Heat Stress Awareness(CH)
研究生英语综合教程(上)Unit 5课后答案
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Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action
Task 1
Choose the sentence in which the underlined word has the closest meaning to the underlined word in the sentence quoted from the passage. (P135)
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Philosophy behind yoga A. Mind/body connection; B. Physical posture and alignment can influence a person’s mood and self-esteem ____________________________________; shape and heal the body C. Mind can be used to ____________________________.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Benefits of practicing yoga A. Increase _______________________________________; general health and stamina B. Reduce stress; strength, flexibility and sense of C. Increase a person’s ___________________________________ well-being _____________.
新版216个护理诊断NANDA护理诊断NANDA-I护理诊断2012~2014(共216页)1. 领域1:健康促进(Health Promotion)2. 类别1:健康意识(Health Awareness)3. 娱乐活动缺乏(Deficient Diversional Activity)(00097)4. 静态的生活方式(Sedentary Lifestyle)(00168)5. 类别2:健康管理(Health Management)6. 缺乏公共卫生(Deficient Community Health)(00215)7. 有危险倾向的健康行为(Risk-Prone Health Behavior)(00188)8. 健康维持无效(Ineffective Health Maintenance)(00099)9. 有增强免疫状态的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Immunization Status)(00186)10. 防护无效(Ineffective Protection)(00043)11. 自我健康维持无效(Ineffective Self-Health Management)(00078)12. 有增强自我健康管理的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Self-HealthManagement)(00162)家庭执行治疗方案无效(Ineffective FamilyTherapeutic Regimen Management)(00080)13. 领域2:营养(Nutrition)14. 类别1:摄入(Ingestion)15. 母乳不足(Insufficient Breast Milk)(00216)16. 婴儿喂养无效(Ineffective Infant Feeding Pattern)(00107)17. 营养失调:低于机体需要量(Imbalanced Nutrition:Less Than BodyRequirements)(00002)营养失调:高于机体需要量(Imbalanced Nutrition:More Than Body Requirements)(00001)有增强营养的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Nutrition)(00163)18. 有营养失调的危险:高于机体需要量(Risk for Imbalanced Nutrition:MoreThan Body Requirements)(00003)19. 吞咽能力受损(Impaired Swallowing)(00103)20. 类别2:消化(Digestion)21. 类别3:吸收(Absorption)22. 类别4:代谢(Metabolism)23. 有血糖不稳定的危险(Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose Level)(00179)24. 新生儿黄疸(Neonatal Jaundice)(00194)25. 有新生儿黄疸的危险(Risk for Neonatal Jaundice)(00230)26. 有肝功能受损的危险(Risk for Impaired Liver Function)(00178)27. 类别5:水化28. 有电解质失衡的危险(Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance)(00195)29. 有维持体液平衡的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Fluid Balance)(00160)30. 体液不足(Deficient Fluid Volume)(00027)31. 体液过多(Excess Fluid Volume)(00026)32. 有体液不足的危险(Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume)(00028)33. 有体液失衡的危险(Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume)(00025)34. 领域3:排泄(Elimination and Exchange)35. 类别1:排尿功能(Urinary Function)36. 功能性尿失禁(Functional Urinary Incontinence)(00020)37. 充溢性尿失禁(Overflow Urinary Incontinence)(00176)38. 反射性尿失禁(Reflex Urinary Incontinence)(00018)39. 压力性尿失禁(Stress Urinary Incontinence)(00017)40. 急迫性尿失禁(Urge Urinary Incontinence)(00019)41. 有急迫性尿失禁的危险(Risk for Urge Urinary Incontinence)(00022)42. 排尿形态改变(Impaired Urinary Elimination)(00016)43. 有排尿形态恢复正常的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Urinary Elimination)(00166)尿潴留(Urinary Retention)(00023)44. 类别2:胃肠功能(Gastrointestinal Function)45. 便秘(Constipation)(00011)46. 感知性便秘(Perceived Constipation)(00012)47. 有便秘的危险(Risk for Constipation)(00015)48. 腹泻(Diarrhea)(00013)49. 胃肠动力紊乱(Dysfunctional Gastrointestinal Motility)(00196)50. 有胃肠动力紊乱的危险(Risk for Dysfunctional Gastrointestinal Motility)(00197)排便失禁(Bowel Incontinence)(00014)51. 类别3:皮肤功能(Integumentary Function)52. 类别4:呼吸功能(Respiratory Function)53. 气体交换受损(Impaired Gas Exchange)(00030)54. 领域4:活动∕休息(Activit y∕Rest)55. 类别1:睡眠/休息(Sleep/Rest)56. 失眠(Insomnia)(00095)57. 睡眠剥夺(Sleep Deprivation)(00096)58. 有睡眠形态增进的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Sleep)(00165)59. 睡眠形态紊乱(Disturbed Sleep Pattern)(00198)60. 类别2:活动/运动(Activity/Exercise)61. 有废用综合征的危险(Risk for Disuse Syndrome)(00040)62. 床上活动障碍(Impaired Bed Mobility)(00091)63. 躯体移动障碍(Impaired Physical Mobility)(00085)64. 借助轮椅活动障碍(Impaired Wheelchair Mobility)(00089)65. 移位能力障碍(Impaired Transfer Ability)(00090)66. 行走障碍(Impaired Walking)(00088)67. 类别3:能量平衡(Energy Balance)68. 能量场紊乱(Disturbed Energy Field)(00050)69. 疲乏(Fatigue)(00093)70. 漫游(Wandering)(00154)71. 类别4:心血管/肺部反应(Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Responses)72. 活动无耐力(Activity Intolerance)(00092)73. 有活动无耐力的危险(Risk for Activity Intolerance)(00094)74. 低效性呼吸形态(Ineffective Breathing Pattern)(00032)75. 心输出量减少(Decreased Cardiac Output)(00029)76. 有胃肠灌注不足的危险(Risk for Ineffective Gastrointestinal Perfusion)(00202)77. 有肾脏灌注不足的危险(Risk for Ineffective Renal Perfusion)(00203)78. 不能维持自主呼吸(Impaired Spontaneous Ventilation)(00033)79. 周围组织灌注不足(Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion)(00204)80. 有心脏组织灌注不足的危险(Risk for Decreased Cardiac Tissue Perfusion)(00200)有脑组织灌注不足的危险(Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion)(00201)有周围组织灌注不足的危险(Risk for IneffectivePeripheral Tissue Perfusion)(00228)呼吸机依赖(Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response)(00034)类别5:自我照顾(Self-Care)81. 持家能力障碍(Impaired Home Maintenance)(00098)82. 有增强自理的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Self-Care)(00182)83. 沐浴自理缺陷(Bathing Self-Care Deficit)(00108)84. 穿衣自理缺陷(Dressing Self-Care Deficit)(00109)85. 进食自理缺陷(Feeding Self-Care Deficit)(00102)86. 如厕自理缺陷(Toileting Self-Care Deficit)(00110)87. 忽视自我健康管理(Self-Neglect)(00193)88. 领域5:知觉∕认知(Perception∕Cognition)89. 类别1:注意力(Attention)90. 忽视单侧身体(Unilateral Neglect)(00123)91. 类别2:定向力(Orientation)92. 环境解析障碍综合征(Impaired Environmental Interpretation Syndrome)(00127)类别3:感觉/知觉(Sensation/Perception)93. 类别4:认知(Cognition)94. 急性意识障碍(Acute Confusion)(00128)95. 慢性意识障碍(Chronic Confusion)(00129)96. 有急性意识障碍的危险(Risk for Acute Confusion)(00173)97. 自我控制无效(Ineffective Impulse Control)(00222)98. 知识缺乏(Deficient Knowledge)(00126)99. 有增加知识的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Knowledge)(00161)100. 记忆受损(Impaired Memory)(00131)101. 类别5:沟通(Communication)102. 有加强沟通的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Communication)(00157)103. 语言沟通障碍(Impaired Verbal Communication)(00051)104. 领域6:自我知觉(Self-Perception)105. 类别1:自我概念(Self-Concept)106. 绝望(Hopelessness)(00124)107. 有危及个人尊严的危险(Risk for Compromised Human Dignity)(00174)108. 有孤独的危险(Risk for Loneliness)(00054)109. 自我认同紊乱(Disturbed Personal Identity)(00121)110. 有自我认同紊乱的危险(Risk for Disturbed Personal Identity)(00225)111. 有增强自我概念的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Self-Concept)(00167)类别2:自尊Self-Esteem112. 慢性低自尊(Chronic Low Self-Esteem)(00119)113. 情境性低自尊(Situational Low Self-Esteem)(00120)114. 有慢性低自尊的危险(Risk for Chronic Low Self-Esteem)(00224)115. 有情境性低自尊的危险(Risk for Situational Low Self-Esteem)(00153)类别3:自我形象(Body Image)116. 自我形象紊乱(Disturbed Body Image)(00118)117. 领域7:角色关系(Role Relationships)118. 类别1:照顾者角色(Caregiving Roles)119. 母乳喂养无效(Ineffective Breastfeeding)(00104)120. 母乳喂养中断(Interrupted Breastfeeding)(00105)121. 有增强母乳喂养的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Breastfeeding)(00106)122. 照顾者角色紧张(Caregiver Role Strain)(00061)123. 有照顾者角色紧张的危险(Risk for Caregiver Role Strain)(00062)124. 抚养障碍(Impaired Parenting)(00056)125. 有增进抚养能力的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Parenting)(00164)126. 有抚养障碍的危险(Risk for Impaired Parenting)(00057)127. 类别2:家庭关系(Family Relationships)128. 有依附关系障碍的危险(Risk for Impaired Attachment)(00058)129. 家庭运作紊乱(Dysfunctional Family Processes)(00063)130. 家庭运作中断(Interrupted Family Processes)(00060)131. 有家庭运作稳定的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Family Processes)(00159)类别3:角色表现(Role Performance)132. 无效的关系(Ineffective Relationship)(00223)133. 有增进关系的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Relationship)(00207)134. 有关系无效的危险(Risk for Ineffective Relationship)(00229)135. 父母角色冲突(Parental Role Conflict)(00064)136. 角色紊乱(Ineffective Role Performance)(00055)137. 社交障碍(Impaired Social Interaction)(00052)138. 领域8:性学(Sexuality)139. 类别1:性别认同(Sexual Identity)140. 类别2:性功能(Sexual Function)141. 性功能障碍(Sexual Dysfunction)(00059)142. 性生活形态改变(Ineffective Sexuality Pattern)(00065)143. 类别3:生殖(Reproduction)144. 分娩过程无效(Ineffective Childbearing Process)(00221)145. 有增进分娩过程的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Childbearing Process)(00208)有分娩过程无效的危险(Risk for Ineffective Childbearing Process)(00227)有母体-胎儿受干扰的危险(Risk for Disturbed Maternal-FetalDyad)(00209)146. 领域9:调适∕压力耐受(Coping∕Stress Tolerance)147. 类别1:创伤后反应(Post-Trauma Responses)148. 创伤后综合征(Post-Trauma Syndrome)(00141)149. 有创伤后综合征的危险(Risk for Post-Trauma Syndrome)(00145)150. 强暴创伤综合征(Rape-Trauma Syndrome)(00142)151. 迁移应激综合征(Relocation Stress Syndrome)(00114)152. 有迁移应激综合征的危险(Risk for Relocation Stress Syndrome)(00149)类别2:应对反应(Coping Responses)153. 活动计划无效(Ineffective Activity Planning)(00199)154. 有活动计划无效的危险(Risk for Ineffective Activity Planning)(00226)155. 焦虑(Anxiety)(00146)156. 防御性应对(Defensive Coping)(00071)157. 应对无效(Ineffective Coping)(00069)158. 有增强应对的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Coping)(00158)159. 社区应对无效(Ineffective Community Coping)(00077)160. 社区有增强应对的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Community Coping)(00076)161. 家庭妥协性应对(Compromised Family Coping)(00074)162. 家庭应对缺陷(Disabled Family Coping)(00073)163. 家庭有增强应对的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Family Coping)(00075)164. 死亡焦虑(Death Anxiety)(00147)165. 无效性否认(Ineffective Denial)(00072)166. 成人生存功能衰退(Adult Failure to Thrive)(00101)167. 恐惧(Fear)(00148)168. 悲痛(Grieving)(00136)169. 复杂性哀伤(Complicated Grieving)(00135)170. 有复杂性哀伤的危险(Risk for Complicated Grieving)(00172)171. 有增强能力的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Power)(00187)172. 无能为力(Powerlessness)(00125)173. 有无能为力的危险(Risk for Powerlessness)(00152)174. 个人复原能力受损(Impaired Individual Resilience)(00210)175. 有增强复原能力的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Resilience)(00212)176. 有危及复原的危险(Risk for Compromised Resilience)(00211)177. 长期悲伤(Chronic Sorrow)(00137)178. 超负荷压力(Stress Overload)(00177)179. 类别3:神经行为压力(Neurobehavioral Stress)180. 自主性反射障碍(Autonomic Dysreflexia)(00009)181. 有自主反射障碍的危险(Risk for Autonomic Dysreflexia)(00010)182. 婴儿行为紊乱(Disorganized Infant Behavior)(00116)183. 婴儿有行为能力增强的潜力(Readiness for Enhanced Organized Infant Behavior)(00117)有婴儿行为紊乱的危险(Risk for Disorganized Infant Behavior)(00115)184. 颅内调试能力下降(Decreased Intracranial Adaptive Capacity)(00049)185. 领域10:生命原则(Life Principles)186. 类别1:价值观(Values)187. 有增进希望的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Hope)(00185)188. 类别2:信念(Beliefs)189. 有促进精神健康增强的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Spiritual Well-Being)(00068)190. 类别3:价值/信念/行动一致(Value/Belief/Action Congruence)191. 有增强决策的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Decision-Making)(00184)192. 决策冲突(Decisional Conflict)(00083)193. 道德困扰(Moral Distress)(00175)194. 不合作(Noncompliance)(00079)195. 虔信受损(Impaired Religiosity)(00169)196. 有增进虔信的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Religiosity)(00171)197. 有虔信受损的危险(Risk for Impaired Religiosity)(00170)198. 精神困扰(Spiritual Distress)(00066)199. 有精神困扰的危险(Risk for Spiritual Distress)(00067)200. 领域11:安全∕保护(Safety∕Protection)201. 类别1:感染(Infection)202. 有感染的危险(Risk for Infection)(00004)203. 类别2:身体伤害(Physical Injury)204. 清理呼吸道无效(Ineffective Airway Clearance)(00031)205. 有误吸的危险(Risk for Aspiration)(00039)206. 有出血的危险(Risk for Bleeding)(00206)207. 牙齿受损(Impaired Dentition)(00048)208. 有干眼症的危险(Risk for Dry Eye)(00219)209. 有跌倒的危险(Risk for Falls)(00155)210. 有受伤的危险(Risk for Injury)(00035)211. 口腔黏膜受损(Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane)(00045)212. 有围手术期体位性损伤的危险(Risk for Perioperative Positioning Injury)(00087)213. 有周围神经血管功能障碍的危险(Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction)(00086)有休克的危险(Risk for Shock)(00205)214. 皮肤完整性受损(Impaired Skin Integrity)(00046)215. 有皮肤完整性受损的危险(Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity)(00047)216. 有婴儿猝死综合征的危险(Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)(00156)217. 有窒息的危险(Risk for Suffocation)(00036)218. 术后恢复延迟(Delayed Surgical Recovery)(00100)219. 有烫伤的危险(Risk for Thermal Injury)(00220)220. 组织完整性受损(Impaired Tissue Integrity)(00044)221. 有外伤的危险(Risk for Trauma)(00038)222. 有血管受损的危险(Risk for Vascular Trauma)(00213)223. 类别3:暴力(Violence)224. 有虐待他人的危险(Risk for Other-Directed Violence)(00138)225. 有自虐的危险(Risk for Self-Directed Violence)(00140)226. 自残(Self-Mutilation)(00151)227. 有自残的危险(Risk for Self-Mutilation)(00139)228. 有自杀的危险(Risk for Suicide)(00150)229. 类别4:环境危害(Environmental Hazards)230. 污染(Contamination)(00181)231. 有污染的危险(Risk for Contamination)(00180)232. 有中毒的危险(Risk for Poisoning)(00037)233. 类别5:防御过程(Defensive Processes)234. 有碘造影剂不良反应的危险(Risk for Adverse Reaction to Iodinated Contrast Media)(000218)乳胶过敏反应(Latex Allergy Response)(00041)235. 有过敏反应的危险(Risk for Allergy Response)(00217)236. 有乳胶过敏反应的危险(Risk for Latex Allergy Response)(00042)237. 类别6:体温调节(Thermoregulation)238. 有体温平衡失调的危险(Risk for Imbalanced Body Temperature)(00005)239. 体温过高(Hyperthermia)(00007)240. 体温过低(Hypothermia)(00006)241. 体温调节无效(Ineffective Thermoregulation)(00008)242. 领域12:舒适(Comfort)243. 类别1:身体舒适(Physical Comfort)244. 类别2:环境舒适(Environmental Comfort)245. 类别3:社交舒适(Social Comfort)246. 舒适的改变(Impaired Comfort)(00214)247. 有增加舒适的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Comfort)(00183)248. 恶心(Nausea)(00134)249. 急性疼痛(Acute Pain)(00132)250. 慢性疼痛(Chronic Pain)(00133)251. 社交隔离(Social Isolation)(00053)252. 领域13:生长∕发育(Growth∕Development)253. 类别1:生长(Growth)254. 有生长不成比例的危险(Risk for Disproportionate Growth)(00113)255. 类别2:发育(Development)256. 生长发育迟缓(Delayed Growth and Development)(00111)257. 有发育迟缓的危险(Risk for Delayed Development)(00112)258. 一、新增诊断(16项):259. 领域1:健康促进(Health Promotion)260. 类别2:健康管理(Health Management)261. 缺乏公共卫生(Deficient Community Health)(00215)262. 领域2:营养(Nutrition)263. 类别1:摄入(Ingestion)264. 母乳不足(Insufficient Breast Milk)(00216)265. 类别4:代谢(Metabolism)266. 有新生儿黄疸的危险(Risk for Neonatal Jaundice)(00230)267. 领域4:活动∕休息(Activit y∕Rest)268. 类别4:心血管/肺部反应(Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Responses)269. 有周围组织灌注不足的危险(Risk for Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion)(00228)领域5:知觉∕认知(Perception∕Cognition)270. 类别3:感觉/知觉(Sensation/Perception)271. 类别4:认知(Cognition)272. 自我控制无效(Ineffective Impulse Control)(00222)273. 领域6:自我知觉(Self-Perception)274. 类别1:自我概念(Self-Concept)275. 有自我认同紊乱的危险(Risk for Disturbed Personal Identity)(00225)类别2:自尊Self-Esteem276. 有慢性低自尊的危险(Risk for Chronic Low Self-Esteem)(00224)277. 领域7:角色关系(Role Relationships)278. 类别3:角色表现(Role Performance)279. 无效的关系(Ineffective Relationship)(00223)280. 有关系无效的危险(Risk for Ineffective Relationship)(00229)281. 领域8:性学(Sexuality)282. 类别3:生殖(Reproduction)283. 分娩过程无效(Ineffective Childbearing Process)(00221)284. 有分娩过程无效的危险(Risk for Ineffective Childbearing Process)(00227)285. 领域9:调适∕压力耐受(Coping∕Stress Tolerance)286. 类别2:应对反应(Coping Responses)287. 有活动计划无效的危险(Risk for Ineffective Activity Planning)(00226)288. 领域11:安全∕保护(Safety∕Protection)289. 类别2:身体伤害(Physical Injury)290. 有干眼症的危险(Risk for Dry Eye)(00219)291. 有烫伤的危险(Risk for Thermal Injury)(00220)292. 类别5:防御过程(Defensive Processes)293. 有碘造影剂不良反应的危险(Risk for Adverse Reaction to Iodinated Contrast Media)(000218)有过敏反应的危险(Risk for Allergy Response)(00217)294. 二、修改诊断(11项):295. 有增强母乳喂养的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Breastfeeding)(00106)296. 低效性呼吸形态(Ineffective Breathing Pattern)(00032)297. 舒适的改变(Impaired Comfort)(00214)298. 有感染的危险(Risk for Infection)(00004)299. 新生儿黄疸(Neonatal Jaundice)(00194)300. 恶心(Nausea)(00134)301. 无能为力(Powerlessness)(00125)302. 有无能为力的危险(Risk for Powerlessness)(00152)303. 有增强自我健康管理的愿望(Readiness for Enhanced Self-Health Management)(00162)有皮肤完整性受损的危险(Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity)(00047)304. 周围组织灌注不足(Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion)(00204)305. 三、退出诊断(1项):306. 领域5:知觉∕认知(Perception∕Cognition)307. 类别5:沟通(Communication)308.感觉知觉紊乱(特定的:视觉、听觉、方位感、味觉、触觉、嗅觉)(Disturbed Sensory Perception)(00122)。
考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷76(总分60,考试时间90分钟)2. Reading ComprehensionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.The technological revolutions of the last two decades have placed a severe burden on the concept of technology transfer. It is quite clear that the concept has serious limitations; with time, it is not at all clear that its methods have improved or its result progressed.【F1】The underlying assumption in "technology transfer" is that the application of new discoveries to the development of new technology through the developed countries produces results which are applicable to underdeveloped countries.Although this assumption has never really been put to a true global test, it is through now clear that this can not be the main means of technological progress in developing areas such as Africa South East Asian and Latin America, irrespective of its possible utility elsewhere.【F2】The question is whether such an outcome is inevitable and inherent in the process or whether it merely reflects the shortage of resources and improper management.It is my contention that "technology transfer" as a vehicle of progress for the developing countries is irreparably flawed and cannot succeed.【F3】The fundamental flaw is that "technology transfer" is cast in the die of a colonial process where through developed countries do things in ways that they find acceptable for their former colonies, the developing countries.Whether the development process is carried out through citizens of the recipient nation or not is irrelevant; the philosophy upon which "technology transfer" is based, beginning with training and ending with application, is composed of a set of socioculturally and economically determined values within the institutionalized fabric of science, which select the questions found to be meaningful, dictate the preferred research plans and evaluate the significance only of the results obtained.Clearly, technology based on the set of determinants is not likely to be very relevant to the vastly different economic and sociocultural conditions of developing countries. It will hardly get to the needs of the developing countries, perhaps even serving to slow progress.【F4】This situation must be replaced through a new process which might be called "basic knowledge transfer" as part of growth of a forefront science in the developing countries.This approach contains the following features:Given full access to new scientific discovery at the cutting edge of science, that is, at the region of high intensity transfer from basic to applied knowledge, the scientists of developing countries can create their own technology transfer from basic to applied. Scientists in the developing countries, in active dialogue with other elements such as government, community and industry, can identify and prioritize problems and develop a practical situation.【F5】The problem of internal "technology transfer" will require for each country or region a suitable number oftrained scientific specialists; means for maintaining **petency of these leaders will need to be developed through each nation or region.1. 【F1】2. 【F2】3. 【F3】4. 【F4】5. 【F5】【F1】When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it.Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. In the most serious of cases, in which the entire population of a region or country may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not spread.【F2】The process of vaccination allows the patient's body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally.To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, so that his body's immune system can learn to fight the invader properly. Information on how to penetrate the disease' s defenses is transmitted to all elements of the patient's immune system in a process that occurs naturally, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell.【F3】This makes sure that, should the patient **e into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it, having already done so before.There are dangers inherent in the process, however.【F4】On occasion, even the weakened version of the disease contained in the vaccine proves too much for the body to handle, resulting in the immune system succumbing, and, therefore, the patient's death.【F5】Such is the case of the smallpox vaccine, designed to eradicate the smallpox epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire Native American population and killed massive numbers of settlers.Approximately 1 in 10, 000 people who receives the vaccine contract the smallpox disease from the vaccine itself and dies from it. Thus, if the entire population of the United States were to receive the Smallpox Vaccine today, 3, 000 Americans would be left dead.Fortunately, the smallpox virus was considered eradicated in the early 1970's, ending the mandatory vaccination of all babies in America. In the event of a re-introduction of the disease, however, mandatory vaccinations may resume, resulting in more unexpected deaths from vaccination. The process, which is truly a mixed blessing, may indeed hide some hidden curses.6. 【F1】7. 【F2】8. 【F3】9. 【F4】10. 【F5】【F1】The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted.The interaction resulting from the differences between predator and prey led to a general improvement in brain functions; however, **ponents of intelligence were improved far more than others.【F2】The kind of intelligence favored by the interplay of increasingly smarter catchers and increasingly keener escapers is defined by attention—that aspect of mind carrying consciousness forward from one moment to thenext.It ranges from a passive free floating awareness to a highly focused, active fixation, the range through these states is mediated by the arousal system, a network of tracts converging from sensory systems to integrating centers in the brain stem. From the more relaxed to the more vigorous levels sensitivity to novelty is increased.【F3】The organism is more awake more vigilant, this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings.The processes of arousal and concentration give attention to its direction. Arousal is at first general with a flooding of impulses in the brain stem; then gradually the activation is channeled. Thus begins concentration, the holding of consistent images. One meaning of intelligence is the way in thigh these images and other alertly searched information are used in the context of previous experience. Consciousness links past attention to the present and permits the integration of details with perceived ends purposes.The elements of intelligence and **e together marvelously to produce different styles in predator and prey. Herbivores and carnivores develop different kinds of attention related to escaping or chasing.【F4】Although in both kinds of animal arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression.For both, arousal attunes the animal to what is ahead. Perhaps it does not experience forethought as we know it but the animal does experience something like it.The predator is searchingly aggressive inner directed, used by the nervous system and the adrenal hormones, but aware in a sense closer to human consciousness than, say, a hungry lizard' s instinctive snap at a passing beetle. The large mammal predator is working out a relationship between movement and food, sensitive to possibilities in cold trails and distant sounds and yesterday's unforgotten lessons. The herbivore bray is of a different mind.【F5】Its mood of wariness rather than searching and its attitude of general expectancy instead of anticipating are silk thin veils of tranquility over an explosive endocrine system.11. 【F1】12. 【F2】13. 【F3】14. 【F4】15. 【F5】It was the biggest scientific grudge match since the space race. The Genome Wars had everything: two groups with appealing leaders ready to fight in a scientific dead heat, pushing the limits of technology and rhetoric as they battled to become the first to read every last one of the 3 billion DNA "letters" in the human body.【F1】The scientific importance of the work is unquestionable, **pleted DNA sequence is expected to give scientists unprecedented insights into the workings of the human body, revolutionizing medicine and biology.But the race itself, between the government's Human Genome Project and Rockville, Md., **pany Celera Genomics, was at least partly symbolic, the public/private conflict played out in a genetic lab.Now the race is over. After years of public attacks and several failed attempts at reconciliation, the two sides are taking a step toward a period of calm. HGP head Francis Collins(and Ari Patrinos of the Department of Energy, an important ally on the government side)and Craig Venter, the founder of Celera, agreed to hold a joint press conference in Washington this Monday to declare that the race was over(sort of), that both sides had won(kind of)and that the hostilities were resolved(for the time being).No one is exactly sure how things will be different now.【F2】Neither side will be turning off its sequencing machines any time soon—the "finish lines" each has crossed are largely arbitrary points, "firstdrafts" rather than the definitive version.【F3】And while the joint announcement brings the former Genome Warriors closer together than they've been in years, insiders say that future agreements are more likely to take the form of coordination, rather than outright collaboration.The conflict blew up this February when Britain's **e Trust, an HGP participant, released a confidential letter to Celera outlining the HGP's complaints. Venter called the move "a lowlife thing to do." But by spring, there were the first signs of a thaw. "The attacks and nastiness are bad for science and our investors," Venter told Newsweek in March, "and fighting back is probably not helpful."【F4】At a cancer meeting earlier this month, Venter and Collins praised each other's approaches, and expressed hope that all of the scientists involved in sequencing the human genome would be able to share the credit.By late last week, that hope was becoming a reality as details for Monday's joint announcement were hammered out. Scientists in both camps welcomed an end to the hostilities. "If this ends the horse race, science wins."【F5】With their difference behind them, or at least set aside, the scientists should now be able to get down to the interesting stuff: figuring how to make use of all that data.16. 【F1】17. 【F2】18. 【F3】19. 【F4】20. 【F5】。
江西省宜春市丰城市第九中学2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题一、阅读理解Rome, Italy, Europe—A Walk Through HistoryEvery step in Rome is a walk through history. The city offers a look into the past with its ruins (废墟) and centuries-old buildings. Exploring Rome is also an opportunity to connect with the city’s cultural heritage (遗产).Best Time to Travel: April to June and September to October.Jaipur, India, Asia—The Pink CityJaipur is famous as the Pink City. It has a mix of royal (皇家的) history and a lively culture. The city’s special pink buildings, which show kindness, make a one-of-a-kind city view.Best Time to Travel: November to February.Cairo, Egypt, Africa—Land of PharaohsCairo serves as a gateway lo some of the world’s most attractive historical treasures. Visiting the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, you’ll find yourself face to face with the heritage of ancient civilizations (文明). Exploring Cairo also involves wandering through the Khan El Khalili market to feel the modern Egyptian life.Best Time to Travel: October to April to avoid the heat.Istanbul, The Republic of Turkiye—Where East Meets WestLying at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, both geographically and culturally, Istanbul has a rich history, where influences from the East and the West are woven (交织). Famous buildings like Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque show this mix. In Istanbul, different cultures’ coming together is real and it affects its food, art, how the city looks, and how people live every day.Best Time to Travel: March to May and September to November.1.What’s the suggested time to visit Jaipur?A.April.B.July.C.October.D.December. 2.Which may one choose if he is interested in seeing different cultures in one city?A.Jaipur.B.Istanbul.C.Cairo.D.Rome.3.What do the four places have in common?A.They are all capitals of their countries.B.They provide delicious food.C.They have rich historical background.D.They are known for their modern buildings.Last Sunday was a day I will never forget. It was a bright sunny morning, and I had planned to go to the library to return some books. As I was walking down the street, I noticed something shiny lying on the sidewalk. I approached and found a wallet. Curiosity got the better of me, and I opened it to find a few banknotes, some coins, and a student ID card of a local high school.The ID belonged to a girl named Lily Chen. I decided to do the right thing and return it to her. Using the school’s name on the ID, I searched for the school’s contact information online and called them. The school staff were very helpful and connected me to Lily’s home phone number.Lily was surprised and grateful when I explained the situation. She had lost her wallet on her way to school that morning and was worried about the loss of her ID card and money. We arranged to meet at a nearby café to return the wallet. When we met, Lily was overjoyed and thanked me profusely. She even offered to buy me a coffee as a token of her gratitude, which I gladly accepted.After our encounter, I felt a sense of fulfillment and happiness that comes from helping someone in need. I shared the story on my social media, and it quickly spread among my friends and family. Many of them praised my actions and encouraged others to do good deeds as well.This experience taught me that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. It was a day to remember, not just for the good deed done, but also for the reminder that we all have the power to spread positivity in our own small ways.4.How did the author find Lily’s contact information?A.By calling the school.B.By asking a passerby.C.Through a friend.D.From a social media post.5.What was Lily’s reaction when she met the author?A.She was angry.B.She was grateful.C.She was indifferent.D.She was confused.6.What did the author do after meeting Lily?A.He kept the wallet.B.He shared the story on social media.C.He forgot about the incident.D.He asked for a reward.7.What lesson did the author learn from the experience?A.Social media is a powerful tool.B.Helping others is always rewarded.C.Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.D.One should always expect gratitude from other people.Sitting close with your little ones from an early age and enjoying a book together is always a great way to spend time, but do you know reading to your children has a whole range of benefits that will give them a flying start in life?Firstly, it’s a great introduction to vocabulary. Seeing an adult sounding out the words and linking them to the shapes on the page begins to build up vocabulary that they will use for the rest of their life.Then there are a variety of good effects of hearing stories which improve their minds and develop social awareness and skills. At a time when they are perhaps stuck indoors more than ever before, reading is the best way to motivate (激发) children’s imagination. They can travel to the moon, meet the Gruffalo and pop into a chocolate factory all before they’ve even had lunch!There’s no better way to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes than reading their stories and seeing things from another’s point of view is a great way to build empathy (共鸣), tolerance and other qualities needed. There are some fantastic children’s books which show characters acting as strong role models. These stories can encourage future leaders and thinkers, so every child can feel they can achieve their dreams, from the Little Leaders series to Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (叛逆女孩).Now is the perfect time to build up a library of excellent reads ready for children to enjoy now and in the future. They will create memories to last a lifetime. On top of the benefits for your little ones, it’.s fun, relaxing and a great chance to go back and reread the best books from your own childhood.8.What kind of people is the text written for?A.Parents.B.Children.C.Teachers.D.Leaders.9.What does the underlined phrase “pop into” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Start.B.Visit.C.Build.D.Leave.10.In which way does Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls do good to children?A.Going to bed easily at bedtime.B.Building good qualities.C.Building a strong body.D.Bringing back sweet memories.11.What is the text mainly about?A.Children’s reading habits.B.Children’s reading materials.C.Benefits of reading to children.D.Ways of reading children’s books.With digital learning gaining popularity, some students choose to learn from home using computers and the internet. They used websites and digital books instead of paper ones. But are they learning as well as they think?Studies show that reading on paper is easier to understand than reading on a screen. Anne Mangen, a literacy professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway, says reading on paper is calm and attracts our attention, unlike the reading on a screen.Experts say that while screens are good for quick news, complex texts are better on paper. They help us remember details better. A study by Lauren Singer Trakhman found that students understood the main ideas whether they read on paper or a screen, but they missed small details on screens. Reading on screens might make us read faster but not as deeply. Our brains might be getting used to quick information from digital media and not thinking carefully about what we read.Some research shows that our brains react differently to paper and screens. Reading on paper can make us feel more and understand the space around us better.So what can we do? We shouldn't stop using screens, but we should think about what we read on them. Singer Trakhman says she uses her Kindle for fun but turns to paper for seriousreading. To remember what we read on screens, we can try writing down the main points by hand. It might help us remember better than typing. And sometimes, turning off our devices and reading a real book can be very nice.12.What does Anne Mangen think of reading on paper?A.It is better for reading quick news.B.It brings peaceful reading experience.C.It provides a new adventure for readers.D.It helps to improve communication abilities. 13.Why might students miss details when reading on screens?A.Screens make the text harder to read.B.The text on screens is usually less detailed.C.Students tend to read quickly and not think deeply.D.Screens make it difficult to understand the main ideas.14.What can be inferred from Lauren Singer Trakhman's reading habits?A.She hardly uses screens in daily reading.B.She likes using Kindle for all types of reading.C.She thinks Kindles are suitable for serious reading.D.She prefers to use paper for challenging literature.15.Which is the best title for this passage?A.The Advantages Digital Learning Brings B.Reading on Paper vs. Reading on Screens C.How Reading on Paper Shapes Students D.The Importance of Online Learning at HomeMoving from middle to high school is a big step for all kids. It’s a time of new schoolwork, feelings, and meeting new friends. 16 It can be tough, but also a fun adventure! This article will share some tips to get ready for high school and make this big change easy and cool!17In high school, you need to be more independent in study. There might be fewer tasks, but they matter a lot. To manage your time well, you can make a calendar to see your days and write a list of things to do every day. Learn to say “no” to friends if you have to study. 18 Look for Extracurriculars to Join.One of the easiest ways to fit into your new school and make new friends is to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, volunteer opportunities, or the student government. Byjoining these, you can get ready for college, find friends who like the same things, and try new activities. It makes you feel like you’re part of the school and gives you a good group of friends to support you. 19Learn Stress — Management Strategies.20 It’s important to learn how to deal with stress so you can enjoy high school and do well later in life. If you feel stressed, go outside and take breaks to relax. Playing sports and eating good food to stay healthy can also be of great help. You can also talk to friends and family when you need help. Remember, it’s okay to ask for support when you’re feeling stressed.Embrace the journey of high school with an open mind and a positive spirit, for it’s not just a new chapter, but an adventure full of growth and unforgettable memories.A.Be More Independent in Study.B.There will be a lot to get used to.C.Practice Time-Management Skills.D.Finally, don’t forget to rest sometimes too!E.This can make your high school life much better!F.It’s an important change that requires some time-management skills.G.High school can be a big change and it’s normal to feel worried or stressed.二、完形填空There it was, big and red, at the top of my test paper: F. “I’ve never 21 anything before,” I thought as I got my things together for nursing school. In my first three terms I’d gotten good grades. But now, in my last term, I was 22 myself. The day before, I had thrown up when I emptied a bedpan(便盆). How would I perform in my future career if I 23 like that?I put the 24 in my bag and got on the bus home. “I thought I wanted to be a25 . Now I just don’t know,” I said to myself. Maybe I should 26 and give up my dream of becoming a nurse.27 came to a stop. A man lay in the road, with his motorbike turned upside down. No one 28 . They probably didn’t know how. But I did.I got out of the bus and 29 to his side. His vital signs (生命体征) were strong, but he was bleeding. I 30 bandages (绷带). “A good nurse keeps her pockets filled with things she might 31 in a crisis (危机),” my teacher had said.Someone called 911. As soon as the 32 workers arrived, I told them about the man’s 33 . At that time, I forgot my 34 and thought only about the patient. Once he was sent to hospital, a woman asked me, “Are you a doctor or a nurse?”“I’ll be a nurse soon,” I said 35 . No doubt about it.21.A.failed B.quitted C.missed D.forgotten 22.A.losing B.challenging C.doubting D.confusing 23.A.excused B.changed C.chose D.behaved 24.A.letter B.paper C.card D.report 25.A.driver B.nurse C.teacher D.doctor 26.A.calm down B.hold on C.drop out D.hurry up 27.A.Traffic B.Time C.Work D.Thought 28.A.helped B.noticed C.asked D.cared 29.A.turned B.returned C.fell D.rushed 30.A.put on B.took out C.put away D.gave out 31.A.explore B.prefer C.need D.collect 32.A.social B.voluntary C.postal D.medical 33.A.condition B.experience C.behavior D.problem 34.A.schedules B.dreams C.worries D.goals 35.A.naturally B.suddenly C.sadly D.proudly三、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内的正确形式。
小学上册英语第二单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ____(community workshop) fosters skill-building and awareness.2. A _______ is a measurement of how much solute is present in a solution.3.What is the capital of Germany?A. BerlinB. MunichC. FrankfurtD. Hamburg4.The _______ (The Bolshevik Revolution) led to the establishment of a communist government in Russia.5.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Handmaid's Tale"?A. Margaret AtwoodB. Virginia WoolfC. Toni MorrisonD. Maya AngelouA Margaret Atwood6. A puppy loves to play with ______ (球).7.What do we call the act of drawing pictures or writing on a surface?A. PaintingB. ScribblingC. SketchingD. GraffitiC8.My sister loves to explore __________ (自然).9.I read a ______ before bed. (story)10.The _____ (狐狸) is often portrayed in fables.11.The energy from the Earth's core can drive ______.12.She enjoys ______ on the weekends. (painting)13.The ______ (狐狸) is very clever.14.The _______ (The Berlin Wall) fell in 1989, signaling the end of the Cold War.15.The fall of Constantinople occurred in ________ (1453).16. A _______ is a type of mixture that does not settle out over time.17.What type of animal is a frog?A. MammalB. ReptileC. AmphibianD. Fish18.The __________ (历史的反思) leads to personal growth and development.19.What is 3 x 3?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 920. A _____ (植物活动) can educate about local flora.21.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?A. GuitarB. ViolinC. PianoD. DrumsC22.When ice melts, it changes from solid to _____.23.ts have developed specific traits to cope with ______ stress. (某些植物发展出特定特征以应对环境压力。
高中英语 Unit 9 Learning lesson 1课件 北师大版必修第三册
C. we need to actively take part in the learning process
D. it isn’t always true that the human brain is set on “automatic”
(2)How many suggestions are given in the text to take an active role in learning?
答案: (1)active (2)outer (3)inner (4)questions (5)truth (6)Focus on
2. What is the text type of the passage? A. Narration (记叙文). B. Argumentative Essay (议论文). C. Expository Writing (说明文). D. Practical Writing (应用文). 答案: C
Task 3 阅读思维升华: 主题实践 1. How can we become active learners? (Critical Thinking 批判性思维) _I_n_o_r_d_e_r_t_o__b_e_a_n__a_c_ti_v_e_l_e_a_r_n_e_r,_w__e_s_h_o_u_l_d_d_o__a_s_f_o_ll_o_w_s_:_L__is_t_e_n_t_o_t_h_e__o_u_te_r_ _v_o_ic_e_;_A_r_g_u_e__w_i_th__o_u_r__in_n_e_r__v_o_ic_e_;_A_s_k__q_u_e_s_ti_o_n_s_;_G__et__to__th__e_t_ru__th_;__F_o_c_u_s_o_n__th_e_ _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_. _ 2. Which of the suggestions in the text do you think is the most useful for you? Why? (Creative Thinking 创造性思维) _I_t_h_in_k__“_a_r_g_u_e_w__it_h__y_o_u_r_i_n_n_e_r_v_o_i_c_e_”_i_s_t_h_e_m__o_s_t _u_s_ef_u_l_,_b_e_c_a_u_s_e_i_t _m_a_k_e_s__m_e_ _c_o_n_si_d_e_r_t_h_e_o_t_h_e_r_s_i_d_e_o_f_a_r_g_u_m__e_n_t_. _
urban heat雅思阅读
urban heat雅思阅读Urban Heat: The Rising Concern in Contemporary CitiesIntroductionAs the world urbanizes at an unprecedented rate, the issue of urban heat becomes increasingly prominent. This phenomenon refers to the excessive heat generated and retained in cities, resulting from various anthropogenic and natural factors. In this article, we will delve into the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to combat urban heat, with a focus on its implications for urban residents and the environment.Urban Heat: Causes and Contributing Factors1. Urbanization and Land Use ChangeThe rapid growth of cities leads to land use changes, such as the conversion of green spaces into concrete structures. Urbanization contributes significantly to the urban heat island effect, where cities are warmer than their surrounding rural areas. The absence of vegetation and the presence of large concrete surfaces increase heat absorption and diminish natural cooling mechanisms.2. Building Materials and DesignThe choice of building materials and design plays a crucial role in exacerbating urban heat. Materials with high thermal conductivity, such as concrete and metal, absorb and retain more heat, leading to elevated temperatures in built-up areas. Poorly designed buildings that lack ventilation and shading further intensify urban heat.3. Human Activities and Energy ConsumptionUrban heat is also influenced by human activities, such as transportation and energy consumption. Vehicles emit heat, especially in congested areas, while power plants and industrial facilities release waste heat into the environment. The constant use of air conditioning in buildings further compounds the problem by generating excess heat.Impacts of Urban Heat on Cities and Residents1. Health EffectsThe soaring temperatures in cities pose significant health risks to urban dwellers. People exposed to prolonged heat can suffer from heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration. Vulnerable populations, including the elderly and individuals with preexisting health conditions, are particularly susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Moreover, the increased demand for air conditioning contributes to higher energy consumption, potentially exposing residents to power outages during extreme heat events.2. Environmental ConsequencesUrban heat can lead to adverse environmental consequences. Elevated temperatures disrupt ecosystems and alter the natural balance of flora and fauna. Heat stress affects plant growth, reduces crop yields, and exacerbates water scarcity. Additionally, urban heat contributes to air pollution and the formation of smog, which further deteriorates air quality and poses respiratory risks to residents.Mitigating Urban Heat: Strategies and Solutions1. Urban Planning and DesignEfficient urban planning and design can mitigate urban heat and promote sustainable development. Incorporating green spaces, such as parks, urban forests, and rooftop gardens, helps reduce the urban heat island effect by providing shade and enhancing evaporative cooling. Urban planners should prioritize creating walkable and bikeable cities to reduce vehicular emissions. Additionally, implementing cool roof technologies and lighter-colored pavements can reflect sunlight and mitigate heat absorption.2. Sustainable Building PracticesAdopting sustainable building practices is crucial in combating urban heat. Buildings should be designed to maximize natural ventilation and include energy-efficient systems such as green roofs, solar panels, and intelligent air conditioning. Additionally, utilizing innovative materials with high reflectivity and low thermal conductivity can contribute to indoor comfort and minimize outdoor heat reflection.3. Public Awareness and Citizen EngagementRaising public awareness about the consequences of urban heat is essential for collective action. Educational campaigns can help urban residents understand the importance of heat reduction measures, encouraging behavior changes such as reducing energy consumption, carpooling, and utilizing public transportation. Citizen engagement through community initiatives and involvement in urban development decisions can further promote sustainable policies and measures.ConclusionUrban heat presents a significant challenge in contemporary cities, impacting the well-being of both residents and the environment. Through strategic urban planning, sustainable building practices, and public awareness, we can combat urban heat and create cooler, more livable cities. Initiating interdisciplinary efforts and embracing innovative solutions will be crucial in mitigating the adverse effects of urban heat and ensuring the sustainability of urban environments for future generations.。
SPBCN拼词大赛小学中级组词汇INTERMEDIATE GROUP WORD LIST(1800)小中组是指三年级至四年级的学生组别。
abomination angry burly bottom abreast angularity burden bingo acceptable animation businessman bough acceptance anybody button biochemical accomplice anymore buttress bounce accost anyway butter biological accounting anywhere band bow achieve apart banking birth achievement August barbarian bowling acorn apex barbed biscuit acreage auto ban boyfriend acrimonious apparently basic bit acrobat automobile bask brain active appraise basket bitter activist aviary battle bramble actor approximate beach bladead avoid beard brash additional April beat blatantly address awareness beauty brawn administrative awful blow blend administrator aptitude beaver breath admonish aquarium blowhole bliss advantage aquifer beep breeze advice armed blunt bok adviser arsenic beginning brick afraid armoire boar bridge aftenoon artistry begrudge bristly agent Asian bold bright agora arctic behavioral broker aide arbor/arbour bombing brusque airline asinine bookcase broken akimbo assemble being browbeat album asset bookshelf brooch alibi association belong brute alive astrolabe bookstore buck alleged assuage below buddy alliance athlete boost budge alone beside bungle amazing B border bunny ambience background bid block American backpack billow British ammonia badminton bottleangel baggage bindattract bake buyerattraction ballet bullCanadian cite compound conviction canteen civic cooking cranky canter civilized/civilised concealed crawl capable clerk cop convinced capacity client concentration crayon capital climbing cope crazy captain clinic conduit creation carbohydrate closed copy credibility carbonization closer confess crew careen closet core criminal caress club connection crisis carpool coastal corn criticalcarton cocoon consciousnesscorner criticismcask code constable cross catwalk cognitive cornfield crossing cavernous coke constant crucial ceiling colander corporate crumple celebrate collapse constrictor culmination cetacean collect correct curlicue/curlycue chain collector contact curve chairman column correlation customer challenge combat contemplation cyclical cabinet comic correspondent cycling calibrate comment contemptuouschanging communication corrugatedcharacterize companionship contentedcharity compensation cortexchase compete contestchasm competition cottagechattel competitor contextcheese complain couchcheetah composition continuedchef convulse councilchildhood chest continuingchin camp countenancecholesterol campus contraptionchopsticks courteousChristmas convalescechug coveragecigar conversationcircle cowlickcircumstantial convertcircus craneD Edancer denominator earache exhibition dancing disapprobation eamings epitomize/epitomise danger drawl eating existent dank drawing eddy equation deadline disarray edition existing dealer drinking educational equity December depending effectiveness expansion divide discover elastic escapade depend driving electric expense decorator discovery electronic establishment divine deputy elemental experiment detractor due elementary estimate deer deregulation elf experimental developer discussion elitist estimated domain dump elsewhere explore defendant dish email ethical developing derive emerge expound domestic duty emergent ethics defense descend emission expression dominant disheartened'employer ethnic device dynamics employment extend defensive desirability empty ethnography doorway dislocation encourage extended dew despicable endorse European defiantly disorder enemy extensive dose detached enforce evaluation diaphragm disoriented enforcement extinguish double detail engagement everywhere delirious dispensation engineer exult difficulty detailed engineering evictdoubt dispute exasperated exultant deliver distaste excellent evidentlydig detect enroll evocative downcast detective except exasperate delivery ensure eastem direct excited environment drain entitledemonstration executedirection entitydrawer exertiondemur enviousdisappear exhaustiveF fusible galling headache famous forsake gander headline fang forth gang habit favorite/favounte fourth gap hailfear frame gardener hall fearsome fraud gash hallucination feature fraught gate hamlet February freeze gathering handicraft feed French gender handle feedback frequency genetic hangfence freshman gentleman hangarferal front German harbor/harbour ferocious frothy gift harefever frozen grudging harmonious feverish fun gimmick hayfewer funding guest hazefiber/fibre funeral guideline hornfidget fur horsepower fifth H hosefighter G hest host fighting galactic headphone hostage finding gale headquarters hotelfinish given heady housework firecracker glad healthy housing fishing gym hearse humanfair glint hearten humor/humour fissure glum heat hungry FALSE gold heaven huntingflail golf heavy hurtflaky gouge height hydrocarbon flat grab helicopter hygienicflip grace hell hivefluke grami/gramme hello hoarse fodder grandparent helmet hobblefolk grant helpful hobby following grapefruit hence hockeyfool grass hero holiday forecast gray/grey herring hometown forever greatest hers honestforgo grief hew honor/honour formal grip hidden hoodlum formality grocer highlight hook format groggy hind hoopfutility growing hip hoorayhumahhuray furthermore grub historic hopfurtive grubby hitherto hopscotchI Israeli J lesson. increment inconspicuous January loathe indeed install Japanese lobster index instance jasmine location ice increased jaunty log iconography instead jellyfish lollipop Indian increasing jest longtime ideal instinctive jigsaw lookout indicator institutional joey lop idolize/idolise instruction jogging lope indignant instructor joint lock illness instrument joke loud inexplicable intensity jostle lover imbrace/embrace intent laser lower infant intently judicial loyalty immediate interaction lattice lyrical inflection/inflexis interchange July lever immediately intercommunity June laboratory influence interest junk leverage immersion interested justice laden ingenuous interesting K liberal immigrant interior katydid lady ingest intermission kiss librarian impassive internet killer ladybug inhibition interplay killing lie imperceptibly interrupt kindergarten landing initiative intolerable kit lifestyle implement intricacy knapsack lanky injection introduce knowledge lift implementation invasion kelp lantern inner invent L ligament implore inventor laundry laptop inquiry/enquiny invest lawyer lighthouse import investigate leadership lighting insatiable investigation leafy lightning impress investigator leakage limelight inside investor learning limit improve invisible leather lineament inadequacy involved lecture linen insight involvement leery/leary linoleum incantation Iraqi legislative litigant inspector Irish legitimate litter inspire iron lemonade livery income island lens lizard Italian load labM N machine metaphysics mortgage neighbohood madam meter/metre mosaic nutritive magic methodical moth nephew magisteria Mexican motion nylon magnet microfiber motivate nervousmagnificati on midday motive neverthelessmailbox middle motorcycle newspaper mailman millimeter/milimete mount nightmaremainstay minimize/minimis mouse nip maker meaningful multifaceted nobility manage meatball multiply nobody mane medal mural nod mango medalisi muscle noisemanipulativ e medication museum noisymansion medicinal mushroom nonemanslaught er medicine mud nonprofitmantel megafauna mule nonrenewable manual membership Muslim nookmanufactur er minister mutant normorsel miracle myopic naked March mirror mystery norm margin mirth mystify napkin marine mischief myth normal mark mischievous mythic narrative marker misgiving metal northern marketing misinterpre moreover naughty maroon misshaper messy northwest mask missing nearby mass mistake notion mast misunderstand nebulous master mite noun mate mix neck material mixture November maximum mode nectar mayor modernmeal momentousmeaning monolithicmemorable monstermemory moodmenu mopmere mopemerry morbidOobligation oxford pessimist porridge obliging owner petal portion oblique ownership phase portrait oblivion overture photo pose obscurity overweight photocopier post observable overwhelming photograpt postcard observance physical poster occasion P physics postman ocean pagoda piano pot October painstaking pick pounce octopus paintbrush pickup pound offering painter picnic pour official painting pie poverty okay pair pierce powder Olympic Palestinian pigeon prance ongoing palm pilot prank online palomino pinecone prawn onto pancake pinion pray onward pant pinwheel prayer opening parade pipe precariously operating parch piracy porch opinion parental pit perforated opossum parrot pitch perform opportunity-parson pitchei perfect opposite participate pity pepper oppositiom participation plain perceptual oral partner planning penguin Orangutar passage plastic precious orbit passion playing predispose orchestra passport pen friend prelude ordinary pasta plead premier organelle paste pleasant premonition organize/organis pastor please preparatory ostrich path plod presence otter patient plus presenter ours patriot poem preserve ourselves pavement polar presidential outdoor payment polite pretend outlay peace politician prevention oval peacock pollen prim overcome peck polymath prince overestimate peg pond print overrule pellet popular priorRprison radiator regarding representation privacy radio regional riddleprize radium register repudiate proceed rage regularity rider produce rail regulate rifleprofile railroad reindeer rile promise raindrop reinforce risk promote rainforest relation rival promotion raise relative riverproof rambling relevant roast proper ramp reluctant roll property ramshackle remaining roller proportion rank remediation Roman proud rather renewable romance prove rating rent rooster purse ravage repeat root protest re replete rough provide react request round provider reactionary requisite row Professional reader researcher rubbish psychologist reading resentful ruddy public recall reserve rude publisher recession reset rueful pump recipient residence ruling petrified reciprocity residential rumor/rumour petrify recommendation resin running punch reconnaissance resolution rural punish recorder resort Russian puny recording responsible rustle proposal recruit restriction rickety pursuit rectangle restroom regard puzzled recyclable resurface reporting pure recycle retail refrigeratorrecycling retiredQ redistribution reusequail reduce revenuequalify reduction reverberatequantifier redwood revisequarterback reference replyquaver refill rhingquest reflect reporterquick reflection rhubartquotientSsafe silky Snack starter safety silliness snare starting sailboat silly sneakers statehood sales silver snout stationery salmon sin snowman statistics sanity sink soccer statue sapling sir smart steak sassy sixth smattering steel satisfying ski smooth stem saunter skip squirrel stingy sausage skulk soul stolid sawdust slam stadium stomachache scanner slap sour stone scared slay staggering stool scary sled source storybook schedule sleeping stair stout science sleepy southeast stove scientist sleet stake straight scissors slim southwest strait scone slither stalk strange scorch sludge spaceship strategic scornful shining stall stress scoundrel sentimentality standard stricture screen shiny spade strike screw September Spanish striking screwdriver shipyard spider strip scrubland shooting soldier stroke sculpture sequence spouse struck seagull sequential somebody structural search shopping spread stubble searing shortage somewhere stubborn seashell shout spruce stuck seashore shower soot stupendous season shrill squawk stupor seat shroud sordid style seaweed shrug soft standing service shut skate specialize serving shutter sketch spell setting sick softball spending settle sidewalk soggy shift seventh sieve secretary semblance sew signal shelve shimmer shadow signature section senator shady silence sheriff spinshall secondary sedate sight shape secret shine standard shared sheepish sentence stare sharn sheet sentimentTsubmerged tablespoon though tooth subtitle tablet torment trash subtraction tacit thought toothache suburb tackle toss travel successful tadpole thousand toothpaste suffocate tale total treat suggest talent thumb triangle suicide talented touch tribe sullen talon thunder trick sundae tambourine tour trill sundry taper thunderstorm trip sunshine target towards trolley/trolly supply taro tie trombone supporter tarry towel tropical Supposed task till trouble surface taste trace trousers surgeon teaching timetable trousseau surgery teapot trachea trumpet surprised tear timing trunk surprising tearful track trustsusceptibility teem timpani/tympani truthsuspicion telltale trading tuba sustain temperate tiny tuck swan temple tradition tulip swear terms tire tunnel sweat terrorism traditional turbine sweep terse tired turkey switch testify traffic twelfth syllable testimony tissue twentieth symbol testing tragedy twig spin tether toast twinkle spiral text trailer twist spirit thanks toilet typical splash thanksgiving trait typist splatter theater tomorrowsplay theirs trancespokesman theme tonesportsman theology transactionstarfish therapy tonguethick transcriptionthicket tonightthief transportthirsty toolthirtieth transportationU Wugly urban waddle wheelchair ultimate used waft worth umbrage user wag wrap unabashed usual wage whenever unassuming waiter writing uncertainty V waitress whereas uncouth vehicle wake written undeniable verb walking wherever undergo via Walkman whiskey/whisky undermine vibrate winner whit understanding victim wander whom understood victory wisdom wide undue video warning wild undulate vile wise windmil unfathomable violation wisp wilderness unflinching virtual warriorunforeseer virtue withdraw Yunfurl visit wasp yawn unhappy volume wonderful yell unhealthy volunteer waterfall yelp united voter wood yield university vulture wayward yummy unknown vacation working yesterday unless vaguely weakunmistakable value workman Z unmitigated vandalism website zebra unobservable vanish worksunscathed variable wedgeunsuccessful vascula worrieduntrammeled/ untrammelled vase weighunusual vesterday worry unwavering welcome unwind worse upbringing western upstairs worst。
2022届山东省东营市胜利第一中学高三仿真演练试题押题卷英语试题(5)一、听力选择题1.A.He is unemployed at present.B.He owns a company now.C.He still works in the agency.D.He is unable to support his family.2. How do the speakers find the movie?A.Unforgettable.B.Complicated.C.Appealing.3.A.8:00.B.10:00.C.12:00.D.14:00.4.A.To have more sleep.B.To prepare breakfast.C.To get up right away.D.To eat breakfast at once.5.A.It was left behind in the hotel.B.It got badly damaged on the way.C.It got lost at the Madrid Airport.D.It failed to arrive at its destination in time.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does the man feel about his business?A.Worried.B.Bored.C.Satisfied.2. What will the man do next?A.Plant some flowers.B.Do market research.C.Go sailing with the woman.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How many people are coming to the speakers' home?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.2. What transportation will visitors take?A.By train.B.By air.C.By sea.3. How long will the visitors stay in the speakers' home?A.About a week.B.About a month.C.A whole summer vacation.4. What can we know from the conversation?A.The boy will go to Florida with his uncle.B.The boy have to finish his homework at home.C.The boy’s mother won’t allow him to go to Florida.8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
企鹅面临的危险英语作文初一Penguins are a unique and fascinating group of flightless seabirds found in various regions of the Southern Hemisphere. These charming creatures have captured the hearts of people worldwide, with their distinctive appearance, endearing behaviors, and remarkable adaptations to the harsh environments they inhabit. However, despite their captivating nature, penguins face a multitude of dangers that threaten their very existence.One of the primary threats to penguins is the impact of climate change. As global temperatures rise and ocean patterns shift, the delicate balance of the ecosystems that penguins rely on is being disrupted. The melting of sea ice, a crucial component of the penguins' habitat, is a significant concern. Reduced sea ice coverage can lead to a decline in the availability of krill, a primary food source for many penguin species. This disruption in the food chain can have devastating consequences, as penguins struggle to find adequate sustenance to nourish themselves and their young.Furthermore, the rise in sea temperatures and the increasedfrequency of extreme weather events, such as heat waves and storms, can directly impact penguin populations. Extreme heat can lead to dehydration and heat stress, while intense storms can destroy nesting sites and disrupt breeding patterns. These environmental changes can result in decreased reproductive success, higher mortality rates, and the overall decline of penguin populations.Another pressing threat to penguins is the impact of human activities. Overfishing, a practice that depletes the stocks of fish and other marine life that penguins depend on, can have devastating consequences. As commercial fishing operations expand to meet the growing demand for seafood, they often encroach on the foraging grounds of penguins, leaving them with fewer resources to sustain themselves and their chicks.In addition to overfishing, pollution and plastic waste pose a significant threat to penguins. Penguins, like many other marine animals, can become entangled in discarded fishing nets, lines, and other marine debris, leading to injury, starvation, and ultimately, death. Ingestion of plastic and other pollutants can also have detrimental effects on penguin health, causing digestive issues, organ damage, and even reproductive problems.Another danger that penguins face is the introduction of invasive species. The arrival of predators, such as rats, cats, and foxes, inpenguin habitats can have devastating consequences. These introduced species can prey on penguin eggs, chicks, and even adult birds, disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystem and leading to the decline of penguin populations.Furthermore, the impact of human-induced disturbances, such as tourism and research activities, can also pose a threat to penguins. Excessive human presence in penguin colonies can cause stress, disrupt breeding and nesting behaviors, and even lead to the abandonment of breeding sites. This can have long-term consequences for the survival and reproduction of penguin populations.In response to these multifaceted threats, conservation efforts have become increasingly crucial for the protection of penguin species. Scientists, environmental organizations, and governments around the world have implemented various strategies to mitigate the dangers faced by penguins.One such strategy is the establishment of protected areas and marine reserves, which aim to safeguard the habitats and foraging grounds of penguins. These designated areas restrict human activities, such as fishing and tourism, and provide a safe haven for penguins to thrive. Additionally, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change are crucial inpreserving the delicate balance of the ecosystems that penguins depend on.Alongside these broader conservation initiatives, targeted efforts to address specific threats, such as the reduction of plastic pollution and the eradication of invasive species, are also being implemented. Educational campaigns and public awareness programs play a vital role in engaging the public and inspiring action to protect these remarkable creatures.In conclusion, the dangers faced by penguins are multifaceted and require a comprehensive and collaborative approach to ensure their survival. From the impacts of climate change to the detrimental effects of human activities, penguins are facing an uncertain future. However, with continued research, conservation efforts, and the collective action of individuals, governments, and organizations, there is hope that these iconic seabirds can be safeguarded for generations to come. The preservation of penguins is not only a testament to our commitment to the natural world but also a reflection of our responsibility to protect the delicate balance of the ecosystems that we all depend on.。
高温警告标志英文翻译High-Temperature Warning Sign English TranslationIntroduction:High temperatures can pose various risks and dangers, and it is essential to communicate these hazards effectively to the public. One way to accomplish this is through the use of high-temperature warning signs. These signs serve as a visual indicator to inform individuals about the potential risks associated with extreme heat. In this document, we will provide a comprehensive English translation for high-temperature warning signs to ensure clear communication and enhance public safety.Section 1: The Importance of High-Temperature Warning SignsExtreme heat can lead to heatstroke, dehydration, and other heat-related illnesses. It is crucial to raise awareness about these risks and inform people about the potential dangers they may face when encountering high temperatures. High-temperature warning signs play a vital role in this regard as they can effectively convey information and help individuals take necessary precautions.Section 2: Symbols and GraphicsHigh-temperature warning signs often utilize symbols and graphics to convey their message quickly and clearly. Here are some commonly used symbols along with their English translations:1. Thermometer:Translation: High TemperatureExplanation: This symbol signifies the presence of high temperatures and serves as a general warning.2. Figure displaying heat waves:Translation: Extreme HeatExplanation: The heat waves symbolize extreme temperatures and indicate a heightened risk of heat-related illnesses.3. Exclamation mark within a triangle:Translation: CautionExplanation: This symbol alerts individuals to exercise caution and pay attention to the potential risks associated with high temperatures.Section 3: English Warnings and InstructionsAside from symbols, high-temperature warning signs often include English warnings and instructions to provide additional information. Here are some commonly used phrases and their translations:1. "Danger: High Temperature!":Translation: 危险:高温!(Wēixiǎn:Gāowēn!)Explanation: This phrase explicitly communicates the danger posed by high temperatures and warns individuals to exercise caution.2. "Stay Hydrated":Translation: 保持水分摄入(Bǎochí shuǐfèn shèrù)Explanation: This instruction advises individuals to maintain their hydration levels by drinking enough water, as dehydration is a common risk in high-temperature environments.3. "Seek Shade":Translation: 寻找阴凉处(Xúnzhǎo yīnliáng chù)Explanation: This phrase encourages individuals to find shaded areas to avoid direct exposure to the sun's heat, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.4. "Wear Sunscreen":Translation: 涂抹防晒霜(Túmǒfángshài shuāng)Explanation: The use of sunscreen helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays, reducing the risk of sunburn and heatstroke.Section 4: Locations for High-Temperature Warning SignsHigh-temperature warning signs should be strategically placed in areas with a high risk of extreme heat. Some suitable locations include:1. Outdoor recreational areas:These signs should be placed in parks, beaches, and other outdoor recreational areas where people may spend extended periods under the sun.2. Construction sites:Workers at construction sites are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures due to the physical labor involved. Warning signs should be prominently displayed to inform workers about the risks and encourage them to take necessary precautions.3. Public transportation hubs:Train stations, bus stops, and airports can become extremely hot during summer months. Installing high-temperature warning signs at these locations helps raise awareness among commuters and travelers.Conclusion:High-temperature warning signs play a critical role in informing the public about the risks associated with extreme heat. Effective translation and placement of these signs ensure that individuals can take necessary precautions, reducing the likelihood of heat-related illnesses and accidents. By using clear symbols and providing concise English translations, these warning signs contribute to improved public safety andwell-being.。
预防高温措施的英文缩写是Preventing Measures against High Temperature (PMHT)Introduction:In today's modern world, high temperature poses various health risks and challenges. It is crucial to adopt preventive measures to ensure the well-being and safety of individuals exposed to high temperature environments. This document aims to introduce and discuss the English abbreviation "PMHT," which stands for Preventing Measures against High Temperature. PMHT encompasses a comprehensive approach to deal with high-temperature situations, including personal safety, workplace regulations, and environmental conditions.1. Personal Safety:a) Adequate Hydration: PMHT emphasizes the importance of staying hydrated, especially duringhigh-temperature conditions. Drinking plenty of water, electrolyte-rich beverages, and avoiding excessive intake of caffeinated or alcoholic drinks helps maintain proper hydration levels.b) Protective Clothing: Wearing lightweight, breathable clothing that provides adequate coverage and protection from the sun's harmful rays is essential in preventing heat-related illness. Loose-fitting garments made of natural fabrics allow for proper ventilation and sweat evaporation.c) Sunscreen Application: Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an appropriate sun protection factor (SPF) is vital to protect the skin from harmfulultraviolet (UV) radiation. PMHT recommends reapplying sunscreen every two hours and opting for shade during peak sun hours (10 am to 4 pm).d) Rest and Shade: Taking frequent breaks in shaded areas helps regulate body temperature and prevents overheating. PMHT encourages individuals to avoid direct sun exposure for extended periods, especially during the hottest hours of the day.2. Workplace Regulations:a) Ventilation and Air Conditioning: PMHT highlights the significance of maintaining adequate ventilation and functioning air conditioning systems in workplaces exposed to high temperatures. Employers should regularly inspect and maintain these systems to ensure a conducive working environment.b) Operating Hours: PMHT suggests altering working hours during high-temperature periods. Shifting working schedules to avoid the hottest parts of the day can minimize heat-related health risks among workers.c) Protective Gear: When working under high-temperature conditions, employees must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize heat exposure. PMHT emphasizes the importance of employers providing cooling vests, reflective clothing, and appropriate headgear to mitigate the effects of heat stress.d) Training and Awareness: Employers should provide comprehensive training and awareness programs to educate employees about the potential risks associated with high temperatures. PMHT recommends conducting periodic workshops to improve understanding and encourage safety practices.3. Environmental Conditions:a) Shade and Green Spaces: Creating shaded areas and incorporating green spaces within communities and urban environments can help reduce the temperature. PMHT encourages planting trees, installing shade structures, and promoting the development of parks and gardens to provide relief from high temperatures.b) Water Sprinklers and Mist Stations: Utilizing water sprinklers and mist stations in public spaces and outdoor events can help lower ambient temperatures and provide temporary relief for individuals in high-temperature areas.c) Urban Planning: PMHT suggests incorporatinghigh-temperature considerations into urban planning by promoting the use of heat-reflecting materials and designing buildings with proper insulation to minimize the urban heat island effect.d) Emergency Services: During extreme heatwaves, emergency services should be prepared to provide immediate assistance. PMHT recommends establishing cooling centers, where individuals can seek refuge and access water and cooling facilities.Conclusion:Effective preventive measures against high temperatures are crucial for minimizing health risks and maintaining a safe environment. By implementing the Preventing Measures against High Temperature (PMHT) strategies discussed above, individuals, workplaces, and communities can better cope with and mitigate the adverse effects of high temperatures. A comprehensive approach involving personal safety, workplace regulations, and environmental conditions is necessary to combatthe challenges posed by increasing high-temperature events in our world today.。
九年级英语爱好对心理健康影响练习题50题1.Hobbies can bring us a lot of _____.A.happinessB.sadnessC.angerD.worry答案:A。
2.Playing sports is a good hobby. It can make us _____.A.tiredB.energeticzyD.bored答案:B。
3.Reading books is a hobby that can give us _____.A.knowledgeB.confusionC.ignoranceD.doubt答案:A。
4.Drawing pictures can make us feel _____.A.creativeB.stupidelessD.helpless答案:A。
5.Listening to music can help us relax and feel _____.A.nervousB.anxiousC.peacefulD.agitated答案:C。
工人们经常在高温下工作的英文Working in High Temperature: Challenges and SolutionsIntroduction:Working in high temperature environments can have serious implications on the health and safety of workers. In industries such as construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and mining, employees often encounter extreme temperatures that can lead to heat-related illnesses, decreased productivity, and even fatalities. This document aims to explore the challenges faced by workers in high temperatures and provide strategies, regulations, and preventive measures to mitigate these risks.Challenges faced by workers:1. Heat-related illnesses:Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can result in heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Workers in such environments are at higher risk, especially if they have underlying health conditions, poor access to drinking water, insufficient breaks, or improper personal protective equipment (PPE). Heatstroke, a life-threatening condition, can lead to organ failure without prompt medical intervention.2. Physical stress:Working in high heat can increase physical exertion, leading to fatigue, reduced concentration, anddecreased productivity. Heat stress can cause a rise in body temperature, resulting in dehydration, exhaustion, and muscle cramps. Fatigue-induced accidents can also occur, endangering workers and their colleagues.3. Equipment and material limitations:Extreme temperatures can affect the performance and lifespan of equipment and materials used by workers. Heat can accelerate the wear and tear of tools, machinery, and protective gear, potentially compromising their functionality and posing safety risks.Regulations and preventive measures:1. Legislation and regulations:Various countries have established regulations to ensure the safety and welfare of workers in high-temperature environments. For instance, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States sets specific standards for employers to follow, including providing training, implementing preventative measures, offering sufficient breaks, and monitoring workers' health.2. Risk assessments:Employers must conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential hazards associated with high temperatures. These assessments should evaluate factors such as temperature levels, humidity, duration of exposure, and physical exertion required. Based on the findings, preventive measures can be implemented to minimize the risks.3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):Appropriate PPE plays a vital role in protecting workers from heat-related illnesses. Lightweight and breathable clothing, along with wide-brimmed hats, protect the workers' skin from direct exposure to sunlight. Employers should also provide heat-resistant gloves, footwear, and goggles to mitigate the risk of burns or other heat-related injuries.4. Hydration and breaks:Access to clean drinking water should be readily available. Employers should encourage workers to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks in shaded areas to minimize heat stress. Implementing work-rest cycles that align with the severity of the heat can also help reduce the risk of fatigue and heat-related illnesses.5. Training and awareness:Workers and supervisors should receive adequate training on recognizing the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Training programs should also cover proper hydration techniques, work-rest cycles, and the importance of reporting any potential heat-related issues promptly. Increased awareness can empower workers to take necessary precautions and seek timely assistance.Conclusion:Working in high-temperature environments poses numerous challenges for workers, but with proper regulations, preventive measures, and training, the risks can be significantly reduced. Employers must prioritize the well-being of their workforce,providing appropriate PPE, sufficient breaks, and access to drinking water. Additionally, governments and relevant authorities should continue to enforce strict regulations to ensure the safety and health of workers in high-temperature work environments. By effectively addressing these challenges, we can create safer and healthier workplaces for all.。
如何预防太阳发热英语作文标题,Preventing Heat Stroke: A Vital Guide。
As temperatures soar, the risk of heat-relatedillnesses like heat stroke becomes increasingly prevalent. Heat stroke, a condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly. Hence, it's imperative to adopt preventive measures to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones from its adverse effects. In this essay, we'll delve into some effective strategies to prevent heat stroke.Firstly, staying hydrated is paramount in preventing heat stroke. Adequate fluid intake helps regulate body temperature and prevents dehydration, a significant risk factor for heat stroke. It's recommended to consume plenty of water throughout the day, especially during hot weather or when engaging in physical activities. Additionally, avoiding excessive consumption of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration, isadvisable.Secondly, wearing appropriate clothing can mitigate the risk of heat stroke. Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing that allows air circulation and aids in sweat evaporation, thus helping to keep the body cool. Moreover, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses provides protection from direct sunlight, reducing the risk of overheating.Furthermore, scheduling outdoor activities during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening, can help prevent heat stroke. Avoiding strenuous physical exertion during the hottest hours of the day reduces the body's heat production and minimizes the risk of overheating. If outdoor activities are unavoidable, taking frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas allows the body to cool down and helps prevent heat-related illnesses.Moreover, acclimating gradually to hot environments can enhance heat tolerance and reduce the risk of heat stroke.Individuals who are not accustomed to high temperatures should gradually increase their exposure to heat over time, allowing their bodies to adapt and become more resilient to extreme heat conditions.Additionally, taking cool showers or baths can lower body temperature and provide relief from heat stress. Applying cold compresses to the neck, armpits, and groin area can also help cool the body quickly in case of heat exhaustion or heat stroke symptoms.Furthermore, being aware of the signs and symptoms of heat stroke is crucial for early detection and prompt treatment. Symptoms such as high body temperature, rapid heartbeat, nausea, headache, dizziness, and confusion should not be ignored, as they may indicate a medical emergency. If someone exhibits these symptoms, it's essential to move them to a cooler place, remove excess clothing, and seek immediate medical attention.In conclusion, preventing heat stroke requires a combination of proactive measures and awareness of itswarning signs. By staying hydrated, wearing appropriate clothing, scheduling outdoor activities wisely, acclimating to hot environments gradually, and being vigilant about symptoms, we can effectively reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience during hot weather conditions. Remember, taking preventive action is key to staying healthy and resilient in the face of extreme heat.。
高温警告的英文单词Title: "High Temperature Warning: Vocabulary and Phrases"Introduction:High temperature warnings are crucial in places with extreme weather conditions, especially during the scorching summer months. By understanding and using appropriate vocabulary and phrases related to high temperature warnings, individuals can keep themselves and others safe and take necessary precautions. This document aims to provide an extensive list of English vocabulary and phrases to help communicate and comprehend high temperature warnings effectively.I. Temperature Measurement:1. Celsius: The standard unit of temperature measurement used in most countries.2. Fahrenheit: An alternative unit of temperature measurement primarily used in the United States.3. Heat index: A measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is factored in with the actual air temperature.4. Thermometer: A device used for measuring temperature.5. Degrees: The units used when measuring temperature (e.g., 30 degrees Celsius).II. Describing High Temperature Conditions:1. Hot: Having a high temperature.2. Sweltering: Extremely hot and uncomfortable.3. Scorching: Excessively hot.4. Searing: Intensely hot, often with a burning sensation.5. Blistering: Very hot, causingdiscomfort or heat-related injuries.6. Unbearable: Impossible to endure or tolerate due to extreme heat.7. Oppressive: Overwhelmingly hot and stifling.8. Heatwave: A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.9. Boiling: Extremely hot, similar to the boiling point of water.10. Roasting: Very hot and uncomfortable, often used to describe weather conditions.III. Warning Phrases and Vocabulary:1. Heatadvisory/warning: Official alerts issued by meteorological agencies warning of high temperature conditions.2. Excessive heat: Extreme or dangerous heat conditions.3. Heatstroke: A severe condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures and the body's inability to regulate its temperature.4. Dehydration: The process of losing water from the body, often caused by excessive heat and inadequate fluid intake.5. Heat exhaustion: A condition resulting from prolonged exposure to high temperatures, leading to fatigue, loss of coordination, and dizziness.6. Hydrate: To drink sufficient wateror fluids to maintain proper hydration levels.7. Seek shade/shelter: To find a cool and shaded area to escape from the direct sunlight.8. Heat-sensitive: Referring to items or materials that are highly affected by heat, requiring special care or storage.9. Sunscreen: A lotion or cream applied to the skin to protect against harmful UV rays.10. Air conditioning: A system used to cool and control the temperature and humidity of indoor spaces.IV. Precautionary Measures:1. Limit outdoor activities: Reduce or avoid participating in strenuous physical activitiesduring high-temperature periods.2. Stay indoors: Remain inside air-conditioned buildings or well-ventilated spaces during peak heat hours.3. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing: Choose breathable materials and light-colored clothes to reflect sunlight.4. Protect from the sun: Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and use sunscreen to shield the skin from harmful UV radiation.5. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages that can dehydrate the body.6. Check on vulnerable individuals: Regularly visit or call elderly, disabled, or socially isolated people who may be more susceptible to heat-related illnesses.7. Never leave children or pets unattended in vehicles: The temperature inside a closed car can rise to dangerous levels within minutes.Conclusion:Understanding the vocabulary and phrases used in high-temperature warnings is essential for effective communication and awareness during periods of extreme heat. By incorporating these terms into our daily lives and following precautionary measures, we can ensure our well-being and safety during scorching hot weather conditions. Stay cool, hydrated, and alert to high-temperature warnings!。
高温指数英文缩写Title: The Abbreviations of Heat Index: Understanding and ApplicationIntroduction:The Heat Index, also known as the Apparent Temperature, is a measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is factored into the actual air temperature. This index is particularly important in hot and humid climates, as it helps individuals to gauge the potential danger of heat-related illnesses.To facilitate ease of communication and data sharing, various abbreviations have been developed to represent the Heat Index in different countries and regions. In this document, we will explore and discuss the most commonly used abbreviations related to the Heat Index.1. Heat Index (HI):The term "Heat Index" itself is often abbreviated as HI and is widely used in the United States. Considered as the standard abbreviation, the HI is calculated based on the air temperature and relative humidity to determine the perceived temperature.2. Humidex:The term "Humidex" is used primarily in Canada to express the heat and humidity levels. The Humidex value is calculated using the air temperature and relative humidity andprovides an approximation of how hot it feels to the average person.3. Feels Like (FL) Temperature:The abbreviation "FL" is frequently used in weather forecasts worldwide to describe the perceived temperature by incorporating the effects of temperature and relative humidity. This value allows individuals to understand how hot or cold it will actually feel, rather than just the recorded temperature.4. Apparent Temperature (AT):Sometimes referred to as AT, the Apparent Temperature takes into account the effects of humidity alongside air temperature to measure how hot it feels to the human body. This abbreviation is common in meteorological reports and is used in various countries.5. RealFeel:Popularized by The Weather Channel, the term "RealFeel" is used as an alternative abbreviation for the perceived temperature. It considers multiple factors like air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the weather's impact on individuals.6. Heat Stress Index (HSI):The term "HSI" is an abbreviated form of the Heat Stress Index, which measures the level of discomfort a person experiences from heat by considering not only the temperature and humidity but also personal activity levels and clothing worn. This index is often used in workplace or sports-related settings.7. Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT):The WBGT is an index used to indicate the thermal stress faced by individuals in outdoor environments. It incorporates measurements of wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature, and globe temperature to provide more accurate estimations of heat stress. The abbreviation "WBGT" is widely recognized in occupational and athletic settings.Conclusion:Understanding the abbreviations related to the Heat Index is crucial for effectively communicating and interpreting weather conditions. The abbreviations mentioned in this document, including HI, Humidex, FL temperature, AT, RealFeel, HSI, and WBGT, provide valuable insights into the perceived temperature and the potential risks associated with heat-related illnesses.By familiarizing ourselves with these abbreviations, we can make more informed decisions regarding outdoor activities, sporting events, and workplace safety measures. Ultimately, the knowledge gained from these abbreviations contributes to better heat management strategies and increased public awareness of the importance of staying safe during periods of excessive heat.。
1P(probability of occurrence)出现概率40mechanical hazards机械危害2highly unlikely不大可能41electrical hazards电气危害3possible可能42thermal hazards热危害4even chance一半机会43noise hazards噪声危害5probable很可能44vibration hazards震动危害6certain一定45radiation hazards辐射危害7though conceivable虽然可以想象46Material hazards材料危害8but unusual但不常见47substance hazards物质危害9not surprising不惊奇48ergonomic hazards人机工程危害10no doubt无需怀疑49combined hazards复合危害11F(frequency of exposure)暴率频率50acceleration加速12annually每年51deceleration减速13monthly每月52sharp edges锋利边缘14weekly每周53moving elements运动要素15daily每天54rotating elements旋转要素16hourly每小时55fixed elements固定要素17constantly持续的(一种状态)56elastic elements弹性要素18S(severty of harm)危害严重性57height from the ground离地高度19minor cuts or bruises轻微割伤或擦伤58falling objects坠落物体20first aid急救59stored energy储存的能量21loss time injury工时损失伤害60angular parts带角部件22permanent disability永久伤残61kinetic energy动能23fatality死亡62potential energy势能24NP(number of person at risk)有风险的人数63gravity energy重力势能25HRN(harzard risk number)危害风险等级64electrocution触电死亡26negligible可忽略的65thermal radiation热辐射27unacceptable不可接受的66electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射28significant显著的67explosion爆炸29exhaust valve排气门68falme火焰30low低的69heat sources热源31high高的70worn parts磨损零件32type类型71ultraviolet紫外线33model型号72laser激光34serial number编号73infrared ray红外线35safety measures安全措施74microbe微生物36usage(hours per week)使用情况75microbiological agent微生物剂37untrained visitors未培训访客76bacteria细菌38consequence结果77bacterial细菌的39phenomena现象78virus病毒79viral病毒的118lifting吊80disinfection消毒灭菌119loading装载81dust灰尘/粉尘120unloading卸载82fiber纤维121unpacking拆包83combustible可燃的(燃点高)122transportation运输84flammable易燃的(燃点低)123foundation地基85explosive易爆炸的124cement水泥86fluid流体125disposal system处理系统87fume烟气126fence栅栏88fog烟127clamping夹紧89mist雾气128unclamping松开90gas气体129fastening紧固91access通道130unfastening松开92local lighting局部照明131program verification程序验证93mental overload精神过度紧张132minor adjustment微调94mental underload精神不集中133resetting复位/重置95disturbance打扰13496lighting闪电135Incident Communication事件沟通97moisture潮湿/湿气136fast track快速跟踪98137dropdown list下拉菜单99138body part injured受伤部位100139fracture a rib骨折101heat sroke中暑140copy/paste复制/粘贴102loss of awareness失去意识141corrective actions纠正措施103dehydration脱水142preventive actions预防措施104transport运输143 3 shifts3班105assembly装配144push and pull into and out推进拉出106installation安装145in process处理中107commissioning调试146ongoing进行中108setting设置147complete完成109teaching教学148removable stairs可移动的梯子110programming编程149hand rail扶手栏杆111operation操作150hand holds把手112cleaning清洁151step梯步113maintenance维护152Notice card提示卡114153Safety helmet安全帽115154Safety glass防护眼镜116dismantling拆卸/拆除155Safety shoes安全靴117diabling停用156Ear plug耳塞157Half mask口罩158Face mask面罩159CSS Philosophy CSS理念160slipping滑倒161tripping绊倒162falling跌倒163scratch刮伤164band-aid创可贴165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195。
写考拉的英语作文Title: The Endearing Koala: A Symbol of Australia's Unique Wildlife。
The koala, often referred to as the cuddly marsupial of Australia, holds a special place in the hearts of many around the world. With its distinctive appearance and endearing demeanor, the koala is not only a beloved symbol of Australia's unique wildlife but also a fascinating creature deserving of admiration and protection.Firstly, let's delve into the physical characteristics of the koala. With its stout body, large rounded ears, and unmistakable fluffy appearance, the koala possesses an undeniable charm. Its prominent nose and soulful eyes give it an expression of perpetual curiosity, while its iconic eucalyptus leaf diet defines its unique dietary habits.One cannot discuss koalas without mentioning their close association with eucalyptus trees. These marsupialsare arboreal herbivores, meaning they spend the majority of their lives in eucalyptus trees, feeding almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. This specialized diet not only provides them with sustenance but also influences their behavior and habitat preferences.Furthermore, the koala's methodical and sedentary lifestyle adds to its allure. Koalas are known for their leisurely pace and preference for lounging in the branches of eucalyptus trees, often sleeping for up to 18-22 hours a day. While they may seem sluggish, this behavior is an adaptation to their low-energy diet of eucalyptus leaves, allowing them to conserve energy efficiently.Beyond their charming appearance and lifestyle, koalas play a crucial role in their ecosystem. As primary consumers of eucalyptus leaves, they help regulate tree growth and maintain the health of eucalyptus forests. Additionally, their droppings contribute to nutrientcycling in the soil, enriching the ecosystem and supporting a diverse range of plant and animal species.However, despite their iconic status, koalas face numerous threats to their survival. Habitat loss due to urbanization, deforestation, and bushfires hassignificantly impacted koala populations across Australia. Climate change exacerbates these challenges, leading to more frequent and severe heatwaves, which can cause dehydration and heat stress in koalas.Furthermore, disease, particularly chlamydia, poses a significant threat to koala populations. This bacterial infection can cause infertility, urinary tract infections, and blindness in koalas, further endangering their long-term viability.Conservation efforts are underway to protect koalas and their habitat. Initiatives such as habitat restoration, wildlife corridors, and disease management programs aim to address the key threats facing koala populations. Additionally, public awareness campaigns raise awareness about the importance of conservation and encourage individuals to take action to protect these iconic marsupials.In conclusion, the koala embodies the unique charm and resilience of Australia's wildlife. From its adorable appearance to its vital role in ecosystem health, the koala captivates the imagination and inspires conservationefforts worldwide. By working together to address the threats facing koalas and their habitat, we can ensure that future generations will continue to marvel at these beloved creatures in the wild.。
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
中暑的定义 诱发中暑的因素 易中暑的人群 中暑的分级和症状 中暑的急救 中暑的预防 给managers/supervisors的建议
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL
如果可以,尽量将热区域的维修工作安排在凉爽的月份 如果可以,将比较热的工作安排在一天中相对凉快的时间段 通过每次使员工暴露于多一点的热环境来使员工逐渐适应 如果工作内容对体力要求高,可虑换班工作或者安排额外人员加班 为员工提供清凉的液体饮料(但应该避免含有咖啡因、酒精以及大量 糖分的饮料) 可以提供给员工间歇休息的时间 提供用来间歇休息的阴凉环境 密切观察员工的健康状况(尤其是存在中暑危险的员工)
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL
出行躲避烈日:避开阳光最强烈时段;做好防晒保护; 服装宜浅色、宽松、透气 可自备一些防暑降温药品以应急 温度以及湿度过高时适量多在阴凉处休息 不要等口渴时候才喝水:准备充足的饮料,应多次饮用 避免含有咖啡因、酒精和大量糖分的饮料;适当增加含钾的饮料 保持充足睡眠 要意识到有时候防护用品也会增加中暑的危险 老年人、孕妇、慢性病患者(尤其是心血管疾病)高温季节尽量减少 外出活动 工作时由轻工作逐步过渡到重工作;将重工作安排在一天最凉快的时 间段进行 随时注意自身的健康情况,发现不适时及时就医
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如需更多信息,请联系医疗部门人员: Kenny Yuan
0512- 5810 2088 Kenny.yuan@
Monica Dong
0512- 5810 2120 monica.dong@
烈日、暴晒时间长、高温环境、湿度 辐射热、劳动强度大、体质弱 营养供给、水盐供应不足
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL
室外工作者 高温环境工作者,如:消防员、烘焙师、农民、建筑工人、矿
年纪高于65岁 体重超重人群 存在某些疾病,如心脏病或高血压 正服用某些容易受高温影响的药物
除以上症状外,发生昏厥或者痉挛;或者不出汗,体温在40 ℃以上 重度中暑分为四种类型:热痉挛、热衰竭、日射病、热射病
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL
5.1 先兆中暑 & 轻度中暑
迅速撤离引起中暑的高温环境,选择阴凉通风的地方或空调间 休息 平卧,抬高头部,松解衣扣 如有必要,脱掉尽可能多的衣服 凉水或温水湿身 四肢尽量伸展 缓慢大量饮用含盐分的清凉饮料或含电解质的运动型饮料(不 可喝冰水) 在额部、颞部涂抹清凉油风油精等 或服用人丹、藿香正气水等中药 若血压降低虚脱时应立即平卧并及时就医
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNA出汗、口渴、头昏、耳鸣、胸闷、心悸、恶 心、四肢无 力、注意力不集中。体温不超过37.5℃
具有先兆中暑的症状,并伴有面色潮红,胸闷、皮肤灼热等;或皮肤湿冷、 呕吐、血压下降,脉搏细快等。体温在38.5 ℃以上
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL
5.2 重度中暑
除以上措施外,应立即寻求医疗帮助 若医院较远,在等待转送的过程中,应采取以下有效措施
湿床单或湿衣服包裹 采取有效措施以增加散热,如强力风扇 冷水/冰水浸泡 注意:体温不可降至38.3 ℃以下
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL
中暑是指在高温和热辐射的长时间作用下,机体体 温调节障碍,核心体温升高,水、电解质代谢紊乱 及神经系统功能损害的症状的总称。中暑是一种威 胁生命的急诊病,但是也是可以被有效预防的。
Dow Corning Zhangjiagang Silicone INTERNAL