参与者同意书Participant Consent Form


经典 收藏 知情同意书 ICF informed consent form

经典 收藏 知情同意书 ICF informed consent form

Subject Information and Consent FormIntroductionYou are being invited to take part in a research study (also called a clinical trial). This research will study a drug known as XXX. It is your choice if you want to be in this study or not. Research studies are different from regular care. Research studies are ways of finding out new information that might help other people with similar conditions or illnesses to yours. This form explains why we are doing the study, and how the treatment that is being offered to you is different from regular care. It tells you what will happen during the study. It also tells you about any inconvenience, discomfort or risk with this study. It also gives you a complete description of the treatment offered. This information will help you decide whether you wish to be part of the study.What Is the Purpose of the study?The main reason for doing this study is to help answer the following research question: Whether the administration of XXX as a maintenance treatment will improve upon therapy you initially received and will prevent your cancer from growing or recurring.Who Can Take Part in The Study?To take part in this study you must have the diagnosis of XXX. The study doctor or study staff has discussed with you the requirements for being in this study It is important that you are completely honest with the doctor and staff about your health history. You should not take part in this study if you do not meet all requirements.You cannot participate in this study if:You have an active infection or other serious condition such as cardiac diseaseYou have had another malignant cancer less than five years agoYou take aspirin or aspirin like medication that you are unable to stop taking for a few days during each cycle of therapyYou are unable or unwilling to take folic acid, vitamin b 12 and dexamethasone or other corticosteroids medicationYou have had a yellow fever vaccination within the last 30 days or plan to have itYou have excess fluid around your lungs or in your abdomen that cannot be removed prior to study entry.If you are a woman and could become pregnant, you must talk to the study doctor about birth control. You must avoid getting pregnant during the study and for 6 months after the study is completed. If you are planning to get pregnant during the study, you should not take part.If you are a man, you must avoid the chance of your female partner becoming pregnant during the study and for 6 months after the study is completed. The study doctor will discuss birth control with you..What Does the Study Involve?About XXX study subjects will be taking part in this study.Your participation in this study is expected to last until you or your physician decides that there isno clear benefit for you to continue treatment. However, your physician will ask you afterwards to visit him on regular basis to follow-up on your health status. The expected minimal trial duration would be approximately 16 weeks (if only part 1).If you decide to take part in this study, the procedures and visits you can expect are explained in the attachment called Study Procedures - Attachment 1. This will give you information about what taking part in the study will mean to you, for example, how often you have to come to see the study doctor, how long each visit might take, when blood samples will be taken and when tests and procedures will be performedTreatment assignmentThis trial consists of 2 parts.During the first part you will be administered 4 intravenous infusions of XXX (approximately 3 weeks apart).If you have benefited from this therapy, you will then enter the second part of the trial. You’ll be assigned to receive either XXX or placebo (a saline solution that has similar appearance to the study drug but has no medicine). Each XXX intravenous infusion will be repeated approximately every 3 weeks. Whatever treatment you're assigned to, you will also receive Best Supportive Care (BSC) which is defined as treatment given to maximize quality of life without the intention of stopping your cancer to grow.The treatment you will receive will be determined by chance (like flipping a coin). Neither you nor your doctor will be able to choose which treatment you will receive. You will have twice the likelihood of receiving XXX than placebo. Once you are assigned to a treatment neither you nor the study doctor will know what medication you are receiving You will continue to receive this treatment, BSC XXX or BSC placebo, until the status of disease worsens, you have significant side effects or your doctor believes that it is in your best interest to stop taking the drug. Afterwards, your doctor will ask you to visit him on regular basis to follow-up on your health status.After the study ends, you may be given the choice to continue to receive XXX. This will happen only if the study doctor and study sponsor believe the drug may be of benefit to you XXX may be provided by the study sponsor until your disease worsens or until XXX is approved for sale in XXX if the study doctor continues to believe it is benefiting you and the study sponsor continues development of XXX.Study proceduresBlood samples will be taken at different time points as described in Attachment 1. The purpose of these blood samples is to help your study doctor decide if you can take part in this study and to check your health during the study. The blood samples will be tested to make sure the levels of certain things in your blood are normal (e. g. Liver Function Tests, to make sure your liver is working right). About 2 to 3 teaspoonfuls (up to 15 milliliters) of your blood will be taken each time. a blood sample will also be taken at the beginning of the study if you are a female to see whether you are pregnant or not.All blood samples collected for specified laboratory tests will be destroyed within 60 days of confirmation of the test results, unless laws, regulations or international laboratory certification standards require a longer retention period. This confirmation will either occur immediately after initial testing or may require that samples be held to be retested at a defined later point in time.At every other visit (Visit 2, 4, and so on), or when needed, radiological exams will be completed to take a series of pictures of your body. These will include CT scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRIs) or chest X-rays, as applicable.Following your active participation in the study, the study doctor or one of the staff members may contact you to obtain information regarding the status of your health and quality of life If you have moved or plan to move, please provide your new contact information to the study doctor or his staff. What Are the Possible Harms and Side Effects?If you take part in this study, there may be risks to you.As of XXX, approximately XXX patients had been enrolled in clinical studies around the world to receive XXX.Risks and discomforts Associated with XXXVery common (≥10%)Very common side effects reported by those taking XXX include a decrease in white blood cells and red blood cells. and short-lived increases in some tests that show how the liver is working. a decrease in white blood cells increases the chance of developing an infection, with or without fever, a decrease in red blood cells (anemia) may cause loss of energy and feelings of being tired. Additional very common side effects include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, loss of appetite, inflamed mucous membranes (especially the lining of the mouth), skin rash(which may be itchy, or may progress to become serious) abdominal pain, edema (swelling, usually of the limbs and face), fever;, weakness, fatigue, difficulty breathing, cough, constipation, and headache.Common (≥1% and< 10%)Common side effects include decreased platelet counts (which may increase the chance of bruising and bleeding after injury), cellulitis (inflammation of tissues under the skin) decreased kidney function, urinary tract infection and other types of infection, difficulty sleeping, loss of body fluid (dehydration), pneumonia, allergic reactions, neuropathy (tingling and/or weakness of the arms, hands, feet, and legs), increased heart rate, conjunctivitis(pink eye), heartburn, taste disturbances, chest pain, heart attack, irregular heart rate. and renal failureUncommon (≥ 0.1% and <1%)Uncommon side effects reported by those taking XXX include injection site reactions intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, and formation of blood clots in deep veins This information relates to XXX when taken as a single agent. These effects may also be anticipated when XXX is used together with other chemotherapy drugs, but certain side effects may occur more frequently, such as decreased platelet counts hair loss decreased kidney function, injection site reactions, intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, and formation of blood clots in deep veins and serious skin reactions. Other chemotherapy drugs and treatment modalities such as radiation will also have their own often unique, side effect profile and this should be taken into consideration when considering the likely effects of the treatment as a whole.The majority of these side effects may be experienced by patients receiving most other chemotherapy drugs. Complications of some of the above side effects may lead to life threatening events such as infections, kidney failure bleeding, and possibly death. There is slight risk of severe allergic reaction to the drug, which may be life threatening. There is always a risk involved in taking a new drug but every precaution will be taken to minimize the risk.Post-marketing dataRare (≥ 0.01% and < 0.1%) cases of colitis (inflammation of the lining of the large bowel) have been reported in patients taking XXX. Rare cases of radiation recall (a severe skin reaction)have been reported in patients who have previously received radiotherapy. Rare cases of interstitialpneumonitis (pneumonia involving the connective tissue of the lung) have been reported in patients treated with XXX.Rare cases of edema have been reported in patients treated with XXX.Side effects can sometimes be serious or life threatening. Your doctor should be informed of all side effects you experience.Studies in mice have shown that XXX is harmful to the unborn fetuses of these mice This means that XXX may also be dangerous to the fetuses of mothers who are taking XXX.Other risksIn addition to the risks named above, XXX, the other drugs required by the protocol the combination of these drugs, and the study procedures might have other unknown risks.Some methods of birth control might be less effective due to a possible interaction with XXX.It is possible that if a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding takes XXX it will harm her embryo, fetus, or breastfeeding infant.At any time during this study you may experience a return or worsening of your disease. It may be more likely that you will experience such return or worsening of your disease if you receive placebo in the second part of the trial (a saline solution that has a similar appearance to the study drug but has no medicine) as your study drug.There might be unknown risks of the study drug interfering with other medications, both prescribed and over the counter. You must tell your study doctor about any medications you are currently taking. You should also consult with your study doctor before taking any new medications.What If New Information Becomes Available?You will be told about any important new information that is found during this study that might affect your health, well-being or willingness to stay in the study.Will This Study Help Me?Although the combination of XX plus XXX followed by XXX is being tested as a possible treatment for your illness, you may not receive any health benefit from taking part in this study. You might feel better. On the other hand, it might not help you at all. It might even make you feel worse.You might receive information about your health from any study procedures that are done during this studyInformation obtained from this study will benefit the sponsor of the study, XXX, and might help patients in the future.You do not have to take part in this study to be treated for your lung cancer. There are other treatments and therapies available to you. These might include cisplatin and another chemotherapy drug. Your study doctor can discuss these treatments and therapies with you.Do I Have to Take Part in This Study?Your taking part in this study is entirely voluntary. Whether or not you take part is completely up to you to decide. You will continue to receive the best possible care no matter what you decide.If you choose to take part and later change your mind, you can stop participating at any time a decision to stop being in the study will not affect how your health care is provided to you. If you decide to stop the treatment, please talk to the study doctor or one of the staff members. They can tell you about any other treatments, and arrange to continue your usual care.Your study doctor or the sponsor might decide, at any time and for any reason, to stop your taking part in the study, even though you might want to continue. This might happen if you have a bad reaction to XXX or if there is new information about the safety or effectiveness of XXX The studydoctor or one of the staff members will explain the reasons why you must stop and arrange for your health care to continue.Treatment and Compensation for InjuryIn XXX, health care is provided through a system of provincial insurance. This insurance may or may not provide coverage for certain types of injuries that might result from your taking part in this study. To the extent that provincial insurance does not cover physical injury caused by any substance or procedure properly given under the plan for this study, XXX Company will pay the medical expenses for the treatment of that injury so long as you have followed the direction of the doctors in charge of the study.Signing this form does not mean you give up any of your legal rights. The study doctor, sponsor or hospital would still have legal and professional responsibilities to you.What Will the Study Cost Me?Study drug and study procedures will be provided at no cost to you. However, you might have to pay for some expenses related to your taking part in this study, such as (transportation, parking, meals or others.)You will be paid (XXX amount per study visit) to reimburse you for (transportation, parking meals or other) expenses related to your taking part in this study. If you withdraw from the study early you will be paid for these expenses for the portion of the study that you completedWho Is Paying for the Research StudyThe sponsor is paying the study doctor and/or (name of Institution or site) for their work in this studyWho do I contact If I Want to Report Health Problems or Have Questions?If you have any injury, bad effect, or any other unusual health experience during this study, make sure that you immediately tell the study doctor or other study staff. You can call at any time, day or night, to report such health experiences.If you have any questions about this study or your rights, please contact Dr [insert study physicians name] at [insert address and phone #]If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, please contact [insert ethics contact or other neutral or disinterested party] at [insert address and phone number]Will My Taking Part in This Study Be Kept Confidential?The study doctor and staff will handle your personal health information in a confidential manner. Your health information will be used and disclosed as explained in the following Data Privacy StatementsIn this section, "personal health information?" means information about a person that relates things like the persons physical or family health history, health care, health care provide or substitute decision-maker and that directly identifies the person and>study data means study-related health information that does not directly identify a person(that is, it does not contain the person name, address, health number or other identifying information) but that does contain an assigned code number for the person and/or the persons initials.By signing the consent document for this study, you will give permission for the uses and disclosures of your personal health information that are described in this Data Privacy Statement. If you do not want to allow these uses, you should not participate in this study.If you agree to participate in the study, your personal health information and study data will be maintained, used and shared in the following waysThe study monitor, the study auditor, the sponsors clinical research staff and regulatory authorities might have access to your personal health information. This personal health information may include information from your health records such as your medical history, all lab results, ECG readings, specialist reports, and medications that you have been on in the past or currently. The records will be kept and disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.The study doctor and staff will send your study data to the study sponsor, its associated companies and its representatives (the sponsor). Because the sponsor conducts business related to clinical research in many countries around the world, this may involve sending your study data outside of Canada. If your study data is sent to other countries, your privacy will remain protected as described in this section.Your study data will be used by the sponsor for research purposes to support the scientific objectives of the study. This may include studying how well the drug(s)or treatment(s)associated with the study worked and/or how safe they were, to better understand the conditions or illnesses being studied; and/or to improve the design of future studies.Your study data, either alone or combined with data from other studies, might be shared with regulatory authorities in Canada, such as Health Canada, and similar government agencies from other countries, as well as the ethics review board overseeing this study.The sponsor works with business partners in drug development. The sponsor might share your study data with a business partner but only if the business partner signs a contract that requires it to protect your study data in the same way as the sponsor.Study data (which does not identify you) might be published in medical journals or shared with others as part of scientific discussions.To the extent permitted by applicable laws, the sponsor, the ethics review board, XXX and/or regulatory agencies in other countries might review your original health records, which contain information that directly identifies you, to verify the accuracy and completeness of study data collected during the study.You will have the right to see and copy your personal health information related to the study for as long as the study doctor or research institution holds this information, subject to applicable laws. However, you will not be able to see or copy this information until after the study has been completed.You may withdraw your permission at any time by providing notice to the study doctor. The study doctor and staff would then no longer use or share your personal health information in connection with the study, unless it is essential to ensure that the study is scientifically reliable. However, the sponsor would still use your study data that was collected before you withdrew your permission. In addition, you would no longer be able to participate in the study.。



知情同意书模板范文英文回答:Informed Consent Template.Participant Information.Study Title:Principal Investigator:Contact Information:Purpose of the Study:Scope of the Study:Potential Benefits:Potential Risks:Safeguards:Compensation:Confidentiality:Contact Information for Questions:Duration of Participation:Withdrawal from the Study:Statement of Informed Consent.I have read and understood the information provided in this consent form. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study and have received satisfactory answers. I understand the purpose of the study, potential risks and benefits, and the measures in place to protect my privacy.I freely and voluntarily consent to participate in this study. I understand that I may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.Participant Signature:Date:Witness Signature (if applicable):Date:Additional Provisions.Use of Recording Devices:Photography or Video Consent:Publication of Results:Genetic Testing (if applicable):Access to Medical Records:Emergency Contact Information: 中文回答:知情同意书模板范文。

ConsentForm_2014_3_1 (1)翻译原件

ConsentForm_2014_3_1 (1)翻译原件





研究团队首席研究员:Sharon Shenhav心理及社会行为学sshenhav@其他研究员:Wendy Goldberg, 博士, Belinda Campos, 博士.研究地点:加州大学尔湾分校研究目的这项研究的目的,是为了理解对于青年人和他们的妈妈对于不同话题的看法以及奥伦这些话题的方式。























医学知情同意书范文英文回答:Informed Consent Form.Title: [Title of the Study]Principal Investigator: [Name of the Principal Investigator]Study Location: [Location of the Study]Introduction:Thank you for considering participating in this study. The purpose of this form is to provide you with information about the study, its objectives, procedures, potentialrisks and benefits, and your rights as a participant. Please read this form carefully and feel free to ask any questions before making a decision.Study Objective:The objective of this study is to [state the main objective of the study]. The study aims to [explain the purpose of the research and its potential impact].Study Procedures:During the study, you will be required to [describe the study procedures in detail]. These procedures may include [list the specific procedures involved]. The estimated duration of your participation will be [mention the duration].Potential Risks and Benefits:There are potential risks associated with participating in this study, including [list the potential risks]. However, every effort will be made to minimize these risks. Additionally, there may be benefits to participating inthis study, such as [list the potential benefits].Confidentiality:All information collected during the study will be kept strictly confidential. Your personal identity will be protected, and any data used for analysis or publication will be anonymized.Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal:Participation in this study is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Your decision to participate or not will not affect your current or future medical care.Contact Information:If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study, please contact [provide contact information of the Principal Investigator or study coordinator].Consent:By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the information provided in this consent form. You have had the opportunity to ask questions and have received satisfactory answers. You voluntarily agree to participate in this study.Participant's Signature: ______________________。



Participant Informed ConsentTitle of Study:Investigator:Sponsor:The (Name of Funded Institution or Awarded Individual) is conducting a research study called, “_______”. The study is funded by ____________________.What is the study about?(A brief explanation of why the study is being conducted (what you hope to learn), how many people will be in the study, why the participant has been chosen to participate (eligibility requirements.).How long will I be in the study?Your part in the study will last __________.What will happen in the study?(Provide an explanation of what will take place during the study and what is expected from participants. Itemize what will happen at each study visit and the expected visit length. Use bullets when appropriate. Be careful to use non-coercive language (e.g. "we will ask you to" versus "you will fill out" or "you will do the following." Explain any experimental procedures.)If you are eligible and wish to join the study, you must sign this consent form. If you do not sign the consent form you cannot join the study.We will review this consent form with you at/during…… You will be given enough time to review the consent and have all your questions about the study answered. We will give you a signed copy of the consent for your records (when, in person, by mail, etc.).Study staff will not know which group or study drug/treatment you are assigned to. You should not join the study if you are not willing to take the study drug/treatment (or join the group) you are assigned to.What if I have questions?You can contact _______________ at ___________ if you have questions about the study. __________________ is in charge of the study. You may also contact_____________ at _________________ if you have questions about the study.Do I have to be in the study?(Use all statements below. White space between key statements is important.)You decide if you want to be in the study. Deciding not to take part will not affect your relationship with your medical provider or NCNM. If your health care provider is an investigator for the study, you may get a second opinion from another doctor not involved in the study.You can leave the study at any time and you do not have to give a reason. Leaving the study will not affect your relationship with your medical provider or NCNM.If you are an NCNM student or employee, this study is completely voluntary. Your decision to not participate or to leave the study will not affect your relationship with NCNM.The study investigators may ask you to leave the study if it is in your best interest. The study investigator may ask you to leave the study if you do not follow the study rules. What if I don’t want to be in the study?You can choose not to be in the study and you do not have to give a reason. You can choose to (talk to their doctor about other options, investigate outside resources on their own, etc.).Are there any costs?All study-related treatments are free. OR Your cost(s) for participating in the study would be……………… (how much, how often, overall approximate total).Will I be paid for being in the study?You will not be paid for being in the study. OR You will receive (amount, type of payment, when) as a thank you for your participation.Are there any risks?There is always a small risk of a breech of confidentiality to your personal health information. However, these risks have been addressed and minimized as much as is possible.You will be told about any new information that may affect your willingness to participate in the study.There could be risks that we are unaware of at the time of the study.(Itemize risks to participant for all categories of involvement (e.g., physical exams, questionnaires, blood draws, study drug/treatments, etc. This may mean repeating some information from the study description.).If you experience any side affects while on the study contact (clinical investigator name here) ______________ at ____________________ as soon as possible.Wh at if I feel I’ve been hurt by taking part in the study?If you feel you have been injured or harmed by taking part in this study, please contact (principal investigator name here) _______________________ at___________________. If you feel you were harmed while taking part in this study, you may be treated at NCNM. However, NCNM does not offer to pay the cost of this treatment.If you feel your rights have been violated or you have been harmed by this study, please contact the NCNM Institutional Review Board at 503-552-1847.Are there any benefits?(Receiving an incentive is not a benefit. Receiving free tests for an unproven treatment, etc., is not a benefit. Receiving a chest x-ray for example as part of the study could have other benefits, however.)It is possible you may receive some benefit from …………………… There is no guarantee, however, that you will receive any benefit at all. Your participation will help us learn more about …………Your privacy is important(Most statements below are required. Modify for your study design if necessary.)The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law to protect your privacy. Protecting your privacy is very important to us.During this study we will ask about your (past) and (current) medical history, we will do this with questionnaires, medical exams, blood draws, etc. This information will be used to determine your eligibility for the study and provide data for the study. Your personal health information will be kept private and only authorized study staff will have access to this information. We will use a study number instead of your name. All paper forms will be kept in a locked, secure office. All electronic data will be stored on password-protected computers. Your name will not be used in any publications or presentations about this study.During the study, you may not be given access to medical information about you that is part of the study. When the study is over, you may request certain medical information collected about you that is part of your study medical record.None of your personal information will be shared outside of NCNM. OR As part of the study, we will share your information with ………………….. We will share (type of data, keep it simple and br ief) in order to……………………. Agreements are in place with _______ to protect your privacy.By signing this consent form you are stating that we can use your health information in the ways mentioned above for this study. You are not waiving any of your legal rights by signing this form.You have the right to take away your permission to use your health information and any blood and/or tissue samples collected as part of the study. In order to do this you must send a written request to:Investigator name, address.Once your letter is received no additional information about you or blood or tissue samples will be collected from you for this study. Any data and/or blood and/or tissue samples that were collected before we receive your letter will continue to be used for the study. If applicable or include in a second genetic only consent: If you take away your permission to use your tissue or blood samples for a genetics research study, your samples will be destroyed or stored without any information that identifies you. Taking away your permission to use your health information will not affect your relationship with NCNM.We are collecting only the personal health information that we need for the specific purpose of this study. Your personal health information cannot be used for additional research purposes.NCNM may be required to provide copies of your personal information to Federal or other government agencies as required by law. It may also be required to provide copies to the Institutional review Board (IRB) or other groups that monitor the safety and welfare of study participants.If your personal health information is disclosed by this authorization to an individual or agency not covered by laws that prohibit re-disclosure, your personal health information may not remain confidential. However, Oregon law does not allow redisclosure ofHIV/AIDS information, mental health information, genetic information, and drug/alcohol diagnosis, treatment, or referral information.Your permission to use your identifiable health information (your HIPAA authorization) will expire on ___________________ or when the study is complete/indefinitely/other. (If a part of this study includes genetic research, additional statements would be required regarding the storage, destruction, use, sharing, and timeline for that material. Otherwise, include this information in a second consent about the genetic portion only.)Signatures:By signing this consent form it means the following:∙I know my rights have not been waived by signing.∙I have had all of my questions answered and I know whom to ask if I have more questions.∙I have read this form and understand it.∙I want to join the study.∙I know I can leave the study at any time and do not have to give a reason.______________________________________________________ ____________ Signature of Participant Date________________________________________________________________________ Printed name of participant(If appropriate, signature and printed name of parent or legal guardian with date.)Thank you for participating in our research study!。



险分别是:养老保险:单位每个月为你缴纳21%,你自己缴纳8%;医疗保险:单位每个月为你缴纳9%,你自己缴纳2%外加10块钱的大病统筹(大病统筹主要管住院这块);失业保险:单位每个月为你缴纳2%,你自己缴纳1%;工伤保险:单位每个月为你缴纳0.5%,你自己一分钱也不要缴;生育保险:单位每个月为你缴纳0.8%,你自己一分钱也不要缴;住房公积金:单位每个月为你缴纳8%,你自己缴纳8%以上,这么算下来,单位每个月为你缴纳的社保比例应该是21%+9%+2%+0.5%+0.8%+8%=41.3%你自己每个月为你缴纳的社保比例应该是8%+2%+10块+1%+8%=19%+10块statement of agreement 协议声明Participant Information 参加者信息Informed Consent Form 知情同意书Sponsor 申办者Study Site 研究地址approve 批准moderate to severe psoriasis 中度至重度银屑病local operation entity 当地运营实体Research and Development, Inc 研发公司Xian-Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd 西安杨森制药有限公司the electrical activity of the heartover time心脏随时间推移的电活动be required to fast from food andliquid禁用食物和液体qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析instrumental analysis 仪器分析法flow injection analysis;FIA 流动注射分析法determinate error 可定误差coefficient of variation 变异系数confidence level 置信水平level of significance 显著性水平pooled standard debiation 合并标准偏差(组合标准差)rejection quotient ;Q 舍弃商volumetric analysis 容量分析法titrametric analysis 滴定分析法stoichiometric point 化学计量点equivalent point 等当点charge balance 电荷平衡charge balance equation 电荷平衡式mass balance 质量平衡material balance 物料平衡mass balance equation 质量平衡式acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂acid-base titrations 酸碱滴定法autoprotolysis reaction 质子自递反应constant 常数proton balance equation 质子条件式colour change interval 变色范围protonic solvent 质子溶剂aprotic solvent 无质子溶剂differentiating effect 均化效应differentiating solvent 区分性溶剂amphototeric solvent 两性溶剂dissociation 离解crystal violet 结晶紫α-naphthalphenol benzyl alcohol 萘酚苯甲醇quinadinered 奎哪啶红thymol blue 百里酚蓝azo violet 偶氮紫bromophenol blue 溴酚蓝compleximetry 配位滴定法ischemic preconditioning 缺血预适应simple ischemia-reperfusion injury单纯缺血与再灌注损伤组groupLeukocyte 白血球Floating gel 漂浮凝胶acid concentration of the medium 介质酸浓度Alginic acid 海藻酸Aluminium hydroxide 氢氧化铝antacid activity 抗酸活性Antacid agent 抗酸剂Anti-reflux agent 抗返流剂benzyl alcohol 苯甲醇blinding agent 粘合剂Bulking agent 填充剂Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙carbonate 碳酸盐combinations 复方Comparative active ingredient活性成分组成的比较compositionsDetermination of pH gradient in vitro 体外PH梯度测定Dextrates 葡萄糖结合剂drug product 制剂drug substance 原料药duration 持续时间Excipients 辅料Filling agent 填充剂Flavour 香精/香料Formation of a floating gel in vitro 漂浮凝胶在体外的形成function of the acid concentration of介质酸浓度函数the mediumGaviscon? tablets Gaviscon?片Glucose monohydrate 一水葡萄糖Granulating agent 制粒溶剂Heavy magnesium carbonate 重质碳酸镁In-house monograph 内部专论Lemon cream flavour 柠檬奶油香精/香料Lubricant 润滑剂magnesium carbonate 碳酸镁magnesium carbonate gel 碳酸镁凝胶magnesium chloride 氯化镁Magnesium stearate 硬脂酸镁Magnesium trisilicate 三硅酸镁Mean “raft” pH平均“筏”PhPeak “intra-gastric” pH胃内峰PHpeppermint flavour 薄荷香料/香精pH gradient pH 梯度pharmaceutical development 制药开发Povidone 聚维酮Quantitative composition 定量组成raft 筏Raft booster 筏推动剂Rennie? Dual Action tablets 罗内?双效片Rennie? Duo, chewable tablets 罗内?Duo咀嚼片Rennie? Duo, oral suspension 罗内?Duo口服混悬剂RENNIE? LIQUID 罗内?液体剂Saccharin sodium 糖精钠Sodium alginate海藻酸钠 Sodium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠 sodium chloride氯化钠 Sodium hydrogen carbonate碳酸氢钠 sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate对羟基苯甲酸丙酯钠 stearate硬脂酸盐 Sucrose蔗糖 Sweetener甜味剂 symptomatic treatment症状性治疗 Talc滑石粉 Xanthan gum黄原胶 6-1 :David Grimes 教授演讲部分 long acting contraception长效避孕法 The role of long acting contraception in family planning长效避孕法在计划生育中发挥的作用 long-acting reversible contraception 长效可逆性避孕法 forgettable contraception遗忘式避孕法 overt act专门措施 Coital frequency性交频率 Progestin injection黄体酮注射 Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 长效醋酸甲羟孕酮(DMPA )Intrauterine Contraception 宫内避孕法 Levonorgestrel Releasing System 左炔诺孕酮释放系统 Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS)左炔诺孕酮宫内节育系统(LNG-IUS ) Single-rod progestin implant单棒黄体酮植入物 fibroids, hemoglobinopathy纤维瘤,血红蛋白病 surrogate end points替代终点 risk of ectopic pregnancies异位妊娠风险 tubal infertility输卵管性不孕 Gross Removal Rates总取出率 Levonorgestrel IUS左炔诺孕酮IUS Barrier methods屏障法 Venous thromboembolism静脉血栓形成 hysterectomy子宫切除术 endometriosis子宫内膜异位症 perimenopausal symptoms围绝经期症状 Hemoglobin and ferritin血红蛋白和铁蛋白 parous women经产妇 nulliparous women未产妇 menorrhagia / dysmenorrhea 月经过多/痛经uterine involution 子宫复旧Perforation rate 穿孔率Expulsion frequency 排出率estrogen and progesterone receptors 雌激素和孕酮受体expulsion / salpingitis 排出/输卵管炎curettage 刮除术mifepristone 米非司酮Lactation 哺乳期/泌乳partum 分娩spotting and bleeding 出血和点状出血Full breast-feeding 完全母乳喂养antiphospholipid syndrome 抗磷脂综合征anticoagulation 抗凝药estradiol 雌二醇6-2 :Dr. Ritva Hurskainen 演讲部分endometrial resection / ablation 子宫内膜切除/消融术Submucous fibroids 黏膜下纤维化Endometrial polyps 子宫内膜息肉Ovarian tumours or cysts 卵巢肿瘤或囊肿uterine malformation 子宫畸形acne 痤疮Levonorgestrel-ReleasingIntrauterine System左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统Health-Related Quality of Life 健康相关生存质量Bladder-emptying 膀胱排空Urge incontinence 尿失禁Stress incontinence 压力性失禁Tranexamic acid 氨甲环酸Norethisterone 炔诺酮Myomectomy or uterine artery embolisation 子宫肌瘤剔除术或子宫动脉栓塞术endometrial ablation 子宫内膜消融术6-2 :Yu Qi 教授演讲部分Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) 月经过多 (HMB) injected progestogens 孕激素注射剂Health Economics 卫生经济学Oophorectomy with hysterectomy 卵巢切除术联合子宫切除术Dilatation and curettage 扩刮术Impedance-controlled bipolar 阻抗控制双极射频消融术radiofrequency ablationFluid-filled thermal balloon endometrial ablation (TBEA) 充液热球囊子宫内膜消融术Microwave endometrial ablation(MEA)微波子宫内膜消融术Free fluid thermal endometrial ablation 自由流体热子宫内膜消融术Care Pathway for HMB (1) HMB的诊治路径Intermenstrual bleeding 月经间期出血Anovulatory DUB 无排卵型DUB Ovulatory DUB 排卵型DUB gynecologic complaints 妇科主诉Anti-fibrinolysis drugs 抗纤溶药Endometrial Atrophy Therapy 子宫内膜萎缩疗法Inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis 前列腺素合成抑制剂Flufenamic Acid 氟芬那酸6-2:Session 4 (Day 2) 部分的词汇menstrual disorders 月经紊乱Cervical glands 宫颈腺体Abortifacient 堕胎者Cervical smears 宫颈涂片Pelvic infection 盆腔感染Valvular heart disease 心脏瓣膜疾病Amenorrhea 闭经Menache 初潮Menstruation 行经Menopause 绝经cyclical norethisterone 环炔诺酮Non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs 非甾体类抗炎药Strong premenstrual symptoms 重度经前症状 (PMS) Contraceptive patch or ring 避孕贴或避孕环Progestin oral pills 孕激素口服片剂drospirenon 屈螺酮Migraine 偏头痛Migraine without aura 无预兆的偏头痛Ovarian cysts 卵巢囊肿flange 凸缘Paracervical blockade 宫颈旁阻滞麻醉Ibuprofen 布洛芬anteverted uterus 前倾子宫retroverted uterus 后倾子宫misoprostol 米索前列醇bleeding pattern 出血模式endometrial hyperplasia 子宫内膜增生tamoxifen 他莫西芬Clin Conf 1 - Contraception &ProfGrimes1 词汇Anovulation 停止排卵Premature ovarian failure 卵巢早衰Hyperprolactinaemia 高泌乳素血症Hypothyroidism 甲减Transvaginal ultrasound 经阴道超声Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS) Combined oral contraception 联合口服药避孕说明书Packaging Insert药品名称Article Name通用名称Generic Name汉语拼音Name In Bopomofo成分Ingredients作用类别/主治功能Function and indication 规格Strengths注意事项Precautions药物相互作用Drug Interaction有效期Expire date执行标准Executive Standard国家药品标准National drug standard批准文号Approval Document No 国药准字Guo yao zhun zi修订日期Revision Date生产地址Address of Facility如果有问题Please contact the manufacturer in case of any problem止痒Relieving Itching消炎Diminishing Inflammation非处方non-prescription (OTC) 英文中文Fly Sheet 扉页intra-individually controlled 个体自身对照dose-eomparative 剂量比较open-label 公开标签Clinical trial phase 临床试验阶段diagnostic confidence 诊断置信度qualitative evaluation 定性评价quantitative evaluation 定量评价global evaluation 总体评价physical examination 体格检查Synopsis 纲要confidence intervals. 置信区间Duration of treatment 治疗期/治疗持续时间mode of admin. 给药方式Reference therapy 参照疗法Criteria for evaluation 评价标准Efficacy 有效性signal intensity ratio 信号强度比overall visualization 总体显影c1inieal differenee 临床差异Trial Manager 试验主管Trial Director 试验总监Co-investigator 助理研究者Formulation 制剂Type of formulation 剂型Specific radioactivity 比放射性drug substance 原料药Vehicle composition 赋形剂成分Generic name 通用名Study design and plan 研究设计和计划description of rationale 原理说明Overview and justification 概述和论证Study configuration: 研究结构Level of blinding: 设盲水平Investigational product 试验性药物Interim analyses 中期分析steering committees 指导委员会Protocol amendments 方案修正Sampie size 样本量Molecular weight 分子量Structural formula 结构式Molecular formula: 分子式osmolality 克分子渗透压浓度viscosity 粘度Qualitative evaluation 定量评价localisation of lesion ? 病灶定位visualization of lesion ? 病灶显影characterization of lesion ? 病灶特征记述Equivocal 模糊No contrast 无差异Referral diagnosis 转诊诊断Pre-conifastt MRI diagnosis 增强前MRI诊断Drug relationship 药物相关性Intensity 严重程度Flow chart of trial activities 试验流程图imaging 影像学检查Baseline period 基线期Drop-outs 脱落Deviations from the trial protocol 与试验方案的背离Target variabies 靶变量Disposition of sUbjects 受试者安排Ethnic group 种族Medication history 治疗史Medical and surgical history 病史和手术史abnormal findings 异常发现pulse rate 脉率systolic blood pressure 收缩压diastolic blood pressure 舒张压general appearanee 一般状态primary tumor 原发肿瘤metastases 转移灶multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化症angiography 血管造影myelography 脊髓造影Data sets analyzed 数据组分析Diagnostic confidence: 诊断置信度Optimal injection 最佳注射Overall visualization 总体显影度signal intensity ratio 信号强度比contrast to noise ratio 对比噪声比Total drug exposure 总的药物暴露test article 供试品Text tables 正文表格Box plot 箱线图Scatter diagrams 散点图contrast agents造影剂 efficacy evaluation有效性评价 plain scans平扫 worsened变差 extent of exposure暴露程度 Total drug exposure总的药物暴露 Display and analysis of adverse events 不良事件的陈述和分析 weakness of extension伸展无力 involuntary tremor不自主震颤 tolerance indicators容许指示剂 Title Page标题页 Good Clinical Practice (GCP).药物临床试验质量管理规范(GCP ) Analysis set分析集 Intent - to - treat population意向治疗人群 Preferred population首选人群 Reader 1读片者1 blinded reading盲态读片 False positive lesions假阳性病变 Sensitivity and specificity in liver segment involvement肝段受累的敏感性和特异性 liver lobes肝叶 pooled segments混合段 pre-contrast MRI造影前MRI combined pre-and post MRI联合造影前/后MRI Lesion classification病变分类 lesion type病变类型 Assessment of enhancement增强的评估 (dynamic imaging and hepatocytephase)动态影像和肝细胞相 Signal-to-noise ratio信噪比 Contrast-to-noise ratio对比噪声比 Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) 独立伦理委员会(IEC )Institutional Review Board (IRB)机构审查委员会(IRB ) Ethical conduct伦理学实施 study administrative structure研究行政结构 Comparators对比方法 Prior and concomitant therapy既往和目前的合用药物 Diffuse liver disease弥漫性肝病 Focal liver lesions 肝脏局灶性病变 Trackable/untrackable focal liver 可追踪性/不可追踪性肝lesions脏局灶性病变 Liver maps肝脏图谱 Lesion detection病变检出 Lesion characterization病变鉴定 Morphology形态学 Biliary system imaging增强的评估 Artifacts伪像 pre-contrast T2-weighted sequences 造影前T2加权序列 Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS)术中超声(IOUS ) Required pulse sequences规定的脉冲序列 Adjustments of image size and contrast 图像大小和对比度的调整 Biliary system imaging胆道系统成像 presence of thrombus有血栓 Adjustments for covariates对协变量的调整 Examination of subgroups亚组检查 Drug-drug and drug-diseaseinteractions药物-药物相互作用和药物-疾病相互作用 specified diffuse liver disease特定弥漫性肝病 matched lesions匹配病变 Number of correctly and incorrectly classified lesions正确和错误分类病变的数量 Mass Effect占位效应 Enhancement patterns 增强模式 New Atrial Extrasystoles Postbaseline 基线后新出现房性期外收缩New Ventricular ExtrasystolesPostbaseline基线后新出现室性期外收缩 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH药品专论 Intravenous contrast enhancement agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)静脉注射的磁共振成像(MRI )造影剂 Submission Control No:提交文件控制号 Elimination清除 Hepatic Insufficiency肝功能不全 DOSAGE FORMS, COMPOSITION ANDPACKAGING剂型、成分和包装 Proper name专有名称 Physical form外观 Solubility溶解性 pH in water水溶液的pH Osmolality 渗透压Density密度 Bi-phasic enhanced spiral CT双相增强螺旋CT Animal Pharmacology动物药理学 Human Pharmacology人体药理学 Insufficiency功能不全 Repeated-Dose Toxicity多次给药毒性 Genotoxic Potential遗传毒性可能性 Tumorigenicity and Carcinogenicity 致肿瘤性和致癌性 Reproductive Toxicology生殖毒理学 Local Tolerance and SensitizingPotential局部耐受性和致敏可能性 Formulation number制剂编号 Substance code number原料药代码编号 specifications规格 release date发布日期 This edition supersedes替代版本 Property of Bayer Schering Pharma 所有权归Bayer ScheringPharma 所有Physical, chemical and pharmaceutical properties and formulation 物理、化学以及药理学特性和剂型Description of Drug Substance 药品说明Product interaction 产品相互作用Special Populations 特殊人群Mean (SD) serum concentrations 平均(SD )血清浓度fecal excretion 粪便排泄量compartment model dependent (CMD ) 间室模型依赖 renal clearance 肾清除率total clearance 总清除率beats per minute(bpm) 每分钟心跳次数end stage renal failure (ESRF ) 终末阶段肾衰focal nodular hyperplasia(FNH) 局灶结节性增生field of view(FOV) 视野gradient echo(GRE) 梯度回波Hoechst Adverse Events Reaction Thesaurus System(HARTS) Hoechst 不良事件反应词典系统Gd-EOB-DTPA 钆-EOB-DTPA ,钆塞酸high pressure liquidchromatography(HPLC)高压液相色谱 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy(ICPAES )电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Specific Rotation 比旋光度Partition Coefficient 分配系数Time Profile 时间特征Elimination Profile 消除曲线Biotransformation 生物转化volume of distribution at steady state 稳态下分布体积repetition time 保留时间time of echo 回声时间terminal half-life 终末半衰期initial half-life 初始半衰期no observable effect level 不可观察的反应水平microsoft disk operating system 微软磁盘操作系统mean residence time 平均停留时间magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像magnetic resonance 核磁共振minimum lethal dose 最低致死剂量Medical Dictionary for Regulatory国际医学用语词典Activitiesmean corpuscular volume 平均血细胞体积mean corpuscular hemoglobin 红细胞平均血红蛋白含量Intraoperative ultrasound 术中超声医学英语中的缩写词aa——各et——及、和Rp.——取、请取sig./S.——用法、指示St./Stat.——立即、急速Cit.——急速s.o.s.——需要时p.r.n——必要时a.c.——饭前p.c.——饭后a.m.——上午p.m.——下午q.n.——每晚h.s.——睡前q.h.——每小时q.d.——每日1次B.i.d.——每日2次T.i.d.——每日3次Q.i.d.——每日4次q.4h.——每4小时1次p.o.——口服ad us.int.——内服ad us.ext.——外用H.——皮下注射im./M.——肌肉注射iv./V.——静脉注射iv gtt.——静脉滴注Inhal.——吸入O.D.——右眼O.L.——左眼O.S.——单眼O.U.——双眼No./N.——数目、个s.s——一半ug.——微克mg.——毫克g.——克kg.——千克(公斤)ml.——毫升L.——升q.s——适量Ad.——加至Aq.——水Aq.dest.——蒸馏水Ft.——配成Dil——稀释M.D.S.——混合后给予Co./Comp.——复方的Mist——合剂Pulv.——散剂Amp.——安瓿剂Emul.——乳剂Syr.——糖浆剂Tr.——酊剂Neb.——喷雾剂Garg.——含漱剂rtt./gutt.——滴、滴眼剂collyr.——洗眼剂Ocul.——眼膏Liq.——溶液剂Sol.——溶液Lot.——洗剂Linim.——擦剂Crem.——乳膏剂(冷霜)Ung.——软膏剂Past.——糊剂Ol.——油剂Enem.——灌肠剂Supp.——栓剂Tab.——片剂Pil.——丸剂Caps.——胶囊剂Inj.——注射剂。



临床试验中所有涉及到的英文翻译(第1页)1. 临床试验(Clinical Trial)2. 研究参与者(Research Participant)3. 研究方案(Protocol)4. 伦理审查委员会(Institutional Review Board, IRB)5. 知情同意书(Informed Consent Form)6. 试验药物(Investigational Product)7. 对照组(Control Group)8. 实验组(Experimental Group)9. 随机化(Randomization)10. 双盲试验(Doubleblind Trial)11. 病例报告表(Case Report Form, CRF)12. 不良事件(Adverse Event)13. 严重不良事件(Serious Adverse Event)14. 数据监控委员会(Data Monitoring Committee, DMC)15. 统计分析计划(Statistical Analysis Plan, SAP)16. 研究终点(Study Endpoint)17. 临床终点(Clinical Endpoint)18. 效力(Efficacy)19. 安全性(Safety)20. 药物代谢动力学(Pharmacokinetics)21. 药物效应动力学(Pharmacodynamics)22. 生物利用度(Bioavailability)23. 生物等效性(Bioequivalence)24. 药物相互作用(Drug Interaction)临床试验中所有涉及到的英文翻译(第2页)25. 研究目标(Study Objective)26. 研究假设(Research Hypothesis)27. 入组标准(Inclusion Criteria)28. 排除标准(Exclusion Criteria)29. 受试者筛选(Subject Screening)30. 基线评估(Baseline Assessment)31. 随访(Followup Visit)32. 疗程(Treatment Regimen)33. 药物剂量(Drug Dosage)34. 给药途径(Route of Administration)35. 药物耐受性(Drug Tolerance)36. 药物依赖性(Drug Dependence)37. 药物副作用(Side Effect)38. 药物毒性(Toxicity)39. 最大耐受剂量(Maximum Tolerated Dose)40. 疗效评估(Efficacy Evaluation)41. 安全性评估(Safety Assessment)42. 生命体征(Vital Signs)43. 实验室检查(Laboratory Tests)44. 影像学检查(Imaging Studies)45. 病历记录(Medical Records)46. 病历报告(Medical Report)47. 病历审查(Medical Review)48. 病历编码(Medical Coding)49. 病历数据库(Medical Database)临床试验中所有涉及到的英文翻译(第3页)50. 研究协调员(Study Coordinator)51. 主要研究者(Principal Investigator)52. 研究团队(Research Team)53. 监查员(Monitor)54. 申办者(Sponsor)55. 研究资助(Research Funding)56. 研究预算(Research Budget)57. 研究合同(Research Contract)58. 知识产权(Intellectual Property)59. 专利保护(Patent Protection)60. 研究注册(Study Registration)61. 临床试验注册(Clinical Trials Registration)62. 公开透明(Transparency)63. 研究结果发表(Publication of Results)64. 数据共享(Data Sharing)65. 隐私保护(Privacy Protection)66. 受试者隐私(Subject Privacy)67. 保密协议(Confidentiality Agreement)68. 信息安全(Information Security)69. 数据保护(Data Protection)70. 研究合规(Research Compliance)71. 法律法规(Regulatory Requirements)72. 质量保证(Quality Assurance)73. 质量控制(Quality Control)74. 标准操作程序(Standard Operating Procedures, SOPs)。








TUFTS MEDICAL CENTERTUFTS UNIVERSITYDepartment nameTitle of study参加研究同意书Consent to Participate in Research – Simplified Chinese主要探察员:你现在被邀请参加一项医疗研究学习。





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英文知情同意书范文Signing an informed consent form is a crucial step in any medical or research procedure. It is incredibly important for participants to fully understand the risks and benefits associated with their involvement in the study. Knowing what they are consenting to can help individuals make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Therefore, it is essential for researchers and healthcare providers to provide detailed information in the informed consent document.参与者在接受任何医疗或研究程序时签署知情同意书是非常关键的一步。




Informed consent forms typically include information about the study objectives, procedures involved, potential risks and benefits, participant responsibilities, confidentiality measures, and contact information for questions or concerns. It is important for participantsto read the document thoroughly and ask any questions they may have before signing. This ensures that they are fully informed and aware of what they are agreeing to.知情同意书通常包括关于研究目的、涉及的程序、可能的风险和好处、参与者的责任、保密措施以及问题或疑虑联系信息。



护理研究的知情同意书范文英文回答:Informed Consent Form for Nursing Research.Title of the Study: The Impact of Music Therapy on Pain Management in Postoperative Patients.Researcher: [Researcher's Name]Introduction:Thank you for considering participation in our nursing research study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of music therapy on pain management in postoperative patients. Before deciding whether to participate, we kindly request you to read and understand the following information. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.Study Procedures:If you agree to participate in this study, you will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: the music therapy group or the control group. Both groups will receive standard postoperative care, but the music therapy group will also receive sessions of music therapy. The sessions will involve listening to soothing music for a specified duration. Your pain levels will be assessed using a pain scale before and after each session.Benefits and Risks:Participating in this study may provide you with potential benefits such as reduced pain levels and improved relaxation. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of music therapy may vary among individuals. There are no known risks associated with participating in this study, as the sessions involve listening to music and do not involve any invasive procedures.Confidentiality:Your privacy and confidentiality will be strictly maintained throughout the study. Your personal information will be kept confidential and will only be accessible to the research team. The data collected will be analyzed collectively and presented in a way that does not identify individual participants.Voluntary Participation:Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without providing a reason. Your decision to participate or notwill not have any impact on your current or future medical care.Contact Information:If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study, please feel free to contact the researcher, [Researcher's Name], at [Researcher's Contact Information]. Additionally, if you have any concerns about your rights asa research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at [IRB Contact Information].By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the information provided in this consent form and voluntarily agree to participate in this study.Participant's Signature: ______________________。



MUTUALNON-DISCLOSUREAGREEMENT保密协议This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement(this “Agreement”) entered into this ___________by and betweenNamea company,Address(Hereinafter referred to as the "Company")AndNamea Chinese company,Address(Hereinafter referred to as the "Participant").Company and Participant are each a disclosing Party ("Discloser") and a receiving Party ("Recipient") under this Agreement, and collectively the “Parties”本保密协议(以下通称本“协议”)由Name ,一家公司,地址为:Address (以下通称“公司”) 与name ,一家中国公司,地址为:(以下通称“参与者”) 年月日签订。


WITNESSETH 兹证明:WHEREAS each of Company and the Participant possess certain proprietary valuable and confidential information and technology; and 鉴于,公司与参与者均拥有某些专有的、有经济价值且秘密的信息和技术;WHEREAS the Parties desire to enter into discussions for the purpose of evaluating the possibility of cooperation in China and for such other purposes as the Parties may agree in writing 鉴于,协议双方为探求在中国境内合作的可能性以及协议双方书面同意的其他目的拟进行商谈;WHEREAS in order to determine their interest in entering into such a business transaction, theParties wish to exchange or to provide one another with access to their respective “Confidential Information” (as defined below), without undermining its confidential nature and economic value;鉴于,为确定各自在合作交易中的利益,在不破坏其机密性和经济价值的前提下,协议双方愿意相互交换或向对方提供各自拥有的保密信息(定义见下文);NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and promises herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 因此,基于如下相互的保证和承诺,协议双方达成如下条款:1. Confidential Information保密信息 1.1 The term "Confidential Information" means any and all information and know-how of a proprietary, private, secret or confidential nature, in whatever form, that relates to the business, financial condition, technology and/or products of the Discloser, its customers, potential customers, suppliers or potential suppliers, provided or disclosed to the Recipient by the Discloser, or any on its behalf, or which otherwise becomes known to the Recipient, whether or not marked or otherwise designated as “confidential”, “proprietary” or with any other legend indicating its proprietary nature. By way of illustration and not limitation, Confidential Information includes all forms and types of financial, business, technical, including but not limited to specifications, designs, techniques, processes, procedures, methods, compilations, inventions and developments, products, samples, algorithms, computer programs (whether as source code or object code), data, marketing and customer information, vendor information, personal information, projections, plans and reports, and any other data, documentation, or information related thereto, as well as improvements thereof, whether in tangible or intangible form, and whether or not stored, compiled or memorialized in any media or in writing, including information disclosed as a result of any visitation, consultation or information disclosed by Parties to this Agreement or other parties on their behalf such as consultants, clients, suppliers and customers, etc. The Discloser shall determine in its sole discretion what information and materials it shall disclose to the Recipient. 1.1 “保密信息”是指任何及所有专有的、私有的、秘密的或机密性质的,无论以何种形式,与披露方及其客户、潜在客户、供应商或潜在供应商的业务、财务状况、技术和/或产品相关的资料和技术。

The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

The University of Sydney 悉尼大学

The University of Sydney悉尼大学Centre for Research onComputer Supported Learning & Cognition计算机支持的学习与认知研究中心Wenchao He 何文超Faculty of Education and Social Work 教育与社会工作学院电子邮箱: wehe4289@.auPARENT PARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM家长参与者同意函I 我, ............................. , give consent to my participation in the research project 同意参加这个研究项目.TITLE 题目:Parental Involvement Solution for Weekend Face-to-face ESL (English as a Second Language) Course for Preschoolers 周末学前儿童英语面授课程的家长参与解决方案In giving my consent I acknowledge that 我的同意是基于我明白到以下情况的:1. The procedures required for the project and the time involved have been explained to me, andany questions I have about the project have been answered to my satisfaction 这个项目的参与程序和时间已经给我解释了,我对于这个项目的任何问题都已经被回答并且该回答达到我的满意程度.2. I have read the Participant Information Statement and have been given the opportunity to discussthe information and my involvement in the project with the researcher 我已经阅读了“参与者信息综述”,并且有机会与研究者讨论其上面的信息以及我的参与.3. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time, without penalty and without affectingmy relationship with the University of Sydney and Linguaphone 我明白到我可以随时退出这个研究,这不会带来任何惩罚,也不会影响我与悉尼大学和灵格风的关系.4. I understand that if I have any questions relating to my participation in this research I may contactthe researchers who will be happy to answer them 我明白到如果我对参与这个研究存有任何疑问的话,我可以联系研究者,研究者将会很乐意地回答我的问题.5. I understand that the telephone interview with me will be audiotaped and some of the results ofthe project may be written in the researcher’s dissertation and used for Linguaphone’s course development, but information presented will not reveal my identity 我明白到对我的电话访问将会被录音,这个项目的某些结果可能会被写入研究者的学位论文和被用于灵格风的课程开发,但是所呈现的信息都不会透露我的真实身份.…………………………………………… ……………………………………………Signature 签名 Please PRINT name in Chinese 请工整书写中文名…………………………………………… ……………………………………………Date 日期 Please PRINT name in Pin Yin 请工整书写姓名拼音Any person with concerns or complaints about the conduct of the research study can contact the Senior Ethics Officer, Ethics Administration, University of Sydney on 0061-2-93514811 (Telephone); 0061-2-93516706 (Facsimile) or gbriody@.au (Email).任何人就这个研究的管理方面有忧虑或投诉的,均可以联系悉尼大学学术道德规范管理处的高级官员。



临床研究知情同意书范文英文回答:Informed Consent Form for Clinical Research.I understand that I am being asked to participate in a clinical research study. Before I make a decision, I would like to know more about the study and what it entails. The purpose of this form is to provide me with all the necessary information to make an informed decision.Firstly, it is important to understand the purpose of the study. What is the main objective? What are the researchers trying to achieve? For example, if the study is investigating the effectiveness of a new drug in treating a specific disease, the purpose would be to determine whether the drug is safe and effective in improving the condition of patients with that disease.Secondly, I would like to know the procedures involvedin the study. What will be done to me as a participant?Will I be required to undergo any tests, treatments, or interventions? How often will these procedures occur? It is important to have a clear understanding of what to expect during the study.Thirdly, I would like to know the potential risks and benefits of participating in the study. Are there any known side effects or complications associated with the procedures or interventions? On the other hand, what are the potential benefits that I may gain from participating in the study? It is important to weigh the risks against the benefits before making a decision.Furthermore, I would like to know about my rights as a participant in the study. What are my rights to privacy and confidentiality? Will my personal information be protected? Can I withdraw from the study at any time without any consequences? It is important to have a clear understanding of my rights and the protections in place.Additionally, I would like to know about thequalifications and experience of the researchers conducting the study. Are they qualified and experienced in conducting clinical research? Have they conducted similar studies in the past? It is important to have confidence in the researchers and their ability to conduct the study in a professional and ethical manner.Lastly, I would like to know about any financial considerations associated with participating in the study. Will there be any costs involved for me as a participant? Will I be compensated for my time and participation? It is important to have a clear understanding of any financial implications before making a decision.中文回答:临床研究知情同意书范文。



心理咨询知情同意书模板范文英文回答:Informed Consent Form for Psychological Counseling.Participant Name: [Participant's Name]Date: [Date]Introduction:I am [Therapist's Name], a licensed psychologist, and I will be providing psychological counseling services to you. Before we begin, it is important for you to understand the nature of counseling, the potential risks and benefits, and your rights as a participant. This form aims to provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision about participating in counseling.Nature of Counseling:Counseling is a collaborative process that involves a therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the participant. The goal of counseling is to help individuals explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and to develop strategies for personal growth and problem-solving. The therapist will provide support, guidance, and feedback throughout the counseling process.Benefits of Counseling:Counseling can help individuals gain insight into their emotions, improve their coping skills, enhance their relationships, and achieve personal goals. It provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to express themselves and work towards positive change.Risks and Limitations:While counseling can be beneficial, it is important to note that it may also involve some risks. Discussingcertain topics or memories may cause temporary discomfortor emotional distress. Additionally, counseling may not be effective for everyone, and there is no guarantee of specific outcomes or results.Confidentiality:Confidentiality is an essential aspect of counseling. All information shared during sessions will be keptstrictly confidential, except in the following circumstances:1. When there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.2. When there is suspicion of child or elder abuse.3. When required by law or court order.Participation and Rights:Your participation in counseling is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw at any time without penalty. You have the right to ask questions, seek clarification, andreceive information about the counseling process. You can also request a copy of your records, subject to legal and ethical limitations.By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the information provided in this form. You voluntarily consent to participate in counseling and understand the potential risks and benefits involved.Participant's Signature: ______________________。

consent form for minors填写范例雅思

consent form for minors填写范例雅思

consent form for minors填写范例雅思Informed Consent Form for Minors: A Sample for IELTSIntroduction:Consent forms play a crucial role in obtaining permission from individuals before participating in any research or activity. When it comes to minors, it becomes even more important to ensure that their parents or legal guardians are fully aware and give consent for their participation. This article aims to provide a comprehensive example of a consent form for minors, highlighting the key elements that need to be included.Consent Form for Minors:Title: Informed Consent Form for MinorsIntroduction:The purpose of this consent form is to inform parents or legal guardians about the research study involving their minor child and to seek their consent for their child's participation. Please read this form carefully and ask any questions you may have before signing it.Participant Information:1. Title of the research study:- Provide the title of the research study.2. Principal investigator:- Name the principal investigator who will be responsible for conducting the research.3. Research Institution:- State the name and address of the institution where the research will take place.Study Information:4. Background and purpose of the study:- Briefly explain the background and objectives of the study in non-technical language.5. Procedures and activities involved:- Describe the procedures and activities the minor will be involved in, ensuring the parents/guardians understand the nature of the research.6. Potential benefits and risks:- Outline the potential benefits that the minor may gain from participating in the study.- Highlight any potential risks or discomforts the minor may experience during the study.7. Confidentiality and privacy:- Assure the parents/guardians that the minor's personal information will remain confidential and that their privacy will be protected.8. Duration of the study:- State the estimated duration of the study and the frequency of the minor's participation.9. Voluntary participation and right to withdraw:- Emphasize that participation in the study is voluntary and that theparents/guardians have the right to withdraw their child from the study at any time without any negative consequences.10. Compensation and/or incentives:- Specify whether compensation or incentives will be provided to the participants and, if applicable, the amount or type.11. Contact information:- Provide the contact details of the principal investigator or any other individual whom the parents/guardians can reach out to if they have any questions or concerns.Consent and Signature:12. Signature of the parent/guardian:- Provide space for the parent/guardian to sign and date the consent form.13. Signature of the witness:- Provide space for a witness to sign and date the consent form. The witness should be a neutral party who has observed the parent/guardian signing the form.Conclusion:The informed consent form for minors is an essential document that ensures the protection and welfare of minor participants in any research or activity. By obtaining informed consent from parents or legal guardians, researchers can ensure that the rights, privacy, and safety of the minors are safeguarded. This sample consent form provides a comprehensive template that can be customized and used in various research studies involving minors.。



知情同意书的过程英语作文The process of informed consent involves several key steps to ensure that the participant fully understands the nature of the research study and willingly agrees to participate. Here is a breakdown of the process: Step 1: DisclosureThe researcher must provide all relevant information about the study to the participant. This includes the purpose of the study, the procedures involved, potential risks and benefits, and the participant's rights. This information is typically provided in a written form, such as a consent form, and may also be discussed verbally.Step 2: ComprehensionAfter receiving the information, the participant should have the opportunity to ask questions and seekclarification about any aspects of the study that are unclear. It is important for the researcher to ensure that the participant understands the information provided and can make an informed decision about participating.Step 3: VoluntarinessThe participant must be given sufficient time to consider whether they want to participate in the study. There should be no coercion or undue influence, and the participant should feel free to decline or withdraw from the study at any time without facing any negative consequences.Step 4: ConsentIf the participant decides to participate, they must provide their written consent. By signing the consent form, the participant is indicating that they understand the study and agree to take part in it. This consent is not a one-time event – the participant should be reminded that they can withdraw their consent at any time.中文翻译:知情同意书的过程涉及几个关键步骤,以确保参与者充分理解研究的性质,并自愿同意参与。

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Participant Consent Form
Project: Making Your Voice Heard: A study into the use of Microblog by college students in China
Date: January, 2012
The title of this research is “Making Your Voice Heard: A study into the use of Microblog by college students in China”. The principal investigator of this project is NI MA, a student at the University of Leicester Department Media and Communication. I am studying the microblog usage pattern of Chinese college students, how they use media to make their voice heard, and how they compare microblog and mainstream media. In cooperation with my supervisor Paul Reilly, a lecturer at the University of Leicester Department Media and Communication, I am collecting data from students from University of Science and Technology of China. I will use data I collected to analyse the pattern of Chinese young people use new media.
The research involves completing a questionnaire to measure microblog usage, in this questionnaire, if the participants are interested in this research, they will be asked to leave personal contact information, and further interview will be processed.The session should take about 10minutes.
Your participation in the project/survey is entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the project at any point. If you are uncertain or uncomfortable about any aspect of your participation please contact the Principal Investigators listed at the top of this letter to discuss your concerns or request clarification on any aspect of the study.
Any information you supply to use will be treated confidentially in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act: your name and identifying affiliations will be anonymized in any resulting publications, unless you give us your explicit consent to identify you as a subject.
If you have any questions about the ethical conduct of this research please contact the Departmental Ethics Officer, using the contact details at the top of this letter.
Thank you very much for participating, Ni Ma
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study. Before we carry out the research, we would like you to read the following statements and confirm your agreement to take part in this study.
Please tick
to confirm

I confirm that I have read and understand the Participant Consent form 01.2012
• •
All the questions that I have about the research have been satisfactorily
• I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to
withdraw from the study at any time, without giving reason. •
I agree to participate.
Participant’s signature: __________________________________
Participant’s name (please print): __________________________________
Tick this box if you would like to receive a summary of the results of this study (no personal results) by e-mail
E-mail: ______________________________
Date: __________。
