Structural Aspects of Railway Truss Bridges Affecting Transverse Shear Forces




工程实践车辆段上盖超限高层连体结构 选型及分析吴居洋1,高 敏2,欧飞奇1,朱 振1(1. 广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司,广东广州 510010;2. 深圳地铁建设集团有限公司,广东深圳 518026)摘 要: 车辆段上盖超限高层连体结构主受力桁架的结构体系对整体结构的力学行为影响较大,也是决定连体结构承载力的关键。


关键词:地铁;车辆段上盖;非对称连体;超限高层;结构选型;地震作用中图分类号:U213.9作者简介:吴居洋(1989—),男,工程师1 工程概况深圳地铁16号线田心车辆段位于深圳市坪山区田心片区,外环高速(聚龙南路)以东,环境园路西南侧。

田心车辆段三角区上盖建筑面积为11.75万m 2,功能以研发办公为主,分区图见图1。

本建筑无地下室,地面以上两层为裙楼,裙楼以上由南北两栋塔楼组成,北侧塔楼有27层,高129.1 m ;南侧塔楼有20层,高98.5 m ;标准层高4.2 m 。

两栋塔楼均为框架-核心筒结构,在平面呈L 形垂直布置。

连体结构位于主体结构顶部的14~20层,跨度为27 m ,宽度为24 m ,结构总高度为29.4 m 。

本工程设计使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度,设计地震分组为第一组,地震动峰值加速度值为0.10 g ,场地土类别为Ⅱ类,场地特征周期为0.35 s 。


地面粗糙度类别为B 类,基本风压为W 0= 0.75 kN/m 2。


2 整体结构整体结构采用钢管混凝土框架-核心筒结构,南北塔楼分别设置φ1 200 mm ×35 mm (壁厚)钢管混凝土外圈框架,中间利用建筑竖向交通核及设备机房设置剪力墙核心筒,见图2。



The execution of steel structure construction projects is a critical phase in the construction industry, as it involves the assembly and installation of steel components to form the structural framework of buildings, bridges, and other large-scale infrastructures. The following is a detailed translation of the key aspects involved in the executionof steel structure construction projects.1. Planning and DesignThe first step in executing a steel structure construction project isthe planning and design phase. This involves creating detailed drawings and specifications that outline the dimensions, types, and quantities of steel components required for the project. The design must consider factors such as load-bearing capacity, structural stability, and aesthetic considerations.2. Material ProcurementOnce the design is finalized, the next step is to procure the necessary steel materials. This includes selecting the appropriate grades of steel, such as high-strength steel or weathering steel, depending on theproject requirements. The materials are then ordered from steelsuppliers and delivered to the construction site.3. Preassembly and InspectionBefore the steel components are transported to the construction site, they are typically preassembled and inspected in a controlled environment. This ensures that the components are correctly manufactured and fit together as intended. Any defects or discrepancies areidentified and rectified at this stage.4. Transportation and HandlingTransporting steel components to the construction site requires careful planning and execution to prevent damage. Specialized equipment, such as cranes and forklifts, is used to load and unload the components. Proper handling techniques are employed to ensure the integrity of the steel structure during transportation.5. Site PreparationThe construction site must be properly prepared before the steel components can be installed. This includes clearing the area, establishing temporary utilities, and ensuring that the ground is level and stable. The site must also be equipped with necessary scaffolding, hoists, and safety equipment to facilitate the construction process.6. Steel ErectionThe steel erection phase is where the steel components are assembledinto the final structure. This involves the following steps:a. Foundation Installation: The foundation must be properly prepared and leveled to support the steel structure. Foundation bolts and anchor bolts are installed to secure the steel columns and beams.b. Column Installation: Steel columns are raised into position using cranes and then anchored to the foundation. The alignment and plumbness of the columns are checked and adjusted as necessary.c. Beam Installation: Beams are then installed between the columns, connecting them to form the main load-bearing frame. The beams are secured to the columns using welding or bolts.d. Truss Assembly: If the structure includes trusses, they are assembled on the ground and then lifted into place using cranes. Trusses are crucial for providing stability and distributing loads in roofs and bridges.7. Secondary Steelwork and CladdingAfter the primary steel structure is in place, secondary steelwork, such as stairs, railings, and bracing, is installed. Cladding materials, such as sheet metal or insulation, are then applied to protect the steelwork from the elements and enhance the aesthetic appearance of the structure.8. Quality Control and SafetyThroughout the construction process, quality control measures are implemented to ensure that the steel structure meets the requiredstandards. Regular inspections and testing are conducted to verify the integrity of the components and the overall structure. Safety protocols are strictly followed to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of workers.9. Completion and HandoverOnce the steel structure is fully constructed and inspected, it is considered complete. The project is then handed over to the client or end-user, who can proceed with the interior finishing and occupation of the space.In conclusion, the execution of steel structure construction projects is a complex and meticulous process that requires careful planning, precise execution, and strict adherence to safety and quality standards. The successful completion of such projects contributes significantly to the development of modern infrastructure and the construction industry as a whole.。



土木工程工程地质engineering geology原位测试in-situ test初步勘查preliminary exploration 详细勘查detailed exploration地质调查geological survey地质勘查geological exploration地质测绘geological mapping矿物mineral[ˈmɪnərəl]地质构造geological structure岩石结构rock structure节理joint[dʒɔɪnt]裂隙fissure[ˈfɪʃə(r)]岩浆岩magmatic rock沉积岩sedimentary rock风化weathering[ˈweðərɪŋ]地质年代geological time褶皱fold[fəʊld]断裂构造fault structure断层fault[fɔ:lt]地震earthquake[ˈɜ:θkweɪk]纵波longitudinal wave横波shear wave岩体rock mass结构体structure body结构面structural plane软弱夹层soft interlayer潜水层phreatic stratum承压水层artesian aquifer岩溶karst[kɑ:st]煤层coal seam滑坡landslide [ˈlændslaɪd]泥石流debris flow崩塌collapse[kəˈlæps]边坡slope [sləʊp]抗滑桩anti-slide pile挡土墙retaining wall钻孔,钻探drilling挖探excavation prospecting 专业英语词汇结晶crystallization [ˌkrɪstəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]石英quartz[kwɔ:ts]云母mica [ˈmaɪkə]千枚岩phyllite['fɪlaɪt]花岗岩granite[ˈgrænɪt]玄武岩basalt[ˈbæsɔ:lt]石灰岩limestone[ˈlaɪmstəʊn]大理岩griotte[ɡ'rɪət]///marble[ˈmɑ:bl]冲积层alluvium[əˈlu:viəm]残积层eluvium[ɪ'lu:vɪəm]洪积层diluvium[daɪ'lu:vɪəm]第四纪松散沉积物quaternary unconsolidated sediments冰水沉积物fluvioglacial deposit冰渍glacial drift水平构造horizontal tectonic倾斜构造dipping structure震源source [sɔ:s]震级magnitude[ˈmægnɪtju:d]震中epicenter['epɪsentə]烈度intensity[ɪnˈtensəti]河流侵蚀river erosion河流阶地river terrace地球物理勘探Geophysical exploration 河谷valley[ˈvæli]三角洲delta [ˈdeltə]平原地貌plain landform丘陵地貌hilly topography山岭地貌topographic features of mountain ridges垭口pass area上层滞水perched water可行性研究阶段feasibility study stage载荷试验load test静力触探cone penetration test无侧限抗压强度试验unconfined compressive strength test十字板剪切试验vane shear test标准贯入试验standard penetration test 旁压试验lateral pressure test水压致裂法hydraulic fracturing technique公路Highway高速公路Expressway水泥混凝土路面cement concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面asphalt concrete pavement 柔性路面flexible pavement刚性路面rigid pavement土基Subgrade挖方路基(路堑)Cutting填方路基(路堤)Embankment基层Base course垫层bed course磨耗层Wearing surface/wearing course刚性基层rigid base ['rɪdʒɪd]柔性基层flexible base ['flɛksəbl]道路选线Selection of Highway Route平面线形horizontal alignment [ə'laɪnmənt] 圆曲线circular curve ['sɝkjəlɚ][kɝv]缓和曲线transition curve地面标高ground elevation里程桩mile stake [maɪl] [stek]排水沟Drain[dren]截水沟Intercepting [ɪntɚ'sɛpt]中央分隔带median divider路缘Curb [kɝb]细集料fine aggregate[faɪn]['æɡrɪɡət]混合料Mixture['mɪkstʃɚ]配合比设计mixture ratio design摊铺Pave[pev]碾压Compaction[kəm'pækʃən]压实度degree of compaction胀缝expansion joint缩缝coarctation joint车辙ruts [rʌt] 主干路 major road ['medʒɚ] [rod]次干路sub-arterial road[ɑr'tɪrɪəl]支路branch way[bræntʃ] [we]最大纵坡longitudinal grade龄期Instar['ɪnstɑː]减水剂water reducer引气剂air entraining agent早强剂early strength agent矿粉mineral powder粉煤灰fly ash[flaɪ] [æʃ]石灰Lime[laɪm]火山灰Ash[æʃ]矿渣Slag[slæɡ]改性沥青modified asphalt粘度Viscosity[vɪs'kɑsəti]延度ductility[dʌk'tɪləti]针入度needle penetration软化点softening point['sɔfnɪŋ] [pɔɪnt]级配砂砾(碎石)Graded gravel施工缝construction joint水泥稳定粒料cement stabilized aggregate 热、冷拌法Hot/cold mixing method 热、冷铺法Hot/cold laid method抗滑性skid resistance[skɪd] [rɪ'zɪstəns]耐磨性wear resistance[wɛr][rɪ'zɪstəns]耐久性Durability[,djʊrə'bɪləti]防水层Waterproofer['wɔtə,prʊfɚ]防渗层impermeable layer路拱横坡crown slope[kraʊn] [slop]横断面cross section[krɔs] ['sɛkʃən]盲沟blind ditch[blaɪnd] [dɪtʃ]渗井seepage well['sipɪdʒ] [wɛl]弯沉deflection[dɪ'flɛkʃən]坡面防护slope protection裂缝防治crack control平面交叉 grade crossingfly-over crossing跨度Span [spæn]上部结构Superstructure ['supɚstrʌktʃɚ] 下部结构Substructure ['sʌbstrʌktʃə]桥墩Pier [pɪr]桥台Abutment [ə'bʌtmənt]承台Pile cap[kæp] / bearing platform桥面Bridge deck [dek]净空Clearance ['klɪrəns]钢筋混凝土Reinforced concrete预应力混凝土Pre-stressed concrete钢管混凝土concrete filled steel [stil] tube 正常使用极限状态normal use ultimate ['ʌltəmət] state承载能力极限状态limit status ofbearing capability立交桥,高架公路Flyover ['flaɪovɚ] /overpass ['ovɚpæs]梁桥Beam [bim] bridge拱桥Arch [ɑrtʃ] bridge板桥Slab [slæb] bridge刚构桥Rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] frame [frem] bridge桁架桥Truss [trʌs] bridge悬索桥Suspension [sə'spɛnʃən] bridge斜拉桥Cable-stayed bridge伸缩缝Expansion [ɪk'spænʃən] and contraction [kən'trækʃən] joint先张法Pre-tensioning method后张法Post-tensioning method拱圈Arch [ɑrtʃ] ring腹拱Spandrel ['spændrəl] arch支座Bearing ['bɛrɪŋ]索塔Cable ['kebl] bent tower锚碇Anchorage ['æŋkərɪdʒ]围堰cofferdam ['kɔfɚ,dæm]纵梁Girder ['ɡədɚ]横梁Floor beam [bim]箱梁Box girder['ɡədɚ]简支梁Simple supported beam连续梁Continuous [kən'tɪnjʊəs] beam上(中、下)承式桥Deck/half-through/through bridge 主桥Main [meɪn] bridge引桥Approach [ə'protʃ] span保护层厚度protective[prə'tɛktɪv] cover thickness[ˈθɪknɪs]配筋率reinforcement [,riɪn'fɔrsmənt] ratio 双曲拱桥Two-way curved [kɝvd] arch bridge空腹拱Open spandrel ['spændrəl] arch实腹拱Filled spandrel['spændrəl] arch系杆拱Bowstring ['bostrɪŋ] archT形刚构 T-shaped rigid [ˈrɪdʒɪd]frame连续刚构Continuous rigid[ˈrɪdʒɪd] frame 合拢Closure ['kloʒɚ]缆索吊装法Erection [ɪ'rɛkʃən] by protrusion [pro'truʒn]悬臂浇筑法Cast-in-place cantilever ['kæntɪlivɚ] method浮运架桥法Erection by floating转体架桥法Construction by swing [swɪŋ]顶推法Incremental [ɪnkrə'məntl] launching method恒载/静载Dead [dɛd] load活载Live load持续荷载Sustained [sə'stend] load短期瞬时荷载Short-term transient load 荷载组合Loading combinations 偶然荷载Accidental ['vɛrɪəbl] load可变荷载Variable ['vɛrɪəbl] load长期荷载Long-term load临界荷载Critical ['krɪtɪkl] load悬臂梁Cantilever ['kæntɪlivɚ] beam拱架arch [ɑrtʃ]centre索鞍Cable saddle ['sædl]浮桥Pontoon [pɑn'tun] bridge组合体系桥Combined [kəm'baɪnd] system bridge围岩surrounding rock初始地应力场initial ground stress掌子面working face围岩分级rock mass classification喷射混凝土Shotcrete模板台车model board trolley初期支护primary lining二次衬砌Lining仰拱inverted arch锚杆anchor bolt钢拱架steel frame钢筋网steel fabric小导管注浆little tremie grouting锁脚锚杆feet-lock bolt管棚Pipe shed出渣slag tapping隧道照明tunnel lighting隧道通风ventilation射流风机jet fan轴流风机axial-fan竖井shaft斜井inclined shaft消防设施fire control facility隧道火灾tunnel fire塌方collapse岩爆Rock burst涌水water gushing岩溶karst瓦斯gas盾构Shield超前地质预报advance geology forecast 洞门portal明洞opencut tunnel 连拱隧道arch tunnel偏压隧道unsymmetrically loading tunnel 小净距隧道small spacing tunnel大断面隧道large cross-section tunnel断层破碎带fault fracture zone钻爆法drilling and blasting新奥法new Austrian tunneling method(NATM)全断面掘进机TBM(Tunnel boring machine)沉管法Immersed tunnel台阶法bench cut method环形开挖留核心土法Ring excavation reserving core soil method单侧壁导坑unilateral pilot双侧壁导坑twin side heading中隔壁法(CD法)center diagram交叉中隔壁法(CRD法)center cross diagram锚杆拉拔力pulling force of bolt地表下沉surface subsidence拱顶下沉vault crown settlement净空收敛clearance convergence地质雷达geology radar激光断面仪laser profiler光面爆破smooth blasting预裂爆破pre-splitting blasting铁道工程railway engineering准轨铁路standard-gage railway单线铁路single track railway双线铁路double track railway重载铁路heavy haul [hɔl] railway高速铁路high speed railway电气化铁路electric [ɪ'lɛktrɪk] railway磁浮铁路maglev干线trunk [trʌŋk] line, main line支线branch [bræntʃ] line货运专线freight line客运专线passenger special line轨距rail gauge [gedʒ]轴重axle ['æksl] load限界clearance牵引模式mode of traction设计速度construction speed, design speed 重载列车heavy haul train高速列车high speed train最小曲线半径minimum radius of curve 圆曲线circular ['sɝkjəlɚ] curve缓和曲线spiral ['spaɪrəl] transition curve坡度gradient ['ɡredɪənt]路堤embankment [ɪm'bæŋkmənt]路堑road cutting路肩road shoulder基床subgrade bed [fɔr'meʃən]挡土墙retaining [rɪ'tenɪŋ] wall护坡slope protection有碴轨道ballasted track无碴轨道ballastless track有缝线路jointed track无缝线路jointless ['dʒɔɪntlɪs] track轨缝,又称“接头缝”rail gap轨枕cross tie道床ballast ['bæləst] bed道碴ballast 铁路线railway line铁路网railway network铁路等级railway classification多线铁路multiple ['mʌltəpl] track railway即有铁路existing [ɪɡ'zɪstɪŋ] railway新建铁路newly-built railway改建铁路reconstructed railway专用铁路special purpose railway工业企业铁路industry railway运营铁路railway in operation, operating railway铁路专用线railway special line客货运混合线路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic窄轨铁路narrow-gage railway宽轨铁路broad-gage railway轨道变形track deformation轨道方向track alignment [ə'lainmənt] 运营里程operating length of railway, operating distance, revenue length最高速度maximum speed限制速度limited speed,[rɪ'strɪkʃən]最大轴重maximum allowable axle load 列车运行图train diagram ['daɪəɡræm]区间section ['sɛkʃən]限制坡度ruling grade转辙器switch proper ['prɔpə]翼轨wing rail心轨point rail, nose rail辙叉frog [frɔɡ]基本轨stock [stɔk] rail基底foundation base道岔turnout ['tɝnaʊt]尖轨switch rail岩土工程geotechnical engineering基础工程foundation [faʊn'deʃən] engineering土力学soil [sɔɪl]mechanics [mə'kænɪks]干密度dry density ['dɛnsəti]饱和度Saturation [ˌsætʃə'reɪʃn]孔隙率porosity [pɔ'rɑsəti]孔隙比void ratio ['reʃɪo]塑限Plastic ['plæstɪk] Limit液限Liquid Limit剪切模量shear modulus ['mɑdʒələs]粘土clay [klei]粉质粘土silty clay粉土silt [sɪlt]淤泥土mucky ['mʌki]soil饱和土saturated ['sætʃəretɪd] soil特殊土special soil软土soft clay膨胀土expansive (swelling ['swɛlɪŋ] ) soil季节性冻土seasonal frozen soil砂土液化sand liquefaction [,lɪkwɪ'fækʃən]渗透性permeability [,pɝmɪə'bɪləti]地基容许承载力load-bearingcapacity [kə'pæsəti]极限荷载ultimate ['ʌltəmət] load临界荷载critical ['krɪtɪkl] load塑性区plastic zone边坡稳定slope stability [stə'bɪləti]孔隙水压力pore water pressure有效应力effective stress压缩compressibility [kəm,prɛsə'bɪləti]直剪试验direct shear experiment三轴实验triaxial [traɪ'æksɪəl] test固结沉降consolidation [kən,sɑlə'deʃən] settlement抗剪强度shearing strength粘聚力cohesion [ko'hiʒən]内摩擦角Internal friction ['frɪkʃən] angle 强度理论strength theory静止土压力static earth pressure相对密实度Relative Density 剪胀dilatation [,daɪlə'teʃən]漂石boulder ['boldɚ]卵石pebble ['pɛbl]级配良好的土well-graded soil级配不良土poorly-graded soil粉砂silty ['sɪlti] sand非饱和土Unsaturated [ʌn'sætʃə'retɪd] soil 湿陷性黄土collapsible[kə'læpsəbl] loess 多年冻土permafrost ['pɝməfrɔst]冻胀frost-heaving冻融循环freeze-thaw [θɔ] cycle碎石detritus [dɪ'traɪtəs]砾石Gravel ['ɡrævl]粗砂coarse [kɔrs] sand中砂medium sand细砂fine sand盐渍土salinized ['sælɪnaɪz] soils红土red clay管涌piping渗透(流)seepage ['sipɪdʒ]渗透压力seepage pressure循环荷载cyclic ['saɪklɪk] loading瞬时沉降immediate [ɪ'midɪət] settlement ['sɛtlmənt]次固结沉降secondary consolidation [kən,s ɑlə'deʃən] settlement.最终沉降Final settlement强度指标strength index土工格栅geogrid土工织物Geotextile[,dʒiəu'tekstail]加筋土reinforced earth[,riɪn'fɔrst] [ɝθ]换填Replacement[rɪ'plesmənt]固结度degree of consolidation超固结土Over consolidated soil正常固结土normally consolidated soil欠固结土Under consolidated soil应力路径stress path塑性指数plastic index液性指数liquidity [lɪ'kwɪdəti] index土动力学soil dynamics主动土压力active earth pressure被动土压力passive earth pressure建筑学architecture['ɑrkə'tɛktʃɚ]建筑红线building lines建筑设计building design建筑物平面图building layout ['leaʊt] 建筑物的三面图elevation[,ɛlɪ'veʃən]摩天大楼skyscraper ['skaɪ'skrepɚ]公寓楼block of flats [flæts]高层建筑high-rise buildings支承柱bearing ['bɛrɪŋ] post柱column ['kɑləm]泵送混凝土pump [pʌmp] concrete混凝土配合比Concrete mix proportion[prə'pɔrʃən]水泥砂浆Cement grout/ cement mortar['mɔrtɚ]水灰比water-cement ratio钢结构steel structure木结构timber ['tɪmbɚ]construction圬工结构mason ['mesn] structure板柱结构slab-column system框架结构frame structure剪力墙shear wall structure承重墙结构the wall bearing structure 型钢profile['profaɪl] steel钢板steel plate角钢angle ['æŋɡl] iron楼板floors回填backfill刚性节点Rigid joint [dʒɔɪnt]铰接,销钉连接Pin joint浅基础Shallow ['ʃælo] foundation深基础Deep foundation浮筏基础buoyancy['bɔɪənsi] raft条形基础strip footing箱形基础box foundation刚性扩大基础rigid spread foundation 桩基础pile [paɪl] foundation钢支撑steel shotcrete ['ʃɒtkriːt] 词义词汇市政建筑Municipal[mju'nɪsɪpl] building 天然采光natural['nætʃrəl] lighting热风供暖warm air heating原材料raw material[mə'tɪrɪəl]防水材料waterproofing['wɔtə,prʊfɪŋ] materials粘结剂Binder ['baɪndɚ]碱-集反应Alkali-aggregate ['æɡrɪɡət] reaction约束梁Restrained[rɪ'strend] members搅拌机Mixer ['mɪksɚ]框架—剪力墙结构frame-shear wall structure筒中筒结构Tube-in-tube structures悬挂结构suspended structure柱间墙,填充墙Filler wall折板结构folded-plate structure悬索结构cable-suspended structure内墙和外墙inner and outer walls基准点datum['detəm] mark基线base line脚手架scaffold['skæfold]露台balcony['bælkəni]扶手、栏杆balustrade [,bælə'stred]对接缝butt joint/seam弹性地基梁beam on elastic [ɪ'læstɪk] foundation区间隧道interzone tunnel地铁车站subway station明挖法cut-and-cover method/open excavated method/open cut method盖挖法cover-excavation method冠梁(围檩)beam at the top水平横撑horizontal brace井点降水dewatering止水帷幕waterstop curtain钢板桩steel sheet pile钢管桩steel pipe pile灌注桩bored concrete pile护筒pile casting泥浆slurrySMW工法桩smw pile construction method 搅拌桩mixing pile旋喷桩jet grouting pile渗透注浆permeating grouting地表注浆surface grouting冻结法freezing method地下连续墙diaphram wall钢筋笼steel reinforcement cage打入桩driven pile静力压桩static pressuring pile沉管灌注桩sinking pipe cast-in-place piles 钻孔灌注桩cast-in-place pile基坑隆起foundation pit resilience盾构选型selection of shield泥水盾构slurry shield machine土压平衡盾构earth pressure balance shield复合式盾构Compound shield始发井Originating well接收井receiving well沉井open caisson管片Segments地表沉降settlement of ground surface 浅埋暗挖shallow-buried excavation 枢纽站junction station换乘站transfer station终点站terminal station井壁sidewall刃脚foot blade紧固螺栓fastening bolt刀盘cutter head滚刀cutter切刀cutter刮刀scraper仿形刀Copying tool破岩机理rock breaking mechanism 壁后注浆grouting behind segment同步注浆synchronous grouting掘进控制tunneling control中洞法center drift method侧洞法side drifts-support method柱洞法pioneer heading-column method 洞柱法central drifts-column method劈裂注浆fracturing grouting压密注浆pressure grouting应力Stress[stres]应变Strain [streɪn]位移Displacement[dis’pleismənt] 虚功Virtual [və:tjuəl] work拉Tension['tensaɪl]/ pull压Compression [kəm'preʃn]弯曲Bend [bend]扭转Twist [twɪst]弯矩Bending moment剪力Shear [ʃiə] force阻力Resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns]摩擦Friction [ˈfrɪkʃn]重力Gravity [ˈgrævəti]浮力Buoyancy ['bɔɪənsɪ]强度Strength [streŋθ]屈服Yield [ji:ld]刚度Stiffness [stɪfnəs]稳定性Stability [stəˈbɪləti]均布荷载Uniform load/ even load 可变荷载Variable [ˈvɛəriəbl] load集中荷载Concentrated load梯度Gradient [greɪdi:ənt]平面杆系Bar system/ frame system 板Board [bɔ:d]壳Shell [ʃel]桁架Truss [trʌs]钢架/构Rigid [ridʒid] frame铰Hinge [hɪndʒ]波Wave [weɪv]加速度Accelerated velocity[ækˈseləreitd vilɔsiti]振动Vibration [vaɪˈbreɪʃn]阻尼Damp [dæmp]弹性的Elastic [ɪˈlæstɪk]塑性的Plastic [ˈplæstɪk]粘性的Viscous [ˈvɪskəs]固体力学Solid mechanic [miˈkænik] 流体力学Fluid [flu:] mechanic连续介质Continuous medium[kənˈtinjuəs ˈmi:djəm]变形协调Deformation compatibility [ˌdi:fɔ:ˈmeɪʃən kəmˌpætəˈbɪlətɪ]边界条件Boundary condition [ˈbaundəri kənˈdiʃən]自由度Degree of freedom约束Constraint [kənˈstreɪnt]平衡方程Equilibrium equation[ˌi:kwəˈlɪbri:əm iˈkweiʃən]相容方程Compatible equation[kəmˈpætəbl iˈkweiʃən]直角坐标Orthogonal coordinate / rectangular [rekˈtæŋɡjulə] coordinate极坐标Polar [ˈpəulə] coordinate影响线Influence element包络图Envelope diagram挠度Deflection [di’flekʃən]蠕变Creep [kri:p] vt﹠n松弛slack [slæk]疲劳Fatigue [fəˈti:g]断裂Fracture [ˈfræktʃə(r)]应力状态Stress state强度理论Strength theory[偏心受压Eccentric compression[ikˈsentrik kəmˈpreʃən]惯性力Inertia force[iˈnə:ʃjəfɔ:s]冲击荷载Impact load[ˈimpækt ləud]刚片Rigid member[ˈridʒid ˈmembə]角位移Angular displacement[ˈæŋgjələdɪsˈpleɪsmənt]线位移Linear [ˈlɪniə(r)] displacement几何约束Geometrical constraint[dʒɪəˈmetrɪkəl kənˈstreint]应力函数Stress function[stres ˈfʌŋkʃən] 应变能Strain energy[strein ˈenədʒi]超静定的Indeterminate [ˌɪndɪˈtɜ:mɪnət] 安全系数safety factor[ˈseifti ˈfæktə]许用应力Allowable [əˈlaʊəbl] stress应力集中Stress concentration[stres ˌkɔnsənˈtreiʃən]压杆稳定stability of compressed bar惯性矩Inertia[iˈnə:ʃjə] moment机械能Mechanical [məˈkænɪkl] energy水头高度water head height层流laminar ['læmɪnə] flow紊流turbulent [ˈtɜ:bjələns] flow转动刚度Rotation stiffness[rəʊˈteɪʃən stɪfnɪs]项目管理project management工程咨询engineering consulting可行性研究feasibility study初步设计preliminary design施工图设计construction drawing design 招投标bidding['bɪdɪŋ]合同contract['kɑntrækt]业主employer[ɪm'plɔɪɚ]设计单位design unit施工单位construction unit监理工程师supervision engineer项目计划project plan项目进度project schedule施工组织设计construction organization design竣工图completion drawing剖面图sectional drawing平面图plain view drawing变更variation[,vɛrɪ'eʃən]索赔claim[klem]联合体joint venture项目部project department施工图预算working drawing budget现场管理site management施工管理construction management 质量管理quality management验收acceptance[ək'sɛptəns]竣工completion [kəm'pliʃən]采购procurement[prə'kjʊrmənt]供货商supplier [sə'plaɪɚ]临时工程temporary work延误或拖期delay[dɪ'le]成本cost[kɔst]风险risk[rɪsk]规范specification['spɛsəfə'keʃən]施工图construction drawing预算budget详细设计detailed design 项目决策project decision招标公告tender announcement招标代理bidding agency要约offer ['ɔfɚ]承诺promise['prɑmɪs]投标保证金tender deposit中标acceptance of the bid标书bid [bɪd]设计施工总承包Engineering--Procurement--Construction(EPC) 总承包商general contractor分包商subcontractor[sʌb'kɑntræktɚ]转包subcontract[,sʌbkən'trækt]总价合同lump sum contract单价合同unit price contract成本加酬金合同reimbursement cost plus fees contract总图general drawing融资租赁financial leasing报表statement['stetmənt]项目组织project organization项目结构project structure监督Superintendence [,sʊprɪn'tɛndəns] 调解mediation[midɪ'eʃən]仲裁arbitration [,ɑrbɪ'treʃən]诉讼litigation ['lɪtə'geʃən]行政复议administrative reconsideration 会议纪要conference summary工作日志log book交货期delivery time海关清关customs clearance(甘特图)横道图Gantt chart/bar chart网络图network['nɛtwɝk]进展速度rate of progress进度计划programme['prəʊgræm]指定分包商nominated subcontractor不可抗力force majeure进度管理schedule management人力资源管理human resources management总承包管理general contract management 监理单位supervision unit国际惯例international practice预付款advance payment工期管理project time management成本管理cost management质量安全管理quality-safetymanagement风险管理risk management分部工程branch engineering分项工程subentry engineering竣工检验Tests on Completion安全措施safety measures现场数据site data保险insurance设计概算design estimate竣工结算completion settlement保函guarantee[,ɡærən'ti]履约performance[pɚ'fɔrməns]违约default[dɪ'fɔlt]施工作业construction operation台班one-shift工期控制time limit control工程量清单bill of quanities第11 页。



桥梁建设2021年第51卷第2期(总第270期)10Bridge Construction,Vol.51#No.2#2021(Totally No.270)文章编号!003—4722(2021)02—0010—08大跨度铁路悬索桥钢桁加劲梁设计徐伟,李松林,胡文军(中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司,湖北武汉430056)摘要:某大跨度铁路桥位于强震山区,采用主跨1060m的上承式钢桁梁悬索桥,主桁采用华伦式桁架,桁宽30m、桁高12m,节间长10m。



加劲梁主桁上弦杆采用箱形截面杆件、焊接整体节点,下弦杆主要采用H形截面杆件、拆装式节点;上层通过交叉平联使箱形弦杆与钢桥面组成整体断面共同受力,下层采用H 形弦杆与交叉平联组成镂空层,采用斜杆受拉为主的横联,解决了铁路悬索桥钢梁的疲劳问题,同时具有较好的经济性。


关键词:铁路桥;悬索桥;强震山区;加劲梁;钢桁梁;约束体系;结构设计;疲劳设计中图分类号:U44&13;U44&25;U442.5文献标志码:ADesign of Truss Stiffening Girder of a Long-SpanRailway Suspension BridgeXU Wei,LI Song-lin,HU Wen-jun(China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance&Design Institute Co.Ltd.,Wuhan430056,China) Abstract:A long-span railway bridge,located in the mountainous area with high seismicity,is designed as a deck-type steel truss girder suspension bridge with a main span of1060m.The truss stiffening girder consists of Warren trusses that measure30m wide and12m deep,and a truss panelis10m.Tosui0he mechanical proper0ies of0he railway suspension bridge in moun0ainous areawihhighseismiciy,0he0owersand0hes0i f eninggirderaresepara0ed,and0he0owersand the piers are fixed,which forms a semi-floating system.The longitudinal dampers at the towers and0helowerla0eralbracingsof0hes0i f eninggirderareins0a l edin0hesameplan.A0bo0h0he towers and abutments,the t r ansverse bearings and dampers t h a t can work collaboratively are installed,the back pressure structure that can regulate seismic forces is added,and local compressionbearingsareinsta4edinthecenterofendf4oorbeamsofabutments,toimprovethe intenseseismic and heavy wind resistance ofthe bridge and addresstheissue of4oca4track irregu4arity.The main components of the stee4trusses are made of Q370qD stee4,andcomponents in4oca4partsare madeofQ500qDstee4.The membersofthe maintrussesandtie membersare connectedby M30and M40high strength bo4ts,respective4y.The upper chords of the truss 收稿日期:2021—01—05基金项目:中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究幵发计划课题(P2019G002)Project of Science and Technology Research and Development Program of China Railway Corporation(P2019G002)作者简介:徐伟,教授级高工,E-mail:Xuw@&研究方向:公路、铁路大跨度桥梁设计,钢结构设计&大跨度铁路悬索桥钢桁加劲梁设计 徐 伟,李松林,胡文军11stiffening girder are formed of box cross-section members # with integral welding joints # while thelower chords are composed of H cross-section members # with detachable joints. In the upper level # the lateral bracings allow the box cross-section chords and the steel dec[ plates to form an integralcross section and share the acting loads. In the lower level # the H cross-section members and the lateral bracings form a transparent framed structure # with diagonal members in the transverseconnection mainly in tension # which is beneficial to the fatigue resistance of the steel girder ofrailway suspension bridge and has better economic performance. Limited by the construction space and transportation access # the stiffening girder was divided into regions which could be constructedusing tailored methods # including incremental launching # in-situ assembly and cableway crane construction. The proposed methods can facilitate the construction of long-span suspension bridgein mountainousarea.Key words : railway bridge $ suspension bridge $ mountainous area with high seismicity ; stiffening girder $ steel truss girder $ restraint system $ structural design $ fatigue design1工程概况某大跨度铁路桥位于强震山区,桥址处河面宽约130 m,最大水深约10 m,河谷下部狭窄,谷坡陡峻。



Bridge historyBridge is an important part of the circuit. In history, whenever transport major changes in weight, Bridges, to put forward new requirements span, and promoted the development of the bridge engineering. In the 1920's, railway was developed, the bridge used materials is stone and wood is given priority to, cast iron and cast iron only occasionally use. In the long years, Bridges practice has accumulated rich experience, created many forms. But now, use a variety of main bridge type can almost be found in ancient origins. In the most basic three bridge type, beam pumping bridge originated in imitation of lodging in: broadleaf forest trees of the wooden bridge, and built into a wooden bridge, which evolved ShiLiang bridge, until the 19th century of truss girder, The growth of suspension bridge originated in imitation of natural across deep groove and valuable climbing cane, bamboo and built to suspension evolution of dissects Tibet, soft of self-anchored suspension Bridges, until a stiffening girder suspension bridge, Arch bridge originated in imitation of limestone cave by the formation of the "TianShengQiao" and built into a wooden arch bridge, evolution and cast iron arch bridge.In a railway later, wooden bridge, stone bridge, railway and original Bridges foundation construction technology was hard to adapt to the needs. But to the 19th century centaury, due to the basic knowledge of structural mechanics spread, steel supply in large quantities, air pressure caisson application technology maturity, the railway bridge engineering rapid development. At the beginning of the 20th century, North America was in railway bridge steel span aspects even set up a new world record. To before the second world war, highway bridge steel and steel reinforced concrete bridge spans records and have exceeded the railway bridge.After the second world war, a large number of the destruction of htac to repair, xinqiao need bridge built, and the bridge steel shortages, hence, use in 30 years accumulated about high-strength material and efficient technology (welding, prestressed tension and anchoring, high strength bolt construction craft, etc.) of experience, popularize the several new bridge ─ ─ with orthotropic steel bridge panel of steel box girder, real abdomen se ction prestressed concrete bridge and cable-stayed Bridges.Since the 1960s, auto transportation soared, material supply relieved, the rapid development of science and technology, bridge engineering and improve quality, reduce cost, reduce the bridge YangHuFei aspects obtained very big improvement.Foreign bridge engineering development in the 1820s before (before) have railway(1) the bridge. In BC 2000 years ago, Babylon had in the Euphrates river is built on the ShiDun wooden bridge, JiMu beam at night removal, in case the enemy attack. In Rome, Geraldine Jim Caesar had for marching needs, in 55bc in on the Rhine river for building a more than 300 meters, lengji Bridges. In Switzerland luzern has kept two medieval style of wooden bridge: one is the church was built in 1333 bridge, one is in 1408 torre was founded TengTan blavatsky (Totentanz) bridge, the two bridge has bridge house, ceiling have painting. In 1756 ~ 1766, Switzerland built span is 52 ~ 73 meters of three great bridge, two is also arch, the other one is also truss arch bearing, located in use wood WeiTingGen, span 61 meters.In Asia, wooden arch bridge appeared earlier, Japan has preserved rock kingdom city with wooden arch bridge, 5 KongJin span 27.5 m, founded in 1673 years, its pattern from China. The 18th century to the beginning of 19th century three, for forty years, that is prevalent in America built roof (protection wood) large bridge, 1815 in Pennsylvania built across SaSiKui Hannah river of maidang kaoer ferry bridge, span to 110 meters, is unprecedented.stone bridge. The Roman era bridge, a semicircle arch ring, arch, QiFeng don't cut stele inscriptions were widely used as refined mortar. Because we cannot build deep water foundations, the span of pier width of the arch than most for 1/3 to 1/2 of blocking water area, too, therefore built across more than HeQiao already washed out. There is a Spanish territory six holes arch, name Alcantara (Alcantara) bridge, the towers are built on the rock, yet intact.Europe in the middle ages (5 ~ 10 century) period, bridge construction was because of feudal lords and recession. In central Asia and Egypt forest is less, so stone bridge used more. The GongShi processing thicker, laying with lime mortar, The arch arc in coping often form sharp edges. This stone Bridges, simple construction in 11 ~ 12 centuries was introduced in Europe, and at the current custom, on the bridge or sets the church, shrines, gods, or set up checkpoints, bunkers, or set up shop, housing. In France, avignon 1177 ~ saladin begins into a cross ROM NeHe 20 hole arch, span of 30 meters, once famous temporarily; But fires and outfit that was BingPai damage, now only stay ashore four holes and above the small church. In Britain 1176 ~ 1209 built in crossing the river Thames in London, the old bridge pier block water has a very large area, in tidal fluctuations, bridge by scouring velocity is very high, riverbridge, very early obvious sinking. It is London transport arteries, the reinforcement maintenance, using 600 years, until 1826 build London xinqiao when demolished. 1308 ~ 1355 years in France the cahors built watts lang Mr Little (Valentre) bridge, for six holes have long span 16.5 meter, tight and towering JianLou fortification since three tombs, standing intact.European Renaissance in for the bridge deck ZongPo gently, eli, urban traffic arch bridge rise-span ratios are high and span of sagittal (than) reduced significantly, and arch arc curve corresponding change, stone processing and hasten is fine. In Italy, fiorentina holy terry the tower bridge was built Trinita) (Santa 1569 years, altogether 1567 ~ 3 hole, cross measures 29.3 meters, rise-span ratios are for bid, arch axis to exploit arc (arch arc radius in arch toe place less than vaults place), control two arc in vaults intersect, was set in JiaoJiao arch champions anaglyph cover, Venice LiYaEr torre Rialto) bridge was built (from 1588 to 1592, span 27.0 meters high, sagittal 6.4 meters, each bridge the crowd of alluvial soil has scored a stake in over 6,000 root. 1575 ~ 1606 built in Paris, France xinqiao altogether 12 hole, the largest span 19.4 meters, bridge housing ZhiBi, become busy streets, until 1848 ~ in 1855 rebuilt when it is removed.In the 18th century, Europe stone at the highest level. Then the bridge by France expert as j. - r. capello inside represented. In the world's oldest universities ─ ─ Paris bridge road school for 1747 founded in, capello within any principals and teachers. His masterpieces can lift across Schwartz river saint mark's SangSi bridge as an example, a total of three holes, span all 21.8 meters, sagittal high 1.98 metres thick, pier for arch bridge piers span ratio is.7, each by two pairs of pillar form. The bridge has been destroyed in 1870 war.In Iran, Isfahan of Pul.doppler ha long (1642 ~ Khajoo) bridge was built in 1667, bridge over the river dam located in elam, 24, pointed arch bridge is quite wide, have castles. It is desert traveler yearning resting cool LanSheng in jiadi.3 iron arch bridge. Until smelters attracted to manufacture large use coke, this bridge casting before building. British 1779 years when cole brooke dyer (Coalbrookdale) first into a ZhuKua about 3.05 meters of cast iron rib arch bridge. The bridge had been used in 170, presently as cultural relics preservation.4 forging iron rod suspension bridge. Early soft of self-anchored suspension Bridges self-respect small, materials of low intensity, can not stand periodic live load function(military to tidy pace, who had made this bridge cross the bridge damage), In the wind loads, easy to destroy. But British 18.2 ~ 1826 in plum nai strait built the span of 177 meters forging iron rod soft of self-anchored suspension Bridges (road bridge), alone can in bridge deck with bad along with the attain longevity (1940, in unchanged conditions, already will bar chain into low alloy steel eye bar).The 1920s to appear in the early 19th century, western railway railway arch rib and cast iron mainly use arch. In will cast iron rib arch bridge, in cross for pier does not suffer arch horizontal thrust, classics in the same arch rib setup tie between the two, forming bowstring arch bridge (see combination system bridge). For example UK 1849 using this method in Newcastle completed 6 x 378,000 meters double-layer (upper for railway, bottom is road) cast iron arch bridge. The United States and Russia have more use wooden bridge, Its cross GuQiao is often adopted lengji Bridges, The large-span bridge is use wooden arch and wood truss girder. In 1840, obtained a patent for American huisman truss beam, the structure is like Russia.. Ralph was built, radha yankees st. Petersburg (now Leningrad) to Moscow railway when the design of large-span truss beam bridge the same; Its chord and cross abdomen pole use wood, vertical web members responded with a round iron, simple structure, mechanical clear and can be used as a representative of the truss beam at that time. Wrought iron and steel appear, gradually changed the face of railway Bridges. In 1485, England j. invented the steam hammers; within Smith. In 1851, England in rochester bridge construction foundation (used in pressure caissons sinking deep as vast 18.5m), and I never ended deep-water rivers cannot repair history.(1) cast iron bridge. In 1832, Britain in Glasgow began with an i-shaped cross-section wrought iron build beam pumping bridge. This kind of bridge spans later once reached 960 meters. 1940s Britain are going to build an across the strait of large-span nanotubes mei railway bridge, cast iron arch bridge can't satisfy the navy to bridge the clearance of suspension bridge is stiffness requirements, enough. When building the railway responsible r. Stephenson think: use wrought iron profiles made a huge XiangGuan size is big enough to accommodate, railway trains passing from them, the stiffness can be greatly improved, Reoccupy stone pagoda from prop the iron suspension cable, and XiangGuan bridges.according will hanging in suspension cable under, most propbably is feasible. Because he was still not understand mechanical calculation (French cristiano - l. - m. h.natrium dimension - 1842 has proposed elastic beam British engineering theory, but also don't know), but by structure experiment method successfully determines XiangGuan beam section shape and details; At the same time, it also proved without suspension cable bridge will have enough rigidity. But, stone pagoda from or built. This bridge was built 1845 ~ 1850, says Britain XiangGuan bridge, 4 hole continuous, points for 70 + 140 + across 140 + 70 meters. Due to build the bridge in the process of doing experiments confirm the real abdomen beam of reliability from the late nineteenth century up in a small cross railway bridge steel girder bridge is generally adopt (this ShiGang already replaced the iron plate beams, and small cross than box girder facilitate manufacturing and erect) until the 1950s it gradually for prestressed concrete beams reinforced () is replaced.(2) steel bridge. The 19th century 50's statically determinate steel truss girders of the analysis method of internal force gradually been engineering hands. 1867, Germany of h. GeBeiEr in haas novotel built a statically determinate cantilever truss girder beams so also calls (this kind of GeBeiEr beam). 188 ~ in 1890, British adopt bridge type, built span unprecedented (da 521.2 metres) of fox bay railway, chief 1620 meters, supporting place of truss height to amount to 110 meters. The bridge rods are bulky, structure tall, stiffness and bearing capacity can satisfy the requirements, appearance is not railway bridge arch bridge and suspension bridge. 1867 ~ 1874, the United States of America built st.louis steel arch bridge meters, ZhuKua 158 meters, both sides across each for 153 meters. Its bearing structure is without hinge truss arch, truss stem by steel round control into. The bridge's advantages in use small section rods assembles into stiffness big railway bridge. In Britain with cast iron XiangGuan bridge built Britain, America J.A. rob Lin in 1851 ~ in 1855 in the Niagara river, with parallel wrought iron wire cable build a span for 250 meters of ram iron amphibious suspension bridge, Tower with stiffening truss beam, which made of wood, In addition, still use some cables will stay cabls stiffening truss beam with tower and in forcing the anchor point abuts (with cable-stayed Bridges type structure). This bridge opening, the total weight of 368 tons of train (locomotive weight is 28 tons) dominating drove by. Later brought the stiffening girder instead of steel, iron, instead of stone pagoda from the bridge lifespan is 42 years (because of railway live load increasing and for a span of 168 meters of steel arch bridge is replaced). 1869 ~ in 1883, the United States built brooklyn bridge. It is a span of 487 meters, city of suspension bridge is still in use today. Its wind resistance, goodperformance for suspension bridge to more longspan development pioneered a precedent. At the beginning of the 20th century to the middle of structural mechanics elastic analysis method of internal force in general the statically indeterminate bearing structure of bridge design, to create a long span record has strong scientific basis.(1) the steel bridge. This period of steel bridge: railway bridge built have Canada Quebec bridge (1918, ZhuKua 548.6 meters of cantilever truss beam), New York, USA ghosts door (Gate) make two hinge truss arch bridge (1916, ZhuKua 298 meters, 4 line overloaded railway, way of ballastless deck), Ohio plug uefa torsten Nashville, two span continuing truss girder (1917, the span 236.3 meters), Illinois mei trow's Annapolis simply-supported truss girder (1917, ZhuKua 219.5 meters), Australian Sydney harbour bridge road have (1932, span 503 meters steel truss arch, American bei forever Bayonne) steel truss arch bridge ((1931, span 503.6 meters), New York, USA George Washington suspension bridge (1931, span 1066.8 meters), the golden gate suspension bridge (1937, span 1280.2 meters). In the meantime the Soviet union in DiNieBoHe built male iron amphibious steel truss arch bridge (1930, span 224 meters, in the second world war ii destroyed, 1952, the reconstruction of the span of reinforced concrete arch bridge 228 meters); in Moscow canal built clay he base chains stem suspension bridge (1938, the span of 168 meters).(2) reinforced concrete bridge. Around 1900 reinforced concrete bridge world attention gets gradually to be used on arch bridge and reinforced concrete beam pumping bridge arch bridge has been refreshed the span of records in the early 20 maximum sqan as 100 meters. Thereafter, are: 1930 built French prachanda Lou gus Taylor (Plougastel) bridge across each for 13 hole net 171.7 meters; 1934 built Stockholm, Sweden tulane berry (Traneberg) road span 178.4 meters; 1939 built shamhuth the railway bridge across Spain ella net 192.4 meters; In 1943 built Sweden Thornton bridge span 264 meters. And reinforced concrete bridge is real abdomen slow, span record only reach 78 meters (1939 was built in France across the Seine old veller lots walter - st George's bridge). The Soviet union in 1937 to build WoLuo darfur camp in Leningrad, base the bridge, use float shipped across the two method erection 101 meters without thrust reinforced concrete arch, beam combination system bridge.Since the mid-twentieth century city road and bridge construction, the new bridge of widespread adoption, traditional bridge type construction method was improved to obtain the new bridge engineering achievements. Because super-large across the road cost is high, toraise funds in the United States have always bridge of popular charge bridge system in the capitalist world again, this is classic restaurant-favored treat built big bridge organization relative organizations and issuance of bonds, which can obtain bridge-building funds, and after completion of the bridge to bridge vehicles and pedestrians impose toll, so in the decades of bond servicing; For bonds pay off, free and can be walking over the bridge. In non-stress aspect such as British fox bay road (span 1006 meters) and the severn HeQiao (span 986.6 meters), French thangka Nashville bridge (1959, span 610 meters), a Portuguese salazar bridge (1966, span 1013 meters) are built using this method.(1) the steel bridge. After the second world war, Germany in 1948 in cologne - doe Bates rehab, points HeQiao Rhine across 132.1 184.5 + + is 120.7 meters, driveway width, using real 11.6 meters abdominal beam take maohan and the structure, the total steel quantity for old bridge is to save steel, 61% of the first example of a (old bridge as the anchor type bar chain suspension bridge). In 1950, orthotropic steel bridge panel began in KeBuLunCi inside card HeQiao use, points across is 56 + 75 + 56 m. This bridge is lighter, and can act as real abdomen beam flange, 1951, used in Dusseldorf - noyce Rhine HeQiao, make steel girder span achieve real abdomen 206 meters; 1974 Brazil built of melon natrium barak bay bridge span 300 meters. In 1955, cable-stayed Bridges first in Sweden sandhust Aaron pine heart (Strmsund) is built, points across 75 + 182.6 + 75 meters. In 1959, federal Germany built plug WeiLin single pylon cable-stayed Bridges, its ZhuKua da 302 meters; Now of reinforced concrete cable-stayed Bridges and steel span cable-stayed Bridges already achieved respectively 440 and 404 meters. The traditional suspension bridge, steel arch bridge and cantilever truss girder, also have each long span records.(2) prestressed concrete bridge. As early as in 1936, Germany was in Mr Eritrea by building a unbonded prestressed reinforced concrete bridge, the ZhuKua 69 meters, but did not obtain expected result. French e. FuLeiXi inner in-depth study of prestressed concrete performance and tension and, on the basis of anchorage technique in the second world war in lack of wood and steel conditions, in 1946 in lu CangXi (Luzancy) with prestressed reinforced concrete beam section will prefabricate string into overall, need not stents, only temporary tassos, built on the tumbrils - red tumbrils 55 meters long span bridge; the double hinge just In 1946 ~ 1950, and in the same way, in ace cloth interest etc to 74 meters of bridge built span five seats. The federal republic of Germany in 1950 in baal du because Balduinsteinfrank-walter steinmeier (LanHe built for ZhuKua) 62 metres of prestressed concrete bridge, use Brazil in 1930, without obtaining a fruitful cantilever irrigation open-cut method of success. In 1952 and 1964, federal Germany and use this law WoErM meadows and built this Randolph bridge, the ZhuKua achieved respectively 114.2 and 208.0 meters. 1962 ~ in 1964, France on the Seine with cantilever timbering method for building across 34.8 + ingredients 61.4 + 34.8 meters of prestressed concrete bridge and obtain compressed time limit effect. In 1979, the federal Germany in 1948 by the cologne - 1937 he HeQiao steel real abdomen Bates Rhine beside the original obligate beam passing siting place, same points across and same co-using's main dimensions continuous beam and the scheme comparison, the cost of prestressed concrete beams than beam-rolling low cost by 15%. As for prestressed concrete cable-stayed Bridges, by cantilever steel girder and the inspiration of cable-stayed Bridges, its conception in the 1950s is ripe; For other reasons, 1962 only in venezuela MaLaKaiBoHu first built, ZhuKua is 235 meters. At present, the bridge span have developed to 400 metres above sea level. Reinforced concrete arch bridge, in which the stent thrombosis construction have achieved progress.(1) the bridge. Bridge is the earliest documented in the 13th century BC, but shall not be detailed. The water by note "featuring spring autumn jin fair between (556 BC ~ 532 years) was in before FenShui built on the wood LiangMuZhu bridge. Qin dynasty (221 BC ~ 200 years before), previously the western han dynasty (206 B.C. xianyang ~ 24 years) previously A.D. changan (today), xian in shaanxi then built weihe bridge, BaHe bridge etc, in the water by note "and" three auxiliary HuangTu "have conclusive records. These bridge repeatedly destroyed repeatedly constructs, use more wood LiangMuZhu or wood LiangShiZhu bridge type, when the span of more than wood bridge length, had used cantilever type bridge and arch bridge. According to the northern song dynasty sand state ji records, in anxi-dunhuang turpan, qiang people to have built between single span cantilever girder, called "the river greatly". The law is "the yankees home for Bi, successively stone, big wood freely in times more phase repression, both sides all flat, were three zhangs. And big plate material with The Times, was very strict adorn" hook column. So many across the bridge, it is to be in all the piers with large wooden freely coincide, each to midspan stretched out, and again in the stretch out between the connected with longitudinal, To maintain stability, which normally takes in large wooden pier platform freely built castles, with its above weight live cantileverfixed end, such as founded in south ZongBao idealist philosophy of six years (1258) Lu river's bridge of hunan liling.The arch bridge, the song dynasty hongqiao tectonic strange. According to the Mian water yan talk record "and so on books, know it was founded in SongMingDao (1032 ~ 1,033 years). In song dynasty painting "qingming riverside seene" painted song dynasty bianjing (today kaifeng) of hongqiao henan its bearing structure by two sets of more actual several pieces of wood hinge arch each alternate arrangement, match with crossbar, alemeth cable to plunge into. One set of many hinge wooden arch arch bone including long wooden 3 root, make trapezoid decorate; Another set of wooden arch arch bone including long wooden 2 root, short wood 2 root, make pointed vaulted layout. The wood to end each other, forming a hinged arrive tight, A set of arch bone hinge, just as in another set of arch bone long wooden midpoint above all; With Mie cable with two sets of wooden arch clip crossbar tied, hence, two sets of wooden arch is formed stable super statically determinate structure bearing structure comparison, estimate the bridge actual span about vast 18.5m and bridge crane load about 3 tons. After the northern song dynasty, this bridge type spread to zhejiang and fujian, etc. Built in qing jiaqing seven years (1802) of zhejiang yunhe mei wooden arch bridge, remains unchanged, The two sets of wooden arch decorate and song dynasty hongqiao slightly different load-bearing "song dynasty hongqiao the crossbar is put in two sets of wooden arch bridge between, and may crossbar is buy is in each wood arch hinged points.stone bridge. Many pleasant village village in henan 1957 unearthed han brick, bridge has two horses and chariots, and underneath the leaf of boats, proof was repaired across a river bridge. In the water by note "of water, to jin south three years (in) 282 travelers bridge built such description:" bridge to luoyang palace, six or seven with boulder, next round leah, can be big in the post-cooling water had also." Sui opened huang 15 years to cause reign (p.p.423-430 ~ 605 years), built 37.02 meters, calendar net across 1,300 years and sound zhaozhou bridge. JinMingChang three years (in) built in 1192 today Beijing southwest of lugou bridge, a total of 11 holes, span of 11.4 ~ 13.5 meters, on top of the size with lifelike stone 485 a; The 13th century in China Italian Marco Polo, the world has ever known as in travel stories are rare. Beijing Summer Palace inside the 17-arch bridge built in qianlong emperor (1736 and 1795); YuDaiQiao built in qianlong fifteen years (1750). The former arches with ease downhill from the deck Bridges in to collect small ends gradually, The latterwith the ends for reverse bend lines of jade green plexus. Back above the vault The two bridge with harmonious environment, lake mountain brightness is famous. In the south of the Yangtze, from the tang dynasty has built many with arc SLATE and horizontal strip lock stone arch ring bridge, form shape and giant ShiLiang bridge. Arc plate arch lighter weight, the foundation, low pressure strength requirement can be used on in soft soil foundation. The arch ring inside the SLATE and locked stone in tenon chamfer thru can occur relatively small rotation to adapt to base settlement and temperature variations, In addition, on the dust can solidify the arch in the arch ring deformation occurs when the passive pressure and improve the bearing capacity of the arch. Fujian changting water dongqiao (southern built, namely when celebrating 1195 ~ 1200), jiangsu suzhou baodai bridge (founded in TangYuanHe 11 to 14 years, namely 816 ~ 819 years, in song and Ming and qing dynasties un-used rebuild, presently bridge 53 hole, the largest span six ninety-five meters) and zhejiang hangzhou succession bridge (built during chongzhen four years, namely mumtaz mahal, presently Bridges in hole net across 15.8 meters) are plate bridge. Fujian quanzhou wanan bridge also called LuoYangQiao (luoyang river), is across ShiLiang bridge, presently long 834 meters, 47 hole, built in SongJia four years (1059 years). When the first bridge along the bridge the longitudinal axis of the stroke of stone, under the surface forming a causeway on stones herding of oysters, stay Li shell and block-stone phase cementation, it can withstand waves. In this underwater causeway, with big stone freely fold buy (don't plaster), forming pier, again ShiLiang erection. In zhangzhou across LiuYing jiang tiger across, built in the southern song dynasty jia xian reign (1237 years), it used giant stone size of 1.7 x 1.9 x 23.7 meters, the weight nearly 200 tons. Though a few holes is destroyed, and in its upper co-using reinforced concrete girder bridge, but the original stone bridge shangcun has.3 Bridges. LiuTong bridge is a kind of relatively primitive Bridges, it is wooden tube set in the suspension cable from the cylinder lop two strands of leather string and a crossbar, People rode crossbar, forcibly with the hand, make the tube cable climbing along the cable mobile, people can follow the past. Irrigation county, for song too bamboo suspension ChunHua reign (1990) founded, clear jiaqing eight years (1803) copy system reconstruction, name AnLan bridge, bridge length 340 metres, divided into 8 hole, the largest span 61 meters (bamboo cable has now been replaced by wire cable). Dadu river dissects Tibet was built ofemperor kangxi 45 years (2002), net 1706 across 100 meters. This bridge is now as a revolutionary cultural relics preservation.桥梁历史桥梁是线路的重要组成部分。



文章编号:1003-4722(2007)02-0055-03预应力混凝土斜拉桁架桥结构特点与结构型式金文成1,周昌栋2,邱 峰1,唐云伟3(1.华中科技大学土木工程与力学学院,湖北武汉430074; 2.宜昌市交通局,湖北宜昌443000;3.宜昌市交通基本建设质量监督站湖北宜昌443000)摘 要:分析探讨了预应力混凝土斜拉桁架桥的结构特点及结构型式,提出了预应力混凝土斜拉桁架桥新的发展思路,并介绍了2个实际工程项目。

关键词:斜拉桁架桥;预应力混凝土结构;综述中图分类号:U448.29文献标识码:AStructural Characteristics and Structural Types of Prestressed Concrete Truss Stayed BridgeJIN W en cheng 1,ZHOUChang dong 2,QI UFeng 1,TANG Yun wei3(1.Schoo l of Civ il Eng ineer ing and M echanics,H uazhong U niversit y of Science and T echno log y,Wuhan 430074,China; 2.Department o f Co mmunicatio ns,Yichang Cit y,Y ichang 443000,China; 3.Q uality Supervision Station o f Co mmunicatio n Capital Const ruct ion,Y ichang City ,Y ichang 443000,China)Abstract:In this paper,the structural character istics and str uctural types of pr estr essed con crete truss stay ed bridg e are analy tically discussed,the new ideas for further development of the ty pe o f the br idge are put forw ard and tw o pr actical ex amples of the bridge ar e illustrated as w ell.Key words:truss stayed bridge;pr estr essed co ncrete structure;summ ar ization收稿日期:2006-10-17基金项目:湖北省交通厅科研立项课题(鄂交科[2004343号])作者简介:金文成(1958-),男,教授,1982年毕业于同济大学桥梁专业,获学士学位。



铁路钢桁梁桥结构校验系数研究邓蓉【摘要】以2座铁路钢桁梁桥的试验数据为基础,介绍钢桁梁结构校验系数通常值的适用条件及其特点,研究桥梁的理论内力和变形与平面、空间计算模型的相关性,分析钢桁梁挠度实测校验系数,杆件和纵、横梁应力实测校验系数的特征,提出利用实测的应力、挠度和结构校验系数定量评价桥梁强度和刚度的方法.研究结果表明:钢桁梁桥检定试验宜采用空间模型计算杆件的内力和结构变形,并由此得到结构校验系数;现有简支钢桁梁的结构校验系数通常值不适用于连续钢桁梁;采用结构校验系数换算求得设计活载下的杆件应力和桥梁挠度,可较为准确地评价桥梁结构的强度和刚度.研究结论可供相关单位桥梁检定和规范修订时参考.%Based on the test data of two railw ay steel truss girder bridges,the applicable conditions and characteristics of the usual value of structural verification coefficient of railway steel truss girder bridge were introduced in this paper. The relationships between the theoretical force and deformation of bridge and the calculation model of plane and space were studied. The characteristics of the measured deflection verification coefficient of steel truss girder and the stress verification coefficient of member,transverse beam and longitudinal beam were analyzed. The method for quantitative evaluation of bridge strength and stiffness by using measured stress,deflection and structural verification coefficient was proposed. The results show that the space model should be used to calculate the internal force, structural deformation and structural verification coefficient of steel truss bridge for verification test. The structural verification coefficient of the existing simplysupported steel truss girder is not suitable for continuous steel truss girder. The stress of member and the deflection of bridge under live load are obtained by the conversion of the structural verification coefficient to accurately evaluate the strength and stiffness of the bridge structure. The research conclusion can be used as reference for bridge verification and specification revision by relevant departments.【期刊名称】《铁道建筑》【年(卷),期】2017(000)005【总页数】6页(P1-6)【关键词】铁路桥梁;校验系数;试验研究;钢桁梁;应力;挠度【作者】邓蓉【作者单位】中国铁道科学研究院铁道建筑研究所,北京 100081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U448.21+1荷载试验是对服役桥梁结构承载能力和运营性能评定的最有效、最直接的方法。

Structural damage identification for railway bridges based on train-induced bridge responses and sen

Structural damage identification for railway bridges based on train-induced bridge responses and sen

Structural damage identification for railway bridges based on train-induced bridge responses and sensitivity analysisJ.W.Zhan a ,c ,n ,H.Xia a ,S.Y.Chen b ,G.De Roeck caSchool of Civil Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,ChinabBridge Technology Development Center,CCCC Highway Consultants Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100088,China cDepartment of Civil Engineering,Catholic University of Leuven,Heverlee B3001,Belgiuma r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 1April 2010Received in revised form 15August 2010Accepted 23August 2010Handling Editor:M.P.CartmellAvailable online 20September 2010a b s t r a c tA damage identification approach using train-induced responses and sensitivity analysis is proposed for the nondestructive evaluation of railway bridges.The dynamic responses of railway bridges under moving trains composed of multiple vehicles are calculated by a train–bridge dynamic interaction ing the stiffness variation of the bridge element as an index for damage identification,the sensitivities of train-induced bridge responses to structural damage are analyzed and the sensitivity matrices are formed.By comparing the theoretical measurement responses of one measurement point in two different states,the damage indices of all elements are updated iteratively,and finally the absolute or relative damage is located and quantified.A three-span continuous bridge numerical example proves that the proposed dynamic response sensitivity-based FE model updating damage identification method is not only effective to detect local damage of railway bridges,but also insensitive to the track irregularity and the measurement noise.&2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDamage in bridges can result in changes of their mechanical properties such as mass,stiffness,damping and boundary conditions,which can be reflected by changes in their global dynamic characteristics.The damage identification based on the global dynamic characteristics of structures has become currently a topic of very active research in civil and mechanical engineering.Various damage identification methods have been proposed by utilizing such parameters as natural frequencies [1,2],mode shapes [3,4],curvature mode shapes [5],modal damping [6],modal strain energies [7],frequency response functions [8]and stiffness or flexibility sensitivities [9,10].Doebling et al.[11]comprehensively reviewed the literature,focusing on frequency-domain damage detection algorithms for linear structures.Zou et al.[12]summarized the methods on vibration-based damage detection and health monitoring for composite structures.Housner et al.[13]gave a good summary on state-of-the-art methods in control and health monitoring of civil engineering structures.The fundamental principle of these methods is to compare the structural behavior in the damaged state with that in the undamaged state.In order to detect the damage locations and to determine the damage extents,it is necessary to model the undamaged state of the structure.A reliable method can be obtained by comparing the experimentally measured dataContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/jsviJournal of Sound and Vibration0022-460X/$-see front matter &2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.08.031nCorresponding author at:Beijing Jiaotong University,School of Civil Engineering,Bridge Engineering Department,No.3Shang Yuan Cun,Hai Dian District,Beijing 100044,China.Tel.:+861051683786;fax:+861051683494.E-mail address:jwzhan@ (J.W.Zhan).Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–770of a structure in its initial state with those predicted by an initial mathematical model [14,15].However,for an accurate model based damage assessment,often a lot of sensors and manual processing are needed,jeopardizing the online damage detection of structures in service.From the view of structural online health monitoring,it is desirable to locate and quantify the damage directly from the time-domain dynamic responses of bridges under operating loads such as running vehicles.For this purpose,much research has been conducted.Liu and Chen [16]presented an inverse technique for identifying stiffness distribution in structures using the structural dynamic responses,where the sensitivity matrices of structural displacements with respect to the stiffness factors were calculated by Newton’s method.Cattarius and Inman [17]detected the damage in smart structures from the time histories of structural responses.Chen and Li [18]and Shi et al.[19]proposed methods to identify both structural parameters and input loads from output-only measurements.Ling et al.[20]proposed an element level system identification method with unknown input with Rayleigh damping.Lu and Law [21,and Lu et al.[22]studied the features of dynamic response sensitivities under sinusoidal,impulsive and random excitations,and then used them in the structural damage identification.For large civil structures such as long-span bridges,it is usually difficult to excite them by impulsive or sinusoidal loads,so the passing vehicles are more suitable as excitation sources.Majumder and Manohar [23]proposed a time-domain approach for damage detection in bridges using both the vehicle response and the bridge response,in which the vehicle was considered as a single degree-of-freedom system with sprung and unsprung masses.Zhu and Law [24]studied the damage detection of simply supported concrete bridges,in which the moving forces and the damage indices are identified at the same time from the measured responses of multiple points.In the above references,none is considering the damage detection of railway bridges from the dynamic responses due to passing trains composed of multiple vehicles.All papers also presume prior knowledge of the FE model in the undamaged state.In this paper,a detailed train–bridge dynamic interaction model is established,in which the train is composed of multiple 4-axle vehicles with 10degrees-of-freedom and the bridge is discretized by beam elements.The train-induced responses of the bridge in the damaged state are used as input data for damage identification and the response sensitivities with respect to the damage indices of the elements are calculated to establish the sensitivity ing the error between the measured response and the computed one as a minimization criterion,the sensitivity equation is solved by the least-squares method,and then the damage is located and quantified with the finite element model updating technique.In the proposed method,the influences of measurement noise and track irregularities on the analysis results are discussed.An example of a three-span continuous bridge numerical example proves that the local damage of railway bridges can be effectively identified using the train-induced response of a single measurement point.2.Forward problem solution for train-induced bridge responseSince only the vertical response of the bridge is used in this study,a two-dimensional dynamic model of the train–bridge interaction system,composed of a train subsystem and a bridge subsystem,is established in the X –Z plane.The two subsystems are linked by the assumed wheel–track interactions.The train subsystem model adopts the following assumptions:(1)The train runs on the bridge at a constant speed.(2)The train can be modeled as several independent vehicle elements.Each vehicle element is composed of a car body,two bogies,four wheel-sets and the spring–damper suspensions between the components.(3)The car body,bogies and wheel-sets in each vehicle element are regarded as rigid components,neglecting their elasticdeformations.(4)The connections between a bogie and its wheel-sets are characterized by the first suspension system,which consists ofsprings and dampers with identical properties.(5)The connections between a car body and its bogies are characterized by the second suspension system,which consistsof springs and dampers with identical properties.(6)The springs in vehicle elements are all linear,and the dampers all viscous.(7)Each car body or bogie has 2degrees-of-freedom in the Z and RY directions,while the longitudinal movement in the Xdirection is neglected.Only the degree-of-freedom in the Z direction for the wheel-set is considered,thus each 4-axle vehicle element has 10degrees-of-freedom (see Fig.1).Two-dimensional beam elements are used to model the bridge.In structural dynamics,the determination of the damping matrix is often difficult.The usual solution for this problem is to adopt the classical Rayleigh damping theory [25],in which the damping matrix C b is expressed as a linear combination of the bridge mass matrix M b and the stiffness matrix K b :C b ¼a M b þb K b(1)with a ¼4p ððx 1f 1f 22Àx 2f 21f 2Þ=ðf 22Àf 21ÞÞ;b ¼ð1=p Þððx 2f 2Àx 1f 1Þ=ðf 22Àf 21ÞÞ.where f 1and f 2are the first-and the second-order natural frequencies (Hz).x 1and x 2are the first-and the second-order damping ratios of the bridge,respectively.J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–770758In theory,any two natural frequencies can be used to calculate a and b .Usually in practice,the high-order frequencies are difficult to measure,while the low-order frequencies can be obtained precisely,therefore the first-and the second-order natural frequencies are used to calculate the combination coefficients a and b .In the vehicle–bridge interaction dynamics,one of the assumptions is that the wheel-sets never detach from the bridge and the only connection between them is the track irregularity.The movements of the wheel-sets and the bridge couple together through the track irregularity with the following equations:Z wijl ¼Z b ðx ijl ÞþZ s ðx ijl Þ(2a)_Zwijl ¼_Z b ðx ijl Þþ_Z s ðx ijl Þ(2b)€Zwijl ¼€Z b ðx ijl Þþ€Z s ðx ijl Þ(2c)where x ijl is the position of the l th wheel-set of the j th bogie in the i th vehicle,Z b ,_Zb ðx ijl Þand €Z b ðx ijl Þare,respectively,the displacement,velocity and acceleration of the bridge;Z w ,_Zw and €Z w are,respectively,the displacement,velocity and acceleration of the wheel-set;Z s ,_Zs and €Z s are,respectively,the displacement,velocity and acceleration irregularities of the track on the bridge.Their computation method is described in Section 6.2.The equations of the coupled motion of the train–bridge system can be expressed asM vv 00M bb "#€Xv €X b n o þC vv C vb C bv C bb "#_X v _X b ÈÉþK vv K vb K bv K bb "#X v X b ()¼F v F b ()(3)where M vv ,K vv and C vv are,respectively,the mass,stiffness and damping matrices of the train;C vb ,K vb ,C bv and K bv are,respectively,the train–bridge interaction matrices;X v and X b are,respectively,the displacement vectors of the train and the bridge;F v and F b are,respectively,the force vectors acting on the train and the bridge.The computation of these matrices is described in detail by Xia and Zhang [26],and Zhang et al.[27].Due to the coupling effects between the wheel-sets and the bridge,the generalized stiffness and damping matrices of the bridge,as deducted by Xia and Zhang [26],can be written as follows:K bb ¼K b þK üK b þXN v i ¼1X 2j ¼1X N w i l ¼1f m wijl v 2H T ðx ijl ÞH xx ðx ijl Þþm wijl a H T ðx ijl ÞH x ðx ijl Þþk v 1ij H T ðx ijl ÞH ðx ijl Þþc v1ij v H T ðx ijl ÞH x ðx ijl Þg (4)C bb ¼C b þC üC b þX N v i ¼1X 2j ¼1X N wi l ¼1½2m wijl v H T ðx ijl ÞH x ðx ijl Þþc v1ij H T ðx ijl ÞH ðx ijl Þ(5)where K Ãand C Ãare,respectively,the additional stiffness and damping matrices of the wheel-sets on the bridge;H (x )is theinterpolation function matrix [28];H x and H xx denote the first and the second derivative with respect to x of H (x ),respectively;v and a are the moving speed and the moving acceleration of the train in the X direction,respectively;m wijl isVehicleM c iJ c ic Z iZ t i 2c vk vc v 1i 2k v 1i 2M t i 2J t i M t i 1Jt i 1t i 2i2s t i Z t i lZ wijlXv2i 22i 2Fig.1.Train–bridge interaction model.J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–770759the mass of the wheel-set;k v 1ij and c v1ij are the spring coefficient and the damping coefficient of the first suspension system,respectively;N v is the total number of vehicles in the train;N wi is the total number of wheel-sets of each bogie.When the model parameters and the external forces are known,the computation of the bridge responses is a forward problem [26].Eq.(3)can be solved by the Newmark direct integration method.The displacement,velocity and acceleration responses of location x at time t can be interpolated from the computed nodal responses.3.Dynamic response sensitivity analysis 3.1.Damage index definitionExcept for some special cases,it is usually assumed that damage does not change the mass but the stiffness of the structure [11].The damage index of the bridge can be defined as the relative reduction ratio of the element stiffness.If the relative damage index and the stiffness of the j th element in the reference state are,respectively,a j and ðEI Þj refer ,its stiffness in the damaged state can be expressed asðEI Þd j ¼ðEI Þj referð1Àa j Þð0r a j r 1,j ¼1,2,...,N Þ(6)where N is the total number of the bridge elements.3.2.Sensitivity of response with respect to damage indexFor a perturbation of the system parameters,the perturbed equation of motion is obtained by differentiating both sidesof Eq.(3)with respect to the system parameter [22].Assuming the damage index is related only to the stiffness of the dynamic system,the following differentiation equation can be obtained:@@a j M vv 00M bb "#()€Xv €X b n o þ@@a j C vv C vb C bv C bb "#()_X v _X b ÈÉþ@@a jK vv K vb K bv K bb "#()X v X b ()þM vv 00M bb "#@€X v @ða j Þ@€X b @ða j Þ8>>>><>>>>:9>>>>=>>>>;þC vv C vb C bv C bb "#@_X v @ða j Þ@_X b @ða Þ8>>>><>>>>:9>>>>=>>>>;þK vv K vb K bv K bb "#@X v @ða j Þ@X b @ða j Þ8>>><>>>:9>>>=>>>;¼@@a F v F b ()(7)It can be seen from Eqs.(4)and (5)that K *and C *are independent of a j ,and M bb ,M vv ,C vv ,K vv ,C vb ,K vb ,C bv ,K bv ,F b and F vare independent of a j [26],so the following equations are valid,when considering Eq.(1):@K bb @a j ¼@K b@a j (8a)@C bb @a j ¼@C b @a j ¼b @K b @a j(8b)Then Eq.(7)can be simplified asM vv 00M bb "#@€X v @ða j Þ@€X b @ða Þ8>>>><>>>>:9>>>>=>>>>;þC vv C vb C bv C bb "#@_X v @ða j Þ@_X b @ða j Þ8>>>><>>>>:9>>>>=>>>>;þK vv K vb K bv K bb "#@X v @ða j Þ@X b @ða Þ8>>><>>>:9>>>=>>>;¼À@K b @ða j ÞX bÀb @K b @ða j Þ_X b 8<:9=;ðj ¼1,2,...,N Þ(9)It can be observed that the velocity response _Xb and the displacement response X b ,obtained from Eq.(3),are the input data for Eq.(9).As a forward problem,the response sensitivities of the nodes can also be obtained from Eq.(9)by the Newmark direct integration method.The response sensitivities of any point with coordinate x can be computed by the following equations:@u ðx ,t Þ@ða j Þ¼H ðx Þ@X b@ða j Þ(10a)@_uðx ,t Þ@ða j Þ¼H ðx Þ@_X b @ða j Þ(10b)@€uðx ,t Þ@ða Þ¼H ðx Þ@€X b @ða Þ(10c)J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–7707604.Inverse problem solution for damage index vectorThe identification problem is tofind the damage index vector A¼f a1,a2,...,a j,...,a N g T of the system based on the condition that the calculated responses best match the measured ones.The identification procedure is as follows: Step1:Update the referencefinite element model of the bridge with the identified damage index vector A k of the k th iteration step(the initial damage is usually assumed to be zero,i.e.A1=0),to get(K b)k and@ðK bÞk=@a j k.The displacement response vector(X b)k and the velocity response vectorð_X bÞk can be calculated by Eq.(3).By substituting(X b)k,ð_X bÞk and @ðK bÞk=@a j k into Eq.(9),ð@X b=@a j kÞk can be calculated.Step2:Calculate the response u ksðt iÞof the s th(s=1,2,y,NP)measurement point at the i th(i=1,y,NM)time step and its sensitivity@u k sðt iÞ@a jkby interpolation from the nodal ones.Then construct the time-varying sensitivity matrixS k s ¼@u ksðt1Þ@a1k@u ksðt1Þ@a2kÁÁÁ@u ksðt1Þ@a N k@u ksðt2Þ@a1k@u ksðt2Þ@a2kÁÁÁ@u ksðt2Þ@a N k^^ÁÁÁ^@u ksðt iÞ@a1k@u ksðt iÞ@a2kÁÁÁ@u ksðt iÞ@a N k^^ÁÁÁ^@u ksðt NMÞ@a1k@u ksðt NMÞ@a2kÁÁÁ@u ksðt NMÞ@a N k266666666666666666664377777777777777777775NMÂN(11)where NM is the total number of time steps and NP is the total number of measurement points.Using the penalty function method[29],the sensitivity equation for damage identification can be expressed asS ksÂD A k¼D U k s(12) where D A k¼f D a1k,...,D a j k,...,D a N k g T is the perturbation in the damage index vector at the k th iteration step;D U ks ¼f u ksðt1ÞÀ^u ksðt1Þ,...,u ksðt iÞÀ^u ksðt iÞ,...,u ksðt NMÞÀ^u ksðt NMÞgTis the discrepancy between the calculated displacement re-sponses and the measured ones;the superscript4denotes the measured responses.In theory,the sensitivity matrix of any single measurement point can be used for identification.For a bridge structure with N elements,the used response number NM must be far bigger than N to make sure that the set of Eq.(12)is over-determined.Eq.(12)can be solved by the least-squares methodD A k¼½ðS ks ÞT S ksÀ1ðS ksÞT D U k s(13)Like many other inverse problems,Eq.(13)is an ill-conditioned system of equations and the solution is unstable.In order to provide bounds to the solution,the damped least-squares method developed by Tikhonov[30]and the singular value decomposition technique are used in the pseudo-inverse calculation.Eq.(13)can be written in the following form:D A k¼½ðS ks ÞT S ksþl I À1ðS k sÞT D U k s(14a)where l is the non-negative damping coefficient governing the participation of least-squares error in the solution.The solution of Eq.(14a)is equivalent to minimizing the functionJðD A k,lÞ¼:S k s D A kÀD U k s:2þl:D A k:2(14b) where the second term in Eq.(14b)provides bounds to the solution.When the parameter l approaches zero,the estimated vector D A k approaches the solution obtained from the simple least-squares method.Many methods,for example,the L-curve method,have been developed to get the regularization parameter l.Hansen [31]designed a free Matlab package for analysis and solution of the discrete ill-posed problems basing on the L-curve method.This method is here used to obtain the optimal regularization parameter l.Once the increment in the damage index vector is obtained from Eq.(14a),the updated damage index vector can be expressed asA kþ1¼A kþD A k(15)Step3:Repeat steps1and2to get thefinal value of the damage index vector.The following convergence criterion is used::Akþ1ÀA k:=:A kþ1:r e(16) where:U:means the norm of a vector,e is the allowable error(%).For velocity or acceleration responses,the damage identification procedures are similar when the corresponding sensitivity matrices are properly constructed.J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration330(2011)757–7707615.Train-induced response analysis of a damaged simply supported beamA simply supported beam is used to analyze the influence of damage on the train-induced dynamic responses.As shown in Fig.2,the bridge is discretized into 15beam elements.The parameters of the simply supported bridge are length 30m,Young’s modulus E =35.5GPa,sectional area A =2.0m 2,moment of inertia I =1.4m 4and mass per unit length m ¼16,000kg =m .The train used in the analysis consists of 4identical vehicles whose parameters are shown in Table 1.In theory,the evaluation procedure is effective if the train speed is the same before and after the bridge is damaged.Acceleration,deceleration or moving at constant speed should be the same in both cases.However,for the ease of operation,the passing speed of the train is usually controlled to be constant.In the present analysis,the train runs onto the bridge from the left support and passes it at a constant speed of 30m/s.The natural frequencies of the car body and the bogie can be estimated from the following equations [32]as 1.05and 6.38Hz,respectively.f vehicle ¼1p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ð1=k 2Þþð1=2k 1ÞM cv u u t ¼1p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiM c k v 2k v 1v 1v 2s (17)f bogie ¼1p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2k v 1þk v 2ts (18)where is M c and M t are the mass of the car body and the bogie,k v 1and k v2are the spring coefficients of the first-and the second-suspension system,respectively.The elements of the bridge are assumed to successively suffer single damage with extents between 5%and 30%.At each damage case,the dynamic responses of the bridge are calculated based on the train–bridge dynamic interaction model.Shown in Figs.3and 4are the displacement and the acceleration responses of the bridge midpoint when element 8suffers different extents of damage.The distribution of maximum displacements of the bridge midpoint with respect to element damage extent is shown in Fig.5.Fig.3shows that the midpoint displacements of the bridge increase when element 8is more seriously damaged.However,the differences between the accelerations before and after the damage are less obvious (see Fig.4).For the single damage case,the following observations can be made from Fig.5:(1)The maximum displacements of the bridge increase when the damage extends.(2)When the damage extent keeps unchanged,the maximum displacement decreases with the distance of the damagedelement to the midpoint.(3)For two elements symmetrically located to the midpoint,the same damage causes the same maximum displacement ofthe midpoint.Table 1Main parameters of the train vehicle used in the case study.ItemUnit Value Full length of vehicle (L )m 22.5Distance of bogie (2s )m 15.6Distance of two wheel-sets (2d )m 2.5Mass of vehicle body (M c )kg 40,990Mass of bogie (M t )kg 4360Mass of wheel-set (M w )kg1770Vertical stiffness of 1st suspension system (k v 1)kN m À12976Vertical stiffness of 2nd suspension system (k v 2)kN m À11060Vertical damping of 1st suspension system (c v1)kN s m À115Vertical damping of 2nd suspension system (c v 2)kN s m À130Mass moment of inertia of car body around the Y -axis (J c j )kg m 21,959,000Mass moment of inertia of bogie around the Y -axis (J t j )kg m 21470yout of the simply supported bridge model.J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–770762-0.3-0.25-0.2-0.15-0.1-0.0500. /sA c c e l e r a t i o n /(m /s 2)Fig.4.Acceleration responses of the midpoint when element 8suffers different levels of damage. i s p l a c e m e n t (m m )Fig.5.Maximum displacements of the midpoint under different damagecases.-2-10123456D i s p l a c e m e n t /m mFig.3.Displacement responses of the midpoint when element 8suffers different levels of damage.J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–7707636.Numerical example of damage identification 6.1.Model layoutA three-span continuous bridge with spans of 25m+25m+25m (see Fig.6)is studied to illustrate the feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed damage identification method.The bridge consists of 30beam elements and 31nodes,with each node having 3degrees-of-freedom.The parameters of the bridge are Young’s modulus E =35.5GPa,sectional area A =3.0m 2,moment of inertia I =0.84m 4,and mass per unit length m ¼15,000kg =m .The same train as in Section 5is used,which runs onto the bridge from the left support and passes it at a constant speed of 20m/s.6.2.Measurement noise,track irregularity and identification errorThe normally distributed random noise is added to the calculated response of the bridge to simulate the measurement noise [21]y m ¼y c þe p N 0s ðy c Þ(19)where is the y m and y c are the polluted response and the calculated one,respectively,e p is the ratio of noise amplitude to the response amplitude (between 0and 1),N 0is the standard normal distribution vector with a mean value of zero and a unit standard deviation,s (y c )is the standard deviation of the calculated response time history,which indicates the deviation of the response from its mean value.That is,if the mean value of the response is zero,s (y c )denotes the amplitude of the response.The track irregularity is introduced in Eq.(2)to link the displacements of the wheel-set and the bridge.In the United States,the track irregularity spectra are divided into 6grades [33].The vertical displacement,velocity and acceleration track irregularities are given by the following equations [26]:Z s ðx Þ¼X n s i ¼1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2S v ðO i ÞDO p cos ðO i x þf i Þ(20a)_Zs ðx Þ¼X n s i ¼1Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2S v ðO i ÞDO p O i vsin ðO i x þf i Þ(20b)€Zs ðx Þ¼X n s i ¼1Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2S v ðO i ÞDO p O i 2v 2cos ðO i x þf i Þ(20c)where is the j i is the random uniform-distribution phase between 0and 2p ;n s is the total number of harmonic functions,x is the location of the wheel-set,O 1and O u are,respectively,the lower and the upper bounds of the spatial angular frequencies (rad/m),DO =(O u ÀO l )/n s ,O i =O 1+(i À1)D O .The power spectrum density is expressed asS v ðO Þ¼kA v O 2cO ðO þO c Þ(21)where k is the safety coefficient,A v is the roughness coefficient and O c is the cut-off frequency (rad/m).The relative error (RE)is used to evaluate the precision of the identified damage extent.It is defined asRE ¼:A id ÀA r :=:A r :(22)where A id and A r are the identified damage index vector and the real one,respectively.RE is an effective index to evaluate the precision of the damage quantification.yout of the continuous bridge model.J.W.Zhan et al./Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2011)757–770764。



桥梁建设2020年第50卷第6期(总第268期)Bridge Construction,Vol.50,No.6#2020(Totally No.268"文章编号!003—4722(2020)06—0001—07五峰山长江大桥主桥总体设计唐贺强,徐恭义,刘汉顺(中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司,湖北武汉430056)摘要:连镇铁路五峰山长江大桥主桥为主跨1092m公铁两用钢桁梁悬索桥,按4线高速铁路+8车道高速公路设计,主缆跨度为(350+1092+350)m,加劲梁跨度为(84+84+1092 + 84+84)m$加劲梁采用大节段整体设计,由竖向、横向支座与纵向阻尼器支承,立面为华伦桁式,横断面为带副桁的直主桁形式,材质为Q370qE钢。




研究表明:大桥结构的静、动力性能满足高速列车行车的安全性与舒适性要求$关键词:公路铁路两用桥;悬索桥;总体布置;钢桁梁;主缆;锚碇;桥梁设计中图分类号:U44&25;U442.5文献标志码:AOverall Design of Main Bridge of WufengshanChangjiang River BridgeTANG He-qiang,XU Gong-yi,LIU Han-shun(China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance&Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan430056,China)Abstract:The main bridge of Wufengshan Changjiang River Bridge on Lianyungang-Zhenjiang High-speed Railway is a steel truss girder suspension bridge with a main span of1092m,which is designed to accommodate four high-speed rail tracks and eight highway lanes.The main cable suspends threespans,comprisinglengthsof350,1092and350m,andthesuperstructurecontainsfive spansof84,84,1092,84and84m.Warrentrussescanbeseenfromtheelevationview,while thecrosssectionofthesti f eninggirderincorporatessubsidiarytrussesandthemembersoftrusses are straight.The trusses are made of Q370qE steel.The bridge has two floors formed of integral orthotropicplates.Thetopplateand U-ribsareweldedbydouble-sidedfu l penetration welding, andtheba l asttroughplatesintherailfloorare madeofro l edstainlesscompositesteelplates.The main cable,which is1.3m in diameter,with a sag-to-main span ratio of1/10,contains hybrid strandsandisanchoredbysteelanchorages.Thecablesaddletakesform bycastingandwelding# which wasdividedinto3blockslongitudina l yfortheeaseofmanufacturing.Thetowersthatare supported by pile foundations are concrete portal structures with"five peaks"crowns,and the founda0ionof0hesou0h0owercon0ainspileswihdi f eren0leng0hs.Thenor0hanchorageismoun0edon largecaissonfoundaion#while0hesou0hanchorageissea0edoncirclediaphragm wa l founda0ion that consists of walls with different depths.Studies reveal that the static and dynamic performance收稿日期:2020—06—02基金项目:中国铁路总公司科技研究幵发计划项目(2015G002—A)Project of Science and Technology Research and Development Program of China Railway Corporation(2015G002-A)作者简介:唐贺强,教授级高工,E-mail:tanghq@&研究方向:大跨度桥梁设计。

土木工程专业英语(第二版 段兵延)第4课

土木工程专业英语(第二版 段兵延)第4课

Tall Buildings 高层建筑
The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing.
Reinforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes.
Lesson 4 Tall Building 高层建筑
New words and phrases:
spectacular sway residential commercial innovation boundary eliminate apartment column demonstrate project stress truss bundle terminate facade perimeter encroach high-rise building 高层建筑 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土
过分的水平倾斜将导致隔板、天花板和其他建筑物细部的 严重的复发性破坏。
In addition, excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because of their perception of such motion.






















限元分析是很方便的∞“]。由简化的空间杆系结构 计算得到的位移可直接作为原结构的位移,对非桥 面系杆件,如斜杆、竖杆和上平联等可直接利用其内 力和截面特性计算应力;而对于桥面系杆件的应力, 由于“剪力滞后”的影响,原结构的桥面系杆件钢桥 面板应力的分布与简化的空间杆系结构的分布有所 不同,必须通过考虑桥面系杆件钢桥面板的有效宽 度的方法,来求原结构中桥面系杆件的最大应力。
桥面板有纵、横梁支承方式,也有不设纵梁,而采用 多横梁或密布横梁的支承方式。国内在建的很多高 速铁路钢桁梁桥都将采用正交异性整体钢桥面系, 如武广铁路客运专线新广州站东平水道桥,主桥为 (99+242+99)m三跨连续钢桁(拱)桥,京沪高速铁 路南京大胜关长江大桥,主桥为(108+192+336+ 336+192+108)m六跨连续钢桁(拱)桥。
h一1 4.5(6/z)2]6

图4 主梁等效跨径及有效宽度沿桥跨的变化
度。其中A。为主梁腹板间距一半的有效宽度;A:为 侧伸出部分的有效宽度;z为等效跨径,简支梁的z 等于其计算跨度,连续梁:跨度中央部(I)z— o.8L。;跨度中央部(Ⅱ)z=o.6L2;中间支点L=0.2· (L1+Lz)。

獭 笏镢‘

《}=[j&(二二跚士 k。4刍堡出竺№虬丝业纠陋.


涌,跨径不小于 160 m。
(1) 铁路等级:城际铁路。
(2) 正线数目:双线。
李 伟—城际铁路大跨跨线桥桥式方案研究
(3) 线间距:4 m。
(4) 速度目标值:200 km / h。
(5) 轨道类型:无砟轨道。
(6) 设计活载:ZC 活载。
(7) 地震动峰值加速度:0. 10g;地震动反应特征
40 + 32) m hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge with single tower) , Scheme 2 (160 m simply-supported steel
truss girder ) are compared and analyzed in terms of structural form, technical innovation, cost,
1 概述
随着国家 和 各 地 区 经 济 发 展、 新 型 城 镇 化 快 速
推进以及产 业 结 构 优 化 转 移,高 速 铁 路、城 际 铁 路、
贯通各大 中 心 城 市 的 铁 路 网 络。 由 此,不 可 避 免 的
产生与既有 铁 路 交 叉 立 交 的 情 况,上 跨 既 有 铁 路 桥
但铁路大跨跨线桥研究较少。 以广佛江珠城际铁路立
2 工程概况
(1) 受 接 入 车 站 影 响, 线 路 与 既 有 铁 路 交 角 仅



福 建 建 筑Fujian Architecture & Construction 2021年第05期总第275期No 05 • 2021VoI - 275某办公楼抽柱改造方案研究张开莹(福建省建筑设计研究院有限公司福建福州350001)摘要:介绍某办公楼抽除顶层三个框架柱的结构改造方案。


关键词:加固改造抽柱钢桁架中图分类号:TU3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004 -6135(2021)05 -0067 -04Study on the transformation scheme of colcmn removing ic an of fic e buildingZHANG Kaiying(Fujian Provincial Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co. , Ltd. , Fuzhou 350001 &Abstract : This paper introduces tUe structural transformation scheme of an oOice building with three cclumns removed from tUe top fooc.From tUe aspects of structural stress state ,reinforcement scope of structural members and construction convenience ,tUe paper compares the three schemes of increasing concrete beam section ,adding concrete vierendeel truss and adding steel truss ,and selects the scheme of set-rongceo s oooesreeoreuss , whoch osmosrsuoraboe oesorecondoroons , doesnoraecrrheondooespaceoYrhebuoodong , and hasrhesma o esr eeon oecemenreange oerheoeogonaosreucrueaocomponenrs , and rheconsreucroon ossaeand eeooaboe.KeyworUt : Strengthening structure ; Column removing ; Steel trusso 引言随着人们对建筑使用需求的不断提升,对既有建 筑的改造工程也越来越多。






关键词:铁路钢桁梁桥;高强螺栓连接;复杂边界条件;程序化设计中图分类号:U444 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-683X(2023)03-0052-06 DOI:10.19549/j.issn.1001-683x.2022.09.05.0020 引言高强螺栓连接具有施工简单、更换方便、受力性能好等优点,目前已广泛应用于铁路钢桁梁的制造与安装[1-7]。





桥梁设计的历史 汉英互译

桥梁设计的历史 汉英互译

The history of bridge designModern bridges, the focus of this article, began with the introduction of industrially produced iron. They have evolved over the past 200 years as engineers have come to understand better the new possibilities inherent first in cast iron, then in wrought iron and structural steel, and finally in reinforced and prestressed concrete. These materials have led to bridge designs that have broken completely with the designs in wood or stone that characterized bridges before the Industrial Revolution.本文介绍的重点-现代桥梁,开始于工业用铁的引入。



Industrial strength has been an important factor in the evolution of bridges. Great Britain, the leading industrialized country of the early 19th century, built the most significant bridges of that time. Likewise, innovations arose in the United States from the late 19th century through the mid-20th century and in Japan and Germany in subsequent decades. Switzerland, with its highly industrialized society, has also been a fertile ground for advances in bridge building.工业实力是桥梁发展的一个重要因素。



三门峡黄河公铁两用大桥总体设计及创新刘俊锋;宁伯伟;李华云【摘要】The Sanmenxia Yellow River rail-road bridge is a control projectof the railway coal transport corridor from Mengxi to Central China across the Yellow River. It carries double-track heavy-haul railway, double-track I-grade railway and six-lane expressway with a total length of 5 663. 754 m. The length of the rail-road joint construction section is 1 762. 733 m. The main bridge is a continuous steel truss composite girder bridge with a span of (84+9×108+84) m. The ste el truss girder is a three-piece main truss structure and the center distance between the middle truss and the side truss is 13. 6 m. Each piece of the main truss adopts triangular truss without vertical bar, the truss height is 15 m and the length of segment is 12 m. The lower railway deck is orthotropic integral steel deck, and the upper highway deck is a combined structure of concrete slab and main truss. The steel material is Q370 qE. The total design live load is 473. 2 kN/m. The pier is round end hollow structure and the foundation is constructed with bored piles. Hyperboloid seismic isolation bearings and reasonable structural treatment are adopted in main bridge, which effectively improves the seismic performance of the structure. The steel truss girder is constructed by incremental launching method and the highway deck is completed by precast erection method.%三门峡黄河公铁两用大桥为蒙西至华中地区铁路煤运通道跨越黄河的控制性工程,通行双线重载铁路、双线Ⅰ级铁路及6车道高速公路,全长5 663. 754 m,其中公铁合建段长1 762.733 m.主桥采用(84+9×108+84)m连续钢桁结合梁,钢桁梁为3片主桁结构,中边桁中心距13. 6 m,每片主桁均采用无竖杆的三角形桁架,桁高15 m,节间长12 m.下层铁路桥面采用正交异性整体钢桥面板;上层公路桥面采用混凝土板与主桁结合的组合结构.钢梁材质采用Q370qE.设计活载合计473. 2 k N/m.桥墩采用圆端形门式空心墩,基础采用钻孔桩基础.主桥采用双曲面减隔震支座及合理的构造处理有效提高了结构抗震性能.钢桁梁采用顶推法施工,公路桥面板采用预制架设法施工.【期刊名称】《铁道标准设计》【年(卷),期】2019(063)001【总页数】5页(P65-69)【关键词】重载铁路;连续钢桁结合梁;顶推法施工;桥面板结合;减隔震支座【作者】刘俊锋;宁伯伟;李华云【作者单位】中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司, 武汉 430056;中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司, 武汉 430056;中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司, 武汉 430056【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U448.12+11 工程概述三门峡黄河公铁两用大桥是蒙西至华中地区铁路煤运通道(以下简称“蒙华铁路”)、预留运城至三门峡铁路(以下简称“运三铁路”)及运三高速公路跨越黄河的共用桥梁,桥位距下游G209线三门峡黄河公路大桥约8.4 km,距下游三门峡坝址约28.9 km。



正交异性钢桥面板大跨度简支钢桁梁桥设计研究胡步毛【摘要】兰渝铁路新井口嘉陵江双线特大桥位于重庆市井口镇,该桥跨越既有渝怀铁路和襄渝铁路,受线路交角及桥下净空限制而采用128 m下承式简支钢桁梁。



%The new Jialing River Bridge on Lanzhou-Chongqing railway is located in Chongqing Jingkou Town, the bridge spans both the Chongqing-Huaihua railway and Xiangyang-Chongqing railway. Limited by line angle and bridge clear-ance, it uses a 128 m simply-supported steel truss girder bridge. This article describes the main form of truss structure, the structural features of orthotropic steel deck and construction programs;establishes a plane finite element model and a three-dimensional finite element model. It also comparatively analyzes the forces, the structure deformation and mechan-ical characteristics of the orthotropic steel deck, discusses the calculation method of effective width of orthotropic steel deck. For steel truss girder bridge with orthotropic steel deck, the aecuracy of the result calculated with graphic model can basically satisfy the demand in the preliminarydesign. After we take the valid width of steel deck, accurate results can be obtained by using the plane model.【期刊名称】《高速铁路技术》【年(卷),期】2014(000)006【总页数】6页(P75-79,90)【关键词】正交异性钢桥面板;简支钢桁梁桥;计算模型【作者】胡步毛【作者单位】中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都610031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U442.5+3随着我国铁路事业的发展, 钢桥被广泛应用于铁路建设中,其中下承式简支钢桁梁桥以其跨越能力较大、自重小、建筑高度低等优点,特别适合于线路需要跨越道路及净空受限的地方。

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CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING REPORTS ISSN 2080-5187CEER 2014; 15 (4): 113-126DOI: 10.1515/ceer-2014-0038 STRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE SHEAR FORCESIN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKSWojciech SIEKIERSKI1Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Engineering, PolandAbstractAt the steel-concrete interface, the horizontal shear forces that are transverse to cross beams occur due to joint action of the steel-concrete composite deck and the truss girders. Numerical analysis showed that values of the forces are big in comparison to the longitudinal shear forces. In both cases extreme force values occur near side edges of a slab. The paper studies possibilities of reduction of these shear forces by structural alterations of the following: rigidity of a concrete slab, arrangement of a wind bracing, arrangement of concrete slab expansion joints. An existing railway truss bridge span has been analysed. Numerical analysis shows that it is possible to reduce the values of shear forces transverse to cross beams. It may reach 20% near the side edges of slabs and 23% in the centre of slab width.Keywords: steel-concrete composite deck, shear force, truss bridge span1.STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKS OF RAILWAYTHROUGH BRIDGESRailway through bridges are bridges with deck situated between main girders - usually arches or trusses (in case of trusses deck is connected to their bottom flanges). For high-speed railway transport such bridges often have steel-concrete composite decks [2, 8]. For such railway bridges four types of structural forms of composite decks are distinguished [2]:1Corresponding author: Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland,e-mail:, tel.48616475834114 Wojciech SIEKIERSKI − concrete slab composited with steel deck system and bottom flanges of themain trusses,− concrete slab composited with bottom flanges of the main trusses only atnodes,− steel longitudinal and transverse girders composited with concrete slab, − orthotropic integral steel deck composited with concrete slab.In the case of narrow bridges, such as single track railway bridges, longitudinal beams are not necessary. Composite deck is created out of cross beams and concrete slab [5] - Fig. 1. Block shear connectors or studs are used (Fig. 2). Bridge spans of L t >30 m have the deck slab usually divided across into two or three parts. The expansion joints reduce slab tension due to thermal effects and joint action of deck and girders. They also reduce bending and shear in horizontal plane in cross beams.Cross beams are connected to truss flanges. In the case of I-shape flanges cross-section cross beams are connected to vertical ribs that stiffen flange webs. The web of each cross beam is connected to the appropriate rib of flange web withpair of steel plates - Fig. 3.Fig. 1. Decks of contemporary railway truss bridges:steel-concrete composite (left) and orthotropic (right)Fig. 2. Examples of shearconnectors in steel-concretecomposite deck: blockconnectors (top), studs(bottom)Fig. 3. Cross beam to truss flange connection; concrete slab removed due to refurbishment; longitudinal (1) and transverse (2) shear forces are markedSTRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE115 SHEAR FORCES IN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKS2.TRANSVERSE SHEAR FORCES IN COMPOSITE DECKSDUE TO VERTICAL LOADSIn the analysis of kind of decks shown in Fig. 1 (left) longitudinal shear forces (Fig. 3, symbol “1”) are assigned to cross beam bending while transverse shear forces (Fig. 3, symbol “2”) are assigned to shrinkage as well as train braking and acceleration. However transverse shear forces also depend on vertical loads (for example train weight) that imply joint action of deck and girders.Joint action of two structural members in bending is possible if they are connected in a way that prevents relative horizontal displacement (slip). Methods of analysis of longitudinal shear forces are well recognised and documented [1, 3]. Analysis of transverse shear forces cannot be carried out in a similar way because the shear forces at the steel-concrete interface act transversely to cross beams.The problem may be described in the same way as a traditional arrangement of steel-concrete composite member is considered, i.e. the concrete slab is assumed to be connected to bottom flanges of truss girders by cross beams that act as flexible connectors. Rigidity and load carrying capacity of both the concrete slab and the connection establish the intensity of the joint action of a deck and truss girders. The overall rigidity and load carrying capacity depend on respective parameters of:−concrete slab - span lengthwise,−shear connectors between concrete slab and steel cross beams,−steel cross beams, in horizontal plane,−connections of cross beams to truss flanges, in horizontal plane. Horizontal rigidity of a concrete slab along the span depends on the magnitude of tensile stresses in concrete. Uncracked or cracked slab behaviour is possible. In the former case the cross-sectional area of the slab should be considered while in the latter one the cross-sectional area of the main (longitudinal) slab reinforcement must be taken into consideration. Existence of the reinforcement also limits influence of creep and shrinkage of a concrete slab on the transverse shear forces due to joint action of a deck and girders.To provide a joint action of deck and truss girders shear connectors between concrete slab and steel cross beams have to withstand shear forces transverse to cross beams. In the case of block connectors it is easier to set load carrying capacity. It depends on the side area of the given connectors and their spacing along the cross beams. Load carrying capacity of block connectors depends on their side area and spacing along the cross beam. They may be assumed as being rigid up to their load carrying capacity or up to the load carrying capacity of the adjacent concrete. Stud connectors spacing across cross beams, i.e. in the116 Wojciech SIEKIERSKIdirection of transverse shear, is usually too small to allow for independent behaviour of each one in the row. So each row may be considered as so called multi-stud shear connector. The load carrying capacity of multi-stud shear connectors can not be calculated as multiplication of the load carrying capacity of a single stud times number of studs (additional safety factors must be applied), but rigidity may be taken as such [7].Top flanges of cross beams are connected to concrete slab that may be assumed as rigid in horizontal plane. Thus cross beam top flanges may be assumed as non deformable in horizontal plane between the outermost stiffeners in comparison with cross beam webs and bottom flanges that may deform in horizontal plane, though to certain extent. It depends on gusset plates of wind bracing that may constrain cross beams webs in midspan and in cross beam connection to truss flange ribs (Fig. 3). Analysis described in [6] shows that extreme stresses in cross beams are likely to occur near end of cross beam in its web just under top flange. They are caused by local bending of the web. Intense stress concentration may occur there leading to brittle fracture of cross beam web [6]. Cross beam webs are connected to vertical ribs of truss bottom flanges with pairs of steel plates (Fig. 3). Horizontal shear forces in steel cross beams are transferred to the connection mainly by cross beam top flanges since, due to their connection to concrete slab, they are the most rigid elements of cross beam section in a horizontal plane. Ribs of truss bottom flanges deform in the horizontal direction according to deformations of compliant cross beam webs. This deformation may be limited by existence of the horizontal gusset plate of wind bracing (Fig. 3). The load carrying capacity of the vertical ribs of truss flange in the horizontal plane may be analysed as rectangular plates fixed along two or three edges.The results of numerical analysis of the horizontal shear forces in steel-concrete composite deck of the railway truss bridge caused by joint action of deck and girders are presented in [4]. Computations showed that transverse shear forces may reach values comparable with those caused by local bending of cross beams (i.e. longitudinal shear forces). Extreme values of both shear forces (longitudinal and transverse) occurred near cross beam ends. Behaviour of existing structures under service loading does not show any evidence of excess of shear forces at concrete slab to cross beams connection. Nevertheless its load carrying capacity and fatigue strength may be reduced due to combination of shear forces.Presented discussion on the issues of composite deck behaviour is also applicable to transverse shear forces caused by train braking and acceleration. They are applied to a concrete slab through railway track and gravel as uniformly distributed load. Due to significant in-plane rigidity of the slab andSTRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE117 SHEAR FORCES IN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKSsimilarity of all cross beams it may be assumed that the forces are equally distributed among cross beams. Distribution of transverse shear forces along any particular cross beam depends on flexural rigidity in the horizontal plane and torsional rigidity of the steel part of the beam. Since steel cross beams are weak in horizontal plane the peaks of horizontal shear forces occur near joints, i.e. near girder flanges (near slab side edges) and near wind bracing connections.3.FACTORS OF MAGNITUDE OF TRANSVERSE SHEARFORCESIt is possible to reduce the magnitude of longitudinal shear forces in regular steel-concrete composite beams by appropriate variations of connector flexibility. The more flexible connector the less shear force it transfers. Increasing connector flexibility towards beam ends equalize shear force distribution along that beam (difference between shear force near the beam end and at midspan becomes smaller).Magnitude and distribution of transverse shear forces can also be altered. It can be achieved by altering longitudinal rigidity of a concrete slab, rigidity of shear connectors or transverse rigidity of cross beams in a horizontal plane. For the technical reasons the following structural factors are available:a)rigidity of concrete slab (elastic modulus) and its distribution across the slab(variable thickness),b)arrangement of wind bracing,c)arrangement of concrete slab expansion joints.Numerical analysis has been carried out to establish the extent of influence of the factors mentioned above on the magnitude of transverse shear forces in a composite deck caused by joint action of deck and girders.4.ANALYSED STRUCTUREExisting railway truss bridge span with steel-concrete composite deck is analysed. It represents several similar railway spans built in Poland over past 40 years. The span is presented in Figs. 4. Characteristics of the members of the main girders and deck are given in Table 1.Structural dimensions of the span are:−theoretical length: 51.0 m,−theoretical height of truss: 8.00 m,−truss girder spacing: 5.30 m,−cross beam spacing: 3.19 m,118 Wojciech SIEKIERSKI − deck slab is made of B35 concrete reinforced with bars of 18G2-b class steel(32φ25 in top and bottom layer); a slab expansion joint is created at a midspan,− shear connectors are made of the angles with stiffeners.Fig. 4. Elevation (left) and cross section (right) of analysed bridge span Table 1. Member characteristicsModel element A X[cm 2]I X [cm 4] I Y [cm 4] I Z [cm 4] D11, D12 (a half closer to D11)364 231 1669197 33358 D12 (a half closer to D13), D13, D14 (a half closer to D13),394 337 1878496 39608 D14 (a half closer to D21), D21 (a half closer to D14)494 1012 2586517 60441 D21 (a half closer to D22), D22÷D24474 794 2466298 56274 G1310 432 158183 41711 G2405 958 221373 58398 K1 (flanges situated vertically)244 243 87208 37514 K2 (flanges situated vertically)184 110 59471 25014 K3 (flanges situated vertically)134 58 40572 12803 K4 (flanges situated vertically)98 32 27393 4503 Pp (cross beams - steel plate girder)170 150 157119 5439 Wind bracing (top and bottom)31 9 632 632 Concrete slab: width 4,8 m, variable thickness (24÷32 cm), modelled with shell elements (8 width wise and 32 lengthwise)Note: OY axis is orthogonal to webs of D, G, K and Pp.STRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE119 SHEAR FORCES IN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKS5.SCOPE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSISThe bridge span described in the previous chapter was test loaded. Displacements of the bottom flange nodes and that of the strains of the bottom flange top fibres were recorded. Then computational model was created out of the beam and the shell element (Fig. 5). Beam elements represent truss members, bracings and cross beams while shell elements represent concrete slab. The model respects true levels of neutral axes of truss bottom flange, cross beams, concrete slab and wind bracing members as well as eccentricity of truss bottom flange in reference to theoretical truss flange axis. Test loading results were used to verify the computational model [4]. The model is shown in Fig. 5. It was crated with an aid of the Autodesk Robot package. Satisfactory results were obtained. Current analysis has been carried out based on the model described in [4]. The only amendment introduced for the current analysis is a variable concrete slab thickness in a span cross-section with 8 shell elements out of which each has an individual thickness.Fig. 5. Computational model of analysed bridge spanFive variations of basic numerical model were analysed. They are:−model 0 which is the model of existing structure,−model 1 which regards to an alternative distribution of concrete slab thickness,−model 2 which regards to an alternative elastic modulus of slab concrete,−model 3 which regards to an alternative wind bracing arrangement,−model 4 which regards to additional slab expansion joints.120 Wojciech SIEKIERSKIModel 1In this model distribution of the concrete slab thickness is altered. Drainage system of the deck slab in existing bridge is based on the concept of so called sections i.e. the slab is divided into individually drained parts. Each part has its own inlet pipe in the slab width centre (Fig. 6). Thus the slab is the thickest near side edges and over every second cross beam. Model 1 assumes alternative system: transverse and longitudinal slopes combined and inlet pipes situated near the slab sides. Thus the deck slab is the thinnest near the side edges (near the ends of the cross beams).Fig. 6. Existing (a) and alternative (b) drainage system of deck slabModel 2In this model elastic modulus of the concrete slab is altered. It is possible to make the slab out of more or less rigid concrete. Properties of the concrete mix may be altered by lack or presence of certain admixtures. To represent such an alternative 10% decrease of elastic modulus of concrete is assumed in the model 2.Model 3In this model arrangement of the bottom wind bracing is altered. Wind bracing of the existing structure has so called “K” layout. Model 3 considers an alternative , “double X”, layout. For both layouts, which are shown in Fig. 7 , the same bracing cross-section was used (pair of angles).Fig. 7. Existing (a) and alternative (b) arrangement of wind bracing at deck levelSTRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE121 SHEAR FORCES IN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKSModel 4In this model arrangement of concrete slab expansion joints is altered. The concrete slab of the existing span is divided into two parts - an expansion joint is situated at ½·L t. The two parts are meant to deform independently. Model 4 assumes additional expansion joints at ¼·L t and ¾·L t. - slab division into four parts. It is shown in Fig. 8.For the five described models dead and live loads were considered. Dead load includes weight of railway track, gravel and fittings. Live load includes weight of the load model LM71 of k=+2 class with appropriate dynamic coefficient. Load scheme producing extreme bending moment at midspan has been analysed.Fig. 8. Existing (a) and alternative (b) arrangement of slab expansion joints(marked with ||)Transverse shear forces have been calculated for the following cross beams: Pp1, Pp3, Pp5, Pp7, Pp9 (Fig. 4). The forces were computed as the difference of membrane forces in an appropriate shell elements on the both sides of the given cross beam.6.RESULTS OF NUMERICAL ANALYSISThe values of horizontal shear forces (which are transverse to cross beams and occur at the steel-concrete interface) obtained from the analysed models have been compared.Extreme values of transverse shear forces obtained for the analysed cross beams are shown in Fig. 9. It can be observed that extreme values of the forces computed for structural alterations applied in the models 1÷4 are in general122 Wojciech SIEKIERSKIsmaller than the values of the respective shear forces obtained for the existing structural arrangement (the model 0). Increase of values of the transverse shear force can be seen in the centre of slab width for the structural alteration used in the model 1 (6%) and near slab edges for the structural alteration used in the model 3 (1%).STRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE123 SHEAR FORCES IN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKSFig. 10 presents the values of the transverse shear forces from Fig. 9 in relationship to the results obtained for the existing structural arrangement (the model 0). Critical (extreme) values of transverse shear forces occur near the slab side edges. Structural alterations used in the models 1, 2 and 4 provide ∼8% reduction of the force value while the structural alteration used in the model 3 provides 1% increase. Fig. 10 shows that the most effective, in terms of the reduction of the values of transverse shear force, is the structural alteration applied in the model 4. For this alteration the reduction within the range of 9÷47% was computed. The alteration applied in the model 3 is more effective in the slab centre.The values of transverse shear forces acting on subsequent cross beams near the side edge of a slab and in the centre of a slab width are given in Fig. 11a and Fig. 11b respectively. It can be seen that variations of transverse shear forces in the models 0÷3 are similar. The differences obtained from the model 4 are caused by additional expansion joints. In the case of both existing and altered arrangements of expansion joints the extreme transverse shear forces occur at the cross beam in the middle of the bridge span. Structural alterations applied in the models 1 and 2 provide decrease of values of the transverse shear forces near the side edge of a slab and increase of values of shear forces in the centre of a slab width. The structural alteration applied the model 3 leads to more even distribution of the transverse shear forces in the centre of a slab width along the bridge span.a)124 Wojciech SIEKIERSKIFig. 11. Values of shear forces transverse to cross beams acting on subsequent cross beams near slab side edge (a) and in the slab width centre (b)7.CONCLUSION1.In the view of the results of numerical analysis transverse shear forces at thesteel-concrete interface in composite deck caused by joint action of the deck and main girders may be reduced due to structural alterations.2.Examples of structural alterations that reduce the extreme values of shearforces transverse to cross beams are: a) change of distribution of the slab thickness (by changing concrete slab drainage system), b) change of deformability of slab concrete (by changing elastic modulus of concrete),c) change of cross beams kinematic constraints (by changing arrangement ofwind bracing at cross beam level), d) change of overall characteristics of joint action of deck and girders (by changing arrangement of deck slab expansion joints).3.Numerical analyses show that the most effective are methods c) and d). Themethod c) provides reduction of the extreme transverse shear forces in the middle of the slab width centre (up to 19%) while the method d) does it near slab edges (up to 9%).4.The methods c) and d), applied in existing railway truss bridges with steel-concrete composite decks, would reduce stress level in cross beams at their connections to truss girders.REFERENCES1.Furtak K., Mosty zespolone, PWN, Warszawa 1999STRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF RAILWAY TRUSS BRIDGES AFFECTING TRANSVERSE125 SHEAR FORCES IN STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE DECKS2.Hou W., Ye M., Design methods of headed studs for composite decks ofthrough steel bridges in high-speed railway, J. Cent. South Univ. 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Technol., 14 (2007) 120−124.KONSTRUKCYJNE ASPEKTY KOLEJOWYCH MOSTÓW KRATOWNICOWYCH DECYDUJĄCE O POPRZECZNYCH SIŁACH ROZWARSTWIAJĄCYCHW POMOSTACH ZESPOLONYCHS t r e s z c z e n i eWspółpraca pomostu zespolonego z kratownicowymi dźwigarami głównymi wzbudza poprzeczne siły rozwarstwiające w styku belek poprzecznych i betonowej płyty pomostowej. W pracy przeanalizowano numerycznie wpływ niektórych aspektów konstrukcyjnych przęsła kratownicowego mostu kolejowego na poprzeczne siły rozwarstwiające w pomoście zespolonym. Wykorzystano model obliczeniowy zweryfikowany wynikami badań przęsła pod próbnym obciążeniem. Analizowano wpływ czterech modyfikacji układu istniejącego, uwzględnionego w modelu pierwotnym. Były to odmienny układ stężeńwiatrowych (…X” zamiast …K”), mniejszy rozstaw poprzecznych przerw dylatacyjnych w płycie pomostowej (trzy w przęśle zamiast jednej). Stwierdzono, że zmiana układu stężeńwiatrowych wywołuje największąredukcję ekstremalnych poprzecznych sił rozwarstwiających w środku szerokości płyty, natomiast zwiększenie liczby poprzecznych przerw dylatacyjnych płyty powoduje największąredukcjępoprzecznych sił rozwarstwiających w sąsiedztwie bocznych krawędzi płyty. Zabiegi zmiany układu stężeńwiatrowych w poziomie pomostu oraz126 Wojciech SIEKIERSKIzwiększenia liczby dylatacji płyty pomostu, zastosowane w istniejących kolejowych mostach kratownicowych z pomostem zespolonym, spowodują także redukcję wytężenia poprzecznic w połączeniach z dźwigarami głównymi.Słowa kluczowe: stalowo-betonowy pomost zespolony, siły ścinające, most kratownicowyEditor received the manuscript: 4.07.2014。
