【范文】Unit 5 The silver screen教案_1
Unit 5 The silver screen教案Unit5Thesilverscreen教案warmingupandlisteningT:classbegins.Goodmorningclass.S:Goodmorning,teacher.T:Sitdownplease.T:well,lasttwoweekswehavelearnedunit3andunit4.Today wearegoingtostartunit5.First,let’slookatthetitle:<Thesilverscreen>.couldyoutel lmewhat’smeanofsilver?S:银的,银色的T:Andwhat’smeanofscreen?S:屏幕T:Together银幕,right?Sonowweknowunit5willsaysomethingorgiveusso meinformationaboutmovie,right?S:yes!T:ok,hereisaquestionforyou.whenyoulookatthewordmovi e.whatotherwordswillyouthinkof?S:film.T:yes.Itisanothersayingof电影,right?Anythingelse?S:actor.T:yes!Actorandactress.Itisoneofthemostimportantpart soffilms.Anymore?T:ok,fromthisfigure,wehavelearnedmanynewwordsinunit 5.ButIthinkIforgottoaskyouaveryimportantquestion.Th atisdoyoulikeseeingfilms?S:yes!T:Good!Ilikeseeingfilmsverymuch.Thisclasswewillfirs tenjoyfourfilms.Butofcourse,justpictures,becauseweg otnotimetoenjoywholefilms.Butduringthisclass,Iwills howsomepiecesofvideo.T:ok,turntopage29.Lookatthefirstpicture,whatcanyous eeinthepicture.S:astrangemanandagirlT:yes.Andwhataretheydoing?S:theyarecarryingsomewood.T:yes.Theyarecarryingsomewood.Soformthepicture,doyo uknowthenameofthisfilm?S:bicentennialmanT:anditschinesenameis?S:变人T:Haveyouseenthisfilmbefore?S:No!T:soIthinkIshouldtellyousomething.Itisaboutarobot,h ewanttobearealman,becausehegotfeelings,youknowarobo tshouldn’thavefeelings.Sohetriedalotandovercomemanyproblemsa ndfinallyhesucceed.Andheevengotmarried.Doyouknowwho mhemarried?S:IthinkmaybethelittlegirlT:actually,hemarriedthelittlegirl’sgranddaughter.S:T:well.Quitecannotimagine,right?S:yes.T:well.Thoughitisquitesimply,itisalsoverymoving.Ith inkhighlyofthisfilm.T:Nowlookatthesecondpicture.ItisasceneofjurassicPar k.DoyouknowjurassicPark?S:yes!侏罗纪公园T:yes!Itisaveryfamousfilm.Andwhathappenedinthisscen e?S:adinosaurwanttoeatthepeopleT:yes!Andcanyouguesswhathappenedbeforethissceneandw hathappenedafterthisscene?S:…………S:…………T:well,youhavegivenmeyouropinions.Nowlet’shaveacheck,lookatthevideoandseeifitisassameaswhaty ousaid.…T:ok,wehavealreadygottheanswer.ButIthinkallyourimag inationisverygood!IthinkjurassicParkisveryexciting.T:Nowwecometothelasttwopictures.Theyaremulanandhero ,right?S:yes!T:well,Ithinkmanyofyouhaveseenthesetwofilms,nowplea seworkinpairstogiveyourclassmatesyouropiniononeofth etwofilms.Andifyoureallyhaven’tseenthem,youcanchooseanyofthefilmthatthinkitiswort hseeing.S:…………T:well,youhavealldoneverygoodjob.wehavealreadytalke daboutthefilms.Andtherearemanystarsinfilms,right?S:yes!T:Sowhatisyourfavoritestar?S:……S:……T:ok,todaywewilllistentoadialogue.Itisaninterviewof anactorcalledmalcolmLangland.Pleaselistentothetapea ndanswerthequestiononyourbook.Forthefirsttime,Ihopeyoucanhaveawholeviewofthispassage.……….T:Thesecondtime,thistimeIwillgiveapause,thatisthein formationyoushouldwritedown.………T:thethirdtime………T:ok,let’schecktheanswers.Firstquestion.S:……….T:Thesearetheanswers.Nowlet’slistentoitagain.T:ok,thisistoday’sclass.Homeworkis:writethefigureyourselfandaddwords asmanyasyoucan.classisover.Seeyoutomorrow.ReadingT:yesterday,wehavetalkedaboutaveryfamousfilm<jur assicPark>,right?S:yes!T:turntopage32.ThereisanothersceneofjurassicPark.whatcanyouseeinthispicture?S:adinosaurandthreepeopleT:yes.Anditseemsthereissomethingwrongwiththisdinosa ur,right?S:yesT:canyouguesswhat’swrongwiththisdinosaur?Itishitbyanotherdinosaurorhu ntedbyhumanbeingsorjustill?S:……S:……T:ok,let’shaveachecktoo.PlayavideoofjurassicParkT:nowweknewitwasill,right?S:yes!T:DoyoulikejurassicPark?S:yes!T:yes!Ilikeitverymuch.whenIfirstsawthisfilm,Iwassho cked,andIcouldnotbelieveitwasjustafilm.Itissoexciti ng.Doyouknowwhodirectthisfilm?S:StevenSpielbergT:Good.youhavealreadyknown.Thisclass,wewillgettokno wStevenSpielberg.Firstreadthepassagequicklyandthenl et’sdosometrueorFalseexercises.T:Haveyoufinished?S:yes!T:well,pleaselookattheexercisesonthescreen.Haveyoug ottheanswers?oneS:……S:……T:nowpleasetrytodividethepassageintoparagraphs.T:ok,tellmeyouropinionS:……S:……T:yes,heisright.ThefirstpartofthispassageisfromPara .1toPara.2.ItisabouttheearlystageofStevenSpielberg. ThesecondpartisfromPara.3toPara6.Itisaboutthemainwo rksofStevenSpielberg.AndthelastParagraphisthethirdp art.Itisabouthissuccessandhisfamily.Nowletmeexplain thepassageparagraphbyparagraph.T:yuknowthefirstpartofthispassageisabouttheearlysta geofStevenSpielberg.whenisheborn?S:1946T:Right!Andwehavetosaygeniusisdifferentfromuscommon people.whatdidStevenSpielbergdowhenhewas12?S:……T:yes.Hemadehisrealfilmwhenhewas12.Andhewrotethescr ipthimself,wehavealreadylearnthisword,script剧本right?Andtellmewhatdidyoudowhenyouwere12?S:……T:maybewatchingTV,playinggameorsomethingelse.ButSte venSpielbergalreadymadehisfirstrealfilm.Andheevenwr otescripthimself.youknowthewordscript,wehavelearned ityesterday,itmeans剧本.Andwhatdidhegetwhenhewas13?S:……T:yes!Greathonor!Right?Andwhatwashisdreamwhenhewasy oung?S:…T:yes!Togotofilmacademy.Doesthedreamcometrue?S:T:yes!Andwhathappenedthen?S:T:right.Hegotajobinafilmstudio.Thiswasthemomentwhen hiscareerreallytookoffT:canyoutellmewhatisthemeanoftakeoff?S:T:Basicallyitmeans脱掉or起飞.Herewhatdoesitmean?S:T:hereitmean成功.careertakesoffmeanscareersucceed,right?Itiseasyt ounderstandT:NowwecometothemainworkofStevenSpielberg.Let’strytofinishthetableonpage30.T:ok.oneofhisfirstfilmiswhat?S:T:yesjaws.Haveyouseenthisfilmbefore?S:T:No?Soyoucanfindthemainideaofthisfilminthepassage. Tellmewhat’sitabout?S:……T:andwhatwasthefeelingofthepeoplewhosawthefilm?S:T:yes.Theywereafraidtoswiminthesea.Herewemusttalkso meoftheusageofafraid………………T:StevenSpielbergmade2filmsaboutthecreaturethatcome totheearthfromouterspace.oneofthemis?S:T:ET.Averyinterestingfilm.whatisitabout?S:T:heretheworldofadultsiscold.whatiscoldmeanhere?Doe sitmeans寒冷?S:T:no?Sowhatdoesitmean?S:T:yes.人情冷暖。
Unit 5 The Silver ScreenWhat are we going to learn?(目标篇)i•重点词汇silver hero scene law career drama role actress award prize choice degree director speed script actor academy studio creature outer adult follow-up cruelty peace in dustry owe happ in ess accept icy primary leader determ ine live(adj.) boss comme nt action2•重点词组silver scree n take off go wrong owe sth to sb in all stay away primary school lock sb up run after bring sb back on the air think highly of3. 交际用语提出看法与作出评价:I think the film has a good begi nning / ending.I think that DVDs shouldn 'be sold at such a high price / should be much cheaper.The actors / actress are …;How do you like …? What do you think of / about …? What do you feel about …?时序:You studied / worked / acted / at differe nt …;First …,and the n …;What did you do n ext? Fin ally you found a job as …;Later on …;What made you decide to …? What roles did you act? How long have you been working as …?4. 语法难点定语从句(2):关系副词引导的定语从句和介词+关系代词引导的定语从句5. 话题1. Talk about films: famous actors and directors2. Make comme nts and give opinions on filmsTell Me More!(背景篇)Mini biographyWithout a doubt one of the most in flue ntial film pers on alities in the history of film, Steven Spielberg is perhaps Hollywood's best known director and one ofthe wealthiest filmmakers in the world. Spielberg has countless big grossingcritically acclaimed credits to his name, both as producer, director and writer.Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1946. He went to Long Beach Uni versity, but dropped out to pursue his en terta inment career. He gain ed notoriety as an uncredited assistant editor on the classic western "Wagon Train" (1957). Among his early direct ing efforts were Battle Squad (1961), Escape to Nowhere (1961), and The Last Gun (1959) . All of these were short films.The n ext couple of years Spielberg directed a couple of movies that would be foretell ing to his future career in movies. In 1964 he directed Firelight (1964), a movie about alie ns in vadi ng a small town. In 1967 he directed the movie Slipstream (1967), which was unfini shed. But in 1968 he directedthe movie Amblin' (1968), which featured the desert prominently, and not the first Spielberg movie the desert would be so prominent in. Amblin would also become the production company he would produce many films with, including the classic E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). Spielberg had a unique and classic early directing project, Duel (1971/I) (TV), with Dennis Weaver. The film is considered a unique classic that still baffles some.In the early 1970s Spielberg was working on TV , in Rod Serling's "Night Gallery" (1970), "Marcus Welby, M.D." (1969) and Columbo: Murder by the Book (1971) (TV), to name a few. All of his work in television and short films, as well as his directing projects were just the beginning of the gathering storm of talent that would become the Spielberg that made the brilliant films he would later become known for internationally.As an undoubted rising star, his major directorial effort was The Sugarland Express (1974), with Goldie Hawn. It was his next directorial effort that made Spielberg an international superstar among directors: Jaws (1975). This classic shark attack tale started the tradition of the summer blockbuster, or at least he was credited with starting the tradition.His next effort was the classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), a unique and very original UFO story that remains a cult classic. In 1978 Spielberg produced his first film, the forgettable I Wanna Hold Your Hand (1978), and followed his first effort with Used Cars (1980), a critically acclaimed, but mostly forgotten Kurt Russell\Jack Warden comedy. Spielberg hit gold again directing Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), with Harrison Ford taking the part of Indiana Jones. Spielberg produced and directed two films in 1982. The first one was Poltergeist (1982), but the highest grossing movie of all time up to that point was the alien story, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982).Spielberg also made money a major part of the film industry, or at least a bigger part of the industry than it was before. He was the first producer to use product placement in his films, with the infamous placement of Rieces Pieces in "E.T." Spielberg was also one of the pioneers of the big grossing special effects movies, like "E.T.," and "Close Encounters," where a very strong emphasis on special effects was placed for the first time on such a large scale.Spielberg is a great filmmaker without a doubt, and it does not seem he is anywhere near done making films, and with all of the money he has he probably could do anything he wanted to. And recently Spielberg graduated from Long Beach State University with a degree in filmmaking. His possibilities are still limitless.Plot Summary for JawsMartin Brody is the new police chief of Amity, an island resort town somewhere in New England. He has a wife named Ellen, and two sons named Michael and Sean. On a Summer morning, Brody is called to the beach, where the mangled body of Summer vacationer Chrissie Watkins has washed ashore. The medical examiner tells Brody that it could have been a shark that killed Watkins. Mayor Larry Vaughn, who is desperate to not lose the money that will be brought in by 4th of July tourists, wants Brody to say Watkins's death was caused by a motorboat propeller instead of a shark, because the thought of a shark in Amity's waters would drive tourists away from Amity. It looks like Vaughn is a mayor who puts money ahead of people's lives. Shark expert Matt Hooper believes Watkins was killed by a shark. Hooper is proven right a few days later, when Alex Kintner is killed by the shark that killed Watkins. Looking for the quickest solution, Vaughn tells all of the local fishermen to let him know if they see the shark. A shark hunter namedQuint offers to find the shark and kill it, but Vaughn thinks Quint's price of $10,000 is too high.When a tiger shark is killed and hauled in by a couple of boaters, Vaughn hastily says that the sharkcrisis is over, but Hooper says the shark that's been killing people a huge great white shark is still in Amity's waters, but Vaugh n leaves the beaches ope ned because all he cares about is the 4th of July tourist mon ey. On the 4th of July, Vaugh n en courages people to swim at the beach, and Hooper is proven right again when the shark kills a man, biting the man's leg off. Michael, who was in the water at the time of the attack, is taken to the hospital, where he's treated for shock after watch ing the shark kill the guy. Brody asks Vaugh n to hire Quint to find the shark. Because his own kids were at that beach too, Vaughn agrees to hire Quint to find the shark. Quint, Hooper, and Brody are sent out to sea in Quin t's boat, the Orca, ready to do whatever it takes to find the shark.Plot Summary for Jurassic Park1Scientists develop a means of bringing dinosaurs to life using DNA taken from dino' blood, which has bee n preserved in side in sects en cased in amber. Whilst Hammond is show ing off his dino saur 'theme park' to a selected audie nee [a lawyer (Gerra no), mathematicia n (Malcolm), dino' expert (Gra nt), palaeobota ni st (Sattler) and his gran dchildre n (Tim & Lex)], Nedry (computer expert) disables the security system so that he can make his escape with some stole n embryos. This en ables all the dino saurs to escape their en closures... Look out the dino saurs are coming !2On a remote isla nd, a wealthy en trepre neur secretly creates a theme park featuri ng livi ng dino saurs draw n from prehistoric DNA. Before ope ning the attract ion to the public, he in vites a top pale on tologist, a paleobota ni st, a mathematicia n/theorist, and his two eager gran dchildre n to experience the park -- and help calm anxious investors. However, their park visit is anything but tranquil as the park's security system breaks down, the prehistoric creatures break out, and the excitement builds to surprising results. Based on Michael Crichton's best-selling novel.3Joh n Hammond (Richard Atte nborough) has developed a dino saur park (in a very remote Isla nd) using a DNA of a prehistoric dino saur take n from an an cie nt in sect. In a tour that Hammond makes to a selected audie nce which suppose to decide whether the park is safe or not safe for public, the security system collapsed, and the dino saurs set themselves free. Now the selected audie nce, in the leadership of Doctor Gran t (Sam Neil) and in clude Doctor Malcolm, Doctor Sattler, Hammond's grandchildren, and some more has to survive in the Island.Key Points (知识篇)1. Interview each other using the information in the short biographies. 用小传中的信息进行相互米访。
高一人教修订版上Unit 5 The silver screen教案
Unit 5 The silver screen I. 单元教学目标Ⅱ.目标语言III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元的主题围绕“电影”这一学生感兴趣的热门话题展开,让学生就中外名片展开讨论,发表自己对不同题材电影的观点。
1.1 “热身”通过四幅不同题材的电影剧照导入新课,首先让学生欣赏剧照,然后根据剧照谈论剧情,展开联想,推测电影的开头与结尾,以激发学生的学习兴趣,同时复习使用I (don’t) think... , It’s about... 诸如此类的句式。
1.2 “听力”部分的内容是有关电影演员Malcolm Langland的生平。
其目的是通过听力训练学生获取“影星生平”的信息,同时复习It was...,the reason why...,等语言结构。
1.3 口语部分提供的材料是好莱坞影星Meryl Streep 和Keanu Reeves的生平。
1.4 “读前”部分简述了Steven Spielberg早期拍电影时的一些情况,让学生想象:假如他们现在有机会拍电影的话,他们将拍什么内容的电影。
1.5 “阅读”部分是一片传记体的短文,介绍当前好莱坞最有影响的导演、艺术家——Steven Spielberg的创作生涯和一些作品。
1.6 “读后”部分要求学生在小组里讨论五个问题,目的在于了解学生对文章理解的程度,以及训练学生的推理能力和综合能力。
高一第五单元The silver screen 要点综述Unit 5 The Silver ScreenI. Teaching aims and demands1.Topics1>.Talk about films:famous actors and directors2>.Make comments and give opinions on film2. Function:1> 提出看法或作出评价(Giving oipinions and making comments)I think...The actors/actress are...How do you like...?/what do you think of...?Wahat do you feel about...?We think highly of...2> 时序(Sequence)First...,and then...What did you do next?Finally...Later on...How long have you been working as...?3. Vocabularysilver;hero;scene;law;career;drama;role;actress;award;prize;choice;degree;director;speed;script;actor;academy;studio;creature;outer;adult;follow-up;crulty;peace;industry;owe;happiness;accept;icy;primary;leader;determine;live(a.);boss;comment;actionsilver screen;take off;go wrong;owe sth to sb;in all;stay away;primary school; lock sb up;run after;bring sb back;on the air;think highly of4. Grammar:the Attributive Clause(2)1> 描述特定的时间特征--- 由when 或介词+which 引导2> 描述特定的地点特征--- 由where 或介词+which 引导3> 描述特定的原因或理由的内容--- 由why 或介词+which 引导II.Key points1.listening and speaking1>Practise making comments and giving opinions.practise[ 注意]also practice, 后接非谓语动词用-ing 形式.[ 举例]He practises speaking English every day.他每天练习说英语.comment[ 用法]n.1. 注释, 评注(+on/about) 2. 批评, 意见, 评论(+on/about)vi.1. 做注解, 做评注(+on/upon) 2. 发表意见, 评论(+on/upon) vt. 注释, 解释;评论[+(that)][ 举例]He made no comments on our proposal.他对我们的建议没有作评论。
高一英语Unit5 The Sliver Screen
高一英语Unit5 The Silver Screen——Reading 说课稿一、课题人教版高中英语新教材高一上第五单元电影(业)(The silver screen)第四部分阅读课“”(Getting to Know Steven Spielberg)二、教材内容分析本单元的中心话题是“电影”,本课是第三课时,是一篇传记体的短文,介绍当前好莱坞最有影响的导演艺术家—史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格的创作生涯和一些作品。
四、教学目标设计1、知识目标:⑴学习并掌握本部分所涉及到的一些单词和短语⑵学习并掌握阅读材料中的一些重要的语言点2、技能目标:⑴通过本课训练使学生能够提高自己的阅读能力并学会运用一些阅读技能,如guessing key sentences ,skinning ,scanning and so on.⑵培养学生筛选局部和整体信息的能力及独立阅读的能力,通过自主学习、协作学习来获取信息和处理信息的能力。
4、文化意识1. 通过学习,了解国际著名导演史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格。
2. 通过学习,了解世界著名影视文化,培养世界意识。
Unit 5 The Silver Screen高中新教材教案(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)
Words and Expressionssilver , hero , scene , law , career , drama , role , award , actress , prize , choice , degree , speed , creature , outer , peace , cruelty , owe , accept , live , boss , comment , action , affordtake off , go wrong , owe …. to …. ,can’t help , not just …but also…Every Day EnglishWhat do you think about the story of the film ?How do you feel about the ending of the film ?The film is about …I like / don’t like the film because ……Grammar:The Attributive Clause ( II )Goals:Talk abut films, famous actors and directorsPractise making comments and giving opinionsLearn to write about a filmSpeaking:Who is your favorite star ?My favorite starFirst name _______ Surname _______Gender ( ) female ( ) maleBirth year _______ Birth place _______Schooling _______ Career in film _______Film _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______Achievements : _____________________________________What makes a good movie ? Give the reasons .(a moving story , an exciting beginning , a happy ending , pretty actresses , cool actors , a lot of actions , full of violence , beautiful music , involve latest technology , excellent pictures , etc. )What do you know about Oscars ?1) What are the Academy Awards ?2) When and where does the Awards ceremony take place ? How long does it last ?3) For what are the Awards given ?4) Who has won the most Academy Awards in total ?5) Who has more Oscar nominations (提名) than anyone else in Academy history ?6) Which country has the most Foreign Language Film nominations ? Which has the most wins ?Questions :1. How old is Steven Spielberg ?A. 57.B. 12.C. 16.D. 49.2. Why couldn’t Steven Spielberg go to the Film Academy as he wished ?A. Because his family was too poor.B. Because he was too young to be accepted.C. Because his grades were too poor.D. Because he hadn’t got enough experience.3. Which of the following are Steven’s war film ?A. Firelight & Jaws.B. Jaws & Jurassic Park.C. Jurassic Park & Schindler’s list.D. Schindler’s list & Saving Pr ivate Ryan.4. How long does Mingzhi have to work in the school?A. Two days .B. One month .C. One year .D. Two weeks .5. What’s the biggest trouble for Mingzhi in class ?A. To write on the blackboard.B. To teach the children to read.C. To teach the children to sing.D. ( No Answer )6. How does Mingzhi get to the town ?A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By bus and on foot.D. By bike.7. Passage 1 mainly tells about _______.A. Steven Spielberg’s life as a film directorB. Steven Spielberg’s life as an acto rC. Steven Spielberg’s successful filmD. Steven Spielberg’s family life8. Passage 2 is mainly about _______ .A. a young girl called MingzhiB. a famous director called Zhang YimouC. one of Zhang Yimou’s filmsD. a naughty schoolboy called Zhang Huike9. Which is not stated in Passage 1 but can be inferred ?A. As a child, Steven Spielberg made some “films” by using toys insteadof real people.B. Steven Spielberg made a film called Firelight at the age of 16.C. After seeing the film Jaws, many people did not dare to swim in the sea any more.D. Steven Spielberg’s father was a music teacher and his wife was an actress.10. What is not stated in Passage 2 but can be inferred ?A. Mr. Gao’s mother is ill and he has to leave his job to look after her.B. T he people at the TV station are deeply moved by Zhangzhi’s deeds.C. Zhangzhi manages to get on the bus without buying a ticket.D. Most of the people in the film are not professional ( 专业的 ) actors or actresses.( ACDBD CACAB )Key Points :1. silver : a shiny gray metal that is very valuable ( gold , silver , bronze , copper , iron , steel , metal )silver screen2. hero : a person who has done sth. brave or good / heroine3. scene : part of a play or filma beautiful scene / on the scene4. law : a rule of a country that says what people may and may not do / lawyerbreak / obey the lawA new law has just been passed.There ought to be a law against this .Will you go in for law or medicine ?He is an expert in company law.5. career : a job that you learn to do and then do for many yearsa business career / careers open to women6. drama : a story that you watch in the theatre or on TV or listen to on the radio7. role : the person you are in a play or filmplay an important part ( role ) in / roles in films8. award : a prize or money that you give to sb. who has done sth. very wellwin an award of $10,000cf: reward : She offered a reward of $ 1000 for information about her missing son.cf: v. award sth to sb / sb to sth / award her the first prize for her picturebe awarded a gold medalWhen the last prize had been awarded , everybody cleared off.9. actress : a woman who plays in plays, films or television programmes10. actor : a man who plays in plays , films or television programmes11. prize : sth. that you give to the person who wins a game , race , etc.prize money / She won the first prize at the speech contest / for her singing / of 10 dollars12. choice : act of choosinghave no choice but to do sth13. degree : universities and colleges give degree to students who have completed special courses theretake a medical degree / a doctor’s degreeThe temperature rose ten degrees . ( 10 °)14. director : a person who controls a film or play , for example by telling the actors what to do15. speed : how fast sth. goeswith great speed / at a speed of / at full / top speed16. script : the written words that actors speak in a play or film17. academy : a school for training in a special art or skilla military academy / an academy of art18. studio : a room where people make films, radio and television programmes , or records19. take off : remove ; become popularIt was at this point that her acting career really took off.take a day off / take the knob off the doorcf: take down : He reached up to the third shelf of the bookstore and took down a dictionary.He read out the names and his secretary took them down.cf: take in : The boys could not take in his meaning.The farmer took in the lost travelers for the night.cf: take on : Is the supermarket took on any more helpers ?take on a new look / take on the management of the factorycf: take up : So many young men want to take up writing.She took up the task of getting the breakfast.take up the whole morning / take up too much room20. creature : any living thing that is not a plant / living creatures21. outer : on the outside / outer space22. adult : a person who has grown to the full size23. go wrong : to make a mistake ; to end badly ; to stop working properlyThings started going wrong when the park was hit by the storm.Something must have gone wrong with the experiment.The sum is wrong , but I can’t see where I went wrong.Our clock went wrong.He met some bad friends and they helped him to go wrong.24. follow-up : sth. done to continue what has already been started or done25. cruelty : being cruel / cruelty to animalscruel : It’s cruel of sb to do sth / be cruel to sb /26. peace : a time where there is no war , fighting or trouble between people or countriesin peace ( = peacefully ) / in time of peace / at peace ( oppo: at war ) / make peace withbreak the peace27. industry : all the companies that make the same thing ( agriculture )28. owe : to be indebted to as the source of ( IOU )I owe it to you that I am still alive.To what do I owe the honor of your visit ?owing to : because of29. happiness : being happy30. in all : all together31. accept : say “yes” when sb. asks you to have or do sth.32. icy : very cold ; covered with ice33. stay away : not at home34. primary : earliest in time or order of development ; chief , mainprimary school35. leader : a person who guides or directs a group , movement , etc.36. lock sb. up : to make safe by locking the doors37. run after : to chase38. bring sth. back : to return or cause to return39. determine : form a firm intention in the mind ( determination )determine to do40. live : ( of a broadcast ) transmitted while actually happening , not recorded editeda live show / live wires / a live deer41. on the air : broadcasting42. boss : a person who controls a place where people work and tells people what they must do43. comment : words that you say about sth. to show what you thinkmake comments on sth44. action : doing things 行为,行动 ( act )Actions speak louder than words . / come into action / take actionHere immediate action is necessary .the action ( 作用 ) of water on rockThe action ( 情节 ) takes place in Europe.Cf: activity / act /45. think highly / well of : have a good opinion of sb. or sth. ; sing high praise forthink little / badly of / think much of / think nothing ofspeak well / highly / ill ofPolitical leaders were not well thought of.He thinks nothing of your work.46. interview : n. v. ask questions of sb. in an interview47. win :win a battle / a war / a bet / a mat ch / an election / one’s friendshipwin sb sth : By his hard work , he won himself the position of manager.Win sb. over to our view.48. topat the top of a mountain / She’s ( at ) the top of her class in English.shout at the top of one’s voice / on top of / come to the topon the top floor / top ten / drive at top speed49. afford : be able to buy , to spend , to take , to giveI can’t afford a car / to buy a car / to fail the exam.50. escape : ( of sb ) reach freedom ; come out ; avoidescape from the classroomescape punishment / being punished / death51. the crying Minzhi / a young Shakespeare / a Mr. Smith / the Shanghai of the WestThis Smith isn’t at all like the Smith we knew before.52. cause trouble = make troubleIt’s a pity to give you so muc h trouble.I am sorry for putting you to so much trouble.It was good of you to take the trouble to help us.Life is full of troubles.ask for trouble / be in trouble / get into trouble / have trouble in doing ( with ) sth / put sb to the trouble of doing sth / take great trouble to do sthNever trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.53. not just(= only ) …but ( also ) …eg: Not only I but also Jane and Mary are tired of having one examination after another.Not only is the teacher himself interested in football , but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.54. get to know ( come to do ) / get doingI shall get to like them in time, I suppose.Soon he got talking to another passenger.55. marryHe didn’t marry until he was fifty.Jean is going to marry Hubert.He married his daughter to a businessman.If you will marry me ?get married to : His eldest girl got married last month.be married to : How long have you been married ?56. call forI’ll call for you at your house.Success in school calls for much hard work.cf : call on sb./ call at some place / call on sb to do / call up ( ring up ) / call out57.58. df59. df(一)非测试性评价 Unit 51. 根据自我评价根据自己的实际情况回答下列问题,并存入个人学习档案:1) I can talk about an actor, actress or a director, including their career and films with ten sentences or more in about two minutes and write them down. _5_4_3_2_1_2) I can write about a film I have seen in about 100 words. _5_4_3_2_13) I can give my own opinions on what I have seen or what has happened around me. _5_4_3_2_14) I can describe places ( or time ) where ( or when ) something happens with attributive clauses. _5_4_3_2_15 ) I can think of the new words and expressions and use them. _5_4_3_2_12. 小组评价由组长制定学生负责,主治小组反思填写些微评价表,并存入小组学习档案姓名小组发言次数全班发言次数提出问题个数解答问题个数查找资料次数与人合作次数参与活动比上单元增加次数(二)测试性评价1. 完成下面词迷123 4 56789Across1) a fully-grown person or animal (5)3) a play for the theatre, television, radio, etc. (5)6) A ____ is the job that someone does for a long period of their life.(6)7) A ____ is something that you say which expresses your opinion of something. (7)8) The__of a play, film, or television programme is the written form of it.(6)9) A ___ is one of the characters that an actor can play in a film, or play. (4)Down1) An ____ is a prize that a person is given for doing something well.(5)2) A ____ in a play, or film is a part of it in which some events happen in the same place. (5)3) The _____ of a play, or film is the person who describes how it will appear on stage or screen, and who tells the actors what to do. (8)4) An _____ is a woman whose job is acting in plays or films. (7)5) People refer to an imaginary animal or being as a ____. (8)( 我在_____ 分钟猜出 ___ 单词)2. 用关系代词, 关系副词或介词+关系代词填空:California, ________ official nickname is the Golden State, is one of the fastest growing states in the United States. It cover an area of great physical diversity ( 多样性 ) ________ ________ uplands dominate ( 占重要地位 ) the landscape. The first people ________ explored and settled California were the Spaniards, ________ gave Spanish names to its two great cities, Los Angles and San Francisco. 1849 was the year _______ Americans came and so was it the time ________ gold was discovered.The reason ____ the men ____ made movies came to California was that the weather here is fine. The sun allowed them to take pictures outdoors nearly every day in the year. Hollywood, ____lies in the northwestern part of the city of Los Angles, became the movie capital of the world. When oil was discovered, people came to work in the oil field. World War II was the period ______ many large airplane factories were built in California.California, the coastline ________ ________ is 1,200 miles long on the Pacific Ocean, is also one of the country’s leaders in commerci al fishing.The highest mountain in California is Mt Whitney, a 14,494-foot-high granite peak, __ __ one can look down on Death Valley to the east, the lowest point in the United States.。
高一英语教案:上学期unit 5
Unit 5 The silver screen Teaching aims and demands:1.Knowledge objectivesNew words and expressions2.Ability objectivesMake the students the real masters in class while the teacher acts as the director.Use effective learning methods to optimize the students’learning results.3.Moral objectivesTalk about films: famous actors and directorsMake comments and give opinions on filmsLove our countryTeaching difficulties:1.Retell the passage according to the keywords.2.Group discussionTeaching resources:TV set, computer, tape-recorderTeaching procedure1.Warming up and speakingStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Talking (using computer)Look at the pictures that are taken from different films. Describe the pictures and then discuss the following questions with your partnerWhat is happening in this scene?What do you think happens before this scene?What do you think happens after this scene?What kind of film do you think this is?Step 3. ReadingRead the speaking part to find outWhy they chose to be an actor or an actress?Step 4.PracticeWhat will you do after you graduate?Step 5. HomeworkNew words and expressions2. Reading Getting to know Steven SpielbergStep1. GreetingStep2.Lead-inHave you seen the film Jaws and ET?Do you want to know who is their director?Step3.Listening (using computer)Listen to the tape and answer two questions.1.What was Spielberg’s dream?2.How important is his family to Spielberg’s career? Step4. ReadingRead the passage loudly to get the main idea.Step5. Retell the passage according to the key words. Step6. Have an interview between Spielberg and a reporter. Step7.Have a discussionWhat can we learn from Spielberg?Step8. Key points.1.take off2.go wrong3.owe sth to sb4.in all5.stay away6.lock sb up7.run after8.bring sb back9.on the air10.think highly ofStep9. HomeworkRetell the passageEnable to make sentences using the key points. Teaching time 4 periodsBlackboard designPostscript: This class is very successful. The students have learned a lot about some famous films.。
高一英语 Unit5《The silver screen第五课时》精品教案 旧人教版第一册
The Fifth Period The attributive ClauseTeaching Aims:1. Review the Attibutive Clause learnt before.2. Master the usages and functions of the relative pronouns and adverbs.3.Master the usages of“pr ep.+the relative pron oun”.Teaching Important Points:1. The usages of the relative pronouns.2. The usages of the relative adverbs.Teaching Difficult Points:1.The choice of the relative pronouns and adverbs.2.The choice of the prepositions in the Attributive Clause.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2.the blackboardTeaching Methods:review,explanation.inductive methodsTeaching Procedures:Step I GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step II Revision(Teacher lets students look at some typical mistakes in the sentences on the screenso as to draw the subject of this lesson, and then asks some of them to find out the mistakes in them and try to correct them.)T:Please look at the screen and find out the mistakes in the sentences and try to correct them.1.A biologist is a person who he has a great knowledge of biology.2.The poor boy whom lost both his patents last year lives with his grandmother.3.The family which have lost everything in a big fire got much help from his frieflds.Yesterday we went to visit the house where the great writer used to live in.T: Who can tell me the mistake in the first sentence? Sun Yao, please?S1:Please leave out the subject “he”in the clause.Because “he”is replaced by “wh o” in the Attributive Clause.T:Very good.What about the second one?S2:“Who” is used as the subject, while “whom is on ly used as the object in theAttributive Clause.So “who” should be used instead of “whom”.I think.T:Right.Now look at the third sentence.Who can find out the mistake in it?S3:Let me try.“Who” or “that” should be used.While “which” should be usedhere.Because “which” refers to things not persons.T:Quite right.Now look at the fourth one.Any volunteer?S4:“Where” can't be used in this sentence.We should use “that” or “which”as the object of the preposition “in”.But we can also correct the sentenceby leaving out the word “in”.T:Very good.Generally speaking,it’s hard for you to choose a proper relativepronoun or adverb.Only when you know something about the function of each relative pronoun or adverb can you choose the right one to introduce an Attributive Clause.Step Ⅱ Su m up the Use of the RelativesT:Today let’s sum up the structure of the Attributive Clause and the usages of t11e relative pronouns and adverbs.An Attributive Clause serves as an attribute to some noun or pronoun in the main clause.1、his noun or pronoun is called the antecedent.The clause is often placed after the antecedent.The Attributive Clauseis introduced by the relative pronouns and the relative adverbs.Call you tell me what they are?S5:The relative pronouns are:that,which,who, whom,whose and the relative adverbs are:when.where and why.(Write them on the blackboard.)T:Very good.As you know,the relativePronoun “that” or“which” referring to a thing is used as the subject or the object in the Attributive Clause,“that”,“who”or“whom” referring to a person is used as the object,while “that”or “who”call also play the function of subject in the Attributive Clause.The relative pronoun“whose”referring to“a person”or“a thing”is used as an attribute after either a verb or a preposition.The relative adverbs are used as the adverbial a clause.Sowhen you choose a relative, you must find out the antecedent and know its function in the Attributive Clause.This is the key to choose the relative correctly. Now look at the examples on the screenThis is the church that/ which was burnt down ten years ago.(subject)He is the boy (that/ who/ whom) I talked go just now. (object)This is the factory where he worked ten years ago. (adverbial)He is the boy whose family was poor. (attribute)Where is the book whose cover is red? (attribute)T: Now look at the diagram. You’d better remember it.(Show the diagram on the screen.)T:The relative pronouns are used as objects either after verbs or after prepositions.When they are used as the objects of prepositions,the position of the prepositions must be paid attention to.The preposition usually follows theverb in spoken English.“who”“whom”“that”or“which”cart be used and they are usually omitted, in spoken English. Please look at the examples on the screen.The teacher (who/ whom/ that) I learnt most from was Mrs Zhu.The teacher from whom I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.The painting which I looked at was painted by Van Gogh.The painting at which I liked was painted by Van Gogh.T:If the preposition is used before the relative pronoun,“which”or“whom”can only be used while“who”or“that” mustn't be used.“Which”or“whom”can'tbe omitted, either.(Bb:prep.+ whom/which)However, if the phrasal verbs are madeup of“v.+prep.”,they can't be separated,that is,the preposition can’t be placed before the relative pronouns.(Bb:v.+ prep.) Please look at the example on the blackboard. (Bb:The girl whom/that they are 100king for is Li Ping’s sister.)S6;It is hard for us to choose a proper preposition.Can you explain this to us, Mr Liu?T:OK.We must choose it according to the antecedent or the verb in the Attributive clause.I’11 g ive you tow examples.Look at the screen.please.This is the house in which they used to live.Do you still remember the day on which we visited the Great Wall together?In the first sentence,the preposition “in”is chosen according to the predicate verb “li ve” in the Attribu tive Clause. We can say “live in theho use”.In the second one,the preposition “on”is chosen according to the antecedent “day”.We can say “on the day”.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.There is another problem you I should also pay attention to when the relative pronoun is used as subject in the clause,the verb in it must agree with t11e antecedentin person and number.Look at the sentences on the screen, please.The book which lies on the desk is mine.The books which lie on the desk are mine.This is one of the best hovels that have appeared this year.He is the only one of the boys who was praised.T:If the antecedent is “one of十(pl.)n.”and the relative pronoun is used as the subject in the clause,the predicate verb must be the plural form.If the antecedentis “the only one of+(p l.)n.”,the predicate verb must be the single form.Yon can see this from the last two sentences on the screen.Are you clear about that? Step Ⅳ Practice lT:Now le t’s do some exercises to consolidate the usages of the Attributive Clause.Please look at the screen.I.Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.1.These are the people whom they say are fools.2.There are many people want to go there.3.Jim is one of the students who hasn’t passed the exam.4.Bill is standing at the side of the car,talking to the two men who was helping him to repair it.5.I don't know the person about that they are talking.6.Do you still remember the days which we worked together?7.The students who their homes are far away live in the school.8.The girl whom is dressed in red is my sisterAnswers:1.whom→who 2.Add “who”after “people” 3.hasn’t→haven’t4.was→are5.that→whom 6.which→when(or:add “in” before “which”)7. who their→whose 8.whom→whoⅡ.Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.1.In the dark street, there wasn’t a sing le person ________she could turn for help.A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom2.Is this factory _______we visited last year? ;A.where B.in whichC.the one D.at which3.Is this the factory _______your father works?A.in which B.of whichC.which D.in that4.My family _____are a11 music lovers will go to the concert.A.w11icll B.thatC.who D.in which5.These are the tools ________we work.A.with these B.by theseC.by which D.with which6.Is this the school _______they used to study?A.where B.thatC.on which D.the one7.Is there any fruit shop nearby ________we can buy some fruit?A.at that B.at whereC.which D.at which8.The building _________all elder university teachers prefer looks so beautiful A.at which B.whereC.which D.in which9. I see no reason _______ this cannot be done right now.A.but B.whyC.how D.which10.The teacher _______is at the desk over there.A.you should talk toB.you are to talkC.you to whom will talkD.whom you’re talking11.This was the supermarket ________I bought this kind of tin.A.where B. thatC.who D.which12.Do you know the actor _______you saw playing Hamlet is now doing King Lear?A.who B. whomC.whose D.which13.I’m one of the student _________well in English in my class.A.who does B.who doC.who has D.whose had14.He is the only one of the three __________got the new idea.A.who have B.whom haveC.who has D.whose hadAnswers:1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5. D 6.A 7. D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11A 12.B13. B 14. CIII. Choose the proper prepositions to fill in the blanks.1. The fox _______ which the chicks were killed was shot.2. The building _______ which he has lived was built many years ago.3. The man _______ whom I learnt the news is an engineer.4. The village has a very big tree _______ which the villagers often have meetings.5. That’s the question ________ which the class will have a discussion.Answers:1. by2. in3. from4. under5. aboutStep V HomeworkReview the usages of the relative pronouns and adverbs.Step VI The Design of the writing on the BlackboardThe Fifth PeriodThe Attributive ClauseThe relative pronouns:That, which, who, whom, whoseThe relative adverbs:when, where, whyprep.+ whom/ whichThe girl whom/ that they are looking for is Li Ping’s sister.(v.+ prep.)。
unit5 silver screenTeaching Goals:1.Talk about films, famous actors and directors.2.Practise making comments and giving opinionse the Attributive Clause with prepositions such as in which, with whome the Attributive Clause with relative adverbs where, when, whye new words and expressions6.Write a film reviewTeaching Time: 5 periodsPeriod 1. Warming – up and ListeningTeaching Aims:1.Train students’ listening and speaking abilities2.Get students know something about filmsTeaching Import Points:Talk about films, famous actors, film directors and film typesTeaching Difficult Points:How to improve students’ listening abilityTeaching Aids:A tape , a computerTeaching Procedures:Step1. Daily greetingsStep2. Lead inT: In the Unit4, we have experienced some exciting moments by reading articles. This week, we can also enjoy some exciting and interesting scenes. However, this time, we’ll experience them by watch ing films. Do you like it?Ss: yesStep3. Warming – up(Teaching Ss a new word about film, before asking each question. )T: First, I want to have a survey to see whether you are true film fans. Have you see the movie “Hero”?①Who is the director? Here “director” means “导演”(Zhang Yimou)② What role does the actor, Cheng Daoming, play in the movie? Here “actor” means “演员” (the Emperor Qing Shihuang)③Which actress plays the leading role in the movie? Here “role” means “角色” (Maggie Cheung Zhang Mangyu)④When was this scene of story set? Here “scene” means “场景” (in the Qing Dynasty)⑤Do you know where was the studio of the film “Hero” set? Here “studio” means “摄影棚” (Heng Dian Town)⑥Who is the writer of the script of “Hero”? Here “script” means “剧本” (Wang Bing)⑦ Does this film have any follow-ups? Here “follow-up” means “续集” (No)⑧Does it win any Oscar Award? Here “Oscar Award”means “奥斯卡奖” (No)Step4. Word studyT: From this survey, I can see most of you have a good knowledge of film. Actually, watching films is a good way to learn English. Just now, we learned some new words about movies. Please read after me. Now, please turn to p32. Use these new words to complete sentences.(Then check the answers, and ask Ss to translate 4th, 6th sentence)Step5. Pre-listening(Show a poster of film on the Powerpoint, before asking each question)T: As a true film fans, one must have seen many classical movies. Do you know the name of these films?①(Titanic) I think you must be familiar with this film. Then do you know, which type of film does it belong to? (It’s an affecti onal film. I think it’s the favorite of most girls, isn’t it? )② (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙)I believe boys are most fond of action films. What’s this film?③(Jurassic Park) then, when you want to seek stimulation, which kind of film do you want to watch?T: For me, I think I’ll choose the horror film. Do you know its name?④(The Passion of The Christ ) Many adult like to see ethical movies, because it can make them think about their lives or other serious issues. What’s the title of this film?⑤Which type of film do children like to watch?T: Yes, cartoon. Sometimes, we also call it animation film. Here are some cartoons. Mulan, Shrek2, NalutoT: of cause, there’re some other types of film. Can you guess among these, which kind of film do I like most?T: Actually, I like cartoon most, because there’re no difficult y for me to understand the story. And I’ll feel relaxed after seeing it. My favorite film is “Finding Nemo”. The film was directed by Pimax Studio. It’s about two separate fishes, the father fish and the son, who try their best to reunion. I appreciate the movie a lot, because it’s funny. And the images of roles are quite lovely. T:…Which type of film do you like best?What’s it about?How do you think about it?Step7. ConclusionT: In this class, we’ve done some listen. And we also talked about some films and famous directors. After class, you can talk about other film with your classmates. Step8. HomeworkPeriod 2. ReadingTeaching Aims:1. Train the students reading ability2. Get students know Steven Spielberg as a film director3.Learn some new words and phrases.Teaching Important Points:1.How to make the students understand the reading text better.2.Learn and master the following phrases:Work on, take off, cut…into pieces, win over, owe…to…Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to analyze and summarize the whole passageTeaching Aids: a computerTeaching Procedures:Step1. Daily GreetingStep2. Lead InT: Last time, we talked about some knowledge of films. Do you still remember the name of some types of films?Ss: A ffectional film, action film…T :( S how a poster of ET) it’s a poster of the film ET. According to this picture, can you guess which kind of film does it belong to?Ss: science fiction filmT: (show a poster of Jaws) then, what’s the name of this film?Ss: JawsT: (show a poster of Jurassic Park) what abut this film?Ss: Jurassic Park, horror filmT: Then can any one tell me,① what is happening in this scene? (A dinosaur is lying on the ground, and some people are staying with it.)②What do you think happens before this scene? (These people were very to see this dinosaur.)③What do you think happens after this scene? (A woman found the dinosaur was ill, and she wanted to take care of it.)T: Let’s watch the film to see whether the director thought the same with you. (Play video)Step3. SkimmingT: These three films are all made by the same director. Do you know who is he? Ss: SpielbergT: Yes. Spi elberg is a famous director in America. He made several films before he was 16. In the beginning, he created scenes with toys. But later, he wrote scripts and worked with actress. Do you want to know something more about Steven Spielberg? Now, please look at the reading text on p31. Please read the passage quickly to get the general idea and t ry to answer the questions on the screen.Questions:① how many films are mentioned in the passage? What are the manes of the films?②what was Spielberg’s dream?③ why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?Suggested answers:1.Five. They are “Jaws ET Jurassic Park Schindler’s List and Saving Priva teRyan”.2.His dream was to go to Film Academy.3.Because they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. ) Step4. Careful ReadingT: now, please read the first and second paragraphs carefully, and try to find out the basic information, such as his family, childhood, and so on. After that, please fill in this tableT: yes. From the first sentence. Let’s pay attention to this sentence. T his is an attributive clause. “Whose” is the relative pronoun. When we translate this sentence, we can translate the main clause first. eg.斯皮尔伯格出生在1946年的一个美国的一个小村镇,他的母亲是个音乐教师。
高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第五课时)教案 大纲第一册
〖The Fifth Period〗之小船创作The attributive ClauseTeaching Aims:1. Review the Attibutive Clause learnt before.2. Master the usages and functions of the relative pronouns and adverbs.3.Master the usages of“pr ep.+the relative pron oun”.Teaching Important Points:1. The usages of the relative pronouns.2. The usages of the relative adverbs.Teaching Difficult Points:1.The choice of the relative pronouns and adverbs.2.The choice of the prepositions in the Attributive Clause.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2.the blackboardTeaching Methods:review,explanation.inductive methodsTeaching Procedures:Step I GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step II Revision(Teacher lets students look at some typical mistakes in the sentences on the screen so as to draw the subject of this lesson, and then asks some of them to find out the mistakes in them and try to correct them.)T:Please look at the screen and find out the mistakes in the sentences and try to correct them. 1.A biologist is a person who he has a great knowledge of biology.2.The poor boy whom lost both his patents last year lives with his grandmother.3.The family which have lost everything in a big fire got much help from his frieflds.Yesterday we went to visit the house where the great writer used to live in.T: Who can tell me the mistake in the first sentence? Sun Yao, please?S1:Please leave out the subject “he”in the clause.Because “he” is replaced by “wh o” in the Attributive Clause.T:Very good.What about the second one?S2:“Who”is used as the subject, while “whom is on ly used as the object in theAttributive Clause.So “who”should be used instead of “whom”.I think.T:Right.Now look at the third sentence.Who can find out the mistake in it?S3:Let me try.“Who”or “that”should be used.While “which” should be usedhere.Because “which”refers to things not persons.T:Quite right.Now look at the fourth one.Any volunteer? S4:“Where”can't be used in this sentence.We should use “that” or “which”as the object of the preposition “in”.But we can also correct the sentence by leaving out the word “in”.T:Very good.Generally speaking,it’s hard for you to choose a proper relative pronoun or adverb.Only when you know something about the function of each relative pronoun or adverb can you choose the right one to introduce an Attributive Clause.Step Ⅱ Su m up the Use of the RelativesT:Today let’s sum up the structure of the Attributive Clause and the usages of t11e relative pronouns and adverbs.An Attributive Clause serves as an attribute to some noun or pronoun in the main clause.1、his nounor pronoun is called the antecedent.The clause is often placed after the antecedent.The Attributive Clause is introduced by the relative pronouns and the relative adverbs.Call you tell me what they are?S5:The relative pronouns are:that,which,who, whom,whose and the relative adverbs are:when.where and why.(Write them on the blackboard.)T:Very good.As you know,the relativePronoun “that” or“which” referring to a thingis used as the subject or theobject in the Attributive Clause,“that”,“who”or“whom” referring to a person is used as the object,while “that”or “who”call also play the function of subject in the Attributive Clause.The relative pronoun“whose”referring to“a person”or“a thing”is used as an attribute after eithera verb or a preposition.The relative adverbs are usedas the adverbial a clause.So when you choose arelative, you must find out the antecedent and know itsfunction in the Attributive Clause.This is the key to choose the relative correctly. Nowlook at the examples on the screenThis is the church that/ which was burnt down ten yearsago.(subject)He is the boy (that/ who/ whom) I talked go just now. (object)This is the factory where he worked ten years ago. (adverbial)He is the boy whose family was poor. (attribute)Where is the book whose cover is red? (attribute)T: Now look at the diagram. You’d better remember it.(Show the diagram on the screen.)T:The relative pronouns are used as objects either after verbs or after prepositions.When they are used as the objects of prepositions,the position of the prepositions must be paid attention to.The preposition usually follows theverb in spoken English.“who”“whom”“that”or“which”cart be used and they are usually omitted, in spoken English. Please look at the examples on the screen.The teacher (who/ whom/ that) I learnt most from was Mrs Zhu.The teacher from whom I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.The painting which I looked at was painted by Van Gogh.The painting at which I liked was painted by Van Gogh.T:If the preposition is used before the relative pronoun,“which”or“whom” can only be used while “who”or“that” mustn't be used.“Which”or“whom”can't be omitted, either.(Bb:prep.+ whom/which)However, if the phrasal verbs are made up of“v.+prep.”,they can't be separated,that is,the preposition can’t be placed before the relative pronouns.(Bb:v.+ prep.) Please look at the example on the blackboard. (Bb:The girl whom/that they are 100king for is Li Ping’s sister.)S6;It is hard for us to choose a proper preposition.Can you explain this to us, Mr Liu?T:OK.We must choose it according to the antecedent or the verb in the Attributive clause.I’11 g ive you tow examples.Look at the screen.please.This is the house in which they used to live.Do you still remember the day on which we visited the Great Wall together?In the first sentence,the preposition “in” is chosen according to the predicate verb “li ve” in the Attributive Clause. We can say “live in the ho use”.In the second one,the preposition “on”is chosen according to the antecedent “day”.We can say “on the day”.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.There is another problem you I should also pay attention to when the relative pronoun is used as subject in the clause,the verb in it must agree with t11e antecedent in person and number.Look at thesentences on the screen, please.The book which lies on the desk is mine.The books which lie on the desk are mine.This is one of the best hovels that have appeared this year.He is the only one of the boys who was praised.T:If the antecedent is “one of十(pl.)n.”and the relative pronoun is used as the subject in the clause,the predicate verb must be the plural form.If the antecedent is “the only one of+(p l.)n.”,the predicate verb must be the single form.Yon can see this from the last two sentences on the screen.Are you clear about that?Step Ⅳ Practice lT:Now le t’s do some exercises to consolidate the usages of the Attributive Clause.Please look at the screen.I.Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.1.These are the people whom they say are fools.2.There are many people want to go there.3.Jim is one of the students who hasn’t passed the exam.4.Bill is standing at the side of the car,talking to the two men who was helping him to repair it.5.I don't know the person about that they are talking.6.Do you still remember the days which we worked together?7.The students who their homes are far away live in the school.8.The girl whom is dressed in red is my sisterAnswers:1.whom→who 2.Add “who”after “people”3.hasn’t→haven’t4.was→are5.that→whom 6.which→when(or:add “in”before “which”)7. who their→whose 8.whom→whoⅡ.Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.1.In the dark street, there wasn’t a sing le person ________she could turn for help.A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom2.Is this factory _______we visited last year? ;A.where B.in whichC.the one D.at which3.Is this the factory _______your father works? A.in which B.of whichC.which D.in that4.My family _____are a11 music lovers will go to the concert.A.w11icll B.thatC.who D.in which5.These are the tools ________we work.A.with these B.by theseC.by which D.with which6.Is this the school _______they used to study?A.where B.thatC.on which D.the one7.Is there any fruit shop nearby ________we can buy some fruit?A.at that B.at whereC.which D.at which8.The building _________all elder university teachers prefer looks so beautifulA.at which B.whereC.which D.in which9. I see no reason _______ this cannot be done right now.A.but B.whyC.how D.which10.The teacher _______is at the desk over there. A.you should talk toB.you are to talkC.you to whom will talkD.whom you’re talking11.This was the supermarket ________I bought this kind of tin.A.where B. thatC.who D.which12.Do you know the actor _______you saw playing Hamletis now doing King Lear? A.whoB. whomC.whose D.which13.I’m one of the student _________well in Englishin my class.A.who does B.who doC.who has D.whose had14.He is the only one of the three __________gotthe new idea.A.who have B.whom haveC.who has D.whose hadAnswers:1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5. D 6.A 7. D 8.C 9.B10.A 11A 12.B13. B 14. CIII. Choose the proper prepositions to fill in theblanks.1. The fox _______ which the chicks were killed wasshot.2. The building _______ which he has lived was builtmany years ago.3. The man _______ whom I learnt the news is an engineer.4. The village has a very big tree _______ which the villagers often have meetings.5. That’s the question ________ which the class will have a discussion.Answers:1. by2. in3. from4. under5. aboutStep V HomeworkReview the usages of the relative pronouns and adverbs.Step VI The Design of the writing on the BlackboardThe Fifth PeriodThe Attributive ClauseThe relative pronouns:That, which, who, whom, whoseThe relative adverbs:when, where, whyprep.+ whom/ whichThe girl whom/ that they are looking for is Li Ping’s sister.(v.+ prep.)。
高中英语 unit5 The Silver Screen教案 新人教版必修1
The Silver Screen-------(必修一 unit 5 人教新课标)The Teaching Plan For The 2nd PeriodReading: Getting to know Steven Spielberg1. Teaching goals1.1Target Language:Enable the students to understand and use the following key words and expressions:script, actor,actress, academy, studio, blockbuster, creature, outer, adults, follow-up, cruelty, peace, industry, happiness, take off, cut sth. into pieces, do research, win over, go wrong, owe sth. to sb., in all.1.2 Ability goals:a. Enable the students to make comments and give opinions on films, actors and directors.b. Enable the students to improve the skills of reading a text as a whole.1.3 Moral goals:Students are divided into different groups. Each group member will play a different role to talk about films and directors. Each group member should be involved and knowhis/her role well. Through these activities students should learn to be involved, cooperate and solve problems. By learning this text student s should know there isn’t any smooth and easy way to any success or achievement.2. Teaching important points:a. Give opinions and comments on films, famous actors and directors in their own words.b. Improve the students' reading ability by finishing some reading tasks.3. Teaching difficult points:a. Let the students know the way to success of the famous director Steven Spielberg.b. Let the students learn to realize their dreams through hard work and perseverance.4. Teaching methods:a. Reading, discussing and question-and-answering activities to help the students go through with the text.b. Pair work or group work to practice speaking and check their understanding of the text.5. Teaching aidsA tape recorder, a projector, and a computer with Powerpoint 2003.6. Teaching Procedures & ways:(A detailed lesson plan for the reading part)Step 1 PresentationLet the students talk about the films that they have ever seen.Let the students talk about the films, actors and directors they like best.T: Now we are going to talk about film today. All of us are fond of films, especially the students I think. Here are a few questions:What do we call the man who plays the film? (an actor)What do we call the woman who plays the film? (an actress)What do we call the person who directs the film? (a film director)Have you ever seen the film HERO? It is a wonderful film, isn't it? Do you know who is the actor? (Li Lianjie)And who is actress?(Zhang Zhiyi) .And who is the director of this film?(Zhang Yimou, a famous director in China of the films such as Hero, Not One Less, etc.)Step 2 Pre-readingAsk the students to read the title and look at the pictures, and then guess:Q: What is the text about?(This text will be about Steven Spielberg and his films. When we are reading about films, we will probably find information about people who play in films, people who make films, and read what films are about.)T: Today we will get to know a famous film director, whose name is Steven Speilberg. He is an American. And he is one of the top film directors in the world. Before reading the text, mark each paragraph with a number, please.Step 3 Fast Reading1. Give the students about six minutes to read the text and try to find the answers to the questions:a. What is the main idea of the text?The text is mainly about . (C)A. Steven Spielberg's family lifeB. Steven Spielberg's as an actorC. Steven Spielberg's as a film directorD. Steven Spielberg's successful filmsb. How many of Steven Spielberg's movies are mentioned in the passage? And what are they?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8 (B)Firelight (When did he make this film? 1946+16=1962)Jaws(1975) ET(1982) Jurassic Park Schindler's List Saving Private Ryan2. Pair work: Ask the students to collect the information about Steven Spielberg .(1) What happened to Steven Spielberg in the following years?(Scan the first paragraph and try to find the informationby the time clue.)1946 He was born..1958 He made his first film.1959 He won a prize for a short film. (when he was 13 years old.)1962 He made the film Firelight. (when ha was 16.)(2) What do you know about Steven Spielberg? (Fill in the chart below)Name Steven Speilberg Gender maleYear of Birth 1946 Place of Birth A small town in America Occupation director , producer and screenwriterEducation California State University at Long BeachFather Electrical Mother a music teacherName of his wife Cate Capshaw Occupation an actressOral composition:Say something about Steven Spielberg in a few sentences by the chart above.Suggested answer: Steven Spielberg was born in a small town in America in 1946. He once graduated from the California State University at Long Beach. Now he is a famous director, producer, and screenwriter. His father was an electrical engineer and his mother a music teacher. His wife, Cate Capshaw , is an actress.(3) What are Spielberg's films about?Jaws(1975): about a big white shark that attacks and eats swimmersET(1982): about a young boy who makes friends with a small creature from outer space and helps him to find a way to go home.Jurassic Park (1993): about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaursSchindler's List(1993): a bout the cruelty of war, or a German who saved thousands of Jewish people from being killed in the war.Saving Private Ryan(1998): a bout the cruelty of war, or anAmerican captain who led his team to search for a soldier named Ryan.Step 4 Detailed Reading1. Read the text again, and then ask and answer the following question in pairs.a. What was Spielberg's dream when he was young?b. Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?c. When did Speilberg's career really take off?d. Why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?e. How important is his family to Spielberg's career? Suggested Answers:a. Going to the Film Academy.b. Because his grades were too poor(low) to go the Film Academy.c. After he got a small job at a film studio, where he became the youngest film director.d. They remembered the scene in which people were eaten by the shark.e. He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.2. What can be inferred from the passage? (C)(After reading a passage, you should learn to make some judgements, to draw something from the text.)A. All of Spielberg's films are real blockbusters. (Jaws Really is.)B. Learning English well plays a very important role in one's success.C. Spielberg has a gift for directing films.D. Behind every successful man there must be a great woman. Step 5 Discussion in groupsThe nearest four students can make up a group for the discussion. You must decide whether this idea is right or wrong, and then give us your reasons.It is easy for Steven Spielberg to be a successful director. Right or Wrong? And Why?Suggested answer: Wrong. From the first paragraph, we know that Spielberg was interested in film from a very early age, but he could not go to the Film Academy to realize his dream. He had to study a different subject , but he didn't give up. After graduation he came back to his favorite film. Hard work and perseverance bought him to the position that he holds now. Spielberg has made some famous films. From watching and understanding Speilberg's films, we can know that he wishesthe world not to be at war but in peace. Even when he was famous and successful, he said that he owned much of his success to his wife and children. So we know there isn't a smooth and easy way to any success or achievement. And so it is with our study. We must work hard in order to make progress in our study.Step 6 Word study1. The phrase "take off" in Paragraph 2 has the same meaning as the one in . (C)A. The plane crashed soon after it took off.B. He took off his hat and said hello to me.C. After Streep won her first Oscar as Best Actress, her career took off.D. When his wife was sick in hospital, he took off from work.2. It must have come from outer space. I have never seen sucha strange in my life.A. animalB. humanC. creatureD. people (C, a living thing)3. Having been at war for eight years, the people of that country want nothing but .A. crueltyB. kindnessC. friendshipD. peace (D)4. Work and taking care of the family are the two mostimportant things in life.A. manB. kidC. teenageD.adult (D)5. The young man his success to many people, hisparents in particular.A. givesB. owesC. sharesD.devotes (B)6. There are forty-eight students in our class .(C = in total)A. at allB. after allC. in allD.of allStep7 A summaryToday we have learnt about a famous film director StevenSpielberg, his life experience, his films, his way to success,and so on. If you want to know something more about Spielbergand his films, you may turn to Page 164---165 and read theNotes to the text.Step 8 Contents on the BlackboardGetting to know Steven Spielbergactor: the man who plays a filmactress: the woman who plays a filmdirector: the person who direct a filmtake off: become successful. (When Li Yuchun joined in the competition for the Supergirl, her career of singing took off.)career: the job you do during your working life. (I like to teach you English and I will be an English teacher for my whole life. So you can say my career is being an English teacher.)creature: a living thingowe…to…: Our parent bring us up, send us to the school and give us what we want, such as clothes, food, money, good living conditions and so on. So we owe our success to our parents, as Steven Spielberg owes his success and happiness to his wife and children.in all: in total。
Unit5TheSilverScreen(新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)Period 1.Warning –up and Listening DateTeaching objectives and demands:1.The activity is designed to encourage students to Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class and activate relevant vocabulary.nguage use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice3. Interview the headmaster and other teacher about the school rules and the ways to learn all the subjectsKey points:Goal: In this lesson, students will enhance their listening and speaking abilities through talking about films.Objectives:1. In this lesson, students will be able to describe the movie pictures2. In this lesson, students will be able to catch the main idea of the listening material and specific details according to the requirement.Material/resources: blackboard, tape-recorder, tape, textbookTeaching procedures:Step 1 Free talk1. T: Do you like seeing films?Do you often go to the cinema to see films or just stay at home to see films on TV?This summer what films did you see?(ask students to discuss and answer these questions)2. T: Good films are always popular all over the world. People from different countries, with different background all like films.In this unit, we’ll focus on the silver screen, talking about successful films, famous actors and actresses, and great directors.Step 2 Warming up1. T: There are different kinds of films. What kind of film do you like?Write students answers on the blackboard. (comedy, action, animation, horror, historical, war, science-fiction…)2. Ask students to look at the picture of HeroT: Is this picture quite familiar to you? I believe most of you have seen this film, for it is directed by Zhang Yimou and acted by many movie stars. Can you tell me what kind of film it is based on your knowledge?Ask students to describe the picture with questions below Q1: What is happening in the scene?Q2: What do you think happens before this scene?Q3: What do you think happens after this scene?3. Group discussionDivide the whole class into 3 groups, each group discussing one of the rest three pictures in the text through their observation and imagination.Step 3 Listening practice (in the workbook)1.Brief introduction: You will hear three conversations in which some people are talking about their favorite films and film directors. Listen careful and complete the chart below.2.Ask students to go over the chart, and know what type of information they will listen for and what they should note down. Then listen to the tape for a first time, and try to understand the general meaning of this material, and pay special attention to specific information.3.Listen for the second time and write down the informationaccording to the requirement of the exercise.4. Listen for the third time and check the information and the teacher does some explanation if necessary.Jennifer Alex JamesTitle of the film AI Spiderman ShowerDirector Steven Spielberg Sam Raimi Zhang YangWhat is the film about? A robot that wants love and becomes a real boy. The good fighting against the bad. An old bathhouse where people make friends. When the bath-house close, friendships are lost forever,His/Her opinion It’s a simple but strong story. It’s very exciting and funny. It’s a sad film.5. Ask students whether they have seen any of the films Jennifer, Alex and James talk about or other films directed by the film directors they mention. Give opinion about these films.Step 4 ClosureLead the whole class to discuss and give opinions about films they have seen.Assignment1. Read new words and expressions in Unit5.2. Cooperate in groups of 3-4, think about a scene if they direct a film, and then write a short dialogue of that film scene and act it out.Step 5. Homework(1) Finish off the exercises of Unit 5 in the workbook.(2) Revise the key points of this unit.(3)List the friend they get to know in class and write down some thing they want to know.Evaluation of teaching:Period 2. Listening and Speaking DateTeaching aim and requirements (教学目标和要求)Goal: In this lesson, students will develop the knowledge of Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves.In this lesson, students will practise their skills of interviewing.Objectives:1.In this lesson, students will be able to retell the life of Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves.2.In this lesson, students will be able to complete a chart related to the text.3.In this lesson, students will be able to act out an interview.Emphases of teaching(教学重难点)1、 How to make the students be active to express their own ideas.2、 How to help the students understand the long sentence in the text.Teaching aids(教学手段) Multimedia in English teaching and learning(多媒体手段教学)Teaching Procedures(教学过程)Material/resources: blackboard, tape-recorder, tape, textbookProceduresStep 1 Lead in1. T: In last lesson, we talked a lot about films. Of course those films are very popular and successful. What does the success of the films bring to actors or actresses?(Ss: money, fame, reputation,…and interview)2. T: What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor or an actress?Ask students to discuss in groups and collect as many questions as possible.Step 2 Listening (on P29)a. Ask students to look at questions in the listening part, and listen for the general idea and find out the answer to the question: Who are the two speakers?b. Ask students to listen for the second time and find out the specific information to the following questions and fill in the blanks.1. What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up?It was a small town far from the big city .2. What did he want to be when he was a student?He wanted to be a teacher .3. What was the reason why Malcolm studied law?The reason his father wanted him to study law .4. When did Malcolm really start his career in the theatre?When Malcolm met Fiona, he started his career in the theatre .5. Why was the film called The Dream Machine important to Malcolm?It was important because he did not have any experience .c. Check students’ answers.Step 3 Speakinga. T: Awards are very important to those actors and actresses, which show the audience’s or experts’ acceptance and appreciation to their performances.Q1 Can you tell me some famous awards to the films in the world?Q2 Can you tell me some famous actors or actresses that have won the Oscar?T: Today we will look at a famous actor and a famous actress who are very successful in their acting career.b. Divide the whole class into 2 groups. Students in Group A read the biography of Merllly Streep while students in Group B read the biography of Keanu Reeves. Then fill in the table below respectively.Name____________________ Schooling______________________Beginning of the acting career__________________ Films________________________Achievement________________________________c. Check the information and explain some words and useful expressions in and below the biographies.1) While still a student, she played roles in many plays.While still a student= while she was still a studentPlay a role in: play a part ineg. Telephones are playing an important role/part in our daily life.2) Meryl Streep made her first film, called Julia in 1977.called Julia: past participle phase used as the attribute to modify film3) Academy Awards (Oscars): the main national film award in the USA. The Awards are granted annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The Awards ceremony takes place in Hollywood every Match.4) a. Interviewer can use following expressions to interview in good orderYou studied/worked/acted at different…First…, and then… Later on… Finally you found a job as…b. Interviewer can pose such questions to the intervieweeWhat did you do next?What made you decide to…?What roles did you act?H ow long have you been working as…?c. InterviewAsk students to work in pairs and imitate CCTV’s interview program-----Life of Art, one acting as the host with suggested expressions in the text and questions When and where were you born? How many films have you acted? Which one is your favorite?One acting as the guest---Merly Streep or Keanu Reeves with information in the short biography and in the Notes in the textbook.Choose some pairs to act out the interview; while one pair is interviewing, the rest of the class act as the audience and can raise questions to the guest.Step 4 Lead students to discuss following questionsWhy ate they so popular and successful?What is needed to be an actor or actress?Would you like to be an actor or actress one day? Why?Assignment: Look at talking exercise on P109 and have a discussion about the copy right.Step 5 HomeworkFinish off the reading in Unit 5Period 3. Reading DateGoal: In this lesson, students will develop the knowledge and understanding Steven Spielberg as a director.In this lesson, students will improve their speaking and reading abilities.Objectives:1. In this lesson, students will be able to analyze and give reasons why DVD should be sold expensive or cheap.2. In this lesson, students will be able to summarize the wholepassage.3. In this lesson, students will be able to identify new words and expressions appeared in the text.Material/resources: textbook, tape-recorder, tape, blackboard, film postersProceduresStep 1 Role-playa. T: Yesterday we mainly dealt with those film actors and actresses, and we also act as two Hollywood stars---Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves. We now have a better understanding of these people, but there is a problem with them. With fast Internet connections and computers with DVD player, people download and watch films onlines. Nobody wants to pay high price for a VCD or DVD; instead, they buy discs for five to ten yuan. So what do you think about this problem? Do you think the DVD should be sold expensive or cheap?b. Ask students in groups of five to act out a TV talk show discussing this problem according to the requirement of Talking exercise1 on P109.Step 2 Pre-readingAsk students to act out the scene in their own film which was assigned two days ago and explain their scene.T: Through your personal experience, you see directing is a very interesting but hard job. Today we will have a close look at one person who takes up this job. Steven Spielberg, a quite outstanding and world-renowned director.Step3 While-reading.a. Show five posters of Steven Spielberg’s films mentioned in the text.(Jaws, ET, Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan)(See Posters on next page)Ask students to discuss in groups and guess what the film is mainly talking about and what the theme of the film is.b. SkimmingAsk students to read Para3-6 quickly and find out the information about these films and compare it to their imagination of the films. Then fill in the chart in Post-reading. (better use attributive clause)Films Information of the filmJaws (1975) Jaw is about…(a big shark that attacks and eats swimmers).ET (1982) (ET is about a little creature that comes from outer space and wants to go home.)Jurassic Park (1993) (Jurassic Park is about an island where a very rich man keeps all kinds of dinosaurs.)Schindler’s List (1993) (Schindler’s List is about the cruelty of war/a German who saved thousands of Jewish people from being killed in the war.)Saving Private Ryan (1998) (Saving Private Ryan is about the cruelty of war/an American captain who led his team to search for a soldier named Ryan.)c. Play the tape and ask students to go through the whole passage, then divide it into several parts and summarize the main idea of each part.Para1: Spielberg’s childhoodPara2: Spie lberg’s beginning of his career as a film director Para3-6: his famous filmsPara7: his secret of success- his familyd. Explain some important words and difficult language points.Script: n. text of a play, film, broadcast, talk, etc eg. a script editorv. write a script for (a film, play etc) eg. a film scripted by a famous novelistWin a prize eg. She won first prize in the 100 meters race.The reason why… is that… eg. The reason why many people want to buy it is that the price is low.Studio: place where cinema films are acted and photographedpl studiosTake off: 1)suddenly become successful or popular eg. The new dictionary has really taken off.2)(of a plane) leave the ground and begin to fly3)leave hurriedly or suddenly eg. When he saw the police coming he took off in the opposite directionblockbuster: book or film strongly promoted by its producers to increase salesAfraid be afraid of sb/sthbe afraid to do sth / be afraid of doing sthbe afraid of ding sth / be afraid+ that clauseI’m afraid…Go wrong: experience trouble eg. The experience went disastrously wrongmake a mistakes eg. If you read the instructions, you’ll see where you went wrong.(of a machine) stop working properlyWhen asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.When asked about…=when he was asked about…Owe…to…:1)recognize sb/sth as the cause or source of sth; be indebted to sb/sth for stheg. He owes his success more to luck than to ability.2)be in debt to sb eg. I owe ten dollars to my father.3 ) feel gratitude to sb eg. We owe our parents a lot.After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.Before:Step 4 Post-readingAsk students to answer questions1-4 in Post-reading.1. Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?2. Why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?3. How important is his family to Spielberg’s career?4. What have you learnt from reading about Spielberg?Step 5 ClosureIn this lesson, we focus on the famous director Steven Spielberg, having some knowledge of his childhood, his films and his family. But what we should do is not to envy him, admiring him about his talent, his achievement, but to learn his spirit, his personality.Lead a class brainstorming of what we can learn from Steven Spielberg, using following sentence patterns.I have learnt that…I think …I realize …Assignment: 1.Do Word-study on P12-13 and Vocabulary on P110.2.Review the attributive clause we have learned in Unit4 and preview the grammar in this Unit.Step 6 HomeworkReview the story and get more information for the computer on the directorTry to write or digest some information from the Internet.Period 4. Grammar DateGoal: In this lesson, students will improve their knowledge of attributive clause.Objectives: 1. In this lesson, students will be able to distinguish the attributive clause.2.In this lesson, students will be able to use the attributive clauses with when, where, why and a relative pronoun with a preposition correctly while making sentences.Material/resources: textbook, blackboard, a film posterProceduresStep1 Homework-checkinga.word study :all the missing words are about films. Can you guess what they are?1.To most actors and actresses, the Oscar is the most important award.2.In Speed,Keanu Reeves played the role of the brave policeman who saved the lives of the people on the bus.3.Who do you think is the best director in China, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige or Feng Xiaogang?4.The script was so well-written that the famous actress accepted the role at once.5.A film studio is the place where films are made.6.While watching Titanic, most people couldn’t help crying when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.7.Film companies often make follow-ups to films that havebeen very successful, such as Speed , Jurassic Park .b.Ask students to check exercises in Vocabulary on P110.Step 2 Lead in1. Ask students some questions such as What Chinese directors do you know? What are their well-known films? Then write down the key words to these questions. Then ask students to use these words to make a sentence using attributive clause, and review attributive clause with pronouns.For example: Zhang Yimou HeroZhang Yimou is the famous director who successfully directed the film Hero.Zhang Yimou whose film Hero is very successful is a famous director in China.Hero is a successful film which /that is directed by Zhang Yimou.2. Ask students to underline the sentences with attributive clause in the reading text and sort them. Then ask them to work in groups to compare the differences between them.Step 3 Attributive clausea..1). Explain the attributive clauses with adverbs where, when, why using sentences in the textbook.Jurassic Park is about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs.1958 was the year when Spielberg made his first real film.The reason why Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was that his grades were too low.Tell Ss : You can join sentences with where when you mean “at that place”, and use when if you mean “at that time”. Sometimes why is used after the word “reason”.2)Then ask them to make sentences using attributive clauseswith where, when and why respectively.3)Ask students to do Exercise1 on P33Complete the following sentences using which, why, where or when.1. Hangzhou is the place where I went last summer.2. He read the book which his sister had told him about.3. The reason why Peter is so happy is that he passed the exam.4. I remember the day when my father died. I was only ten years old at that time.5. Please give me the reason why you were late this time.6. I will go back to the place where I grew up and live there forever.b. 1) Explain the attributive clause with prepositionsThe woman who/whom Spielberg is married to is an actress.The woman to whom Spielberg is married is an actress.Tell Ss: When you use a relative pronoun with a preposition, you have two choices, and placing the preposition before the relative pronoun is more formal.2) Show a film poster and ask students what film it is, and who is the main actor. Then ask them to make sentences by using attributive clauses.For exampleHero is a historical film which Li Lianjie plays the main role in.Hero is a historical film in which Li Lianjie plays the main role.3) Ask students to do Exercise3 on P33-34. Then ask them to answer them in the class.Use a preposition and a relative pronoun, whom/which, to complete the following sentences.1. The book about which I heard was written twenty yearsago.2. The people to whom the man spoke weren’t listening.3. The film during which I fell asleep was very boring.4. The pen with which she wrote that book can now be seen in a museum.5. The little creature in which scientists are interested is known as ET.6. The gun with which he was shot was never found.Step 4 Ask students to choose an actor or an actress or a director they are familiar with and write some information about him or her, encouraging them to use the attributive clause while making sentences.Assignment: Do Exercise2 on P33 in the exercise book and hand it in.Do Exercise1, 2, 3 in the Grammar part on P111.Compose a short passage about an actor or an actress or a director they are familiar with, using the sentences they write in Step6.Step 5 Homework Write some sentences in text with the attributive clausesPeriod 5 Integrating skills and writing DateGoal: In this lesson, students will develop their ability of analyzing and giving opinions.In this lesson, students will improve the multiple skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Objectives: 1. In this lesson, students will be able to comprehend the giving biography of Jackie Chan by answering questions.2. In this lesson, students will be able to tell the elements ofa review.3. In this lesson, students will be able to use some sentence patterns to make sentences to comments on a film.4.In this lesson, students will be able to write a short passage of a film review.Material/resources: textbook, blackboard, tape, tape-recorder,ProceduresStep 1 Homework-checkingAsk some students to read their short passage about a(n) actor/actress/director. After that, the teacher makes comments on their composition, appreciating their works while pointing out their weakness and mistakes and guiding them to check it correctly.Step 2 ReadingT: You have done a good job in writing a biography of a famous person, especially using attributive clauses. Today you will read a biography of another famous person on the silver screen, a Chinese who went to Hollywood to develop his acting career.Ask students to read Movies Across the Pacific on P112 and answer Q1, then discuss Q2-5 in groups.Step 3 Reading and writing-Not One Lessa. Play the tape and ask students what kind of article this text Not One Less is.------a film reviewb. Ask students to read the text Not One Less quickly and complete the table on P35 with the information from the text Title:___________Title______ DireDirector:________________What’s the film about? Tell the story in your own words.Does the film have a happy ending? How?What do you think about the story of the film? Why?How do you feel about the ending of the film? Why?c. The teacher explain some difficult language pointsStep 4 Writinga. Ask students what items we should remember when writing a review about a film.b. Ask students to go through the tips on how to make comments on a film on P35 and have a clear mind of how to write a film review.c. Group discussionAsk 4 students in each group choose a film they have seen and discuss about the film.Use the following sentence pattern to describe the story.The film … is about …Use the following sentence pattern to give personal opinion on the film.I like/don’t like this film because…Then cooperate with the group members to write a short film review.d. Choose some groups to read their film review, then guide students to find their mistakes by asking them questions.Step 5 Make a conclusion on how to write a film reviewAssignment Ask students to write a review about their favorite film, following the steps they have learned in the class.Step 6 HomeworkTo summary what you learn in this Unit and have a testPeriod 1.Warning –up and Listening DateTeaching objectives and demands:1.The activity is designed to encourage students to Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class and activate relevant vocabulary.nguage use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice3. Interview the headmaster and other teacher about the school rules and the ways to learn all the subjectsKey points:Goal: In this lesson, students will enhance their listening and speaking abilities through talking about films.Objectives:1. In this lesson, students will be able to describe the movie pictures2. In this lesson, students will be able to catch the main idea of the listening material and specific details according to the requirement.Material/resources: blackboard, tape-recorder, tape, textbookTeaching procedures:Step 1 Free talk1. T: Do you like seeing films?Do you often go to the cinema to see films or just stay at home to see films on TV?This summer what films did you see?(ask students to discuss and answer these questions)2. T: Good films are always popular all over the world. People from different countries, with different background all like films. In this unit, we’ll focus on the silver screen, talking about successful films, famous actors and actresses, and great directors.Step 2 Warming up1. T: There are different kinds of films. What kind of film do you like?Write students answers on the blackboard. (comedy, action, animation, horror, historical, war, science-fiction…)2. Ask students to look at the picture of HeroT: Is this picture quite familiar to you? I believe most of you have seen this film, for it is directed by Zhang Yimou and acted by many movie stars. Can you tell me what kind of film it is based on your knowledge?Ask students to describe the picture with questions below Q1: What is happening in the scene?Q2: What do you think happens before this scene?Q3: What do you think happens after this scene?3. Group discussionDivide the whole class into 3 groups, each group discussing one of the rest three pictures in the text through their observation and imagination.Step 3 Listening practice (in the workbook)1.Brief introduction: You will hear three conversations in which some people are talking about their favorite films and film directors. Listen careful and complete the chart below.2.Ask students to go over the chart, and know what type of information they will listen for and what they should note down. Then listen to the tape for a first time, and try to understand the general meaning of this material, and pay special attention to specific information.3.Listen for the second time and write down the information according to the requirement of the exercise.4. Listen for the third time and check the information and the teacher does some explanation if necessary.Jennifer Alex JamesTitle of the film AI Spiderman ShowerDirector Steven Spielberg Sam Raimi Zhang YangWhat is the film about? A robot that wants love and becomes a real boy. The good fighting against the bad. An old bathhousewhere people make friends. When the bath-house close, friendships are lost forever,His/Her opinion It’s a simple but strong story. It’s very exciting and funny. It’s a sad film.5. Ask students whether they have seen any of the films Jennifer, Alex and James talk about or other films directed by the film directors they mention. Give opinion about these films.Step 4 ClosureLead the whole class to discuss and give opinions about films they have seen.Assignment1. Read new words and expressions in Unit5.2. Cooperate in groups of 3-4, think about a scene if they direct a film, and then write a short dialogue of that film scene and act it out.Step 5. Homework(1) Finish off the exercises of Unit 5 in the workbook.(2) Revise the key points of this unit.(3)List the friend they get to know in class and write down some thing they want to know.Evaluation of teaching:Period 2. Listening and Speaking DateTeaching aim and requirements (教学目标和要求)Goal: In this lesson, students will develop the knowledge of Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves.In this lesson, students will practise their skills of interviewing.Objectives:1.In this lesson, students will be able to retell the life of Merly Streep and Keanu Reeves.2.In this lesson, students will be able to complete a chartrelated to the text.3.In this lesson, students will be able to act out an interview.Emphases of teaching(教学重难点)1、 How to make the students be active to express their own ideas.2、 How to help the students understand the long sentence in the text.Teaching aids(教学手段) Multimedia in English teaching and learning(多媒体手段教学)Teaching Procedures(教学过程)Material/resources: blackboard, tape-recorder, tape, textbookProceduresStep 1 Lead in1. T: In last lesson, we talked a lot about films. Of course those films are very popular and successful. What does the success of the films bring to actors or actresses?(Ss: money, fame, reputation,…and interview)2. T: What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor or an actress?Ask students to discuss in groups and collect as many questions as possible.Step 2 Listening (on P29)a. Ask students to look at questions in the listening part, and listen for the general idea and find out the answer to the question: Who are the two speakers?b. Ask students to listen for the second time and find out the specific information to the following questions and fill in the blanks.1. What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up?。
高一英语上册 nit5 The silver screen(第四课时)教案 大纲第一册
〖The Fourth Period〗之小船创作Teaching Aims:1. Do some reading.2. Practise making comments and giving opinions.3. Do some writing.Teaching Important Points:1. How to make comments and give opinions.2. How to train the students’ writing ability.Teaching Difficult Points:How to improve the students’ integrating skills.Teaching Methods:1. Asking-and-answer activity to go through the reading material.2. Individual or group work to train the students’writing ability.Teaching Aids:1. a computer2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ.GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ.RevisionT: In the second period we read a passage about a film director whose name is Steven Spielberg. In the third period we learned something about the Attributive Clause. Please find out all the Attributive Clauses in the reading text “Getting to know Steven Spielberg.”You can finish this task by yourselves first, then I’ll check the answers with you.(Teacher gives students some time to prepare, then shows the following on the screen. The underlined parts are the Attributive Clauses.)T: You can see some of the Attributive Clause are with commas. They are called the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause. We’ll learn about it later.Step Ⅲ.Reading(Teacher shows a picture on the screen and says the following.)T: Look at the picture on the screen. It’s taken from a film directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou. Do you know the name of the film? Have you seen it?S1:Yes.The film is called “Not one less”.I saw it several years ago.T: Very good. Today we’ll read a passage about this film. Please look at the text on Page 34.While you are reading, please find out the words, expressions and sentence patterns that you don’t understand, and the ones you think important.(After a while, teacher asks students to say the language points and writes them on the blackboard.) (Bb: start with, keep sb. /sth. +adj./prep.phrase, lock up, run after, run away from, make it +n.+ infinitive, can/be able to afford(to do)sth., after having done…,fail to do sth.,…appear live on air, not just…but also…)(Then teacher asks students to say the meanings of the useful expressions and explains the difficultpoints to the students with the help of the screen.) T: Now I’ll explain these difficult points to you. Please look at the screen.1.take sb’s plave= take the place of sb./ sth.e.g. She could take the place of the family he had lost.2. keep sb./ sth.+adj./ prep.-phrase.e.g. Please keep the classroom clean. She likes to keep everything in goodorder.3.afforde.g. I can’t afford(to buy)such an expensive car.4. livee.g. The football game was broadcast live.The Oscar ceremony is the biggest, most extravagant live event on television.5. on the aire.g. We will be on the air in five minutes.This programme comes on the air at the same time ecery day.6. not just… but also…= not only… but also…Step Ⅳ.Post-readingT: Now read the passage once again and complete the table on Page 35 with the information from the text.(Teacher gives students some minutes to prepare, then asks some of them to give the answers.) Suggested answers:Title: Not One Less Director: Zhang YimouWhat’s the film about? Tell the story in your own words. This film tells a story about a 13-year-old girl named Wei Mingzhi who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr. Gao ,is aways for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school. When one of them runs aways to the big city, she follows him and brings him back.Step Ⅴ.WritingT: Next let’s write a review about a good or a bad film you have seen. First look at the tips on the screen. They may help you to make comments on a film.T: Now work in groups. First you can have a discussion about the content of the film, then give your own opinion about the story and make comments on it. Finally you should write your passage on a piece of paper. I’ll collect your papers in fifteen minutes.Suggested answer:Forrest GumpForrest Gump is an American film. The hero is an idiot named Forrest Gump. He is lame in one leg. When he is a student, he is not popular with his classmates. He becomes a very self-abased man, but he has a good mother and a girl-friend name Jenny. Encouraged by them,he succeeds in his career and becomes a rich man.I think it’s a very good film, especially to young people. Gump gives us enlightenment. As a human being, he should be naturd. He should live for himself, for his natural and beautiful heart at birth, not to show off to others. And the actor who plays role of Gump acts wonderfully.I like this film very much. I think it’s well worth seeing. Gump sets a good example to us in character, attitude to career and love. If there is a chance, you’d better see it. I’m sure you can benefit from it.Not One Less by Zhang YimouThe film is about a 13-year-old girl called Wei Minzhi, who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr Gao, is away for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school, When one of them runs away to the big city, she follows him and brings him back. The film has a happy ending. Minxhi finds Huike and brings him back to the school. Together with the people from the TV station. I think the story gives us hope. The film shows us that people care foreach other. Even people in the city will take care of people in the village when they know about their problems. I like this film because it is so moving. I think the ending of the film is happy. But you almost have to cry.The Princess Diaries by Garry MarshallWhat happens if you wake up one day and find out that yor father is a king? You must be very surprised and happy, and your life changes completely. That is what happened to the actress in the film “The Princess Diaries”.Mia Thermopolis, played by Anne Hathaway, is a girl with funny hair and big black glasses, who one day finds out she is a princess in small. unknow country in Europe. Before that, she was the most unpopular girl in school—the kind of girl that most kids would not make friends with. No one but her friend and her friend’s brother notice her. When the news breaks that she is a princess, everything changes and she has to make many decisions about her life. Some people try to take advantage of her. People take pictures of her when shi is most frightened. The only people she can trust arethose who always were her friends, when she was still the invisible Miss Unpopular.I think it is a good and funny movie for the whole family, and a nice story to watch.Step Ⅵ.TestT: In this unit we’ve learned some useful expressions. Have you remembered them?(Ss: Yes) Well. Let’s have a dictation. Lifei, come to the blackboard, please. The others take out a piece of paper and write on it. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Let’s begin. …(Bb: take off, stay away, silver screen, go wrong, lock sb. up, on the air, in all, owe sth. to sb., think highly of…)T: We’ve alwo learned the Attributive Clause introduced by the relative adverbs “when, where and why”. Besides. We’ve learned the Attributive Clause with prepositions. Now, please write five sentences containing the Attributive Clauses introduced by “when, where, why” or “prep. + which/ whom”.(Teacher tells students to write the sentences ona piece of paper and collects the papers.)Suggested answers:1. I’ll never forget the day when I was born.2. This is the house where I used to live.3. This is the reason why he didn’t come to school.4. The village has a very big tree under which the villages often have meetings.5. The teacher from whom I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.Step Ⅶ.Summary and HomeworkT: In this class, we’ve done some reading and writing. We’ve learnt how to make comments and give opinions. We’ve also reviewed the useful expressions and the grammar in this unit. After class, go over all the important points we’ve learnt in this unit and do more exercises by yourselves. You should also prepare for Unit 6.That’s all for today. Class is over.Suggested answers:Ex.1Ture: 2,5 False: 1,3,4,Ex.2: The old Jackie Chan films were made without tricks. Most of Chan’s films involve Karate and martial arts. In the old films the actors made mostmovements themselves, the fighting was fast but real. In modern films, jumps and fighting sre made with computers and other ways. They aren’t real.Ex.3: Films that are made in the American way are successful in America, and films that are made in Asia are successful in Asia have different ideas about what is funny and what type of action is interesting to watch. For example, people in Aia don’t understand jokes in American movies or think that they are not funny. Also, the action is different. In American movies, much of the action involves fighting is mostly done in traditional Kung-fu fighting. American people think such fighting isn’t interesting to watch.Ex.4: Some films by Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, such as “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragan”were very successful in the West. They are all films that are really about China and Chinese culture, so the people who watch these movies are interested to watch China as it really is.Sample writing;Halle BerryThe whole world cheered for her when she became the first black woman to win an Oscar for list Actress。
senior 1 unit 5 silver screen(新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)Procedure:Step 1: Warming-up ( 8 minutes)a. Read the rest words and expressions of this unit.b. Choose several expressions for the students to make sentences. Show a picture with each expression, ask the students to follow the pictures to make sentences.( lock sb. up, think highly of…, run after)Step 2: Word study ( 8 minutes)a. Let the students do the word study on page 32 and 33. Then, let them translate every sentence.(1) To most actors and actress, the Oscar is the most important award. (对许多的男女演员来说,奥斯卡奖是最重要的奖项。
)(2) In Speed, Keanu Reeves played the role of the brave policeman who saved the lives of the people on the bus.(在“生死时速”中,基努里维斯扮演了一个英勇的警察,拯救了一辆巴士车上的所有乘客。
)(3) Who do you think is the best director in China, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige or Feng Xiaogang?(4) The script was so well-written that the famous actress accepted the role at once. (剧本写得非常好,以至于那个著名的女演员立刻接受了那个角色。
高一英语课时教案Unit5 the silver screen郭颖2005年5月高一年级(上)英语Unit 5 the silver screen 课时教案郭颖教学设计思路:1.《高中英语新课程标准》的提出,使英语教学在传授英语知识,培养英语技能的同时;要求培养学生运用语言交际的能力,同时了解西方文化的诸多方面,注重情感态度,学习策略的培养。
这就要求课前教师布置给学生任务,通过网络或报刊杂志收集自己崇拜的明星的资料,课上用自己所收集的材料写一篇个人简介, 小组内交流,并利用多媒体设备学生亲自展示,即激发学生学习的主动性,自主性;又可以在交流中填补信息差。
4. 教师在课堂上设计小组活动,发挥学生主体作用。
Q: When you see the film, think about the name of the film, and feel it.二,口语。
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unit5 silver screenTeaching Goals:1.Talk about films, famous actors and directors.2.Practise making comments and giving opinionse the Attributive Clause with prepositions such as in which, with whome the Attributive Clause with relative adverbs where, when, whye new words and expressions6.Write a film reviewTeaching Time: 5 periodsPeriod 1. Warming – up and ListeningTeaching Aims:1.Train students’ listening and speaking abilities2.Get students know something about filmsTeaching Import Points:Talk about films, famous actors, film directors and film typesTeaching Difficult Points:How to improve students’ listening abilityTeaching Aids:A tape , a computerTeaching Procedures:Step1. Daily greetingsStep2. Lead inT: In the Unit4, we have experienced some exciting moments by reading articles. This week, we can also enjoy some exciting and interesting scenes. However, this time, we’ll experience them by watch ing films. Do you like it?Ss: yesStep3. Warming – up(Teaching Ss a new word about film, before asking each question. )T: First, I want to have a survey to see whether you are true film fans. Have you see the movie “Hero”?①Who is the director? Here “director” means “导演”(Zhang Yimou)② What role does the actor, Cheng Daoming, play in the movie? Here “actor” means “演员” (the Emperor Qing Shihuang)③Which actress plays the leading role in the movie? Here “role” means “角色” (Maggie Cheung Zhang Mangyu)④When was this scene of story set? Here “scene” means “场景” (in the Qing Dynasty)⑤Do you know where was the studio of the film “Hero” set? Here “studio” means “摄影棚” (Heng Dian Town)⑥Who is the writer of the script of “Hero”? Here “script” means “剧本” (Wang Bing)⑦ Does this film have any follow-ups? Here “follow-up” means “续集” (No)⑧Does it win any Oscar Award? Here “Oscar Award”means “奥斯卡奖” (No)Step4. Word studyT: From this survey, I can see most of you have a good knowledge of film. Actually, watching films is a good way to learn English. Just now, we learned some new words about movies. Please read after me. Now, please turn to p32. Use these new words to complete sentences.(Then check the answers, and ask Ss to translate 4th, 6th sentence)Step5. Pre-listening(Show a poster of film on the Powerpoint, before asking each question)T: As a true film fans, one must have seen many classical movies. Do you know the name of these films?①(Titanic) I think you must be familiar with this film. Then do you know, which type of film does it belong to? (It’s an affecti onal film. I think it’s the favorite of most girls, isn’t it? )② (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙)I believe boys are most fond of action films. What’s this film?③(Jurassic Park) then, when you want to seek stimulation, which kind of film do you want to watch?T: For me, I think I’ll choose the horror film. Do you know its name?④(The Passion of The Christ ) Many adult like to see ethical movies, because it can make them think about their lives or other serious issues. What’s the title of this film?⑤Which type of film do children like to watch?T: Yes, cartoon. Sometimes, we also call it animation film. Here are some cartoons. Mulan, Shrek2, NalutoT: of cause, there’re some other types of film. Can you guess among these, which kind of film do I like most?T: Actually, I like cartoon most, because there’re no difficult y for me to understand the story. And I’ll feel relaxed after seeing it. My favorite film is “Finding Nemo”. The film was directed by Pimax Studio. It’s about two separate fishes, the father fish and the son, who try their best to reunion. I appreciate the movie a lot, because it’s funny. And the images of roles are quite lovely. T:…Which type of film do you like best?What’s it about?How do you think about it?Step7. ConclusionT: In this class, we’ve done some listen. And we also talked about some films and famous directors. After class, you can talk about other film with your classmates. Step8. HomeworkPeriod 2. ReadingTeaching Aims:1. Train the students reading ability2. Get students know Steven Spielberg as a film director3.Learn some new words and phrases.Teaching Important Points:1.How to make the students understand the reading text better.2.Learn and master the following phrases:Work on, take off, cut…into pieces, win over, owe…to…Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to analyze and summarize the whole passageTeaching Aids: a computerTeaching Procedures:Step1. Daily GreetingStep2. Lead InT: Last time, we talked about some knowledge of films. Do you still remember the name of some types of films?Ss: A ffectional film, action film…T :( S how a poster of ET) it’s a poster of the film ET. According to this picture, can you guess which kind of film does it belong to?Ss: science fiction filmT: (show a poster of Jaws) then, what’s the name of this film?Ss: JawsT: (show a poster of Jurassic Park) what abut this film?Ss: Jurassic Park, horror filmT: Then can any one tell me,① what is happening in this scene? (A dinosaur is lying on the ground, and some people are staying with it.)②What do you think happens before this scene? (These people were very to see this dinosaur.)③What do you think happens after this scene? (A woman found the dinosaur was ill, and she wanted to take care of it.)T: Let’s watch the film to see whether the director thought the same with you. (Play video)Step3. SkimmingT: These three films are all made by the same director. Do you know who is he? Ss: SpielbergT: Yes. Spi elberg is a famous director in America. He made several films before he was 16. In the beginning, he created scenes with toys. But later, he wrote scripts and worked with actress. Do you want to know something more about Steven Spielberg? Now, please look at the reading text on p31. Please read the passage quickly to get the general idea and t ry to answer the questions on the screen.Questions:① how many films are mentioned in the passage? What are the manes of the films?②what was Spielberg’s dream?③ why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?Suggested answers:1.Five. They are “Jaws ET Jurassic Park Schindler’s List and Saving Priva teRyan”.2.His dream was to go to Film Academy.3.Because they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. ) Step4. Careful ReadingT: now, please read the first and second paragraphs carefully, and try to find out the basic information, such as his family, childhood, and so on. After that, please fill in this tableT: yes. From the first sentence. Let’s pay attention to this sentence. T his is an attributive clause. “Whose” is the relative pronoun. When we translate this sentence, we can translate the main clause first. eg.斯皮尔伯格出生在1946年的一个美国的一个小村镇,他的母亲是个音乐教师。