Transformations on the set of all n-dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space preserving pri




The most essential idea required in the following discussion is that of a group of space-transformations. The combination of any number of tranformations of space 7 is always equivalent to a single transformation. If now a given system of transformations has the property that any transformation obtained by combining any tranformations of the system belongs to that system, it shall be called a group of transformations 8.An example of a group of transformations is afforded by the totality of motions, every motion being regarded as an operation performed on the whole of space. A group contained in this group is formed, say, by the rotations about one point 9. On the other hand, a group containing the group of motions is presented by the totality of the collineations. But the totality of the dualistic transformations does not form a group; for the combination of two dualistic transformations isequivalent to a collineation. A group is, however, formed by adding the totality of the dualistic to that of the collinear transformations 10.Now there are space-transformations by which the geometric properties of configurations in space remain entirely unchanged. For geometric properties are, from their very idea, independent of the position occupied in space by the configuration in question, of its absolute magnitude, and finally of the sense 11 in which its parts are arranged. The properties of a configuration remaintherefore unchanged by any motions of space, by transformation into similar configurations, by transformation into symmetrical configurations with regard to a plane (reflection), as well as by any combination of these transformations. The totality of all these transformations we designate as the principal group12 of space-transformations; geometric properties are not changed by the transformations of the principal group. And, conversely, geometric properties are characterized by their remaining invariant under the transformations of the principal group. For, if we regard space for the moment as immovable, etc., as a rigid manifoldness, then every figure has an individual character; of all the properties possessed by it as an individual, only the properly geometric onesare preserved in the transformations of the principal group. The idea, here formulated somewhat indefinitely, will be brought out more clearly in the course of the exposition.Let us now dispose with the concrete conception of space, which for the mathematician is not essential, and regard it only as a manifoldness of n dimensions, that is to say, of three dimensions,if we hold to the usual idea of the point as space element. By analogy with the transformationsof space we speak of transformations of the manifoldness; they also form groups. But there is no longer, as there is in space, one group distinguished above the rest by its signification; each groupis of equal importance with every other. As a generalization of geometry arises then the following comprehensive problem:Given a manifoldness and a group of transformations of the same; to investigate the configurations belonging to the manifoldness with regard to such properties as are not altered by the transformations of the group.To make use of a modern form of expression, which to be sure is ordinarily used only withreference to a particular group, the group of all the linear transformation, the problem might bestated as follows:Given a manifoldness and a group of transformations of the same; to develop the theory ofinvariants relating to that group.This is the general problem, and it comprehends not alone ordinary geometry, but also andin particular the more recent geometrical theories which we propose to discuss, and the different methods of treating manifoldnesses of n dimensions. Particular stress is to laid upon the fact thatthe choice of the group of transformations to be adjoined is quite arbitrary, and that consequentlyall the methods of treatment satisfying our general condition are in this sense of equal value.近期几何研究的比较性回顾——1872年在爱尔朗根(Erlangen)大学哲学系和大学理事会发表的纲领菲利克斯·克莱因(FELIX KLEIN)教授我在1872年发表的这个《纲领》,是以独立出版物的形式发行的(爱尔朗根,A. Deichert)。



目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Part 1. Preparationby its very nature就其本质而言unconditional [5QnkEn5diFEnEl] adj.无条件的,无限制的,绝对的【例句】The victorious army demanded unconditional surrender. 胜方要求敌人无条件投降。

【搭配】unconditional surrender 无条件投降live up to不辜负;做到;实践【例句】In some ways, we failed to live up to one another’s expectations. 在某些方面,我们互相的期望都落了空。

do one’s duty尽职责Part 2. Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class Readingseverely [si5viEli] adv.严格地,激烈地【例句】Those responsible for this crime will be severely punished. 犯下这宗罪行的人将受到严厉惩罚。

severe [si5viE] adj.严厉的,严格的;剧烈的;严重的,严峻的【例句】He’s suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。

Transformations and BRST-Charges in 2+1 Dimensional Gravitation

Transformations and BRST-Charges in 2+1 Dimensional Gravitation

a r X i v :g r-qc/9293v18Sep1992Transformations and BRST-Charges in 2+1Dimensional Gravitation G´e za F¨u l¨o p Institute of Theoretical Physics S-41296G¨o teborg Sweden September 1992G¨o teborg,ITP 92-39September,1992Abstract Canonical transformations relating the variables of the ADM-,Ashtekar’s and Witten’s formulations of gravity are computed in 2+1dimensions.Three different forms of the BRST-charge are given in the 2+1dimensional Ashtekar formalism,two of them using Ashtekar’s form of the constraints and one of them using the forms suggested by Witten.The BRST-charges are of different rank.1IntroductionThere exist two different formalisms describing gravitation in 3+1dimen-sions:the ADM-and Ashtekar’s formalisms.There is a canonical transfor-mation relating these to each other as shown by A.Ashtekar [1],J.Friedman and I.Jack [2]and M.Henneaux,J.E.Nelson and C.Schomblond [3].This transformation is built on the properties of the spatial spin connection.In 2+1dimensions there are already three different formulations:the ADM,Ashtekar’s and Witten’s [4].These formulations are equivalent if the metric is nondegenerate.For the relations between them see e.g.[5],[6].One1of the purposes of this paper is tofind an explicit canonical transformationbetween the Ashtekar and the ADM formalisms in2+1dimensions.In this case we can not make use of the spatial spin connection,because thefundamental variables in the Ashtekar’s formalism have SO(1,2)indices whilethe spatial spin connection has SO(2)indices.(Section2).Since the constraint algebra in Ashtekar’s formulation is different fromthe one in Witten’s formulation a canonical transformation relating these formulations must take place in the extended phase space and involve ghostfields too[9].Moreover the constraint algebra of the Ashtekar formalismshows some peculiar features:the Poisson bracket between the Hamiltonian and the vector constraints contains terms of the form:HG I and H a G I,where H is the Hamiltonian constraint,H a(a=1,2)are the vector constraints and the G I’s are the constraints called Gauss’law.These terms can be interpretedin two different ways:one can either say that HG I is the Hamiltonian con-straint multiplied by a structure function which is‘accidentally’a function of Gauss’law,or that it is Gauss’law multiplied by the structure function containing the Hamiltonian constraint.These two interpretations give birth to two different forms of the BRST-charge of the theory.Together with the BRST-charge of the Witten’s formalism one has three different forms of the BRST-charge of the same theory.It is possible to obtain one form knowing another one by canonical transformations.The purpose of Section3is to show these forms of the BRST-charge explicitly and to compute one of the canonical transformations between them.It is worth noting that these forms of the BRST-charge while belongingto the same theory are of different rank.2The transition between the ADM-and-Ashtekar’s formalisms in2+1dimensions In the ADM formalism the fundamental variables one uses are the spatial metric g ab(a,b=1...d−1)and it’s canonically conjugated momentaΠab.An equivalent description of gravity can be given using as basic variables the triads e aI,where‘a’are the spatial indices and‘I’the internal indices.The internal algebra is SO(3)in3+1dimensions and SO(1,2)in2+1dimensions. The relation between these variables and the metric is given by:2g ab=e aI e I b(1)The indices‘I’are raised and lowered by the Killing metric of the algebra.The canonical momenta conjugated to the triads areΠa I.One can build the same gravitational theory on these variables as the one built on the g ab andΠab,if an extra constraint is introduced.One can make a canonical transformation starting from the triad variables and obtain a new formalism.See e.g.[8].(e I a,Πb J)→(K I a,E b J)where:E b I=ee b I,e=√with N=M/√f IJ K E a I E b J F K ab(4)2where F K ab=∂a A K b−∂b A K a+f K LM A L a A M b is the curvaturefield strength.One can use this form of the Hamiltonian constraint to compute explicitly:{q cd,H[N]}=−2Nf IJ L E a I E(c J D a E d)L(5) where D a denotes the covariant derivative on the phase space:D aE b I=∂a E b I+f IKM A K a E bMand”()”denotes symmetrization with factor1/2included.Comparing these two relations one can get the transformation rule be-tween K M a and A M a:E b I q ad D b E dL−f IJ L E b I E M a E fJ D b E fL(6)K M a=f M ILwhere E M a is defined as an‘inverse’to E a M:E M a E b M=δb a.The‘momenta’E a I are of course the same for both formalisms:E b I=E b I(7)If one wants to check whether this transformation expressed by equation6 and7is a canonical one it is straight forward to obtain:{K J a(x),E b I(x′)}=δb aδJ Iδ(x−x′)To get however{K J a(x),K I b(x′)}is a very lengthy calculation.In3+1dimensions one can obtain a much simpler relation between A I a and K I a using the spatial spin connectionΓI a which is defined to satisfy:∇a e b I−ΓJ Ia e b J=0withΓI a=f IJKΓJKa.The relation between A I a and K I a becomes:A I a=iK I a+ΓI a(8)4See for example[1],[2],[3].The relation between the”momenta”of these formulations is of course the same as given in equation7.The transformation given by equations8and7is a canonical one since the spatial spin connection can be expressed as the functional derivative of a functional depending on the”momenta”:δF(E)ΓI b=f IJ K E a I E b J F K ab≈0(10)2We also have thefirst class constraint called Gauss’law:G I≡D a E a I=(∂aδJ I+f J IK A K a)E a J≈0(11) The algebra satisfied by these constraints looks like:{H a[N a],H b[M b]}=H a[£N M a]+G I[M a N b F I ab](12)5{H a[N a],H[M]}=H[£N M]+G I[MN a f IJ K E b I F K ab](13){H[N],H[M]}=±H a[(N∂b M−M∂b N)q ba](14){G I[N I],G J[N J]}=G I[f I JK N J N K](15) where H a[N a]= H a N a,etc.q ba is the spatial metric and the sign in the third equation is−for a space-time with Euclidean signature and it is+for Lorentzian signature.The other set of constraints wich can be used in2+1dimensions was suggested by Witten[4]G I=D a E a I≈0(16)ΨI=ǫab F I ab≈0(17) The algebra satisfied by these constraints:{G I[N I],G J[M J]}=G I[f I JK N J M K](18){ΨI[N I],G J[M J]}=ΨI[f IJK N J M K](19){ΨI[N I],ΨJ[M J]}=0(20) As it is described in[6]these two sets of constraints are related by:H a=ǫab4f JKIE a J E b KΨI(22)or using a symbolical notation:Hµ=MµIΨI(23) whereµ=0,1,2and H0≡H.This notation is a very comfortable one but one shouldn’t confuse it with the usual3-vector notation,because the quantity{H,H a}is not a3-vector.Soµis not a vector index.We have then the‘matrix’M with:M aI=ǫab4f I JK E a J E b KΨI=1This matrix is invertible whenever det q ab=0,and one can writeΨI=M aI H a+M0I HActually det q ab=8det ing these relations one can rewrite the constraint-algebra of thefirst(Ashtekar’s)set of constraints in the following way:{H a[N a],H b[P b]}=H a[£N P a]+G I Hµ[(M−1)µIǫab2](27) The other equations remain the same.One can notice a very interesting feature of this algebra:the presence of terms including G I Hµ.This leads to the possibility of two different forms of the BRST-charge of the theory.Introducing a Grassmann-odd ghost-variable to each constraint of a the-ory one can alwaysfind a nilpotent quantity called the BRST-charge[10].A general form of the BRST-charge was given for example in[11].Q=Ψaηa+Ni=1U a1...a i P a1...P a i(28)where N is the rank of the theory,Ψ-s are the constraints and P aiare the ghost-momenta canonical to theηa ghost-variables.Knowing the constraint-algebra the coeficients U a1...a i can be computed.Thefirst ones are especially simple:If{Ψa,Ψb}=C c abΨc then U c=−12C c abηaηb P c+ (29)If we now look at the algebra of the constraints Hµ(equations26and27)we notice that the coeficients U c can be written in two different ways.The termHµG I[12ǫab Hµ(M−1)µI or7CHOICE2:C′µab Hµwhich means that the a constraint Hµtimes a coefficient containing Gauss’law.This coefficient is:C′µab=1f I JK˜ρJ˜ρK˜P I(30)2where˜A J b and˜E a I are the phase-space variables,˜P I-the momentum canonical to the ghost˜ρI,˜ΠI-the momentum canonical to the ghost˜ηI.This is thus a rank1form of the BRST-charge.There is a theorem due to Batalin and Fradkin[9]that says:if a BRST-charge can be expressed in two different forms there exists a canonical trans-formation in the extended phase space relating the variables used in the two expressions.This means that one should be able tofind a canonical transfor-mation that relates˜A J b,˜E a I,˜ρI,˜P I,˜ηI and˜ΠI to the variables A I a,E a I,ρI,P I,ηI andΠI used in the expression of the two forms of Q(A).Thefirst natural thing is to try tofind a set of canonical transformations starting with:˜ηI=MµIηµ(31)This gives of course:˜ΠI=(M−1)µIΠ(32)µThe other relations between these variables are:˜A I=A I a−f I K J(M−1)µJ M aKΠµη−ǫaba(M−1)bIΠηηa28+ǫab4(M−1)µIΠµηaηb] +Π(∂cηcη−ηc∂cη)−q cdΠd∂cηη+∂c(Πdηc)ηd−14P Iηaηb −(M−1)µIǫab4f JKI P J P Kηηaηb]−1References[1]A.Ashtekar,Phys.Rev.D36,1587(1987)[2]J.Friedman and I.Jack,Phys.Rev.D37,3495(1988)[3]M.Henneaux,J.E.Nelson and C.Schomblond,Phys.Rev.D39,434(1989)[4]E.Witten,Nucl.Phys.B311,46(1988)[5]N.Manojlovi´c and A.Mikovi´c:Ashtekar Formulation of2+1Gravity ona Torus,Imperial/TP/91-92/7(1992)[6]I.Bengtsson,Phys.Lett.220B,51(1989)[7]S.A.Hojman,K.Kuchaˇr and C.Teitelboim,Ann.Phys.96,88(1976)[8]I.Bengtsson,Ashtekar’s Variables and the Cosmological Constants,G¨o teborg ITP91-33[9]I.A.Batalin and E.S.Fradkin Riv.Nuovo Cimento2no10(1986)[10]M.Henneaux and C.Teitelboim,Comm.Math.Phys.115,213(1988)[11]I.A.Batalin and G.A.Vilkovisky,Phys.Lett.69B,309(1977)[12]A.Ashtekar,P.Mazur and C.G.Torre,Phys.Rev.D36,2955(1987)10。

Numerical Linear Algebra

Numerical Linear Algebra

letters (and occasionally lower case letters) will denote scalars. RI will denote the set of real
tions to the algorithm, it can be made to work quite well. We understand these algorithmic
transformations most completely in the case of simple algorithms like Cholesky, on simple
Numerical Linear Algebra
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⾃旋轨道⾓动量耦合Chapter 8Spin-Orbit Interaction8.1Origin of spin-orbit interactionSpin-orbit interaction is a well-known phenomenon that manifests itself in lifting the degeneracy of one-electron energy levels in atoms,molecules,and solids.In solid-state physics,the nonrelativistic Schr¨o dinger equation is frequently used as a ?rst approximation, electron band-structure calculations.Without relativistic corrections,it leads to doubly-degenerated bands,spin-up and spin-down,which can be split by a spin-dependent term in the Hamiltonian.In this approach,spin-orbit interaction can be included as a relativistic correction to the Schr¨o dinger equation.Let us brie?y review the origins of this correction,following approach of Ref.[80].For this purpose one has to consider the Dirac equation,which is the basic equation for electronic systems,including the electron spin and its rela-tivistic behavior.One obtains the Dirac equation by linearizing the relativistic generalization of the Schr¨o dinger equation.It is Lorentz-invariant and describes the electron spin and spin-orbit coupling from ?rst principles.One naturally arrives at the Dirac equation when starting from the relativistic expression for the kinetic energyH 2=c 2p 2+m 2c 4.(8.1)Inclusion of the electric and magnetic potentials,φand A ,by substituting p ?(ε)2=(c p ?εA )2ing pand H as op erators p =?i80CHAPTER8.SPIN-ORBIT INTERACTION(H2?c2 µp2µ?m2c4)ψ=0.(8.4)pµ=p x,p y,p z are components of the momentum operator,as follows from Eq.8.2.A disadvantage of this di?erential equation is that ones needs the initial values ofψand?t ,similar to the Schr¨o dinger equation;it is referred to as Dirac equation:(H?c µαµpµ?βmc2)ψ=0,(8.6)with the four-component vectorψ.Let us now compare the Dirac equation with the Schr¨o dinger equation.For this we use the non-linearized form[H?εφ?cα·(p?εcA)+βmc2]ψ=0.(8.7)Using the approximation that the kinetic and potential energies are small com-pared to mc2,two components of the spin function can be neglected,and equa-tion8.7takes the form1c A)2+εφ?ε4m2c2E·p?ε2mcσ=ε8.2.SYMMETRIES81B=?1mc(E×p),(8.9)where terms of order(vmc s·B=?εεrdr,(8.11)and the term can be written in the form(s=4m2c2σ·(E×p)=εεrdr×p=1r dV82CHAPTER8.SPIN-ORBIT INTERACTION If the crystal lattice has inversion symmetry(i.e.if the operation r→? r does not change the crystal lattice),one will obtainE(k,↑)=E(?k,↑)and E(k,↓)=E(?k,↓).(8.14) From combination of the equations8.13and8.14it becomes clear that if both time reversal symmetry and inversion symmetry are present,the band structure should satisfy to the conditionE(k,↑)=E(k,↓).(8.15) In other words,the energy cannot depend on the electron spin.Conse-quently,for crystals which have inversion symmetry(like fcc,hcp),spin splitting is not allowed in the bulk,and these solids keep their spin degeneracy.8.3Hydrogen atomConsideration of the electron orbital motion in the Coulomb?eld permits us to visualize spin-orbit interaction.We use the hydrogen atom for which the Schr¨o dinger equation can be solved analytically.In the semiclassical model, moments are treated as vectors with z-components being already quantized. (For spin-orbit interaction,only the case of l≥1is important,since SOC vanishes for l=0.)The energy-level correction due to spin-orbit coupling takes the well-known form[81]:E n,l,s=E n?µs·B l=E n+µ0Ze24π3(v×r)=µ0Ze2[j2?l2?s2]=12[j(j+1)?l(l+1)?s(s+1)],(8.19) where a=µ0Ze222and j=l?1r3should be written as its expectationvalue8.4.SOLIDS838πm2e·ψ?n,l,m1a=?E n·Z2α24π=e2137.Finally,the energy di?erence between two sublevels with opposite spin is△E l,s=?E n·Z2α2n3.(2)Spin-orbit splitting decreases with increas-ing quantum numbers n and l.8.4SolidsBulk crystalsIf a crystal lattice potential has a center of inversion,spin-orbit interaction will not a?ect the band structure,except for certain points of the Brillouin zone (BZ),where the in?uence of spin-orbit interaction can be very important.As an example,we consider the center of a BZ(Γpoint)that has cubic symmetry. In a tight binding model,we can build up the p bands from atomic p wave functions.In a free atom without SOC,there are three degenerate p functions, so three p bands will appear in the model.These bands will all be degenerate at theΓpoint(k=0,see Fig.8.1(a)),transforming one into the other through cubic symmetry transformations at this point.Each of the three bands is also doubly degenerate in the spin,altogether a six-fold degeneracy atΓ.When spin-orbit interaction is included,the bands will split in two sub-bands with fourfold p3/2and twofoldp1/2degeneracy(see Fig.8.1(b)).The bands will now behave di?erently as we move away from theΓpoint depending on whether or not there is inversion symmetry in the lattice.If the crystal has a center of inversion,each band will preserve its spin degeneracy,as illustrated on Fig.8.1(b).The p3/2bands,with j=3/2,will now split into two bands with m j=±3/2and m j=±1/2. (with projections taken the direction of the vector k).If a center of inversion symmetry is absent,then the p3/2and p1/2bands will additionally be split by spin-orbit interaction,removing the spin degeneracy. This situation is shown in Fig.8.1(c).The cases considered are really occurring in crystals, semiconductors like Ge and InSb.Germanium has a center of inversion symmetry,and we will have the?rst scenario for the top valence band.For InSb,which crystallizes in a zinc-blende lattice,the spin degeneracy will be lifted as we leave the center of84CHAPTER8.SPIN-ORBIT INTERACTIONFigure8.1:In?uence of spin-orbit interaction on the p-levels at the center of the Brillouin zone:(a)Without SOC,six degenerate levels are observed at the Γ-point;(b)SOC leads to a splitting into p3/2and p1/2levels,but leaves the spin degeneracy in lattices with inversion symmetry;(c)in a lattice without inversion symmetry,the spin degeneracy is fully removed,except for theΓ-point.the BZ.This e?ect of symmetry on the electronic band structure of zinc-blende crystals leads to the appearance of a spin-orbit interaction term that is cubic in k(Dresselhaus splitting).SurfacesTermination of the crystal by a surface breaks the3D inversion symmetry.In this way,it permits electron surface states with the same parallel wave vector, but k ,opposite spins to have di?erent energies:E(k ,↑)=E(k ,↓).(8.23) In the absence of external or internal magnetic?elds,spin-orbit splitting is the only possible cause for a splitting of spin degenerate levels at the surface, and this interaction is described by the Rashba Hamiltonian[82].。



化学专业英语试卷学号:姓名:成绩: 一:把下列单词或词组译成英文本题共 30 分,每小题 1 分1. NiClO42 nickel perchlorate3. FeCl2 iron2chloride5. AlNO33 aluminum nitrate7. MnO2 manganese dioxide9. N2O3 dinatrogen trioxide11. NaClO sodium hypochloride13. P2O5 diphosphorous pentaoxide15. KMnO4 patassium permangate17. 盐酸hydrochloric acid19. KCN patassium cyanide21. 5-甲基-4-丙基壬烷5-methyl-4-propylnonaane23. 四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride25. 中和neutralize27. 比热容specific heat capacity29. 酸酐anhytride 2. CuSO4 copper sulfate4. CoCO3 cobalt carbate6. CaC2H3O22 calcium acetate8. H2SO410. 六氰合铁Ⅱ酸钾12. Ag2SO3 sliver sulfite14. 草酸铅 lead cyanate16. ZnOH2 zinc hydroxide18. 磷酸根 phosphate20. 2,3-二甲基戊烷2,3-dimethylpentane22. 2,3,7-三甲基-5-乙基辛烷2,3,7-trimethyl-5-ethyloct ane24. 石蕊试纸litmus paper 26. 滴定titration28. 非电解质electrolyte 30. 配位化合物complex compound三. 把下列短文译成汉语本题共 40 分,每小题 10 分1. Without chemistry our lives would be unrecognisable, for chemistry is at work all around us. Think what life would be like without chemistry - there would be no plastics, no electricity and no protective paints for our homes. There would be no synthetic fibres to clothe us and no fertilisers to help us produce enough food. We wouldn’t be able to travel because there would be no metal, rubber or fuel for cars, ships and aeroplane. Our lives would be changed considerably without telephones, radio, television or computers, all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts. Life expectancy would be much lower, too, as there would be no drugs to fight disease.没有化学反应我们的生活将会大变样,化学就在我们周围;没有化学生活会是什么样子——没有塑料,,家里没有电,也没有防护漆;不会给我们合成纤维,没有化肥帮助我们生产足够的食物;我们不能旅行,因为不会有金属、橡胶或燃料汽车、船只和飞机;我们的生活将会大大改变了没有电话、收音机、电视或电脑,所有这些依赖化学生产的部分;没有药物来抵抗疾病,预期寿命将低得多;2. The first and second laws of thermodynamics and the meaning of entropy will be discussed. and expanded upon in this lesson. It will be shown that energy transformations on a macroscopic scale — that is, between large aggregates of atoms and/or molecules —can be understood in terms of a set of logical principles. Thus thermodynamics provides a model of the behavior of matter in bulk. The power of such a model is that it does not depend on atomic or molecular structure. Furthermore, conclusions about a given process .based on this model, do not require details of how the process is carried out.探讨热力学第一和第二定律和熵的意义.和扩展在这个知识;也就是说它将表明能源在宏观上的转换,根据一组逻辑原则可以理解能量在大量的原子或分子内的转换;因此热力学定理提供了一个物质体积变化的模型;这样一个模型的能力在于它不依赖于原子或分子结构;此外,给定进程的结论依托于这种模式,不需要的详细说明过程是如何进行的3.Preparation of Cuen2cdaH2O: H2cda 4-羟基-2,6 吡啶二酸 g, mmol was dissolvedin water 10 mL and the pH value of the solution was adjusted to 7~8 with aqueous NaOH solution molL-1, then adding it dropwise to a methanol solution 10mL ofCuClO42·6H2O , and ethylenediamine mmol under stirring at room temperature.After the resulting small quantity of precipitates was filtered off, dark blue crystals suitable for X-ray structure analysis were obtained by slow evaporation of the filtrate at room temperature.制备CUen2cdaH2O:使克,的4 -羟基2、6吡啶二酸溶解在10ml水中加入氢氧化钠水溶液调整到pH值7 ~ 8,然后将它一滴一滴地添加到CuClO42·6H2O,的乙醇溶液和乙二胺,在室温下搅拌;在室温下,缓慢蒸发滤液,得到深蓝色晶体,用x射线分析它的结构4. Measure 50 ml of vinegar with a pipette and pour into a 250-ml beaker. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Fill a burette with a 1 N solution of sodium hydroxide NaOH and draw out the excess as described above. From the burette add NaOH to the beaker of vinegar until 1 drop of NaOH produces a pale pink color in the solution. Maintain constant stirring. The appearance of pink tells you that the acid has been neutralized by the base and there is now 1 drop of excess base which has turned the indicator. Read the burette and record this reading as the volume of base used to neutralize the acid. One molecule of NaOH neutralizes one molecule of acetic acid, or one gram-molecular weight of NaOH neutralizes one gram-molecular weight of acetic acid. Calculate the amount of acetic acid present in the vinegar. Report this amount as the percentage of acetic acid. 用移液管吸取50ml醋加入到250毫升烧杯,加2滴酚酞指示剂;在滴定管中加入1M的氢氧化钠溶液,去除刻度线以上的溶液,将氢氧化钠溶液加入到醋中,并不断震荡,至到加入一滴氢氧化钠溶液变成粉红色;出现粉红色的颜色,表示酸中和了碱,而且多余的一滴碱使指示剂变色;阅读并纪律中和酸消耗碱的体积;一个分子的氢氧化钠中和一个分子的醋酸,或一个分子重量的氢氧化钠中和一个分子重量的醋酸反应;计算醋酸在醋的量;报告醋酸的百分比;。



Urban‎rail trans‎i t is an all-encom‎p assi‎n g term for vario‎u s types‎of local‎rail syste‎m s servi‎n g urban‎or older‎subur‎b an areas‎. The vast major‎i ty of moder‎n urban‎rail vehic‎l es run on elect‎r icit‎y. The set of urban‎rail syste‎m s can be rough‎l y subdi‎v ided‎into four categ‎o ries‎, which‎somet‎i mes overl‎a p, causi‎n g some syste‎m s or lines‎to have aspec‎t s of each.Urban‎rail trans‎i t types‎:Trams‎are syste‎m s that run mainl‎y or compl‎e tely‎along‎stree‎t s, with low capac‎i ty and frequ‎e nt stops‎. Passe‎n gers‎usual‎l y board‎at stree‎t- or curb-level‎(but low-floor‎trams‎and level‎board‎i ng platf‎o rms may be used). These‎can be calle‎d trams‎, stree‎t cars‎, or troll‎e ys, while‎the longe‎r-dista‎n ce lines‎which‎have now mostl‎y vanis‎h ed were calle‎d inter‎u rban‎s or radia‎l railw‎a ys.Light‎rail is a relat‎i vely‎new term, as an outgr‎o wth of trams‎/stree‎t cars‎. Speed‎s are usual‎l y highe‎r, and artic‎u late‎d vehic‎l es may be used to incre‎a se capac‎i ty. Note that some syste‎m s calle‎d light‎rail have most or all of the chara‎c teri‎s tics‎of rapid‎trans‎i t (see below‎) and may be bette‎r place‎d in that categ‎o ry, while‎other‎s are essen‎t iall‎y trams‎refer‎r ed to as light‎rail for polit‎i cal reaso‎n s.rapid‎trans‎i t, under‎g roun‎d, subwa‎y, tube, eleva‎t ed, or metro‎(polit‎a n) syste‎m is a railw‎a y—usual‎l y in an urban‎area—with a high capac‎i ty and frequ‎e ncy of servi‎c e, and grade‎separ‎a tion‎from other‎traff‎i c. In most parts‎of the world‎these‎syste‎m s are known‎as a "metro‎", in Londo‎n, Engla‎n d the syste‎m is calle‎d the "under‎g roun‎d", while‎in most of North‎Ameri‎c a and in Glasg‎o w, Scotl‎a nd it is a "subwa‎y".Monor‎a il is a metro‎or railr‎o ad with a track‎consi‎s ting‎of a singl‎e rail (actua‎l ly a beam), as oppos‎e d to the tradi‎t iona‎l track‎with two paral‎l el rails‎. Monor‎a il vehic‎l es are wider‎than the beam they run on.Varia‎t ions‎:Terms‎typic‎a lly used for one type of syste‎m are somet‎i mes used for the other‎. For examp‎l e, Bosto‎n's Green‎Line is refer‎r ed to as a subwa‎y, despi‎t e havin‎g stree‎t-runni‎n g porti‎o ns. The Dockl‎a nds Light‎Railw‎a y in Londo‎n is a predo‎m inan‎t ly-eleva‎t ed syste‎m which‎provi‎d es a metro‎-style‎servi‎c e with more in commo‎n with the rapid‎trans‎i t defin‎i tion‎above‎than that of light‎rail; it is so named‎to disti‎n guis‎h it from the Londo‎n Under‎g roun‎d, which‎uses longe‎r train‎s of heavi‎e r vehic‎l es to provi‎d e more frequ‎e nt servi‎c e.Many citie‎s use names‎such as subwa‎y and eleva‎t ed railw‎a y to descr‎i be their‎entir‎e syste‎m s, even when they combi‎n e both metho‎d s of opera‎t ion. Sligh‎t ly less than half of the Londo‎n Under‎g roun‎d's track‎s, for examp‎l e, are actua‎l ly under‎g roun‎d; New York City's subwa‎y also combi‎n es eleva‎t ed and subte‎r rane‎a n stati‎o ns, while‎the Chica‎g o El and Vanco‎u ver SkyTr‎a in use tunne‎l s to run throu‎g h centr‎a l areas‎.Other‎types‎of passe‎n ger rail inclu‎d e the follo‎w ing:1.Funic‎u lars‎are incli‎n ed railw‎a ys that carry‎passe‎n gers‎up and down steep‎slope‎s.2.Regio‎n al rail or commu‎t er rail runs on track‎a ge often‎share‎d with inter‎c ity rail and freig‎h t train‎s, typic‎a lly servi‎n g newer‎subur‎b s and rural‎areas‎. Commu‎t er rail train‎s are typic‎a lly built‎to highe‎r stand‎a rds, as they run at highe‎r speed‎s are at risk of more sever‎e crash‎e s. This disti‎n guis‎h es commu‎t er rail from inter‎u rban‎s, which‎use light‎-rail vehic‎l es on track‎s throu‎g h lower‎densi‎t y areas‎.Bus:A bus share‎s many chara‎c teri‎s tics‎with light‎rail, but does not run on rails‎.Troll‎e ybus‎e s are buses‎that are power‎e d by overh‎e ad wires‎.Railb‎u ses, vehic‎l es that can trave‎l both on rails‎and on roads‎,have been tried‎exper‎i ment‎a lly, but are not in commo‎n use. The term bus rapid‎trans‎i t is used to refer‎to vario‎u s metho‎d s of provi‎d ing faste‎r bus servi‎c es, but the syste‎m s which‎use it are usual‎l y more equiv‎a lent‎to light‎rail than to rapid‎trans‎i t. Some citie‎s exper‎i ment‎i ng with guide‎d bus techn‎o logi‎e s, such as Nancy‎have chose‎n to refer‎to them as 'trams‎on tires‎' (rubbe‎r tired‎trams‎) and given‎them tram-like appea‎r ance‎s.Aeria‎l Tramw‎a y:suspe‎n ded from a syste‎m of aeria‎l cable‎s and prope‎l led by separ‎a te cable‎s attac‎h ed to the vehic‎l e suspe‎n sion‎syste‎m. The cable‎syste‎m is power‎e d by engin‎e s or motor‎s at a centr‎a l locat‎i on not on board‎the vehic‎l e.Autom‎a ted Guide‎w ay Trans‎i t:Guide‎d trans‎i t vehic‎l es opera‎t ing singl‎y or multi‎-car train‎s with a fully‎autom‎a tedsyste‎m (no crew on trans‎i t units‎). Servi‎c e may be on a fixed‎sched‎u le or in respo‎n se to a passe‎n ger-activ‎a ted call butto‎n. Autom‎a ted guide‎w ay trans‎i t inclu‎d es perso‎n al rapid‎trans‎i t, group‎rapid‎trans‎i t and peopl‎e move‎r syste‎m s. Commu‎t er Rail:Urban‎passe‎n ger train‎servi‎c e for local‎short‎-dista‎n ce trave‎l opera‎t ing betwe‎e n a centr‎a l city and adjac‎e nt subur‎b s. Servi‎c e must be opera‎t ed on a regul‎a r basis‎by or under‎contr‎a ct with a trans‎i t opera‎t or for the purpo‎s e of trans‎p orti‎n g passe‎n gers‎withi‎n urban‎i zed areas‎, or betwe‎e n urban‎i zed areas‎and outly‎i ng areas‎. Such rail servi‎c e, using‎eithe‎r locom‎o tive‎-haule‎d or self-prope‎l led railr‎o ad passe‎n ger cars, is gener‎a lly chara‎c teri‎z ed by multi‎-trip ticke‎t s, speci‎f ic stati‎o n-to-stati‎o n fares‎,railr‎o ad emplo‎y ment‎pract‎i ces and usual‎l y only one or two stati‎o ns in the centr‎a l busin‎e ss distr‎i ct. It does not inclu‎d e heavy‎rail rapid‎trans‎i t or light‎rail/stree‎t car trans‎i t servi‎c e.Ferry‎b oat:Vesse‎l s carry‎i ng passe‎n gers‎and/or vehic‎l es over a body of water‎. The vesse‎l s are gener‎a lly steam‎or diese‎l-power‎e d conve‎n tion‎a l ferry‎vesse‎l s.Incli‎n ed Plane‎:Speci‎a l tramw‎a y type of vehic‎l es opera‎t ing up and down slope‎s on rails‎via a cable‎paral‎l el to the slop mecha‎n ism so that passe‎n ger seats‎remai‎n horiz‎o ntal‎while‎the under‎c arri‎a ge (truck‎) is angle‎dHeavy‎Rail:High-speed‎, passe‎n ger rail cars opera‎t ing singl‎y or in train‎s of two or more cars on fixed‎rails‎in separ‎a te right‎s-of-way from which‎all other‎vehic‎u lar and foot traff‎i c are exclu‎d ed.Traff‎i c vs. Trans‎p ortTrans‎p ort is the movem‎e nt of peopl‎e, goods‎,signa‎l s and infor‎m atio‎n from one place‎to anoth‎e r. The term is deriv‎e d from the Latin‎trans‎("acros‎s") and porta‎r e ("to carry‎"). The field‎of trans‎p ort has sever‎a l aspec‎t s: loose‎l y they can be divid‎e d into a triad‎of infra‎s truc‎t ure, vehic‎l es, and opera‎t ions‎.Modes‎of trans‎p ort are combi‎n atio‎n s of netwo‎r ks, vehic‎l es, and opera‎t ions‎, and inclu‎d e walki‎n g, roads‎,railw‎a ys, shipp‎i ng and moder‎n aviat‎i on.Traff‎i c on roads‎may consi‎s t of pedes‎t rian‎s, ridde‎n or herde‎d anima‎l s, vehic‎l es, stree‎t cars‎and other‎conve‎y ance‎s, eithe‎r singl‎y or toget‎h er, while‎using‎the publi‎c way for purpo‎s es of trave‎l. Traff‎i c laws are the laws which‎gover‎n traff‎i c and regul‎a te vehic‎l es, while‎rules‎of the road are both the laws and the infor‎m al rules‎that may have devel‎o ped over time to facil‎i tate‎the order‎l y and timel‎y flow of traff‎i c.Traff‎i c is forma‎l ly organ‎i zed in many juris‎d icti‎o ns, with marke‎d lanes‎,junct‎i ons, inter‎s ecti‎o ns, inter‎c hang‎e s, traff‎i c signa‎l s, or signs‎. Traff‎i c is often‎class‎i fied‎by type: heavy‎motor‎vehic‎l e (e.g., car, truck‎); other‎vehic‎l e (e.g., moped‎, bicyc‎l e); and pedes‎t rian‎. Diffe‎r ent class‎e s may share‎speed‎limit‎s and easem‎e nt, or may be segre‎g ated‎. Some juris‎d icti‎o ns may have very detai‎l ed and compl‎e x rules‎of the road while‎other‎s rely more on drive‎r s' commo‎n sense‎and willi‎n gnes‎s to coope‎r ate.Organ‎i zati‎o n typic‎a lly produ‎c es a bette‎r combi‎n atio‎n of trave‎l safet‎y and effic‎i ency‎. Event‎s which‎disru‎p t the flow and may cause‎traff‎i c to degen‎e rate‎into a disor‎g aniz‎e d mess inclu‎d e: road const‎r ucti‎o n, colli‎s ions‎and debri‎s in the roadw‎a y. On parti‎c ular‎l y busy freew‎a ys, a minor‎disru‎p tion‎may persi‎s t in a pheno‎m enon‎known‎as traff‎i c waves‎. A compl‎e te break‎d own of organ‎i zati‎o n may resul‎t in traff‎i c jams and gridl‎o ck. Simul‎a tion‎s of organ‎i zed traff‎i c frequ‎e ntly‎invol‎v e queui‎n g theor‎y, stoch‎a stic‎proce‎s ses and equat‎i ons of mathe‎m atic‎a l physi‎c s appli‎e d to traff‎i c flow.。



On Definability in Dependence LogicJuha Kontinen Department of Mathematicsand StatisticsUniversity of HelsinkiFinlandJouko V¨a¨a n¨a nenILLC University of Amsterdam The Netherlands23rd April2007AbstractWe study the expressive power of open formulas of Dependence Logic introduced in[9].In particular,we answer a question raised byWilfrid Hodges:how to characterize the sets of teams definable bymeans of identity only in dependence logic,or equivalently in inde-pendence friendly logic.1IntroductionThe Independence Friendly(IF)Logic,incorporating explicit dependence of quantifiers from each other,was introduced in[4,3].By the method of[2]and[10]it can be seen that every sentence of IF logic has a definition inΣ11,and vice versa.Hodges gave in[5]a compositional semantics for IF logic in terms of,what he calls trumps.He showed in[6]that every formula of IFlogic can be represented in an equivalent form inΣ11with an extra predicateinterpreting the trump.Hodges went on to ask about the converse:what sets of subsets of an infinite domain M are expressible as the set of trumps of a formula of the logic IF by means of identity only.We show in this paperthat the answer is:exactly those that can be defined inΣ11with an extrapredicate,occurring only negatively,for the trump.We use the framework of[9]and accordingly talk about dependence logic rather than IF logic.At the end of the paper we state our results also for IF logic.12PreliminariesIn this section we define Dependence Logic(D)and recall some of its prop-erties.Definition2.1([9]).The syntax of D extends the syntax of FO,defined in terms of∨,∧,¬,∃and∀,by new atomic(dependence)formulas of the form=(t1,...,t n),(1) where t1,...,t n are terms.If L is a vocabulary,we use D[L]to denote the set of formulas of D based on L.The intuitive meaning of the dependence formula(1)is that the value of the term t n is determined by the values of the terms t1,...,t n−1.As singular cases we have=(),which we take to be universally true,and=(t),which declares that the value of the term t depends on nothing,i.e.,is con-stant.In order to define the semantics of D,wefirst need to define the concept of a team.Let A be a model with domain A.Assignments of A arefinite mappings from variables to A.The value of term t in the assignment s is denoted byt A 1 s .If s is an assignment,x a variable in the domain of s and a∈A,thens(a/x)denotes the assignment obtained from s by changing the value of s at x to a.Let A be a set and{x1,...,x k}afinite set of variables.A team X of A with domain{x1,...,x k}is any set of assignments from the variables {x1,...,x k}into the set A.We denote by rel(X)the k-ary relation of A corresponding to X rel(X)={(s(x1),...,s(x k))|s∈X}.If X is a team of A, and F:X→A,we use X(F/x n)to denote the team{s(F(s)/x n):s∈X} and X(A/x n)the team{s(a/x n):s∈X and a∈A}.We are now ready to define the semantics of D.We restrict attention to formulas in negation normal form,i.e.,negation is assumed to appear only in front of atomic formulas.Definition2.2([9]).Let A be a model and X a team of A.The satisfaction relation A|=Xϕis defined as follows:1.A|=X t1=t2ifffor all s∈X we have t A1 s =t A2s .22.A|=X¬t1=t2ifffor all s∈X we have t A1 s =t A2s .3.A|=X=(t1,...,t n)ifffor all s,s ∈X such that t A1 s =t A1s ,...,t An−1s =t A n−1 s ,we have t Ans =t Ans .4.A|=X¬=(t1,...,t n)iffX=∅.5.A|=X R(t1,...,t n)ifffor all s∈X we have(t A1 s ,...,t Ans )∈R A.6.A|=X¬R(t1,...,t n)ifffor all s∈X we have(t A1 s ,...,t Ans )∈R A.7.A|=Xψ∧φiffA|=Xψand A|=Xφ.8.A|=Xψ∨φiffX=Y∪Z such that A|=Yψand A|=Zφ.9.A|=X∃x nψiffA|=X(F/xn)|=ψfor some F:X→A.10.A|=X∀x nψiffA|=X(A/xn)ψ.Finally,a sentenceϕis true in a model A if A|={∅}ϕ.Our goal in this paper is to characterize definable sets of teams,i.e.sets of the form{X:A|=Xφ},(2) where A is afixed model andφ∈D.For reasons that we discuss in the next section we attempt to characterize the set(2)in the special case that the vocabulary of A is empty.Note that this case is still non-trivial.For example,if the domain of A is infinite,the set ofφsuch that{∅}is in theset(2),is non-recursive(in factΠ01-complete,by Theorem2.4)even if thevocabulary of A is empty.The following fact[5]is very basic:Proposition2.3(Downward closure).Suppose Y⊆X.Then A|=Xϕimplies A|=Yϕ.Another basic fact is the result that the expressive power of sentences of D coincides with that of existential second-order sentences(Σ11):Theorem2.4([10,2]).For every sentenceφof D there is a sentenceΦofΣ11such thatFor all models A:A|={∅}φ⇐⇒A|=Φ.(3)Conversely,for every sentenceΦofΣ11there is a sentenceφof D such that(3)holds.3However,Theorem2.4does not–a priori–tell us anything about de-finable sets of teams.In our main result below(Theorem4.9)we generalize Theorem2.4from sentences to formulas.Since formulas of D define sets ofteams and formulas ofΣ11define sets of assignments,the two concepts cannotbe directly compared.To remedy this we compare definability by a formula of D to definability by a sentence ofΣ11with an extra predicate.3Two examplesThe two examples of this section demonstrate the difficulties in characterizing all definable properties of teams.Thefirst example is from[5].It shows that, over afixed model,the family of teams satisfying a formula can be extremely complex.Example3.1.Let A be a set,n a positive integer,and F a family of sets of n-tuples of A which is closed under taking subsets.Suppose that there happens to be an n+1-ary relation R on A such that for every set T⊆A n, T∈F⇔there is b∈A such that R(ab)for all a∈T.Letϕ(x)be the formula∃y(=(y)∧R(x,y)),then(A,R)|=Xϕ(x)⇔rel(X)∈F.As emphasized in[5],this shows that it is very difficult to say anything more about definable properties of teams on arbitrary structures except that they are closed downwards.This example is elaborated in[1].The previous example used in an essential way the predicate R.In the next example,we construct formulas defining certain downward closed prop-erties of teams over the empty vocabulary.Proposition 3.2.Let k∈N and let P(x)be a polynomial with positive integer coefficients.Then there is a formulaϕ(x)∈D such that for allfinite sets A and teams X over{x1,...,x k}A|=Xϕ⇔|X|≤P(|A|).Proof.Supposefirst that P(x)=c∈N.Note that|X|≤1can be defined by the formulaψ:=(x1)∧···∧=(x k).Therefore,|X|≤c can be expressed asψ∨ψ···∨ψ,4where the disjunction is taken c times.Suppose then that P(x)=x c.Now the following formula can be used∃y1...∃y c(1≤i≤k=(y1,...,y c,x i)).This formula declares that there is a function from the set X to the set A c which is one-to-one.Finally,note that|X|≤(P1+P2)(|A|)can be expressed asψ1∨ψ2assuming thatψi defines the property|X|≤P i(|A|).4Characterizing definable properties of teamsIn this section we restrict attention to properties of teams definable over the empty vocabulary.We show that,over the empty vocabulary,definable teamproperties correspond exactly to the downwards closed quantifiers ofΣ11.Definition4.1.Letϕ(y1,...,y k)∈D[∅]and R a k-ary predicate.We denote by Qϕthe following class of{R}-structuresQϕ={(A,rel(X))|A|=Xϕ}.Lemma4.2.For every formulaϕ(y1,...,y k)∈D[∅],the class Qϕis closed under isomorphisms.Since satisfiability is preserved in subteams,the quantifier Qϕis always monotone downwards.The question we are studying can be formulated as follows.Question1.For which downwards monotone quantifiers Q we canfind a formulaϕ∈D[∅]such that Q=Qϕ.Denote byΣ11[{R}]existential second-order sentences of vocabulary{R}.It is easy to see thatΣ11-definability is an upper bound for the solution. Proposition4.3.For everyϕ(y1,...,y k)∈D[∅]the quantifier Qϕis defin-able inΣ11[{R}].Proof.By[6],for everyϕ(y1,...,y k)∈D[∅],there is a sentenceψ∈Σ11[{R}]such that for all sets A and teams X over{y1,...,y k}it holds thatA|=Xϕ⇔(A,rel(X))|=ψ.5Corollary4.4.Let k∈N.There is no formulaϕ(x1,...,x k)∈D[∅]such that for all A and teams XA|=Xϕ⇔|X|isfinite.Proof.This follows by Proposition4.3and the Compactness Theorem of Σ11.Since,e.g.,transitivity is not a downward monotone property,the familyof quantifiers we are looking for will be a proper subclass ofΣ11[{R}].Weshall next show that there is a syntactic criterion for aΣ11[{R}]sentence tobe monotone downwards.Definition4.5.Let R be a k-ary relation symbol andϕ∈Σ11[{R}]a sen-tence.We say thatϕis downwards monotone with respect to R if for all A and B ⊆B⊆A n(A,B)|=ϕ⇒(A,B )|=ϕ.Definition4.6.An occurence of a relation symbol R in a formulaϕis called positive(negative)if it is in the scope of an even(odd)number of nested negation symbols.Proposition4.7.A sentenceϕ∈Σ11[{R}]is downwards monotone withrespect to R iffthere isψ∈Σ11[{R}]such that|=ϕ↔ψ, and R appears only negatively inψ.Proof.Assume thatϕ∈Σ11[{R}]is monotone downwards.Letϕ∗be aformula acquired by replacing all the occurences of R inϕby a new predicate variable R .Using the downwards monotonicity ofϕ,it is straightforward to verify that|=ϕ↔∃R (ϕ∗∧∀x(R(x)→R (x))).Note that,on the right hand side,the predicate R appears only negatively.For the other direction,we may assume that negation appears inϕonly in front of atomic formulas.Now the claim follows by induction on the construction ofϕ(caseϕ=¬R(t)being the only non-trivial one).In the following,we shall be using the fact thatΣ11formulas can betransformed to the so-called Skolem Normal Form[7](see[8]).6Theorem4.8(Skolem Normal Form Theorem).EveryΣ11formula is equiv-alent to a formula of the form∃f1...∃f n∀x1...∀x mψ,whereψis a quantifier-free formula.We are now ready to prove the main result of this paper.Theorem4.9.Let Q be a downwards monotone quantifier.Then there is a formulaϕ∈D[∅]such that Q=Qϕif and only if Q isΣ11[{R}]-definable. Proof.Note that Proposition4.3already gives the other half of the claim.Assume that Q is a downwards monotoneΣ11-quantifier.We need tofind aformulaϕ∈D[∅]such that Q=Qϕ.By Theorem4.8,there is a sentenceλof the form∃f1...∃f n∀x1...∀x mψ(4) defining Q.We may assume thatψis in conjunctive normal form and that for all the function symbols appearing inψthere are unique pairwise distinct variables z1,...,z s((z1,...,z s)a subsequence of(x1,...,x m))such that all occurences of f are of the form f(z1,...,z s)(see[9]for details).As in the proof of Proposition4.7,we then pass on to the equivalent formula∃R (λ∗∧∀x(R(x)→R (x)))and translate it again to Skolem normal form∃f1...∃f n∃f n+1∃f n+2∀x1...∀x m (ψ ∧(¬R(x)∨f n+1(x)=f n+2(x))),i.e.,we replace all subformulas of the form R (t1,...,t k)by the formula f n+1(t1,...,t k)=f n+2(t1,...,t k)and place the universal quantifiers in front by changing bound variables if necessary.We still need to make sure that all the occurences of the new function symbols f n+1and f n+2are of the form f(z1,...,z s)for some pairwise distinct variables z1,...,z s((z1,...,z s) a subsequence of(x1,...,x m)).This requires some transformations on the quantifier-free part since we want it to maintain conjunctive normal form. These transformations might add a new conjunct(a disjunction of identities) to(ψ ∧(¬R(x)∨f n+1(x)=f n+2(x))or add new disjuncts(identity atoms)to all the conjucts via the equivalence p∨(q∧r)≡(p∨q)∧(p∨r).However,after these trasformations,only one of the conjuncts has a literal of the form¬R(x).In other words,the predicate R has in total only one occurence in the formula and it is negative.7Let us now assume that the formula in(4)defines Q and satisfies all the conditions required above.The formulaχ(y1,...,y k)∈D[∅]defining Q is now defined as∀x1...∀x m∃x m+1...∃x m+n(θ1∧θ2),whereθ1is the formula1≤i≤n =(z i1,...,z is i,x m+i),and(z i1,...,z is i)is the unique tuple of variables to which f i is applied inψ.The formulaθ2is acquired fromψbyfirst replacing the terms f i(z i1,...,z is i)by the corresponding variables x m+i inψ.Note that the assumptions on the way function terms can occur guarantee that the variable x m+i always denotesthe same element as the term f i(z i1,...,z is i)in the translation.Finally,wereplace the subformula¬R(x1,...,x k)inψby the formula1≤i≤ky i=x i.We shall next show that the translation works as intended,i.e.,that for all A and teams X over{y1,...,y k}A|=Xχ(y1,...,y k)⇔(A,rel(X))|=ϕ.Clearly,it suffices to show that for all functions f of the appropriate arity A|=X∗θ2⇔(A,rel(X),f)|=∀x1...∀x mψ,whereX∗={saf1(a)···f n(a)|s∈X and a∈A k}and f i(a)denotes the result of applying function f i to the appropriate sub-sequence of a determined by the way z i1,...,z is ireside in x1,...,x m.Recallthatψis assumed to be in conjunctive normal formψ=1≤j≤e1≤i≤r jαji.Hence,the formulaθ2can be written asψ=1≤j≤e1≤i≤r jα∗j i,whereα∗j i arises fromαjiby replacing the terms f i(z i1,...,z is i)by the variablesx m+i and¬R(x1,...,x k)by1≤i≤ky i=x i.8Let us assumefirst that the claim holds for all the conjuncts ofψ.Supposethat(A,rel(X),f)|=∀x1...∀x m1≤j≤e1≤i≤r jαji.Then,for all j we have that(A,rel(X),f)|=∀x1...∀x m1≤i≤r j αji.By the assumption,it holds thatA|=X∗1≤i≤r j α∗j ifor all j,and thusA|=X∗1≤j≤e1≤i≤r jα∗j i.The other direction is analogous.Therefore,it suffices to show the claim for disjunctions of atomic formulas.Suppose that∨1≤i≤rαi is a disjunction of atomic formulas in which R appears only negatively.Assume that(A,rel(X),f)|=∀x1...∀x m1≤i≤rαi.Then,for each a∈A k,someαi is satisfied.Define a partition Y1,...Y r of X∗as follows:saf1(a)···f n(a)is put to Y v iffv is the least index j for which(A,rel(X),f)|=αj(a).It is easy to verify that X∗=∪1≤i≤r Y i and thatA|=Yi α∗i .For the other direction,(here we need the assumption that at most one αj is of the form¬R(t1,...,t k)),suppose thatA|=X∗1≤i≤r α∗i.(5)By definition,there is a partition of X∗to sets Y1,...,Y r such thatA|=Yi α∗i .9We may assume thatα1is the formula¬R(x1,...,x k).We next define a new partition of X∗in the following way.In the natural order,starting with Y2, we inflate Y2to the maximal W2⊆X∗satisfyingA|=W2α∗2 .Then,we keep W2fixed and replace Y3with the maximal subset of X∗\W2satisfyingα∗3.Finally,we define W1=Y1\(W2∪···∪W r).Since W1⊆Y1,this new partition also witnesses(5)by the downward closure.If,in the new partition,some tuple saf1(a)···f n(a)∈W1,then we must haves af1(a)···f n(a)∈W1for all s ∈X.This follows from the maximality of the sets W2,...,W r and the fact that the variables y1,...,y k do not appear in any of the formulasα∗i for i>1.Therefore,A|=W11≤i≤ky i=x iimplies that(A,rel(X),f)|=¬R(t)(a)for all a∈A k such that,for some s,we have saf1(a)···f n(a)∈W1.We may conclude that(A,rel(X),f)|=∀x1...∀x m1≤i≤rαi.Note that the defining formulaχ(y1,...,y k)in Theorem4.9can be trans-lated to a formula of Independence Friendly Logic as∀x1...∀x m(∃x m+1/W1)...(∃x m+n/W n)θ2,where W i=({x1,...,x m}∪{y1,...,y k})\{z i1,...,z is}.Therefore,the ana-logue of Theorem4.9also holds for Independence Friendly Logic. Corollary4.10.The properties of trumps over variables{y1,...,y k}defin-able in Independence Friendly Logic over the empty vocabulary are exactly the downwards monotoneΣ11[{R}]quantifiers.Recall that the existential quantifier of D is defined byA|=X∃x nψiffA|=X(F/xn)|=ψfor some F:X→A.10Denote by∃1the following variant of the existential quantifier|=ψ.A|=X∃1x nψiffthere is a∈A such that A|=X(a/xn)It is easy to see that∃1xψcan be expressed in a“uniform”way as∃x(=(x)∧ψ).The analogue of∃1for the universal quantifier is|=ψ.A|=X∀1x nψifffor all a∈A it holds that A|=X(a/xn)It is an open question whether the quantifier∀1can be given a uniform definition in the logic D.It is easy to verify that extending the syntax of D by∀1does not increase the expressive power of D.This follows from the fact that Theorem68in[9]generalizes to cover also the case of∀1.More interestingly,Theorem4.9,and the fact that∀1is downwards monotone, shows that the quantifier∀1does not increase the expressive power of D with respect to open formulas either.It remains open whether the quantifier ∀1is“uniformly”definable in the logic D.References[1]P.Cameron and W.Hodges.Some combinatorics of imperfect informa-tion.J.Symbolic Logic,66(2):673–684,2001.[2]H.B.Enderton.Finite partially-ordered quantifiers.Z.Math.LogikGrundlagen Math.,16:393–397,1970.[3]J.Hintikka.The principles of mathematics revisited.Cambridge Uni-versity Press,Cambridge,1996.[4]J.Hintikka and rmational independence as a semanticalphenomenon.In Logic,methodology and philosophy of science,VIII (Moscow,1987),volume126of Stud.Logic Found.Math.,pages571–589.North-Holland,Amsterdam,1989.[5]positional semantics for a language of imperfect infor-mation.Log.J.IGPL,5(4):539–563(electronic),1997.[6]W.Hodges.Some strange quantifiers.In Structures in logic and com-puter science,volume1261of Lecture Notes in Comput.Sci.,pages 51–65.Springer,Berlin,1997.11[7]T.Skolem.Logisch-kombinatorische Untersuchungen¨u ber die Erf¨u ll-barkeit oder Beweisbarkeit mathematischer S¨a tze nebst einem Theoreme ¨u ber dichte Mengen.Skrifter utgit av Videnskappsselskapet i Kristiania, 1920.[8]T.Skolem.Selected works in logic.Edited by Jens Erik Fenstad.Uni-versitetsforlaget,Oslo,1970.[9]J.V¨a¨a n¨a nen.Dependence Logic,volume70of London MathematicalSociety Student Texts.Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2007.[10]W.J.Walkoe,Jr.Finite partially-ordered quantification.J.SymbolicLogic,35:535–555,1970.12。

An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers - Leo Moser

An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers - Leo Moser

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Chapter 1. Compositions and Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 2. Arithmetic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chapter 3. Distribution of Primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 4. Irrational Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter 5. Congruences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Chapter 6. Diophantine Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Chapter 7. Combinatorial Number Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Chapter 8. Geometry of Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Classical Unsolved Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Miscellaneous Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Unsolved Problems and Conjectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83



1人类,我们所有人的故事在这危机四伏的世界We are born to survive活着就是为了生存In a world full of danger.艰难险阻让我们越发强大Hardship makes us stronger.我们编织不可能的梦想并使其成真We dream impossible dreams and make them real.但我们不是梦But we are not one.人类的拼搏奋斗铸就了我们的命运Mankind's struggles shape our destiny.在拼搏与奋斗中And in those struggles,崭新的世界和未来诞生了New worlds and new futures are born. 这颗星球残酷无情在无数混乱中Amidst the chaos of an unforgiving planet,大多数物种将会在劫难逃Most species will fail.但是有一种物种却有条不紊地进化着But for one, all the pieces will fall into place,一串钥匙将开启人类And a set of key s will unlock a path通往胜利的道路For mankind to triumph.这就是我们的故事This is our story,我们所有人的故事The story of all of us.人类: 我们所有人的故事第一季第一集创始之初At the dawn of time...大爆炸形成了宇宙...the universe explodes into being.随之而来形成了我们体内的每一个原子With it, every atom in our bodies.以及无数的银河系与恒星Countless galaxies, innumerable stars. 在其中一颗恒星的周围有一颗蓝色的星球And around one of them, a blue planet,这就是我们的地球Our earth.已知行星中没有哪一颗既有大气层又有液态水No other known planet has both an atmosphere and liquid water.这是有生命存在的两个条件The conditions needed for life.宇宙出现130亿年后13 billion y ears after the universe begins,一个独一无二的物种诞生了 A unique species is born.人类Mankind.在东非的草原上Now, in the grasslands of East Africa,我们开始与不利情况作斗争We begin our struggle against the odds.一群兄弟们 A band of brothers.他们的领袖是所有人类的祖先Their leader, the genetic ancestor of all mankind.如今每个人都有着他的部分基因Every man alive today shares a portion of his DNA.他比现代的美国人高两英寸(约5厘米) Two inches taller than a modern american,是天生的运动健将和猎手 A natural athlete, a born hunter.这里是他的家园This is his home.东非大裂谷The Rift V alley of East Africa.是一座丰富的生命研究室 A fertile laboratory for life.在他的眼中这是一千磅的肉In his sights, a thousand pounds of meat.足够他一家六口吃上一个月Enough to feed his family of six for a month.不就他们就会迎来第七个家庭成员Soon there will be seven,与他共度一生的女人The woman he shares his life with正迎来自己第一个孩子的降临Is expecting their first child.立体的视觉让他们准确判断距离Stereoscopic vision to accurately judge distance.他们还有一双灵巧的手Dexterous hands.两条速度惊人的腿Speed on two legs.但是他没有非洲其他捕食者But he has none of the natural weapons所拥有的天然武器of Africa's other predators.他没有猎豹的速度He can't outrun a cheetah.没有狮子的力量Nowhere near the strength of a lion.也没有土狼那碎骨有力的下颚Or the bone-crushing jaws of a hyena.所以他开始发明创造So he invents.工具在手天下我有Tools make me better.武器一出谁与争锋Weapons make me more powerful.你必须双脚站立You have to be on two feet.腾出双手You have to free up y our hands.而腾出双手制造武器这一举动And freeing up y our hands to work with tools改变了游戏规则changes the game.这个星球上没有任何物种比人类And there's no other species on this planet对使用武器和工具更加情有独钟that committed to weapon use and tool use like us.人类投射的能力Man's ability to project power,是我们掌控世界的关键The key to controlling our world.人类将在之后十万年中We'll spend the next 100 millennia不断完善远距离射程的武器Perfecting weapons that kill at a distance.就好比有扇窗要关上了There's a window that's closing.你只有半秒的时间You've got a half a second如果在这千钧一发之际and that's the kind of moment where,你能够爆发恰到好处if you can explode and do the right thing,2你就能获得食物就能活下去you will eat, y ou'll survive.如果你没能把握住就必死无疑And if you blow it, you're dead.准备屠杀时To prepare the kill,人类生存与否的最关键之处在于: The greatest key to our survival: 300度高温下的一点火星At 300 degrees, a spark.火的诞生Fire.地球是宇宙已知星球中唯一Our planet is the only known place in the universe有条件让火燃烧的星球With the right conditions for fire to burn. 有了这个元素才有了今天的我们It's the element that makes us who we are.吃熟食让我们的身体之外Cooking our food gives us a second stomach,有了第二个"胃" outside of our body.我们开始消化脂肪Now we begin to digest the fats,碳水化合物和蛋白质the carbohy drates, the proteins之后再咀嚼食物before we chew the food,让其更容易被我们消化吸收making it easier for us to digest it,也就是说我们的胃小了which means we get a smaller stomach,与之相对的我们的头脑发达了and therefore, a bigger brain.日益丰富的营养让人类的大脑飞速进化Better nutrition boosts the human brain.两百万年间人类脑容量增加了一倍多Over 2 million years, it more than doubles in size,它有着数以万亿的连接With trillions of connections.是宇宙中最复杂的结构The most complex structure in the universe,它让我们能够思考Letting us think,相互交流Communicate彼此相爱And love.我们可以说It could be argued that society,任何一个群落的存在any kind of society,都是以用火烧熟食物开始的began with the cooking of meat over flame.但是人类不总是猎手But man is not alway s the hunter.火保护他们不受其他捕食者的攻击Fire protects them from other predators,这对夫妻能活到三十岁已是万幸But this couple will be lucky to live to 30.他们的孩子出生之后能活到成年的概率Their unborn child has only a 50% chance只有一半Of surviving to adulthood.地球上大约只有一万人There are, perhaps, only10,000 humans on the planet,比现今每小时出生的人数还要少Fewer people than are born in a single hour today.小规模分散与世隔绝的族群Scattered in small, isolated groups,一直处在灭绝的边缘Alway s on the brink of extinction. 但大约在七万年以前But around 70,000 years ago,几百位拓荒者离开非洲大陆 A few hundred pioneers wander out of Africa.开启了一段非比寻常的冒险The beginning of an extraordinary adventure.我们每个人与那些敢于冒险Everyone is related离开家园to those first pioneers开眼看世界的先驱者们who dared to venture away都是相关联的out of their homeland and look beyond.我们人类生生不息We are a restless bunch, we humans.我们一直注视着远方We're alway s looking over there,那里也许有广阔无垠的海洋and over there may mean oceans巍峨的高山或是遥远的大陆or mountains or continents away.这是我们基因所向导的This is our hardwiring, our DNA.五万年间Over 50,000 years,人类定居在中东亚洲澳洲以及欧洲大陆Mankind settles the Middle East, Asia, Australia and Europe.随着人类的分散地轴相较太阳的轻微偏转As we spread out, a slight shift of the earth's axis使得地球温度有所下降Away from the sun cools the planet.平均温度降到了十四度Average temperatures drop up to 14 degrees.三分之一的地表覆盖在冰川之下 A third of the planet under ice. 数英里高的冰川一路延伸Mile-high glaciers advance横跨北亚和欧洲大陆across Northern Asia and Europe.而艰苦环境造就了如今的我们And now hardship makes us who we are.距冰川几百英里外的地方Just a few hundred miles from the glacier wall,将会成为现今的法国In what will become modern-day France...一个家庭要在人类所知的最严峻的气候条件下...A family survives in the harshest clima te生存下去Mankind has known.极寒天气就像某种生物Extreme cold is like a living thing,四处潜行寻找你身上的致命弱点it sort of sneaks around and finds you where y ou're weakest.它从地面悄悄渗出It's gonna seep up from the floor,从四面八方向你冲来将你击溃it's gonna come in from all angles and just crush y ou.我们研发新技术以助生存We devise new technologies to help keep us alive.但我们的世界总是危机四伏But our world is as treacherous as ever.大自然有完美的杀人机器Nature's perfect killing machine.它们奔跑时速35英里35 miles per hour.它们的咬合力为每平方英寸一千五百磅Their jaws bite with 1500 lbs of force per square inch.足以粉碎骨头Enough to shatter bone.3狼是高效冷酷的杀手Wolves are ruthlessly efficient pack hunters. 和我们一样Just like us.在这个天寒地冻的世界里In this frozen world,人类有了巨大的飞跃mankind makes a great leap forward.火的诞生使洞穴变了家Fire turns caves into homes.我们第一次将动物的骨头磨成针We sharpen animal bones into the first needles,也是第一次剪裁成衣And make tailored clothes for the first time. 衣服对于我们来说是种时尚Clothing for us is fashion,但对生活在冰河世纪的人们而言你得保暖but for a man in the Ice Age, you have to keep your skin warm,你得保持局部气候的温暖you have to maintain a microclimate against your skin.如果不这样就会面临死亡And if you don't, you start to fall apart. 在洞穴的墙上On the walls of the cave,出现了人类所有发明中最为独特的一种The most uniquely human invention of all.那就是我们的生命和所生活的世界的图像Images of our lives and our world.其中有人类最早的艺术品Some of the first works of art.它们仿佛在说"我曾存在过" They're say ing, "I lived."我是有身份的人我是个人物"I have a sense of my own identity. I am somebody."这实际上是人类That's really the beginning of humans渐渐脱离我们作为动物的本来特性moving farther away from our animal roots而进化成一种新生物的起点into a new kind of creature.也许这就是最早的个性的体现It might have been the first example of individuality.我们知道我们闯过了那段艰难时期We know we survived that period.但能看到有形的实体证据真是太好了But it's good see tangible physical evidence of that.一些狼的基因让它们更易被驯化 A few wolves have genes that make them tamer than the rest.这就是当今所有犬类的祖先The ancestors of all the dogs alive today.人类与狗的初次接触大概应感谢狼The first initial contact was probably made by wolves它们为了找寻新的食物来源who were looking to exploit a new food source,长时间地靠近人类who were able to stand being near people long enough食用人类丢弃在洞穴外的食物残渣to eat what was being thrown on the scrap heap behind the cave.人类冰河世纪的敌人Our Ice Age enemy如今成了我们最好的伙伴becomes man's best friend.它不仅可以夜晚捕猎还能闻声捕猎He can hunt at night, he can hunt by sound,它可以靠嗅觉捕猎he can hunt by smell,还可以紧贴地平线察觉驯鹿的踪迹he can hear the reindeer over the horizon久而久之你会愈加意识到它们存在的重要性hours before y ou'll even become aware of their presence.这是个坚不可摧的组合It's an unbeatable combination,人类和犬类搭档势不可挡humans and dogs together, nothing can stop them.正如冰川逐渐笼罩着地球As ice grips the planet,人类的足迹也不断向前推进mankind pushes onward.我们战胜所有不利的情况愈加繁荣Against all odds, we flourish. 之后地球开始再次变暖Then, the planet starts to warm again.公元前一万年人类数量达到一百万By 10,000 BC, the human population reaches a million.雪融化成雨Snow turns to rain.在人类四百代以前的中东Four hundred generations ago, in the Middle East,一位我们从未得知其名的女性 A woman whose name we'll never know,将培植技术带进了人类未来的生活Nurtures into life the future of humanity.科学家们把称她为:我们的农耕之母Scientists call her: our farming mother.她的创造改变了人类故事的进程What she invents changes the pace of the human story,带来了城市Gives rise to cities,新技术科学和国家的兴起New technology, science and empires. 但同时也带来了犯罪穷困疾病和战争But also crime, poverty, disease...and war.一万年以前在中东富饶的丘陵一带10,000 years ago, in the fertile hills of the Middle East,一个想法的诞生产生了我们现如今生活的世界An idea gives birth to the world we live in today.冰河世纪的雪转化成夏雨Ice Age snow turns to summer rain.地球是我们已知的唯一存在Earth is the only known planet液态水的星球Where water exists in liquid form,其覆盖地表超过百分之七十Covering more than 70% of the globe 是生命产生必不可少的元素And essential for life.男人狩猎女人则收割野生谷粒While men hunt, women gather wild grains.一英亩土地可收获近半吨种子Nearly half a ton of seeds from one acre of grass.而同时每消耗一卡路里可获五十倍能量Every calorie spent gathering y ields 50 in return.现在人类居住地周围有着丰富的食物资源People settle around rich sources of food,以至少六十人为群聚居生活Now in groups of sixty or more.4一万年前一个妇女取得重大突破And 10,000 y ears ago, one woman makes a breakthrough.这才有了我们现代的世界The foundation of our modern world.几粒被丢弃的种子生根发芽了Discarded seeds take root in the garbage.这让她灵光乍现It gives her an idea.她把最好的种子种在一小块富饶的土地上She plants her best seeds in a fertile patch of land.首粒种子的种植是人类迈向文明的第一步Planting the first seed is the first step towards civilization.他们可以充分利用土地物尽其用They can take the landscape and use it to their advantage.更保险点And more of a guarantee他们的孩子也可以依靠土地生存下来that they and their children will survive.她悉心照料种子除草浇灌She tends the seeds, weeds and waters them.这就是世界上第一个农民The world's first farmer.现在一英亩地可以养活的人数Now, an acre of land can feed 100 times as many people是捕猎和收割的一百倍As hunting and gathering.农耕改变了游戏规则这就是Farming is a game-changer, it's the difference between地球上只有几百万人there being only a few million humans on the planet和有几十亿人时的区别所在and there being billions of humans on the planet.一种新的作物掌控着地球那就是小麦 A new crop conquers the globe: wheat.每60蒲式耳小麦可以做出70条面包From a single 60-lb bushel, 70 loaves of bread.公元前三千年农耕延伸到南英格兰By 3000 BC, farming reaches Southern England,创造了一幅未来的蓝图Creating a blueprint for the future:那就是村庄The village.人类首次以社区形式定居Mankind's first settled communities.随之出现的是个新的角色:领导者And a new figure: the leader.他智慧过人坦诚率真魅力四射Smart, outspoken, charismatic.同时也出现了首批农畜The first farm animals:比如猪绵羊山羊牛pigs, sheep, goats, cattle.这是个转折点It's a turning point.在一千年里Within a thousand y ears,我们现今所养的动物Most domesticated animals we have today 都被驯化为人类所用Have been tamed for human use.驯养其它动物是人类Taming and breeding other animals is the key 人口数量增长的关键To the growth of our population.但农业也开启了一个新的战场But farming also opens up a new battlefront... ...以对抗人类最长久而顽强的敌人: ...against mankind's most enduring enemy:疾病Disease.许多我们最害怕的常见疾病So many of the common diseases we fear the most,例如梅毒肺结核syphilis, tuberculosis,天花鼠疫smallpox, bubonic plague,都源于我们与动物共同生活they came because of our living in proximity with animals.由于劳作辛苦饮食有限With hard work and a restricted diet,我们变得不那么健康个子更矮小We become less healthy and shorter.男性平均身高只有5.3英尺(1.62米) The average man is only 5 foot 3 inches tall,而女性则只有5英尺(约1.5米) Women only 5 feet.同时土地的拥有也给我们带来一个新的敌人And owning land gives birth to a new enemy:人类自己Each other.在邻近的村庄农作物歉收In the neighboring village, crops have failed.我不知道你是否经历过饥饿I don't know if you've ever been hungry,但当你饿了的时候but when you get hungry,它会以一种难以置信的方式控制你的思维it takes over y our mind in an incredible way.你会开始产生幻嗅You start having, y ou know, olfactory hallucinations.你会闻到一些子虚乌有的味道You start smelling things that aren't there.没心去想别的事You can't think of anything else,也无法谈论别的事you can't talk about anything else.你会和你的朋友聚在一起You'll get together with your friends一连几个小时谈论下一顿饭吃什么and talk for four hours about the next meal.最终你们会同类相食Eventually y ou get to cannibalism.你会饥不择食吃了你的朋友You'll eat your friends.饥饿感会彻底占据你的大脑I mean, it will take over.这最终成为事关你我所有财产的对抗It comes down to yours versus mine.那是我的土地我为这片土地辛勤劳作"That's my land. "I worked hard for that land.我为之付出了时间付出了精力"I put my time, my effort my energy into that land."我学会了耕种I've learned how to cultivate it学会如何在四季变化中经营这片土地"I've learned how to manage it through the seasons."如果你要来将其从我手中偷走If y ou come in here to try and steal it from me,5尤其是在未经我允许的情况下将其夺走To take it from me, especially without my consent,我就必须出来保卫它否则只有死路一条"I have to do something about it, or I'm dead!"这就是战争的起源The birth of warfare.十分之一的早期农耕民族的遗骨上One in ten skeletons from early farming folk可以看出其曾受到暴力损伤Show signs of violence.一个农民的寿命 A farmer can expect to die大约比我们以狩猎为生的祖先少五年Five y ears before our hunter-gatherer ancestors.农耕让人类文明向前迈进了一大步With farming life comes another leap for mankind:新的哀悼方式和有组织的宗教起源于此New way s of mourning and the beginnings of organized religion.在南英格兰的平原上On a plain in Southern England,有一个为逝者而建的古迹 A monument to those we have lost:巨石阵Stonehenge.对于来世的信仰Belief in the afterlife是人类某些最伟大的建筑工程的灵感来源Inspires some of mankind's greatest engineering projects.在距离巨石阵2200英里外的地方And at the same time as stonehenge, 2200 miles away,另一座为逝者而建的古迹也在逐渐成形Another extraordinary monument to the dead takes shape.它是之后四千年历史中地球上最伟大建筑The greatest building on earth for another 4,000 y ears.在非洲尼罗河畔On the banks of the river Nile in Africa,人类开创了史上最早的四大文明之一Mankind builds one of the first great civilizations.它最伟大的工程当数Its greatest engineering feat:埃及神王胡夫法老的 A vast pyramid tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu, 巨型金字塔坟墓God-king of Egypt.人们会觉得这座古迹所展现的力量It's gonna feel that that monument represents something比人类要强大that is bigger than human,它一定是神建造的it must be built by a God.它是之后四千年中人类建筑史上最高的建筑The tallest man-made structure for the next 4,000 y ears.动用了三万五千名工人35,000 workers.不用铁器没有带轮载具No iron tools, no wheeled vehicles.只有软的铜凿和锯子Just soft copper chisels and saws.整个城镇的居民都成为了劳力Entire towns built for the workforce.而他们并非奴隶These aren't slaves.其中许多人是技艺娴熟的工匠Many are skilled craftsmen,谷物和啤酒是他们的酬劳paid in grain and beer.海米昂负责整个工程的建设In charge of construction: Hemiunu, 他是埃及的王子也是宰相Prince of Egy pt, prime minister,同时还是人类历史上And one of the first and greatest engineers 最早最伟大的工程师之一In the story of mankind.有一项发明解决了一大后勤挑战 A logistical challenge, made possible by a single invention,这项发明也是人类最伟大成就之一The key to most of the achievements of mankind:那就是文字Writing.想象一下你要组织Imagine that y ou're trying to organize二十到三万个人20 to 30,000 men,唯一的办法就是把相关事项写下来the only way to do that is to write stuff down.文字的出现始于五千年前的中东地区Developed 5,000 y ears ago in the Middle East,是人类大脑的一种延伸Writing is an extension of the human brain.我们彼此之间的沟通从此可以穿越时空We can speak to each other over distance and across time.海米昂的卓识远见把这股前所未有的劳动力Hemiunu's vision brings together集结在一起 a workforce never seen before.你必须每两到三分钟从采石场搬一块石头Y ou had to quarry move and place a block将其放在指定位置构筑成形every two to three minutes to complete that structure每天工作十小时这简直是疯了! in a 10-hour work day, it's insane! 这项工程历时二十年耗用两百万块石头It takes 20 years and two million blocks of stone,每块都比一辆小卡车要重Each weighing more than a pickup truck,还要把它搬到离地四百英尺高的地方Lifted four hundred feet above the ground.工人们被分为一个个互相竞争的团队Workers organized into competing gangs.人类很聪明People are smart,他们了解自己好胜的天性they understand that we have competitive natures,所以他们把工人分为一个个小组告诉他们and they separated these people up into groups and said,好了你们几个拉这块石头Okay, you guy s drag these stones,你们几个去拉那块看看谁更快? "You guy s drag these stones, who can do it faster?"在金字塔周围的墓地里In cemeteries around the pyramid,每五具工人的遗骸之中 1 in 5 skeletons of workers shows evidence就有一个因事故受过重伤Of serious injury from accidents.这项工程历时二十年耗用两百万块石头It takes 20 years and two million blocks to complete.6表层是打磨过的石灰石Covered in polished limestone.顶部以黄金为盖Capped with gold.内部则是一个墓穴And deep inside, a burial chamber.金字塔是一个复活机器The pyramid is a resurrection machine,胡夫法老长存其间与众神共获永生Where the Pharaoh Khufu will live on among the gods.在中东土地之上第一批城市纷纷崛起Across the Middle East, the first cities rise,代表着人类进步的一大变革 A revolution in human life.卡内什现位于土耳其Kanesh, today in modern Turkey.该城市建立的一大原因是为了让农民聚居一起Part of the rise of the city is so farmers can live together,同时除了农民and not just farmers其他那些为农民制作工具的人也居住其中but the people who make the tools for the farmers.城市为人类的进步提供了两大重要法宝: The city gives birth to two new keys to human progress:那就是贸易和工业Trade and industry.另外还有一个新的群体那就是企业家And a new kind of man: the entrepreneur.益姆迪·伊冷是人类历史上Imdi ilum, one of the first traders we know about为人们所知的第一个商人In the story of mankind.他以当时一种非常稀有He trades in one of the rarest也非常珍贵的材料做交易那就是锡And most valuable materials of his day: tin.锡是新工业的一大关键Tin is the key to a new industry.与铜混合后可以制成青铜Added to copper, it produces bronze.它坚固而又锋利Strong, sharp,改变了其后两千年The metal that changes the face of warfare战争的面貌For the next 2,000 y ears.但锡是古代最稀有的金属之一But tin is one of the ancient world's rarest metals,只在为数不多的几个遥远的地方才能找到Found in only a few distant places.阿穆尔是益姆迪的儿子Amur is imdi's son.也是他父亲的工作伙伴 A partner in his father's business.在一次拓宽人类视野的贸易活动中On a trade mission that widens the horizons of mankind.他带着一批锡来到离家数百英里远之地Hundreds of miles from home, he's carrying a cargo of tin这些锡是在伊朗和阿富汗开采出来的Mined in the mountains of Iran and Afghanistan.从中你可以看到Here you start to see the rise国际贸易的雏形of literally international trade.在约四千年之前Almost 4,000 y ears ago,像益姆迪这样的贸易商给文字赋予了新的功能Traders like Imdi turn writing into something new. 他们因此也书写了历史They literally make history.益姆迪的上百封信以泥板文书保存下来Hundreds of imdi's letters on clay tablets survive.在一封给商业伙伴的信中In one letter, to a business partner,他这样描述他的儿子: He writes about his son:阿穆尔只对吃喝感兴趣Amur is only interested in food and beer. 他得学着干点正事He needs to learn to do what he's told.他得长大成人"He needs to become a man."文字这种发明的伟大价值The great value of the invention of the act of writing,在于帮助后人was leaving all of us追溯前人的成果与点滴 a track record, a trail,这也正是我们所知的属于人类的历史what we now know as our history as human beings.但阿穆尔要成为男子汉还有待考验But Amur's manhood is about to be tested.人们跋山涉水运送金属锡People would transport the tin across these vast distances.他们能得到丰厚的回报They could make an enormous return,但途中危机重重but it was extremely risky.半吨的锡会全额获利Half a ton of tin that will sell for 100% profit. 但这里强盗横行But this is bandit country.贸易与工业正在世界各地Trade and industry are forging new connections建立新的连接Across the world.阿穆尔运送一批贵重的货物经过强盗之乡Amur transports a valuable cargo through bandit country.世界的建造者们The people who made the world正是那些敢于冒险are the people who were the risk takers,敢于放手一搏的人the people who didn't play it safe,在其他人只看到其中的风险之时the people who can see opportunity他们总能发现暗藏的机会where others see only risk.贸易开启了新的界限Trade opens new frontiers,世界从未像现在这般紧密相连Connecting the world like never before.你会看到You start to see the very beginnings最初的贸易和分工of the trade and specialization这也正是亚当·斯密数千年后that Adam Smith would talk about 在<<国富论>>中thousands of y ears later所探讨的in "The Wealth of Nations",群体不同则能力不同where different groups have different abilities.在锻造的青铜中Right there in bronze,人们可以看出现代经济的开端you start to see the beginnings of the modern economy.商人们向世界各地传播文明Traders spread civilization across the world,7把中东的文明传向印度欧洲以及其它地区Connecting the Middle East to India, Europe and beyond.但青铜器交易的泛滥But the trade in bronze and the struggle to control it成为了现代战争的起源Now lead to the birth of modern warfare. 米吉多市位于现在的以色列Megiddo, in modern-day Israel.在公元前1457年4月16日April 16th, 1457BC.埃及新法老图特摩斯三世上位Egypt's new Pharaoh, Tutmoses iii. 他年轻气盛野心勃勃却毫无经验Young. Ambitious. Untested.中东的军阀夺取了Middle Eastern warlords have seized control米吉多市的控制权Of the city of Megiddo,这是古代世界贸易网的核心地点The key to the trade networks of the ancient world.他是法老的热门候选人He's been groomed for this,而当他终于坐上法老宝座时and when he finally becomes pharaoh,人们以此挑战他they challenge him.你看到米吉多不得不承认When y ou're looking at Megiddo, you have to realize那里是当时文明的生命线that is the life's blood of that civilization,是贸易的必经之路that's the trade routes.他就是那种"我要给你们点颜色看看"的人And he's like, "Okay, I'm gonna show y ou what I can do."这是12,000人的大军12,000 troops.有着各种军官骑兵团排枪队Officers, regiments, platoons.是一个全新型军队 A new kind of army.大多数是应征而来的Most are conscripts,武装农民兵Farmers called up to arms.但也都受过专业训练But also trained professionals.凶猛的努比亚士兵也就是今天的苏丹人Fierce Nubian soldiers from modern-day Sudan.全体静候神王的指示All await the god-king's orders.没什么能比得上领袖就在你面前了There's nothing like seeing your leader in the front.不论是法老还是巴顿将军Whether it's a Pharaoh or General Patton,人们只要一看到他们的领袖深陷战火men seeing their leaders going into the fray,冒着生命危险risking their lives,就会情不自禁浴血奋战想向首领证明you just wanna step up and prove to y our boss自己有能力助他旗开得胜you've got what it takes to win.这是人类历史记载的最早的战争This is the first recorded battle in the story of mankind.陛下带领全军出生入死His Majesty issued forth at the head of his army,那纯金打造的战车In a gilded chariot of fine gold 在战争的洗礼下熠熠生辉"Adorned with the instruments of war." 在圣经中世界大决战即以米吉多命名In the Bible, Megiddo will give its name to Armageddon.古埃及战车最快时速可达25英里The egyptian chariot with a top speed of 25 miles per hour.那战车更像是武装直升机The chariot is more like a helicopter gunship.战车上的弓箭手就是勇士The chariot archer is the warrior here. 他们一边驾车一边射箭They ride in, shooting as they go in.那种场面惊心动魄It would be unnerving,方圆几英里都是一片混沌it would be chaotic over an area of miles,烟沙滚滚难分敌我this great dust cloud of confusion.仅凭这一点就定会That alone must have struck terror让敌军毛骨悚然into the enemy standing there.大规模战争打响了The age of mass warfare has begun.人类争夺资源Mankind's struggle for resources创立了世界第一大帝国Creates the world's first great empires.埃及法老图特摩斯三世Egypt's Pharaoh T utmoses iii带领万人大军Leads an army of twelve thousand打响米吉多市争夺战Into battle for control of the city of Megiddo. 他涉世未深年纪轻轻缺乏经验He's untested, he's y oung, he's inexperienced,战士们对他没有信心his men really don't know what to expect from him所以他唯一能做的就是挺身而出so what he has to do is he has to get out带头冲锋陷阵and lead from the front告诉他们"看好了我掌权and show his men that yeah I am in charge,我是首领要给你们做出榜样I am the leader, I'm going to set the example.让第一箭射向我吧" Let the first arrow be cast at me.倘若不能像神王一样冲锋陷阵You would hold y our manhood in question你会质疑自己的男子气概if you could not step up like y our god king.古埃及抄写员记下了这转折点Egyptian scribes record the turning point.敌军The enemy...仓皇逃至米吉多Fled headlong to megiddo in fear...他能够彻底摧毁He was able to wipe out异常强大的联合军an incredibly powerful coalition of forces正是靠他的智慧勇气和胆量and he was able to do it through wit and bravery and balls一位埃及诗人这样描写一名普通士兵的命运: An egyptian poet records the fate of the common soldier:青年男子应征出战Young men called up for war,。

Lecture notes

Lecture notes

Introduction to symplectic topologyLecture notes1.Linear symplectic geometry.1.1.Let V be a vector space andωa non-degenerate skew-symmetric bilinear form on V.Suchωis called a linear symplectic structure.We writeω(u,v)for u,v∈V.The only difference with(pseudo)Euclidean structure is that the latter is symmetric.Fix a dot product in V.Then one can write:ω(u,v)=Ju·vwhere J is non-degenerate operator on V.Sinceωis skew-symmetric,J∗=−J.Taking determinants,det J∗=det J=(−1)n det Jwhere n=dim V.Thus n is even.Examples. 1.The plane with an area form(i.e.,cross-product)is a symplectic space.All2-dimensional symplectic spaces are symplectomorphic to this one.In formulas,ω=dp∧dq(using the language of linear differential forms).2.One can take direct sum of the previous example to obtain symplectic R2n with the symplectic structure dp∧dq=dp1∧dq1+...+dp n∧dq n.One has:ω(q i,q j)=ω(p i,p j)=0 andω(p i,q j)=δij.This is a symplectic basis;the respective coordinates are called Darboux coordinates.3.More conceptually,let W be a vector space.Then V=W⊕W∗is a symplectic space.The structure is as follows:ω((u1,l1),(u2,l2))=l1(u2)−l2(u1).Check that this is non-degenerate.Exercise.Let J be a skew-symmetric matrix:J∗=−J.Then det J is a polynomial in the entries of J,,and this polynomial is the square of another polynomial in the entries of J:det J=(Pf J)2.The latter is called Pfaffian.Show thatPf(A∗JA)=det A Pf J.As in Euclidean geometry,one defines(skew)orthogonal complement of a space.Unlike Euclidean geometry,one may have:U⊂U⊥.For example,this is the case when dim U=1.If U⊂U⊥then U is called isotropic.One has:dim U⊥=2n−dim U where2n is the dimension of the ambient space.Thus if U is isotropic then dim U≤n.An isotropic subspace of dimension n is called Lagrangian.Exercises. 1.Let A:W→W∗be a linear map.Then A∗=A if and only if the graph GrA⊂W⊕W∗is a Lagrangian subspace(with respect to the structure of Example 3above).2.Given two symplectic spaces(V1,ω1)and(V2,ω2)of the same dimensions and a linear map A:V1→V2,the map A is a symplectomorphism if and only if GrA⊂V1⊕V2 is a Lagrangian subspace with respect to the symplectic structureω1 ω2.1.2.Similarly to Euclidean spaces,the dimension is the only linear symplectic invari-ant.Linear Darboux Theorem.Two symplectic spaces of the same dimension are linearly symplectomorphic.Proof.Given a symplectic space V2n,pick a Lagrangian subspace W⊂V.To construct W,choose v1∈V,consider v⊥1,choose v2∈v⊥1,consider v⊥1∩v⊥2,choose v3∈v⊥1∩v⊥2,etc.,until one has v1,...,v n such thatω(v i,v j)=0.These vectors span a Lagrangian space.Claim:V is linearly symplectomorphic to the symplectic space W⊕W∗of Example 3in1.1.To see this,pick another Lagrangian subspace U,transverse to W.Then U is identified with W∗:the pairing between U and W is given byω.Since V=U⊕W,we have the desired symplectomorphism.Thus,one may choose one’s favorite model of a symplectic space.For example,one√may identify R2n with C n,and then J from1.1is the operator of multiplication byExample.Λ1is the space of lines through the origin in the plane,i.e.,RP1,topo-logically,a circle.Exercise∗.What is the topology ofΛ2?Describe a related classical construction realizingΛ2as a quadratic hypersurface of signature(+++−−)in RP4.Let the symplectic space be R4withω=p1∧q1+p2∧q2. Given a2-plane U,choose u1,u2∈U and consider the bivectorφ=u1∧u2.Thus we assignφ∈Λ2U,andφis defined up to a factor.We have constructed a map G2,2→P(Λ2U)=RP5.The bivectors inΛ2U corresponding to2-planes,satisfyφ∧φ=0(and this is sufficient too).Thus G2,2is realized a quadratic hypersurface in RP5of signature (+++−−−).If U is a Lagrangian plane thenφ∧ω=0(why?)and this is also sufficient.This is a linear condition that determines a hyperplane RP4⊂RP5.This hyperplane is transverse to the image of G2,2(why?),and the intersection is the Lagrangian Grassmanian.1.4.Given a symplectic space(V2n,ω),the group of linear symplectomorphisms is called the linear symplectic group and denoted by Sp(V)or Sp(2n,R).A symplectic space has a volume elementω∧n,therefore Sp(2n)is a subgroup of SL(2n).Let A∈Sp(2n).Thenω(Au,Av)=ω(u,v)for all u,v.Thus A∗JA=J.This is interesting to compare with the orthogonal group:A∗A=E.The relations between the classical groups are as follows.Lemma.One has:Sp(2n)∩O(2n)=Sp(2n)∩GL(n,C)=O(2n)∩GL(n,C)=U(n).Proof.One has:A∈GL(n,C)iffAJ=JA;A∈Sp(2n)iffA∗JA=J;andA∈O(2n)iffA∗A=E.Any two of these conditions imply the third.A linear map that preserves the Euclidean and the symplectic structures also preserves the Hermitian one,that is,belongs to U(n).Exercises.1.Let A∈Sp(2n)andλbe an eigenvalue of A.Prove that so are¯λand 1/λ.2.Prove that if A is symplectic then A∗is antisymplectic,that is,ω(A∗u,A∗v)=−ω(u,v)or,equivalently,AJA∗=−J.In fact,U(n)is the maximal compact subgroup of Sp(2n),and the latter is homo-topically equivalent to the former.As a consequence,π1(Sp(2n))=Z.Indeed,one has afibration det:U(n)→S1withfiber SU(n).The latter group is simply connected as follows inductively from the exact homotopy sequence of thefibration SU(n)→S2n−1 withfiber SU(n−1).1.5.Let us describe the Lie algebra sp(2n)of the Lie group Sp(2n).Let A∈Sp(2n) be close to the identity:A=E+tH+O(t2).Then the conditionω(Au,Av)=ω(u,v)for all u,v implies:ω(Hu,v)+ω(u,Hv)=0;in other words,JH+H∗J=0.Thus H is skew-symmetric with respect toω.Such H is called a Hamiltonian operator.The commutator of Hamiltonian operators is again a Hamiltonian operator.To a Hamiltonian operator there corresponds a quadratic form h(u)=ω(u,Hu)/2 called the Hamiltonian(function)of H.One can recover H from h sinceω(u,Hv)= h(u+v)−h(u)−h(v).This gives a one-one correspondence between sp(2n)and quadratic forms on V2n.Thus dim sp(2n)=n(2n+1).In terms of quadratic forms,the commutator writes as follows:{h1,h2}(u)=ω(u,(H2H1−H1H2)u)/2=ω(H1u,H2u).The operation on the LHS is called the Poisson bracket.To write formulas,it is convenient to identify linear operators with linear vectorfields: the operator H is understood as the linear differential equation u =Hu.Let(p,q)be Darboux coordinates.Lemma.The next formulas hold:H=h p∂q−h q∂p;{h1,h2}=(h1)p(h2)q−(h1)q(h2)p.Proof.To prove thefirst formula we need to show that2h=ω((p,q),(−h q,h p)).The RHS is ph p+qh q=2h,due to the Euler formula.Then the Poisson bracket is given by{h1,h2}=ω(((h2)p,−(h2)q),((h1)p,−(h1)q))=(h1)p(h2)q−(h1)q(h2)p,as claimed.More conceptually,given a quadratic form h,one considers its differential dh which is a linear differential1-form.The symplectic structure determines a linear isomorphism V→V∗which makes dh into a linear vectorfield H,that is,i Hω=−dh.1.6.One of thefirst,and most celebrated,results of symplectic topology was Gromov’s nonsqueezing theorem(1985).Let us discuss its linear version(which is infinitely simpler).Given a ball B2n(r)of radius r and a symplectic cylinder C(R)=B2(R)×R2n−2 (where the2-disc is spanned by the Darboux coordinates p1,q1),assume that there is an affine symplectic map F that takes B2n(r)inside C(R).Proposition.Then r≤R.Note that this is false for volume-preserving affine maps.Proof.The map writes F:v→Av+b where A∈Sp(2n)and b∈R2n.Assume r=1.Consider A∗and its two columnsξ1andξ2corresponding to p1,q1Darboux coordinates.Since A∗is antisymplectic(Exercise in1.4),|ω(ξ1,ξ2)|=1,and therefore |ξ1||ξ2|≥1.Assume that|ξ1|≥1,and let v=ξ1/|ξ1|.Note thatξ1andξ2are rows of A (corresponding to coordinates p1,q1).Since F(v)∈C(R),one has:(ξ1·v+b1)2+(ξ2·v+b2)2≤R2,and then|(|ξ1|+b1)|≤R.For b1≥0this implies R≥1,and for b1<0one should replace v by−v.One defines an affine symplectic invariant called linear symplectic width of a subset A⊂R2n:w(A)=max{πr2|F(B2n(r))⊂A for some affine symplectic F}. Symplectic width is monotonic:if A⊂B then w(B)≥w(A),homogeneous of degree2 with respect to dilations and nontrivial:w(B2n(r))=w(C(r))=πr2.To get a better feel of linear symplectic space,classify the ellipsoids.In Euclidean space,every ellipsoid can be written asnx2ii=1,r2iand the radii0≤r1≤...≤r n are uniquely defined.Proof.Recall how to prove the Euclidean fact.We have two Euclidean structures: u·v and Au·v.Here A is self-adjoint,and we assume,it is in general position.Consider a relative extremum problem of Au·u relative u·u.The extremum condition(Lagrange multipliers!)is that Audu=λudu,that is,Au=λu.The function Au·u is an even function on the unit sphere,that is,a function on RP n−1,and it has n critical points. Thus A has n real eigenvalues a1,...,a n,and the respective eigenspaces are orthogonal. We obtain the desired expression.A symplectic analog is as follows.We have a dot product and a symplectic structure ω(u,v)=Ju·v.Consider a relative extremum problem ofω(u,v)relative u·u and v·v. The extremum condition is:Ju dv−Jv du=λu du+µv dv,that is,Ju=µv,Jv=−λu.Thus u,v are eigenvectors of J2(with eigenvalue−λµ),a self-adjoint operator.In general position,these eigenspaces are2-dimensional and pairwise orthogonal.Thus the space is the orthogonal sum of2-dimensional subspaces.Claim:they are also symplectically orthogonal.Indeed,ω(u1,u2)=Ju1·u2=µ1v1·u2=0and,likewise,withω(u1,v2)andω(v1,v2).It remains to choose an orthogonal basis p i,q i in each2-space so that p i·p i=q i·q i andω(p i,q i)=1.The last thing to check is that the radii r i are uniquely defined.Let D(r)be the diagonal matrix with the entries1/r2i.Assume that,for a symplectic matrix A,one has:A∗D(r)A=D(r ).Since A is symplectic,A∗JA=J,or A∗=JA−1J−1.Thus A−1J−1D(r)A=J−1D(r ),that is,the eigenvalues of the matrices J−1D(r)and J−1D(r ) coincide.It follows that r=r .2.Symplectic manifolds.2.1.Let M be a smooth manifold.A symplectic structure on M is a non-degenerate closed2-formω.Since it is non-degenerate,dim M=2n.In other words,dω=0and ω∧...∧ω(n times)is a volume form.In particular,M is oriented.Also,H2(M,R)=0. Hence S2n,n≥2is not symplectic.A symplectomorphism is a diffeomorphism f:M→M such that f∗(ω)=ω.Sym-plectomorphisms form an infinite-dimensional group.2.2.Examples.(a)Linear symplectic space R2n withω=dp∧dq.(b)Any oriented surface with an area form.For example,S2,with the(standard) area formωx(u,v)=det(x,u,v).(c)(Archimedes)Consider the unit sphere and the circumscribed cylinder with its standard area form.Consider the radial projectionπfrom the sphere to the cylinder.Exercise.Prove thatπis a symplectomorphism.(d)The product of symplectic manifolds is a symplectic manifold.(e)Cotangent bundle(important for mechanics!).On T∗M one has a canonical1-formλcalled the Liouville(or action)form.Letπ:T∗M→M be the projection andξbe a tangent vector to T∗M at point(x,p).Define:λ(ξ)=p(π∗(ξ)).In coordinates,λ=pdq where q are local coordinates on M and p are the corresponding covectors(momenta).The canonical symplectic structure on T∗M isω=dλ,locally,dp∧dq.Exercise.Letαbe a1-form on M.Thenαdetermines a sectionγof the cotangent bundle.Prove thatγ∗(λ)=α.(f)CP n.First,consider C n+1=R2n+2with its linear symplectic structureΩ.Con-sider the unit sphere S2n+1.The restriction ofΩon S2n+1has a1-dimensional kernel. Claim:at point x,this kernel is generated by the vector Jx.Indeed,if u⊥x then Ω(Jx,u)=J(Jx)·u=0.The vectorfield Jx generated a foliation on circles,and the space of leaves is CP n.The symplectic structureΩinduces a new symplectic structureωon CP n.The construction is called symplectic reduction.Complex projective varieties are subvarieties of CP n;they have induced symplectic structures,and this is a common source of examples.(g)Another example of symplectic reduction:the space of oriented lines in R n+1. Start with T∗R n+1with its canonical symplectic structureΩ=dp∧dq.Consider the hypersurface|p|=1.Claim:the kernel of the restriction ofΩon this hypersurface at point(p,q)is generated by the vector p∂q.Indeed,(dp∧dq)(u,p∂q)=(pdp)(u)=0.We get a foliation whose leaves are oriented lines(geodesics).We obtain a symplectic structure on the space of oriented linesω=dp∧dq where p is a unit(co)vector and q·p=0.Exercise.Prove that the above space is symplectomorphic to T∗S n.(h)Orbits of the coadjoint representation of a Lie group.Let G be a Lie group and g its Lie algebra.The action of G on itself by conjugation has e as afixed point.Since g=T e G,one obtains a representation Ad of G in g called adjoint.Likewise,one has the coadjoint representation Ad∗in g∗.One also has the respective representations of g denoted by ad and ad∗.In formulas,ad x y=[x,y],(ad∗xξ)(y)=ξ([x,y]),x,y∈g,ξ∈g∗.Theorem(Lie,Kirillov,Kostant,Souriau).An orbit of the coadjoint representation of G has a symplectic structure.Proof.Letξ∈g∗.Then the tangent space to the orbit of the coadjoint representation atξidentifies with g/gξwheregξ={x∈g|ad∗xξ=0}.On the space g/gξone has a skew-symmetric bilinear formω(x,y)=ξ([x,y])(why is it well defined?).This2-form is closed as follows from the Jacobi identity for the Lie algebra g.Exercise.Prove the last statement.Example.Let G=SO(3),then g=so(3),skew-symmetric3×3matrices.Identify them with R3.Given A∈so(3),consider T r(A2).This gives a Euclidean structure on so(3)that agrees with that in R3.We identify g and g∗.Clearly,T r(A2)is invariant under the(co)adjoint action.The orbits are level surfaces of T r(A2),that is,concentric spheres and the origin.Exercise.Similarly study another3-dimensional Lie group,SL(2).2.3.Being non-degenerate,a symplectic form defines an isomorphism between vector fields and1-forms:X→i(X)ω.Afield is called symplectic if i(X)ωis closed,in other words,if L Xω=0;the latter follows from the Cartan formula:L X=di(X)+i(X)d. Symplecticfields form the Lie algebra of the group of symplectomorphisms.Let M be a closed symplectic manifold.Lemma.Given a1-parameter family of vectorfields X t,consider the respective family of diffeomorphismsφt:dφt(x)/dt=X t(φt(x)),φ0=Id.Thenφt are symplectomorphisms for all t iffX t are symplectic for all t.Given symplectic fields X and Y,thefield[X,Y]is symplectic with i([X,Y])ω=dω(X,Y).ω),and this implies thefirst claim.As to the Proof.One has:dφ∗t(ω)/dt=φ∗t(L Xtsecond,we use the(somewhat non-traditional)definition:[X,Y]=L Y X=dψ∗t X/dt|t=0,and theni([X,Y])ω=di(ψ∗t X)ω/dt|t=0=L Y i(X)ω=di(Y)i(X)ω=dω(X,Y),as claimed.Note that with the definition of the Lie bracket above one has L[X,Y]=−[L X,L Y] (cf.McDuff-Salamon,p.82).For linear symplectomorphisms,we had a relation with quadratic functions.Like-wise,given a(Hamiltonian)function H on M,define its Hamiltonian vectorfield X H by i(X H)ω=dH.In Darboux coordinates,X H=H p∂q−H q∂p.On closed M,this gives a 1-parameter group of symplectomorphisms called the Hamiltonianflow of H.Lemma.The vector X H is tangent to a level hypersurface H=const.Proof.One has:dH(X H)=ω(X H,X H)=0.This lemma is related to the symplectic reduction construction.If S is given by H=const then X H generates the characteristic foliation on S,tangent to thefield of kernels of the restriction ofωto S.Indeed,ω(X H,v)=dH(v)=0once v is tangent to S.Define the Poisson bracket{F,G}=ω(X F,X G)=dF(X G).In Darboux coordinates, the formulas are as in1.5.This bracket satisfies the Jacobi identity;we will deduce it from Darboux theorem.Lemma.The correspondence H→X H is a Lie algebra homomorphism.Proof.We want to show that[X F,X G]=X{F,G}.One has[X F,X G]=−dφ∗t(X G)/dt|t=0=−dX G(φtF )/dt|t=0.Theni([X F,X G])ω=−d(dG(φt F))/dt|t=0=−d(dG(X F))=d({F,G}),as claimed.To summarize,here are the main formulas,in Darboux coordinates:ω=dq∧dp;X H=H p∂q−H q∂p;{H,F}=H p F q−H q F p.Note that the Hamiltonian vectorfield X H is also often called the symplectic gradient of the function H.2.4.Unlike Riemannian manifolds,symplectic manifolds do not have local invariants. Darboux Theorem.Symplectic manifolds of the same dimension are locally symplecto-morphic.Proof.Consider two symplectic manifolds withfixed points(M1,O1,ω1)and (M2,O2,ω2).We want to construct a local symplectomorphism(M1,O1,ω1)→(M2,O2,ω2).First consider a local diffeomorphism(M1,O1)→(M2,O2);now we have two(germs of)symplectic structuresω0,ω1on the same manifold(M,O),and since there is only one symplectic vector space of a given dimension(the linear Darboux theorem),we assume thatω0andω1coincide at point O.Claim:There is a local diffeomorphism f:M→M,fixing O and such that f∗(ω0)=ω1.Consider the familyωt=(1−t)ω0+tω1.This is a symplectic structure for all t∈[0,1] in a small neighborhood of the origin.We need tofind a family of diffeomorphismsφt,fixing O,such thatφ∗tωt=ω0.This is equivalent tofinding a time-dependent symplectic vectorfield X t,related toφt in the usual way,dφt(x)/dt=X t(φt(x)),and vanishing at O, such thatL Xωt+ω1−ω0=0.tChoose a1-formαsuch that dα=ω1−ω0;thisαis defined up to summation with d f. Then we have the equationi(X t)ωt+α=0.This is solvable for allαsinceωt is non-degenerate.It remains to show that X t may be taken trivial at O.For this,we need to replaceαby a1-form that vanishes at O.Every1-form can be locally written asα= x iαi+ c i dx iwhereαi are1-forms and c i are constants.Then we replaceαbyα−d( c i x i),and this 1-form vanishes at O.In fact,a similar homotopy method,due to Moser,applies to a more general situation in which the points O1,O2are replaced by germs of submanifolds N1,N2such that the pairs(N1,ω1|N1)and(N2,ω2|N2)are symplectomorphic.2.5.A Lagrangian submanifold of a symplectic manifold(M2n,ω)is a manifold L n such thatω|L=0.An informal principle is that every symplectically meaningful object is a Lagrangian manifold.Examples.(a)Every curve is Lagrangian in a symplectic surface.(b)Consider T∗M with its canonical symplectic structure,and letαbe a1-form on M.This form determines a sectionγof T∗M whose image is Lagrangian iffαis closed. Indeed,ω|γ(M)=γ∗(ω)=dγ∗(λ)=dα.(c)Let N⊂M be a submanifold.Its conormal bundle P⊂T∗M|N consists of the covectors,equal to zero on N.Then P is Lagrangian.Indeed,choose local coordinates q1,...,q n in M so that q1=...=q k=0is N.Let p,q be the respective coordinates in T∗M.Then P is given by q1=...=q k=0,p k+1=...=p n=0.If N is a point,one obtains a“delta-function”.(d)Let f:(M1,ω1)→(M2,ω2)be a symplectomorphism.Then the graph G(f)is a Lagrangian submanifold in(M1×M2,ω1 ω2).Indeed,consider u1,v1∈T M1,and let u2=Df(u1),v2=Df(v1).Then(u1,u2)and(v1,v2)are two tangent vectors to G(f), and(ω1 ω2)((u1,u2),(v1,v2))=ω1(u1,v1)−ω2(u2,v2)=(ω1−f∗(ω2))(u1,v1)=0.(e)Let N n−1⊂R n be a hypersurface.Consider the set L of oriented normal lines to N;this is a Lagrangian submanifold of the space of oriented lines in R n.To provethis,recall that the space of oriented lines in R n is symplectomorphic to T∗S n−1with its symplectic structure dp∧dq;q∈S n−1,p∈T∗q S n−1.Let n(x)be the unit normal vector to N at point x∈N.Then L is given parametrically by the equationsq=n(x),p=x−(x·n(x))n(x),x∈N.Hencepdq=xdn−(x·n)ndn=xdn=d(x·n)−ndx=d(x·n),where ndn=0since n2=1and ndx=0on N since n is a normal.Therefore dp∧dq=0 on L.The function(x·n(x))is called the support function of the hypersurface N;it plays an important role in convex geometry.Let f:S n−1→R be a support function.How can one construct the corresponding hypersurface N?Claim:N is the locus of pointsy=f(x)x+grad f(x).Indeed,we need to show that x is a normal to N at point y,i.e.,xdy=0.Note that x grad f(x)=0hence x d grad f(x)+grad f(x)dx=0.Note also that x2=1hence xdx=0.Now one has:xdy=fxdx+x2d f+x d grad f(x)=d f−grad f(x)dx=0as needed.Exercise.Let L n−1be a submanifold of the space of oriented lines in R n.When does L consist of lines,orthogonal to a hypersurface?If this is the case,how many such hypersurfaces are there?Exercise.Let f:S1→R be the support function of a closed convex plane curve. Express the following characteristics of the curve in terms of f:curvature,area,perimeter length.Exercise∗.Let L be a Lagrangian submanifold in a symplectic manifold M.Prove that a sufficiently small neighborhood of L in M is symplectomorphic to a neighborhood of the zero section in T∗L.This statement is a version of Darboux theorem,and it can be proved along similar lines.2.6.A Lagrangian foliation is an n-dimensional foliation of a symplectic manifold M2n whose leaves are Lagrangian.Similarly one defines a Lagrangianfibration.An example is given by the cotangent bundle whosefibers are Lagrangian.An affine structure on an n-dimensional manifold is given by an atlas whose transi-tion maps are affine transformations.An affine manifold is complete if every line can be extended indefinitely.Examples include R n and n-torus.Theorem.The leaves of a Lagrangian foliation have a canonical affine structure.Proof.Let M2n be a symplectic manifold,F n a Lagrangian foliation and p:M→N n=M/F the(locally defined)projection.Consider a function F on N and extend itto M as F◦p.Let u be a tangent vector to a leaf.Then dF(u)=0.Therefore X F is skew-orthogonal to the tangent space of the leaf,that is,is tangent to the leaf.Then {F,G}=ω(X F,X G)=0,so the functions,constant on the leaves,Poisson commute.Fix a point x∈N.If F is a function on N such that dF(x)=0then X F=0on the leaf F x.Choose a basis in T∗x N,choose n functions F i whose differentials at x form.These are commuting vectorfields,and we this basis and consider the vectorfields X Fiobtain a locally effective action of R n on F x.This action is well defined if the quotient space N is defined,for example,if F is a Lagrangianfibration.In general,N is defined only locally,and going from one chart to another changes the respective commuting vectorfields by affine transformations.Thus an affine structure on the leaf is well defined.Corollary.If a leaf of a Lagrangian foliation is a closed manifold then it is a torus.Proof.If a leaf is complete then it is a quotient of R n by a discrete subgroup.If the leaf is compact,the subgroup is a lattice Z n.Here is what it boils down to in dimension2.A Lagrangian foliation is given by a function f(x,y):the leaves are the level curves.The function f is defined up to composition with functions of1variable:f→¯f=φ◦f.The vectorfield X f is tangent to the leaves and,on a leaf,one can introduce a parameter t such that X f=∂t.Changing f to¯f, thefield X f multiplies by a constantφ (depending on the leaf),and the parameter t also changes to¯t=ct.This parameter,defined up to a constant,give an affine structure.2.7.A consequence is the so-called Arnold-Liouville theorem in integrable systems. Theorem.Let M2n be a symplectic manifold with n functions F1,...,F n that Poisson commute:{F i,F j}=0.Consider a non-singular level manifold M c={F i=c i,i=1,...,n} and a Hamiltonian function H=H(F1,...,F n).Then M c is a smooth manifold,invariant under the vectorfield X H.There is an affine structure on M c in which thefield X H is constant.If M c is closed and connected then it is a torus.Proof.The mapping(F1,...,F n):M→R is afibration near the value c,and itsare constant in the respective affine coordinates,and leaves are Lagrangian.Thefields X FiX H is a linear combination of these nfields with the coefficients,constant on M c(why?) There is a version of this theorem in which X H is replaced by a symplectomorphismφ: M→M such that F i◦φ=F i for all i.Thenφpreserves M c and the affine structure therein.,and thereforeφis a parallel translation x→Moreover,φpreserves each vectorfield X Fix+c.Corollary.Letφandψbe two symplectomorphisms that preserve the same Lagrangian foliation leafwise.Thenφandψcommute.Proof.Both maps are parallel translations in the same affine coordinate system,and parallel translations commute.2.8.Billiards.An example of a symplectic map is provided by billiards.Considera strictly convex domain M⊂R n with a smooth boundary N n−1.Let U be the space of oriented lines that intersect M;it has a symplectic structure discussed in2.2.Consider the billiard map T:U→U given by the familiar law of geometrical optics:the incomingand outgoing rays lie in one2-plane with the normal at the impact point and make equal angles with this normal.Theorem.The billiard transformation is a symplectic map.Proof.Consider T∗M with its canonical symplectic structureω=dp∧dq where q,p are the usual coordinates.We identify tangent and cotangent vectors by Euclidean structure.Consider two hypersurfaces in T∗M:Y={(q,p)|p2=1},Z={(q,p)|q∈N}.The characteristics of Y are oriented lines in R n(section2.2,example g),and the sym-plectic reduction yields U with its symplectic structure.What are characteristics of Z? Consider the projectionπ:Z→T∗N given by the restriction of a covector on T N.Claim:the characteristics of Z are thefibers of the projectionπ.Indeed,let n(q)be the unit normal vector to N at point q∈N.Then thefibers ofπare integral curves of the vectorfield n(q)∂p.One has:i(n(q)∂p)ω=n(q)dq=0since n is a normal vector.It follows that the symplectic reduction of Z is the space V=T∗N.Let W=Y∩Z,the set of unit vectors with foot point on N.Consider W with the symplectic structureω|W.The projections of W on U and V along the leaves of the characteristic foliations of Y and Z are double coverings.These projections are symplectic mappings(why?)One obtains two symplectic involutionsσandτon W that interchange the preimages of a point under each projection.The billiard map T can be considered as a transformation of W equal toσ◦τ.Therefore T is a symplectomorphism.The proof shows that the billiard map can be also considered as a symplectic trans-formation of T∗N realized as the set of inward unit vectors with foot points on N.Exercise.Let n=2.Denote by t an arc length parameter along the billiard curve and byαthe angle between this curve and and the inward unit vector.The phase space of the billiard map is an annulus with coordinates(t,α).Prove that the invariant symplectic form is sinαdα∧dt.An alternative proof proceeds as follows.Let q1q2be an oriented line,q1,q2∈N.Let p1be the unit vector from q1to q2.The billiard map acts as follows:(q1,p1)→(q2,p2)N.Consider the where the covectors(q2,p1)and(q2,p2)have equal projections on T q2 generating function L(q1,q2)=|q1q2|.Then∂L/∂q1=−p1,∂L/∂q2=p1.Consider the Liouville formλ=pdq and restrict everything on T∗N.Then one has: T∗λ−λ=dL.Thereforeω=dλis T-invariant.Corollary.Billiard trajectories are extrema of the perimeter length function on polygons inscribed into N.Example.It is classically known that the billiard inside an ellipse is integrable:the invariant curves consist of the lines tangent to a confocal conic.Consider two confocal ellipses and the respective billiard transformations T1,T2.It follows from Corollary2.7that T1◦T2=T2◦T1,an interesting theorem of elementary geometry(especially its particular case,“The most elementary theorem of Euclidean geometry”)!Exercise∗.Let N be a smooth hypersurface in R n,and let X be the set of oriented lines in R n with its canonical symplectic structure.Consider the hypersurface Y⊂X that consists of the lines tangent to N.Prove that the characteristics of Y consist of the lines, tangent to a geodesic curve on N.3.Symplecticfixed points theorems and Morse theory.3.1.The next result was published by Poincar´e as a conjecture shortly before his death and proved by Birkhoffin1917.Consider the annulus A=S1×I with the standard area form and its area preserving diffeomorphism T,preserving each boundary circle and rotating them in the opposite directions.This means the a lifted diffeomorphism¯T of the strip S=R×[0,1]satisfies:¯T(x,0)=(X,0)with X>x and¯T(x,1)=(X,1)with X<x. Theorem(Poincar´e-Birkhoff).The mapping T has at least two distinctfixed points.Both conditions,that T is area preserving and that the boundary circles are rotated in the opposite sense,are necessary(why?).Proof.We prove the existence of onefixed point,the hardest part of the argument. Assume there are nofixed points.Consider the vectorfield v(x)=¯T(x)−x,x∈S.Let point x move from lower boundary to the upper one along a simple curveγ,and let r be the rotation of the vector v(x).This rotation is of the formπ+2πk,k∈Z.Note that r does not depend on the arcγ(why?).Note also that T−1has the same rotation r since the vector T−1(y)−y is opposite to T(x)−x for y=T(x).To compute r,letε>0be smaller than|T(x),x|for all x∈A;suchεexists because A is compact.Let Fεbe the vertical shift of the plane throughεand let¯Tε=Fε◦¯T. Consider the strip Sε=R×[0,ε].Its images under¯Tεare disjoint.Since¯Tεpreserves the area,the image of Sεwill intersect the upper boundary.Let k be the least number of needed iterations,and let P k be the upper most point of the upper boundary of this k-th iteration.Let P0,P1,...,P k the respective orbit,P0on the lower boundary of S.Join P0 and P1by a segment and consider its consecutive images:this is a simple arcγ.Forεsmall enough,the rotation r almost equals the winding number of the arcγ.In the limit ε→0,one has:r=π.Alternatively,we have a vectorfield v(x)=x1−x with x1=T(x)alongγ.One can homotop thisfield as follows:for1/2time freeze x at P0and let x1traverseγto P k,and for the other1/2time freeze x1at P k and let x traverseγ.Now consider the map T−1.Unlike T,it moves the lower boundary of S right and the upper one left.By the same argument,its rotation equals−π.On the other hand,by a remark above,this rotation equals that of T,a contradiction.A consequence is the existence of periodic billiard trajectories inside smooth strictly convex closed plane curves.The billiard transformation T is an area preserving map of the annulus A=S1×[0,π](we assume that the length of the curve is1).The map T。

Science Labs

Science Labs
A Practical Program Transformation System For Reverse Engineering
Computer Science Department Science Labs South Rd Durham DH1 3LE
M.P. Ward
Computer Science Department Science Labs South Rd Durham DH1 3LE
K.H. Bennett
Program transformation systems provide one means of formally deriving a program from its speci cation. The main advantage of this development method is that the executable program is correct by construction. In this paper we describe a tool called ReForm which is designed to address the inverse problem to support the extraction of a speci cation from existing program code, using transformations. This is an important activity during software maintenance. One of the problems of transformation systems is the scarcity of practical tools which can address industrial scபைடு நூலகம்le problems, rather than contrived laboratory toy problems. The main contribution of this paper is an analysis of the important software engineering factors that contribute to a successful transformation based tool. Results from using the tool are also presented.



旋转变换与复数变换英文回答:## The Relationship between Rotation and Complex Number Transformations.Rotation transformations and complex number transformations are two fundamental operations in mathematics and engineering. They are closely related, and understanding their relationship can provide valuable insights into both subjects.Rotation Transformations.A rotation transformation is an operation that rotates a point or object around a fixed axis. It can be represented by a 2x2 matrix:R =。

[cos(theta) -sin(theta)][sin(theta) cos(theta)]where theta is the angle of rotation. Applying this matrix to a point (x, y) rotates the point by an angle theta around the origin.Complex Number Transformations.A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (i^2 = -1). Complex number transformations are operations that manipulate complex numbers. One important complex number transformation is multiplication by a complex number:(a + bi)(c + di) = (ac bd) + (ad + bc)i.This transformation has the effect of rotating the complex number (a + bi) by an angle determined by the argument of the complex number (c + di).Relationship between Rotation and Complex Number Transformations.The relationship between rotation transformations and complex number transformations becomes apparent when we consider the unit circle in the complex plane. The unit circle is the set of all complex numbers with magnitude 1. Applying a rotation transformation to the unit circle results in a rotation of the circle by the same angle as the rotation transformation.Similarly, multiplying a complex number by another complex number with magnitude 1 also results in a rotation of the complex number by the same angle as the argument of the complex multiplier.This relationship shows that rotation transformations and complex number transformations are essentially equivalent. A rotation transformation can be represented by a complex number transformation, and vice versa.Applications.The relationship between rotation transformations and complex number transformations has numerous applications in various fields, including:Computer graphics: Rotation transformations are used to rotate objects in 3D space.Signal processing: Complex number transformations are used to analyze and manipulate signals in the frequency domain.Control theory: Rotation transformations are used to represent and control the dynamics of rotating systems.中文回答:## 旋转变换与复数变换的关系。


插入平行光源(无穷远处) void HC_Insert_Distant_Light(double di, double dj, double dk) di,dj,dk:光的矢量 HC_Insert_Distant_Light(0,0,-1);
circles ellipses circular chords circular wedge NURB curves BURB surfaces
特定的图元 cutting planes lights
即使在术语方面是相同的,但是表达的意思是不同的 在HOOPS中拓扑意味着多边形之间的关系 在HOOPS中使用表面几何来表示3D形体 在HOOPS中壳是指多表面几何 在HOOPS中边/面是所属表面几何的一个元素
根据参考点位置和字符串来插入文本 使用键值来操作文本 HC_Edit_Text HC_Move_Text HC_Scroll_Text 计算出所给文本轮廓的多面体描述 HC_Compute_Text_Outline 计算一个文本的场景大小 HC_Compute_Text_Extent
插入切平面 void Insert_Cutting_Plane(double a, double b, double c, double d); a,b,c,d: 平面方程ax+by+cz+d=0中的参数值,定义了一个平面 所有几何沿切平面法向端的部分被切除 关闭切平面的可见性属性将不执行切除操作 可以设置局部切平面—存在于一个段 切平面几何(R14) HC_Insert_Cutting_Plane(0,0,1,-0.001f);

Code Motion

Code Motion
A a=3
2.2 Assignment Sinking and Partial Dead Code Elimination
An assignment is called partially dead if some but not all paths from the assignment to the exit contain a use of the assignment's left-hand variable before that variable is rede ned. In Figure 4(a), the assignment \x = a + b" is partially dead, because x is rede ned on the right-hand branch, but not on the left-hand branch.
? x=a+b ? @ ? R @ ? ? out(x) ?
+ x=a+b x=4 Q s Q ? Q s Q x=a+b + out(x) ?
? Q s Q x=a+b +
x=4 @ R @
+ x=4 Q s Q
? Q s Q ? a=2 Q s Q + Q s Q
? x=a+b out(x) c=b x= a+c out(x) ?
2 Syntactic Code Motion
2.1 Splitting Critical Edges
A critical edge is an edge in the owgraph from a block with multiple successors to a block with multiple predecessors. Critical edges pose a problem for many code motion algorithms, because it is often desirable to move an assignment or expression to a point in the middle of the edge. In Figure 3(a), for instance, it is impossible to move the assignment \a = 3" outside the loop, because moving it up or down would change the code's behavior. The problem can be recti ed by inserting a block into the middle of each critical edge, thus splitting the edge into two non-critical edges. If any of the new blocks are still empty of code after all transformations have been applied, these empty blocks can then be removed. Figure 3(b) displays the result of splitting all four critical edges in 3(a) and then applying the assignment sinking algorithm discussed below in Section 2.2.



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Social responsibilities
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In Neil Salkind(Ed.),Encyclopedia of Research Design.Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.2010Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference(HSD)TestHerv´e Abdi·Lynne J.Williams1OverviewWhen an analysis of variance(anova)gives a significant result,this indicates that at least one group differs from the other groups.Yet,the omnibus test does not inform on the pattern of differences between the means.In order to analyze the pattern of difference between means,the anova is often followed by specific comparisons,and the most commonly used involves comparing two means(the so called“pairwise comparisons”).An easy and frequently used pairwise comparison technique was developed by Tukey under the name of the honestly significant difference(hsd)test.The main idea of the hsd is to compute the honestly significant difference(i.e.,the hsd) between two means using a statistical distribution defined by Student and called the q distribution.This distribution gives the exact sampling distribution of the largest difference between a set of means originating from the same population. All pairwise differences are evaluated using the same sampling distribution used for the largest difference.This makes the hsd approach quite conservative.Herv´e AbdiThe University of Texas at DallasLynne J.WilliamsThe University of Toronto ScarboroughAddress correspondence to:Herv´e AbdiProgram in Cognition and Neurosciences,MS:Gr.4.1,The University of Texas at Dallas,Richardson,TX75083–0688,USAE-mail:******************/∼herve2Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference(HSD)Test 2NotationsThe data to be analyzed comprise A groups,a given group is denoted a.The number of observations of the a-th group is denoted S a.If all groups have the same size it is denoted S.The total number of observations is denoted N.The mean of Group a is denoted M a+.Obtained form a preliminary anova,the error source(i.e.,within group)is denoted S(A),the effect(i.e.,between group)is denoted A.The mean square of error is denoted MS S(A)and the mean square of effect is denoted MS A.3Least significant differenceThe rationale behind the hsd technique comes from the the observation that,when the null hypothesis is true,the value of the q statistics evaluating the difference between Groups a and a is equal toq=M a+−M a +12MS S(A)1S a+1S a,(1)and follows,a studentized range q distribution with a range of A and N−A degrees of freedom.The ratio t would therefore be declared significant at a givenαlevel if the value of q is larger than the critical value for theαlevel obtained from the q distribution and denoted q A,αwhereν=N−A is the number of degrees of freedom of the error,and A is the range(i.e.,the number of groups).This value can be obtained from a table of the Studentized range distribution.Rewriting Equation1shows that a difference between the means of Group a and a will be significant if|M a+−M a +|>hsd=q A,α12MS S(A)1S a+1S a(2)When there is an equal number of observation per group,Equation2can besimplified as:hsd=q A,αMS S(A)S(3)In order to evaluate the difference between the means of Groups a and a ,we take the absolute value of the difference between the means and compare it to the value of hsd.If|M a+−M a +|≥hsd,(4)A BDI&W ILLIAMS3 Table1Results for afictitious replication of Loftus&Palmer(1974)in miles per hourContact Hit Bump Collide Smash2123354439203035404426345233514651294547352054455013383230454134304639304442345142415049392635214455M.+3035384146then the comparison is declared significant at the chosenα-level(usually.05or.01).Then this procedure is repeated for all A(A−1)2comparisons.Note that hsd has less power than almost all other post-hoc comparison meth-ods(e.g.,Fisher’s lsd or Newmann-Keuls)except the Sheff´e approach and the Bonferonni method because theαlevel for each difference between means is set at the same level as the largest difference.4ExampleIn a series of experiments on eyewitness testimony,Elizabeth Loftus wanted to show that the wording of a question influenced witnesses’reports.She showed participants afilm of a car accident,then asked them a series of questions.Among the questions was one offive versions of a critical question asking about the speed the vehicles were traveling:1.How fast were the cars going when they hit each other?2.How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?3.How fast were the cars going when they collided with each other?4.How fast were the cars going when they bumped each other?5.How fast were the cars going when they contacted each other?The data from afictitious replication of Loftus’experiment are shown in Table1. We have A=4groups and S=10participants per group.The anova found an effect of the verb used on participants’responses.The anova table is shown in Table2.4Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD)TestTable 2anova results for the replication of Loftus and Palmer (1974).Source d f SS MS F P r (F )Between:A 41,460.00365.00 4.56.0036Error:S (A )453,600.0080.00Total495,060.00Table 3Hsd .Difference between means and significance of pairwise comparisions from the (fictitious)replication of Loftus and Palmer (1974).Differences larger than 11.37are significant at the α=.05level and are indicated with ∗,differences larger than 13.86are significant at the α=.01level and are indicated with ∗∗.Experimental Group M 1.+M 2.+M 3.+M 4.+M 5.+Contact Hit 1Bump Collide Smash 3035384146M 1.+=30Contact 0.005.00ns 8.00ns 11.00ns 16.00∗∗M 2.+=35Hit 0.003.00ns 6.00ns 11.00ns M 3.+=38Bump 0.003.00ns 8.00ns M4.+=41Collide 0.005.00ns M 5.+=46Smash0.00For an αlevel of .05,the value of q .05,A is equal to 4.02and the hsd for these data is computed as:hsd =q α,AMS S (A )S =4.02×√8=11.37.(5)The value of q .01,A =4.90,and a similar computation will show that,for these data,the hsd for an αlevel of .01,is equal to hsd =4.90×√8=13.86.For example,the difference between M contact +and M hit +is declared non sig-nificant because|M contact +−M hit +|=|30−35|=5<11.37.(6)The differences and significance of all pairwise comparisons are shown in Table 3.Related entriesAnalysis of variance,Bonferroni procedure,Fisher’s least significant difference (lsd )test,Multiple comparison test,Newman-Keuls test,Pairwise comparisons,Post-hoc comparisons,Scheffe’s test.A BDI&W ILLIAMS5 Further readingsAbdi,H.,Edelman,B.,Valentin,D.,&Dowling,W.J.(2009).Experimental Design and Analysis for Psychology.Oxford:Oxford University Press.Hayter,A.J.(1986).The maximum familywise error rate of Fisher’s least signifi-cant difference test.Journal of the American Statistical Association,81,1001–1004.Seaman,M.A.,Levin,J.R.,&Serlin,R.C.(1991).New developments in pairwise multiple comparisons some powerful and practicable procedures.Psychological Bulletin,110,577–586.。



海森伯格对的一些性质李伟达;康娜【摘要】In this paper, we give a mathbb Z2×Z2 action on the set of all Hessenberg systems. We discuss the isomorphism and the affine transformation of sharp Hessenberg system. Finally, for a given sharp Hessenberg system Ф, we calculate the parameter arrays of its relatives.%本文讨论Z2×Z2在全体海森伯格系统所组成的集合上的一个群作用,研究尖锐的海森伯格系统的同构和仿射变换同构,并计算尖锐的海森伯格系统及与其相关的系统的参数阵列。

【期刊名称】《河北省科学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(029)003【总页数】4页(P1-4)【关键词】海森伯格系统;同构;仿射变换;参数阵列【作者】李伟达;康娜【作者单位】河北师范大学数学与信息科学学院,河北石家庄050024;石家庄经济学院数理学院,河北石家庄050031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O1531 引言三对角对的概念起源于代数组合论中的P-和Q-多项式结合方案理论[1]。

对于一个三对角对,存在一个称为可裂分解的向量空间的直和分解[1,Definition 4.1]。





画龙点睛 (huà lóng diǎn jīng)-英文版成语典故

画龙点睛 (huà lóng diǎn jīng)-英文版成语典故

画龙点睛(huà lóng diǎn jīng)-英文版成语典故Eyes of the DragonThe literal translation of the Chinese idiom Hua Long Dian Jing is "to dot the eyeballs in painting a dragon."The saying is now widely quoted to refer to adding the crucial touch to a work of art that brings it to life, orputting in a word or two to clinch the point.The expression is based on a legend about a famous painter, Zhang Sengyao.Zhang was once an officer serving in the court of EmperorLiang Wu (464-549 AD). But he was best known forhis outstanding artwork.It was said that whenever the emperor missed his sons who were away on official duties, he would ask Zhangto visit him and paint portraits of them. The pictures were so vivid that when the ruler saw them, he felt hewere actually seeing the boys in person.There also was a story about Zhang painting an eagle on the wall of a big temple in what is now Zhenjiang cityin eastern China's Jiangsu Province. Legend has it that the life-like eagle scared all the small birds away fromthe temple, leaving behind their empty nests there.One day, Zhang was painting four dragons on the wall of the Anle Temple in Jinling (now Nanjing, the capitalof Jiangsu Province). The scene drew a large crowd.In less than half a day, the artist had finished the painting. The onlookers all loudly praised the fine work, butthey were puzzled to find that none of the four dragons had eyeballs."Why don't you add eyeballs to the dragons?" asked one onlooker.The artist answered: "If I do, they might fly away into the sky."Few were convinced by that explanation, and some of them challenged the artist to prove just how a dragonin a painting could fly.To convince the crowd, the artist went ahead and added eyeballs to two dragons on the wall and instantly, athunderstorm began and the two dragons took off from the wall and soared off into the dark cloudy sky.When the storm abated and the crowd recovered from their awe, they found only two dragons left on the walland they were the ones with no eyeballs.。

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2. Proof This section is devoted to the proof of our main theorem. In fact, this will follow from the statements below. The idea of the proof can be summarized in a single sentence as follows. We extend our transformation from Pn (H ) to a Jordan homomorphism of the algebra
If n = 1 or n = dim H/2, then there exists a linear or conjugate-linear isometry V on H such that φ(P ) = V P V ∗ (P ∈ Pn (H )).
If H is infinite dimensional, the transformation φ : P∞ (H ) → P∞ (H ) satisfies ∠(φ(P ), φ(Q)) = ∠(P, Q) (P, Q ∈ P∞ (H )),
L. Moln´ ar
Байду номын сангаас
formations on the set L of all 1-dimensional subspaces of H which preserve the angle between the elements of L. It seems to be a very natural problem to try to extend this result from the 1-dimensional case to the case of higher dimensional subspaces (in our recent papers [11], [12], [13] we have presented several other generalizations of Wigner’s theorem for different structures). But what about the angle between two higher dimensional subspaces of H ? For our present purposes, the most adequate concept of angles is that of the so-called principal angles (or canonical angles, in a different terminology). This concept is a generalization of the usual notion of angles between 1-dimensional subspaces and reads as follows. If P, Q are finite dimensional projections, then the principal angles between them (or, equivalently, between their ranges as subspaces) is defined as the arccos of the square root of the eigenvalues (counted according multiplicity) of the positive (self-adjoint) finite rank operator QP Q (see, for example, [1, Exercise VII.1.10] or [7, Problem 559]). We remark that this concept of angles was motivated by the classical work [3] of Jordan and it has serious applications in statistics, for example (see the canonical correlation theory of Hotelling [4], and also see the introduction of [9]). The system of all principal angles between P and Q is denoted by ∠(P, Q). Thus, we have the desired concept of angles between finite rank projections. But in what follows we would like to extend Wigner’s theorem also for the case of infinite rank projections. Therefore, we need the concept of principal angles also between infinite rank projections. Using deep concepts of operator theory (like scalar-valued spectral measure and multiplicity function) this could be carried out, but in order to formulate a Wigner-type result we need only the equality of angles. Hence, we can avoid these complications saying that for arbitrary projections P, Q, P ′ , Q′ on H we have ∠(P, Q) = ∠(P ′ , Q′ ) if and only if the positive operators QP Q and Q′ P ′ Q′ are unitarily equivalent. This obviously generalizes the equality of principal angles between pairs of finite rank projection.
Communications in Mathematical Physics manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor)
Transformations on the set of all n-dimensional
arXiv:math/0011029v1 [math.FA] 4 Nov 2000
and φ is surjective, then there exists a unitary or antiunitary operator U on H such that φ(P ) = U P U ∗ (P ∈ P∞ (H )).
As one can suspect from the formulation of our main result, there is a system of exceptional cases, namely, when we have dim H = 2n, n > 1. In the next section we show that in those cases there do exist transformations on Pn (H ) which preserve the principal angles but cannot be written in the form appearing in our main theorem above.
Preserving principal angles between subspaces of a Hilbert space
Keeping in mind the formulation of Wigner’s theorem given in the abstract, we are now in a position to formulate the main result of the paper which, we believe, also has physical interpretation. Main Theorem. Let n ∈ N. Let H be a real or complex Hilbert space with dim H ≥ n. Suppose that φ : Pn (H ) → Pn (H ) is a transformation with the property that ∠(φ(P ), φ(Q)) = ∠(P, Q) (P, Q ∈ Pn (H )).
February 1, 2008
To my wife for her unlimited(?) patience
Abstract: Wigner’s classical theorem on symmetry transformations plays a fundamental role in quantum mechanics. It can be formulated, for example, in the following way: Every bijective transformation on the set L of all 1-dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space H which preserves the angle between the elements of L is induced by either a unitary or an antiunitary operator on H . The aim of this paper is to extend Wigner’s result from the 1-dimensional case to the case of n-dimensional subspaces of H with n ∈ N fixed.