Hydrolase activity, microbial biomass and community structure-2
系统医学 2023 年 12 月第 8 卷第 24期血清降钙素原检测、微生物培养的临床应用价值廖龙波荔浦市人民医院检验科,广西荔浦546699[摘要]目的探究分析血清降钙素原以及微生物培养在细菌感染中的价值。
[关键词]血清降钙素原;微生物培养;有菌生长;无菌生长;敏感度;特异度[中图分类号]R446.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]2096-1782(2023)12(b)-0049-04 Clinical Application Value of Serum Procalcitonin Detection and Microbial CultureLIAO LongboDepartment of Laboratory, Lipu People's Hospital, Lipu, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 546699 China [Abstract] Objective To explore the value of serum procalcitonin and microbial culture in bacterial infection. Methods the clinical data of 500 patients with suspected bacterial infections in the Laboratory Department of Lipu City People's Hospital from January to December 2022 were retrospective selected, all of whom were implemented se⁃rum calcitoninogen detection, microbial culture (bacterial culture or/and blood culture), and the results of the micro⁃bial culture results were used as the gold standard to analyze the results and efficacy of serum calcitoninogen detec⁃tion. Results The results of microbial culture were the gold standard, as shown below: 173 cases had bacterial growth and 327 cases had aseptic growth. Serum procalcitonin test showed 296 positive cases, 204 negative cases, positive rate of 59.20%, negative rate of 40.80%. Sensitivity was 82.08%, specificity was 52.91%, accuracy was 63.00%, mis⁃diagnosis rate was 47.09%, missed diagnosis rate was 17.92%, positive predictive value was 47.97%, negative predic⁃tive value was 84.80%, and Kappa value was 0.841. Conclusion Serum procalcitonin has the advantages of fast detec⁃tion speed and high sensitivity, which can timely identify bacterial infections. If the type of pathogen needs to be iden⁃tified, it is recommended to further conduct microbial culture to assist clinical diagnosis and treatment as early as pos⁃sible.[Key words] Serum procalcitonin; Microbial culture; Bacterial growth; Aseptic growth; Sensitivity; Specificity血流感染是导致医院危重症患者预后不佳的主要原因,临床多在怀疑患者发生血流感染后,以血培养为首选诊断方案,将其作为血流感染诊断金标准[1-2]。
加强免疫 细胞毒性 加强免疫 加强免疫 抑制内皮细胞增殖 抑制内皮细胞增殖 加强免疫 加强免疫 加强免疫 抗单纯疱疹病毒 抗肿瘤
3 0 3 1 10 11 27 6 33 9 45
2008.06 2007.10 2006.12 2006.06 2002.06 2002.03 2002.03 2001.12 2001.11 2001.01 1998.08
边形成一片绿油油的“海 上林地”。
全世界红树植物种类有24科、30属、 83种(或变种),我国发现的真红 树植物有12科、15属、26种,半红 树植物有9科、10属、11种,分布在 海南、广东、广西、福建和台湾等省 沿海,以及香港和澳门地区。
在十五期间,对红树林植 物化学成分进行了系统而 又深入的研究。北京大学、 中科院上海药物所、中科 院南海海洋研究所
目 录
一、微藻生物活性物质种类 二、微藻生物活性物质分离纯化技术 三、微藻生物活性物质应用 四、存在问题分析 五、展望
微藻活性多糖 微藻活性脂类
微藻色素 微藻抗生素类 微藻酶类
利用超声波强化溶剂提取过程,可缩短提取时间、提高 溶剂利用率而减少溶剂用量、提高提取率。设备简便易 得。但操作过程中会产生噪音污染。
脂肪酶提取方法具有条件温和,对环境友好的特点。但提取所需时 间过长。一般需要十几个小时。 超临界提取法具有快速、高效的特点。普通溶剂法需数小时方能完 成萃取过程,用SFE法只需约lh即可完成。溶剂法蒸干溶剂后所得的 产物为棕色到绿色的油状物,具腥臭味。SFE法产物则具海藻香味。 残藻性状溶剂法提取藻类后残藻色泽暗淡,失去原海藻的香味。直 接酯化法提取藻类后残藻则呈泥状。超临界萃取CO2藻类后藻粉仍 呈干燥的粉状,外观与萃取前无异状,藻香依旧,仍可用作其他目 标的提取原料(如提取螺旋藻的藻蓝蛋白等)或用作饲料。此外, 由于SFE法通过对工艺条件的控制,可调节超临界CO2对微藻所含 物质的溶解能力,因而对被萃取物有一定的选择性萃取能力,其产 物中EPA和DHA的含量都高于其他溶剂法。
关键词:海洋微生物;活性物质;代谢产物;筛选方法Research progress on secondary metabolites of marine microorganism(1. Shaoyang Environmental Protection Research Institute, Shaoyang422000,China 2. Faculty of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093,China;) ABSTRACT:It has powerful potential to produce bioactive substances from marine microbe owing to the special ocean condition.This artice summarized the development of study on marine microbe bioactive substances.KEY WORDS:marine microorganism; bioactive substances; secondary metabolites; method of screening一、前言海洋是地球上最大的生态环境,具有丰富的环境资源,占有约80%的地球生物。
• 总课时数:64学时(理论52;实验12) • 所属单位:武汉工业学院饲料科学系
• 授课教师:李 明
绪论 第一部分 藻类 第二部分 水生维管束植物 第三部分 浮游动物 第四部分 底栖动物 第五部分 水生生物的调查方法
饶钦止(1988)的《中国淡水藻志》 纲》 施之新等(1999)的《中国淡水藻志--裸藻门》 沈韫芬等(1999)的《原生动物学》
3. 对某些种类的生长繁殖、和种群数量变动 等问题进行了研究
4. 固氮蓝藻的培养以及应用研究
5. 生物饵料培养(轮虫、枝角类、卤虫等)
1956年出版《湖泊调查基本知识》一书,为我国第一 部水生生物(湖沼学)指导书。
1. 区系分类研究
裴鉴、单人骅(1952)的《华东水生维管束植物》饶钦止等(1956)的《湖泊调查基本知识》 金德详等(1965)的《中国海洋浮游硅藻
杨德渐、孙瑞平(1988)的《中国近海多毛环节动物》 类》
(1901) c. 1895年萨斯(G. O. Sars)出版了挪威甲壳动物。 d. 湖泊营养类型的研究(1929) e. 日本淡水生物学 f. 20世纪50年代集中研究了内陆水体生产力的问题,包括
理化因子测定,种类组成,食物关系,种群动态,群落生 物量和生产量,生态系统中物质循环和能量流动。 g. 目前各国在水生生物方面采用遥测技术,电子计算机等。
• 中国科学院武汉植物研究所:相关研究对象包括水生植物。 • 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所:相关研究对象包括湖泊
第34卷第10期2013年10月环境科学ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEVol.34,No.10Oct.,2013FDA 水解酶分析法表征近海泥滩微生物活性刘叶1,邹立1,2,刘陆1,高冬梅1,2*(1.中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院,青岛266100;2.中国海洋大学海洋环境与生态教育部重点实验室,青岛266100)摘要:针对近海潮间带环境高盐、有机质组成复杂和微生物活性低的特点,根据微生物酶解荧光素双醋酸酯(FDA )产生荧光素的原理,建立了适于泥滩类潮间带沉积环境中微生物活性检测的荧光光度法.从样品浸提液、反应产物检测仪器、预处理方法、实验条件等不同方面进行优化,确定泥滩类潮间带沉积环境中微生物活性的最优检测方法和条件如下:沉积物湿样以灭菌陈海水为介质,加入吐温-80分散剂,充分振荡后静置,使较大颗粒自然沉降;取上层悬浊液,经无菌滤膜(1.2μm ,多次煮沸灭菌)过滤,得到待测菌液;取待测菌液加入适量FDA 溶液,在25 30ħ下避光反应180min ,以丙酮为终止剂终止反应,25min 内以分子荧光光度计(激发波长488nm ,发射波长530nm )测定反应产物的荧光强度,该方法的检测范围(以干重计)是3.0ˑ103 1.1ˑ105个·g -1.微生物活性以单位质量样品的荧光素含量表示(μg ·g -1,干重).关键词:海洋泥滩沉积物;微生物活性;FDA 水解酶分析;荧光光度法中图分类号:X830.2文献标识码:A文章编号:0250-3301(2013)10-3818-07收稿日期:2013-01-19;修订日期:2013-04-26基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41176064)作者简介:刘叶(1988 ),女,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为海洋生物地球化学,E-mail :liuye@ouc.edu.cn *通讯联系人,E-mail :gdm@ouc.edu.cn Characterization of Microbial Activities in Marine Mudflat Sediment Using FDAHydrolase AnalysisLIU Ye 1,ZOU Li 1,2,LIU Lu 1,GAO Dong-mei 1,2(1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering ,Ocean University of China ,Qingdao 266100,China ; 2.Key Laboratory of Marine Environment &Ecology Ministry of Education ,Ocean University of China ,Qingdao 266100,China )Abstract :A method based on fluorescence spectrometry was developed to detect the microbial activities in marine mudflat sediment ,where is characterized by high salinity ,complex organic compounds and low microbial biomass.This paper optimized the sample extracts ,the detection equipment for reaction products ,the pretreatment methods ,and the experimental conditions.The optimal procedure is described as following.Fresh sediment was first extracted with sterilized and aged seawater ,followed by the addition of Tween-80solution ,then uniformly dispersed by thorough oscillating ,and kept steady for precipitation.After filtration through a sterilized membrane (1.2μm ,sterilized in boiling water repeatedly ),the supernatant was supplemented with an appropriate amount of FDA solution and allowed to react in dark for 180min at temperature ranged 25-30ħ.The reaction was terminated by the addition of acetone ,and the fluorescence intensity of the reaction mixture was measured within 25min using a molecular fluorescence photometer at an excitation wavelength of 488nm and an emission wavelength of 530nm ,and the detection range of this method (dry weight )was3.0ˑ103-1.1ˑ105ind ·g -1.The microbial activity was reported as fluorescence content in per unit sediment mass (μg·g -1,dry weight ).Key words :coastal intertidal mudflat ;microbial activity ;FDA hydrolase analysis ;fluorescence spectrometry中国北方近海多属泥滩类潮间带,沉积环境中常常栖息着种类繁多、分布广泛的细菌、底栖微藻和原生动物等复杂的生物相,共同维持着生态系统的平衡,发挥其生态功能.微生物在生态系统中物质的降解、转化及能量流动过程中起着关键的控制作用[1 3],其活性水平取决于各种生物、化学和物理因素以及环境营养状况[4],如pH 值、介质、温度、水分、通气性和营养物质含量等[5].微生物的活性直接影响着生物地球化学循环的活跃程度及生态系统的健康和稳定,与众多环境问题的研究密切相关.环境样品中微生物活性检测技术主要有碳呼吸、放射性标记物掺入细胞大分子、腺苷能荷和酶分析法,每种方法各有其适用范围[6].其中酶活性分析法中的荧光素双醋酸酯(FDA )水解酶活性是多种酶活性的体现,包括蛋白酶、脂肪酶和酯酶等[7,8].FDA 水解酶活性作为一种快速、灵敏的测定环境样品微生物活性的方法,与微生物活性间的相关性比其他酶活性更显著,已经广泛用于表征不同环境中,特别是土壤环境中的微生物生物量[9,10]和总微生物活性[11 14],其应用范围仍在不断扩展,从土壤到活性污泥[15]、溪流沉积生物滤膜[14]、农作物残余物[16]以及深海沉积物[17].其中对深海沉积物微生物活性检测,仍采用常规环境样品检测方10期刘叶等:FDA水解酶分析法表征近海泥滩微生物活性法和条件,该方法针对高盐、低活性环境样品检测的适用性,有待验证和完善.FDA水解酶分析法的原理是:无色有机化合物FDA被胞外酶与膜结合酶水解,释放出黄色的高荧光产物荧光素,该高荧光产物稳定性强,可通过其产生量来表征微生物活性强度[12].荧光素是一种亮黄色物质,在490nm可见光有较强吸收[9],可用分光光度计检测,这是目前常用的检测方法.分光光度法检测限较高,灵敏度较低,对微生物活性较低的样品或样品间微生物活性的较小差异难以检测.荧光产物除了在可见光区有较强吸收,其在488nm激发下可发出530nm荧光,利用该荧光特性,可采用分子荧光法进行荧光强度检测;根据荧光素的标准曲线将荧光强度值换算成单位质量样品的荧光素含量(μg·g-1),来表征FDA被微生物酶水解的强弱,即微生物活性.相对于分光光度法,荧光光度法灵敏度高,检测限低,特征性强,尤其适用于微生物浓度或活性较低的样品的检测.目前荧光光度法表征微生物活性未见报道.泥滩类潮间带除了有机质组成复杂,具有泥砂质等复杂的沉积环境特点外,拥有独特的海洋微生物群落结构及复杂的生物相.而且,由于该方法属于酶活性分析法的范畴,所有影响酶活性的因素都将影响微生物活性分析,现有的一般土壤或水体样品微生物活性分析方法不适用于泥滩类沉积环境,因此要精确表征泥滩类沉积环境中微生物的活性,需要同时考虑其环境条件和微生物特点,有必要在现有方法的基础上,进一步优化或改动,以适用于近海泥滩类沉积环境中微生物活性的分析研究.本研究针对中国北方近海沉积环境的特点,从样品浸提液和反应产物检测仪器、预处理方法、实验条件等方面进行筛选和优化,建立适用于泥滩类沉积环境的FDA水解酶微生物活性检测分析方法.1材料与方法1.1实验材料供试样品选择有机质组成复杂、具有泥砂质特点的典型泥滩类沉积环境———胶州湾大沽河河口潮间带和黄河口潮间带,分别设置潮上、潮中、潮下带三类采样点,大沽河河口采样点为DA (36ʎ10'34.2ᵡN,120ʎ08'33.72ᵡE)、DB (36ʎ10'57.74ᵡN,120ʎ08'25.52ᵡE)和DC (36ʎ10'50.22ᵡN,120ʎ08'26.22ᵡE),黄河口采样点为YA(37ʎ43'52.26ᵡN,119ʎ14'51.96ᵡE)、YB (37ʎ43'56.76ᵡN,119ʎ14'57.3ᵡE)和YC (37ʎ44'1.62ᵡN,119ʎ15'3.84ᵡE).用预先灭菌的铝盒采集表层沉积物,快速盖上盒盖放入塑料袋中,避光冷藏暂存,至实验室尽快分析.1.2实验方法1.2.1样品浸提液和反应产物检测方法的选择实验常用的浸提液为磷酸缓冲液和陈海水.为了降低浸提液对测试结果的影响,本实验从两种常用浸提液中选择背景值较小的一种用于微生物活性测定.为了提高检测的灵敏度,分别采用分子荧光光度计和分光光度计进行分析测定,选择灵敏度较高的检测仪器用于微生物活性分析.分别取一定量的经灭菌处理的磷酸缓冲溶液(pH=7.6)和陈海水,加入适量荧光素双醋酸酯溶液(fluorescein diacetate,简称FDA,SIGMA公司,纯度为99.99%,使用前配制成1mg·mL-1溶液),振荡混匀,避光反应180min,分别采用荧光法(F4600分子荧光光度计,激发波长488nm,发射波长530 nm)和分光光度法(UV2550紫外可见分光光度计,490nm)测定反应产物的荧光强度和吸光度,并绘制荧光素的标准曲线.1.2.2样品预处理方法的优化由于样品泥砂质的特点,而且有机质组成复杂,为使样品能够均匀分散,在样品中加入常用分散剂吐温80,以使样品中的微生物更好地悬浮在浸提液中,制备成菌悬液.另外,泥滩类沉积环境中有大量底栖微藻、原生动物等生物相[18],为了排除这些生物相对微生物活性测定的影响,实验采用1.2μm 滤膜过滤菌悬液后,进行微生物活性测定.(1)吐温-80分散剂对荧光反应的影响取一定量的样品浸提液,按照1%比例加入0.05%的吐温-80工作液,混合均匀,然后测试FDA 反应的荧光强度,确定吐温-80分散剂是否影响荧光反应.以不加吐温-80的浸提液为对照.(2)滤膜对荧光反应的影响菌悬液经无菌滤膜过滤后,虽然可以去除藻类、原生动物等对微生物活性反应的影响,但是滤膜上可能含有荧光物质或其他可溶性成分,成为潜在的荧光反应影响因素.本实验旨在研究和消除滤膜对荧光反应的影响.滤膜的无菌处理分别采用多次煮沸灭菌法[19]和蒸馏水中高压蒸汽灭菌法.取一定量的浸提液,9183环境科学34卷分别采用上述两种方法处理的滤膜过滤,测定滤液的荧光反应产物强度.同时以未过滤的浸提液作为对照.1.2.3荧光反应条件的优化泥滩沉积物经浸提和预处理,制成待测菌液,进行测试条件实验,确定最优反应条件.(1)FDA最适浓度确定待测菌液与不同终浓度FDA溶液反应,测定其荧光强度,最大荧光素含量时FDA的添加量作为FDA最适浓度.大沽河样品FDA终浓度梯度设置为:0、2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0μg·mL-1;黄河口样品FDA终浓度梯度设置为:0、3.0、6.0、9.0、10.0、12.0μg·mL-1.(2)终止剂的选择和有效终止时间范围的确定待测菌液与最适浓度的FDA反应后,加入4%的终止剂终止反应,在终止反应后50min内,每隔10min测定反应产物的荧光强度,根据荧光素含量的变化情况,确定最佳的终止剂和有效终止时间范围.分别以丙酮和氯仿/甲醇(2ʒ1,体积比)混合液为终止剂,设置不加终止剂的对照组.(3)最适反应温度的确定待测菌液与最适浓度FDA反应分别于15、20、25、30和35ħ下进行,通过反应产物的荧光强度,确定最适反应温度.(4)最适反应时间的确定在最适温度下,待测菌液与最适浓度FDA反应,分别于60、90、120、150、180和210min终止反应,在有效终止时间段测定荧光强度,确定最适反应时间.1.2.4方法检测范围的确定对泥滩样品中微生物进行稀释和浓缩,利用4',6-二脒基-2-苯基吲哚盐酸(DAPI)进行细胞染色[20],以表面荧光显微计数法确定微生物的浓度,根据方法可靠检出荧光信号的最低限和最高限,制备不同微生物浓度梯度的泥滩样品,确定方法检测范围.2结果与讨论2.1样品浸提液和反应产物检测仪器的选择荧光强度与荧光素浓度呈线性正相关关系,回归方程y=9626.9x,r=0.9969,式中,y指荧光强度;x指荧光素含量(μg·mL-1);r指相关系数.根据回归方程荧光强度可用荧光素浓度表示.分子荧光光度法和分光光度法测定结果如表1和图1所示.陈海水的背景荧光强度明显低于磷酸缓冲液的背景荧光强度(P<0.01),后者约为前者的2.4倍,分光光度法测定的两种浸提液的吸光值平均结果虽然都为0.000,但两种反应产物具有微弱可见的色度差别.因此实验选择背景荧光强度较低的陈海水作为微生物浸提液,选择灵敏度较高的分子荧光光度计为反应产物的检测仪器.近海沉积物中微生物丰度一般在103 105个·g-1[21 23],而一般土壤中可超过1010个·g-1,河流、湖泊中数浓度在104 109个·mL-1,在富营养污染区微生物数浓度往往会升高2 3个数量级[24].本实验样品微生物量的实测结果大概在103 104个·g-1.表明相对普通水体和陆地土壤环境来说,潮间带样品微生物量较低.所以分光光度法测定近海沉积物样品中微生物活性误差较大,而反应产物具有高荧光特性,成为检测方法的依据.图1不同浸提液对荧光反应的影响Fig.1Impact of different extracts on the fluorescence reaction表1分子荧光光度计和分光光度计对反应产物的荧光强度和吸光值的检测结果Table1Fluorescence intensity and the absorbance values of the reaction product by molecular fluorescence photometer and spectrophotometer样品浸提液分子荧光光度计分光光度计123均值123均值磷酸缓冲液37653675389937800.0000.0000.0010.000陈海水15651388166215380.0000.0000.0000.0002.2样品预处理方法的优化2.2.1吐温-80分散剂对荧光反应的影响吐温-80分散剂的影响结果见图2,添加和未添加吐温-80反应后的荧光素含量无明显差异(P>028310期刘叶等:FDA 水解酶分析法表征近海泥滩微生物活性0.05),表明适量的分散剂吐温-80对荧光反应基本无影响.但是适量吐温-80分散剂使样品均匀分散,微生物更好地悬浮在浸提液中,提高提取效果.图2吐温-80分散剂对荧光反应的影响Fig.2Impact of Tween-80solution on the fluorescence reaction2.2.2滤膜对荧光反应的影响滤膜对荧光反应的影响结果见图3,经煮沸灭菌和高压灭菌的滤膜过滤处理的陈海水反应产物的荧光素含量,分别高于未过滤陈海水荧光素含量的24.5%和33.2%,表明滤膜上可能存在某些影响荧光测定的荧光物质[25],或影响荧光反应的可溶性物质.该物质伴随过滤除藻、原生动物等过程,被引入到菌悬液中.多次煮沸灭菌的滤膜与高压蒸汽灭菌的滤膜,对荧光反应的影响无明显差异(P >0.05).但是相图4不同FDA 浓度下的荧光素含量Fig.4Fluorescence at different FDA concentration对于对照组,多次煮沸灭菌处理方式对反应荧光素含量的影响,比高压蒸汽灭菌方式对反应荧光素含量的影响低8.7%.因此,采用多次煮沸灭菌法处理滤膜,并通过扣除膜空白的方法,去除滤膜对荧光反应的影响.2.3反应条件的优化2.3.1FDA 最适浓度确定不同浓度梯度FDA溶液反应的荧光素含量见实验组1(未过滤陈海水)、实验组2(煮沸滤膜过滤)、实验组3(高压灭菌滤膜过滤)图3滤膜对荧光反应的影响Fig.3Impact of membrane on the fluorescence reaction图4.当胶州湾大沽河口样品FDA 浓度不高于7.5μg ·mL -1,或黄河口样品FDA 浓度不高于10.0μg ·mL -1时,反应产物的荧光素含量与FDA 浓度呈正相关关系,荧光素含量逐渐增大,表明FDA 的水解程度不断增加,样品的反应强度不断增强.当胶州湾大沽河样品FDA 浓度高于7.5μg ·mL -1,或黄河口样品FDA 浓度高于10.0μg ·mL -1时,反应产物出现混浊现象,表明FDA 加入过量,无法进行荧光强度测定.当胶州湾大沽河口样品FDA 浓度低于5.0μg ·mL -1,或黄河口样品FDA 浓度低于6.0μg ·mL -1时,荧光素含量随FDA 浓度增加变化较快;当FDA 浓度分别在5.0 7.5μg·mL -1或6.0 10μg ·mL -1时,荧光素含量随FDA 浓度增加变化不大,可以作为最适FDA 浓度范围.因此,胶州湾大沽河口样品最适FDA 浓度为7.5μg·mL -1,黄河口样品最适FDA 浓度为10.0μg ·mL -终止剂的选择及有效终止时间范围的确定实验开始阶段FDA 水解反应迅速,随后反应速度大幅度降低.但是持续的慢反应将影响样品间的1283环境科学34卷可比性,因此需要加入快速终止酶反应的终止剂,终止FDA 的水解反应,再进行荧光强度测定,以提高样品间的可比性.图5终止液的终止效果Fig.5Termination effect of the stop bufferFDA 法终止剂通常采用丙酮或氯仿/甲醇(2ʒ1,体积比)混合液.本实验结果表明,丙酮和氯仿/甲醇(2ʒ1体积比)混合液都有一定程度的终止效应,在加入终止剂后25min 内,荧光素含量的变化范围分别是1.4 8.6%和0.6 3.9%,变化均较小,无显著性差异(P >0.05),25min 之后荧光素含量均表现了明显增强.有研究表明,丙酮终止剂使吸光度降低,不能准确测定活性较低的土壤样品(砂土、黏土);氯仿/甲醇(2ʒ1,体积比)混合液能够终止土壤样品的水解反应,而不会引起颜色损失[12,13].本实验没有发现两种终止剂的明显区别,并且采用分子荧光光度法,而非分光光度法,因此丙酮和氯仿/甲醇(2ʒ1,体积比)混合液都可以作为终止液,但是氯仿/甲醇(2ʒ1,体积比)混合液作为终止剂,使反应结果的荧光素含量大都略低于丙酮终止剂的荧光素含量,使荧光素含量大概降低0.5% 9.2%,故而选择丙酮作为反应终止剂.综上所述,25min 范围内微生物活性的荧光反应都呈现较好的终止效果(图5),这与Green 等[26]研究结果相似.所有样品应该在有效终止时间内测定完毕.2.3.3最适反应温度的确定反应温度对荧光反应的影响结果如图6所示,反应产物的荧光素含量在15 25ħ之间与温度呈正比关系,25 30ħ之间荧光素含量的变化较小,当反应温度超过30ħ时,荧光素含量均出现明显下降的趋势,当温度达60ħ时,大部分酶均已失活[26];这与酶的最适反应温度有关,酶在温度升高后不同程度地失活,导致微生物活性逐渐降低.泥滩类沉积环境微生物群落属于海洋微生物,大部分海洋微生物最佳生长温度在25 30ħ范围内[27].因此,选择25 30ħ作为微生物活性测定的最适反应温度,此温度下FDA 水解酶活性最高,对FDA 的水解量228310期刘叶等:FDA水解酶分析法表征近海泥滩微生物活性图6不同反应温度下的荧光素含量Fig.6Fluorescence at different reaction temperature最大,微生物活性也最强.2.3.4最适反应时间的确定反应时间与荧光素含量的关系如图7所示,反应荧光素含量随时间延长不断增强;当进行到150min 时,反应速率开始降低;180min 之后荧光素含量趋于变化缓慢、平稳.所以最适反应时间为180min ;这与报道的土壤样品的最适反应时间基本一致[13,26].图7不同反应时间下的荧光素含量Fig.7Fluorescence at different reaction time2.4方法检测范围的确定如图8所示,在103 105个·g -1范围内不同微生物(干重,下同)数浓度的样品活性呈良好的线性关系(r =0.9956).根据在最优检测条件下测得空白对照的荧光强度值,加倍所对应的微生物数浓度作为方法检测范围的最低值,测得值为3.0ˑ103个·g -1.当微生物浓度超过1.1ˑ105个·g -1时,受该仪器检测限的限制(荧光强度值<105),而无法进行荧光强度的检测.该方法的检测范围是3.0ˑ103 1.1ˑ105个·g -1,适用于一般泥滩类沉积环境中微生物活性的检测[21 23].3结论(1)盐效应和低含量,是检测海洋环境样品的关键问题,也是不能与陆地环境样品检测方法直接通用的主要原因.近海和河口区域潮间带沉积物中微生物活性的检测,除了高盐和低含量,还面临介质图8荧光素含量的线性响应范围Fig.8Linear response range of the fluorescence signals组成复杂,以及pH 、营养要素和动力扰动剧烈等问题.针对于此,本研究根据微生物酶水解FDA 产生荧光素的特性,以河口泥滩沉积物为实验材料,建立3283环境科学34卷海洋沉积环境微生物活性的荧光光度检测方法.该方法具有检出限低、灵敏度高和干扰小的特点,不仅适用于高盐、低含量的近海潮间带区域沉积物中微生物活性检测,而且可以延伸至深远海环境沉积物微生物活性检测.(2)荧光素双醋酸酯(FDA)法检测微生物活性的方法如下:称取一定量泥滩类沉积环境样品,加入适量的灭菌陈海水,再按照1%的比例加入样品分散剂0.05%的吐温-80工作液,充分振荡均匀分散后,静置片刻使较大颗粒自然沉降;取上层悬浊液,通过1.2μm的无菌滤膜(多次煮沸灭菌)过滤,得到待测菌液.不加样品的对照组(灭菌陈海水)需经同样的滤膜过滤,以消除滤膜对荧光反应的影响;加入适量的FDA,混合均匀,在25 30ħ下避光反应180min,再加入丙酮终止反应,并在加入终止剂后25min反应时间内,采用分子荧光光度计(激发波长488nm,发射波长530nm)测定反应产物的荧光强度,该方法的检测范围是3.0ˑ103 1.1ˑ105个·g-1.微生物活性以单位质量(干重)样品的荧光素含量表示(μg·g-1).参考文献:[1]Nixdorf B,Jander J.Bacterial activities in shallow lakes-a comparison between extremely acidic and alkaline eutrophic hardwater lakes[J].Hydrobiologia,2003,506/509(1-3):697-705.[2]Deming J W,Baross J A.The early diagenesis of organic matter:bacterial activity[A].In:Engel M H,Macko S A(Eds.).Organic Geochemistry[C].New York:Plenum Press,1993.119-144.[3]Blackburn T H.Microbial food webs in sediments[A].In:Sleigh M A(Eds.).Microbes in the Sea[C].New York:JohnWiley and Sons,1987.355-359.[4]Marika T,Jaanis 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三、抗凝活性的实验研究1. 材料与方法:选用适当的实验材料如佛州参岩藻提取的藻聚糖样品、标准抗凝剂等。
2. 实验结果:通过实验发现,佛州参岩藻聚糖具有显著的抗凝活性。
❖ 化学结构及成分与瓜儿胶一样,是以甘露糖 为主链的半乳甘露聚糖,但连接的半乳糖支 链相对比瓜儿胶少,一些片段带有较多的半 乳糖支链,而另些片段则没有支链;其平均 半乳糖与甘露糖之比为1:4
❖ 洋槐豆胶是中性多糖,1%溶液出在5.4~6.5 之间,粘度在1500 ~4000cp。
用于膨化食品,在挤压加工时赋予润滑作用,并且能增 加产量和延长货架期;
用于面制品以控制面团的吸水效果。改进面团特性及品 质,延长老化时间(一般用量为面粉的0.5%)等。
❖ 秘鲁的灌木Caesalpinia spinosa ❖ 刺云豆胶与琼脂、卡拉胶及黄原胶等有良好
❖即以现有的允许用做食品添加剂的食用胶为基础 原料,通过研究各种单体胶的性质特性,胶与胶 之间及胶与电解质之间的反应行为,确定单体胶 种类及各自比例,采用复合配制的方法从而产生 无数种复合胶。有些天然胶之间能相互反应,产 生各单体胶本身并不具有的特性,达到一种协同 效应。
洋槐豆胶/卡拉胶/CMC的复合是良好的冰淇淋稳 定剂,用量为0.1%~0.2%。
在奶制品及冷冻奶制品甜食中充当持水剂,增进口感以 及防止冰晶形成;用于干酪生产可加快奶酪的絮凝作用, 增加产量并增进涂布效果(用量为0.2%~0.6%);
用于肉制品、西式香肠等加工中改善持水性能以及改进 肉食的组织结构和冷冻/融化稳定性;
❖ 植物的籽实体是传统的亲水胶体来源之一 。 ❖ 植物籽胶主要来源于豆科(leguminosae) 植物,
黑水缬草提取物对阿尔茨海默病模型小鼠治疗作用的代谢组学研究作者:王喆李伟李菁媛李琳李乃静来源:《中国医药导报》2016年第21期[摘要] 目的运用超高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术(UPLC-MS)探讨黑水缬草提取物对阿尔茨海默病(AD)的治疗机制。
方法将雄性昆明小鼠分为3组,分别为对照组(2%吐温80)、AD模型组(2%吐温80)和治疗组(95%黑水缬草粗提物2 g/kg),灌胃给药30 d。
结果 Morris水迷宫定位航行实验显示,与对照组比较,AD模型组小鼠逃避潜伏期明显延长(P < 0.05),治疗组小鼠逃避潜伏期明显缩短(P < 0.05)。
空间探索实验显示,与对照组比较,AD模型组小鼠单位时间目标象限停留时间短,穿台次数减少(P < 0.05),治疗组小鼠单位时间内目标象限停留时间长,穿台次数增加(P < 0.05)。
通过UPLC-MS/MS技术,确定了10种AD的血浆生物标志物,分别为组氨酸、溶血磷脂酰胆碱C16∶0、溶血磷脂酰胆碱C18∶2、溶血磷脂酰胆碱C18∶1、溶血磷脂酰胆碱C20∶4、溶血磷脂酰胆碱C22∶6、十六碳鞘磷脂、二氢神经鞘氨醇、4-羟双氢(神经)鞘氨醇C18、4-羟双氢(神经)鞘氨醇C20,与对照组比较,AD模型组小鼠血浆中10种标志物的含量均明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。
治疗组小鼠血浆中10种标志物的含量均明显上升(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。
[关键词] 阿尔茨海默病;黑水缬草;代谢组学;生物标志物[中图分类号] R749.16 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)07(c)-0004-04阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种起病隐匿的中枢神经系统受损性疾病,是最常见的痴呆类型[1]。
微生物生态学英文Microbial Ecology: Exploring the Unseen WorldThe world we inhabit is teeming with life, both visible and invisible. Among the most fascinating and influential forms of life on our planet are the microscopic organisms known as microbes. These tiny, yet incredibly diverse, creatures play a crucial role in the intricate web of life, shaping the very foundations of our ecosystems. Microbial ecology, the study of the relationships between microbes and their environment, offers a fascinating glimpse into this hidden realm.At the heart of microbial ecology lies an understanding of the myriad ways in which microbes interact with their surroundings. From the depths of the ocean to the soil beneath our feet, microbes are ubiquitous, adapting to a wide range of habitats and conditions. These microscopic organisms are the unsung heroes of our planet, responsible for driving essential biogeochemical cycles, maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems, and even shaping the evolution of other living beings.One of the most remarkable aspects of microbial ecology is thesheer diversity of the microbial world. Bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses – each group represents a vast and intricate tapestry of life, with countless species and subspecies, each possessing unique characteristics and adaptations. This diversity is not only a testament to the resilience and adaptability of microbes, but also a reflection of the complex and dynamic nature of the environments they inhabit.As we delve deeper into the study of microbial ecology, we uncover a world of fascinating interactions and interdependencies. Microbes engage in a constant dance of cooperation and competition, forming intricate communities and networks that are essential to the functioning of ecosystems. From symbiotic relationships, where microbes and other organisms work in harmony, to the fierce battles for resources and survival, the microbial world is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.One of the most captivating aspects of microbial ecology is the role microbes play in shaping the global environment. Through their involvement in biogeochemical cycles, microbes are responsible for the cycling of essential elements like carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, which are crucial for the sustenance of all life on Earth. These microscopic organisms are the unsung heroes of our planet, quietly maintaining the delicate balance that allows complex ecosystems to thrive.Beyond their ecological significance, microbes also have a profound impact on human health and well-being. The human microbiome, the diverse community of microbes that reside within our bodies, plays a crucial role in our overall health, influencing everything from digestion and immune function to mental health and susceptibility to disease. Understanding the intricate relationships between microbes and their human hosts has become a rapidly growing field of research, with the potential to revolutionize our approach to healthcare and disease prevention.As we continue to explore the vast and complex world of microbial ecology, new discoveries and insights are constantly emerging. Advances in technology, such as high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics, have opened up new avenues for studying the microbial world, allowing us to uncover the hidden diversity and interconnectedness of these microscopic organisms.The future of microbial ecology holds immense promise, with the potential to unlock the secrets of the unseen world and harness the power of microbes for the benefit of humanity and the planet. From developing sustainable agricultural practices to finding innovative solutions to environmental challenges, the field of microbial ecology is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of our world.In conclusion, the study of microbial ecology is a captivating andever-evolving field that offers a window into the hidden workings of our planet. By understanding the intricate relationships between microbes and their environment, we can gain valuable insights into the complex systems that sustain life on Earth. As we continue to explore this fascinating realm, we can unlock the secrets of the microbial world and leverage its power to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all.。
abiological removal 非生物转移abiotic zone 无生命带abrasion platform 海蚀台地absolute salinity 绝对盐度abundance 丰度abyssal circulation 深渊环流abyssal clay 深海粘土abyssal fauna 深渊动物abyssal hill 深海丘陵abyssal plain 深海平原abyssal zone 深渊带abyssopelagic organism 大洋深渊水层生物abyssopelagic plankton 深渊浮游生物abyssopelagic zone 深渊层accessory mark 副轮accretionary prism 增生楔accumulation 堆积作用acoustic remote sensing 声遥感acoustical oceanography 声学海洋学active continental margin 主动大陆边缘aerial remote sensing observation 航空遥感观测African Plate 非洲板块afternoon effect 午后效应Agassiz trawl 阿氏拖网age composition 年龄组成aggregated distribution 集聚分布ahermatypic coral 非造礁珊瑚air gun 气枪air lifting 气举air-born substances 气源物质airborne infrared radiometer 机载红外辐射计air-sea boundary process 海-气边界过程air-sea interaction 海-气相互作用air-sea interface 海-气界面air-tight 气密albedo of sea 海洋反照率"algal chemistry, phycochemistry " 藻类化学algal reef 藻礁alkalinity 碱度allochthonous population 外来种群allopatry 异域分布"alternating current, rectilinear current " 往复流ambient sea noise 海洋环境噪声amphi-boreal distribution 北方两洋分布amphidromic point 无潮点"amphidromic system, amphidrome " 旋转潮波系统amphi-Pacific distribution 太平洋两岸分布anadromic fish 溯河鱼anaerobic zone 厌氧带anaerobiosis 厌氧生活analytical chemistry of sea water 海水分析化学"anchor ice, ground ice " 锚冰anchorage area 锚泊地anchored structure 锚泊结构anomalous sea level 异常水位anoxic basin 缺氧海盆anoxic event 缺氧事件anoxic water 缺氧水"Antarctic Bottom Water, AABW " 南极底层水Antarctic Circumpolar Current 南极绕极流Antarctic Circumpolar Water Mass 南极绕极水团Antarctic Plate 南极洲板块anthropogenic hydrocarbon 人源烃anthropogenic input 人源输入antifouling 防污着aphotic zone 无光带"apparent oxygen utilization, AOU " 表观耗氧量aquaculture 水产养殖aquaculture 水产栽培aquafarm 水产养殖场aquanaut work 潜水作业aquaranch 水中牧场aquatic community 水生群落aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系archipelago 群岛Arctic Ocean 北冰洋"Arctic Water, North Polar Water " 北极水arc-trench-basin system 沟弧盆系armor block 护面块体armored diving 铠装潜水artificial island 人工岛artificial sea water 人工海水aseismic ridge 无震海岭assemblage 组合assimilation efficiency 同化效率assimilation number 同化数association 群聚astronomical tide 天文潮"Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent, Lomonosov Current " 大西洋赤道潜流Atlantic Ocean 大西洋Atlantic-type coastline 大西洋型岸线Atlantic-type continental margin 大西洋型大陆边缘atmospheric input 大气输入atmospheric sea salt 大气海盐atmospheric transport 大气输送atoll 环礁auricularia larva 耳状幼体Australia-Antarctic Rise 澳大利亚-南极海隆autecology 个体生态学authigenic sediment 自生沉积autoinhibitory substance 自体抑制物质autotroph 自养生物auxotroph 营养缺陷生物average heavy swell 中狂涌average height of the heighest one-tenth wave 1/10 [大波平均]波高average height of the heighest one-third wave 1/3 [大波平均]波高average moderate swell 中中涌axially symmetric marine gravimeter 轴对称式海洋重力仪azimuth correction 方位改正back-arc 弧后back-arc basin 弧后盆地back-arc spreading 弧后扩张backshore 后滨bacterial film 细菌膜bacterial slime 细菌粘膜bacterioneuston 漂游细菌barbor boat 港作船baroclinic ocean 斜压海洋barophilic bacteria 喜压细菌barotropic ocean 正压海洋barrier 沙坝barrier island 沙坝岛barrier reef 堡礁baseline study 基线研究batch culture 一次性培养bathyal fauna 深海动物bathyal zone 深海带bathymetry 水深测量bathypelagic organism 大洋深层生物bathypelagic plankton 深层浮游生物bathypelagic zone 深层beach 海滩beach berm 滩肩beach cusp 滩角beach cycle 海滩旋回beach face 滩面beach nourishment 人工育滩beach profile 海滩剖面beach ridge 滩脊beach rock 海滩岩beam trawl 桁拖网bench 岩滩Benioff zone 贝尼奥夫带benthic community 底栖生物群落benthic division 海底区benthic-pelagic coupling 海底-水层耦合benthology 底栖生物学benthos 底栖生物berth 泊位bioadhesion 生物粘着bioassay 生物测试"biochemical oxygen demand, BOD " 生化需氧量biodegradation 生物降解biodeterioration 生物污染bioerosion 生物侵蚀biofacy 生物相biofouling 生物污着biogenic sediment 生物沉积biogenous hydrocarbon 生源烃biogenous silica 生源硅石biological detritus 生物碎屑biological input 生物输入biological noise 生物噪声biological oceanography 生物海洋学biological purification 生物净化biological removal 生物转移biological scavenging 生物清除bioluminescence 生物发光biomass 生物量bionics 仿生学biosphere 生物圈biota 生物区系biotope 生活小区bioturbation 生物扰动biozone 生物带bipinnaria larva 羽腕幼体bipolarity 两极同源bird-foot delta 鸟足[形]三角洲Bohai Coastal Current 渤海沿岸流Bohai Sea 渤海boomerang sediment corer 自返式沉积物取芯器borate alkalinity 硼酸[盐]碱度"borer, boring organism " 钻孔生物bottom current 底层流bottom friction layer 底摩擦层bottom grab 表层取样器bottom reflection 海底声反射bottom reverberation 海底混响bottom scattering 海底散射bottom water 底层水bottom wave 底波bottom-supported platform 坐底式平台boundary flux 界面通量box corer 箱式取样器box model 箱式模型brackish water species 半咸水种brash ice 碎冰"breaker, surf " 碎波breakwater 防波堤brine 卤水"brown clay, red clay " 褐粘土bubble effect 气泡效应buoyant mat 浮力沉垫burrowing organism 穴居生物caballing [混合]增密caisson 沉箱calcareous ooze 钙质软泥"calcite compensation depth, CCD " 方解石补偿深度calcite dissolution index 方解石溶解指数calm sea 无浪capillary wave 毛细波carbon assimilation 碳同化作用carbon cycle 碳循环carbon dioxide system in sea water 海水二氧化碳系统carbonate alkalinity 碳酸[盐]碱度"carbonate critical depth, CCRD " 碳酸盐极限深度carbonate cycle 碳酸盐旋回carbonate system in sea water 海水碳酸盐系统carcinology 甲壳动物学carnivore 食肉动物catastrophe 灾变catch 渔获量catchability coefficient 可捕系数cathodic protection 阴极防护cellar connection 井口装置Central Indian Ridge 印度洋中脊central rift 中央裂谷central water 中央水chain of volcanoes 火山链"Changjiang Diluted Water, Changjiang River Plume " 长江冲淡水characteristic species 特征种chemical diagenesis 化学成岩作用chemical form 化学形态chemical oceanography 化学海洋学"chemical oxygen demand, COD " 化学需氧量chemical scavenging 化学清除chemical speciation 化学形态分析chemical speciation models 化学形态模型chemical species 化学形式chemical weathering 化学风化作用chemo-autotroph 化能自养生物chemostatic culture 恒化培养"chemotaxis, chemotaxy " 趋化性chemotrophy 化能营养"China Classification Society, ZC " 中国船级社chlorinity 氯度chlorinity ratio 氯度比值chlorosity 氯量chronostratigraphy 年代地层学ciguatoxic fish 西加毒鱼类circumpacific volcanic belt 环太平洋火山带clay 粘土"closed season, prohibited season " 禁渔期cnoidal wave 椭圆余弦波coast of emergence 上升海岸coast of submergence 下沉海岸"coastal current, littoral current " 沿岸流coastal dune 海岸沙丘coastal engineering 海岸工程coastal terrace 海岸阶地coastal water 沿岸水coastal zone 海岸带coastline 海岸线coastline effect 海岸效应coccolith ooze 颗石软泥cofferdam 围堰cold current 寒流cold eddy 冷涡cold water species 冷水种cold water sphere 冷水圈cold water tongue 冷水舌collision zone 碰撞带commensalism 共栖commensalism 偏利共生common species 习见种community 群落community ecology 群落生态学compensation current 补偿流compensation depth 补偿深度compliant structure 顺应式结构composite breakwater 混合式防波堤compound shoreline 复合滨线compound tide 复合潮conchology 贝类学"conductivity-temperature-depth system, CTD " 温盐深仪confused sea 暴涛confused swell 暴涌conservative constituents of sea water 海水保守成分constancy of composition of sea water 海水成分恒定性constituent day 分潮日constituent hour 分潮时constructive boundary 建设性板块边界consumer 消费者continental accretion 大陆增生continental drift 大陆漂移continental margin 大陆边缘continental rise 大陆隆continental shelf 大陆架continental shelf break 大陆架坡折continental slope 大陆坡continental terrace 大陆阶地"continuous cultivation, continuous culture " 连续培养continuous model 连续模型contour current 等深流contourite 等深流沉积[岩]contrast in water 水中对比度contrast transmission in water 水中对比度传输controlled ecosystem experiment 控制生态系实验convective mixing 对流混合conventional diving 常规潜水convergent boundary 会聚边界conversion efficiency 转换效率"copepodite, copepodid larva " 桡足幼体coprophagy 食粪动物coral reef 珊瑚礁coral reef coast 珊湖礁海岸corrosion in sea water 海水腐蚀cosmogenous sediment 宇宙沉积cosmopolitan 世界[广布]种cotidal chart 同潮图countercurrent 逆流crane barge 起重船critical depth 临界深度crop 收获cross-coupling effect 交叉耦合效应current meter 海流计current pattern 流型cuspate bar 尖角坝cuspate delta 尖[形]三角洲cyphonautes larva 苔藓虫幼体cypris larva 腺介幼体Dalmatian coastline 达尔马提亚岸线datum of chart 海图基准面day-night observation 连续观测deck unit 甲板装置deep current 深层流"deep scattering layer, DSL " 深海散射层deep sea fan 深海扇deep sea propagation 深海传播deep sea sand 深海砂deep sea sediment 深海沉积deep sea sound channel 深海声道deep water 深层水deep water wave 深水波delta 三角洲demersal fish 底层鱼类density current 密度流density current 异重流density-dependent mortality 密度制约死亡率deposit feeder 食底泥动物descriptive oceanography 描述海洋学destructive boundary 破坏性板块边界detached breakwater 岛式防波堤detached wharf 岛式码头detritus feeder 食碎屑动物diagonal wave 斜向浪diatom ooze 硅藻软泥"dicycle, dicycly " 双周期"diel vertical migration, diurnal vertical migration " 昼夜垂直移动dilution cycle 稀释旋回directional wave spectrum 方向波谱dissolution cycle 溶解旋回"dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC " 溶解无机碳"dissolved organic carbon, DOC " 溶解有机碳"dissolved organic matter, DOM " 溶解有机物"dissolved organic nitrogen, DON " 溶解有机氮"dissolved organic phosphorus, DOP " 溶解有机磷dissolved oxygen 溶解氧disturbing acceleration 干扰加速度diurnal inequality 日不等[现象]diurnal tide 全日潮diver 潜水员divergent boundary 离散边界diversity 多样性diving suit 潜水服dock 船坞dominant species 优势种"Donghai Coastal Current, East China Sea Coastal Current " 东海沿岸流"Donghai Sea, East China Sea " 东海Doppler current meter 多普勒海流计double diffusion 双扩散double ebb 双低潮double flood 双高潮downwelling 下降流dredge 底栖生物刮底网dredger 挖泥船dredging engineering 疏浚工程drift current 漂流drift ice 流冰drifting buoy 漂流浮标drill conductor 隔水套管drilling vessel 钻探船dry diving 干式潜水duration-limited spectrum 有限风时谱dynamic method 动力方法dynamic positioning 动力定位dynamical oceanography 动力海洋学East African Rift Zone 东非裂谷带East Pacific Rise 东太平洋海隆"ebb, ebb tide " 落潮echinopluteus larva 海胆幼体echo ranging 回声测距echosounder 测深仪ecological barrier 生态障碍ecosystem 生态系edge wave 边缘波efflux 输出通量Ekman depth 埃克曼深度Ekman layer 埃克曼层Ekman pumping 埃克曼抽吸Ekman spiral 埃克曼螺旋Ekman transport 埃克曼输送El Nino ( 西) 厄尔尼诺electrodialysis 电渗析electromagnetic vibration exciter 电磁振荡震源elliptical trochoidal wave 椭圆余摆线波embayed coast 港湾海岸endemic population 地方种群endemic species 地方种endolithion 石内生物endopelos 泥内生物endopsammon 沙内生物energy flow 能流"engineering oceanology, engineering oceanography " 海洋工程水文enhancement 增殖entrainment 卷吸environmental load 环境荷载Eotvos effect 厄特沃什效应ephyra larva 碟状幼体epibenthic sledge 底表撬网epifauna 底表动物epilithion 石面生物epipelagic organism 大洋上层生物epipelagic zone 上层epipelos 泥面生物epiphyte 附生植物epiplankton 上层浮游生物epipsammon 沙面生物Equatorial Countercurrent 赤道逆流Equatorial Current 赤道流"Equatorial Undercurrent, EUC " 赤道潜流equilibrium profile 平衡剖面equilibrium tide 平衡潮equinoctial tide 分点潮equivalent duration 等效风时equivalent fetch 等效风区estuarine chemistry 河口化学estuary 河口湾estuary improvement 河口治理euphotic layer 真光层Eurasian Plate 欧亚板块eurybaric organism 广压性生物eurybathic organism 广深性生物euryhaline species 广盐种euryphagous animal 广食性动物"eurythermal species, eurythermic species " 广温种eustasy 全球性海面升降eutrophic water 富营养水eutrophication 富营养化[作用]euxinic environment 静海环境event deposit 事件沉积exclusive economic zone 专属经济区exogenous organic matter 外源有机物"expendable bathythermograph, XBT " 投弃式温深计exploitative engineering of offshore petroleum/gas reservoir 海上油气开发工程exploratory engineering of offshore petroleum/gas reservoir 海上油气勘探explosive energy source 炸药震源exposed waters 开阔海域failure probability 破坏概率fan delta 扇[形]三角洲fast ice 固定冰fatigue break 疲劳断裂fault coast 断层海岸feather angle 羽角feathering 羽状移动fecal pellet 粪粒fecundity 生殖力feeding migration 索饵洄游fertility 肥力fetch 风区fetch-limited spectrum 有限风区谱fictitious body 假想天体"filter feeder, suspension feeder " 滤食性动物finestructure 细结构fiord 峡湾fish finder 鱼探仪fish resources 鱼类资源fisheries oceanography 渔业海洋学fishery management 渔业管理fishery resources 渔业资源fishing effort 捕捞能力fishing intensity 捕捞强度fishing mortality coefficient 渔捞死亡系数fishing season 渔期fixed oceanographic station 定点观测站fixed structure 固定式结构flare boom 火炬臂"flat coast, low coast " 低平海岸floating breakwater 浮式防波堤floating hose 浮式软管floating structure 浮式结构floating-type wharf 浮式码头floe ice 浮冰"flood, flood tide " 涨潮food chain 食物链food organism 饵料生物food pyramid 食物金字塔food web 食物网foraminiferal ooze 有孔虫软泥fore-arc 弧前fore-arc basin 弧前盆地forerunner 先行涌foreshore 前滨fouling organism 污着生物foundation bed 基床foundation capability 地基承载能力fracture zone 破裂带freshwater plume 淡水舌frictional depth 摩擦深度"fringing reef, shore reef " 岸礁fully developed sea 充分成长风浪gas exploder 气爆震源gateway 峡口general circulation 总环流geographical barrier 地理障碍geological oceanography 地质海洋学"geomagnetic electrokinetograph, GEK " 电磁海流计geostrophic current 地转流geotechnical test 土工试验glacial effect 冰川效应globigerina ooze 抱球虫软泥Gondwana 冈瓦纳古陆gravitational tide 引力潮gravity corer 重力取芯器gravity platform 重力式平台gravity wave 重力波gravity-type structure 重力式结构grazing angle 掠射角groin 丁坝gross primary production 毛初级生产量growth efficiency 生长效率growth overfishing 生长型捕捞过度Gulf Stream 湾流"gulf, bay " 海湾guyed-tower platform 拉索塔平台guyot 平顶海山gyre 流涡habitat 生境"hadal fauna, ultra-abyssal fauna " 超深渊动物"hadal zone, ultra-abyssal zone " 超深渊带half-tide level 半潮面halmyrolysis 海解作用halobiont 盐生生物halocline 盐跃层halophile organism 适盐生物harbor accommodation 港口设施harbor entrance 口门harbor hinterland 港口腹地harbor land area 港口陆域harbor siltation 港口淤积harbour basin 港池harbour site 港址Hardy continuous plankton recorder 哈迪浮游生物记录器harmonic analysis of tide 潮汐调和分析harmonic constant of tide 潮汐调和常数hatchability 孵化率"headland, cape " 岬角heave 垂荡"hekistoplankton, ultraplankton " 超微型浮游生物helium-nitrogen-oxygen saturation diving 氦-氮-氧饱和潜水helium-oxygen diving 氦-氧潜水hemipelagic deposit 半远洋沉积"herbivore, grazer " 食植动物hermatypic coral 造礁珊瑚heterogeneity 异质性heterotroph 异养生物high energy marine environment 海洋高能环境high sea 狂浪"high water, HW " 高潮"highest astronomical tide, HAT " 最高天文潮位holophytic nutrition 全植型营养holoplankton 终生浮游生物homogeneity 同质性homogeneous layer 均匀层horizontal distribution 平面分布hot spot 热点hot spring 海底热泉"Huanghai Coastal Current, Yellow Sea Coastal Current " 黄海沿岸流"Huanghai Cold Water Mass, Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass " 黄海冷水团"Huanghai Sea, Yellow Sea " 黄海"Huanghai Warm Current, Yellow Sea Warm Current " 黄海暖流humification 腐殖化[作用]hummocked ice 堆积冰hydraulic model test 水力模型试验hydraulic piston corer 液压活塞取芯器hydrobiology 水生生物学hydrobiont 水生生物hydrodynamic noise 流体动力噪声hydrothermal circulation 热液循环hydrothermal process 热液过程ice cover 冰盖ice edge 冰缘线ice field 冰原ice period 冰期ice rind 冰壳ice shelf 冰架ice thickness 冰厚iceberg 冰山ichthyology 鱼类学implosive source 聚爆式震源in situ density 现场密度in situ measurement 现场测定in situ salinometer 现场盐度计in situ specific volume 现场比容in situ temperature 现场温度incident wave 入射波"incubation, hatching " 孵化Indian Ocean 印度洋Indian Plate 印度洋板块indicator species 指示种infauna 底内动物influx 输入通量inshore 内滨instanteneous mortality rate 瞬间死亡率interface exchange process 界面交换过程intermediate water 中层水internal tide 内潮internal wave 内波interstitial fauna 间隙动物"interstitial water, pore water " 间隙水intertidal zone 潮间带"Intertropical Convergence Zone, Equatorial " 赤道辐合带intraplate volcanism 板内火山活动inversion layer 逆置层in-vivo fluorescence technique 活体荧光技术ion-exchange membrane 离子交换膜irregular wave 不规则波island 岛island arc 岛弧island shelf 岛架island slope 岛坡isohaline 等盐线isotherm 等温线jacket pile-driven platform 导管架桩基平台jack-up platform 自升式平台jetty 突堤jetty 导堤juvenile 幼年个体Kelvin wave 开尔文波key species 关键种knuckle joint 万向接头Knudsen's burette 克努森滴定管Knudsen's pipette 克努森移液管Knudsen's tables 克努森表Kuroshio 黑潮lag effect 滞后效应lagoon 湖lamellibranchia larva 瓣鳃类幼体land and sea breezes 海陆风land fabrication 陆上预制land-origin ice 陆源冰larva 幼体lateral reflection 侧反射launching 下水Laurasia 劳亚古陆law of the sea 海洋法lead lane 冰间水道level bottom community 平底生物群落level ice 平整冰life support system 生命支持系统light acclimation 光驯化light adaptation 光适性light and dark bottle technique 黑白瓶法light boat 灯船light house 灯塔light saturation 光饱和Lloyd's Register of Shipping 劳埃德船级社long heavy swell 长狂涌long low swell 长轻涌long moderate swell 长中涌long-crested wave 长峰波Longhurst-Hardy plankton recorder 朗-哈浮游生物记录器longshore current 顺岸流"longshore drift, littoral drift " 沿岸泥沙流"low water, LW " 低潮"lowest astronomical tide, LAT " 最低天文潮位luminous organism 发光生物lunar tide 太阴潮lunar tide interval 太阴潮间隙lysis 溶菌lysocline 溶跃层macrobenthos 大型底栖生物macrofauna 大型动物macroplankton 大型浮游生物magnetic lineation 磁条带magnetic quiet zone 磁场平静带main thermocline 主[温]跃层major constituents of sea water 海水主要成分malacology 软体动物学"manganese nodule, ferromanganese nodule " 锰结核mangrove coast 红树林海岸mangrove swamp 红树林沼泽manifold system 管汇系统mantle bulge 地幔隆起mantle convection 地幔对流mantle plume 地幔柱marginal basin 边缘盆地marginal sea 边缘海marginal-type wharf 顺岸码头mariculture 海产养殖mariculture 海产栽培marine accident 海损事故marine acoustics 海洋声学marine aerosol 海洋气溶胶marine bio-acoustics 海洋生物声学marine biochemical resource 海洋生化资源marine biochemistry 海洋生物化学marine biogeochemistry 海洋生物地球化学marine biological noise 海洋生物噪声marine biology 海洋生物学marine chemical resource 海洋化学资源marine chemistry 海洋化学"marine climate, ocean climate " 海洋气候marine climatology 海洋气候学marine contamination 海洋玷污marine corrosion 海洋腐蚀marine detritus 海洋碎屑marine ecology 海洋生态学marine ecosystem 海洋生态系marine element geochemistry 海洋元素地球化学marine engineering geology 海洋工程地质marine environment 海洋环境marine environmental assessment 海洋环境评价marine environmental capacity 海洋环境容量marine environmental chemistry 海洋环境化学"marine environmental forecasting, marine " 海洋环境预报marine environmental monitoring 海洋环境监测marine environmental protection 海洋环境保护marine environmental quality 海洋环境质量marine environmental sciences 海洋环境科学marine erosion 海蚀作用marine geochemistry 海洋地球化学marine geology 海洋地质学marine geomagnetic anomaly 海洋地磁异常marine geomagnetic survey 海洋地磁调查marine geomorphology 海洋地貌学marine geophysical survey 海洋地球物理调查marine geophysics 海洋地球物理学marine gravimeter 海洋重力仪marine gravity anomaly 海洋重力异常marine gravity survey 海洋重力调查marine heat flow survey 海洋地热流调查marine humus 海洋腐殖质"marine hydrography, marine hydrology " 海洋水文学marine installation 海上安装沉放marine isotope chemistry 海洋同位素化学marine meteorology 海洋气象学marine microorganism 海洋微生物marine natural hydrocarbon 海洋天然烃marine natural product 海洋天然产物marine natural product chemistry 海洋天然产物化学marine organic chemistry 海洋有机化学marine organic geochemistry 海洋有机地球化学marine pharmacognosy 海洋生药学marine photochemistry 海洋光化学marine physical chemistry 海洋物理化学marine physics 海洋物理学marine policy 海洋政策marine pollutants 海洋污染物marine pollution 海洋污染marine pressure hydrophone 海洋压力水听器marine reflection seismic survey 海洋反射地震调查marine refraction seismic survey 海洋折射地震调查marine resource chemistry 海洋资源化学marine resources 海洋资源marine salvage 海难救助"marine sciences, ocean sciences " 海洋科学marine sedimentology 海洋沉积学marine seismic profiler 海洋地震剖面仪marine seismic streamer 海洋地震漂浮电缆marine seismic survey 海洋地震调查marine seismograph 海洋地震仪marine stratigraphy 海洋地层学marine technology 海洋技术marine towage 海上拖运marine wide-angle reflection seismic survey 海洋广角反射地震调查maritime air mass 海洋气团marking 标记marsh organism 沼泽生物mass balance 质量平衡mass budget 质量收支mass transfer 质量转移"mean sea level, MSL " 平均海平面"mechanical bathythermograph, MBT " 机械式温深计medical security for diving 潜水医务保障megafauna 巨型动物megalopa larva 大眼幼体megaplankton 巨型浮游生物meiobenthos 小型底栖生物meiofauna 小型动物"meroplankton, transitory plankton " 阶段性浮游生物mesocosm 中型实验生态系mesopelagic fish 中层鱼类mesopelagic organism 大洋中层生物mesopelagic zone 中层mesoplankton 中型浮游生物mesopsammon 沙间生物mesoscale eddy 中尺度涡meteorological tide 气象潮microbenthos 微型底栖生物microbivore 食微生物者microcolony 小菌落microcontinent 微大陆microcosm 小型实验生态系microdistribution 微分布microecosystem 微生态系microfauna 微型动物microfouling 微生物污着microhabitat 微生境micronutrients 微量营养物microplankton 小型浮游生物microstructure 微结构Mid-Atlantic Ridge 大西洋中脊mid-ocean ridge 洋中脊mid-ocean ridge basalt 洋中脊玄武岩midwater trawl 中层拖网migratory fish 洄游鱼类minimum duration 最小风时minimum fetch 最小风区minor elements of sea water 海水微量元素mirage 蜃景mixed layer sound channel 混合层声道"mixed layer, mixing layer " 混合层mixed tide 混合潮mixotroph 混合营养生物mobile platform 移动式平台moderate sea 中浪module 模块"monocycle, monocycly " 单周期monophagy 单食性monsoon current 季风海流moored data buoy 锚定资料浮标mooring facilities 系泊设施mooring force 系泊力mortality 死亡率mound-type breakwater 斜坡式防波堤mud 泥muddy coast 泥质海岸multibeam echosounder 多波束测深仪multi-point mooring 多点系泊multistage flash distillation 多级闪急蒸馏multistage separator 多级分离器mysis larva 糠虾期幼体N/P ratio 氮磷比[值]"Nanhai Coastal Current, South China Sea Coastal Current " 南海沿岸流"Nanhai Sea, South China Sea " 南海"Nanhai Warm Current, South China Sea Warm Current " 南海暖流nannoplankton 微型浮游生物nauplius larva 无节幼体navigation channel 航道navigation equipment 导航设备neap tide 小潮nearshore zone 近滨带nectochaeta larva 疣足幼体nektobenthos 游泳底栖生物nekton 游泳生物nepheloid 雾状层neritic organism 近海生物neritic sediment 浅海沉积neritic zone 浅海带neritic zone 近海区net plankton 网采浮游生物net primary production 净初级生产量net primary productivity 净初级生产力neurotoxin 神经毒素niche 生态位Ninety East Ridge 东经90度洋中脊Niskin water sampler 尼斯金采水器nitrogen cycle 氮循环nitrogen-oxygen diving 氮-氧潜水no swell 无涌non-conservative constituents of sea water 海水非保守成分nonharmonic constant of tide 潮汐非调和常数non-saturation diving 非饱和潜水Norpac net 北太浮游生物网North American Plate 北美洲板块"North Atlantic Deep Water, NADW " 北大西洋深层水not fully developed sea 未充分成长风浪nursing ground 育幼场nutrient depletion 营养[盐]耗竭nutrients in sea water 海水营养盐obduction plate 仰冲板块obduction zone 仰冲带oblique haul 斜拖observation platform 观测平台ocean 洋ocean basin 洋盆ocean bottom seismograph 海底地震仪ocean circulation 大洋环流ocean color scanner 海色扫描仪ocean current 海流ocean current energy 海流能ocean energy conversion 海洋能转换ocean energy resources 海洋能源ocean engineering 海洋工程ocean exploitation 海洋开发ocean management 海洋管理ocean observation technology 海洋观测技术"ocean optics, marine optics " 海洋光学ocean power generation 海洋能发电ocean salinity energy 海洋盐差能ocean thermal energy 海洋温差能ocean wave 海浪ocean wave spectrum 海浪谱ocean-atmosphere heat exchange 海气热交换oceanic crust 洋壳oceanic front 海洋锋oceanic optical remote sensing 海洋光学遥感oceanic plate 大洋板块oceanic sound scatterer 海洋声散射体oceanic tholeiite 大洋拉斑玄武岩oceanic troposphere 大洋对流层oceanic turbulence 海洋湍流oceanic zone 大洋区oceanization 大洋化作用"oceanographic survey, oceanographic investigation " 海洋调查"oceanography, oceanology " 海洋学offshore 外滨offshore bar 滨外坝offshore engineering 近海工程offshore loading and unloading system 海上装卸油系统offshore oil-gas flowline 海上输油气管线offshore platform 近海平台offshore storage unit 海上贮油装置oil fence [围]油栅oil-gas-water treating system 油气水处理系统oligohaline species 寡盐种oligostenohaline species 低狭盐种oligotaxic ocean 少种型大洋oligotrophic water 贫营养水omnivore 杂食动物ooze 软泥ophiopluteus larva 长腕幼体opportunistic species 机会种optimum catch 最适渔获量organic coating layer 有机覆盖层overfishing 捕捞过度overlying water 上覆水overpopulation 种群过密overtide 倍潮overwintering 越冬oxide film 氧化膜oxygen maximum layer 氧最大层oxygen minimum layer 氧最小层oxygen partial pressure 氧分压Oyashio 亲潮oyster reef 牡蛎礁"Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent, Cromwell Current " 太平洋赤道潜流Pacific Ocean 太平洋Pacific Plate 太平洋板块Pacific-type coastline 太平洋型岸线Pacific-type continental margin 太平洋型大陆边缘pack ice 浮冰群paleoceanography 古海洋学paleocurrent 古海流paleodepth 古深度paleomagnetic stratigraphy 古地磁地层学paleoproductivity 古生产力paleosalinity 古盐度Pangaea 泛大陆Panthalassa 泛大洋parallel dike 顺坝parasitism 寄生"particulate inorganic carbon, PIC " 颗粒无机碳particulate matter in sea water 海水颗粒物"particulate organic carbon, POC " 颗粒有机碳"particulate organic matter, POM " 颗粒有机物"particulate organic nitrogen, PON " 颗粒有机氮"particulate organic phosphorus, POP " 颗粒有机磷passive continental margin 被动大陆边缘patch reef 点礁patchiness 斑块分布pediveliger larva 具足面盘幼体pelagic deposit 远洋沉积pelagic division 水层区pelagic egg 浮性卵pelagic fish 上层鱼类pelagic organism 水层生物pelagic organism 大洋生物pelagic phase 浮性生活期peleotemperature 古温度peninsula 半岛periphyton 周丛生物permanent thermocline 永久性温跃层phaeophytin 脱镁叶绿素phosphorus cycle 磷循环photo-autotroph 光能自养生物photobacteria 发光细菌photochemical transformation 光化学转化photophilous organism 适光生物photosynthetic activity 光合活性"phototaxis, phototaxy " 趋光性phycology 藻类学phyllosoma larva 叶状幼体physical oceanography 物理海洋学phytoplankton 浮游植物pile group 群桩pile-driving barge 打桩船pilidium larva 帽状幼体pipe-laying ship 敷管船piston corer 活塞取芯器pitch 纵摇planktobacteria 浮游细菌plankton 浮游生物plankton equivalent 浮游生物当量plankton indicator 浮游生物指示器plankton net 浮游生物网plankton pump 浮游生物泵plankton recorder 浮游生物记录器"planktonology, planktology " 浮游生物学planula larva 浮浪幼体plate 板块plate boundary 板块边界plate collision 板块碰撞plate convergence 板块会聚plate tectonics 板块构造学pleuston 漂浮生物plunging breaker 卷碎波poikilotherm 变温动物Poincare wave 庞加莱波polar ice 极地冰pollutant 污染物polymetal crust 多金属结壳polymorphism 多态现象polyphagy 复食性polystenohaline species 高狭盐种polytaxic ocean 多种型大洋population 种群population dynamics 种群动态population ecology 种群生态学porcellana larva 磁蟹幼体porosity 孔隙度"port engineering, harbor engineering " 港口工程post-larva 稚期practical salinity 实用盐度practical salinity scale 1978 1978 实用盐标precipitous sea 怒涛predation 捕食[现象]predator 捕食者preformed nutrients 原存营养盐pressure-relief tank 减压舱pressurized compartment 加压舱prey 猎物primary production 初级生产量primary productivity 初级生产力producer 生产者。
关于环境的英语词汇干旱Drought 空气质量Air qualityartificial precipitati on/rain fall全球变暖Global warmi ng 大气化学Atmospheric chemistry enhan cem ent 人工增雨温室效应Gree nhouse effect 大气成分Atmospheric comp onents artificial rain fall in filtrati on 人工降雨湿度Humidity 大气颗粒物Atmospheric particulates El Nino phe no me non 厄尔尼诺现象微气候影响Microclimate effects 二氧化碳Carbon dioxide La Ni na phe nome non 拉尼娜现象海平面上升Sea level rise 温室气体Green house gases forestation 植树造林人工影响天气Weather modification adverse weather con diti on 恶劣的天arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干岩石圈LITHOSPHERE 气状况旱地区固态地球Solid Earth desertification 沙漠化topsoil 表土层洞穴Caves san dstorm 沙尘暴high temperature 高温地震活动Seismic activity air quality rating 空气质量评级less rain fall 少雨土壤Soils visibility 能见度氧气Oxygen农用土地Agricultural la nd sand and dust weather 沙尘天气臭氧层Ozone layer碱地Alkali la nds cold snap 寒潮大气过程Atmospheric processes污染的土地Con tami nated land stormy wi nd 暴风空气一水相互作用Air-water 污染的土壤Co ntam in ated soil blizzard 大风雪in teractio n沙坑Gravel pits sno wstorm 暴风雪大气环流Atmospheric circulation荒地Heath lands ice rain 冻雨大气降水Atmospheric precipitation土地承载能力Land carry ing capacity thunderstorm 雷暴碳循环Carbon cycle土地污染Land polluti on hail/hailsto ne 冰雹蒸发作用Evaporatio n土地开垦Land reclamati on frosty 霜冻降水增力口Precipitati on enhan ceme nt 土地恢复Land restorati on cold spell 春寒期降雨Rainfall土地使用分类Land use classificati on dry spell 干旱期太阳辐射Solar radiation边缘土地Margi nal la nds drought-relief efforts 抗旱蒸腾作用Tran spirati on沙石开采Sa nd extract ion drinking water shortage 饮用水缺乏风Win ds沉积Sedimentation drought region 干旱地区空气污染Air pollution土壤潜力Soil capabilities rain spell 雨季酸雨Acid rain土壤保持Soil con servati on precipitati on 降雨或降雪量空气污染物Air polluta nts土壤污染Soil co ntam in atio n fog浓雾氯氟碳Chlorofluorocarbons土壤退化Soil degradati on sleet雨夹雪;雹;冻雨沉降的颗粒物Deposited particulate地震监测Seismic mon itori ng hurrica ne 飓风matter火山Volcanoes cycl one 旋风飞灰Fly ash风蚀Wind erosion typho on 台风雾Fog陆地生态系统TERRESTRIAL whirlwi nd 龙卷风薄烟HazeECOSYSTEMS waterspout 海上龙卷风空内空气污染In door air polluti on大气ATMOSPHERE In dia n summer 秋老虎烟雾Smog大气组成Atmospheric compositi on weather modificati on 人工影响天气气候问题Climatic issues农业气象学Agrometeorology 林地生态系统Woodla nd ecosystems 基因资源保护Conservation of 气候Climate 温带生态系统和寒带生态系统gen etic resources气候变化Climatic cha nge Temperate ecosystems and cold 生态平衡Ecological bala nce气候带Climatic zones zone ecosystems 濒危动物物种Endangered animal 土壤侵蚀Soil erosion 南极生态系统An tarctic ecosystems species土壤改良Soil improveme nt 南极地区An tarctic regi on 濒危植物物种Endangered plant 土壤盐碱化Soil sali nation 北极生态系统Arctic ecosystems species水蚀Water erosion 北极地区Arctic regi on 河口保护区Estuari ne con servati on 干旱地区生态系统Arid land 寒带生态系统Cold zone ecosystems areasecosystems 草地生态系统Grassla nd ecosystems 动物区系Fauna干旱土地Arid Ian ds 永久冻土生态系统Permafrost 植物区系Flora沙漠化Desertification ecosystems 食物链Food chain抗旱Drought control 极地生态系统Polar ecosystems 捕猎Hunting旱作Dry farming 温带生态系统Temperate ecosystems 无脊椎动物in vertebrates沙丘固定Sand dune fixati on 山地生态系统Mou ntai n ecosystems 陆地哺乳动物La nd mammals沙丘Sand dunes 高原生态系统Highla nd ecosystems 哺乳动物Mammals半干旱地区生态系统Semi-arid la nd 登山运动Mountain eeri ng 海洋保护区Marine conservation ecosystems 湿地生态系统Wetla nds ecosystems areas森林生态系统Forest ecosystems 红树沼泽Man grove swamps 微生物Microorga nisms植树造林Afforestation 水禽Waterfowl 移栖种Migratory species针叶林Coniferous forests 水涝地Waterlogged lands 国家公园Nati onal parks森林砍伐Deforestation 流域管理Watershed man agem ent 国家保护区Natio nal reserves森林保护Forest con servati on 水边开发Waterside developme nt 寄生生物Parasites森林火灾Forest fires 生物多样性和保护区Biological 愉猎Poaching草地火灾Grass fires diversity and protected areas 灵长目Primates绿化带Greenbelts 适应性强的物种Adaptable species 保护区Protected areas本地森林In dige nous forests 藻类Algae 受保护的物种Protected species再造林Reafforestation 两栖动物Amphibia ns 爬行动物Reptiles植被恢复Revegetation 动物习性An imal behaviour 陆地生物资源Terrestrial biological亚热带生态系统Sub-tropical 动物资源An imal resources resourcesecosystems 节肢动物Arthropods 植被Vegetation温带森林Temperate forests 生物多样性Biological diversity 杂草Weeds温带林地Temperate woodla nds 生物资源Biological resources 野生生物Wildlife树木Trees 生物圈保护区Biosphere reserves 野生生物保护Wildlife con servati on热带生态系统Tropical ecosystems 群落生境Biotopes 野生生物生境Wildlife habitats热带森林Tropical forests 鸟类Birds 动物园Zoological garde ns热带森林生态系统Tropical forest 植物园Bota ni cal garde ns 细菌Bacteriaecosystems 酶Enzymes真菌Fungi 自然排水系统Natural drainage 污水处理厂Sewage treatme nt pla nts基因库Gene banks systems 水泵Water pumps种质Germ plasm 河流流域开发River basin 水处理Water treatme nt微生物资源Microbial resources developme nt 水井Water wells原生生物Protozoa 河流Rivers 海洋环境MARINE ENVIRONMENTS病毒Viruses 雪Snow 海洋生态系统Marine ecosystems酵母Yeasts 地下水Subterranean water 藻花Algal bloom生物技术问题Biotechnological 地表水Surface waters 海底生态系统Be nthic ecosystems issues 水资源保护Water resources 海洋污染Mari ne polluti on农业生物技术Agricultural con servati on 污染沉积物Mari ne sedime ntsbiotech no logies 水资源开发Water resources 海洋环境Ocean circulation生物伦理学Bioethics developme nt 洋流Ocean currents生物安全Biosafety 淡水生态系统Freshwater 海洋Oceans生物技术Biotech no logies ecosystems 海洋温度Ocean temperature无性繁殖Clo ning 集水区Catchme nt areas 赤潮Red tide与健康有关的生物技术Health-related 国际河流流域International river 海平面Sea levelbiotech no logies bas ins 潮,潮汐Tides诱变剂Mutagens 湖泊流域Lake bas ins 沿海生态系统Coastal ecosystems突变微生物释放Mutated 池塘尾渣Ponds taili ngs 群岛Archipelagoesmicroorga ni sms release 河流流域River bas ins 沿海地区Coastal areas突变体Mutants 淡水恶化Freshwater degradati on 沿海开发Coastal development繁殖控制Reproductive mani pulati on 河流污染River pollutio n 沿海环境Coastal environmentsDNA 重组技术Recomb inant DNA 径流Ru n-off 海岸侵蚀Coastal erosiontech no logy 沉积物移动Sedime nt mobilizati on 疏浚Dredging动物的选择性繁殖Selective breedi ng 沉积物运移Sedime nt tran sport 河口生态系统Estuari ne ecosystemsof ani mals 沉积盆地Sedime ntary bas ins 岛屿生态系统Isla nd ecosystems植物的选择性繁殖Selective breedi ng 渗漏Seepage 小岛屿Small isla ndsof pla nts 凤眼蓝Water hyacinth 海洋生物资源Living marine 生物技术的社会一经济影响水污染Water pollution resourcesSocio-ec on omic impact of 水的盐化Water sali nation 水生哺乳动物Aquatic mammalsbiotech no logies 饮用水供应Drin ki ng water supply 水生微生物Aquatic microorga ni sms致畸剂Teratogens 脱盐Desalination 水生植物Aquatic plants淡水FRESHWATER 饮用水Drin ki ng water 珊瑚礁Coral reefs淡水资源Freshwater resources 饮用水处理Drinking water 甲壳纲动物Crustacea ns谈水保护Con servati on of freshwater treatme nt 鱼类Fish水坝Dams 城市配水系统Municipal water 海洋资源保护Marine resources冰Ice distribution systems con servati on湖泊Lakes 农村供水Rural water supply 软体动物Molluscs水生贝壳类动物Shellfish 环境影响Environmen tal impact 经济管理手段Eco nomic 环境管理ENVIRONMENTAL 环境影响评价Environ me ntal impact man ageme nt in strume nts MANAGEMENT assessme nt 成本-效益分析Cost-benefit analysis资源管理Resources man ageme nt 环境影响状报告书Environmental 发展中国家债务Developi ng cou ntries深海矿藏Deep sea deposits impact stateme nt debt森林管理Forest man agem ent 环境指标Environmen tal in dicators 环境股票交易Environmen tal stock 森林政府Forest policy 环境政策Environmen tal policy exchange资源的地埋分布Geographic 环境风险评估Environmental risk 政府环境开支Government distribution of resources assessme nt environmen tal expe nditures土地价值Land values 财政资助Finan cial assista nce 绿色财政手段Green fiscal矿产资源Mineral resources 土地利用规划Land use pla nning in strume nts国家保护计划Natio nal con servati on 环境管理指标Environmental 环境成本内在化Internalisation of programmes man ageme nt in dicators environmen tal costs自然资源Natural resources 环境质量指标Environmen tal quality 以绿色标志促销Marketing with 自然保护Nature con servati on in dicators gree n labelli ng不可再生资源Non-renewable 试验项目Pilot projects 资源的定价政策Pricing policies of resources 政策规划Policy pla nning resources资源净损耗Net resource depletion 施压集团Pressure groups 结构调整计划Structural adjustme nt 矿床Ore deposits 区域规划Regio nal pla nning programs石油资源保护Petroleum resources 自助计划Self-help programmes 税收差别Tax differe ntiationcon servati on 工农业选址Sit ing of in dustry 可交易的许可证Tradeable permits可再生资源Ren ewable resources 社会调查Social surveys 人类住区HUMAN SETTLEMENTS资源估价Resource appraisal 发展状况Status of development 人类住区管理Human settlements 资源保护Resource con servati on 可持续发展Sustai nable developme nt man ageme nt海底开发Sea bed exploitati on 可持续发展指标Sustainable 建成区Built-up areas海底采矿Sea bed mi ning developme nt in dicators 经济规戈V Econ omic zoning本地资源的利用Utilization of local 技术评价Tech no logy assessme nt 用火安全要求Fire safety resources 运输计戈H Tran sport pla nning requireme nts环境规戈V Environmen tal pla nning 环境经济问题Environmental 历史遗址Historical sites发展合作Developme nt cooperati on econ omic issues 住房改善Hous ing improveme nts发展计戈V Developme nt pla nning 环境定价Environmen tal valuati on 住房需求Housi ng needs生态发展Ecodevelopme nt 环境成本Environmen tal costs 住房规戈V Hous ing programmes经济发展Econ omic developme nt 夕卜咅B Externalities 住房质量标准Housing quality 经济计戈V Econ omic pla nning 重置成本Replaceme nt costs sta ndards环境核算Environmen tal accoun ti ng 贸易对环境的影响Trade impact on 工业区In dustrial areas环境审计Environmen tal audit ing environment 非高峰时间工作Off-peak worki ng环境健康影响评价Environmental 已定价值的生态系统组成部分Valued 办公室Officeshealth impact assessme nt ecosystem comp onents城区发展模式Patterns of urban 电力分配Electric power distributi on 低价住房Low-cost hous inggrowth 公共花园Public garde ns 流动工人Migra nt workers规划的城区发展Planned urban 公路Highways 少数民族Minoritiesdevelopme nt 空地Open spaces 社区改善计划Neighbourhood 再建房屋Rehous ing 管道Pipelines improveme nt schemes租赁房屋Re ntal hous ing 运动场Playgro unds 新社区New comm un ities居民区Residential areas 公园Public parks 流浪者Nomads建筑安全标准Safety standards for 公用事业Public utilities 非高峰时间通勤Off-peak commuti ng buildi ngs 道路建设Road con structi on 公共卫生Public health商店Shops 道路养护Road maintenance 种族关系Race relatio ns建筑业标准Standards for building 体育设施Sports facilities 娱乐Recreationin dustry 电信Telecomm uni cati ons 农村地区Rural areas城区设计Urban desig n 运输系统Tran sport systems 环境卫生Sa nitatio n建成结构Built structures 隧道Tunnels 社会指数Social indicators桥梁Bridges 城市供水Urban water supply 社会-经济因素Socio-economic 建筑材料Buildi ng materials 公共服务Public services factors建筑物Buildings 人类住区的社会一经济方面旅游Tourism建筑技术Buildi ng tech no logy Socio-economic aspects of human 旅行Travel施工技术Con structi on tech no logy settleme nts 贫困阶层Un der-privileged people建筑工程Con struction works 生育控制Birth control 城市地区Urban areas农业建筑Farm buildi ngs 社区服务Comm unity services 城区改造Urban renewal政府建筑Governme nt buildi ngs 社区参与Comm unity participati on 城区压力Urban stress高层建筑High-rise buildi ngs 通勤Commuting 妇女地位Women status工业建筑In dustrial buildi ngs 消费方式Con sumpti on patter ns 人类住区的环境方面Environ me ntal 本地建筑材料Local materials for 文化指标Cultural in dicators aspects of huma n settleme ntsbuildi ng 发展模式Developme nt patterns 空调Air conditioning拖车住房Mobile homes 残疾人Disabled pers ons 尸体处置Disposal of the dead核研究中心Nuclear research centres 毒品滥用Drug abuse 区城供热District heat ing装配式房屋Prefabricated buildi ngs 生态旅游Ecotourism 住房密度Hous ing den sity结构Structures 计划生育Family pla nning 过度拥挤Overcrowding隔热Thermal insulation 性别问题Ge nder issues 难民Refugees基础设施In frastructure 无家可归Homeless ness 旅游设施Tourist facilities通道Access roads 住房集资Hous ing finance 城市衰败Urban decay水上娱乐活动Aquatic recreational 人类迁居Huma n migrati on 农业AGRICULTUREame nities 人口Human population 农业方式Agricultural practices汽车停放Automobile park ing 人权Human rights 农业设备Agricultural equipment建成的排水系统Built drainage 土地分配Land allotme nt 农业管理Agricultural management systems 生活方式Lifestyles 农业方法Agricultural methods农业害虫Agricultural pests 食品辐照Food irradiation农业生产Agricultural producti on 食品保存Food preservati on农业储藏Agricultural storage 食品贮藏Food storage动物疾病An imal diseases 食品运输Food tran sport动物营养An imal nutriti on 林产品Forest products养蜂业Apiculture 烟草Tobacco水产养殖Aquaculture 农用化学品Agrochemicals害虫的生物控制Biological con trol of 化学肥料Chemical fertilizerspests 杀真菌剂Fun gicides生物固氮Biological n itroge n fixati on 除草剂Herbicides堆肥Composts 杀虫齐ij的代谢Metabolism of 等高耕作Con tour farming pesticides受控燃烧Con trolled burni ng 硝酸盐Nitrates作物保护Crop protectio n 亚硝酸盐Nitrites挽畜Draught animals 亚硝胺Nitrosam in es鱼类养殖Fish culture 营养物Nutrie nts渔业管理Fisheries man ageme nt 有机磷化物Organophosphorous谷物Grains compo unds作物虫害传染In festation of crops 杀虫剂的持久性Persistence of 粮食虫害传染In festation of food pesticides灌溉Irrigation 杀虫剂路径Pesticide pathways灌溉渠Irrigation canals 杀虫剂Pesticides灌溉农业Irrigation farmi ng 磷酸盐Phosphates天然肥料Natural fertilizers 杀虫剂的毒性Toxicity of pesticides有机农业Orga nic farmi ng 杀虫剂的使用Utilizatio n of pesticides病虫害控制Pest ma nageme nt 工业INDUSTRY杀虫剂标准控制Pesticide control 工业生产过程In dustrial processessta ndards 制铝工业Alumi nium in dustry植物病害Pla nt diseases 适用技术Appropriate tech no logy家禽饲养Poultry farming 高炉Blast furnaces林农轮作Shifti ng cultivati on 纤维素Cellulose树木苗圃Tree nu rseries 化学工业Chemical in dustry滴灌Trickle irrigation 清洁技术Clea n tech nologies农工业Agro-industry 服装工业Clothi ng in dustry畜产品Animal products 乳品业Dairy in dustry饮料工业Beverage in dustry 脱盐工厂Desali nati on pla nts酿造业Brewing industry 干洗Dry cleaning蒸馏业Distilling industry 炼铁工业Iron in dustry 洗烫衣服皮革工业金属加工Laun deri ngLeather industryMetal fin ishi ng。
土壤微生物是土壤生态系统中库(pool)和流的一个巨大的原动力。土壤酶测定一般要在适宜的条件下测定, 不能作为土壤物流的原位评价。库和流的计算对土壤微生物学家来说很重要,测定土壤微生物呼吸(CO2的释放 量),是较好的微生物群落总代谢活性指标。
N、NO3输入引起土壤酸化,甚至引起地下水的N污染。氮的分配(N2O、NO等)对气候变化和臭氧层破坏有 极大影响,生物固氮对缓解矛盾有重要的意义,同时也提高农作物产量和减少人类饥饿。从1970年以来,共生和 非共生固氮研究很热烈。土壤微生物学家应用分子生物学技术在转基因作物和转基因工程菌方面研究,大大提高 了生物固氮效果。许多传统方法,如N矿化测定,硝化潜力或用于反硝化测定的乙炔抑制方法仍然广泛使用。应用 15N放射性标记方法可详细地了解土壤中或土壤微生物群落中的N分配和去向。
土壤微生物是土壤中物质转化的动力:如;固氮作用,硝化作用、反硝化作用、腐殖质的分解和合成,土壤 酶与微生物细胞一起推动物质转化。
1676年,虎克用自制的单式显微镜观察到细菌个体。 1897年,毕希纳用无细胞酵母菌压榨汁中的“酒花酶”对葡萄糖进行乙醇发酵成功,从而开创了微生物生化 研究的新时代。 1953年,沃森和克里克发表了关于DNA双螺旋模型,整个生命科学领域进入分子生物学研究阶段,是微生物 学发展史上成熟到来的标志。
土壤微生物研究方法经历了微生物纯培养、土壤酶活性(BIOLOG微平板分析)、微生物库(如微生物生物 量)和流(C和N循环)、微生物生物标记物(FAMEs)、微生物分子生物学技术(从土壤中提取DNA,进行PCRDGGE、PCR-SSCP、RLFP分析等),揭示了土壤微生物群落丰富的多样性和生态功能;现代生物技术和传统微生物 研究方法的配合将为土壤微生物学研究提供较好的前景。
结果:1000mg /mL蚕砂联合光动力疗法组各浓度的培养皿中未见菌落产生,其余各蚕砂PDT 组培养皿中未均见菌落产生。
%Objective To evaluate the effect of silkworm chlorophyll extract photodynamic therapy on Propionibacterium acnes. Methods 96-well cell culture plates were used for experimental carriers and Propionibacterium acnes suspension was added to these wells,which were divided into experimental group and three control groups.With Semiconductor as the exctiation source.Results 1000mg/mL Silkworm-PDT group can completely inhibited the growth of each concentration ofP.acnes,the rest Silkworm -PDT group can’ t complete ly inhibited the growth of each concentration of P.acnes.Silkworm groups,the group of bacteria and bacterial phototherapy groups can’ t completely inhibited the growth of each concentration of P.acnes.The growth of P.acnes was not inhibi-ted in three control groups.Conclusion The experimental resultsprovide the experimental basis for the clinical use of silkworm chloro-phyll extract in the treatment of acne.【期刊名称】《中国民族民间医药》【年(卷),期】2017(026)002【总页数】3页(P41-43)【关键词】蚕砂叶绿素水提物;光动力疗法;痤疮丙酸杆菌;体外实验【作者】施建新;闵仲生【作者单位】江苏省中医院,江苏南京 210029;江苏省中医院,江苏南京210029【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R246.7寻常痤疮是一种临床常见毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾病,各年龄皆可发病,以青少年发病率为最高[1]。
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Hydrolase activity,microbial biomass and community structurein long-term Cd-contaminated soilsG.Renella a,*,M.Mench b ,D.van der Lelie c ,G.Pietramellara a ,J.Ascher a ,M.T.Ceccherini a ,ndi a ,P.Nannipieri aaDepartment of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,University of Florence,Piazzale delle delle Cascine,2850144Florence,ItalybUnite´d’Agronomie,INRA Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine,71,Av.E.Bourlaux,BP81,F-33883Villenave d’Ornon,France cBrookhaven National Laboratory,Biology Department Building,463Upton,NY 11973-5000,USAReceived 1April 2003;received in revised form 17October 2003;accepted 24October 2003AbstractLong-term effects of high Cd concentrations on enzyme activities,microbial biomass and respiration and bacterial community structure of soils were assessed in sandy soils where Cd was added between 1988and 1990as Cd(NO 3)2to reach concentrations ranging from 0to 0.36mmol Cd kg 21dry weight soil.Soils were mantained under maize and grass cultivation,or ‘set-aside’regimes,for 1year.Solubility of Cd and its bioavailability were measured by chemical extractions or by the BIOMET bacterial biosensor system.Cadmium solubility was very low,and Cd bioavailability was barely detectable even in soils polluted with 0.36mmol Cd kg 21.Soil microbial biomass carbon ðB C Þwas slightly decreased and respiration was increased significantly even at the lower Cd concentration and as a consequence the metabolic quotient ðq CO 2Þwas increased,indicating a stressful condition for soil microflora.However,Cd-contaminated soils also had a lower total organic C (TOC)content and thus the microbial biomass C-to-TOC ratio was unaffected by Cd.Alkaline phosphomonoesterase,arylsulphatase and protease activities were significantly reduced in all Cd-contaminated soils whereas acid phosphomonoesterase,b -glucosidase and urease activites were unaffected by Cd.Neither changes in physiological groups of bacteria,nor of Cd resistant bacteria could be detected in numbers of the culturable bacterial community.Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the bacterial community showed slight changes in maize cropped soils containing 0.18and 0.36mmol Cd kg 21soil as compared to the control.It was concluded that high Cd concentrations induced mainly physiological adaptations rather than selection for metal-resistant culturable soil microflora,regardless of Cd concentration,and that some biochemical parameters were more sensitive to stress than others.q 2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Cadmium;Bioavailability;Enzyme activities;Microbial community1.IntroductionCadmium and other heavy metals accumulate in soils as the result of wet and dry deposition,phosphatic fertilisation,manure inputs and incorporation of sewage sludge (Jensen and Bro-Rasmussen,1992).Jones and Johnston (1989)reported that the atmospheric input of Cd into soils could be in the order of 3g ha 21yr 21.As inputs into soil generally exceed losses (Moolenaar and Beltrami,1998),the Cd concentration in soils is likely to increase and in a few decades exceed the EU mandatorylimit for agricultural soils (CEC,1986).Cadmium is considered to be the metal having the most adverse effects on microbial biomass and activity in heavy metal contaminated soils (Smith,1996),as it is not required for any known biological process.It is also very mobile,due to its low affinity for soil colloids (Alloway,1995).In heavy metal-contaminated soils,the specific toxicity of Cd is difficult to assess as it is often present as a co-contaminant with other heavy metals that may add to the toxic effects on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities (Renella et al.,2003).Short-term laboratory incubations do not reflect the toxic effects after chronic exposure of soil microflora to heavy metals (Giller et al.,1998;Renella et al.,2002).0038-0717/$-see front matter q 2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2003.10.022Soil Biology &Biochemistry 36(2004)443–451/locate/soilbio*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ39-55-3288219;fax:þ39-55-333273.E-mail address:giancarlo.renella@unifi.it (G.Renella).Heavy metal contaminated soils may be cropped or left uncropped and set-aside.The latter involves taking soils out of agricultural production so as to reduce cropped areas in accordance with EU legislation.At present in Europe,about8.5million ha of agricultural land is set-aside and subjected to afforestation which may lead to increase of mobility of heavy metals(Andersen et al.,2002)and impact on the soil microflora and soil functions.Solubility and bioavailability of heavy metals can be estimated by either single-solvent or sequential extrac-tions using different extractants and extraction procedures (McBride,1989).Although good correlations have been found between the chemically mobile pools of heavy metals such as Cd,Ni and Zn and their content in plants, the relationship between these pools and the responses of soil microflora is still unclear.The identification of bacterial determinants conferring heavy metal resistance and knowledge of their regulation has allowed the construction of bacterial biosensors containing lux-reporter genes(Paton et al.,1995;Ivask et al.,2002). Bacterial biosensors,created by transcriptional fusion of the promoterless lux operon(lux CDABE)of Vibrio fischeri and the metal-regulated promoter-operator of the cnr and czc operons of the heavy metal-resistant bacterium Ralstonia metallidurans CH34,were success-fully used to assess the bioavailability Ni,Co,Cd and Zn in soil(Corbisier et al.,1999).To date,the bioavail-ability of heavy metals,as determined with these biosensors,has never been correlated with parameters reflecting microbial activities in contaminated soils.Chronic exposures to elevated concentrations of heavy metals can change the composition of soil microflora as detected by DGGE analysis(Kozdroj and van Elsas, 2000)and can select for metal-resistant microorganisms (Mergeay,2000).Such heavy metal-induced changes in microbial community structure may,in turn,cause alteration of some microbial functions in soil(Brookes, 1995).Adverse effects of elevated concentrations of heavy metals to soil enzyme activities have long been recognised under bothfield and laboratory conditions (Tyler et al.,1989;Kandeler et al.,1996;Landi et al., 2000).However,there is a little information from long-termfield trials on the effects of Cd as the sole heavy metal on the composition of and the activity of the soil microflora.This study aimed to assess the specific effects of long-termfield exposure to elevated concentrations of Cd as the sole contaminant on microbial composition and microbial activity in sandy soils under either maize or set-aside regimes.Traditional assays such as single-solvent metal extractions,determination of soil microbial biomass and respiration,plate counts,and enzyme activities were combined with molecular techniques and the use of a bacterial biosensor,to determine Cd bioavailability in soils from plots treated with different Cd concentrations.2.Materials and methods2.1.Field experimental design and soil samplingSoils(sandy-clay,Arenic Udifluvent)were sampled (0–20cm)fromfield plots at the long-term AGIR Experiment managed by Unite´d’Agronomie,INRA, Bordeaux,France in September2001.Cadmium con-tamination of the soil was achieved as described below. The density of the0–30cm soil layer was determined and it was calculated the as dry soil(fine fraction ,2mm)per ha and per m2.The different plots (6m£3m)were designed at the experimental site. Then,the amount of Cd(NO3)2(Rectapur Quality, Prolabo)to be added to each plot was calculated so as to contaminate the0–30cm soil layer at Cd concen-trations of0,0.09,0.18,and0.36mmol kg21soil;it was spread on the soil surface and mixed by rototilling at 0–30cm depth in the1988–1990period.The soil was ploughed at0–30cm depth through the years to ensure an even distribution of Cd within the soil layer.The chemical analyses demonstrated that the target Cd contaminations were reached.The background Cd concentration in the control soil was<0.006mmol kg21. The soil have been kept under maize cultivation(plots 16,11,6and1)or set-aside regime(plots17,12,7,2). The soils were sampled at three points within each plot by using a stainless steel spade.Soil samples were placed in sealed plastic bags,placed in a cooled box,transported to the analytical laboratories unsieved and kept atfield moisture to preserve the microbial community.In the laboratory,the soils were sieved(,2mm),moistened to 50%of the water holding capacity and pre-incubated for 7days at258C before the analyses.2.2.Cadmium solubility and bioavailabilityCadmium solubility was estimated by extractions with deionised water(1:2w/v extraction ratio),or with1M NH4NO3,according to Preuss(1998).Soil slurries were filtered through Watman42filter paper and Cd was estimated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry(Per-kin Elmer1100B).Cadmium bioavailability was esti-mated by using the BIOMET biosensor based on R.metallidurans AE1433(ex Alcaligenes eutrophus) containing the czc gene that codes for Cd,Zn and Co resistance,in transcriptional fusion with the lux CDABE operon of V.fischeri(Corbisier et al.,1999).When the intracellular Cd or Zn concentration exceedes a threshold, expression of the czc operon is induced and the lux gene is co-expressed with production of light,which is detectable in a luminometer.The luminometry assayG.Renella et al./Soil Biology&Biochemistry36(2004)443–451 444was carried out using an ANTHOS LUCY1luminometer (Anthos Labtech b.v.,Heerhugowaard,The Netherlands) at238C,as previously described(Corbisier et al.,1999). For metal standards,duplicate samples(20m l)were set up per microtitre assay.As negative controls,eight reaction samples containing deionised water were included in the test.Soils suspensions were made by adding5g soil to35ml reconstitutional medium(RM), and20m l of undiluted,two and four times diluted soil suspensions were added to the wells of a96-well microtitre plate.Subsequently,180m l of a diluted culture (final OD660of0.1in RM)of the AE1433biosensor strain was added to each well.The bioluminescence emitted(ALU)and the optical density(OD620nm)of the culture was measured over16h at30min intervals,and processed using the MIKROWIN software,as previously described(Corbisier et al.,1999).A constitutively light emitting strain(R.metallidurans AE864)was used as a positive control to account for both toxicity and eventual quenching of light.The induction of bioluminescence (presented as the signal to noiseðS=NÞratio)is calculated as the light production valueðSÞfound for the soils tested,divided by the light production value found for the uncontaminated control soilðNÞ:A S=N value below 1indicates toxicity,while induction was considered significant when the S=N ratio was greater than1.5.A calibration curve set up for each microtitre plate allowed the calculation of the amount of bioavailable Cd.2.3.Microbial biomass and respirationSoil microbial biomass was estimated by the fumi-gation–extraction method(Vance et al.,1987).Soil(25g dry weight)was fumigated with ethanol-free chloroform for 24h and immediately extracted with0.5M K2SO4by using 1l plastic bottles;soil slurries were thenfiltered using Watman42filter paper.The unfumigated soils were extracted in the same way and the extracts were frozen prior to analysis.The C content of the extracts was determined by the dichromate oxidation method and the microbial biomass C was calculated according to Vance et al.(1987).Soil respiration was measured by gas-chromatography, according to Blackmer and Bremner(1977).Soils(25g oven dry equivalent)were placed in250ml Quickfitflasks and incubated at258C in the dark.Emptyflasks incubated in the same way were used as blanks for correction of background CO2concentration.The CO2-C evolution was measured by sampling the headspace by using an air-tight syringe and injected into a gas-chromatoghraph(Hewlett-Packard6890),equipped with a gas-sampling valve,a packed column(Poropack Q)and a thermal conductivity detector,and run in isothermal mode.Both microbial biomass and respiration measurements were carried out in triplicate.2.4.Soil hydrolase activities measurementsAcid and alkaline phosphomonoesterase activities were assayed according to Tabatabai and Bremner(1969), arylsuphatase activity as reported by Tabatabai and Bremner (1972)and b-glucosidase activity according to Tabatabai (1982).Urease activity was measured by the method of Nannipieri et al.(1974)by using0.5g of soil and2ml of0.1M phoshate buffer rather than5g of soil and10ml of 0.1M phoshate buffer.Protease activity was determined by hydrolysis of N-benzoylargininamide(BAA)according to Ladd and Butler(1972).All enzyme assays involved incubations at378C for1h,with subsequent centrifugation of soil slurries at6000g at48C.The concentration of p-nitrophenol(p-NP)produced in the assays of b-glucosi-dase,arylsulphatase,acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterase activities was calculated from a p-NP calibration curve after subtraction of the absorbance of the controls at400nm wavelength.The NH4þproduced by urease and BAA-hydrolysing activities was determined by a Flow Injection Analyzer(FIAS300-Perkin Elmer)coupled with a spectro-photometer Lambda2(Perkin Elmer).Because we have no information on the clay types of this soil,NH4þ-fixing capability of soil was evaluated by measuring the recovery of NH4þsolutions shaken with soil for1h at378C and then extracted with2M KCl.We used a NH4þconcentration range compatible with product concentrations of both urease and protease activities.The recovery was always greater than 98%(data not shown).Soil hydrolase activity measurements were carried out in triplicate.2.5.Bacterial community structureTotal culturable bacterial community and bacterial resistance to Cd,Ni and Zn were monitored according to Mergeay(1995).Bacteria were extracted from soils and serially diluted and plated on rich media,and minimal media containing glucose or gluconate as C sources,with or without heavy metals(Cd,Ni or Zn).Cadmium concen-trations in the plates were0.2,0.4,and0.8mmol,whereas Ni and Zn concentrations were1and2mmol,respectively. Plates were then kept at378C for7days.The total bacterial community structure,including both culturable and non culturable microorganisms,was monitored by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)after amplification of the16S rDNA by polymerase chain reaction(PCR).Whole-community DNA was extracted from0.5g of soil using a bead-beating method(FastDNA SPIN Kit for soil,Bio101,Inc., USA)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The amount of extracted DNA was calculated byfluorometer (Hoefer e DyNA Quant e200)using bisbenzimide-dye (Hoechst H33258).The community eubacterial16S rDNA was then amplified using the primers GC-968f:50-CGCCCGGGGCGCGCCCCGGGCGGGGCGGGGGCA-CGGGGGGAACGCGAAGAACCTTA-30and1401r:G.Renella et al./Soil Biology&Biochemistry36(2004)443–45144550-GCGTGTGTACAAGACCC-30(Felske et al.,1997).The DNA was amplified with 2.5U m l 21PolyTaq (Polymed),12.5pM of each primer,12.5mM of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate,75mM MgCl 2,BSA (500m g/ml)and reaction buffer 50£(Polymed,without MgCl 2)in a final reaction volume of 50m l.The PCR was performed with a Perkin Elmer 2400thermocycler with reaction conditions of 948C for 90s followed by 33cycles of 958C for 20s,568C for 30s,728C for 45s,and final annealing at 728C for 7min.The PCR products were checked on 1%agarose gel and the amount of amplified DNA was calculated by comparing the relative band intensities with those of Mass Ruler e ,DNA Ladder Mix (Fermentas).DGGE of the amplified 16S rDNA sequences was performed by using the Dcode System (Universal Mutation Detection System,Biorad)loading 300ng of DNA onto a 6%polyacrylamide gel with a denaturant gradient of 46–56%.Electrophoresis conditions were:608C,75V for 16h followed by a 2h coloration in SybrGreen I (FMC BioProducts,Rockland,ME,USA).Bands were detected manually from digitals images (Polaroid Gel Cam,Elect;Polaroid Type 667Film ISO 3000)by UV light transillumination (254/497nm).Soil DNA extractions,PCR and fingerprintings were carried out in triplicate.2.6.StatisticsAnalysis of variance by the Tukey–Kramer test was used to assess the significance of differences (P level ,0.05)ofthe means ðn ¼3Þusing the STATVIEW 5computer program (SAS Institute).3.Results3.1.Cadmium availabilityThe amounts of water-and 1M NH 4NO 3-extractable Cd were both low compared to the total Cd concen-trations,indicating a low availability of Cd.The available Cd increased gradually but not in proportion to total Cd content of the soils.Cadmium solubility was significanlty higher in soils from plots 1and 2both containing 0.36mmol Cd kg 21soil,compared to control soils (Fig.1).The percentage of Cd that was water-soluble ranged between 7.9and 0.8in maize cropped soils (plots 16and 1,respectively)and from 9.5to 0.5in set-aside soils (plots 17and 2,respectively).The percentages of NH 4NO 3-extractable Cd in maize soils ranged between 11.5and 1.8(plots 16and 1,respectively)and from 5.4to 1.2in set-aside soils (plots 17and 2,respectively)(Table 1).No bioavailable Cd was detected by the BIOMET biosensor in the control,or soils amended with 0.09and 0.18mmol Cd kg 21,whereas a response was detected in soils from plots 1and 2containing 0.36mmol Cd kg 21soil,indicating that only in these soils was enough Cd bioavailable to evoke a bacterial response encoded by a specific resistance mechanism (Fig.1).Fig.1.Water-soluble and NH 4NO 3-extractable and bioavailable Cd as estimated by BIOMET.The error bar is the standard error of the means ðn ¼3Þ:G.Renella et al./Soil Biology &Biochemistry 36(2004)443–4514463.2.Soil microbial biomass,respirationand ecophysiological parametersSoil microbial biomassðB CÞwas lower in Cd-contami-nated than in control soils,but the differences were not significant(Table2).Soil respiration was higher in all Cd-contaminated soils as compared to control soils(Table2)and differences were significant in all Cd-contaminated maize soils and in the set-aside soil containing0.36mmol Cd kg21. Set-aside soils always displayed lower B C and respiration than maize cropped soils(Table2),but differences between soils polluted to the same Cd concentration and under different management were not significant.The metabolic quotient ðq CO2Þ;calculated by the CO2-C=B C ratio was significantly higher in maize soils with Cd concentrations of0.18and 0.36mmol Cd kg21of soil(plots6and1,respectively)and in the set-aside soil(plot2)containing0.36mmol Cd kg21 of soil(Table2).The B C-to-TOC ratio was unaffected in all soils regardless of management and Cd content(Table2).3.3.Soil hydrolase activitiesIn maize soils the alkaline phosphomonoesterase, arylsulphatase and protease activities were significantly reduced for all Cd concentrations whereas acid phospho-monoesterase,b-glucosidase and urease activites were unaffected by Cd(Figs.2and3).In set-aside soils the alkaline phosphomonoesterase was significantly reduced by all Cd concentrations whereas,arylsulphatase and protease activities were significanlty lower in soils containing0.18 and0.36mmol Cd kg21,respectively(Figs.2and3).In set-aside soils the acid phosphomonoesterase,b-glucosidase and urease activites were unaffected by Cd(Figs.2and3).3.4.Culturable bacteria screeningNo significant changes were detected in the bacteria colony forming units(CFU)grown on rich media(Table3), whereas a decrease in CFUs of bacteria grown on minimal medium plates with glucose as sole C sources was observed for the high Cd soils containing0.18and0.36mmol Cd kg21soil(Table3).No bacteria were able to grow on minimal glucose or gluconate plates supplemented with Zn, whereas a large number of bacteria were able to grow on minimal plates supplemented with Ni(data not shown).Few bacteria were able to grow on glucose and gluconate plates supplemented with0.2and0.4mmol Cd but the percentage of bacteria able to grow on Cd supplemented minimal medium plates increased when they were extracted from the most contaminated soils(Table3).No bacterial growth was observed on plates containing either glucose or gluconate and0.8mmol Cd.3.5.PCR-DGGE analysis of total soil DNAThe DGGE analysis was performed on the total DNA extracted directly from soil.The DGGE analysis showed that the DNA profiles of all samples were similar in terms of number and intensity of migrating bands(Fig.4A and B). However,an additional band appeared in the maize soils containing0.09and0.18mmol Cd kg21soil,indicated by the lower arrows in Fig.4A(lanes7–9and10–12, respectively).One more band appeared in the DNA profiles of maize soils containing0.18and0.36mmol Cd kg21soilTable1Soil propertiesSoil pH(H2O)Clay(%)Silt(%)Sand(%)TOC(%)N tot(%)Total Cd(m mol kg21)Maize soilsPlot167.417.515.067.50.850.100.57Plot117.517.515.067.50.550.0397.0Plot67.117.515.067.50.47*0.04154.8Plot17.117.515.067.50.49*0.04339.8Set aside soilsPlot177.517.515.067.50.640.089.52Plot127.017.515.067.50.430.0274.1Plot77.117.515.067.50.43*0.03153.0Plot27.117.515.067.50.49*0.04347.8*Symbols indicate significant differences at P,0:05level,ascompared to respective control soils(plots16and17).Table2Microbial Biomass C(B C),soil respiration and ecophysiological parameters(q CO2and B C/TOC ratio)of the soilsSoil B C(mg C kg21soil)Soil respiration(mg CO2-C kg21soil£day)q CO2(mg CO2-C mg B C21£day)B C/TOC(%)Maize soilsPlot16340.99.60.0014 4.01 Plot11235.820.4*0.0031 4.29 Plot6190.322.8*0.0050* 4.05 Plot1264.929.0**0.0046* 5.41Set aside soilsPlot17314.47.70.0010 4.91 Plot12192.914.60.0030 4.49 Plot7190.112.00.0026 4.42 Plot2180.415.5*0.0036* 5.01 *And**symbols indicate significant differences at P,0:05and,0.01levels,respectively,as compared to respective control soils.G.Renella et al./Soil Biology&Biochemistry36(2004)443–451447indicated by the arrow in Fig.4A (lanes 10–12).The DNA profiles of the Cd-contaminated set aside soils did not show the corresponding new band (Fig.4B ).4.DiscussionThe amounts of water-soluble and NH 4NO 3-extractable Cd were both very low when compared to total Cd concentrations indicating a low availability of Cd.Nolan et al.(2003)reported that in agricultural heavy metal-contaminated Australian soils,soluble Cd ranged from 22to86%,of total soil Cd,whereas Smolders et al.(1999)reported that isotopically exchangeable Cd in contaminated Belgian soils ranged from 62to 90%.In contrast,Pandeya et al.(1998)noted that the water-soluble and exchangeable fraction of Cd in different soils accounted for 4.2–7.2%of total Cd and that these fractions were not correlated with the isotopic distribution coefficient ðK d Þ.Ahnstrom and Parker (1999)reported that Cd in the soluble-exchangeable fraction from a specific sequential extraction procedure accounted for less than 10%of total Cd.Such differences should be ascribed to differences in soil properties and to the different techniques used for extraction of Cd (Harter and Naidu,2001).Heavy metal mobility in soils depends on several factors including adsorption onto soil colloids,precipitation and interaction with organic ligands (McBride,1989).The Cd concentration in soil solution is generally reduced at neutral or alkaline pH (Adriano,1986).Moreover,organic matter of no-tilled soils is richer in water-soluble organic compounds than ploughed soils (Arshad et al.,1990).Complexation by low molecular weight organic acids can increase Cd solubility (Krishna-murti et al.,1997;Collins et al.,2003).This might,at least in part explain the higher Cd solubility in set aside than maize cropped soils (Fig.1).McGrath et al.(1999)reported that heavy metal toxicity,as determined by biosensors,is correlated with the free ion metal concentration.The weak responses of the Cd/Zn BIOMET biosensor confirmed that bioavailability of Cd in these soils was low (Fig.1).The media used for the screening of culturable bacteria provide indications on the shifts in dominance of Pseudo-monas -like bacteria,which are able to grow using glucose as sole C source and Ralstonia -like bacteria which are able to grow using gluconate.Indeed,Pseudomonas -likebacteriaFig.2.Alkaline and acid phosphatase,arylsulphatase and glucosidase activities in soils with increasing Cd concentrations.*and **symbols indicate significant differences at P ,0:05and ,0.01levels,respectively compared to respective controlsoils.Fig. 3.Protease and urease activities in soils with increasing Cd concentrations.*and **symbols indicate significant differences at P ,0:05and ,0.01levels,respectively.G.Renella et al./Soil Biology &Biochemistry 36(2004)443–451448are more sensitive to heavy metals than Ralstonia-like bacteria and tend to disappear in the heavy metal contaminated soils(Mergeay,1995).The screening of the culturable bacterial community indicated that in these soils Cd did not affect the ratio between the Pseudomonas-like and Ralstonia-like subpopulations of the culturable bacterial community.None of the bacteria extracted from any of the soils was able to grow on either0.8mmol Cd or2mmol Zn thus no genetically determined resistance mechanisms(e.g. plasmid-mediated Ralstonia-like resistance)could be ident-ified from the screening of the culturable bacterial populations(Table3).This result could be ascribed to the low levels of soluble and bioavailable Cd in all the investigated soils(Fig.1).Similar results were reported by Angle et al.(1993).Indeed,selection of genetically determined metal-resistant bacterial populations either due to plasmids encoding for membrane antiport efflux systems such as the czc,or the P-type heavy metal efflux ATP-ases has been only detected in heavily contaminated soils or soils in mining areas(Mergeay,2000).Bacterial selection might also result from the synergistic effects of Cd with other metals such as Zn,Ni,Pb and Cu,and/or other soil factors (e.g.acidification,lower nutrient inputs in the rhizosphere). However,in the most contaminated soils the proportion of bacteria growing on selective media containing0.2and 0.4mmol of Cd significantly increased compared to the control soils(Table3)and this result was correlated with the water-soluble and NH4NO3-exchangeable Cd(Table4).It is possible that the large inputs of Cd in these soils mainly induced physiological adaptations rather than bacterial selection.Microbial physiological adaptations to heavy metals rely on several mechanisms,such as precipitation of metals as phosphates,carbonates,and sulphides,physical exclusion by exopolymers,and intracellularsequestration Fig.4.DGGE profiles of16S rDNA amplicons from whole community DNA extracted from maize(A)and set aside soils(B).Legend:(A)Lanes1–3:Plot16, lanes4–6:Plot11,lanes7–9:Plot6,lanes10–12:Plot1.(B)Lanes1–3:Plot17,lanes4–6:Plot12,lanes7–9:Plot7,lanes10–12:Plot2.Lines B¼B. subtilis-marker,lanes E¼E.Coli-marker.Table3Total culturable bacteria,glucose and gluconate metabolising bacteria and percentage of populations resistant to Cd.The percentage of growth refers to the respective mediaSoils Total culturablebacteriaCFU CFU(%)aGlucose metabolisingbacteriaGluconate metabolisingbacteriaSelective culture mediaGlucose(mmol Cd)Gluconate(mmol Cd) soilsPlot16 3.4£105 1.7£105 1.7£10510.00.1214.90.40 Plot11 3.0£105 2.3£105 1.8£1057.10.1313.00.49 Plot6 4.5£105 4.1£104 3.0£10541.5*0.49102.2** 4.62 Plot1 4.7£105 3.9£104 4.9£10553.3*0.5199.2*7.89* Set aside soilsPlot17 1.1£105 1.4£1050.5£10511.10.42 6.0 3.44 Plot12 5.4£105 4.9£105 2.5£105 2.80.0810.20.63 Plot7 1.9£1057.9£104 3.9£10522.80.7673.6* 6.09 Plot2 4.4£105 2.4£104 2.9£10575.0* 3.72*90.8*11.1* a The percentage of CFU was calculated from the formulaðX=YÞ100;where X was the CFU from Cd-amended plates(figures not shown)and Y the CFU grown on glucose and gluconate with no Cd added(second and third column of this table,respectively).G.Renella et al./Soil Biology&Biochemistry36(2004)443–451449。