



中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
Four treasures of the study
bamboo and weasel(黄鼬) hair 湖笔
and inkstick: made from lampblack (soot) and binders, grinded with water before use.徽墨
The evolution of Chinese characters font
→小篆 →隶书 →楷书 →草书 →行书
篆书 Seal script
隶书和楷书 official and regular
颜真卿(A.D.709-785)—Tang dynasty
of the four greatest masters of kaishu
“The best running handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
草书Cursive script
柳公权(778-865)—Tang dynasty
Gongquan, a master of kaishu and cursive(行草) who is often mentioned with Yan Zhenqing. Kaishu: vigorous and rigorous Running-cursive: fluent and flowing



The genres of Calligraphy genre[‘ʒɔŋrə]派别
There are five genres in Chinese calligraphy. These were the Zhuan, Li, Kai, Xing and Cso seemed to like calligraphy a lot . Someone will ask does calligraphy still have these practical functions now?
The Art of Calligraphy
Calligraphy [kə‘ligrəfi] 书法
The history of Calligraphy
. Historically, Chinese calligraphy and politics
were closely intertwined. Over 2,000 years ago, Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor in Chinese history, established[i´stæ bliʃt](已建立) the official Chinese writing characters.
sponsorship [´spɔnsəʃip] 发起 赞助 the Imperial Civil
Service examinations 科举考试
素质 stimulated [´stimjuleit] 起刺激作用
I had thought computers would lead to the disappearance of Chinese calligraphy. Now I understand that’s not likely to happen.

中国书法英文版 PPT

中国书法英文版 PPT

clerical or offical script
clerical or offical script
The clerical script is popularly thought to have developed in the Hàn dynasty and to have come directly from seal script.
Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam. The calligraphic tradition of East Asia originated
and developed from China. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting
are closely related, since they are accomplished using similar tools and
regular or standard script
running or semi-cursive script
oracle bone script
Oracle bone script
Because turtle shells as well as bones were used, the oracle bone script is also sometimes called shell and bone script. As the majority of oracle bones bearing writing date to the late Shang dynasty, oracle bone script essentially refers to a Shang script. People believed that the shells told powers of their gods, so that is why it is called "Oracle Bone Script". Oracle bone script was the form of Chinese characters used on oracle bones— animal bones or turtle plastrons used in pyromantic divination—in the late 2nd millennium BCE, and is the earliest known form of Chinese writing.


• 另一种横披形式为横幅,从名称上讲,是相对与 条幅来讲的,与条幅的展示空间和功用相仿佛。 内容字数可多可少,较少字数的内容创作与匾额 同,而较多字数的则可表现得轻松自如一些。横 幅是一种悬挂的形式,但它同时也具备长卷创作 时的一些特点。
对联 (couplet)
• 其创作形式主要有团扇与折扇两种,纵观古今各 类书扇作品,折扇上的字体选择似乎要更多样一 些,而团扇上的字体,很多人则喜欢用行草一类 的书体。
米万钟 草书扇面
• 正文、款式、 印章是书法 作品的三个 组成要素, 一幅完整的 书法作品这 三者确一不 可。
• 正文是书法 作品的主体 部分,与布 局的章法有 很大关系。
纵列法 (vertical style)
• 字与字的纵


较明显的线 条感,而横


自由,无明 显线条感。



交错法 (crisscross style)
• 横向、纵向均无明显的线条感,能给人以一种动 态的整体美。常用于狂草中。
• 有墨处必有笔,有笔处亦有墨,笔与墨互 为依存,相得益彰,用墨之法也是笔法的 一种辅助手段。古人用墨贵浓黑似漆,苏 东坡有用墨要黑而又亮,如小孩的瞳仁之 说。到了明代,随着文人画的兴起,书家 兼画家、画家必书家的情况极为普遍。于 是,在书法领域里逐渐融进了绘画的墨法, 以增加书法作品的笔墨情趣。古人有墨分 五色之说,即一般分浓墨、淡墨、枯笔、 涨墨、渴笔。
• 浓墨:浓墨是常见的一种墨法,古人多用此法。 墨浓如漆,写在白纸上黑白分明,极其醒目,字 迹清晰饱满,神采外耀。



CalligraphyCalligraphy is understood in China as the art of writing a good hand with the brush or the study of the rules and techniques of this art。

As such it is peculiar to China and the few countries influenced by ancient Chinese culture。

In the history of Chinese art,calligraphy has always been held in equalimportance to painting. Great attention is also paid today to itsdevelopment by holding exhibitions of ancient and contemporary worksand by organizing competitions among youngsters and people fromvarious walks of life。

Sharing of experience in this field often makes afeature in Sino-Japanese cultural exchange.Chinese calligraphy, like the script itself,began with the hieroglyphs and,over the long ages of evolution, has developed various styles and schools, constituting an important part of the heritage of national culture.ClassificationChinese scripts are generally divided into five categories:The seal character (zhuan), the official or clerical script (li), the regularscript (kai), the running hand (xing) and the cursive hand (cao)。



中国书法英文介绍中国书法英文介绍Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy Chinese calligraphy [k??l?ɡr?fi] is an Oriental art. But what makes it an art? It is very much like painting. It uses Chinese characters to communicate the spiritual world of the artist. Just as one thousand persons will have as many faces, one thousand persons will have as many differences in handwriting. Through the medium of form, way of handling the brush, presentation, and style, calligraphy as a work of art conveys the moral integrity, character, emotions, esthetic [es'θet?k](审美的) feelings and culture of the artist to readers affecting them by the power of appeal and the joy of beauty. Calligraphy is not only a practical technique for writing Chinese characters, but also a unique Oriental art of expression and a branch of learning or discipline as well. As a branch of learning it is rich in content, including the evolution of writing styles, development and rules of technique, history of calligraphy, calligraphers and their inheritance(继承) in art, and evaluation of calligraphy as a work of art. This branch of learning is wide ranging and deep, forming an important part of Chinese culture.The Chinese Brush Calligraphy is one of the traditional four arts which was once an important critical standard for the Chinese literati [?l?t??rɑti](学者)in the imperial [?m?p??ri?l] era and now prevails (盛行)not only in China but also worldwide as a unique branch of art. Calligraphy is so abstract and sublime [s??bla?m](令人赞叹)that in Chinese culture it is universally regarded to be the most revealing(给人启发的)power of a person. While one has conformed to the defined structure of words, the expression can be displayed with great creativity byindividuals. To become an artist or expert in calligraphy, one has to practice word by word and stroke by stroke until the spirit of the practice gets into one's mind. The Chinese brush calligraphy can temper a person into a state in which one can apply subconsciousness(下意识)got from the daily practice to control the concentration of ink and the compatibility[k?m?p?t??b?l?ti] (相符合)of font(字体) and size of each piece or word. In contrast to the Western calligraphy, diffusing ink blots and dry brush strokes(笔画) are viewed as a natural and free impromptu [?m?pr?mptju:](即兴) expression. All the varieties of the operation depend on the mental exercise that coordinates the mind and the body to perform the proper sense to choose the proper way in expressing the content of the passage. Calligraphy is considered as an active way of keeping one fit and health for the practice is either relaxing or self-entertaining. Historically, many calligraphy artists both in China and Japan were well known for their longevity[l?n?d?ev?ti](长寿).。

中国书法介绍(英文版)Calligraphy Introduction

中国书法介绍(英文版)Calligraphy  Introduction

CalligraphyCalligraphy is understood in China as the art of writing a good hand with the brush or the study of the rules and techniques of this art. As such it is peculiar to China and the few countries influenced by ancient Chinese culture.In the history of Chinese art, calligraphy has always been held in equalimportance to painting. Great attention is also paid today to itsdevelopment by holding exhibitions of ancient and contemporary worksand by organizing competitions among youngsters and people fromvarious walks of life. Sharing of experience in this field often makes afeature in Sino-Japanese cultural exchange.Chinese calligraphy, like the script itself, began with the hieroglyphs and, over the long ages of evolution, has developed various styles and schools, constituting an important part of the heritage of national culture.ClassificationChinese scripts are generally divided into five categories:The seal character (zhuan), the official or clerical script (li), the regularscript (kai), the running hand (xing) and the cursive hand (cao).1) The zhuan script or seal character was the earliest form of writing afterthe oracle inscriptions, which must have caused great inconveniencebecause they lacked uniformity and many characters were written invariant forms. The first effort for the unification of writing, it is said, tookplace during the reign of King Xuan (827-782 B. C.) of the Western ZhouDynasty, when his taishi (grand historian) Shi Zhou compiled a lexicon of15 chapters, standardizing Chinese writing under script called zhuan. It isalso known as zhouwen after the name of the author. This script, oftenused in seals, is translated into English as the seal character, or as the"curly script" after the shape of its strokes.Shi Zhou's lexicon (which some thought was written by a later author of the state of Qin) had long been lost, yet it is generally agreed that the inscriptions on the drum-shaped Qin stone blocks were basically of the same style as the old zhuan script.When, in 221 B. C., Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified the whole of China under one central government, he ordered his Prime Minister Li Si to collect and sort out all the different systems of writing hitherto prevalent in different parts of the country in a great effort to unify the written language under onesystem. What Li did, in effect, was to simplify the ancient zhuan (small seal) script.Today we have a most valuable relic of this ancient writing in the creator Li Si's own hand engraved on a stele standing in the Temple to the God of Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province. The2,200-year-old stele, worn by age and weather, has only nine and a half characters left on it.2) The lishu (official script) came in the wake of the xiaozhuan in the same short-lived Qin Dynasty (221 - 207 B. C.). This was because the xiaozhuan, though a simplified form of script, was still too complicated for the scribes in the various government offices who had to copy an increasing amount of documents. Cheng Miao, a prison warden, made a further simplification of the xiaozhuan, changing the curly strokes into straight and angular ones and thus making writing much easier. A further step away from the pictographs, it was named lishu because li in classical Chinese meant "clerk" or "scribe". Another version says that Cheng Miao, because of certain offence, became a prisoner and slave himself; as the ancients also called bound slaves "li", so the script was named lishu or the "script of a slave".3) The lishu was already very close to, and led to the adoption of, kaishu, regular script. The oldest existing example of this dates from the Wei (220-265), and the script developed under the Jin(265-420). The standard writing today is square in form, non-cursive and architectural in style. The characters are composed of a number of strokes out of a total of eight kinds-the dot, the horizontal, the vertical, the hook, the rising, the left-falling (short and long) and the right-falling strokes. Any aspirant for the status of calligrapher must start by learning to write a good hand in kaishu.4) On the basis of lishu also evolved caoshu (grass writing or cursive hand), which is rapid and used for making quick but rough copies. This style is subdivided into two schools: zhangcao and jincao.The first of these emerged at the time the Qin was replaced by the Han Dynasty between the 3rd and 2nd centuries B. C. The characters, though written rapidly, still stand separate one from another and the dots are not linked up with other strokes.Jincao or the modern cursive hand is said to have been developed by Zhang Zhi (?-c. 192 A. D.) of the Eastern Han Dynasty, flourished in the Jin and Tang dynasties and is still widely popular today.It is the essence of the caoshu, especially jincao, that the characters are executed swiftly with the strokes running together. The characters are often joined up, with the last stroke of the first merging into the initial stroke of the next. They also vary in size in the same piece of writing, all seemingly dictated by the whims of the writer.A great master at caoshu was Zhang Xu (early 8th century) of the Tang Dynasty, noted for the complete abandon with which he applied the brush. It is said that he would not set about writing until he had got drunk. This he did, allowing the brush to "gallop" across the paper, curling, twisting ormeandering in one unbroken stroke, thus creating an original style. Today one may still see fragments of a stele carved with characters in his handwriting, kept in the Provincial Museum of Shaanxi.The best example and model for xingshu, all Chinese calligraphers will agree, is the Inscription on Lanting Pavilion in the hand of Wang Xizhi (321-379) of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. To learn to write a nice hand in Chinese calligraphy, assiduous and persevering practice is necessary. This has been borne out by the many great masters China has produced. Wang Xizhi, the great artist just mentioned, who has exerted a profound influence on, and has been held in high esteem by, calligraphers and scholars throughout history, is said to have blackened in his childhood all the water of a pond in front of his house by washing the writing implements in it after his daily exercises. Another master, Monk Zhiyong of the Sui Dynasty (581-618) was so industrious in learning calligraphy that he filled many jars with worn-out writing brushes, which he buried in a "tomb of brushes".Renewed interest in brush-writing has been kindled today among the pupils in China, some of whom already show promises as worthy successors to the ancient masters.Four Treasures of the StudyTo produce Chinese characters one will need a brush, paper, inkstick and ink stone, commonly referred to as the "Four Treasures ofthe Study". To learn calligraphy, it is necessary to learn about thesetools.While brushes are varied, white-goat-hair, black-rabbit-hair and yellow-weasel-hair brushes are the main ones. On the basis of function, brushes are classified into three groups: hard, soft and both. Brush handles are usually made of bamboo, wood, lacquer or porcelain; ivory or jade handles are rare and precious.The ink stick is a unique pigment used for Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy. The most famous ink stick ishui mo(Anhui ink stick), made of pines that grow on Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province. Clean water is needed to grind the ink stick, which must be balanced in the hand during the grinding or rubbing process. Press hard and rub lightly, slowly and evenly against the ink slab until a thick, liquid-ink forms.Paper was invented by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). While paper comes in many varieties, Xuan paper, produced in the Jing Prefecture of Xuanzhou (today's Anhui Province), is considered the best for Chinese calligraphy. The paper is soft and fine textured, suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both Chinese calligraphy and painting. With a good tensile strength and mothproof quality, the paper can be preserved for a long time.Ink stones or ink slabs have been classified into three categories:Duan,SheandTao. Features common to all three ink slabs are the stone's hardness and fineness. Although the stone is hard and fine, it is notdry or slippery. Using a hard, smooth stone, liquid ink can be produced easily by rubbing the ink stick against the stone.By controlling the flexibility of the brush, the concentration of the ink and the absorbency of the paper, the artist can produce an infinite variety of calligraphic styles and forms.Calligraphy: Leader of All Art FormsFew nations in the world have calligraphy as a form of art. In China, calligraphy has maintained a close rapport with the country's cultural development.Calligraphy is an expressive art. According to an old Chinese saying, "the way characters are written is a portrait of the person who writes them." Expressing the abstract beauty of lines and rhythms, calligraphy is a reflection of a person's emotions, moral integrity, character, educational level, accomplishments in self-cultivation, intellectual tastes and approach to life. Chinese characters, which convey ideas, are regarded as the most abstract and sublime art form.Calligraphy is also a practical fine art. Exotic calligraphic inscriptions written on paper, wooden plaques or stone tablets serve as decorations of a deep artistic value.Calligraphy manifests the basic characteristics of all Chinese arts. Closely associated with paintings -- the two leaders of Chinese art forms -- calligraphy takes precedence over painting since it greatly inspired the art of painting. Moreover, calligraphy has influenced other typically Chinese art forms like classical poetry, seal-cutting, sculpture, traditional music and dance, architecture and handicrafts.Calligraphy is a mental exercise that coordinates the mind and body. It is a most relaxing yet highly disciplined exercise for physical and spiritual well-being. Historically, many calligraphic artists lived to a ripe, old age.An Art of the OrientChinese calligraphy is an Oriental art. Like chopsticks, calligraphy was once entirely Chinese, but as Chinese culture spread to Korea, Japan, and Singapore, calligraphy became a unique feature of the Oriental art.Calligraphy is even wildly accepted by the West; as once Picasso said, "Had I been born Chinese, I would have been a calligrapher, not a painter." Many calligraphic elements are being adopted by modern western art.。


• It often features a wavelike flaring of stroke, especially a dominant rightward or downward diagonal stroke.
Popular styles
• 楷书Regular script/kǎishū
•Paper: Special types of paper called Xuanzhi is
used, from Tatar wingceltis(青檀) and other materials.
• Regular script came into being between the Eastern Hàn and Cáo Wèi dynasties, and its first known master was Zhōng
Yáo(钟繇) known as “father of regular script”. • It is most common in modern writings and publications.
黄庭坚 (1045-1105) Huang Tingjian
• A calligrapher and poet in Song dynasty. • His works are fancy and firm, leading change of
the trend.
Popular styles
• 隶书The clerical script
Dynasty (甲骨文) •13th century B.C.-A.D 2nd century •Jīnwén (Bronzeware script) •Dàzhuàn (Large Seal Script) •Xiǎozhuàn—character unification in the time of Qin Shi Huang



汉字的字体演变 The evolution of Chinese characters font
甲骨文 →金文 →小篆 →隶 →楷书 →草书 →行书
甲骨文 Oracle Bone Script
篆书 Seal script
金文 Inscriptions on bronze
隶书和楷书 Calligraphy and script
smriti & innovation
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
汉语是我们的母语,不一定每个 人都能成为书法家,但每个人都要 把汉语学好、把汉字写好。
At the same time, we should try our utmost to learn English well to spread Chinese to the world!
同时,我们要把英语学好,将汉 字传播到全世界!
Thank you!
Why Chinese characters can be so special?
汉字的构造 Structure • 象形 • 指事 • 会意 • 形声 • 假借
Xi'an Banpo Yangshao culture pottery engraving
草书Cursive script
“The best cursive handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序



英文版 中国书法介绍ppt课件

英文版 中国书法介绍ppt课件
•His style is more fluid than his father's, demonstrating a reaction against Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. •Until the Tang Dynasty his influence and reputation rivaled and even surpassed that of his father.
The style is flowing, powerful and graceful in stroke.
Thank you!
Zhong Yao(151–230)was a calligrapher and politician who lived in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He served in the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.
Northern Dynasty: tablet inscriptions
The artistic result of the cultural merge between all nationalities. A perfect combination of stone carving and calligraphy.
On Duck Head Pill
Amongst his innovations is the one-stroke cursive script,


——The spirit of Chinese culture
former first lady Laura Bush 美国前总统布什夫人
Chinese calligraphy
world famous
What is Chinese calligraphy?
Art Philosophy Spirit
中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
Why Chinese characters can be so special?
汉字的构造 Structure
会意 形声 假借
软笔书法 The soft pen calligraphy
硬笔书法 The hard pen calligraphy
传承、创新 smriti & innovation
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
篆书 Seal script
金文 Inscriptions on bronze
隶书和楷书 Calligraphy and script
草书Cursive script
“The best cursive handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序
Development of modern calligraphy


小组成员:刘科 王聪Calligraphy genre[‘ʒɔŋrə]派别
There are five genres in Chinese calligraphy. These were the Zhuan, Li, Kai, Xing and Cao genres
Ordinary Chinese people also seemed to like calligraphy a lot . Someone will ask does calligraphy still have these practical functions now?
The Art of Calligraphy
Calligraphy [kə‘ligrəfi] 书法
The history of Calligraphy
. Historically, Chinese calligraphy and politics
were closely intertwined. Over 2,000 years ago, Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor in Chinese history, established[i´stæ bliʃt](已建立) the official Chinese writing characters.
sponsorship [´spɔnsəʃip] 发起 赞助 the Imperial Civil
Service examinations 科举考试
素质 stimulated [´stimjuleit] 起刺激作用
I had thought computers would lead to the disappearance of Chinese calligraphy. Now I understand that’s not likely to happen.


• Su Shi,Huang Tingjian, etc.
• Ming and Qing Dynasties
• Calligraphy in China made great progress again——the art of painting flourished in Ming Dynasty and gave impetus to the development of it
• Modern Times
• Writing instruments: pen, pencil, ballpen • Chinese calligraphy lost its value of practical use and gradually became a pure artistic form • Decorative calligraphy can be found everywhere, especially in temples and pagodas, on the walls of caves, and the sides of mountains and monuments
• Eastern Han Caoshu(草书) • With strokes flowing and characters linking together • The style looks more smooth and lively • Xingshu(行书) Eastern Han • Write in a simpler and faster way
• Eastern Jin Dynasty
• Wang XiZhi :developed a new style of his own and reached a very level of artistic achievement in the running and cursive hand. • Was respected as the “master of calligraphy”. • His handwriting influenced many later calligrphy.
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——The spirit of Chinese culture
former first lady Laura Bush 美国前总统布什夫人
Chinese calligraphy
world famous
What is Chinese calligraphy?
Art Philosophy Spirit
中国书法是一种艺术 中国书法是一种理念 中国书法是一种精神
Why Chinese characters can be so special?
汉字的构造 Structure
会意 形声 假借
汉语是我们的母语,不一定每个人都 能成为书法家,但每个人都要把汉语学 好、把汉字写好。
At the same time, we should try our utmost to learn English well to spread Chinese to the world!
同时,我们要把英语学好he soft pen calligraphy
硬笔书法 The hard pen calligraphy
传承、创新 smriti & innovation
Chinese is the mother tongue, it’s our duty to learn and write it well though not everyone can be calligrapher
篆书 Seal script
金文 Inscriptions on bronze
隶书和楷书 Calligraphy and script
草书Cursive script
“The best cursive handwriting” 行书
王羲之 兰亭集序
Development of modern calligraphy
Xi'an Banpo Yangshao culture pottery engraving
The evolution of Chinese characters font
甲骨文 →金文 →小篆 →隶书 →楷书 →草书 →行书
甲骨文 Oracle Bone Script
Thank you!
BY :黄其平、黄龙、任环、刑慧君、吴彤、郭星星 Oct 14th, 2010