四升五年级试卷数学【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题1. 下列哪个数字是偶数?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 62. 1米等于多少分米?A. 10B. 100C. 1000D. 100003. 下列哪个图形是长方形?A. 正方形B. 圆形C. 三角形D. 长方形4. 下列哪个数字是质数?A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 155. 下列哪个数字是合数?A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 14二、判断题1. 5+5=10()2. 1米等于10分米()3. 三角形有三个角()4. 质数是指只能被1和它本身整除的数()5. 合数是指除了1和它本身,还能被其他数整除的数()三、填空题1. 2+3=_____2. 1米=______分米3. 三角形有______个角4. 质数是指只能被1和______整除的数5. 合数是指除了1和它本身,还能被______整除的数四、简答题1. 请简述偶数和奇数的区别。
2. 请简述质数和合数的区别。
3. 请简述长方形的特点。
4. 请简述分数的意义。
5. 请简述小数的意义。
五、应用题1. 小明有3个苹果,小红比小明多2个苹果,请问小红有多少个苹果?2. 一辆汽车每小时可以行驶60公里,请问2小时可以行驶多少公里?3. 一个长方形的长是5厘米,宽是3厘米,请问这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘米?4. 一个班级有20名学生,其中有10名男生,请问这个班级的女生人数是多少?5. 一个数字加上5等于10,请问这个数字是多少?六、分析题1. 请分析并解答下列方程:2x+3=112. 请分析并解答下列方程:3x-5=7七、实践操作题1. 请用直尺和圆规画出以下图形:一个边长为5厘米的正方形。
2. 请用直尺和圆规画出以下图形:一个半径为3厘米的圆。
八、专业设计题1. 设计一个简单的计算器,能够进行加、减、乘、除运算。
2. 设计一个自动售货机,能够接收硬币并找零。
3. 设计一个计时器,能够记录从开始到结束的时间。
四升五年级试卷数学【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个数字是偶数?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 62. 一个正方形的四条边长相等,那么它的周长是?A. 边长的两倍B. 边长的三倍C. 边长的四倍D. 边长的五倍3. 下列哪个图形不是三角形?A. 等边三角形B. 等腰三角形C. 长方形D. 直角三角形4. 下列哪个数是素数?A. 12B. 17C. 20D. 215. 下列哪个数是负数?A. -3B. 0C. 3D. 5二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 2 + 2 = 4 ()2. 一个三角形的内角和等于180度。
()3. 1是素数。
()4. 0是偶数。
()5. 长方形和正方形的周长计算公式相同。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 7 + 8 = __2. 15 9 = __3. 一个正方形的边长是6厘米,那么它的面积是__平方厘米。
4. 一个三角形的两个内角分别是30度和60度,那么第三个内角是__度。
5. 2的倍数都是__数。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述偶数和奇数的定义。
2. 请简述素数和合数的定义。
3. 请简述三角形的内角和定理。
4. 请简述长方形和正方形的周长计算公式。
5. 请简述负数的定义。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,请计算它的周长。
2. 一个等边三角形的边长是5厘米,请计算它的周长。
3. 一个正方形的面积是36平方厘米,请计算它的边长。
4. 一个三角形的两个内角分别是40度和100度,请计算第三个内角的度数。
5. 请列出前五个素数。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析并解释为什么1既不是素数也不是合数。
2. 请分析并解释为什么0既不是正数也不是负数。
七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请画出一个等边三角形,并标出它的内角。
2. 请画出一个长方形,并标出它的长和宽。
八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个实验,验证物体在水平面上的滚动速度与斜面角度的关系。
小学奥数综合素质评估 4升5 详解
一、填空题Ⅰ(本大题共 8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分.)
1. 计算: 2.01 5 4.4 ________. 【考点】小数四则运算 【难度】★ 【详解】14.45.原式 10.05 4.4 14.45 .
2. 右图共有_________个三角形. 【考点】枚举法 【难度】★ 【详解】5.分块数出,一共有 5 个三角形.
果小明抢到的红包钱数最多,小明爸爸抢到的最少.如果小明将抢到的钱分给爸爸 2.2 元,小明就
和爸爸的钱数一样;如果小明妈妈将抢到的钱分给小明爸爸 1 元,小明妈妈和爸爸的钱数也就一
第 3 页共 10 页
【 详 解 】 3.2 . 小 明 比 爸 爸 多 4.4 元 , 妈 妈 比 爸 爸 多 1 元 . 爸 爸 的 钱 数 设 为 1 份 , 有 1份 1份 2 1份 4.4 10元 ,得1份 1.2元 ,所以妈妈的钱数为1份 2 3.2元 .
19. 如图,把 1、2、3、4、5 填入各个方格中,要求每行、每列的数字互不相同,同时每个区域的数字 也互不相同,那么 ABCD 所代表的四位数是________. 【考点】数独 【难度】★★★ 【详解】3452.答案如下表,按第一行,第二行,第四列,第二列,第五行依次填出.
15. 一个布袋里有一些除颜色不同外完全一样的小球,其中红的 7 个,橙的 6 个,黄的 5 个,绿的 4 个,青的 3 个,蓝的 2 个,紫的 1 个,一次至少取_______个球,才能保证其中有 3 个球的颜色是 相同的. 【考点】抽屉原理 【难度】★★☆ 【详解】14.根据最不利原则,可得至少取1 2 2 5 1 14 个球,才能保证其中有 3 个球的颜色 是相同的.
2016年第十届巨人杯综合素质评估数学思维能力检测四升五(总分:150分时间:80分钟)题目答案需填在答题卡内,只填在原题的横线上不得分! Ⅰ(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 3.418 3.29⨯+⨯=________. 2016年巨人杯在4月4日如期举行,某考点一年级共有4个考场,每考场11人;二年级共有2个考场,每考场12人;三年级6个考场,每考场17人;四年级3个考场,每考场19人;五年级5个考场,每考场17人,那么该考点所有考场平均每个考场有________人. 如图,在边长为1厘米的正方形格点图形中,“人”字的面积是________平方厘米.答题卡 得分 总分 一.填空题Ⅰ(每小题5分,共40分) 1.____________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________ 4. ____________ 5.____________ 6. ____________ 7. _____________ 8. ____________ 二.填空题Ⅱ(每小题6分,共48分) 9.____________ 10.____________ 11.____________ 12.____________ 13.____________ 14.____________ 15.____________ 16.____________ 三.填空题Ⅲ(每小题6分,共24分) 17.___________ 18._____________ 19.____________ 20.____________ 四.填空题Ⅳ(21~22小题,每小题7分,23~25小题,每小题8分,共38分) 21.___________ 22._____________ 23.____________ 24.____________ 25.___________4.一个自然数,加上2016,再乘以2016,再减去2016,再除以2016,最后结果恰好等于2016,那么原来那个自然数是________.A A能被9整除,则A的取值是________.5.四位数446.一个边长为6的正方形,沿着水平方向横着切一刀,把正方形分成了2个小长方形,那么这2个小长方形的周长的和是________.7.从10名同学中选出3名值日生,共有________种不同的选法.8.2月的一天,同学们分三组去敬老院看望老人,老人们发现这三组的人数各不相同,每组不止一名同学,而且乘积刚好是当天的日期号,那么看望老人的一共有________个同学.二、填空题Ⅱ(本大题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分)9.有一个公差为3,项数为10的递增等差数列.前3项的和为45,那么最后3项的和是________.10.形如4014A B,且能被36整除的六位数共有________个.11.2016年元旦,小海龟回家看望长辈,回到家中他很好奇爷爷奶奶的年龄.爷爷说:“我的年龄的数字之和是9的倍数.”奶奶说:“在今年以前,我度过了二十九个闰年,我比你爷爷小三岁.”那么爷爷奶奶今年年龄的和是________岁.12.已知三个质数的平方的和是150,那么这三个质数的和是________.13.如图所示,一个大长方形被分成9个小长方形,其中5个小长方形的面积图中已经给出,那么大长方形的面积是________.14. 小明、小华、小红三人去买本子,买完之后发现,小明与小华买的本子数量的乘积比小红买的本子数量多430,那么三人买的本子总数至少是________本.15. A 、B 两地之间有C 、D 、E 三个车站,并且相邻两个车站距离一样,公交车从A 地开出,初始人数有20人,在C 站下车4人,上车9人;在D 站下车2人,上车1人;在E 站下车5人,上车8人,最后所有人乘坐的总距离一共为48千米,那么A 、B 两地相距________米.16. 用4个小正方形无缝隙不重叠地拼成1个长方形,其中最小的正方形边长是1,显然能拼成的长方形的面积最小是4,那么能拼成的长方形的面积最大是________.三、填空题Ⅲ(本大题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分)17. 用1,2,3,4,5,6这六个数字拼成一个六位数,要求这个六位数的第一位能被1整除,前二位组成的两位数能被2整除,前三位组成的三位数能被3整除,前四位组成的四位数能被4整除,前五位组成的五位数能被5整除,前六位组成的六位数能被6整除,那么这样的六位数最大是________.18. 四边形ABCD 中,90A C ∠=∠=︒,135B ∠=︒,CD =12,AB =4,则四边形ABCD 的面积是________.19. 三个两位数的乘积等于2016,那么这三个数的和是________.20. 今天是2016年4月4日,如图所示的乘法竖式中已经有2、0、1、6、4、4这6个数字,那么竖式的两个乘数的和是________.⨯ 61 42 4四、填空题Ⅳ(本大题共5小题,21~22小题,每小题7分,23~25小题,每小题8分,共38分.)21.一本不到100页的书,小明看完了前63页,他发现自己看过的所有页码的数码之和刚好与没看的所有页码的数码之和相等.这本书一共有________页.22.有一些自然数仅由数字2、0、1、6组成(可重复使用),将这些自然数从小到大排列,第2016个数是________.23.甲乙两人从AB两地同时出发,不断在A、B之间往返行走,已知两人第一次迎面相遇距离中点3千米,第二次迎面相遇距离中点4.2千米,那么他们第三次迎面相遇距离中点________千米.24.把0、1、2、……、15这16个自然数填入下面4×4的方阵中,使得每一行的4个数除以4得到的商互不相同,余数也互不相同,并且每一列的4个数除以4得到的商互不相同,余数也互不相同,其中1、2、3、4已经填好,并且15不在左下角,那么第4行第2个数是________.25.甲、乙、丙、丁四人手里分别有一些苹果,每人苹果数量都介于20到25之间,且互不相同.他们每人说了三句话,并且,苹果最多的人讲了3句真话;苹果第二多的人讲了2句真话;苹果第三多的人讲了1句真话;苹果最少的人没有一句是真话,三人的描述是:甲:“丁拿了25个,丙的苹果是第三多的,我们4人手里苹果数奇偶性相同.”乙:“甲拿到的苹果是偶数,我和丙的奇偶性不同,我们4人手里苹果加起来不到86个.”丙:“我是第二多的,丁手里苹果最多,甲手里苹果第三多.”丁:“我们四人手里苹果是2个奇数2个偶数,乙手里苹果最少,甲手里苹果比丙多.”请问:丙手里有________个苹果.。
②本试卷满分:110分,时间:40分钟I. 单项填空(每小题2分,共20分)( ) 1. There’s ______ 800-metre-long road behind ______ hospital.an;the D.a;the/ C.A.a;a;a B.( ) 2. —What ______ the number of the students in your school?—About two thousand. A number of them ______ from England.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. are; are( ) 3. —Would you like to see Beijing Opera with me tonight?—I’d like to, but I’m afraid I ______, I have to write to my pen friendA. needB. needn’t C can D can’t( ) 4. The door is not ______ for the elephant to pass.A. wide enoughB. widely enoughC. enough wideD. enough widely ( ) 5. I’ll go for a walk with you if it ______ tomorrow.A. won’t rainB. doesn’t rainC. will rainD. not rains( ) 6. His father likes going hiking. ______.A. So his mother doesB. So is his motherC. So his mother isD. So does his mother( ) 7. —What were you doing at this time yesterday?—I ______ basketball with my friends.A. was playingB. had playedC. have playedD. played( ) 8. Yolanda is a clerk, ______ works in a bank near here.A. sheB. whichC. whoD. that( ) 9. —Could you tell me ______? —Yes, it will start at ten.A. when will the meeting beginB. when the meeting will beginC. where the meeting beginsD. where does the meeting begin( ) 10. —Look at the sign on the right.—Oh, smoking ______ here.A. doesn’t allowB. isn’t allowedC. didn’t allowD. wasn’t allowedII. 完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Do you laugh every day? Most people do. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter.In India, there are hundreds of 1 clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they stretch (伸展) their 2 above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing naturally. People say they feel 3 after laughing together.Scientists believe that laughter is good for you. 4 ? For one thing, laughter is good exercise. When you laugh, you 5 many muscles in your body. Scientists say that 100-time laugh equals ten minutes of running. When you laugh, you also 6 deeply. This helps you relax. That’s good for you, too.Why do we laugh? That is a 7 question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a 8 . They don’t laugh very often when they are alone. Many scientists believe that we use laughter to 9 to other people. Laughter helps us feel part of a group.In English, people say that laughter is the best 10 . Some think that laughter helps sick people get well.laughter C.B.sportexercise D.running( )1.A.C.legs D.feetarmshands B.A.( )2.goodD.nervous C.tiredA.3.( )bored B.( ) 4. A. What B. How C. When D. WhypushD.exercise C.pulltrain B.5.( )A.smellD.breathesneeze C.shout B.A.( )6.boring C.uselessD.hardsilly B.7.( )A.C.family D.clubcentregroup B.8.( )A.C.return D.connectreplytalk B.A.( )9.C.medicinelifestyle D.feelingdiet B.10.( )A.III. 阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)AIf you don’t use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them again, they will gradually (逐渐地) become stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the same with our memory.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame (责怪), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you ever found that some people can’t read or write but they usually have better memories? This is because they can not read or write and they have to remember things; they can not write them down in a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memories are being exercised the whole time.So if you want a good memory, learn from these people: practice remembering.( ) 1. What will happen to your arms or legs if you don’t use them for some time?They will be ___________.A. strongB. brokenC. weakD. hurt( ) 2. What does the word “fault” mean in the second paragraph?A. 困难B. 过错C. 粗心D. 聪明( ) 3. What do many of us think of the person with a poor memory?A. His parents are to blame.B. He isn’t clever.C. He is foolish.D. His parents are very clever.( ) 4. Why do some people usually have better memories but they can’t read or write?Because _______________.A. they are strongerB. they often practice remembering thingsC. they have strong arms and legsD. their parents are good( ) 5. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Arms.B. Legs.C. Behaviors.D. Memories.B阅读下面短文,完成信息卡。
第八届“巨人杯”综合素质评估四年级语文试卷 2014.4(40分钟 满分100分)姓名__________学校______________准考证号________________联系电话_______________一、积累与运用。
(4分)A.应(yīnɡ)接不暇B.笼(lǒnɡ)罩C.缝隙(xì)D.画舫(fǎnɡ) ( )A.不可计数(shǔ)B.蛟(jiǎo)龙C.静谧(mì)D.雕塑(sù) ( )A.一模(mú)一样B.召(zhào)开C.谴(qiǎn)责D.惬(xiá)意 ( )A.引吭(hánɡ)大叫B.穴(xuè)位C.脸颊(jiá)D.涟漪(yī) ( )2.下列字都是多音字,请按照标示的读音,写出含有这个字的四字词语。
(8分)例:模: mó 模糊不清 mú 一模一样数:shǔ shù干:ɡān ɡàn重:zhònɡ chónɡ兴:xīnɡ xìnɡ3.分别写出表现四季景色的诗句。
(8分)(1)春天: , 。
(2)夏天: , 。
(3)秋天: , 。
(4)冬天: , 。
(写出一人即可)(8分) ..名著(1)瑶琴三尺胜雄师,诸葛西城退敌时。
( )(2)曹操军中飞虎出,赵云怀内小龙眠。
( )(3)黑熊般一身粗肉,铁牛似遍体顽皮。
( )(4)身穿金甲亮堂堂,头戴金冠光映映。
20. 甲、乙两辆汽车分别从 A、B 两地同时出发,相向而行.甲车在两车相遇后 1 小时到达 B 地并立即 返回 A 地,又过了 3 小时,甲车在返回的途中追上乙车.已知甲车比乙车每小时多行驶 50 千米, 那么 A、B 两地距离________千米. 【考点】行程问题 【难度】★★★☆ 【详解】画出行程图:
A ○1
B ○3
G ○2 N
○4 H
8. 如图,一个整数 a 顺时针旋转一圈,最后还是它本身,那么 a 是
【考点】方程解数阵图 【难度】★★
【详解】根据条件,列出方程: a 6 7 8 9a ,解得 a 17 .
第2页 共8页
二、填空题Ⅱ(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 4 分,共 24 分.)
图形中被分割出的每个三角形的面积都相等, 因此阴影部分的面积为 6 6 4 9 平方厘米.
第6页 共8页
22. 下图为一个残缺的除法竖式,其中一个四位数为回文数(回文数:一个数从左往右读与从右往左读 是一样的.例如 11、121、9889、1234321 等等都是回文数).将竖式补完整后,被除数是________.
9. 已知一个六位数 AB11BA 能被 99 整除,那么由 A、B 组成的两位数 AB 共有________个.( A B ) 【考点】整除 【难度】★★☆ 【详解】由 11 的整除特性,可得这个数能被 11 整除,因此只需要满足这个数能被 9 整除即可,即
数字和 A B 1 1 B A 2 2 A B 为 9 的倍数,则 A B 8 或 17 且 A B , A 0 ,所以
1981 是第 44 2 1 2 1 1 88 个拐弯数,而第 89 个拐弯数为: 1981 45 2026 2010 ,即小
【详细解答】A 有 5 种选法,B 有 4 种选法,C 有 3 种选法,D 有 3 种选法,E 有 3 种选法,F 有
3 种选法,那么总共有 5 4 3 3 3 3 1620 种不同的种法.
三、填空题Ⅲ(本大题共 4 小题,每小题 7 分,共 28 分)
13. 七巧板是一种是由七块板组成的智力游戏,如图 1.七巧板的
→ 24 → 25 → 26 ↓ → 9 → 10 … ↓ → 2 11 ↓ ↓ ← 3 12 ↓ ← 14 ← 13
17、21、26、31 ,此数列后一项与前一项的差组成的数列为 1、2、2、3、3、4、4、5、5 ,
又经试算知: 2 1 2 2 3 3 44 44 2 1 (2 44) 43 1981 2010 ,而
第 3 页 共 6 页
10. 如图, 将 0 至 8 填入图中的 9 个圆圈中, 使得两条对角线上 5 个圆圈中
那么这个和 所填数的和以及两个正方形 4 个顶点上所填数的和都相等, 是_______. 【所考题型】数阵图 【难度星级】★★★ 【详细解答】将两条对角线上的数都加起来,中间的小圆圈加了两次,其他的小圆圈都加了一次, 得到了和的两倍;将两个正方形上的小圆圈加起来,中间的小圆圈没有加,其他的小圆圈都加了一 次,也得到和的两倍,说明每个小圆圈都加一次再加上中间的小圆圈得到的和,与每个小圆圈都加 一次再减去中间的小圆圈得到的差相等,那么中间的小圆圈肯定为 0,那么将两个正方形上的小圆 圈加起来,相当于将 1 至 8 都加起来,和就为 1 2 3 8 2 18 .
请把所有答案都写在答题卡上英语部分(总分:100分时间:40分钟)(共15小题,每题2分,共30分)1. Is that _____ hat? No, it’s not _____. It’s _____.A. your, my, TomsB. you, mine, Tom’sC. yours, mine, TomD. your, mine, Tom’s2. The teacher told the boy students _____ football on the grass.A. not playB. not to playC. playedD. playing3. Don’t talk here. Grandparents _____.A. is sleepingB. are sleepingC. sleepingD. sleep4. —If you don’t like the red coat, take the blue one.—OK, but do you have _____ size in blue? This one is a bit small for me.A. a bigB. the biggerC. the bigD. a bigger5. The students looked _____ at their teacher when she told them the good news.A. happyB. sadC. happilyD. sadly6. —Have you seen him today?—Yes, I _____ him this morning.A. seeingB. seesC. seeD. saw7. —Were you often late for school last term, Tom?—No, _____. I got to school early every day.A. usuallyB. alwaysC. sometimesD. never8. Your father is sleeping because he is so tired, you had better _____.A. not to wake him upB. not wake him upC. to wake him upD. wake him up9. —Where have you _____ these days?—I have _____ to Dazhu with my friends.A. been, goneB. been, beenC. gone, beenD. gone, gone10. There _____ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A. wasB. is going to haveC. will haveD. is going to be11. Linda ate nothing this morning, _____?A. didn’t sheB. was sheC. did sheD. wasn’t she12. —Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?—Thanks, but you _____, I’ve had enough.A. may notB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. can’t13. We have lived here _____ five years ago.A. whenB. sinceC. beforeD. after14. The child _____ she is looking after is Wang Ping’s son.A. whoB. whichC. whereD. whose15. —Would you like _____ cups of tea?—No, I don’t want _____.A. some, someB. any, anyC. some, anyD. any, some二、完形填空(共10小题,每题2分,共20分)The best way of learning a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is 16 in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up (混淆) and people will not 17 you. Sometimes people will 18 things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But 19 you keep your sense of humor (幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you 20 . Don’t be 21 if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s 22 for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, 23 they don’t understand what you are saying. The most 24 thing for learning English is: ‘Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because 25 makes mistakes.’16. A. listening B. talking C. reading D. writing17. A. like B. know C. help D. understand18. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak19. A. if B. why C. where D. what20. A. have B. make C. take D. do21. A. happy B. unhappy C. comfortable D. bad22. A. good B. best C. better D. well23. A. because B. but C. and D. then24. A. funny B. difficult C. interesting D. important25. A. someone B. everyone C. something D. everything三、阅读理解(共10小题,每题3分,共30分)AA good breakfast is important. We can easily understand why. We have not eaten anything for about twelve hours by breakfast time. Our bodies need food for morning activities.A good breakfast should have rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.We must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast. A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily. It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily. Choose the best answer.26. Why do we need food in the morning?A. Because we’ve had nothing to eat for the whole night.B. Because we have not eaten anything for eight hours.C. Because we have plenty of time to eat something.D. Because we like to eat things in the morning.27. A good breakfast will be _____.A. only rice or breakB. rice, bread and milkC. bread or rice, an egg, fruit and milkD. all kinds of food28. What is important?A. To get up late.B. To have plenty of food.C. To have a good breakfast.D. To have a hot drink.29. What does a good breakfast help us to do?A. To smile.B. To help us to be more friendly and do everything better and happily.C. To make us fat easily.D. To sleep well.30. Why do we eat breakfast?A. We need food for morning activities.B. To help us to smile more easily.C. To work better and play more happily.D. All the above.BWhen Mr David retired, he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were visitors outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr David’s garden. This was too much for Mr David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window.The notice said, ‘If you want to satisfy (满足) your curiosity (好奇心), come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.’ Mr David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr David had to spend every day showing them around his house. ‘I came here to retire, not to work as a guide,’ he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.Choose the best answer.31. Mr David’s house was _____ that many visitors came to see it.A. so smallB. so quietC. so interestingD. such interesting32. Mr David put a notice on the window in order _____.A. to drive the visitors awayB. to satisfy the visitors’ curiosityC. to let visitors come in and look aroundD. to get some money out of the visitors33. The notice made the visitors _____.A. more interested in his houseB. lose interest in his houseC. angry at the unfair priceD. feel happy about the price34. After Mr David put up the notice _____.A. the visitors didn’t come any moreB. fewer and fewer visitors came to see his houseC. more and more visitors came for a visitD. no visitor would pay for a visit35. At last he had to sell his house and move away because _____.A. he did not like it at allB. he could not work as a guideC. he made enough money and wanted to buy an expensive houseD. he could not live a quiet life in it四、书面表达(共20分)Last weekend you had a good time with your parents. Write a note to your best friend. Say:●where you went●what you did●why you were happyWrite 40-60 words.Write the note on your answer sheet.请把所有答案都写在答题卡上。
(1~11题,每题2分,其余每题3分,共43分)1. 1.5小时=( )分230千克=()吨600m²=()cm²2.3个1,6个百分之一组成的小数是();再加上()就是最小两位数。
8.一筐梨连筐共重25kg,卖出一半后,连筐共重13.5kg,筐重( ),梨重()。
9.小王从山脚以每分钟走60米的速度走了12分钟到山顶,下山时每分钟走比原来多行30米,则小王回来用了( )分。
10. 一张长方形的纸如右图折叠。
已知:∠2=74°,∠1=( )度。
11. 一个两位小数精确到十分位后约是10.0,问原来这个数最大是( ),最小是( )。
2011年第五届巨人杯综合素质测评22011年第五届巨人杯综合素质测评四升五英语卷一、单项选择(试题数15,每题2分)1. There are two ______ in my pencil-box.A. knifeB. knifesC. knivesD. a knife2.They have ______ on the hill.A. apple treeB. apple treesC. apples treesD. apples trees3.There is not ______ in the purse.A. some moneyB. some moneysC. any moneyD. any moneys4.Look! An elephant ______ this way.A. was comingB. is comingC. cameD. comes5.Does Lily ______ many foreign friends ?A. haveB. hasC. havingD. had6.Ellen ______ an old book and her brother ______ many new books.A. has /hasB. have /haveC. have/hasD. has/have7.——Were your parents at home last night ?——No. We ______ went to Grandma’s birthday part y.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none8.Excuse me . ______ you ______ an eraser ?A. Are/thereB. Do/haveC. Are/haveD. Do/has9.——______ ?——It’s 11:00.A. How old are youB. What’s the timeC. How far is it from hereD. How much is it10.My favorite ______ is Monday.A. subjectB. colorC. clothesD. day11. ——What’s the time now ?——It’s ______.A. ten o’clockB. ThursdayC. June 15D. morning.12. Which do you like ______,roses or forget-me-nots ?A. bestB. goodC. wellD. better13. There______ a lot of food, milk and fruits in the fridge.A. isB. areC. hasD. have14. ——______ is your favorite sportsman ?——Liu Xiang.A. HowB. WhenC. WhoD. Which15.There ______ a great number of students over there. The number of the students ______ five thousand.A.are/isB.are/areC. is/areD.is/is二、阅读理解(试题数25,每题2分)(A)Hello! ___16___ name is John. I’m 13 years old .I’m ___17___Class Two, Grade One. I have a friend at school. ___18___isa boy. ___19___name is Dave. His telephone number ___20___ 56123489.Oh,this is his ___22___ the floor. Look, here is a photo ___23___ my family , This is my mother and ___24___ is my father .I love them very much and ___25___ love me ,too.16. A. I B. My C. His17. A. in B. at C. on18. A. He B. She C. It19. A. Her B. My C. His20. A. is B. am C. are21. A. red B. name C. pencil22. A. near B. on C. under23. A. to B. with C. of24. A. this B. she C. I25. A. them B. they C. we(B)This is Ann. She ‘s a teacher. She ‘s wearing a pair of grey and white shoes. Frank is her brother .He likes swimming best .But Frank’s uncle likes playing football. Who is Frank’s uncle ? He’s Frank’s father’s brother Bob.26. Ann is ______ .A.an English teacherB.a teacherC.a Chinese teacherD.a worker27.What colour are Ann’s shoes ?A.WhiteB.GreyC.BlackD.A and B28.Which is Frank’s favourite ? ______A.PlayingB.SwimmingC.Playing footballD.I don’t know.29.Bob is ______.A. Frank’s dadB.Ann’s uncleC. Ann’s mum’s brotherD.Frank’s mum’s brother30.Bob’s favourite is ______.A. playing footballB.swimmingC.A and BD.neither(C)Li Ming and Li Ping are brothers. They are Chinese. But they are in England now. They speak English .They are twins. They look the same. Their sweaters look the same ,too. They are yellow .They are very ni ce sweaters. Look at this sweater. It’s Li Ming’s. It isn’t Li Ping’s. Li Ping can’t find his sweater. He thinks his sweater is at home , but it’s in his schoolbag.31.Li Ming and Li Ping are ______.A.EnglishB.EnglandC.Chinese32. Li Ming and Li Ping are ______ .A.sistersB.twinsC.friends.33. They are ______.A.studentsB.girlsC.workers34. Li Ping’s sweater is ______.A. at homeB.hereC.in Li Ping’s schoolbagD.in Li Ming’schoolbag.35. Their sweaters are ______.A. yellowB.differentC.at schoolD.at home(D)In the morning Mr. Smith comes into the garden at the back of his house. He sees much snow in the garden. Mr.Smith wants to take his car out, so he asks a man to clean the road from his garage(车库)to the gate .He says to the man “Don’t throw any snow on that side .It will damage(损坏)the flowers in the street, or the policeman will come .”Then he goes out.When he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow on the flowers ,on the wall or in the street .But when he opens the garage, he sees the garage in full of snow ,and his car is under the snow!36. In the morning Mr. Smith finds there is a lot of snow in ______.A. his gardenB. his garageC. his houseD. his car37. He tells a man to clean the road ,because he ______.A. doesn’t like snowB. wants to keep the road cleanC. wants to take his car out of the garageD. often tells the man to do something38. Where does Mr. Smith ask the man to throw the snow ?A. On the flowersB. Into the streetC. On the wallD.We don’t know39. He opens the garage and ______.A.takes his car outB. finds it is full of snowC. finds the car isn’t in itD. takes the snow out40. Where’s Mr. Smith’s car ? ______.A.Under the snowB.In the streetC. Near the roadD.In front of his house .三、写作部分。
3 7 54 = 12014 年第xx届巨⼈杯综合素质评估数学思维能⼒检测⼀升⼆(总分:100 分时间:50 分钟)【学⽣注意】请将所有答案按要求填写在试卷上!⼀、填空题Ⅰ(每题 5 分,共 40 分)1. 在下⾯的圆圈中填⼊“+”或“-”,使等式成⽴.【考点】填运算符号.【难度】★.【详解】3 7 5 4 1 .通过尝试可得出答案.2. 下⾯算式中结果最⼩..的是________.(填字母代号)A.2 4 6 8 10B.21 8C.27 8 7D.60 50 40 30 20 10【考点】速算巧算.【难度】★★.【详解】C.3. 下⾯图形中,不能⽤⼀笔画直接画出的图形是________.(填字母代号)【考点】⼀笔画问题.【难度】★.【详解】C.考号A B C D________________ 姓名______________ 所在⼩学__________________ 联系电话_______________ 第 2 页共 5 页4. 2 只和 1 只加起来⼀共有________条腿.【考点】基本应⽤题.【难度】★.【详解】8.5. 数⼀数,下图中⼀共有________个三⾓形.【考点】数图形.【难度】★★.【详解】12.6. 找规律填空.【考点】找规律填数.【难度】★★.【详解】8.7. 天天原来有 12 个苹果,他给⽯头 2 个后,两⼈同样多,那么⽯头原.来.有________个苹果.【考点】基本应⽤题【难度】★★.23、20、17、14、11、______、5、2. 第 3 页共 5 页【详解】8.8.下图四个杯⼦中⽔⾯⾼度⼀样,在⾥⾯分别加了同样⼤⼩的⽅块糖,糖与⽔相融后,最甜的⼀杯是________.(填字母代号)【考点】巧⽐较.【难度】★★.【详解】C.⼆、填空题Ⅱ(每题 8 分,共 32 分)9.王叔叔要从北京去⼤连,中途必须要经过天津.如图,从北京到天津,可以坐动车或者汽车两种交通⼯具;从天津到⼤连,可以坐轮船、飞机或者动车三种交通⼯具.那么他从北京到⼤连⼀共有________种不同的⽅式.【考点】简单搭配.【难度】★★★.【详解】6.10. 如图,1 个的重量等于________个的重量.北京天津⼤连A B C D 第 4 页共 5 页【考点】等量代换.【难度】★★★.【详解】8.11.明明下午 2 点准时放学,放学后⽴即回家,回家路上⽤去 35 分钟;到家后⽴即写作业,写作业⽤去 40 分钟.那么他写完作业时是下午________点________分.【考点】钟表问题.【难度】★★★.【详解】3 点 15.12.在巨⼈杯测试中,⼀年级⼩选⼿男⽣⽐⼥⽣多 1 ⼈,那么⼀年级参赛总⼈数是________.(填:奇数或偶数)【考点】奇数与偶数.【难度】★★★.【详解】奇.三、填空题Ⅲ(13 题 8 分,14、15 题各 10 分,共 28 分)13. ⼗⼆个⼩朋友参加数学思维测试,成绩显⽰:每个⼈的分数互不相同,⽜⽜排在倒数第 2 名,他和龙龙之间有 8 个⼈,阳阳排在第 5 名,那么龙龙和阳阳之间有________个⼈.【考点】排队问题.【难度】★★★★. 第 5 页共 5 页【详解】2.14. 下图墙⾓处有⼀些⼩⽅块,要把它们堆成⼀个⼤正⽅体,⾄少需要再增加________个⼩⽅块.【考点】数⽅块.【难度】★★★.【详解】14.15. 下图每个圆内四个数的和都是 18,A、B、C、D 是 4 个互不相同的⾃然数且都不是 0,那么 A B C D ________.【考点】填图游戏。
四升五小测试一简便运算共24分56 ⨯5÷ 8 5 ⨯27 ⨯88÷(5 ⨯ 9⨯ 8 )11⨯46+27⨯2246 ⨯23+ 46 ⨯35 +58 ⨯54 22 ⨯33 +39 ⨯66 12÷( 6÷7 )二选择共151.小高的身高是 1.28 米,大高的身高是109 厘米,那么谁的身高高?_______.A.小高B.大高C.一样D.无法确定2. 300 张纸的厚度是9 厘米,那么1 张纸的厚度是_______厘米.A.0.3 B.0.03 C.0.003 D.0.0033. 5000 张纸的厚度是15 厘米,那么1 张纸的厚度是_______分米.A.0.0003 B.0.003 C.0.03 D.0.34. 500 只鸭子的总体重是100 千克,那么平均1 只鸭子的体重是_______千克.A.0.02 B.0.2 C.2 D.0.0025. 小高每小时跑7200 米,那么小高10 小时跑_______千米.A.7.2 B.72 C.720 D.7200三计算:共241.25⨯0.8 25⨯2.4 5.5⨯1.1 6.5⨯ 5.79.4⨯2.3 6.5⨯2.4 4.025⨯2.4 1.2⨯2.6四应用题共37分1. 高斯工厂4 月份生产文具200 套,5 月份生产文具400 套,6 月份每天生产文具600 套,那么高斯工厂第二季度平均每月生产文具_________套.5分2. 钢铁厂1 至4 月份平均每月钢材产量为600 吨,5 至9 月份平均每月钢材产量为780 吨,那么该厂前三个季度钢材的每月平均产量是_________吨.5分3. 敬老院有8 位老人,他们的年龄分别是68 岁、66 岁、67 岁、71 岁、70 岁、66 岁、68 岁、68 岁,这8位老人的平均年龄是_______岁.5分4. 老师在黑板上写了8 个自然数,它们的平均数是50,若把其中的一个数10 改为另一个数,平均数变为60,那么改动后的数是_______.6分5. 森林中七个小矮人的平均身高是90 厘米,后来白雪公主来了,八个人的平均身高是94 厘米,那么白雪公主的身高是_______厘米.5分6. 一张长方形折纸的长是 5.5 分米,宽是 3.5 分米,这张折纸的面积是________平方分米.5分7.飞飞、快快于中午12:00 从相距20 千米的各自家里同时出发,相向而行.飞飞每小时走 6 千米,快快每小时走 4 千米,那么下午______点两人相遇.6分。
小学四升五数学模拟试题1一、选择题(每题 2 分,共 10 分)1、长方形是特其余()。
A、2B、 4C、无数D、以上答案都不对3、北京市某天市内最高气温 4 度,最低气温-6 度,这日北京的温差是()度。
A、1 度B、5 度C、11 度D、 10 度4、以下判断中,正确的有()。
A、0 个B、1 个C、2 个D、3 个①把一个小数尾端的零去掉,小数的大小不变,表示的意思也不变。
③比 1.5 大,比 1.9 小的小数只有 3 个。
④一个大于 1 的数乘上一个小数,所得的积必然比本来的数小。
二、填空(一题 3 分,其余每空 2 分,共 36 分)1、 60 千克 =()吨28分米=()厘米12分=()时2、321.123 这个小数中从左到右数, 第一个“ 2”在()位,表示2个(),第二个“ 2”在()位,表示 2 个()。
3、一个等腰三角形的其中一个底角是40 度,那么它的顶角是()度,这是一个()三角形。
4、爸爸比笑笑年龄大28 岁,今年爸爸 a 岁,笑笑今年()岁。
当爸爸和笑笑年龄和是50 岁时,笑笑()岁。
5、一个三角形的内角和是180 度,那么一个五边形的内角和是()度。
7、一桶油连桶共重21.5 千克,卖出一半油后,连桶共重12.2 千克,这个桶里面本来装了()千克油。
8、以下列图,长方形内有两个相邻的正方形,其中面积分别为25 平方厘米和 4 平方厘米,那么阴影部分的面积是()平方厘米。
二、选择题:(每小题2分,共10分)1、4个连续偶数和是20 ,这四个偶数中最大的与最小的数的差是()A、3B、5C、4D、62、三个奇数的和乘以偶数,所得的积是()A、奇数B、偶数C、质数D、合数3、用3、7、9四个数字,能组成()个不同的三位数。
A、2B、4C、60D、120三、计算题:(共17分)1、解方程(每小题3分)12x-9x=8.7 3(x+2.1)=10.5 7(x-3)=3(x+5)+42、列式计算:(每小题4分)(1)、某数的3倍减去2,等于这个数加上8,求这个数。
【精品】北师大版四年级下册数学试题 四升五能力测评
(1-10题每题三分,11-20题每题5分,共80分) 1.5.9+5.99+5.999+5.9999=( )2.(27×25×24×22)÷(5×6×9×11)=( )3.77+76-75-74+73+72-71-70+69+68+…+4-3-2+1=( )4.75×38.3-2.54×750+2.5×129=( )5.一个长方形长a 厘米,宽6厘米,将这个长方形的长增加4厘米,则他的周长增加( )厘米。
6.已知一个等腰三角形的顶角度数恰好是底角度数的4倍,那么他的顶角是( )度。
已知丙比战士年龄大,甲和工人不同岁,工人比乙年龄小,那么三人中教师是( ) 8.某校四年级有3个班共若干人,已知四年级的总人数比四年级一班多92人,比四年级二班多89人,比四年级三班多91人,该校四年级共有( )人。
在这个过程中李大妈( )A 、赚了3元钱B 、亏了3元钱C 、赚了6元钱D 、亏了6元钱E 、不亏不赚 10.下面说法正确的有( )个。
11.用5个立方块摆立体图形,从上面看到的形状是: ,那么这个立体图形可能的形状一共有( )钟。
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②本试卷满分:110分,时间:40分钟I. 单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)( ) 1. —What's your favourite ______? —Orange juice.fooddrinkD.A.animal B.colour C.( ) 2. —Is that your key? —No, ______ key is in my bag.his C.her D.yourB.A.my( ) 3. —______ do you usually go to work? —By bus.D.HowWhyWhere C.A.When B.( ) 4. —Can you stay here for lunch? —Sorry, ______, I have to see my parents.A. I can'tB. I shouldn'tC. I mustn'tD. I won't( ) 5. Many young students enjoy ______ pop music.A. listen toB. listening toC. to listen toD. listening( ) 6. It's cold outside. You’d better ______ your coat if you go out.A. put awayB. try onC. take offD. put on( ) 7. Nobody can catch up with Jim. He always runs ______ in our class.slowly D.mostslowlyfastest C.moreA.faster B.( ) 8. —Could you tell me ______? —Yes, it will begin at ten.A. when will the meeting beginB. when the meeting will beginC. where the meeting beginD. where does the meeting begin( ) 9. Shirley ______ a book about China last year, but I don’t know if she’s finished it.A. writesB. was writingC. has writtenD. is writing( ) 10. Mr. Zhang asked me ______ the words again.toread D.readingC.readsA.read B.II. 完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Dear Li Hua,Thank you 1 your last letter. Here are some photos 2 me and my twin sister, Tina. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look 3 . We both have blue eyes and brown 4 , although my hair is shorter 5 hers. We both 6 running and swimming, although Tina is more athletic(体格健壮)than me. She is 7 outgoing, and I’m quieter. I think I’m smarter than her. My 8 subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. However, we both enjoy 9 to parties and making friends there.By the way, we haven’t seen each other for more than a month, and I miss you very much. Can you write 10 me or come to see me soon?Love,TaraC.with D.inB.aboutfor1.( )A.C.by D.ofwith( )like B.2.A.thesamelikedifferent C.D.better B.3.( )A.headD.hairC.A.( )4.nose B.teeth()5.A.as B.than C.so D.to( ) 6. A. like B. don’t like C. never like D. dislikemuchless C.manyD.more B.7.( )A.importantD.favorite C.hard8.( )A.difficult B.( ) 9. A. goes B. to go C. go D. goingfor C.of D.in( )B.10.A.toIII. 阅读理解(每小题3分,共30分)AThe summer vacation is coming. Helen and her friends are making plans for the vacation.Helen wants to stay with her aunt in another city. During theweekdays, she wants to take some computer lessons. And onweekends, she wants to go to the beach to relax. Her close friend,Susan, is thinking about going camping on an island. She is anactive girl. She likes seeing the beauty of the sea. When she gets tothe island, she wants to swim in the sea and hike in the nearby woods. Helen’s another friend, Cindy, has a different plan. She wants to take a part-time job ina fast food restaurant. Cindy likes meeting new people and listening to them. She thinks that she can not only get some pocket money, but also learn a lot from the job. In a week’s time, allof them are starting their vacations and they wish to have a great time.( ) 1. What is Susan going to do?ToB.camping.lessons.gocomputerToA.takepart-timejob.aToC.work. D.Taking( ) 2. According to the passage, what is Susan like?A. She is quiet.B. She is active.C. She is hard-workingD. She is hard. ( ) 3. What does Cindy want to do?A. To get a full-time job in a fast food restaurant.B. To get a part-time job near the beach.C. To get a part-time job in a fast food restaurant.D. To visit her friends and relatives. ( ) 4. What do the underlined words ‘pocket money’ mean in Chinese?A. 几袋子钱B. 零花钱C. 钱包D. 奖金( ) 5. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Going camping in the summer vacation.B. Visiting friends in the summer vacation.C. Three girls’ plans for the summer vacation.D. Taking a part-time job is good.BVisit Forest ZooCome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from Northeast of China. Thebeautiful birds from England are ready to sing for you, and the monkeys from MountEmei will be ready to talk to you. The lovely dogs from Australia want to smile atyou. Sichuan pandas will play balls for you. The giraffes from Africa are waiting tolook down on you.Tickets Opening timeGrown-ups (成年人): ¥ 3 9:00 a. m.—4:00 p. m., every dayChildren: Over 1.6 m: ¥ 2Under 1.6 m: Free On Friday: 10:00 a. m.—3:00 p. m.Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, give food or go near to the animals.( ) 6. Why does the writer introduce so many animals from different places to us?A. To frighten us in the zoo.B. To make us lovely in the zoo.C. To attract(吸引) us to the zoo.D. To show animals can do everything.( ) 7. How much does Mr. Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?A. ¥ 3B. ¥ 4C. ¥ 5D. ¥ 6( ) 8. At which of the following time can we visit the zoo?A. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.B. 9:30 a. m. Friday.C. 3:30 p. m. Sunday.D. 5:30 p. m. Tuesday.( ) 9. What should we do in the zoo?A. To touch the monkeys.B. To throw things everywhere.C. To keep the zoo clean.D. To keep the zoo full.( ) 10. From the passage, we know a giraffe must be a very ______ animal.strong D.C.tallfat B.shortA.IV. 按要求转换下列句型,每空填一词(每空1分,共15分)1. 迈克在北京住了10年了。