西方经贸报刊英语选读- unit 1
新闻英语的五大特点1. brevity 简洁2. popularity 大众性3. interest 趣味性4. freshness 新颖性5. objectiveness客观性Unit 1 Politics第一单元政治TextThe higher Education of Washington华盛顿高等教育Universities step up lobbying to protect funding interests大学为保护资金利益而大肆游说By Dan MorganWhen the University of California at Los Angeles put Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) on the cover of this winter’s alumni bulletin, it was a tribute to a distinguished graduate who is so close to his alma mater that he named his dog Bruin, after UCLA’s r evered symbol.Words: lobbying游说拉票;step up增加,促进,加速;University of California at Los Angeles美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Rep.=Representative众议员;alumni毕业生男校友;bulletin期刊,公告, 公报;tribute贡品, 礼物, 颂词, 殷勤;alma mater母校;Bruin吉祥物熊〔布轮熊〕;revere尊敬,敬畏参考译文:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校在今年冬季毕业生期刊封面刊登美国国会议员杰尔. X易斯〔加州某某党人〕,对与其母校的关系密切得能用美国加州大学洛杉矶分校吉祥物将其宠狗取名为布轮熊的杰出毕业生大肆颂扬。
But the cover story, which was engineered in part by the University of California’s government relation office in Washington, was also a shrewd ploy to cement relations with a key member of the House Appropriations mittee.Words:in part局部地,在某种程度上;shrewd ploy机敏的,精明的,奸诈的计谋,手段;cement水泥,粘结;House Appropriations mittee〔HAC〕美国国会众院拨款委员会参考译文:但是在某种程度上由加州大学华盛顿政府关系办公室策划的这一封面故事也是密切与美国国会众院拨款委员会某一关键委员的精明手段。
经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第一课 Good policy, and bad
Good policy, and badSome mitigation policies are effective,some are efficient, and some are neitherDec 3rd 2009 | from the print editionGREENHOUSE-GAS emissions targets can be implemented through three sorts ofpolicy instruments—regulation, carbon-pricing and subsidies. Governmentsgenerally like regulation (because it appears to be cost-free), economists likecarbon prices (because they are efficient) and businesses like subsidies (becausethey get the handouts).Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarelydesigned to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay thebills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not theirenergy-efficiency. The same goes for appliances, most of which do not use enoughenergy to affect consumers' choices. Small regulatory changes (see box, next page)can cut energy consumption without distorting the market much. According toMcKinsey, around one-third of the required greenhouse-gas reductions will actuallysave money.In this special reportGetting warmerIs it worth it?The green slump»Good policy, and badVampires on a dietCap and tiradeWho cares?A long gameClosing the gapsWhat needs to changeUnpacking the problemSources & acknowledgementsReprintsRelated topics ChinaSolar energyEuropean UnionAlternative energyEuropeThe European Union's Emissions-Trading Scheme, which started up in 2005, is theonly large-scale attempt so far to set a carbon price. Under the ETS, EU countriesget national allocations which they then parcel out to over 11,500 factories in fivedirty industries. Companies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves, andcan also buy “certified emission reductions” from developing countries to meet theircaps through Kyoto's “clean development mechanism”.Europe's flagshipThe ETS makes up the vast bulk of the global carbon market, which will be wortharound $122 billion this year. It is the principal way of financing the shift from high-to low-carbon power and industrial processes in the developing world. A wind farmin India; a methane-capture scheme for pig farms in Brazil; a forestry project inIndonesia; equipment to capture industrial gases in China—the ETS can financethem all.Although it is still young, the ETS has had some impact on emissions. According toa 2008 study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in its first three years itprobably reduced them by 120m-300m tonnes, or 2-5% a year, below what theywould otherwise have been.2000.This sort of energy is expensive. The best indication of that is the carbon price thatwould be required to make investment in renewables worthwhile without subsidy.According to New Energy Finance, onshore wind energy needs a carbon price of $38,offshore of $136 and solar cells of $196. Europe's target for generating 20% of itsenergy from renewable sources therefore looks pricey. According to Richard Green,director of the Institute for Energy Research and Policy at Birmingham University,the implied marginal cost of carbon would be €129 a tonne—which suggests thatallocating such large resources to renewable-energy subsidies is, as Mr Green says,“seriously sub-optimal”.The worst example of a wasteful subsidy is America's support programme forhome-grown corn ethanol, which is coupled with tariffs on cheaper sugar-caneethanol from Brazil. The programme has raised global food prices (and thusincreased malnutrition among the world's poorest); lined the pockets of America'sfarmers; given policies to cut carbon a bad name; and cut little, if any, carbon.Solar flareThe resulting boom benefited manufacturers not just in Spain but also in Germanyand China, the biggest producers of solar cells. Last year Spain accounted for 40%of world demand. The government had planned for 400MW of solar capacity to bebuilt by2008. “There were all sorts of abuses,” says Jenny Cha se, solaranalyst at New Energy Finance. “If you connected a single module to the grid beforeSeptember 29th, your whole project got financed. So modules were changing handsfor vast sums of money.” After the deadline the market collapsed.Mr Clover is con cerned about the likely effect. “We're expecting a stampede inGlobally, New Energy Finance reckons that only $24 billion of green-stimulus moneywill be disbursed this year, with another $58 billion to follow in 2010 and a further$56 billion in。
• 4 灵活使用生造词
• 5. 酌情采用外来语
1大量选用简短词(synonyms of all work
Example 1: Reshuffle axes France’s cabinet
Example 2: Ethiopia Jails Jews Escaping to
法国政府改组 阁员人数锐减 逃亡以色列未果 埃犹太人陷囹圄
常见事物简称 NMD PR
Anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹 National Missile Defense 美国国家导 弹防御系统
public relations 公共关系
职业、职务简称 MP member of parliament 议员 TP traffic policeman 交通警察 PA personal assistant 私人助理
Example 1: Next Century Will Challenge Law of Land
Example 2: Largest Chinese Trade Delegation to Visit
US in Nov. 下世纪土地法将面临挑战 阵容强大,规模空前 中国贸易代表团定于11月访美
World Bank(= China Appoints Its First 中国任命首位世界银行
1 省略现象
省略系动词 “be”
Party Leader
Example 1: Political Efforts (Are) Vital to Reform—— Example 2: Three (Are) Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas Example 3: Moscow’s Food Prices / Soaring 党的领导人说:改革一定要讲政治 炉灶煤气未关 三人窒息身亡 莫斯科食品价格暴涨
外刊经贸知识选读Lesson1 China in the market Place
Manufactured goods 制成品
制成品,是指在一个工业企业内完成全部生产过程,经检验符合规定的 质量标准,并可销售供社会使用的合格劳动产品。如自行车厂生产完成 的待销自行车;棉纺织厂生产完成的待销坯布;机床厂生产完成的待销机床 等。在本企业内不再需要继续加工的半成品,经检验合格供对外销售, 也作成品。如自行车厂生产完成的供外厂配套用或供销售的零件
Lesson 1 China's Foreign Trade
Opening paragraph
Part2 Breakdown Part3 The Balance Shifts
Part4 Direction of Trade Part5 Reserves Rise
Part6 Investment Encouraged
withdrawal[wɪð'drɔːəl] --[U]the removal or stopping of something such as support, an offer, or a service 〔对支持、建议、服务等的〕取消,收回 --[C,U] the act of moving an army, weapons etc away from the area where they were fighting 撤军;撤退;撤回 --[C,U] the act of taking money from a bank account, or the amount you take out 〔从银行账户中的〕取款;取款额 Shift away from … towards/to-从…转向...
manufactured goods and the capital equipment required
课文 重要经贸概念的注解 课文中译文,可供对照 问题 经贸术语 补充阅读材料
张翠平:《国际经济学》,上海外语教育出版社,2009年 陈苏东:《国际经济导论》,高等教育出版社,2002年 张中宁:《最新西方报刊经贸文章选读》,2009年 王关富:《商务英语阅读》2002年 孙湘生:《国际贸易实务》,清华大学出版社,2005年 黄珠仙:《国际经济贸易英语阅读》,世界图书出版公司,2000年 肖云南:《国际商务谈判》,清华大学出版社,2003年 凯罗· M. 莱曼:《商务沟通》,东北财经大学出版,1998年 新闻周刊 .au/ 纽约时报 / 财富 /magazines/fortune/ 商业周刊 / 华盛顿邮报 / 华尔街日报 / 星期日泰晤士报 /sto/ 亚洲华尔街日报 /home-page 中国日报 / 经济学人/
Selected Readings on International Business & Economics from Western Journals 西方报刊经贸文章选读
The goal of this course/ What is required of in this course?
2007年超越德国成为世界第三。 2010年第二季度,中国GDP总量首次超过日本, 日本政府公布的数据显示,2010年第二季度GD P总值为1.28万亿美元,低于中国第二季度GDP 的1.33万亿美元。中国GDP超过日本正式成为 第二大经济体。
据媒体报道,经合组织(OECD)最新报告 认为,扣除物价因素中国在2016年将成为全球 第一大经济体,并预期中国有能力在当前10年 内维持高速增长。OECD指出如果按照购买力平 价计算,在2016年附近中国将取代美国成为全 球第一大经济体。 (2013年03月22日19:18 来源:和讯网 ) 在日前举行的“2013北京CBD国际论坛”上 有经济学家如此预判——到2023年,中国将超 过美国成为世界第一大经济体。 (2013年9月 11日 中国行业研究网 )
外刊经贸知识选读复习(自考) lesson 1-15 课后问答
外刊经贸知识选读复习Lesson 1 China’s Foreign Trade(中国的对外贸易)三、课后问题:1、What‘s the meaning of ―the pattern of China‘s foreign trade‖?―The pattern of China‘s foreign trade‖ refers chiefly(主要的) to thecommodity structure of China‘s foreign trade and her trade partnership with theworld.2、What kind of clause is introduced by ―when‖ in the sentence of the thirdparagraph, section 1? An adverbial (状语) clause or an attributive (定语)one?An attributive clause3、“Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role inmodernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain (过度负担)on the nationaleconomy.‖(中国政府认识到,国外技术对本国经济现代化作用重大,这使1978年中国的进口额增长了50%以上,结果国民经济背上了沉重的负担。
) Why did the more than 50% rise in imports of 1978 place undue strain on China‘s national economy?More foreign exchanges(外汇) is required for more imports. All sections of China‘s national economy would have to work harder and better to export andearn more for the imports increased.4、What‘s ―a net grain exporter(粮食净出口国)‖? Does it mean one who hasnever done any imports?“A net grain exporter‖ should be one who has done both imports and exportsof the item, but finally exported more than imported within a period of time.5、―The strong increase in imports last year is attributed to buoyant economicactivity as well as to the success of the Government‘s trade and foreigninvestment policies.‖(去年进口额的大大增加不仅是由于政府贸易政策与对外投资政策的成功,而且是由于趋于上升的经济。
外刊经贸知识选读Lesson 1
3.contract n. binding agreement between persons,groups.合同,合约 vt. 订立合同 vt. Make or become smaller. 收缩 e.g. Metals contract as they become cool. 金属冷则收缩。 4.shift from towards/to 从向 转移 e.g. There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. 重点已从制造业向服务业转移。
11.Sino-: chinese 中国人的 Sino-Japanese relations 中日关系 Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry,but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication,not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West. need for sth. need for sb to do sth. 需要,必须
USSR:Union of Soviet Socialist 苏联
2.exacerbate v. make worse,aggravate.使 恶化,加剧。 e.g. Her mother’s interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage. 她母亲从中干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜。
英美报刊选读unit 1
How to expand the students’English vocabulary including the acronym of the well-known international organizations and associations.
What is Mass Communication?
The process by which a complex organization, with the aid of one or more machines produces public messages that are aimed at large heterogeneous (of different kinds), and scattered audience.
Teaching Processes
1.The definition of journalism
(1)The collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.
(2)nonverbal communication (facial expression, body language)
(3)visual communication (pictures and images)
• GDP= Gross Domestic Product • 国内生产总值 • GNP= Gross National Product • 国民生产总值
• A和B是邻居,A为B修剪草坪,B给A10元钱, GDP,GNP各加10元钱。 • A和B结婚了,A为B修剪草坪,B给A10元钱, GDP/GNP不增加。(未在市场流通) • A被国家派到美国为B修剪草坪,B给A10美 金,GDP不变,GNP增加10美金。
Paragraph 2
• Withdrawal
– Cancellation, abandonment放弃,取消,撤销
• Economic and technical aid
Shift away from … towards/to
• 从…转向 • There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. • 重点已经从制造业向服务业转移。 • The withdrawal of Soviet economic and technical aid in the early-1960s caused trade to shift away from the USSR and its Comecon partners towards Japan and Western Europe.
• Capital equipment • 资本设备 • Industrialization program • Industry – Industrialize – Industrialization
-ize and -ization
• • • • • • • • Computer – computerize – computerization Modern – modernize – modernization Ideal – idealize – idealization Civil – civilize – civilization Global – globalize – globalization National – nationalize – nationalization Private – privatize – privatization Standard – standardize - standardization
Unit I 英美报刊选读课件
Unit I: Geography
• The economic benefit of being American is harder to put figures on, but no less palpable.
• 5 维尔京群岛的人均国民生产总值 (﹩9750,1986年)是邻近独立的安提瓜 岛和巴布达岛的四倍。
• *Daiquiri: 代基里酒
• *clog: 堵塞;妨碍
• 7 这些岛屿(维尔京群岛)除了风景秀丽、 气候宜人外,没有任何自然资源。
• *next to 几乎,差不多 Back
• 8 使关岛人感到恼火的其中一件事就是美国 把关岛纳入其保护主义的《琼斯法案》的 影响范畴,按照此法案,美国船只可在任 何港口停靠。
• 4. American Samoa is the least assimilated. Back
• 5.Tiny Wake island, a place where America’s day begins. Back
• 6.The Northern Marianas have had a long colonial history. The Spanish held them for 300 years. Then in 1898, Germany took over the islands. After WWI, they were entrusted to Japan. Finally, in 1945, they became an American trust territory.
• Back
• 7. Japanese. Because plenty of Japanese visit here every year. Back
经贸专业报刊阅读 翻译 UNIT1-6
Unit 11.buildings are rarely designed to save energy,because those who putthem up do not usually pay the bills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks , not their energy-efficiency.楼房设计很少考虑能效,因为建造者不用为之买单,而那些楼房的住户们买房时考虑的是景色或楼房的外观,而不是它们的能效。
2.that will happen only if governments require them to do so ,or taxdirty products and processes (through a carbon price),or subsidise clean ones .只有政府要求,或是(通过碳定价)对污染产品和工艺征税,或进行清洁生产补贴,公司才会投资清洁技术。
3.a $40carbon price now ,doubling by 2050, and combined withnon-price policies such as appliance standards and R&D support ,is needed to hit the 450ppm targets .碳价需要定在40美元,到2050年翻一番,结合电器标准和研发扶持等非价格政策,才能达到450ppm的目标。
panies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves ,and canalso buy “certified emission reductions “from developing countries to meet their caps through Kyoto’s “clean development mechanism”.公司间可以买卖分配额,也可以按照京都“清洁发展机制”从发展中国家购买“和政的减排量”,以符合减排限制。
经贸英语报刊阅读教程课件 Unit 1
Canada, Russia, Japan and New Zealand Withdrew from the Protocol.
The advanced countries were unwilling to provide technological and financial aid to developing countries. They are also unwilling to make the reduction in their own countries.
and provide help to developing countries Developing countries: Provide the lists of
sources of the Greenhouse gases and Carbon Sequestration. Principle: common but different responsibilities
Part IV: Paras 13-24 Subsidy: good and bad of subsidies for renewableenergy business. Worries.
Carbon-pricing (Para. 1)
Carbon-pricing is an administrative approach imposing a cost on the emission of greenhouse gases which cause global warming. Paying a price for carbon spewed into our atmosphere is a way of motivating countries, businesses and individuals to reduce carbon emissions. It also provides an incentive to invest and deploy renewable energy technology that does not emit carbon to our atmosphere. Such a pricing mechanism would also act as a disincentive for electricity generators to use relatively more polluting coal, gas and oil fired stations.
英语报刊选读一、阅读材料1. The Economist (经济学人)The Economist is a weekly international business magazine published in London. It provides objective reporting, analysis and opinion to help business people and policy makers understand the global economy. The magazine covers a wide range of topics including business, politics, technology, culture and international affairs. It is a good source of news and analysis for English learners.2. New York Times (纽约时报)The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City. It is one of the most influential English-language newspapers in the world, covering news, culture, sports and other topics. The newspaper publishes high-quality reporting, analysis and opinion on current events, and it is a good source of reading practice for English learners.3. Wall Street Journal (华尔街日报)The Wall Street Journal is a daily business newspaper published in New York City. It provides objective reporting and analysis on the financial markets, business news, economics and other topics. The newspaper is written in a formal style and is a good choice for students who want to improve their writing skills.二、回答问题1. What are the main differences between The Economist and the New York Times?The Economist is a weekly international business magazine published in London, providing objective reporting, analysis and opinion to help business people and policy makers understand the global economy. The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City, covering news, culture, sports and other topics. Therefore, The Economist is more focused on business and international affairs, while the New York Times covers a wider range of topics.2. What are the advantages of reading Wall Street Journal for English learners?Reading the Wall Street Journal has several advantages for English learners. Firstly, it provides objective reporting and analysis on the financial markets, business news, economics and other topics, which helps learners improve their understanding of financial and economic issues. Secondly, the newspaper is written in a formal style, which provides learners with opportunities to improve their writing skills. Finally, reading the Wall Street Journal is a good source of reading practice for learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.三、个人观点In my opinion, reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way for English learners to improve their language proficiency. By reading different types of newspapers and magazines, learners can broaden their horizons, improve their writing skills, and gain a better understanding of current events and international affairs. Additionally, reading newspapers and magazines in a foreign language provides learners with opportunities to practice their reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, which helps them develop a more natural fluency in the target language. Therefore, I recommend that English learners regularly read English newspapers and magazines to improve their language proficiency.。
西方报刊经贸文章选读 史天陆 第五版 unit 1
利: 有利于商品进口。当币种升值时,由于进口 商可从汇率升值中得到额外利润,而额外利润提 供了调低进口品在国内市场上价格的可能空间, 如进口汽车及其他进口商品价格则会下降,从而 可以增加对进口商品的需求,从而增加进口数量。 弊:不利于商品出口。比如原本中国100元人民 币的商品,卖到美国去只要12美元多一点点,现 在同样的一件商品卖到美国去就要将近13美元。 显然人民币的升值对我国的出口贸易很不利。
6. What is the prospect of the Chinese market? (Read Paragraph 10.) China still has many industries, particularly in services like insurance and finance, which are only now beginning to open to world trade. And the RMB is to appreciate gradually and gives a substantial boost to import-buying power.
Lesson 1
Байду номын сангаас
1. Why was China regarded as “an important pole” for the economic growth of Asia and the world by the authoritative analysts? (Read Paragraph 2.) Her economy had continued to boom in the recent years and grew at the rate of nearly 10 percent annually. It was already by some key measures the world’s second largest economy. 2. Is China a so-called “threat” or an economic driver to other countries with her becoming “the factory to the world”? Why? (Read Paragraph 3-4.) While China’s exports grow fast all the way, very often her imports grow still faster (than the exports) as demand in China is booming. It’s a driver to the world economy, especially the East Asia.
Lesson 1China in the Market PlaceBarry Coulthurst examines the development of China’s trade policy and the present state of the overseas economic links --巴里库尔塞斯特对中国贸易政策的演变和当前与海外经济往来状况的研究The pattern of China’s foreign trade has changed substantially since the founding of the people’s Republic, During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country’s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry. The Great Leap Forward of 1958-1959 initially produced gains in agricultural and industrial production, but subsequently resulted in serious economic imbalances. Economic problems were exacerbated by three bad harvests (1959-1961) with the result that national income and the volume of foreign trade contracted during 1960-1962 The withdrawal of Soviet economic and technical aid in the early-1960s caused trade to shift away from the USSR and its Comecon partner towards Japan and Western Europe. A consistent theme of China’s foreign trade policies has been the strong emphasis which has been placed on developing trade relations with the Third World countries.The growth of foreign trade was disrupted again during the cultural Revolution(1966-1976) when agricultural and industrial production fell sharply and transportation constraints became more serious.Foreign Trade, which has a major role in the four Modernizations programme, has grown rapidly over the past few years.A major trade agreement with Japan, under which China exports coal and oil in return for industrial equipment and technology was signed in February 1978. China also signed a long-term trade agreement with the EEC in 1978 while trade with the USA has increased rapidly in the wake of the normalization of diplomatic relations at the beginning of 1979. The Sino-USA agreement on trade relations, which came into force in February 1980. Accords China Most-favoured nation treatment.BreakdownA commodity breakdown of China’s trade shows that fuels accounted for 24 per cent of total exports in 1982, food products for 13 percent, textile fibres and mineral ores for 7 per cent and manufactured goods(the most important products were textiles, chemicals and machinery and transport equipment ) for 55 percent. Since the founding of the people’s republic strong emphasis has been placed on importing capital equipment in order to strengthen the industrial sector. But the leading categories of imports in 1982 were food, which accounted for 22 percent of total, light manufactured items with a share of 20 percent and machinery and transport equipment with 17 percent.During the past few years a major objective of the Chinese authorities has been to reduce the proportion of agricultural exports, while increasing that of industrial and mineral products. A wide variety of industrial goods are now exported and Chinese capital equipment has been used by a number of developing countries to establish projects in areas such as agriculture, forestry, light industry, food processing, water conservation and transport and communications.The Balance Shifts.The US dollar value of Chinese exports increased at an average rate of almost 18 percent per annum between 1978 and 1983, while imports increased by approximately 11 per cent pere annum. As a result, the visible trade surplus rose sharply from US$1.4 billion in 1981 to US$4.4 billion in 1982 AND us$3.7 billion in1983. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period not only because of the strong emphasis placed on exporting by China’s economic planners, but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979. Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50 percent in 1978 placing undue strain on the national economy. Grain imports have fallen sharply over the past few years- China became a net grain exporter in 1984 – and in 1983 the country started to export soyabeans and cotton.The pattern of foreign trade growth was reversed in 1984; the value of exports increased by 10 percent, but imports jumped 38 percent with the result that the visible trade account was in deficit by US$1.1 billion. The strong increase in importslast year is attributed to buoyant economic activity as well as to the success of the Government’s trade and foreign investme nt policies.Direction of TradeHongKong is China’s major export market accounting for approximately 26 percent of total exports in 1983(though much is re-exported to other destinations from there). Other important markets include Japan, with a share of 20 percent in 1983, and the USA with approximately 8 percent. The EEC’s share of China’s exports has generally been around 11-12 percent over the past few years (the leading export markets within the European Community are Germany and United Kingdom), while the proportion destined for the comecon countries declined from almost 15 percent in 1978 to 6 percent in 1983. The non-oil developing countries (excluding Hong Kong) accounted for 23 percent of China’s total exports in 1983.In sharp contrast the developing countries provided less than 15 percent of China’s imports in 1983. The most important suppliers among the industrial countries were Japan, with a share of 26 per cent, and the USA with 13 percent. The EEC’s share in 1983 was 15 percent and that of comecon 8.2 per cent.The successful outcome to negotiations between Britain and China about the future of Hong Kong will strengthen Sino-British relations and is expected to boost trade between the two countries. A large British economic and trade delegation, headed by Lord Young, Minister without portfolio, visited China in March. The value of Chinese exports to Britain, which rose rapidly between 1977 and 1980, declined in 1981-1982, but recovered strongly in 1983; imports from the United Kingdom followed a similar pattern. The most important Chinese exports to Britain in 1983 were clothing, textile fibres, tea and food products while the leading British exports included iron and steel, machinery and transport equipment, scientific instruments, chemicals and textile fibres.Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry, but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication, not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West.Reserves RiseThere are no official statistics covering the invisible account of the balance of payments, but the size of the visible trade surplus during 1981-1983 and a pronounced increase in earnings from tourism suggest that the current account has been in surplus over the past few years.Foreign exchange reserves have risen rapidly from approximately US $2.5 billion at end-1980 to US$17.0 billion (sufficient for approximately eight months’ imports) by October 1984. Approximately US $12 billion of the country’s r eserves are held by the central bank, the people’s bank of China, while the balance is controlled by the bank of China which specializes in foreign exchange business. Individual cities must try to balance their foreign exchange earnings and requirements, but there is some scope for purchasing additional foreign exchange with Renminbi yuan. The authorities are willing to permit a run-down is the country’s international reserves over the next few years as a means of accelerating the introduction of foreign technology.China has shown a much more flexible approach to foreign trade over the past few years and has adopted a series of measures designed to strengthen international economic co-operation. Foreign countries are encouraged to mount exhibitions of their goods and China itself has participated in a number of trade fairs and exhibitions held abroad. Since the late 1970s China has also adopted foreign trade practices long-established in many other countries. Goods are produced according to a sample provided by customer, while strong encouragement is given to compensation trade whereby a foreign seller supplies raw materials and equipment and receives manufactured goods, produced by the equipment provided, in return. Compensation trade differs from barter or counter-trade insofar as there is a direct link between the equipment supplied from abroad and manufactured product. Assembly manufacturing began in 1978 and particular forms of foreign trade are eligible for exemption from customs duties and taxation.Investment EncouragedA series of polices designed to encourage foreign investment have accompanied these trade reforms. A lao adopted in1979 defines the principles governing the rights and interests of participants in joint ventures. The China International Trust and Investment Corporation(CITIC), established in 1979, co-ordinates incoming foreign investment, promotes joint ventures by assisting Chinese and foreign enterprises to find suitable business partners and also has responsibility for negotiating contracts relating to 100 percent foreign-owned enterprises When negotiations are complete and a joint venture contract has been agreed, it is submitted to the ministry of foreign Economic Relations and Trade for final approval.China’s cautious approach to f oreign borrowing is to be maintained, at least for the time being. The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced China’s determination to introduce foreign technology by means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. Foreign investments is advantageous insofar as it facilitates the transfer of technology and skills and avoids creating an overhang of debt. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been tackled. China’s access to substantial sums of money from the World bank also reduces the need to borrow on commercial terms.China has borrowed almost US$2 billion from the world bank and its affiliates, but a substantial proportion of these loans are still to be disbursed. Figures compiled by the OECD and the bank for international settlements show borrowings from western commercial banks of approximately US$2 billion, but also show that the bulk of China’s foreign obligations consist of non-bank trade related credits which exceed US $4 billion.While there are limited lending opportunities in the short-term, there appears considerable scope for foreign banks to undertake profitable business over the longer term. The need to develop business relationships with Chinese enterprises and government officials have persuaded a large number of foreign banks to open representative offices in Beijing or other parts of China.From China now spring 1985 no. 112。
经贸英语文章选读Unit 1 Starting a Business
• crop up 突然出现 • Problems will crop up before you are ready.
在你还没有准备好时,各种问题就会突然出现 • all the rage 时尚;风行一时的事物 • Now that astrology has become all the rage, many newspaper,
Internet sites, radio programs, and TV talk shows include horoscopes. 现在星座成为时尚,许多报纸、网站、收音机 节目、电视脱口秀都包括了星座这个话题。 • franchise n. 特权;公民权;经销权;管辖权 vt. 给…以特许 (或特权) • Franchise transfer fee of $7500 to be paid by buyer includes franchise training fees. 买主需支付特许经营权转让费7500美 元,包括特许经营培训费。
• But before we get started, let's clear up one point:
• People always wonder if this is a good time to start their business idea. The fact is, there's really never a bad time to launch a business. It's obvious why it's smart to launch in strong economic times. People have money and are looking for ways to spend it. But launching in tough or uncertain economic times can be just as smart.
• 为了追求新奇和亲切感,它常使用体育、娱 乐、赌博、军事等词语以及俚语、行话和 俗语。有的比喻词用得形象生动, 如“ 削 减” 不用reduce 或decrease,而用诸如不 是斧砍就是刀削等方面的词: cut , trim, ax ,slice, slash 等。再如“ 大” 不用big 和 large 等常用词, 而用mammoth: a
• Lesson 8 China's Textiles in the World Market-Opportunities & Challenges
• Lesson 9 The Commodities Market--Oil, Minerals &Foodstuffs
Lesson 1
China’s Emerging & the World Economy
(二)除通过专业词语外,一部分普通英语的词语也被 大量地 频繁地使用,从而形成带有专业词语色彩的准 专业词语群.
• 增长---increase, rise , grow • 下降--relapse , fall , slide • 比较--lower , higher , the highest, the
Teaching Aims
After studying this lesson, you are required to: Master some new words , expressions and technical terms.
Chugging Along 稳步向前
本文主要介绍了中国经济的飞速发展, 使 之成为世界经济发展的一个主要推动力, 中国的巨大市场吸引众多跨国公司来华 投资,这引起一系列连锁经济效应,随着中 国经济发展,他的进口能力也将进一步提 高,对世界经济而然, 具有重大意义.
unit 1 英语报刊选读
Memorization of vocabulary lists Reading texts Fluency and conversation classes Having a nativespeaking teacher Learning grammar rules
Watching videos and listening to cassettes Meeting with Englishspeaking people Having a non-nativespeaking teacher
Answer the following questions after reading the news.
1. 2. 3.
What problem did Kim Hyo Jin have? Who funds the English village? Why is Korea so “aggressive” when it comes to encouraging students to speak English? What happens in the English village if students speak Korea? What do Korean delegates do at international conferences?
She was a great athlete but she ________ at the last hurdle and fell. What a fool! He got drunk and just ______ the secret! He hated living with his new foster parents and he ______ from home. He spends all evening ________ on MSN Messenger. They finally __________ that old warehouse on Silver Street- it just had to go!
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• 4. What are the characteristics of the Chinese market? (Read Paragraph 7.) • The market is very competitive, but the demand is huge.
• 5. What are the ripple effects of foreign (direct) investment in China on the world economy? (Read Paragraph 8.) • The ripple effects are increasingly broad. Investment in China helps its neighbors in previously unrecognized way, because its supply chain includes a growing network of contract producers across Asia. Every dollar spent in China is re-spent many times not only within the country, but also throughout the region, magnifying the effect of a “more liberal global trading environment.” • 6. What is the prospect of the Chinese market? (Read Paragraph 10.) • China still has many industries, particularly in services like insurance and finance, which are only now beginning to open to world trade. And the RMB is to appreciate gradually and gives a substantial boost to import-buying power.
• • • • • • • • • •
移动电话 个人电脑 破产的 购买力平价 跨国公司 供应链 贸易环境 全球化 自由浮动 提高购买力
mobile phone personal computer bankrupt purchasing power parity multinational supply trading environment globalization float freely raise the purchasing power
• • • • • • • •
品种更多的商品 a wider range of goods 定价能力 pricing power 支配地位 dominance 电讯 telecommunications 贸易顺差 trade surplus “钉住” peg 冲击 impact 企业 business
Supplementary Reading
• • • • • • • • • • [货币]升值 提高生产率 [货币]增值 利润 电子产品 消除 利润幅度 竞争力 双边经济关系 [经济]部门 revaluation to lift productivity appreciation margin electronics to erase profit margin competitiveness bilateral economic ties sector
• 3. How important is China to the global economy? (Read Paragraph 5-6.) • China’s strong demand has fueled the expansion in many fields of the world economy, such as steel, copper, chemicals, mobile phones, personal computers, etc. As early as in 2003, in PPP terms, China had accounted for about 10 percent of world GDP, which put it behind the United States in the No. 2 spot.
Selected Readings on International Business & Economics from Western Journals 西方报刊经贸文章选读
Lesson 1
• 1. Why was China regarded as “an important pole” for the economic growth of Asia and the world by the authoritative analysts? (Read Paragraph 2.) • Her economy had continued to boom in the recent years and grew at the rate of nearly 10 percent annually. It was already by some key measures the world’s second largest economy. • 2. Is China a so-called “threat” or an economic driver to other countries with her becoming “the factory to the world”? Why? (Read Paragraph 3-4.) • While China’s exports grow fast all the way, very often her imports grow still faster (than the exports) as demand in China is booming. It’s a driver to the world economy, especially the East Asia.
Lesson 1
• • • • • • • • • • • 合资企业 企业家精神 增长 衰退 迅速发展 崛起 通货紧缩 亚洲开发银行 猛增 贸易逆差 衰退 joint venture entrepreneurship growth slump to boom to emerge deflation the Asian Development Bank to jump trade deficit recession