cultural dimensions
Long-term Orientation --- 长远规划
核心价值: 长远利益 核心区别: 服务(fúwù)于目标/不投入 关键元素: 节俭和储蓄是
Short-term Orientation --- 短期规划
核心价值: 爱面子 核心区别: 正确/错误(cuòwù) 关键元素: 期望马上获得
✓ Long vs. Short-term Orientation (Confucian Dynamism)
Power Distance Index (PDI)
The power distance dimension has to do with inequality in a society. In a high power distance environment there would be greater tolerance for, and expectation of, inequality in prestige, wealth and power.
晋 升 晋升根据个人业绩
Masculinity (MAS)
--- Masculinity vs. Femininity
This dimension has two elements. One deals with the values held and the other with role expectations.
• Equality between men and women
Money and things are important
Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions文化尺度
伴君如伴虎 To be in the king's company is tantamount to living with a tiger
官大一级压死人 Officials one rank superior crush the inferior
Reasons for differences
High power distance
A High Power Distance ranking indicate s that inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the s ociety. These societies are more likely t o follow a caste system that does not al low significant upward mobility of its ci tizens.
cultural dimensions theory 测试题
Cultural Dimensions Theory (CDT) 是一种用于衡量和比较不同文化之间差异的理论。
以下是一些基于CDT 的测试题,旨在帮助您了解和评估自己的文化价值观:
1. 在您的文化中,个人主义与集体主义哪个更重要?
A. 个人主义
B. 集体主义
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定
2. 在您的文化中,人们更倾向于遵循传统还是追求创新?
A. 遵循传统
B. 追求创新
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定
3. 在您的文化中,权力和权威是集中在少数人手中还是分散在大多数人手中?
A. 集中在少数人手中
B. 分散在大多数人手中
C. 两者都有
D. 无法确定
4. 在您的文化中,人们更看重成就还是关系?
A. 成就
B. 关系
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定
5. 在您的文化中,人们更倾向于计划未来还是享受当下?
A. 计划未来
B. 享受当下
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定
6. 在您的文化中,人们更看重实用主义还是美感?
A. 实用主义
B. 美感
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定
7. 在您的文化中,人们更倾向于关注物质需求还是精神需求?
A. 物质需求
B. 精神需求
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定
8. 在您的文化中,人们更看重个人隐私还是公开透明?
A. 个人隐私
B. 公开透明
C. 两者都重要
D. 无法确定。
• Low-Context Cultures – what is said is more important that how or where it is said
e.g. US, Germany
• High-Context Cultures – what is said and how or where it is said are significant
Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner
Individualism vs. Communitarianism
Individualism – people regard themselves as individuals Rely on individuals to make decisions (e.g. UK, USA, Japan)
(Hall, 1966) • Come From
Edward T. Hall (1959)
• Context – or the amount of information that must be explicitly stated if a message or communication is to be successful
• Public
– Space belongs to all
• Mixed
– There is a combination of public and private space
• Private
– People consider it important to have their own space
霍夫斯泰德的文化维度模式(Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions)霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)关于文化的观点是在他做的关于文化差异的实验性研究基础上形成的。
上世纪七十年代, 尽管IBM公司想在全球各工厂建立一套共同的管理程序和标准,但是在不同国家,如巴西和日本的管理程序和标准仍存在很大差异。
3.4.1 权利距离(Power Distance)权利距离表明一个社会能够接受组织或公司的权利在各成员之间不平等分配的程度。
1.霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论(Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory):该理论基于对不同国家数据的调研分析,将文化分为五个维度:权力距离、集体主义与个人主义、男性化与女性化、不确定性规避和短期与长期思维。
2.格雷厄姆文化维度理论(Graham’s Cultural Dimensions Theory):该理论基于对大量文化特征进行调研和统计分析,提出了六个文化维度:权利与责任、个人主义与社会团结、自由与秩序、现实与幻想、时间的观念和隐私与公共。
3.特里安文化价值观理论(Trompenaars' Cultural Dimensions Theory):该理论基于跨国公司的管理咨询经验,提出了七个文化维度:普遍主义与特殊主义、集体主义与个人主义、大胆与谨慎、遵从与个人权利、结果导向和过程导向、大范围承诺和短期关注、内外控制。
4.斯瓦舍文化维度理论(Schwartz's Cultural Value Dimensions Theory):该理论基于对全球多个国家调查数据的研究,提出了七个文化维度:权力与顺从、个人主义与亲和、自由与约束、不确定性规避、成就与谦逊、利他主义与利己主
霍夫斯泰德的文化维度模式(Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions)霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)关于文化的观点是在他做的关于文化差异的实验性研究基础上形成的。
上世纪七十年代, 尽管IBM公司想在全球各工厂建立一套共同的管理程序和标准,但是在不同国家,如巴西和日本的管理程序和标准仍存在很大差异。
3.4.1 权利距离(Power Distance)权利距离表明一个社会能够接受组织或公司的权利在各成员之间不平等分配的程度。
cultural dimensions
一.Read the books or papers about Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension and the GLOBE Study and discuss about the difference of national culture.1.The GLOBE Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness study on Nine Units of Measurement or "Cultural Dimensions" (全球领导学及组织行为效率)(1)Performance Orientation(成就导向):It “reflects the extent to which acommunity encourages and rewards innovation, high standards, excellence, and performance improvement”;It “relates to the extent to which leaders set ambitious goals, communicate high expectations for their subordinates, build their subordinates’ self-confidence, and intellectually challenge them”.(2)Uncertainty Avoidance(不确定性规避): It is "the extent to which a society,organization, or group relies on social norms, rules, and procedures to alleviate the unpredictability of future events”; it’s about the extent to whichambiguous situations are felt as threatening – i.e., about the extent to which deliberate measures (such as making and enforcing rules and procedures) are taken to reduce ambiguity.(3)In-Group Collectivism(小圈子集体主义):“the degree to which individuals express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families” .(4)Power Distance(权力距离):“the extent to which a community accepts and endorses authority, power differences, and status privileges”.(5)Gender Egalitarianism(性别平等主义):“the degree to which a collective minimizes gender inequality”(6)Humane Orientation(人道取向):“the degree to which an organization or society encourages and rewards individuals for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and kind to others"(7)Institutional Collectivism(机构性集体主义):“the degree to which organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective action”(8)Future Orientation(未来取向):“the degree to which a collectivity encourages and rewards future-oriented behaviors such as planning and delaying gratification”(9)Assertiveness(有主见):“the degree to which individuals are assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their rela tionships with others”现总结如下:2. Geert Hofstede’s “Cultural Dimensions”:(1)Power Distance(PD权力距离):Or the degree to which members of a societyautomatically accept a hierarchical or unequal distribution of power inorganisations and society.(权力距离:指的是社会中对于“权力分配不均等”的接受程度,或是说,在社会之中权利分配的分散或集中程度)(2)Individualism(IDV个人主义与集体主义):Or the degree to which an individualperceives him or her self to be separate from a group and free from group pressure to conform. (个人/集体主义:指的是在社会中成员们倾向于以个人或是集体来定义自己的程度)(3)Masculinity(MAS男性特质与女性特质):Or the degree to which a society looksfavourably on aggressive and materialistic behaviour.(Masculinity/femininity 男性度/女性度:指的是社会成员对于“决断力和物质成功”或“感性和人际关系”的偏好程度)(4)Uncertainty/Avoidance Index(UAI对不确定性的回避):Or the degree to whichmembers of a given society deal with the uncertainty and risk of everyday life and prefer to work with long-term acquaintances and friends rather than with strangers (不确定性规避:指的是社会中其成员对于风险和未知性的容忍程度)(5)Long Term Orientation(LTO):This refers to how much society values long-standing– as opposed to short term – traditions and values. This is the fifth dimension that Hofstede added in the 1990s after finding that Asian countries with a strong link to Confucian philosophy acted differently from western cultures. In countries with a high LTO score, delivering on social obligations and avoiding "loss of face" are considered very important.(时间导向性 指的是社会对于短期收效或长远效果的偏好程度。
cultural dimensions(名词解释,要背诵)
Japan, Greece, China, Mexico
U.S., Canada Italy, Sweden
Uncertainty avoidance
The degree to which people in a country accept ambiguous situations and tolerate uncertainty about the future. High uncertainty avoidance: formal rules and procedures designed to provide more security and greater career stability; managers have a propensity for low-risk decisions, employees exhibit little aggressiveness, and lifetime employment is common. Japan, Portugal , Greece Low uncertainty avoidance: protests and other activities are tolerated; company activities and less structured and less formal, some managers take more risk, and high job mobility is common. U.S., Denmark, Great Britain
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Lessons for MNCs
• The lessons that MNCs can draw from Trompenaars findings are many. Here are some examples:
• Universalism versus Particularism: Companies from universalistic cultures negotiating with a potential joint venture partner in China must recognize that relationships matter and take time to develop. They form the basis of the trust that is necessary in order to do business. In a particularistic culture, contracts are only a rough guideline or approximation.
• Specific versus Diffuse: Managers from specific cultures such as Denmark are much more prone to criticize subordinates directly and openly without regarding their criticism as a personal matter. In the context of a subsidiary in a diffuse culture such as a personal matter. In the context of a subsidiary in a diffuse culture such as Russia, this may constitute an unacceptable loss of face.
【哲学文化研究】试析霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论———跨文化视角汤新煌,关 哲①(广东金融学院外语系,广州 510520)摘 要:文化差异是导致跨文化交际和跨文化管理失败的主要因素之一。
关键词:跨文化交际;文化维度;文化差异;跨文化管理中图分类号:G115 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672—8572(2006)04—0057—05 文化维度理论(Cultural D i m ensi ons)[1]48是跨文化理论中具有影响力的理论之一,是荷兰管理学专家和荷兰文化协作研究所所长霍夫斯泰德对分布在40个国家和地区的11.6万名I B M员工进行文化价值观调查的基础上总结出来的。
Hofstede 27s theory of cultural dimensions
Hofstede 's theory of cultural dimensionsThe theory of cultural dimensions put forward by Hofstede is the most influential intercultural theory in the world. Here are Hofstede's dimensions of culture values, including Individualism versus Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, Masculinity versus Femininity, Long-term orientation versus Short-term orientation, Indulgence versus Restraint.First, Individualism and Collectivism, how to judge them? In individualistic cultures, people values of individual achievement, freedom, and petition are stressed. People give priority to the task and are supposed to look after their own self-interests. While in collectivistic cultures, people values of group harmony, cohesiveness, and consensus are very important. And priority is given to relationship with people and group interest. For example, American advocates individualism. When they speak, they emphasis more on "I".While Chinese advocates collectivism, they emphasis more on "we". Second, talk about the Uncertainty Avoidance. Uncertainty avoidance is the tendency to behave so as to arrange things in a way that minimizes unforeseen consequences. In strong uncertainty avoidance cultures, people tend to be rigid and intolerant. In weak uncertainty avoidance cultures, people are more easygoing. In Japan, people emphasis formal munication, planning, regulations, rituals and ceremonies. They strong need for rules. In Singapore, value diversity and are able to tolerate differences in belief and behavior.Third, it is about power distance. The degree to which a country accepts the fact the differences in its citizens’physical and intellectual capabilities give rise to inequalities in their well-being. In High power distance cultures, allow inequalities to persist or increase and organizations tend to be hierarchical and inequality is accepted. Malaysia is a very typical high power distance country. In low power distance cultures, people dislike the development of large inequalities in rights and opportunity in the workplace. What’s more, government use taxation or social welfare programs to reduce inequalities. And it is very typicalin Austria.Fourth, Masculinity versus Femininity. According to Hofstede, masculinity is a way to characterize cultures that value assertiveness, petitiveness, and material success; femininity characterizes cultural preferences for collaboration, nurturing, and harmony. Sweden have the most rich bottom feminine temperament, Japanese culture, there are significant masculine culture, American masculine culture should be relatively mild some.Fifth, Long-term orientation versus Short-term orientation.In Long-term orientation countries, values towards the future, like thrift (saving) and persistence. Such as Japan, the country with a long-term vision to investment, annual profit is not important, the most important is the progress year after year to achieve a long-term goal. In Short-term orientation countries, people values towards the past and present, and maintaining personal stability or happiness and living for the present, they concerned with short-term results. For example, the United States, the pany pay more attention to the quarterly and annual profit results, managers in the year or quarter by quarter on staff performance assessment in profit.Sixth, Indulgence versus Restraint. Indulgence stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun. Restraint stands for a society that suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms. Australia is a typical country that indulgence. On the contrary, Pakistan is a typical country that restraint.Above all, Hofstede's theory is very important for international business, of course, it also has defects. First of all, Hofstede assumes, culture and between countries is a one-to-one relationship, but many countries have multiple culture. Hofstede’study did not seize this classification mode. Secondly, this study may be subject to the limitations of culture. The last but the most important, Hofstede’work is out of date now. Culture is not static, although slowly, but along with the time development and change. In the 60 's and 70's havesufficient basis characteristics, this may not be reasonable. So, When we refer to Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions to begin the international business, we must bine the contemporary cultural situation.经济学院国贸二班龚洁10151221。
文化维度的英文作文英文:Culture is an important aspect of human society. It encompasses various dimensions that shape our beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors. In this essay, I will discuss some of the cultural dimensions that are commonly used to describe different cultures.One of the most well-known cultural dimensions is individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is a cultural trait that emphasizes personal freedom, autonomy, and self-expression. In contrast, collectivism is a cultural trait that emphasizes the importance of group harmony, cooperation, and interdependence. For example, in Western cultures, individualism is highly valued, and people are encouraged to pursue their own goals and aspirations. In contrast, in Asian cultures, collectivism is more prevalent, and people are expected to prioritize the needs of thegroup over their own individual needs.Another cultural dimension is power distance, which refers to the extent to which people in a culture acceptand expect unequal distribution of power. In high power distance cultures, such as many Asian and Latin American countries, people are more likely to accept hierarchical structures and defer to authority figures. In contrast, in low power distance cultures, such as many Western countries, people are more likely to challenge authority and expect equal treatment.Another important cultural dimension is uncertainty avoidance, which refers to the extent to which people in a culture are comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. In high uncertainty avoidance cultures, such as many Asian and Latin American countries, people tend to be more risk-averse and prefer clear rules and guidelines. In contrast,in low uncertainty avoidance cultures, such as many Western countries, people tend to be more comfortable withambiguity and uncertainty and are more willing to take risks.In conclusion, cultural dimensions are important in understanding different cultures and their values, beliefs, and behaviors. By recognizing and respecting these differences, we can promote cultural understanding and communication.中文:文化是人类社会中重要的方面。
02 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Uncertainty Avoidance Dimension
Weak Uncertainty Avoidance The uncertainty inherent in life is more easily accepted and each day is taken as it comes. Ease and lower stress are experienced. Time is free. Hard work, as such, is not a virtue. Aggressive behavior is frowned upon. Less showing of emotions is preferred. Conflict and competition can be contained on the level of fair play and used constructively. More acceptance of dissent is entailed. Deviation is not considered threatening; greater tolerance is shown. The ambiance is one of the less nationalism. More positive feelings toward normal people are seen. There is more willingness to take risks in life. The accent is on relativism, empiricism. There should be as few rules as possible. If rules can not be kept, we should change them. Belief is placed in generalists and common sense. The authorities are there to serve the citizens. Strong Uncertainty Avoidance The uncertainty inherent in life is felt as a continuous threat that must be fought. Higher anxiety and stress are experienced. Time is money. There is an inner urge to work hard. Aggressive behavior of self and others is accepted. More showing of emotions is preferred. Conflict and competition can unleash aggression and should therefore be avoided. A strong need for consensus is involved. Deviant persons and ideas are dangerous; intolerance holds sway. Nationalism is pervasive. Younger people are suspect. There is great concern with security in life. The search is for ultimate, absolute truths and values. There is a need for written rules and regulations. If rules can not be kept, we are sinners and should repent. Beliefs is placed in experts and their knowledge. Ordinary citizens are incompetent compared with the authorities.
everyone is stressed.
Formation and definition of PDI 权力距离指数的来源和定义
❖ Status 现状 ❖ Formation 形成、来源 ❖ Definition 定义
❖ Please turn to our handouts ❖ 请同学们看材料
❖ The educational process is studentcentered.
❖ Teachers are treated with respect, even outside school. “guru”
❖ The educational process is teachercentered.
❖ Teachers have no responsibility for the students study. The students are expected to find their own way of study.
❖ They can express disagreement in front of the teacher.
❖ Overt student feedback.
❖ Teachers planned an intellectual paths for the students to follow.
❖ Students speak up only when invited to.
❖ Covert student feedback.
❖ In other countries, people feel it is a good thing, rather than a problem.
霍夫斯泰德六个文化维度理论霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论,就在一定程度上解决了跨国交流或跨国商务中的问题;霍夫斯泰德国家维度理论(geert hofstede's cultural dimensions)是荷兰心理学家盖尔特·霍夫斯泰德(geert hofstede)提出的一个跨文化交流的框架理论,该理论的基础是来自40个国家的117000个问卷调查,涵盖从工人到博士及高层管理人员的各阶层,不同收入群体的人;现阶段包含了六个维度:最初该理论包含权力差距指数(power distance index),个人主义或集体主义偏向(individualism versus collectivism),不确定性规避指数(uncertainty avoidance index),男性偏向或女性偏向(masculinity)四个维度上归纳了跨文化的差异,后来随着理论的发展,采纳了michael minkov等学者的理论补充,增加了长期导向(long term orientation,放纵与约束(indulgence versus restraint)两个维度。
hofstede 在2011年认为,在权利差距较高的国家,如:东欧、亚洲、非洲和南美的部分国家,一个人的社会地位和等级必须要被明确标记,品牌和商品的奢侈品地位是为了彰显消费者的地位的重要标志。
cultural dimensions 文化维度
Large vs. Small Power Distance (PDI) Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV) Masculinity vs. Femininity (MAS) High vs. Low Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) Long vs. Short Term Orientation (LTO)
An Example: Americans vs. Greeks
Large Power Distance Culture High awareness of status Addressed by titles Respect to authority Deference
Small Power Distance Culture Informality Addressed by names Authority figures are allowed to Make mistakes
A Movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Characters: Tuhla: a Greek girl who wishes somes changes in her life. Eyne: an American boy who is willing to compromise for his love. Garse: the father who is always proud of being a Greek.
A: you are the finest, most excellent, dedicated worker we have ever had at this company. J: (he blushes and nods his head several times, and keeps working) A: well are you going to say “thank you”, or just keep silent? J: Excuse me, Mr. Jones…may I take a leave for five minutes? A: (he is annoyed) I can’t believe how rude some Japanese are. They seem to be disturbed by praise and don’t answer you…just silent.
Hofstede Culture Dimensions文化维度理论在商学院上学的时候就和Hofstede打了好一阵子交道,围绕着他的文化五维度,着实做了几篇关于国际管理和国际人力资源的论文。
依照他的理论,国家间文化的差异可以被归纳为5个不同的维度,分别为:权力距离(Power Distance), 不确定性规避(Uncertainty Avoidance),个人/集体主义(Individualism/Collectivism), 男性度/女性度(Masculinity-femininity),时间导向性(Time Orientation)Power Distance权力距离:指的是社会中对于“权力分配不均等”的接受程度,或是说,在社会之中权利分配的分散或集中程度。
Uncertainty Avoidance不确定性规避:指的是社会中其成员对于风险和未知性的容忍程度。
Time Orientation时间导向性:指的是社会对于短期收效或长远效果的偏好程度。
霍夫斯泰德的文化维度模式(Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions)霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)关于文化的观点是在他做的关于文化差异的实验性研究基础上形成的。
上世纪七十年代, 尽管IBM公司想在全球各工厂建立一套共同的管理程序和标准,但是在不同国家,如巴西和日本的管理程序和标准仍存在很大差异。
3.4.1 权利距离(Power Distance)权利距离表明一个社会能够接受组织或公司的权利在各成员之间不平等分配的程度。
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Masculine cultures --Feminine cultures
MAS (阳刚性) FEM (阴柔性)
• exhibit work as more central to• Accept fluid gender roles, lives, strength, material success, embrace traits of affection, compassion, nurturing, and assertiveness and interpersonal relationships. competitiveness • • differentiate gender roles more More capable of reading nonverbal messages and better than feminine cultures • use more aggressive styles of prepared to deal with ambiguity.
High Power Distance vertical(纵向的)
Low Power Distance horizontal(水平的)
Power Distance :
Country Examples and Organizational Implications
分权 集权 扁平化组织 金字塔组织 监控者少 监控者多
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
“ Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster.” --- Prof. Geert Hofstede
金字塔组织 监控者多 工资差距大 工作不平等
监控者少 工资差距小 工作平等
工资差距小 工资差距大
工作平等 工作不平等
Low PD Use teamwork Involve as many people as possible in decision making
what they are used to; they try to
have as few rules as possible 2. on the philosophical and religious level they are relativist
3. more emotionalHale Waihona Puke and motivated by
Uncertainty avoidance :
Country Examples and Organizational Implications
较多的结构性活动 较少的结构性活动 较少的结构性活动 较多的结构性活动 更少的明文规定 更少的明文规定 更多的明文规定 更多的明文规定 更多通才 多样化 更多专才 更多通才 标准化多样化 更多专才
anxiety society members feel when in uncertain or unknown situations. Uncertainty Tolerance Uncertainty Avoidance
1. minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures 2. on the philosophical and religious level by a belief in absolute Truth 1. tolerant of opinions different from
承担风险意愿较弱 承担风险意愿较强 承担风险意愿较强 承担风险意愿较弱 较少仪式性行为 较少仪式性行为 更多仪式性行为 更多仪式性行为
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Ⅲ Individualism (IDV) --- Individualism vs. Collectivism
Individualism (IDV) is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups.
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Hofstede’s Four Cultural Dimensions :
Ⅰ Power Distance(权力距离) Ⅱ Uncertainty Avoidance(不确定性规 避)
Ⅲ Individualism vs. Collectivism(个人 主义和集体主义)
Masculinity (MAS) versus its opposite, femininity, refers to how much a society sticks with, and values, traditional male and female roles.
Ⅳ Masculinity vs. Femininity (刚柔性)
Ⅰ Power Distance Index (PDI)
Power Distance Index (PDI) is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.
Masculinity / Femininity :
Country Examples and Organizational Implications
性别角色差异最小化 性别角色清晰界定 性别角色清晰界定 性别角色差异最小化 组织不介入个人生活 组织可干预个人爱好 组织可干预个人爱好 组织不介入个人生活 更多女性承担重要工作 更多女性承担重要工作 更少女性承担重要工作 更少女性承担重要工作 强调柔性和直觉的能力 强调柔性和直觉的能力 强调斗志、竞争和公正 强调斗志、竞争和公正 社会的评价很重要 工作被看做生活的核心 工作被看做生活的核心 社会的评价很重要
High IDV Acknowledge accomplishments. Don't ask for too much personal information. Encourage debate and expression of own ideas.
Ⅳ Masculinity (MAS) --- Masculinity vs. Femininity
80 (上)
95 (上)
Thank you !
inner nervous energy
and allow many currents to flow
side by side. 3. more phlegmatic and contemplative, and not expected by
their environment to express
Individualism (Collectivism) :
Country Examples and Organizational Implications
组织就像一个家庭 组织更为个体化 组织更为个体化 组织就像一个家庭
组织决定个人喜好 个人决定自己的喜好 个人决定自己的喜好 组织决定个人喜好 实践活动基于忠诚、 实践活动强调个人参 实践活动强调个人参与、 实践活动基于忠诚、责任 责任感及群体的参与 与、进取与首创精神 进取与首创精神 感及群体的参与
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美国 德国 日本 法国 荷兰 香港 印尼 西非
权力距离 不确定性回避 个人导向性 阳刚性 长期导向
40(下) 25(下) 54(中) 68(上) 38(下) 68 (上) 78 (上) 77 (上) 46(下) 65(中) 92(上) 86(上) 53(中) 29(下) 48(下) 54(中) 91(上) 67(上) 46(中) 71(上) 80(上) 25(下) 14(下) 20(下) 62(上) 66(上) 95(上) 43(中) 14(下) 57(上) 46(中) 46(中) 29(下) 31(中) 80(上) 30(下) 44(中) 96(上) 25(下) 16(下)
High PD Acknowledge a leader's power Be aware that you may need to go to the top for answers
Ⅱ Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)
Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) relates to the degree of