Smoothing methods in maximum entropy language modeling


最大熵模型与自然语言处理MaxEntModelNLP 94页PPT文档

最大熵模型与自然语言处理MaxEntModelNLP 94页PPT文档
与Y的具体内容无关,只与|Y|有关。 • 两个Y(就是:y1y2)的表达能力是多少? • y况1可。以两表个达并三列种,情一况共,有y:2可3*以3表=9达种三情种况情
H y1H y2H (Y)H (Y)H (Y Y)
注 YY : Y
1/3 1/3 1/9
3?5 1/3
1/3 1/3 1/9
p( yi ) 1
i 1
“学习”可能是动词,也可能是名词。可以被标为主语、 谓语、宾语、定语……
引0.9入5这个新的知识: p(y2|x1)0.95

yi可能有多种取值,yi被标注为a的概率有多少? 随机过程:一个随机变量的序列。
x1x2…xn x1x2…xn y1 x1x2…xn y1 y2 x1x2…xn y1 y2 y3 …
p(y1=a|x1x2…xn) p(y2=a|x1x2…xn y1) p(y3=a|x1x2…xn y1 y2) p(y4=a|x1x2…xn y1 y2 y3)



SCI论文摘要中常用的表达方法要写好摘要,需要建立一个适合自己需要的句型库(选择的词汇来源于SCI高被引用论文)引言部分(1)回顾研究背景,常用词汇有review, summarize, present, outline, describe等(2)说明写作目的,常用词汇有purpose, attempt, aim等,另外还可以用动词不定式充当目的壮语老表达(3)介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围,常用词汇有study, present, include, focus, emphasize, emphasis, attention等方法部分(1)介绍研究或试验过程,常用词汇有test study, investigate, examine,experiment, discuss, consider, analyze, analysis等(2)说明研究或试验方法,常用词汇有measure, estimate, calculate等(3)介绍应用、用途,常用词汇有use, apply, application等结果部分(1)展示研究结果,常用词汇有show, result, present等(2)介绍结论,常用词汇有summary, introduce,conclude等讨论部分(1)陈述论文的论点和作者的观点,常用词汇有suggest, repot, present, expect, describe 等(2)说明论证,常用词汇有support, provide, indicate, identify, find, demonstrate, confirm, clarify等(3)推荐和建议,常用词汇有suggest,suggestion, recommend, recommendation, propose,necessity,necessary,expect等。

摘要引言部分案例词汇review•Author(s): ROBINSON, TE; BERRIDGE, KC•Title:THE NEURAL BASIS OF DRUG CRA VING - AN INCENTIVE-SENSITIZATION THEORY OF ADDICTION•Source: BRAIN RESEARCH REVIEWS, 18 (3): 247-291 SEP-DEC 1993 《脑研究评论》荷兰SCI被引用1774We review evidence for this view of addiction and discuss its implications for understanding the psychology and neurobiology of addiction.回顾研究背景SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例词汇summarizeAuthor(s): Barnett, RM; Carone, CD; 被引用1571Title: Particles and field .1. Review of particle physicsSource: PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 54 (1): 1-+ Part 1 JUL 1 1996:《物理学评论,D辑》美国引言部分回顾研究背景常用词汇summarizeAbstract: This biennial review summarizes much of Particle Physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 1900 new measurements from 700 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measuredproperties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. A booklet is available containing the Summary Tables and abbreviated versions of some of the other sections of this full Review.SCI摘要引言部分案例attentionSCI摘要方法部分案例considerSCI高被引摘要引言部分案例词汇outline•Author(s): TIERNEY, L SCI引用728次•Title:MARKOV-CHAINS FOR EXPLORING POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTIONS 引言部分回顾研究背景,常用词汇outline•Source: ANNALS OF STATISTICS, 22 (4): 1701-1728 DEC 1994•《统计学纪事》美国•Abstract: Several Markov chain methods are available for sampling from a posterior distribution. Two important examples are the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis algorithm.In addition, several strategies are available for constructing hybrid algorithms. This paper outlines some of the basic methods and strategies and discusses some related theoretical and practical issues. On the theoretical side, results from the theory of general state space Markov chains can be used to obtain convergence rates, laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for estimates obtained from Markov chain methods. These theoretical results can be used to guide the construction of more efficient algorithms. For the practical use of Markov chain methods, standard simulation methodology provides several Variance reduction techniques and also gives guidance on the choice of sample size and allocation.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例回顾研究背景presentAuthor(s): L YNCH, M; MILLIGAN, BG SC I被引用661Title: ANAL YSIS OF POPULATION GENETIC-STRUCTURE WITH RAPD MARKERS Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 3 (2): 91-99 APR 1994《分子生态学》英国Abstract: Recent advances in the application of the polymerase chain reaction make it possible to score individuals at a large number of loci. The RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method is one such technique that has attracted widespread interest.The analysis of population structure with RAPD data is hampered by the lack of complete genotypic information resulting from dominance, since this enhances the sampling variance associated with single loci as well as induces bias in parameter estimation. We present estimators for several population-genetic parameters (gene and genotype frequencies, within- and between-population heterozygosities, degree of inbreeding and population subdivision, and degree of individual relatedness) along with expressions for their sampling variances. Although completely unbiased estimators do not appear to be possible with RAPDs, several steps are suggested that will insure that the bias in parameter estimates is negligible. To achieve the same degree of statistical power, on the order of 2 to 10 times more individuals need to be sampled per locus when dominant markers are relied upon, as compared to codominant (RFLP, isozyme) markers. Moreover, to avoid bias in parameter estimation, the marker alleles for most of these loci should be in relatively low frequency. Due to the need for pruning loci with low-frequency null alleles, more loci also need to be sampled with RAPDs than with more conventional markers, and sole problems of bias cannot be completely eliminated.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例词汇describe•Author(s): CLONINGER, CR; SVRAKIC, DM; PRZYBECK, TR•Title: A PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL MODEL OF TEMPERAMENT AND CHARACTER•Source: ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, 50 (12): 975-990 DEC 1993《普通精神病学纪要》美国•引言部分回顾研究背景,常用词汇describe 被引用926•Abstract: In this study, we describe a psychobiological model of the structure and development of personality that accounts for dimensions of both temperament and character. Previous research has confirmed four dimensions of temperament: novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence, and persistence, which are independently heritable, manifest early in life, and involve preconceptual biases in perceptual memory and habit formation. For the first time, we describe three dimensions of character that mature in adulthood and influence personal and social effectiveness by insight learning about self-concepts.Self-concepts vary according to the extent to which a person identifies the self as (1) an autonomous individual, (2) an integral part of humanity, and (3) an integral part of the universe as a whole. Each aspect of self-concept corresponds to one of three character dimensions called self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence, respectively. We also describe the conceptual background and development of a self-report measure of these dimensions, the Temperament and Character Inventory. Data on 300 individuals from the general population support the reliability and structure of these seven personality dimensions. We discuss the implications for studies of information processing, inheritance, development, diagnosis, and treatment.摘要引言部分案例•(2)说明写作目的,常用词汇有purpose, attempt, aimSCI高被引摘要引言部分案例attempt说明写作目的•Author(s): Donoho, DL; Johnstone, IM•Title: Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage•Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 90 (432): 1200-1224 DEC 1995 《美国统计学会志》被引用429次•Abstract: We attempt to recover a function of unknown smoothness from noisy sampled data. We introduce a procedure, SureShrink, that suppresses noise by thresholding the empirical wavelet coefficients. The thresholding is adaptive: A threshold level is assigned to each dyadic resolution level by the principle of minimizing the Stein unbiased estimate of risk (Sure) for threshold estimates. The computational effort of the overall procedure is order N.log(N) as a function of the sample size N. SureShrink is smoothness adaptive: If the unknown function contains jumps, then the reconstruction (essentially) does also; if the unknown function has a smooth piece, then the reconstruction is (essentially) as smooth as the mother wavelet will allow. The procedure is in a sense optimally smoothness adaptive: It is near minimax simultaneously over a whole interval of the Besov scale; the size of this interval depends on the choice of mother wavelet. We know from a previous paper by the authors that traditional smoothing methods-kernels, splines, and orthogonal series estimates-even with optimal choices of the smoothing parameter, would be unable to perform in a near-minimax way over many spaces in the Besov scale.Examples of SureShrink are given. The advantages of the method are particularly evident when the underlying function has jump discontinuities on a smooth backgroundSCI高被引摘要引言部分案例To investigate说明写作目的•Author(s): OLTV AI, ZN; MILLIMAN, CL; KORSMEYER, SJ•Title: BCL-2 HETERODIMERIZES IN-VIVO WITH A CONSERVED HOMOLOG, BAX, THAT ACCELERATES PROGRAMMED CELL-DEATH•Source: CELL, 74 (4): 609-619 AUG 27 1993 被引用3233•Abstract: Bcl-2 protein is able to repress a number of apoptotic death programs. To investigate the mechanism of Bcl-2's effect, we examined whether Bcl-2 interacted with other proteins. We identified an associated 21 kd protein partner, Bax, that has extensive amino acid homology with Bcl-2, focused within highly conserved domains I and II. Bax is encoded by six exons and demonstrates a complex pattern of alternative RNA splicing that predicts a 21 kd membrane (alpha) and two forms of cytosolic protein (beta and gamma). Bax homodimerizes and forms heterodimers with Bcl-2 in vivo. Overexpressed Bax accelerates apoptotic death induced by cytokine deprivation in an IL-3-dependent cell line. Overexpressed Bax also counters the death repressor activity of Bcl-2. These data suggest a model in which the ratio of Bcl-2 to Bax determines survival or death following an apoptotic stimulus.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例purposes说明写作目的•Author(s): ROGERS, FJ; IGLESIAS, CA•Title: RADIATIVE ATOMIC ROSSELAND MEAN OPACITY TABLES•Source: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 79 (2): 507-568 APR 1992 《天体物理学杂志增刊》美国SCI被引用512•Abstract: For more than two decades the astrophysics community has depended on opacity tables produced at Los Alamos. In the present work we offer new radiative Rosseland mean opacity tables calculated with the OPAL code developed independently at LLNL. We give extensive results for the recent Anders-Grevesse mixture which allow accurate interpolation in temperature, density, hydrogen mass fraction, as well as metal mass fraction. The tables are organized differently from previous work. Instead of rows and columns of constant temperature and density, we use temperature and follow tracks of constant R, where R = density/(temperature)3. The range of R and temperature are such as to cover typical stellar conditions from the interior through the envelope and the hotter atmospheres. Cool atmospheres are not considered since photoabsorption by molecules is neglected. Only radiative processes are taken into account so that electron conduction is not included. For comparison purposes we present some opacity tables for the Ross-Aller and Cox-Tabor metal abundances. Although in many regions the OPAL opacities are similar to previous work, large differences are reported.For example, factors of 2-3 opacity enhancements are found in stellar envelop conditions.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例aim说明写作目的•Author(s):EDV ARDSSON, B; ANDERSEN, J; GUSTAFSSON, B; LAMBERT, DL;NISSEN, PE; TOMKIN, J•Title:THE CHEMICAL EVOLUTION OF THE GALACTIC DISK .1. ANALYSISAND RESULTS•Source: ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 275 (1): 101-152 AUG 1993 《天文学与天体物理学》被引用934•Abstract:With the aim to provide observational constraints on the evolution of the galactic disk, we have derived abundances of 0, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Y, Zr, Ba and Nd, as well as individual photometric ages, for 189 nearby field F and G disk dwarfs.The galactic orbital properties of all stars have been derived from accurate kinematic data, enabling estimates to be made of the distances from the galactic center of the stars‘ birthplaces. 结构式摘要•Our extensive high resolution, high S/N, spectroscopic observations of carefully selected northern and southern stars provide accurate equivalent widths of up to 86 unblended absorption lines per star between 5000 and 9000 angstrom. The abundance analysis was made with greatly improved theoretical LTE model atmospheres. Through the inclusion of a great number of iron-peak element absorption lines the model fluxes reproduce the observed UV and visual fluxes with good accuracy. A new theoretical calibration of T(eff) as a function of Stromgren b - y for solar-type dwarfs has been established. The new models and T(eff) scale are shown to yield good agreement between photometric and spectroscopic measurements of effective temperatures and surface gravities, but the photometrically derived very high overall metallicities for the most metal rich stars are not supported by the spectroscopic analysis of weak spectral lines.•Author(s): PAYNE, MC; TETER, MP; ALLAN, DC; ARIAS, TA; JOANNOPOULOS, JD•Title:ITERA TIVE MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR ABINITIO TOTAL-ENERGY CALCULATIONS - MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS AND CONJUGA TE GRADIENTS•Source: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 64 (4): 1045-1097 OCT 1992 《现代物理学评论》美国American Physical Society SCI被引用2654 •Abstract: This article describes recent technical developments that have made the total-energy pseudopotential the most powerful ab initio quantum-mechanical modeling method presently available. In addition to presenting technical details of the pseudopotential method, the article aims to heighten awareness of the capabilities of the method in order to stimulate its application to as wide a range of problems in as many scientific disciplines as possible.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例includes介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围•Author(s):MARCHESINI, G; WEBBER, BR; ABBIENDI, G; KNOWLES, IG;SEYMOUR, MH; STANCO, L•Title: HERWIG 5.1 - A MONTE-CARLO EVENT GENERA TOR FOR SIMULATING HADRON EMISSION REACTIONS WITH INTERFERING GLUONS SCI被引用955次•Source: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 67 (3): 465-508 JAN 1992:《计算机物理学通讯》荷兰Elsevier•Abstract: HERWIG is a general-purpose particle-physics event generator, which includes the simulation of hard lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering and soft hadron-hadron collisions in one package. It uses the parton-shower approach for initial-state and final-state QCD radiation, including colour coherence effects and azimuthal correlations both within and between jets. This article includes a brief review of the physics underlying HERWIG, followed by a description of the program itself. This includes details of the input and control parameters used by the program, and the output data provided by it. Sample output from a typical simulation is given and annotated.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例presents介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围•Author(s): IDSO, KE; IDSO, SB•Title: PLANT-RESPONSES TO ATMOSPHERIC CO2 ENRICHMENT IN THE FACE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS - A REVIEW OF THE PAST 10 YEARS RESEARCH•Source: AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 69 (3-4): 153-203 JUL 1994 《农业和林业气象学》荷兰Elsevier 被引用225•Abstract:This paper presents a detailed analysis of several hundred plant carbon exchange rate (CER) and dry weight (DW) responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment determined over the past 10 years. It demonstrates that the percentage increase in plant growth produced by raising the air's CO2 content is generally not reduced by less than optimal levels of light, water or soil nutrients, nor by high temperatures, salinity or gaseous air pollution. More often than not, in fact, the data show the relative growth-enhancing effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment to be greatest when resource limitations and environmental stresses are most severe.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围emphasizing •Author(s): BESAG, J; GREEN, P; HIGDON, D; MENGERSEN, K•Title: BAYESIAN COMPUTATION AND STOCHASTIC-SYSTEMS•Source: STATISTICAL SCIENCE, 10 (1): 3-41 FEB 1995《统计科学》美国•SCI被引用296次•Abstract: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods have been used extensively in statistical physics over the last 40 years, in spatial statistics for the past 20 and in Bayesian image analysis over the last decade. In the last five years, MCMC has been introduced into significance testing, general Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood estimation. This paper presents basic methodology of MCMC, emphasizing the Bayesian paradigm, conditional probability and the intimate relationship with Markov random fields in spatial statistics.Hastings algorithms are discussed, including Gibbs, Metropolis and some other variations. Pairwise difference priors are described and are used subsequently in three Bayesian applications, in each of which there is a pronounced spatial or temporal aspect to the modeling. The examples involve logistic regression in the presence of unobserved covariates and ordinal factors; the analysis of agricultural field experiments, with adjustment for fertility gradients; and processing oflow-resolution medical images obtained by a gamma camera. Additional methodological issues arise in each of these applications and in the Appendices. The paper lays particular emphasis on the calculation of posterior probabilities and concurs with others in its view that MCMC facilitates a fundamental breakthrough in applied Bayesian modeling.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围focuses •Author(s): HUNT, KJ; SBARBARO, D; ZBIKOWSKI, R; GAWTHROP, PJ•Title: NEURAL NETWORKS FOR CONTROL-SYSTEMS - A SURVEY•Source: AUTOMA TICA, 28 (6): 1083-1112 NOV 1992《自动学》荷兰Elsevier•SCI被引用427次•Abstract:This paper focuses on the promise of artificial neural networks in the realm of modelling, identification and control of nonlinear systems. The basic ideas and techniques of artificial neural networks are presented in language and notation familiar to control engineers. Applications of a variety of neural network architectures in control are surveyed. We explore the links between the fields of control science and neural networks in a unified presentation and identify key areas for future research.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围focus•Author(s): Stuiver, M; Reimer, PJ; Bard, E; Beck, JW;•Title: INTCAL98 radiocarbon age calibration, 24,000-0 cal BP•Source: RADIOCARBON, 40 (3): 1041-1083 1998《放射性碳》美国SCI被引用2131次•Abstract: The focus of this paper is the conversion of radiocarbon ages to calibrated (cal) ages for the interval 24,000-0 cal BP (Before Present, 0 cal BP = AD 1950), based upon a sample set of dendrochronologically dated tree rings, uranium-thorium dated corals, and varve-counted marine sediment. The C-14 age-cal age information, produced by many laboratories, is converted to Delta(14)C profiles and calibration curves, for the atmosphere as well as the oceans. We discuss offsets in measured C-14 ages and the errors therein, regional C-14 age differences, tree-coral C-14 age comparisons and the time dependence of marine reservoir ages, and evaluate decadal vs. single-year C-14 results. Changes in oceanic deepwater circulation, especially for the 16,000-11,000 cal sp interval, are reflected in the Delta(14)C values of INTCAL98.SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例介绍论文的重点内容或研究范围emphasis •Author(s): LEBRETON, JD; BURNHAM, KP; CLOBERT, J; ANDERSON, DR•Title: MODELING SURVIV AL AND TESTING BIOLOGICAL HYPOTHESES USING MARKED ANIMALS - A UNIFIED APPROACH WITH CASE-STUDIES •Source: ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, 62 (1): 67-118 MAR 1992•《生态学论丛》美国•Abstract: The understanding of the dynamics of animal populations and of related ecological and evolutionary issues frequently depends on a direct analysis of life history parameters. For instance, examination of trade-offs between reproduction and survival usually rely on individually marked animals, for which the exact time of death is most often unknown, because marked individuals cannot be followed closely through time.Thus, the quantitative analysis of survival studies and experiments must be based oncapture-recapture (or resighting) models which consider, besides the parameters of primary interest, recapture or resighting rates that are nuisance parameters. 结构式摘要•T his paper synthesizes, using a common framework, these recent developments together with new ones, with an emphasis on flexibility in modeling, model selection, and the analysis of multiple data sets. The effects on survival and capture rates of time, age, and categorical variables characterizing the individuals (e.g., sex) can be considered, as well as interactions between such effects. This "analysis of variance" philosophy emphasizes the structure of the survival and capture process rather than the technical characteristics of any particular model. The flexible array of models encompassed in this synthesis uses a common notation. As a result of the great level of flexibility and relevance achieved, the focus is changed from fitting a particular model to model building and model selection.SCI摘要方法部分案例•方法部分•(1)介绍研究或试验过程,常用词汇有test,study, investigate, examine,experiment, discuss, consider, analyze, analysis等•(2)说明研究或试验方法,常用词汇有measure, estimate, calculate等•(3)介绍应用、用途,常用词汇有use, apply, application等SCI高被引摘要方法部分案例discusses介绍研究或试验过程•Author(s): LIANG, KY; ZEGER, SL; QAQISH, B•Title: MULTIV ARIATE REGRESSION-ANAL YSES FOR CATEGORICAL-DATA •Source:JOURNAL OF THE ROY AL STA TISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES B-METHODOLOGICAL, 54 (1): 3-40 1992《皇家统计学会志,B辑:统计方法论》•SCI被引用298•Abstract: It is common to observe a vector of discrete and/or continuous responses in scientific problems where the objective is to characterize the dependence of each response on explanatory variables and to account for the association between the outcomes. The response vector can comprise repeated observations on one variable, as in longitudinal studies or genetic studies of families, or can include observations for different variables.This paper discusses a class of models for the marginal expectations of each response and for pairwise associations. The marginal models are contrasted with log-linear models.Two generalized estimating equation approaches are compared for parameter estimation.The first focuses on the regression parameters; the second simultaneously estimates the regression and association parameters. The robustness and efficiency of each is discussed.The methods are illustrated with analyses of two data sets from public health research SCI高被引摘要方法部分案例介绍研究或试验过程examines•Author(s): Huo, QS; Margolese, DI; Stucky, GD•Title: Surfactant control of phases in the synthesis of mesoporous silica-based materials •Source: CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 8 (5): 1147-1160 MAY 1996•SCI被引用643次《材料的化学性质》美国•Abstract: The low-temperature formation of liquid-crystal-like arrays made up of molecular complexes formed between molecular inorganic species and amphiphilic organic molecules is a convenient approach for the synthesis of mesostructure materials.This paper examines how the molecular shapes of covalent organosilanes, quaternary ammonium surfactants, and mixed surfactants in various reaction conditions can be used to synthesize silica-based mesophase configurations, MCM-41 (2d hexagonal, p6m), MCM-48 (cubic Ia3d), MCM-50 (lamellar), SBA-1 (cubic Pm3n), SBA-2 (3d hexagonal P6(3)/mmc), and SBA-3(hexagonal p6m from acidic synthesis media). The structural function of surfactants in mesophase formation can to a first approximation be related to that of classical surfactants in water or other solvents with parallel roles for organic additives. The effective surfactant ion pair packing parameter, g = V/alpha(0)l, remains a useful molecular structure-directing index to characterize the geometry of the mesophase products, and phase transitions may be viewed as a variation of g in the liquid-crystal-Like solid phase. Solvent and cosolvent structure direction can be effectively used by varying polarity, hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties and functionalizing the surfactant molecule, for example with hydroxy group or variable charge. Surfactants and synthesis conditions can be chosen and controlled to obtain predicted silica-based mesophase products. A room-temperature synthesis of the bicontinuous cubic phase, MCM-48, is presented. A low-temperature (100 degrees C) and low-pH (7-10) treatment approach that can be used to give MCM-41 with high-quality, large pores (up to 60 Angstrom), and pore volumes as large as 1.6 cm(3)/g is described.Estimates 介绍研究或试验过程SCI高被引摘要方法部分案例•Author(s): KESSLER, RC; MCGONAGLE, KA; ZHAO, SY; NELSON, CB; HUGHES, M; ESHLEMAN, S; WITTCHEN, HU; KENDLER, KS•Title:LIFETIME AND 12-MONTH PREV ALENCE OF DSM-III-R PSYCHIATRIC-DISORDERS IN THE UNITED-STA TES - RESULTS FROM THE NATIONAL-COMORBIDITY-SURVEY•Source: ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, 51 (1): 8-19 JAN 1994•《普通精神病学纪要》美国SCI被引用4350次•Abstract: Background: This study presents estimates of lifetime and 12-month prevalence of 14 DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders from the National Comorbidity Survey, the first survey to administer a structured psychiatric interview to a national probability sample in the United States.Methods: The DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders among persons aged 15 to 54 years in the noninstitutionalized civilian population of the United States were assessed with data collected by lay interviewers using a revised version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Results: Nearly 50% of respondents reported at least one lifetime disorder, and close to 30% reported at least one 12-month disorder. The most common disorders were major depressive episode, alcohol dependence, social phobia, and simple phobia. More than half of all lifetime disorders occurred in the 14% of the population who had a history of three or more comorbid disorders. These highly comorbid people also included the vast majority of people with severe disorders.Less than 40% of those with a lifetime disorder had ever received professional treatment,and less than 20% of those with a recent disorder had been in treatment during the past 12 months. Consistent with previous risk factor research, it was found that women had elevated rates of affective disorders and anxiety disorders, that men had elevated rates of substance use disorders and antisocial personality disorder, and that most disorders declined with age and with higher socioeconomic status. Conclusions: The prevalence of psychiatric disorders is greater than previously thought to be the case. Furthermore, this morbidity is more highly concentrated than previously recognized in roughly one sixth of the population who have a history of three or more comorbid disorders. This suggests that the causes and consequences of high comorbidity should be the focus of research attention. The majority of people with psychiatric disorders fail to obtain professional treatment. Even among people with a lifetime history of three or more comorbid disorders, the proportion who ever obtain specialty sector mental health treatment is less than 50%.These results argue for the importance of more outreach and more research on barriers to professional help-seekingSCI高被引摘要方法部分案例说明研究或试验方法measure•Author(s): Schlegel, DJ; Finkbeiner, DP; Davis, M•Title:Maps of dust infrared emission for use in estimation of reddening and cosmic microwave background radiation foregrounds•Source: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 500 (2): 525-553 Part 1 JUN 20 1998 SCI 被引用2972 次《天体物理学杂志》美国•The primary use of these maps is likely to be as a new estimator of Galactic extinction. To calibrate our maps, we assume a standard reddening law and use the colors of elliptical galaxies to measure the reddening per unit flux density of 100 mu m emission. We find consistent calibration using the B-R color distribution of a sample of the 106 brightest cluster ellipticals, as well as a sample of 384 ellipticals with B-V and Mg line strength measurements. For the latter sample, we use the correlation of intrinsic B-V versus Mg, index to tighten the power of the test greatly. We demonstrate that the new maps are twice as accurate as the older Burstein-Heiles reddening estimates in regions of low and moderate reddening. The maps are expected to be significantly more accurate in regions of high reddening. These dust maps will also be useful for estimating millimeter emission that contaminates cosmic microwave background radiation experiments and for estimating soft X-ray absorption. We describe how to access our maps readily for general use.SCI高被引摘要结果部分案例application介绍应用、用途•Author(s): MALLAT, S; ZHONG, S•Title: CHARACTERIZATION OF SIGNALS FROM MULTISCALE EDGES•Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, 14 (7): 710-732 JUL 1992•SCI被引用508次《IEEE模式分析与机器智能汇刊》美国•Abstract: A multiscale Canny edge detection is equivalent to finding the local maxima ofa wavelet transform. We study the properties of multiscale edges through the wavelet。



SVM的SMO算法实现SVM(Support Vector Machine)是一种常用的分类算法,其原理是将数据集映射到一个高维空间中,使得不同类别的样本能够被一个超平面正确分割。

SMO(Sequential Minimal Optimization)算法是一种用于求解SVM问题的优化算法,其核心思想是将大问题分解为一系列的小问题,通过迭代求解这些小问题来得到最优解。


具体的优化步骤如下:1. 选择一对需要优化的变量α_i和α_j,使用启发式方法选取这两个变量。



















完整的SMO算法实现如下:```pythondef smo(X, y, C, tol, max_iter):m, n = X.shapealpha = np.zeros(m)b=0iters = 0while iters < max_iter:alpha_changed = 0for i in range(m):E_i = np.sum(alpha * y * kernel(X, X[i, :])) + b - y[i]if (y[i] * E_i < -tol and alpha[i] < C) or (y[i] * E_i > tol and alpha[i] > 0):j = select_second_alpha(i, m)E_j = np.sum(alpha * y * kernel(X, X[j, :])) + b - y[j]alpha_i_old = alpha[i]alpha_j_old = alpha[j]if y[i] != y[j]:L = max(0, alpha[j] - alpha[i])H = min(C, C + alpha[j] - alpha[i])else:L = max(0, alpha[i] + alpha[j] - C)H = min(C, alpha[i] + alpha[j])if L == H:continueeta = 2 * kernel(X[i, :], X[j, :]) - kernel(X[i, :], X[i, :]) - kernel(X[j, :], X[j, :])if eta >= 0:continuealpha[j] = alpha[j] - y[j] * (E_i - E_j) / etaalpha[j] = clip_alpha(alpha[j], H, L)continuealpha[i] = alpha[i] + y[i] * y[j] * (alpha_j_old - alpha[j]) b1 = b - E_i - y[i] * (alpha[i] - alpha_i_old) *kernel(X[i, :], X[i, :]) - y[j] * (alpha[j] - alpha_j_old) * kernel(X[i, :], X[j, :])b2 = b - E_j - y[i] * (alpha[i] - alpha_i_old) *kernel(X[i, :], X[j, :]) - y[j] * (alpha[j] - alpha_j_old) * kernel(X[j, :], X[j, :])if 0 < alpha[i] < C:b=b1elif 0 < alpha[j] < C:b=b2else:b=(b1+b2)/2alpha_changed += 1if alpha_changed == 0:iters += 1else:iters = 0return alpha, b```以上是SMO算法的简单实现,其中使用了一些辅助函数(如选择第二个变量、计算核函数等),这些函数需要根据具体的问题进行实现。



大小 k̂ 。②输出 xj。③初始化 S = {1,…,n},x0 = 0,
j = 0。④当 j ≤ M 时,置 j = j + 1。⑤选择行向量
ai,i ∈
2 2
2 F

( | ) 确 定 估 计 的 支 持 集 S,S = supp xj-1 max { k̂,n-j+1 } 。
行从而达到加快算法收敛速度的目的。算法 3 给出
稀疏贪婪随机 Kaczmarz 算法。
算法 3 稀疏贪婪随机 Kaczmarz 算法。①输入
A∈ Rm×n,b ∈ Rm,最大迭代数 M 和估计的支持集的
大 小 k̂ 。 ② 输 出 xk。 ③ 初 始 化 S = {1,…,n},x0 =
* 0


( {| | } ϵk=
1 2
1 - Ax‖k 22
1≤ ik ≤ m
bik - aik xk 2
‖ ik
2 2
2 F
{ | | } Uk =
bik - aik xk

ϵ‖k b
‖22 a
‖ ik
2 2
ï í
ï î
l∈S l ∈ Sc
其中,j 为迭代步数。当 j → ∞ 时,wj⊙ai → aiS,因此










对于一个样本点(xi, yi),它距离超平面的几何间隔定义为γi=yi(w·xi+b)/,w。

SVM的最优化问题可以转化为如下的凸优化问题:min ,w,^2/2s.t. yi(w·xi+b)≥ 1, i=1,2,...,n这个优化问题的目标是最小化w的范数的平方,即使得超平面的间隔最大化。




通过引入拉格朗日乘子αi≥0,对每个约束条件(yi(w·xi+b)≥1)引入拉格朗日乘子αi,可以得到拉格朗日函数:L(w, b, α) = 1/2,w,^2 - Σαi(yi(w·xi+b) - 1)其中,α=(α1,α2,...,αn)T是拉格朗日乘子向量。

然后,可以通过对L(w,b,α)分别对w和b求偏导并令其等于0,得到w和b的解:w = ΣαiyixiΣαiyi = 0将w代入拉格朗日函数中,可得到关于α的对偶问题:max Σα - 1/2ΣΣαiαjyiyj(xi·xj)s.t. Σαiyi = 0αi≥0,i=1,2,...,n这是一个凸优化问题,通过求解对偶问题得到的α可以进一步求解最优的超平面。






将键长相近的,如B12 1.08589B13 1.08581B14 1.08544键角相近的,如A6 119.66589A7 120.46585A8 119.36016二面角相近的如D10 -179.82816D11 -179.71092都改为一致,听说这样可以减少变量,提高计算效率,是吗?在第一步和在以后取某些键长键角相等,感觉是一样的。







例如对苯分子分子指定部分如下:CC 1 B1C 2 B2 1 A1C 3 B3 2 A2 1 D1C 4 B4 3 A3 2 D2C 1 B5 2 A4 3 D3H 1 B6 2 A5 3 D4H 2 B7 1 A6 6 D5H 3 B8 2 A7 1 D6H 4 B9 3 A8 2 D7H 5 B10 4 A9 3 D8H 6 B11 1 A10 2 D9B1 1.395160B2 1.394712B3 1.395427B4 1.394825B5 1.394829B6 1.099610B7 1.099655B8 1.099680B9 1.099680B10 1.099761 B11 1.099604 A1 120.008632 A2 119.994165 A3 119.993992 A4 119.998457 A5 119.997223 A6 119.980770 A7 120.012795 A8 119.981142 A9 120.011343 A10 120.007997 D1 -0.056843 D2 0.034114 D3 0.032348 D4 -179.972926 D5 179.953248 D6 179.961852 D7 -179.996436 D8 -179.999514 D9 179.989175参数很多,但是通过对称性原则,并且采用亚原子可以将参数减少为:XX 1 B0C 1 B1 2 A1C 1 B1 2 A1 3 D1C 1 B1 2 A1 4 D1C 1 B1 2 A1 5 D1C 1 B1 2 A1 6 D1C 1 B1 2 A1 7 D1H 1 B2 2 A1 8 D1H 1 B2 2 A1 3 D1H 1 B2 2 A1 4 D1H 1 B2 2 A1 5 D1H 1 B2 2 A1 6 D1H 1 B2 2 A1 7 D1B0 1.0B1 1.2B2 2.2A1 90.0D1 60.0对于这两个工作,所用的时间为57s和36s,对称性为C01和D6H,明显后者要远远优于前者。




















┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊Mode-space spatial spectral estimation forcircular arraysR.Eiges,PhDH.D.Griffiths,PhD,CEng,MlEEFrom:IEE Proc.-Radar,Sonar Naoig.,Vol.141,No.6,December1994Abstract:The application of super resolution techniques to circular arrays in mode space is proposed.This formulation allows the use of algorithms that are otherwise specific to equispaced linear arrays,with the added benefit of full360°azimuth coverage. Coherent signals can be de-correlated by a mode-space version of the spatial smoothing technique,and,in the case of broadband signals,through an inherent property of direction-independent frequency-domain smoothing.Indexing term:Circular arrays,Super-resolution techniques,Spatial spectral estimation I.INTRODUCTIONOver the last three decades there has been tremendous interest in surpassing the Rayleigh resolution limit of spatial spectral estimation.A variety of superresolution algorithms have been developed and analysed,among them one-dimensional parameter-search methods such as Capon’s MVDR,Burg’s Max-Entropy,MUSIC and Min-Norm[l-51,search-free methods such as ESPRIT and TAM[6,71and multidimensional-search schemes such as IMP,Stochastic and Deterministic Max-Likelihood and WSF[8-111.A number of these estimators have either been restricted or better modelled,when applied to equispaced linear arrays.The inherent symmetry and full peripheral coverage that characterize sensor arrays with circular geometry have,rather surprisingly,attracted only limited interest[12-171.Superresolution estimators may be directly applied to the signals received by the array elements,but it often proves beneficial to preprocess the array outputs,transforming the superresolution scheme from‘element space’onto‘beam space’.In this paper we propose and discuss the merits of a particularly useful transformation from element space to circular-array mode space,sometimes referred to as spatial harmonics.Such preprocessing transformation has been suggested in the past┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊where a scheme akin to Prony’s method was applied for solving the multiple source problem[18].More recently,the Maximum Likelihood and the Root-MUSIC estimators as well as a linear prediction technique have been reformulated for the case of isotropic circular-array elements in mode space[14-161,with the Root-MUSIC algorithm also adapted to phase-mode-based beamspace[17].II.Circular-array mode spaceA phase mode is formed when a spatial discrete Fourier transform(DFT)is applied to the element outputs of a circular array.The excitation of each phase mode in a horizontally oriented equispaced M-element circular array has been shown to yield a far-field pattern),,(ωϕθuΦwhich,for sufficiently small inter-element spacing,and phase periodicity(mode number)lower than M/2,approaches omnidirectionality in amplitude at each constant-elevation observation cut,with linear phaseagainst-angle characteristics[19]2/),(),(),,()(MutermsdistortioneCeCjuqqqMujuqu<+==Φ−∞−∞=+−∑ωϕϕθωθωωϕθ(1)In eqn.1,)1(−=j,u is the mode number,w is the(angular)frequency, ),(ϕθare the usual spherical coordinate angles(withϕmeasured on the azimuth plane of the array)and{),(θωuqC}are phase mode coefficients whose frequency characteristics depend on the element patterns.For symmetrically identical element patterns of the forms∑∞−∞==ijiiehgωωθωϕθ),(),,(),(θωuC is given by)sin(),(),()(θωωθθωcRJhjCiuiiiuu+∞−∞=+∑=where R and c denote the array radius and the speed of propagation,respectively, and)(zJnis a Bessel function of the first kind of order n and argument z.A special case is that of azimuthally omnidirectional radiators,i.e.0,0≠=ihifor which)sin()(),(θωθθωcRJhjCuuu=Thus,whenever the frequency and the array radius are such that ()[]sin/θωcRJuhits one of its zeros,there will effectively be a'hole'in the far-fieldcircumferential coverage of that mode around elevationθθ=,[providedθis within the angular coverage of)(θh].In the vicinity of the zero,the far-field azimuth pattern is not completely cut out,but ripple from higher-order terms(especially those characterised by1±=q)will dominate,and thus limit the practical usefulness of that mode.If on the┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊other hand the element patterns are of the form()⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+==ϕθϕθϕθθθcos2121)(2cos)(,2gggthen⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛=θωθωθθωθsinsin)(2),('0cRjJcRJgjCuuuuwhere)('⋅vJ signifies the derivative of the Bessel function of the first kind withrespect to its argument.Since the zeros of)(⋅vJ and of)('⋅vJ do not coincide for any v,it follows that for this type of element pattern the phase mode coefficients never fall to zero. In fact the above phase mode coefficient is close to'ideal'in its broadband behaviour,as is revealed by examining the asymptotic expression for the relevant Bessel functions of large arguments()()[]θωπθθπωθθωsin)/(2/14/sin/2)(~,c RjjueRcegC−which is linear in its phase response,although requiring amplitude equalisation for broadband operation.In general,the broadband alignment of a set of phase modes for a given elevation angle involves the mode-wise deconvolution of their zero-order(q=0) coefficients.This has been demonstrated for a circular array of directional elements fed by an analogue Butler matrix[20]and is similarly implementable in the context of a digital DFT beamformer[21].III.Mode-space formulationDenoting the number of circular-array sensors and number of far-field signal sources, respectively,by M and K,the vector x of complex(analytic-al)signals received by the array sensors is expressible,under single-frequency narrowband conditions as)()()()(twt sAt x+=ω(2) where[]TKtststst s)(...)()()(110−=and[]TMtwtwtwtw)(...)()()(110−=(with[]T⋅denoting transposition)are the corresponding source signal and noise vectors,and)(ωA is the M x K steering matrix,each of whose columns denote the arrayresponse at frequencyω,to a plane wave incident from one of the K source bearings.The narrowband preprocessing transformation of a circular sensor array from M-dimensional element space onto M'-dimensional azimuth-plane mode space may be┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊represented by the matrix operation)()(t xEQt y HH=(3) where the M'x1vector y groups the complex representation of the linearlytransformed signals at the beam-former outputs,[]ΛΛ− a phasing matrix whoseΛ+=21'M orthonormal columns(Λis the absolute mode number of the highest processed phase mode)are given by()[]T u M mjumjumjueeeME)1)(/2(2)/2()/2(2/1...1/1−=πππΛ≤≤Λ−u(4) and Q is an M'x M'diagonal matrix whose uu th element is given by[])2/,(/1*2/1πωuuuCMQ=Λ≤≤Λ−u(5) with(.)*and denoting the complex conjugation and complex conjugate transposition,respectively.A similar formulation also appears in Reference17for the case of isotropic array sensors.From eqns.2and3one has)()()()(twEQt sAEQt y HHHH+=ω(6)and the M'x M''mode-space'covariance matrix(assuming zero-mean signals uncorrelated with zero-mean noises)is given bywHsyRARAR~~~+=(7)Where is the expectation operatorAEQA HH=~(8)EQREQRwHHw=~(9)HsssRξ=and HwwwRξ=are the source signal and(element-space)noise covariance matrices,respectively,and for spatially-white homoscedastic noise ofelement-space variance(noise power)2wσQQR Hww2~σ=(10) Although the mode-space noise remains spatially white,the noise powers at the phase-mode outputs are not the same.However,the spatial whiteness assumption which leads to eqn.10,although reasonable as far as internally generated(thermal)noise is concerned,does not necessarily hold for spatial contributions from ambient noise fields. Denoting the spatial power density of the ambient noise field by),,(ϕθωN,and the cross-spectral density matrix of the ambient noise field contribution at the M'mode outputs by)(~ωwaP we have,for a circular array of closely spaced sensors in a noise field that is statistically independent with respect to direction┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊[]∫∫−−−×≈ππϕπϕθωϕθπωπωθωθωθω)(**0''''''''''),,(sin)2/,()2/,(),(),()(~uujuuuuuuweNdCCCCdP(11)where[]u uwP')(~ωenotes the'''uu th element ofwaP~.If the noise field is omnidirectional inφand concentrated around zero(2/πθ=)elevation,then[]⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≠=×≈∫''''''sin),()2/,(/)2/,(2~'''''uuuuNCCdP uuuwauθθωπωπωθππ(12))(~ωwaP is then a diagonal matrix with equal elements,and,for the narrowband problem,so is the spatial covariance matrix contributed by the ambient noise field.A similar result is obtained for the(element-space)covariance matrix of a linear array in an isotropic or hemispherically-isotropic noise field,provided that the array sensors are isotropic and spaced half a wavelength apart[22].Taking the(internally generated) thermal noise power to be relatively small(which is a fair assumption in the case of a sonar system[22]),the noise at the phase-mode outputs of a(horizontal)circular-array is thus seen to be spatially white and homoscedastic,for a noise field that is omnidirectional in azimuth and impulsive at zero elevation.Note that in the context of an underwater sonar system,the elevation-wise confined noise model is not unreasonable,especially under a cylindrical array geometry in which the directivity in elevation is increased.This noise model allows the convenient eigen-decomposition of the mode-space covariance matrix in estimation algorithms such as MUSIC and the Min-Norm method.In contrast,the element-space covariance matrix for a circular array or a linear array with non-isotropic sensors in an isotropic noise-field,or that of a horizontal linear array under an azimuthally omnidirectional noise-field that varies in elevation are not white.From eqn.1it also follows that for closely spaced array elements each column of A~is approximately given by[]1...1~)1(21'−≤≤=Λ−−−KkzzzzAkTMkkkk(13)where for each direction of arrival(DOA)kφϕ=10−≤≤=Kkez k jkφ(14) The modified M'x K steering matrix A~may thus be written as┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝⎛×⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝⎛=Λ−ΛΛ−−−−−−−−−−−−1)1()1()1(222111.......................111~KkMKMkMKkKkzzzzzzzzzzzzA(15)The first matrix on the right-hand side of eqn.15is characterized by a Vandermondestructure and consequently has full rank K for K distinct DOA angles{kφ}and therefore Kdistinctkz,while the diagonal matrix which multiplies it from the right is clearly non-singular.A~is thus a full rank matrix whose structure is identical to that of the steering matrix of a linear array of M'equal-pattern uniformly spaced sensors.Note though that since in the case of a linear array with half-wavelength inter-element spacing kjkezθπsin=,the equivalence is between360°in(circular-array)φ-space and180°in(linear-array)sinθspace.Since the mode-space signal-only covariance matrix and radiation pattern of a uniformly spaced circular array are of the same structure as the corresponding signal-only covariance matrix and radiation pattern of a uniformly spaced linear array under element-space formulation,and as,under isotropic noise-field conditions or-azimuthally-omnidirectional/elevation-wise-impulsive noise(for the circular array),the noise covariance matrix is in both cases diagonal and with equal elements,it follows that super-resolution schemes which are ordinarily restricted to uniformly spaced linear arrays in element-space,are equally applicable to uniformly spaced circular arrays in mode-space. That includes multiple invariance(overlapped)ESPRIT,TAM,the Max-Entropy and Min-Norm methods,as well as root-finding versions of all one-dimensional parameter-search algorithms.IV.Mode-space spatial smoothingPreprocessing in the form of spatial or frequency-domain smoothing is required by eigenstructure-based super resolution algorithms,such as MUSIC,Min-Norm and the ESPRIT method,to enable them to cope with coherent signals.When some of the receivedsignals are coherent,the signal covariance matrixsR,becomes rank-deficient,and consequently the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix sR becomes rank-deficient,and consequently the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix Hxxξ(or Hyyξ)associated with its minimal eigenvalue is no longer orthogonal to the columns of the steering matrix)~(AA.Thus,although these DOA estimators are asymptotically unbiased for uncorrelated or partially correlated signals,they┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊may completely fail in the presence of multipath image sources'or when subjected to coherent jamming.The spatial smoothing technique for the decorrelation of coherent signals was first introduced by Evans[23]and further developed and analysed by Shan[24]and by a number of other authors.As formulated for a uniformly spaced linear array of identical sensors,the scheme involves the reduction of the spatial covariance matrix into a set of 'partial'covariance matrices defined for a corresponding set of equal-size(interlaced)sub-arrays,each with a different phase-center.These matrices are averaged to form the 'smoothed'covariance matrix,which can be shown to have the same structure as the covariance matrix for noncoherent signals.The effective size of the array is,however, reduced to the sub-array size,which implies a lower angular resolution.Consider the M'aligned outputs of phase-modes{}Λ+Λ−Λ−...1formed by applying the preprocessing transformation(eqn.3)to the element channels of an M-sensor circular array,and let the approximate far-field radiation pattern of the phase-modes in the above set be given by eqn.1.Next,form the following(M'-M"+1) overlapping subsets of M"aligned phase-modes{}}...21{}1...11{1...1''''''Λ−+−Λ+−Λ+Λ−+Λ−+Λ−−+Λ−+Λ−Λ−MMMand denote byvy,v=0,1,...,M'-M the vector of aligned phase-modes belonging to the vth subset.Under narrowband formulation we then have)()()()()(*tyt sBtynvv+Ψ=φωv=0,1,...,M'-M"(16) Where)(tynvis the mode-space additive noise vector belonging to the vth subset, the M"x K matrix&I,)consists of the top M"rows of the modified steering matrix)(~ωA,andϕdenotes the vth power of the K x K diagonal matrix)...()(110−=ΨK jjj eeediagφφφφ(17) The covariance matrix for the vth subset is given byΙ+ΨΨ=2~wHHvsvvBRBRσI(18)where2~wσis the(white homoscedastic)noise power at the phase-mode outputs,and I is the M"x M"identity matrix.The construction of a spatially smoothed covariance matrix R follows the lines outlined for a uniformly spaced linear array[24],according to which R is simply given by the sample mean of the subset covariances┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊Ι+=+−=∑−=2'''~11~'''wHsMMvvyBRBRMMRσ(19)wheresR~,the modified signal covariance matrix,is given by∑−=ΨΨ+−=''''''11MMvHvsvsRMMR(20)Also,from Reference24,the modified signal covariance matrixsR will be of fullrank as long as(M'-M+1)>K,which together with the condition M">K needed for the subsequent eigen-decomposition procedure,means that we must also have M'2K.Sincethe smoothed covariance matrixyR is of exactly the same signal and noise structure as the(unsmoothed)covariance matrix for the incoherent signal case,it is equally applicable to eigen-structure based spatial spectral estimation algorithms.The dimension of the covariance matrix is,however,reduced from M'x M'to M"x M",which may be viewed as a decrease in the effective aperture of the array.V.Frequency-domain smoothingFrequency smoothing refers to frequency-domain averaging of the preprocessed cross-spectral density matrix which has a de-correlating effect on relatively delayed signals from wideband sources.Preprocessing is necessary to enable the(modified)steering matrix to maintain the same rank1description per source over the whole frequency band, so that(essentially narrowband)eigendecomposition algorithms may be applied.A number of coherent'focusing'techniques have been considered[25-281,of which the spatial resampling method[28]is the only approach to provide true direction-independent focusing,with a single evaluation of the transformed covariance matrix that does not require preliminary estimates of source locations.This method,however,has been limited to linear equispaced arrays.Consider again the spatial preprocessing transformation(eqn.3)of a circular sensor array from M-dimensional element-space,applied this time to M'-dimensional mode-space, applied this time to generally wideband signals convolved with the array responses to temporal impulses emanating from far-field sources.The signal received at the mth array sensor is given by∫∞∞−=+=tjmkmkmkmkmeAdtatwtstatxωωωπ)(21)()()(*)()(10,10−≤≤−≤≤KkMm(21)with*denoting convolution,and let each phase-mode be(digitally or analogue)filtered so that the response of its zero-order coefficient is de-convolved over the relevant frequency band.This means that the elements of the time-domain diagonal matrix Q in eqn.3are replaced by convolution operators,such that the temporal Fourier transformation of the covariance of the elements of At),as given by eqn.3,results in the following mode-space┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊cross-spectral density matrix(CSDM))(~)(~)()(~)()(ωωωωττωωτwHsjyyPAPAeRdP+==∫∞∞−−(22)where∫∞∞−−=ωτττωjsseRdP)()((23)∫∞∞−−=ωτττωjwweRdP)(~)((24) are the signal and mode-space noise CSDMs,respectively,and)(τsR,)(~τwR and)(τyR are the covariance matrices for the wideband time-domain signals,noise3and phase-mode outputs,respectively.The steering matrix is modified to)()(~)(~ωωωAEQA HH=(25) and in the relevant frequency band,the uu th element of)(~ωQ is given by[]Λ≤≤Λ−=uCMQuuu)2/,(/1)(~*2/1πωω(26) Note that if the inter-element spacing at the upper frequency is small in wavelengths,then A~as defined by eqn.25is approximately given by eqn.15throughout the relevant frequency band,which is the assumed bandwidth of the signals and noises and of their CSDMs.That means that the focusing stage,ordinarily required to render the steering matrix independent of frequency,is unnecessary and the mode-space covariance matrix, being the sum of the frequency-averaged signal and noise CSDMs,is also the required frequency-domain'smoothed'covariance matrix that enables a wideband source to be represented by a rank1model.VI.Simulation resultsThe spectral MUSIC algorithm has been applied to three arrays placed in an ambient Gaussian noise field(i)A10-element five-mode circular array of directional sensors[amplitude element patterns of)2/(cossin22/1ϕθ],embedded in a circumferentially isotropic and elevationwise impulsive ambient noise field,with modespace processing applied to modes numbered{-2to2).The interelement spacing is0.3wavelengths at the(narrowband) operating frequency or at the upper(octave-bandwidth)frequency.For the case under discussion these modes are effectively unrippled and may therefore'impersonate'isotropic linear-array elements.(ii)A five-element linear array of isotropic sensors at half-wavelength interelement spacing embedded in an isotropic or semi-isotropic ambient noise field.(iii)A five-element linear array of isotropic sensors at half-wavelength interelement spacing embedded in an elevation-wise-impulsive ambient noise field at2/πθ=.The signal scenario consists of two equipower zero-mean Gaussian sources at bearings o12±=φfor the circular array,and at180°o12sin±=φfor the linear array,which┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊constitutes a sixth of the null-to-null beamwidth separation for the uniformly illuminated five-mode circular array and five-element linear array,respectively.The simulated results shown below are aimed both at demonstrating mode-space superresolution processingand at comparing the performance of a(mode-space)circular array with that of an(element-space)linear array.It is important to realise that the linear-array to circulararray'equivalence'means that an M-element linear array receiving signals from directionφ,has a resolution factor of approximately(for half-wavelength interelement spacing)φπcos in its favour when compared with the M-fold mode-space processing of a circular array.This factor equals n for sources near broadside,but becomes smaller and eventually less than unity(for o72≥φ)as the location of sources moves away from broadside,and,of course,the linear array lacks the full circumferential coverage of the circular array.Also,a simple comparison of a circular and a linear arrays of equal number of elements is misleading as the generation of a set of M''well behaved'phase modes,requires a larger(typically twice)number of circular-array elements.Note for instance that mode number2/M±excited in an(even)M-element circular array is an amplitude mode that follows a spatial cosine far-field pattern[18].However,the physical size of the array will usually remain smaller than the length of a linear array of M'elements. The circular array we have chosen to simulate comprises twice the number of the simulated linear-array elements,but its diameter(for3/λinterelement spacing)is smaller than the long dimension of the corresponding(3/λ-spaced)linear array by an approximate factor of n.As far as our graphical output is concerned,all circular-array results are displayed in angle0ϕspace,whereas the linear-array outputs have been plotted againstϕsin1800. Fig.1depicts the narrowband MUSIC spectral patterns for the two arrays when the power received from each of the sources corresponds to a signal-to-noise ratio of26dB.It should be noticed that the two sources are easily resolved by both the linear array and the circular array,although the linear-array resolution appears to be somewhat better.In Fig.2, there is a99%correlationbetween the two sources,which are now also5dB more powerful.As no processing has been applied to'decorrelate'the sources,the result is an almost complete loss of resolution.This situation is remedied by applying spatial smoothing to the arrays,with the linear-array elements and similarly,the circular-array phase modes, divided into three sets of three interlaced elements and phase modes,respectively.The resulting spectral patterns are shown in Fig.3.Both the linear and the circular array have fully regained their resolving power,with the highest resolution exhibited by the circular array.But it should also be noted that the spatially-smoothed result for the linear array under an elevationwise impulsive noise field is biased by approximately3(transformed) degrees[i.e.by1sin−(3°/180°)],which may be.Attributed to its element noise not being spatially white.No such bias has been noticed in the smoothed MUSIC pattern for the circular array or for the linear array when the noise field is isotropic.┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊angleϕ-circular array,degreesϕsin180-linear array,degreesFig.1Narrowband MUSIC spectral pattern for two uncorrelated sourcesSNR=25dBa5-sensor linear array in(full or hemispherically)isotropic noiseb5-sensor linear array in elevationwise-impulsive noisec l0-sensor/5-mode circular array in elevationwise-impulsivenoiseangleϕ-circular array,degreesϕsin180-linear array,degreesFig.2Narrowband MUSIC spectral potternfor unsmoothed arrays excited by two99%correlated sources SNR=30dBa5-sensor linear array in(full or hemispherically)isotropic noiseb5-sensor linear array in elevationwise-impulsive noisec10-sensor/5-mode circular array in elevationwisc-impulve noise。

A Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language Processing一个自然语言处理的最大熵方法共33页PPT资料

A Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language Processing一个自然语言处理的最大熵方法共33页PPT资料
T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer-Verlag, 2019.
P. Baldi and S. Brunak, Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach, The MIT Press, 2019.
Maximum entropy principle:
Without any information, one chooses the density ps to maximize the entropy
ps logps s
subject to the constraints
psfi(s)Di, i
Maximum Entropy (ME) Maximum Entropy Markov Model (MEMM) Conditional Random Field (CRF)
Boltzmann-Gibbs Distribution
States s1, s2, …, sn Density p(s) = ps
Set equal the two expected values:
~ p(f)p(f)
or equivalently,
~ p ( x ,y )f( x ,y ) ~ p ( x )p ( y |x )f( x ,y )
x ,y
and set them to zero, we obtain Boltzmann-
Gibbs density functions

expi i

CFL3D Its history and some recent applications

CFL3D Its history and some recent applications

NASA Technical Memorandum 112861CFL3D: Its History and Some Recent ApplicationsChristopher L. Rumsey, Robert T. Biedron, and James L. Thomas Langley Research Center, Hampton, VirginiaMay 1997National Aeronautics andSpace AdministrationLangley Research CenterHampton, Virginia 23681-0001CFL3D: Its History and Some Recent ApplicationsChristopher L. Rumsey, Robert T. Biedron, and James L. Thomas Mail Stop 128, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton Virginia 23681e-mail: c.l.rumsey@Presented at the “Godunov’s Method for Gas Dynamics: Current Applications and Future Developments” Symposium, University of Michigan, May 1-2, 1997HistoryThe CFL3D (Computational Fluids Laboratory - 3D) computer code is a result of the close working relationship between computational fluid dynamicists at the NASA Langley Research Center and visiting scientists to the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineer-ing (ICASE) at the same location. In the early 1980’s, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was still an emerging field. By bringing together many of the leading scientists in numerical methods to work with each other, NASA and ICASE enabled the crystallization of many new ideas and methods for CFD.The initial spark for the CFL3D code was the application of the flux-vector splitting (FVS) monotone upstream-centered scheme for conservation laws (MUSCL) idea of van Leer1,2 to an implicit finite-volume code for the solution of the three-dimensional (3d) compressible Euler equations. Many of van Leer’s ideas were inspired by the pioneering work of Godunov,3 who con-sidered the fluid to be divided into slabs and determined the interaction of these slabs at their interface. The team of Thomas, Anderson, Walters, and van Leer4,5 explored several implicit solu-tion strategies using FVS, particularly with regard to application on recently-developed vector-processor computers. Also, FVS was compared with other flux-splitting techniques, and various types of flux limiters were explored for transonic airfoil applications. The code was quickly extended to solve the 3d thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations.6,7,8 Initial applications were made on leading-edge vortex flows, for which the viscous terms are necessary to capture the secondaryflow features. At about this same time, research was initiated into applying multigrid methods to the implicit algorithm.9 The three-factor approximate factorization (AF) strategy was settled upon as the best choice for a wide range of applications, due to its better smoothing rate and more com-plete vectorization than other strategies. It was determined that the conditional stability of three-factor AF is not a penalty since large time steps are generally not necessary for a multigrid smoothing algorithm. The multigrid algorithm with FVS and a fixed W-cycle cycling strategy was employed to solve the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations over a delta wing in Thomas et al.10 In the mid-1980’s, the flux-difference splitting (FDS) approximate Riemann solver of Roe,11 also a derivative of Godunov’s3 work, was recognized as an important advance for upwind CFD methods. In van Leer et al,12 the importance of including (in the numerical flux formula for the convective terms) information about all different waves by which neighboring cells interact wasdiscussed in relation to the Navier-Stokes equations. Flux functions based on the full Riemann solution, such as FDS, accurately represent both grid-aligned shocks and boundary layers. Other methods, including FVS (which ignores entropy and shear waves), are inferior in either shock and/or boundary layer rendition on all but the finest grids. Therefore, FDS was incorporated into the CFL3D code, and most subsequent Navier-Stokes applications employed it. For the left-hand side implicit operator, the spatial factors for FDS were approximated with a diagonal inversion plus a spectral radius scaling for the viscous terms, significantly increasing the speed of the code.13Vatsa et al13 also drew a link between the natural dissipation inherent in FDS and the arti-ficial dissipation employed in central-difference methods.Although the laminar Navier-Stokes equations were solved for many vortex-dominated and low Reynolds number flows,7,8,10,14 including hypersonic flows,15 it was realized that the Rey-nolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (with the inclusion of a turbulence model) are necessary to adequately model the physics of most high Reynolds number aerodynamic flows of interest. The Baldwin-Lomax algebraic eddy viscosity turbulence model was the first incorporated into CFL3D,13,16,17 with other more advanced one- and two-equation linear and nonlinear field-equa-tion models to follow later.18,19In the mid 1980’s, research with CFL3D was also initiated toward solving the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations time-accurately, both for stationary bodies with inherently unsteadyflow20,21,22 as well as for unsteady flow over bodies in motion.23,24,25 The time-advancement algorithm in the code has continued to evolve since that time, incorporating subiterations to reduce linearization and factorization errors, as well as employing a pseudo-time-stepping algo-rithm with multigrid to allow the use of more physically-relevant time steps for time-accurate tur-bulent flow computations.26Beginning in the late 1980’s, the CFL3D code’s capabilities to solve flows over complex con-figurations were developed through the use of various grid-zone-connection strategies. Beside simple one-to-one connectivity, Thomas et al16 introduced the patched-grid connection capability into the code with further enhancements and generalization made later,27 including application to sliding patched-zone interfaces.28Overset grid capability was also included,29 as was an embed-ded grid capability in order to employ finer mesh density in desired regions of interest such as a delta wing vortex core.30CFL3D is currently used by well over one hundred researchers in twenty-two different com-panies in industry, thirteen universities, as well as at NASA and in the military. It owes much of its success to its strong foundation in the upwind methods that arose from Godunov’s original ideas. Recent ApplicationsCFL3D has been applied to flow regimes ranging from low-subsonic to hypersonic. Configu-rations have ranged from flat plates to complete aircraft with control surfaces. Below we present a few of the recent applications carried out by NASA-Langley researchers.Partial-Span FlapFigure 1 shows the results of an analysis of a rectangular wing with a 58% span flap.31 Shownin the figure is a representative view of the grid, which makes use of the generalized grid-patching capability of the code. Also shown are computed total pressure contours on the surface and streamline traces following the roll-up of the flap-edge and wing-tip vortices. Comparison to wind-tunnel pressure data indicate that flow over both the flap and the wing are accurately com-puted.F/A-18 Forebody Control StrakeAt high angles of attack, traditional yaw-control devices such as the rudder lose effectiveness due to immersion in the low-speed wake of the wing. The forebody-strake concept was developed in order to provide control effectiveness at very large angles of attack. Figure 2 shows two results from CFL3D computations that were performed to help validate the forebody-strake concept. In the top part of the figure, the complete configuration is modeled in order to simulate flight condi-tions. For these computations, CFL3D is coupled to an unstructured flow solver, with CFL3D being used over the forward part of the aircraft, and the unstructured solver being used over the aft part of the aircraft.32 The use of this hybrid approach renders the grid generation problem much simpler. The bottom part of the figure shows the results of a computation performed only on the forward portion, without coupling to the unstructured solver, simulating a wind-tunnel test. The object of this study was to investigate the control reversal (change of sign of yawing moment) that occurs for small strake deflections. Computations were performed for 0, 10, and 90 degrees of strake deflection. The predicted yawing moments are in good agreement with the wind-tunnel data.Advanced Ducted PropellerFigures 3 and 4 show an application of the code to a turbomachinery flow. The configuration is a wind-tunnel model of an advanced ducted propeller,33 with 16 fan blades and 20 exit guide vanes. The rotor speed is 16,900 RPM and the Mach number is 0.2. The computations are per-formed time-accurately, using dynamic grids that move relative to one another across a planar interface midway between the fan blades and the exit guide vanes. Passage-averaged aerodynamic results agree well with data and results from another code.34 The grid and time step used in this simulation are chosen to capture a particular forward-propagating duct acoustic mode that results from the highly nonlinear rotor wake-stator blade interaction. The CFL3D computation success-fully generates this mode and propagates it forward of the fan face in the duct without attenuation. The inlet pressures from the computation are used as input to a linearized far-field noise-predic-tion code.References1Van Leer, B., “Flux Vector Splitting for the Euler Equations,”Lecture Notes in Physics, V ol. 170, 1982, pp. 501-512.2Van Leer, B., “Towards the Ultimate Conservative Difference Scheme V: A Second-Order Sequel to Godunov’s Method,”Journal of Computational Physics, V ol. 32, 1979, pp. 101-136.3Godunov, S., “Finite Difference Method for Numerical Computation of Discontinuous Solutions of the Equa-tions of Fluid Dynamics,” Matematicheskii Sbornik, V ol. 47, No. 3, 1959, p. 271, Cornell Aeronautical Lab (CAL-SPAN) translation.4Thomas, J. L., van Leer, B., and Walters, R.W., “Implicit Flux-Split Schemes for the Euler Equations,” AIAA 65-1680, July 1985.5Anderson, W. K., Thomas, J. L., van Leer, B., “Comparison of Finite V olume Flux Vector Splittings for the Euler Equations,”AIAA Journal, V ol. 24, No. 9, 1986, pp. 1453-1460.6Thomas, J. L. and Walters, R. W., “Upwind Relaxation Algorithms for the Navier-Stokes Equations,” AIAA 85-1501-CP, July 1985.7Newsome, R. W. and Thomas, J. L., “Computation of Leading-Edge V ortex Flows,” paper presented at the V ortex Aerodynamics Conference, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, V A, October 1985.8Thomas, J. L. and Newsome, R. W., “Navier-Stokes Computations of Lee-Side Flows, Over Delta Wings,”AIAA Journal, V ol. 27, No. 12, 1989, pp. 1673-1679.9Anderson, W. K., Thomas, J. L., and Whitfield, D. L., “Three-Dimensional Multigrid Algorithms for the Flux-Split Euler Equations,” NASA TP 2829, November 1988.10Thomas, J. L., Krist, S. L., and Anderson, W. K., “Navier-Stokes Computations of V ortical Flows over Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings,”AIAA Journal, V ol. 28, No. 2, 1990, pp. 205-212.11Roe, P., “Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes,”Journal of Computa-tional Physics, V ol. 43, 1981, pp. 357-372.12Van Leer, B., Thomas, J. L., Roe, P. L., and Newsome, R. W., “A Comparison of Numerical Flux Formulas for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations,” AIAA 87-1104-CP, June 1987.13Vatsa, V. N., Thomas, J. L., and Wedan, B. W., “Navier-Stokes Computations of a Prolate Spheroid at Angle of Attack,”Journal of Aircraft, V ol. 26, No. 11, 1989, pp. 986-993.14Thomas, J. L., “Reynolds Number Effects on Supersonic Asymmetrical Flows over a Cone,”Journal of Aircraft, V ol. 30, No. 4, 1993, pp. 488-495.15Thomas, J. L., “An Implicit Multigrid Scheme for Hypersonic Strong-Interaction Flowfields,”Comm. Appl. Numerical Methods, V ol. 8, 1992, pp. 683-693.16Thomas, J. L., Rudy, D. H., Chakravarthy, S. R., and Walters, R. W., “Patched-Grid Computations of High-Speed Inlet Flows,” Symposium on Advances and Applications in CFD, Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Chicago, IL, November 1988.17Compton, W. B., III, Thomas, J. L., Abeyounis, W. K., and Mason, M. L., “Transonic Navier-Stokes Solutions of Three-Dimensional Afterbody Flows,” NASA TM 4111, July 1989.18Rumsey, C. L. and Vatsa, V. N., “Comparison of the Predictive Capabilities of Several Turbulence Models,”Jour-nal of Aircraft,V ol. 32, No. 3, 1995, pp. 510-514.19Abid, R., Rumsey, C. L., and Gatski, T. B., “Prediction of Nonequilibrium Turbulent Flows with Explicit Alge-braic Stress Models,”AIAA Journal, V ol. 33, No. 11, 1995, pp. 2026-2031.20Rumsey, C. L., Thomas, J. L., Warren, G. P., and Liu, G. C., “Upwind Navier-Stokes Solutions for Separated Periodic Flows,”AIAA Journal, V ol. 25, No. 4, 1987, pp. 535-541.21Rumsey, C. L., “Details of the Computed Flowfield Over a Circular Cylinder at Reynolds Number 1200,”Jour-nal of Fluids Engineering, V ol. 110, December 1988, pp. 446-452.22Zaman, K. B. M. Q., McKinzie, D. J., and Rumsey, C. L., “A Natural Low-Frequency Oscillation of the Flow over an Airfoil Near Stalling Conditions.”J. Fluid Mech., V ol. 202, 1989, pp. 403-442.23Anderson, W. K., Thomas, J. L., and Rumsey, C. L., “Extension and Application of Flux-Vector Splitting to Unsteady Calculations on Dynamic Meshes,”AIAA Journal, V ol. 27, No. 6, 1989, pp. 673-674; also AIAA 87-1152-CP, June 1987.24Rumsey, C. L. and Anderson, W. K., “Some Numerical and Physical Aspects of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Com-putations Over Airfoils Using Dynamic Meshes,” AIAA 88-0329, January 1988.25Rumsey, C. L. and Anderson, W. K., “Parametric Study of Grid Size, Time Step, and Turbulence Modeling on Navier-Stokes Computations Over Airfoils,” AGARD 62nd Meeting of the Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium on Validation of CFD, AGARD CP-437, V ol. 1, 1988, pp. 5-1 - 5-19.26Rumsey, C., Sanetrik, M., Biedron, R., Melson, N., and Parlette, E., “Efficiency and Accuracy of Time-Accurate Turbulent Navier-Stokes Computations,”Computers and Fluids , V ol. 25, No. 2, 1996, pp. 217-236.27Biedron, R. T. and Thomas, J. L., “A Generalized Patched-Grid Algorithm with Application to the F-18 Fore-body with Actuated Control Strake,”Computing Systems in Engineering , V ol. 1, Nos. 2-4, 1990, pp. 563-576.28Rumsey, C., “Computation of Acoustic Waves Through Sliding-Zone Interfaces,”AIAA Journal , V ol. 35, No. 2,1997, pp. 263-268.29Krist, S. L., “A Grid-Overlapping Technique Applied to a Delta Wing in a Wind Tunnel,” Masters Thesis, George Washington University, January 1994.30Krist, S. L., Thomas, J. L., Sellers, W. L., III, and Kjelgaard, S. O., “An Embedded Grid Formulation Applied to a Delta Wing,” AIAA 90-0429, January 1990.31Jones, K. M., Biedron, R. T., and Whitlock, M., “Application of a Navier-Stokes Solver to the Analysis of Multi-element Airfoils and Wings Using Multizonal Grid Techniques,” AIAA 95-1855, June 1995.32Biedron, R. T., “Comparison of ANSER Control Device Predictions with HARV Flight Tests,” Proceedings of the NASA High-Angle-of-Attack Technology Conference, 1997. To appear as a NASA CP.33Thomas, R. H., Gerhold, C. H., Farassat, F., Santa Maria, O. L., Nuckolls, W. E., DeVilbiss, D. W., “Far Field Noise of the 12 Inch Advanced Ducted Propeller Simulator,” AIAA 95-0722, January 1995.34Adamczyk, J. J., Celestina, M. L., Beach, T. A., Barnett, M., “Simulation of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Within a Multistage Turbine,”ASME Journal of Turbomachinery , V ol. 112, July 1990, pp. 370-376.FiguresFigure 1: Flow past a wing with a partial-span flap. The Reynolds number is 3.3 million, the Mach number is 0.15,the angle of attack is 4 degrees, and the flap deflection is 30 degrees. Shown are the grid, computed total pressure contours and streamlines, as well as comparison of computed surface pressures with wind-tunnel data.Total Pressure Contours/Streamlines 0.00.5 1.0 1.5-4-3-2-11247.2% spanC p x/c CFL3D experiment 0.00.5 1.0 1.5-4-3-2-1012C p x/c CFL3D experiment60.1% spanFigure 2: High-angle-of-attack control strake for the F/A-18. The top pair of images shows the comparison of the computed strake vortex and in-flight flow visualization. The bottom pair of images shows a computation illustratingcontrol reversal at low strake deflections, with comparison to yawing-moment data from wind-tunnel tests.Figure 3: Flow through an ADP model with 16 rotor blades and 20 exit guide vanes. The rotor speed is 16,900 rpm,and the Mach number is 0.2. Shown are total pressure contours, as well as comparison of the passage-averagedCFL3D computation with experimental data and a computation using the average passage equations.δstrake = 0°δstrake = 90°δstrake = 10°020*********-0.05-0.04-0.03-0.02-δstrake Wind Tunnel Data ComputationC nFigure 4: Flow through an ADP model with 16 rotor blades and 20 exit guide vanes. The left figure shows the real part of the magnitude of the (-4,1) duct acoustic mode at two instants in time, in comparison with infinite duct theory.The right figure shows the far field sound pressure levels due to all the radial orders of the (-4,n) modes as a function of microphone angle, using two different reference planes inside the duct. The left-hand lobe, which is insensitive to reference plane position, is due primarily to the (-4,1) mode. High experimental noise levels at the largest microphoneangles are due to contamination from aft-end noise.λtheory ∆xtheory。



L.M. Roa Romero (ed.), XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, IFMBE Proceedings 41,996DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00846-2_247, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014AR versus ARX Modeling of Heart Rate Sequences Recorded during Stress-TestsJ. Holcik 1,2, T. Hodasova 1,3, P. Jahn 4, P. Melkova 4, and J. Hanak 41Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 2 Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia 3Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Brno, Czech Republic 4Equine Clinic, University of Veterinary Sciences and Pharmacy, Brno, Czech RepublicAbstract —This paper presents some ideas about comparison of two fundamental linear approaches (AR and ARX models) for modeling RR interval series and its variability recorded in horses during stress-testing. Their theoretical background is discussed in brief and results of some computational experi-ments are given and analyzed, as well. In particular, problems of stationarity, determination of the response to changes of load, estimation of model order are examined here.Keywords —heart rate variability, AR model, ARX model, stress test.I. I NTRODUCTIONHeart rate of an examined subject and in particular its dynamics is determined by a state of both the cardiovascular system and autonomic neural system that controls cardi-ovascular activity. Quality of a function of the mentioned physiological subsystems is crucial for determining level of fitness. That is why the global aim of our research is to attempt to rate fitness level of horse athletes based on heart rate sequences recorded during stress test. To facilitate the fitness level classification it seems appropriate to describe the heart rate sequences and their variability by means of some mathematical model, parameters of which could be used as features entering the classification algorithms.There are two significant approaches used for linear ma-thematical modeling heart rate sequences – Autoregressive (AR) models (e.g. [1] - [5]) and ARX models (Autoregres-sive, eXtra input) (e.g. [6]).Both the approaches have their advantages and disadvan-tages. The greatest disadvantage of the AR model is a requirement for stationarity of data that can be hardly ful-filled under conditions of stress test when the physical load increases. On the other hand, cardiovascular responses in horses usually change with an intensity of load. That is why it seems to be probably difficult to determine adequate op-timum parameters of the time-invariant ARX model valid for the whole stress-test examination.Despite of the mentioned problems both the types of models were used for description of the cardiovascular responses in horses to physical load and the obtained results were compared.II. D ATAStress-test in horses consists of several steps. It starts with an approx. 5 minute walk usually followed by lope (5min.) and then by gallop starting with treadmill speed of 7m/s (2 min) that increases after 1 minute by steps of 1m/s up to 10 or 11m/s depending on horse abilities.ECG signals were recorded from three bipolar chest leads which QRS complexes were detected in. After that the de-rived RR interval functions were interpolated by piecewise linear function and resampled by a frequency of 10 Hz to obtain equidistant time series.Altogether 15 data records were taken and processed, 6 of them recorded in a preliminary phase of examination with non-standard experimental arrangement of the load stages.III. AR MODELSAs mentioned above the basic disadvantage of the AR model approach is the requirement for data stationarity. Unfortunately, according to an expectation based on prac-tical experiences and also supported by numerous publica-tions (e.g. [1] or [3]) the response to increasing load during stress-test is heavily time variant. Fig.1 depicts sequence of RR intervals determined from ECG signals recorded during the stress-test examination. It can be seen in the figure that the most significant non-stationarity is represented by responses to changes of the load. The moving average low-pass Hamming filter with an impulse response of 600F ig.1 Example of the RR interval sequence recorded during stress-testAR versus ARX Modeling of Heart Rate Sequences Recorded during Stress-Tests 997IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 41F ig.2 Original RR interval sequence and its drift estimated by thenarrow-band low-pass filter (upper part) and the difference sequencebetween the original sequence and its drift (lower part)samples was designed and used to remove the non-stationarity. The cut-off frequency was set according to frequency spectrum of the RR interval signal as the fre-quency separating band of lower frequencies with greater amplitudes from the components with higher frequencies (see Fig.2 - upper part).It means that it must be valid that)z (RR )z (H )z (RR )z (E LP ⋅−= (1a) or)z (E )z (RR )z (H )z (RR LP +⋅= (1b) where RR(z) represents Z-transform of the original RRinterval sequence, H LP (z) is a transfer function of the usedHamming low-pass filter and E(z) is a Z-transform of adifference sequence e(k) that should represents the statio-nary behavior of the examined horse during the wholestress-test. The sequence e(k) is modeled by a linear autore-gressive system described by a transfer system functionH AR (z) = 1/A(z). The function H AR (z) is proportional to pow-er spectral density of sequence e(n) provided that input ofthe model system is a zero-mean white noise sequence n(k).In such a case it is),z (N )z (A )z (E ⋅=1 (2) where N(z) is the Z-transform of the white noise sequence n(k). Then the eq.(1b) can be rewrite as )z (N )z (A )z (RR )z (H )z (RR LP ⋅+⋅=1(3) Weak-sense stationarity (mean only) was verified per partes for partial sequences without drift corresponding to each step of the stress-test load. Because of lack of know-ledge about the data statistical distribution non-parametric Kruskal – Wallis test was applied. In this way median of the subsequences proved to be sufficiently time invariant in the vast majority of the analyzed sequences. Small differences from stationarity came to pass in intervals just after the load changes (Fig.2).Even if the subtracting of the drift roughly ensures the stationarity of analyzed sequence (required for application of the AR model) it unfortunately removes substantial part of information on character of transients tied with the load changes. Although shortening the impulse response and related increasing of the cut-off frequency of the smoothing Hamming filter homogenizes data after subtracting the estimated drift neither the impulse response of 100 samples does not ensure the strict data stationarity. The principal task for identification of the AR model pa-rameters is to determine its order that provides the best fit of the model to data being processed. Unfortunately, known algorithms for the AR model order estimation are not very reliable. The experimental results ([4], [7]) as well as theoret-ical studies (e.g. [8]) indicate that the practically used several statistical criteria do not usually yield definitive results, most-ly tend to underestimation of the true order of the analyzed AR process. The model order for a partial time-series in every stage of the stress-test examination was searched for in the interval 〈6, 30〉. The value of 20 was then determined as themost frequent result computed for the given set of the expe-rimental data sequences by the Akaike information criterion. Several different approaches are used for the final identi-fication of the AR model parameters, each of them under specific conditions and with specific characteristics. Weused two of them – the Yule – Walker method and theunconstrained least square method. The former, based onestimates of autocorrelation function of the analyzedsequence, can be assumed to be one of methods with maxi-mum entropy. Therefore spectral characteristics of thedetermined model are relatively smooth in comparison withthe latter and with relatively poor frequency resolution. Onthe other hand, parameters determined by the latter methodmake the resulting linear model much more frequency sen-sitive, however it does not have to be necessarily stable.Properties of the determined AR models can be illu-strated either by their frequency responses or by distributionof transfer function poles in complex plane (see Fig.3 and Fig.4).Examples in the figures roughly confirm the above men-tioned properties of both methods for identification of theAR model parameters. Frequency responses of the system with parameters obtained by means of the Yule – Walkermethod are smoother and not very sensitive to particularfrequency components (baroreflex, breathing) incorporated in the analyzed signal if compared with results of applica-tion of the unconstrained least square method. We can care-fully presume the existence of the mentioned harmonic components from the shape of phase characteristic only. However, the smoothness of the frequency responses resultsin less variability of positions of the transfer function poles.998 J. Holcik et al.IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 41F ig.3 Example of the AR(20) model frequency responses for the stages ofthe stress-test with parameters identified by means of Yule-Walker method(upper part) and distribution of its poles in complex Z-plane (lower part)F ig.4 Example of the AR(20) model frequency responses in the stages ofthe stress-test with parameters identified by means of the unconstrained least square method (upper part) and distribution of its poles in complex Z-plane (lower part)IV. ARX MODELSAs it was described above the requirements for statio-narity can be hardly complied with completely due to the changes of experimental conditions during the stress-tests.However, the load changes can be incorporated into the model structure as it is defined in a class of dynamical sys-tems with external input which do not put any stacionarity demands on the analyzed data. There are three basic struc-tures of these systems that differ in the random part of the definition formula – ARX models (AutoRegressive with eXternal input), ARMAX models (AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXternal input), and OE models (Output Erorr). The ARX systems are defined as)z (N )z (A )z (X )z (A )z (B )z (RR ⋅+⋅=1(4) where X(z) is the Z-transform of a system input sequence that is determined by time-dependency of the load, A(z), and B(z), resp. are polynomials of the system transfer functions. As we can easily compare the formula is very similar to that in eq.(3). As well as in eq.(3) the first member at the right hand side of the formula represents response to the system input, now in more explicit form, and the second member represents response of the system to random interference. Even if there are quite different conditions under which both the described models could be used, from a theoretical viewpoint they differ in mathematical description of one member of the defining formula only (however, the mean-ing of both the expressions is essentially the same). Then we can write that)z (RR )z (H )z (X )z (A ).z (B LP ⋅= (5) The only component in eq.(5) that is not determined on a base of some optimality criterion is the transfer function H LP (z) of the low-pass filter for filtering the experimental RR sequence. However, from the eq.(5) we can simply write)z (RR )z (X )z (A )z (B )z (H LPopt ⋅=, (6) that should define both the optimum properties of the low-pass filter used for AR modeling of the RR interval time series and at the same time the model response to the change of the stress-test load that is the most important part of the model behavior. Then both the ways (using AR and ARX system) of the RR sequence analysis recorded during stress-test should be equivalent.Similarly as in the case of the AR model approach the fun-damental task is to determine orders of the both the polyno-mials used in the eq.(4). Usually a parameter representing time shift between system input and output can be also determined. The polynomial orders were searched for again by means of the Akaike information criterion in interval of 〈6, 30〉 and the values of 20 – the order of the polynomial B(z), 20 – the order of the polynomial A(z), and 1 – the system time shift were chosen as the most frequent values for all the analyzedexperimental records.AR versus ARX Modeling of Heart Rate Sequences Recorded during Stress-Tests 999IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 41Coefficients of the polynomials A(z) and B(z) were com-puted by the unconstrained least square method. Example of frequency responses of the used model transfer function is given in Fig.5. Due to the unconstrained least square optimi-zation models for some experimental data appeared unstable.F ig.5 Example of the ARX(20,20,1) model frequency responses – ARsubsystem (upper part), ARMA subsystem (in the middle) and the distribu-tion of its nulls and poles in complex Z-plane (lower part)V. C ONCLUSIONSAs it was shown above the mathematical structure of both the model types, the AR as well as the ARX, are basically the same. While the ARX models provide with well established procedure for determination of the model part that models the response to changes of the load, the approach based on the AR systems uses heuristic procedures for this purpose. How-ever, the estimation of this part of the AR model can be done theoretically more precisely if the ARMA system computed for the ARX model is modified according to properties of the external input and the RR interval series (eq.(6)). On con-trary, the AR systems look more suitable for description of variations in behavior of the examined subject in the particu-lar stages of the whole stress-test.To make interpretation of the model description as easy as possible the conversion of the ARMA structure (used in ARX model) or the low-pass MA filter (used in the AR model here) to AR representation can be considered [9]. If relatively simple model is required (necessary for ade-quate size of a feature space and complexity of the classifi-cation algorithms based on the model parameters – model order maximum up to 30) then our experimental results indicate that the spectral description of the RR interval sequence is still too smooth that means the model order is underestimated. A final decision about this fact can be done on the base of classification result only.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThis research was partially granted by the ESF project No. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0043 “Interdisciplinary Develop-ment of the Study Programme in Mathematical Biology” and the project No. APVV-0513-10 …Measuring, Communi-cation and Information Systems for Monitoring the Cardi-ovascular Risk”.R EFERENCES1.Mainardi L T et al (1995) Pole Tracking Algorithms for Extraction of Time-Variant Heart Rate Variability Spectral Parameters. IEEE Trans. BME, 42:250-259.2. Aubert A E, Seps B, Beckers F (2003) Heart Rate Variability in Athletes. 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Meas., 23:325-336. 9.Wold, H. (1954) A Study in the Analysis of Stationary Time Series, 2nd revised edition, Almqvist and Wiksell Book Co., UppsalaAuthor: Jiri HolcikInstitute: Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Masaryk University Street: Kamenice 126/3 City: BrnoCountry: Czech Republic Email:holcik et。



jinying@ Jinying Chen, page 1 Jinying ChenHome Address: 32 Marvin Lane Piscataway, NJ, 08854 Cell phone: (732) 668-7728 jinying@University of PennsylvaniaDepartment of Computer and Information Science 3330 Walnut Street, Levine Hall, CIS Dept.Philadelphia, PA, 19104Office: (215) 573-7736/~jinyingEducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Ph.D. candidate 2001 – Pres. Department of Computer and Information ScienceDissertation: Towards High-performance Word Sense Disambiguation by Combining RichLinguistic Knowledge and Machine Learning Approaches (to be defended inJuly, 2006)Advisor: Martha S. PalmerCommittee Members: Joshi K. Aravind, Claire Cardie, (external examiner),Mitch P. Marcus (chair), Lyle H. UngarUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USAM.S. 2000 – 2001 Department of Computer and Information ScienceTsinghua University, Beijing, ChinaM.E. 1998 – 2000, B.S. 1994 – 1998 Department of Computer Science and TechnologyResearch InterestsMachine learning and feature engineering for natural language processing (NLP). Automatic word sense disambiguation; clustering semantically coherent words and automatic acquisition of large-scale semantic taxonomies. NLP applications to information retrieval, information extraction, machine translation and bioinformatics.Research ExperienceDepartment of Computer and Information Science, University of PennsylvaniaPh.D. Candidate 2001 – 2006High performance supervised word sense disambiguation (WSD) through combining linguistically motivated features and a smoothed Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) model. The system achieved higher accuracy than previous best systems on the SENSEVAL2 English verb data.Unsupervised and active learning methods for WSD. EM clustering for Chinese verb senses and active learning for English verb senses. Clustering-based feature selection for WSD. Noun clustering and semi-automatically created noun taxonomies, used for semantic features for WSD. Nominal entity detection for the Chinese Automatic Content Extraction (CACE) project (summer 2003, summer 2004). Boosting and TAG (Tree Adjoining Grammar) Supertagging for template relation detection, a subtask of the MUC-7 information extraction task (fall, 2001).Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, ChinaMaster Student, Senior College Student 1997 – 2000Visualization, dimension reduction, and classification algorithms for Chinese character recognition. A classification algorithm, based on Mahalanobis distance and dimension reduction, for distinguishing well-similar handwritten Chinese characters.Honors and Awards• Graudate student research fellowship from the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Sept. 2000 – pres.• Tsinghua-Motorola Outstanding Student Scholarship, top 3 among over 50 graduate students in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University.Oct. 1999• Honor of Excellent Student of Tsinghua University, top 10 among over 150 undergraduate students in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. Nov. 1997• Tsinghua-Daren Chen Scholarship, top 5 among over 150 undergraduate students in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. Nov. 1996• Honor of Excellent Student of Tsinghua University, top 10 among over 150 undergraduate students in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. Nov. 1995• First Prize in the Tenth National High School Student Contest in Physics in Tianjin, sponsored by Chinese Physical Society and Tianjin Physical Society. Top 10 among over 1,000 competition participants in Tianjin area. Nov. 1993.Publications• Nianwen Xue, Jinying Chen and Martha Palmer. Aligning Features with Sense Distinction Dimensions. Submitted.• Jinying Chen, Andrew Schein, Lyle Ungar and Martha Palmer. An Empirical Study of the Behavior of Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation. Accepted by Human Language Technology conference - North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting (HLT-NAACL) 2006.New York City.• Jinying Chen and Martha Palmer. Clustering-based Feature Selection for Verb Sense Disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE NLP-KE 2005), pp. 36-41. Oct.30- Nov. 1, Wuhan, China, 2005.• Jinying Chen and Martha Palmer. Towards Robust High Performance Word Sense Disambiguation of English Verbs Using Rich Linguistic Features, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP2005), pp.933-944. Oct. 11-13, Jeju, Korea, 2005.• Martha Palmer, Nianwen Xue, Olga B Babko-Malaya, Jinying Chen and Benjamin Snyder. A Parallel Proposotion Bank II for Chinese and English, in Proceedings of the 2005 ACL Workshop in Frontiers in Annotation II: Pie in the Sky, pp. 61-68. June 29, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2005.• Jinying Chen and Martha Palmer. Unsupervised Learning of Chinese Verb Senses by Using an EM Clustering Model with Rich Linguistic Features. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of Computational Linguists (ACL-04), pp. 295-302. July 21-23, Barcelona, Spain. 2004.• Jinying Chen, Nianwen Xue and Martha Palmer. Using a Smoothing Maximum Entropy Model for Chinese Nominal Tagging (poster presentation), In Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pp. 493-500. March 22-24, Hainan Island, China, 2004.• Libin Shen and Jinying Chen. Using Supertag in MUC-7 Template Relation Task, Technical Report, MS-CIS-02-26, CIS Dept., University of Pennsylvania, 2002.• Jinying Chen, Yijiang Jin and Shaoping Ma. The Visualization Analysis of Handwritten Chinese Characters in Their Feature Space. Journal of Chinese Information Processing.Vol.14, No. 5, pp42~48, 2000.• Jinying Chen, Yijiang Jin and Shaoping Ma. A Learning Algorithm Detecting the Similar Chinese Characters’ Boundary Based on Unequal-Contraction of Dimension. In Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 2765-2769, vol. 4. June 28-July 02, Hefei, China, 2000.Oral Presentations (2001-2006)• “Towards Robust High Performance Word Sense Disambiguation by Combining Rich Linguistic Knowledge and Machine Learning Methods”, in the 7th Penn Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, Feb. 15, 2006.• “What We Learned from Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation for English Verbs” in a visit to the Center for Spoken Language Research at University of Colorado, Dec. 7, 2005.• “Clustering-based Feature Selection for Verb Sense Disambiguation” in the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE NLP-KE 2005) in Wuhan, China, Oct. 30, 2005.• “Towards Robust High Performance Word Sense Disambiguation of English Verbs Using Rich Linguistic Features” in the 2nd International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP2005) in Jeju, Korea, Oct. 13, 2005.• “Unsupervised Learning of Chinese Verb Senses by Using an EM Clustering Model with Rich Linguistic Features” in the 42nd Annual Meeting of Computational Linguists (ACL-04),in Barcelona, Spain, July 23, 2004.• “Fine-grained and Coarse-grained Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation” in ARDA (Advanced Research and Development Activity)’s visit at the Computer and Information Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania, Aug. 22, 2003.Other Professional Activities• Organizer of the weekly seminar, the Computational Linguists’ Lunch (CLUNCH), attended by about 30 faculty members and students mainly from the Department of Computer Science and Information and the Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania. Spring, 2003• Teaching assistant for the graduate-level course CIT594 II – Programming Languages and Techniques, which is oriented to master students in the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Spring, 2002• Teaching assistant for the graduate-level course CIS500 – Programming Languages, which is oriented to Ph.D. students in the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Fall, 2001• Teaching assistant for the undergraduate-level course “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. Fall, 1998• Participation in the editorial work (collecting and editing about 200 vocabulary entries) for a major computer dictionary – English-Chinese Dictionary of Computers and Multimedia (published by Tsinghua University Press, 2003) in Tsinghua University under the supervision of Dr. Fuzong Lin. Summer, 1998ReferenceJoshi K. Aravind, PhD (joshi@, 215-898-8540)Martha S. Palmer, PhD (Martha.Palmer@, 303-492-1300) Lyle H. Ungar, PhD (ungar@, 215-898-7449)。



Python⾃然语⾔处理学习笔记(55):最⼤熵分类器6.6 Maximum Entropy Classifiers 最⼤熵分类器The Maximum Entropy classifier uses a model that is very similar to the model employed by the naive Bayes classifier. But rather than using probabilities to set the model's parameters, it uses search techniques to find a set of parameters that will maximize the performance of the classifier. In particular, it looks for(寻找)the set of parameters that maximizes the total likelihood(总可能性)of the training corpus, which is defined as:(10) P(features) = Σx |in| corpus P(label(x)|features(x))Where P(label|features), the probability that an input whose features are features will have class label label, is defined as:(11) P(label|features) = P(label, features) /Σlabel P(label, features)Because of the potentially complex interactions between the effects of related features, there is no way to directly calculate the model parameters that maximize the likelihood of the training set. Therefore, Maximum Entropy classifiers choose the model parameters using iterative optimization(迭代优化) techniques, which initialize the model's parameters to random values, and then repeatedly refine those parameters to bring them closer to the optimal solution. These iterative optimization techniques guarantee that each refinement of the parameters will bring them closer to the optimal values, but do not necessarily provide a means of determining when those optimal values have been reached. Because the parameters for Maximum Entropy classifiers are selected using iterative optimization techniques, they can take a long time to learn. This is especially true when the size of the training set, the number of features, and the number of labels are all large.NoteSome iterative optimization techniques are much faster than others. When training Maximum Entropy models, avoid the use of Generalized Iterative Scaling (GIS) or Improved Iterative Scaling (IIS), which are both considerably slower than the Conjugate Gradient (CG) and the BFGS optimization methods.The Maximum Entropy Model 最⼤熵模型The Maximum Entropy classifier model is a generalization of the model used by the naive Bayes classifier. Like the naive Bayes model, the Maximum Entropy classifier calculates the likelihood of each label for a given input value by multiplying together the parameters that are applicable for the input value and label. The naive Bayes classifier model defines a parameter for each label, specifying its prior probability, and a parameter for each (feature, label) pair, specifying the contribution of individual features towards a label's likelihood.In contrast, the Maximum Entropy classifier model leaves it up to the user to decide what combinations of labels and features should receive their own parameters. In particular, it is possible to use a single parameter to associate a feature with more than one label; or to associate more than one feature with a given label. This will sometimes allow the model to "generalize" over some of the differences between related labels or features.Each combination of labels and features that receives its own parameter is called a joint-feature. Note that joint-features are properties of labeled values, whereas (simple) features are properties of unlabeled values.NoteIn literature that describes and discusses Maximum Entropy models, the term "features" often refers to joint-features; the term "contexts" refers to what we have been calling (simple) features.Typically, the joint-features that are used to construct Maximum Entropy models exactly mirror those that are used by the naive Bayes model. In particular, a joint-feature is defined for each label, corresponding to w[label], and for each combination of (simple) feature and label, corresponding to w[f,label]. Given the joint-features for a Maximum Entropy model, the score assigned to a label for a given input is simply the product of the parameters associated with the joint-features that apply to that input and label:(12) P(input, label) = Prod joint-features(input,label)w[joint-feature]Maximizing Entropy 熵的最⼤化The intuition that motivates Maximum Entropy classification is that we should build a model that captures the frequencies of individual joint-features, without making any unwarranted assumptions. An example will help to illustrate this principle.Suppose we are assigned the task of picking the correct word sense for a given word, from a list of ten possible senses (labeled A-J). At first, we are not told anything more about the word or the senses. There are many probability distributions that we could choose for the ten senses, such as:Table 6.1A B C D E F G H I J(i)10%10%10%10%10%10%10%10%10%10%(ii)5%15%0%30%0%8%12%0%6%24%0%(iii)0%100%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%Although any of these distributions might be correct, we are likely to choose distribution (i), because without any more information, there is no reason to believe that any word sense is more likely than any other. On the other hand, distributions (ii) and (iii) reflect assumptions that are not supported by what we know.One way to capture this intuition that distribution (i) is more "fair" than the other two is to invoke the concept of entropy. In the discussion of decision trees, we described entropy as a measure of how "disorganized" a set of labels was. In particular, if a single label dominates then entropy is low, but if the labels are more evenly distributed then entropy is high. In our example, we chose distribution (i) because its label probabilities are evenly distributed — in other words, because its entropy is high. In general, the Maximum Entropy principle states that, among the distributions that are consistent with what we know, we should choose the distribution whose entropy is highest.Next, suppose that we are told that sense A appears 55% of the time. Once again, there are many distributions that are consistent with this new piece of information, such as:Table 6.2A B C D E F G H I J(iv)55%45%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%(v)55%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%0%(vi)55%3%1%2%9%5%0%25%0%But again, we will likely choose the distribution that makes the fewest unwarranted assumptions — in this case, distribution (v).Finally, suppose that we are told that the word "up" appears in the nearby context 10% of the time, and that when it does appear in the context there's an 80% chance that sense A or C will be used. In this case, we will have a harder time coming up with an appropriate distribution by hand; however, we can verify that the following distribution looks appropriate:Table 6.3A B C D E F G H I J(vii)+up 5.1%0.25% 2.9%0.25%0.25%0.25%0.25%0.25%0.25%0.25%4.46%` `-up49.9% 4.46% 4.46% 4.46% 4.46% 4.46% 4.46% 4.46% 4.46%In particular, the distribution is consistent with what we know: if we add up the probabilities in column A, we get 55%; if we add up the probabilities of row 1, we get 10%; and if we add up the boxes for senses A and C in the +up row, we get 8% (or 80% of the +up cases). Furthermore, the remaining probabilities appear to be "evenly distributed."Throughout this example, we have restricted ourselves to distributions that are consistent with what we know; among these, we chose the distribution with the highest entropy. This is exactly what the Maximum Entropy classifier does as well. In particular, for each joint-feature, the Maximum Entropy model calculates the "empirical frequency" of that feature — i.e., the frequency with which it occurs in the training set. It then searches for the distribution which maximizes entropy, while still predicting the correct frequency for each joint-feature.Generative vs Conditional Classifiers 产⽣式对⽐条件式分类器An important difference between the naive Bayes classifier and the Maximum Entropy classifier concerns the type of questions they can be used to answer. The naive Bayes classifier is an example of a generative classifier, which builds a model that predicts P(input, label), the joint probability of a (input, label) pair. As a result, generative models can be used to answer the following questions:1. What is the most likely label for a given input?2. How likely is a given label for a given input?3. What is the most likely input value?4. How likely is a given input value?5. How likely is a given input value with a given label?6. What is the most likely label for an input that might have one of two values (but we don't know which)?The Maximum Entropy classifier, on the other hand, is an example of a conditional classifier. Conditional classifiers build models that predict P(label|input) — the probability of a label given the input value. Thus, conditional models can still be used to answer questions 1 and 2. However, conditional models can not be used to answer the remaining questions 3-6.In general, generative models are strictly more powerful than conditional models, since we can calculate the conditional probability P(label|input) from the joint probability P(input, label), but not vice versa. However, this additional power comes at a price. Because the model is more powerful, it has more "free parameters" which need to be learned. However, the size of the training set is fixed. Thus, when using a more powerful model, we end up with less data that can be used to train each parameter's value, making it harder to find the best parameter values. As a result, a generative model may not do as good a job at answering questions 1 and 2 as a conditional model, since the conditional model can focus its efforts on those two questions. However, if we do need answers to questions like 3-6, then we have no choice but to use a generative model.The difference between a generative model and a conditional model is analogous to the difference between a topographical map and a picture of a skyline. Although the topographical map can be used to answer a wider variety of questions, it is significantly more difficult to generate an accurate topographical map than it is to generate an accurate skyline.。



基于序列标注的全词消歧方法周云;王挺;易绵竹;张禄彭;王之元【摘要】全词消歧(All-Words Word Sense Disambiguation)可以看作一个序列标注问题,该文提出了两种基于序列标注的全词消歧方法,它们分别基于隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)和最大熵马尔可夫模型(Maximum Entropy Markov Model,MEMM).首先,我们用HMM对全词消歧进行建模.然后,针对HMM只能利用词形观察值的缺点,我们将上述HMM模型推广为MEMM模型,将大量上下文特征集成到模型中.对于全词消歧这类超大状态问题,在HMM和MEMM模型中均存在数据稀疏和时间复杂度过高的问题,我们通过柱状搜索Viterbi算法和平滑策略来解决.最后,我们在Senseval-2和Senseval-3的数据集上进行了评测,该文提出的MEMM方法的F1值为0.654,超过了该评测上所有的基于序列标注的方法.%All-Words Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) can be regarded as a sequence labeling problem, and two All-Words WSD methods based on sequence labeling are proposed in this paper, which are based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Maximum Entropy Markov Model (MEMM), respectively. First, we model All-Words WSD using HMM. Since HMM can only exploit lexical observation, we generalize HMM to MEMM by incorporating a large number of non-independent features. For All-Words WSD which is a typical extra-large state problem, the data sparsity and high time complexity seriously hinder the application of HMM and MEMM models. We solve these problems by beam-search Viterbi algorithm and smoothing strategy. Finally, we test our methods on the dataset of All-Words WSD tasks in Senseval-2 and Senseval-3, andachieving a 0. 654 Fl value forthe MEMM method which outperforms other methods based on sequence labeling.【期刊名称】《中文信息学报》【年(卷),期】2012(026)002【总页数】7页(P28-34)【关键词】全词消歧;隐马尔可夫模型;最大熵马尔可夫模型;超大状态问题【作者】周云;王挺;易绵竹;张禄彭;王之元【作者单位】国防科技大学计算机学院,湖南长沙410073;国防科技大学计算机学院,湖南长沙410073;解放军外国语学院国防语言文化研究所,河南洛阳471003;解放军外国语学院欧亚语系,河南洛阳471003;国防科技大学计算机学院,湖南长沙410073;国防科技大学并行与分布处理国家重点实验室,湖南长沙410073【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3911 引言词义消歧,即在特定的上下文中确定歧义词的词义。



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T-CESA 1169-2021 信息技术 人工智能 服务器系统性能测试规范标准

T-CESA 1169-2021 信息技术 人工智能 服务器系统性能测试规范标准







tested party一次测试中,筹备、操作被测系统实施测试,并按测试协议的规定享有测试结果使用权的机构或个人。


[来源: ISO/IEC 14776—2009,3.1.87, 有修改]3.4获取并返回被测系统当前时间戳。


1T/CESA 1169—20213 . 5人工智能服务器artificial intelligence server含有专为人工智能计算设计的计算机构,能够为人工智能应用提供专用加速计算能力的服务器。



3 . 6artificial intelligence server cluster遵循统一控制的,人工智能计算功能单元的集合。




3 . 7artificial intelligence server system由人工智能服务器及其他必要的计算、存储设备组成,承担人工智能运算任务的计算系统。


logits adjustmen损失函数

logits adjustmen损失函数

logits adjustmen损失函数Logits Adjustment Loss FunctionLogits adjustment is a crucial aspect of many machine learning algorithms, particularly in the field of deep learning. It involves transforming the raw outputs of a model, known as logits, into a more meaningful and interpretable form. The logits adjustment loss function plays a significant role in this process by quantifying the discrepancy between the adjusted logits and the true labels. In essence, the logits adjustment loss function measures the error or mismatch between the predicted probabilities and the actual labels. The goal is to minimize this loss function during the training phase, thereby improving the model's ability to make accurate predictions.One commonly used logits adjustment loss function is the cross-entropy loss. It compares the predicted probabilities, obtained by applying a softmax function to the logits, with the true labels using the formula:L = - ∑ y_i * log(p_i)where L is the loss, y_i represents the true label, and p_iis the predicted probability for that label. The summation is taken over all possible labels. The cross-entropy loss is widely preferred due to its effectiveness in classification tasks.However, the cross-entropy loss may not be suitable for all scenarios. In some cases, it may lead to overfitting or encourage the model to be excessively confident in its predictions. To address these issues, alternative logits adjustment loss functions have been proposed.One example is the focal loss, which assigns higher weights to misclassified or difficult examples. By focusing on these challenging instances, the model can better learn from its mistakes and improve its performance. The focal loss is defined as:L = - ∑ y_i * (1 - p_i)^γ * log(p_i)where γ is a tunab le parameter that controls the rate at which the loss weights are decreased for well-classified examples. This loss function has shown promising results in tasks where the data is highly imbalanced or when the model needs to prioritize certain classes.Another commonly used logits adjustment loss function is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. It measures the divergence between two probability distributions: the predicted probabilities and the true labels. The KL divergence loss is given by:L = ∑ p_i * log(p_i / q_i)where p_i is the predicted probability and q_i is the true probability for label i. This loss function encourages the predicted probabilities to align closely with the true probabilities, promoting more reliable and calibrated predictions.In addition to these loss functions, there are various other techniques and modifications that can be applied to adjust logits and improve model performance. These include label smoothing, temperature scaling, and ensemble methods. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of loss function depends on the specific problem and dataset.To implement logits adjustment loss functions effectively, it is essential to strike a balance between modelcomplexity and generalizability. Overfitting can occur if the model becomes too complex and adapts too closely to the training data, resulting in poor performance on unseen examples. Regularization techniques, such as L1 or L2 regularization, can be employed to mitigate this issue.In conclusion, the logits adjustment loss function plays a vital role in deep learning models by quantifying the discrepancy between the predicted probabilities and the true labels. By minimizing this loss function during training, the model can improve its ability to make accurate predictions. Different loss functions, such as cross-entropy, focal loss, and KL divergence, offer various advantages and are suitable for different scenarios. It is crucial to select an appropriate loss function and apply other logits adjustment techniques to enhance model performance and robustness.。





















凝聚函数拟凸性与伪凸性的充分条件陈嘉;王纯杰;谭佳伟;赵嘉琦;刘庆怀【摘要】通过定义函数之间“同定”和“同序”两种关系,讨论这两种关系的相关性质,并在此基础上证明了在上述关系下,拟凸函数和伪凸函数凝聚后仍分别为拟凸函数和伪凸函数的充分条件.%On the basis of two relations between functions defined as same positive definite relation and same order relation the properties of the two relations were discussed. Besides a sufficient condition was established to assure that a new quasi-convex function was formed by the quasi-convex functions aggregated, and a sufficient condition was proposed to guarantee that quasi-convex functions were aggregated to form a new pseudo-convex function.【期刊名称】《吉林大学学报(理学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(050)003【总页数】5页(P467-471)【关键词】优化;凝聚函数;拟凸函数;伪凸函数【作者】陈嘉;王纯杰;谭佳伟;赵嘉琦;刘庆怀【作者单位】长春工业大学基础科学学院,长春130012;长春工业大学基础科学学院,长春130012;长春工业大学基础科学学院,长春130012;长春工业大学基础科学学院,长春130012;长春工业大学基础科学学院,长春130012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O221.20 引言凝聚函数(1)是由非线性规划约束条件gi(x)≤0, i=1,2,…,m(2)中的若干约束函数凝聚而成的, 其中gi(x)为 Rn上的光滑实值非线性函数. 关于凝聚函数的研究, 目前已有许多结果[1-7].凝聚函数的磨光技术可将非线性问题的非光滑情形转化为光滑情形, 从而有效解决了不可微性给数值求解带来的困难;同时可极大减少带有不等式约束优化问题的约束个数. 凝聚函数法已广泛应用于非线性规划、非光滑优化及求解广义互补问题等领域[3-8]. 拟凸函数和伪凸函数是广义凸函数[9-10]. 若gi(x)(i=1,2,…,m)是拟凸或伪凸函数, 在适当条件下凝聚函数g(x,t)关于x仍然保持其广义凸性.本文讨论凝聚函数的拟凸性, 得到了“若gi(x)为拟凸函数, 则凝聚函数g(x,t)关于x 为拟凸函数[11-12]”不恒成立, 并给出了该结论成立所需的一个充分条件. 此外, 讨论了凝聚函数的伪凸性, 给出了gi(x)(i=1,2,…,m)为伪凸函数时凝聚函数g(x,t)关于x仍为伪凸函数的一个充分条件.1 凝聚函数的拟凸性定义1[9] 设f(x)为非空开凸集X⊂Rn上的实值函数, 如果对任意的x1,x2∈X及任意的λ∈(0,1), 有f(λx1+(1-λ)x2)≤max{f(x1), f(x2)},(3)则称f是X上的拟凸函数.若gi(x)(i=1,2,…,m)为拟凸函数, 则凝聚函数g(x,t)关于x为拟凸函数[11-12]. 但事实上, 该结论并不成立.例1 设g1(x)=cos x, g2(x)=sin x, x∈(0,π/2). 它们的凝聚函数为g(x,t)=tln(exp(cos x/t)+exp(sin x/t)), t>0.显然g1(x),g2(x)在(0,π/2)内都是拟凸函数.当t>0时, g(x,t)关于x在(0,π/2)内未必拟凸. 为方便, 取t=1, 则g(x,1)=ln(exp(cos x)+exp(sin x))关于x在(0,π/2)内不是拟凸函数. 事实上, 令f(x)=exp(cos x)+exp(sin x).因为f′(π/4)=0, f″(π/4)<0, 故x=π/4为f(x)的极大值点, 从而也是g(x,1)的极大值点, 即g(x,1)在(0,π/2)内关于x不是拟凸函数.下面讨论拟凸函数经凝聚后仍拟凸的一个充分条件.定义2 设g1(x),g2(x)为X⊂Rn上的实值函数, 若对任意的x1,x2∈X, 总有(g1(x1)-g1(x2))(g2(x1)-g2(x2))≥0,则称g1(x)与g2(x)在X上是同序的.对任意的x1,x2∈X, 当满足x1≠x2时, 有(g1(x1)-g1(x2))(g2(x1)-g2(x2))>0,则称g1(x),g2(x)在X上是严格同序的.定义3 设gi(x)(i∈I={1,2,…,m})为X⊂Rn上的实值函数, 且gi(x)两两(严格)同序, 即对任意的i, j∈I, gi(x),gj(x)在X上是(严格)同序的, 则称{gi(x)}i=1,2,…,m在X上是(严格)同序函数组.性质1 g(x)为X⊂Rn上的实值函数, 则g(x)与g(x)+a是同序的, 其中a∈R . 若{gi(x)}i=1,2,…,m在X上是同序函数组, 则{gi(x)+a}i=1,2,…,m仍是X上的同序函数组, 其中a∈R .性质2 1) 若gi(x)(i=1,2,…,m)都是X⊂R上的单调增(减)函数, 则{gi(x)}i=1,2,…,m是X上的同序函数组;2) 若gi(x)(i=1,2,…,m)都是X⊂R上的严格单调增(减)函数, 则{gi(x)}i=1,2,…,m是X上的严格同序函数组;证明:仅证明gi(x)是X⊂R上单调增函数的情形, 其余证明类似.若gi(x)是X⊂R上的单调增函数, 则对任意的x1,x2∈X, 有(x1-x2)(gi(x1)-gi(x2))≥0, (x1-x2)(gj(x1)-gj(x2))≥0, 1≤i≤j≤m,从而有(gi(x1)-gi(x2))(gj(x1)-gj(x2))≥0,证毕.性质3 1) 同序满足自反性:即g(x)与g(x)自身是同序的;2) (严格)同序满足对称性:即若g1(x)与g2(x)是(严格)同序的, 则g2(x)与g1(x)是(严格)同序的;3) 严格同序满足传递性:即若g1(x)与g2(x)是严格同序的, 则g2(x)与g3(x)是严格同序的.下面举例说明同序关系不满足传递性.例2g1(x),g2(x),g3(x)函数图像分别如图1~图3所示. 由图1~图3可见: g1(x),g2(x)是同序的; g2(x),g3(x)是同序的; 但g1(x),g3(x)不是同序的.图1 函数g1(x) 图2 函数g2(x) 图3 函数g3(x)Fig.1 Function g1(x) Fig.2 Function g2(x) Fig.3 Function g3(x)定理1[9] 设f(x)为开凸集X⊂Rn上可微实值函数, 则f(x)在X上拟凸的⟺对任意的x1,x2∈X, 有蕴含关系f(x1)≤f(x2)⟺(x1-x2)T▽f(x2)≤0.定理2 设开凸集X⊂Rn, gi(x)为X上的可微实值函数, i∈I={1,2,…,m}, {gi(x)}i∈I 在X上是同序函数组. 若gi(x)在X上均为拟凸函数, i∈I, 则凝聚函数关于x仍为拟凸函数.证明: 首先证明对任意的x1,x2∈X⊂Rn, 若g(x1,t)≤g(x2,t), 则必有gi(x1)≤gi(x2), ∀i∈I.(4)下面用反证法证明上述结论. 若不然, 则当g(x1,t)≤g(x2,t)时, 存在i0∈I, 满足gi0(x1)>gi0(x2). 因为{gi(x)}i∈I在X上是同序函数组, 所以gi(x)与gi0(x)在X上是同序的, i∈I, 根据同序定义, 有(gi(x1)-gi(x2))(gi0(x1)-gi0(x2))≥0,(5)从而得gi(x1)≥gi(x2), i∈I, i≠i0.(6)由式(6)有g(x1,t)=tlnexp>tlnexp=g(x2,t),(7)与g(x1,t)≤g(x2,t)矛盾, 表明式(4)成立. 由于gi(x)在X上均为拟凸函数, 故根据定理1有(x1-x2)T▽gi(x2)≤0, i∈I,所以再利用定理1, 即得g(x,t)关于x仍为拟凸函数.推论1 设gi(x)为开凸集X⊂R上的单调可微函数, 且单调性相同, i∈I={1,2,…,m}, 则gi(x)在X上为拟凸函数, 其凝聚函数(1)关于x也为拟凸函数.当gi(x)为严格拟凸函数及强拟凸函数时, 在一定条件下, 其凝聚函数仍为严格拟凸函数及强拟凸函数.定义4[9] 设f(x)为非空开凸集X⊂Rn上的实值函数, 如果对任意的x1,x2∈X, 且f(x1)≠f(x2)及任意的λ∈(0,1), 有f(λx1+(1-λ)x2)<max{f(x1), f(x2)},(8)则称f是X上的严格拟凸函数.定义5[9] 设f(x)为凸集X⊂Rn上的实值函数, 如果对任意的x1,x2∈X, 且x1≠x2及任意的λ∈(0,1), 有式(8), 则称f是X上的强拟凸函数.性质4[9] 1) f(x)为严格拟凸函数且下半连续, 则f(x)必拟凸;2) 强拟凸函数必为拟凸函数, 也是严格拟凸函数.定理3 设开凸集X⊂Rn, gi(x)为X上可微实值函数, i∈I={1,2,…,m}, {gi(x)}i∈I在X上是同序函数组. 若gi(x)在X上均为严格拟凸(强拟凸)函数, i∈I, 则凝聚函数(1)关于x仍为拟凸函数.证明:根据定理2及性质4可得.2 凝聚函数的伪凸性定义6[9] 设f(x)为非空开凸集X⊂Rn上的可微实值函数, 若对任意的x1,x2∈X, x1≠x2, 有蕴含关系(x1-x2)T▽f(x2)≥0⟺f(x1)≥f(x2),则称f(x)是X上的伪凸函数.定义7[13] 矩阵M∈Rn×n, 若对任意的x∈Rn, 总有xTMx>0, 则称M为实正定矩阵.定义8[14] 矩阵M∈Rn×n, 若对任意的x∈Rn, 总有xTMx≥0, 则称M为实半正定矩阵.定义9 设g1(x),g2(x)是X⊂Rn上可微实值函数, 若对任意的x∈X, 有▽g1(x)(▽g2(x))T为实半正定矩阵, 则称g1(x),g2(x)在X上是同定的; 若▽g1(x)(▽g2(x))T为正定矩阵, 则称g1(x),g2(x)在X上是严格同定的.定义10 gi(x)为开凸集X⊂Rn上的可微实值函数, i∈I={1,2,…,m}, 若gi(x)是两两同定的, 即对∀i, j∈I, 都有▽gi(x)(▽gj(x))T为实半正定矩阵, 则称{gi(x)}i=1,2,…,m 是X上的同定函数组.性质5 若gi(x)(i=1,2,…,m)都是X⊂R上的可微单调增(减)函数, 则{gi(x)}i=1,2,…,m 在X上是同定函数组.性质6 g1(x)=aTx+c1, g2(x)=bTx+c2, 其中: x∈Rn; a∈Rn; b∈Rn; ci∈R,i=1,2,…,n. 若abT为半正定矩阵, 则g1(x),g2(x)在 Rn上是同定的.定理4 gi(x)为开凸集X⊂Rn上可微实值函数, i∈I={1,2,…,m}, {gi(x)}i∈I是X上的同定函数组. 若gi(x)在X上为伪凸函数, i∈I, 则凝聚函数(1)关于x仍为伪凸函数. 证明:若对任意的x1,x2∈X, 有(x1-x2)T▽g(x2,t)≥0, 则根据定义6, 只需证明g(x1,t)≥g(x2,t)即可得到g(x,t)关于x仍为伪凸函数.已知{gi}i∈I是X上的同定函数组, 即对∀i, j∈I, ▽gi(x)▽gj(x)T为半正定矩阵, 则(x1-x2)T▽gi(x2)▽gj(x2)T(x1-x2)≥0, i, j∈I.(9)下面证明当对任意的x1,x2∈X有(x1-x2)T▽g(x2,t)≥0时, 有(x1-x2)T▽gi(x2)≥0, i∈I.(10)若不然, ∃i0∈I, 满足(x1-x2)T▽gi0(x2)<0,(11)由式(9)得(x1-x2)T▽gj(x2)≤0, j∈I, j≠i0.(12)根据g(x,t)的定义及式(11),(12), 有(x1-x2)T▽g(x2,t)=exp(gi(x2)/t)(x1-x2)T▽gi(x2)<0,与条件(x1-x2)T▽g(x2,t)≥0矛盾, 表明式(10)成立. 根据gi(x)在X上为伪凸函数, 则由定义6知gi(x1)≥gi(x2), 从而有式(7). 证毕.推论2 开凸集X⊂R, gi(x)为X上的单调可微函数, 且单调性相同, i∈I={1,2,…,m}, 则有gi(x)在X上为伪凸函数, 且其凝聚函数(1)关于x仍为伪凸函数.综上, 本文在研究凝聚函数g(x,t)的拟凸性和伪凸性时, 定义了函数间的同定关系和同序关系, 并给出了它们的性质. 在同序关系下, 拟凸函数凝聚后仍为拟凸函数;在同定关系下, 伪凸函数凝聚后仍为伪凸函数.参考文献【相关文献】[1] LI Xing-si. 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SMOOTHING METHODS IN MAXIMUM ENTROPY LANGUAGE MODELINGS.C.Martin,H.Ney,J.ZaploLehrstuhl f¨u r Informatik VI,RWTH Aachen,University of Technology,D-52056Aachen,GermanyABSTRACTThis paper discusses various aspects of smoothing techniques in maximum entropy language modeling,a topic not sufficiently cov-ered by previous publications.We show(1)that straightforward maximum entropy models with nested features,e.g.tri–,bi–, and unigrams,result in unsmoothed relative frequencies models;(2)that maximum entropy models with nested features and dis-counted feature counts approximate backing–off smoothed rela-tive frequencies models with Kneser’s advanced marginal back–off distribution;this explains some of the reported success of max-imum entropy models in the past;(3)perplexity results for nested and non–nested features,e.g.trigrams and distance–trigrams,on a 4–million word subset of the Wall Street Journal Corpus,showing that the smoothing method has more effect on the perplexity than the method to combine information.1.MAXIMUM ENTROPY APPROACHThe maximum entropy principle[1,5]is a well-defined method for incorporating different types of features into a language model[4, 9].For a word given its history it has the following functional form[2,pp.83-87]:with the–dependent auxiliary function and the–independent feature counts.There is no closed solution to the set of constraint equations.We train them with the Generalized Iterative Scaling(GIS)algorithm[3]implemented as described in [10]with the addition of Ristad’s speedup technique[11].In this paper the baseline maximum entropy model uses the nested trigram,bigram,and unigram features with:if and andotherwiseif andotherwiseifotherwiseMotivated by the good results in[10],the baseline model is ex-tended by non–nested features,either distance–2–trigrams with:if and andotherwiseif and andotherwiseor,alternatively,distance–3–bigrams and distance–4–bigrams with:if andotherwiseif andotherwiseAs opposed to the non–nested features,closed solutions exist in part for nested features,allowing some analysis of the maximum entropy models.2.SMOOTHING OF MAXIMUM ENTROPY MODELS 2.1.Unsmoothed Models:Relative FrequenciesFor the straightforward baseline maximum entropy model,there is a closed solution due to the nested features.The constraint equa-tionsresult in relative frequencies:Since the probabilities of all seen trigrams of a given historysum up to,the probability of unseen trigrams is not properly de-fined using the model of Eq.(1)because of, even though bigram and unigram features exist for backing–off. Therefore,smoothing must be applied,a technique that redis-tributes probability mass from seen to unseen events[8].2.2.Smoothing Using Cut–Offs and Absolute Discounting We do not know an obvious smoothing technique for maximum entropy,so we adapted techniques from known smoothing meth-ods:Cut–Offs:Probability mass is gained by omitting featureswith a feature count of threshold and below.However,this results in a coarser model.Absolute Discounting:This method wasfirst presented in[10]without detailed analysis.All features with a positivefeature count are allowed.Probability mass is gained by re-ducing the feature count by afixed discounting value.It is important to note that we now diverge from the max-imum likelihood principle and risk inconsistent constraintequations.In the experiments,we use three different dis-counting values,,and for trigram,bigram andunigram features,respectively.We analyse the effect of the smoothing methods for the case that all bigram features are seen and thus not smoothed.This is unrealistic but leads to a closed solution.If we apply both smoothing methods at the same time,we get the model:otherwise(2) and the constraint equations for the upper branch:resulting in:(4) withThe approximation is possible because almost all trigrams are un-seen in real cases.The computation,also using Eq.(3), results in(5) withNote thatifThus,the resulting model is a standard backing–off model[8], but with a back–off distribution not known from previous publications.However,this back–off distribution is not properly defined if.For absolute dis-counting(,),we haveotherwiseTable1:CPU hours per GIS iteration for maximum entropy mod-els with different features on an Alpha21164500Mhz processoron the WSJ0–4M corpus,.FeaturesThus,the resulting model is a standard backing–off model[8]with a back–off distribution known as Kneser’s marginal distri-bution[7].A closed solution including unigram features is not yet found for both smoothing approaches,but we assume that the re-sulting models would be similar to the above.3.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSFor the experiments,a4.5–million word text from the Wall Street Journal task was used(exact size:4,472,827words).The vocabu-lary consisted of approximately20,000words(vocab20o.nvp). All other words in the text were replaced by the label<UNK>for the unknown word.The test set perplexity was calculated on a separate text of325,000words.In the perplexity calculations,the unknown word was included.The corpora used are the same as in [8]and[9].The CPU time needed for the improved GIS training can be seen in Table1.For nested features,we compared the two smoothing meth-ods for maximum entropy with known smoothing methods for rel-ative frequencies[8]:(1)backing–off with absolute discounting and relative frequencies back–off distribution,(2)the same, but with Kneser’s marginal back–off distribution,and(3)the stan-dard smoothing method at our site,interpolation with absolute dis-counting and singleton back–off distribution:PPsmoothed relative frequencies:backing–off163.4backing–off,marginal distribution153.2standard model152.1interpolation of standard modeland maximum entropy(20iterations):cut–offs,,148.2absolute discounting,150.0back–off distributions.This underlines that the discounted max-imum entropy model only approximates the latter.The cut–off maximum entropy model performs worse,probably because of the poorer modeling and the problematic back–off distribution. The standard model performs best,because it employs interpo-lation instead of backing–off for smoothing.The superiority of smoothing by interpolation over smoothing by backing–off has been observed earlier[8].Interpolating the standard model with the maximum entropy modelsresults in a modest improvement only.All these results show that the performance of a language model with nested features is clearly dominated by the smoothing method,not by the way the features are combined.A baseline maximum entropy model with a better smoothing method or more efficient features may exist but still has to be found.For non–nested features we compared the effects of extend-ing the models by distance–2–trigrams.For smoothed relative frequencies,each of the three trigram models was separately smoothed by absolute discounting and interpolation,like the stan-dard model,with and without the singleton back–off distribution .The discounting parameters were estimated using leaving–one–out.The three smoothed models were combined by linear interpolationwith interpolation parameters,estimated by a simplified cross validation method.The contesting maximum entropy model was extended by the distance–2–trigram features and initialized for GIS training with the parameters from the baseline nested tri-gram model.The discounting parameter for absolute discount-ing for both distance–2–trigram features and the number of GIS iterations was optimized on the testing data.Thus,the training procedure was slightly in favour of the maximum entropy models. Even though,as seen from Table3,the maximum entropy models are still outperformed by the smoothed relative frequencies model with marginal back–off distribution.The interpolation of the max-imum entropy model with the standard model results in a slight perplexity improvement only.Again,results are dominated by the smoothing method.Table3:Test set perplexities for trigram and distance–2–trigram language models on the WSJ0–4M corpus.Modelmaximum entropy:absolute discounting,,3iter.146.9PP interpolation of smoothed relative frequencies:singleton distribution148.6interpolation ofstandard model and maximum entropy:absolute discounting,,3iter.,142.7The extension of the trigram models by distance bigrams was performed in the very same way,but with a slightly different re-sult.As can be seen from Table4,the maximum entropy model now reaches the performance of the smoothed relative frequencies model.An explanation could be that smoothing has a weaker ef-fect on bigrams because bigrams are better trained than trigrams. Thus,the way in which the features are combined becomes more dominant,obviously in favour of the maximum entropy model,as theory suggests[1,9].Compared to the backing–off smoothed relative frequencies model without marginal back–off distribution we get a reduction in perplexity by10%for the maximum entropy model with distance––gram features.A similarfigure is reported in[9]using Turing–Good smoothing[6]for the maximum entropy model[9,p.204],a smoothing method comparable to absolute discounting[8].How-ever,as can be seen from Table2,roughly a third of this perplexity reduction is already achieved by the marginal back–off distribu-tion implicitly modeled by the maximum entropy model without distance––grams,a fact not discussed in earlier publications.4.CONCLUSIONIn this paper we discussed various aspects of smoothing techniques in maximum entropy language modeling.For nested features, the unsmoothed maximum entropy model leads to relativefrequencies without proper probabilities for events not seenin the training;discounted feature counts approximate the well–knownbacking–off smoothing implicitly using Kneser’s advancedmarginal back–off distribution;the discounted maximum entropy model is outperformed byrelative frequencies models with state–of–the–art smooth-ing.For non–nested features,no closed solutions are known;if smoothing is imortant,smoothing methods,not themethod of integrating information,dominate the global per-formance of language models;if the features become better trained,smoothing becomesless important,and maximum entropy appears to outper-form linear interpolation.The authors would like to thank Christoph Hamacher for his support in the experiments.5.REFERENCES[1] A.L.Berger,S.Della Pietra,V.Della Pietra:“A MaximumEntropy Approach to Natural Language Processing”,Com-putational Linguistics,V ol.22,No.1,pp.39–71,1996.[2]Y.M.M.Bishop,S.E.Fienberg,P.W.Holland:DiscreteMultivariate Analysis,MIT press,Cambridge,MA,1975.[3]J.N.Darroch,D.Ratcliff:“Generalized Iterative Scalingfor Log–Linear Models”,Annals of Mathematical Statis-tics,V ol.43,pp.1470–1480,1972.[4]S.Della Pietra,V.Della Pietra,R.L.Mercer,S.Roukos:“Adaptive Language Modeling Using Minimum Discrim-inant Information”,IEEE Int.Conf.on Acoustics,Speechand Signal Processing,San Francisco,CA,V ol.I,pp.633–636,1992.[5]S.Della Pietra,V.Della Pietra,fferty:“Inducing Fea-tures of Random Fields”,Technical Report CMU-CS-95-144,Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh,PA,1995.[6]I.J.Good:“The Population Frequencies of Species and theEstimation of Population Parameters”,Biometrika,V ol.40,pp.237-264,Dec.1953.[7]R.Kneser,H.Ney:“Improved Backing-Off for–gramLanguage Modeling”,IEEE Int.Conf.on Acoustics,Speechand Signal Processing,Detroit,MI,V ol.I,pp.181–184,May1995.[8]H.Ney,F.Wessel,S.C.Martin:“Statistical LanguageModeling Using Leaving-One-Out”,In S.Young,G.Bloothooft(eds.):Corpus-Based Methods in Speech andLanguage,Kluwer Academic Publishers,pp.174-207,1997.[9]R.Rosenfeld:“A Maximum Entropy Approach to Adap-tive Statistical Language Modeling”,Computer Speech andLanguage,V ol.10,No.3,pp.187–228,July1996. 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