
辽宁大学2011年翻译硕士考研真题及答案I. Translate the following phrases into English or Chinese. (2X20=40)1. the National People’s Congress2. Fortune Forum3. public benefit advertisement4. GNP(gross national product)5. EU Integration6. chronic fatigue syndrome7. labor mobility8. international practice9. on-line settlement10. poverty relief11.安居工程12.双边关系13.和平统一14.和谐社会15.国有企业16.经济特区17.科技创新18.小康社会19.和平共处20.团队精神II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, (5X5=25)1. A shy, retiring man known to his own Columbia University students as a dull lecturer, he had the brilliance of mind that made him the teacher of his time, respected by presidents and philosophers alike.2. Somehow a balance must be struck. The government runs the risk of drawing fire from conservative Malay political quarters if plans to boost English fluency appear to threaten the status of the Malay language* But judging from the pragmatism now coloring government development programs, some of the nationalistic obsessions of the past appear to be receding.3. Amid mounting social discontent over inflation, the government leaders have used swift police action to drive home the futility of public protest.4. Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attentionand memory.5.Amid mounting social discontent over inflation,the government leaders have used swift police action to drive home the futility of public protest.III. Translate the following sentences into English. (5X5=25)1.但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得好。

青岛大学2012年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:848 科目名称:英汉互译与汉语写作(共 3 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效PartⅠ. Translate the following terms and passages into Chinese (50 points).A1.puritanism2. synecdoche3. alliteration4. naturalism5. renaissance6. implied reader7. heroic couplet8. sonnet9. neoclassicism 10. stream of consciousnessBThe idea running through these lectures is by now plain enough: that there are in the novel two forces: human beings and a bundle of various things not human beings, and that it is the novelist’s business to adjust these two forces and conciliate their claims. That is plain enough, but does it run through the novel too? Perhaps our subject, namely the books we have read, has stolen away from us while we theorize, like a shadow from an ascending bird. The bird is all right --- it climbs, itis consistent and eminent. The shadow is all right --- it has flickered across roads and gardens. But the two things resemble one another less and less, they do not touch as they did when the bird rested its toeson the ground. Criticism, especially a critical course, is so misleading. However lofty its intentions and sound its method, its subject slides away from beneath it, imperceptibly away, and lecturer and audience may awake with a start to find that they are carrying on in a distinguished and intelligent manner, but in regions which have nothing to do with anything they have read.CAt the end of the 18th century a new literature arose in England. It was called Romanticism, and it opposed most of the ideas held earlier inthe century. Romanticism had its roots in a changed attitude toward mankind. The forerunners of the Romanticists argued that men are naturally good; society makes them bad. If the social world could be changed, all men might be happier. Many reforms were suggested: better treatment of people in prisons and almshouses; fewer death penalties for minor crimes; and an increase in charitable institutions.The Romanticists believed that all men are brothers and deserve the treatment to which human beings are by nature entitled. Every man has a right to life, liberty, and equal opportunity. These ideas had been well stated in the American Declaration of Independence. In France a revolution of the common people began in 1789. Many Englishmen hoped that the new democracies—France and the United States—would show the way for the rest of the world to follow. Along with democracy and individualism came other ideas. One of these ideas was that the simple, humble life is best. Another was that people should live close to nature. Thus the Romantic Movement was inherently anti-progress, if progress meant industrialization.PartⅡ. Translate the following passages into English (50 points).1我的生活曾经是悲苦的,黑暗的。

科目代码 807 科目名称:日语综合(共 6 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效

2013年青岛大学外语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, 10 in English and 10 in Chinese, with two points for each. (40 points)1. CBD【答案】交货前付款(Cash Before Delivery)2. CPI【答案】消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)3. EMBA【答案】高级工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration)4. GPS【答案】全球定位系统(Global Position System)5. CPA【答案】注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant)6. international arbitration【答案】国际仲裁7. stock listings【答案】股票上市8. profit before tax【答案】税前利润9. consecutive interpreting【答案】交替传译10. foreignization【答案】异化11. 金砖四国【答案】BRIC12. 一线城市【答案】first-tier cities13. 保障性住房【答案】indemnificatory housing14. 橙色预警【答案】orange alert15. 外汇储备【答案】foreign exchange reserve16. 联合军演【答案】joint military drill17. 世界遗产名录【答案】World Heritage List18. 西部大开发【答案】China Western Development19. 自主创新能力【答案】capability of independent innovation20. 学历门槛【答案】academic thresholdII. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (50 points)Some 350 million people of all ages, incomes and nationalities suffer from depression. Millions more—family, friends, co-workers—are exposed to the indirect effects of this under-appreciated global health crisis.Depression diminishes people’s ability to cope with the daily challenges of life, and often precipitates family disruption, interrupted education and loss of jobs. In the most extreme cases, people kill themselves. Approximately one million people commit suicide every year, the majority due to unidentified or untreated depression.People develop depression for a number of reasons. Often, different causes—genetic, biological, psychological and social—combine to provide the trigger. Stress, grief, conflict, abuse and unemployment can also contribute. Women are more likely to suffer depression than men, including following childbirth.A wide variety of effective and affordable treatments are available to treat depression, including psychosocial interventions and medicines. However, they are not accessible to all people, especially those living in less developed countries and the least advantaged citizens of more developed nations. Among the barriers to care and services are social stigma and the lack of general health care providers and specialists trained to identify and treat depression. This is why the World Health Organization is supporting countries through its Mental Health Gap Action Programme.【参考译文】全球大约3.5亿各种年龄、国籍和收入水平的人患有抑郁症。

青岛大学翻译硕士汉语写作学位MTI考试真题2012年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}第一部分百科知识{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.东盟:______(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(东盟:东南亚国家联盟,简称东盟(ASEAN)。
)解析:2.世博会:______(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(世博会:即世界博览会,又称国际博览会,简称世博会,分为两种形式,一种是综合性世博会,另一种是专业性世博会。
) 解析:3.尼采:______(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(尼采:德国著名哲学家,西方现代哲学的开创者,同时也是卓越的诗人和散文家,现代最伟大的思想家和哲学家之一。


青岛大学2015年翻译硕士考研真题及答案I. Translate the following words, abbreviations or ter mi nology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, 10 in English and 10 in Chinese, with two points for each.(40 points)1. ACFW2. MOE3. DPOB4. IDD5. LED6. partner assistance7. Communicative Translation8. Duke it out9. signature dishes10. emotional office abuse11.分配制度12.实事求是13.小康社会14.基层民主15.宏观调控体系16.刚性需求17.团购18.黄牛票19.暴走20.武侠片II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(50 points)In 1945, in the shadow of a world war and the face of an uncertain future, 51 founding nations joined in common purpose to establish the United Nations and codify its mission to maintain international peace and security, encourage global cooperation, and promote universal respect for human rights. Nearly seven decades later, we once again find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history –a crossroads between conflict and peace, disorder and integration, hatred and dignity –dealing withnew challenges that require a united response. As we confront these global problems in an increasingly interconnected world, the United Nations remains as necessary and vital as ever. On United Nations Day, we recognize the important role the United Nations continues to play in the international system, and we reaffirm our country’s commitment to work with all nations to build a world that is more just, more peaceful, and more free.United Nations fosters international cooperation enables progress world’immediate threats critical –challenges. addressing climate change eradicating poverty preventing armed conflict halting proliferation weapons destruction, United Nations supports shared pursuit better world. spirit mutual interest mutual respect, international community continue common ground threats prosperity security nations.Across globe, United Nations personnel their lives meaning action simple truths enshrined United Nations Charter. Today, .. humanitarian staff providing lifesaving relief those trapped conflict; .. peacekeepers protecting civilians against threats extremists other violent groups; .. health workers helping bring Ebola under control Africa deliver critical medicines people around world.参考译文:1945年,世界大战的影响尚未消散,未来的局势仍不确定,51个创始国共襄盛举成立联合国,确定联合国以维护国际和平与稳定,倡导全球合作和促进普遍人权为法定使命。

2015年中国海洋大学硕士研究生入学考试《英语翻译基础》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:32,分数:60.00)1.英译汉2.GMO_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(转基因生物(genetically modified organism))3.CFR_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(成本加运费(Cost and Freight))4.ISBN_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(国际标准图书编号(International Standard Book Number))5.AI_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(人工智能(Artificial Intelligence))6.BSE_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(牛脑海绵状病,俗称疯牛病(Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy))7.DNA_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid))8.GMS_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(谷歌移动服务(Google Mobile Service))9.IMF_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund))10.NGO_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization))11.UNSCO_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization))12.the apple of one's eye_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(掌上明珠)13.the writing on the wall_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(凶兆;不祥之兆)14.price floor_________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(价格下限)15.variable cost_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(变动成本)16.Chancellor of the Exchequer_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(财政大臣)17.汉译英_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____18.《易经》_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(The Book of Changes)19.雾霾指数_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(haze index)20.中国译协_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____正确答案:(Translators Association of China(TAC))21.清真食品_________________________________________________________________________________。



青岛大学2015年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 642 科目名称:基础英语(共12页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效PART I SENTENCE COMPLETION (30 points )Choose the word or the set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1. Like a credit card in appearance, the smart card contains a microchip that stores digital tokens which can be exchanged for goods, just like ______ cash.A. concreteB. tentativeC. tangibleD. intact2. The Team of England, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to______ themselves for last year’s defeat.A. reviveB. retortC. revenge D remedy3. When Tastuma first came to the US from Japan, he wasn’t sure he could ______ intothe American culture, but after a few months , he felt at home here.A. absorbB. transformC. digest D assimilate4. The constitution of the State required that property should be _____ for taxation at itsmarket value.A. estimatedB. appraisedC. evaluatedD. valued5. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the 18th century are evidence thatmedieval ______ natural settings had been ______and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.A. fear of …exorcisedB. concerns about …regainedC. affection for …surmountedD. disinterest in …alleviated6. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having ________ the conflicting elements of her life.A.affirmedB. highlightedC. reconciledD. confined7. In the 20th century, the discovery of radium _____ the popular imagination; not only was its discoverer, Marie Curie, idolized, but its market value ______ that of the rarest gemstone.A. stormed … diminishedB. horrified …approachedC. enflamed… exceededD. conspired… triggered8. Since the 15th century, animals have been used as ____ for people in experiments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.A. benefactorsB. companionsC. surrogatesD. precedents9. Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are _______ conventional concerns in planning marketing strategies.A. these of the mostB. most of thoseC. among the mostD. among the many of10. The disagreement over the trade restrictions could seriously _______ relations between the two countries.A. tumbleB. jeopardizeC. manipulateD. intimidate11. New research raises new concerns that altering crops to withstand such treats maypose new risks---from _____the weeds themselves.A. anything butB. other thanC. more thanD. none other than12. In this small village, he found few persons ___ to him and felt quite lonely.A. congenitalB. contentiousC. congenialD. Concurrent13. The chief reason for the population growth isn’t so much a rise in birth rates ____ afall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.A. andB. as C but D or14. Bipartisan bills are pending in Congress that would eliminate all travel restrictionsand ______ the embargo.A. freeB. slackenC. unwindD. ease15. Rather than enhancing a country's security, the successful development of nuclearweapons could serve at first to increase that country's ________.A.boldnessB.influenceC. responsibilityD. vulnerability16. Although scientists claim that the seemingly ________ language of their reports ismore precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all language, is inherently ________.A.ornamental ... subtleB. unidimensional ... unintelligibleC. symbolic ... complexD. literal ... allusive17. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be ________, which makesthem ________ unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect andpunish wrongdoing.A.contested ... provisionalB. circumvented ... antiquatedB.repealed ... vulnerable D. violated ... ineffective18. The pressure of population on available resources is the key to understanding history;consequently, any historical writing that takes no cognizance of______ factsis______ flawed.A.demographic….intrinsicallyB.ecological…. marginallyC. cultural…..substantivelyD. psychological…philosophically19. By putting billions of dollars into the ailing automaker, the Obama administrationhas placed a huge bet on the effort to revive and _____ the company through the elimination of brands, dealerships and factories.A. streamlineB. strayC. strikeD. strife20. Under the deal, the union’s cost-of-living interests, performance bonuses and someholiday pay will be _____ to offset health-care costs.A. sustainB. retakeC. swabD. suspend21. The capital intended to broaden the export base and ____efficiency gains frominternational trade was channeled instead into uneconomic import substitution.A. secureB. extendC. defendD. possess22. New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely toresult in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and _____ energy we have had in the times past.A. exquisiteB. resilientC. copiousD. formidable23. Gaddis is a formidably talented writer whose work has been, unhappily, more likelyto intimidate or his readers than to lure them into his fictional world.A. enticeB. strengthenC. transformD. repel24. Her is always a source of irritation: she never uses a single word when shecan substitute a long clause or phrase in its place.A. verbosityB. simplicityC. cogencyD. rhetoric25. If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue todominate the publishing market, the initial publication of new writers will depend on the writer’s willingness to________ popular tastes.A. struggle againstB. cater toC. admireD. flout26. Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered by conscious objectivity,science often operates through error, happy accidents, ________ and persistence in spite of mistakes.A. controlsB. hunchesC. deductionsD. calculations27. By putting the entire Woolf archive on a microfilm, the project directors hope tomake the contents of manuscripts more _____ to scholars.A.objectiveB. accessibleC. appealingD. implicit28. Despite the ________ of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun toemphasize "pop culture" as a key for ________ the myths, hopes, and fears ofcontemporary society.A.antipathy ... entanglingB. discernment ... evaluatingC. skepticism ... decipheringD. pedantry ... reinstating29. The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager,were______ their few and simple desires.A.simultaneous withB. commensurate withC. substantiated byD. ruined by30. Social scientists have established fairly clear-cut ________ that describe theappropriate behavior of children and adults, but there seems to be ________ about what constitutes appropriate behavior for adolescents.A.functions ... rigidityB. estimates ... indirectnessC. norms ... confusionD. regulations ... certaintyPART II PROOF READING AND ERROR CORRECTION (10 Points) The following passage contains TEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way.For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧”sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.In many states, budget requests by state universities have had tobe scaled back or frozen, while tuition, the share of the cost borne bythe students themselves, has gone up. The problem with the governors (1) __________is particularly distressing because they all agree that the quality oftheir colleges and universities helps drive the economic enginesof their states. And they are constantly being told by everyone like (2) ___________college administrators to editorial writers that only way to make (3)___________their state universities better is to spend more money.But it was against this backdrop that members of the Association(4)___________came together in this city to discuss issues of common concern, oneis higher education. And the focus of their talks about colleges(5)____________centered not on how money could be more effectively directed,but on what to get greater productivity out of a system that has(6)____________become highly inefficient and resistive against change.(7)_____________As a result, the governors will embark a three-year study of (8) _____________higher education system and how to make state colleges anduniversities better able to meet the challenges of a global economy inthe 21st century. And judging from the tenor and tone of theirdiscussion, the study could produce a push in for higher standards, (9) ___________more efficiency and greater accountability. Pennsylvania GovernorTom Ridge and his fellow governors came away from the meetingsresolute with the belief that higher education needs a fresh look and (10) ____________possibly a major boost in productivity to meet demands of newtechnologies and a changing work force.PART III READING COMPREHENSION (30 Points)In this section there are three reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage1Despite Denmark’s manifest virtues, Danes never talk about how proud they are to be Danes. This would sound weird in Danish. When Danes talk to foreigners about Denmark, they always begin by commenting on its tininess, its unimportance , the difficulty of its language, the general small-mindedness and self-indulgence of their countrymen and the high taxes. No Dane would look you in the eye and say, “Denmark is a great country.” You’re supposed to figure this out for yourself.It is the land of the silk safety net, where almost half the national budget goes toward smoothing out life’s inequalities, and there is plenty of money for schools, day care, retraining programmes, job seminars-- Danes love seminars: three days at a study centre hearing about waste management is almost as good as a ski trip. It is a culture bombarded by English, in advertising, pop music, the Internet, and despite all the English that Danish absorbs—there is no Danish Academy to defend against it —old dialects persist in Jutland that can barely be understood by Copenhageners. It is the land where, as the saying goes, “Few have too much and fewer have too little, ”and a foreigner is struck by the sweet egalitarianism that prevails, where the lowliest clerkgives you a level gaze, where Sir and Madame have disappeared from common usage, even Mr. and Mrs. It’ s a nation of recyclers—about 55 % of Danish garbage gets made into something new—and no nuclear power plants. It’s a nation of tireless planner.Trains run on time. Things operate well in general.Such a nation of overachievers —a brochure from the Ministry of Business and Industry says, “Denmark is one of the world’s cleanest and most organize d countries, with virtually no pollution, crime, or poverty. Denmark is the most corruption-free society in the Northern Hemisphere.”So, of course, one’s heart lifts at any sighting of Danish sleaze: skinhead graffiti on buildings (“Foreigners Out of Denmark! ”), brokenNonetheless, it is an orderly land. You drive through a Danish town, it comes to an end at a stone wall, and on the other side is a field of barley, a nice clean line: town here, country there. It is not a nation of jay-walkers. People stand on the curb and wait for the red light t o change, even if it’s 2 a.m. and there’s not a car in sight. However, Danes don’ t think of themselves as a wait- ing-at-2-a.m.-for-the-green-light people——th at’s how they see Swedes and Germans. Danes see themselves as jazzy people, improvisers, more free spirited than Swedes, but the truth is (though one should not say it)that Danes are very much like Germans and Swedes. Orderliness is a main selling point. Denmark has few natural resources, limited manufacturing capability; its future in Europe will be as a broker, banker, and distributor of goods. You send your goods by container ship to Copenhagen, and these bright, young, English-speaking, utterly honest, highly disciplined people will get your goods around to Scandinavia, the Baltic States, and Russia. Airports, seaports, highways, and rail lines are ultramodern and well-The orderliness of the society doesn’t mea n that Danish lives are less messy or lonely than yours or mine, and no Dane would tell you so. You can hear plenty about bitter family feuds and the sorrows of alcoholism and about perfectly sensible people who went off one day and killed themselves. An orderly society can not exempt itsBut there is a sense of entitlement and security that Danes grow up with. Certain things are yours by virtue of citizenshi p, and you shouldn’t feel bad fo r taking what you’re entitled to, you’re as good as anyone else. The rules of the welfare system are clear to everyone, the benefits you get if you lose your job, the steps you take to get a new one; and the orderliness of the system makes it possible for the country to weather high unemployment and social unrest without a sense of crisis.1. The author thinks that Danes adopt a ___ attitude towards their country.A. boastfulB. modestC. deprecating2. Which of the following is NOT a Danish characteristic cited in the paA. Fondness of foreign culture.C. Linguistic tolerance.D. Persistent planning.3. The author’s reaction to the statemen t by the Ministry of Business and Industry is ___.A. disapprovingB. approving D. doubtful4D. prevents Danes from acknowledg5. At the end of the passage the author states all the following EXCEPT thatC. the open system helps to tide the couPassage 2Education is an important theme in youth athletics in the US. Young kids, energetic, noisy, uncontrollable, confined to class, yearn for the relative freedom of the football field, the basketball court, the baseball diamond. They long to kick and throw things and tackle each other, and the fields of organized play offer a place in which to act out these impulses. Kids are basically encouraged, after all, to beat each other up in the football field. Yet for all the chaos, adult guidance and supervision are never far off, and time spent on the athletic fields is meant to be productive. Conscientious coaches seek to impart lessons in teamwork, self-sacrifice, competition, gracious winning and losing. Teachers at least want their pupils worn out so they’ll sit still in reading class.By the time children start competing for spots on junior high soccer teams or tennis squads, the kids’ gloves have come off to some extent. The athletic fields become less a place to learn about soft values like teamwork than about hard self-discipline and competition. Competitiveness, after all, is prized highly by Americans, perhaps more so than by other peoples. For a child, being cut from the hockey team or denied a spot on the swimming is a grave disappointment—— and perhaps an opportunity for emotional or spiritual growth.High school basketball or football teams are places where the ethos of competition is given still stronger emphasis. Although high school coaches still consider themselves educators, the sports they oversee are not simple extensions of the classroom. They are important social institutions, for football games bring people together. In much of the US they are events where young people and their elders mingle and see how the community is evolving.For the best players, the progression from little league to junior high to high schoolleads to a scholarship at a famous college and maybe, one day, a shot at the pros. To all appearances, college athletes are student-athletes, an ideal that suggests a balance between the intellectual rigors of the university and the physical rigors of the playing field. The reality is skewed heavily in favor of athletics. One would have difficulty showing that major US college sports are about education. Coaches require far too much of players’ time to be truly concerned with any thing other than performance in sport. Too often, the players they recruit seem to care little about school themselves.This was not always the case. Universities — Princeton, Harvard, Rutgers, Yale —were the birthplaces of American football and baseball; education—the formation of “character” —was an important part of what those coaches and players thought they were achieving. In 1913, when football was almost outlawed in the US, the game’s most prominent figures traveled to Washington and argued successfully that football was an essential part of the campus experience and that the nation would be robbed of its boldest young men, its best potential leaders, if the game were banned.The idea that competitive sports build character, a western tradition dating from ancient Greece, has evidently fallen out of fashion in today’s US. Educators, now prone to see the kind of character shaped by football and basketball in dark light, have challenged the notion that college sports produce interesting people. Prominent athletes, such as boxer Muhammad Ali and basketball star Charles Markley, deliberately distanced themselves from the earlier ideal of the athlete as a model figure. Today’s US athlete is thus content to be an entertainer.Trying to do something socially constructive, like being a role model, will make you seem over-earnest and probably hurt your street credibility.When I was a kid, my heroes played on Saturdays: they were high school players and college athletes. Pro football games, broadcast on Sunday afternoons, were dull and uninspiring by comparison. After all, why would God schedule anything important for Sun day? You’ve got school the next day.Although I certainly couldn’t have articulated it at the time, I think I must already have sensed that throwing a ball or catching passes was a fairly pointless thing to be good at. In the grand scheme, it was a silly preparation for a job. Yet playing sports was not pointless; the point, however, was that you were learning something——a disposition, a certain virtue, a capacity of arduous endeavor——that might be of value when you later embarked upon a productive career as a doctor or a schoolteacher or a businessman. The optimism of those Saturday afternoons was infectious. I still feel that way today.6. Pupils mainly learn ______ on the athletic fields.A. soft valuesB. hard valuesC. value for freedomD. value of equality7. In high school basketball or football teamsA. hard values are less emphasizedB. the sports are separated fromclassrooms.C. the social function of sports is prominent.D. the coaches are less of educators.8. Which of the following is NOT true about college sports?A. The best players may end up getting a scholarship at a famous college.B. College athletes have always cared little about school themselves.C. College sports are more in favor of athletics than education.D. The formation of “character” used to be the goal of coaches and players.9. The author’s attitude toward the notion of “athletes as entertainers” isA. positiveB. neutralC. negativeD. impossible to tell.10. The best title for this passage isA. Education System in the USB. Development of Athletics in the USC. US Education in Youth AthleticsD. Development of Education in the US.Passage 3Human migration: the term is vague. What people usually think of is the permanent movement of people from one home to another. More broadly, though, migration means all the ways—from the seasonal drift of agricultural workers within a country to the relocation of refugees from one country to another.Migration is big, dangerous, compelling. It is 60 million Europeans leaving home from the 16th to the 20th centuries. It is some 15 million Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims swept up in a tumultuous shuffle of the citizens between India and Pakistan after the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.Migration is the dynamic undertow of population change: everyon e’s solution, everyon e’s conflict. As the century turns, migration, with its inevitable economic and political turmoil, has been called “one of the greatest challenges of the coming century.”But it is much more than that. It is , as it has always been, the great adventure of human life. Migration helped create humans, drove us to conquer the planet, shaped our societies, and promised to reshape them again.“You have a history book written in your genes,” said Spencer Wells. The book he is trying to read goes back to long before the first word was written, and it is a story of migration.Wells, a tall, blond geneticist at Stanford University, spent the summer of 1998 exploring remote parts of Transcaucasia and Central Asia with three colleagues in a Land Rover, looking for drops of blood. In the blood, donated by the people he met, he will search for the story that genetic markers can tell of the long paths human life has taken across the Earth.Genetic studies are the latest technique in a long effort of modern humans to find out where they have come from. But however the paths are traced, the basic story issimple: people have been moving since they were people. If early humans hadn't moved and intermingled as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species. From beginnings in Africa, most researchers agree, groups of hunter-gatherers spread out, driven to the ends of the Earth.To demographer Kingsley Davis, two things made migration happen. First, human beings, with their tools and language, could adapt to different conditions without having to wait for evolution to make them suitable for a new niche. Second, as populations grew, cultures began to differ, and inequalities developed between groups. The first factor gave us the keys to the door of any room on the planets; the other gave us reasons to use them.Over the centuries, as agriculture spread across the planet, people moved toward places where metal was found and worked and to centres of commerce that then became cities. Those places were, in turn, invaded and overrun by people later generations called barbarians.In between these storm surges were steadier but similarly profound tides in which people moved out to colonize or were captured and brought in as slaves. For a while the population of Athens, that city of legendary enlightenment was as much as 35 percent slaves."What strikes me is how important migration is as a cause and effect in the great world events." Mark Miller, co-author of The Age of Migration and a professor of political science at the University of Delaware, told me recently.It is difficult to think of any great events that did not involve migration. Religions spawned pilgrims or settlers; wars drove refugees before them and made new land available for the conquerors; political upheavals displaced thousands or millions; economic innovations drew workers and entrepreneurs like magnets; environmental disasters like famine or disease pushed their bedraggled survivors anywhere they could replant hope."Its part of our nature, this movement," Miller said, "It's just a fact of the human condition."11. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. Migration exerts a great impact on population change.B. Migration contributes to Mankind’s progress.C. Migration brings about desirable and undesirable effects.D. Migration may not be accompanied by human conflicts.12. What do we know about Spencer Wells from the passage?A. He thought genes can tell where people have come from.B. He wrote a book about the history of genes.C. He read the first history book at Stanford UniversityD. He agreed human migration was from Transcaucasia and central Asia.13. According to Kingsley Davis, migration occurs as a result of the following reasonsEXCEPT ______.A. human adaptabilityB. human evolutionC. cultural differencesD. inter-group inequalities14. Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned as migrants in the passage?A. Farmers.B. Workers.C. Settlers.D. Colonizers.15. There seems to be a(n) ______ relationship between great events and migration.A. looseB. indefiniteC. causalD. remotePART IV TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO CHINESE (40 Points)What happens to the students who cheat on the two college admissions exam, the SAT and the ACT? Not as much as you might think. It isn’t particularly easy to cheat on these exams, but that doesn’t stop some students from trying. They do it in all the ways you might imagi ne: Copying off someone else’s paper, texting on a cellphone for answers, bringing in cheat sheets, having someone else take the test for them.And some cheat in ways you might not consider: In South Korea, a test prep tutor was investigated for allegedly buying scanned copies of sections of the SAT and then emailing them, with the answers, to South Koreans in Connecticut who were going to take the test 12 hours later. Another SAT tutor in South Korea was arrested for getting students taking the SAT to put test questions into a calculator they were allowed to use, and to hide small blades in their erasers that they used to cut out pages of the test. So, you ask, what happens to students suspected of cheating on the SAT or the ACT?I asked both the College Board, which owns the SA T, and ACT Inc., which owns the ACT, to explain what triggers suspicion of cheating and what happens to students found to be cheating. Ed Co lby, spokesman for the ACT, said he couldn’t tell me exactly how many investigations are conducted each year for security reasons. Tom Ewing, a spokesman for the Educational Testing Service, which administers the SAT for the College Board, said there are a few thousand questionable test scores each year out of more than 2 million tests. Both said a review of a student’s test could be triggered in one of several ways, including an audit that flags scores that have risen dramatically, or by a tip from outside parties, such as a guidance counselor, college admissions officer or NCAA official.PART V WRITING (40 Points)In most countries, with the widespread of the use of Internet, people have more freedom to choose to work and study at home instead of travelling to work or college. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Write an essay of about 400words, Use specific reasons/examples to support your position on the statement above. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, diction and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.。

华南理工大学Biblioteka 研专业课真题试卷359 日语翻译基础
2015 年《359 日语翻译基础》专业课真题试卷 2016 年《359 日语翻译基础》专业课真题试卷 2017 年《359 日语翻译基础》专业课真题试卷 2018 年《359 日语翻译基础》专业课真题试卷
华南理工大学 2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
华南理工大学 2016 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回) 科目名称:日语翻译基础 适用专业:日语笔译(专业学位) 共 4 页 問題一.次の日本語の単語を中国語に訳しなさい。 (1点×15=15 点) 1.おにぎり 2.宛先 3.実名制 4.ただ食い 5.共同購入 6.調印 7.下請け 8.アフターサービス 9.通関申告書 10. タイミング 11. エコライフ 12. 言わぬが花 13. 腐っても鯛 14. 三人寄れば文殊の知恵 15. 住宅ローンで首が回らない人 問題二.次の中国語の単語を日本語に訳しなさい。 (1点×15=15 点) 1.代驾 2.小长假 3.富二代 4.紫外线指数 5.热狗 6.不均衡 7.烤箱 8.召回 9.通货膨胀 10. 半途而废 11. 彩信 12. 高尔夫球场 13. 剩女

【青岛大学2012年考研专业课真题】基础英语(2)2012青岛大学2012年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:622 科目名称:基础英语(2)(共11 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions:choose one of the four answers that best completes the sentence.1. It has long been known that the total sleep _____ is 100 percent fatal for the rats.A. reductionB. destructionC. deprivationD. restriction2.When the work is well done, a ________of accident-free ope rations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.A. regulationB. climateC. circumstanceD. requirement3.The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S spac e shuttle. With it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle ________ of flying into space and returning many times.A. capableB. suitableC. efficientD. fit4. The new experiments, such as those described for the firsttime at a recent meeting of the society for sleep research in Minneapolis; suggest fascinating explanations ______ of non J-REM sleep.A. in the lightB. by virtueC. with the exceptionD. for the purpose5. He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance _____ the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity.A. forB. againstC. ofD. towards6.The rats develop bacterial infection of the blood, ______their immune systems,the self protecting mechanism against diseases,had crashed.A. itB. as ifC. only ifD. if only7. It can be ready for _____ trip in about two weeks.A. newB. anotherC. certainD. subsequent8. ______ its economy continues to recover, the US is increasinglybecoming a nation of part timers and temporary cookers.A. Even thoughB. Now thatC. If onlyD. Provided that9.He can continue to support himself and his family _____ he produces a surplus.A. only ifB. much asC. long beforeD. ever since10.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ______ after 11 o’clock at night.A. were not playedB. not be playedC. not to playD. did not play11. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ______ moviecould not hold our attention.A. three-hoursB. three-hourC. three-hour’D. three-hour’s12. There other problems which I don’t propose to ______ at the moment.A. go intoB. go roundC. go forD. go up13. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened,______ a sudden loud noise.A. being thereB. there wasC. there having beenD. should there be14. He had ______ on the subject.A. a rather strong opinionB. rather strong opinionC. rather the strong opinionD. the rather strong opinion15. ______ the English exam I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.A. In spite ofB. Because ofC. But forD. As for16. The policemen went into action ______ they heard the alarm.A. PromptlyB. presentlyC. quicklyD. directly17. Bob was completely ______ by the robbers’ disguise.A. taken awayB. taken downC. taken toD. taken in18. Nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable ______ to the total cost of the product.A. proportionB. correlationC. connectionD. correspondence19. We must ______ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.A. assureB. secureC. ensureD. issue20. It is felt that he lacked the ______ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.A. petitionB. engagementC. commitmentD. qualificationPart II. Cloze (20 points)Directions:there are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories __1_ on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior __2__ they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through __3_ with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in __4__ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, __5__ as a rejection of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, _6_ the factthat children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes __7__ lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are __8_ to criticism. Changes in the social structure may indirectly __9__ juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that _10_ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment _11 _ make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in _12__ lead more youths into criminal behavior. Families have also _13_ changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; _14__, children are likely to have less supervision at home __15_ was common in the traditional family_16_. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other__17_ causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased _18_ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing __19_ of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committinga criminal act; __20_ a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.1. A acting B relying C centering D cementing2. A before B unless C until D because3. A interaction B assimilation C cooperation D consultation4. A return B reply C reference D response5. A or B but rather C but D or else6. A considering B ignoring C highlighting D discarding7. A on B in C for D with8. A immune B resistant C sensitive D subject9. A affect B reduce C check D reflect10. A point B lead C come D amount11. A in general B on average C by contrast D at length12. A case B short C turn D essence13. A survived B noticed C undertaken D experienced14. A contrarily B consequently C similarly D simultaneously15. A than B that C which D as16. A system B structure C concept D heritage17. A assessable B identifiable C negligible D incredible18. A expense B restriction C allocation D availability19. A incidence B awareness C exposure D popularity20. A provided B since C although D supposingPart III. Error Correction (10 points)Directions:the passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in a right way.For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.Foran unnecessary word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/ ”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards ofambition-wealth, distinction, control over one’s destiny-mustbe deemed worth of the sacrifices made on ambition’s behalf(1)_________ If the tradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must bewidely shared: and it especially must be highly regardedby people who are themselves admired of, theeducated(2)_________not least among them. In an odd way, therefore, it is the (3)_________ educated who have claimed to have given up ambition as (4)_________an ideal. What is odd is that they have perhaps mostbenefited from ambition——if not always their own thenthat of their parents and grandparents. There is a heavynote of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barndoor after the horses have escaped-with the educatedthemselves riding on them. Certainly people do not seemless interested in success and its signs not than former (5)_________ Summer homes, European travel, BMWs—the locations,place names and name brands may change, but suchitems do not seem more in demand today than a decade (6)________or two years age. What has happened is that peoplecannot confess wholly to their dreams, as easily and (7)_________ openly as once they could, lest they would be thought (8)_________ pushing, acquisitive and vulgar. Instead, we are treatedto fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more thanever seem in ample supply: the critic of Americanmaterialism with a Southampton summer home;the publisher of radical books who takes his mealsin three-star restaurants; the journalist advocatingparticipation democracy in all phases of life, whose (9)________own children are enrolled in private schools. Forsuch people and many more perhaps not soexceptional, the proper formulation is, “Succeedat all cost but avoid appearing ambitious”. (10)________Part IV. Reading Comprehension (28 points)Directions:there are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions . For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.The U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) between the industrial North and the agricultural, slave-owning South was a watershed in American history. However, one important thing to note is that slavery is only one of the many factors that caused the war. On the economic level, the war marks the unresolved conflict between the agrarian south and the industrialized north, between the rural plantation economy and the commercialization and industrialism of the north, with its great factories and machines. Politically, it marks a conflict between the democratic ideals of Jefferson (small government, rural economy) and the federal ideals of Hamilton (centralized government, large business). So, finally northern industrialism triumphed over southern agrarianism, the factory defeated the farm and the United States then headed toward capitalism. Soon the country changed in remarkable ways. From 1860 to 1914, the United States was transformed from a small, young, agricultural ex-colony to a huge, modern, industrial nation. People, including formerly enslaved blacks, left rural homes for opportunities in urban cities.1. A. Slavery is only one of the many factorsB. Politics is the most important reason.C. Economy is the most important reason.D. Industry is the most important reason.The U.S. economy became more focused on factory production; Americans did not have to chiefly rely on farming and agriculture to support their families. Increasing industrialization, mechanization and commercialization of the country soon produced extremes of wealth and poverty. Wealth and power were more and more concentrated in the hands of the few. In the meantime, life for the millions was fast becoming a virtual struggle for survival. Problems of urbanization and industrialization appeared: poor and overcrowded housing, unsanitary conditions, low pay (called "wage slavery"), difficult working conditions, and inadequate restraints on business. Labor unions grew, and strikes brought the plight of working people to national awareness. More and more people sensed the failure of American romantic ideals and the gradual corruption of American dream. Indeed, post-bellum America is a time of affluence and prosperity, but beneath the glittering surface of prosperity there lay suffering and unhappiness.2. Which of the following is true?A. People had more wealth and power.B. Few people had more wealth and power.C. Many people had more wealth and power.D. Countless people had more wealth and power.Business boomed after the war. War production had boosted industry in the North and given it prestige and political clout. It also gave industrial leaders valuable experience in the management of men and machines. The enormous natural resources -- iron, coal, oil, gold, and silver -- of the American land benefitted business. The new intercontinental rail system, inaugurated in 1869, and the transcontinental telegraph, which began operating in 1861, gave industry access to materials,markets, and communications. The constant influx of immigrants provided a seemingly endless supply of inexpensive labor as well. Over 23 million foreigners -- German, Scandinavian, and Irish in the early years, and increasingly Central and Southern Europeans thereafter -- flowed into the United States between 1860 and 1910. Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino contract laborers were imported by Hawaiian plantation owners, railroad companies, and other American business interests on the West Coast.3. A. The war put industry forward.B. The war slowed down industry .C. The war stopped industry .D. The war damaged industry .In 1860, most Americans lived on farms or in small villages, but by 1919 half of the population was concentrated in about 12 cities. Problems of urbanization and industrialization appeared: poor and overcrowded housing, unsanitary conditions, low pay (called "wage slavery"), difficult working conditions, and inadequate restraints on business. Labor unions grew, and strikes brought the plight of working people to national awareness. Farmers, too, saw themselves struggling against the "money interests" of the East, the so-called robber barons like J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller. Their eastern banks tightly controlled mortgages and credit so vital to western development and agriculture, while railroad companies charged high prices to transport farm products to the cities. The farmer gradually became an object of ridicule, lampooned as an unsophisticated "hick" or "rube." The ideal American of the post-Civil War period became the millionaire. In 1860, there were fewer than 100 millionaires; by 1875, there were more than 1,000.4. A. According to the above, industrialization brought entirehappiness.B. According to the above, industrialization brought problems.C. According to the above, industrialization brought benefits.D. According to the above, industrialization brought illness.Part V. Translation (30 points)Directions: (1) translate the following from English into Chinese(15 points)Entirely agreeing with this view of the subject, desired the lads to lay aside their guns for the present, and the younger ones readily applied themselves to making snares of the long threads drawn from the leaves of the karatas, in a simple way I taught them, while Fritz and Ernest gave me substantial assistance in the manufacture of the new sledge.Soon after this, as Jack was setting the newly mad snares among the branches, he discovered that a pair of our own pigeons were building inthe tree. It was very desirable to increase our stock of these pretty birds,and cautioned the boys against shooting near our tree while they had neststhere, and also with regard to the snares which were meant only to entrapthe wild fig-eaters.(2)Translate the following from Chinese into English (15 points)尽管孩子们对于布置陷阱很感兴趣,但是在节约弹药方面他们也是束手无策。
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問題四、次の文の___にはどんな言葉を入れたらよいか。 1,2,3, 4 から最も適当なものをひとつ選びなさい。 (1.5×20=30) 31.あなたが行こうが___、私は行かなければなりません。 1 3 行くまいが 行くまいと 2 4 行っても 行ったら
32.経済情勢のいかん___、次のプロジェクトは実施する。 1 3 を関わらず によって 2 4 を問わず をよらず
36.彼が遅れるのはいつものことだから、_____。 1 3 驚かないではおかない 驚くにはあたらない 2 4 驚かないではが、将来は熟練した職人になりたい。 ア.こんなにあさい川でもおぼれる人がいる。 イ.この町に来てまだ日があさい。 ウ.年を取ると眠りがあさくなり、すぐ目が覚める。 エ.ナイフで指を切ったが、幸い傷はあさくてすんだ。 19.曇る……なんだか顔が曇ってるね。 ア.彼は欲のせいで目が曇っている。 イ.この鏡は曇らない加工がされている。 ウ.その話題が出たとたん、村中さんの声が急に曇った。 エ.空が急に曇ってきましたね。 20.にらむ……故障の原因を調べたら、私のにらんだとおりだった。 ア.あの男が犯人だとにらんでいる。 イ.電車の中で、隣の人ににらまれてしまった。 ウ.パソコンの画面をにらんでいたら、課長に声をかけられた。 エ.よく遅刻するので部長ににらまれている気がする。
13.いたい……この時期の出費はいたかったなあ。 ア.ここで選手がけがをしたのはいたい。 イ.お気持ちはいたいほどわかります。 ウ.そのはなしにいたく感激した。 エ.歩きすぎて足がいたい。 14.はずれる……テストの山がはずれて、結果はひどいものだった。 ア.シャツのボタンがはずれていた。 イ.コースをはずれて失格になってしまった。 ウ.歌の調子がはずれてしまい、はずかしかった。 エ.多くの来場者を見込んでいたが、あてがはずれた。 15.ひと……こんなことは、みっともなくてひとには言えない。 ア.ひとにはいきる権利がある。 イ.山田さんは親切なひとだ。 ウ.ひとのものを黙って使ってはいけない。 エ.彼はひとが変わったように真面目に働いている。 16.うつる……夕日が窓にうつっている。 ア.この写真はたいそうよくうつっている。 イ.この部屋には白いカーテンがよくうつりますね。 ウ.湖にうつった紅葉がきれいです。 エ.彼のふるまいは大人達の目に自分勝手にうつった。 17.きたない……彼は勝つためならきたないことでも平気でする。 ア.そんなきたない言葉を使ってはいけない。 イ.きたない字なのでたいへん読みづらい。 ウ.きたないから手でさわっちゃだめよ。 エ.きたない金を受け取ったことを後悔した。
33.___、いかなる偏見も持ってはならない。 1 3 裁判官たるもの 裁判官では 2 4 裁判官なるもの 裁判官であるもの
34.前に述べた____、この計画の実現は難しいと思われる。 1 3 らしく ごとく 2 4 みたく あげく
35.核戦争後の世界は想像する___恐ろしい。 1 3 こそ すら 2 4 とは だに
02.その会社は米国市場への___を目指している。 ア.進行 ウ.進出 イ.進入 エ.進歩
03.怪我をしたのも構わず、 彼はオリンピック大会の選抜試合に___。 ア.出場 ウ.出席 イ.出現 エ.出世
04.詳しくはこちらの___書をご参照ください。 ア.仕方 ウ.仕入れ イ.仕様 エ.仕組み
05.現金払いのお客様には、一割の___をいたします。 ア.値上げ ウ.値引き イ.値下げ エ.値下がり
10.睡眠は健康に___ことのできない大切なものである。 ア.かえる ウ.かかわる イ.かく エ.かう
問題二、次の下線のある言葉の意味が、はじめの文と最も近い意味で 使われている文を、ア、イ、ウ、エから一つ選びなさい。 (2×10=20) 11.遠い……政治は庶民にとって遠い存在であってはいけない。 ア.研究の完成にはまだ遠い。 イ.あの人と恋人同士だったのは遠い昔の話だ。 ウ.年を取ると、耳が遠くなってくる。 エ.親しい友人でも、長く会わずにいると、遠く感じるようになる。 12.のむ……あの時、相手の要求をのんで、かえってよかった。 ア.会場の雰囲気にのまれてしまった。 イ.あまりの美しさに息をのんだ。 ウ.彼は会社の出した条件をそのままのんだらしい。 エ.私の国のチームは決勝で涙をのんだ。
青岛大学 2014 年硕士研究生入学考试试题
科目代码:359 科目名称: 日语翻译基础 (共 10 页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 問題一、次の文の____部分に入れるのにもっとも適当なものをア、 イ、ウ、エからひとつ選びなさい。 (2×10=20 ) 01.会社のコスト削減の一環として、___費のカットを命じられた。 ア.人権 ウ.真剣 イ.人件 エ.人間
問題三、下線のある仮名の部分を漢字に直しなさい。 (2×10=20) 21.彼女は私の沈黙をしょうだくと勘違いしたみたいだ。 22.青島には日本商社のちゅうざい員が大勢いる。 23.今夜は気分てんかんに外で食事をしませんか。 24.交通事故の損害ばいしょうは弁護士に任せるべきだ。 25.土産に真珠ととうきを勧められた。 26.彼女はうらぐち入学と知られて、みんなに嫌われている。 27.しょうみ期限がもうとっくに切れているから、食べてはいけない。 28.やじるしに従って前に進んでください。 29.社長は工場のへいさするに至った経緯を詳しく説明した。 30.病気にかんせんしないように注意している。
06.彼は他人の気持ちに対する___が足りない。 ア.考慮 イ.心配 ウ.気配
07.仕事の___具合はいかがですか。 ア.はこび ウ.はげみ イ.あゆみ エ.うごき
08.政府の消費税の増税策に、___は拒絶反応を示した。 ア.世論 ウ.世界 イ.世帯 エ.世代
09.決して同情を愛情と___してはいけない。 ア.混合 ウ.混乱 イ.混用 エ.混同