Academic calendar (any year)1




3.讲课教师:大英第一教研室4.开课教研室:大英第一教研室5.教研室主任签章自主听力学习16 学时自主阅读及作业16 学时4.机动 4 学时1. 任课教师接到教研室分配的下一学期的教学任务后,根据本课程的教学大纲、下学期的校历,于学期结束前一周填写教学日历一份,送交教研室主任审后,再由教研室转交学生系办公室。

2. 学生系依各开课教研室报了来的教学日历,按专业年级编排学生学习负荷平衡计划表,在编排时可对教学日历中的测验、作业以及课程设计的学时做必需的修改(时间前后的错动)以求学生负荷的均衡,学生系将修改后的教学日历于开学前退回原教研室。

3. 任课教师于开学后一周内按学生系提出的意见(必要时可进行协商)修订教学日历并复制一式三份(教研室、学生系及教务处各送一份)。

3.讲课教师:大英第一教研室4.开课教研室:大英第一教研室5.教研室主任签章自主听力学习16 学时自主阅读及作业16 学时4.机动 4 学时1. 任课教师接到教研室分配的下一学期的教学任务后,根据本课程的教学大纲、下学期的校历,于学期结束前一周填写教学日历一份,送交教研室主任审后,再由教研室转交学生系办公室。

2. 学生系依各开课教研室报了来的教学日历,按专业年级编排学生学习负荷平衡计划表,在编排时可对教学日历中的测验、作业以及课程设计的学时做必需的修改(时间前后的错动)以求学生负荷的均衡,学生系将修改后的教学日历于开学前退回原教研室。

3. 任课教师于开学后一周内按学生系提出的意见(必要时可进行协商)修订教学日历并复制一式三份(教研室、学生系及教务处各送一份)。

3.讲课教师:大英第一教研室4.开课教研室:大英第一教研室5.教研室主任签章自主听力学习16 学时自主阅读及作业16 学时4.机动 4 学时1. 任课教师接到教研室分配的下一学期的教学任务后,根据本课程的教学大纲、下学期的校历,于学期结束前一周填写教学日历一份,送交教研室主任审后,再由教研室转交学生系办公室。



学 期 年月 周日 次 期星期1234567891011121314151617181920星期一2951219263101724317142128512192629星期二3061320274111825181522296132027310星期三3171421285121926291623307142128411星期四25181522296132027310172418152229512星期五26291623307142128411182529162330613星期六273101724181522295121926310172431714星期日284111825291623306132027411182518学 期 年月 周日 次 期星期1234567891011121314151617181920星期一2027613202731017241815222951219263星期二2128714212841118252916233061320274星期三2218152229512192631017243171421285星期四16232916233061320274111825181522296星期五172431017243171421285121926291623307星期六18254111825181522296132027310172418星期日1926512192629162330714212841118252学 期暑假寒假年月 周日 次 期星期1234123456789101112131415161718星期一2128411182529162330613202741118251815星期二22295121926310172431714212851219262916星期三23306132027411182518152229613202731017星期四24317142128512192629162330714212841118星期五2518152229613202731017241815222951219星期六2629162330714212841118252916233061320 星期日202731017241815222951219263101724317142017年10月暑假2017年9月2017年11月2017年1月校历QINGDAO UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC CALENDAR2016年9月2016年10月2016年11月2016年12月2017年春季学期2016年秋季学期2017年12月寒假寒假暑假8月2017年秋季学期2018年1月2017年8月2017年3月2017年4月2017年5月2017年6月2017年7月夏季学期2017年2月说明:一、2016年秋季学期1.本学期共安排20周,其中课程教学18周,复习考试2周。

大学英语 教学日历

大学英语  教学日历
《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第一册)Unit 1(A级)
《新时代交互英语视听说教程》(第一册)Unit 1(B级)
《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第一册) Unit 1
Learning a Foreign Language
《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(第一册)Unit 1(A级)
《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第三册) Unit3
Where Principles Come First
《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第二册) Unit2
Learning the Olympic Standard for Love
《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第一册) Unit7
Face to Face with Guns
《新时代交互英语视听说教程》(第一册)Unit6 (B级)
《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第一册) Unit7



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25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19
26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20
19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2

暑 假
2017年8月 2017年9月
寒 假
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9
30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10
31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11
25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13



5. They provide a means of keeping ___ of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly. A. tract B. contact C. relation D. steps 6.You can use the Course Calendar to help ___your students of important dates in the course, such as test dates. warn B. remind C. convince D. deprive A。keep track of sb/sth意为“与…保持联系,跟踪”。keep contact/relation一般后面接with,意为“与…保持联系”;keep steps 后也接with,意为“与…步伐一致”。 B
9. In spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished. A. imperfect B. temporary C. emergency D. reinstalled 10.Bob believes that invasion of the marketplace into the university is undermining fundamental academic values, and that we must act now to halt this decline. lace B. plug C. cease D. digest A reinstalled:重新设置 C lace: 系紧



*入学Freshman 大一新生register 注册,报到,登记enrollment 登记,入学Orientation 新生介绍会department 系,学部principal 校长dean 系主任Student ID card 学生证recommendation letter 推荐信Application form 申请表*选课Register for / sign up for/enroll in /enlist in/take 选(课或作业)Semester 学期quit /drop a course 退课pick up 学习,选择Major in 主修earn a credit 修学分course sheet 选课单Credit course 给学分的课程non-credit course 无学分的课程Unit 单元quota 名额quota reached 名额已满Quota not used up 名额未满sit in 旁听workload 负担Transfer credits 转学分waive a course 免修一门课程audit a course 旁听一门课程introduction/introductory/elementary/ intro course 初级课程prerequisite course 预修课程intermediate course 中级课程advanced course 高级课程Required/compulsory course 必修课optional / elective /selective class 选修课Science course 理科课程arts course 文科课程curriculum 课程Seminar 研究班课程,短期强化课程workshop 研讨会,讲习班Linguistics 语言学philosophy 心理学economics 经济学Political science 政治学literature class 文学课Engineering 工程学archaeology 考古学biochemistry 生物化学Bioengineering 生物工程学anthropology 人类学botany 植物学Algebra 代数math 数学*上课Lecturer 讲师supervisor/advisor 导师visiting professor 客座教授teaching assistant/assistant instructor 助教Tutor 辅导专家,家教finish class late 拖堂Finish class early 提前下课boring 枯燥thought_provoking 发人深思的stimulating/inspiring 令人兴奋的Fascinating/fabulous 精彩的,非常好的Impressive 给人印象深刻的Terror 引起恐怖的人或事物Strict 严格的Call the roll 点名Catch/follow 跟上,听懂Make sense of/make heads and tails of/figure out 明白,理解Get lost 不明白Complicated 复杂的Confused/puzzled 迷惑不解的Pushover 很容易对付的人Doze off 混混欲睡Drop off 睡着了Stay awake 保持清醒Cancel/call off 取消Postpone/put off 推迟Make a presentation 作陈述或介绍school timetable/class schedule 课程表Build the interest 培养兴趣Active involvement 积极参与Punctual 守时,准时Take notes 作笔记Skip the class 逃课Attendance 出席,出席人数Presence 出席absence 缺席Make up sth 弥补(课或工作等)Slide/transparency 幻灯片Platform 讲台*学习Academic performance 学习表现Academic achievement 学术成绩Enthusiasm 热情Improvement 进步,提高Concentrate 集中精力Distraction 使人分心的事物Lack confidence in...对..缺乏信心Discouraged 泄气的,灰心的Instruction after class 课后指导Prepare lessons before class 预习Exhausted 疲惫的Take a break 休息Relax 放松Help sb out 帮助某人摆脱困难come up with 赶上Think highly/much of ...对...评价课余生活Participate in 参与enroll in 登记take part in 参加,参与Sign up for 参加(俱乐部、课程)participant 参加者,参与者Recruit 招收taste 兴趣,爱好extracurricular activities 课余活动alumni association 校友会club bulletin 社刊Camping 露营,野营Chorus/choral/group 合唱队University band 校园乐队Photography club 摄影社Drama club 戏剧社Dorm council宿舍管理委员会Curriculum committee 课程委员会The students' Union 学生会Withdraw from the club 退社President/chairman 主席Run for 精选V ote 选票(n),投票(v)V oter registration 选举活动Questionnaire 问卷调查Election campaign 选举活动Campaign manager 竞选活动负责人Candidate 候选人Ticket office/box office 售票处Book a ticket 订票Ticket line 排队买票的队伍Line up for tickets 排队买票Discount 折扣Contest/competition 竞赛A ward 奖Deserve 值得semi-final 半决赛Go on to the finals 进入决赛Get eliminated 被淘汰Guitar 吉他V iolin 小提琴Cello 大提琴Clarinet 单簧管Horn 号Saxophone 萨克斯Ballroom dancing 交际舞Ballet 芭蕾舞Pick up 学习Painting/drawing 绘画Sketch 素描Photo album 相册Part-time job 兼职Have a job on the side 有一份兼职工作借书、买书Check out the book 办理借阅手续Librarian 图书管理员Stacks 书库Catalogue 目录Index 索引In circulation 已经借出Open shelves 开架Library card 借书卡Overdue 过期的Renewal 续借Reading room 阅览室Journal/periodical 期刊Magazine binder 杂志合订本Latest issue 最近一期杂志Current issue 现期杂志Back issue 过期杂志Reference desk 参考咨询台Extra copy 额外的读本Editorial 社论Buy out the bookstore 买了很多书Subscribe to 订阅Order the book 订购这本书Second-hand book 二手书Out of stock 脱销Out of print 已绝版Textbook 课本Hardcover edition 精装本Paperback edition 平装本Publisher 出版商Publication 出版,出版物Publishing house 出版社读书、写作Novel 小说Non-fiction 非小说类的(书籍)Science fiction 科幻小说Detective story 侦探小说Who done it 侦探小说(口语)Mystery novel 悬疑小说Biography 自传History book 历史书籍Social commentary 社会评论Bestseller 畅销书Be addicted to/attracted by the book 对那本书入迷Pore over the book 全神贯注地看书Fast reader 读书快的人Plough though the book 好不容易读完这本书Get through this novel 通读小说Read selectively 选择性的阅读Read extensively 广泛的阅读Book review 书评School/college newspaper 校报Newsletter 简报Contribute (给报社)投稿Editor in chief 主编Subeditor 副主编作业、论文Assignment 作业Homework/studies/class work/school work 功课Paper/essay/thesis 论文Term paper 学期论文Experiment 实验Project 课题Book report 读书报告Lab report 实验报告Research/survey 调查Data 数据Polish 润色Rough draft 草稿Have one's hands full with ...忙于做... Expectation 期望Fall short of one's expectation 出乎意料Be strict with ...对...严厉Due 到期的Deadline 最后期限Extension /extend 延时,延期Criticism 批评,批判Feedback 反馈Bibliography 参考书目Reference book 参考书考试、成绩Mid-term exam 期中考试Final/final exam 期末考试Quiz 小测验Pop quiz 突击测验Standardized tests 标准测试National test 统考Placement exam 插班考Entrance exam 入学考试Reschedule 重新安排时间Exam week/period 考试周Open book exam 开卷考试(能带资料的考试)Resit 重考supplementary exam 补考mock exam / practice exam 模拟考试Restless/get cold feet/can't sit still/be on edge/like a cat on hot bricks/ have butterflies inone's stomach/keep pacing the floor/bite one's nails 很紧张Review/go over/go through 复习Stay up all night/be up all night 熬夜Cram up 临时包佛脚Grade the papers 改试卷,评分Grade/score/mark 成绩Full marks 满分High grade/score/mark 高分Low grade/score/mark 低分Passing grade/score/mark 及格分Straight As 全得A,全优 B plus B 加 B minus B 减Pass the exams with flying colors 以优异的成绩通过考试Fail in the exam 考试不及格Flunk 挂科,考试不及格Make up the exam 补考Repeat the course 重建Supplementary course 补习课程,辅助课程退学、转学Drop out of school退学Take a leave of absence from school 休学Exclusion from school 退学Shift/transfer to ...转(系)Transfer to another school 转学毕业、进修Graduation 毕业Undergraduate 大学生Graduate 毕业生Postgraduate 研究生Diploma 文凭A bachelor's degree 学士学位A master's degree 硕士学位A doctor's degree 博士学位Further/advanced study 进修Study abroad 留学Graduation party 毕业晚会Farewell 告别Tuition 学费Fee 学杂费Expenses 费用Finance 资助Financial aids 助学金(总称)Grant 助学金,补助金A student loan 学生贷款Scholarship 泛指各种奖学金Fellowship 学术奖金Apply for 申请学校教育英语词汇:nursery托儿所kindergarten幼儿园primary school/elementary school小学secondary school中学教育higher education高等教育further education进修教育英语词汇:parenting, schooling enroll 入学admit 招收,录取Parents are obliged to do…父母有责任、义务去做……compulsory education 强制教育、义务教育minors 未成年人immature 不成熟的学习的好处的教育英语词汇:learn skills学习技能acquire knowledge学习知识enrich knowledge丰富知识widen horizon开阔视野inspire interest激发兴趣stimulate interest激发兴趣cultivate v. 培养hobbies develop potentials conduce to mental development lay a solid foundation for the future为将来打下坚实的基础学习上的问题的教育英语词汇:lack discipline缺少约束力persistence毅力test-oriented education应试型教育quality education 素质教育cram for examinations突击考试stuff 塞materials memorise背, memorisation rote learning死记硬背Test-taking techniques应试技巧坏处的教育英语词汇:discourage critical thinking 打击评判性思维students stop questioning what they are being taught 学生们不去质问他们学习的东西conduce to academic performance有助学习表现Adversely influence 负面地影响(动作) Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on对……产生负面影响Emphasis on memorisation adversely influences one's academic performance. Creativity 创造性Lower/raise the standard of…降低了……的水平不同类别的教育adult education成人教育open admission免试入学制day-care center幼儿园(美)nursery school托儿所primary/elementary school小学(英/美)secondary school中学coeducation男女生同校制度junior high school初中senior high school高中attached middle school附中technical school技校polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学key school重点中学graduate school研究生院open university夜大、函大private school私立学校public school公立学校universal education普及教育educationist/educator教育家postgraduate研究生alumnus/alumna校友(男/女)undergraduate本科Alma Mater母校auditor=guest student旁听生boarder住宿生open-book exam开卷考pop test抽考orientation program新生训练teaching facilities教学设施assistantship助学金scholarship奖学金room and board食宿auditorium礼堂vice-monitor副班长period of schooling学习年限credit system学分制mark/score/grade分数schedule=school timetable课程表individual study自习individual coaching=tutorial个别指导English evening英语晚会after-school activities课外活动social investigation社会调查voluntary labor义务劳动graduation appraisal毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书drop out辍学quit school退学school discipline校纪attendance/participation出勤率attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费 a grant-aided student 领助学金的学生lecture portfolio讲义夹semester半学期blue-book考卷report card成绩单final-examination期末考核quiz小测验oral test口试diploma毕业证degree学位associate diploma专科证书Bachelor学士Master硕士Doctor of Philosophy博士Expert专家教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。



convince: v. make someone feel certain
that sth. is true; persuade sb. to do sth. The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way. I hope this will convince you to change your mind. The lawyer tried to convince the jury陪审团 of his client’s当事人 innocence.
leave out 遗漏, 省略, 删去; 未顾及, 忽略
So teaching gives me pace, and variety, I’ve made a list andnames — I hopeto of the opportunity and challenge, I haven’t left anyone out. keep on learning . I have left out, however, the most important reasons why I teach. She left out an important detail in
2. the variety (Teaching is a profession built on change.) __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________ the freedom to be his own boss (the freedom to do things in his own way) 4. __________________________________________________________ the opportunity to keep on learning



Directional Disability Disabled Disbursed Disbursement Discount* Displacement Display Disposition Distribute Distribution* District Division Division of Continuing Education Document Donor Down Drive Driver Drop Due Duplicate* Duplication Each Early Earn Earned Earnings* Earned Income Credit Educate Education Effect Effective* Effective Date* Effective Date Sequence* EIC EDU EARN* DISA
Auxiliary Availability Available Average Average Cumulative Grade Award Awarded Balance* Bank Bargain Base Basic Batch Before Begin Beginning Beginning of Term Benefits Bid Bill Billing Billing and Receivables System Birth Board Break Budget Budgetable Budget Balance Account Build Building Business Business Unit* Buy Buyer
Word(s) Abbreviate Abbreviation Academic Accept Acceptance Accepted Access Accident Accomplish Accomplishment Accomplishments Account* Accounting* Accounts Payable Advanced Placement Accounts Receivable Accredited Accrual Accumulated* Accumulation Accumulative Achieve Achievement Acquisition* Act Active Activity American College Test Action* Actual Add Added



学 期暑假寒假年月 周日 次 期星期1234123456789101112131415161718星期一212841118252916233061320274111825181522星期二22295121926310172431714212851219262916星期三23306132027411182518152229613202731017星期四24317142128512192629162330714212841118星期五2518152229613202731017241815222951219星期六2629162330714212841118252916233061320 星期日2027310172418152229512192631017243171421学 期 年月 周日 次 期星期123456789101112131415161718星期一5121926291623307142128411182529星期二613202731017241815222951219263星期三714212841118252916233061320274星期四8152229512192631017243171421285星期五2916233061320274111825181522296星期六31017243171421285121926291623307 星期日4111825181522296132027310172418校历QINGDAO UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC CALENDAR2017~2018学年夏季学期2017年秋季学期(2017~2018学年第一学期)2018年1月明德 博学 守正 出奇寒假2018年春季学期(2017~2018学年第二学期)暑假2017年8月2017年9月2017年10月2017年11月2017年12月2018年7月说明:一、2017年夏季学期1.本学期安排4周,包括教学和考试安排。



我学校的日历英语作文五句话五月全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1In May, my school's calendar is packed with exciting events and activities. From academic competitions to sports tournaments, there is always something happening on campus. The month kicks off with our annual spring concert, where students showcase their musical talents and creativity. This is followed by the school's sports day, where students compete in a variety of games and races. As the month progresses, we also have our end-of-year exams, which are a challenging but important part of our academic year. Finally, we wrap up the month with a graduation ceremony for our graduating seniors, where they are celebrated for their hard work and achievements. May is definitely a busy and memorable time at my school!篇2In my school, the month of May is always a busy and exciting time as we approach the end of the academic year. Our school calendar for May is filled with various events and activities for students, teachers, and parents to participate in.One of the highlights of May is the annual sports day, where students compete in various sporting events such as running, high jump, and relay races. It is a day full of fun, laughter, and healthy competition. Students eagerly look forward to this event and train hard to perform their best.Another important event in May is the school's talent show, where students showcase their talents in singing, dancing, acting, and other performing arts. It is a great opportunity for students to express themselves and build their confidence on stage. The talent show is always a hit with the school community and attracts a large audience.May also marks the beginning of exam season, with students preparing for end-of-year assessments and final exams. Teachers work hard to ensure that students are well-prepared and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. It is a stressful time for many students, but also a time for growth and learning.In addition to these events, May is also a time for school assemblies, field trips, and classroom celebrations. It is a month filled with academic and social activities that bring the school community together and create lasting memories. As the school year comes to a close, students and teachers reflect on theirachievements and look forward to a well-deserved summer break.篇3In May, my school calendar is filled with exciting events and activities.Firstly, our school is celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with cultural performances and presentations from students and staff. It is a great opportunity for us to learn more about different cultures and traditions.Secondly, we have our annual Spring Festival in May, where students showcase their talents in music, dance, and drama. It is always a highlight of the school year and a chance for us to come together as a community.Additionally, May is also the month when we hold our sports day, with students competing in various track and field events. It is a fun and competitive day where we get to show off our athletic abilities and team spirit.Moreover, our school is hosting a charity fundraiser in May to support a local shelter for the homeless. Students and teachers are encouraged to donate and participate in various activities to raise money for a good cause.Lastly, May is the month when we start preparing for the end of the school year and saying goodbye to graduating seniors. It is a bittersweet time as we reflect on the memories we've made together and look ahead to the future.Overall, May is a busy and vibrant month on our school calendar, filled with opportunities for learning, creativity, and community engagement.。

英语作文my schoolclendar

英语作文my schoolclendar

英语作文my schoolclendarThe school calendar is an integral part of every student's life, shaping the rhythm and structure of our academic journey. As a dedicated student, I find great significance in the intricate details that make up my school calendar. From the carefully planned academic schedule to the vibrant extracurricular activities, each element of the calendar contributes to my holistic development and the overall experience of my educational pursuit.At the heart of the school calendar lies the academic schedule, meticulously crafted to ensure a balanced and enriching learning environment. The carefully curated sequence of classes, ranging from core subjects to electives, challenges me to expand my intellectual horizons. Each day, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to delve into subjects that ignite my curiosity, from the captivating discussions in my literature seminars to the hands-on experiments in my science laboratories.The academic calendar is not merely a series of classes, but a tapestry woven with opportunities for personal growth andexploration. Interspersed between the rigorous academic demands are periods dedicated to extracurricular activities, allowing me to pursue my passions and discover new interests. Whether it's the thrill of competing on the sports field, the camaraderie of collaborating in a student organization, or the fulfillment of volunteering in the community, these experiences broaden my perspectives and cultivate invaluable life skills.One of the most anticipated events in my school calendar is the annual cultural festival, a vibrant celebration that showcases the rich diversity of our student body. This event is a testament to the inclusive and welcoming spirit of my school, as students from different backgrounds come together to share their traditions, cuisines, and artistic expressions. The festival is a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and flavors, igniting a deep appreciation for the cultural tapestry that enriches our academic community.Interspersed throughout the academic year are various commemorative days and holidays that hold significant meaning for our school community. From the solemn observance of national holidays to the joyous celebrations of school-specific events, these moments provide opportunities for reflection, unity, and the fostering of a strong sense of identity. The school calendar becomes a canvas upon which we paint the stories of our shared experiences, strengthening the bonds that tie us together as a community oflearners.Beyond the scheduled events, the school calendar also encompasses the rhythms of the academic cycle, marked by milestones such as midterm and final examinations. These assessment periods challenge me to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired, pushing me to reach new heights of academic excellence. The sense of accomplishment I feel upon successfully navigating these evaluations is a testament to the rigorous yet supportive environment cultivated by my school.Equally important are the designated periods of rest and rejuvenation within the school calendar. The strategically placed breaks, from short weekends to extended holiday seasons, provide me with opportunities to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with my personal interests and loved ones. These respites from the academic demands allow me to return to my studies with renewed vigor and a refreshed perspective, ensuring that I can maintain a healthy balance between my scholastic responsibilities and my overall well-being.As I navigate the intricate tapestry of my school calendar, I am constantly reminded of the intentionality and foresight that goes into its creation. The meticulous planning and coordination of administrators, faculty, and staff ensure that every element of the calendar is designed to support my academic, personal, and socialdevelopment. This holistic approach to education reinforces my belief that my school is committed to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are equipped to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century.In conclusion, my school calendar is more than just a series of dates and events it is a blueprint for my personal and academic growth. Each component of the calendar, from the rigorous academic schedule to the vibrant extracurricular activities, contributes to the richness of my educational experience. As I continue to navigate the rhythms of my school calendar, I am grateful for the opportunities it provides to expand my knowledge, explore my passions, and cultivate lifelong friendships. The school calendar is not merely a tool for organization, but a testament to the unwavering dedication of my school to ensuring my success and well-being.。



英语作文myschoolcalenderHere is an English essay with more than 1000 words, as requested. The title is "My School Calendar" and the content is written in English without any additional punctuation marks.My School CalendarThe school calendar is a crucial tool that helps me stay organized and on top of my academic responsibilities throughout the year. As a student, I rely heavily on this calendar to keep track of important dates, deadlines, and events that shape my daily routine and overall academic experience.One of the most significant aspects of my school calendar is the list of important dates. This includes the first and last days of the school year, holidays, and scheduled breaks. Knowing these dates in advance allows me to plan ahead and make the most of my time. For instance, I can use the breaks to catch up on assignments, study for exams, or simply recharge and rejuvenate. This advance planning helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the demands of my academic schedule.Another crucial component of my school calendar is the schedule of classes. This section outlines the specific days and times when I have each of my courses, as well as the location of the classrooms. This information is essential for ensuring that I arrive on time and prepared for each lesson. It also helps me manage my time effectively, allowing me to plan my study sessions and extracurricular activities around my class schedule.In addition to the class schedule, my school calendar also includes important deadlines for assignments, projects, and exams. By having these dates clearly outlined, I can stay on top of my workload and avoid last-minute scrambles to complete tasks. This level of organization helps me maintain a consistent level of academic performance and reduces the stress and anxiety that can often accompany the demands of student life.The school calendar also serves as a valuable resource for keeping track of various school events and activities. From sports games and performances to club meetings and field trips, the calendar provides me with a comprehensive overview of the diverse opportunities available to me as a student. This information allows me to choose the events and activities that align with my interests and goals, further enhancing my overall educational experience.One of the most valuable aspects of my school calendar is its abilityto help me manage my time effectively. By having all the important dates and deadlines in one place, I can easily prioritize my tasks and allocate my time accordingly. This level of organization not only helps me stay on top of my academic responsibilities but also allows me to pursue extracurricular interests and maintain a healthy work-life balance.Moreover, the school calendar serves as a communication tool, keeping me informed about any changes or updates to the academic schedule. Whether it's a rescheduled exam or a last-minute cancellation of a class, the calendar ensures that I am always aware of the latest developments, allowing me to adjust my plans and stay informed.In conclusion, the school calendar is an indispensable tool that plays a crucial role in my academic life. By providing me with a comprehensive overview of important dates, schedules, and deadlines, it helps me stay organized, focused, and on track with my educational goals. As I continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of student life, I will continue to rely on my school calendar as a reliable guide and a valuable resource for achieving academic success.。



2024—2025学年度第二学期安全教育评估行事历英文版2024-2025 Academic Year Second Semester Safety Education Assessment CalendarIntroductionThe safety education assessment calendar for the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year aims to outline the key activities and evaluations related to ensuring a safe learning environment for students and staff.Month 1: March 2024- Conduct safety drills for fire evacuation procedures in all buildings.- Review and update emergency contact information for all students and staff.Month 2: April 2024- Organize a workshop on first aid training for teachers and staff.- Evaluate the effectiveness of safety measures in place for laboratory classes.Month 3: May 2024- Assess the implementation of safety protocols in sports and recreational activities.- Conduct a survey to gather feedback on safety perceptions among students.Month 4: June 2024- Review the school's emergency response plan and make any necessary revisions.- Conduct a safety audit of the school premises to identify potential hazards.Month 5: July 2024- Organize a seminar on cyber safety and digital security for students.- Evaluate the effectiveness of security measures in place for school events.Month 6: August 2024- Conduct a training session on earthquake preparedness and response for students and staff.- Review the school's policies on bullying and harassment to ensure a safe and inclusive environment.ConclusionBy following the safety education assessment calendar for the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, we aim to continuously improve the safety measures and protocols in place at our school to create a secure and conducive learning environment for all.。



英语作文中社团成立时间Here is an English essay with the topic "The Founding Time of a Student Club" that is over 1000 words long, as requested. The essay does not include a title and does not have any extra punctuation marks in the body of the text.The founding time of a student club can be a critical moment in the life of an organization as it sets the stage for its future development and growth. The establishment of a new club often reflects the passions and interests of a group of students who come together to pursue a common goal or activity. The timing of the club's inception can have a significant impact on its trajectory, influencing factors such as membership, funding, and the overall campus environment.One of the key considerations in the founding time of a student club is the academic calendar. Clubs that are established at the beginning of the school year, such as in the fall semester, often have a distinct advantage in terms of recruiting new members and generating momentum. During this time, students are typically more open to exploring new opportunities and getting involved in extracurricular activities. The energy and excitement of a new academic year can help to attract a diverse range of students who are eager to trysomething new and connect with like-minded individuals.In contrast, clubs that are founded mid-year or towards the end of the academic calendar may face greater challenges in building a strong membership base. Students may already be settled into their routines and commitments, making it more difficult to garner widespread interest and participation. Additionally, the limited time remaining in the school year can hinder the club's ability to plan and execute meaningful events or activities, which can be crucial for establishing a sense of community and camaraderie among members.The timing of a club's founding can also be influenced by the availability of resources and support from the university or college administration. Institutions often have designated periods for student organizations to submit proposals and applications for recognition and funding. Clubs that are able to navigate these administrative processes and secure the necessary resources during the optimal time frame may be better positioned to thrive in the long run.Moreover, the founding time of a student club can be shaped by the broader campus climate and the presence of similar organizations. If there is already a significant number of clubs catering to a particular interest or activity, a new club may struggle to differentiate itself andattract a sufficient number of members. In such cases, it may be advantageous for the club to be established during a time when there is a perceived gap or unmet need on campus, allowing it to carve out a unique niche and establish itself as a valuable resource for students.The founding time of a student club can also have implications for the club's leadership and organizational structure. Clubs that are established early in the academic year may have more time to recruit and train a strong leadership team, allowing for a smoother transition of power as members graduate or move on. This can help to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the club's operations over time.In contrast, clubs founded later in the year may face challenges in building a robust leadership pipeline, as the remaining time in the academic calendar may be limited. This can lead to a more fragmented or ad-hoc approach to leadership, with the potential for disruptions or discontinuity in the club's activities and direction.The founding time of a student club can also shape the club's overall culture and identity. Clubs that are established during periods of high energy and enthusiasm, such as the start of the academic year, may develop a more vibrant and engaging culture, with members who are passionate about the club's mission and actively participatein its events and initiatives.In contrast, clubs founded during quieter or more stressful periods, such as the end of the semester or during exam season, may struggle to cultivate a strong sense of community and belonging among its members. This can make it more challenging to sustain the club's momentum and maintain a consistent level of engagement over time.Ultimately, the founding time of a student club can be a critical factor in its long-term success and impact. By carefully considering the timing of the club's establishment, its founders can position the organization for optimal growth and development, ensuring that it remains a vibrant and meaningful part of the campus community for years to come.。



As you embark on your freshman year in college,it is crucial to have a wellthoughtout plan to ensure a successful and fulfilling academic journey.Here are some key aspects to consider when crafting your freshman year plan:1.Academic Goals:Set clear academic objectives for the year.Determine which courses you need to take and how you will manage your workload.Consider the prerequisites for your major and any electives that interest you.2.Time Management:Develop a schedule that balances study time,class attendance, extracurricular activities,and e a planner or digital calendar to keep track of deadlines,exams,and assignments.3.Study Techniques:Identify effective study methods that work for you,such as flashcards,group study sessions,or quiet study spaces.Be prepared to adapt your techniques as you encounter different teaching styles and course materials.4.Participation in Campus Life:Engage in campus activities that align with your interests. Join clubs,attend social events,and consider volunteering opportunities to build a network and enhance your college experience.5.Health and Wellness:Prioritize your physical and mental health.Establish a routine that includes regular exercise,a balanced diet,and sufficient sleep.Seek support from campus resources if you encounter stress or other challenges.6.Financial Planning:Create a budget to manage your expenses throughout the year.Be mindful of the costs associated with tuition,books,housing,and personal expenses.Look for scholarships,grants,or parttime jobs to help fund your education.working:Build relationships with professors,advisors,and working can lead to valuable connections for academic support,internships,and future career opportunities.8.Academic Support:Familiarize yourself with the academic resources available on campus,such as tutoring centers,writing labs,and career services.Utilize these resources to enhance your learning and prepare for your career.9.SelfReflection:Regularly assess your progress and adjust your plan as needed.Reflect on your experiences and consider how they align with your longterm goals.10.Career Exploration:Begin exploring potential career paths related to your major.Attend career fairs,informational sessions,and workshops to gain insights into the job market and industry trends.11.International Exposure:If possible,consider studying abroad or participating in exchange programs to broaden your horizons and gain a global perspective.12.Extracurricular Achievements:Pursue hobbies or interests outside of your academic pursuits.This can help you develop new skills,relieve stress,and make your college life more enjoyable.Remember,your freshman year is a time of transition and growth.Embrace new experiences,be open to learning,and dont be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your planning and adaptability will set the foundation for a successful college career.。



Long vacations,such as the summer break or winter holidays,are a staple in the academic calendar.They offer a muchneeded respite for both students and teachers, allowing them to recharge and return to their studies with renewed energy.However,like any aspect of life,long vacations come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.Advantages of Long Vacations:1.Rest and Relaxation:The primary benefit of a long vacation is the opportunity for individuals to rest and relax.This is essential for maintaining mental and physical health, especially after a period of intense study or work.2.Personal Development:Long breaks provide the chance for students to engage in activities that contribute to their personal growth.This could include learning new skills, pursuing hobbies,or participating in community service.3.Family Time:For many,long vacations are a time to reconnect with family members. This can strengthen familial bonds and create lasting memories.4.Travel Opportunities:With an extended period of time off,individuals can plan trips to explore new places,cultures,and experiences,broadening their horizons and gaining a global perspective.5.Rejuvenation:A long break from the routine of school or work can help to rejuvenate the mind,reducing stress and preventing burnout.Disadvantages of Long Vacations:1.Learning Loss:One of the most significant drawbacks of long vacations is the potential for learning loss.Students may forget some of the material theyve learned during the school year,requiring a period of readjustment and review when they return.2.Disruption of Routine:The break in routine can be challenging for some individuals, particularly those who thrive on structure and consistency.This can lead to difficulties in reestablishing a productive daily routine after the vacation.3.Increased Costs:Travel and leisure activities during long vacations can be expensive, placing a financial burden on families and of Structure:Without the structure of a school or work schedule,some studentsmay struggle to maintain discipline and productivity,leading to procrastination and wasted time.5.Social Isolation:For some,long vacations can lead to feelings of isolation,especially if they do not have a strong social network or if their usual social activities are less frequent during the break.In conclusion,while long vacations offer numerous benefits such as rest,personal development,and family bonding,they also present challenges such as learning loss, disruption of routine,and potential social isolation.It is essential for individuals to plan their vacations wisely,balancing relaxation with productive activities to make the most of this time off.。




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The school calendar is an essential part of every student's life. It dictates our daily routine and helps us plan our academic year. It is a snapshot of the events, holidays, and important dates that shape our school experience.In the beginning, the school calendar is like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with colorful activities. We eagerly anticipate the first day of school, a fresh start filled with excitement and nervousness. The calendar reminds us of the orientation day, where we meet newfriends and get acquainted with our teachers. It is a time of new beginnings and endless possibilities.As the year progresses, the calendar becomes a roadmap guiding us through the twists and turns of our academic journey. It marks the dates of exams, reminding us to studyhard and prepare ourselves. It also highlights important events such as school trips, sports day, and cultural festivals. These events add vibrancy to our school life and create memories that will last a lifetime.The school calendar is not just about academics and events; it also signifies moments of rest and relaxation. The holidays marked on the calendar are like little islands of respite in the sea of assignments and deadlines. They give us a chance to recharge our batteries, spend time with family and friends, or simply indulge in our favorite hobbies. These breaks are essential for our well-being and help us maintain a healthy work-life balance.Sometimes, the school calendar surprises us with unexpected changes. A sudden snowstorm might result in a snow day, giving us an unexpected day off. Or a teacher's strike might disrupt our regular schedule, forcing us to adapt and find alternative ways of learning. These unpredictable events teach us resilience and flexibility, preparing us for the uncertainties of life.Towards the end of the year, the school calendar becomes a countdown to summer vacation. We eagerly mark the days until we can finally break free from the confines of the classroom and embrace the freedom of the summer months. The calendar reminds us of the joyous anticipation, the final exams, and the bittersweet farewells to our teachers and friends.In conclusion, the school calendar is more than just a piece of paper with dates. It is a reflection of our school life, filled with excitement, challenges, and moments of rest. It guides us through the academic year, shaping our experiences and helping us navigate the ups and downs of student life. So, let us embrace the school calendar and make the most of the opportunities it presents.。

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