commodity chemicals production via woody biomass fast pyrolysis and upgrading83 Governance of sustainable -s in the fast fashion industry84 Temperature ,for the quality assurance of a perishable food -85 Modeling of biomass-to-energy - operations: Applications, challenges and research directions86 Assessing Risk Factors in Collaborative - with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)87 Random / models and sensitivity algorithms for the analysis of ordering time and inventory state in multi-stage -s88 Information sharing and collaborative behaviors in enabling - performance: A social exchange perspective89 The coordinating contracts for a fuzzy - with effort and price dependent demand90 Criticality analysis and the -: Leveraging representational assurance91 Economic model predictive control for inventory ,in -s92 -,ontology from an ontology engineering perspective93 Surplus division and investment incentives in -s: A biform-game analysis94 Biofuels for road transport: Analysing evolving -s in Sweden from an energy security perspective95 -,executives in corporate upper echelons Original Research Article96 Sustainable -,in the fast fashion industry: An analysis of corporate reports97 An improved method for managing catastrophic - disruptions98 The equilibrium of closed-loop - super/ with time-dependent parameters99 A bi-objective stochastic programming model for a centralized green - with deteriorating products100 Simultaneous control of vehicle routing and inventory for dynamic inbound -101 Environmental impacts of roundwood - options in Michigan: life-cycle assessment of harvest and transport stages102 A recovery mechanism for a two echelon - system under supply disruption103 Challenges and Competitiveness Indicators for the Sustainable Development of the - in Food Industry104 Is doing more doing better? The relationship between responsible -,and corporate reputation105 Connecting product design, process and - decisions to strengthen global - capabilities106 A computational study for common / design in multi-commodity -s107 Optimal production and procurement decisions in a - with an option contract and partial backordering under uncertainties108 Methods to optimise the design and ,of biomass-for-bioenergy -s: A review109 Reverse - coordination by revenue sharing contract: A case for the personal computers industry110 SCOlog: A logic-based approach to analysing - operation dynamics111 Removing the blinders: A literature review on the potential of nanoscale technologies for the ,of -s112 Transition inertia due to competition in -s with remanufacturing and recycling: A systems dynamics mode113 Optimal design of advanced drop-in hydrocarbon biofuel - integrating with existing petroleum refineries under uncertainty114 Revenue-sharing contracts across an extended -115 An integrated revenue sharing and quantity discounts contract for coordinating a - dealing with short life-cycle products116 Total JIT (T-JIT) and its impact on - competency and organizational performance117 Logistical - design for bioeconomy applications118 A note on ―Quality investment and inspection policy in a supplier-manufacturer -‖119 Developing a Resilient -120 Cyber - risk ,: Revolutionizing the strategic control of critical IT systems121 Defining value chain architectures: Linking strategic value creation to operational - design122 Aligning the sustainable - to green marketing needs: A case study123 Decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel -: An academic review of research articles124 -,capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach125 - collaboration: Impact of success in long-term partnerships126 Collaboration capacity for sustainable -,: small and medium-sized enterprises in Mexico127 Advanced traceability system in aquaculture -128 - information systems strategy: Impacts on - performance and firm performance129 Performance of - collaboration – A simulation study130 Coordinating a three-level - with delay in payments and a discounted interest rate131 An integrated framework for agent basedinventory–production–transportation modeling and distributed simulation of -s132 Optimal - design and ,over a multi-period horizon under demand uncertainty. Part I: MINLP and MILP models133 The impact of knowledge transfer and complexity on - flexibility: A knowledge-based view134 An innovative - performance measurement system incorporating Research and Development (R&D) and marketing policy135 Robust decision making for hybrid process - systems via model predictive control136 Combined pricing and - operations under price-dependent stochastic demand137 Balancing - competitiveness and robustness through ―virtual dual sourcing‖: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake138 Solving a tri-objective - problem with modified NSGA-II algorithm 139 Sustaining long-term - partnerships using price-only contracts 140 On the impact of advertising initiatives in -s141 A typology of the situations of cooperation in -s142 A structured analysis of operations and -,research in healthcare (1982–2011143 - practice and information quality: A - strategy study144 Manufacturer's pricing strategy in a two-level - with competing retailers and advertising cost dependent demand145 Closed-loop -/ design under a fuzzy environment146 Timing and eco(nomic) efficiency of climate-friendly investments in -s147 Post-seismic - risk ,: A system dynamics disruption analysis approach for inventory and logistics planning148 The relationship between legitimacy, reputation, sustainability and branding for companies and their -s149 Linking - configuration to - perfrmance: A discrete event simulation model150 An integrated multi-objective model for allocating the limited sources in a multiple multi-stage lean -151 Price and leadtime competition, and coordination for make-to-order -s152 A model of resilient -/ design: A two-stage programming with fuzzy shortest path153 Lead time variation control using reliable shipment equipment: An incentive scheme for - coordination154 Interpreting - dynamics: A quasi-chaos perspective155 A production-inventory model for a two-echelon - when demand is dependent on sales teams׳ initiatives156 Coordinating a dual-channel - with risk-averse under a two-way revenue sharing contract157 Energy supply planning and - optimization under uncertainty158 A hierarchical model of the impact of RFID practices on retail - performance159 An optimal solution to a three echelon -/ with multi-product and multi-period160 A multi-echelon - model for municipal solid waste ,system 161 A multi-objective approach to - visibility and risk162 An integrated - model with errors in quality inspection and learning in production163 A fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework for ranking the solutions of Knowledge ,adoption in - to overcome its barriers164 A relational study of - agility, competitiveness and business performance in the oil and gas industry165 Cyber - security practices DNA – Filling in the puzzle using a diverse set of disciplines166 A three layer - model with multiple suppliers, manufacturers and retailers for multiple items167 Innovations in low input and organic dairy -s—What is acceptable in Europe168 Risk Variables in Wind Power -169 An analysis of - strategies in the regenerative medicine industry—Implications for future development170 A note on - coordination for joint determination of order quantity and reorder point using a credit option171 Implementation of a responsive - strategy in global complexity: The case of manufacturing firms172 - scheduling at the manufacturer to minimize inventory holding and delivery costs173 GBOM-oriented ,of production disruption risk and optimization of - construction175 Alliance or no alliance—Bargaining power in competing reverse -s174 Climate change risks and adaptation options across Australian seafood -s – A preliminary assessment176 Designing contracts for a closed-loop - under information asymmetry 177 Chemical - modeling for analysis of homeland security178 Chain liability in multitier -s? Responsibility attributions for unsustainable supplier behavior179 Quantifying the efficiency of price-only contracts in push -s over demand distributions of known supports180 Closed-loop -/ design: A financial approach181 An integrated -/ design problem for bidirectional flows182 Integrating multimodal transport into cellulosic biofuel- design under feedstock seasonality with a case study based on California183 - dynamic configuration as a result of new product development184 A genetic algorithm for optimizing defective goods - costs using JIT logistics and each-cycle lengths185 A -/ design model for biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants 186 Finance sourcing in a -187 Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in -,: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications188 Consumer returns in a decentralized -189 Cost-based pricing model with value-added tax and corporate income tax for a -/190 A hard nut to crack! Implementing - sustainability in an emerging economy191 Optimal location of spelling yards for the northern Australian beef -192 Coordination of a socially responsible - using revenue sharing contract193 Multi-criteria decision making based on trust and reputation in -194 Hydrogen - architecture for bottom-up energy systems models. Part 1: Developing pathways195 Financialization across the Pacific: Manufacturing cost ratios, -s and power196 Integrating deterioration and lifetime constraints in production and - planning: A survey197 Joint economic lot sizing problem for a three—Layer - with stochastic demand198 Mean-risk analysis of radio frequency identification technology in - with inventory misplacement: Risk-sharing and coordination199 Dynamic impact on global -s performance of disruptions propagation produced by terrorist acts。




下面是一些常见的术语及其解释:1. Simulation (仿真): The imitation or representation of the operation or features of one system through the use of another system, typically a computer program. It is used to study, analyze, and predict the behavior of complexreal-world systems.2. Virtual Reality (虚拟现实): A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with and experienced by a person. It typically involves the use of a head-mounted display and other sensory devices to create a sense of presence in thevirtual world.3. Augmented Reality (增强现实): An interactive experience that combines real-world elements with computer-generated sensory inputs, such as graphics, sound, or GPSdata. It enhances the user's perception of the real world by overlaying digital information onto the physical environment.4. Agent-based Modeling (基于代理的建模): A simulation technique that models the behavior of individual agents or entities and their interactions within a system. Agents can represent individuals, organizations, or other entities, and their behavior is governed by predefined rules or algorithms.5. Monte Carlo Simulation (蒙特卡洛仿真): A statistical technique that uses random sampling to model and analyze the behavior of complex systems. It is particularly useful for assessing the risk and uncertainty associated with decision-making processes.6. Discrete Event Simulation (离散事件仿真): A simulation technique that models the behavior of a system as a sequence of discrete events in time. It is commonly used to study systems with dynamic, time-dependent processes, such as manufacturing systems or transportationnetworks.7. Continuous Simulation (连续仿真): A simulation technique that models the behavior of a system as a continuous function of time. It is often used to study systems with continuous, time-dependent processes, such as fluid dynamics or electrical circuits.8. Sensitivity Analysis (敏感性分析): A technique used to assess the impact of changes in input parameters or assumptions on the output of a simulation model. It helps identify the most influential factors and understand the robustness of the model.9. Validation (验证): The process of comparing the behavior of a simulation model to the real-world system it represents. It involves verifying that the model accurately reproduces the observed behavior and meets the intended objectives.10. Optimization (优化): The process of finding the best possible solution to a problem within a given set ofconstraints. In simulation, optimization techniques are often used to identify the optimal configuration or parameter values that maximize or minimize a certain objective.这些术语涵盖了仿真领域的一些关键概念和技术。



基于Agent行动图的作战建模方法蒲玮;李雄【摘要】To solve the problem of agent-based warfare modeling process without military concept model driven architecture during which military personnel plays a leading role, a warfare modeling method based on agent action diagrams (AAD) is proposed.First, the principium of the modeling method based on AAD is introduced.Then, static and dynamic conceptual modeling approaches for the warfare system based on AAD are presented by formal representations of agent action organization diagram, communication network diagram, act attribute diagram, and agent command interaction diagram, state behavior diagram,respectively.Further, an approach of transforming from the AAD conceptual model to the behavior simulation model frame is put forward, and the corresponding modeling tool based on AAD is designed and implemented.Finally, an instance of typical armored troop warfare modeling is used to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.%针对一般的基于Agent作战建模过程中没有实现军事人员主导下的军事概念模型直接驱动的问题,提出一种基于Agent行动图的作战建模方法.在给出基于Agent行动图建模基本原理的基础上,区分Agent行动组织结构图、通信网络图、动作属性图,提出了基于Agent行动图的作战系统静态概念模型建模方法,区分Agent行动指挥交互图、状态行为图,提出了基于Agent行动图的作战系统动态概念模型建模方法;进一步建立了Agent行动图概念模型到行为仿真模型框架转换方法,并设计实现了基于Agent行动图的作战建模工具;最后以装甲分队典型作战行动建模为例,验证了方法的可行性与有效性.【期刊名称】《系统工程与电子技术》【年(卷),期】2017(039)004【总页数】11页(P795-805)【关键词】Agent;作战建模;基于Agent的作战建模;Agent行动图【作者】蒲玮;李雄【作者单位】装甲兵工程学院陆军装备作战仿真重点实验室, 北京 100072;装甲兵工程学院陆军装备作战仿真重点实验室, 北京 100072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391作战建模技术是军事科学研究的一种定量化的现代研究方法,在辅助决策、指挥训练等多个军事领域发挥着重要的作用。



An agent-based simulation system for concert venue crowd evacuation modeling in the presence of a firedisasterNeal Wagner,Vikas Agrawal ⇑Fayetteville State University,School of Business and Economics,1200Murchison Road,Fayetteville,NC,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Keywords:Modeling and simulation Agent-based system Crowd evacuation Disaster mitigationEmergency preparednessa b s t r a c tA key activity in emergency management is planning and preparation for disaster.If the right safety mea-sures are implemented beforehand,harmful effects can be significantly mitigated.However,evaluation and selection of effective measures is difficult due to the numerous scenarios that exist in most emer-gency environments coupled with the high associated cost of testing such scenarios.An agent-based sys-tem employs a computational model of autonomous interacting agents in an environment with the purpose of assessing the emergent behavior of the group.This paper presents a prototype of a computer simulation and decision support system that uses agent-based modeling to simulate crowd evacuation in the presence of a fire disaster and provides for testing of multiple disaster scenarios at virtually no cost.The prototype is unique in the current literature as it is specifically designed to simulate a concert venue setting such as a stadium or auditorium and is highly configurable allowing for user definition of concert venues with any arrangement of seats,pathways,stages,exits,and people as well as the definition of multiple fires with fire and smoke dynamics included.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOf paramount importance to emergency managers is the ques-tion of how to prepare for as yet unseen disasters.Proper safety measures can literally mean the difference between life and death for large groups of affected people.However,emergency situations and their associated safety measures are highly specific to the envi-ronment in which they exist and there are generally numerous sce-narios that must be considered.The cost of testing these multiple scenarios is oftentimes prohibitive (Jain &McLean,2008).Thus,evaluation and selection of effective safety measures for emer-gency preparedness is quite difficult and is often left to the subjec-tive judgment of an emergency manager.Computer modeling and simulation seeks to remedy this prob-lem by allowing for testing of multiple environment-specific scenarios at low cost.Agent-based systems use a computational model of autonomous agents that move and interact with each other and their environment.Such systems use a bottom-up modeling approach in which system control is decentralized and governed only by the behavior of the agents (Borshchev &Filippov,2004).Agent-based modeling is the preferable technique for simu-lation of systems with a large number of active objects (e.g.,peo-ple,business units,animals,etc.)that are dependent on the order/timing of events for the following reasons:(1)it allows for the capture of highly complex dynamics,(2)it can be implemented with little or no knowledge of the global interdependencies and/or aggregate effects of the system,and (3)it is easier to build upon as model changes generally require local not global adjustments (Bor-shchev &Filippov,2004).The development of agent-based systems for emergency planning and preparedness remains an open re-search area as there exist a multitude of disaster environments that have yet to be addressed (Jain &McLean,2008).This paper presents a prototype of an Agent-based Decision Support System (ABS)for the simulation of crowd evacuation in the presence of a fire disaster for venues that are specifically in-tended for mass gatherings such as stadiums and auditoriums.The goal of the system is to allow for multiple scenario testing and decision support for the planning and preparedness phase of emergency management with regards to fire disasters at concert venues.The system is designed for emergency managers,police,and any administrators who are charged with fire disaster mitiga-tion planning for concert ers of the system can benefit by evaluating the effects of potential safety measures such as restrictions on the maximum number of people,wider pathways,additional exits,and fewer seats on crowd evacuation dynamics.The system is unique as it is specifically designed to simulate evac-uation of a concert venue setting rather than an urban roadways or building evacuation setting as is prevalent in the literature.High0957-4174/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.eswa.2013.10.013⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+19106721338.E-mail addresses:nwagner@ (N.Wagner),vagrawal@ (V.Agrawal).URLs: (N.Wagner),/vagrawal/(V.Agrawal).densities of people and relatively limited exit routes and exit points are common characteristics of concert venues and their combination make such venues a significant concern for emer-gency managers.Additionally,the ABS system is highly configura-ble allowing for user definition of a concert venue with any number and arrangement of seats and bleachers,aisles and path ways,stages and playingfields,exits,and people and also allows for the definition of multiplefires with dynamics offire spreading and smoke production included.The contribution of this study is twofold:1.It provides an agent-based system that is specifically designedfor crowd evacuation simulation of concert venues during afire disaster.2.The system is built for customization and provides to the userthe ability to define the layout and structure of the concert venue to be simulated.This allows the user to replicate the venue of concern and provides decision support for the plan-ning and preparedness phases of emergency management.The rest of this paper is organized as follows:Section2provides a brief survey of the current research on agent-based systems for crowd evacuation modeling,Section3gives a description of the prototype ABS system,Section4details experiments conducted using the system to simulate disaster scenarios for simulated rep-licas of actual concert venues,and Section5discusses future work necessary to enhance and transition this prototype system into a viable commercial software system.2.Review of current researchRecent advances in computational speed have made the con-struction of complex simulation systems more feasible.Several re-cent studies involving agent-based models for crowd evacuation simulation exist in the current literature.These studies generally fall into one of three categories:(1)crowd evacuation of buildings, (2)crowd evacuation for urban roadways,and(3)crowd behavior during evacuation.Bonomi,Manzoni,Pisano,and Vizzari(2009),Braun,Bodmann, and Musse(2005),Camillen et al.(2009),Fangqin and Aizhu (2008),Filippoupolitis,Hey,Loukas,Gelenbe,and Timotheou (2008),Ha and Lykotrafitis(2012),He and Zhao(2010),Massaguer, Balasubramanian,Mehrotra,and Venkatasubramanian(2006), Okaya and Takahashi(2011),Pan,Han,Dauber,and Law(2006), Pelechano and Badler(2006),Shi,Ren,and Chen(2009),Tang and Ren(2008),Yamamoto(2013),Yang,Wang,and Liu(2011, 2012)apply agent-based modeling to simulate the evacuation of buildings.In Ha and Lykotrafitis(2012)an agent-based system is used to model panic effects during evacuation of a building. Filippoupolitis et al.(2008),Shi et al.(2009),Tang and Ren (2008),Yang et al.(2011)provide an agent-based model to simu-late building evacuation during afire disaster.Fangqin and Aizhu (2008)provides an agent-based simulation model for building evacuation during afire disaster which uses computationalfluid dynamics to modelfire dynamics and spatial analysis of GIS data to model peoples’knowledge of the building structure.Okaya and Takahashi(2011)employs a Belief-Desire-Intention(BDI) model to model human relationships and investigate their effects on building evacuation dynamics.Pelechano and Badler(2006) developed a simulation model for building evacuation by crowds who might not know the structure’s connectivity or whofind routes accidentally blocked.Yamamoto(2013)provides an agent-based model to simulate building evacuations during earth-quake andfire disasters.Yang et al.(2012)integrates multiple agent-based models at differing resolutions(i.e.,macro resolution and micro resolution)to simulate building evacuation dynamics.Anh,Daniel,Du,Drogoul,and An(2012),Handford and Rogers (2011),Lucas,Martinez,Sickinger,and Roginski(2007), Shendarkar,Vasudevan,Lee,and Son(2006),Balmer,Nagel,and Raney(2004)employ agent-based modeling to simulate crowd evacuation dynamics of urban roadways.Anh et al.(2012)provides a hybrid agent-based model for roadway evacuation simulation that combines macro and micro level simulations to increase overall simulation efficiency while capturing necessary low-level simulation details.In Lucas et al.(2007)and Shendarkar et al. (2006)emergency aspects of an urban roadway evacuation are modeled includingfires,gunmen,and police personnel.In Handford and Rogers(2011)the interdependency of driver behav-iors is modeled in the context of roadway evacuation.Banerjee,Abukmail,and Kraemer(2009),Ben,Huang,Zhuang, Yan,and Xu(2013),Chu,Pan,and Law(2011),Heliövaara, Korhonen,Hostikka,and Ehtamo(2012),Laughery(2001),Lee, Son,and Jin(2010),Liang,Low,Lees,Cai,and Zhou(2010),Norling (2004),Pan,Han,Dauber,and Law(2007),Ren,Yang,and Jin (2009),Sharma and Lohgaonkar(2010),Tsai et al.(2011),Wang, Li,Liu,and Cui(2011),Yang,Ren,and Wu(2012)apply agent-based models to study crowd behavior during evacuation.Banerjee et al.(2009)employs a layered intelligence model to efficiently simulate agent-based crowd evacuation and demonstrate the mod-el’s scalability to larger numbers of agents.In Ben et al.(2013)the evacuation environment is modeled using a cellular automata model while an agent-based model governs the behavior of evacu-ees.The model is used to study evacuation dynamics in environ-ments with and without obstacles.Chu et al.(2011)incorporates behavioral theories from social science concerning group affilia-tions,group influences,and intra-group roles to model crowd evac-uation dynamics.Heliövaara et al.(2012)uses an agent-based model to study crowd behavior in counterflow situations,that is situations in which groups of agents have opposing directions of ughery(2001),Lee et al.(2010),Norling(2004)em-ploy a BDI framework to model the decision-making process of individuals in crowd evacuation scenarios.Liang et al.(2010) investigates the use of embedding information into the evacuation environment in order to influence crowd behavior in an evacua-tion.Pan et al.(2007)uses a multi-agent model to simulate behav-ior during evacuation that exhibits competitive,queuing,and herding behaviors while Ren et al.(2009)uses an agent-based model to simulate evacuation during an explosion disaster.Sharma and Lohgaonkar(2010)provides an agent-based model that has a fuzzy logic component for simulating human behavior and deci-sioning in an evacuation.The model is used to capture both indi-vidual and group behaviors in an emergency evacuation scenario. Tsai et al.(2011)provides a multi-agent evacuation simulation tool called ESCAPES that is specific to the airport domain and incorpo-rates varying agent types,emotional interactions,informational interactions,and behavioral interactions.Wang et al.(2011)em-ploys an ant colony evacuation model that includes avoidance and preferential path selection behaviors.Yang et al.(2012)pro-poses a multi-resolution agent-based model to simulate pedestrian flow in an evacuation.A few studies have focused on specialized applications of agent-based crowd evacuation models.Carroll,Owen,and Hussein(2012) applies an agent-based model to simulate evacuation from a foot bridge.Song et al.(2013)employs an agent-based model to simu-late evacuation from a train station under a bioterrorism attack. Wei,Xiong,Zhang,and Chen(2011)uses a grid simulation frame-work to address simulation efficiency for large agent-based evacu-ation models.Chen,Wang,and Liu(2011)provides a study that incorporates GIS data into a multi-agent system to simulate non-emergency evacuation of a sports stadium.Of all the recent studies described above,the model of Chen et al.(2011)is the one that is most comparable to the model2808N.Wagner,V.Agrawal/Expert Systems with Applications41(2014)2807–2815presented in this paper as it is focused on crowd evacuation of a concert venue(in this case a sports stadium).However,there are two main differences between the two models:(1)the model of this paper is designed to simulate any concert venue and allows for user definition of the layout and structure of the concert venue to be modeled while the model of Chen et al.(2011)is specific to a particular concert venue and does not allow for user customization and(2)the proposed model is designed to simulate emergency evacuation in the presence of afire disaster and includesfire and smoke dynamics while the model of Chen et al.(2011)simulates a non-emergency evacuation.As detailed in the previous section,the ABS system presented in this paper provides a unique contribution as it is specifically built for crowd evacuation of concert venues under afire disaster and it allows for extensive user customization of the concert venue to be simulated.The prototype system is intended to be a decision sup-port tool for the planning and preparedness phases of emergency management and seeks to mitigate the impact offire disasters by allowing managers to simulate multiple scenarios and evaluate the effectiveness of potential safety measures to be implemented before a disaster occurrence.The following section describes the ABS system.3.ABS simulation systemThe prototype ABS system is designed to model a concert venue that includes seats,aisle and path ways,stages/playingfields,exits, and people.It allows for the specification of multiplefire with dynamics offire spreading and smoke production included.The goal of the system is to simulate crowd evacuation for concert ve-nue settings such as found in stadiums,auditoriums,or concert halls.The system uses an agent-based modeling approach in which individual autonomous agents interact with each other and their environment.In this application agents are people who are located in seats,path ways,and stages and are trying to quickly move to an exit while avoiding one or morefires.Fires are also represented as agents which are created and which spread and produce smoke. The system is intended for use in the planning and preparedness phases of emergency management and offers the following bene-fits to emergency managers and other administrators charged with fire disaster mitigation planning for a concert venue.1.The ability to specify customized environments with any num-ber and arrangement of seats,path ways,stages/playingfields, exits,and people.This allows managers to more accurately rep-licate the stadia/auditoriums that are of interest to them.2.The ability to specify multiplefires each with user-specifiedfirespread and smoke production rates.3.The ability to simulate multiple scenarios and safety measures(e.g.,wider path ways,additional exits,etc.)at virtually no costand with relatively fast result turnaround.This allows managers to test a large number of possibilities and makes for better eval-uation of the various safety measures.Ultimately,this leads to planning decisions that are data-driven rather than subjective.The ABS system is implemented using a combination of NetLogo (an agent-based modeling and simulation development environ-ment)and Java programming languages.The following sections de-scribe the three major components of the system:environment setup,fire dynamics,and person movement.3.1.Environment setupFor managers and planners,the ability to construct simulation environments that are relevant to their concerns is critical.The use of generic simulations may be helpful for general training pur-poses but in the end planners wish to accurately replicate the envi-ronment that they are obligated to protect.The ABS system is designed to be highly customizable and allows for the specification of any setup of seats or bleachers,aisle and path ways,stages or playingfields,exits,and people.In a concert venue setting there is a large concentration of peo-ple in a small enclosed area and many of them will be viewing the event from the seating area.Seats are specified in groups or blocks made up of rows and columns(i.e.,number of seats per row).The user specifies the number of rows and number of seats per row as well as the direction for the seats to face and the location(x–y coordinate)for placement of the block of seats.Additionally,the aisle width and separation between seats in a row can be specified by the user.In order to maintain the correct separation and aisle width for blocks of seats facing potentially at any angle,the system internally represents seats using the polar coordinate system and converts these to Cartesian coordinates for placement in the x–y plane.Concert venues can have varying structures and differing setups for path ways between seating areas,stages,and exits.To allow for the configuration of a wide range of possible path ways,the system represents path ways as polygons each defined by a set of vertices. The user specifies the x–y coordinates of the vertices for each polygonal path way via an inputfile.The system then‘‘draws’’these path ways on the environment.To correctly paint the inside of polygonal path ways,the ray-casting geometrical algorithm is used to determine if a point is inside a polygon or not.The algo-rithm uses a horizontal ray emanating from the point to be tested and calculates the number of intersections with line segments that make up the polygon.1An advantage of the ray-casting algorithm is its fast computation time.However,a drawback of the algorithm is that it may give inconsistent results for points that lie directly on an edge of the polygon.In order to overcome this drawback,the following heuristic is used.First,the ray-casting algorithm is used to paint all points on the interior of a polygon.Then,the edges of the polygon are col-ored by a temporary painting agent that traverses the vertices of the polygon,painting as it travels.After all polygons are drawn on the environment,this painting agent is discarded.Stages and/or playingfields can also occur in a variety of shapes and configurations,and thus the system represents these as polyg-onal structures as well.The user specifies these in the same way as for path ways,via a set of vertices.The system paints pathways and stages in(differing)colors that can also be set by the ers can specify an exit via an x–y coordinate location and an outgoing direction.Exits can be placed at the boundary of simulation envi-ronment or at any inner location if rge exit ways can be specified as a sequence of several exits side by side.The system allows for the placement of people in seating areas, in path ways,and on stages/playingfields.The number of people to be placed in each of these areas is controlled by the user.This al-lows managers to test several event scenarios including scenarios in which people are entering or leaving the venue before or after the event as well as scenarios in which most of the people are seated during the event.Fig.1gives an example simulation environment(without peo-ple)constructed by the system.In thefigure the path ways are col-ored gray,the stage is yellow,and the seats are brown.There are two exits colored yellow in the east and west directions.There are six blocks of seats:two blocks of seats are placed to the left of the simulation environment and are facing east,two blocks1For more information on the ray-casting geometric algorithm,please see Sutherland,Sproull,and Schumaker(1974).N.Wagner,V.Agrawal/Expert Systems with Applications41(2014)2807–28152809are placed to the right and facing west,one block is placed in the upper half of the environment and is facing south,and one block is placed in the lower half and is facing north.Often a concert hall or auditorium may have not only rectangu-lar blocks of seats in which the rows are straight(such as seen in Fig.1)but also blocks of seats with curved rows.The system allows for the specification of blocks of seats with curved rows via an in-putfile.For example,Fig.2shows the same environment as shown in Fig.1with an additional4‘‘curved blocks’’of seats in the north-east,southeast,southwest,and northwest corners of the environment.The system uses an algorithm based on quadratic Bézier curves to plot blocks of seats with curved rows.Quadratic Bézier curves require a start and end point for the curve and a control point which governs the curvature produced.The user specifies the start, end,and control points for the backmost row of seats to be made. The user also specifies the number of rows to be drawn and the point that the seats in the rows should face.The system then draws the backmost row of seats using the quadratic Bézier curve equa-tion given in Eq.(1).In the equation P0and P2are the start and end points of the curve,P1is the control point and t is a curve trac-ing parameter that varies between0and1(t=0defines the start point,t=1defines the end point).BðtÞ¼ð1ÀtÞ2P0þ2ð1ÀtÞtP1þt2P2;t2½0;1 ð1ÞAfter drawing the backmost row of seats,the system then calculates new start,end,and control points for the2nd backmost row which will have fewer seats and be closer to the specified facing point.A new start point is calculated by making a ray from the start point toward the facing point and calculating the x–y coordinate on the ray that is the correct aisle width distance away from the start point.The new end point and control point are made in a similar way.The system then uses these new points and Eq.(1)to draw the2nd backmost curved row of seats.This procedure is then repeated until all rows have plotted.It should be noted that the curve tracing parameter t in Eq.(1)does not directly correlate to a distance between points on the curve and that varying t in regular intervals does not guarantee that points(and,thus seats)are placed with equivalent spacing in-between each pair of seats(Farin,1997). In order to ensure seats are spaced evenly throughout a curved row, the following algorithm is used.1.The curve tracing parameter t is initialized to0and a seat isplaced at the start point of the curve.2.A new point on the curve is generated using Eq.(1)by increas-ing parameter t by a small increment and then the distance of this point to the last placed seat is calculated.3.If this distance is equivalent to the desired amount of spacing,aseat is placed at this point.If not,step2is repeated until a point that is the correct distance from the last placed seat is found.A new seat is then placed at this point.4.New seats are placed using steps2and3above until the lastseat placed has reached the end point of the row.3.2.Fire dynamicsAs mentioned above a user can specify multiplefires with asso-ciated rates offire spreading and smoke production.Fires,like peo-ple,are represented as agents in the system.Afire will spread in a random direction at the specified rate and will produce smoke at the specified production rate.In the simulation environment agents representing people can be hurt either by being burned byfire or from accumulated smoke.The user specifies the mini-mum distance that a person must be from afire before getting burned.The user also specifies the total amount of smoke that peo-ple in the simulation environment can tolerate before suffering from asphyxiation.As thefire(s)spread and produce smoke,the system records the amount of accumulated smoke and the number of people hurt by getting burned.Once the amount of smoke in the environment reaches the user-specified threshold,all remaining people in the environment(i.e.,those who have not yet exited) are recorded as hurt.Fig.1.Example simulation environment without people.Fig.2.Example simulation environment with curved rows of seats.3.3.Person movementThe purpose of the system is to simulateple in a concert venue environment underPeople in the environment have one goal:exit while avoidingfire.The algorithmment consists of three components:from the seating area to a path way,andway toward the selected exit.These threeenced by a fourth component governingfireof the simulation,fire(s)are created andor in a path way select an exit.Each personto him/herself that is not blocked byfire.Ato be blocked byfire if afire is within adistance from the exit or if thefire isand the exit.Once an exit has been selected,peoplemove from their seat down an aisle towardin a front or side row seat may movethat direction represents the shortest way toward his/her desired exit.A person not in a front or side row seat must move to an adja-cent seat in the same row in the direction that represents theshortest way toward his/her desired exit.The system determines the type of seat a person is currently located at(i.e.,front row,side row,or neither)by making a short distance scan of the area around the current seat in search of other seats directly in front or to the side.In order to determine which direction down an aisle a person should go to move toward his/her desired exit,the system calcu-lates the distance from the exit to each of the adjacent seats(left and right)and selects the seat that is closer to the exit.People move from seat to seat down an aisle in this way until they reach a front or side row seat,and then can move directly onto a path way.People on a path way must move toward their desired exit while staying on the path.As discussed in Section3.1,the system paints path ways on the simulation environment.The environment is made up of many square shaped‘‘patches’’some of which are colored to represent a path way.Each path patch stores four direc-tions representing north,south,east,and west.During environ-ment setup,the system calculates allowed directions for each path patch by making a short distance scan from the center of the patch in each of these four directions in search of other patches that are not colored as a path way.If a scan from a path patch in a particular direction yields a non-path patch,then that direction is disallowed for the path patch in question.For example,if a patch is located in the middle of a wide path way,then the scans in each direction will not yield any non-path patches as this patch is sur-rounded by path patches.Thus,this patch will have four valid directions meaning that a person on this patch may move north, south,east,or west without moving off the path.If a patch is lo-cated on the edge of a path way,then the scan in one(or more) of the four directions will yield a non-path patch.This patch will then remove that direction from its list of valid directions meaning that a person on this patch will be disallowed from moving in that direction.Thus,a person is moved along a path by selecting a valid direction from the patch that he/she is currently located at and moving some(user-specified)maximum distance.A person chooses from the available valid directions by calculating the absolute angular difference between each valid direction and the direction directly facing the desired exit.The valid patch direction with the minimum angular difference is then selected. Fig.3depicts an example direction selection of a person on a path patch.In thefigure,a person must select one direction from three valid patch directions:north,east,and south,respec-tively(for this example suppose that the west direction is not valid for this patch).h1in thefigure represents the angle be-tween the north patch heading and the heading directly facing the desired exit.h2and h3represent similar angles for the east and south patch headings,respectively.For this case,h2has the minimum value and,thus the east patch direction is selected by the person agent.Although people on a path way may only move in one of four directions,fine-grained movement can be achieved by decreasing the size of the patches(and thereby increasing the total number of patches in the environment).In the system patch size is a parameter that is specified by the user.Fine-grained movement can also be achieved by increasing the number of possible valid patch directions,for example,by adding northeast,southeast, southwest,and northwest directions.Although the current proto-type only includes four possible patch directions,the system can easily be extend to include more directions.Both of the above mentioned methods will increase the computational burden of the system as increasing the number of patches means that the system must process more objects and increasing the number of possible patch directions means the system must execute more computations per patch.Stages are represented in the same way as path ways and,thus,movement of people on stages is handled in the same way as described above.Asfires spread during a simulation run,exits that were origi-nally unblocked byfire may become blocked.At each simulation step a person in the seating area or on a path way rechecks his/ her desired exit and,if it is blocked,chooses a different exit in the same way as described above.Additionally as a person moves along a path way or down an aisle,fire may spread to block the path or aisle.At each simulation step a person makes a medium-range scan of the area in the direction he/she is heading in search offires blocking the way.If any exist,the person recalculates his/ her direction by removing the current direction from consideration and selecting a new direction in the same way as previously de-scribed.In this way a person attempts to avoidfire while moving toward an unblocked exit in a changing environment.Fig.4displays a replica created by the system of a real audito-rium at a mid-sized university.Thefigure contains people andfires and represents the state of the simulation world at a single point of time during a simulation run.In thefigure there are two sets of ex-its(colored yellow),one to the south and one to the east with four blocks of curved row seats facing a small yellow colored stage(po-dium).In thefigure pathways are colored gray and afire is present at the south exits.Fig.3.Person Movement.N.。


t =1 T
fitness _ observed ( X , T ) = fitness ( X , T ) + ε
假设在策略复制过程中有变异的可能 复制差错随机出现,其概率为a,p,q的复制差错独 立发生
p' = p + δ
q' = q + γ
寻找具有最优(全局或局部)表现的个体, 并复制其策略。
寻找在当前周期中相遇的具有最高适应度的 主体并复制其策略。
采用自0时刻至本周期T该个体所得支付之和 的规范化值,即X在T时的适应度为
fitness ( X , T ) = ( ∑ Payoffs ( X , t )) / 32T
允许随机移动时,会使积极分子局部集中, C/A比例下降,极大地降低被捕概率,导致 不满程度不高的人也会参与反抗
6. 宏观模式
a. 政府威信(L)缓慢下降,但总下降程 度较大
逮捕人数线性上升 反抗人数维持在低水平
美国国民经济多主体模型Aspen 大流感干预策略微观仿真
1. Aspen简介
Agent-based Simulation Model of the U.S. economy
开发者: 美国Sandia National Lab.
针对美国经济特点抽象出多类主体,各 类主体具有比较坚实的微观基础 采用学习算法GALCS模拟企业定价,通 过学习过程模拟企业行为 运行在Paragon并行计算机上 主体分散决策,通过消息传递进行交互



2003年1月第14卷第1期装备指挥技术学院学报Journal of t he Academy of Equipment Command &Technology January 2003Vol.14 No 11收稿日期:2002210209基金项目:国家/8630计划资助项目作者简介:罗 批(1974-),男(汉族),重庆人,博士后.基于Agent 的复杂系统建模仿真方法研究进展罗 批, 司光亚, 胡晓峰, 杨镜宇(国防大学训练模拟中心,北京100091)摘 要:由于传统建模方法难于适应复杂系统规模大、结构和层次复杂以及非线性等特点,需要采用新的建模理论和方法。

基于Agent 的复杂模型构建技术是目前最具活力的方法之一。

首先简要介绍了Agent 的基本概念及其一般结构,并讨论了基于Agent 建模仿真方法的基本思路与特点;然后,综述了基于Agent 复杂模型构建技术的研究现状;最后,指出了该建模仿真方法的主要发展趋势。

关 键 词:复杂系统;Agent;建模仿真中图分类号:E 911文献标识码:A 文章编号:CN1123987(2003)0120078205所谓的复杂系统是指系统具有大量交互成分,其内部关联复杂、不确定、总体行为具有非线性,即不能通过系统的局部特性,形式地或者抽象地描述整个系统特性的系统。





Agent-based models for economic policy design Introduction to the special issue

Agent-based models for economic policy design Introduction to the special issue

Journal of Economic Behavior &Organization 67(2008)351–354EditorialAgent-based models for economic policy design:Introduction to the special issue1.Agent-based models for economic policy designResearch in economics has traditionally been (and to a large degree still is)based on the development and analysis of highly stylized,analytically tractable models.However,thanks to the recent developments in computer technology and numerical methods,large-scale simulation is increasingly becoming a powerful and attractive new approach for understanding the characteristics of economic systems and deriving economic policy recommendations.In particular,by explicitly modeling the decentralized interaction of heterogeneous economic agents in systems such as markets,industries or organizations,agent-based computational economics (ACE)attempts to transcend the numerous over-simplifying assumptions underlying most mainstream analytical models.1Recently published summaries of previous ACE work,most notably a volume of the Handbook of Computational Economics dedicated to ACE (Tesfatsion and Judd,2006),demonstrate that agent-based modeling has not only been employed with success in many different fields of economics,but also that the majority of the existing work is of descriptive rather than normative nature.The aim of this special issue is to focus on the normative potential of the agent-based approach,in particular on the usefulness of ACE models for the evaluation and design of economic policy measures.Extensive discussions of the potential merits of the agent-based approach for economic modeling can be found,for example,in Pyka and Fagiolo (2007),Tesfatsion (2006),Axtell (2000)and Kirman (1997).Central themes in these discussions are the ability of ACE models to capture explicitly the relationship between structured interaction of heterogeneous individuals and the emerging patterns at the macroeconomic level,and to incorporate different types of boundedly rational individual behavior.In addition,a simulation approach allows us to study the open-ended dynamics (including the transient phase)of the economic system under consideration rather than restrict our attention to the existence and (local)stability analysis of equilibria or characterizations of limit distributions.Most of this discussion is based on a view of ACE models as means for economic theorizing ( a tool to gain a better understanding of general economic mechanisms in rather abstract settings).Without doubt ACE models have great potential in that domain.In the domain of economic policy,however,it seems that the ability to evaluate policies and institutional changes in rather specific models of particular economic environments (e.g.particular markets and/or industries,specific auction types,etc.)has additionally motivated researchers to rely on ACE models.2An important aspect in this respect is that political decision makers might be more willing to trust findings based on rather detailed simulation models where they see a lot of the economic structure they are familiar with than in general insights obtained in rather abstract mathematical 1Readers not familiar with the ACE approach are referred to Axelrod and Tesfatsion (2006)or Epstein and Axtell (1996).2Examples include detailed models of energy markets (Sun and Tesfatsion,2007),the market (Midgley et al.,1997)or the pharma-ceutical industry (Malerba and Orsenigo,2002).0167-2681/$–see front matter ©2008Published by Elsevier B.V .doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2007.06.009352Editorial/Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization67(2008)351–354models.3The papers in this issue illustrate these different approaches.The topics addressed stem from very specific policy design questions to classic general issues in the policy debate.In spite of encouraging signs,ACE models are still far from being considered as a standard tool for economic policy analysis.Besides typical inertia of the profession to pick up new methods,a number of critical aspects of the ACE approach might be blamed for that.Important issues in that respect are empirical model validation and robustness checks of the derived results.The largeflexibility with respect to the setup of agent-based models and the almost unrestricted number of potential model parameters give many degrees of freedom to the modeler and make it difficult to restrict the ranges of model parameters based on empirical data.This poses serious challenges to the use of ACE models for the evaluation and design of economic policy measures.For example,to what extent is the dynamics of the economic system in the simulation model indeed a good representation of the impact it would have in reality?In recent years,different proposals have been made on how to deal with this problem,and although the issue is far from being solved,the emerging literature in thisfield is starting to give ACE researchers some systematic guidelines about how to deal with empirical validation issues.We refer to Fagiolo et al.(2007)and Windrum et al.(2007)for an extensive discussion of empirical validation of agent-based models.2.The papers in this special issueThe set of papers contained in this special issue is a selection of work presented in July2005at the Workshop ‘Agent-Based Models for Economics Policy Design’at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research(ZiF)at Bielefeld University.The aim of the workshop was to take stock about what has been done with ACE models in the area of policy design and to discuss the potentials and challenges of the approach.The collection of papers give a good indication of the scope of policy questions,from quite general to very specific,that were addressed and highlight different approaches to deal with issues of validation and robustness checks.Thefirst three papers of the issue deal with questions of industrial policy and market design.Malerba et al.extend their previous work on‘history-friendly’modelling of the evolution of the computer and the semiconductor industry, using the developed simulation model to study the effect of different types of policies,among others anti-trust policies, entry-support policies or public procurement,on the evolution of industry concentration and the rate of technological change.The paper highlights one additional merit of agent-based modelling,namely the ability to compare within one framework the effects of rather diverse policy measures that would typically be dealt with in different branches of the literature using different types of models.Micola et al.consider a stylized model of the value chain in electricity markets,where demand on the wholesale market is driven by market outcomes in the retail market.Prices in both markets are determined using uniform price auctions,wherefirms update their bidding behavior using reinforcement learning.In accordance with real-world observations in many countries the authors assume that wholesalers and retailers are vertically integrated and analyze how interdependencies of rewards for managers in the different business units influence prices and profits on both markets.By considering multi-tier energy markets with netback pricing,the study looks at the problem of the emergence of vertical market power from an innovative angle.The emergence of different types of bidding behavior in different market environments is also the main topic of the contribution of Duffy and Unver.They simulate the behavior of bidders in two types of auctions,hard or soft close auctions,that differ with respect to the rule governing when the auction is closed.Similar differences in closing rules are present in real-world internet auctions and empirical data show that late bidding is much more frequent in hard-close auctions.The agent-based model of Duffy and Unver is able to reproduce this stylized fact.Furthermore, it allows insights into the properties of the bidding functions responsible for the resulting payoffs on both sides.The authors stress the implications of insights of this type for market design.The rest of the papers study effects offiscal policy measures in different parts of the economy.Assessing the impact of labor market policies at both the aggregate and individual levels is the main goal of the paper by Neugart.More specifically,he develops a multi-sector agent-based model wherefirms belonging to different sectors require workers with different skills.In order to catch job opportunities arising in sectors for which they are not3Moss(2002)discusses the importance of involving the actual decision makers in the process of the generation of agent-based models for policy evaluation.Editorial/Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization67(2008)351–354353 qualified,workers make human-capital investments that are subsidized by the government through the imposition of taxes on employed ing his agent-based model,Neugart shows that government-financed training measures increase the outflow rate from unemployment,but reduce the outflow rate for those who do not receive subsidies. Therefore,although at the aggregate level the impact of government training subsidies is positive(the unemployment rate decreases),at the individual level these labor market policy programs might lead to potential job displacement effects(e.g.they may harm workers who do not receive government transfers).Happe et e an agent-based agricultural policy simulator to analyze the effect of a regime switch in the way agricultural subsidies are paid on changes in farm structure,prices and farm profits.Their model provides a detailed representation of the farm structure in a region,allowing the authors to highlight the different effects that similar policy measures have in regions with different farm structures.Given the importance of agricultural policy(in particular in the EU)and the heterogeneity of farm structure in many regions,this type of analysis seems to have a large potential for improving actual policy design.Mannaro et al.challenge the idea that a Tobin tax is able to stabilize foreign exchange and stock markets,thus reducing speculation.To address this issue,they develop an artificial agent-basedfinancial market populated by behaviourally heterogeneous traders with limited resources and study the effect of levying a transaction tax in two setups,one in which traders act in a single market,and another in which there are two related markets.Their extensive simulation exercises show that Tobin-like taxes actually increase volatility and decrease trading volumes.Chen and Chie address the classical question of determining the tax revenue maximizing tax rate in the framework of lottery markets.Based on an agent-based model where lottery participation of individuals is governed by simple rules that are updated due to social learning,they address the puzzle of why lottery tax rates vary substantially between different countries and lotteries.They show that simulation results indeed provide some explanation for this empirically observed phenomenon.Furthermore,their paper allows insights about the relationship between properties of the individual decision rules and observable patterns such as the effect of the jackpot on lottery participation.The paper by Wilhite and Allen analyzes the impact of several anti-crime policies dynamically undertaken in artificial societies composed of heterogeneous interacting agents.In their model,individuals,neighborhoods,and cities repeatedly choose how to devote their resources to crime prevention in order to solve the trade-off between costs imposed on the society by criminals and costs associated withfighting crime.Interestingly,their model is able to reproduce(and originally explain)several real-world patterns concerning the emergence and distribution of crime and the intertemporal behavior of criminals.For example,larger cities are shown to develop higher crime rates because larger populations increase the incentives to free-ride on public goods.Furthermore,despite crime decreases with protection spending,the impact of prison turns out to be ambiguous,as a higher rate of imprisonment may lead to more crime in the long run.Finally,Carayol et al.employ agent-based simulations to study systematically how properties of networks that emerge due to uncoordinated individual link formation decisions compared to those of efficient networks.Based on their insights policies might be designed with the goal to foster the emergence of efficient networks.Given the strong recent interest in the analysis of the formation and the implications of social networks,this seems to be one more very promising area for fruitful normative application of the ACE approach.ReferencesAxelrod,R.,Tesfatsion,L.,2006.A guide for newcomers to agent-based modeling in the social sciences.In:Tesfatsion,L.,Judd,K.(Eds.),Handbook of Computational Economics.II.Agent-based Computational Economics.North Holland,Amsterdam,pp.1647–1659.Axtell,R.,2000.Why Agents?On the varied motivation for agent computing in the social sciences.Working Paper No.17.Center on Social and Economic Dynamics,The Brookings Institution.Epstein,J.,Axtell,R.,1996.Growing Artificial Societies:Social Science from the Bottom Up.MIT Press,Cambridge.Fagiolo,G.,Birchenhall,C.,Windrum,P.(Eds.),2007.Special Issue on Empirical Validation in Agent-Based putational Economics 30(3).Kirman,A.,1997.The economy as an interactive system.In:Arthur,W.B.,Durlauf,S.N.,Lane,D.(Eds.),The Economy as an Evolving Complex System.II.Addison-Wesley,Boston,pp.491–532.Malerba,F.,Orsenigo,L.,2002.Innovation and market structure in the dynamics of the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology:towards a history-friendly model.Industrial and Corporate Change11,667–703.Midgley,D.F.,Marks,R.E.,Cooper,L.G.,1997.Breeding competitive strategies.Management Science43,257–275.Moss,S.,2002.Policy analysis fromfirst principles.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences99,7267–7274.354Editorial/Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization67(2008)351–354Pyka,A.,Fagiolo,G.,2007.Agent-based modelling:a methodology for Neo-Schumpeterian economics.In:Hanusch,H.,Pyka,A.(Eds.),The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics.Edward Elgar,Cheltenham,pp.467–487.Sun,J.,Tesfatsion,L.,2007.Dynamic testing of wholesale power market designs:an open-source agent-based putational Economics 30,291–327.Tesfatsion,L.,2006.ACE:a constructive approach to economic theory.In:Tesfatsion,L.,Judd,K.(Eds.),Handbook of Computational Economics.II.Agent-based Computational Economics.North Holland,Amsterdam,pp.832–880.Tesfatsion,L.,Judd,K.(Eds.),2006.Handbook of Computational Economics.II.Agent-based Computational Economics.North Holland,Amster-dam.Windrum,P.,Fagiolo,G.,Moneta,A.,2007.Empirical validation of agent-based models:alternatives and prospects.Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation10(2),8.Herbert Dawid∗Department of Business Administration and Economics,Institute of Mathematical Economics,Bielefeld University,P.O.Box100131,33501Bielefeld,GermanyGiorgio FagioloLaboratory of Economics and Management,Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies,56127Pisa,Italy∗Corresponding author.E-mail, online22April2008。



abms的名词解释ABMS(Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation)是一种基于智能体的建模和仿真方法。












与传统建模方法相比,ABMS具有以下几个优点:1. 能够模拟复杂系统的多样性和异质性。


2. 能够模拟系统的动态演变和反馈机制。


3. 能够进行实验和预测。




吴江,1978年生,浙江东阳人,武汉大学信息管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,武汉大学珞珈青年学者,湖北省楚天学子,信息系统与电子商务系副主任;清华大学模式识别与智能系统专业硕士、华中科技大学管理科学与工程博士、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH, Zurich)社会计算研究中心博士后、美国卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)计算学院访问学者、美国圣塔菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute)访问学者。





研究方向社会网络计算、网络信息计量、社会计算、社会化商务、社会建模仿真、科学学研究开设课程管理信息系统、社会网络分析、Java程序设计、网络企业管理、社会网络计算、网络信息计量学术专著吴江,社会网络的动态分析与仿真实验——理论与应用,武汉大学出版社,2012.10期刊论文1. Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu*, Jianhua Zhang (2014), Nonlinear analysis on the cooperation of strategic alliances using stochastic catastrophe theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 400:100-108.2. Jiang Wu, Xiu-Hao Ding (2013), Author Name Disambiguation in Scientific Collaboration and Mobility Cases, Scientometrics, 96(3): 683-697.3. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang (2013), Maximizing the Performance of Advertisements Diffusion: A Simulation Study of the Dynamics of Viral Advertising in Social Networks, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International,89(8): 921-934.4. Jiang Wu (2013), Investigating the Universal Distributions of Normalized Indicators and Developing Field-Independent Index, Journal of Informetrics, 7(1), 63-71.5. Jiang Wu (2013), Geographical knowledge diffusion and spatial diversity citation rank, Scientometrics, 94(1): 181-201.6. Hou Zhu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu, Xiaolin Hu (2013). Adaptation of Cultural Norms after Merger and Acquisition Based on Heterogeneous Agent-Based Relative-Agreement Model. Simulation: Society of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(12):1523-1537.7. Jiang Wu, Hou Zhu, Menglin Yin, Xin Luo (2012), A Review for the Validation of Social Simulation on Artificial Social Organization, International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 4(2), 22-41.8. Camille Roth, Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano (2012), Assessing impact and quality from local dynamics of citation networks, Journal of Informetrics, 6(1): 111-120.9. Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano, Dirk Helbing (2011), Empirical Study of Growth Dynamics in Real Career H-index Sequences, Journal of Informetrics,5(4), 489-497.10. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang, Steve Hall, Catherine Spence, Kathleen M. Carley (2009), An Agent based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International,85(6), 397-413.11. Yu Zhang, Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2009), A History Sensitive Diffusion Network: Preliminary Model and Simulation, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 14(1), 87-96.12. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2008), Multi-agent Simulation of Group Behavior in E-Government Policy Decision, Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 16(10), 1571-1587.13. 吴江(2012),基于互联网信息的国内移动商务战略联盟网络分析,情报学杂志,31(9), 175-180.14. 吴江,胡斌,张金隆(2011),开源软件开发者和源代码管理的协调性网络分析实证研究,科研管理, 32(8):133-141.15. 吴江,胡斌,鲁耀斌(2010), 实证驱动的信息系统扩散与组织互动模拟研究, 管理科学学报,(10), 22-32.16. 吴江,胡斌, 刘天印(2009),交互记忆系统影响人群与工作交互的模拟研究,管理科学, 22(1): 48-58.17. 吴江,胡斌(2009),信息化与群体行为互动的多智能体模拟, 系统工程学报, 24(2): 218-225.科研项目(主持)国家自科面上项目,创新2.0超网络中知识流动和群集交互的协同研究(主持)国家自科青年基金,基于贝叶斯网络和演化博弈的社会化媒体信息传播建模与模拟(主持)武汉大学校内自主科研项目,网络嵌入视角的互联网企业生态系统研究(主持)博士后特别资助,数据驱动的信息传播建模和仿真以及在社会化营销中的应用(主持)博士后面上基金,基于社会网络移动商务联盟组织生态性研究(参与)欧盟第七框架项目,QLectives互联网群体协作机制研究(参与)国家自科面上项目,基于系统模拟、心理学和突变论的企业管理组织性能测试研究(参与)国家自科面上项目,基于集成模拟理论与方法的人群-工作互动机制研究(参与)国家自然科学基金重点课题,移动商务的基础理论与技术方法联系方法Email: jiangw@。









关键词:村干部;交叉任职;囚徒困境;Hotelling博弈1. 引 言所谓村干部交叉任职是指村委会成员与村党支部成员互相兼任部分职务。



但是,关于村干部交叉任职这种普遍存在、并且正蓬勃发展的社会现象的专门研究并不多:(1)大部分研究成果(如,托马斯·希伯拉、沃夫冈·陶普曼,1995;马戎、刘世定、邱泽奇,2000;王春生,2000)只是将其作为在村民自治过程中的一种普通现象;(2)一部分研究成果则将其作为化解村民自治实践中出现的村级“‘两委’矛盾”的一项政策建议(贺雪峰,2000;王金涛,2000;鲁献启,2000;高旺,2002;李小平,2002;何增科,2003;徐大兵、杨正喜,2003;冯毓奎,2003;冯耀明,2004;姚巧华,2004;王道坤,2004;田东奎,2005);(3)还有的研究成果侧重于村干部交叉任职对农村妇女参政的影响,但*本文系国家自然科学基金项目“村干部在农村经济管理中的激励与制约机制研究”(项目编号: 70273035 主持人:西北农林科技大学经济管理学院王征兵教授)资助成果。



综采工作面三机数字孪生及协同建模方法刘清1, 张龙2, 李天越1, 杜鹏飞3(1. 北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司,北京 101399;2. 兖矿能源集团股份有限公司,山东 邹城 273500;3. 中国矿业大学 安全工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116)摘要:针对现有煤矿设备数字孪生建模方法主要侧重对单一设备进行建模,缺少三机耦合协同关系分析的问题,提出了综采工作面三机数字孪生及协同建模方法。



采煤机数字孪生模型的摇臂升降仿真实验结果表明,与真实设备测量数据对比,模型误差小,摇臂倾角平均误差为2.3°;液压支架数字孪生模型的连续升柱动作仿真实验结果表明,模型与真实设备的一致性好,与真实设备测量数据对比,角度平均误差为0.14°,行程平均误差为6.3 mm ;结合煤矿实际生产日志对构建的三机协同模型进行虚实仿真实验,结果表明,所构建的综采工作面三机数字孪生模型与真实设备实现了相互映射,仿真结果与真实记录接近,三机协同模型可以较为准确地反映协同开采过程。


关键词:综采工作面;采煤机;液压支架;刮板输送机;数字孪生;智能体建模;离散事件建模中图分类号:TD67 文献标志码:AA three machine digital twin and collaborative modeling method for fully mechanized working faceLIU Qing 1, ZHANG Long 2, LI Tianyue 1, DU Pengfei 3(1. CCTEG Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 101399, China ;2. Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited, Zoucheng 273500, China ;3. School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)Abstract : The existing coal mine equipment digital twin modeling method mainly focuses on single equipment modeling. It lacks three machine coupling collaborative relationship analysis. In order to solve the above problems, the paper puts forward three machine digital twin and collaborative modeling method for fully mechanized working face. By adopting an intelligent modeling method, the method constructs agent-based models of a coal mining machine, a hydraulic support and a scraper conveyor which comprise a sensing unit, a control unit and an execution unit. The method constructs corresponding visual models according to a three-dimensional modeling process. The method drives the three-dimensional models to move by the intelligent models. The combination of the two forms a digital twin model of three machines. A discrete event modeling method is used to收稿日期:2022-12-19;修回日期:2023-02-09;责任编辑:张强。



逆向歧视是否有助于缓和民族关系—— 一个多自主体模拟结果丛晓男王铮摘 要 民族交往是一个涉及多民族、多区域的复杂过程,来自权威的裁决对族群关系具有重要影响。




关键词 自主体模拟 民族 社会交换 集体记忆 逆向歧视作者丛晓男,中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所助理研究员(北京 100028);通讯作者王铮,中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所研究员,华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室教授(上海 200062)。

中图分类号 C957 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0439-8041(2016)04-0169-09一、引 言不同群体交往中出现纠纷是常见现象,民族交往亦是如此。






从现实情况看,很多国家在处理民族纠纷的过程中都会对弱势或少数族群采取一定的照顾政策,这种政策属于“逆向歧视”(Reverse discrimination)。


投影到虚拟战场空间的方法构建人工系统ꎬ从而方便对作战行动的效果投影进行分析ꎮ 对在体系
关键词:平行系统ꎻ体系对抗ꎻ模拟训练ꎻ对抗训练ꎻ数字孪生ꎻagent 仿真
doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009 ̄086x. 2020. 01. 016
( ACP) methods of parallel system theory. The result shows that the elements of actual system should be
projected to virtual battle space to construct artificial system ( natural elements and troops should be pro ̄

( 中国人民解放军 63611 部队ꎬ新疆 库尔勒 பைடு நூலகம்41000)
摘要:简述了体系对抗训练的必要性ꎬ并根据平行系统理论中的 ACP 方法ꎬ对体系对抗训练中
的平行系统构建、计算实验及平行执行进行了初步建模与分析ꎮ 研究结果表明ꎬ应采用将体系对
抗训练中实际系统存在的自然要素和作战部队要素分别采用数字孪生技术和基于 agent 仿真方法
structionꎬ computing experiments and parallel implement in systemic confrontation training are prelimina ̄
ry modeled and analyzed through the artificial systemsꎬ computing experimentsꎬ parallel implement

agent-based network security simulation

agent-based network security simulation

Agent-based Network Security Simulation(Demonstration)Dennis Grunewald Marco Lützenberger Joël Chinnow Rainer Bye Karsten Bsufka Sahin Albayrak DAI-Labor|TU Berlin|Ernst-Reuter-Platz7|10587Berlin,GERMANYNeSSi@dai-labor.deABSTRACTWe present NeSSi2,the Network Security Simulator,a sim-ulation environment that is based on the service-centric agent platform JIAC.It focuses on network security-related sce-narios such as attack analysis and evaluation of counter-measures.We introduce the main NeSSi2concepts and discuss the motivation for realizing them with agent tech-nology.Then,we present the individual components and examples where NeSSi2has been successfully applied.Categories and Subject DescriptorsI.6.3[Simulation and modeling]:Applications;I.2.11 [Distributed Artificial Intelligence]:Multiagent systemsGeneral TermsSecurity,Design,ExperimentationKeywordsAAMAS proceedings,Network simulation,Demo,Network security,Application-level simulation1.INTRODUCTIONThe design and development of security solutions such as Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS)is a challenging and complex task.In this process,the evolving system needs to be evaluated continuously.There are several ways to study a system or technology.The most accurate is the analysis of the deployed production system.However,in the case of IDS evaluation,real experiments incorporating attack scenarios cannot be done in an operational environment because the induced risk of failures such as service loss is too high.For this very reason,evaluation is often carried out in small testbeds.Virtual machines are a solution for model-ing mid-scale networks,but the representation of very large networks with thousands or millions of devices and links is out of scope.There exist scientific initiatives such as Planet-Lab1providing computational resources to a larger extent. This is an important opportunity for researchers to evaluate 1Cite as:Agent-based Network Security Simulation(Demonstration), Grunewald et al.,Proc.of10th Int.Conf.on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS2011),Tumer, Yolum,Sonenberg and Stone(eds.),May,2–6,2011,Taipei,Taiwan,pp. 1325-1326.Copyright c 2011,International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems().All rights work or security functionality,but although they provide detailed results,experiments are time consuming and remain complex to setup and maintain.Another approach is to represent the system with the aid of mathematical models andfind analytical answers,i.e. logical and quantitative relationships between the entities. Typically,such models also become very complex,in partic-ular for a concurrent system such as IDS.Therefore,simu-lations are useful for the evaluation of distributed systems and protocols.Depending on the evaluation metrics,the simulations allow the abstraction from irrelevant properties. In addition,hazard scenarios,called“what-if scenarios”,can be constructed which may not be possible in real-world test environments.2.SOLUTION APPROACHWe introduce NeSSi2,an agent-based simulation environ-ment[3],providing telecommunication network simulation capabilities with an extensive support to evaluate security solutions such as IDS.In contrast to other network simu-lators,like e.g.NS-3[2],NeSSi2also provides a compre-hensive detection API for the integration and evaluation of IDS.In particular,special common attack scenarios can be simulated.Worm-spread scenarios and botnet-based DDoS attacks are only two of the supported example attacks.In addition,customized profiles defining the node behavior can be applied within the simulation.NeSSi2is built upon the JIAC[1]framework,a service-centric agent-framework.The most recent version,JIAC V2, is used in NeSSi2.The network entities,i.e.routers,clients, servers,or IDS(nodes in the following)are simulated with the aid of JIAC agents.Dependent on configuration param-eters and hardware characteristics,each agent simulates one or more nodes.NeSSi2is benefiting from agent technology in general and JIAC in special through the service-centric, modular andflexible approach to realizing distributed exe-cution environments.In addition,a common semantic data model enables interoperability of agents executing even dif-ferent simulation models at the same time.This semantic model also incorporates the main modeling concepts for the creation and administration of simulations. Thefirst concept and step to setup a simulation is the cre-ation of the network topology.This topology can then be re-used for different scenarios.The scenario is comprised of elementary building blocks for each device in the network, the node profiles.They allow the customization of node 2 to automatically generate traffic,simulate failures or apply network-based defense measures.Every profile con-sists of applications,representing mechanisms to be executed on an individual node, attack,a detection mecha-nism or an application protocol such as HTTP.The sum of all profiles for a given network is called the scenario.In order to execute it,the length of simulation execution,the number of simulation runs and a recording configuration are configured within a session.As simulations often con-tain stochastical components such as distribution functions, e.g.the number/timing of HTTP-requests,multiple runs al-low for the statistical analysis of mean values and standard deviations.3.ARCHITECTURENeSSi2has been structured into three distinct compo-nents,the graphical frontend,the agent-based simulation back-end and the result database.Each of these modules may be run on separate machines.The modular design facilitates the exchange of network topologies,scenario definitions and simulation results.The graphical frontend of NeSSi2(c.f.Figure1)allows to create and edit the necessary components of a network simu-lation as described in Section2.On the other hand,finished (or even currently executing,long-running)simulations can be retrieved from the database server and the correspond-ing simulation results are visualized in the GUI.Accordingly, there exist two different perspectives in the GUI,the Net-work Editor perspective for the creation of simulations as well as the Network Simulation perspective to investigate simulation results.In the backend,different agent roles carry out the task of the parallel simulation execution.On each backend,i.e. separate machine,there exists the Simulation Control Agent (SCA)administrating access to the resources of the system as well as the interaction with the GUI.In this way,the SCA interacts with the individual Network Simulation Coordina-tion Agents(NCAs).For every executed simulation run, an NCA is invoked which starts a number of Device Man-agement Agents(DMAs).The number of DMAs depends either on particular user configurations,e.g.“one agent for every node”,“x agents in total”,or follows the computational power of the backend system,i.e.“one agent per CPU core”. Finally,the result database stores simulation results ac-cording to the configuration specified during the creation process of the simulation in the GUI.For every simulation run,the agents record selected events and traffic data to a specified log4j3appender which handles the output ac-cording to the recorder configuration.By default,the re-sults–such as attack-related events–as well as the model are recorded to a database which allows for replaying the simulation.In addition,the recorded data can be used for evaluation purposes.4.SUCCESSFUL UTILIZATIONNeSSi2has demonstrated its value in recent research and was employed as a simulation environment for various security-related approaches.In this regard,NeSSi2was used to investigate optimal placement strategies for IDS,an-alyze worm propagation strategies and evaluate the benefit of collaborative IDS.NeSSi2has also been used in lectures 3/log4j/Figure1:GUI and Backend illustrated:The GUI enables the creation and administration of arbitrary networks and node configurations.After the setup process isfinished,an agent-based simulation back-end(“CommunicationPlatform”)executes the simu-lation and the results are stored in a generate attack data and evaluate detection algorithms implemented by students.In a recent industry research project,NeSSi2has been incorporated in an agent-based Decision Support System to forecast upcoming link conges-tions in the access network of a big German DSL-provider. NeSSi2is Open Source since January of2009and has been downloaded more than6000times.5.CONCLUSIONWe have presented NeSSi2,a network simulation environ-ment with a focus on security-related scenarios.The simu-lation backend is based on agent technology benefiting from the service-centric,modular andflexible design of the JIAC framework to load balance the complexity of the simulation runs.NeSSi2incorporates a semantic data model to reflect simulations of arbitrary networks and individual node con-figurations and has been used in various(industry)research projects as well as lectures.Related publications,documen-tation and source code can be looked up on the web site,c.f.[1]B.Hirsch,T.Konnerth,and A.Heßler.Merging agentsand services—the JIAC agent platform.InMulti-Agent Programming:Languages,Tools andApplications,pages159–185.Springer,2009.[2]ns3project.NS-3network simulator./docs/architecture.pdf,last accessed on02/24/2011.[3]S.Schmidt,R.Bye,J.Chinnow,K.Bsufka,A.Camtepe,and S.Albayrak.Application-levelsimulation for network security.SIMULATION,86(5-6):311–330,May/June2010.。



基于复杂系统整体论的多主体仿真平台体系结构研究万方数据万方数据计算机研究与发展2020,43(增刊MACE3J¨叫; Carnegie Mellon大学与乔治理工大学开发的SPADES[11J和一些多智能体仿真平台,如jADEEl2]等.国内也在上述平台的基础上研制了多个智能体仿真平台和复杂系统仿真平台,例如中国科学院计算技术研究所开发的MAGE【I31,国防大学的战争实验室以及国防科技大学计算机学院研制的JCass平台【11等.通过对国内外复杂系统仿真平台的建模和体系结构分析,可将这些平台大致区分为以下3类.2.1基于复杂自适应系统理论的仿真平台. 桑塔菲研究所的Swarm平台Swarm顾名思义就是许多元素(系统组成部分的群体.Swarm是由桑塔菲研究所的Langton 领导开发的多Agent复杂系统仿真平台,运行在单机上,它的体系结构和逻辑结构如图2所示:图2Swarm的体系结构与逻辑结构图在图2中,CPU和操作系统为平台执行的软硬件计算环境;Swarm核心是运行仿真和GUI事件的虚拟CPU部分;仿真是Swarm对象的运行部分,包括对象及对象活动的调度;GUI是仿真的图形交互界面,通过GUI用户可以输入数据,查看输出数据,并监测系统状态,以图形的方式进行显示,并且提供了曲线图、柱状图、有向图等.基本Swarm仿真由模型Swarm和观察者Swarm组成,亦即Swarm模型中有两种类型的Swarm:一种是在内核调度中的称为模型Swarm,它是复杂系统的元素,包含了一系列元素对象,对象的行为时间表以及输入和输出;另一种是观察者Swarm,具有智能,用来观察模型Swarm的输出,根据自身的判别行为时间表,再向模型Swarm输入仿真参数.实际上,模型Swarm和观察者Swarm联系在一起,构成了一个自主适应/演化的复杂系统元素群.2.2通用的多主体仿真平台通用的多主体不以复杂系统仿真为目的,但可以为复杂系统仿真所用.以中国科学院计算技术研究所的MAGE为例来简单介绍这类仿真平台的组成.MAGE的主体结构由6个模块组成,包括基本功能块(basic capabilities、感知器(sensor、通信器(communicator、功能模块接口(function modules、主体知识库(knowledge base和主体内核(kernel.具体结构如图3所示:插件管1任务自能构谴圆圆圆圆图3MAGE主体体系结构图4给出了MAGE主体平台的系统结构,它的复杂系统仿真是通过主体管理系统和目录主体来控制系统元素主体的主动性来实现的.图4MAGE平台体系结构2.3基于复杂系统整体性的主体仿真平台基于复杂系统整体性的主体仿真平台是当前研究复杂系统仿真平台的热点和焦点.这一方面的技术和材料比较笼统,不够成熟.例如 Carnegie Mellon大学的仿真中间件平台SPADES、2020年研制成功的基于集合论的形式化智能体并行模型SWAGE.它们的结构在形态上都是将复杂系统内部环境作为一个单独的集中控制的节点来处理,具体有环境建模和演化、仿真控制引擎等.其他远程节点包括元素建模与自主适应、通信服务等,如图5所示:图5基于整体论的主体仿真平台框图豳一丽万方数据万方数据万方数据金士尧等:基于复杂系统整体论的多主体仿真平台体系结构研究307生了复合型主体.像Colombetti与Dorigo所划分的那样,与Agent相关的两种适应是进化适应和个体适应.而个体适应是学习的结果,学习是Agent适应环境的一种策略.通过和环境进行交互的经验,Agent能够把环境的某些方面综合到其内部状态之中从而形成自身对具体行为应用的认识.在Agent学习方面,也有很多的研究,仿真平台支持库中可以根据需要,给以相应的支持.这些学习策略和算法包括决策树学习、人工神经网络、贝叶斯学习、基于实例的学习、分析学习、增强学习等.4.4整体性建模、系统演化及整体性分析支持库复杂系统整体性模型是在系统宏观规律认识的基础上对系统的宏观描述.它可以利用传统的宏观分析方法来分析复杂系统,提供宏观模型,但同时需要与自底向上的基于Agent的建模与仿真方法结合起来,通过个体白适应系统演化和整体性分析来验证模型的正确性,修改整体性模型.整体性建模及系统演化支持库和整体性分析支持库就是要实现这种功能.模型,并设计了复杂系统综合仿真平台的软件体系结构.以解决开发复杂系统综合仿真平台和复杂系统仿真应用面临的复杂性、可重用性、可维护性和可扩展性的需求.参… HL考文献Li.Agent—baseddistributedDsimulationforcomplexsystem:of[Phdissertation][D].Changsha:NationalUniversityDefenseTechnology,2001ⅢKrzysztofsoftwareSoftwareCzarnecki.Leveragingreusethroughondomain-specificInstitutionalizingarchitectures[C].WorkshopReuse(WISR’8),Columbus,Ohio,1997Bertalanffy.GeneralSystemTheory:Foundations,York:GeorgeBrazille吲LudwigyonDevelopment,Applications[M].NewInc。

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Intl.Conf.RIVF’04February2-5,Hanoi,VietnamAn Agent-Based Simulation Method for StudyingNervous SystemThi-Minh-Luan Nguyen,Christophe LecerfAbstract—This paper describes an agent-based method for modeling and simulation of the cerebellar cortex of nervous system in particular and for complex systems in general.By modular and hierarchical model design,this method allows us to enhance the system model under study without having to rebuild the whole model.We also discuss how well our agent-based method is sound for the study of these systems and how to represent agents’behavioural dynamics of sim-ulation models by DEVS formalism(Discrete Event System Specification)from Zeigler.Conceptualization of such sys-tems is shown in terms of how agents and simulation models may interact with one another.Keywords—Cerebellar cortex,complex system,DEVS, agent-based simulation.I.IntroductionFor some years now,researchers have been developing models,both in hardware and in software,that mimic a brains’cerebral activity in an effort to produce an ultimate form of artificial intelligence.The theory of automata with afinite number of states has greatly contributed to thefield of neuroscience,par-ticularly in the study of artificial neural networks(ANN). These networks are relatively simple since their organiza-tion does not extend beyond two levels:the neuronal level and the level of network of neurons.The neuron is defined as a mathematical entity and neural network consists of an interconnected set of these entities.The neuron functions based on synaptic modification according to specific law of learning[7].In contrast to artificial neural networks,modeling a real one raises more difficult problems because of the structural and functional complexities involved.The learning rules are not externally imposed as in the case of ANN,they are constructed on the basis of internal molecular mechanisms [7].In this paper we will study the use of an agent-based method for studying cerebellar cortex’s behaviour.It relies on three important notions:S-propagator([4],[5]),DEVS [22]and multi-agents system.More precisely,we will try to solve the questions related to the representation of system behavioural dynamics by DEVS on one hand and its dy-namics simulation by agent-based techniques on the other hand.For automatic simulators generation purpose,the Zei-gler’s DEVS formalism seems suitable for representing com-C.Lecerf,(,Centre LGI2P Ecole des Mines d’Al`e s-Site EERIE Parc Scientifique Georges Besse F30035 Nimes Cedex1,FranceL.Nguyen(,Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Avanc´e e,Universit´e Paris8et EPHE,41rue Gay Lus-sac,75005Paris,France ponent dynamics aspect.In addition,modular and hierar-chical construction gives us the possibility to easily extend the model under study.The paper is organized as follows.Section1is dedicated to a short presentation of cerebellar cortex and the need of simulation in order to observe its evolution facing to envi-ronmental changes.In section2,cerebellar cortex structure and the related study are presented.We summarize here some important concepts in integrative physiology and the use of our modeling method for nervous systems.DEVS and agent-based method are described in section3.Fi-nally,conclusions are drawn and future works are outlined in section4.We will begin this paper by a brief resume of cerebellar cortex system and its properties.II.Cerebellar cortexThe cerebellar cortex plays an essential role in movement control and in the coordination of movement which allows reaching a target[8].The cerebellar cortex is organized into three layers of neurons:the molecular layer,Purkinje cell layer and granule cell layer([12],[16]).They join to one another through the neurons’synapses.Neurons can re-spond to stimuli and conduct impulses because membrane potential is established across the cell membrane.We try to model the neurones’behaviours and their relationship in order to study the whole system behaviours.A.Cerebellar cortex studyA.1From classical simulation methods...Biological processes are modeled mathematically by a set of equations.Since the biological system involves multiples elements that can be modeled in various levels,the global equation depends not only on others global variables but also on local variables.Thus,these equations are some-times too complicated for an analytical solution.In general,models can be basically viewed at two lev-els-one at a micro level and the other at a macro level. Traditional modeling and simulation methods offer just the vision of macro level behaviours;they do not provide in-sight views of micro level.Macro level involves modeling the general aspects of system like the average of”aver-age glucose concentration in blood”,”the amount of CO2 produced in a respiration cycle”,etc.Modeling of system from this view results in losing some of the detailed aspects of the system.As a result,the diversity of the biological system can not be studied with equation-based method. In addition,once the system changes,the whole model has to be rebuild completely.In integrative physiology([4],[5]),while the model is de-signed with reusability purpose,without distributed com-putation the size of systems under study is still limited by the computer capacity.Moreover,as in any equation-based method,the micro level relationship can not be explored. These limitations restrict the efficiency of such models and encouraged us to a new modeling approach based on the interaction analysis of individual DEVS and agent-based simulationA micro level simulation implies modeling each entity in-volved in the system,i.e.,giving each component a set of its own characteristics.The overall behaviour can be viewed as a collective behaviour of individual entities.Agent based modeling is a way of studying the interaction of large num-bers of individuals,and the macro scale consequences of their interactions.Furthermore,one of the principal properties of a biologi-cal system is its time scale:certain physiological processes are slow(several hours),on the contrary others are very fast(a few milliseconds).That means we will observe the same variation on a state variable of a slow process at the end of several hours and of the fast one at the end of a few seconds.This property allows us to partially separate slow and fast processes.For example,given two processors X1 and X2in which X1varies at each second while X2has a significant variation only at the end of100s.Two solutions for simulating these two processes in interaction are given: calculate X1and X2at each second,or calculate X1at each second and calculate X2all100s.The second solution saves a lot of calculation cost with a light loss of precision, and gives us a possibility to simulate a large scale system in a reasonable time[10].If the calculation of a state variable at a given moment is regarded as an event then it is possible to apply dis-crete events simulation methods.It allows us to manage naturally differences timescale phenomena[9].In addition,agent-based simulation method does not re-place traditional method in biologicalfield.It can be com-bined with equation-based methods because,within an in-dividual agent,behavioural decisions may be done by equa-tions evaluation([11]).The system level behaviour is then determined by running the equations describing the inter-actions among agents.As mentioned by Chauvet in[7],one of the main problem encountered in the neurosciences is that of extending cur-rent theory of automata,used in the study of ANN,to real neural networks.The difficulty arises because automata theory fails to take into account multiple levels of biological organization involved in nervous activity[[7]].Hopefully, the S-propagator framework from Chauvet G.([3],[8],[7], [9],...)is born with ambition to take into account the hierarchy of these systems.Now we will summarize some important points in inte-grative physiology.B.Neuralfield equationIn the integrative physiology conceptual frame,an el-ementary functional interaction is formally defined by a triplet(source,product,sink)and an equation for afield variable(the product)driven by a time-spacefield opera-tor that describes the action through time and space of the source on the sink.Each functional interaction has its ownfield variable with its own dynamics,formalized by an equation sum-ming three terms and referring to source,sink,time and space in the S-propagators formalism.*P i0[Ψs]=P0Ψs P iFig.1.Graph and Equation describing S-propagator(from Chauvet, 1999)Thefirst term of the equation describes the local diffu-sion of the product in the physical space around the source. The second one is strictly speaking S-propagator,and rep-resents the non-local interaction due to structural discon-tinuity.And the third one represents the source,i.e.the internal local mechanisms that lead to the generation of the product emitted by the source.For instance,S-propagator of the nervous tissue activity can be found at([8],[7],[9]).In biological modeling point of view,DEVS(Discrete Event System Specification)of Zeigler[22],is to our knowl-edge,the best suited attempt to simulate complex hierar-chical systems.The next section is dedicated to a brief presentation of Zeigler’s modeling and simulation theory.III.DEVS and Agent-based simulationA.DEVSDEVS is a formalism introduced by Zeigler in1976.This formalism is based on a mathematical object called system, which can be approximated with an automaton.Basically, a system is described by a time base,input,state,output and function for determining the next state and output for a given state.Two types,atomic and coupled,were described.A.1AtomicmodelFig.2.Internal structure of atomic models(Uhrmacher1998)Atomic model is the basic element of DEVS,it has the following structure:A=<X,Y,S,δint,δext,λ,t a>•X:input set which is the value of input events;•Y:set of output value;•S:set of state;•δint:internal transition functions.It is used to describe state transition due to internal events;•δext:transition functions due to external events;•λ:output function which generate external events at the output;•ta:time advance function;Similar tofinite state automaton,atomic DEVS models’dynamic behavior is defined by state sets and state transi-tion and output functions.DEVS distinguishes two type of events:internal event are time scheduled and handled by the internal transition function,external event occur upon the arrival of inputs at the input ports and are handled by the external transition function.At any time,the system is in state S.In the absence of external event,system remains on current state during the time given by the time advance function ta.On the contrary,it receives external event X by its input port. The external transition functionδext will then specify how system changes due to this effect.Then,an event Y which is generated by output functionλis sent to output port. Based on current state,value of external event and the one of time advance function,next state is computed.That meansOn arriving of external event xExecute the event by external transition func-tionChange stateSchedule next internal eventInternal eventExecute output functionExecute internal transition functionChange stateSchedule next internal eventInform to parentHowever,a biological system does not contain only such a simple component.In fact,it is composed of many complex components which in turn are constructed by a set of sub-components organized in many levels.Atomic model is not suitable to describe such a component.Fortunately,Zeigler introduced also another one:coupled model.A.2Coupled modelIn DEVS modeling,complex models are built by coupling together atomic building blocks,i.e.,connecting the ports of well defined input and output interfaces.Models can be built in a hierarchical manner,i.e.,coupled models again can serve as components in more complex coupled models ([21],[17]).Fig.3.Coupled modelsCoupled model has the following structure:C=<X,Y,N,M d|d∈N,EIC,EOC,IC,Select>•X:set of input ports and values;•Y:set of output ports and values;•N:subcomponents list;•M d:for each d⊂N,M d is a component described in form of atomic model;•EIC:external input coupling connect external input to component input;•EOC:external output coupling connect component out-put to external output;•IC:internal coupling connect component output to component input;•Select:the tie breaking function to arbitrate the occur-rence of simultaneous events;Let us consider a coupling component which consists of a set of atomic components M d where d⊂N.At time t,an atomic component d is in state S d since e d(time passed since the last change state of d).The time dur-ing which each component d must remain in state S d if no external event occurred is ta d(S d).As a result,a compo-nent d will stay at S d forσd=ta d(S d)−e d.An inter-nal eventδint is scheduled for the component d at t+σd. Suppose that ta is the time scheduled for thefirst inter-nal event then ta is the smallest value of all ta d(S d),that means ta=Min{(ta d(S d))/d⊂N}.The priority list Select allows us to choose among various components hav-ing the sameσd.The atomic component chosen,executes its output function and sends the result to all its influenced. Then,this component starts the internal transition func-tionδint,and changes state.We can explore the effects of an arriving external event on an atomic model in the same way.These behavioral components are inter-connected to exchange information through their input/output ports(or one may use the term detectors and effectors([13],[15]). For example,the coupled model G offigure2comprises two atomic models A,C and a coupled model B which consists of two atomic models B1and B2.This type of component can be considered in turn like a basic element in a larger model.The model is created in a recurrent way.Thus,we have chosen DEVS modeling and simulation approach as the modeling framework.Discrete Event Sys-tem Specification formalism allows us to express structural and behavioral features of dynamic systems.DEVS modelcharacterizations in terms of events and states make it suit-able for agent technology and thus suitable for studying large scale system.B.Agent-based simulationIntegration of those concepts allows the automatic gen-eration of a simulator from the model,as defined in the DEVS formalism.Furthermore,we can reference agent in-ternal structure as well as reaction rules to DEVS mod-els.Internal ports are mapped into agent sensors,external ports are mapped into agents’effectors.The agent may order its simulation model to execute primitive actions, which are mapped into external events understandable by the DEVS simulation models[19].The simulation model, in turn,informs the associated agents about its state and environment.The lowest level of detailed tasks is known as primitive actions are executed by DEVS atomic model.All inferred information,sensory data collected from the simu-lation will be stored in agent’s memory.The integration of well-known approaches(DEVS)together with agents gives us a mean to study dynamics evolution of systems made up of a number of defined interacting parts in a natural way.C.Neurons dynamicsThe neurons can be considered as a”black box”model. We try to describe each process intervening in operation of this organization by identifying input ports,output ports, transformation function and transferfunction.Fig.4.Neuron dynamicsWe turn now on reception and emission process of action potential of neuron u.The neuron u receives a product X via its synapses.Then,neuron u transforms this product into others ones.The transformation is continuous.The last one is then emitted to others neurons via its output ports.S-propagator([8],[3],[10],...)of Chauvet is taken to describe action potential propagation between two neurons. We now describe briefly neuron dynamics by S-propagators.For details information,refer to[10].C.1Presynaptic release and diffusion in the synaptic cleftP1and P2A0(r,t)=A m ifψp(r,t)>ψth0ifψp(r,t)≤ψth∂A cleft∂t (r,s,t)=D cleft∂2A cleft∂s2(r,s,t)−pA cleft(r,s,t)C.2Neural transmitter propagation:Trans-operator P3and P4(Postsynaptic binding to the receptor and pas-sive conduction of the postsynaptic currents)Trans-operator P3(Postsynaptic binding to thereceptor)Fig.5.Functional interaction propagation,Chauvet2002dRdt(r,t)=k−4R d(r,t)+k−1RA(r,t)−(k4+k1A post(r,t))R(r,t) dR ddt(r,t)=k4R(r,t)+k−3R d A(r,t)−(k−4+k3A post(r,t))R d(r,t) dRAdt(r,t)=k1A post(r,t)R(r,t)+k r R d A(r,t)+k c C(r,t)−(k−1+k d+k0)RA(r,t)dR d Adt(r,t)=k3A post(r,t)R d(r,t)+k d RA(r,t)−(k−3+k r)R d A(r,t) dCdt(r,t)=k0RA(r,t)−k c C(r,t)Trans-operator P4(Passive conduction of the postsynap-tic currents)R m(z)C m(z)∂ψm∂t(r,z,t)=λ(z)∂2ψm∂x2(r,z,t)−(ψm(r,z,t)−V rest)+R m(z)2πa(z)I source(r,z,t)C.3The source termΓΓ(ψ,t;r)=1r m c mV s(r,t)+ions∆g ionc m(ψe,ion−ψ(r,t))Presynaptic release and diffusion in the synaptic cleft is interpreted as transition function,postsynaptic binding to the receptor and passive conduction of the postsynaptic currents as transfer function and the source term as trans-formation function.The S-propagator formalism appears as an efficient mean for representing the hierarchical nature of physiological phenomena.S-propagators give us a mathematical tool for mapping from complex biological system to DEVS and agent-based framework.D.Neuron’s behavioral description by DEVSEach neuron is represented by an atomic DEVS model in which state variable is neuron’s action potential.class Neuron{public:Input in;Output out;StateVar state;StateVar delta int(){Reset membrane potential value.}StateVar void delta ext(event x){Transformation(the source term in the previous section)Compute membrane potentialCompare with threshold value(P1and P2)If it is equal or greater{Compute propagation time(P3and P4)Create out-msg()with occurrence time equal to propagation time.}}void lamda(void){Send corresponding product to output port.}Time ta(){Compute next occurrence time.}...}Adopting the abstract simulator concept of DEVS,the model is executed by sending typed messages between sim-ulator agents.Simulators are associated with atomic mod-els and coordinators with coupled models[19].We now take a closer look on agent structure.E.Agent-based simulationAgent is defined as an”active object”that is:au-tonomous,perceptive,pro-active and communicative[20]. Typical agent objects are composed of two parts:an inter-nal state and behaviour.In brief,agents are implemented to have internal data representation(memory or state). They possess means for modifying their internal data rep-resentation(perception)and for modifying their environ-ment(behaviour).This point is illustrated by the following pseudo-code extracted from[1].Agent object:private states:preferences;wealth1;/*private wealth*/...private behavior:compare choices;compute internal valuations;communicate with(Agent i)draw;...end.The external transition function encodes the reaction of the agent to incoming events in terms of state changes.The time advance is set to the reaction time,the time an agent needs to produce its output[19].Part of the agent’s activities is communicating actions to other models.The output function takes thefirst of the intentions and charges its output ports with effects directed to the environment[19].The internal transition completes the activity by updat-ing the agent’s state[19].The discrete initiation of events can easily be interpreted as activities,and the exchange of information via message passing as the communication between agents([18]).Ac-cording to external perturbations(messages),the agent changes its internal state.Since any component of a biolog-ical system is modeled by a component in DEVS formalism, when being referred as an agent then this one possesses all mathematical methods to show up a behaviour facing to events received from their environment.Accordingly,an agent’s”output”activities are decou-pled from receiving external events.Both,the perception of events and the reaction directed to the environment,in-teract via state and the time advance function.Agent’s first reaction to external perturbations is a change of its internal state.For each state,there is a time advance func-tion associated.It determines the time of the next internal event and output,e.g.,the time an agent needs for reacting to external perturbation.External events might shorten or lengthen the time period until the next output,e.g.some external events might require an agent’s immediate reac-tion which is achieved by setting the time-advance close to zero.Besides,modeling the temporal aspect of agent’s re-action facing to external events,the time-advance function allows agent proactive behavior to be modeled since out-puts depend on agent’s current state and are triggered by time.Thus,an agent does not require any external event to become and stay active[19].Running such a model consists of instantiating an agent population,letting the agents interact,and monitoring what happens[18].We have a typical agent-oriented pro-gram presented by Axtell in[1]:program typical agent model;initialize agents;repeat:agents interact;compute statistics:until done;end.Agent-based simulation method does not replace tradi-tional method in biologicalfield[11].It can be combined with equation-based methods because,within an individual agent,behavioral decisions may be done by the evaluation of equations.The system level behavior is then determined by running the equations describing the interactions among these agents.Furthermore,agent-based method is not targeted for a given physiological system.So we can apply this method for other problems that have an emergent behaviour pro-duced by a complex set of connected individual interac-tions.IV.ConclusionThe paper presents a generic agent based simulation ap-proach taking into consideration requirements deemed nec-essary for agent/simulation architecture.An agent based simulation environment accepts the simulation model as its environment.The agent reacts to the events happening in the simulation environment and further may behave in proactive ways.With this proposal,we hope to extend our simulation model aimed to incorporate Purkinje cell model,as well as other neurons in the cerebellar cortex to study hip-pocampus.These models will be closely based upon known structural and physical properties of this region of the cere-bellum and will produce neuron-like outputs that can be compared to data from actual physiological experiments.References[1]R.Axtell,”Why agents?On the varied motivations for agentcomputing in the social sciences”,working paper n17at Center on Social and Economic Dynamics,2000.[2]J.Banks(Editor),J.S.C.,Barry L.Nelson,David M.Nicol(2000).Discrete-Event System Simulation,Prentice Hall. 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