Model-based slopping warning in the LD steel converter process




33总174期 2023.12 混凝土世界引言混凝土是一种广泛应用于工程结构中的复合材料,其在动态荷载作用下的力学性能与静态荷载作用下的力学性能有显著差异,因此研究混凝土的动态本构关系对于理解和预测混凝土结构在冲击、爆炸等极端条件下的响应和破坏具有重要意义。





因此,本文首先通过力学试验获得不同掺量钢渣混凝土的静态力学性能参数,包括轴心抗压强度、弹性模收稿日期:2023-9-13第一作者:常银会,1997年生,硕士,主要从事固废混凝土的研究与应用相关工作,E-mail:****************项目信息:宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划“煤电与冶金多固废协同高效制备绿色高性能混凝土关键技术与规模化应用”(2022BDE02002)基于RHT本构模型的钢渣混凝土SHPB模拟研究常银会 楚京军 侯 荣 刘亚娟宁夏赛马科进混凝土有限公司 宁夏 银川 750000摘 要:本文采用试验和数值模拟相结合的方法,对钢渣混凝土的静力学性能和冲击动力学性能展开研究。








遗传算法以生物进化为原型,具有良好的全局搜混合Filter与改进自适应GA的特征选择方法邱云飞,高华聪辽宁工程技术大学软件学院,辽宁葫芦岛125100摘要:针对高维度小样本数据在特征选择时出现的维数灾难和过拟合的问题,提出一种混合Filter模式与Wrapper 模式的特征选择方法(ReFS-AGA)。





NO、0051Constraint equation 212 does not have a unique slave dof.和Constraint eqaution 171 has specified dof constraint at all node/dof 。

constraint equation dleted。





NO、0052Term 4 (node 5000 rotz)on CE number 3331 is not active on any element。

This term is ignored。




NO、0053我建立接触对求解时出现下面提示:you may move entire target surface by X=-1.331532856E-04,Y=2.51086219E-04,Z=1.344714965E-04 to bring it in contact好像是移动目标面,但是不知如何移动,请高手指点说的是你的模型两个面根本就接触不上。

怎么移动?就是建模的时候,让目标面移动X=-1.331532856E-04,Y=2.51086219E-04,Z=1.344714965E-04 (相对于你当前的建模),就是说,新模型目标面的位置相对你原来的位置有X=-1.331532856E-04,Y=2.51086219E-04,Z=1.344714965E-04 的间隙距离,没有刚好接触。



ansys常见警告和错误ansys警告和错误2010-05-03 21:471、The value of UY at node 1195 is 449810067.It is greater than the current limit of 1000000.This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model si properly constrained.错误的可能:1).出现了刚体位移,要增加约束2).求解之前先merge或者压缩一下节点3).有没有接触,如果接触定义不当,也会出现这样类似的情况4)材料属性设置不对会出现这种情况,例如密度设置的太离谱;我自己遇到这种情况的解决方案一般是检查没有耦合的结点;我遇到过这种情况最后发现是密度设置离谱了;2、Large negative pivot value...May be because of a bad temperature-dependent material property used in the model.出现这个错误很可能的原因是约束不够!请仔细检查模型!还没碰到过这个问题3、开始求解后出现以下提示,Solid model data is contaminated后来终于找到原因了有限元网格里包含一些未被划分网格的线,一般来说出现在面于面之间有重合的线,导致虽然面被划分了网格,却包含未被划分网格的线。

解决办法,把模型存为.cdb格式(去掉几何信息),然后再读取,就可以求解了命令:cdwrite,db,模型名,cdb听起来不错,不过也没遇到过,一般在划分后用一下NUMMRG 命令,合并元素,以避免这种情况出现4、*** WARNING ***There are 79 small equation solver pivot terms.几个可能:1) 约束不够,但警告有79 个方程出现小主元,这一条可能性较小,但也不妨检查一下。



abaqus job=*.inp interactiveINP文件中的有些关键词是ABAQUS/CAE所不支持的,导入INP文件时会在窗口底部的信息区中看到警告信息:WARNING: The following keywords/parameters are not yet supported by the input file reader这时导入ABAQUS/CAE的模型是不完整的,所以分析时出错。

如果在ABAQUS Command窗口中输入以下命令来提交分析,就没有这种问题:abaqus job=INP文件的名称我的文件名为:2D.inp在temp目录里(默认目录)我输入:abaqus job=inp2d.inp 按回车后出现如下SyntaxError: invalid syntax 语法错误按如下输入及结果:>>> abaqus job=inp c:\temp\2D.inp SyntaxError: invalid syntax 我不知道如何处理了,能再帮我讲一下吗?谢谢了请教一下如何处理abaqus-help里inp文件不是在ABAQUS/CAE底部的>>> 后面输入,而是:在WINDOWS中点击[开始] →[程序] →[ABAQUS 6.5-1] →[ABAQUS Command],然后在DOS窗口中输入:abaqus job=2Dinteractive:This option will cause the job to run interactively.For ABAQUS/Standard the log file will be output to the screen;for ABAQUS/Explicit the status file and the log file will be output to the screen.*模型的重启动分析-restart按理说restart不应该算是一个分析的技巧,而是一个常识,不过呢可能有很多朋友没有建过大型模型导致restart也用的较少,所以也介绍下1.什么是restart你的job可能包含多个step,可是如果你的模型很大,可能会有这样一种情况,当你花了几天几夜,终于分析好的时候,你发现the first step的边界条件设置的有问题,这对于你真是晴天霹雳,于是你只好重新来过,可是低二天你发现你的电脑restart,这时的你可能只能问上帝了,how can i do? *restart,就是将一个复杂的模型分析过程分成很多的阶段,甚至是一个increatment step 一个阶段,你可以对每个阶段的结果进行检验,然后进入下一个阶段进行分析。



Transformer Performance DatabaseA Value Proposition for an Industry-wide EquipmentPerformance Database (IDB) of Substation Transformers1012357Effective December 6, 2006, this report has been made publicly available in accordance with Section 734.3(b)(3) and published in accordance with Section 734.7 of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. As a result of this publication, this report is subject to only copyright protection and doesnot require any license agreement from EPRI. This notice supersedes theexport control restrictions and any proprietary licensed material noticesembedded in the document prior to publication.Transformer Performance Database A Value Proposition for an Industry-wide Equipment Performance Database of Substation Transformers1012357Technical Update, November, 2006EPRI Project ManagerB. DesaiELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTEDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIESTHIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY THE ORGANIZATION(S) NAMED BELOW AS AN ACCOUNT OF WORK SPONSORED OR COSPONSORED BY THE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (EPRI). NEITHER EPRI, ANY MEMBER OF EPRI, ANY COSPONSOR, THE ORGANIZATION(S) BELOW, NOR ANY PERSON ACTING ON BEHALF OF ANY OF THEM:(A) MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR (II) THAT SUCH USE DOES NOT INFRINGE ON OR INTERFERE WITH PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS, INCLUDING ANY PARTY'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, OR (III) THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS SUITABLE TO ANY PARTICULAR USER'S CIRCUMSTANCE; OR(B) ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF EPRI OR ANY EPRI REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES) RESULTING FROM YOUR SELECTION OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT.ORGANIZATION(S) THAT PREPARED THIS DOCUMENTElectric Power Research Institute (EPRI)ADAPTA CorporationThis is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report.NOTEFor further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or e-mail askepri@.Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.Copyright © 2006 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.CITATIONSThis document was prepared byElectric Power Research Institute (EPRI)3420 Hillview Avenue,Palo Alto, CA 94304-1338.Principal InvestigatorB. DesaiADAPTPA Corp.PO BOX 496Myerstown, PA 17067Principal InvestigatorL. SavioThis document describes research sponsored by EPRI.This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner:Transformer Performance Database: A Value Proposition for an Industry-wide Equipment Performance Database (IDB) of Substation Transformers. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2006, 102358.ABSTRACTEffective equipment planning, maintenance, refurbishment and replacement decisions require knowledge about asset performance and the ability to predict future performance. To be well informed about a power transformer’s expected performance; one must analyze both the asset’s individual historical performance data and that of other assets of similar characteristics or type. Similarly, fleet management decisions are best made with an understanding of expected performance of the group. Transformer performance varies considerably because of differences in design, manufacturing, and application. Therefore, risk identification using generic transformer failure rates is not sufficient to meet the current business and technical demands for risk management placed on power delivery planners, asset and maintenance managers. Statistically valid information is required identified by:•Failure type•Operational history•Maintenance historyDesign based on specific:•Family•Make•Model•Application•AgeTo this end, EPRI has undertaken work to collect the needed data. By including data from numerous utilities, meaningful reliability, maintenance and operating statistics can be generated. Some of the uses include:•Population age distribution•Failure mode distribution•Lifetime distributions or probability density function (hazard rates)EPRI’s Transformer Industry-wide Data Base is a collaborative effort to pool appropriate transformer operating and failure data in order to assemble a statistically valid population of many types of transformers.Building on the work of the Electric Power Research Institute Industry Database for Cables, the goals of this project are to design, develop, populate, maintain and extract valuable information from an Industry Database for power transformers (IDB). The IDB design will be flexible enough to contain data from the perspective of capability, condition, degradation, and risk assessment collected over the life of a transformer. The project will identify data requirements and develop standardized database models for equipment performance analysis andbenchmarking. Using industry wide data and integrating information currently contained in separate documents and databases, this project will provide utilities with reliability, operational and performance data, and information resources not available to an individual company.The project will:•Use an open architecture to allow integration with existing utility databases and integration tools•Provide templates for data collection as well as performance reporting for both the IDB and utility internal uses•Enable multi-utility data collection (including on-line data) needed to meet business needs •Document, track, and analyze transformer failures and troubles with the defined data elements (cause, mode, root cause, analysis, etc.) and compare with industry averages •Provide tools to project future transformer performance, reliability, and maintenance needsIn the first phase of this project, reported here, EPRI has developed a prototype IDB architecture using the CIM (Common Information Model) naming conventions. In the second phase, the objectives will be to populate the IDB with data from each participating utility and develop analysis tools to provide the requisite information. The results of this second phase will be made available to all participating utilities in a secured manner. Sensitive utility data will be processed confidentially and shared only on a generic or summary basis.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSEPRI wishes to acknowledge the support of Mr. Pat Duggan and the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.CONTENTS1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1-1Background....................................................................................................................1-1 Challenges.....................................................................................................................1-2 Objectives – Why IDB for Transformers?.......................................................................1-22 APPROACH...........................................................................................................................2-13 PROOF OF CONCEPT - DEMONSTRATION........................................................................3-14 IDB IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................................4-1Overview..............................................................................................................................4-1 Hardware and Software Requirements................................................................................4-2 Costs....................................................................................................................................4-25 ARCHITECTURE SUMMARY................................................................................................5-1IDB Design Goals...........................................................................................................5-1 Assumptions...................................................................................................................5-1 Status.............................................................................................................................5-26 CONCLUSIONS.....................................................................................................................6-1Asset management........................................................................................................6-1 Near Term Research Vision...........................................................................................6-1 Sample Analysis.............................................................................................................6-1 Long Term/Ultimate Research Vision.............................................................................6-2 Interest Survey Results..................................................................................................6-2 Database Potential: What Can the Database Do For the User?....................................6-3 IDB Road map Vision – Moving Forward.......................................................................6-31INTRODUCTIONBest-practice maintenance and asset Management decisions are based upon the ability to understand risks associated with actual equipment condition and performance. There are four key steps which are necessary to understand this risk. They are:•Understanding existing performance•Understanding required performance•Projecting future performance•Understanding how to bridge gapsTherefore, effective equipment planning, maintenance, refurbishment and replacement decisions require knowledge about asset performance and the ability to predict future performance. To be well informed about a power transformer’s expected performance, one must analyze both the asset’s individual historical performance data and that of other assets of similar characteristics or type. Similarly, fleet management decisions are best made with an understanding of expected performance of the group. Transformer performance varies considerably because of differences in design, manufacturing, and application. Consequently, risk identification using generic transformer failure rates is not sufficient to meet the current business and technical demands for risk management placed on power delivery planners, asset and maintenance managers. Statistically valid information is required identified by:•Failure type•Operational history•Maintenance historyDesign based on specific:•Family•Make•Model•Application•AgeBackgroundThe power transformer is a major capital asset in a utilities’ power system. It can step-up voltage from a generating station to transmission voltage levels, it can control power flow (phase-shifting transformer) between systems and it steps voltage down in substations to distribution voltages. Given its importance in a power system it is no wonder that the failure of one of these assetsshould warrant investigation and that the utilities should want to keep track of their serviceability and reliability.Over the past fifty years various attempts have been made to collect power transformer performance data. At this time, there is no comprehensive data base available to EPRI members that can be used for the kinds of analysis required to meet today’s business needs.ChallengesFor all of the above-mentioned reasons, asset management tools are needed to justify and guide the solutions, meet the near term cost and reliability challenges and provide the business case for future technology and business transformations. Equipment Performance Data is necessary to be able to project equipment failure rates and costs as the equipment ages and its condition degrades. The key requirements – equipment failure models and equipment failure rates provide the motivation for developing an industry-wide performance database as a tool for planning and asset management.Few utilities have a large enough population of like transformers from which they can develop accurate failure models. Most utilities have transformer populations made up of numerous models from a diverse set of manufacturers making it very difficult to predict the true expected reliability of any one specific model. Even when the population of a specific model is large, the utility many times finds that its operating experience and historical data are limited. EPRI’s Transformer IDB is a collaborative effort to pool appropriate transformer operating and failure data in order to assemble a statistically valid population of many types of transformers. Objectives – Why IDB for Transformers?The sharing of failure and trouble experiences on a detailed and confidential basis is necessary in order for the industry to build advanced predictive models and to better determine the expected lives of critical assets. Utilities are very interested in learning from others and sharing data but have not had a suitable vehicle or model to share that information. EPRI not only has the vehicle to share data on a confidential basis but also has developed algorithms that can “mine” this information and provide the participating utility with expert diagnostics and analysis.EPRI’s Industry Wide Performance Database -Transformers (IDB) models power transformer assets and failures. Included in the database are asset attributes to allow the segregation and analysis by manufacturer, model, application and risk exposure.The objective of this project is to develop a transformer performance database that can be used by the industry to predict transformer reliability for a variety of risk profiles. Using basic nameplate and precursory failure information, this data base tries to overcome the following challenges:•Generic transformer reliability models are inadequate for complex decision support. •Company data does not statistically represent diverse asset population subsets.•Difficult to identify and track performance problems within groups, e.g. design type or age bracket.•No easy way to benchmark across companies matching “apples to apples.”•O/M Practices•Design Issues•ApplicationThe database specification includes physical asset information, trouble and failure events for use in life assessment and component analysis. The specification also allows the database to be used in maintenance and asset management optimization – including strategies for replacement, to identify design and material problems.2APPROACHGiven the past experience with Transformer Data Collection and Management, EPRI has embarked on a project to establish a Transformer Database which can be used by any member utility to enter data and receive reports via the internet and/or manage their data within their own utility.The EPRI Industry Wide Database for transformers will use a flexible architecture, user friendly tools and web enabled data entry and reporting. The data required for the in-service transformer population will be determined using transformer experts, the IEEE Guide C57.117 and CIGRE information. The specification of the amount and type of data supplied must also consider its availability to the utility. If data is unavailable to the utility then the database will fall into disuse. The emphasis here is that the database will require the minimum amount of data to assure it accuracy and assure confidence in its query results.Data entry will use templates with drop down menus to assist the utility in entering the proper data with the least amount of effort. This applies to population data entry and failure data entry. Query templates will be used to assist the utility in obtaining customized reports. Based on the desires of the member utilities standard reports can be developed and broadcast to the utility over the internet.The preliminary data model includes:Physical Asset Information•Manufacturer•Design Characteristics•Type/Model•Year of Manufacturer•Application•Technical characteristicsHistorical Operating Information•Operating conditions•Failure Modes•Failure Causes•Failure Dates•Trouble Events•Trouble DatesThe Model Transformer IDB contains nameplate, operating, failure, and trouble information about each transformer asset. Specific information contained is listed below. A number of drop down menus (indicated by shaded group of fields) are used to facilitate data entry.Table 2-1Location DetailsUtility NameStreet Address 1CityState/ProvinceZip/Postal CodeCountryModify DateContact NamePhonee-mailSubstationSubstation IDTransformer IDSubstationOperating NumberBank IDBankTable 2-2ApplicationApplicationSubstation Trans.Transmission TieGenerator Step-upUnit Aux.Table 2-3Manufacturer DetailsManufacturerPlant where manufacturedSerial NumberTable 2-4Core Design DetailCore TypeCore formShell formTable 2-5Vintage DetailDate of manufacturingData of InstallationTable 2-6ApplicationTransformer typePower TransformerAutotransformerRegulating TransformerPhase Shifting TransformerShunt ReactorHVDC Converter TransformerTable 2-7Design SpecificationPower Rating (Maximum) (MVA)Nominal FrequencyVoltage Nominal Primary (kV)Voltage Nominal Secondary (kV)Voltage Nominal Tertiary (kV)Primary BILSecondary BILTertiary BILNeutral BILOperating Voltage-PrimaryOperating Voltage-SecondaryWinding Configuration - PrimaryWinding Configuration - SecondaryWinding Configuration - TertiaryPhasesTable 2-8Cooling System DetailsCooling ClassNEW DESIGNATION OLD DESIGNATIONONAN OAONAF FAONAN/ONAF/ONAF OA/FA/FAONAN/ONAF/OFAF OA/FA/FOAONAN/ODAF OA/FOAONAN/ODAF/ODAF OA/FOA/FOAOFAF FOAOFWF FOWODAF FOAODWF FOWTable 2-9Tap Changer DetailsNO LOAD TAP CHANGERTemperature Rise55/656555Winding InsulationOil typemineral oilNon-mineral oilOil Preservation SystemNitrogen pressure reg.Conservator-BladderSealed nitrogen blanketOn-Load Tap Changer ModelManufacturerTypeReactance bridging/arc in liquidReactance bridging/arc in vacuumResistance bridging/arc in liquidResistance bridging/arc in vacuumOther (specify)Current RatingNumber of PhasesNominal VoltageNumber of TapsIn-Service DateTable 2-10Failure Report DetailsFAILURE/TROUBLE REPORT SECTION(THIS SECTION FILED IN ONLY INEVENT OF A TROUBLE/FAILUREREASON FOR REPORTFailure with forced outageFailure with scheduled outageDefectOtherTable 2-11Failed Component Location DetailsFAILURE LOCATIONH BushingX bushingY BushingLeads-terminal boardH windingX windingY windingTap windingconnectionsMagnetic circuitShielding insulationcore insulationCore clampingFluid circulating systemTankHeat exchangersNo Load Tap ChangerLoad Tap ChangerCTsAuxiliary equipmentOtherUnknownTable 2-12Failure Result DetailsFAILURE RESULTED IN:Fluid contaminationExcess temperaturesDielectric breakdownImpedance changeHigh combustible gasLoss of pumpsLoss of fansTap changer malfunctionFireExpulsion of insulating fluidRupture of tankOther (specify)Table 2-13Failure Cause DetailsCAUSE OF FAILUREElectrical designMechanical designManufacturingInadequate short circuit strengthElectrical workmanshipMechanical workmanshipImproper storageImproper installationImproper maintenanceImproper protectionOverloadExcessive short circuit dutyLoss of coolingOperation errorTransportationLightningEarthquakeAnimalsVandalismSabotageUnknownOther (specify)Loading at time of failureEstimated Fault CurrentWeatherSpecial ConditionsTable 2-14Failure ResultRemoved from Service (Date)Transformer DispositionRewound and returned to serviceRepaired and returned to servi ceTransformer ScrappedRepaired by Whom?Date returned to service3PROOF OF CONCEPT - DEMONSTRATIONInitial development has resulted in the construction of a preliminary database structure. Various computer “screen shots” are presented in this section to demonstrate the “user friendliness” and flexibility of the database. The figures will start with log-in and proceed through data entry and finally show a search. The database uses SQL server and will reside on an EPRI server. There will be security built into the system that will allow the user to view only data that they can subscribe to. As an example, utility XYZ can view only his utility data and the industry wide database (without utility identification).Figure 3-1Log on ScreenThis screen shot shows the window the subscriber will use to log in using their pass word. The user name and password will tell the database if this is a valid subscriber and their allowable activity.Figure 3-2Data Entry SelectionIn this screen shot the user will be able to elect an activity. The activity could be to enter newdata, modify existing data or obtain a report (more on this later).Figure 3-3Population Data Entry ScreenThis screen shot shows the data entry field presently available. Notice the use of drop downmenus. This is a user friendly data entry feature.Figure 3-4Example – Population Search: By Manufacturer and Serial NumberIn order to find an existing record in the data base a user must enter the transformer serial number and the manufacturer. These two fields are unique to a specific transformer. The searchwill find the record and display it so the modifications can be made to the record.Figure 3-5Example – Population DataIn figure 3-4 above the user entered 234567 for the serial number and GE for the manufacturerand found the record below in the data base.Figure 3-6Failure Data Entry ScreenThe screen shot below shows the data entry window for reporting a failure. Note that many dropdown menus are used to facilitate data entry.Figure 3-7Failure Search to Modify Failure DataOnce a record has populated the data base then the following screen is used to find the record. Note serial number and manufacturer are required. These two fields are unique to a specifictransformer.Figure 3-8Example of Failure DataData fields can be modified by searching failure database using Manufacturer and serial numberfind this data sheet and then data can be added or modifiedFigure 3-9Report Selection ScreenThis screen is used to select the report desired. Currently there are four reports that can be generated. However, any number of queries can be developed and generate a report if the datafie l d are in the data base. More reports will developed as the subscriber needs are identified.Figure 3-10Population ReportThe screen below is a printout of Utility XYZ population report of their transformersReport showing all failures in the databaseReport of the Entire Transformer Population by AgePopulation Report by Voltage and Age and Specific UtilityFailure Report Indicating LTC Failures4IDB IMPLEMENTATIONOverviewThe following diagram provides a high level overview of the IDB Implementation Architecture:Figure 4-1Overview – IDB Implementation ArchitectureAs shown above, the Transformer IDB (TIDB) system, which consists of front-end User Interface (UI) and back-end Database (DB), will be hosted in a secure environment within EPRI. The database will run on SQL Server while the UI of the application will be rendered via anInternet Information Server (IIS), which is a component of Windows operating system. Themember utilities will have access to the TIDB system via Internet. For security reasons, thesystem is designed to not allow a utility to have direct access to the database. All the communication between DB and the utility will be through the Web Server. If desired, the DBand the Web Server may be implemented on one server. The decision of whether to implementboth DB and UI on the same server will depend on several factors (e.g. such as number ofutilities signed up, complexity of the queries, number of users accessing the system simultaneously etc.) which are beyond the scope of this document.Hardware and Software RequirementsIt should be noted that the software and hardware requirements for any system are greatlyaffected by the number of users simultaneously accessing the system. Since at this point there isnot enough visibility into the number of users, the information provided here should only be usedas guideline.The following table lists key software and hardware requirements related to the TIDB system.Single Server Deployment – DB and Web Server on single computerSoftware/HardwareName Licenses/Quantity Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition 1 SoftwareSQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 1 SoftwareServer w/- Dual Processors, Pentium IV or Athlon1 Hardware- 2 GB RAM (min)- 200 GB HDD (min)Dual Server Deployment – DB and Web Server on two separate computersSoftware/HardwareName Licenses/Quantity Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition 2 SoftwareSQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 1 SoftwareWeb Sever- Single Processor, Pentium IV or Athlon1 Hardware- 1 GB RAM (min)- 40 GB HDD (min)Web Sever- Dual Processor, Pentium IV or Athlon1 Hardware- 4 GB RAM (min)- 200 GB HDD (min)CostsThe costs associated to this system can be classified into following two types:•Initial Investment–This is a combination of expenses associated with, the development lifecycle (design, development, testing etc.) and the acquisition of required software licenses and hardware. The following table lists the estimated Initial Investment.Single Server Deployment – DB and Web Server on single computerItem Unit Cost Qty Total Cost/Item Development LifecycleWindows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 1SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 1Server (h/w)- Dual Processors, Pentium IV or Athlon1- 2 GB RAM (min)- 200 GB HDD (min)Total CostSingle Server Deployment – DB and Web Server on two separate computersItem Unit Cost Qty Total Cost/Item Development LifecycleWindows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 2SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 1Web Sever (h/w)- Single Processor, Pentium IV or Athlon1- 1 GB RAM (min)- 40 GB HDD (min)DB Sever (h/w)- Dual Processor, Pentium IV or Athlon1- 2 GB RAM (min)- 200 GB HDD (min)•Maintenance Cost – This is the cost incurred in maintaining the system (bug fixing, functionality enhancements etc.) after the deployment in production. This a variable cost that will greatly depend on the type of the work performed.。



2021年4月电工技术学报Vol.36 No. 8 第36卷第8期TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Apr. 2021DOI: 10.19595/ki.1000-6753.tces.200083T型三电平并网逆变器有限集模型预测控制快速寻优方法辛业春王延旭李国庆王朝斌王尉(东北电力大学现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室吉林 132012)摘要三电平变流器控制系统采用有限集模型预测控制(FCS-MPC),滚动优化需要遍历所有开关状态,针对其导致处理器运算量增加、处理时间长的问题,提出一种T型三电平并网逆变器优化计算量的FCS-MPC方法。




关键词:有限集模型预测控制T型三电平中点电位平衡快速寻优中图分类号:TM464Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control Method withFast Optimization Based on T-Type Three-Level Grid-Connected Inverter Xin Yechun Wang Yanxu Li Guoqing Wang Chaobin Wang Wei (Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology Ministry of Education Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China)Abstract Rolling optimization of Finite Control Set model predictive control (Finite Control Set-MPC, FCS-MPC) needs to traverse all the switch states in the three-level converter control system, which will cause the problems of increased processor calculation and long processing time. For this reason, this paper proposes a FCS-MPC method with optimized calculation amount of T-type three-level grid-connected inverter. By constructing a single objective cost function based on voltage prediction, the design of weighting factor is avoided and the steps of single optimization are reduced.For improving the efficiency of optimization, the redundant small vector is selected according to the DC bus potential distribution to balance the neutral-point potential and reduce the number of predictions per control cycle to 3 times. The finite control set is divided according to the minimum weighted error square of the included vectors in the prediction process, and the vector angle is used to compensate the system delay, thereby improving the prediction accuracy and the grid-connected current quality. A power hardware-in-the-loop simulation system based on RT-Lab and a physical device are established to verify the proposed control strategy. The results show that the proposed theoretical analysis is correct and the control strategy is effective.国家自然科学基金资助项目(U2066208)。



Lightweight design of automobile component using high strength steel based on dent resistanceAbstractLightweight and crashworthiness are two important aspects of auto-b-ody d esign. In this paper, based on the shallow shell theory,the express-ion of dent resistance stiffness of double curvatured shallow shell is obt-ained under the co ncentrated load condition. The critical loads resulting i-n the local trivial dent i n the center of the shallow shell is regarded as the important index for the lig htweight of the automobile parts. This rule is applied to the lightweight design of bumper system by using high stre-ngth steel instead of mild steel. The cra shworthiness simulation of the li-ghtweight part proves the validity of the light weighting process.Keywords: High strength steel; Lightweight; Dent resistance1.IntroductionIn recent years, the retaining number of automobiles has been incre-asing steadily, which has impacted the society and human life greatly. S-uch situatio n leads to many severe problems such as fuel crisis, environ-ment pollution. T he international association of aluminum stated that petr-ol consumption can de crease by 8–10% with 10% reduction of car weig-ht [2]. Thus, automobile ligh tweight is a basic way to fuel saving.In order to reduce the automobile weight, there are two important metho ds [3]: One, automobile parts are redesigned to optimize the struc-ture. By usi ng thinning, hollowing, minitype, and compound parts, car we-ight can be redu ced. The other, more and more lightweight materials, s-uch as aluminum alloy, high strength steel, composite material, are wide-ly used as lightweight materi als to replace the traditional materials like mild steel [4]. These materials cou ld reduce the weight remarkably. Mat-erial replacement is generally more effect ive in automobile lightweighting than structure modification. With the introducti on of automobile safety leg-islation, crashworthiness and safety should be consi dered as preconditio-ns in lightweighting design of auto-body. High strength ste el is widely us-ed in automobile replacing the traditional material of mild steel.High strength steel sheet can be used in auto-body to improve com-ponent s_ impact energy absorption capacity and resistance to plastic def-ormation. Th e automobile weight can be reduced by use of high strength steel sheet of a t hinner thickness to replace the mild steel sheet of bo-dy parts [1,3]. Comparing with aluminum, magnesium,and composite mat-erials, high strength steel has better economy in that its raw material an-d fabrication cost are cheaper. Besid es, high strength steel can be direc-tlyused in product line including forming, wielding, assembling, and painting. The operating cost can be saved since there is no need adjusting the whole line Outside of automobile body, there are several sheet metal Panels, most of which are shallow panels. Dent resistance is the ability to retain- the shape a gainst sunken deflection and local dent under the external force. Dent resistan ce of automobile panels becomes an important issue and quality criterion. Ther efore, dent resistance stiffness of automobile p-anels should be tested and evalu ated in the process of panel design an-d manufacture.Some reported methods of testing are listed below [6–8]:1. Test the displacement of sunken deflection fp underfixed external forc-e2. Test the external force f to obtain fixed displacement of sunken defle-ction.3. Test the slope of force–displacement curve under external load.In this study, the second method will be used. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the expression of dent resistance stiffness of double curvatured shallow shell is obtained under the concentrated load condition based on the shallow shell theory. The critical load resulting in the local trivial dent in the center of the shallow shell is regarded as the important evaluating index for the dent resistance of the automobile parts. This rule is applied in Section 2 to the lightweighting design of bumper system by using high strength steel instead of mild steelwith crashworthiness simulation.2.Dent resistance analysis of double curvatured shallow shell2.1.Dent resistance stiffness analysis of shallow shellShell with mid surface can be characterized into three features: thickness h, mid surface dimension L, curvature radius r, which satisfies h/r_ 1. When there exists h/L _ 1, the shell can be defined as thin shell. If L/ r _ 1 is added besides the above two conditions, the thin shell is regarded as shallow shell [10].As Fig. 1 shows, the plane x–y is the projection of the mid surface of shallow shell along the z-axis. Supposing M is an arbitrary point on mid surface, two planes QMN & PMN are made paralleling to coordinate plane OYZ and OXZ, respectively. The two edges PM and QM can be regarded approximately as vertical because of mid surface_s flatness. At the same time, the line MN is normal to mid surface. Thus, MN, QM, PM can constitute a perpendicular reference frame MPQN, whose difference from orthogonal coordinate system OXYZ can be ignored. And PM and QM are denoted by a and b, the curvilineal coordinate of MPQN.Assuming the Z coordinate of the point M is z, the analytical equation of mid surface is expressed as follows:(,)z F x y = (1) The following equations can be obtained because of the flatness of the shell:222()1,)1,)1z z z x y x∂∂∂≤≤≤∂∂∂ (2) The curvature and torsion of mid surface can be approximated to:22222,,x y xy z z z k k k x y x y∂∂∂=-=-=-∂∂∂∂ (3) The Lae coefficients of mid surface along a and b directions are deduced:121,1ds ds dx dy A B d dx d dyαβ====== (4) Applying concentrated force P along Z-axis and ignoring the influence of the transverse shear resultant forces, the balance differential equations of shallow shell are:120,0N N S S x y y x∂∂∂∂+=+=∂∂∂∂ 1212()(0,0)0,x y Q Q k N k N P x yδ∂∂-++++=∂∂ (5) 12112212,,M M M M Q Q y x x y∂∂∂∂=+=+∂∂∂∂ where d(0,0) is Dirac-d function.The compatibility equation of shallow shell is2212()0k N N Et w ∇+-∇= Where 222222222222,x y k k x y x y ∂∂∂∂∇=+∇=+∂∂∂∂ (6) Expressing the moment resultants M1, M2 and M12 by the function of transverse displacement w, the basic equations of shallow shell under concentrated transverse forces are:2212D ()(0,0),x y w k N k N P δ∇∇++=2212()0k N N Et w ∇+-∇= (7)221222N N x y ∂∂=∂∂ where N1 is the membrane stress resultant in X-direction; N2, the membrane resultantin Y-direction; D, the Fig. 1. Double curvature shallow shell. bending stiffness of shallow shell.It is very difficult to solve above equation. According to practical situation, sunken deflection will only concentrate on a small area around external force P, so infinite large shallow shell [5] is assumed in this study. Because w, N1, N2 are symmetric about x-, y-axis, all orders of derivatives of w, N1, N2 become to zero at infinity. The following equations can be achieved by Fourier transformation to Eq.(7):2212ˆˆˆ()()x y D w k N k N Pξη+++= 222212ˆˆˆ()()()0y xN N Et k k w ξηξη++-+= (8) 2212ˆN N ξη= Where(0,0)i x iny P e e dxdy P ξδ∞∞---∞-∞=⎰⎰00ˆ4cos()cos()w w x y dxdy ξη∞∞=⎰⎰100ˆ4cos()cos()N w x y dxdy ξη∞∞=⎰⎰ (9) 200ˆ4cos()cos()N w x y dxdy ξη∞∞=⎰⎰ From Eq.(8), ^w can be obtained. Reverse Fourier transformation to ^w and polar coordinates transformation to n, g, w under polar coordinate system can be gained/22042222cos(cos )cos(sin )12(cos sin )p x y P x y w d d D k k tπρρθρθρθπρθθ∞=++⎰⎰ (10) Put x = 0 and y = 0 in Eq.(8), the relationship between deflection fp and concentrated force P of rectangle shallow shell can be achieved as follows:224(1)3x yp Et k k P f μ=- (11) Finally, dent resistance stiffness of shallow shell K is obtained224(1)3x y p Et k k P K f μ==- (12) This equation explains synthetically the relationship between the dent resistance stiffness of double curvature shallow shell and all influencing factors including material properties, geometry parameters, which can be used to guide design, material select and manufacture.2.2. Analysis of critical load causing local trivial dentFor quantitative evaluation of critical load against local dent resistance of panels, several experience formulas have been brought forward by researchers. Based on large numbers of experiments, Dicellello [9] stated a formula that expresses minimum energy W causing visible trivial dent trace by thickness t, yield stress rs and basic dent resistance stiffness K24s t W C K σ=(13)where C is proportional constant. From Eqs. (12) and (13), the critical load Pcr resulting in the local trivial dent in the center of the shallow shell can be achieved, which is defined as the evaluating index2er s P C t σ=(14)From Eq. (14), there is a closely correlation between critical loads Pcr and thickness t, yield stress rs. The critical load can be a rule to carry out lightweight design of automobile parts by using high strength steel instead of mild steel.3. Example and crashworthiness analysis3.1. FE model of full car and its crash simulationA detailed finite element model has been established based on a passenger car refitted from a saloon car, which is showed in Fig. 2. To ensure the correctness and effectiveness of FE model, the following methods are adopted:1. Since the goal is to simulate the frontal impact of the car, the meshing of front car body is denser than that of the rear car body.2. Reduced integration method with hourglass control is taken for 4 noded shell element and 8 noded brick solid element to improve the efficiency of simulation.3. By using of the meshing and mass scaling technology, the characteristic length of the minimal element is ensured to improve the simulation efficiency.4. Materials constitutive with Cowper –Symonds strain rate item is used for steel parts.5. Automatic single surface contact algorithm is adopted in the simulation aiming at complexity of car impact simulation.6. Spot weld element with failure rule that considering the couple of normal force and shear force is used to simulate the spot weld connection between auto parts.Explicit dynamic FEM software LS-DYNA Version 950 is used to simulate the frontal impact of the car against a rigid wall at the speed of 50 km/s according to the National Crash Legislation CMVDR294. A real car crash experiment is done at Car Crash Lab settled in Tsing Hua University. By comparing the time history of acceleration of certain position on the A pillar within 0.1 s, the simulation gives areasonable fit to the experiment results, which guarantees the correctness of FE model and gives a nicer base for the next lightweighting optimized design.3.2. Lightweighting design and crashworthiness analysisThe use of high strength steel is one of the effective ways to reduce car weight. However, the performance (such as crashworthiness, stiffness, and dent resistance) of part made of new material should be assured. For example, the front parts of a car are major energy absorption parts in the process of car crash, so energy absorption performance without affecting the safety of passengers should be assured in the design of front parts of a car. In this research, the bumper of the passenger car is studied under different materials but remaining its dent resistance.The mechanical properties of mild steel and high strength steel are listed below (see Table 1).The evaluation index of dent resistance for bumper using mild steel is21111cr s P C t σ=When high strength steel is used to replace the mild steel remaining its primary shape and dent resistance performance, the new thickness t2 of high strength steel can be achieved112122s s C t t C σσ= From (16), the thickness of bumper that uses high strength steel is gained and updated in the full car FE model. The deformation history of bumper using new material is achieved after the car crash is re-simulated with updated part thickness (see Fig. 3).By simulation, the deformations of bumper made of two different kinds of material are similar in that plastic hinge and tensional plastic deformation appear in the middle part of bumper. And the energy absorption history is shown in the following for beam of the bumper. From Fig. 4 the difference of the energy absorption between twomaterials is small, about 4.1%for beamof the bumper,from which a conclusion can be drawn that it is feasible to reduce the thickness of the bumper panel based on the dent resistance evaluation index studied in this research.4. ConclusionDent resistance performance of small curvature shallow shell parts in automobile is studied in this paper, which enables the follows:1. Dent resistance stiffness under concentrated force is given for such parts.2. The critical load resulting in the local trivial dent in the center of the shallow shell has been deduced, which in turn becomes the index to evaluate the dentresistance of automobile parts.3. The validity of evaluating index is proven by applying the developed rule to the lightweight design of bumper system using high strength steel instead of mild steel through crashworthiness simulation.轻量化设计的汽车零部件用高强度钢来抗凹摘要:轻巧耐撞性是汽车车身设计的两个重要因素。



Simulink警告信息解决措施1.>>simulinkWarning: The model 'diesel_engine_7' does not have continuous states, hence Simulink is using the solver 'FixedStepDiscrete' instead of solver 'ode3'.模型不包含连续状态,因此simulink采用离散定步长求解器(FixedStepDiscrete),而不是ode3求解器。

You can disable this diagnostic by explicitly specifying a discrete solver in the solver tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog, or by setting the'Automatic solver parameter selection' diagnostic to 'none' in the Diagnostics tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog你可以通过设置求解器以不让这些诊断信息出现。

Warning: Input port 3 of 'diesel_engine_7/DI_Multimeter_Output' is not connected. Warning: Output port 1 of 'diesel_engine_7/DI_Multimeter_Output' is not connected.端口未连接Warning: Unable to determine a fixed step size based on the sample times in the model'diesel_engine_7', because the model does not have any discretesample times. Picking a fixed step size of (0.2) based on simulation start and stop times. You can disable this diagnostic by explicitly specifying afixed step size in the Solver pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, or setting the 'Automatic solver parameter selection' diagnostic to'none' in the Solver group on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.模型中不能确定取样时间大小,因为模型中不含有任何离散取样时间,请在仿真参中设置仿真步长,设置仿真步长后警告信息将消失,或者采用自动求解器参数设置。






RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree)算法[1]基于随机采样的规划方式,无需对构型空间的障碍物进行精确描述,同时不需要预处理,因此在高维空间被广为使用。


2002年Bruce等提出了ERRT(Extend RRT)算法[3]。

2006年Ferguson等提出DRRT (Dynamic RRT)算法[4]。









在没有考虑vdw作用之前,算Bi2Se3材料soc中出现的错误汇总V ASP自旋轨道耦合计算错误汇总静态计算时,报错:VERY BAD NEWS! Internal内部error in subroutine子程序IBZKPT:Reciprocal倒数的lattice and k-lattice belong to different class of lattices. Often results are still useful (48)INCAR参数设置:对策:根据所用集群,修改INCAR中NPAR。

将NPAR=4变成NPAR=1,已解决!错误:sub space matrix类错误报错:静态和能带计算中出现警告:W ARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian共轭in DA V结构优化出现错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 4 -4.681828688433112E-002对策:通过将默认AMIX=0.4,修改成AMIX=0.2(或0.3),问题得以解决。

以下是类似的错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -3.00000000000000RMM: 22 -0.167633596124E+02 -0.57393E+00 -0.44312E-01 1326 0.221E+00BRMIX:very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 28.00003 new 28.06093 0.111E+00错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -42.5000000000000ERROR FEXCP: supplied Exchange-correletion table is too small, maximal index : 4794错误:结构优化Bi2Te3时,log文件:WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian 1 -0.199E+01RMM: 200 0.179366581305E+01 -0.10588E-01 -0.14220E+00 718 0.261E-01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 56.00230 new 124.70394 66 F= 0.17936658E+01 E0= 0.18295246E+01 d E =0.557217E-02curvature: 0.00 expect dE= 0.000E+00 dE for cont linesearch 0.000E+00ZBRENT: fatal error in bracketingplease rerun with smaller EDIFF, or copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and continue但是,将CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR,接着算静态没有报错,这样算出来的结果有问题吗?对策1:用这个CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR重新做一次结构优化,看是否达到优化精度!对策2:用这个CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR,并且修改EDIFF(目前参数EDIFF=1E-6),默认为10-4错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 1 -7.626640664998020E-003网上参考解决方案:对策1:减小POTIM: IBRION=0,标准分子动力学模拟。



第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题第一篇基础篇第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题1.1 Abaqus 的基本约定1.1.1 自由度的定义【常见问题1-1】Abaqus 中的自由度是如何定义的?1.1.2 选取各个量的单位【常见问题1-2】在 Abaqus 中建模时,各个量的单位应该如何选取?1.1.3 Abaqus 中的时间【常见问题1-3】怎样理解 Abaqus 中的时间概念?第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题1.1.4 Abaqus 中的重要物理常数【常见问题1-4】Abaqus 中有哪些常用的物理常数?1.1.5 Abaqus 中的坐标系【常见问题1-5】如何在 Abaqus 中定义局部坐标系?1.2 Abaqus 中的文件类型及功能【常见问题1-6】Abaqus 建模和分析过程中会生成多种类型的文件,它们各自有什么作用? 【常见问题1-7】提交分析后,应该查看 Abaqus 所生成的哪些文件?1.3 Abaqus 的帮助文档1.3.1 在帮助文档中查找信息【常见问题1-8】如何打开 Abaqus 帮助文档?第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题【常见问题1-9】Abaqus 帮助文档的内容非常丰富,如何在其中快速准确地找到所需要的信息?1.3.2 在 Abaqus/CAE 中使用帮助【常见问题1-10】Abaqus/CAE 的操作界面上有哪些实时帮助功能?【常见问题1-11】Abaqus/CAE 的 Help 菜单提供了哪些帮助功能?1.4 更改工作路径【常见问题1-12】Abaqus 读写各种文件的默认工作路径是什么?如何修改此工作路径?1.5 Abaqus 的常用 DOS 命令【常见问题1-13】Abaqus 有哪些常用的 DOS 命令?第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题1.6 设置 Abaqus 的环境文件1.6.1 磁盘空间不足【常见问题1-14】提交分析作业时出现如下错误信息,应该如何解决?***ERROR: UNABLE TO COMPLETE FILE WRITE. CHECK THAT SUFFICIENT DISKSPACE IS AVAILABLE. FILE IN USE AT F AILURE IS shell3.stt.(磁盘空间不足)或者***ERROR:SEQUENTIAL I/O ERROR ON UNIT 23, OUT OF DISK SPACE OR DISK QUOTAEXCEEDED.(磁盘空间不足)1.6.2 设置内存参数【常见问题1-15】提交分析作业时出现如下错误信息,应该如何解决?***ERROR: THE SETTING FOR PRE_MEMORY REQUIRES THAT 3 GIGABYTES OR MOREBE ALLOCATED BUT THE HARDWARE IN USE SUPPORTS ALLOCATION OF AT MOST 3GIGABYTES OF MEMORY. EITHER PRE_MEMORY MUST BE DECREASED OR THE JOBMUST BE RUN ON HARDWARE THAT SUPPORTS 64-BIT ADDRESSING.(所设置的pre_memory 参数值超过3G,超出了计算机硬件所能分配的内存上限)或者***ERROR: THE REQUESTED MEMORY CANNOT BE ALLOCATED. PLEASE CHECK THESETTING FOR PRE_MEMORY. THIS ERROR IS CAUSED BY PRE_MEMORY BEINGGREATER THAN THE MEMORY AVAILABLE TO THIS PROCESS. POSSIBLE CAUSES AREINSUFFICIENT MEMORY ON THE MACHINE, OTHER PROCESSES COMPETING FORMEMORY, OR A LIMIT ON THE AMOUNT OF MEMORY A PROCESS CAN ALLOCATE.(所设置的 pre_memory 参数值超出了计算机的可用内存大小)第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题或者***ERROR: INSUFFICIENT MEMORY. PRE_MEMORY IS CURRENTLY SET TO 10.00MBYTES. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO ESTIMATE THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF MEMORY THATWILL BE REQUIRED. PLEASE INCREASE THE VALUE OF PRE_MEMORY.(请增大pre_memory 参数值)或者***ERROR: THE VALUE OF 256 MB THAT HAS BEEN SPECIFIED FORSTANDARD_MEMORY IS TOO SMALL TO RUN THE ANALYSIS AND MUST BEINCREASED. THE MINIMUM POSSIBLE VALUE FOR STANDARD_MEMORY IS 560 MB.(默认的standard_memory 参数值为256 M,而运行分析所需要的standard_memory 参数值至少为560 M)1.7 影响分析时间的因素【常见问题1-16】使用 Abaqus 软件进行有限元分析时,如何缩短计算时间?【常见问题1-17】提交分析作业后,在 Windows 任务管理器中看到分析作业正在运行,但 CPU 的使用率很低,好像没有在执行任何工作任务,而硬盘的使用率却很高,这是什么原因?1.8 Abaqus 6.7新增功能【常见问题1-18】Abaqus 6.7 版本新增了哪些主要功能?第1章关于 Abaqus 基本知识的常见问题1.9 Abaqus 和其它有限元软件的比较【常见问题1-19】Abaqus 与其他有限元软件有何异同?第2章关于 Abaqus/CAE 操作界面的常见问题第2章关于Abaqus/CAE 操作界面的常见问题2.1 用鼠标选取对象【常见问题2-1】在 Abaqus/CAE 中进行操作时,如何更方便快捷地用鼠标选取所希望选择的对象(如顶点、线、面等)?2.2 Tools 菜单下的常用工具2.2.1 参考点【常见问题2-2】在哪些情况下需要使用参考点?2.2.2 面【常见问题2-3】面(surface)有哪些类型?在哪些情况下应该定义面?第2章关于 Abaqus/CAE 操作界面的常见问题2.2.3 集合【常见问题2-4】集合(set)有哪些种类?在哪些情况下应该定义集合?2.2.4 基准【常见问题2-5】基准(datum)的主要用途是什么?使用过程中需要注意哪些问题?2.2.5 定制界面【常见问题2-6】如何定制 Abaqus/CAE 的操作界面?【常见问题2-7】6.7版本的 Abaqus/CAE 操作界面上没有了以前版本中的视图工具条(见图2-6),操作很不方便,能否恢复此工具条?图2-6 Abaqus/CAE 6.5版本中的视图工具条第3章Part 功能模块中的常见问题第3章Part 功能模块中的常见问题3.1 创建、导入和修补部件3.1.1 创建部件【常见问题3-1】在 Abaqus/CAE 中创建部件有哪些方法?其各自的适用范围和优缺点怎样? 3.1.2 导入和导出几何模型【常见问题3-2】在 Abaqus/CAE 中导入或导出几何模型时,有哪些可供选择的格式?【常见问题3-3】将 STEP 格式的三维 CAD 模型文件(*.stp)导入到 Abaqus/CAE 中时,在窗口底部的信息区中看到如下提示信息:A total of 236 parts have been created.(创建了236个部件)此信息表明 CAD 模型已经被成功导入,但是在 Abaqus/CAE 的视图区中却只显示出一条白线,看不到导入的几何部件,这是什么原因?第3章Part 功能模块中的常见问题3.1.3 修补几何部件【常见问题3-4】Abaqus/CAE 提供了多种几何修补工具,使用时应注意哪些问题?【常见问题3-5】将一个三维 CAD 模型导入 Abaqus/CAE 来生成几何部件,在为其划分网格时,出现如图3-2所示的错误信息,应如何解决?图3-2 错误信息:invalid geometry(几何部件无效),无法划分网格3.2 特征之间的相互关系【常见问题3-6】在 Part 功能模块中经常用到三个基本概念:基本特征(base feature)、父特征(parent feature)和子特征(children feature),它们之间的关系是怎样的?第3章Part 功能模块中的常见问题3.3 刚体和显示体3.3.1 刚体部件的定义【常见问题3-7】什么是刚体部件(rigid part)?它有何优点?在 Part 功能模块中可以创建哪些类型的刚体部件?3.3.2 刚体部件、刚体约束和显示体约束【常见问题3-8】刚体部件(rigid part)、刚体约束(rigid body constraint)和显示体约束(display body constraint)都可以用来定义刚体,它们之间有何区别与联系?3.4 建模实例【常见问题3-9】一个边长 100 mm 的立方体,在其中心位置挖掉半径为20 mm 的球,应如何建模? 『实现方法1』『实现方法2』第4章Property 功能模块中的常见问题第4章 Property 功能模块中的常见问题4.1 超弹性材料【常见问题4-1】如何在 Abaqus/CAE 中定义橡胶的超弹性(hyperelasticity)材料数据?4.2 梁截面形状、截面属性和梁横截面方位4.2.1 梁截面形状【常见问题4-2】如何定义梁截面的几何形状和尺寸?【常见问题4-3】如何在 Abaqus/CAE 中显示梁截面形状?4.2.2 截面属性【常见问题4-4】截面属性(section)和梁截面形状(profile)有何区别?第4章Property 功能模块中的常见问题【常见问题4-5】提交分析作业时,为何在 DAT 文件中出现错误提示信息“elements have missing property definitions(没有定义材料特性)”?『实 例』出错的 INP 文件如下:*NODE1, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.02, 20.0 , 0.0 , 0.0*ELEMENT, TYPE=T3D2, ELSET=link1, 1, 2*BEAM SECTION, ELSET=link, MATERIAL= steel, SECTION=CIRC15.0,提交分析作业时,在 DAT 文件中出现下列错误信息:***ERROR:.80 elements have missing property definitions The elements have been identified inelement set ErrElemMissingSection.4.2.3 梁横截面方位【常见问题4-6】梁横截面方位(beam orientation)是如何定义的?它有什么作用?【常见问题4-7】如何在 Abaqus 中定义梁横截面方位?【常见问题4-8】使用梁单元分析问题时,为何出现下列错误信息:***ERROR: ELEMENT 16 IS CLOSE TO PARALLEL WITH ITS BEAM SECTION AXIS.第4章Property 功能模块中的常见问题DIRECTION COSINES OF ELEMENT AXIS 2.93224E-04 -8.20047E-05 1.0000. DIRECTIONCOSINES OF FIRST SECTION AXIS 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000。



第11卷第5期2020年10月指挥信息系统与技术Command Information System and TechnologyVol.11No.5Oct.2020基于改进WNN的陆军指挥信息系统作战效能评估∗马驰王超姜清涛陈忠(中国电子科技集团公司第二十八研究所南京210007)摘要:针对陆军指挥信息系统效能评估存在的不确定性和主观性等问题,提出了基于自适应小波神经网络(WNN)的指挥信息系统作战效能评估方法。



关键词:粒子群优化算法;小波神经网络;陆军指挥信息系统;作战效能评估中图分类号:TP249文献标识码:A文章编号:1674⁃909X(2020)05⁃0094⁃06Combat Effectiveness Evaluation of Army Command InformationSystem Based on Improved Wavelt Neural NetworkMA Chi WANG Chao JIANG Qingtao CHEN Zhong(The28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Nanjing210007,China)Abstract:Aiming at the uncertainty and subjectivity of combat effectiveness evaluation of the armycommand information system(ACIS),the combat effectiveness evaluation model based on the adap⁃tive wavelet neural network(WNN)is proposed.Firstly,the main system composition of ACIS isstudied,and the three-level capability index of ACIS is constructed.Then,the combat effectivenessevaluation model based on the adaptive WNN model is designed,and the particle swarm optimization (PSO)algorithm and the variable structure(VS)algorithm are applied to optimize the structure andweight parameters of WNN,to avoid being trapped into the local minimum point,low convergence speed,etc.Finally,the convergence analysis and the simulation verification experiments are carriedout.The simulation results show that the proposed model can be applied to evaluate the combat effec⁃tiveness of the ACIS effectively,and can provide theoretical support for the rapid development of theinformation system integration and combat application schemes.Key words:particle swarm optimization algorithm;wavelet neural network;army command informa⁃tion system;combat effectiveness evaluation·实践与应用·doi:10.15908/ki.cist.2020.05.017∗基金项目:装备发展部“十三五”装备预研课题及陆军装备部装备预研课题资助项目。



第45卷 第3期 包 装 工 程2024年2月PACKAGING ENGINEERING ·165·收稿日期:2023-10-23基金项目:国家自然科学基金(5200070339);电磁能技术全国重点实验室资助课题(6142217210301);湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划重点项目(D2*******) 不同坐标系下六相PMSM 单相开路容错MPC 控制袁凯1,蒋云昊1,袁雷1*, 郭勇2,丁怡丹1(1.湖北工业大学 太阳能高效利用及储能运行控制湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430068;2. 91184部队舰船保障室,青岛 266071)摘要:目的 目前六相永磁同步电机单相开路故障的模型预测容错控制的研究已逐步成为热点,本文将对α-β和d-q 2种坐标系控制下的故障机理进行对比分析,并对比不同坐标系中下正常和故障容错运行模型的控制效果。

方法 基于矢量空间解耦坐标变换矩阵不变原理,对A 相开路进行故障模型的理论计算分析,分别在α-β和d-q 这2种不同坐标系中对其进行模型预测控制容错建模。

最后在MATLAB/Simulink 中对2种坐标系下的电机正常运行和故障容错运行中的工作性能采用相同电机参数进行实时仿真。

结果 仿真结果显示,正常运行时,2种坐标系下总谐波失真(THD )值分别为 2.09%和2.77%;故障运行时,d-q 坐标系下的THD 值比α-β坐标系小了13.15%;容错运行时2种坐标系下的THD 值分别为1.19%和1.79%。

结论 从仿真结果可以看出,d-q 坐标系控制下的电机在故障时具有更稳定的性能,而在正常和容错运行状态下,2种坐标系下的控制效果几乎等效。

关键词:六相永磁同步电机;模型预测电流;矢量空间解耦;开路故障分析;容错控制 中图分类号:TB486.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2024)03-0165-11 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2024.03.019Single-phase Open Fault-tolerant MPC Control for Six-phase PMSM in DifferentCoordinate SystemsYUAN Kai 1, JIANG Yunhao 1, YUAN Lei 1*, GUO Yong 2, DING Yidan 1(1. Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for High-efficiency Utilization of Solar Energy,Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China; 2. 91184 Troop Ship Support Office, Qingdao 266071, China) ABSTRACT: At present, the model predictive fault-tolerant control of single-phase open fault of six-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor has gradually become a hot topic. The work aims to comparatively analyze the fault mechanism under α-β and d-q coordinate system control and compare the control effect of normal and fault-tolerant operating models in different coordinate systems. Based on the vector space decoupling coordinate transformation matrix invariant principle, the A-phase open fault model was theoretically calculated and analyzed, and the model predictive control fault-tolerant modeling was carried out in two different coordinate systems, α-β and d-q respectively. Finally, in MATLAB/Simulink, the same motor parameters were used for real-time simulation of the normal operation and fault-tolerant operation of the motor in the two coordinate systems. The simulation results showed that under normal operation, the THD was 2.09% and 2.77% respectively. In fault operation, the THD in α-β coordinate system was 13.15% smaller than that in d-qcoordinate system. In fault-tolerant operation, THD was 1.19% and 1.79% respectively in the two·166·包装工程2024年2月coordinate systems. It can be seen from the simulation results that the motor controlled by d-q coordinate system has more stable performance when fault occurs, and the control effect under normal and fault-tolerant operation conditions is almost equivalent.KEY WORDS: six-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor; model predictive current; vector space decouples; open fault analysis; fault-tolerant control永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)驱动系统多用于包装产业的自动化生产线中,尤其是食品加工链等一些具有复杂包装工艺的场景应用更为广泛[1-2]。


ABAQUS 常见问题汇总 - 2.0 版
目录 点击小节标题,可以跳到相应的内容(有些 WORD 版本可能需要按住 ctrl 键)
0. ABAQUS 入门资料.......................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 ABAQUS 安装方法 ................................................................................................................. 12 6.2 ABAQUS 显示异常(无法显示栅格、显卡冲突、更改界面颜色).......................................... 21 6.3 Document 无法搜索................................................................................................................. 21 6.4 磁盘空间不足 ........................................................................................................................... 22 6.5 Linux 系统................................................................................................................................ 22 6.6 死机后恢复模型 ....................................................................................................................... 23



第53卷第5期2022年5月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.53No.5May 2022基于损伤演化模型的高速列车侧墙碰撞失效分析刘文1,2,张乐乐1,2,茹一帆1,2(1.北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院,北京,100044;2.北京交通大学轨道车辆运用工程国家国际科技合作基地,北京,100044)摘要:将弹塑性材料模型与损伤演化模型耦合构建碰撞仿真的本构模型,在GISSMO 损伤演化模型基础上引入应力状态对失效的影响。



关键词:碰撞仿真;损伤演化模型;应力状态;失效分析中图分类号:O313.4;U270.2文献标志码:A开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)文章编号:1672-7207(2022)05-1834-09Failure analysis of high-speed train sidewall collision based ondamage evolution modelLIU Wen 1,2,ZHANG Lele 1,2,RU Yifan 1,2(1.School of Mechanical,Electronic and Control Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China;2.National International Science and Technology Cooperation Base,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China)Abstract:The elastoplastic material model and the damage evolution model were coupled to construct a constitutive model for collision simulation,and the influence of stress state on failure was introduced on the basis of the GISSMO damage evolution model.Based on Al6061tests in different stress states,the material model parameters were verified,and the failure response of the high-speed train sidewall was analyzed.The results show that the error of the damage evolution model is much smaller than the constant failure strain in the Al6061tests.In the crash simulation,the stress triaxiality in the failure element varies between −0.67and 0.67with different spatial positions and collision time.As the stress triaxiality increases,the instability strain and the failurestrain收稿日期:2021−09−05;修回日期:2021−12−07基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(52172353)(Project(52172353)supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China)通信作者:张乐乐,博士,教授,从事轨道车辆被动安全研究;E-mail :*****************.cnDOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2022.05.028引用格式:刘文,张乐乐,茹一帆.基于损伤演化模型的高速列车侧墙碰撞失效分析[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,53(5):1834−1842.Citation:LIU Wen,ZHANG Lele,RU Yifan.Failure analysis of high-speed train sidewall collision based on damage evolution model [J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology),2022,53(5):1834−1842.第5期刘文,等:基于损伤演化模型的高速列车侧墙碰撞失效分析caused by damage accumulation decreases.In the impacting process of the high-speed train sidewall,the elastoplastic model and damage evolution model reveal bending,wrinkle deformation and the accumulation of damage until local failure occurs,which avoids the idealized prediction of structural carrying capacity without considering the deterioration process of materials when constant failure strain is used or failure condition is ignored.Key words:crash simulation;damage evolution model;stress state;failure analysis在碰撞场景中,金属结构在冲击载荷作用下局部发生屈曲变形,屈曲区域的材料会经历严重的塑性变形,甚至出现断裂失效。



2022年6月Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology June 2022 第4卷第2期智能科学与技术学报V ol.4No.2 基于改进TD3算法的机械臂智能规划方法研究张强,文闻,周晓东,刘维惠,初晓昱(北京控制工程研究所,北京 100190)摘 要:针对某卫星搭载的4自由度机械臂轨迹规划问题,提出了一种基于改进的双延迟深度确定性策略梯度(TD3)算法的智能规划方法。




关键词:避障规划;目标引导;轨迹示教;双重训练中图分类号:TP183文献标志码:Adoi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096−6652.202225Research on the manipulator intelligent trajectory planning method based on the improved TD3 algorithmZHANG Qiang, WEN Wen, ZHOU Xiaodong, LIU Weihui, CHU XiaoyuBeijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100190, ChinaAbstract: An intelligent trajectory planning and obstacle avoidance method based on the improved twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm (TD3) was proposed to solve the trajectory planning problem for a 4-DOF mani-pulator mounted on a satellite. The training strategy had 2 periods. In the pre-training stage, the target position was al-ways guided combining with the output of the strategy network to optimize the trajectory. After the pre-training, the algo-rithm can autonomously output the velocity trajectory while the initial position and the target were specified randomly in the joint space of the manipulator. This target-guided mechanism decreased the unnecessary explorations and improved the learning efficiency in high dimensional action space. In the second training stage, a collision-free safety reference tra-jectory was firstly obtained by demonstration, and then this trajectory was constantly learned during the training process until the final output trajectory has the ability to avoid obstacles.Key words: obstacle avoidance planning, target-guide, trajectory demonstration, double training0引言随着机器人技术和空间控制技术的不断进步,空间机械臂在卫星、空间站上有了广泛的应用。

Spectre Warning Message

Spectre Warning Message

Spectre Warning MessagesWarning messages tell you about conditions that might cause invalid results. Unlike error messages, warnings do not stop a simulation. When you receive a warning message, you must decide whether the particular condition creates a problem for your simulation. This section describes some common Spectre warning messages. It also tells you how to modify parameters to correct conditions that might produce invalid simulation results.The Spectre simulator often prints warnings and notices that are eventually determined to be “uninteresting,” and there is a natural tendency after a while to ignore them. We recommend that you carefully study them the first few times you simulate a particular circuit and whenever the simulator gives you unexpected results.P-N Junction Warning MessagesAlmost every semiconductor device includes at least one p-n junction. Normally, these p-n junctions are biased in a particular operating region. Three types of warning messages are available for each p-n junction, one for exceeding a maximum current, one for exceeding a melting current, and one for exceeding a breakdown voltage.Explosion Region WarningsAll Spectre models that include p-n junctions identify the maximum current with the imax parameter. Junctions are modeled accurately for current values up to imax. For current values greater than imax, Spectre models the junction as a linear resistor and issues a warning. For most devices, the default value of imax is 1 ampere, although the value scales with the size of the device. For the bjt model, the default imax value is 1000 A.When the current through a junction diode exceeds imax, the Spectre simulator displays a warning like one of the following:Dl: Junction current exceeds 'imax'Ml: The bulk-drain Junction current exceeds ' lmax'The warning message identifies the relevant component name (D1 and M1) and. when necessary, it also identifes the affected junction (bulk-dram junction).The Spectre simulator limits the current through a junction in its explosionregion to prevent numerical overflow. If you receive the previous message, the results of the simulation are not reliable. You must decide if you really want a junction current to be that large. If you do. increase imax and resimulate. Otherwise, correct whatever is causing The current to be that large.Melting Current WarningsA separate model parameter, imelt, is used as a limit warning for the junction current. This parameter can be set to the maximum current rating of the device. When any component of the junction current exceeds imelt. note that base and collector currents are composed of many exponential terms. Spectre issues a warning and the results become inaccurate. The junction current is linearized above the value of imelt to prevent arithmetic exception, with the exponential term replaced by a linear equation at imelt.Breakdown Region WarningsMessages like the following are breakdown region warnings:D2 ¦ Breakdown voltage exceeded.Q1: The collector-substrate voltage, exceeded breakdown voltage.The warning message identifies the relevant component name (D2 and Q1) and, when necessary, it also identifies the affected junction.The Spectre simulator issues breakdown region warnings only when you specify conditions for them. For information on setting parameters to identify a breakdown region, see"Customizing Error and Warning Messages" ,Missing Diode Would Be Forward-BiasedFor efficiency, diodes in real semiconductor devices are sometimes not modeled. For example, it is common to model only the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) substrate junction capacitor, not the diode itself. You car set the saturation current to zero on MOSFETs to eliminate the channel-to-bulk diodes if The diodes you eliminate are never forward-biased. If these diodes inadvertently become forward-biased, all simulators give inaccurate results.For this reason, the Spectre simulator displays this message if an eliminated diode would have been forward-biased.M2: Missing bulk-source diode would be forward biased.The warning message identifies the relevant component name (M2). and it also identifies The affected junction.Note: When the resistive part of a junction is turned off, the Spectre simulator assumes The resistive part of the junction does not exist Therefore. The imaxparameter cannot be used to flag junction explosion warnings. In such cases, the Spectre simulator issues a warning if the voltage across the omitted diode is over 10 times the thermal voltage.Tolerances Might Be Set Too TightWhen you simulate high-voltage or high-current circuits, the default tolerances might be tight enough to make convergence difficult or impossible. If you get a Tolerances might be set too tight" message, try relaxing tolerances by increasing the value of reltol. iabstol, and vabstol.Parameter Is Unusually Large or SmallThe Spectre simulator checks the parameter values to see if they are within a normal range of expected values. This check can catch data entry errors or identify situations that can cause the Spectre simulator to have difficulties simulating the circuit.The Parameter is unusually large or small' message issues a notice about a parameter value. The message looks like one of the following:NPNbjt, 'rb' has the unusually small value of lmOhms.PNPbjt: 'If has the unusually large value of IGs.OA1.Q16 of ua741: 'region' has the unusual value of rev.If you receive such a message, check the parameter, if the unusual parameter value is correct, you can ignore this message.The limits settings that generate These warning messages are soft limits, as opposed To hard limits settings. Hard limits stop a simulation if they are violated, the Spectre simulator has automatic soft limits on a few parameter values. However, you can override these limits orspecify your own limits for parameters that do not have automatic limits. For more information,see "Customizing Error Find Warning Messages".gmin Is Large Enough to Noticeably Affect the DC SolutionBy default. the Spectre simulator adds a very small conductance of 10-12 Siemens called gmin across nonlinear devices. This conductance prevents nodes from floating if the nonlinear devices are turned off. The gmin parameter usually has a minimal effect on circuit behavior. However, some circuits, such as charge storage circuits, are very sensitive to the small currents that flow through gmin. For example. the current through gmin to the storage capacitor or a sample-and-hold might significantly affect the droop and invalidate the hold-time measurement.You see the "gmin is Large Enough..." message if the current flowing through the gmin conductors, when treated as an error current, does not meet the convergence criteria. In other words, the current thai enters any node from all attached gminconductors is larger than iabstol or reltol multiplied by The sum of The absolute values of individual currents that enter the node.Total gmin Current > abstol or reltol*(|/ec1| + Iec2| + IIec3I + ...IIecn)If your circuit is not sensitive to small leakage currents, you can ignore the message.If your circuit is sensitive to these currents, reduce the gmin value or set it to zero. The Spectre simulator also estimates the change in the signal that occurs if you remove gmin. The amount of information displayed is controlled by The gmin_check parameter of the options statement.Minimum Timestep UsedIf this problem occurs, the analysis continues, and a warning message is displayed at each lime point that does not meet the convergence criteria. In the Spectre simulator, this is very rare, but it does occur. Occasionally, this needs To be remedied To get The correct solution.1. Make sure devices have junction and overlap capacitance specified.2. Increase maxiters, but do not go higher than 200.3. Change to the gear2 or gear2only method of integration.4. Reduce other occurrences of the local truncation error cutting the timestep. Increase lteratio and increase the absolute error tolerances vabatol and iabstol. Do notgo too high with any of these.5. Combine 2,3 and 4 and set cmin to prevent instintaneous change at every node in the circuit.6. Relax reltol in combination with 5.。

worbench 提示错误分析。。

worbench 提示错误分析。。

An internal solution magnitude limit was exceeded. Please check your Environment for inappropriate load values or insufficient supports.Also check that your mesh has more than 1 element in at least 2 directions if solid brick elements are presentsolutionsfile里面:Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver error level 1.Possibly, themodel is unconstrained or additional iterations may be needed.Tryrunning setting the multiplier MULT on the EQSLV command to greaterthan 1.0 (but less than 3.0).一般在solutionsfile里面出现下面语言就基本是不能算了的,后面都是迭代The PCG solver has automatically set the level of difficulty for this model to 2.Time at end of element matrix formulation CP = 114.984375.FORCE CONVERGENCE V ALUE = 0.3889E+06 CRITERION= 1984.Iteration= 5 Ratio= 0.226827 Limit= 1.000000E-08 Wall= 1.6如此迭代,就不能算了解答:1约束不足,导致产生刚体运动;2单元划分不够精细,计算接触非线性不收敛接触无摩擦太多3接触定义存在问题。



NO.0001ESYS is not valid for line element.原因:是因为我使用LATT的时候,把“--”的那个不小心填成了“1”。

经过ANSYS的命令手册里说那是没有用的项目,但是根据我的理解,这些所谓的没有用的项目实际上都是ANSYS 在为后续的版本留接口。




NO.0002使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现*TREAD end-of-file in data read.后来仔细检查,发现我TXT的数据文件里,分隔是采用TAB键分隔的。



NO.0003Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。


NO.0004*TREAD end-of-file in data readtxt中的表格数据不完整!NO.0005No *CREATE for *END. The *END command is ignored忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO.0006Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connectedline set for AL command两条线不共点,尝试nummrg命令。

NO.0007L1 is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation, or macro. This command will be ignored 还没有进入prep7,先:/prep7NO.0008Keypoint 2 belongs to line 4 and cannot be moved关键点2属于线4,移动低级体素时先移动高级体素!NO.0009Shape testing revealed that 32 of the 640 new or modified elementsviolate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see theoutput file or issue the CHECK command.单元形状奇异,在我的模型中6面体单元的三个边长差距较大,可忽略该错误NO.0010用命令流建模的时候遇到的The drag direction (from the keypoint on drag line 27 that is closestto a keypoint KP of the given area 95) is orthogonal to the areanormal at that KP. Area cannot be dragged by the VDRAG command.意思是拉伸源面的法向与拉伸路径垂直,不能使用VDRAG命令出现的环境ASEL,S,LOC,Z,143e-3VDRAG,ALL, , , , , , 27本意是按位置z=143e-3位置的面,然后沿编号27的线拉伸,出错,之前用该语句没有任何问题。

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Model-based slopping warning in the LD steel converter processMagnus Evestedt *,Alexander MedvedevDepartment of Information Technology,Uppsala University,Box 337,75105Uppsala,Swedena r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 3December 2007Received in revised form 6January 2009Accepted 8January 2009Keywords:ModellingAdaptive filters Soft sensors Metals industry Steela b s t r a c tThe most prevalent steel-making process is the basic oxygen steel-making (BOS)process.Problems arise when the layer of foaming slag created on the surface of the molten metal exceeds the height of the vessel and overflows,causing metal loss,process disruption and environmental pollution.This phenomenon is commonly referred to as slopping.A method for automatic slopping detection is described in this contri-bution.The sound signal from a microphone located in the off-gas funnel is processed to obtain an esti-mate of the slag level in the converter.A model describing the relationship between off-gas flow rate,pressure and the slag level estimate is updated recursively in time.The output error is fed to a change detector yielding a warning system with three alarm levels indicating the persistence of slopping symp-toms.The algorithm was tested on data from 100heats at SSAB Oxelösund.Slopping was correctly detected in 80%of the blows.Ó2009Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionBasic oxygen steelmaking (BOS)is the most common steelmak-ing process accounting for over 60%of the total steel production,[1].A basic oxygen furnace,also known as Linz-Donawitz (LD)con-verter,is normally run by an operator monitoring the blow pro-gress from a control room.Most of the available control variables (oxygen flow,lance height,bottom gas flow,etc.)are scheduled according to pre-defined programs that can be overrun by the operator in order to handle unexpected process deviations and dis-turbances,if needed.Automatic control of the BOS process is diffi-cult,due to the complexity of the underlying chemistry and physics.Besides,the key quality parameters such as carbon con-tent and temperature of the melt are not measured on-line,which altogether makes feedback control design very hard.The problem of on-line molten metal analysis estimation is addressed in [2,3].In [4]a study with the aim at model-based closed-loop control of the BOS process is presented.The purpose of developing automatic control systems is both to assure cost-efficient production with high quality and to minimize the environmental impact of the process.The foaming slag created on the surface of the molten metal during the blow is necessary for effective steel refinement but also poses the risk of uncontrolled overflow,so-called slopping.Preven-tion,prediction and mitigation of slopping is a long-standing prob-lem in steel technology,frequently addressed but yet unsolved in practice,[5].One reason to it is that slopping is widely agreed tobe a complex and even unpredictable phenomenon.Another one is the lack of reliable and relevant on-line measurements which is a general problem in converter processes.In contrast with most publications devoted to slopping predic-tion,this work suggests a slopping warning method that relies on conventional inexpensive instrumentation and takes advantage of several levels of advanced signal processing.Firstly,the acoustic emission signal from the furnace is processed by means of a mod-el-based method previously validated in a converter water model,[6,7].Secondly,this approach involves the fusion of different kinds of process information to achieve reliable and robust slopping detection,an idea originally suggested ten years ago in [4].Thirdly,the decision on whether or not a slopping warning should be is-sued is taken by a change detection algorithm based on adaptive filtering,[8].The paper is organized as follows.First,the LD converter pro-cess is described and the slopping detection problem is formulated.The employed algorithms for slopping warning are then summa-rized followed by a detailed analysis of the warning system perfor-mance on data from 100heats.2.Process descriptionThe LD converter,basically composed of a vessel for the hot me-tal and a water-cooled oxygen lance,is illustrated in Fig.1.Filling the vessel with material is called charging.The BOS vessel is charged to one-fifth with steel scrap and then molten iron from the blast furnace is added to obtain the proper heat balance.Slag forming agents,such as burnt lime or dolomite,are loaded into the converter to form slag which absorbs impurities of the melt.0959-1524/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2009.01.002*Corresponding author.E-mail (M.Evestedt).Journal of Process Control 19(2009)1000–1010Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Process Controlj o u r n a l ho m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j p r o c o ntPure oxygen is blown through the lance,at supersonic speed,hit-ting the metal bath from above and causing the temperature to rise to about1700degrC.The scrap melts and metal components such as iron(Fe),silicon(Si),manganese(Mn)and carbon(C)are oxi-dized during the blow,lowering the carbon content and removing contaminating chemical elements.The metal in the furnace forms an emulsion with the created slag giving rise to a foam.This facili-tates the refining process due to the large contact area between the chemical elements in the foaming slag and improves thermal con-ditions in the furnace.The slag formation can be controlled by the operator through chemical additives,changes of lance position,as well as manipulation of oxygenflow through the nozzle and bottom gasflow rate.Unfortunately,the operator lacks visual information on slag conditions in the vessel which makes it difficult to ade-quately react to swiftly developing foaming.After10–20min into the blow,the carbon content of the molten metal is expected to have reached its target percentage.The tem-perature is measured and samples are taken to analyze the chem-istry of the steel melt.If the analysis is approved,the steel is poured into a ladle and further refined later in the steel production process chain.2.1.MeasurementsKey process variables are stored in real-time to keep track of the blow progress.Besides,the data logging is used to track back pos-sible malfunctions when something goes wrong in the process.The information data-base is partially presented in Fig.1.Different types of sensors are used to provide the measurement signals and,thus,the data-base entries are not fully synchronized due to communication delays.In Table1some of the available measure-ments are characterized.Rich and diverse information about pro-cess conditions is represented in the data-base but none of the measurements is directly related to the key process parameters.2.2.The slopping problemTo make the LD converter process effective,a significant slag volume is needed in the vessel.However,the slag volume is bounded by the limited size of the converter vessel.If the slag level is too high,slopping will occur,resulting in severe dust emissions and reduction of the metal yield.Furthermore,the steel production must be stopped to clean the area below the vessel and the vessel mouth.The slopping phenomenon is complex,dynamic and dependent on many process variables.A list of contributing factors was pre-sented in[5]and includedSlag viscosity.Slag surface tension.Slag density.Size of the gas bubbles generated in the decarburization process. Vessel working lining height,volume and shape.Lance height above the bath.Oxygenflow rate through the lance.Lance hole wear.Chemistry of the hot metal and the scrap.Decarburization speed.The bare length of the above list explains the common belief that the slopping phenomenon is chaotic and unpredictable.The persistence of slopping problems in many steel mills have given rise to a search for ways to maintain a suitable foaming slag vol-ume while preventing slopping from occurring.Unfortunately,this has,over the last decades,proved to be a rather challenging task.The efforts to develop a system for slopping warning and miti-gation have been categorized into three major groups:(1)Modelling of slopping and its potential to occur.(2)Measurement devices for slag level that detect the onset ofslopping.(3)Mitigation measures undertaken in real-time to prevent thedevelopment of full-blown slopping events.An example of thefirst group is the results presented in[9], where an optimal blow profile was calculated based on the initial composition of the melt.A similar system based on a calculation of the slopping potential for each heat was developed in[10].Systems based on slopping potential(slopping factor)perform wellunderTable1A selection of the available process information data from the data-base.Measurement Location Obtained process information DelayOff-gas analysis In the off-gas system Percentage of CO and CO2plus the measuredoff-gasflow rate.15–25sSonic-meter In the hood above the converter mouth The sound level indicates changes in the slag level None Oxygenflow meter In the lance Gives the actual oxygenflow rate through the lance None Lance height In the lance control system Gives the lance position as calculated by the lancesystemNoneCamera surveillance/image analysis Below the LD converter and monitors theamount of falling slag to quantify sloppingNoneM.Evestedt,A.Medvedev/Journal of Process Control19(2009)1000–10101001steady production conditions with low variations in the quality of raw materials and product assortment.A microwave gauge was utilized in[11]to measure the slag surface level relative to the vessel mouth.Radio waves were em-ployed for slag depth measurements in[12].The main difficulty with this kind of approaches is their low accuracy and reliability under top blowing with high bath agitation.A detection system involving oxygen lance vibration measurements was used in[13] and[5],where a single on-line secondary information source is utilized to obtain an estimate of the slag level in the converter. The quality of the estimate depends very much on the choice of the measured vibration frequencies which are known to vary depending on the process conditions.These are all examples of the second group.The third group includes a new and promising direction of re-search,namely to combine on-line measurement devices for early slopping detection and use it for initiating process interventions for slopping mitigation.Extensive studies of slag forming have been performed to this end.To gain insight,different kinds of empirical equations describing the change in foam height have been suggested in the past,[14,15].A model with a physical back-ground is derived in[16]using results of cold and hot model exper-iments.The area of dynamic modelling of slag foaming is takeneven further by the results in[17].On the basis of a physical model, a system for control of dynamic foaming is developed in[6].A water model of the LD converter process is used to validate the re-sults.The approach is further refined in[7].In[4],slopping is de-tected by a combination of the sonic-meter and gas analysis. Another system utilizing the idea of combining several measure-ment sources was presented in[8],where adaptivefiltering and change detection algorithms are utilized to construct an on-line alarm system providing warnings to the operator.This paper presents a slopping alarm system based on the prin-ciple of change detection and reports results of its performance evaluation infield tests at SSAB Oxelösund.The evaluation is based on data from a large number of regular production heats and also highlights some issues pertaining to system validation and opera-tor practice.2.3.Camera for slopping quantificationFor evaluation purposes,an objective way of quantifying slop-ping is preferable.In[4]a person with a stop watch noted the times for slopping observations during the blow.In[9],VCR cam-eras were employed while an attempt to use IR camera devices were unsuccessful due to software issues.For the experiments de-scribed in the following,a camera system was implemented on-site to monitor the process.The resolution of the monochrome CCD camera was640Â480pixels and the frame rate was set to 15Hz.The position of the camera is shown in Fig.1.When slop-ping occurs,molten metal will fall from the top of the converter onto thefloor below the vessel.The camera position makes it pos-sible to capture images of the falling slag,see Fig.3.A histogram depicting the distribution of image pixel values between0and 255is shown in Fig.2.The choice of brightness constant or thresh-old on the image gray level is facilitated by the large difference in brightness between the falling slag and the background.Therefore the image can be easily segmented into parts where the pixel val-ues are above the threshold and parts with brightness below it, effectively separating the molten metal from the darker back-ground.The segmentation result of the image in Fig.3is depicted in Fig.4.The ratio between bright and dark image pixels gives an indica-tion of how severe the slopping event is.This ratio is averaged over a sampling period of2s and stored in real-time along with other process data in the data-base.2.4.Acoustic signals for slopping detectionSince the beginning of the1970s,a device called sonic-meter has been employed in many steel plants for indirect monitoring of slag foam level,[18].The basic idea is that as the foam level increases, the sound emission from the vessel under blowing decreases at certain frequency bands.The main source of sound is at the lance nozzle where the oxygen emerges at a speed above the speed of sound and impinges onto the molten metal surface.The sonic-me-ter signal is usually used by the operator for monitoring slag level changes but it has also been employed as a controller input in[19–21].Note that all those systems are not really dynamic feedback control systems since they use very low control signal sampling rates in order to avoid stability problems.As an alternative to commercially available sonic-meters whose exact signal processing algorithms are proprietary,the raw signal from the sonic-meter microphone can be utilized for slag level esti-mation.According to[6],the relationship between the foam height h and the sound intensity I at a time instant t and frequency x is exponential and given byIðhðtÞ;xÞ¼I0eÀb FðxÞhðtÞð1Þwhere I0denotes the sound intensity when no slag is present.The frequency dependent parameter b FðxÞcharacterizes bubble sizeand material.By applying the logarithm to both sides of Eq.(1), the following equation is obtainedhðtÞ¼lnðI0ÞÀlnðIðhðtÞ;xÞÞb FðxÞð2ÞThis means that the foam height depends logarithmically on the sound intensity at any given frequency.Since the bubble size and material content are unknown in the converter,a model for the foam dynamics is difficult or impossible to obtain analytically.Instead,the sound attenuation coefficient b FðxÞis estimated from experiments and used to produce a slag le-vel estimate^hðtÞ¼lnðI0ÞÀlnðIðhðtÞ;xÞÞ^bFðxÞð3ÞThe estimate can be in principle evaluated at any frequency x,and estimates at different frequencies can be combined to achieve higher accuracy.Frequencies at which the sound intensity is not1002M.Evestedt,A.Medvedev/Journal of Process Control19(2009)1000–1010attenuated as well as frequencies that mainly contain noise should be neglected.This implies using a weighted least-squares algorithmfor the slag level estimate ^hðt Þ,with zero weight on frequencies with low sensitivity to foam height changes.This approach has shown high estimation accuracy in water model experiments [7].Notice here that the informative frequencies are plant-specific and depend e.g.on the microphone position,vessel and nozzle geometry and have to be evaluated individually for each particular installation.In this study the frequencies for the slag level estimate have been selected from a frequency-wise comparison of acoustic signal intensity in the beginning of the blow (no slag)and at slop-ping instances (slag overflow),when the slag level reaches its maximum.2.5.Operator practices regarding sloppingThe LD converter process is run by the human operator but with significant help of pre-defined and product-dependent programs for lance level,oxygen flow,bottom purge gas and so far.These programs can be overrun by the operator under process disrup-tions such as slopping.The operator rates slopping events on a scale from 1to 3where 1stands for no slopping,2for slopping and 3for severe slopping.However,the rating is subjective,often made under stress or before the event is full-blown,and without direct visual contact with the vessel.Practices regarding slopping prevention and mitigation vary with the operator and are very much dependent on his/herprevi-Fig.3.Example of image taken by the camera for slopping alarm validation below the LD convertervessel.Fig.4.Segmented image for slopping quantification.M.Evestedt,A.Medvedev /Journal of Process Control 19(2009)1000–10101003ous process experience.As a consequence,the data collected in this study reflect not only scheduled changes in process variables and those caused by slopping,but also changes initiated by the opera-tor to adjust the process state.This must be kept in mind when evaluating a warning system.3.System designModel-based signal processing is chosen as the main tool of extracting information about slopping from available process sig-nals.The resulting system is hierarchical with three subsequent levels.Level1:Processing of acoustic signal.The two presented earlier in Section2.4options are considered for implementation.One can either use the sonic-meter signal or directly access the raw microphone signal.In the latter case,the weighted least-squares estimate suggested in[7]and based on Eq.(3)is used for slag level estimation.The results of an experimental compar-ison between these two alternatives are summarized in Section3.4.Level2:Adaptivefiltering is utilized for the fusion of the acoustic signal with other sensor information on slopping symptoms.A significant number of different model structures for adaptivefil-tering have been considered but only two are described in detail in the next section to save space.One of them has been consid-ered before in the literature and another one has performed best in this study.The choice of recursive estimation technique for the adaptivefilter is also a design degree of freedom as dis-cussed in Section3.2.Level3:Change detection is employed to formalize the evalua-tion of slopping symptoms and alarm generation from the resid-uals of the adaptivefilter.3.1.Process modelDue to the complexity of the LD converter process,an analytic model relating acoustical emission from the vessel to the process chemistry is difficult to obtain.A system identification approach is used instead where a model isfitted to the recorded data by assigning suitable numerical values to its parameters.The choice of process model is highly affected by the available process signals and their quality.Two ways of choosing the process model have been reported and are summarized in Table2.Model A corresponds to the initial approach in[8],with the in-put to the process model chosen,as in[4],to be the off-gasflow rate,u off-gas,and the CO content in the gas,u CO.The output signal, m,is the natural logarithm of the sonic-meter signal.As a second approach,suggested in[22],the sonic-meter signal was exchanged for an estimate of the slag level in the converter,based on Eq.(3). Due to difficulties stemming from time delays in the off-gas anal-ysis the CO content,input signal is changed in favor of a pressure measurement,u pressure.The resulting process model is denoted as Model B.According to the preliminary results in[4],the slopping phe-nomenon is captured to a large degree by a fourth order dynamic model.Two ARX structures with different input and output signals are shown to be favorable in[8]and in[22].Both models can be written as linear regression in the unknown parameter vector h yðtÞ¼u TðtÞhþeðtÞð4Þwhere yðtÞis the scalar output measured at discrete time instances t¼0;1;...and the regressor vector contains previous input and output values.The corresponding regressor vectors as well as out-put signals are specified in Table2.The scalar eðtÞis disturbance which is assumed to be white for the purpose of change detection. As described in Section 3.3,this assumption is validated in experiments.To be able to track time variations in the model parameters due to changing process conditions,a recursive parameter estimation algorithm will be used and described in the next section.3.2.AdaptivefilteringTo turn regressor model Eq.(4)into an adaptivefilter,its parameter vector h has to be estimated by a recursive identification algorithm.An attempt to employ the recursive least squares algo-rithm[23]for estimation of h from process data faced difficulties in discriminating between the effects of model uncertainty and actual process changes in the residual sequence.A more general approach involves the Kalmanfilter.Assume that eðtÞis white and the parameter vector is subject to the random walk model driven by a zero-mean white noise se-quence wðtÞhðtÞ¼hðtÀ1ÞþwðtÞð5ÞThen the optimal,in the sense of minimum of the a posteriori parameter error covariance matrix,estimate is yielded by^hðtÞ¼^hðtÀ1ÞþKðtÞðyðtÞÀu TðtÞ^hðtÀ1ÞÞð6Þwith the Kalman gainKðtÞ¼PðtÞuðtÞð7Þwhere PðtÞ;t¼1;2; the solution to the Riccati equationPðtÞ¼PðtÀ1ÞÀPðtÀ1ÞuðtÞu TðtÞPðtÀ1ÞrðtÞþu TðtÞPðtÀ1ÞuðtÞþQðtÞð8ÞThe initial condition Pð0Þ¼P Tð0Þ;Pð0ÞP0describes the covari-ance of the initial guess^hð0Þ.Optimality of the estimate in Eq.(6)is guaranteed(see[24])only whenQðtÞ¼cov wðtÞ;rðtÞ¼var eðtÞð9ÞSince the above quantities are seldom a priori known,they are usu-ally treated as design parameters of the estimation algorithm and chosen as some QðÁÞ2R nÂn;QðÁÞP0,rðÁÞ>0in order to achieve de-sired properties of thefilter.A well-known practical complication occurs in the Riccati equa-tion of the Kalmanfilter when the regressor vector uðtÞdoes not cover all the directions in Im QðtÞ,e.g.the persistent excitation condition is not fulfilled.The phenomenon is usually referred to as covariance windup(or blow-up)and causes some eigenvalues of P in Eq.(8)to grow linearly with time.In the LD converter pro-cess,data are collected during normal operation and cannot beTable2Models for adaptivefiltering.Model A Model BInputs u CO;u off-gas u off-gas;u pressureOutput y m^hRegressor u TðtÞ½yðtÀ1ÞyðtÀ2Þu off-gasðtÀ1Þu COðtÀ1Þ ½yðtÀ1ÞyðtÀ2Þu off-gasðtÀ1Þu pressureðtÀ1Þ 1004M.Evestedt,A.Medvedev/Journal of Process Control19(2009)1000–1010guaranteed to be persistently exciting.It is therefore motivated to employ parameter estimators with strong anti-windup properties.Most anti-windup schemes for Kalmanfilter parameter estima-tion are of ad hoc nature and are not proved to be non-divergent under lack of excitation,see e.g.[25,26].In the approach taken in [27],a special choice of QðtÞis used to control the stationary point of the Riccati equationQðtÞ¼P d uðtÞu TðtÞP du d uð10Þwhere P d2R nÂn;P d>0.Consequently,the optimality of the Kalmanfilter is lost.Riccati equation(8),with the free term chosen according to Eq.(10),is called the Stenlund–Gustafsson(or just SG)algorithm.Thematrix P d is a stationary point and as well the tuning parameter ofthe method.A formal proof of the fact that the algorithm is non-diverging,even for the case of lack of excitation,is given in[28].The stationary behavior is investigated in[29],where it is shownthat if PðtÞhas converged to P d,it will stay there even if the excita-tion disappears in some directions.The SG algorithm was studiedfurther in[30],where an acoustic echo cancelation applicationwas used to compare its performance to that of a number ofwell-known techniques such as the normalized least-squares algo-rithm and the Kalmanfilter.3.3.Slopping warning by change detectorDuring normal operation,the LD converter process model Eq.(4)is assumed to apply with slowly changing parameters,h.Thetime variation is reasonably well explained by the rising moltenmetal temperature in the converter during the blow.When slop-ping occurs,the model parameters change abruptly due to a signif-icant alteration in the chemical reactions.Since the sloppingphenomenon manifests itself as a drastic deviation from the pro-cess’regular dynamic pattern,a change detector[31]acting onthe model residual can recognize slopping events in the LD con-verter.A warning system for slopping detection can be designedby combining the process model,recursive parameter estimationand the change detector as shown in Fig.5.The detector in Fig.5is fed by the residual ðtÞ¼yðtÞÀu TðtÞ^hðtÀ1Þof the adaptivefil-ter.Based on the residual,a distance measure,sðtÞ,is calculated.Assuming that all noises are Gaussian,the true system is time-invariant and belongs to the linear regression model set,yieldsðtÞ2Nð0;SðtÞÞwhere SðtÞ¼rðtÞþu TðtÞPðtÞuðtÞand the matrixPðtÞis the solution of Eq.(8).A whiteness test based on the auto-correlation of the residual sequence for one of the studied chargeswithout slopping shows this to be a valid assumption.Only1.75%(14)of the autocorrelation coefficients at lags between one and400lie outside of the95%confidence interval.It also demonstratesthat the applied model is adequately chosen and the parameterestimation algorithm works well.Fig.7.The graphical user interface of the warning system contains information about the blowing parameters and generated alarms.The depicted situation corresponds to a completed heat.(1)Slag level estimate;(2)camera signal;(3)alarm history with specific alarm times;(4)oxygenflow rate;(5)lance height;(6)current alarm grade(color coded);(7)start button;(8)alarm acknowledgment button;and(9)stop button.M.Evestedt,A.Medvedev/Journal of Process Control19(2009)1000–10101005A suitable choice of distance measure enabling the detection of both variance and parameter changes is given by the normalized squared residual s ðt Þ¼S À1ðt Þ 2ðt Þ,[31].The distance measure is averaged to get a test statistic g ðt Þ,that is then thresholded to trig-ger an alarm when g ðt Þ>h .Such a test statistic is for example gi-ven by the one-sided CUmulative SUM (CUSUM)detector,[31].It is defined byg ðt Þ¼max ðg ðt À1Þþs ðt ÞÀm ;0Þif g ðt Þ>h ;then alarm and g ðt Þ¼0where h is the alarm threshold ,s ðt Þis an input distance measure and m is a drift parameter to prevent positive drift of g ðt Þ,eventually yielding a false alarm.The threshold and drift parameter in the CUSUM change detec-tor need to be adjusted to the data from each individual charge in order to obtain desired detection rate with a reasonable number of false alarms.Since this is not feasible in a real-time application,the threshold and drift parameters in this study were carefully selected by running the system on plant data from 50blows,trimming the parameters to achieve acceptable overall performance.This of course decreases the performance of the warning system.A bettersolution to this problem would be to relate the values of detector parameters to the process operation conditions and raw material properties,thereby attaining adaptive selectivity of the alarms.Such an effort is outside of the scope of this paper.The severity of a slopping event is classified by keeping track on how many warnings that are collected by the system subsequently.One warning leads to a green alarm,two to a yellow alarm and if the number of consecutive warnings within a specified time frame exceeds three,the alarm is set to red indicating that the slopping persists over a period of time.The coloration of alarms is mainly introduced for interaction with the operator and the time frame should be chosen so that all warnings issued can be considered to be inflicted by the same slopping occasion.3.4.Sonic-meter versus slag level estimationTo illustrate the advantage of utilizing the slag level estimate for slopping detection instead of the sonic-meter signal,the two model structures in Table 2were evaluated on data from the same heat with known occurrence of slopping.The distance measure s ðt Þis shown in Fig.6,for either case,to illustrate the feasibility of its use in the change detector.To make threshold and drift parameter choices easier,process deviations should be clearly visible in the filter residuals.As can be seen,the distance measure for the slag level estimation based alarm system is twice the distance measure for the sonic-meter based one under the same slopping conditions.This facilitates the choice of CUSUM user parameters and indicates that high resolution microphone data is a better alternative for slopping detection.Thus,Model B is adopted in the following.4.System evaluationThe slopping warning system is implemented at SSAB Oxelös-und for field trials.A graphical user interface (GUI)was designed to provide the operator with relevant information and slopping alarms.The layout of the GUI is shown in Fig.7.Notice that this is a research version of the software intended for evaluationofFig.8.The warning system relies on data communication of measurements from different parts of the process.The blocks within the dashed line encircled area belong to the system described in this paper.1)Off-gas flow rate and pressure,2)Slag level estimate and camera signal,3)System alarms.1006M.Evestedt,A.Medvedev /Journal of Process Control 19(2009)1000–1010。
