单词音标A / ei, E/a bita body ofa couple ofa far crya fewa good deala good manya littlea lota lot ofa series ofa.m.abandon/ EbAndEn/ abatement/ EbeitmEnt/ ability/ Ebiliti/able / eibl/aboard / EbR:d/ about / Ebaut/ above / EbQv/ above allabroad/ EbrR:d/ absence/ AbsEns/ absent/ AbsEnt, Ebse absolute/ AbsElu:t/ absorb/ EbsR:b/ abstract/ AbstrAkt/ abundant/ EbQndEnt/ academic/ AkEdemik/ accelerate/ AkselEreit/ accent/ AksEnt, Akse accept/ Eksept/ acceptable/ EkseptEbl/ acceptance/ EkseptEns/ access/ Akses/ accident/ AksidEnt/ accommodation/ E,kRmEdeiFE accompany/ EkQmpEni/ accomplish/ EkRmpliF/ accomplishment/ EkRmpliFmE according/ EkR:diN/ accordingly/ EkR:diNli/ account/ Ekaunt/accounting/ EkauntiN/ accuracy/ AkjurEsi/ accurate/ Akjurit/ accuse/ Ekju:z/ accustomed/ EkQstEmd/ ache/ eik/achieve/ EtFi:v/ achievement/ EtFi:vmEnt/ acid/ Asid/ acquaintance/ EkweintEns/ acquire/ EkwaiE/ acre/ eikE/across / EkrRs/act / Akt/action/ AkFEn/ active / Aktiv/ activity/ Aktiviti/ actor/ AktE/ actress/ Aktris/ actual/ AktjuEl/ actualsacute/ Ekju:t/ad/ Ad/adapt/ EdApt/add/ Ad/add up toaddition/ EdiFEn/ additional/ EdiFEnl/ address / Edres/ adequate/ Adikwit/ adjective/ AdViktiv/ adjust/ EdVQst/ administration/ EdministreiFE admire/ EdmaiE/ admission/ EdmiFEn/ admit/ Edmit/adopt/ EdRpt/adult/ AdQlt/ adulteration/ EdQltEreFEn advance / Edva:ns/ advanced/ Edva:nst/ advantage/ Edva:ntidV/ adventure/ EdventFE/ adverb/ AdvE:b/advertise/ AdvEtaiz/ advertisement/ EdvE:tismEnt advice/ Edvais/ advisable/ EdvaizEbl/ advise/ Edvaiz/ adviser/ EdvaizE/ aeroplane/ ZErEplein/ affair/ EfZE/affect/ Efekt/ affection/ EfekFEn/ affiliate/ Efilieit/affix/ Efiks/afford/ EfR:d/ afraid/ Efreid/ Africa/ AfrikE/ African/ AfrikEn/ After / a:ftE/after allaftermarket/ B:ftEmB:kit/ afternoon/ a:ftEnu:n/ afterward/ a:ftEwEd(z)/ again/ Egein, Egen/ against/ Egeinst, Egen age / eidV/aged/ eidVd/ agency/ eidVEnsi/ agent/ eidVEnt/ aggregate/ Agrigeit/ aggregate GNPaggression/ EgreFEn/ aggressive/ Egresiv/ago/ EgEu/ agree/ Egri:/ agreement/ Egri:mEnt/ agriculture/ AgrikQltFE/ ahead/ Ehed/ ahead ofaid / eid/aim/ eim/air/ ZE/aircraft/ ZEkra:ft/ airline/ ZElain/ airliner/ ZElainE/ airplane/ ZEplein/airport/ ZEpR:t/ alarm / Ela:m/ alcohol/ AlkEhRl/ alienation/ eiljEneiFEn/ alienator/ eiljEneitE/ alienee/ eiljEni:/ alike/ Elaik/alive/ Elaiv/all/ R:l/all at onceall butall of a suddenall overall rightall the sameall the timeallocation/ AlEkeiFEn/ allow/ Elau/allow foralmost/ R:lmEust/ alms/ B:mz/alone/ ElEun/ along/ ElRN/ alongside/ ElRNsaid/ aloud/ Elaud/ alphabet/ AlfEbit/ already/ R:lredi/also/ R:lsEu/alter/ R:ltE/ although/ R:lTEu/ altogether/ R:ltEgeTE/ always/ R:lweiz, R:lw amateur/ AmEtE:/ amaze/ Emeiz/ ambition/ AmbiFEn/ ambulance/ AmbjulEns/ amend/ Emend/ amendment/ EmendmEnt/ America/ EmerikE/ American/ EmerikEn/ among/ EmQN/ amongst/ EmQNst/ amortization/ EmR:tizeiFEn amount/ Emaunt/amuse/ Emju:z/ analysis/ EnAlEsis/ analyze/ AnElaiz/ ancestor/ AnsistE/ ancient/ einFEnt/ and/ And, End/ and so onangel/ eindVEl/ anger/ ANgE/ angry/ ANgri/ animal/ AnimEl/ anniversary/ ,AnivE:sEri/ announce/ Enauns/ annoy/ EnRi/ annual/ AnjuEl/ annuity/ Enju:iti/ another/ EnQTE/ answer/ a:nsE/ answer forant/ Ant/ anticipate/ Antisipeit/ anxiety/ ANgzaiEti/ anxious / ANkFEs/ any / eni/ anybody/ enibRdi/ anyhow / enihau/ anyone/ eniwQn/ anything/ eniWiN/ anything butanyway/ eniwei/ anywhere/ eniwZE/ apart/ Epa:t/apart fromapartment/ Epa:tmEnt/ apologize/ EpRlEdVaiz/ apology/ EpRlEdVi/ apparent/ EpArEnt/ appeal/ Epi:l/ appear/ EpiE/ appearance/ EpiErEns/ appetite/ Apitait/ apple/ Apl/ applicable/ AplikEbl/ application/ AplikeiFEn/applied/ Eplaid/ apply/ Eplai/ appoint/ EpRint/ appointment/ EpRintmEnt/ appraisal/ Epreizl/ appreciate/ Epri:Fieit/ appreciation/ Epri:FieiFEn/ approach/ EprEutF/ appropriate/ EprEupriit/ approval/ Epru:vEl/ approve/ Epru:v/ approximately/ EprRksimitli/ April/ eiprEl/ Arabian/ EreibjEn/ arbitrage/ B:bitrB:dV/ architect/ a:kitekt/ architecture/ a:kitektFE/ area/ ZEriE/ argue/ a:gju:/ argument/ a:gju:mEnt/ arise/ Eraiz/arm/ a:m/ armchair/ a:mtFZE/ army/ a:mi/ around/ Eraund/ arouse/ Erauz/ arrange/ EreindV/ arrangement/ EreindVmEnt arrears/ EriEz/ arrest/ Erest/ arrestment/ ErestmEnt/ arrival/ EraivEl/ arrive/ Eraiv/art/ a:t/article/ a:tikl/ artificial/ a:tifiFEl/ artist/ a:tist/as/ Az, Ez/as a matter of factas a resultas a result ofas a ruleas far asas far as...be concernedas foras good asas ifas long asas regardsas soon asas wellas well asas...asash/ AF/ ashamed/ EFeimd/ Asia/ eiFE/Asian/ eiFEn/ aside/ Esaid/aside fromask/ a:sk/ask afterask forasleep/ Esli:p/ aspect/ Aspekt/ assemble/ Esembl/ assembly/ Esembli/ assessmentassessorasset/ Aset/asset accountassets incomeassets settlementassign/ Esain/ assignmentassist/ Esist/ assistance/ EsistEns/ assistant/ EsistEnt/ associate/ EsEuFieit/ association/ EsEusieiFEn/ assume/ Esju:m/ assure/ EFuE/ astonish/ EstRniF/ astronaut/ AstFEunR:t/ at/ At, Et/at a lossat allat all costsat all timesat any rateat first sightat handat heartat intervalsat largeat leastat lengthat mostat no timeat onceat one timeat presentat the cost ofat the momentat the same timeat timesathlete/ AWli:t/ Atlantic/ EtlAntik/ atmosphere/ AtmEsfiE/ atom/ AtEm/ atomic/ EtRmik/ attach/ EtAtF/ attack/ EtAk/ attempt/ Etempt/ attend/ Etend/ attendance/ EtendEns/ attention/ EtenFEn/ attitude/ Atitju:d/ attorney/ EtE:ni/ attract/ EtrAkt/ attraction/ EtreAkFEn/ attractive/ EtrAktiv/ auction/ R:kFEn/ audience/ R:djEns/ auditingAugust/ R:gQst/ aunt/ a:nt/ Australia/ RstreiljE/ Australian/ RstreiljEn/ author/ R:WE/ authority/ R:WRriti/auto/ R:tEu/ automatic/ R:tEmAtik/ automobile/ R:tEmEbi:l/ autumn/ R:tEm/ avail/ Eveil/ available/ EveilEbl/ avenue/ Avinju:/ average/ AvEridV/ aviation/ eivieiFEn/ avoid/ EvRid/ avoidable/ EvRidEbl/ await/ Eweit/ awake/ Eweik/ award/ EwR:d/ aware/ EwZE/ away/ Ewei/ awful/ R:ful/ awkward/ R:kwEd/ ax/ Aks/axebaby/ beibi/ back/ bAk/back and forthback downback upbackground/ bAkgraund/ backward/ bAkwEd/ backwards/ bAkwEdz/ bad/ bAd/ badly/ bAdli/bag/ bAg/ baggage/ bAgidV/ bail/ beil/ balance/ bAlEns/ ball/ bR:l/ balloon/ bElu:n/ ballooningban/ bAn/ banana/ bEna:nE/ band/ bAnd/ bank/ bANk/ banker/ bANkE/ banking/ bANkiN/ bankrupt/ bANkrEpt/bankruptcy/ bANkrEptsi/ banner/ bAnE/bar/ ba:/barber/ ba:bE/bare/ bZE/ bargain/ ba:gin/ barrier/ bAriE/ barter/ ba:tE/base/ beis/basic/ beisik/ basin/ beisn/ basis/ beisis/ basket/ ba:skit/ basketball/ ba:skitbR:l/ bat/ bAt/bath/ ba:W/ bathe/ beiT/ bathroom/ ba:Wrum/ battery/ bAtEri/ battle/ bAtl/be/ bi:/be about tobeach/ bi:tF/bean/ bi:n/bear/ bZE/bear in mindbeard/ biEd/ bearer/ bZErE/ bearish/ bZEri:F/ beast/ bi:st/beat/ bi:t/ beautiful/ bju:tiful/ beauty/ bju:ti/ because/ bikRz/ become/ bikQm/ bed/ bed/bee/ bi:/beef/ bi:f/beer/ biE/ before/ bifR:/ before longbeforehand/ bifR:hAnd/ beg/ beg/ beggar/ begE/beginner/ biginE/ beginning/ biginiN/ behalf/ biha:f/ behave/ biheiv/ behavior/ biheivjE/ behaviour/ biheivjE/ behind/ bihaind/ being/ bi:iN/ belief/ bili:f/ believe/ bili:v/bell/ bel/ belong/ bilRN/ below/ bilEu/belt/ belt/ bench/ bentF/ bend/ bend/ beneath/ bini:W/ beneficial/ benifiFEl/ beneficiary/ benifiFEri/ benefit/ benifit/ beside/ bisaid/ beside pointbesides/ bisaidz/ best/ best/bet/ bet/ better/ betE/ between/ bitwi:n/ beyond/ bijRnd/ beyond questionbicycle/ baisikl/ bid/ bid/ bidder/ bidE/big/ big/bill/ bil/billion/ biljEn/ binder/ baindE/ biology/ baiRlEdVi/ bird/ bE:d/ birth/ bE:W/ birthday/ bE:Wdi/ biscuit/ biskit/bit/ bit/bite/ bait/black/ blAk/ blackboard/ blAkbR:d/ blame/ bleim/ blank/ blANk/ blanket/ blANkit/ blanknotebleed/ bli:d/ blind/ blaind/ block/ blRk/ blood/ blQd/ bloom/ blu:m/ blow/ blEu/ blue/ blu:/ board/ bR:d/ boast/ bEust/ boat/ bEut/ body/ bRdi/boil/ bRil/ bold/ bEuld/ bomb/ bRm/ bond/ bRnd/ bonded/ bRndid/ bone/ bEun/ bonus/ bEunEs/ book/ buk/ booking/ bukiN/ bookstore/ bukstR:/ boom/ bu:m/ boot/ bu:t/ border/ bR:dE/ bore/ bR:/ born/ bR:n/ borrow/ bRrEu/ borrowingboss/ bRs/ both/ bEuW/ both...and...bother/ bRTE/ bottle/ bRtl/ bottleneck/ bRtlnek/ bottom/ bRtEm/ bound/ baund/ boundary/ baundEri/bowl/ bEul/ box/ bRks/ boy/ bRi/ brain/ brein/ brainstormbrake/ breik/ branch/ bra:ntF/ brand/ brAnd/ brass/ bra:s/ brave/ breiv/ bread/ bred/ breadth/ bredT/ break/ breik/ break awaybreak downbreak inbreak intobreak offbreak outbreak throughbreak upbreak-evenbreakfast/ brekfEst/ breast/ brest/ breath/ breW/ breathe/ bri:T/ breed/ bri:d/ breeze/ bri:z/ bribe/ braib/ brick/ brik/ bride/ braid/ bridge/ bridV/ brief/ bri:f/ bright/ brait/ brilliant/ briljEnt/ bring/ briN/ bring aboutbring downbring forwardbring into operation bring outbring upBritain/ britn/ British/ britiF/broad/ brR:d/ broadcast/ brR:dka:st/ broke/ brEuk/ broken/ brEukEn/ broker/ brEukE/ brokerage/ broukEridV/ broom/ bru:m/ brother/ brQTE/ brow/ brau/ brown/ braun/ brush/ brQF/ bubble/ bQbl/ bucket/ bQkit/ budget/ bQdVit/ build/ bild/build upbuilding/ bildiN/ bulb/ bQlb/bulk-cheapbull/ bul/bull-bearbullet/ bulit/ bulletin/ bulitin/ bullish/ buliF/ bunch/ bQntF/ bundle/ bQndl/ burden/ bE:dn/ bureau/ bjuErEu/ burn/ bE:n/burn downburn outburn upburst/ bE:st/bury/ beri/bus/ bQs/bush/ buF/ business/ biznis/ busy/ bizi/but/ bQt/but forbutter/ bQtE/ button/ bQtn/buy/ bai/by/ bai/by accidentby all meansby and byby and largeby farby handby itselfby means ofby mistakeby no meansby oneselfby the wayby virtue ofby way ofby-businessby-lawby-productC.O.D.cabbage/ kAbidV/ cabin/ kAbin/ cabinet/ kAbinit/ cable/ keibl/cadre/ kAdri,kB:dE/ cafe/ kAfei, kEfei/ cage/ keidV/cake/ keik/ calculate/ kAlkjuleit/ calculator/ kAlkjuleitE/ calendar/ kAlindE/ call/ kR:l/call forcall offcall oncall upcalm/ ka:m/ camel/ kAmEl/ camera/ kAmErE/ camp/ kAmp/ campaign/ kAmpein/ campus/ kAmpEs/ can/ kAn/can not helpCanada/ kAnEdE/ Canadian/ kEneidjEn/cancel/ kAnsEl/ cancer/ kAnsE/ candidate/ kAndidit/ candle/ kAndl/ candy/ kAndi/ canvasser/ kAnvEsE/ cap/ kAp/ capable/ keipEbl/ capable ofcapacity/ kEpAsiti/ capital/ kApitl/ capitation/ kApiteiFEn/ captain/ kAptin/ capture/ kAptFE/ car/ ka:/ carbon/ ka:bEn/ card/ ka:d/care/ kZE/care forcareer/ kEriE/ careful/ kZEful/ careless/ kZElis/ cargo/ ka:gEu/ carpenter/ ka:pintE/ carpet/ ka:pit/ carriage/ kAridV/ carry/ kAri/carry offcarry oncarry outcarry throughcart/ ka:t/carve/ ka:v/case/ keis/cash/ kAF/ cashier/ kAFiE/ cassette/ ka:set/cast/ ka:st/ castle/ ka:sl/ casual/ kAVjuEl/ cat/ kAt/ catalog/ kAtElRg/ catalogue/ kAtElRg/catch firecatch sb.'s eyecatch sight ofcatch up withcattle/ kAtl/cause/ kR:z/ caution/ kR:FEn/ cave/ keiv/cease/ si:s/ceiling/ si:liN/ celebrate/ selibreit/cell/ sel/cement/ siment/cent/ sent/center/ sentE/ centigrade/ sentigreid/ centimetercentral/ sentrEl/ centre/ sentE/ century/ sentFuri/ ceremony/ serimEni/ certain/ sE:tEn/ certificate/ sEtifikit/ chain/ tFein/chair/ tFZE/ chairman/ tFZEmEn/ chalk/ tFR:k/ challenge/ tFAlEndV/ champion/ tFAmpjEn/ chance/ tFa:ns/ change/ tFeindV/ channel/ tFAnl/ chapter/ tFAptE/ character/ kAriktE/ characteristic/ kAriktEristik/ charge/ tFa:dV/ charming/ tFa:miN/ chart/ tFa:t/chase/ tFeis/chat/ tFAt/cheap/ tFi:p/cheat/ tFi:t/check/ tFek/check incheck outcheck upcheek/ tFi:k/cheer/ tFiE/ cheerful/ tFiEful/ cheese/ tFi:z/ chemical/ kemikl/ chemist/ kemist/ chemistry/ kemistri/ cheque/ tFek/chess/ tFes/chest/ tFest/ chicken/ tFikin/chief/ tFi:f/child/ tFaild/ childhood/ tFaildhud/ childish/ tFaildiF/ chilly/ tFili/ chimney/ tFimni/chin/ tFin/china/ tFainE/ China/ tFainE/ Chinese/ tFaini:z/ chocolate/ tFRkElit/ choice/ tFRis/ choose/ tFu:z/chore/ tFR:/ Christian/ kristiEn/ Christmas/ krismEs/ church/ tFE:tF/ cigaretcigarettecinema/ sinimE/ circle/ sE:kl/circuit/ sE:kit/ circular/ sE:kjulE/ circulate/ sE:kjuleit/ circulation/ sE:kjuleiFEn/ circumstance/ sE:kEmstEns/ cite/ sait/citizen/ sitizn/city/ siti/civil/ sivl/civilization/ sivilaizeiFEn/ civilize/ sivilaiz/ claim/ kleim/class/ kla:s/ classical/ klAsikEl/ classify/ klAsifai/ classmate/ kla:smeit/ classroom/ kla:srum/ clause/ klR:z/clean/ kli:n/clear/ kliE/clear awayclear upclearance/ kliErEns/ clerk/ kla:k, klE:k/ clever/ klevE/client/ klaiEnt/cliff/ klif/climate/ klaimit/ climb/ klaim/clinic/ klinik/clock/ klRk/close/ klEuz, klEus/ closed/ klEuzd/ closedown/ klouzdaun/ cloth/ klR:W/ clothe/ klEuT/ clothes/ klEuTz/ clothing/ klEuTiN/ cloud/ klaud/ cloudy/ klaudi/club/ klQb/clue/ klu:/ clumsy/ klQmzi/ coach/ kEutF/coal/ kEul/ coarse/ kR:s/coast/ kEust/coat/ kEut/cock/ kRk/code/ kEud/ coffee/ kRfi/coin/ kRin/cold/ kEuld/collapse/ kElAps/ collar/ kRlE/ colleague/ kRli:g/ collect/ kElekt/ collection/ kElekFEn/ collective/ kElektiv/ college/ kRlidV/ colony/ kRlEni/ color/ kQlE/ colour/ kQlE/ column/ kRlEm/ comb/ kEum/ combination/ kRmbineiFEn combine/ kEmbain/ come/ kQm/come aboutcome acrosscome alongcome into effectcome offcome oncome outcome roundcome throughcome tocome upcome up againstcome up tocome up withcomfort/ kQmfEt/ comfortable/ kQmfEtEbl/ command/ kEma:nd/ commander/ kEma:ndE/ comment/ kRment/ commerce/ kRmE(:)s/ commercial/ kEmE:FEl/ commission/ kEmiFEn/ commit/ kEmit/ committee/ kEmiti/ commodity/ kEmRditi/ common/ kRmEn/ communicate/ kEmju:nikeit/ communication/ kEmju:nikeiF communism/ kRmjunizEm/communist/ kRmjunist/ community/ kEmju:niti/ companion/ kEmpAniEn/ company/ kQmpEni/ compare/ kEmpZE/ compare tocompare withcomparison/ kEmpArisn/ compass/ kQmpEs/ compel/ kEmpel/ compensate/ kRmpenseit/ compensation/ kRmpenseiFE compete/ kEmpi:t/ competent/ kRmpitEnt/ competition/ kRmpEtiFEn/ competitor/ kEmpetitE/ complain/ kEmplein/ complaint/ kEmpleint/ complete/ kEmpli:t/ complex/ kRmpleks/ complicated/ kRmplikeitid/ compose/ kEmpEuz/ composition/ kRmpEziFEn compound/ kRmpaund, kE comprehension/ kRmprihenFE comprehensive/ kRmprihensiv compress/ kEmpres/ compromise/ kRmprEmaiz/ computer/ kEmpju:tE/ comrade/ kRmrid/ conceal/ kEnsi:l/ concentrate/ kRnsEntreit/ concentration/ kRnsEntreiFE concept/ kRnsept/ concern/ kEnsE:n/ concerning/ kEnsE:niN/ concert/ kRnsEt/ conclude/ kEnklu:d/ conclusion/ kEnklu:VEn/ concrete/ kRnkri:t/ condemn/ kEndem/ condense/ kEndens/ condition/ kEndiFEn/ conduct/ kRndEkt, kEnconductor/ kEndQktE/ conference/ kRnfErEns/ confess/ kEnfes/ confidence/ kRnfidEns/ confident/ kRnfidEnt/ confirm/ kEnfE:m/ conflict/ kRnflikt, kEn confront/ kEnfrQnt/ confuse/ kEnfju:z/ confusion/ kEnfju:VEn/ conglomerate/ kEnglRmErit/ congratulate/ kEngrAtjuleit congratulation/ kEngrAtjuleiF congress/ kRNgres/ conjunction/ kEndVQNkFE connect/ kEnekt/ connection/ kEnekFEn/ conquer/ kRNkE/ conscience/ kRnFEns/ conscious/ kRnFEs/ consent/ kEnsent/ consequence/ kRnsikwEns/ conservative/ kEnsE:vEtiv/ consider/ kEnsidE/ considerable/ kEnsidErEbl/ considerate/ kEnsidErit/ consideration/ kEnsidEreiFE consignmentconsist/ kEnsist/ consolidation/ kEnsRlEdeiFE constant/ kRnstEnt/ constitution/ kRnstitju:FEn construct/ kEnstrQkt/ construction/ kEnstrQkFEn consult/ kEnsQlt/ consume/ kEnsju:m/ consumer/ kEnsju:mE/ consumerism/ kEnsju:mEriz consumption/ kEnsQmpFEn contact/ kRntAkt, kEn contain/ kEntein/ containercontainerization contemporary/ kEntempErErcontent/ kRntent, kEnt contest/ kEntest, kRnt continent/ kRntinEnt/ continual/ kEntinjuEl/ continue/ kEntinju(:)/ continuous/ kEntinjuEs/ contract/ kRntrAkt, kEn contract for purchase contract for servicecontract interestcontract lifecontract of purchasecontract of service contractorcontradiction/ kRntrEdikFEn contrary/ kRntrEri/ contrast/ kRntrAst, kEn contribute/ kEntribju(:)t/ contribution/ kRntribju:FEn contributor/ kEntribju(:)tE control/ kEntrEul/ controller/ kEntroulE/ convenience/ kEnvi:njEns/ convenient/ kEnvi:njEnt/ convention/ kEnvenFEn/ conventional/ kEnvenFEnl/ conversation/ kRnvEseiFEn convert/ kEnvE:t, kRn convertible/ kEnvE:tEbl/ convey/ kEnvei/ conveyance/ kEnveiEns/ convince/ kEnvins/ cook/ kuk/cookercool/ ku:l/ cooperate/ kEuRpEreit/ coordinate/ kEuRdinit/ cope/ kEup/ copper/ kRpE/copy/ kRpi/ copyright/ kRpirait/ core/ kR:/corn/ kR:n/corner/ kR:nE/corporation/ kR:pEreiFEn/ correct/ kErekt/ correction/ kErekFEn/ correspond/ kRrispRnd/ corresponding/ kRrispRndiN/ corridor/ kRridR:/ corrupt/ kErQpt/cost/ kRst/ costing/ kR:stiN/ costly/ kRstli/ cotton/ kRtn/cough/ kRf/could/ kud, kEd/ council/ kaunsil/ counselingcount/ kaunt/count oncount upcounter/ kauntE/ counterfeit/ kauntEfit/ counterfoil/ kauntEfRil/ country/ kQntri/ countryside/ kQntrisaid/ county/ kaunti/ couple/ kQpl/ courage/ kQridV/ course/ kR:s/court/ kR:t/cousin/ kQzn/cover/ kQvE/ cover upcow/ kau/crash/ krAF/crazy/ kreizi/ cream/ kri:m/ create/ kri(:)eit/ creative/ kri(:)eitiv/ creature/ kri:tFE/ credit/ kredit/crew/ kru:/crime/ kraim/ criminal/ kriminl/ crisis/ kraisis/ critical/ kritikEl/criticism/ kritisizEm/ criticize/ kritisaiz/ crop/ krRp/ cross/ krRs/ crowd/ kraud/ crowded/ kraudid/ crown/ kraun/ crude/ kru:d/ cruel/ kruEl/ crush/ krQF/cry/ krai/cube/ kju:b/ cubic/ kju:bik/ cultivate/ kQltiveit/ culture/ kQltFE/ cunning/ kQniN/ cup/ kQp/ cupboard/ kQbEd/ curb/ kE:b/cure/ kjuE/ curiosity/ kjuEriRsiti/ curious/ kjuEriEs/ currency/ kQrEnsi/ current/ kQrEnt/ curtain/ kE:tn/ curve/ kE:v/ custom/ kQstEm/ customercut/ kQt/cut acrosscut backcut downcut incut offcut outcut shortcutback/ kQtbAk/ cycle/ saikl/dad/ dAd/daily/ deili/ dairy/ dZEri/ dam/ dAm/ damage/ dAmidV/ dance/ da:ns/danger/ deindVE/ dangerous/ deindVrEs/ dare/ dZE/dark/ da:k/dash/ dAF/data/ deitE/date/ deit/ daughter/ dR:tE/ dawn/ dR:n/day/ dei/ daylight/ deilait/ dead/ ded/ deadline/ dedlain/ deadly/ dedli/deaf/ def/deal/ di:l/deal indeal outdeal withdealer/ di:lE/dear/ diE/death/ deW/ debate/ dibeit/ debenture/ dibentFE/ debit/ debit/debt/ det/debtee/ deti:/ debtor/ detE/debt-riddendecade/ dekeid/ deceive/ disi:v/ December/ disembE/ decent/ di:snt/ decide/ disaid/ decision/ disiVEn/ deck/ dek/ declare/ diklZE/ decline/ diklain/ decorate/ dekEreit/ decrease/ dikri:s, di:kri: deduct/ didQkt/ deed/ di:d/deep/ di:p/ deependefault/ difR:lt/ defeat/ difi:t/ defectsdefence/ difens/ defend/ difend/ defense/ difens/ deficit/ difisit/ define/ difain/ definite/ definit/ definition/ definiFEn/ degree/ digri:/delay/ dilei/ delegate/ deligeit/ delegation/ deligeiFEn/ delicate/ delikit/ delicious/ diliFEs/ delight/ dilait/ delighteddeliver/ dilivE/ delivery/ dilivEri/ demand/ dima:nd/ democracy/ dimRkrEsi/ democratic/ demEkrAtik/ demonstrate/ demEnstreit/ dense/ dens/deny/ dinai/ depart/ dipa:t/ department/ dipa:tmEnt/ departure/ dipa:tFE/ depend/ dipend/ dependent/ dipendEnt/ deposit/ dipRzit/ depreciation/ dipri:FieiFEn/ depression/ dipreFEn/ deprive/ dipraiv/ depth/ depW/ derive/ diraiv/ describe/ diskraib/ description/ diskripFEn/ desert/ dezEt, dizE:t/ deserve/ dizE:v/ design/ dizain/ desirable/ dizaiErEbl/desk/ desk/ despair/ dispZE/ desperate/ despErit/ despite/ dispait/ destroy/ distrRi/ destruction/ distrQkFEn/ detail/ di:teil/detect/ ditekt/ determination/ ditE:mineiFEn determine/ ditE:min/ determined/ ditE:mind/ devalue/ di:vAlju:/ develop/ divelEp/ development/ divelEpmEnt/ devil/ devl/devote/ divEut/ diagram/ daiEgrAm/ dial/ daiEl/dialect/ daiElekt/ dialog/ daiElRg/ dialogue/ daiElRg/ diameter/ daiAmitE/ diamond/ daiEmEnd/ diary/ daiEri/ dictation/ dikteiFEn/ dictionary/ dikFEnEri/ die/ dai/die downdie outdiet/ daiEt/differ/ difE/ difference/ difrEns/ different/ difrEnt/ difficult/ difikElt/ difficulty/ difikElti/dig/ dig/digest/ didVest, daidV diligent/ dilidVEnt/ dine/ dain/dinner/ dinE/direct/ direkt/ direction/ direkFEn/ director/ direktE/dirty/ dE:ti/ disadvantage/ disEdva:ntidV disagree/ disEgri:/ disappear/ disEpiE/ disappoint/ disEpRint/ disappointment/ disEpRintmEn disapprove/ disEpru:v/ disaster/ diza:stE/disc/ disk/ discharge/ distFa:dV/ discipline/ disiplin/ disclose/ disklEuz/ discount/ diskaunt/ discourage/ diskQridV/ discover/ diskQvE/ discovery/ diskQvEri/ discuss/ diskQs/ discussion/ diskQFEn/ disease/ dizi:z/ disguise/ disgaiz/dish/ diF/ dishonor/ disRnE/ dishonour/ n./ disinflation/ disinfleiFEn/ dislike/ dislaik/ dismiss/ dismis/ disorder/ disR:dE/ display/ displei/ dispute/ dispju:t/ dissolution/ disElu:FEn/ dissolve/ dizRlv/ distance/ distEns/ distant/ distEnt/ distinct/ distiNkt/ distinguish/ distiNgwiF/ distrain/ distrein/ distribute/ distribju:t/ distribution/ distribju:FEn/ district/ distrikt/ disturb/ distE:b/ditch/ ditF/dive/ daiv/divide/ divaid/dividend/ dividend/ division/ diviVEn/ divorce/ divR:s/do/ du:, du/do away withdo one's bestdo withoutdock/ dRk/ docking/ dRkiN/ doctor/ dRktE/ document/ dRkjumEnt/ dog/ dRg/dole/ dEul/ dollar/ dRlE/ domestic/ dEmestik/ donkey/ dRNki/ door/ dR:/ dormitory/ dR:mitri/ dose/ dEus/ double/ dQbl/ doubt/ daut/ doubtful/ dautful/ down/ daun/ downpaymentdownstairs/ daunstZEz/ dozen/ dQzn/ draft/ dra:ft/ drag/ drAg/ drain/ drein/ drama/ dra:mE/ dramatic/ drEmAtik/ draw/ drR:/draw indraw ondraw updrawback/ drR:bAk/ drawer/ drR:/ drawing/ drR:iN/ dread/ dred/ dream/ dri:m/ dress/ dres/ dress updrill/ dril/drink/ driNk/drive/ draiv/driver/ draivE/drop/ drRp/drop bydrop offdrop outdrought/ draut/ drown/ draun/drug/ drQg/drum/ drQm/ drunk/ drQNk/dry/ drai/duck/ dQk/due/ dju:/due todull/ dQl/dumb/ dQm/dump/ dQmp/ durable/ djuErEbl/ duration/ djuEreiFEn/ during/ djuEriN/ dusk/ dQsk/dust/ dQst/duty/ dju:ti/dye/ dai/each/ i:tF/each othereager/ i:gE/ear/ iE/early/ E:li/earn/ E:n/ earnest/ E:nist/ earningsearth/ E:W/ earthquake/ E:Wkweik/ ease/ i:z/easily/ i:zili/east/ i:st/eastern/ i:stEn/easy/ i:zi/eat/ i:t/echo/ ekEu/ economic/ i:kEnRmik/ economical/ i:kEnRmikEl/economics/ i:kEnRmiks/ economy/ i(:)kRnEmi/ edge/ edV/ edition/ idiFEn/ editor/ editE/ educate/ edju(:)keit/ education/ edju:keiFEn/ educator/ edVukeitE/ effect/ ifekt/ effective/ ifektiv/ efficiency/ ifiFEnsi/ efficient/ ifiFEnt/ effort/ efEt/egg/ eg/eight/ eit/ eighteen/ eiti:n/ eighth/ eitW/ eighty/ eiti/either/ aiTE, i:TE/ either...orelder/ eldE/elect/ ilekt/ election/ ilekFEn/ electric/ ilektrik/ electrical/ ilektrikEl/ electricity/ ilektrisiti/ electron/ ilektrRn/ electronic/ ilektrRnik/ electronics/ ilektrRniks/ element/ elimEnt/ elementary/ elimentEri/ elephant/ elifEnt/ elevator/ eliveitE/ eleven/ ilevn/ eleventh/ ilevnW/ eliminate/ ilimineit/ elimination/ ilimineiFEn/ else/ els/ elsewhere/ elswZE/ embarrass/ imbArEs/ embezzle/ imbZzl/ emerge/ imE:dV/ emergency/ imE:dVEnsi/ emit/ imit/emotion/ imEuFEn/ emotional/ imEuFEnl/ emperor/ empErE/ emphasis/ emfEsis/ emphasize/ emfEsaiz/ empire/ empaiE/ employ/ implRi/ employee/ emplRii:/ employer/ implRiE/ employment/ implRimEnt/ empty/ empti/ enable/ ineibl/ enclosure/ inklEuVE/ encounter/ inkauntE/ encourage/ inkQridV/ encouragement/ inkQridVmEn end/ end/ending/ endiN/ endless/ endlis/ endorse/ indR:s/ endorsee/ indR:si:/ endorsement/ indR:smEnt/ endorser/ indR:sE/ endure/ indjuE/ enemy/ enimi/ energetic/ enEdVetik/ energy/ enEdVi/ enforce/ infR:s/ engage/ ingeidV/ engine/ endVin/ engineer/ endViniE/ engineering/ endViniEriN/ England/ iNglEnd/ English/ iNgliF/ Englishman/ iNgliFmEn/ enjoy/ indVRi/ enjoy oneselfenjoyment/ indVRimEnt/ enlarge/ inla:dV/ enormous/ inR:mEs/ enough/ inQf/ ensure/ inFuE/enter/ entE/ enterprise/ entEpraiz/entertain/ entEtein/ enthusiasm/ inWju:ziAzEm enthusiastic/ inWju:ziAstik entire/ intaiE/entitle/ intaitl/ entrance/ entrEns/ entry/ entri/ envelope/ envElEup/ environment/ invaiErEnmE envy/ envi/equal/ i:kwEl/ equality/ i(:)kwRliti/ equip/ ikwip/ equipment/ ikwipmEnt/ era/ iErE/error/ erE/escape/ iskeip/ especially/ ispeFEli/ essay/ esei/ essential/ isenFEl/ establish/ istAbliF/ establishment/ istAbliFmEnt estimate/ estimit, estim etc.Europe/ juErEp/ European/ juErEpi:En/ evaluate/ ivAljueit/ evasion/ iveVEn/eve/ i:v/even/ i:vEn/even ifevening/ i:vniN/event/ ivent/ eventually/ iventjuEli/ ever/ evE/ever soevery/ evri/every othereverybody/ evribRdi/ everyday/ evridei/ everyone/ evriwQn/ everything/ evriWiN/ everywhere/ evriwZE/ evidence/ evidEns/evident/ evidEnt/evil/ i:vl/ evolution/ i:vElju:FEn/ exact/ igzAkt/ exam/ igzAm/ examination/ igzAmineiFEn examine/ igzAmin/ example/ igza:mpl/ exceed/ iksi:d/ excellent/ eksElEnt/ except/ iksept/ except forexception/ iksepFEn/ exchange/ ikstFeindV/ excise/ eksaiz/ excite/ iksait/ excitedexciting/ iksaitiN/ exclaim/ ikskleim/ exclude/ iksklu:d/ excuse/ ikskju:z, ikskj ex-dividendexecute/ eksikju:t/ executive/ igzekjutiv/ executor/ eksikju:tE/ exemption/ igzempFEn/ exercise/ eksEsaiz/ exhaust/ igzR:st/ exhibit/ igzibit/ exhibition/ eksibiFEn/ exist/ igzist/ existence/ igzistEns/exit/ eksit/ expand/ ikspAnd/ expansion/ ikspAnFEn/ expect/ ikspekt/ expectation/ ekspekteiFEn expediter/ ekspidaitE/ expenditure/ ikspenditF/ expense/ ikspens/ expensive/ ikspensiv/ experience/ ikspiEriEns/ experiment/ iksperimEnt/ expert/ ekspE:t/expire/ ikspaiE/ explain/ iksplein/ explanation/ eksplEneiFEn explode/ iksplEud/ exploit/ eksplRit, iksp explore/ iksplR:/ explosion/ iksplEuVEn/ explosive/ iksplEusiv/ export/ ekspR:t, ekspR expose/ ikspEuz/ express/ ikspres/ expression/ ikspreFEn/ extend/ ikstend/ extensive/ ikstensiv/ extent/ ikstent/ external/ ekstE:nl/ extraordinary/ ikstrR:dinEri/ extreme/ ikstri:m/eye/ ai/eyesight/ aisait/fabric/ fAbrik/face/ feis/face to faceface up tofacility/ fEsiliti/fact/ fAkt/factor/ fAktE/ factory/ fAktEri/fade/ feid/ Fahrenheit/ fArEnhait/fail/ feil/failure/ feiljE/faint/ feint/fair/ fZE/faith/ feiW/faithful/ feiWful/fake/ feik/fall/ fR:l/fall back onfall behindfall in withfall outfall throughfame/ feim/family/ fAmili/ famine/ fAmin/ famous/ feimEs/ fan/ fAn/ fancy/ fAnsi/far/ fa:/far fromfare/ fZE/farm/ fa:m/ farmer/ fa:mE/ farming/ fa:miN/ farther/ fa:TE/ fashion/ fAFEn/ fashionable/ fAFEnEbl/ fast/ fa:st/ fasten/ fa:sn/fat/ fAt/fatal/ feitl/fate/ feit/ father/ fa:TE/ fatigue/ fEti:g/ fault/ fR:lt/ faulty/ fR:lti/ favor/ feivE/ favorite/ feivErit/ favour/ feivE/ favourablefax/ fAks/fear/ fiE/ fearful/ fiEful/ feasibility/ fi:zEbiliti/ feasible/ fi:zEbl/ feast/ fi:st/ feature/ fi:tFE/ February/ februEri/ federal/ fedErEl/ fee/ fi:/feed/ fi:d/ feedbackfeel/ fi:l/feel likefeeling/ fi:liN/ fellow/ felEu/。
例:How much is the shirt ?A. £19.5.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B.1.What do we learn about the man ?A.He slept well on the plane .B.He had a long trip .C.He had a meeting.2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening ?A.To wait for a call .B.To watch a ball game on TV .C.To have dinner with a friend .3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary ?A.A school bag . B.A record . C.A theatre ticket . 4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time ?A.Learn a language . B.Do some sports . C.Play the piano .5.What did the woman like doing when she was young ?A.Riding a bicycle with friends .B.Traveling the country .C.Reading alone .第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2004年全国MBA联考管理预测试卷及答案(DOC 25页)
2004年全国MBA联考管理预测试卷及答案一.简述题(每小题4分,共20分)1. 请说明企业战略和企业组织结构存在着何种关系?2. E.mayo先生通过霍桑试验,提示了人际关系理论,这一理论为日后行为管理思想和行为科学理论的发展起到了关键的作用。
试分析人际关系理论对我国企业管理有何启示?3. 试说明企业文化与组织变革的关系。
4. 根据弗鲁姆的期望理论,你认为管理者应该怎样做,才能真正提高对员工的激励力?5. 激发创新的条件是什么?观念创新,管理创新产品与技术创新相互的关系是什么?二. 选择题(每小题1分,共40分)1. 任何组织在选定其竞争战略时,都需要认真分析企业所处的环境以及产品的特性等多方面的因素,以下几种观点,你认为哪种提法是不确切的?( )A. 处在经济落后、居民购买力低的环境,应采取成本领先(低成本)战略。
B. 对钢材、标准机械等标准品采取成本领先的战略。
C. 对耐用消费品应采取差异化战略。
D. 对于处在投入期和成长期的产品应采取差异化战略。
2.近几年来,洋快餐纷纷进入中国,在与中式快餐的竞争中,占有相当的优势,作为中国传统的餐饮业,尤其是以上班族和学生为对象的快餐业,要想战胜洋快餐,你认为以下哪一项不是有效的原因?A. 营销能力滞后,品牌意识薄弱。
B. 市场定位不准确,缺乏像洋快餐那样高营养、高热量的食品。
C. 缺乏连锁、特许经营与规模效益。
D. 内部管理落后、品质、卫生环境缺乏竞争力。
3.云南省地处我国边陲,这几年来,他们利用西部大开发的机会,充分利用自身的资源优势,发展具有自身特色的旅游经济,带动了其他行业的发展,起到了明显的效果,从环境因素分析,说明云南省人民充分的利有了:( )A. 环境的优势B. 社会文化环境的优势C. 殊的西部资源优势D. A+B4.甲企业采取多种措施,使自己的产品销售增长率不断增加,市场占有率也维持在较高水平,但外界限许多行家对该企业的评价却是,其竞争力在不断下降,对此,你的评价是:( )A. 专家的意见不准确,上述评估结果不太可能发生。
2004年全国攻读工商管理硕士研究生入学考试英语试卷Section I V ocabulary (10 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.21. It is feared that people living near the power station may have been_____ to radiation.A.displayedB.releasedC.exploredD.exposed22. Some people are _____ into thinking that they like to store up energy.measuredB.coaxedC.deceivedD.delivered23. If you think your child“s request is _____, give him a chance to earn the money to buy theitem.worthlessD.worthyB.A.worthworthwhileC.24. Parental love should include , and so the teenager who is truly loved will receive guidance.1 / 14A. disciplineB. acceptanceC. allowanceD. principal25. As a teacher you have to your methods to suit the needs of slower children. A. adoptB.adjustadaptD.acquire26. The public opinion was that the time was not for the election of such a radical candidate asMr.Jones.ripereadypracticalC. D.B.A.reasonable27. One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that they have taken great _____to educate their children.endeavorsC.A.D.effortsB.attemptspains28. Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milkmaid fought hard to her laughter.hold D.up hold hold back B. outhold onC. A.his? How your does areit answers 29. that with identicalupC.D.comeA.comecomeoffcomeoutaboutB.30. There are a few small things that I don“t like about my job, but ______it's very enjoyable.A. above allB. as usualC. by and largeD. by all means31. I provided you wit h the money. Why didn“t you ask me?A.couldhaveB.hadC.musthaveD.oughttohave32. no doubt that the effectiveness of the drug needs to be tested by many experiments.A.TherebeingB.ItisC.ThereD.Itbeing33. Mary said that she ought not to have made her father angry, ?A.oughtn“tsheB.hadn“tsheC.wasn“tsheD.she34. We often go to the amusement park which is situated ina deserted field.A. that used to beB. that is used to beC. what used to beD. what is used to be35. After into the ward, the nurse at the desk asked me several questions.A. being wheeledB. I was wheeledC. wheelingD. having been wheeled36. Many a plant best in places where there is a great deal of shade.A. growsB.grow C.has grown D. have grown_______.37.Therobber wastothejudge,hishandsbroughtA. to be fast tiedB. were fast tiedC. having been fast tiedD. fast tied38. the diffusion of heat upward to the Earth“s surface, the temperature within the Earth remains constant.WhenIfB.D.DespiteA.That39. are inert outside living cells, but within the appropriate cells they can replicate, causingviraldiseasesinthehostorganism.A. VirusesB. That virusesC. Viruses, whichD. Despite viruses40. Only recently possible to separate the components of flagrant substances and to determinetheirchemicalcomposition.A. it becomesB. having becomeC. has it becomeD. which becomesSection II Cloze (10 points)Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.The China boom is by now a well-documented phenomenon. Who hasn“t 41 the Middle Kingdom“s astounding economic growth (8 percent annually), its tremendous consumer market (1.2 billion people), the investment enthusiasm of foreign suitors ($40 billion in foreign direct investment last year 42 )? China is an economic wonder.43 Nicholas Lardy of the Brookings Institution, a WashingtonD.C.-based think tank, “No country 44 its foreign trade as fast as China over the last 20 years. Japan doubledits foreign trade over 45 period。
2004年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试题Paper OnePart ⅠListening Comprehension (30 minutes, 15 points) (略)Part ⅡVocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.16. If the work ______ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be heavily fined.A. is completedB. to be completedC. will have been completedD. will be completed17. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ______ our chairman now.A. must beB. would have beenC. shall beD. would be18. ______ pollution control measures tend to be money consuming, many industries hesitate to adopt them.A. AlthoughB. HoweverC. WhenD. Since19. ______ is often the case with a new idea, much initial activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposal.A. ItB. WhichC. AsD. That20. According to the ______ of the contract, employees must give six months' notice if they intend to leave.A. lawsB. rulesC. termsD. details21. All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants ______ in the wild.A. once they grewB. that once grewC. they grew onceD. once grew22. The ______ meter can detect even a very small amount of gas in the room.A. sensibleB. sensitiveC. sensingD. sensed23. Not until recent years ______ a popular means of communication.A. e-mail becameB. e-mail has becomeC. did e-mail becomeD. will e-mail become24. Mobile phones have proved to ______ with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.A. interfereB. disturbC. interruptD. trouble25. Although there are many predictions about the future, no one knows for sure ______ the world would be like in 50 years.A. howB. thatC. whichD. what26. The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to ______ the investment plan within a week.A. work outB. put outC. make outD. set out27. I was speaking to Ann on the phone about our tour plan ______ suddenly we were cut off.A. thatB. whileC. beforeD. when28. Television will provide information on prices at the nearby shops ______ news and entertainment.A. as many asB. as far asC. as well asD. as long as29. ______, the researchers cannot concentrate on that very precise experiment.A. With you standing thereB. On your standing thereC. You are standing thereD. You stand there30. Jane takes an ______ interest in clothes and is very particular about what she wears.A. exhaustiveB. excellingC. executiveD. excessive31. She went to Europe on vacation 'but her happy time ended in ______ when their hotel caught fire.A. tragedyB. crisisC. dramaD. misfortune32. You could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is ______ you ______.A. taking...overB. holding...backC. making...upD. leaving...out33. Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8% and 46.8% ______ last year.A. individuallyB. respectivelyC. correspondinglyD. accordingly34. The managing director took the ______ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.A. guiltB. blameC. chargeD. accusation35. It is requested that all the students ______ present at the meeting tomorrow.A. wereB. will beC. areD. bePart ⅢReading Comprehension (55 minutes, 40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneIn ancient Greek, the term euthanatos meant "easy death". Today euthanasia (安乐死) generally refers to mercy killing, the voluntary (自愿) ending of the life of someone who is terminally ill. Like abortion, euthanasia has become a legal, medical, and moral issue over which opinion is divided.Euthanasia can be either active or passive. Active euthanasia means that a physician or other medical personnel takes an action that will result in death, such as giving an overdose of deadly medicine. Passive euthanasia means letting a patient die for lack of treatment, or stopping the treatment that has begun. Examples of passive euthanasia include taking patients off a breathing machine or removing other life-support systems. Stopping the food supply is also considered passive.A good deal of the debate about mercy killing originates from the decision-making process. Who decides whether a patient is to die? This issue has not been solved legally in the United States. The matter is left to state law, which usually allows the physician in charge to suggest the option of death to a patient's relatives, especially if the patient is brain dead. In an attempt to make decisions about when their own lives should end, several terminally ill patients in the early 1990s used a controversial suicide device, developed by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, to end their lives.In parts of Europe, the decision-making process has become very flexible. Even in cases where the patients are not brain dead, patients have been put to death without their approval at the request of relatives or at the suggestion of physicians. Many cases of passive euthanasia involve old people or newborn infants. The principle justifying this practice is that such individuals have a "life not worthy of life".In countries where passive euthanasia is not legal, the court systems have proved very tolerant in dealing with medical personnel who practice it. In Japan, for example, if physicians follow certain guidelines they may actively carry out mercy killings on hopelessly ill people. Courts have also been somewhat tolerant of friends or relatives who have assisted terminally ill patients to die.36. A terminally ill patient is one who ______.A. gets worse every dayB. can never get well againC. is very seriously ill in the endD. is too ill to want to live on37. The difference between active and passive euthanasia is whether ______.A. there is an action that speeds up the death of the patientB. the breathing machine is taken off the patientC. an overdose of deadly medicine is usedD. the patient is denied food supply38. According to the passage, who has/have the legal responsibility to decide on euthanasia?A. The national or state government.B. The patient's relatives.C. Physicians in charge of the patient.D. The answer varies from country to country.39. The principle justifying passive euthanasia in Europe is that terminally ill patients are ______.A. living a life without consciousnessB. living a life that can hardly be called lifeC. too old or too weak to live onD. too old or too young to approve of euthanasia40. The attitude of the writer toward euthanasia is ______.A. negativeB. positiveC. objectiveD. casualPassage TwoNext week, as millions of families gather for their Thanksgiving (感恩节) feasts, many other Americans will go without. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, more than 12 million households lack enough food for everyone in their family at some time during the year—including holidays.Hunger is surprisingly widespread in our country—one of the world's wealthiest—yet the government estimates that we waste almost 100 billion pounds of food each year, more than one-quarter of our total supply.Reducing this improper distribution of resources is a goal of America's Second Harvest, the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization. Last year, it distributed nearly 2 billon pounds of food to more than 23 million people in need.America's Second Harvest is a network of 214 inter-connected food banks and other organizations that gather food from growers, processors, grocery stores and restaurants. In turn, the network distributes food to some 50,000 soup kitchens, homeless shelters and old people's centers in every county of every state.A great deal of work is involved in distributing tons of food from thousands of donors (捐赠者) to hundreds of small, nonprofit organizations. Until a few years ago, America's Second Harvest lacked any effective way to manage their inventory. Without accurate and timely information, soup kitchens were sometimes empty while food was left to spoil in loading places.In 2000, America's Second Harvest began to use a new inventory and financial-management system—Ceres. It is software designed specifically for hunger-relief operations. It is used by more than 100 America's Second Harvest organizations to track food from donation to distribution.Ceres has helped reduce the spoiling of food and improve distribution. An evaluation found that the software streamlined food banks' operations by 23 percent in the first year alone.With more accurate and timely reports, Ceres saves time, flees staff members to focus on finding new donors, and promises more efficient use of donations.Hunger in America remains a troubling social problem. Technology alone cannot solve it. But in the hands of organizations such as America's Second Harvest, it is a powerful tool that is helping to make a difference—and helping more Americans to join in the feast.41. According to the passage, the total supply of food in America every year reaches ______.A. 12 million poundsB. more than 12 million poundsC. almost 100 billion poundsD. about 400 billion pounds42. By "this improper distribution of resources" in Paragraph 3, the writer means that many Americans lack enough food while ______.A. their country is one of the richest in the worldB. much food is left to spoilC. others waste too much foodD. others consume too much food43. A problem for America's Second Harvest a few years ago was that ______.A. it did not get enough food from donorsB. it did not have a large enough networkC. it did not have enough soup kitchensD. it did not have a good way to manage its food stock44. With Ceres, America's Second Harvest is now able to ______.A. enlarge its networkB. prevent food from spoilingC. give out food more efficiently.D. solve the hunger problem in the country45. The main idea of the passage is that ______.A. technology can help in the fight against hungerB. America's Second Harvest has found more donorsC. America's Second Harvest promotes the development of technologyD. hunger is a problem even in the wealthiest country in the worldPassage ThreeThe differences in living standards around the world are vast In 1993, the average American had an income of about $25,000. In the same year, the average Mexican earned $7,000, and the average Nigerian earned. $1,500. Not surprisingly, this large variation in average income is reflected in various measures of the quality of life. Changes in living standards over time are also large. In the United States, incomes have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost of living). At this rate, average income doubles every 35 years. In some countries, economic growth has been even more rapid. In Japan, for instance, average income has doubled in the past 20 years, and in South Korea it has doubled in the past 10 years.What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over time? The answer is surprisingly simple. Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries' productivity—hat is, the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time. In nations where workers can produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time, most people enjoy a high standard of living; in nations where workers are less productive, most people must endure a more meager existence. Similarly, the growth rate of a nation's productivity determines the growth rate of its average income.The fundamental relationship between productivity and living standards is simple, but its implications are far-reaching. If productivity is the primary determinant of living standards, other explanations must be of secondary importance. For example, people might think that labor unions or minimum-wage laws contributed to the rise in living standards of American workers over the past century. Yet the real hero of American workers is their rising productivity.The relationship between productivity and living standards also has great implications for public policy. When thinking about how any policy will affect living standards, the key question is how it will affect our ability to produce goods and services. To improve living standards, policymakers need to raise productivity by ensuring that workers are well educated, have the tools needed to produce goods and services, and have access to the best available technology.46. Which of the following countries has enjoyed the fastest economic growth in history?A. Mexico.B. The United States.C. Japan.D. South Korea.47. The word "meager" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to" ______ ".A. modestB. poorC. meaninglessD. plentiful48. What is the most important factor that leads to the rise in living standards of average people?A. Labor unions.B. Minimum-wage laws.C. Rising productivity.D. Favorable public policy.49. The study of the relationship between productivity and living standards is significant in that ______.A. it calls policymakers' attention to a qualified work forceB. it encourages workers to get better educationC. it helps improve the workers' ability to produce goods and servicesD. it enables policymakers to access the latest technology50. The passage mainly discusses ______.A. the differences in average income among countriesB. the relationship between productivity and living standardsC. the causes of the rise in living standardsD. the importance of raising productivityPassage FourNot so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree could find a good career quite easily. Companies toured the academic institutions, competing with each other to select graduates. However, those days are gone, even in Hong Kong, and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a suitable career: recognizing abilities, matching these to available jobs and presenting them well to possible employers.Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities. One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications, which would include special skills within their subject area. Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes. An honest assessment of personal interests and abilities such as creative skills, or skills acquired from work experience, should also be given careful thought.The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future. To do this, graduates can study job and position information in newspapers, or they can visit a careers office, write to possible employers for information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession. After studying all the various options, they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers.Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters should, of course, be filled in carefully and correctly, without grammar or spelling errors. Where additional information is asked for, job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth, with examples if possible. They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer's needs, explain why they are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about the company and its activities.When graduates go to an interview, they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the possible employer. Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also important. Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about. This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable answer.51. "Those days are gone, even in Hong Kong" in Paragraph 1 suggests that ______.A. finding a good career used to be easier in Hong Kong than elsewhereB. now everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good jobC. graduates now face stronger competition in Hong Kong than elsewhereD. even in Hong Kong companies tour universities trying to select graduates52. It is implied in Paragraph 3 that graduates should ______.A. aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needsB. consider careers which suit their values, interests and abilitiesC. recognize their own abilities regardless of what the employer looks forD. stress their personal attitudes and values in job applications53. According to Paragraph 4, graduates should ______.A. find a good position and then compare it with other careersB. ask friends or relatives to secure them a good jobC. get information about a number of careers before making comparisonsD. study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available54. In the last paragraph, the writer seems to suggest that ______.A. interviewees should appear humble ff they can't give an answerB. dressing properly is more important than being able to give an answerC. it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understandD. it is a good idea for interviewees to be boastful in their answers55. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in Hong Kong.B. Job seekers should consider as many related factors as possible.C. Businesses used to visit the universities in Hong Kong to select graduates.D. Graduates used to compete with each other for a good job in Hong Kong.Part ⅣGloze Test (15 minutes, 5 points)Directions:There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults. This is often done in the workplace, or (56) "continuing education" courses at secondary schools, or at a college or university.Educating adults differs from educating (57) in several ways. One of the most important (58) is that adults have gained knowledge and experience which can (59) add value to a learning experience or interfere with it.Another important difference is that adults frequently must apply their knowledge in some (60) fashion in order to learn effectively; there must be a (61) and a reasonable expectation that the new knowledge will help them further that goal. One example, (62) in the 1990s, was the spread of computer training courses in (63) adults, most of them office workers, could enroll. These courses would teach basic use of the operating system or specific application (64) . Because the skills (65) to interact with a PC were so new, many people who had been working white-collar jobs for ten years or more eventually took such training courses, either of their own will (to gain computer skills and thus can higher pay) or at the request of their managers.56. A. by B. from C. on D. through57. A. children B. students C. workers D. employees58. A. signs B. features C. differences D. practices59. A. either B. neither C. both D. so60. A. probable B. practical C. modern D. routine61. A. plan B. prospect C. goal D. possibility62. A. normal B. common C. regular D. profitable63. A. that B. which C. those D. whose64. A. software B. hardware C. technology D. framework65. A. related B. designed C. expected D. requiredPaper TwoPart ⅤTranslation (30 minutes, 15 points)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET One of the really nice features about e-mails is that they allow us to send files as attachments to other users. This is a very good thing. If I'm working with a colleague and want to send him an image file or a word file, I can do so very quickly and easily, without having to fax it to him. This saves on long distance bills and printing costs. It also, however, presents a problem, because attachments can take a long time to download. For those of us who pay by the hour for Internet service, unwanted attachments can be quite costly and time-consuming. I once had someone send me fifteen large image files, and it tied up my computer for 20 minutes just to download one ofthem. So, in short, if you're going to send an attachment, get permission first.Part ⅥWriting (30 minutes, 15 points)Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the title of "College Students Should (Not) Be Permitted to Live off Campus". You are to take a position, either for or against the matter, and give your reasons. You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.近年来大学生在校外租房居住的现象越来越多,这个问题已引起社会各界的关注。
[B] Grain.
[C] Steel.
[D] Tobacco.
19.When was Belfast founded?
[A] In 1177.
[B] In 1315.
[C] In the 16th century.
[D] In the 17 th century.
11.What do we often do with the things we love?
[A]Ask for their names.
[B]Name babies after them.
[C] Put down their names.
[D]Choose names for them.
12.The unpleasant meaning of an old family name is often overlooked if
[A]the family tree is fairly limited.
[B]the family tie is strong enough.
[C]the name is commonly used.
systematically about the long-range future is
To succeed in anything, one should be flexible,curious and
What does Saffo consider to be essential to thework of a team?
21. It is feared that people living near the power station may have been_____ to radiation.
a art.一(个);任何一个;每,每一件abandon v.放弃;抛弃abide v.坚持,遵守ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干able a.有能力的,能干的,显示出才华的be able to 能,会abnormal a.反常的,不正常的aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上,上船(飞机,车) aboard prep.在(船,飞机,车)上,上(船,飞机,车) abolish v.废除,取消about ad.在周围,附近,到处;大约,差不多about prep.关于,对于;在…周围,在…附近a.准备be about to 即将above prep.在…上面,超过,高于above a.上面的,上述的ad.在上面,以上above all 首要,尤其abroad ad.到国外,在国外;到处abrupt a.突然的;(举止,言谈等)唐突的absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏,没有absent a.(from)缺席,不在场;缺乏的;漫不经心的absolute a.绝对的,完全的absorb v.吸收;吸收,使专心be absorbed in 专心于absorption n.吸收abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要,提要 v.提(抽取) absurd a.荒唐的abundance n.丰富,充裕abundant a.(in)丰富的,充分的,充裕的abuse v./n.滥用;虐待;谩骂academic a.学院的;学术的academy n.学院accelerate v.加快,促进acceleration n.加速(度)accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号)accept v.接受,认可;同意,认可acceptable a.可接受的acceptance n.接受,验收;承认,认可access n.接近;入口,通道;接近(或进入)的方法have access to 可以获得accessory n.附件,配件 a.附属的accident n.事故;意外的事,偶然的事by accident 偶然accidental a.偶然的,意外的accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给accommodation n.住宿,留宿;膳宿供应accompany v.陪同,伴随;为…伴奏accomplish v.完成accordance n.一致in accordance with 与…一致according to 按照,根据accordingly ad.因此,从而,相应地,照着(办) account n.账(目,户);叙述,说明 v.说明,解释account for 说明(原因等)on account of 因为,由于take...into account 考虑accumulate v.积累,积蓄,堆积accuracy n.准确,准确度accurate a.精确的,准确的accuse v.(of)控告,谴责accustom v.(to)使习惯accustomed a.惯常的,习惯的be accustomed to 习惯于ache v.痛 n.疼痛,酸痛achieve v.完成;达到,达成,获得acid n.酸a.酸的acknowledge v.承认;致谢acquaint v.(sb.with)使认识,使了解acquaintance n.熟人,相识acquire v.取得,获得;学到acquisition n.获得,获得物acre n.英亩across prep.横过,穿过;在…对面,与…交叉ad.横过act v.行动;(on)起作用;表演 n.行为;(一)幕action n.行动,行为;动作,活动;(on)作用activate v.使活动,起动active a.有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的,在活动中的activity n.活动;活性,活力actor n.男演员actress n.女演员actual a.实际的,现实的acute a.敏锐的,尖锐的;(疾病)急性的AD n.(A.D.)公元advertisement n.广告adapt v.(to)(使)适应,适合;改编,改写adaptation n.改编;适应add v.(to)加,增加;补充说,又说add up to 合计,总计addition n.(增)加,加法;附加(物)in addition 另外in addition to 除…之外additional a.附加的,另外的,额外的address n.地址;致词 v.致函,写姓名地址adequate a.足够的,充分的,恰当的adhere v.(to)粘附,胶着;坚持adjacent a.(to)邻近的,毗连的adjective n./a.形容词(的)adjoin v.毗连,靠近adjust v.调节,调整,校正administrate v.掌管;实施,执行;给予,投(药) administration n.管理,经营;行政(机关,部门);政府admiration n.钦佩,赞美admire v.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕admission n.允许进入,接纳,收容;承认admit v.让…进入,接纳;承认adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的adopt v.采用,采纳,通过;收养adoption n.采用,采纳,通过;收养adult n.成(年)人a.成年人的,已成熟的advance v.前进;推进;提出(建议等)n.前进,进展;预付in advance 提前,预先advanced a.高级的,先进的,前进的advantage n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处have an advantage over 胜过,优于take advantage of 利用advantageous a.有利的adventure n.冒险,冒险活动;奇遇adverb n.副词advertise v.做广告advice n.劝告,忠告,(医生等的)意见advisable n.可取的,适当的advise v.劝告,忠告;建议;通知advocate n.提倡者,鼓吹者v.提倡,鼓吹aerial a.空中的,航空的n.天线aeroplane n.飞机aerospace n.太空,宇宙空间aesthetic a.美学的,艺术的;审美的affair n.事,事情,事件affect v.影响;感动affection n.爱,慈爱,感情;影响affiliate v.使隶属(或附属)于n.附属机构,分公司affirm v.断言,肯定affirmative a.肯定的afford v.担负得起,买得起,花得起(时间);供给,给予afraid a.(of)怕,害怕的;恐怕,担心的Africa n.非洲African a.非洲(人)的 n.非洲人after prep.在…以后,在…后面 conj.在…后afternoon n.下午,午后afterward ad.后来,以后again ad.又,再(次),重新againstprep.对(着),逆;反对;违反;靠近,倚在;对比age n.年龄;时期,时代 v.变老,老化agency n.代理(处),代办处agenda n.议事日程agent n.代理商(人),代表aggravate v.恶化,加重,加剧aggressive a.侵略的,好斗的;敢作敢为的,有进取心的agitate v.鼓动,搅动;搅拌ago ad.以前,…前agony n.苦恼,痛苦agree v.(to,with)同意,赞成;一致,适合agreeable a.惬意的,令人愉快的;易相处的;同意的agreement n.同意,一致;协定,协议agricultural a.农业的agriculture n.农业ahead ad.在前,向前,提前,前头ahead of 在…前面,先于aid v.援助,救援 n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物aim v.(at)目的在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n.目标,目的air n.空气,大气,天空;神气,架子v.使通风in the air 在流行中,在传播中aircraft n.航空器,飞机airline n.航线;航空公司airmail n.航空邮件,航空邮政airplane n.飞机 [英]aeroplaneairport n.机场,航空站alarm n.警报;惊恐 v.使惊恐,惊动;向…报警alcohol n.酒精,乙醇alert a.警惕的;机灵的alien n.外侨;外星人 a.外国的;(from)相异的alike a.相同的,想像的alive a.活着着;活跃的,热闹的all a.所有的,全部的 pron.一切,全部ad.完全,都above all 首要,尤其after all 终于,毕竟;虽然这样all but 几乎,差一点;除…之外其余都all out 全力以赴,竭尽全力all over 遍及,到处all right 行,可以;顺利,良好at all 完全,根本in all 总共,共计not at all 一点也不allege v.断言,宣称alleviate v.减轻,缓解,缓和alliance n.结盟,联盟;联姻in alliance with 与…联盟allied a.联合的,同盟的allocate v.分配,分派,把…拨给allow v.允许,准许;承认;让…得到allow for 考虑到allowance n.津贴,补助(费)make allowance for 考虑到,顾及;体谅,原谅alloy n.合金ally n.同盟国,同盟者;支持者v.(with)使结盟almost ad.几乎,差不多alone a.单独,独立 ad.仅仅,只;单独地,独自leave...alone 听其自然,不要去管let alone 更不用说along prep.沿着 ad.向前 along with 与…一起alongside prep.在…旁边,横靠,与…并肩 ad.并排地aloud ad.出声地,大声地alphabet n.字母表already ad.已,已经also ad.也,同样;而且,还not only...but also 不但…而且alter v.改变,变更alteration n.改变,变更alternate a.交替的,轮流的v.交替,轮流alternative a.两者挑一的 n.可供选择的事物,替换物although conj.尽管,虽然,即使altitude n.高度,海拔altogether ad.完全,全部地;总共;总之aluminum n.铝always ad.永远,始终;总是,一直AM A.M.(a.m.)上午amateur a.业余的 n.业余(活动)爱好者amaze v.使惊奇,使惊愕,使惊叹ambassador n.大使ambiguous a.模棱两可的ambition n.雄心,野心ambitious a.有雄心的,野心勃勃的ambulance n.救护车amend v.修改,修正America n.美洲;美国American a.美洲(人)的;美国(人)的n.美国人;美国人among prep.在…之中,在…中间amount n.数量,总额v.(to)合计,总共达,等于ampere n.安培ample a.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的,宽大的amplifier n.放大器,扩音机amplify v.放大,增强amuse v.逗…笑,给…以娱乐(消遣)amusement n.娱乐,消遣;娱乐活动analog n.类似物;模拟analogy n.比拟,类比by analogy 用类推的方法analysis n.分析,分解analytic a.分析的,分解的analyze v.(analyse)分析,分解ancestor n.祖宗,祖先anchor n.锚 v.抛锚,停泊ancient a.古代的,古老的and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又angel n.天使anger n.(愤)怒,气愤 v.使发怒,激怒angle n.角;角度,方面,观点angry a.愤怒的;生气的;(风雨等)狂暴的animal n.动物,野兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的ankle n.踝anniversary n.周年(纪念日)announce v.宣布,发表,通行;报告…的来到announcer n.播音员,报幕员annoy v.使恼怒,使生气,打搅annual a.每年的,年度的n.年刊,年鉴anonymous a.匿名的;无名的;无特色的another a.另一,再一;别的 pron.另一个,类似的一个one after another 一个接一个one another 互相answer v.回答,答复响应(for)负责;(to)符合 n.回答ant n.蚂蚁antarctic a.南极(区)的 n.the Antarctic 南极洲antenna n.天线anticipate v.预期,预料,预感,期望anxiety n.挂念,焦虑,焦急,忧虑;渴望,热望anxious a.(about)忧虑的,担心的,焦急的;渴望的any a.(否定,疑问,条件句中)什么,一些;任何的any pron.无论哪个,无论哪些;一个,一些any ad.稍,丝毫anybody pron.任何人,无论谁;重要人物anyhow ad.不管怎样,无论如何;不论用何种办法anyone pron.任何人,无论谁anything pron.无论什么事(物),一切;任何事(物) anything but 除…以外任何事(物),根本不anyway ad.无论如何anywhere ad.在什么地方,无论哪里apart ad.撇开;分开,分离;相距,相隔apart from 除去apartment n.(英)房间,套间;(美)公寓apologize v.(to,for)道歉,认错apology n.道歉,歉意,认错apparatus n.器械,设备,仪器,装置apparent a.(to)明显的,显而易见的;表面的,貌似的appeal v.(to)呼吁,要求;对…有吸引力;申述,上诉appeal n.(to)呼吁,要求;吸引力;申诉,上诉appear v.出现,显露;出场,问世;来到;好像是,仿佛appearance n.出现,出场,露面;外表,外貌,外观appendix n.附录,附属物appetite n.食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好,要求applaud v.喝彩,欢呼,鼓掌,称赞applause n.鼓掌欢迎,欢呼apple n.苹果(树)appliance n.用具,器具applicable a.(to)能应用的,适用的application n.请求,申请(书,表);应用,运用;施用,敷apply v.(for)申请,请求;(to)适用,应用,运用appoint v.任命,委任;约定,指定appointment n.任命,委任;约定,指定appraisal n.估计,估量;评价appreciable a.可以察觉的,可估计的appreciate v.感谢,感激;正确评价,欣赏,赏识apprehension n.忧虑,担心,疑惧;理解,领悟approach v.靠近,接近,邻近n.方法,途径;探讨appropriate a.(to)适当的,恰如其分的approval n.赞成,同意;认可,批准approve v.(of)赞成,满意,同意;批准,审定,通过approximately ad.近似地,大约April n.四月apt a.恰当的;(习性)易于…的,有…倾向的Arabian n.阿拉伯人a.阿拉伯(人)的arbitrary a.任意的,专断的arch n.拱门,弓形结构 v.拱起,(使)变成弓形architect n.建筑师architecture n.建筑(式样,风格);建筑学arctic a.北极(区)的n.(the Arctic)北极,北极圈area n.面积;地区,区域;范围,领域argue v.争论,辩论;主张,论证;说服argument n.争论,辨认;论据,论点arise v.出现,发生;(from)由…引起,由…产生arithmetic n.算术arm n.(手)臂,臂状物;扶手 (pl.)武器 v.武装army n.军(队),陆军;大群around ad.各处,到处;在附近;大约 prep.在.周围arouse v.唤醒,唤起;激起,引起arrange v.整理,排列,布置;安排,筹备array n.一系列,大量;排列 v.排列arrest v./n.逮捕,拘留arrival n.到来,到达;到达的人或物arrive v.到达,来到arrive at 达到,得出arrow n.箭;箭头(符号),箭状物art n.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;(pl.)文科,人文学科article n.文章,论文;物品,商品;项目,条款;冠词articulatea.善于表达的,口齿清晰的 v.明确有力地表达artificial a.人工的,人造的;人为的,娇揉造作的artist n.艺术家,美术家artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的as ad.一样,同样 conj.像…一样;由于;正当as...as 像…一样as for 至于,就…方面说as if 好像,仿佛as though 好像,仿佛as to 至于,关于as well 也,又as well as (除…之外)也,既…又not as...as 不如…那样ascend v.攀登,上升ascertain v.查明,弄清,确定ash n.灰(烬)ashamed a.(of)羞耻,惭愧,害臊ashore ad.在岸上,上岸Asia n.亚洲Asian a.亚洲(人)的 n.亚洲人aside ad.在旁边,到旁边aside from 除…以外ask v.(询)问;请求,要求;(邀)请,约请ask after 询问,问候ask for 请求,要求asleep a.睡着的aspect n.样子,外表,面貌;(问题等的)方面assault v./n.袭击,攻击assemble v.集合,集会,会议;装配assembly n.集合,集会,会议;装配assert v.断言,宣称assess v.估价,评价assign v.分配,委派;指定(时间,地点等)assignment n.分配,委派;任务,(课外)作业assimilate v.(被)吸收,(被)消化;(使或被)同化assist v.帮助,援助,协助assistance n.帮助,援助assistant n.助手,助教 a.辅助的,助理的associate v.(with)使联系;交往 n.合作人,伙伴 a.副association n.协会,团体;联合,联系,交往;联想assume v.假装;假定,设想;采取,承担;呈现assumption n.假定,设想;采取;承担assurance n.确保,断言;保证,担保assure v.使确信,使放心;保证,担保astonish v.使惊讶,使吃惊astronaut n.宇航员astronomy n.天文学at prep.(表示地点)在,于;(表示时刻)在…时athlete n.运动员Atlantic a.大西洋的 n.(the Atlantic)大西洋atmosphere n.大气(层);空气;气氛;大气压(压力单位) atmospheric a.大气的,空气的atom n.原子;微粒,微量attach v.(to)缚上,系上;使依附,使隶属,使依恋attached to 附属于,隶属于attack v./n.攻击,抨击;着手,开始 n.(病)发作attain v.达到,获得attempt v.尝试,试图 n.(at)企图,努力attend v.出席,参加;(to)照顾,护理attendance n.到场,出席attendant n.服务员,值班员;护理人员attention n.注意(力),留心;立正pay attention to 注意attentive a.注意的,留神的attitude n.(to,towards)态度,看法;姿势attorney n.律师attract v.吸引,招引,引诱,引起(注意等)attractive a.有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的attribute n.属性,品质 v.(to)把…归于audience n.听众,观众,读者;谒见,会见augment v.扩大,增加,提高August n.八月aunt n.伯母,婶母,姑母,舅母,姨母aural a.听觉的Australia n.澳大利亚,澳洲Australian a.澳洲的;澳大利亚(人)的 n.澳大利亚人author n.作者;创始人authority n.权力,威信;权威者;(pl.)当局auto n.汽车automatic n.自动机构 a.自动的,无意识的,机械的automation n.自动(化)automobile n.汽车autumn n.秋(季)auxiliary a.辅助的,补助的avail n.效用,利益 v.有用于,有助于avail oneself of 利用to no avail (of no avail)不起作用,没有用availablea.可用的,可得到的;可以见到的,随时可来的avenue n.林荫道,大街;途径,手段average n.平均(数) a.平均的;通常的 v.平均,均分on the average (on an average)平均,一般说来avert v.防止,避免;转移(目光,注意力等)aviation n.航空,飞行avoid v.避免,回避,逃避await v.等候,期待awake a.醒着的,警觉的 v.唤醒;醒,觉醒,醒悟到award n.奖(品) v.授予,奖给aware a.(of)知道的,意识到的away ad.离开,远离;…去,…掉;不断…下去right away 立即,马上awful a.极度的,极坏的;威严的,可怕的 ad.十分awfully ad.非常,很awkward a.笨拙的,不灵活的;棘手的,尴尬的axe n.斧(子)axis n.轴(线);构图中心线baby n.婴儿,孩子bachelor n.单身汉;(亦作B-)学士(学位)back n.背(面) a.后面的 ad.在后;回;以前 v.后退back and forth 来回,往返,来来往往地back down (back off)放弃,让步,退却back of 在…后部,在…背部back up 支持,援助;倒退,后退background n.背景,经历backward a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的 ad.向后,朝反方向bacon n.咸肉,熏肉bacterium (pl.)bacteria n.细菌bad a.坏的,错的;低劣的;不舒服的,病的;腐败的badge n.徽章badly ad.坏,恶劣地;严重地,非常,厉害地badminton n.羽毛球bag n.袋,包baggage n.行李bake v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干bakery n.面包房balance v.称,(使)平衡 n.天平;平衡,均衡;差额,余款bald a.秃的,秃头的ball n.球,球状物;舞会balloon n.气球ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止 n.禁止,禁令banana n.香蕉band n.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙 v.缚,绑扎bandage n.绷带 v.用绷带扎缚bang n.砰砰的声音;猛击 v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击bank n.岸,堤;银行,库 v.存入银行bankrupt a.破产的bankruptcy n.破产 v.使破产banner n.旗(帜)bar n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物) v.闩上,阻拦barber n.理发师bare a.赤裸的,空的;稀少的,仅有的 v.露出,暴露barely ad.赤裸裸地,无遮蔽地;仅仅,勉强,几乎没有bargain n.廉价货;交易,契约,合同 v.议价,成交bark v.吠叫,咆哮 n.吠声,狗叫声barn n.谷仓,仓库barrel n.桶;枪管,炮管barrier n.栅栏,屏障;障碍(物)base n.基础,底部;根据地 v.(on)把…基于baseball n.棒球basement n.建筑物的底部,地下室,地窖basic a.基本的,基础的basin n.盆,脸盆;内海,盆地basis n.基础,根据on the basis of 根据,在…的基础上basket n.篮(子),篓basketball n.篮球bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠batch n.一批,一组,一群bath n.沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆) v.(给…)洗澡bathe v.游泳,洗澡,浸,弄湿bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室,卫生间battery n.电池(组);炮兵连,炮组battle n.战役,战斗;斗争 v.战斗,斗争,搏斗bay n.海湾,(港)湾BC (B.C.)公元前be v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;到达,来到,发生beach n.海滩,湖滩,河滩beam n.(横)梁,桁条;(光线的)束,柱 v.微笑bean n.豆;菜豆,蚕豆bear n.熊 v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女beard n.胡须beast n.兽,牲畜;凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人beat n.敲打;(心脏等)跳动 v.打败;(心脏等)跳动beautiful a.美(好)的beauty n.美(丽);美人,美丽的东西because conj.因为because of 由于,因为become v.成为,变得;适宜,同…相称bed n.床(位);苗床,圃,花坛;河床,矿床,海底bedroom n.卧室bee n.(蜜)蜂beef n.牛肉beer n.啤酒before prep.在…以前 conj.在…之前 ad.前面,从前beforehand ad.预先,事先beg v.乞求,乞讨;请求,恳求begin v.开始begin with 从…开始beginner n.初学者beginning n.开始,开端behalf n.利益on behalf of 代表,为了behave v.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动behavior behaviour n.行为,举止;(机器的)特性behind prep.在…后面,落后于 ad.在后,向后being n.生物,人;存在,生存belief n.信仰,信条;相信,信念believe v.(in)相信,信仰;认为make believe 假装bell n.钟,铃belong v.(to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等) beloved a./n.受爱戴的,敬爱的;爱人,被心爱的人below prep.在…下面,在…以下 ad.在下面,向下belt n.(皮)带,腰带;地带bench n.长凳,条凳;(工作)台,座bend v.(使)弯曲;屈从,屈服 n.弯曲(处),曲折处beneath prep.在…下边,在…之下 ad.在下方beneficial a.(to)有利的,有益的benefit n.利益,好处,恩惠 v.有益于;(from,by)受益bent a.弯曲的berry n.浆果beside prep.在…旁边,在…附近;与…相比besides prep.除…之外 ad.而且,还有best a.最好的 ad.最好(地)at the best 充其量try one's best 尽力,努力get the best of 胜过make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理bet v.赌,打赌 n.打赌,赌注betray v.背叛,出卖;暴露,流露,泄露better a.较好的 ad.更好(地) v.改良 n.较佳者for the better 好转,改善get the better of 占上风,胜过had better 最好还是,应该between prep.在(两者)之间 ad.当中,中间beware v.当心,谨防bewilder v.使迷惑,难住beyond prep.在(或向)…的那边,远于 ad.在那边bias n./v.(使有)偏见,偏心,偏袒Bible n.圣经bicycle n.自行车bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标 n.出众,投标big a.大的,巨大的;重大的,重要的bike n.自行车bill n.账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票billion num./n.(美)十亿,(英)万亿bind v.捆,绑,包括,束缚biography n.传记biology n.生物学bird n.鸟,禽birth n.出生,分娩;出身,血统biscuit n.饼干,点心bit n.一点,一片,一些bite v./n.咬,叮 n.一口bitter a.(有)苦(味)的;痛苦的,厉害的black a.黑(色)的,黑暗的 n.黑人,黑色blackboard n.黑板blame v.责备;怪,把…归咎于 n.责任,过错;责备blank a.空白的,空着的;失色的 n.空白;表格blanket n.毛毯,毯子blast n.一阵(风);爆炸冲击波;管乐器声 v.爆炸blaze n.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉 v.燃烧,冒火焰bleak a.荒凉的;冷酷的;没有希望的bleed v.出血,流血blend n.混合(物) v.混和,混杂bless v.祝福,保佑blessing n.祈祷,祝福blind a.瞎的;盲目的 v.使失明;蒙蔽 n.百叶窗block n.大块木料(或石料);一排房屋 v.阻塞,拦阻blood n.血(液);血统,宗族,门第;血气,气质bloody a.流血的,血腥的bloom n.花(朵);开花(期) v.开花blossom n.花 v.开花blow v.吹(气),打气;吹响(乐器,号角等);爆炸n.打blue a.(天)蓝色的,青的;伤心的,沮丧的 n.蓝色blunder v.(因无知等而)犯大错;踉踉跄跄地走 n.大错blunt a.率直的;钝的 v.(使)钝;(使)迟钝blush v./n.脸红board n.板,木板;全体委员;伙食 v.上船(车,飞机) on board 在船(车,飞机)上boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀 n.自夸,大话boat n.小船,艇body n.身体,本体;主体;尸体;物体;(一)群,批,堆boil v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸)boiler n.锅炉;煮器(壶,锅等)bold a.大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的bolt n.螺栓,(门,窗的)插销 v.闩(门),关窗,拴住bomb n.炸弹 v.投弹于,轰炸bond n.结合(物),粘结(剂),联结;公债,债券,契约bone n.骨(骼)bonus n.奖金,红利book n.书(籍);卷,篇,册 v.预定,订(票,房间等) boom v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声boot n.(长统)靴booth n.电话亭,货摊border n.边界,国界;边(沿) v.交界,与…接壤;接近bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞);烦扰 n.讨厌的人,麻烦事born a.出身于…的,天生的,生来的borrow v.借(用)bosom n.(心)胸boss n.工头,老板,上司 v.指挥,支配,发号施令both pron.二者,双方 a.两,双both...and 既…又…,两个都bother v.打扰,烦扰;烦恼,操心 n.麻烦bottle n.瓶(子) v.装瓶bottom n.底(部);基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床bough n.大树枝,主枝bounce v.跳起,弹起 n.(球)跳起,弹回bound v./n.跳(跃) a.被束缚的,理应…的;开往…的boundary n.分界线,边界bow v./n.鞠躬,点头 n.弓(形);蝴蝶结bowl n.碗(状物),钵box n.箱(子),盒(子);包厢 v.拳击,打耳光boy n.男孩;男服务员,男仆boycott n./v.(联合)抵制,拒绝参与brace v.使防备;支撑;使(手,足,肩等)绷紧 n.托架bracket n.(方)括号brain n.(大)脑,骨髓;(pl.)脑力,智能brake v./n.制动(器),闸,刹车branch n.(树)条,分支;分店;(学科)分科,部门;支流brand n.商标,标记,牌子 v.使铭记;打火印,打烙印brandy n.白兰地酒brass n.黄铜,铜器brave a.勇敢的bravery n.大胆,勇敢bread n.面包breadth n.宽度,幅break v.打破,折断;使中止;破坏 n.打断;休息时间break away from 脱离,逃跑break down 损坏,分解,瓦解break in 强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴break into 闯入break off 断绝,结束break out 突然发生,爆发;(of)逃出break through 突破break up 中止,结束;打碎,拆散breakdown n.垮,衰竭;损坏,故障,倒塌breakfast n.早饭,早餐 v.吃早饭breast n.胸膛,乳房breath n.呼吸,气息catch one's breath 屏息,歇口气out of breath 喘不过气来,上气不接下气breathe v.呼吸,吸入breed v.(使)繁殖,生殖;产生;教养,抚养 n.品种breeze n.微风,和风bribe n.贿赂 v.向…行贿,买通brick n.砖(状物)bride n.新娘bridge n.桥(梁) v.架桥,建桥brief a.简短的,简洁的 v.简短介绍,简要汇报in brief 简单地说,简言之bright a.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的brilliant a.光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,有才华的brim n.边缘,帽沿bring v.带来,拿来;引起,导致bring about 带来,造成bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低bring forth 产生,提出bring forward 提出bring out 使出现,使显明;公布,出版bring to 使恢复知觉bring up 教育,培养,使成长brisk a.轻快的;生气勃勃的;兴隆的Britain n.不列颠,英国British a.不列颠的;英国(人)的brittle a.易碎的,脆(弱)的broad a.宽的,广阔的;广大的;宽宏的,豁达的broadcast v./n.广播(节目)brochure n.小册子broken a.破碎(了)的bronze n.青铜(色),青铜制品brook n.小河,溪broom n.扫帚brother n.兄弟;同胞;教友brow n.眉(毛);额brown n./a.褐色(的),棕色(的)brush n.刷(子),毛刷;画笔 v.刷,擦,掸,拂;掠过brutal a.残忍的;严峻的;严酷的bubble n.泡,水泡,气泡 v.冒泡,起泡,沸腾bucket n.水桶,吊桶bud n.芽,花苞 v.发芽,含苞欲放budget n.预算 v.做预算buffet n.自助餐bug n.臭虫;小毛病;窃听器 v.窃听build v.造,建筑,建设,建立build up 积累,堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进,锻炼building n.建筑(物),房屋,大楼bulb n.灯泡,球状物bulk n.体积,容积;主体,大批,大量,大块in bulk 散装;大批,大量bull n.公牛bullet n.子弹,枪弹bulletin n.公报,公告,告示bump v.(against,into)碰;颠簸着前进 n.碰撞bunch n.(一)簇,束,捆,串bundle n.捆,包,束burden n.担子,负担,重担bureau n.署,局,司,处burn v.燃烧,烧毁,烧伤 n.烧伤,灼伤burn out 烧掉burn up 烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽burst v.爆裂,炸破;突然发生 n.突然破裂,爆发bury v.埋(葬),安葬;埋藏,遮盖bus n.公共汽车trolley bus 无轨电车bush n.灌木(丛)business n.商业,生意;事务,业务,职责on business 因公,因事busy a.忙的,繁忙的;(with)忙于…的 v.使忙于but conj.可是,而 prep.除…外 ad.只,仅仅but for 除…以外,倘没有,除非butcher n.屠夫,卖肉者butter n.黄油,奶油 v.涂黄油于…上butterfly n.蝴蝶button n.纽扣,按钮(开关) v.扣紧;扣上纽扣buy v.(购)买 n.购买,买卖by prep.在…旁;不迟于;靠,用,通过 ad.在近旁bypass n.(by-pass)旁路,迂回的旁道by-product n.副产品cabbage n.洋白菜,卷心菜cabin n.客舱,机舱;小(木)屋cabinet n.橱柜;内阁cable n.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳 v.拍电报cafe n.咖啡馆,(小)餐馆cafeteria n.自助食堂cage n.鸟笼cake n.饼,(蛋)糕calculate v.计算,推算;计划,打算calendar n.日历,月历call n.叫喊;(电话)通话 v.叫(喊);(on,at)访问call for 邀请;要求,需要call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起call off 放弃,取消call on (call upon)访问,拜访;号召,呼吁call up 召集,动员;打电话;使人想起calm a.(天气,海洋等)静的 n.平静 v.(使)平静camel n.骆驼camera n.照相机,摄影机camp n.野营,营地;帐篷,阵营 v.设营,宿营campaign n.战役;运动campus n.(大学)校园can aux.v.能,会;可以;可能 n.罐头 v.装罐头Canada n.加拿大Canadian a.加拿大的 n.加拿大人canal n.运河;(沟)渠cancel v.取消,把…作废;删去,划掉cancer n.癌candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者candle n.蜡烛candy n.糖果cannon n.大炮,火炮canoe n.独木舟,小游艇canteen n.食堂canvas n.帆布;油画布,油画cap n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套 v.覆盖于…顶端capable a.有本领的,有能力的;(of)可以…的,能…的capacity n.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力capital n.首都;大写字母;资本 a.首位的,最重要的capitalism n.资本主义capsule n.胶囊;太空舱captain n.首领,队长;船长;上尉 v.做…的首领,指挥captive n.俘虏 a.被俘虏的,被监禁的capture v./n.捕获,俘虏;夺得,攻占car n.车(辆),汽车;(火车)车厢carbon n.碳carbon dioxide 二氧化碳card n.卡片,名片;纸牌;纸片ID card 身份证credit card 信用卡care n.小心;关怀,照料 v.(about)关心,介意,计较care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲take care 小心,当心take care of 照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责career n.生涯,经历;专业,职业careful a.小心的,仔细的;细致的,精心的cargo n.船货,货物carpenter n.木工,木匠carpet n.地毯carriage n.(四轮)马车;(火车)客车厢carrier n.搬运人;载体carrot n.胡萝卜carry v.运送,搬运;传送,传播;领,带carry off 夺去carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营carry out 贯彻,执行,实现cart n.(二轮货运)马车,手推车cartoon n.漫画,幽默画;动画片carve v.(雕)刻case n.箱,盒,容器;情况,事实;病例;案件in any case 无论如何,总之in case 假如,以防(万一),免得in case of 假使,万一in no case 决不cash n.现金,现款 v.兑现,付(或收)现款cashier n.收银员,出纳员cassette n.盒子;盒式磁带cast v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造 n.演员表castle n.城堡casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的casualty n.伤亡人员;受害人cat n.猫catalog (catalogue) n.目录(册) v.编目(录) catch v.捕捉,捕获;赶上;感染;理解,听到catch on 理解,明白catch up with 追上,赶上category n.种类,类目cathedral n.大教堂Catholic a.天主教的 n.天主教徒cattle n.牛;牲口,家畜cause n.原因;事业,事件,奋斗目标 v.使产生,引起caution n.小心,谨慎;警告,告诫 v.警告cautious a.(of)小心的,谨慎的cave n.洞,穴cease v./n.停止,中止ceiling n.天花板celebrate v.庆祝cell n.细胞;小房间;蜂房;电池cellar n.地窑,地下室cement n.水泥;胶泥,胶接剂 v.胶合;巩固,加强census n.人口普查(调查)cent n.分(币);百 per cent 百分之center (centre)n.中心(区),中央 v.集中centigrade n./a.摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的) centimetre n.(centimetre)厘米central a.中心的,中央的,中枢的;主要的century n.世纪,(一)百年ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪certain a.某,某一,某些;(of)一定的,确信的,可靠的certainly ad.一定,必定,无疑;当然,行certainty n.必然,肯定;必然的事certificate n.证(明)书,执照chain n.链(条);(pl.)镣铐;一连串 v.用链条拴住chair n.椅子;主席(职位)chairman n.主席,议长,会长,董事长chalk n.粉笔,白垩challenge n.挑战(书);艰巨任务,难题 v.向…挑战chamber n.房间,室champion n.冠军,得胜者;拥护者,斗士chance n.机会;可能性;偶然性,运气v.碰巧,偶然发生by chance 偶然,碰巧take a chance 冒险一试change n.改变,变化;零钱 v.更换,调换,交换;改变channel n.海峡,水道;信道,波道;路线,途径chaos n.混乱,紊乱chapter n.章(节),回character n.性格,品质,特性;人物,角色;字符,(汉)字characteristic a.(of)特有的,独特的 n.特征,特性characterize(characterise)v.表示…的特性;描述…特性Charge v.索(价);控告;充电 n.(pl.)费用,代价;电荷in charge of 负责,主管take charge of 担任,负责charity n.慈善(团体),仁慈,施舍charm n.吸引力,魅力 v.迷人,(使)陶醉;施魔法于charming a.迷人的,可爱的chart n.图,图表charter v.租船,租车 n.宪章chase v./n.追逐,追求chat v./n.闲谈,聊天cheap a.便宜的;低劣的,不值钱的cheat v.欺骗;作弊 n.骗子;欺诈,欺骗行为check v.检查;制止;(凭票)托运或寄存 n.检查,核对check in 办理登记手续check out 结帐后离开;检验,核查check up on 校对,检查,检验check (cheque)n.支票cheek n.面颊,脸cheer v.(使)振奋,(使)高兴 v./n.喝彩,欢呼cheer up 使高兴,使振奋;高兴起来,振作起来cheerful a.愉快的,高兴的cheese n.干酪,乳酪chemical a.化学的 n.(pl.)化学制品,化学药品chemist n.化学家;药剂师chemistry n.化学cheque (check) n.支票,空白支票;总收入cherish v.珍爱;怀有cherry n.樱桃(树)chess n.棋chest n.胸腔,胸膛;箱,柜chestnut n.栗子,栗树chew v.咀嚼;思量chicken n.小鸡,小鸟;鸡(肉)chief a.主要的,首要的 n.首领,领袖chiefly ad.主要地,首要地child ((pl.)children) n.小孩,儿童,儿女childhood n.幼年,童年childish a.孩子气,幼稚的chill n.寒冷,寒气,寒战 v.使寒冷chimney n.烟囱chin n.下巴,颏china n.瓷器China n.中国Chinese n.中国人;中文 a.中国(人)的,中国话的chip n.切屑,碎片;(土豆等的)薄片;集成电路块chocolate n.巧克力(糖),赭色choice n.选择(机会),抉择,选择项;入选者 a.精选的choke v.窒息,噎住;闷塞,堵塞,阻塞choose v.选择,挑选;甘愿chop v.砍,劈,斩 n.排骨,肉块chorus n.合唱队;合唱 v.异口同声地说,随声附和in chorus 一齐,一致,共同Christian n.基督教徒 a.基督教徒的Christmas n.圣诞节chronic a.(疾病)慢性的;积习难改的;严重的,坏的church n.教堂;(C-)教会cigar n.雪茄烟cigarette n.香烟,纸烟,卷烟cinema n.电影院;电影,影片circle n.圆,圆周;集团;周期,循环 v.环绕,旋转circuit n.环行,周线,巡回;电路,线路circular a.圆(形)的,环形的;循环的 n.传单,通报circulate v.(使)循环,(使)流通circumference n.圆周,周围circumstance n.(pl.)情况,形势,环境;经济情形,境况circus n.马戏团,杂技团;马戏场,杂技场cite v.引用,引证,举(例)citizen n.公民;市民,居民city n.城市,都市civil a.公民的,市民的;民间的;民用的;有礼貌的civilian n.平民 a.平民的;民用的civilization (civilisation) n.文明,文化civilize v.使文明,开化claim v.要求;声称;索赔 n.要求;断言;索赔;权利clap v.拍手,拍,轻拍 n.拍(手),掌声,霹雳声clarify v.澄清,阐明clarity n.清晰,明晰clash v./n.碰撞 n.碰撞声clasp n.扣子,钩子;握手 v.扣住,钩住;紧握,紧抱class n.班级;课;阶级;等级,类别 v.把…分类classic n.(pl.)杰作,名著 a.第一流的,不朽的classical a.经典的,古典(文学)的classification n.分类,分级classify v.分类,分等(级)classmate n.同班同学classroom n.教室,课堂clause n.(正式文件或法律文件的)条款;从句,分句claw n.爪,脚爪clay n.粘土,泥土clean a.清洁的,干净的;洁白的 v.打扫,使干净clear a.清晰的;畅通的 ad.清楚地 v.澄清,清除clear away 扫除,收拾clear up整理,收拾;清除,解除;解释,澄清;(天气)变晴clerk n.职员,办事员;店员clever a.聪明的,伶俐的,机敏的,精巧的client n.顾客;(诉讼)委托人cliff n.悬崖;峭壁climate n.气候;风气,社会思潮climax n.顶点,高潮climb v./n.攀登,爬cling v.(to)粘住;依附;坚持clinic n.诊所clip v.剪,修剪;钳,夹住 n.夹,钳;回形针cloak n.外套,斗篷 v.掩盖,掩饰clock n.钟around the clock 昼夜不停地clockwise a.顺时针方向close v.关;结束n.结束a.近的,接近的ad.接近地cloth n.(一块)布,织物,衣料clothe v.(给…)穿衣,供给…衣服clothes n.衣服clothing n.服装,被褥cloud n.云(状物);遮暗物,阴影;一大群cloudy a.多云的,阴(天)的;混浊的,模糊的club n.俱乐部,夜总会;社团;棍棒,球棒clue n.线索,暗示clumsy a.笨拙的,愚笨的cluster n.丛,群,串 v.群集,丛生clutch v.抓住,攫住,掌握 n.离合器coach n.(铁路)客车,长途汽车;辅导员 v.教练,辅导coal n.煤,煤块coarse a.粗糙的,粗劣的;粗鲁的,粗俗的coast n.海岸,海滨coat n.外套,上衣;皮毛 v.涂上,盖上,包上cock n.公鸡,雄鸡;龙头,开关code n.代码,代号,密码;法典,法规,规划coffee n.咖啡(色)coherent a.粘着的,粘附的coil v.卷,盘绕 n.(一)卷,(一)圈;线圈,绕组coin n.硬币,货币 v.铸造(硬币),创造(新词) coincide v.和…一致,相符,相同coincidence n.巧合,巧事;一致,符合cold a.寒冷的;冷淡的 n.感冒;寒冷collaborate v.协作,合作collapse v./n.倒坍,崩溃,垮台collar n.衣领;环状物colleague n.同事,同僚collect v.收集,搜集;领取,接走;收(税等);聚集,堆积collection n.收藏(品),收集(物)collective n.集体 a.集体的,共同的college n.学院,高等专科学校,大学collide v.碰撞,冲突;(with)抵触collision n.碰撞,冲突colonel n.(陆军)上校colonial a.殖民(地)的colonist n.殖民者,移民。
M B A联考英语真题Revised on July 13, 2021 at 16:25 pm经典资料;WORD文档;可编辑修改经典考试资料;答案附后;看后必过;WORD文档;可修改2015年硕士研究生入学考试英语二真题及参考答案说明:由于2012年试题为一题多卷;因此现场试卷中的选择题部分;不同考生有不同顺序..请在核对答案时注意题目和选项的具体内容..Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best words for each numbered black and mark A; B; C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 10 pointsMillions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy;the symbol of American military adventurism; but th at’s not how it used to be.To the men and women who1 in World War II and the people they liberated;the GI.was the2 man grown into hero;the pool farm kid torn away from his home;the guy who3 all the burdens of battle;who slept in cold foxholes;who went without the4 of food and shelter;who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder.this was not a volunteer soldier;not someone well paid;5 an average guy;up6 the best trained; best equipped; fiercest; most brutal enemies seen in centuries.His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation7 Government Issue;and it was on all of the article 8 to soldiers.And Joe A common name for a guy who never9 it to the top.Joe Blow;Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has10 had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe.GI.joe had a 11career fighting German; Japanese; and Korean troops. He appers as a character; or a 12 of american personalities; in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe; based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle13portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the 14side of the warl; writing about the dirt-snow -and-mud soldiers; not how many miles were15or what towns were captured or liberated; His reports16the “willie” cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both men17the dirt and exhaustion of war; the 18of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee; tobacco; whiskey; shelter; sleep. 19Egypt; France; and a dozen more countries; G.I. Joe was any American soldier;20the most important person in their lives.1. A performed Bserved Crebelled Dbetrayed2. A actual Bcommon Cspecial Dnormal3. Abore Bcased Cremoved Dloaded4. Anecessities Bfacilitice Ccommodities Dpropertoes5. Aand Bnor Cbut Dhence6. Afor Binto C form Dagainst。
2004年在职攻硕英语联考真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Cloze Test 5. Translation 6. WritingPart II V ocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1.If the work ______ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be heavily fined.A.is completedB.to be completedC.will have been completedD.will be completed正确答案:B解析:本题测试非谓语动词做后置定语的用法。
If引导的条件状语从句中并不缺少谓语动词,故A、C、D形式均不正确,只能选B;另外注意by the end of this month是表示将来的时间状语,故应用不定式做定语,表示“将要完成的工作”。
2.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ______ our chairman now.A.must beB.would have beenC.shall beD.would be正确答案:D解析:本题测试虚拟语气的用法。
上海大学2004年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:综合英语SECTION 1: READING COMPREHENSION (45 points)Directions: In this section, you will find two passages, each of which is followed by some questions. Read the passages carefully and then answer the questions in your own words on your Answer Sheet. Please note that each response should be limited to less than ten words in order to be valid.Questions 1 ~ 51. What is Bacon’s tripartite division of studies?2. What does the word “affectation” (Line 4) mean?3. What is B acon’s criterion for dividing books into three categories?4. What does the author think about Bacon’s ascribing certain virtues to individual fields of study?5. What characterizes Bacon’s “Of Studies”?Questions 6 ~ 15For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with the natural world (physical and biological sciences), and sciences dealing with mankind (psychology, sociology, all the sciences of cultural achievements, every kind of historical knowledge). Apart from these sciences is philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place, all this is pure or theoretical knowledge, sought only for the purpose of understanding, in order to fulfill the need to understand what is intrinsic and consubstantial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and the world was of a certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn’t be man. The technical aspects of applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human.But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have immediate and foreseeable success, but not the kind of important result whose revolutionary scope is in large part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall a well-known example. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic section, zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance. But, in addition, it is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly.6. What does scientific knowledge consist of?8. Does the author include the study of literature among the sciences?9. What may we expect the author to discuss in the paragraph that follows this passage?10. What distinguishes man from animal?11. What does man seek pure or theoretical knowledge for?12. Were the Greeks who studied conic sections aware of the value of their studies?13. What is the best title for this passage?14. Does the practical scientist know the value of what he will discover?15. What does the word “disinterestedly” (Last line of this passage) probably mean?SECTION 2: CLOZE (25 points)Directions: In this section, you will find a passage with 25 words missing. Read the passage carefully and then fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word. Remember to write your responses on your Answer Sheet.I like the idea __(1)__ “the English (language) is like an English park, which is __(2)__ out Seemingly without any definite plan, and in __(3)__ you are allowed to walk everywhere __(4)__ to your fancy __(5)__ having to fear a stern keeper enforcing rigorous regulations.” Consider that th e same cultural soil, the Celtic-Roman-Saxon-Danish-Norman almalgam, which __(6)__ the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and rights of __(7)__ in the modern world. The first shoots __(8)__ up in England and they grew stronger in __(9)__. Churchill called __(10)__ “the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world.” At the very core of those __(11)__ are popular consent and resistance __(12)__ arbitrary authority; both are fundamental characteristics of the English language. The English-speaking people have defeated all efforts to build __(13)__ around their language, to defer __(14)__ an academyon what was permissible English and __(15)__ not. They have decided for themselves.SECTION 3: TRANSLATION (30 points)Part A: English-Chinese TranslationDirections: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version on your Answer Sheet.The Rise of RealismBetween the work of Hawthorne and Melville, the major novelists of the 1850s, and the work of Twain, James and Howells, the major novelists of the last quarter of the century, falls the shadow of the American Civil War (1861—1865). In his famous Gettysburg address Abraham Lincoln described the conflict in terms of epic simplicity:Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers set forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether this nation, or any other nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. In the event, the war showed that the nation could endure-but only in a permanently changed and, in some respects, a deeply scarred form.Part B: Chinese-English TranslationDirections: Translate the following passage into English and write your version on yourAnswer Sheet.无人知是荔枝来在京欲食鲜荔枝者,上周可在果摊觅得。
新版英语专业四级考试大纲(2004年,教育部)一、考试目的本考试的目的是全面检查已完成英语专业基础阶段课程的学生是否达到了<<大纲>>所规定的各项英语专业技能要求,考核学生综合运用各项基本技能的能力以及学生对语法结构和词语用法的掌握程度.二、考试的性质与范围本考试属于标准参考性教学检查类考试.考试范围包括<<大纲>>所规定的听读写技能以及语法词汇知识.三考试时间对象与命题本考试在英语专业第四学期举行,每年一次.考试对象为英语专业二年级学生.本考试由教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组组织有关命题专家命题, 外语专业教学指导委员会办公室负责考试的实施.四、考试形式为了有效考核学生综合运用各项基本技能的能力,即兼顾考试的科学性客观性,又考虑到考试的可行性以及基础阶段英语水平评估的特点,本考试采用多种考试形式,以保证考试的效度和信度.五、考试内容本考试共有六个部分:听写听力理解完型填空语法与词汇阅读理解写作.整个考试需时130分钟.I.听写(PART I: Dictation)1.测试要求:(a )能在全面理解内容的基础上逐字逐句写出所听材料.(b)拼写和标点符号正确无误,错误率不超过8%(c)考试时间15分钟2. 测试形式:本部分为主观试题.所听材料共念四遍.第一遍用正常语速朗读,录音语速为每分钟120个单词,让学生听懂材料大意.第二三遍朗读时意群分句和句子之间留出约15秒的空隙,让学生书写.第四遍再用正常语速朗读,让学生检查.3. 测试目的:测试学生听力理解能力拼写熟练程度以及正确运用标点符号的能力.4. 选材原则:(a )题材广泛体裁多样.(b)听写材料难度以不超过<<大纲>>规定为准.(c) 听写材料长度约150个单词II 听力理解(Part II : Listening Comprehension)1. 测试要求:(a )能听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话,以及中等难度(如TOEFL中的短文)的听力材料.能理解大意,领会说话者的态度感情和真实意图.(b)能听懂相当于VOA正常语速和BBC新闻节目的主要内容(c)能辨别各种英语变体(如美国英语英国英语澳大利亚英语等)(d)考试时间约15分钟2.测试形式:本部分采用多项选择题,分三节:Section A, Section B, Section C,共30题. Section A: Conversations本部分含有若干组对话,每组约为200个单词.每组对话后有若干道题.本部分共有10题.Section B: Passages本部分含有若干篇短文,每篇长度约为200个单词.每篇后有若干道题.本部分共有10题Section C: News Broadcast本部分含有若干段VOA或BBC新闻,每段新闻后有若干道题.本部分共有10题.. 本部分后有5秒的间隙,要求学生从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案.录音语速为每分钟约120个单词,念一遍.3.测试目的:测试学生获得口头信息的能力.4.选材原则:(a )对话和短文中的部分内容与日常生活和学习活动相关.(b)VOA和BBC新闻材料为学生所熟悉的一般新闻报道短评或讲话等.(c) 听写材料中所出现的词语原则上不超出<<>大纲>规定的范围.III 完型填空(Part III: Cloze)1. 测试要求:(a )能在全面理解所给短文内容的基础上,选择一个最佳答案使短文意思和结构恢复完整.(b)考试时间15分钟2.测试形式:本部分采用多项选择题.在一篇约250个单词题材熟练难度中等的短文中留出20个空白.每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项.填空的词涉及语法和词汇.3.测试目的:测试学生的综合语言知识和能力IV.语法与词汇.(Part IV: Grammar and Vocabulary)1. 测试要求:(a) 掌握并能运用<<大纲>>规定的一至四级语法内容.(b) 掌握<<大纲>>规定的基础阶段认知词汇(5500-6000),并且能正确熟练地运用其中的 3000-4000个单词及其最基本的搭配(c) 考试时间15分钟2.测试形式:本部分采用多项选择题.共30道题,每题有四个选项.题目中约50%为词汇词组和短语用法题,其余为语法结构题.3.测试目的:测试学生掌握词汇短语及基本语法概念的熟练程度.V.阅读理解(Part V: Reading Comprehension)1. 测试要求:(a) 能读懂英美国家出版的中等难度的文章和材料..(b) 能读懂难度相当于美国Newsweek的国际新闻报道.(c) 能读懂难度相当于Sons and Lovers 的文学原著(d) 能掌握所读材料的主旨大意,了解说明主旨大意的事实和细节;既理解字面意思,又能根据所读材料进行判断和推理;既能理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系.(e) 能在阅读中根据需要自觉调整阅读速度和阅读技巧.(f) 考试时间25分钟2.测试形式:本部分采用多项选择题,由数篇阅读材料组成.阅读材料共长1800个单词左右.每篇材料后有若干道题.学生应根据所读材料内容,从每道题的四个选项中选出一个最佳的答案.共20道题,3.测试目的:本部分测试学生通过阅读获取有关信息的能力,考核学生掌握相关阅读策略和技巧的程度.既要求准确性,也要求一定的速度.阅读速度为每分钟120个单词.4.选材原则:(a )题材广泛,包括社会科技文化经济日常知识人物传记等.(b)体裁多样,包括记叙文描写文说明文议论文广告说明书图表等.(c) 阅读材料的语言难度中等,关键词汇基本上不超出<<大纲>>规定的范围.VI.写作(Part VI: Writing )1. 测试要求:(a) 作文:能根据所给的作文题目提纲或图表数据等,写一篇200个单词左右的作文.能做到内容切题完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体.考试时间35分钟.(b) 便条:能根据所给提示写50至60个单词的便条通知请贴等.能做到格式正确,语言得体.考试时间10分钟.2.测试形式:本部分分为主观试题,分两节:Section A和Section B.Section A: Composition本题是命题作文,文章体裁主要属于说明文议论文或记叙文的范围Section B: Note-Writing本节是写便条.3.测试目的:按照<<大纲>>的要求测试学生书面表达的能力.答题和计分作文和听写做在规定的主观题答题卷上。
2004年全国MBA联考英语预测试卷及答案Section I:Listening Comprehension (20 points) Directions:This Section is designed to test your ability t o understand spoken English. You will hear a select ion of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts i n this section, Part A, Part B and Part C.Remember, while you are doing the test, you sho uld first put down your answers in your test bookl et. At the end of the listening comprehension secti on, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1. (20 points)Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part ADirections: For Questions 1—5, you will hear a talk about American education. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you’ve heard. Some of the information has been given t o you in the table. Write only 1 word or number in each numbered box. You will hear the recordin g twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the tabl e below. (5 points)American Educationschools organized by1general compulsory education continues to___ (year s old)2the age formal school begins___ (years old)3the length of time in high school in rural are as___ (years)4the aim of US educationprovide equal ___ for al l5Part BDirections: For questions 6—10, you will hear a talk about a travel on the Angeles Mountains. While you listen, complete the sentences or answ er the questions. Use not more than 3 words for e ach answer. You will hear the recording twice. Yo u now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and q uestions below. (5 points)The group of people left Los Angeles on6The people were looking forward to a week of7 The peak of the next mountain was covered8They could only travel a few miles an hour bec ause of the9They spent a wonderful day10Part CDirections: You will hear three pieces of record ed material. Before listening to each one, you wil l have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosin g A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have t ime to check your answers. You will hear each piec e once only. (10 points)Questions 11—13 are based on the following mono logue. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1 1—13.11. The two aspects of music mentioned in the talk are ______.A. sedative-stimulative musicB. stimulative-rock mu sicC. stimulative-jumpy musicD. sedative-smooth music12. A synonym for “stimulate”in this talk i s ______.A. sedateB. calmC. energizeD. raise13. What kind of music would the speaker recomm end for a nervous person?A. Rock and roll music.B. Irregular harmonies.C. Repeated rhythms.D. Disjunct melodies.Questions 14—16 are based on the following mono logue. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1 4—16.14. Why don’t the people in some rural areas g et the news and information by radio?A. Because it is too expensive to listen to th e radio.B. Because some rural parts of the world have no electricity.C. Because the news or information from the out side world is not important.D. Because they don’t enjoy it.15. What’s the trouble for the poor people?A. Batteries are very expensive.B. Batteries are n’t available.C. Batteries are not convenient.D. They can’t a fford the electricity.16. How long will the clockwork radio play?A. For an hour and a half.B. For an hour.C. For two hours.D. For half an hour.Questions 17—20 are based on the following mono logue. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 1 7—20.17. What is the purpose of the broadcast?A. To make recommendations on sensible dieting.B. To report the latest advances in physical th erapy.C. To relate an experiment combining sleep and exercise.D. To offer advice about sleeping problems.18. According to the speaker, what happens when you toss and turn to get comfortable?A. Your heart rate is lowered.B. It becomes har der to relax.C. You become too tired to sleep.D. Sleep rhyth ms are disrupted.19. According to the speaker, what sometimes cau ses people to have trouble sleeping?A. Failure to rest during the day.B. Lack of s leep on weekends.C. Vigorous exercise in the evening.D. Eating ch eese before going to bed.20. What does the speaker say about sleeping pi lls?A. They might eventually cause you to close sle ep.B. They help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain.C. You must not drink milk if you take them.D. They make it unnecessary to take naps.You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your an swers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET.THIS IS THE END OF SECTION ISection II: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences i n this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answe r that best completes the sentence. Then blacken th e corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET 1 with a pencil.21. Most people chose him as one of ______ sta tesmen of that year.A. popularB. favoredC. favoriteD. favorable22. He soon received promotion, for his superior s realized that he was a man of considerable _____ _.A. abilityB. futureC. possibilityD. opportunity23. The complier ______ the article to make i t fit the space available in a magazine.A. turns downB. cuts downC. pulls downD. runs down24. The bank extends long-term ______ at favorab le rate to foreign buyers, thus financing the purch ase of US goods and services.A. mortgagesB. securitiesC. loansD. insurance s25. He tried to ______ his involvement in this scheme but he finally gave in and confessed.A. declineB. rejectC. refuseD. deny26. Through teaching, man is able to build his basic abilities into new and more ______ skills.A. complicatedB. complexC. confusedD. confined27. Those two will never co-operate while there’s such a basic ______ of interest between them.A. confusionB. contradictionC. contrastD. conflic t28. All I’m trying to do is to ______ why yo ur condition has not been improved.A. look forB. find outC. search forD. get in29. My brother likes eating very much but he i sn’t very ______ about the food he eats.A. specialB. peculiarC. particularD. unusual30. The detective had found a few ______ toward s the murder, but still, he had no idea who the murderer was.A. guidesB. indicationsC. cluesD. hints31. It is not always possible to foresee the o bstacles ______ your way towards an ambitious goal.A. blockedB. blockingC. to blockD. to blacking32. We can share what we know, ______, with so meone who has need of that knowledge or skill.A. however little it might beB. though little i t might beC. however it might be littleD. as little it m ight be33. It is time the nations of the world _____ _ a halt to the manufactures of nuclear weapons.A. would callB. callC. calledD. will call34. The teacher said the essays were mostly ver y good, but ______ of Jane’s and Tom’s there wa s much room for improvement.A. in caseB. for the sake ofC. in orderD. i n the case35. All the tasks ______ ahead of time, they d ecided to go on holiday for a week.A. had been fulfilledB. were fulfilledC. having been fulfilledD. been fulfilled36. No one is sure ______ damage the cosmic ra ys can do to a human being, but scientists feel t hat brief exposure is probably not very harmful.A. thatB. whatC. whetherD. which37. Someone of us had told Smith about ______ a lecture the following day.A. there beingB. there beC. there would beD. there was38. One investigation showed that forty percent of those killed in auto accidents ______ if the y had been wearing seat belt.A. would have been savedB. could have been save dC. should have been savedD. might have been sav ed39. The pressure of a gas plays ______ importan t a part than that of a liquid.A. no lessB. none lessC. none the lessD. not t he less40. Many a time ______ me good advice, but I refused to follow it.A. my teacher has givenB. has my teacher givenC. my teacher had givenD. had my teacher givenSection III: Cloze (5 points)Directions: For each numbered blank in the follo wing passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET 1.Energy equals mass times the speed of light squ ared. This is the famous equation of Albert Einstei n. It 41 to the category of the theory of relativ ity, and it equates energy with mass. All things a re made up of atoms. When 42 of an atom travels at almost the speed of light, and we put more energy into it to 43 the speed, it begins to i ncrease in mass. The energy that makes it travelf ast cannot make it travel beyond the speed of ligh t—nothing 44 light can travel that fast—so the en ergy goes into the thing itself and increases its mass. Energy 45 into mass.Why is the theory called the theory of relativi ty? A thing that is relative depends upon somethin g else to identify it or to define it. In relativ ity theory we identify or define mass, time, and l ength 46 to the speed of light.When something is at rest, it looks ordinary i n length. However, when it travels at almost the speed of light, it becomes 47 . Time also change s. However, the change in time is 48 to the chang e in length. The length of a thing becomes short but time becomes long.If you want to 49 young, relative to a frien d, take a trio in a spaceship that travels at alm ost the speed of light. And, although time and hea rtbeat 50 ordinary to you in the spaceship, when y ou return, look at your friend: Relative to you, he or she is old.41. A. prefersB. relatesC. belongsD. adheres42. A. partB. formC. portionD. fraction43. A. increaseB. reduceC. decreaseD. shrink44. A. thatB. whichC. butD. thus45. A. changesB. becomesC. shiftsD. turns46. A. relatedB. relationC. relativeD. relationshi p47. A. low B. shortC. wideD. long48. A. equalB. similarC. oppositeD. subject49. A. keepB. stayC. remainD. reserve50. A. takeB. showC. appearD. seemSection IV: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Part ADirections: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or u nfinished statements. For each of them there are fo r choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decid e on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET 1 with a pencil.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:Rich or poor, we all have problems: that unfait hful mate, that irritating colleague, that persisten t disease, the investment that is turning into a h uge loss.How do we remain calm, positive and even elegan t in the face of all these difficulties of life ?The following suggestions may help.It comes with the pay. I have a friend who us ed to complain about her dead-end job and unreasona ble boss. Sound familiar? One day I told her, “Lo ok at it this way. You are getting paid for the annoyance as well as the work. It comes with th e pay.”This has become my favorite saying for work-rela ted frustrations. “Take every day as a bonus.”Wh en we learn to treasure every moment of what we h ave, we begin to see life in a whole new perspect ive.It’s all in the mind. Sure, the psychologists t ell us it is important we work at resolving proble ms. But they also say if you try to resolve a pr oblem that would not go away, it would only compou nd the frustration.If you tell yourself there isn’t a problem, th ere won’t be one. It’s all in the mind.Stop thinking about your own problem—help other s instead. A lady who is combating a life-threateni ng disease revealed she coped with her illness by making herself useful, by offering help to other s in a similar situation.She has spoken to at least five other women wi th breast cancer. She says that the sharing has he lped her to find fresh meaning in her own life.Never give up on your dream. Why do we give i n and give up when we meet difficulties? Is it be cause we have no confidence in our cause and no c ommitment for what we pursue?It was said that Albert Einstein’s last reques t on his death bed was to be given his equations and his unfinished statement declining the preside ncy of Israel.Einstein first picked up his equations and lamen ted to his son, “If only I had more mathematics!”What a great persistent spirit!One strong-hearted lady was the late head of th e tragic Kennedy family, Rose Kennedy. She said thi s on nationwide television one week after losing ye t another son to an assassin’s bullet—Boddy Kenned y: “And we go on our way with no regrets not lo oking backwards to the past, but we shall carry on with courage.”Not the end of the world. Do you know somethin g else? I’ve learned that care as you might, lov e as you might, some people just don’t care back.And it’s not the end of the world. After all, it’s not the event that makes a person, is i t? It’s what we do about that happens to us.51. The appropriate title for the passage might be ______.A. How to Face Problems.B. How to Resolve Probl ems.C. How to Hold on to Your Dream.D. How to R emain Cheerful.52. “Take every day as a bonus”(Para. 5) i s most likely to mean ______.A. we should see life from a new perspectiveB. we should treasure every day in our lifeC. we should regard every day as the last day in our lifeD. we should enjoy ourselves every day53. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author?A. We should not be overwhelmed by problems in our life.B. We can learn to see life from a fresh ligh t.C. We should have confidence in our cause so t hat we won’t give in easily.D. Helping others will make it easier for us t o solve our own difficulties.54. The author seems not to believe that _____ _.A. everyone living in this world, poor or ric h, has some problemsB. we should not give in and give up in the face of difficultiesC. we must work hard at solving some problems which can’t be solved easilyD. we should remain calm and positive when conf ronted with problemsQuestions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:Most of all, America is inescapable. It is the world’s900-pound gorilla: basically amiable and w ell-meaning, crushing through the underbrush, dominati ng the landscape, altering the scenery, impossible e ither to shoo away or ignore. Its fads, fashions, folk-ways and fast food sweep around the glob e; its brandishing of missiles scares even its alli es. It is a standard for the world’s successes an d a scapegoat for the world’s failures.There has always been ambivalence about the Unit ed States. Throughout the country’s meteoric histor y, people have admired its energy, riches and oppor tunity—and envied and resented its power and succes s. Since World War II, however, that ambivalence ha s become even more pronounced, and today the world sees America as a curious paradox: a country who se military, diplomatic and economic prestige has be en waning in a period when its cultural influence has never been stronger. The jarring discordance in feelings about American politics and culture t akes some odd and comic forms: on Nicaragua’s stat e-run television network, for instance, American prog rams like “Barnaby Jones”are interspersed with “c ommercials”demonstrating how to throw grenades in t he event of Yankee invasion.The key distinction is simply between the Americ an people—who are seen as warm, friendly and ingen uous—and the U.S. government. That was underlined i n a poll conducted for Newsweek International in si x countries around the world. In the countries surv eyed—France, Japan, Great Britain, West Germany, Bra zil and Mexico—most respondents expressed approval f or the American people, but a plurality said they disapproved of U.S. government policy. Moreover, t he poll found people inclined to think that a stro ng American military presence increases the chances for war instead of safeguarding peace. That findi ng represents a significant change from the early p ostwar years: a similar survey taken by the U.S. I nformation Agency in the early fifties showed broad approval for the role of American troops. America n influence in the world is seen as actually incre asing—a perception that may be due largely to th e strong impact America has on movies, television a nd music around the world.Some images of America remain constant. The Unit ed States is still regarded as a country of great affluence that rewards initiative and industriousne ss, a place where educational background and social class are not barriers to success. The Italian s lang for striking it rich or lucky is “ha trovat o l’america”—“he found America”;the Chinese hav e no word for America other than mei guo—the beau tiful country. “My students see America as a land of social mobility and self-made men,”says Pro f. David Adams, head of the American Studies Depart ment at Britain’s University of Keele. “Ronald Rea gan is the norm, not the exception.”55. According to the passage, America should no t be neglected because ______.A. American people are very kind and friendlyB. America influences the world in many aspectsC. America’s military force is dominating the w orldD. America is the standard for the world’s suc cess56. The word “ambivalence”(Para. 2 ) most pr obably means ______.A. the American paradoxB. anger and jealousyC. mixed feelings of love and hatredD. admirat ion and displeasure57. Which of the following is NOT true of the poll conducted for Newsweek International?A. It shows that most respondents made a distin ction between the American people and the U.S. gove rnment.B. It shows that many people disapprove of a s trong American military presence.C. It shows that most respondents regard the Am erican people as warm, friendly and frank.D. It shows that Reagan is regarded as a commo n president, not exceptionally outstanding.58. According to the author, all the following statements are true EXCEPT that ______.A. people in the world blame America for the w o rld’s failuresB. there has been a change in people’s feelin g towards U.S military presence since World War IIC. American military, diplomatic and economic pre stige has grown together with its cultural influenceD. people admire America for its energy, riches and opportunitiesQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:Increasingly, over the past ten years, people—es pecially young people—have become aware of the nee d to change their eating habits, because much of t he food they eat, particularly chemical foods, is n ot good for the health. Consequently, there has bee n a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit s and grains which have been grown in soil that i s rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this me ans that the soil has been nourished by unused veg etable matters, which provides it with essential vit amins and minerals. This in itself is a natural pr ocess compared with the use of chemicals and fertil izers, the main purpose of which is to increase th e amount—but not the quality—of foods grown in co mmercial farming areas.Natural foods also include animals which have be en allowed to feed and move freely in healthy past ures. Compare this with what happens in the mass p roduction of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food wh ich is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept i n this way are not only tasteless as food; they a lso produce eggs which lack important vitamins.There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of suga r. This is actually a non-essential food! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be use d to sweeten food if this is necessary, we can i n fact do without it. It is not that sugar is ha rmful in itself. But it does seem to be an additi ve: the quantity we use has grown steadily over th e last two centuries and in Britain today each per son consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Ye t all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber.It is significant that nowadays fiber is conside red to be an important part of a healthy diet. I n white bread, for example, the fiber has been rem oved. But it is present in unrefined flour and o f course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contain s large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetable s, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence th e emphasis placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on healthy eating.59. Recently, some people are interested in natu ral foods because ______.A. natural foods are fresh and cheapB. they don’t like processed foodsC. they want to change their eating habitsD. these foods contain more vitamins, minerals a nd fiber etc.60. According to the passage, to use chemicals and fertilizers means ______.A. to increase the amount of foodsB. to increase the quality of foodsC. to increase the amount and quality of foodsD. to increase essential vitamins and minerals61. It can be inferred from the passage that _ _____.A. people will no longer eat those foods contai ning chemical additivesB. people will not necessarily do exercises in the future if they eat natural foodsC. natural foods will find a good market in th e futureD. certain diseases will never befall people wh o eat natural foods62. What’s the best title for this passage?A. Eating Habits Are Changing.B. Healthy Eating.C. Natural Food and Chemical Additives.D. How t o Go on a Diet.Questions 63 to 65 are based on the following passage:Many stray dogs and cats wander the streets o f cities. Usually they end up in animal shelters, where staffs must find ways to dispose of the m. One legitimate disposal route has been the research laboratory. But in California, animal rights gro ups recently have been leaning hard on animal shelt ers, effectively cutting off much of the supply.About 30 years ago, Los Angeles voters soundly defeated a proposal to prohibit the release of a nimals for laboratory use. But today, with new prop osals being submitted to city councils and county b oards, the results could well be different. And the new proposals are much more sweeping. They would create review boards for all animal experimentatio n. A group of California investigators even have or ganized a committee for animal research in medicine.“Most scientists don’t realize the danger,”sa ys Caltech neurobiologist John M. Allman, who uses monkeys to study the organization of the brain. “Such movements in the past—in this country, a t least—have largely been the efforts of small, fr agmented and relatively ineffective groups. But this new movement is carefully orchestrated, well organ ized, and well financed. It is easy to look at th e history of animal experimentation and compile a catalog of horrors. But the day is long past when a researcher can take any animal and do anythin g he pleases to it with a total disregard for it s welfare and comfort. People don’t realize,”say s Allman, “that we are already extensively reviewe d. In my work I must follow the ethical codes laid down by the National Institutes of Health and the American Physiological Society, among others. And we might have a surprise visit at any time fro m the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s inspectors. I t’s the USDA field veterinarians who do the enforc ing. Believe me, these inspections are anything, bu t routine, and these fellows have a great deal of power. Because their reports can adversely affect federal funding, their recommendations are, in rea lity, orders.”It is important that the animal rights advocate s do not impose their solutions on society. It wou ld be tragic indeed—when medical science is close to learning so much more that is very useful t o our health and welfare—if already regulation-burdened and budget-restrained researchers were further ha mpered?I wonder about those purists who seek to halt all animal experimentation on moral grounds: Do t hey also refuse, for themselves and others, to acce pt any remedy—or information—that gained through an imal experimentation? And do they have the right t o make such decisions on behalf of all the patient s in cancer wards?63. According to Para. 2, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. People in Los Angeles voted against sending animals to laboratory 30 years ago.B. People in Los Angeles voted for sending anim als to animal shelters 30 years ago.C. Now people in Los Angeles hold the same att itudes toward the laboratory use of animals as 30 years ago.D. The attitude of people in Los Angeles toward the laboratory use of animals has changed in the past 30 years.64. If animal rights advocates realize their ide as on the experimentation, what will happen?A. The scientists are sure to gain more researc h results.B. It may help the scientists to gain more fin ancial aid.C. The development of medical science may slow down.D. The government may loosen their regulation of the experimentation.65. What is the author’s attitude towards people who oppose animal experimentation?A. Supportive.B. Opponent.C. Indifferent.D. U nclear.Part BDirections: Read the following passage carefully and then give short answers to the five question s. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET 2.Life on earth depends on water, and there is n o substitute for it. The current assumption is tha t our basic needs for water—whether for drinking, agriculture, industry or the raising of fish wil l always have to be met. Given that premise, ther e are two basic routes we can go: more equitable access to water or more drastic engineering solut ions (more dams, for instance, or massive shifts of water form Canada to the southwestern United Stat es using pipelines from one river basin to anothe r.)Looking at the engineering solution first, a lo t of my research concentrates on what happens to w etlands when you build dams in river basins, partic ularly in Africa. The ecology of such areas is alm ost entirely driven by the seasonal regime of the river—the pulse of the water. And the fact is that if you build a dam, you generally wreck the downstream ecology. In the past, such problems ha ve been hidden by a dearth of information. But in the next century, governments will have no excus e for their blissful ignorance.The engineers’ability to control water flows h as created new kinds of unpredictability too. Dams in Africa have meant fewer fish, less grazing an d less floodplain agriculture—none of which were an ticipated. And their average economic life is assume d to be thirty years. Dams don’t exist forever, b ut what will replace them is not clear.The challenge for the next century is to find new means of controlling water. Although GM techn ology will allow us to breed better dry-land crop s, there is no market incentive for companies to d evelop crops suitable for the micro-climates of the Sahel and elsewhere in Africa. Who is going to pay for research on locally appropriate crops i n the Third World?This brings us to the key issue in any discuss ion of water: money. To talk about a water crisi。
2004年英语MPA讲解语法和词汇if the work will have been completed by the end of this month is delayed,16. 不定式表示1) 目的2)将来: 修饰名词时,放在后面后置定语1) My job is to teach English.2) The research is planned to be completed in 3 weeks.注意常用的结构attempt to do … = try to do …tend to do …往往,趋向是The US government tends to use military power to settle the troubles.intend to do …打算做…Our research team intends to focus on self-developed technology.used to do …be used to doing …forget to do 忘记要做forget doing忘记做过remember to do 记着要做remember doing记着做过regret to do 很遗憾要做regret doing很遗憾做过mean to do 打算做mean doing 意味着做I didn’t mean to hurt you.Saying “definitely” means saying yes.can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做,不得不做= can’t help but do … = can’t but do… = can do nothing but do..We can do nothing but wait. = we can’t but wait.17. 虚拟语气中的if从句:1)省略if后,从句要用倒装形式2)混合虚拟:注意与动词相关的时间Had you not stayed up last night, you couldn’t hand in the report now.18. 注意常见的引导从句的连词1) 因果since, now thatbecause of = due to = owing to = thanks to = on account of Now that we have arrived, why not start now?Thanks to rapid development of modern transportation and communication s, the globalization is seen everywhere around the world.表示结果:so, therefore, consequently, accordingly,we arrived, consequently, we started our work at that time.2) 转折while, whereasWhile I agree with you, I don’t think your way is the best one.The city used to be a developed coal industry base, while it is far from developed now.The city used to be a developed coal industry base, whereas it is far from developed now.3) 条件provided that= as long as只要, in case that以免We can finish the work ahead of schedule, provided that we work as a team.Take the umbrella with you in case it rains.4) 选择otherwise = or else = or否则Use it or lose it. Take it or leave it.We need to try our best to prepare for the coming exam, otherwise we may lose it.5) see that, see to it that , see to sth = make sure that一定,确保(后面的从句中动词通常用一般现在时态)See(to it) that the report is completed by the end of this week.19. as的用法1)表示时间As we put our whole mind to economic development, we should not ignore social issues.2)表示原因As you are not feeling well, you may have tomorrow off for a good rest.3)表示让步Young as he is, he has been an expert in software development 4)作介词as + adj.We regard environment-friendly technology as essential to economic development.5)作代词As is often the case, 事实经常如此As it is known to all, 众所周知as we can see itAs it turned out, 结果是,最终As it turned out, the plan was a failure.20. 注意一些名词的复数形式的特定含义terms 条件,条款terms and conditionscustoms 海关communications通信times 时代respects = regards 敬意,问候(best regards)注意terms构成的短语in terms of 在…方面,就…而言in honor of 为向…表示敬意in favor of 支持,赞成;喜欢in place of 代替21. that, which引导的限定性定语从句22. sensible, sensitivemeter n. voltmeter speedometer water meter23. Not until…放在句首怎么办?It was not until … that…24. interfere with…rupt = break打断interrupt打断bankrupt破产的corrput腐败的25. what 引导名词性从句(做主语或宾语)The world today is unlike what it used to be.figure out 想出来,计算出来= work out27. 表示时间:while表示一段时间;when表示一个时间点before long不久以后The night fell before we realized it.28. as long as 只要as well as除了,以及as far as I know 就我所知as far as … be concerned就……而言as far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the former.29. 独立结构/主格with + n. + doing/done 1)因为2)随着With China rising up, some countries are worried about the changes it brings about to the world.With the new medicine develope d, the cancer is expected to be cured in the next decade.CEO= chief executive officercharge sb with sth = accuse sb of sth指控某人犯罪35. 虚拟语气:从句的谓语构成(should) + do动词原形1)表示“建议、要求、命令”的动词或名词insist 坚持要求Their proposal at the meeting was that a new solution be worked out.2) 表示“必需的,重要的”形容词It is necessary (essential, urgent, vital, desirable, advisable) that …(should)+doIt is urgent that the investigation be done immediately.。
2004年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲中华人民共和国教育部门制定高等教育出版社目录考试说明附录1 全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题示例、答题卡1、答题卡2、听力录音文字稿、评分标准及参考答案附录2 词汇表(省略)附录3 常用的前缀和后缀附录4 2003年全国硕士研究生考试英语试题,听力录音文字稿件及参考答案考试说明全国硕土研究生入学考试是为高等学校和科研机构招收硕士研究生而设置的。
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