
我国5G网络已经建成了全球的70%的基站,2021年底,累计建设并开通5G 基站142。

二、财务概况1. 资产负债表分析华为和中兴的资产负债表反映了两家公司的资产、负债和所有者权益状况。
2. 利润表分析利润表反映了两家公司的销售收入、成本以及利润情况。
3. 现金流量表分析现金流量表反映了两家公司的现金流入和流出情况,包括经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动。
三、财务比率分析1. 偿债能力比率偿债能力比率反映了两家公司偿还债务的能力。
2. 盈利能力比率盈利能力比率反映了两家公司的盈利能力和效益水平。

(2)企业的资产净利率、股东权益报酬率、销售净利率都呈现下降趋势,甚至出现了负值, 说明企业的盈利能力下降。
而且中兴通讯还要加强内部费用控制,降低管理成本,强化现金流管理, 合理控制合同风险,优化流程制度,提高运营效率;控制整体人员增长速度,继续坚持以研发为导向,抓住LTE等新的技术发展时间窗。


二、财务报表分析1. 资产负债表分析根据中兴通讯最新的资产负债表,公司总资产保持稳定增长,负债水平合理。
2. 利润表分析从利润表来看,中兴通讯的营业收入和净利润均保持增长态势。
3. 现金流量表分析现金流量表显示,中兴通讯经营活动产生的现金流量稳定,投资活动产生的现金流量有所波动。
三、财务指标分析1. 盈利能力指标中兴通讯的盈利能力较强,主要表现在较高的毛利率、净利率以及资产收益率等方面。
2. 营运能力指标公司的营运能力良好,主要表现在存货周转率、应收账款周转率等方面。
3. 偿债能力指标中兴通讯的偿债能力较强,主要表现在较低的资产负债率和较高的流动比率等方面。
然而,在激烈的市场竞争中,公司仍需关注以下几个方面:1. 持续创新:随着通信技术的不断更新换代,中兴通讯应加大研发投入,持续创新产品和技术,以保持竞争优势。
2. 拓展市场:公司应积极拓展国内外市场,提高市场份额和品牌影响力。

所以很多年前,中兴通讯借鉴了CMM模型的理念,提出了财务管理成熟度模型(Capability Maturity Model for Finance,以下简称FCMM)。

1. 世纪华通公司会计舞弊案:
2. 安然公司欺诈案:
3. 中兴通讯违反制裁案:

7 5 . 1
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7 8 . 9 %
3 . 7 4 6 1 3
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3 5 9降到 2 0 1 2年的 1 . 1 3 2 , 下 降了 0 . 2 2 7 , 总体呈现 出逐渐 下降 的趋势 , 并 且趋 于 1 , 不符合 的流 动 比率 值 2:1的合 理范 围 。 由此 , 说 明中兴通讯企业资产的流动性变小 。 ( 2 ) 速 动比率( Qu i c k R a t i o , 简称 Q R) 速动 比率也称为 酸性 测试 比率 。速 动 比率 越高 , 说 明企业 的短期偿债能力越强 。一般认 为速 动 比率为 l: l 时 比较合 适 。 由图标 数据 跟折线 走势 可以看 出中兴通 讯 的速动 比率从 2 0 1 0 年的 1 . 1 0 8降到 2 0 1 2 年的 0 . 9 7 6 , 总体是 呈现 出逐渐 下降 的趋 势, 而且 2 0 1 2年的 速动 比率 为 0 . 9 7 6 , 明显低于合 理 的速动 比 率值 1 , 这 说明流动 负债 已经大于速动 资产 , 中兴通讯企业 的财 务风险有所增加 。所 以企 业应该采取合理有效 的措施来优 化企 业 的经营 , 降低企业 的风险。 2 .长期偿 债能力分析 长期偿 债能力是指企业偿还长期负债 的能力 。反映企业长 期偿债能力 的财务 比率主要有 : 资产负债率 、 产权 比率等 。 ( 1 ) 资产负债率 ( D e b t As s e t R a t i o , 简称 D AR) 资产负债率是企业负债总额与 资产 总额 的比率 。这个 比率 越 高企业偿 还债务 的能力越差 , 财 务风险越 大 ; 反之, 偿 还债务 的能力越强 。由图表数据跟折线走势可 以看出中兴通讯的资产 负债率从 2 0 1 0 年的 7 0 . 3 %上升到 2 0 1 2 年的 7 8 . 9 , 近几年 总 体呈 现 上 升趋 势 , 而且 2 0 1 2年 中兴 通 讯 的 资 产 负债 率 接 近 8 0 体现 了中兴通讯企 业较 高的资产 负债率 , 负债总 额 比重过 大, 企业 的风险增大 。 ( 2 ) 产权 比例( E q u i t y R a t i o , 简称 E R) 产权 比率又 称负债股权 比率是负债总额与股东权益 总额 的 比值 。由图表数据跟折线走 势可以看出中兴通讯企业 的产权 比 率从 2 0 1 0年 的 2 . 3 7 1 2 2上 升 到 2 0 1 2年 的 3 . 7 4 6 1 3 。 近 几 年 呈 上 升趋 势 , 说 明债 务不 断 上升 , 股 东权 益对 债 务 的保 障 程度 下 降, 企业的风险有所增 加 。中兴 通讯企业 需要 采取强 有力 的措 施改善 经营战略 , 规避风险 。 可见 , 以 上 两 个 比率 近 几 年 均 呈 现上 升趋 势 , 说 明该 企 业 的 债 务总额在资产总额 中的比重越来 越大 , 企业 经 营的风险也 越 来 越大 , 所 以不 能 不 让 企 业 的 债 权 人 和 所 有 者 为 之 担 心 。 同 时 也对企业的经营者改善经营提 出了艰 巨的任 务 。 ( 二) 盈 利 能 力 分 析 盈 利 能 力 是 指 企 业 获 取 利 润 的能 力 。评 价 企业 盈 利 能 力 的 财务 比率主要有资产报酬率 、 股东权益报酬率 、 销售毛利率等 。 以下 为 中 兴 通 讯 2 0 1 0 —2 0 1 2年 的 主 要 的 盈 利 能 力 指 标 分析

中兴通讯股份有限公司财务报表分析 杨金莲之欧阳引擎创编

西南财经大学天府学院欧阳引擎(2021.01.01)2012届本科毕业论文(设计)论文题目:中兴通讯股份有限公司财务报表分析学生姓名:杨金莲所在学院:西南财经大学天府学院专业:财务管理学号: 40804319指导教师:柳玉寿2012 年3月西南财经大学天府学院本科毕业论文(设计)原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在导师的指导下取得的成果。
关键词:财务分析中兴通讯股份有限公司财务报表AbstractStrengthen the market economy environment, the trend of economic globalization, business competition is very fierce, the financial market matures, the growing diversity of modern enterprises, organizational forms and business areas, thus, corporate finance activities areextremely complex. Financial analysis of the theme must be scientific and financial analysis to provide the necessary basis for the analysis of the theme of management decision-making and control. Listed companies up to more than one thousand, one by one to see, and presumably will consume a lot of energy and, if you want to know whether the company is worth the investment to achieve a return of what is essential to look at a company's financial statements. ZTE Corporation's financial statements through the reading of the accounting statements, the Company's financial position, operating results and cash flows analysis, evaluation of the company's past operating results, measure the state of the financial forecast future development trends, to help the company's asset management and continued viability, profitability and other aspects of quality and growth of effective evaluation, which stocks the investment decisions of investors, banks and other creditors of the lending decisions of listed companies own internal management decision support.Key Words:Financial AnalysisZTEFinancial statements目录一、前言1(一)、研究背景及意义1(二)、研究内容及方法11、比较分析法12、比率分析法23、综合分析法2二、财务报表案例解析4(一)、公司简介4(二)、公司的外部环境51、宏观环境52、行业环境5三、中兴通讯公司的财务分析6(一)、近年来收入、利润、成本变化情况6(二)、盈利能力分析71、资产净利率72、股本报酬率83、净资产收益率84、市盈率9(三)、经营能力分析101、存货周转率102、应收账款周转率103、总资产周转率11(四)、偿债能力分析111、短期偿债能力112、长期偿债能力13(五)、现金流情况分析141、经营活动产生的现金流量分析142、投资活动产生的现金流量分析153、筹资活动产生的现金流量分析15(六)、发展能力分析161、主营业务增长率162、净利润增长率16四、中兴通讯财务报表分析结论16(一)、盈利能力17(二)、营运能力17(三)、偿债能力17(四)、发展能力18(五)、现金流情况18五、总结19文献综述20参考文献29致谢30一、前言(一)、研究背景及意义近年来,国内外经济形势波澜起伏,所有通信厂商都经历了非常严酷的考验。

中兴通讯财务分析报告1. 背景介绍中兴通讯是一家全球领先的通信设备和解决方案提供商,为全球运营商客户提供高质量、高性能的通信网络产品和服务。
2. 财务数据分析2.1 营业收入中兴通讯的营业收入在过去五年中持续增长,从2016年的100亿元增长到2020年的200亿元。
2.2 利润状况中兴通讯的净利润在过去五年中呈现波动趋势。
2.3 资产负债状况中兴通讯的总资产在过去五年中持续增长,这表明公司的资产规模不断扩大。
2.4 经营效率中兴通讯的存货周转率在过去五年中呈现下降趋势,这可能意味着公司存货管理方面存在问题。
3. 经营风险分析3.1 市场竞争风险中兴通讯所处的通信设备行业竞争激烈,主要竞争对手包括华为、诺基亚等知名企业。
3.2 法律合规风险在国际经营中,中兴通讯需要遵守各国的法律法规,尤其是关于贸易禁运和知识产权保护方面的规定。

关键词:中兴通讯;财务风险;风险管理ABSTRACTNowadays, with the tide of economic globalization, China's economy is developing rapidly, the market competition among various industries is increasing, and enterprises can only move forward slowly in the fierce market competition. The birth of Internet economy promotes the rapid rise of e-commerce platform. At the same time, traditional enterprises are impacted by e-commerce, and the development space is limited. Traditional enterprises are not only hindered by external factors, but also have many problems. Among them, the financial risk management of enterprises is a typical problem, and every enterprise has large and small financial problems. The financial risk management level of an enterprise is an important index to measure its comprehensive competitiveness. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of national constitution and laws, the research of financial risk management in China has made great progress, but there are still many deficiencies, so it is urgent for enterprises to strengthen the management of financial risk. Therefore, it is not only beneficial to create more wealth for the enterprise, but also to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise to develop and implement a set of reasonable and effective financial risk management system. This paper takes ZTE as an example, according to the relevant financial risk analysis and prevention literature, combined with ZTE's current situation, investigates the company's financial statements in recent years, analyzes the company's current financial problems, and puts forward corresponding rationalization suggestions to improve the company's financial risk management system. To ensure ZTE can carry out production and operation activities in an orderly manner, stand out in the fierce market competition, and provide valuablesuggestions for the same industry to solve financial risk problems, so as to achieve common progress.Key words:ZET; Financial Risk; Risk Management目录一、财务风险概述 (1)(一)风险的含义 (1)(二)财务风险的含义 (2)(三)财务风险的类型 (3)1.筹资风险 (3)2.投资风险 (3)3.营运资金风险 (4)4.收益分配风险 (4)(四)财务风险管理 (5)二、中兴通讯公司概况和财务风险分析 (5)(一)中兴通讯公司的简介 (5)(二)中兴通讯公司的财务风险分析 (5)1.筹资风险分析 (5)2.投资风险分析 (7)3.营运资金风险分析 (8)4.收益分配风险分析 (10)三、中兴通讯公司财务风险成因分析 (10)(一)资本结构不合理 (11)(二)成本高,盈利能力较弱 (11)(三)资金周转速度较慢 (12)(四)风险应对策略不健全,缺乏风险评估工具 (12)四、中兴通讯公司应对财务风险的措施 (13)(一)确定最优资本结构,防范筹资风险 (13)(二)战略引导变革,防范战略风险和投资风险 (13)1.坚持多元化,实施科学的投资决策 (13)2.重点投资国家政策扶持产业,培育新的利润增长点 (13)3.实施差异化的竞争战略 (14)(三)建立资金管理中心,加快运营资金周转速度 (14)(四)树立财务风险意识,建立风险应对策略 (15)结语 (15)参考文献 (16)致谢 (17)我国的全面深化改革不断推进,高新技术产业在改革的浪潮下快速发展。

中兴通讯股份有限公司2018 年度财务报表分析报告1财务报表数据3.1.2 长期偿债能力分析 ....... (31)3.2营运能力分析 ......... (34)1.1资产负债表 .......... (1)3.2.1 流动资产周转分析 ....... .. (34)1.2利润表 ............... (4)3.2.2 固定资产周转分析 ....... .. (36)1.3现金流量表 .......... (5)3.2.3 总资产周转分析 ......... .. (37)1.4所有者权益变动表 ........................ (7)3.3盈利能力分析 ......... (37)2会计报表分析3.3.1 资产经营盈利能力分析 (37)2.1资产负债表分析 ....... . (8)3.3.2 资本经营盈利能力分析 (38)2.1.1 水平趋势分析 .......... .. (8)3.3.3 商品经营盈利能力分析 (40)2.1.2 垂直结构分析 .......... .. (14)3.3.4 盈利质量分析 ........... ......462.2利润表分析 .......... (18)3.4发展能力分析 ......... (47)2.2.1 水平趋势分析 .......... (18)3.4.1 资产资本成长分析 ....... .. (47)2.2.2 垂直结构分析 .......... .. (21)3.4.2 营业收益成长分析 ....... .. (48)2.3现金流量表分析 ....... (24)3.4.3 每股净资产分析 ......... .. (49)2.3.1 水平趋势分析 .......... .. (24)4杜邦分析2.3.2 垂直结构分析 .......... .. (26)4.1 杜邦分析表 ........... (50)2.4所有者权益变动表分析 . (27)4.2 杜邦分析图 ........... (50)2.4.1 水平趋势分析 .......... .. (27)5数据来源及计算说明2.4.2 垂直结构分析 .......... .. (28)5.1 数据来源 .............. .. 523财务指标分析5.2计算说明 .............. .. 523.1偿债能力分析 ......... .. (29)3.1.1 短期偿债能力分析 ...... .. (29)1.1 资产负债表表格 1 2016-2018 年度资产负债表中兴通讯股份有限公司,简称中兴通讯,所属的行业是通信传输设备,公司总部位于广东省。

[关键词]财务报表;中兴通讯公司;经营;决策doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673 - 0194.2016.24.016[中图分类号]F275 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-0194(2016)24-00-020 引言与近年来发展迅速的电商行业相比,我国的通讯设施、网络、技术和服务的水平较为落后,其阻碍了我国经济的发展。
1 中兴通讯股份有限公司财务报表的分析与评价本文选取了电子通信行业——中兴通讯股份有限公司(以下简称中兴)作为研究对象并对其财务进行了分析。
2 中兴与华为技术有限公司财务报表的对比分析华为技术有限公司(以下简称华为)和中兴都是我国电信行业的知名企业,且其产销量在国内都名列前茅。


ZTEFINANCIAL ANALYSISREPORTGroup3胡希1206040204 (组长)ContentPART 1 BACKGROUND ANALYSIS (1)1.Corporate profile (1)2.Overview of the industry (1)PART 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS (2)1. Income Statement Analysis (2)2. Balance Sheet Analysis (4)3. Cash flow statement Analysis (9)PART 3 FINANCIAL RATIOS ANALYSIS (12)1. Profitability (12)2. Liquidity (15)3. Sufficiency (17)4. Solvency (21)5. Dividend policy ratios (23)6. Market-based ratios (23)PART 4 DUPONT ANALYSIS (25)PART 5 CONCLUSION (27)PART 6 REFERENCE (27)PART 1 BACKGROUND ANALYSIS1.Corporate profileZTE Corporation is a globally-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions. With operations in 160 countries, the company is a leader in technology innovation, delivering superior products and business solutions to clients all over the world. Founded in 1985, ZTE is listed on both the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges and is China’s largest listed telecoms equipment company.Offering the industry’s most comprehensive product range and end-to-end solutions, ZTE delivers cutting-edge technology to telecommunications clients in wireless, access & bearer, value-added services, terminals, managed network services, and ICT solutions for enterprises and government agencies. The company’s expertise and flexibility in these areas enables telecommunications operators and enterprises globally to achieve business objectives and attain increased competitiveness. ZTE’s technology is deployed by leading international operators and Fortune-500 enterprises globally. The company is the world’s fourth-largest handset maker, offering stylish and intelligent devices for consumers around the world.ZTE believes in technology innovation as a core value of the company, investing more than 10% of annual revenue in R&D. The company has established 18 state-of-the-art R&D centers in the China, France, India and employs over 30,000 research professionals. With 107 subsidiaries devoted to innovation globally, ZTE was the world’s biggest originator of technology patents in each of the past two years, according to data from the World Intellectual Property Organization.As a member of the UN Global Compact, ZTE is committed to a vision of balanced, sustainable development in the social, environmental and economic arenas. Promoting freedom of communications around the world, the company has incorporated innovation, technological convergence and the concept of "going green" into the product life cycle. This includes R&D, production, logistics and customer service. The company also is committed to maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing the CO2 emissions.Active in community programs, ZTE participated in relief efforts related to the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan, China, and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. ZTE also established the ZTE Special Children Care Fund, the largest charity fund in China.Looking forward, ZTE will continue to shape the global telecommunications industry, working with our customers and partners to stay on top of shifts in technology, business models and market needs.2.Overview of the industry2.1 Overview of the domestic telecommunications industry for the first half of 2014During the first six months of 2014, the Big Three domestic carriers stepped up with their investments in equipment mainly in connection with the large-scale deployment of 4G networksand the construction of related ancillary facilities. The rapid development of the Mobile Internet and the launch of 4G smart phones has accelerated the commercialization of 4G networks. While the wireless sector remained a heavily favored spot in the telecommunications industry, emerging new sectors such as the Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Smart City were becoming new growth niches in the industry. According to statistics published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, revenue from the telecommunication services amounted to RMB595.73 billion for the six months ended 30 June 2014, representing a year-on-year growth of 5.6%.2.2 Overview of the global telecommunications industry for the first half of 2014There was stable growth in equipment investment by the global telecommunications industry in the first half of 2014. The traditional telecommunications industry was facing opportunities as well as challenges in its development under the impact of comprehensive 4G applications, the integration of ICT industries and the trend of informationalization. While continuing to enhance network performance, global carriers were actively investigating new profit models, such as service innovations, flow business and applications for the government and corporate sectors, in a bid to realize effective transformation by exploring new opportunities for development.PART 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS1. Income Statement Analysis1.1 Horizontal AnalysisFrom the horizontal analysis table we can find that the company's annual net profit in 2013 is 1,433,636,000 yuan, which has increased 4,038,257,000 yuan. The growth rate is 155.04%, which is a dramatically rise.The increase of total profit is 3,811,043,000 yuan, and the growth rate is 192.17%, which mainly due to the increase of operating profit, whose growth rate is 70.15%.The increase of operating profit is 3,509,068,000 yuan, and the growth rate is 70.15%, which mainly due to the increase of operating revenue.Besides, the selling and distribution costs and R&D costs decrease sharply, and the financial expenses increased slightly.1.2Vertical AnalysisFrom the vertical analysis table, we can see the financial results of ZTE. The proportion operating profit in operating revenue was -1.98% in 2013 and it rose by 3.96% compared with the ratio in 2012. The net profit ratio was 2.43% in 2013 and it rose by 4.79% compared with the ratio in 2012. So in the view of profit, the profitability of ZTE promoted. The reason why the ZTE’s financial results change results from the descending of the selling and distribution costs and administrative expenses. However, the rise of operating costs also has a negative influence on profit.2. Balance Sheet Analysis2.1 Horizontal AnalysisOne of the goals of the horizontal analysis of balance sheet is to generally summarize the changes of assets and equity and to reveal the difference between changes in assets, liabilities and stockholder's equity, and analyzes the reason of the changes. In recent years the domestic communication industry continues to maintain a rapid growth rate. ZTE Corp grasps the pulse of the market and takes the advantages of the diversification of products and strengthens domestic market depending on the different market strategies. At the same time, ZTE vigorously explore the international market and total assets are improved steadily. According to the annual report of ZTE in 2013, we prepare the horizontal balance sheet as below:From the perspective of assets:The total assets of the company in the current period are reduced by 7,366,809,000 yuan, having subsequently declined by 6.86 percent. It suggests that the asset size of the company decreased.According to the further analysis:(1) The current assets decreased 6,213,729,000 yuan, which made the total asset be reduced by 5.78%. Non-current assets reduced 1,153,080,000 yuan, leading to the total asset be reduced by1.07%.(2) The main reason of the decrease of the total assets is the decrease of the current assets. The relevant changes mainly reflected in the following two aspects:To some degree, the drop of the current assets reflects that the liquidity of assets have declined. The change is mainly reflected in the following terms:A. Cash reduced 3,223,388,000 yuan, with a drop of total assets in 3%. It’s not desirable to improve the liquidity of the company. At the same time, we should do an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of the use of funds.B. Decrease of the accounts receivables and the notes receivables. The accounts receivables decreased by 3.06%, which results in the drop of total assets. The project will have a certain impact on current capital. So the company need to do an in-depth analysis in the company's annual sales and credit policy, to control the collection of the accounts receivables.From the aspect of liabilities and stockholder’s equity:(1)The liabilities decreased by 8,396,659,000 yuan with a degree of 9.90%, which leaded to the 7.81% decline of total liabilities and stockholder’s equity. The stockholder’s equity increased 1,032,850,000 yuan, with a degree of 4.57%, leading to the 0.96% growth of total liabilities and stockholder’s equity. These two factors made the total liabilities and stockholder’s equity decreased by 7,363,809,000 yuan with a degree of 6.85%.(2)The main reason resulted in the decrease of total liabilities and stockholder’s equity is the decline of current liabilities. The current liabilities decreased by 11,985,122,000 yuan with a degree of 16.43%, which leaded to the 11.15% decline of total liabilities and stockholder’s equity. The decline of short-term loan leads to the decrease of current liabilities. This change may reduce the reimbursement of liabilities pressure and the financial risk.(3)The increase of undistributed profit is the main factor leading to the increase of stockholder’s equity. This indicates the good sales condition of the company in this term. Other changes may be caused by the changes of accounting policies.1.2Vertical AnalysisFrom the perspective of asset structure(1) From the static angle the current assets of this period accounted for 76.34% and the proportion of non-current assets is as high as 23.66%, suggesting that ZTE has an elastic asset structure which is conducive to quickly mobilize funds to lower the risk.(2) From the dynamic angle, the proportion of current-assets fell by 0.55% and the proportion of non-current assets increased by 0.55%. The narrow range of these assets adds up to explain that the stable asset structure of ZTE.From the aspect of capital structure(1) From the static point of view, the proportion of stockholder’s equity is 23.61%, but the proportion of liabilities is 76.39%. The high debt ratio implies the high financial risk. However, it requires to take the profitability into consideration when determine whether to optimize the capital structure.(2) From the dynamic angle, the proportion of stockholder’s equity increased by 2.58% and the proportion of liabilities decreased by 2.58% without great changes in other accounts. This indicates that the financial strength of ZTE declines mildly. But the capital structure of ZTE is stable.3. Cash flow statement Analysis3.1 Horizontal AnalysisFrom the chart above, we can calculate that the balance of the cash and cash equivalents was decreased by 25,413,600,000 yuan which with the percentage of difference reach 227.22%. The reason for the slump was the greater decreasing range than the operation revenue. The net cash inflow was equal to the amount of last year generally because the faster speed of decline in cash outflows than the cash inflows.Investing activities were stable while the financing activities caused the dramatically decreased in cash because of issuing the convertible debt which increased the more debt in this period.3.2 Vertical AnalysisAs we can see in the chart that the cash inflows of operation activities reached 78% while the percentages of investing and financing are 2% and 20%, respectively. From the proportion of cash inflows in the different activities we can easily conclude that the policy of their investing and financing actives are conservative especially the investing.From the aspect of cash outflows, the shares of three activities are similar to the cash inflows. The purchase of assets increased the cash outflows in investing activity.PART 3 FINANCIAL RATIOS ANALYSIS1. Profitability1.1 Gross Profit Margin= (sales-cost of sales)/salesIt gives a good indication of financial health. In general, a company's gross profit margin should be stable. It should not fluctuate much from one period to another, unless the industry it isFrom 2009 to 2011, the gross profit has increased steadily.In 2012, however, the gross profit has fallen considerably in 2012, which is the result of the adoption of a rather aggressive marketing strategy for fast breakthroughs of some key operators and markets, as well as the lack of rapid realignments in enhancing certain aspects, such as management efficiency and risk control, in response to changes in industry competition. What’s more, as the result of a larger number of low-margin contracts in Africa, South America, Asia and the domestic market recognized for 2012, the gross profit margin decreased obviously. It implies that the gross profit is not adequate to pay its operating and other expenses and build for the future.In 2013, the company finished selling some equity of two companies who had lower gross profit without being consolidated in the financial statements. In this way, the gross profit increased. During the year, the Group strengthened its management over contract profitability and exercised stringent control over the execution of low gross margin contracts, resulting in improved gross margin for international projects and the increase in operating revenue from domestic systems projects as a percentage of total revenue. So the gross profit margin increased, too. It means that the financial health is recovering.Cross-sectional AnalysisHowever, the gross profit of 2013 is much lower than Huawei which is 98,020 million yuanand the gross profit margin is much lower than that of Huawei which is 41.01%. It indicates the financial health is worse than that of Huawei.1.2 Return on stockholders’ equity=Earnings after taxes (EAT)/Stockholders’ equityIt measures a corporation's profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested.Trend AnalysisFrom 2009 to 2012, the ROE decreased from 15.02% to -11.53%, However, from 2012 to 2013, the ROE increased dramatically from -11.53% to 6.07%, which means ZTE’s return on equity has improved.Cross-sectional AnalysisBut the ratio is still below the average level of industry, which is 7.63%. And it is almost 4 times lower than Huawei, whose ROE is 24.35%. It suggests that the profitability of stock equity can still be improved.1.3 Return on Investment Ratio=EAT/Total assetsIt measures a firm’s net income in relation to the total assets investment.Trend AnalysisFrom 2009 to 2010, the ROI increased, but it decreased sharply in 2011 because of the substantial increase of period costs such as financial expense. In 2012, ROI decreased to -2.42%, which is the result of the lower gross profit and higher period cost. It indicates that some investments should not be undertaken.During the 2013, on the one hand, ZTE strengthened its management over contract profitability and exercised stringent control over the execution of low gross margin contracts, resulting in improved gross margin for international projects. On the other hand, total expenses (selling and distribution costs, administrative expenses and research and development costs) for the reporting period decreased significantly as compared to the same period last year, reflecting the Group’s effort to enhance cost management and improve efficiency.Cross Sectional AnalysisBut it is lower than the average level of the industry which is 3.16%. What’s worse, it is much lower than Huawei’ ROI which is 9.07%. It showed that ZTE should improve the efficiency of an investment.*Compare ROE with ROIThe trends of growth or decline of these two ratio are synchronous. Excepting the ration of 2012, the ROE is higher than ROI, for example, in 2013, ZTE managed to magnify a 1.43% return on total investment into a 6.07% return on stockholders’ equity, it suggested that ZTE made more extensive use of debt financing.1.4Return on Assets Ratio=EBIT/Total AssetsAn indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings. Here it adds interest and tax expense back into EAT because it can better reflect operating returns before interest expense than ROI.Trend AnalysisThe trend is the same as ROI from 2009 to 2013, but the ratio is higher than ROI, which implies that the interest expense is too high, as a result of high loan.Cross Sectional AnalysisExcept to the interest expense, the operating ability is outstanding but the ROA is still lower than that of Huawei’s ROA which is 11.45%.2. Liquidity2.1 Current ratio=current assets/current liabilitiesThe current ratio is interpreted to satisfy the claims of short-term creditors exclusively from existing current assets.Trend analysisApparently, the current ratio of ZTE, which had declined gradually from 2009 to 2012, is slightly below the industry average, but it gone up a little in 2013. It means that the ability of ZTE to pay back the short-term liabilities was stable.Cross-sectional analysisThe Industry average for the current ratio is 1.49 times, meaning that the average firm in the industry convert only ¥0.67(¥1/1.49=¥0.671,or ¥0.67) of each yuan of current assets into cash to meet short-term obligations. The current ratio of Huawei at the end of 2013 is 1.67times. By comparing with industry average and Huawei, we can see that the short-term liquidity of ZTE is in a lower level.2.2 Quick ratio= (current assets-inventories)/current liabilitiesThis ratio, sometimes called the “acid test”, is a more stringent measure of liquidity than the current ratio. By subtracting inventory from current assets, this ratio recognizes that a firm’s inventories are often one of its least-liquid assets.Trend analysisFrom 2009 to 2013, the quick ratio of ZTE went down with each passing year. And in 2012 it drop dramatically. By analysis the change of total current assets and total liabilities, we can find that the sharp drop in 2012 may be caused by the increase of current liabilities, especially the increase of short-term loan. But the dramatic rise in 2013 shows that the short-term liquidity of ZTE was improved.Cross-Sectional analysisThe Industry average for the quick ratio is 1.19 times while the quick ratio of Huawei is 1.45 times. Apparently, the quick ratio of ZTE is quite low, which means the short-term liquidity is insufficient.2.3 Cash ratio= (Cash + Trading securities)/Current liabilitiesThe cash ratio of ZTE is stable during the past 5 years and it's higher than the empirical value. This indicates that the direct reimbursement ability of current liabilities is good.By the flow chart analysis, we can imply that the solvency of short-term liabilities of ZTE isn't good. The problem may lies in the management of inventory and the too liberal credit policy.3. Sufficiency3.1Avg. collection period=Accounts receivable/(Annual credit sales/365)If the credit policy is too liberal, it will take an enterprise a long time to turn it receivables into cash. The occupation of funds will limit its investment activity, affecting the profitability of the enterprise. In contrast, if the credit policy is too stringent, it will hurt sales by restricting credit to the very best customers.Trend analysisFrom 2009 to 2013, the average collection period of ZTE rose with fluctuations which is from 92.77 days to 103.79 days. It means that the management of receivables is weak.Cross-Sectional analysisThe Avg. collection period of Huawei is 90 days. An average collection period substantially above the industry norm is usually not desirable and may indicate too liberal a credit policy. Ultimately, ZTE’s managers must determine the proper credit policy to generate enough incremental sales and profits.3.2Inventory turnover= Cost of sales/Average inventoryInventory turnover is an activity ratio measuring the number of times per period, a business sells and replaces its entire batch of inventory again. In general, a higher value of inventory turnover indicates better performance and lower value means inefficiency in controlling inventory levels. A lower inventory turnover ratio may be an indication of over-stocking which may pose risk of obsolescence and increased inventory holding costs. However, a very high value of this ratio may be accompanied by loss of sales due to inventory shortage.Trend analysisFrom the picture above we can see that the inventory turnover ratio floated mildly around 4.5 times from 2009 to 2011. But it surged to 4.96 times in 2012 and plunged to 4.59 times in 2013. The main reason of the high ratio in 2012 is the increase of cost of sales.Cross-Sectional analysisThe inventory turnover of Huawei is 5.98 times, which is higher than ZTE’s ratio. Generally, a high ratio implies either strong sales or ineffective purchasing. A low turnover implies poor sales and, therefore, excess inventory. It suggests that the selling capacity of ZTE is insufficient.3.3Fixed-Assets Turnover Ratio=Sales/Net fixed assetsThe fixed-asset turnover ratio measures a company's ability to generate net sales from fixed-asset investments - specifically property, plant and equipment (PP&E) - net of depreciation.A higher fixed-asset turnover ratio shows that the company has been more effective in using the investment in fixed assets to generate revenues. When companies make these large purchases, prudent investors watch this ratio in following years to see how effective the investment in the fixed assets was.Trend analysisObviously, the fixed-assets turnover ratio of ZTE declined generally over the 5-year period, fluctuating around the number of 11. According to the analysis of the annual report, we can conclude that ZTE has invested in the fixed assets because of the aggressive marketing strategy, which leads to the decrease of this ratio.3.4Total Assets Turnover Ratio=Sales/Total assetsIt indicates how effectively a firm use its total resources to generate sales and is a summary measure influenced by each of the asset management ratios.Trend analysisThe lower total assets turnover ratio is, the less efficiently the company manages its assets. The total assets turnover ratio will not only affect the company's profitability, but also affect the dividend distribution of the listing corporation directly. Total assets turnover rate is an index of measuring the efficiency of the company operating asset. From the chart we can see that the total-asset turnover ratio declined generally during recent five years, from 88.19% to 75.17%. These data indicates that the company’s usage of assets is inefficient.Cross-Sectional analysisThe industry average for the total-asset turnover ratio was 78.76% while the total-asset turnover ratio of Huawei was 108%, which was much higher than ZTE’s ratio. These data show that the total-asset turnover ratio of ZTE is approximately equal to the industry average, but severely falls behind that of Huawei. The company can accelerate the turnover of the assets through puerile, in order to increase the total-asset turnover ratio.Flow chart analysis of short-term liquidity:Conclusion:By the flow chart analysis, we can imply that the solvency of short-term liabilities of ZTE isn't good. The problem may lies in the management of inventory and the too liberal credit policy.The liquidity of short-term is affected by the several aspects. The process starts from the current ratio, which is lower than the industry average and Huawei and indicates the insufficient liquidity of short-term. On the first stage, we compare the inventory turnover to the industry average and Huawei’s which is also in a lower situation. Then we minus the inventories on the denominator and get the quick ratio. However, it is also not desirable. So we estimate the average collection period then. It is in a bad situation, too. While apart from the accounts receivable factor we catch the cash ratio and by compared with the standard value, we can conclude the short-term liquidity is satisfactory. From the procedures above, we can distinguish the main reasons of the insufficient liquidity short-term are inventories and accounts receivable.4. Solvency4.1Debt ratio=Total debt/Total assetDebt ratio represents the proportion of debt in liabilities and stockholder's equity. It is a common used measure and target for financial leverage at firms. The ratio means the riskiness the enterprise meets and the solvency of the long-term loans.Trend analysisFrom 2009 to 2013, the debt ratio fluctuated slightly near 0.75 while it reached the peak in 2012. Through checking the statistic in the financial report, we found that the large amount of debt in 2012 caused the higher debt ratio.Cross-Sectional analysisIt is higher than the Huawei's debt ratio (0.63) in 2013. What’s more, compared to the industry average debt ratio, we found that it was near 0.54 year on year. It reflects potential threaten of its debt.As for creditors, it is the lower, the better. Too high level of this ratio may cause less creditors being willing to lend their money to the enterprise.As for stockholders, the high level of debt ratio implies the probability of being not able to pay back the debt and it will make them to loss the control of company and their investment. What’s more, it will bring the decline of the stock option price.4.2Debt-to-equity ratio=Total debt/Total equityThe debt-to-equity ratio represents the riskiness of financial situation and confirms that sufficient funds are in place to meet its debt repayment obligations as due.Trend analysisFrom 2009 to 2013, the debt-to-equity ratio fluctuated between 2.3 to 3.7, which reached a peak at 2012. The bad financial situation ZTE met in 2012 led to the higher debt and the higher debt-to-equity ratio.Cross-Sectional analysisIt is much higher than the Huawei's ratio whose was 1.7 in 2013. Furthermore, compared to the industry average debt-to-equity ratio, we found that it was near 1.2 year on year. The situation ZTE in was not safe enough to guarantee the creditors’ claims through the equity of the enterprise.4.3Times interest earned=EBIT (EBT + interest cost)/Interest charged (interest cost)It is a ratio that measures a firm's capacity to meet its debt obligation. The higher this ratio, the lower the default spread for a firm.Trend analysisFrom 2009 to 2013, the times interest earned was in a decline tendency in all, which reached a lowest point in 2012 because of the negative net profit in that year. However, due to the unbalanced performance the subsidiaries had with whose tax paid separately, the negative total EBT and positive tax expense existed together.Cross-Sectional analysisOn the whole, their interest coverage ratio is in a low level which is not safe enough for the creditors. It is lower than the Huawei's ratio whose was adjacent to 9.9 in recent years. This ratio is a further evidence of the fact that the company makes extensive use of creditor’ funds to finance its operations.Summary:Through the analysis before we can conclude that the solvency of long-term debt is in a worse tendency with the higher proportion of debt and the lower level of time interest earned.From the static point, the debt ratio was 0.76 and the debt-to-equity ratio was 3.2 in 2013. The debt ratio is high which means that ZTE has a high financial risk. But whether the structure needs to be optimized depends on profitability.From the dynamic point, both the debt ratio and debt-to-equity ratio declined in 2013. The debt declined by 2.54% and the equity rose by 2.54% and it’s a good phenomenon. We can see that these items changed slightly which means that the financial structure is stable and the financial strength declines slightly. The times interest earned declined year by year which indicated that the solvency of ZTE was weakened.5. Dividend policy ratios5.1 Payout ratio=Dividends per share/EPSThe payout ratio indicates the percentage of a firm’s earnings that are paid out as dividends. The payout ratio is a key financial metric used to determine the sustainability of a company’s dividend payments.Trend analysisAs can be seen from the chart, we can easily find that before 2012 it was in a relatively high level. Because of the deficit in 2012 net profit, no dividend was paid out. In 2013, the condition became better than last year, after covering the deficit, the company paid dividends, but still not catch up with past levels. A lower payout ratio is generally preferable to a higher payout ratio, with a lower ratio indicating the company is paying out less in dividends so the capital can stay in the enterprise to develop more profit. However, on the other hand, the stockholders’ are guaranteed by the higher payout ratio.6. Market-based ratios6.1 M/B=Market price per share/Book value per shareA lower M/B ratio could mean that the stock is undervalued. However, it could also mean。

中兴通讯在财务共享模式下的业财融合案例,给我们带来了很多启示。首先, 财务共享模式的优势在于可以提高财务处理效率,降低成本,适用于大型企业和 全球化企业。其次,实施财务共享模式需要全面考虑各种因素,包括管理模式、 员工培训、系统建设等。最后,未来的发展方向可能是通过人工智能、大数据等 技术进一步提高数据处理效率和准确性,加强业财数据的分析和应用等。
为了支持财务共享模式的实施,中兴通讯加强了信息化系统的建设。公司引 入了先进的财务信息系统,例如SAP、Oracle等,实现了财务数据的实时传输和 处理。此外,还加强了与其他业务系统的集成,实现了业财数据的共享和交互。
在实施财务共享模式的过程中,中兴通讯遇到了一些关键问题。例如,如何 协调全球各地的时差和文化差异、如何确保数据的安全和隐私等。为了解决这些 问题,中兴通讯加强了对员工的培训和沟通,提高了员工的综合素质和意识。同 时,公司还建立了严格的数据安全管理制度,采用了先进的数据加密技术,确保 数据的安全性和隐私性。
中兴通讯在财务共享模式的选择上,采用了集中化、标准化的处理方式。首 先,公司在全球范围内建立了财务共享中心,将各地的财务业务集中到中心进行 处理。同时,对财务流程进行了标准化设计,确保全球范围内的数据处理方式一 致。
在实施财务共享模式时,中兴通讯对财务流程进行了再造。首先,简化了一 些不必要的流程,例如报销审批、会计记账等。其次,将一些流程进行了合并, 例如将预算和核算合并为预算管理流程。此外,还加强了对风险的控制,确保财 务数据的准确性和可靠性。
然而,财务共享模式也面临着一些挑战。例如,如何保证数据的安全和隐私、 如何协调各地的时差和文化差异等。因此,企业在实施财务共享模式时,需要充 分考虑这些因素,制定合理的方案和措施。
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