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环境生态学 Chapter11_生态监测与评价

环境生态学   Chapter11_生态监测与评价

3.1 基本概念
• 风险一般指遭受损失、 损伤或毁坏的可能性
。风险通常定义为在一定时期产生有害事件的 概率与有害事件后果的乘积。
• USEPA(1992)颁布的生态风险评价框架中对生
态风险评价进行了定义: 评价不利生态效应可 能发生或正在发生的可能性, 而这种可能性是 归结于受体(Receptor)暴露在单个或多个胁迫 因子(Stressor)下的结果。其目的就是用于支持 环境决策。
1.1 生态监测的定义
• 生态监测,是运用各种技术测定和分析生命系
统各层次对自然或人为作用的反应或反馈效应 ,利用这些反应或效应来判断和评价这些干扰 对环境产生的影响、危害及其规律,为环境质 量的评估、调控和环境管理提供重要科学依据 的科学活动过程。
• 生态监测与生物监测没有本质区别。
1.2 生态监测的理论依据
• 风险定量取决于暴露与生态效应之间能否建立 定量关系。
• 当风险表征结果为无风险时, 并非表明没有污
染发生, 而表示污染尚处于可以接受的程度。
3.5 生态风险评价的复杂性
• 与人类健康风险评价相比,生态风险评价的复 杂主要表现在: – 生态受体的层次性、多样性; – 生态暴露的复杂性:种群、群落空间分布的 复杂性,且不利影响会沿着食物链进行传递 。
• 生态效应是指压力引起的生态受体的变化。 • 有毒有害物质在生物个体水平的生态效应评价
– 剂量 -效应关系 – 定量结构 - 活性关系(QSAR)
• 难点
– 有毒有害物质在种群、群落和生态系统水平的生态 效应评价;
– 其他风险源对不同层次生命系统的生态效应表征和 评价。
3.4.5 风险表征
• 风险表征是对暴露于各种压力之下的不利生态 效应的综合判断和表达。 – 定性的风险表征回答有无不可接受的风险, 亦即是 否超过风险标准。 – 定量的风险表征不仅回答有无不可接受的风险及风 险性质, 还要定量说明风险的大小。



中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire《哈利波特与火焰杯》Chapter ElevenAboard the Hogwarts Express第11章登上霍格沃茨特快列车There was a d efinite end-of-the-holidays gl oom in the air when Harry awoke next morning. Heavy rain was still splattering against the wind ow as he got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt; they woul d change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express.第二天早晨,哈利醒来时,家里明显笼罩着一种假期结束的沉闷气氛。



He, Ron, Fred and George had just reached the first-fl oor landing on their way d own to breakfast, when Mrs Weasl ey appeared at the foot of the stairs, l ooking harassed.他、罗恩、弗雷德和乔治下楼吃早饭,刚走到二楼的拐弯处,就见韦斯莱夫人突然出现在楼梯底下,一副心烦意乱的样子。

‘A rthur!’she call ed up the staircase, ‘A rthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!’“亚瑟!”她冲着楼上喊道,“亚瑟!魔法部有紧急口信!”Harry flattened himself against the wall as Mr Weasl ey came clattering past with his robes on back-to-front, and hurtled out of sight. When Harry and the others entered the kitchen, they saw Mrs Weasley rummaging anxiously in the dresser drawers - ‘I’ve got a quill here somewhere!’- and Mr Weasl ey bending over the fire, talking to -哈利紧贴在墙上,韦斯莱先生噔噔噔地从他身边跑过,一眨眼就不见了,他的长袍前后都穿反了。



rG rGm RT ln Q
rG n F
r Gm
n F
[ 还原型 [氧化型
] ]
RT ln nF
[ 氧化型] [ 还原型]
[氧化型 ] [还原型 ]
当T 298.15K 时 , 将 R 8.314J mol 1 K1 F 96000C mol 1 代入得
整个反应被氧化的元素氧化数升高总数 与被还原的元素氧化数降低总数相等。
● 写出未配平的基本反应式,在涉及氧化还原过程 的有关原子上方标出氧化值。
● 计算相关原子氧化值上升和下降的数值。 ● 用下降值和上升值分别去除它们的最小公 倍数,
即得氧化剂和还原剂的化学计量数。 ● 平衡还原原子和氧化原子之外的其他原子,多数
标况下: Cr2O72- + 3H2 + 8H+ = 2Cr3+ +7H2O
p (-) Pt | H2( ) | H+(1.0mol ·L-1)‖Cr2O72-(1.0mol ·L-1), Cr3+(1.0mol ·L-1), H+(1.0mol ·L-1) | Pt(+)
3-2 电动势 E 和化学反应 G 的关系
➢1. concentration or partial pressure of oxidation or reduction type.
c氧化型 c还原型
Electrode reaction :氧化型 + n e-
rG n F
rGm n F
沉积 > 溶解

有机化学课件——Chapter 11 含氮和含磷有机化合物

有机化学课件——Chapter 11 含氮和含磷有机化合物

C6H5NH3+ · Cl氯化苯铵
(C2H5NH3+)2 · SO42硫酸二乙铵
(CH3)3N+CH2C6H5 · Br- [(C2H5)2NH2+]2 · SO42溴化三甲基苄铵 硫酸二(二乙铵)
??? ???
C4H9N+ · OH四丁基氢氧化铵
(C2H5)2NH2+ · HSO4硫酸氢二乙铵
有机化学课件 22 第11章 含氮和含磷有机化合物
N上的未共用电子对能接受一个质子,能与大多数的无机酸成 盐,所以胺具有碱性.
NH2 + HCl
+NH Cl 3
碱性强弱顺序: 脂肪胺 > NH3 > 芳香胺 pKb 3—4.5 4.75 9—10
在脂肪胺中: RNH2 < R2NH > R3N 一级 二级 三级
(2) 与羰基化合物缩合
O + R C R'(H)
第11章 含氮和含磷有机化合物
硝基是强吸电子基, 当其与苯环直接相连时, 使芳环上的亲电取代 反应活性降低, 以致不能进行(如F-C反应). 但在卤代芳烃卤原子(如-Cl)的邻、对位引入-NO2时,卤原子的 反应活性增加,易于发生亲核取代反应.
有机化学课件 25 第11章 含氮和含磷有机化合物
R 2N - + H +



米什金货币金融学英文版习题答案chapter11英文习题Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 11e, Global Edition (Mishkin) Chapter 11 Banking Industry: Structure and Competition11.1 Historical Development of the Banking System1) The modern commercial banking system began in America when theA) Bank of United States was chartered in New York in 1801.B) Bank of North America was chartered in Philadelphia in 1782.C) Bank of United States was chartered in Philadelphia in 1801.D) Bank of North America was chartered in New York in 1782.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge2) A major controversy involving the banking industry in its early years wasA) whether banks should both accept deposits and make loans or whether these functions should be separated into different institutions.B) whether the federal government or the states should charter banks.C) what percent of deposits banks should hold as fractional reserves.D) whether banks should be allowed to issue their own bank notes.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking3) The government institution that has responsibility for theamount of money and credit supplied in the economy as a whole is theA) central bank.B) commercial bank.C) bank of settlement.D) monetary fund.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge4) Because of the abuses by state banks and the clear need for a central bank to help the federal government raise funds during the War of 1812, Congress created theA) Bank of United States in 1812.B) Bank of North America in 1814.C) Second Bank of the United States in 1816.D) Second Bank of North America in 1815.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge5) The Second Bank of the United States was denied a new charter byA) President Andrew Jackson.B) Vice President John Calhoun.C) President Benjamin Harrison.D) President John Q. Adams.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge6) Currency circulated by banks that could be redeemed for gold was calledA) junk bonds.B) banknotes.C) gold bills.D) state money.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge7) To eliminate the abuses of the state-chartered banks, the ________ created a new banking system of federally chartered banks, supervised by the ________.A) National Bank Act of 1863; Office of the Comptroller of the CurrencyB) Federal Reserve Act of 1863; Office of the Comptroller of the CurrencyC) National Bank Act of 1863; Office of Thrift SupervisionD) Federal Reserve Act of 1863; Office of Thrift SupervisionAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge8) The belief that bank failures were regularly caused by fraud or the lack of sufficient bank capital explains, in part, the passage ofA) the National Bank Charter Amendments of 1918.B) the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982.C) the National Bank Act of 1863.D) Federal Reserve Act of 1913.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge9) Before 1863A) federally-chartered banks had regulatory advantages not granted to state-chartered banks.B) the number of federally-chartered banks grew at a much faster rate than at any other time since the end of the Civil War.C) banks acquired funds by issuing banknotes.D) banks were required to maintain 100% of their deposits asreserves.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge10) Prior to 1863, all commercial banks in the United StatesA) were chartered by the U.S. Treasury Department.B) were chartered by the banking commission of the state in which they operated.C) were regulated by the Federal Reserve.D) were regulated by the central bank.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge11) Although the National Bank Act of 1863 was designed to eliminate state-chartered banks by imposing a prohibitive tax on banknotes, state banks were able to stay in business byA) issuing credit cards.B) ignoring the regulations.C) acquiring funds through deposits.D) branching into other states.Answer: CAACSB: Reflective Thinking12) The National Bank Act of 1863, and subsequent amendments to itA) created a banking system of state-chartered banks.B) established the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.C) broadened the regulatory powers of the Federal Reserve.D) created insurance on deposit accounts.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge13) Which regulatory body charters national banks?A) the Federal ReserveB) the FDICC) the Comptroller of the CurrencyD) the U.S. TreasuryAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge14) The regulatory system that has evolved in the United States whereby banks are regulated at the state level, the national level, or both, is known as aA) bilateral regulatory system.B) tiered regulatory system.C) two-tiered regulatory system.D) dual banking system.Answer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge15) Today the United States has a dual banking system in which banks supervised by the________ and by the ________ operate side by side.A) federal government; municipalitiesB) state governments; municipalitiesC) federal government; statesD) municipalities; statesAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge16) The U.S. banking system is considered to be a dual system becauseA) banks offer both checking and savings accounts.B) it actually includes both banks and thrift institutions.C) it is regulated by both state and federal governments.D) it was established before the Civil War, requiring separate regulatory bodies for the North and South.Answer: CAACSB: Reflective Thinking17) The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 required thatA) state banks be subject to the same regulations as national banks.B) national banks establish branches in the cities containing Federal Reserve banks.C) national banks join the Federal Reserve System.D) state banks could not join the Federal Reserve System.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge18) The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 required all ________ banks to become members of the Federal Reserve System, while ________ banks could choose to become members of the system.A) state; nationalB) state; municipalC) national; stateD) national; municipalAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge19) Probably the most significant factor explaining the drastic drop in the number of bank failures since the Great Depression has beenA) the creation of the FDIC.B) rapid economic growth since 1941.C) the employment of new procedures by the Federal Reserve.D) better bank management.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking20) With the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, member banks of the Federal Reserve System ________ to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors, while non-member commercial banks ________ to buy deposit insurance.A) could choose; were requiredB) could choose; were given the optionC) were required, could chooseD) were required; were requiredAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge21) With the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationA) member banks of the Federal Reserve System were given the option to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors, while non-member commercial banks were required to buy deposit insurance.B) member banks of the Federal Reserve System were required to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors, while non-member commercial banks could choose to buy deposit insurance. C) both member and non-member banks of the Federal Reserve System were required to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors.D) both member and non-member banks of the Federal Reserve System could choose, but were not required, to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking22) The Glass-Steagall Act, before its repeal in 1999, prohibited commercial banks fromA) issuing equity to finance bank expansion.B) engaging in underwriting and dealing of corporate securities.C) selling new issues of government securities.D) purchasing any debt securities.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge23) The legislation that separated investment banking from commercial banking until its repeal in 1999 is known as theA) National Bank Act of 1863.B) Federal Reserve Act of 1913.C) Glass-Steagall Act.D) McFadden Act.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge24) Which of the following statements concerning bank regulation in the United States is TRUE?A) The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has the primary responsibility for state banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System.B) The Federal Reserve and the state banking authorities jointly have responsibility for the state banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System.C) The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has sole regulatory responsibility over bank holding companies.D) The state banking authorities have sole regulatory responsibility for all state banks. Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking25) Which bank regulatory agency has the sole regulatory authority over bank holding companies?A) the FDICB) the Comptroller of the CurrencyC) the FHLBSD) the Federal Reserve SystemAnswer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge26) State banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System are most likely to be examined by theA) Federal Reserve System.B) FDIC.C) FHLBS.D) Comptroller of the Currency.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge27) State banking authorities have sole jurisdiction over state banksA) without FDIC insurance.B) that are not members of the Federal Reserve System.C) operating as bank holding companies.D) chartered in the 21st century.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge11.2 Financial Innovation and the Growth of the "Shadow Banking System"1) Financial innovations occur because of financial institutions search forA) profits.B) fame.C) stability.D) recognition.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking2) ________ is the process of researching and developing profitable new products and services by financial institutions.A) Financial engineeringB) Financial manipulationC) Customer manipulationD) Customer engineeringAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge3) The most significant change in the economic environment that changed the demand for financial products in recent years has beenA) the aging of the baby-boomer generation.B) the dramatic increase in the volatility of interest rates.C) the dramatic increase in competition from foreign banks.D) the deregulation of financial institutions.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking4) In the 1950s the interest rate on three-month Treasury bills fluctuated between 1 percent and3.5 percent; in the 1980s it fluctuated between ________ percent and ________ percent.A) 5; 15B) 4; 11.5C) 4; 18D) 5; 10Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge5) Uncertainty about interest-rate movements and returns iscalledA) market potential.B) interest-rate irregularities.C) interest-rate risk.D) financial creativity.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge6) Rising interest-rate riskA) increased the cost of financial innovation.B) increased the demand for financial innovation.C) reduced the cost of financial innovation.D) reduced the demand for financial innovation.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking7) Adjustable rate mortgagesA) protect households against higher mortgage payments when interest rates rise.B) keep financial institutions' earnings high even when interest rates are falling.C) benefit homeowners when interest rates are falling.D) generally have higher initial interest rates than on conventional fixed-rate mortgages. Answer: CAACSB: Reflective Thinking8) Adjustable rate mortgagesA) reduce the interest-rate risk for financial institutions.B) benefit homeowners when interest rates rise.C) generally have higher initial interest rates than conventional fixed-rate mortgages.D) allow borrowers to avoid paying interest on portions of their mortgage loans.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking9) The agreement to provide a standardized commodity to a buyer on a specific date at a specific future price isA) a put option.B) a call option.C) a futures contract.D) a mortgage-backed security.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge10) An instrument developed to help investors and institutions hedge interest-rate risk isA) a debit card.B) a credit card.C) a financial derivative.D) a junk bond.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge11) Financial instruments whose payoffs are linked to previously issued securities are calledA) grandfathered bonds.B) financial derivatives.C) hedge securities.D) reversible bonds.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge12) Both ________ and ________ were financial innovations that occurred because of interest rate volatility.A) adjustable-rate mortgages; commercial paperB) adjustable-rate mortgages; financial derivativesC) sweep accounts; financial derivativesD) sweep accounts; commercial paperAnswer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking13) The most important source of the changes in supply conditions that stimulate financial innovation has been theA) deregulation of financial institutions.B) dramatic increase in the volatility of interest rates.C) improvement in information technology.D) dramatic increase in competition from foreign banks.Answer: CAACSB: Reflective Thinking14) New computer technology hasA) increased the cost of financial innovation.B) increased the demand for financial innovation.C) reduced the cost of financial innovation.D) reduced the demand for financial innovation.Answer: CAACSB: Information Technology15) Credit cards date back toA) prior to the second World War.B) just after the second World War.C) the early 1950s.D) the late 1950s.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge16) A firm issuing credit cards earns income fromA) loans it makes to credit card holders.B) subsidies from the local governments.C) payments made to it by manufacturers of the productssold in stores on credit card purchases.D) sales of the card in foreign countries.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking17) The entry of AT&T and GM into the credit card business is an indication ofA) government's efforts to deregulate the provision of financial services.B) the rising profitability of credit card operations.C) the reduction in costs of credit card operations since 1990.D) the sale of unprofitable operations by Bank of America and Citicorp.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking18) A debit card differs from a credit card in thatA) a debit card is a loan while for a credit card purchase, payment is made immediately.B) a debit card is a long-term loan while a credit card is a short-term loan.C) a credit card is a loan while for a debit card purchase, payment is made immediately.D) a credit card is a long-term loan while a debit card is a short-term loan.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge19) Automated teller machinesA) are more costly to use than human tellers, so banks discourage their use by charging more for use of ATMs.B) cost about the same to use as human tellers in banks, so banks discourage their use by charging more for use of ATMs.C) cost less than human tellers, so banks may encourage their use by charging less for using ATMs.D) cost nothing to use, so banks provide their services free of charge.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge20) The declining cost of computer technology has made ________ a reality.A) brick and mortar bankingB) commercial bankingC) virtual bankingD) investment bankingAnswer: CAACSB: Information Technology21) Bank customers perceive Internet-only banks as beingA) more secure than physical bank branches.B) a better method for the purchase of long-term savings products.C) better at keeping customer information private.D) prone to many more technical problems.Answer: DAACSB: Information Technology22) A disadvantage of virtual banks (clicks) is thatA) their hours are more limited than physical banks.B) they are less convenient than physical banks.C) they are more costly to operate than physical banks.D) customers worry about the security of on-line transactions.Answer: DAACSB: Information Technology23) So-called fallen angels differ from junk bonds in thatA) junk bonds refer to newly issued bonds with low credit ratings, whereas fallen angels refer to previously issued bonds that have had their credit ratings fall below Baa.B) junk bonds refer to previously issued bonds that have had their credit ratings fall below Baa, whereas fallen angels refer to newly issued bonds with low credit ratings.C) junk bonds have ratings below Baa, whereas fallen angels have ratings below C.D) fallen angels have ratings below Baa, whereas junk bonds have ratings below C.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking24) Newly-issued high-yield bonds rated below investment grade by the bond-rating agencies are frequently referred to asA) municipal bonds.B) Yankee bonds.C) "fallen angels."D) junk bonds.Answer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge25) In 1977, he pioneered the concept of selling new public issues of junk bonds for companies that had not yet achieved investment-grade status.A) Michael MilkenB) Roger MillikenC) Ivan BoeskyD) Carl IcahnAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge26) One factor contributing to the rapid growth of the commercial paper market since 1970 isA) the fact that commercial paper has no default risk.B) improved information technology making it easier to screen credit risks.C) government regulation.D) FDIC insurance for commercial paper.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking27) The development of money market mutual funds contributed to the growth of ________ since the money market mutual funds need to hold liquid, high-quality, short-terms assets.A) the commercial paper marketB) the municipal bond marketC) the corporate bond marketD) the junk bond marketAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking28) The process of transforming otherwise illiquid financial assets into marketable capital market instruments is known asA) securitization.B) internationalization.C) arbitrage.D) program trading.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge29) ________ is creating a marketable capital market instrument by bundling a portfolio of mortgage or auto loans.A) DiversificationB) ArbitrageC) ComputerizationD) SecuritizationAnswer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge30) The driving force behind the securitization of mortgages and automobile loans has beenA) the rising regulatory constraints on substitute financial instruments.B) the desire of mortgage and auto lenders to exit this field of lending.C) the improvement in information technology.D) the relaxation of regulatory restrictions on credit card operations.Answer: CAACSB: Information Technology31) Securitization is a process of asset transformation that involves a number of different financial institutions working together. These financial institutions are known collectively as theA) transformers.B) amalgamation.C) movers and shakers.D) shadow banking system.Answer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge32) Which of the following is NOT part of the shadow banking system?A) the transformerB) the servicerC) the bundlerD) the distributorAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge33) Because of securitization, a new class of residential mortgages offered to borrowers with less-than-stellar credit records developed. These mortgages are known asA) risk-enhanced mortgages.B) subprime mortgages.C) bundled mortgages.D) adjustable-rate mortgages.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge34) According to Edward Kane, because the banking industry is one of the most ________ industries in America, it is an industry in which ________ is especially likely to occur.A) competitive; loophole miningB) competitive; innovationC) regulated; loophole miningD) regulated; innovationAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge35) Loophole mining refers to financial innovation designed toA) hide transactions from the IRS.B) conceal transactions from the SEC.C) get around regulations.D) conceal transactions from the Treasury Department.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge36) Prior to 2008, bank managers looked on reserverequirementsA) as a tax on deposits.B) as a subsidy on deposits.C) as a subsidy on loans.D) as a tax on loans.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge37) Prior to 2008, the bank's cost of holding reserves equaledA) the interest paid on deposits times the amount of reserves.B) the interest paid on deposits times the amount of deposits.C) the interest earned on loans times the amount of loans.D) the interest earned on loans times the amount on reserves.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking38) Prior to 1980, the Fed set an interest rate ________, a maximum limit, on the interest rate that could be paid on time deposits.A) floorB) ceilingC) wallD) windowAnswer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge39) The process in which people seeking higher yielding securities take their funds out of the banking system thus restricting the amount of funds banks can lend is calledA) capital mobility.B) loophole mining.C) disintermediation.D) deposit jumping.AACSB: Application of Knowledge40) Money market mutual fundsA) function as interest-earning checking accounts.B) are legally deposits.C) are subject to reserve requirements.D) have an interest-rate ceiling.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge41) In September 2008, the Reserve Primary Fund, a money market mutual fund, found itself in the situation know as "breaking the buck." This means thatA) they could no longer afford to redeem shares at the par value of $1.B) they required shareholders to contribute a dollar more in fees each month.C) shareholders were able to redeem shares for more than a $1.D) shares earned more than a dollar in interest.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge42) In this type of arrangement, any balances above a certain amount in a corporation's checking account at the end of the business day are "removed" and invested in overnight securities that pay the corporation interest. This innovation is referred to as aA) sweep account.B) share draft account.C) removed-repo account.D) stockman account.AACSB: Application of Knowledge43) Sweep accounts which were created to avoid reserve requirements became possible because of a change inA) deposit ceilings.B) technology.C) government rules.D) bank mergers.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking44) Sweep accountsA) have made reserve requirements nonbinding for many banks.B) sweep funds out of deposit accounts into long-term securities.C) enable banks to avoid paying interest to corporate customers.D) reduce banks' assets.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking45) Since 1974, commercial banks importance as a source of funds for nonfinancial borrowersA) has shrunk dramatically, from around 40 percent of total credit advanced to around 25 percent by 2014.B) has shrunk dramatically, from around 70 percent of total credit advanced to below 50 percent by 2014.C) has expanded dramatically, from around 50 percent of total credit advanced to above 70 percent by 2014.D) has expanded dramatically, from around 30 percent of total credit advanced to above 50 percent by 2014.AACSB: Reflective Thinking46) Thrift institutions importance as a source of funds for borrowersA) has shrunk from around 40 percent of total credit advanced in the late 1970s to below 30 percent by 2014.B) has shrunk from over 20 percent of total credit advanced in the late 1970s to around 3 percent by 2014.C) has expanded dramatically, from around 15 percent of total credit advanced in the late 1970s to above 25 percent by 2014.D) has expanded dramatically, from around 15 percent of total credit advanced in the late 1970s to above 30 percent by 2014.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking47) Since 1980A) banks have decreased risk taking to offset the decline in profits.B) banks have offset the decline in profits from traditional activities with increased income from off-balance-sheet activities.C) banks have offset the decline in profits from off-balance-sheet activities with increased income from traditional activities.D) bank profits have grown rapidly due to deregulation.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking48) Financial innovation has causedA) banks to suffer declines in their cost advantages in acquiring funds, although it has not caused a decline in income advantages.B) banks to suffer a simultaneous decline of cost and income advantages.C) banks to suffer declines in their income advantages in acquiring funds, although it has not caused a decline in cost advantages.D) banks to achieve competitive advantages in both costs and income.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking49) Disintermediation resulted fromA) interest rate ceilings combined with inflation-driven increases in interest rates.B) elimination of Regulation Q (the regulation imposing interest rate ceilings on bank deposits).C) increases in federal income taxes.D) reserve requirements.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking50) The experience of disintermediation in the banking industry illustrates thatA) more regulation of financial markets may avoid such problems in the future.B) banks are unable to remain competitive with other financial intermediaries.C) consumers no longer desire the services that banks provide.D) markets invent alternatives to costly regulations.Answer: DAACSB: Reflective Thinking51) Banks responded to disintermediation byA) supporting the elimination of interest rate regulations, enabling them to better compete for funds.B) opposing the elimination of interest rate regulations, as this would increase their cost of funds.C) demanding that interest rate regulations be imposed on money market mutual funds.D) supporting the elimination of interest rate regulations, as this would reduce their cost of funds.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking52) One factor contributing to the decline in cost advantages that banks once had is theA) decline in the importance of checkable deposits from over60 percent of banks' liabilities to 2 percent today.B) decline in the importance of savings deposits from over60 percent of banks' liabilities to under 15 percent today.C) decline in the importance of checkable deposits from over40 percent of banks' liabilities to15 percent today.D) decline in the importance of savings deposits from over40 percent of banks' liabilities to under 20 percent today.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking53) The most important developments that reduced banks cost advantages includeA) the growth of the junk bond market.B) the competition from money market mutual funds.C) the growth of securitization.D) the growth in the commercial paper market.Answer: B。

初三知识Chapter 11

初三知识Chapter 11

what do you want most in life? take action=take steps • 采取行动
• 对…施加压力让其去做某事
put pressure on sb to do sth=force sb to do sth • 让某人做某事 let sb do sth
• • • • • • • •
• 33. plenty of …许多+可数\不可数 • =many\much
• • • • • • •
语法 let sb do make sb do have sb do do see\hear sb doing
• • • • • • • •
他让他儿子等很长时间。(make) → He made his son wait for a long time. → His son was made to wait for a long time. 我看到她高兴地弹钢琴。(see) → I saw her play the piano happily. → She was seen to play the piano happily. 我听见他们在隔壁大声地唱着歌。(hear) → I heard them singing loudly in the next room. → • They were heard singing loudly in the next room.
Useful words and expressions
Joe, what do you think about the first question? Mary, What is your opinion? Can you give me an example? Ken, do you agree with Joe? Actually, I really enjoy / dislike advertisements. The one I like / dislike most is the advertisement for …

金融风险管理课程Chapter 11练习答案

金融风险管理课程Chapter 11练习答案

Chapter 1110. Metrobank offers one-year loans with a 9 percent stated or base rate, charges a 0.25 percentloan origination fee, imposes a 10 percent compensating balance requirement, and must pay a 6 percent reserve requirement to the Federal Reserve. The loans typically are repaid at maturity.a. If the risk premium for a given customer is 2.5 percent, what is the simple promisedinterest return on the loan?The simple promised interest return on the loan is BR + m = 0.09 + 0.025 = 0.115 or 11.5 percent.b. What is the contractually promised gross return on the loan per dollar lent?percentRR b m BR f k 97.121906.01175.011)]06.01(1.0[1)025.009.0(0025.011)]1([1)(1=-+=---+++=---+++=σc. Which of the fee items has the greatest impact on the gross return?The compensating balance has the strongest effect on the gross return on the loan.Without the compensating balance, the gross return would equal 11.75 percent, a reduction of 1.22 percent. Without the origination fee, the gross return would be 12.69 percent, a reduction of only 0.28 percent. Eliminating the reserve requirement would cause the gross return to increase to 13.06 percent, an increase of 0.09 percent.24. Assume a one-year T-Bill is currently yielding 5.5 percent, and a AAA-rated discount bond with similar maturity is yielding 8.5 percent.a. If the expected recovery from collateral in the event of default is 50 percent of principaland interest, what is the probability of repayment of the AAA-rated bond? What is the probability of default?p(1 + k) + γ (1 - p)(1 + k) = 1+I. Solve for the probability of repayment (p):percent or k i p 47.949447.05.015.0085.1055.1111=--=--++=γγTherefore the probability of default is 1.0 - .9447 = 0.0553 or 5.53 percent.b. What is the probability of repayment of the AAA-rated bond if the expected recoveryfrom collateral in the case of default is 94.47 percent of principal and interest? What is the probability of default?percent or k i p 00.505000.09447.019447.0085.1055.1111=--=--++=γγTherefore the probability of default is 1.0 – 0.5000 = 0.5000 or 50.00 percent.c. What is the relationship between the probability of default and the proportion of principal and interest that may be recovered in the case of default on the loan?The proportion of the loan’s principal and interest that is collectible on default is a perfect substitute for the probability of repayment should such defaults occur.32. A bank is planning to make a loan of $5,000,000 to a firm in the steel industry. It expectsto charge a servicing fee of 50 basis points. The loan has a maturity of 8 years and a duration of 7.5 years. The cost of funds (the RAROC benchmark) for the bank is 10 percent. Assume the bank has estimated the maximum change in the risk premium on the steel manufacturing sector to be approximately 4.2 percent, based on two years of historical data. The current market interest rate for loans in this sector is 12 percent.a. Using the RAROC model, determine whether the bank should make the loan?RAROC = Fees and interest earned on loan/ Loan or capital riskLoan risk, or ∆LN = -D LN *LN *(∆R/(1 + R) = = -7.5 * $5m * (.042/1.12) = -$1,406,250 Expected interest = 0.12 x $5,000,000 = $600,000Servicing fees = 0.0050 x $5,000,000 = $25,000Less cost of funds = 0.10 x $5,000,000 = -$500,000Net interest and fee income = $125,000RAROC = $125,000/1,406,250 = 8.89 percent. Since RAROC is lower than the cost of funds to the bank, the bank should not make the loan.b. What should be the duration in order for this loan to be approved?For RAROC to be 10 percent, loan risk should be:$125,000/∆LN = 0.10 ⇒ ∆LN = 125,000 / 0.10 = $1,250,000⇒ -D LN * LN * (∆R/(1 + R)) = 1,250,000D LN= 1,250,000/(5,000,000 * (0.042/1.12)) = 6.67 years.Thus, this loan can be made if the duration is reduced to 6.67 years from 7.5 years. The duration can be reduced.c. Assuming that duration cannot be changed, how much additional interest and feeincome would be necessary to make the loan acceptable?Necessary RAROC = Income/Risk ⇒ Income = RAROC * Risk= $1,406,250 *0.10 = $140,625Therefore, additional income = $140,625 - $125,000 = $15,625.d. Given the proposed income stream and the negotiated duration, what adjustment in therisk premium would be necessary to make the loan acceptable?$125,000/0.10 = $1,250,000 ⇒-$1,250,000 = -7.5*$5,000,000*(∆R/1.12)Thus ∆R = 1.12(-$1,250,000)/(-7.5*$5,000,000) = 0.0373。

英语演讲Chapter 11

英语演讲Chapter 11

"But let justice roll down like waters And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos
“"Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged terrain a broad valley” Isaiah
In Today’s Session
1. Listen to the presentation of Ch 11. 2. Instructor’s comments. 3. Do an exercise. 4. Watch an excerpt of the speech “I have a dream” and then analyze its use of language. 5. Listen to three speeches.
1. Read Chapter 12. 2. Group 8 prepares the mini-lecture. 3. Group 3 prepares a persuasive speech on any topic and uses one technique mentioned in Chapter 11 to make your language vivid(p.276-281).
I want a job that pays well.
2. All professors at this school are expected to achieve high standards of excellence in their instructional duties.


















西工大837气体动力学基础chapter11-第十一章 相似原理及量纲分析

西工大837气体动力学基础chapter11-第十一章 相似原理及量纲分析

FG p FG m
FP p FPm
FI p FIm
11.1 (b)模型
图11.1 满足几何相似、运动相似和动力相似的流动
这里 at 和 an 分别代表切向和法向加速度,而下标p和m依然代
表原型和模型。同样,用 FG 、Fp 们也可以将其表示成下列关系:
( FI Fp

从这4个力我们得到了3个无量纲量,它们必须满足3个独立 的关系式;同理,从3个力我们可以得到2个无量纲量,同时必 须满足2个独立的关系式。
满足以上三种相似条件时,两个流动现象(或流场)在力 学上就是相似的。这三种相似条件中,几何相似是运动相似和 动力相似的前提和依据,动力相似是则是流动相似的主导因素, 而运动相似只是几何相似和动力相似的表征;三者密切相关, 缺一不可。
➢11.1 相似原理 ➢11.2 量纲分析法及定理的应用 ➢11.3 方程分析法 ➢11.4 模型实验
11.1 相似原理
直接实验方法有很大的局限性,其实验结果只适用于某些特 定条件,并不具有普遍意义,因而即使花费巨大,也难能揭示 现象的物理本质,并描述其中各量之间的规律性关系。并且还 有许多流动现象不宜进行直接实验。所以实际中常用模型做实 验。但要使从模型实验中得到的精确的定量数据能够准确代表 对应原型的流动现象,就必须在模型和原型之间满足以下的相 似性。



海底两万里第11章英文原文Chapter 11: The NautilusIn this chapter, the narrator Professor Aronnax and his companions finally get their first good glimpse of the enigmatic Nautilus, Captain Nemo's underwater vessel. The Nautilus is described as "tremendous" in size, easily able to hold the ship's company of thirty crewmen. The exterior ofthe Nautilus is slate-colored, with a long deck and ridges running down the sides of the vessel. The windows of the ship are made of unbreakable glass, and the propeller is poweredby electricity generated by sea water.The interior of the Nautilus is luxurious and comfortable, with finely furnished rooms, electric lighting, and an incredible library containing works in every language. The narrator notes that Captain Nemo is a man of great learning and culture, as evidenced by his extensive book collection. The Nautilus is also equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for underwater exploration, including a diving chamber and a searchlight that can illuminate the ocean floor.Despite the impressive nature of the vessel, the narrator notes that there is a certain air of mystery and secrecysurrounding the Nautilus. The crew is extremely loyal to Captain Nemo and the submarine's operations are highly secretive, with no one outside of the ship's company knowing the true nature of the craft or its mission.Overall, this chapter provides a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of the Nautilus and sheds light on the enigmatic figure of Captain Nemo. It also reinforces thesense of wonder and excitement that the characters experience as they journey deeper into the underwater world. For readers, the Nautilus is a symbol of both the thrill of explorationand the eerie allure of the unknown.。

语言学Chapter 11

语言学Chapter 11
Chapter 11 3
Chapter 11 Linguistics & Foreign Language Teaching
I. Language Teaching
1. The relationship between language teaching and linguisti1 Linguistics & Foreign Language Teaching
I. Language Teaching
2. Various linguistic theories and their significance in language learning and teaching d. Functional linguistics Taking a semantic-sociolinguistic approach, sees language as an instrument used to perform various functions such as the three meta-functions of the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual functions in social interaction. It leads to the development of notion/function-based syllabi. Chapter 11 10
In two aspects theories of linguistic study would help a lot in language teaching and learning. a. better decisions on the goal and content of the teaching (literary works or daily communication, general or specific, types of books and exercises, etc.); b. teaching methods and techniques (teachercentered, textbook-centered, or learner-centered, how errors be treated, etc.)



Chapter 11
Slide 17
MR1 = MR2
MC1 = MR1 and MC2 = MR2
MR1 = MR2 = MC
Chapter 11
Slide 18
P1: 第一组的价格
P2: 第二组的价格
5) 宝丽来相机
购买照相机 购买适用的胶卷
Chapter 11
Slide 43
11.4 两部收费制
厂商的定价决策是确定入门费 (T) 和使 用费 (P)。
厂商的决策重点在于, 在低入门费与高使 用费, 或者高入门费与低使用费之间寻找 一个平衡点。
Chapter 11
Slide 44
[图11.9 只有一个消费者的两部收费
解决方法: 价格歧视、
Chapter 11
Slide 7
(Price discrimination) 就是对 不同的消费者销售类似的商品时 制定不同的价格。
Chapter 11
Slide 8
11.2 价格歧视
11.2.1 一级价格歧视(First Degree Price Discrimination)
Q1 Q0
第二段 第三段
D 数量
图11.4 二级价格歧视
P1 P0
规模经济意味着: •通过扩大产量和降低成本使 消费者获益。

语言学教案 Chapter 11

语言学教案  Chapter 11

little variation in degree of success or route target language competence
L2 learners vary in overall success and route L2 learners may be content with less than target language competence or more concerned with fluency than accuracy common, plus backsliding (i.e. return to earlier stages of development
7. Instruction not needed 8. Negative evidence correction not found and not necessary
Similarities between L2 learning and L1 acquisition? A continuing theme has been whether people acquire a second language in the same way as a first. If the L2 stages outlined above are also followed by L1 children, both groups are probably using the same learning process. The L2 sequence for English grammatical morphemes was similar, though not identical, to that found in L1 acquisition by Brown (1972), the greatest differences being the irregular past tense 三门峡职业技术学院 新编简明英语语言学教案 0398-2183570

Chapter 11重力流沉积体系

Chapter 11重力流沉积体系

Wesere(1978)认为,最小坡度为 3~5º。
但大量的实践表明,形成重力流的最小坡 度 2~3º即可,只要重力流与湖水之间有
图 11—8 沉积物重力流的搬运过程(据 Kruit 等,1975)
= τB

du dy
式中,τ B 为屈服应力,η 为塑性粘滞系数或称刚性粘滞系数。
沉积物重力流可以分为水下的和陆上的两大类。水下沉积物重力流是指在水体底部流动的沉积 物与水混合的高密度流体。由其定义不难得出:
中国地质大学(北京)能源系石油教研室,于兴河教授,2002 年编著
重力流沉积物的形成属于事件性沉积作用,其起因于一定的触发机制,诸如洪水、地震、海啸 巨浪、风暴潮和火山喷发等阵发性因素直接或间接诱发下,会导致块体流和高密度流的形成。例如 1929 年 11 月 8 日发生在 Newfoundland 海岸的地震导致了大陆坡物质滑塌,在深海平原形成一次大 规模的浊流沉积(图 11—9)。

《旅游英语视听说》Chapter 11

《旅游英语视听说》Chapter 11
Yosemite National Park
Yosemite is _l_o_c_a_te_d_____ in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. The alpine wilderness, groves of giant Sequoia trees and the spectacular valley _la_n_d_s_c_a_p_e of Yosemite make it a pre-eminent natural_m__ar_v_e_l. In praising the beauty of this place, the naturalist John Muir said, "No temple made with hands can _c_o_m_p_a_r_e__ to Yosemite."
When it comes time for lunch, you can enjoy a picnic at any public outdoor dining area. Our favorite place to eat is Albert's Restaurant, a treetop-styled fine dining experience in Gorilla Tropics. On a sunny day, dine outside by the waterfall, or cool off in the interior dining room with a cold bottle of specialty beer and a fresh grilled ahi sandwich.
Useful Words and Expressions

Chapter 11 课后答案

Chapter 11 课后答案

Chapter11 答案Language Acquisition1. Define the following terms briefly.(1)first language acquisition: the learning and development of a person’s nativelanguage.(2)behaviorist approach: The approach views language as behavior and believesthat language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.(3)innateness approach: This approach holds that the ability to acquire a humanlanguage is part of the biologically innate equipment of the humanbeing, and that an infant is born with this ability just as it is born with twoarms, two legs, and a beating heart.(4)second language acquisition: the acquisition of another language or languagesafter the first language is on the way or completed.(5)contrastive analysis: a method of analyzing languages for instructional purposeswhereby a native language and target language are compared with aview to establishing points of difference likely to cause difficulties for learners.(6)error analysis: the study and the analysis of the errors made by second andforeign language learners in order to identify causes of errors or common difficulties in language learning.(7) language aptitude: the natural ability to learn a language, not including intelligence,motivation, interest, etc.(8)field dependence: a learning style in which a learner tends to look at thewhole while overlooking the many parts it contains. The learner has difficultyin studying a particular item when it is embedded within a field of other items.(9)field independence: a learning style in which a learner is able to identify orfocus on particular items and is not distracted by other items in the backgroundor context.(10) learning strategy: It refers to the particular approaches or techniques thatlearners use to try to learn a second language.2.Omitted.3.Omitted.4.This is called “overgeneralization” in second language learning. If second languagelearners produce forms such as goed, sheeps and coulds, they may know some regularrules of English but apply them in the wrong place. Here they mistakenly copythe general rules of forming the past forms with “ed”, plurals with “s” and thirdperson singulars with “s”. This kind of errors is caused largely due to the nonnativespeaker’s incomplete knowledge of the rules of the target language. Forexample, an English learner may produce sentence like *“He speaked English” , oruse * mans instead of men for the plural of man.5.Mandarin Chinese will interfere with our English studies in the following ways:The commonest way is the interference of Mandarin Chinese grammar. SomeEnglish learners may produce sentence like “He comes from China, Bejing” followingthe word order of Mandarin Chinese instead of the correct English wordorder “He comes from Beijing, China”, or produce sentence like “Yesterday I wentto town” instead of “I went to town yesterday”. The interference also shows up inpronunciation. Many speech sounds in English do not appear in Chinese, such as/e/, /8/. Thus it is difficult for us to pronounce them correctly. More interferencecan also be found in semantics and pragmatics.6.(1) The choice of the word “hinder” here is not appropriate. This kind of error isintralingual. It originates from faulty or partial learning of the target language.In this situatio n we may say “Please don’t disturb me.”(2)The answer to this question is incorrect. The correct answer should be “No,certainly not.” This kind of error is interlingual. It originates from the negativetransfer of Chinese.(3)The correct sentence sh ould be “During the meeting we talk about/discussthe research project.” This kind of error results from cross-association, onekind of intralingual errors. Meanings of the two words (talk and discuss) arealike, but their usage is different. Their similarity leads to confusion.(4)The correct sentence structure should be “She catches cold easily.” This kindof error is called interlingual error which is produced according to the wordorder of Chinese (“他容易感冒”).(5)The correct answer should be “The light can impress the film and in this wayfix the image of the film.” This kind of error is intralingual error. It originatesfrom faulty or partial learning of the target language.(6)The correct form should be “The scenery is too beautiful to describe.” Thisis intralingual error which is caused by the influence of one target languageitem upon another.7.If some learners’ interlanguage is said to have “fossilized”, they have developed afairly fixed repertoire of L2 forms, containing many features which do not progressany further. Aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and grammar maybecome fossilized in second or foreign language learning. However, an interlanguageis not designed to fossilize. It will naturally develop and become a more effectivemeans of communication, given appropriate conditions.8.It is true that some people are more likely to fossilize than others. It is believedthat certain personality traits are important predictors of success in second languagelearning, such as introversion versus extroversion. Extroverts are generallymore sociable and gregarious. If they are learning in the L2 environment,extroverts will be more actively involved in the language than their introvertclassmates. They will be more responsive to the input they get, be keener to tryproducing their own L2 utterances, so they have more opportunities to build upand test the language structures, making them less likely to fossilize. In languagelearning environments the tendency for fossilization might be reversed.。

商务翻译 Chapter 11

商务翻译 Chapter 11
Chapter 11
(Practical Business English Translation)
第一节 商务合同与协议的词汇特点
P 152
协议 agreement 合同 contract
1. Any event or circumstance beyond the control of the Parties shall be deemed an event of Force Majeure and shall include, but not be restricted to, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, war, rebellion, insurrection, epidemic and quarantine restriction. 译文:双方遇有无法控制的事件或情况应视为 不可抗力事件,但不限于火灾、风灾、水 灾、地震、爆炸、战争、叛乱、暴动、传 染病及瘟疫。

Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity. 译文:甲方应承担所有广告和宣传费用的支出。
• The Employer may ask bidders individually for clarification of their tenders, including breakdowns of unit prices. 译文:业主(雇佣方)可要求投标者分别就其 投表作出表述,包括单价的细目表。
译文: 在承包商负责照管期间,倘如工程或其他 任何部分,或待用的材料或设备出现任何 损失或损坏,除第53.1.1条限定的风险情况 外,不论出于何种原因,承包商均应出资 弥补此类损失或损坏,以使永久工程在各 方面符合合同的规定,达到工程师满意的 程度。
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Germany: Everything must have its order. The grass is not trampled down. Parks tend to be clean and neat.
Park Space
In Chinese culture, the park is seen as a leisure space, also reveals the Chinese traditional civilization, calligraphy, opera, kung fu,and traditional dance can be found in the Chinese park.
Chapter11 Space
Cultural differences in territoriality
First ,cultures can differ in the general degree of territoriality that its members tend to exhibit. Second ,cultures can be differ in the range of possible places or spaces about which they are territorial. Finally, cultures can differ in terms of the typical reactions exhibited in response to invasions of territory.
personal space
Compared with children of china, the children of western country trend to need more personal space. Chinese prefer to live with their parents

Furniture arrangement space
In French space is a Even the arrangement reflection of French culture of offices gives us a clue and French institutions. to the character of a Everything is centralized, and spatially the entire people. country is laid out around centers. In Germany, where privacy is stressed, office furniture is spread throughout the office.
Culture & Space
and European requirements on the distance seems to be greater than in other countries and cultures. Remember that when people who talk with you get back a little, do not try to reduce this distance.
Park Space
U.S.: People from the United States carry their idea of individuality over into public space. They consider it their right to walk and play on the grass in the park. Government buildings are open to the public.
In Japan
Seating Space
In Korea
Seating arrangements reflect status and role distinctions.
Seating arrangements at any formal or semiformal function are also based on hierarchy. The most important person sits at one end of the rectangular table, with those nearest in rank at the right and left of this senior position.

Zones of Space
Intimate distance 0-45 centimeters Personal distance 45-80 centimeters Social distance 1.3-3 meters Public distance farther than 2 or 3 meters
Culture influences even manner and meaning in seating arrangements.
Seating Space
In the United States
Americans tend to talk with those opposite them, rather than those beside them. Leaders usually take the chair at the head of the table.
Mediterranean Europeans
Culture & Space
American French Arab Latin American
Small space
Large space
Culture space
In Arab cultures a public space is a place where people can come together, often in vary large numbers, to talk, do business, socialize ,These are often very busy, active places, with lots of things going on chinese in the process of communication keeps a small distance with each other, Classmates ,friends and family likes to sit together in public places, intimate and fun. They even hand in hand to show friendship and close.
Furniture arrangement space
Furniture arrangement at home communicates something about the culture.

In America (as well as in China), the furniture in the living room is pointed towards the TV set. While in France, Italy and Mexico, conversation is important, and facing chairs toward a TV screen stifles conversation. So furniture is arranged to encourage conversation.
Northern American Zones of Space
Personal Space
In European culture, personal space has changed historically since Roman times, together with the boundaries of public and personal space. This topic has been explored in A History of Private Life (2001), under the general editorship of Georges Duby(French scholar).

Personal Space

Personal space refers to the portable territory with invisible boundaries that expand or contract depending on the situation.page159
Personal Space Scale
In China
The Chinese often experience alienation and uneasiness when they face someone directly, or sit on the opposite sides of a desk or table from someone (feel as if they are on trial.)
Cultural styles also determine the amount of personal space.
Short Distance Latins MediumDistance Americans Long Distance Japanese
Mediterranean Arabs
Northern Europeans