Enhanced Field Emission from Printed Carbon Nanotubes by Hard Hairbrush




铝掺杂对氧化锌基摩擦纳米发电机输出性能的影响林金堂; 李典伦; 阮璐; 丘志榕; 王嘉鑫【期刊名称】《《电子元件与材料》》【年(卷),期】2019(038)010【总页数】5页(P39-43)【关键词】摩擦纳米发电机; 掺铝氧化锌薄膜; 溶胶-凝胶法; 正摩擦材料; 垂直接触-分离模式【作者】林金堂; 李典伦; 阮璐; 丘志榕; 王嘉鑫【作者单位】福州大学物理与信息工程学院福建福州 350108【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB34摩擦纳米发电机(TENG)具有质量轻、体积小、成本低廉、制备工艺简单、稳定性好、使用寿命长等一系列优点,在能源领域和移动电子设备领域有着广泛的应用前景[1-5]。




在掺杂 ZnO系列材料中,铝掺杂氧化锌(AZO)具有失电子能力较强、电学性能可优化、化学稳定性高和机电耦合性良好等优点[17],因此对ZnO进行Al掺杂是提高ZnO基TENG输出性能的有效方法。

本文采用溶胶-凝胶工艺制备AZO 薄膜,以其作为正摩擦材料制备垂直接触-分离结构的TENG,研究Al掺杂浓度对AZO基TENG输出性能的影响。

1 实验1.1 AZO薄膜的制备采用溶胶-凝胶法制备AZO薄膜,获得Al掺杂浓度为摩尔分数2%~20%的AZO 薄膜,本实验所用的化学试剂均购买自上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司,其具体制备过程如下:(1)AZO溶胶的制备:将二水合醋酸锌在室温条件下溶解在50 mL的乙二醇甲醚中,并使用磁力搅拌器搅拌1 h,配置成锌离子浓度为0.6 mol/L的溶液。



赤铁矿Fe2O3纳米片的形貌调控及其气敏性研究陈立桥;张文惠;张伟德;吴明娒【摘要】通过简单的溶剂热方法制备了一种单分散纳米结构α-Fe2O3,其形貌和大小能够通过水的量来调变.随着水量的增加,0001面的表面积逐渐减小,厚度逐渐增加.对样品的气敏性测试分析发现,随α-Fe2O3片0001面表面积的减小,样品对乙醇的响应能力逐渐减弱.此外,结晶性差的样品也会表现出相对弱的气敏性.【期刊名称】《材料研究与应用》【年(卷),期】2010(004)004【总页数】5页(P458-462)【关键词】三氧化二铁;纳米片;溶剂热合成;气敏性【作者】陈立桥;张文惠;张伟德;吴明娒【作者单位】中山大学光电材料与技术国家重点实验室,化学与化学工程学院,广东,广州,510275;昆明贵金属研究所,云南,昆明,650221;华南理工大学化学与化学工程学院,广东,广州,510640;华南理工大学化学与化学工程学院,广东,广州,510640;中山大学光电材料与技术国家重点实验室,化学与化学工程学院,广东,广州,510275【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB303材料的性能与所采用的合成方法和制备过程有很大的关系,不同合成方法和制备过程所获得的样品组成、结构、形貌、结晶性等均会有很大不同,而其相应的性能也随之不同.单一形貌的纳米结构为系统研究材料的性能提供了最好的机会.因此,科学工作者付出了大量的努力来控制合成不同形貌的材料并研究它们的生长过程和控制机理[1-2].赤铁矿α-Fe2 O3由于其固有的无毒、环境友好以及优异的抗腐蚀性能而备受关注.最近,α-Fe2 O3也被用于光电极[3]、场发射[4]、气敏性[5-6]、锂离子电池负极材料[7]、环保领域[8]、催化[9]和磁相关领域[10]的研究.本文采用先前报道的简单溶剂热法[11]制备了单分散的α-Fe2 O3纳米片,并通过改变反应过程中水的用量,实现了对α-Fe2 O3纳米片形貌和大小的调控.通过对四个典型样品进行的比表面积和气敏性测试研究,进一步探讨了样品的气敏性与晶体的比表面积、显露晶面种类和大小、晶粒的结晶性之间的关系.所有原料均由市场购得,未做任何纯化处理.纳米片合成的典型过程是将固体氯化铁(FeCl3·6 H 2 O)溶于无水乙醇并配制成浓度为1 mol/L的溶液,取一定量的此溶液加入到25 m L聚四氟乙烯内衬内,再加入10 m L乙醇和一定量的蒸馏水.在磁力搅拌下十分钟后,慢慢加入0.8 g的无水乙酸钠;继续搅拌30 min后封釜,放入18℃烘箱内水热12 h;将反应釜取出,自然冷却至室温;开釜,将所得物离心过滤,收集固体产品,然后用无水乙醇和蒸馏水反复洗涤多次,最后将产物置于60℃烘箱内干燥,以待进一步测试表征.样品的结构特性采用配备石墨单色器的RIGAKU D/MAX 2200 VPC粉末X射线衍射仪进行表征,使用Cu-Kα 射线(λ=0.1541 nm),操作电压和电流分别为40 k V和30 m A.实验结果对照粉末X射线衍射标准卡(JCPDS)进行定性分析.样品的组织形貌采用荷兰飞利浦FEI Quanta 400热场发射扫描电镜来观察和分析,其加速电压为15 k V.SEM样品根据如下程序制备:先将样品均匀分散,然后将其分散液滴在小玻片上并自然晾干,最后将玻片粘贴在铜台上抽真空和喷金.气敏特性是利用试样制成气敏元件后进行测试的,其制作方式如下:先将纳米粉体与粘合剂的混合物用松油醇调成浆糊状,再均匀涂抹在带有四个铂金丝陶瓷管的两电极之间,晾干后于500℃烧结1 h;最后连接好引线成型.通过高精度电压测量仪测量元件暴露在空气中和暴露在被测气体中时的负载电阻两端电压值,再依据电路中电压与电阻的关系计算出元件电阻.元件在空气和不同气体(或同一气体在不同浓度下)中的电阻值分别用R a和R g表示.在上述实验条件下,通过改变水的量获得了四个典型形貌和尺寸连续变化的样品.这里选择的水加入量分别为0.3,0.7,1.2和2.5 ml,对应样品号为1号~4号.对合成样品进行粉末X射线衍射分析的结果如图1所示,所有衍射峰均与JCPDS卡片号33-0664(a=b=0.5036 nm及c=1.3749 nm)相对应,确认该样品是赤铁矿型三氧化二铁、没有杂相.对其(101-4)与(112-0)晶面衍射的半峰宽计算发现:随着水量的增加,其112-0峰的半峰宽值逐渐增加,而101-4峰的半峰宽值逐渐降低,表明水量能连续的调变产物的形貌.1号~4号样品的形貌如图2所示,证实了样品形貌的连续变化规律.四个样品的宽度分别约为400,180,60和40 nm,其厚度分别约为8,10,15和40 nm.因此,很容易计算这四个样品的宽厚比率为50,18,4和1.这种晶面相对大小具有连续变化样品为研究材料的性能提供非常好的机会.由于纳米材料的很多物理化学性能都具有尺寸效应,而这种效应往往与其比表面积有关.因此,为了研究四个不同形貌样品的气敏性,本文首先对样品进行了比表面积测试,其结果列于表1.从表中可以看出,1号样品具有最大的比表面积,BET值达到36.7967 m2/g,而其它三个样品的比表面积小了很多,说明1号样品由于片很薄,各向异性明显,且由于水量少,其结晶性不是很好,表面比较粗糙,侧边多齿轮状,从而更易于吸附气体,故比表面积值很大.随后三个样品的比表面积值依次增加但相互差值很小,表明虽然它们的形貌在明显变化,即宽厚比在减小,但其比表面积没有发生太大变化.图3是四个不同样品分别在240,270和330℃时,对50 ppm乙醇的响应曲线.从图中容易看出,所有样品在270℃下对乙醇具有最好的响应能力,响应时间约为100 s;其次240℃比330℃时具有更好的响应.通过比较270℃最佳响应温度下四个样品的响应能力发现:2号样品对乙醇具有最好的响应能力,其次分别为3号,4号和1号样品,如图4所示.对于2号,3号和4号样品,其对乙醇的响应能力与前面比表面积值正好相反,即对于比表面积越小的样品,其对乙醇的响应能力越强.这一点似乎有些不太合理,因为气敏性和BET原理都是基于固体表面对气体的吸附.然而,金属氧化物气体传感器的响应机理很复杂.一般来说,影响传感器气敏性能的主要因素有三个,即吸附、转换及利用率[12].吸附因素主要是指氧化物与被测气体在表面的相互作用,其中氧化物表面氧的状态是影响吸附的主要因素.转换因素则是指气敏元件把氧化物与气体相互作用的信号转换成电信号的能力,它与氧化物的传输载流子的能力、结晶性和掺杂等都有关.利用率是指内部氧化物与被测气体接触的可能性,它与氧化物表层的空洞大小、粗糙度以及气体的扩散深度等有关系.结合以前报道的分析[11],α-Fe2 O3 的(0001)面是极性面,它对乙醇有着最好的吸附能力,2号,3号和4号这三个样品的(0001)面表面积依次减小,因此虽然三个样品的比表面积轻微的增加,但由于对乙醇吸附能力较强的(0001)面表面积的明显减小,使样品对乙醇的响应能力逐渐减弱.对1号样品而言,由于在合成时水量较少,导致结晶性不是很好,尤其是其表面位置存在一些缺陷和微晶[11],影响了其导电性能,即气体与样品相互作用的信号转换成电信号的能力减低,从而导致气敏性反而不好.(1)通过采用简单的溶剂热方法,制备了一种六方片状单分散纳米α-Fe2 O3;通过调节水的用量,可获得不同形貌和尺寸的样品;随着水量的增加,α-Fe2O3片的(0001面)表面积逐渐减小,厚度逐渐增加.(2)对样品的气敏性测试分析发现,随样品的(0001)面表面积减小,样品对乙醇的响应能力逐渐减弱.(3)结晶性好的样品,由于气体与样品相互作用的信号转换成电信号的能力强,从而显示出的更好的气敏性.【相关文献】[1]YIN Y,ALIVISATOS A P.Colloidal nanocrystal synthesis and the organic-inorganic interface[J].Nature,2005,437 ,664-670.[2]冯怡,马天翼,刘蕾,等.无机纳米晶的形貌调控及生长机理研究[J].中国科学B辑:化学,2009,39(9):864-886.[3]ZHONG D K,SUN J W,INUMARU H,et al.Solar water oxidation by composite catalyst/alpha-Fe2 O3 photoanodes[J].Journal of the American Chemical Society,2009,131(17):6086-6090.[4]ZHENG Z,LIAO L,YAN B,et al.Enhanced field emission from argon plasma-treated ultra-sharp alpha-Fe2 O3 Nanoflakes[J].Nanoscale Research Letters 2009,4(9):1115-1119.[5]CHEN J,XU L N,LI W Y,et al.Alpha-Fe2 O3 nanotubes in gas sensor and lithium-ion battery applications[J].Advanced Materials,2005,17(5):582-586.[6]JIN W,DONG B T,CHEN W,et al.Synthesis and gas sensing properties of Fe2 O3 nanoparticles activated V2 O5 nanotubes[J].Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2010,145(1):211-215.[7]CHOU S L,WANG J Z,WEXLER D,et al.High-surface-area alpha-Fe2 O3/carbon nanocomposite:one-step synthesis and its highly reversible and enhanced highrate lithium storage properties[J].Journal of Materials Chemistry,2010,20(11):2092-2098.[8]张汝冰,刘宏英,李凤生.均匀沉淀法制备TiO2及其在环保方面的应用[J].环境化学,1999,18(6):579-583.[9]SHAIKH N S,ENTHALER S,JUNGE K,et al.Ironcatalyzed enantioselective hydrosilylation of ketones[J].Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2008,47(13):2497-2501.[10]焦华,杨合情,王庆相,等.Fe3 O4核桃形球状颗粒和八面体微晶结构的可控合成与磁学性质[J].中国科学E辑:技术科学,2008,38(9):1478-1486.[11]CHEN Liqiao,YANG Xianfeng,CHEN Jian,et al.Inorganic Chemistry,2010,49(18):8411-8420.[12]田俐.尖晶石型钴氧化物纳米结构材料的调控制备与性能研究[M].广州:中山大学,2009.。



Key FeaturesA new frame of mind.No other full frame, interchangeable-lens camera is this light or this portable. 24.3 MP of rich detail. A true-to-life 2.4 million dot OLED viewfinder. Wi-Fi sharing and an expandable shoe system. It’s all the full-frame performance you ever wanted in a compact size that will change your perspective entirely.World’s smallest lightest interchangeable lens full-frame cameraSony’s Exmor image sensor takes full advantage of the Full-frame format, but in a camera body less than half the size and weight of a full-frame DSLR.Full Frame 24.3 MP resolution with 14-bit RAW outputA whole new world of high-quality images are realized through the 24.3 MP effective 35 mm full-frame sensor, a normal sensor range of ISO 100 – 25600, and a sophisticated balance of high resolving power, gradation and low noise. The BIONZ® X image processor enables up to 5 fps high-speed continuous shooting and 14-bit RAW image data recording.Fast Hybrid AF w/ phase-detection for DSLR-like focusing speedEnhanced Fast Hybrid auto focus combines speedy phase-detection AF with highly accurate contrast-detection AF , which has been accelerated through a new Spatial Object Detection algorithm, to achieve among the fastest autofocusing performance of any full-frame camera. First, phase-detection AF with 117 densely placed phase-detection AF points swiftly and efficiently moves the lens to bring the subject nearly into focus. Then contrast-detection AF with wide AF coverage fine-tunes the focusing in the blink of an eye.Fast Intelligent AF for responsive, accurate, and greater operability with full frame sensorThe high-speed image processing engine and improved algorithms combine with optimized image sensor read-out speed to achieve ultra high-speed AF despite the use of a full-frame sensor.New Eye AF controlEven when capturing a subject partially turned away from the camera with a shallow depth of field, the face will be sharply focused thanks to extremely accurate eye detection that can prioritize a single pupil. A green frame appears over the prioritized eye when focus has been achieved for easy confirmation. Eye AF can be used when the function is assigned to a customizable button, allowing users to instantly activate it depending on the scene.Fully compatible with Sony’s E-mount lens system and new full-frame lensesTo take advantage of the lightweight on-the-go body, the α7 is fully compatible with Sony’s E-mount lens system and expanded line of E-mount compact and lightweight full-frame lenses from Carl Zeiss and Sony’s premier G-series.Direct access interface for fast, intuitive shooting controlQuick Navi Pro displays all major shooting options on the LCD screen so you can rapidly confirm settings and make adjustments as desired without searching through dedicated menus. When fleeting shooting opportunities arise, you’ll be able to respond swiftly with just the right settings.High contrast 2.4M dot OLED EVF for eye-level framingView every scene in rich detail with the XGA OLED Tru-Finder, which features OLED improvements and the same 3-lens optical system used in the flagship α99. The viewfinder faithfully displays what will appear in your recording, including the effects of your camera settings, so you can accurately monitor the results. You’ll enjoy rich tonal gradations and 3 times the contrast of the α99. High-end features like 100% frame coverage and a wide viewing angle are also provided.3.0" 1.23M dot LCD tilts for high and low angle framingILCE-7K/Ba7 (Alpha 7) Interchangeable Lens CameraNo other full frame, interchangeable-lens camera is this light or this portable. 24.3 MP of rich detail. A true-to-life 2.4 million dot OLED viewfinder. Wi-Fi ® sharing and an expandable shoe system. It’s all the full-frame performance you ever wanted in a compact size that will change your perspective entirely.The tiltable 3.0” (1,229k dots) Xtra Fine™ LCD Display makes it easy to photograph over crowds or low to capture pets eye to eye by swinging up approx. 84° and down approx. 45°. Easily scroll through menus and preview life thanks to WhiteMagic™ technology that dramatically increases visibility in bright daylight. The large display delivers brilliant-quality still images and movies while enabling easy focusing operation.Simple connectivity to smartphones via Wi-Fi® or NFCConnectivity with smartphones for One-touch sharing/One-touch remote has been simplified with Wi-Fi®/NFC control. In addition to Wi-Fi support for connecting to smartphones, the α7 also supports NFC (near field communication) providing “one touch connection” convenience when transferring images to Android™ smartphones and tablets. Users need only touch devices to connect; no complex set-up is required. Moreover, when using Smart Remote Control — a feature that allows shutter release to be controlled by a smartphone — connection to the smartphone can be established by simply touching compatible devices.New BIONZ X image processing engineSony proudly introduces the new BIONZ X image processing engine, which faithfully reproduces textures and details in real time, as seen by the naked eye, via extra high-speed processing capabilities. Together with front-end LSI (large scale integration) that accelerates processing in the earliest stages, it enables more natural details, more realistic images, richer tonal gradations and lower noise whether you shoot still images or movies.Full HD movie at 24p/60i/60p w/uncompressed HDMI outputCapture Full 1920 x 1080 HD uncompressed clean-screen video files to external recording devices via an HDMI® connection in 60p and 60i frame-rates. Selectable in-camera A VCHD™ codec frames rates include super-smooth 60p, standard 60i or cinematic 24p. MP4 codec is also available for smaller files for easier upload to the web.Up to 5 fps shooting to capture the decisive momentWhen your subject is moving fast, you can capture the decisive moment with clarity and precision by shooting at speeds up to 5 frames per second. New faster, more accurate AF tracking, made possible by Fast Hybrid AF, uses powerful predictive algorithms and subject recognition technology to track every move with greater speed and precision. PlayMemories™ Camera Apps allows feature upgradesPersonalize your camera by adding new features of your choice with PlayMemories Camera Apps. Find apps to fit your shooting style from portraits, detailed close-ups, sports, time lapse, motion shot and much more. Use apps that shoot, share and save photos using Wi-Fi that make it easy to control and view your camera from smartphone, and post photos directly to Facebook or backup images to the cloud without connecting to a computer.114K Still image output by HDMI8 or Wi-Fi for viewing on 4K TVsEnjoy Ultra High Definition slide shows directly from the camera to a compatible 4K television. The α7 converts images for optimized 4K image size playback (8MP). Enjoy expressive rich colors and amazing detail like never before. Images can be viewed via an optional HDMI or WiFi.Vertical Grip CapableEnjoy long hours of comfortable operation in the vertical orientation with this sure vertical grip, which can hold two batteries for longer shooting and features dust and moisture protection.Mount AdaptorsBoth of these 35mm full-frame compatible adaptors let you mount the α7R with any A-mount lens. The LA-EA4 additionally features a built-in AF motor, aperture-drive mechanism and Translucent Mirror Technology to enable continuous phase-detection AF. Both adaptors also feature a tripod hole that allows mounting of a tripod to support large A-mount lenses.Specifications1. Among interchangeable-lens cameras with an full frame sensor as of October 20132. Records in up to 29 minute segments.3. 99 points when an APS-C lens compatible with Fast Hybrid AF is mounted.7. Actual performance varies based on settings, environmental conditions, and usage. Battery capacity decreases over time and use.8. Requires compatible BRA VIA HDTV and cable sold separately.9. Auto Focus function available with Sony E-Mount lenses and Sony A-mount SSM and SAM series lenses when using LA-EA2/EA4 lens adaptor.。



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Fig. 1 External appearance of SU5000 FE-SEM New Schottky FE-SEM, SU5000Shigeaki Tachibana *1 William Podrazky *2Introduction1. Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) are used for observation and analysis in various fields. Since Field Emission SEM (FE-SEM) equipped with a field emission electron gun source provide higher resolution than those equipped with a thermionic emission electron gun source, the user base for FE-SEM has broadened significantly due to the need to observe specimen features continually decreasing in size. FE-SEMs are increasingly recognized as a tool for performing various surface analyses, however detection technologies for various signals generated from specimens have advanced beyond topographic observation alone. Typically the operator must utilize previous knowledge, training, and skill in microscopy to generate desirable results; therefore, optimal performance may vary based on experience level. For example, optimal performance may not be realized as a result of improper optical axis alignment or astigmatism correction, utilizing unsuitable accelerating voltage(s), or other parameters. Integrating an automated solution for these problems would allow the user to focus on obtaining comprehensive results under the best possible conditions at all times. Hitachi High-Technologies has developed a novel user interface which augments conventional SEM techniques to assist these problems. The “EM Wizard” user interface was developed to bring “new usability” to EM operators of various levels of experience. This Schottky FE-SEM, the SU5000, incorporated with EM Wizard interface, launched in August 2014 (Fig. 1).Fig. 2 EM Wizard, objectives selection screen.New Interface: EM Wizard2. With EM Wizard, rather than setting individual conditions such as the accelerating voltage, working distance, detector, and other parameters, the operator can select an “Observation Purpose,” such as “Surface Information” or “Elemental Information,” from a selection menu (*2). On the screen, a Radar Chart displays the type of content that will be acquired (resolution, surface information, elemental composition), and a simulated SEM image representing how a specimen will appear under each observational objective. This information provides a visual understanding of SEM image characteristics that can guide the operator in selecting these objectives (Fig. 2). When an “Observation Purpose” is selected, related system parameters are set automatically (e.g., accelerating voltage, working distance, detector), and optical axis parameters as well as astigmatism corrections are adjusted to optimal values. Simply by adjusting the brightness/contrast and focus, the operator can easily acquire high quality images at consistent resolution. In addition to an applications selection menu, what makes these functions possible are high-precision automation technologies initially developed for Critical Dimension (CD) SEM. CD-SEM are entirely automated, and must provide highly reproducible measurements, optical axis alignments, and other adjustments; EM Wizard has been designed to use these automation technologies to reproduce and maintain highly precise adjustments invariably. Because optical axis alignment and astigmatism correction values change with lens conditions over time, they cannot be maintained for long periods, even if stored in the system. However, EM Wizard includes an auto-calibration function which automatically restores parameters to optimal values responsive to long-term changes in lens conditions (*3), eliminating any need for proficiency in readjustment procedures. This feature makes it easier for the operator to obtain images in focus, maintain high reproducibility, and acquire data efficiently. Figure 3 is an example of a catalyst observed at 200,000× magnification after auto-calibration with the use of EM Wizard. Metal particles several nm in size are discernible during operation without complex adjustment.Fig. 4 Observation of lithium ion battery positive electrode. Left: Secondary electron image. Right: Backscattered electron image.Magnification: 25,000×.Fig. 3. Catalyst observation. Magnification: 200,000×Low-energy observation3. In addition to the assistance functions provided by automation as shown above, the SU5000 is equipped with optical and detection systems suitable for any variety of analysis required. The emitter used is a Schottky-type device which delivers a spatial resolution of 2.0 nm at 1 kV (*4) and high probe current (>200 nA). Figure 4 is an example of the positive electrode of a lithium-ion battery observed at a landing voltage of 0.3 kV. The positive electrode of Lithium ion batteries is comprised of an active substance consisting of conductors, binders, and other elements. However, some binder materials cannot withstand electron beam irradiation and must be observed at the lowest possible energy. The left image in Fig. 4 was produced by a secondary electron detector mounted inside the electron column, and the right image was produced by a backscattered electron detector inserted below the lens. In the secondary electron image, the binder appears dark by voltage contrast, while the backscattered electron image allows for distribution of contrast based on each material. In this example, multiple signals are used to evaluate different components of the electrode including topographic and compositional distributions. It is inferred that the enhanced voltage contrast in the secondary electron image is attributed to differences in the charge effect of each material due to the secondary electron generation efficiency when irradiated by very low-energy incident electrons.4.Concluding RemarksThe SU5000 was developed to address the various needs of SEM users in materials science, biomedicine, and many other fields. As the FE-SEM grows in popularity, Hitachi will continually place importance on functions such as EM Wizard, which are capable of providing high-resolution and optimized contrast images with high reproducibility, regardless of the user experience level.(*2)Patent No. 5416319(*3)Patent No. 5464534(*4)With use of deceleration mode (optional)ReferencesSato M., History of Technologies in high resolution SEM, Kobunshi, 9 (2014)(Japanese).Authors*1 Shigeaki Tachibana, Hitachi High-Technologies Corp., Marketing Department*2 William Podrazky, Hitachi High-Technologies America, Inc.。



Tunable Fluorescence Conjugated Copolymers Consisting of Tetraphenylethylene and Fluorene Units:From Aggregation-Induced Emission Enhancement to Dual-Channel Fluorescence ResponseJianbing Shi,1Yanmei Wu,1Shu Sun,1Bin Tong,1Junge Zhi,2Yuping Dong11School of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing100081,China2School of Chemistry,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing100081,ChinaCorrespondence to:J.Shi(E-mail:bing@)or Y.Dong(E-mail:chdongyp@)Received12July2012;accepted6September2012;published online28September2012DOI:10.1002/pola.26377ABSTRACT:A series of new conjugated polymers PTPE x F y, which consist of tetraphenylethylene(TPE)units and fluorene (F)units,have been designed and synthesized by Suzuki cross-coupling polymerization.The polymers PTPE x F y exhibited aggregation-induced emission enhancement and dual-channel fluorescence response(DCFR)when they were aggregated in solution,and these properties are related with their TPE-to-F ratio in the polymer backbone.For PTPE and PTPE0.5F0.5,the fluorescence emission was enhanced by aggregation when water was added into their THF solutions.For the copolymers PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9,the DCFRs were observed when they were aggregated by adding water into their solution,which can be attributed to the different responses of fluorene segments and TPE segments to aggrega-tion.The fluorene segments have an aggregation-caused quenching characteristic,whereas the TPE segments have an aggregation-induced emission characteristic.According to the fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield data of the polymer solutions,we have discovered that the polymer’s natural life time increases as its TPE content increases.In the solid film, PTPE0.3F0.7and PTPE0.2F0.8showed better quantum yield than other polymers,due to the combination of the excellent fluo-rescent property of the fluorene groups and the nonplanar con-formation of the TPE groups.V C2012Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Polym Sci Part A:Polym Chem51:229–240,2013KEYWORDS:aggregation-induced emission enhancement (AIEE);conjugated polymer;copolymerization;dual-channel fluorescence response(DCFR);fluorene;luminescence;tetra-phenylethylene(TPE)INTRODUCTION Conjugated polymers(CPs)have found a wide utility in a variety of applications such as electronics,1–3 optoelectronics,4–7and sensory materials.8–11Because of their rigid conformation,they have a high tendency to aggregate both in solution and in solid state.Such aggregation leads to the dissipation of excitation energy and ultimately limits their practical applications in the aforementioned fields.Several methods have been developed to increase the quantum effi-ciency of the CPs by overcoming aggregation,for instance,by attaching large flexible side chains or branched polyionic side chains to suppress aggregation of the polymer chains,12–14or by incorporating a sterically hindered repeat unit(RU)into the CPs backbone to form a slightly twisted polymer struc-ture and hence reduce aggregation.15,16However,side chain modifications generally result in large interpolymer separa-tions that can reduce the charge and energy transfer between main chains.Incorporating iptycene units into CP main chains can effectively prevent interchain p–p interactions without isolating the chains;however,the synthesis of iptycene deriv-atives is time-consuming and requires multiple steps.Nonpla-nar propeller-shaped luminogens such as hexaphenylsilole were synthesized in2001,17,18and their light emissions can be turned‘‘on’’by aggregation formation.That is,the silole derivatives were nonemissive in dilute solutions but became highly luminescent when their molecules were aggregated in concentrated solutions or cast into solid films.This unusual fluorescence phenomenon was termed as‘‘aggregation-induced emission’’(AIE)by Tang and coworkers.17The novel AIE systems can successfully solve the quenching problem when luminescence needs to be used at high concentrations, even in solid state.Since then,a series of AIE and aggrega-tion-induced emission enhancement(AIEE)materials have been synthesized and their optoelectronic and biological applications have been explored.19–21However,most of the reported works focus on designing new small organic mole-cules or oligomers,and fully conjugated AIE or AIEE poly-mers are still rarely reported.22–24Among the AIE luminogens,tetraphenylethene(TPE)deriva-tives have been extensively studied because of its facile syn-thesis,easy functionalization,and high fluorescence quantumAdditional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article. V C2012Wiley Periodicals,Inc.yield.25–28In our recently published work,29we synthesized a water-soluble cationic conjugated polyelectrolyte contain-ing TPE by quaternization of its neutral CP precursor with trimethylamine.The synthesized conjugated polyelectrolyte showed AIEE phenomena upon titration of heparin into its aqueous solution.Because copolymerization of TPE and phenyl groups into conjugated main chains can retain the AIEE feature of TPE,it is intriguing to explore if copolymer-ization of other larger planar aromatic groups can also retain AIEE and if the fluorescence can be tuned by copoly-merizing TPE and other planar aromatic groups at different ratios.In this regard,we chose fluorene as the construction unit because it has well conjugated,planar,and rigid aro-matic ring structure and has high fluorescent quantum yields as well as excellent thermal and chemical stability.30 In this work,we synthesized fully conjugated copolymers by copolymerizing fluorene and TPE units at different feed ratios,as shown in Scheme1,and the copolymers showed fluorescent light-up or dual-channel response in aggregate states.Because fluorene has a typical aggregation-caused quenching(ACQ)characteristics and TPE is a typical AIE-active molecule,the obtained CPs with different fluorene and TPE units showed a novel optical behavior when they are aggregated by adding nonsolvent into their THF solu-tions.A typical AIEE phenomenon was observed for PTPE that only consists of TPE units and for PTPE0.5F0.5that consists of alternating TPE and fluorene units.In contrast, dual-channel fluorescent response was observed for PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9that have differ-ent TPE-to-fluorene ratios.One of these signals is attributed to the fluorene emission showing ACQ-characteristics,and the other is attributed to the TPE emission showing AIEE-characteristics.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONPolymer Synthesis and CharacterizationScheme2shows the synthetic routes of polymers PTPE and PF.The monomer2,1,2-di[4-(6-bromohexyloxy)phenyl]-1,2-di[4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl]ethy-lene,was synthesized in24.5%yield by heating a mixture of 1,2-di[4-(6-bromohexyloxy)phenyl]-1,2-di(4-bromophenyl)-ethylene(1)and bis(pinacolato)diboron with potassium acetate in dioxane at85 C for22h.Then,the standard pal-ladium-mediated Suzuki cross-coupling reaction between1 and2provided the neutral polymer PTPE in93.8%yield. In comparison with PTPE,the typical ACQ-characteristic polymer PF was synthesized by standard Suzuki cross-cou-pling polymerization between2,7-dibromo-9,9-bis(6-bromo-hexyl)fluorene(3)and2,2’-[9,9-bis(6-bromohexyl)-9H-fluo-rene-2,7-diyl]bis(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl)-1,3,2-dioxaborolane (4)in94.4%yield.The number-average molecular weight (M n)and polydispersity were4200and1.95for PTPE and 4300and3.04for PF,respectively,determined by gel-per-meation chromatography(GPC)system equipped with a RI detector(GPC/RI)using THF as the solvent and polystyrene as the standard.The apparently low M n values of PTPE and PF may have resulted from a technical problem in calibrat-ing the GPC system with the linear polystyrene standard. Hence,the absolute M w values of PTPE and PF were more accurately measured by using a GPC system equipped with RI,low(7 )and right(90 )angle laser light scattering detectors(GPC/RI/LALLS/RALLS),which as anticipated gave significantly higher values of PTPE and PF than the polystyrene calibration method(for comparison,M n was listed in Table1).Clearly,the Suzuki cross-coupling poly-merization of monomers1and2(or3and4)can produce soluble CPs with high molecular weights,which is consist-ent with the high yields.To obtain conjugated copolymers with different TPE-to-fluorene ratios in the backbone, copolymerization of1,4,and3at different feed ratios afforded the CPs PTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9in95.2%,94.0%,93.6%and95.2%yields, respectively,as shown in Scheme3.Their M n as well as pol-ydispersity(in parentheses)are6700(2.74),8100(4.64), 16100(5.09),and6500(4.50),respectively,as determined by GPC/RI system.These values are also small except for PTPE0.2F0.8,which are inconsistent with their highyields. Chemical structures of PTPE x F y.SCHEME2Synthetic routes of PTPE and PF.Hence,we also used GPC/RI/LALLS/RALLS to measure theirabsolute molecular weights,which gave the M n values ofPTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9to be21,700,11,500,3,64,000,and16,900,respectively.Theseresults indicate that the copolymerization of three monomerscan yield the expected CPs with satisfactory molecular weights. According to our experimental results,the reactivity of3and4is better than that of1and2because copolymeriza-tion between1and2requires a long time(30h)to giveideal CPs under the same experimental conditions.However,if the reaction time went beyond16h,the copolymerizationbetween3and4would give insoluble CPs.Therefore weattempted to tune the feed ratios of1,4,and3and prolongedthe reaction time as long as the resultant copolymers couldstill be soluble in a common solvent,and the results were veri-fied by1H NMR spectroscopy for the copolymers PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9,as shown in Figure1.In TPE,the resonance peaks of the methylene protons attached to thephenoxy group(Ph-OC H2A)and bromine atom(A C H2Br)are located at about3.9ppm and3.4ppm,respectively.In con-trast,the methylene protons next to the bromine atom in thefluorene unit(A C H2Br)have resonance peaks at about 3.3ppm.As the TPE content in the feed decreased,the peak inten-sity at3.9ppm gradually decreased(Fig.1).Therefore,the ra-tio of TPE unit(N TPE)to fluorene unit(N F)in the copolymerscan be calculated by the following equation:N TPE=N F¼A3:9=A3:3(1) where A3.9and A3.3are the integrated areas of the proton resonance peaks at d3.9and3.3,respectively.The calculated compositions(N TPE/N F)of the copolymers are close to the TPE-to-fluorene feed ratios due to the high yields of PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9,as summarized in Table1,indicating that the copolymer compositions can be controlled by using appropriate reaction conditions.TABLE1Characterization of PTPE x F y:Molar Ratio of Repeat Units(MRRU),Molecular Weight,and Polydispersity Indices aPolymer MRRU in theFeed(TPE:F)MRRU as Determinedby1H NMR(TPE:F)RI e LLS fYield(%)M n M w/M n M n M w/M nPTPE b100:0100:04200 1.9513,900 1.6193.8 PTPE0.5F0.5c50:5050:506700 2.7421,700 2.3995.2 PTPE0.3F0.7c30:7030.0:70.08100 4.6411,500 2.7394.0 PTPE0.2F0.8c20:8019.6:80.416,100 5.0936,4000 2.3493.6 PTPE0.1F0.9c10:9010.5:89.56500 4.5016,900 1.8695.2 PF d0:1000:1004300 3.0413,100 1.6394.4a Carried out in the mixture of toluene and aqueous solution of K2CO3(2 M)under argon at95 C using Pd(PPh3)4as catalyst.b Reaction time is30h.c Reaction time is24h.d Reaction time is16h.e Estimated by a GPC system equipped with a RI detector on the basis of polystyrene calibration.f Estimated by a GPC system equipped with RI and two-angle laser light scattering(LLS)detectors.Synthetic routes of PTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8and PTPE0.1F0.9.FIGURE11H NMR spectra of PTPE x F y in CDCl3.Thermal PropertiesThe thermal properties of PTPE x F y were evaluated by ther-mogravimetric analysis(TGA)and differential scanning calo-rimetry(DSC)under nitrogen at a heating rate of10 C minÀ1.The degradation temperatures(T d)for5%weight loss and the glass transition temperatures(T g)are listed in Table2.Their corresponding TGA and DSC curves are shown in Figures S1and S2(Supporting Information).All copoly-mers are thermally stable;their T d values range from296to 312 C and have negligible differences.Obviously,the ther-mal degradation process can be divided into two stages according to the TGA curves.It is known that the aromatic groups have relatively higher thermal stability than the flexi-ble alkyl groups;31therefore,the first degradation stage is mainly attributed to the decomposition of side chains in the polymers,whereas the second degradation stage is basically attributed to the decomposition of the polymer backbone.As Table2shows,compared with PF,all copolymers containing TPE units showed higher T g in the range of90.0–111.6 C. TPE groups can obstruct the sliding process of the molecule, which decreases the free volume and elevates the T g val-ues.32No crystallization exotherms were observed during the cooling process,which indicates that all these polymers are amorphous.High T g values and noncrystalline morphol-ogy are advantageous for getting uniform and defect-free thin films because the polymers can stably stay in their glassy state without crystallization,which can be critical to optoelectronic devices.Optical PropertiesThe UV–vis absorption and photoluminescence(PL)spectra of PTPE x F y in THF solution and solid films are shown in Figures 2and3,respectively,which are normalized for comparison. The spectral data are summarized in Table3.The polymer concentration is based on RU,which includes x mol of 1,2-di[4-(6-bromohexyloxy)phenyl]-1,2-di(4-phenyl)ethylene, y mol of9,9-bis(6-bromohexyl)fluorene,where x and y are actual values calculated from1H NMR in Table1(hereinafter the same).As shown in Figure2(a),the absorption spectrum of PTPE has two peaks centered at276and367nm,corre-sponding to the p–p*transition of benzene rings and TPE seg-ments,respectively.All other polymers only show one peak, i.e.,at376,378,383,379,and382nm for PTPE0.5F0.5, PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,PTPE0.1F0.9,and PF,respectively, which correspond to the p–p*transition of fluorene-TPE or fluorene segments.Additionally,the absorption spectrum of PTPE0.5F0.5has a broad shoulder from280to360nm,due to the p–p*transition of the benzene rings of TPE because it has the highest TPE content among four copolymers.A simi-lar characteristic was observed for the PTPE0.5F0.5film[see Fig.3(a)].The normalized PL spectra of polymers with exci-tation wavelength of380nm are shown in Figure2(b).Both PTPE and PTPE0.5F0.5show an emission peak at522nm and516nm,respectively,corresponding to the fluorescence of TPE or TPE-fluorene segments.Both PTPE0.3F0.7and PTPE0.2F0.8have two characteristic emission peaks,one cor-responding to the fluorescence of TPE-fluorene segments (515nm for PTPE0.3F0.7and506nm for PTPE0.2F0.8)andTABLE2Thermal Properties of PTPE x F yPolymer T d( C)a T g( C)bPTPE30196.1PTPE0.5F0.5298107.3PTPE0.3F0.730693.8PTPE0.2F0.8312111.6PTPE0.1F0.929690.0PF30280.0a Tdwere measured by TGA at a temperature of5%weight loss for thepolymers.b Tgwere determined by DSC on the second heatingcycle.FIGURE2Normalized UV–vis absorption(a)and PL(b)spectra of PTPE x F y at[RU]¼10l M in THF(Excitation at380nm).the other corresponding to the fluorescence of fluorene seg-ments(416nm for PTPE0.3F0.7and417nm for PTPE0.2F0.8).Because of its low TPE content in the back-bone,PTPE0.1F0.9no longer shows the fluorescence peak attributed to TPE-fluorene segments and its PL spectrum is similar to that of PF.The comparison of the PL spectra of these polymers in solution shows that the PL properties of PTPE x F y can be tuned by changing the TPE-to-fluorene molar ratio of the copolymer.The maximum UV–vis absorption wavelength(k max)in the thin films follows a similar trend compared to their dilute solutions[Fig.3(a)].However,the bandwidth is slightly broadened,as listed in Table3,perhaps due to the formation of ground state aggregates by interchain p–p*interactions that increases the effective conjugation within the mole-cule.32Moreover,the k max in the film exhibits a little blue shift for all polymers.For example,there is a10nm blue shift in the k max of PTPE0.5F0.5,which is the largest blue shift among these polymers.Other polymers have blue shifts ranging from2to6nm.The blue shift may have originated from the decreased coplanarity due to the increased disor-dered agglomeration,because spin-coating is a fast precipita-tion process that gives little time for the polymers to adjust conformation and arrange each other regularly.The PL spec-tra of all polymer films except PF also have a similar blue shift(Table3),but the emission spectra of the films are dif-ferent from those of the dilute solutions.There is only one emission peak for all polymer films,as shown in Figure3(b). The disappearance of the emission of fluorene segments in the films of PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9is probably due to(1)self-quenching in the solid state of fluo-rene segments and(2)induced energy transfer from fluo-rene segments to TPE segments.The fluorescence lifetime(s)and quantum yield(U)are the most important characteristics of a fluorophore.To quantita-tively evaluate copolymers’emission,we investigated the fluorescence lifetime of PTPE,PTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7, PTPE0.2F0.8,PTPE0.1F0.9,and PF in THF solution and infilm, FIGURE3Normalized UV–vis absorption(a)and PL(b)spectra of PTPE x F y in thin film(Excitation at380nm).TABLE3Optical Properties of PTPE x F yAbsorption k max(nm)Emission k max(nm)Peak Half-Width cW h(nm)Molar Absorptivity e max(Â107cm2/mol)Polymer Solution a Film b Solution a Film b Solution Film Solution a PTPE276,367272,364522514–d–d 2.15 PTPE0.5F0.5376366516511116126 2.28 PTPE0.3F0.7378377515,4165047178 1.52 PTPE0.2F0.8383377506,4174946275 1.92 PTPE0.1F0.93793774174946271 2.15PF3823804174505766 2.43a[RU]¼10l M in THF.b Spin-coated from5.0mg/mL THF solution.c Peak width at half peak height in the UV–vis absorption curves.d No data available.respectively.Moreover,PL quantum yields in their THF solu-tion were obtained by using quinine sulfate in0.1M H2SO4 (quantum yield¼0.55)as a standard.The absolute PL quantum yields of their films were measured by using an integrating sphere.All data are summarized in Table4.The PL quantum yields of PTPE,PTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7, PTPE0.2F0.8,PTPE0.1F0.9,and PF in solution are0.016, 0.023,0.037,0.051,0.269,and1.0,respectively.The poly-mers containing TPE unit in the backbone have lower quan-tum yield than PF.THF is a good solvent for all polymers. The phenyl groups in the TPE units,which are conjugated to the emissive main chains,can freely rotate via the single-bond axes to serve as a relaxation channel for the excited state to decay.Therefore,the photonic energy is consumed by nonradiative relaxation through the amplifying effect on the conjugated main chain.This is in well agreement with the fact that most AIE-characteristic compounds usually have a lower fluorescence quantum yield in their good solvents.33 The lifetimes of PTPE,PTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7,PTPE0.2F0.8, PTPE0.1F0.9,and PF in solution are 2.274, 1.648, 1.824, 1.737,1.397,and0.155ns,respectively,as measured by the fluorescence lifetime spectrometer.The homopolymer PTPE has the longest fluorescence lifetime,whereas PF has the shortest lifetime.The copolymers PTPE0.5F0.5,PTPE0.3F0.7, PTPE0.2F0.8,and PTPE0.1F0.9have similar lifetimes ranging from1.397to1.824ns.The fluorescence quantum yield is the ratio of the number of photons emitted to the number of photons absorbed.The emissive rate of the fluorophore (k f)and its rate of nonradiative decay to S0(k nr)both depopulate the excited state.The fraction of fluorophores that decays through emission,and hence the quantum yield, is given byU¼k f=k fþk nrðÞ(2) For convenience,we have grouped all possible nonradiative decay processes with the single rate constant k nr.The life-time of the excited state is defined by the average time the molecule spends in the excited state before its return to the ground state,which is expressed ass¼1=k fþk nrðÞ(3) According to eqs2and3,k f and k nr can be calculated by the experimental data of U and s.The results are listed in Table 4.It is clear that the higher fraction of fluorene in the copol-ymer in THF solution would generally result in larger k f, which greatly favors fluorescence emission.These calculation results agree well with the experiments:PTPE is weakly emissive,whereas PF is strongly emissive in solution.The lifetime of the fluorophore in the absence of nonradiative processes is called the intrinsic(or natural)lifetime,and is given bys n¼1=k f(4) Accordingly,the natural lifetime s n can be calculated from k f. The calculated values are also listed in Table5.The natural lifetime increases linearly with the increase in TPE contents, as shown in Figure4,whereas the measured lifetime shows no linearity with TPE fractions.These results indicate that incorporation of TPE into fluorene segments can indeed intrinsically alter the emissive characteristics,but other external factors such as interaction with the solvent or oxy-gen could also greatly affect the ultimate emission.In the solid film,the measured lifetime ranges from0.145to 0.439ns and is very different from that in solution.TheTABLE4The Lifetime and Quantum Yield of PTPE x F y in Solution and FilmLifetime s(ns)Quantum Yield U(%)Radiative Ratek fÂ108(sÀ1)Nonradiative Ratek nrÂ108(sÀ1)Polymer Solution a Film b Solution a,c Film b,d Solution a Film b Solution a Film b PTPE 2.2740.145 1.632.70.0703622.55 4.32746.42 PTPE0.5F0.5 1.6480.147 2.328.30.139619.25 5.92848.78 PTPE0.3F0.7 1.8240.341 3.742.60.202812.49 5.28016.84 PTPE0.2F0.8 1.7370.318 5.46320.19 PTPE0.1F0.9 1.3970.39226.918.7 1.926 4.770 5.23220.74 PF0.1550.439100 1.664.520.3645022.41a[RU]¼10l M in THF.b Spin-coated from5.0mg/mL THF solution.c Quantum yield is estimated using quinine sulfate(U¼55%in0.1M H2SO4)as the standard.d Quantum yield is the absolute quantum value measured by using an integrating sphere.TABLE5The Natural Lifetime Calculated from the Emissive Rate of the Fluorophore(k f)Natural Lifetime s n(ns) Polymer Solution FilmPTPE142.1260.443 PTPE0.5F0.571.6330.519 PTPE0.3F0.749.3100.800 PTPE0.2F0.834.0600.888 PTPE0.1F0.9 5.192 2.096 PF0.15527.434lifetime of PTPE in film is shortened by up to 15times,whereas that of PF film is prolonged to three times of its lifetime in solution.The quantum yields of PTPE,PTPE 0.5F 0.5,PTPE 0.3F 0.7,PTPE 0.2F 0.8,PTPE 0.1F 0.9,and PF in film are 0.327,0.283,0.426,0.358,0.187and 0.016,respec-tively.The quantum yield of PTPE 0.3F 0.7is the highest among these polymers in film,indicating that it has the opti-mum ratio of TPE incorporation into polyfluorenes for resist-ing fluorescence quenching.The value of k f in film gradually decreases with the increasing fraction of fluorene in the co-polymer,which is detrimental to fluorescence emission.Among all polymer films,PTPE 0.3F 0.7has the minimum k nr value.The TPE molecule has a propeller shape and the fluo-rene molecule has a planar geometry.As a result,PTPE tends to adopt a twisted conformation whereas PF tends to maintain a planar conformation.In the solid state,the twisted conformation can effectively prevent p –p stacking and reduce excimer formation.Thus,the optimal TPE-to-fluo-rene ratio can enhance light emission,because fluorene seg-ments have excellent emissive properties in molecular state and TPE segments have the best emission in solid state.According to the obtained results,the optimal TPE-to-fluo-rene ratio is approximately between 3/7and 2/8.AIE PropertiesAs discussed above,the PL behaviors of these polymers in solution and in solid state are vastly different.Because the obtained polymers are easily soluble in common organic sol-vents such as dichloromethane,chloroform,THF,and DMF,their aggregation could be investigated by adding nonsolvent into their solutions.Water is the best choice because it is a nonsolvent for the polymers and the environment-friendly solvent for research.The AIE behavior was investigated by monitoring the changes in PL intensity with the addition of increasing amounts of water in a THF-water solvent mixture.PTPE has shown some AIE effect,because it has a low quan-tum yield when molecularly dissolved in its good solvent and a much improved quantum yield when aggregated in its solid state.We investigated the PL behaviors of PTPE by adding water into its THF solution.The resultant mixtures are visually transparent and macroscopically homogeneous,suggesting that the polymer aggregates have nanometer size.34When excited at 380nm,the fluorescence emission of PTPE in dilute THF solution is weak,indicating that PTPE is a weak emitter when it is molecularly dissolved.However,the PL emission intensity centering at $520nm increases proportionally upon addition of water into the solution under same measurement conditions,as shown in Figure 5(a).Because water is a nonsolvent for PTPE ,the polymer chains must be aggregated in the THF/water mixture with increased water fraction.PTPE is thus induced to emit strongly by aggregate formation;in the other words,it is indeed AIEE-active.The photographs in Figure 6clearly demonstrate the weak and strong emissions of the molecular and aggregated PTPE ,respectively.When the water fraction was increased to 90%,the emission intensity of PTPE reached maximum,which is 19times higher than that of the THF solution.Similar PL behavior was also observed for PTPE 0.5F 0.5,as shown in Figure 5(b).This phenomenon should be attributed to the following facts.First,even after the incorporation of TPE unit into the conjugated backbone of PTPE and PTPE 0.5F 0.5,its phenyl rings in the side-chains can still rotate to some extent in solution,which decays the excitation energy.Second,the intramolecular rotation is par-tially restricted in the aggregate state,which blocks the non-radiative processes of the polymers and enhances the emis-sion intensity.35In comparison to PTPE and PTPE 0.5F 0.5,the emission spec-tra of PTPE 0.3F 0.7,PTPE 0.2F 0.8,and PTPE 0.1F 0.9show two distinct peaks,one of which centering at $415nm attributed to fluorene emission and the other centering at $510nm attributed to TPE emission.Upon addition of water into their THF solution,the intensity of the fluorene emission peak decreased,whereas the intensity of the TPE emission peak increased,as shown in Figure 5(c–e).When the fraction of water reached up to 50%,the emission at 415nm com-pletely disappeared for PTPE 0.3F 0.7and PTPE 0.2F 0.8.How-ever,for PTPE 0.1F 0.9,the peak at 415nm remained stable even after the fraction of water arrived at 50%.Because of the relatively high content of fluorene units in PTPE 0.1F 0.9,most segments are composed of oligofluorenes or polyfluor-enes.Consequently,the PL intensity will be quenched by adding water into THF but will not disappear in the spec-trum,as shown in Figure 5(f).This indicates that AIE-char-acteristic units and ACQ-characteristic units can be copoly-merized at appropriate ratio to give fluorescent dual-channel CPs.The relationship of the net increase in PL intensity [(I ÀI 0)/I 0]with water fraction (vol %)in Figure 7shows that the PL intensity emitted from TPE segments is enhanced,whereas that emitted from fluorene segments is reduced as the water fraction increases.The best enhancement is observed for PTPE ,which has the highest TPEcontent.FIGURE 4Comparison of the measured lifetime (s )and natural lifetime (s n )of PTPE x F y in solution.。

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随着时间的推移,人们认识到 随着时间的推移, 电场和磁场是电磁场这一整体 的两个部分。 的两个部分。
Once this electromagnetic field has been produced from a given charge distribution, other charged objects in this field will experience a force (in a similar way that planets experience a force in the gravitational field of the Sun). If these other charges and currents are comparable in size to the sources producing the above electromagnetic field, then a new net electromagnetic field will be produced.3 如果另外这些电荷和电流的大小与 产生上述电磁场的源是可比的, 产生上述电磁场的源是可比的,那 么将产生一个新的净电磁场。 么将产生一个新的净电磁场。 电磁场中其它带电 体就会受到一个力 的作用
The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces in the nature (the others are gravitation, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction) 电磁场在空间无限延伸, 电磁场在空间无限延伸, 并描述电磁相互作用。 并描述电磁相互作用。



Design Technologies for Low-EMI Notebook Personal Computers by Dr. Eishi Gofuku and Shinji Tanabe*Advances in computer science and hardware in recent years have made possible three-dimen-sional simulations of electromagnetic interfer-ence (EMI) phenomena. We at Mitsubishi Electric have developed a simulator and are now utilizing it to analyze the relationship of radia-tion intensity to current densities in printed circuit boards (PCBs) and the structure of liq-uid-crystal displays (LCDs); the results of which are applied to product design. This represents a new direction for research.In this paper, we describe LCD designs to re-duce emission noise, drawing on measurement results obtained using a three-dimensional elec-tromagnetic field simulator (MAGNA/EMI) based on a finite element method and devel-oped jointly by Mitsubishi Electric’s Advanced Technology R&D Center and the CRC Research Institute.BackgroundThe sizes of LCD devices have become larger and the picture quality has improved. This has led thin-film transistor (TFT)-LCDs to domi-nate as the display for “notebook” personal computers (PCs). Since high-speed digital pro-cessing is necessary for image display, the ra-dio-frequency components of such signals are, to a greater or lesser extent, radiated away from the display as an RF noise.Standards (tolerances) have been established in order to prevent this undesirable radiation. Nearly all such standards conform to or are based on international standards established by the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR). CISPR 22 (2nd edition) is, in effect, an international passport for electronic products where electromagnetic emissions are concerned; for manufacturers of electronic equip-ment, meeting the standards and regulations for EMI is absolutely essential if their products are to have free entry to overseas markets. Electromagnetic Field Analysis Using the Finite Element MethodF EATURES OF EMI IN LCD DISPLAYS: The sizes of PCs are nearly the same length as half of the wavelength at 200 or 300MHz, thus causing EMI noise amplitude resonance.As the bezels of LCDs are made smaller and the area available for PCBs is reduced, the power-supply impedance of the circuit board rises and high-speed switching noise from semi-conductor devices tends to be emitted as com-mon-mode noise.Because the power and signals are supplied to the LCD via a PC, power is unstable as com-pared to that distributed to devices within the PC itself. Moreover, the cable connecting the PC and the LCD acts as a radiating antenna. In addition to examining transmission paths, analyses of the above phenomena must also include: (1) consideration of electromagnetic emissions from the system comprising PCBs, cables and an enclosure; (2) treatment of the power supply and ground as antennae with fi-nite impedance, rather than as ideal perfect con-ductors; and (3) consideration of actual cable shapes.Advantages of Finite Element Method AnalysisThere are a number of advantages in applying a finite element method. These include: (1) the permittivity, permeability, conductivity, and other actual physical parameters in the analy-sis; (2) the three-dimensional analysis for ap-proximating the actual geometry; (3) solutions without approximating to problems at interme-diate distances, neither “near” or “far” field; and (4) automatic inclusion of electromagnetic wave radiation, reflection, refraction, resonance, and other physical phenomena.Because our finite element method uses sparse symmetric matrices, the method is su-perior to other analysis techniques (such as the method of moments) with respect to calcula-tion speed and memory requirements. The MA-GNA/EMI simulator adopts a unique FEM algorithm; making it possible to analyze entire equipment systems.Relation of PCB Position to Noise Emission N OISE E MISSION FROM PC S YSTEMS E QUIPPED WITH LCD S: PCBs on which ASICs (timing con-trollers) have been mounted to perform high-*Dr. Eishi Gofuku is with the LCD Marketing Division and Shinji Tanabe the Advanced Technology R & D Center.speed switching can become a source of electromagnetic radiation, driven by a common-mode input of the entire power-supply sub-system. For instance, half of the wavelength (λ/2) at 250 MHz is about 63 cm, so that with the PCB supplying power, the metal frame of the LCD or the PC housing can emit radiation as a half-wavelength resonance antenna (Fig. 1).Even when countermeasures are introduced at the PCB level, if the feedback length to the ground of the noise current matches the reso-nant length for a certain frequency, the radia-tion intensity jumps drastically, and measures to remedy symptoms become problematic at or near that frequency.Relation of PCB Position to Electromagnetic EmissionThe following three types of analyses of EMI from PC systems were performed using a three-dimensional finite element method:1.PCB mounted at the lower part of the LCD,2.PCB mounted at the upper part of the LCD,and3.PCB mounted at the upper part of the LCD,and with a metal shielding plate on the back surface of the LCD.In calculations, we assumed that the PCB is bouncing at ±1V, and that electromagnetic ra-diation is emitted from the whole of the PCB.Emissions for each type of system are compared in Fig. 2, which shows the magnetic field strength for each case (magnetic field strengths are shown because electric field strength val-ues are affected by static electricity fields).When a PCB is mounted on the upper part of the LCD, noise currents flow to the ground via the LCD metal frame, which has a high spe-cific impedance. Here, the metal frame becomes a kind of antenna. When a metal plate or other material is placed on the back surface of the LCD, the gap between the LCD and the metal plate changes the impedance of the noise cur-rent path, particularly in the vertical direction.This is one factor that generates radiation. By mounting the PCB at the bottom of the LCD,such phenomena are suppressed.EMI from PCBsA NALYSIS OF N OISE C URRENT C OMPONENTS IN A PCB: The ASIC mounted on the PCB, with its relatively high impedance, also acts as a source of common-mode EMI. When the ASIC is “on,”penetrating current spikes flow between the power supply and the ground. These currentsFig. 2Electromagnetic radiation from differentLCD types.Fig. 1Noise current paths.bounce the voltage level of the PCB at radio frequencies. Because of the bouncing, the power supply and ground are in phase, and the entire PCB acts as a kind of patch antenna to radiate considerable intensities of electromagnetic noise. This phenomenon is known as “ground bouncing” or as “delta-I noise.”A NALYSIS AND M EASUREMENTS OF EMI FROM PCB S : The energy of the noise is propagated as transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves be-tween Cu layers in the PCB. It is different from low-frequency currents. Fig. 3 shows a model used in the analysis and measurements. In (a)the ASIC is positioned on the side of the power supply for the PCB; and in (b) it is positioned on the opposite side. Fig. 4 shows the results of an analysis of both cases. At radio frequencies,currents are concentrated at the edges of the PCB. Fig. 5 shows actual measurement results,comparing EMI intensities at 3m separation. In the former case, the side opposite the ASIC “floats” and the PCB as a whole acts as an an-tenna, so that radiation is increased. The frame ground is mounted on both edges of the PCB so that it does not become a radiating antenna.Radiation from CablesThe cable connecting the PC to the LCD is another source of radiation. Here, we discuss the flexible cables (FPCs) that are typically used.In order to reduce radiation from such cables,Fig. 3Analysis and measurement models.Fig. 4Current distributions within a printedcircuit board.Fig. 5Differences in EMI radiation depending onASIC position in the printed circuit board.(a)(b)FeederFeederthe first priority is to match the overall imped-ance in the circuit. As Fig. 6 shows, an in-planeMicrostripIn-plane with guard bandsFig. 6Capacitive coupling of in-plane and microstrip structures.Fig. 7EMI radiation from a flat cable with microstrip and in-plane structures (calculated).structure (a) has small capacitive coupling, and therefore a high specific impedance. A two-layer microstrip structure (b) can be designed to have a specific impedance nearly equal to that of thetransmission path.Fig. 7(a) and (b) present the calculated results for the EMI radiation from an in-plane struc-ture (with one Cu layer and guard bands on both sides), and from a microstrip structure (with two Cu layers, the lower of which is a grounded layer), respectively. Fig. 8 shows the results of measurements of the electric field intensity at a distance of 3m. Measurements and calcula-tions are in good agreement. The radiation level from a microstrip-structure FPC is smaller than that from an in-plane FPC by less than 10dB. If the cable employs a three-layer strip structure, the radiation level can be reduced, but the cable itself becomes harder to bend. The optimum structure must be chosen with consideration being given to the constraints and conditions imposed by necessary PC functions.It is said that measures to control EMI in elec-tronic equipment have all remained at the PCB level. In fact, EMI must be evaluated for the entire system; even if the noise of individual PCBs in an LCD is reduced, it is difficult to tell in advance how much noise will be generated when the assembly is incorporated into a note-book computer. Here, we stress that the struc-ture and electrical connections of the LCD as a whole are important factors to reduce total ra-diation noise. Using techniques for electromag-netic field analysis in three-dimensional space, electromagnetic radiation from LCDs incorpo-rated into computer systems can be predicted quantitatively. LCD structures are encounter-ing an increasing number of constraints as LCDs become thinner and lighter. But basic measures to counter EMI can be incorporated at early stages in the design of PCs and LCDs, rather than relying solely on design features to con-trol EMI at the PCB level.Advanced Display Inc. has utilized the above analysis techniques in designing all its prod-ucts, and has implemented measures at manu-facturing plants to ensure that products pass all EMI regulations. uFig. 8 EMI radiation from a flat cable with microstrip and in-plane structures(measured).。



will experience a force (in a similar way that planets
experience a force in the gravitational field of the Sun). If
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Unit 3
EM Fields, Antenna and Microwaves
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two locations. For instance, the metal atoms in a radio
transmitter appear to transfer energy continuously. This view
is useful to a certain extent (radiation of low frequency), but
Part I
Electromagnetic Field
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New Words
vicinity 邻近,附近 charge 电荷 photon 光子 atom 原子 catastrophe 大灾难,大祸 emission 发射,散发 incident 入射的 electrodynamics 电动力学 gravitational 重力的
•随着时间的推移,人们认识到 电场和磁场是电磁场这一整体 的两个部分。
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Eenvironmental Statement for Supplier供应商环保声明This Statement is valid for all production sites of supplier mentioned below本协议适用于以下提到的供应商生产地址Supplier :[Supplier’s name]供应商名称:Site :[Supplier’s site]地址:Product name:产品名称:We, [Supplier’s name] , warrant that all articles (i.e. materials, components, subassemblies or products and packing) , also second tier1 and/or added value, supplied toShinephone Electronnic Technolongy Co.,(Shenzhen) Ltd are in compliance with all environmental laws and regulations applicable to————————Ltd activities and products, including but not limited to:◆Shinephone Electronnic Technolongy Co.,(Shenzhen) Ltd List of Restricted Substances;◆The European Directive 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators containing certain dangeroussubstances;◆The European Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste;◆Administrative Measures on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic InformationProducts”(herein referred to as “China RoHS”).◆second tier: all suppliers to your company that are not specified by——————Ltd .本公司__________________[供应商名称],保证所有提供给————————公司的产品(如原料,组件,半成品,成品以及包装材料),包括二级供应商和/或其他增值的服务,均符合适用于——————公司产品和活动的环保法律和法规,包括但不限于以下要求:◆《限用物质清单》;◆欧盟关于电池和蓄电池中含有的特定有害物质的指令(2006/66/EC);◆欧盟关于包装材料和包装材料废弃物指令(94/62/EC);◆电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(也称之为“中国R oHS”)。


5. J. Huang, A. X. Lu, B. Zhao, and Q. Wan* "Branched growth of degenerately Sb-doped SnO2 nanowires",Applied Physics Letters, 91, 073102 (2007).
6. C. C. Li, Z. F. Du, L. M. Li, H. C. Yu, Q. Wan, and T. H. Wang, "Surface-depletion controlled gas sensing of ZnO nanorods grown at room temperature", Applied Physics Letters. 91, 032101 (2007).
19. Q.Wan, K.Yu, T.H.Wang, C.L.Lin, "Low-field electron emission from tetrapod-like ZnO nanostructures synthesized by rapid evaporation", Applied Physics Letters, 83, 2253 (2003).
21. Q.Wan, T.H.Wang M.Zhu,and C.L.Lin,"Resonant tunneling of Si nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3 matrix prepared by electron-beam co-evaporation",Applied Physics Letters, 81, 538 (2002)

LTC 0350 Series 1 3 英寸单色CCD摄像头说明书

LTC 0350 Series 1 3 英寸单色CCD摄像头说明书

The LTC 0350 Series are compact, rugged,1/3-inch image format monochrome CCD cameras.Their high sensitivity and reliability provide optimal performance in all environments.Both the CCIR and EIA RS-170 versions are available for direct mains voltage supply and ac/dc low voltage supply.Each offering wide power supply voltage range allowing flexible installation.These cameras are provided with a standard CS-mount for use with a wide variety of lenses.They can be used with fixed iris lenses,manual iris lenses,DC-iris lenses,andvideo-iris lenses.Their excellent scene reproduction issupported by automatic black level,symmetrical contour enhancement andback-light compensation.Theautomatic black level feature enhancescontrast by removing veiling glare fromthe picture.With user selectablebacklight compensation,the cameraresponds to the average content of theentire video signal,or can be activatedto establish a central area forautomatic light control.If an objectfalls within this area,the camera willautomatically adjust to set optimumcontrast.This is particularly useful inapplications having bright light such asdoorways,loading docks,windows,andATMs (automatic teller machines).Enhanced picture quality andoutstanding reliability make them anexcellent choice for professional,commercial,and industrial surveillancesystems in both indoor and outdoorapplications.L TC 0350/x1 Series Monochrome Camerasn1/3-inch Format CCDImagern High Sensitivityn High Resolutionn Backlight Compensationn Electronic Shuttern Video and DC IrisControln Line Lock With ExternalPhase Adjustmentn Models for Mains Supplyand AC/DC Low VoltagePhilipsCommunicationSecurity & ImagingLens optional。



金刚石锥阵列的无掩膜刻蚀制备及其形貌演变机制孙鹏;王超;元光;李俊杰;顾长志【摘要】为获得具有优良场发射性能的金刚石锥阵列,利用偏压热灯丝化学气相沉积系统分别在高质量大颗粒金刚石厚膜与纳米金刚石薄膜上进行了无掩膜刻蚀研究,系统比较了高质量大颗粒金刚石厚膜与纳米金刚石薄膜的刻蚀特性,制备了大面积均匀金刚石锥阵列和高长径比(20∶1)金刚石纳米线阵列,探讨了金刚石锥的刻蚀形成机理.【期刊名称】《发光学报》【年(卷),期】2016(037)007【总页数】5页(P793-797)【关键词】金刚石锥;偏压热灯丝化学气相沉积;等离子体刻蚀【作者】孙鹏;王超;元光;李俊杰;顾长志【作者单位】中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学院物理系,山东青岛266100;中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态国家实验室,北京100190;中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态国家实验室,北京100190;中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学院物理系,山东青岛266100;中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态国家实验室,北京100190;中国科学院物理研究所北京凝聚态国家实验室,北京100190【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN383+.1金刚石作为宽禁带半导体材料,具有众多的优异性能和广阔的应用前景[1-2],例如,其禁带宽度为5.5 eV,相当于225 nm波长光子的能量,在紫外探测方面有着重要的应用[3]。






JEOL JSM-7900F 型 Schottky 场发射扫描电子显微镜 说明书

JEOL JSM-7900F 型 Schottky 场发射扫描电子显微镜 说明书

Ultimate Analytical tool1J S M-7900FSince the development of the first commercial SEM in 1966, JEOL has continued to be atthe forefront of technology innovation and has continually contributed to the advancement ofscience through its SEM technology.The JSM-7900F is a flagship model of a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM),which aims to facilitate research and technological breakthroughs for future generations. TheJSM-7900F successfully combines ultrahigh-resolution imaging, ultrahigh spatial-resolutionanalysis and higher operability, as well as multi-purpose functions. This new-generation SEMprovides the best data fidelity with the utmost ease of operation.2J S M-7900FUltrahigh spatial resolution ❖ In-lens Schottky Plus FEGThe in-lens Schottky Plus field emissionto the combination of the electron gunelectron gun can be efficiently focused, enabling probe currents on the order of a few pA to several tens of nA even at low accelerating voltages. High-resolution observation is easy, with no need to exchange the objective aperture for tasks from fast elemental mapping to EBSD, CL or WDS analysis.Conventional Schottky FEG Electron gun ❖ Super Hybrid Lens (SHL)The JSM-7900F comes with JEOL’Hybrid Lens (SHL)”. This powerful lens enables observation and analysis of any specimens at ultrahigh spatial-resolution, including magnetic and insulating materials.❖ GBSH-S(GENTLEBEAM Super High resolution)GBSH enhances resolution atvoltages.A newly developed GBSH-Svoltage up to 5 kV to be appliedstage.❖ Detector systemSimultaneous signal acquisitiondetectors is enabled.The JSM-7900F comes with LEDdetector) and UED (upper electronin-lens detector). In addition,(upper secondary electron detector)High spatial resolution observationSpecimen: Nano rod of TiO*Specimen courtesy: Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityProfessor Shunai CheAcc. Vol.: 0.3 kV (GBSH)Signal: Secondary electronsDetector: UEDMagnification: ×120,000, ×300,000*Reference: S. Liu, L Han, Y. Duan, S. Asahina, O. Terasaki, Y. Cao, B. Liu, L. Ma, J. Zhang, S. Che*, " Synthesis of Chiral TiO Nano fiber with Electron Transition-Based Optical Activity” Nature communications, 3, Article number 1215, 2012Specimen: Ag nanoparticlesSpecimen courtesy: Yamagata University Prof. M. Kurihara and Assistant Prof. T. Togashi Acc. Vol.: 5 kV (GBSH)Signal: Backscattered electronsDetector: RBEDMagnification: ×100,000, ×350,000Oxide nanomaterials Metal nanoparticles10 nm100 nm100 nm10 nm 5J S M-7900F1 μmSpecimen: Cross section of stainless steelinterconnect milled by CPAcc. Vol.: 7 kV (GBSH)Signal: Low angle backscattered electrons Detector: RBEDMagnification: ×120,000, ×200,000Specimen: Solder of Ag, Sn and Cu Acc. Vol.: 5 kV Energy filter: -0.5 kV Signal:High angle backscattered electrons (with UED)Secondary and backscattered electrons (with LED)Detector: UED, LED Magnification: ×7,000Simultaneous signal acquisitionSteel materials1 μm100 nm100 nm Signal differentiation–Applications obtained by a variety of detectors–Compositional and crystalline information Topographic informationMetal materials6J S M -7900FJSM-7900FUltimate Analytical Tool of Next-generationHigh vacuum (10-5 Pa)10 μmThe low vacuum function easily suppresses charging of an insulating specimen.Mg KC K3 μm3 μm3 μmSpecimen: Fractured surfaceof coffee beanAcc. Vol.: 5 kV Vacuum: 150 Pa Magnification: ×500Low vacuum functionLow vacuum (150 Pa)10 μm【EDS analytical conditions】Acc. Vol.: 5 kV, Vacuum: 150 Pa, Magnification: ×900, JED 100 mmEDS detector used7J S M -7900FLow vacuum function–Observation at high magnification–The JSM-7900F provides high spatial resolution even in low vacuum. These images demonstrate that inorganic fillers contained in an organic film on a glass are clearly observed.1 μm1 μmGlass100 nmSpecimen: Fractured surface of organic film on glass Acc. Vol.: 5 kV Vacuum: 150 PaSignal: Backscattered electrons Detector: LVBEDMagnification: ×7,000, ×10,000, ×100,000Magnification: ×7,000Magnification: ×10,000Magnification: ×100,000OrganicfilmGlass8J S M -7900FJSM-7900FUltimate Analytical Tool of Next-generationFilter set: +0.3 kVFilter set: -0.1 kV Filter set: -1 kV 3 μmOperability–Extended automatic functions–Soft materials❖ Neo EngineThe JSM-7900F is equipped with a new electron-optical control system, “Neo Engine/New Electron Optical Engine”, which accumulates JEOL’s superb electron optical technologies. Neo Engine achieves further ease of operations of automatic functions.❖ New platformNew exterior design, with no operation console, dramatically reduces the instrument footprint. Thus, the JSM-7900F accommodates a variety of installation environments.❖ New specimen exchange systemA newly designed specimen exchange system (load lock) is adopted for simple specimen exchange, higher throughput, and higher durability.❖ SMILENAVISMILENAVI is an operation navigation system, which is developed for beginners to grasp basic SEM operations efficiently.Improved operability Specimen: Name card, Acc. Vol.: 15 kV, Detector: UED, Magnification: ×3,500Seamless energy selection using a new energy filterOperability–Extended automatic functions–Specimen: Cross section of mineral (resin-embedded) milled by CP, Acc. Vol.: 5 kV, Detector: RBED, Magnification: ×100,000Automatic functions, with greatly improved precision, allow for beginners to easily acquire a high-magnification image.100 nm100 nmSecondary electronsBackscattered electrons9J S M -7900FOperability–New specimen exchange system–Operability–SEM Supporter for image acquisition support–A new specimen exchange system is adopted. The new system achieves simpler and smoother specimen transfer via guided operations. This capability enables fast specimen exchange for beginners to experts.The SEM Supporter of SYSTEM IN FRONTIER INC. enables automatic line width measurement (metrology) utilizing the contrast of SEM images.【SEM observation】Specimen: Specimen for metrology (MRS5)Acc. Vol.: 10 kVMagnification: ×50,000100 nmSpecimen exchange rodSpecimen exchange chamberOperability– SMILENAVI –SMILENAVIGUI screenSMILENAVI is an assistant tool designed for beginners to allow smooth SEM basic operations. When the operator clicks an icon button according to the SMILENAVI flowchart, the SEM GUI screen is linked to the click operation for guiding the operations.ClickAssistInterlock10J S M -7900FJSM-7900FUltimate Analytical Tool of Next-generationUnit :mm3000 or morePower1000 or more2800 o r m o r e*Specifications subject to change without notice.No. 1301G755C Printed in Japan, Kp。



一.缩略语中英文对照表AACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 各向异性导电薄膜ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模数转换器AES Auger Electron Spectrometer 俄歇电子能谱仪AFFS Advanced FFSAFLC Anti-Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal 反铁电液晶AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display 有源矩阵液晶显示器件AMOLED Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Display 有源矩阵有机电致发光二极管APCVD Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition 常压化学气相沉积AP Plasma Atmospheric Pressure Plasma 常压等离子清洗AQK Aqua Knife 水刀清洗a-Si Amorphous Silicon 非晶硅AS-IPS Advanced-Super-In-Plane Switching 超高级面内切换宽视角技术ACF anisotropic conductive film 导电热熔胶AA active area 可操作区域ATO Antmony Tin oxide 氧化锑锡BBCE Back Channel Etched 背沟道刻蚀型BEF Brightness Enhancement Film 增亮膜BEW Blurred Edge width 边界模糊区域宽度B/L Back Light 背光源BM Black Matrix 黑色矩阵或黑矩阵BS Back Channel Stop 背沟道保护型BJ Bubble Jet 气泡清洗方法,又被称为CJCCCD Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp(Light)冷阴极荧光灯CD Critical Dimension 显影后或刻蚀后的图形尺寸CF Color Filter 彩色滤光片CFI Color Filter Integration 彩色滤光片集成CIE Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage 国际照明委员会CJ Cabitation Jet 用加了高压的去离子水与空气混合后所产生的大量气泡来去除灰尘的一种清洗方法COA Color Filter on Array 阵列上彩色滤光片COF Chip On Film 薄膜芯片集成(将IC固定于柔性线路板上)COG Chip On Glass 玻璃芯片集成(将IC固定于玻璃上)COP Cycio Olefins Polymer 环烯烃聚合物CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition 化学气相沉积CSTN Color STN 彩色超扭曲向列型CTP capacitive touch panel 电容式触摸屏CG (CL) cover glass (cover lens) 盖板玻璃COB chip on board 通过绑定将IC裸片固定于印刷电路版上DDAP Depth AES Profiles 俄歇深度剖面分析D.C. Direct Current 直流DICD Development Inspection CD 显影后光刻胶之间的间距DI water Deionized water 去离子水DLDS Dynamical Low Discrepancy Sequences 网点图案生成方法DLP Digital Light Processing 数字光处理器DMD Digital Micromirror Device 数字微镜装置DRCR Contrast Ratio in Dark Room 暗室对比度EECR Electron Cyclotron Resonance 电子回旋共振刻蚀EMI Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EML Emission layer 发光层EPD End Point Detection 刻蚀结束点的测量EPD Electronic Paper Display 电子纸张显示器件ESR Enhanced Specular Reflector 光学增强反射膜ETL Electron transport layer 电子传输层ESD electro-static discharge 抗静电FFED Field Emitting Display 场致发射显示器FFD Feed Forward Drive 过驱动FFL Flat Fluorescent Lamp 平面荧光灯FFS Fringe Field Switching 边缘场转换宽视角技术FICD Final Inspection CD 刻蚀完成后被刻物质外观图形间距测试得到的尺寸FLC Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal 铁电液晶FPDM Flat Panel Display Measurements 平板显示测量方法FSC Field-Sequential Color 场序彩色FPC(B) flexible print circuit (board) 柔性印刷线路板FOG Flexible printed circuits board On Glass 柔性线路板与玻璃电路板接装GGG cover glass-glass sensor CTP结构一种(盖板玻璃和玻璃传感GFF cover glass-film sensor-film sensor CTP结构一种(盖板玻璃-薄膜传感器-薄膜传感器)GF cover glass-film sensor CTP结构一种(盖板玻璃-薄膜传感器)HHTL Hole transport layer 空穴传输层HTPS High Temperate Polycrystal Silicon 高温多晶硅IIC Integrate Circuit 集成电路ICM Illumination and Color Management 照明色彩管理IEC International Electrical Commission 国际电工委员会ILB Inner Lead Bonding 内引线焊接IPS In-Plane Switching 面内切换宽视角技术IR Infrared Ray 远红外线IS Inverted Staggered 反交叠结构ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ITO Indium Tin Oxide 锡掺杂氧化铟薄膜IR infrared ray 红外LLCOS Liquid Crystal On Silicon 硅基液晶(液晶反射式)LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LDD Lightly Doped Drain 微掺杂沟道型LDS Low Discrepancy Sequences 超均匀分布列理论LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LGP Light Guide Plate 导光板LMD Light Measurement Device 光学测试仪器LPCVD Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition 低压化学气相沉积LP-MBE Low Pressure Molecular Beam Epitaxy 低压分子束外延LRCR Contrast Ratio in Lighted Room 亮室对比度LTPS Low Temperate Polycrystal Silicon 低温多晶硅LVDS low Voltage Differential Signaling 低压差分信号LOC Aliquid optically clear adhensive 液态光学透明胶LCM Liquid Crystal Module 液晶模块MMCU Micro Control Unit 微控制单元MOS-FET Metal Oxide Silicon-Field Effect Transistor 金属-氧化物-硅场效应晶体管MPRT Moving Picture Response Time 运动图象响应速度MS Mega Sonic MHz的超声波清洗方法MVA Multi-domain Vertical Alignment 多畴垂直取向NB Notebook 笔记本电脑NS Normal Staggered 正交叠结构NTSC National Television System Committee 国际电视系统委员会OOCB Optical Compensated Bending 光学补偿弯曲宽视角技术ODF One Drop Filling 液晶滴注OLB Outer Lead Bonding 外部引线连接OLED Organic Light Emitting Display 有机电致发光二极管OSD On Screen Display 屏幕菜单式调节OC over coat 保护膜OCA optically clear adhesive 光学透明OGS one glass solution 全贴合技术PPAD 焊接衬垫PCB Print Circuit Board 印刷电路板PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字处理机PDP Plasma Display Panel 等离子体显示屏PE Plasma Etching 等离子体刻蚀PECVD Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition 等离子体增强化学气相沉积PEP Photo Engraving Process 光刻工艺PI Polyimide 聚酰亚胺取向层PLED Polymer Light Emitting Diode 高分子有机电致发光显示器PMMA Polymethyl Methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯POL Polarizer 偏振片PR Photo Resist 光刻胶p-Si Polycrystal Silicon(Polysilicon) 多晶硅PVA Patterned Vertical Alignment 垂直取向构型PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PWM Pulse width modulation 脉冲宽度调制PET Polyester 聚脂薄膜PC Poly carbonate 聚碳酸脂PSA Pressure sensitive adhesive 压敏胶QQVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array 1/4视频圆形阵列(240×320象素)RRB Roll BRUSH 辊刷RF Radio Frequency 射频RF Power Radio Frequency Power 射频功率RGB Red Green Blue 红绿蓝RIE Reactive Ion Etching 反应离子刻蚀RTP Resistive touch panel 电阻式触摸屏SSEM Scanning Electron Microscope 扫描电子显微镜SEMI Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 国际半导体设备与材料协会SID Society for Information Display 信息显示协会S-IPS Super- In-Plane Switching 超级面内切换宽视角技术SMD Surface Mounted Device 表面贴装器件SOC System On Chip 芯片上系统SOG System On Glass 玻璃上系统SOP System On Panel 屏上系统SPC Solid Phase Crystallization 固相晶化法SPWG Standard Panel Working Group 屏标准化工作组SSFLC Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal 表面稳定化双稳态模式STN Super Twisted Nematic 超扭曲向列型SW Shower 喷淋清洗TTAB Tape Automated Bonding 带载自动连接(卷带自动结合) TAC Triacetyl Cellulose 三醋酸纤维素TCON Timing Controller 时序控制器TCP Thermo compression bonding 热压结合TEM Transmission Electron Microscope 透射电子显微镜TFT-LCD Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling 最小化传输差分信号TN Twisted Nematic 扭曲向列型TOL Ttouch on lens 单层电容式触控于保护玻璃上TP Touch panel 触摸屏UUS UltraSonic 超声波清洗UV UltraViolet lamp 紫外灯清洗VVA Vertical Alignment 垂直取向VESA Video Electronics Standards Association 视频电子标准协会VA View area 可视区域WWB Wire Bonding 线连接XXPS X-ray Photoelectron Spectrom X射线光电子能谱分析二.TP常用英文Clear PET:亮面PET anti-glare PET:雾面PET anti-newtonring 防牛顿环Anti-reflection 防反射Flat type 平面式Tactile type 触感试Ploy dome emboss 圆包凸Pillow emboss 平台凸Frame emboss/rim emboss 镶框凸Analong type 类此式Matris type 矩阵式Capacitance 电容式Top/upper cricllit 上线路Adhesive/spacer 粘胶/键片Botcom/lower circuit 下线路rear adhesive 底胶ESD 静电网Full solid shielding 网状静电网Selective velvetexture消光处理Tail 引线Stiffener/trace filler 补强Copper foil铜箔Connecetor连接器ZIF connector 不打PIN Nickel-plated 镀镍Gold-plated镀金Aluminium board 铝板Acrylic plate 压克力板(PMMA)Chemically streng thered glass 强化玻璃Normal glass 普通ITO 玻璃Spacer dot绝缘点Dotpitch 绝缘点点距Heat sealing 热封胶Adhesive paste 粘胶EVA 黑色泡棉胶Double tape双面胶stripw 插条Venting detail 通气槽Costume 外观Release liner 离形纸Fuselage/case 机壳。

Field-enhanced MISMIM electron emitters

Field-enhanced MISMIM electron emitters

专利名称:Field-enhanced MIS/MIM electron emitters发明人:Sheng, Xia,Birecki, Henryk,Lam, Si-Ty,Kuo,Huei-Pei,Naberhuis, Steven Louis申请号:EP02257067.5申请日:20021011公开号:EP1302964A1公开日:20030416专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:In an electron emitter (100, 200, 300) based on Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor or Metal-Insulator-Metal emitters, field emission structures are enclosed within the emitter structure. The electron emitter may include a conductive substrate (110, 210,310) and an electron supply layer (120, 220, 320) formed on the conductive substrate (110, 210, 310). The electron supply layer (120, 220, 320), for example undoped polysilicon, has protrusions (130, 230, 330) formed on its surface. The sharpness and density of protrusions (130, 230, 330) may be controlled. Above the electron supply layer (120, 220, 320) and the protrusions, an insulator (140, 240, 340) may be formed thereby enclosing the protrusions (130, 230, 330). A top conductive layer (150, 250, 350) may be formed above the insulator (140, 240, 340). The enclosed protrusions (130, 230, 330) are relatively insensitive to vacuum contamination. The thinness of the insulator (140, 240, 340) allows high intensity electric fields at the protrusions (130, 230, 330) to be generated with low applied voltage. Field-enhanced injection of electrons into the insulator (140, 240, 340) and thence through the top conductive layer (150, 250, 350) results. Furthermore, electron beam dispersion and divergence are minimized.申请人:Hewlett-Packard Company地址:3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 US国籍:US代理机构:Tollett, Ian更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:FIELD EMISSION DISPLAY发明人:MASUDA TAKASHI,増田 尚,SAWADA TAKAO,沢田 隆夫申请号:JP2005190185申请日:20050629公开号:JP2007012373A公开日:20070118专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a field emission display in which verticallyerected carbon nanotubes can be arranged at appropriate intervals by adding particles to a carbon nanotube-containing layer.SOLUTION: In the field emission display, a cathode panel 1 and an anode panel 2 are provided. The cathode panel 1 has a cathode substrate 3, a cathode electrode 4, and the carbon nanotube-containing layer 7 of which the tip is exposed to the side of the anode panel 2, and which contains glass particles 6 for setting a gigging space between carbonnanotubes 5 emitting electrons. The anode panel 2 has an anode substrate 10, an anode electrode 11, and a phosphor 12 for emitting light by energy given from the electrons. The glass particles 6 have a particle size of 0.5 μm to 20 μm, and a particle content of 10% to 70% in terms of a volume ratio when the volume of the carbon nanotube-containing layer 7 is taken as 100%.COPYRIGHT: (C)2007,JPO&INPIT申请人:MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP,三菱電機株式会社地址:東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目7番3号国籍:JP代理人:曾我 道照,曾我 道治,古川 秀利,鈴木 憲七,梶並 順更多信息请下载全文后查看。

GE Healthcare CT, PET, or NM table service notice说

GE Healthcare CT, PET, or NM table service notice说

E Urgent Field Safety Notice GE Healthcare3000 N. Grandview Blvd. - W440Waukesha, WI 53188 USADate of Letter Deployment GEHC Ref# 22998To: Director of Clinical/RadiologyRisk Manager/Hospital AdministratorDirector of Biomedical EngineeringRE: Potential for the CT, PET, or NM table to drop during specific servicing activities.This document contains important information for your product. Please ensure all potential Users in your facility are made aware of this safety notification and the recommended actions.Please retain this document for your records.Safety Issue GE Healthcare has become aware of an issue regarding the products listed below that can result in the table dropping during a specific service activity if the wrong screws are removed by the service personnel without the appropriate table supports in place. This can result in injury to service personnel. There is no defect in the table itself; this issue is related to unclear guidance in the service manual for a specific service procedure.The table functions normally during clinical operation. This issue can only occur during specific servicing activities on the table.Actions to be taken by Customer / User You can continue to use the system. The system and table will function as designed during clinical use. To avoid this issue, contact GE Healthcare Service at the number listed below prior to any table servicing activities so that GE Healthcare can provide you with guidance. Please complete and return the attached acknowledgement form toAffected Product Details Tables listed in Appendix A Table 1 are affected. Affected tables are used with CT (Computed Tomography), PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and NM (Nuclear Medicine) systems identified in Appendix A Table 2.Intended Use:CT: The systems are intended for head, whole body, cardiac and vascular X-ray CT applications.PET: The systems are intended for head and whole body attenuation corrected PET imaging and localization of emission activity in patient anatomy by means of integrated PET and CT imagesNM: The systems are intended for performing nuclear cardiac imaging procedures for detection and imaging of radioisotope tracer uptake in the patient body for clinical diagnostic purposes as well as performing general Head & Body CT applications.Product Correction GE Healthcare will provide an updated service manual with specific instructions regarding safe servicing of the impacted CT, PET, and NM tables to all customers at no cost. The service manual updates are planned to be released by the end of June, 2022. Please see Appendix B for instructions on accessing the latest service manuals online.Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns regarding this notification, please contact GE Healthcare Service or your local Service Representative.GE Healthcare confirms that this notice has been notified to the appropriate Regulatory Agency.Please be assured that maintaining a high level of safety and quality is our highest priority. If you have any questions, please contact us immediately per the contact information above.Sincerely,xxxr GE Healthcare xxxGE HealthcareGEHC Ref# 22998MEDICAL DEVICE NOTIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTRESPONSE REQUIREDPlease complete this form and return it to GE Healthcare promptly upon receipt and no later than 30 days from receipt. This will confirm receipt and understanding of the Urgent Field Safety Notice.Customer/Consignee Name:Street Address:City/State/ZIP/Country:Email Address:Phone Number:☐We acknowledge receipt and understanding of the accompanying Medical DeviceNotification, and that we have informed appropriate staff and have taken and will takeappropriate actions in accordance with that Notification.Please provide the name of the individual with responsibility who completed this form.Signature:Printed Name:Title:Date (DD/MM/YYYY):Appendix A Table 1 – Affected Table IdentificationTable Part Number Table GTINGT1700/GT1700V/VT1700 5122080 Not Applicable5122080-5 Not Applicable5122080-3 Not Applicable5122080-10 Not Applicable5122080-11 Not Applicable5122080-12 008406821035415122080-4 008406821035345122080-2 Not Applicable GT2000/VT2000 5121647 Not Applicable5121647-2 Not Applicable5121647-3 Not Applicable5121647-4 00840682103572 GT2000x/VT2000x 5380966 008406821026745380966-110 Not Applicable5380966-120 Not Applicable High Capacity Table 5272966 Not Applicable5272966-2 Not Applicable5272966-3 00840682102667 Lite Table 5182488 Not Applicable5182488-110 Not Applicable5182488-2 Not Applicable5182488-3 008406821025755182488-5 Not Applicable Kunlun Table 5858588 Not Applicable5858588-2 008406821366005858588-3 Not Applicable Global PET-CT Table 5101900 Not Applicable5101900-2 Not Applicable5101900-20 00840682102582 NP Table 2113694 Not Applicable2200192 Not Applicable2200290 Not Applicable2200291 Not Applicable2247800 Not Applicable2247801 Not Applicable2113694-2 Not Applicable2200192-2 Not Applicable2200290-2 Not Applicable2200291-2 Not Applicable2247800-2 Not Applicable2247801-2 Not ApplicableP2005AA Table 2244226 Not Applicable2244226-3 Not Applicable LCT Table 2297024 Not Applicable CTE TWIN Table ASSY 2320315 Not ApplicableAppendix A Table 2 – Affected Systems, Tables and Service manuals.SystemTable Type Service Manual Identifier Affected Service Manual Revision System GTIN BrightSpeed Elite/Edge/Excel GT1700 5193754-800 rev23 and prior Not Applicable BrightSpeedElite/Edge/Excel Select Lite Table 5181178-800 rev24 and priorNot Applicable Brivo CT315/CT325 Kunlun Table 5478834-1EN rev6 and prior Not Applicable Brivo CT385Kunlun Table 5458022-8EN rev15 and prior Not ApplicableRevolution Discovery CT Revolution HDDiscovery CT750 HD Discovery CTGT1700GT2000/GT2000x 5307450-2ENrev30 and priorRevolution Discovery CT:00840682102490Revolution Discovery CT A: 00840682125574 HiSpeed Dual, ProSpeed FII CTE TWIN Table 5116374 rev21 and prior Not Applicable HiSpeed Series NP Table 2188543 rev44 and prior Not Applicable CTe, ProSpeed AI/FI P2005AA Table LCT table 2244773 rev36 and prior Not Applicable CTe Dual, ProSpeed AII/FIICTE TWIN Table 2326233 rev17 and prior Not ApplicableOptima CT520 Series Lite Table 5411810-8EN rev10 and prior Optima CT520: 00840682102568 Optima CT520 Series with DoDOptima Advance Lite Table 5457941-8EN rev16 and prior Optima CT520: 00840682102568 Optima Advance: 00840682147415 Optima CT540 GT1700 5350500-8EN rev28 and prior Optima CT540: 00840682102551 Optima CT540 N: 00840682138963 Optima CT620 Lite Table GT1700 5836560-8ENrev2 and prior 00195278563408Optima CT660Lite Table GT1700GT2000/VT2000x 5366080-8ENrev39 and priorOptima CT660 Cj2.5 Upgrade: 00840682116510 Optima CT680 SeriesOptima CT670 Lite Table GT1700 5487410-8EN rev14 and prior Not ApplicableRevolution ACT Revolution ACTs Revolution ACT EL Revolution Star Revolution Star ES ACT ACTsKunlun Table5487206-8ENrev8 and priorRevolution ACT: 00840682135313 Revolution ACT LMB: 00840682146197Revolution ACT EL: 00195278568373Revolution ACTs: 00195278534811 Revolution EVO VT1700VT2000/VT2000x 5866660-8ENrev26 and prior 00840682109796Revolution Maxima/Ace Optima CT680 Expert Revolution Maxima MLite Table GT1700 GT20005809950-8ENrev3 and priorRevolution Maxima: 00840682146180 Revolution Maxima US: 00840682147392Revolution Ace: 00840682146159 Optima CT680 Expert: 008406821469372 Revolution ACE ES GT17005848536-8ENrev1 and prior 00195278420893 Revolution Frontier GT1700GT2000/GT2000x 5796213-2ENrev8 and prior 00840682137553Discovery RTDiscovery CT590RT Optima CT580GT1700High Capacity Table 5366638-8EN rev24 and prior Discovery RT: 00840682118699 Discovery CT590RT and CT580: Not Applicable LightSpeed RT 16 and XtraGT1700 GT2000High Capacity Table5196837-800rev12 and priorNot ApplicableSystem Table Type Service ManualIdentifier Affected ServiceManual RevisionSystem GTINRevolution Ascend GT1700VVT2000/VT2000x5987660-8EN rev3 and prior 00840682146173Revolution Advance / Eagle Lite Table 5850006-8EN rev1 and prior Revolution Advance: 00195278385215Revolution Eagle: 00195278403087 Discovery MI Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5661743-2EN Rev 9 and prior 008406821435230084068210821800195278098603Discovery MI-DR Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5146686-2EN Rev 7 and prior 0084068212097500840682146166Discovery IQ Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5495002-2EN Rev 11 and prior 00840682125703Discovery 610 (64 slice) Discovery 710 (64 Slice) Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5428822-2EN Rev 5 and prior 0084068210305300840682102995Discovery 610 (16 Slice) Discovery 710 (16 slice) Optima 560 Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5440658-2EN Rev 5 and prior 0084068210305300840682102995Discovery 600 Discovery 690 Elite (16 slice)Optima 560 Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5322777-2EN Rev 12 and prior 00840682143981Discovery 690 VCT Global PET-CT Table / GT2000 5266353-2EN Rev 14 and prior Not Applicable Discovery NM/CT 570c GT1700GT20005193574-800 rev36 and prior 00840682105286LightSpeed VCT GT1700GT20005193574-800 rev36 and prior Not ApplicableAppendix B – Service Manual Access InstructionsPlease follow the below instructions to download the desired CT, PET or NM System Service Manual.The latest versions of Service Manuals are available at:https:///#/cdp/dashboardStep 1: Enter the Service Manual Identifier from Appendix A Table 2 that corresponds with your device into the search field and select “Search”Step 2: Verify the manual revision is higher than the version number listed in Appendix A Table 2, then download the manual. Note - If the manual version is at or before the version listed in Table 2, the instructions related to this table servicing issue have not been updated in that document. Please contact GE Healthcare service before performing servicing underneath the table.。

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