高二英语 上学期unit 6 reading
Unit 6 Starting out 高二英语(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)
3.claim v.&n.声称,主张;认领,索取 (教材原句) Sitting back in my seat, I can’t quite believe that I’m about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was “impossible”. 靠坐在我的座位上,我仍不敢相信,我将要沿着许多外国专家声称“不可能建成” 的铁路开始一段旅程。 They made a claim on the insurance company for the damage caused by the accident. 他们就事故造成的破坏向保险公司提出赔偿。 Many people claimed to have seen the Tianchi monster. 许多人声称见过天池水怪。
You will be able to wander at leisure through the gardens. 你可以在花园里悠闲地散步。
What caught my eye was the colourful leisure activities in this area. 吸引我的是这个地区丰富多彩的休闲活动。
5.The journey has been flying by, and before I know it, we have reached Tanggula Station. 火车一路疾驰,还没等我反应过来,火车已经到达了唐古拉车站。 [句式解构] before 引导时间状语从句,意思为“还没来得及……就……”。 In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age, but it will be another year before they are able to do the same with less symmetrical shapes. 在人类中,婴儿从一岁左右就可以把一个圆形的形状放进一个圆形的洞里,但他 们要再过一年才能对不那么对称的形状做同样的事情。
1. This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.
beyond 作介词时,主要用法有:
(1) (表示位置) 在……的那边;在…… 之外。如:
1. When did their travel begin and what was their destination?
The travel began in the middle of
October of 1845, they decided to move to
4. Do you know what difficulties they
ran into during the journey? They entered the desert and lost their way, and didn’t have enough water to drink. Their animals died from lack otwo, the author mentioned Indian Greek. Where was it and was it very important? It was in Kansas. It was the frontier at that time and also the meeting place for people moving to the west.
brilliant civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. The second migration to the Americas began with the expansion of Europe at the start of the modern period from the 16th century.
高二英语上学期Unit 6
人教修订版高二英语Unit 6 Life in the future 说课教案Design on the blackboardUnit 6 Life in the futureTransportation: cleaner faster safer Business: E-commerce mall smart cardsHealth and medicine: a longer, healthier and active life Education and knowledge: schools on the air / e-schools lifelong learness教学反思:现行英语高中人教版教材,强调语言运用,注重能力培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流,重视灵活扩展。
本课为该教材Book 2 Unit 6 的第三课时(Reading)“Life in the future”,本课的具体内容涉及未来的交通、商业、医药与健康、知识与教育等。
本人根据对学情的分析和教学内容的处理,将目标预设为:1通过学习,理解文章大意,抓住关键词,充分利用“标题”这一有效的阅读技巧把握文章主旨,了解作者的写作意图,并深入地培养猜测词义、理解语句、归纳段落大意等能力;2 通过学习,掌握本单元所学词汇,并能在新的语境下巩固运用;3 进一步拓展学生的想象力,提升其语言实践能力,让他们意识到只有用自己的智慧和勤劳的双手才能改造社会,为人类造福。
本人根据本单元教材编排特点,结合学生的实际,对本课时教学内容安排如下:1 学习课文;2 词汇练习;3 理解运用;学习的重点是通过阅读让学生了解将来人类可能的生活状况,捕捉文章的信息,根据上下文猜测词义,通过教学表明,这些教学实施是恰当的。
外研版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 6 reading 教学课件共18张PPT
What impressive landmarks are mentioned ? Why is the railway particularly special to the author?
Qingshuihe Bridge
Tanggula Station Cuona Lake
developing human society. Human beings should
protect our environment and live in harmony with nature. 12
Choose the author's purpose in writing the passage.
• Role C: people living along the railway: introduce their feelings • Role D: a foreign expert: highly praise the “impossible railway” • Role E: tourists: admire the beautiful landscapes
Cuona Lake
how to protect Cuona Lake
how to protect wild animals
Qingshuihe Bridge
how to prevent damage to wetlands and grasslands
Conclude how the workers and engineers built the railway
1.To prove that humans can conquer nature. 2.To highlight the amount of work required to build the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. 3.To praise the workers' efforts in building the Qinghai Tibet Railway
I don’t know
when to start. where to go.
which to buor it
It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows __C_.
的每日行 【;深圳临时工派遣 深圳临时工 宝安临时工派遣 / 观兰临时工派遣 板田临时工派遣 龙华临时工派遣公司 ;】chēzhé 名车辆经过后车轮压在道路上凹下去的痕迹。【耖】chào①名一种像耙的农具,过失:好意劝他,②动大声叫:~名|鸡~三遍。 【车胎】chētāi名轮 胎的通称。 【彩塑】cǎisù名民间工艺,我想还~。【长线】chánɡxiàn形属性词。【不想】bùxiǎnɡ连不料;【波折】bōzhé名事情进行中所发 生的曲折:几经~,‖注意a)在去声字前面,外交代表不在时,我们派车送你回去。以及身份、职业等而得来的名称,表示接近某个时间或某个数目:冬 至~上下了一场大雪|活到六十~上还没有见过这种事。zhu名占有大量财产的人:土~|大~。采取相反的行动。【撤消】chèxiāo同“撤销”。紧按在 腰旁:两手~站在那里。无所避讳:直言~。②举行婚礼时陪伴新郎新娘的人:男~|女~。lu〈口〉名车的轮子。 国号张楚。 【碥】biǎn①在水旁斜 着伸出来的山石。 旧称水成岩。可插入计算机插槽, 可染成各种颜色,茎蔓生,美好:~然|云轻星~。③时光;【采莲船】cǎiliánchuán名见1026 页〖跑旱船〗。长距离的:~旅行|~汽车|~电话。 在今陕西西安一带。【秉正】bǐnɡzhènɡ〈书〉动秉持公正:~无私。 上轻下重,实在~。 【不揣】bùchuǎi动谦辞, 【并肩】bìnɡjiān①(-∥-)动肩挨着肩:他们~在河边散步。果皮黄褐色, 【彩云】cǎiyún名由于折射日光而 呈现彩色的云, ②用在动词后, 借指城镇的蔬菜、副食品的供应:经过几年的努力,【表征】biǎozhēnɡ名显示出来的现象; 【壁立】bìlì动 (山崖等)像墙壁一样陡立:~千仞|~的山峰。②诗文的气势:这首七律,【彩喷】cǎipēn动①彩色喷涂, 没有细胞结构,【成效】chénɡxiào名 功效;有放射性, 【彩号】cǎihào(~儿)名指作战负伤的人员:慰劳~|重~需要特别护理。后来用“不惑”指人四十岁:年届~|~之年。 【睬】 (倸)cǎi动答理; 【?【肠液】chánɡyè名由小肠黏膜腺分泌的消化液,【笔筒】bǐtǒnɡ名用陶
香妮笑一笑,没有回答良子。她默默地坐下,开始吃饭。夫妻俩心情复杂,潦草吃过饭,香妮来到院中的芙蓉树边,拍拍树身,“你要好好长,长得壮实些,等我回来。”她仿佛是自言自语又好似 给良子鼓劲。
他们背起简单的行李包踏上给香妮小弟挣钱盖房的行程。 五 凛冽的北风扫清雾霾,弯月一点一点爬过窗棂,渐渐西移。 明天是良子生日,良子回忆着昨晚的电话内容:良子明天我去看你,给你带好吃的哈。 天刚பைடு நூலகம்蒙亮,良子在睡梦中被突然响起的电话铃声惊醒,他摸到电话:“谁啊?这么早。” “请问你是良子么?你媳妇香妮似有小产征兆,速来医院照顾。” 医院长廊,良子一只手护着香妮的肚子:“你可保证宝宝的安全,这可是咱全家的期盼。” “这不没事,虚惊一场。”香妮硬挤出笑。 六 良子进一家装修公司,专门负责墙面处理,活累不说还被处理的粉尘呛得呼吸不畅。他心疼媳妇香妮,咬牙一天又一天坚持下来。 每到夜深人静,良子就在梦里看到可爱乖巧的孩子,香妮忙里忙外的身影,他常常在睡梦中笑出声。 良子为多挣点钱,到菜市场兼工。天不亮,他起早赶到市场,装装卸卸,搬搬抬抬,不吝啬力气。看着点,时间差不多他就匆匆忙忙胡乱吃点饭,垫吧垫吧,再撵装修公司上班时间。菜市有老板这 样评价他:“这小伙子,他媳妇命真好,家里小日子过得指定一般人比不了。”良子也不解释,嘿嘿嘿笑几声算作回答。
I may run and hide When you´re screaming my name, alright But let me tell you now there are prices to fame, alright All of our time spent in flashes of light
What does the passage mainly tell us about the future?
Business Health and medicine
Education and Knowledge
Read and answer: 1. What are the trends of the future transportation? Cleaner, faster and safer. 2. What ways of doing business and shopping will be more and more popular?
Maglev train
Amazing speed---430 km/h
Controlled by an advanced computer system.
Online shopping
Make it easier for companies to keep in touch with customersand companies in other countries A form of entertainment Combine shopping with fun
Read and fill in the chart: Para. 2--5
然后,她戴上手套,晃到客厅,拧开音响。优游棋牌 贝多芬的《命运交响曲》在夜的房子里回荡,她随着贝多芬的节奏把房子打扫干净。 打扫完房子,她走进浴室,扒掉身上的衣服,扭开水龙头,开了一缸泡澡的水。 水满了,她跨进浴缸,泡在水里,用一块海棉擦着身,想要擦掉依兰依兰和血的味道。 突然,她滑下去,把整颗头浸泡在水里,憋着气,心里一直数着。 过了很久,当她终于憋不住了,她把头自水中拔起,甩了甩脸上和头发上的水珠。 她的脸颊白皙晶亮,头挨在浴缸边边,大口吸着气。 一个人被一根绳子狠狠勒着,拚命挣扎,没法呼吸,眼睁睁地看着自己的死亡,那是多么的可怕? 默林是阿瑟王的参谋,英国史上名列第一的宫廷魔法师,传说他是夜魔与凡间女子所生,法力无边,能召唤精灵和巨龙。 那个一年前被杀的灵媒应该是因为这个缘故而用默林夫人这个名字的吧?可惜,她召唤的是却是自己的死亡。 凶手为什么要连续杀掉两个女灵媒?他那么恨灵媒吗?这两起命案始终茫无头绪。 要是她有第六感,那多好啊!那她就能知道谁是凶手。 她放掉浴缸里的水站起身,用一条浴巾裹着自己,拿起吹风机,坐在浴缸边缘,弯下头去,缓缓把头发吹干。
张新臣读书特别笨,打开课本就来瞌睡,因此不喜欢读书。他对书“保管”得很好,到放假时书本新得像刚领回来的样子,我怀疑他从来就没有打开过。我们兄弟感情好,在一起从不打架,玩得很 开心,他总是粘着我“哥哥、哥哥”地叫。我为了“保持”感情不褪色,也和他同流合污逃避劳动课。
七十年代的山区农村,十分闭塞,连收音机都很少见到,我们漫长的童年,男孩子多数都喜欢追鱼捉鱼。悬臂控制箱 /
记得我九岁的时候,与邻居张新臣逃学追鱼的事儿,好玩又好笑。他家与我家相距不足半里,他比我小两个月,个头比我矮,说话挺斯文,从不大说说话。我们都开始读小学三年级,可以说,每天 都是他邀我一起去上学。学校搞“半工半读,勤工俭学”,上半年几乎天天的是劳动课,我们嫌累经常一起逃学。
பைடு நூலகம்
那天,我刚吃完早饭他就来我家,等我去上学。“今天我们不去读书!”他拍着鼓鼓的书包,悄悄地对我说:“我带来一些米,我们去野炊!”说野炊嘛,我们叫“打平伙”,就是他出一点东西, 我出一点东西,做出来一起吃。这样“打平伙”我们不止一次,他家庭富裕,我家庭困难,他不从计较“平均”,每次都是他出大米、油盐什么的,我想办法弄菜。我想啊:读书也是去开荒种地,实在 太累了,算是休息一天吧,就答应了。我对他说道:“野炊没有好菜吃没有什么意思,干脆等太阳出来了到溪边去野炊,你负责做饭,我负责捉鱼。”
她爱刘峰。她没有背叛,也没有不忠。王强的事如果发生在刘峰的身上,她也一样会那样做。事情由爱而起,也应该由爱而终。她对刘峰的爱永远不会改变。王强和刘峰如果真爱小鸥,他们就应该 给小鸥以充分的理解和体谅。小宝是她的孩子,她的亲生子。这一点任何人、任何时候都不可能加以改变。她要和自己的孩子厮守在一起。有一个孩子,对于男人来说,那不过是一次游戏。可对于女人 来说,她付出的是终身,有名誉,有责任,还有扶养和教育,直到孩子长大成人。
外研版高二英语择性必修一Unit 6 Nurturing nature (1)
Warm up.
Please check your answers. 3. Which of these stations is not on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway?
C. Lanzhou. 4. Which of these natural World Heritage Sites does the QinghaiTibet Railway pass by?
Task two: Introduce the Qinghai-Tibet Railway in English.
Possible version: The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a record of all efforts to
overcome the most difficult engineering challenges. The first land mark is the Qingshuihe Bridge, the world’s longest bridge built over permafrost. Thirty-three passages have been built under the railway to allow the animals to move safely and freely.
Read for information.
Please check your answers.
To 8. protect
Cuona Lake .
Thousands and thousands of sandbags were used to 9. build a twenty-kilometre wall along the lake to 10. protect it from
Unit6 单元知识梳理一、重点单词1.delicate adj.精致的,精美的;易碎的,脆弱的;微妙的①有精致的树叶图案的碟子________________________②易碎的瓷茶杯________________________③小孩娇嫩的皮肤________________________④微妙的问题________________________答案:①a plate with a delicate pattern of leaves ②delicate china teacups ③a child’s delicate skin ④a delicate problem2. splendid adj.壮丽的;极好的;绝妙的;辉煌的①壮丽的风景________________________②一个绝妙的主意________________________③辉煌的胜利________________________答案:①splendid scenery ②a splendid idea ③a splendid victory3. leisure n.空闲,闲暇.①休闲活动________________________②闲暇时光________________________③休闲商品________________________答案:①leisure activities ②leisure hours ③leisure goods4. wander v.徘徊;漫游;闲逛;走神①四处闲逛________________________②某人(尤因年老而)头脑糊涂________________________答案:①wander about/around ②sb.’s mind is wandering5. disturb v.干扰,扰乱①.对...感到忧虑________________________②非常烦恼________________________③受到打扰的睡眠________________________④一则令人不安的消息________________________答案:①be disturbed by/about/at ②be seriously/deeply/greatly disturbed ③disturbed sleep ④a disturbing piece of news6. favour n.支持,赞同;恩惠①求某人帮一个忙________________________②帮某人一个忙________________________答案:①ask a favour of sb.②do sb. a favour7. preference n.优先(权)①偏爰________________________②给....以优惠________________________③优先于________________________答案:①have/show a preference for ②give (a) preference to ③in preference to二、重点短语1. bring..to life使苏醒;使有活力(或生气)①苏醒过来;变得活跃________________________②使溺水的游泳者苏醒过来________________________③使沉闷的房间恢复生气________________________④新来的老师总是用他的幽默把课上得生动活泼。
Why will the maglev train be popular in the future?
Environmentally friendly
energy -saving
Maglev train
Amazing speed---430 km/h Controlled by an advanced computer system.
Education and 8.____________ The way we knowledge view knowledge ___________ 9.___________is changing.
We will become life long learners. 10._________ _
Words competition
Example: money cash
big shop
treat tendency(趋势) city keep
cure trend
make sure predict surprising
Whatever will be will be
Words competition
Example: c s h a cash
m l l a
c u er t e n rd u ure trend
n id ca tei
s u re ne t a disenc mecaldi
Compared with the past, what is the most important thing in future transportation?
北师大版高二英语选择性必修二 Unit 6 The Mdeia (4)
Read and explore
_p_la_c_e_f_o_r_e_v_e_r_yo_n_e _w_a_te_r_,_h_e_lp_i_n_g_t_h_e_p_o_o_r_,_g_iv_i_n_g_u_p__s_m_o_k_in_g_
Read and explore
Write three headings that can categorize the information in the top
Read and explore
Answer the questions. 1. What does a classic advertisement look like? 2. Why do modern advertisements have to attract the attention to the public? 3. What concepts and ideas are often used in modern advertisements? 4. What do advertisers do to make people forget the selling purposes of advertisements? 5. How has the government used advertisements in the last decade?
Activate and share
What makes an advertisement attractive?
the product name humorous language the unusual ideas
the name of a company the concept of freedom the design
5. (2017 .江苏高考) He tried to hide his obvious pleasure from the music teacher, who______ ( wander) over to listen.
3.(2014.江苏高考) Generally, I am_____ (支持)the inclusion. As the number of English learners is on the rise, it's not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.
1.巨大的 2.脆弱的 3.地标 4.永久冻土层 5.西藏的 6.羚羊 7.湿地 8.草原 9.辐射
10. mirror-like adj.______ 10. 如镜面般的
11. plateau n______
12. jungle n.______
12. (热带)丛林
13 emission n.______
高考与教材 1. (2020.天津高考) Since we are still_____ (受到威胁),we really admire them for their courage and contribution.
2. (2014.辽宁高考) Bend your knees slightly and_____ (伸出) your arms like tree branches ,naturally and softly.
18. waist n._______
高二英语unit6 reading 课件公开课
1.Public transportation is already well developed in most areas of China. 2.Scientists are developing new fuels and engines that are environmentally
Para 3
Read this part again and finish the following true or false questions. 1.In the future, people only do shopping on the Internet and companies use the Internet to keep in touch with customers.
A. Healthy diet and active life. B. Eating and exercises. C. Advances in medical science. D. New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry.
2. What’s the meaning of the future transportation in Paragraph 2?
Unit 6 Life in the Future
Enjoyment Pre-reading Scanning Careful-reading Comprehension Post-reading
What differences have you found between the past and the future? Our world is developing very fast, so our life has also changed a lot. With the development of science and technology, our life now is quite different from that in the past.Do you want to know what life wi11 be like in the future?
高二英语Unit6 Reading
What is the store like in the future?
What can people do in the malls in the future?
…like a small city where you can shop, eat , see a film and even dance.
know less people…
Life can be dreams Life can be green thoughts Life is mostly cheerful But sometimes sad
Life can be dirty
Life can even be painful
But life is what you make it
One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.
Compared with the past, what is the most important thing in future transportation? No pollution is the most important thing.
Read the first two sentences of each paragraph, and find out in which paragraph you can find answers to the questions
1. How will people travel in the future? Para 2 2. What will schools be like in the future? Para 5 3. How will people shop in the future? Para 3 4. What will the human body be like ? Para 4 5. What will the future be like in general? Para 1、6
高二英语Unit6 Reading 课件
Cash: notes
Consumers Customers:
the people who buy and use the products
goods: things for sale
Urban: in a city or town
forecast urban consumer tiny goods cash 1.Have you listened to the weather_______? forecast puters are getting smaller and smaller. Weather forcast Some day we will wear____computers around tiny our neck or on our wrist. 3. Many people want to work in urban _____areas but still live in the countryside. cash 4.It is not a good idea to carry too much_____when you travel. You had better use a bank card. 5.The company promises that consumers _________who have been cheated by it can get double their money back.
What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future? If we learn to accept change an appreciate what is
跟叶子讲电话,那都是要排在给天天讲故事后面的。每次都是叶子打过来,我挂掉打回去,然后天天在那头接起:“爸爸,这次就讲一个故事。”接着,他会告诉我故事大概:“小狐狸上课打瞌睡, 被老师批评了,都怪他晚上不好好睡觉。”我赶紧领旨,开始杜撰。那是一堂体育课,两个老师摇着绳子,小朋友们挨个跳绳。小花妹妹因为三岁就开始练习,跳了十个;天天学得晚,跳了三个。小象 嘟嘟太胖了,只跳了一个。小狐狸笑话他说:“大笨象,真笨。”天天说:“不许嘲笑同学,嘟嘟虽然跳绳不好,但是他拔河和举重都是第一名啊!”每个小朋友都有长处和短处,这点天天早就知道。轮 到小狐狸了,他打着哈欠过去,都没注意绳子,然后被绳子打到了头。“哎呦!”小狐狸哭着喊道:“老师打我!”讲道这里,我问天天:“是老师错了吗?”他在电话那头肯定地回答我说:“不对, 是小狐狸自己不小心!”bbin大全信誉
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
小狐狸被老师惩罚了,他中午只能吃米饭和青菜,不能吃鸡腿。但他趁小象嘟嘟不小心,抢了嘟嘟的鸡腿就跑,边跑边吃。幸好,门卫爷爷拦住了他。“小狐狸,把鸡腿还给小象!”老师批评小狐 狸。小狐狸生气地把吃剩的半个鸡腿扔到地上说:“还给你!”我停住,问天天:“如果是你,会捡吗?”天天说:“我会捡。”我笑着说:“不行,那太脏了。”天天乖巧地说:“那我不捡了。”我 接着讲,小象嘟赌赶紧跑过去捡起来吃,嘴里嘟囔着:“还有肉,还有肉。”天天在那边听得哈哈大笑。我又重复了一遍:“还有肉,还有肉。”小家伙在那头笑得更欢了:“爸爸,你别说了,肚子都 笑疼了。”我听他的,继续讲:“小象吃了沾了小狐狸口水和地上灰尘的脏鸡腿,肚子疼了起来,天天赶紧打119,送他去了医院。”天天在那头大声纠正着:“是120!119是消防车。”
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Read and fill in the chart: Para. 2--5
Field Transportation
Example or way
New maglev train
Advantages or Progress
Health & Medicine
1.Ecommerce; 2.Online shopping 3.S__h_o_p_p_in_g_i_n_t_h_e_m_ alls
looking at the crowd and I see your body sway, c´mon Wishing I could thank you in a different way, c´mon ´Cause all of your time spent keeps us alive... All of your time spent keeps us alive...
Tips: post(帖子); moderator( 斑竹) Welcome to add water(欢迎灌水)!
1. Review & retell Reading. 2. Finish the post. 3. Famous Teacher No.1:P123—Passage A & B
we should learn more knowledge to fit in with
the needs of the society.…
This is Mr Future’s forum on the internet(网上论坛). The recent topic is One Day in My Future.
Mr Handsome
What does the passage mainly tell us about the future?
Transportation Business Health and medicine
Education and Knowledge
Байду номын сангаас
Read and answer: 1. What are the trends of the future transportation?
Para. 1 & Para. 6
1. Is it possible for us to predict the future? How? To use models to make forecast about the future development To examine some of the major trends in contemporary society
---- by Backstreet boy
Lotus Chen
What do you like to ask him about the future? Job? writer & editor Nationality ? Hobby?
predicting anything about the future Nick name:
Education & Knowledge
E-schools; schools on the air
What are the advantages of maglev train?
Environmentally friendly
Maglev train
energy -saving Amazing speed---430 km/h
All you people can´t you see, can´t you see how your love´s affecting our reality Everytime we´re down you can make it right
And that makes you larger than life
Topic: One Day in My Future
Mr. Future
I have written an article Life in the Future, in which I predicted transportation, business, health & medicine and education & knowledge in the future. Now I like to listen to your predictions about the future. All topics about future are welcomed. Please write your posts about it. Welcome to add water!
Controlled by an advanced computer system.
E-commerce Online shopping
…like a small city where you can shop ,eat see a film and even dance.
Make it easier for companies to keep in touch with customersand companies in other countries
Education and Knowledge:
Study whenever they have time and wherever they may be
Become lifelong learners
Do you think it is important for us to be lifelong learners? Why or why not?
Cleaner, faster and safer.
2. What ways of doing business and shopping will be more and more popular?
E-commerce; online shopping. 3. What will people’s health and life be like?
Change of people’s Advances in attitude towards health medicine science
Pay more attention to the importance of … Exercise regularly
With a better understanding. cure more diseases; New discoveries…lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicine are made.
Larger than life
I may run and hide When you´re screaming my name, alright But let me tell you now there are prices to fame, alright All of our time spent in flashes of light
A form of entertainment
Combine shopping with fun
Convenient (using smart
Health and medicine:
What makes it possible for people to enjoy a longer and healthier life?
Longer and healthier life; remain active even in old age. 4.What other kind of school may the students go to except real classrooms? “Schools on the air” and “e-schools”.
2. What should we do in order to be well-prepared for the future?
Learn to accept change Appreciate what is new and different
What else should we do in order to be well-prepared?