construction and building materials


关于路面实验的 外国文献

关于路面实验的 外国文献
Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 403–409
Contents ScienceDirect
Construction and Building Materials
journal homepage: /locate/conbuildmat
Evaluation of the induction healing effect of porous asphalt concrete through four point bending fatigue test
Quantao Liu a,⇑, Erik Schlangen a, Martin van de Ven b, Gerbert van Bochove c, Jo van Montfort d
article info
Article history: Received 8 July 2011 Received in revised form 19 September 2011 Accepted 2 October 2011 Available online 29 November 2011
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Netherlands is a densely populated country and many people live close to the motorways, so traffic noise is one of the most serious environmental issues. To reduce traffic noise, porous asphalt was first utilized as a surface wearing course in 1972 and it was decided to start applying porous asphalt surface wearing courses on a larger scale in 1987 [1,2]. Up to now, close to 90% of the Dutch motorway networks is surfaced with porous asphalt concrete and it is a government policy to apply porous asphalt on the whole motorway network [3]. Standard porous asphalt PA 0/16 is used mostly as a surface wearing course with a thickness of 50 mm and a minimum air voids content of 20%. This open structure can reduce traffic noise by 3 db [4,5]. Besides, porous asphalt also reduces spray and splash and prevents aquaplaning under wet conditions, which can improve the driving comfort and safety [6,7].



CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSAn international journal dedicated to the investigation and innovative use of materialsin construction and repairAUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS• Description• Audience• Impact Factor• Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board• Guide for Authors p.1p.1p.2p.2p.2p.3ISSN: 0950-0618DESCRIPTIONConstruction and Building Materials provides an international forum for the dissemination of research and development in the field of construction and building materials and their application in new works and repair practice. The journal publishes a wide range of research and application papers which describe laboratory and numerical investigations or report on full scale projects.Construction and Building Materials also publishes detailed case studies and review articles, as well as short communications and discussions.The materials and technology covered include: cement, concrete reinforcement, bricks and mortars, additives, corrosion technology, ceramics, timber, steel, polymers, glass fibres, recycled materials and by-products, sealants, adhesives.The scope of Construction and Building Materials includes, but is not restricted to, new works and repair and maintenance of the following: bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, civil engineering structures, silos, highway pavements, tunnels, water containment structures, sewers, roofing, housing, coastal defences.At a time when the pressure is on all engineers, architects and contractors to optimise use of new materials and up-to-date technologies, Construction and Building Materials provides essential information that will help improve efficiency, productivity and competitiveness in world markets. It is therefore vital reading for all professionals and academics involved with research into, or specification of, building materials.Author duties: Acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the journal carries with it an understanding that the author, when requested, will fulfil an obligation to contribute their expertise to the review of others' manuscripts. Authors who are unwilling to assist with the review of a colleague's paper may in extreme cases find that their manuscripts are no longer welcomed for publication in Construction and Building Materials.AUDIENCEConsulting engineers, architects, civil engineers, technical managers, project managers, structural engineers and researchers.IMPACT FACTOR2010: 1.366 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2011ABSTRACTING AND INDEXINGCompendexEngineering IndexMaterials Science Citation IndexResearch AlertScience Citation IndexScopusEDITORIAL BOARDEditor-in-Chief:Michael C. Forde, University of Edinburgh, Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering, Edinburgh, UK, Email: m.forde@Senior Editor:Masayusa Ohtsu, Kumamoto University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto, Japan, Email: A. Muhammed Basheer, Queen's University of Belfast, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Belfast, UK, Email: m.basheer@Kent Harries, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Email: kharries@Editorial Advisory Board:J. M. Adam, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, SpainG. Airey, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UKI. Al-Qadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USAN.O. Attoh-Okine, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USAL. C. Bank, City College of New York, New York City, NY, USAL. Binda, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, ItalyA.J. Boyd, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaJ.H. Bungey, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UKO. Buyukozturk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USAK. Crews, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaA. Duran-Herrera, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Nuevo Leon, MexicoD.M. Frangopol, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USAO. Gunes, Cankaya University, Ankara, TurkeyM. Hall, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UKP.C. Hewlett, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, UKK.C. Hover, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USAC.K.Y. Leung, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, ChinaP.B. Lourenco, Universidade do Minho, Azurém, Guimarães, PortugalA. Mirmiran, Florida International University, Miami FL, USAJ. Mirza, Research Institute of Hydro-Quebec, Varennes, CanadaA. S. Nowak, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USAS. Rizkalla, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USAN.G. Shrive, University of Calgary, Calgary, CanadaK. Sobolev, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USAM. N. Soutsos, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UKV. W. Y. Tam, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaJ-G. Teng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, ChinaI. B. Topçu, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, TurkeyD. Van Gemert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Heverlee, BelgiumH.G. Wheat, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USAF. Xiao, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USAM.H. Zhang, National University of Singapore (NUS), SingaporeGUIDE FOR AUTHORSINTRODUCTIONConstruction and Building Materials provides an international forum for the dissemination of research and development in the field of construction and building materials and their application in new works and repair practice.Authors must supply the names, addresses and emails of 3 independent referees from outside their own country.All Authors are expected to help in the peer review process by reviewing at least 3 papers. 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construction and building materials格式要求 -回复

construction and building materials格式要求 -回复

construction and building materials格式要求-回复Construction and Building MaterialsIntroduction:Construction and building materials are crucial components that determine the quality, strength, and durability of any structure. These materials play a significant role in the construction industry by providing the necessary support and protection required for buildings, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure projects. This article aims to explore the different types of construction and building materials, their properties, and their applications.1. Concrete:Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials due to its versatility, strength, and durability. It is composed of a mixture of cement, aggregates (such as sand and gravel), and water. The cement acts as a binder, holding the aggregates together, resulting in a solid and reliable material. Concrete is commonly used in the construction of foundations, slabs, beams, and columns. It can also be molded into various shapes and sizes, making it a flexible choice for construction projects.2. Steel:Steel is another essential material in the construction industry.Its high strength-to-weight ratio makes it ideal for use in structural components such as beams, columns, and frames. Steel offers excellent tensile strength, allowing it to withstand heavy loads and adverse weather conditions. Additionally, steel is highly durable and resistant to corrosion, making it a suitable choice forlong-lasting structures. It is commonly used in high-rise buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities.3. Wood:Wood has been a traditional construction material for centuries, and it continues to be widely used due to its natural beauty, versatility, and sustainability. It offers excellent thermal insulation properties and can be easily shaped and fabricated according to project requirements. Wood is commonly used in residential construction, including the framing of walls, floors, and roofs. It is also utilized in the construction of furniture, doors, and decorative elements.4. Masonry:Masonry refers to the construction technique of using individual units bound together with mortar. The units can be made of materials such as bricks, stone, concrete blocks, or clay tiles. Masonry offers excellent fire resistance and thermal insulation properties. It is often used in the construction of walls, facades, andpartitions. Masonry structures are known for their robustness and durability, making them suitable for both residential and commercial buildings.5. Glass:Glass is a versatile material that is used for both structural and aesthetic purposes in construction. It offers transparency, allowing natural light into the building interior. Glass can be used in windows, facades, and interior partitions. It can also be specially treated to improve insulation properties and enhance safety. Glass is known for its modern appearance, making it a popular choice for contemporary architectural designs.6. Asphalt:Asphalt is a widely used material in the construction of roads, driveways, and parking lots. It is composed of a mixture of aggregates and bitumen, a sticky petroleum-based substance. Asphalt offers excellent flexibility and durability, enabling it to withstand heavy traffic and extreme weather conditions. It provides a smooth and skid-resistant surface, ensuring safe and comfortable driving conditions.Conclusion:Construction and building materials play a vital role in determining the strength, durability, and aesthetics of structures.From concrete and steel to wood and glass, each material offers unique properties and applications. By understanding the characteristics and uses of these materials, construction professionals can make informed decisions to ensure the success and longevity of their projects.。

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建筑材料Building materials(全文)

建筑材料Building mterilsXX:TU5XX:建筑工程中使用的所有材料统称为建筑材料。
























装饰材料论文参考文献一、装饰材料论文期刊参考文献[1].装饰材料中甲醛对居室空气污染和健康危害研究.《劳动医学》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2001年1期.李延红.苏瑾.杨滨.薄萍.朱颖俐.相喜魁.[2].蔗渣浆和竹浆制备墙体装饰材料的研究.《功能材料》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被EI收录EI.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2012年12期.祝磊.杨仁党.韩文佳.叶建平.杨飞.刘德桃.黄良辉.[3].建筑和装饰材料导致室内污染的研究.《新型建筑材料》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2001年12期.冯芳.张占恩.张丽君.[4].装饰材料的艺术特征在室内设计中的创新应用研究.《四川建筑科学研究》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2013年6期.胡剑忠.[5].水稻秸秆和淀粉基全降解装饰板的制备.《农业工程学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被EI收录EI.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2012年6期.刘军军.何春霞.[6].麦草和蔗渣机械浆制备墙体装饰材料的研究.《建筑材料学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被EI收录EI.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2010年2期.韩文佳.陈克复.杨仁党.杨飞.黄良辉.高文花.[7].建筑装饰施工中节能环保绿色装饰材料的应用.《华章》.2013年2期.刘洪.[8].应用AHP评价建筑装饰材料的微环境学特性.《建筑材料学报》.被中信所《中国科技期刊引证报告》收录ISTIC.被EI收录EI.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.2009年5期.于海鹏.陈文帅.二、装饰材料论文参考文献学位论文类[1].典型热塑性装饰材料火灾特性研究.被引次数:25作者:徐亮.安全技术及工程中国科学技术大学2007(学位年度)[2].装饰材料在室内设计中的功能及生态环保研究.被引次数:9作者:呼筱.设计学青岛理工大学2013(学位年度)[3].可持续装饰材料在室内空间设计中应用美学研究.被引次数:12作者:刘寒青.设计艺术学浙江理工大学2011(学位年度)[4].软装饰材料在室内设计中的应用.作者:鞠金秀.美术学青岛科技大学2014(学位年度)[5].低碳经济模式下相变储能装饰材料在装饰工程中的应用研究.被引次数:2作者:许胜利.材料工程重庆大学2012(学位年度)[6].新型装饰材料生产线控制系统的设计与实现.作者:张瑞洋.控制工程重庆大学2014(学位年度)[7].装饰材料在建筑设计中的可持续运用研究.作者:肖雄伟.设计艺术学湖南师范大学2015(学位年度)[8].室外装饰材料在靖港古镇景观恢复中的应用研究.作者:周维.园林植物与观赏园艺中南林业科技大学2013(学位年度)[9].装饰的魅力——现代建筑环境装饰材料设计艺术与表现应用研究.被引次数:2作者:赵斌.设计艺术学山东师范大学2012(学位年度)[10].装饰材料的运用与构成意象空间表达研究.被引次数:1作者:周敏.设计艺术学西南交通大学2014(学位年度)三、相关装饰材料论文外文参考文献[1]Directutilizationofliquidslagfromphosphorussmeltingfurnacetopr eparecaststoneasdecorativebuildingmaterial. JunZhouZhuShuXiaohuaHuYanxinWang《ConstructionandBuildingMATERIALS》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20105[2]Directutilizationofliquidslagfromphosphorussmeltingfurnacetopr eparecaststoneasdecorativebuildingmaterial. 《ConstructionandBuildingMaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20105[3]Reuseofwastematerialfromdecorativequartzsolidsurfacingintheman ufactureofhotbituminousmixes.M.C.RubioF.MorenoA.BelmonteA.Menendez 《ConstructionandBuildingMATERIALS》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20104[4]Reuseofwastematerialfromdecorativequartzsolidsurfacingintheman ufactureofhotbituminousmixes.《ConstructionandBuildingMaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20104[5]TheDecorativeSymbolsofTaiwanTraditionalArchitecturalCeramicMat erialACaseStudyonKinMenAncestralTemples. WenChangKuoChihKaoNiehKuangShengLiu《AdvancedScienceLetters》,被SCI收录SCI.20132[6]Reuseofsludgefromthedecorativequartzindustryinhotbituminousmix es.F.MorenoM.C.RubioM.J.MartinezEchevarria 《ConstructionandBuildingMaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20115[7]Reuseofsludgefromthedecorativequartzindustryinhotbituminousmix es.F.MorenoM.C.RubioM.J.MartinezEchevarria 《ConstructionandBuildingMaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20115[8]Radonexhalationfrombuildingmaterialsfordecorativeuse. 《Journalofenvironmentalradioactivity》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20104[9]ADecorativeConstructionMaterialPreparedbyMakingUseofMarbleWast eGranulesandPMMA/SiO2Nanocomposites.S.M.ElBashirA.Hendi《PolymerPlasticsTechnologyandEngineering》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20101/3[10]Applicationofsilkcompositetodecorativelaminate. KimuraTAokiS《AdvancedCompositeMaterials:TheOfficialJournaloftheJapanSocietyofCom positeMaterials》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20074四、装饰材料论文专著参考文献[1]木塑复合装饰材料的研制.朱兰瑾.莫晨杰,2012中国塑协改性塑料专业委员会2012年年会暨改性塑料新技术、新设备、新产品展示交流大会[2]浅谈轿厢装饰材料及其选用.邝定灿,2011中国电梯协会安装维修专业委员会2011年会[3]单体燃烧试验装置在立面装饰材料燃烧性能研究中的应用分析.杨森.郑金凤.滕彦.邓小波.于广和.孙玉泉,20112011年全国阻燃学术会议[4]论装饰材料在室内设计中的组合方式.孙洪伟,2009中国建筑学会室内设计分会2009年年会暨国际学术交流会[5]室内可燃性装饰材料燃烧特性分析.张伟.夏云春,2008中国工程热物理学会2008年燃烧学学术会议[6]美国建筑装饰材料发展、应用和特点.王少南,20032003全国建筑装饰行业科技大会[7]多功能纺织装饰材料在室内空气净化中的作用.吕世静.侯强,2008第8届功能性纺织品及纳米技术研讨会[8]油菜秸秆的特性及其在装饰材料中的应用.熊汉国.汪振炯.邹鹏,2007第一届全国生物质材料科学与技术学术研讨会[9]新型建筑装饰材料发展动态.李怀之,20032003全国建筑装饰行业科技大会[10]新型钙木塑装饰材料的研究.傅振瑞.隋世剑.孙乐奎.宫相配,2007首届山东材料大会。



中科院分区JCR分区排名Rank分区Quartile 期刊名称Publication Name影响因子2018(彩眄因子5年)1 QI COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING 6.208(5.189)2 Qi IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 5.744(6.064)3 QI BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 4.820(5.379)4 QI TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL 4.574(5.257)5 Ql ENERGY AND BUILDINGS a.495(a.823)6 QI 」OURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 4.405(4.938)7 QI AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION 4.313(5.276)8 QI TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-L06ISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 4.253(4.806)9 Ql CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 4.046(4.685)10 QI TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 3.942(4.356}11 QI STEELAND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 3.899(3.882)12 QI COASTAL ENGINEERING 3-85(4.273)13 Ql Structural Control & Health Monitoring 3.74(3.870)14 QI Smart Structures and Sy sterns 3.622(2.649)15 Ql STRUCTURALSAFETY 3517(3.985)16 Ql THIN ・WALLED STRUCTURES 3.4.88(3.583)17 Ql TRANSPORTATION 3.457(3.851)18 Ql EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 3.419(4.122)19 Ql JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 3.404(3.543)20 Ql COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 3.354(3.575)21 Ql JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING 3.269(3.475) 22Ql ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 3.084(3.345) 23Ql JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS 3.010(3.625) 24 Ql WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2.987(3.255)25QlQl JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH 2.974(2.762)26 MARINE STRUCTURES 2.865(2.996)27 Ql Archives of Civil a仃d Mechanical Engineering 2.84612.805)28 Ql STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT 2.807(2.934)29 Ql STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS 2.804(2.264)30 Ql COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2.767(2.800)31 Ql JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2.754(2.281)32 Ql JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 2.734(2.968)33 Ql OCEAN ENGINEERING 2.730(3.067}35Q2Advances in Concrete Construction 2.618(New)36 Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES FOR CONSTRUCTION 2.606(3.485)37 Q2 Geomechanics and Engineenng 2.594(2.406)38 Q2 IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING 2.567(3.033139 Q2 mgegneriaSismica 2.561(1.893|40 Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2.554(2.743|41 Q2 Journal of Hydro environment Research 2.548(2.635)42 Q2 MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 2.548(3.091}43 Q2 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 2.528(2.814)44 Q2 Structure and Infr合Engineering 2^130(2.275}45Q2Transportation Geotechnics 2.385{new) 46Q2Journal of Building Engineering 2.378( new)17 Q.2International Journal of Pavement Engineering 2.298(2.237) 4S Q2 JOURNAL Of HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 2.206(2.628)49 Q2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TALL AND SPECIAL BUILDINGS 2.204(l.&82>50 Q2 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2.156(2.005)51 Q2 inrernational」oumal of concrete structures and Materials 2.111(2.696)52 Q2 Journal of Civil Engineeringand Management 2.029(1.809}53 Q2 COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNA. 2.016(1.602)54 Q2 EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 2.005(3.431)55 Q2 JOURNALOF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 1.984(2.457}56 Q2 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 1.9S3(1.9S2;57 Q2 Road Materials and Pavement Design 1.980(2.064>58 Q2 JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS 1.908(2.105)59 Q2 computers and concrete 1.889(1.634)60 Q2 Structural Concrete 1.885(2.272}161 Qi WATER INTERNATIONAL 885(2.149) 62Q2 European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 1.873(1^71>63 02 JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1.845(1.898)64 02 Journ合1 of Bridge Engineering 1.840(2.084)65 Q2 JOURNAL OF SURVEYING ENGINEERING 1.766(1.87)66 Q2 FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL 1.659(1.946}■ ■■ S・67Q3 JOURNALOF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 1.657(1.72) 6803Structures 1.646(new)69 Q3 JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING 1.625(1.772)70 Q3 Journal of Analytical Methods In Chemistry 1.589(1.94.8)71 Q3 Earthquakes and structures 1.573(1.540) 7203Engineenng Construction and Architectural Management 1.561( New)73 Q3 JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES 1.542(1.620)74 Q3 OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F-JOURNAL OF RAIL AND F 1.540(1.800)75 03 Journal of infrastructure Systems 1.538(2.113)76 Q3 N合tural Hazards Review 1.525(1.874)77 Q3 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 1.520; 1.436J78 Q3 SURVEY REVIEW 1.42(1.211)79 Q3 International Journal of Architectural Heritage 1.440(1.480)80 Q3 JOURNALOF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING 1.438(1.992)81 Q3 KSC£ Journal of Civil Engineering 1.428(1.423)82 03 JOURNALOFSHIP RESEARCH 1.406{ 1.855}83 Q3 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 1.394(1.143)84 Q3 JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 1.373(1.295)85 Q3 JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING 1.340(1.54 习86 03 Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 1.336{ 1.583)87 Q3 ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1.32OJL363)88 Q3 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers・Enginee「ing Sustainability 1.302(1.163)89 Q3 ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL 1.287(1.83 5) 90Q3Frontiers of structural and Civil Engineenng 1.272(new)91 Q3 WIND AND STRUCTURES 1.256(1.291>92 Q3 Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineer!ng and Practice 1.181( 1.456J93 Q3 JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1.165(1.517|94 Q3 -OURNALOF ENERGY ENGINEERING 1.131(1.351)95 Q3 Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 1.125(1.289> 96Q3Advances in Civil Engineering 1.104( new)97 Q3 JOURNAL OF WATER SUPPLY RESEARCH AND TECHNOLDGY-AQUA 1.051(1.088> 9S Q3 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 1.050(1.444| 99 Q3 Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 0.976(0.905> ■ ■•------- •• J .............. ---- o o -- •* *J 100 Q4 Bexon- und Stahlbetcnbau 0.966{0.651)101 Q4 Advanced Steel Construction 0.957(1.084) 102 Q4 ROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-STRUCTURES AND BUILDINC 0.877(0.857) 103 QA int^maiional Journal of steel structures 0.873(1.033) 104 Q4 JOURNAL AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 0.838{0.725J 105 Q4 Iranian Journal of Scie nc^ and Tech nolo gy-Transactionsof Civil E 仃gineeri ng 0.800(0.801) 106 Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-MARITIME ENGINEERING 0.800(0.711) 107 04 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTHUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT 0.792(0.593) 108 Q4 BahicJournal of Road and Bridge EngineGnng 0.771(0.668) 109 Q4 JOURNAL OF COLD REGIONS ENGINEERING 0.761(0.885) 110 Q4 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 0.748(0.956) 111 QA CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 0.742(1.129) 112 Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING 0.741{0.773| 113 Q4 Journal of Transportation Engine巳ring Part B-Pa\r ements 0.722(0.722)114 115 Q4Q4PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-WATER MANAGEMENT CHINA OCEANENGINEERING0.706(0.879)0.693(0.722)116 Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-CIVIL ENGINEERING 0.683(0.521) 117 Q4 journal of Transportation Engineering Part A Systems 0.641(0.641) 118 Q4 Bauingenieur 0.622(0.449) 119 04 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS.MUNICIPAL ENGINEER 0.614(0.525) 120 Q4 Structural Engineering Intemational 0.608{0.628) 121 Q4 Gradevinar 0.493(0.635) 122 Q4 ENGINEERING JOURNAL-AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 0.484(0.474) 123 Q4 Revista de 1 合Construction 0.468(0.5&8) 124 Q4 CIVIL ENGINEERING 0.464(0.3661■ •125 04 Journ合1 of〔he South African institution of Civil Engineering 0.004(0.486) 126 Q4 stahlbau 0.004(0.290) 127 Q4 Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua 0.290(0.302) 128 04 Bautechnik 0.249(0.274) 129 Q4 NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL 0.246(0.327) 130 04 GEFAHRSTOFFE REINHALTUN6 DER LUFT 0.241(0.265) 131 Q4 Teknik Dergi 0.196(0.255) 132 Q4 ITE JOURNAL-INSTRUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS 0.155(0.172)。



水泥混凝土方面的SCI期刊Construction and Building MaterialsJournal of Engineering Materials and Technologyadvances in cement researchConcrete Science and Engineering以下提供与建筑材料相关SCI期刊的基本信息!希望对大家的投稿能起到一定的帮助作用。

ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH(1) Cement and concrete researchImpact factor: 0.727(2006)1.028 (2007)Full Journal Title: CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE RESISSN: 0008-8846Issues/Year: 12Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(2) Cement concrete and aggregate (Stop publication)Impact factor: 0.067 (2006)Full Journal Title: CEMENT CONCRETE AND AGGREGATESISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Aggreg.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE AGGRISSN: 0149-6123Issues/Year: 2Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALSPublisher Address: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(3) CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITESImpact factor: 0.457(2006)0.962(2007)Full Journal Title: CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITESISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Compos.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE COMPISSN: 0958-9465Issues/Year: 8Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, COMPOSITES(4) ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCHImpact factor: 0.5 (2006)0.4 (2007)Full Journal Title: ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Adv. Cem. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: ADV CEM RESISSN: 0951-7197Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: THOMAS TELFORD HOUSE, 1 HERON QUAY, LONDON E14 4JD, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(5) JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGImpact factor: 0.449 (2006)0.452 (2007)Full Journal Title: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGISO Abbrev. Title: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.JCR Abbrev. Title: J MATER CIVIL ENGISSN: 0899-1561Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERSPublisher Address: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA20191-4400Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(6) ACI MATERIALS JOURNALImpact factor: 0.419 (2006)0.670 (2007)Full Journal Title: ACI MATERIALS JOURNALISO Abbrev. Title: ACI Mater. J.JCR Abbrev. Title: ACI MATER JISSN: 0889-325XIssues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: AMER CONCRETE INSTPublisher Address: 38800 INTERNATIONAL WAY, COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, PO BOX 9094, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48333-9094Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(7) CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSImpact factor: 0.343 (2006)0.841 (2007)Full Journal Title: CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSISO Abbrev. Title: Constr. Build. Mater.JCR Abbrev. Title: CONSTR BUILD MATERISSN: 0950-0618Issues/Year: 8Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(8) MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCHImpact factor: 0.379(2006)0.317 (2007)Full Journal Title: MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Mag. Concr. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: MAG CONCRETE RESISSN: 0024-9831Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: THOMAS TELFORD HOUSE, 1 HERON QUAY, LONDON E14 4JD, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(9) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERINGImpact factor: 0.824 (2007)Full Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERINGISO Abbrev. Title: Int. J. Impact Eng.JCR Abbrev. Title: INT J IMPACT ENGISSN: 0734-743XIssues/Year: 10Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL(10) ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICSImpact factor: 1.227 (2007)Full Journal Title: ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Eng. Fract. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: ENG FRACT MECHISSN: 0013-7944Issues/Year: 18Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: MECHANICS(11) International Journal of FractureImpact factor: 1.003(2007)Full Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTUREISO Abbrev. Title: Int. J. Fract.JCR Abbrev. Title: INT J FRACTUREISSN: 0376-9429Issues/Year: 18Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSSubject Categories: MECHANICS(12) THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICSImpact factor: 0.781 (2007)Full Journal Title: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: THEOR APPL FRACT MECISSN: 0167-8442Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BVPublisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL MECHANICS(13) FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURESImpact factor: 0.726 (2007)Full Journal Title: FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURESISO Abbrev. Title: Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct.JCR Abbrev. Title: FATIGUE FRACT ENG MISSN: 8756-758XIssues/Year: 12Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(14) StrainImpact factor: 0.642 (2007)Full Journal Title: STRAINISO Abbrev. Title: StrainJCR Abbrev. Title: STRAINISSN: 0039-2103Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION &TESTING(15) Computers and ConcreteImpact factor: 0.351 (2007)Full Journal Title: Computers and ConcreteISO Abbrev. Title: Comput. Concr.JCR Abbrev. Title: COMPUT CONCRETEISSN: 1598-8198Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: SOUTH KOREAPublisher: TECHNO-PRESSPublisher Address: PO BOX 33, YUSEONG, DAEJEON 305-600, SOUTH KOREASubject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONSCONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYENGINEERING, CIVILMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(16) EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICSImpact factor: 0.985 (2007)Full Journal Title: EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Exp. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: EXP MECHISSN: 0014-4851Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: 233 SPRING STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10013Subject Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYMECHANICSMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(17) ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSISImpact factor: 0.565Full Journal Title: ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSISISO Abbrev. Title: Eng. Fail. Anal.JCR Abbrev. Title: ENG FAIL ANALISSN: 1350-6307Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(18) Materials and StructuresImpact factor: 0.892 (2008)Full Journal Title: MATERIALS AND STRUCTURESISO Abbrev. Title: Mater. Struct.JCR Abbrev. Title: MATER STRUCTISSN: 1359-5997Issues/Year: 10Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSSubject Categories:CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY。

construction and building materials分区

construction and building materials分区

Construction and Building MaterialsIntroductionConstruction and building materials play a crucial role in the development of infrastructure and the construction industry. These materials are used in various applications, ranging from residential buildings to commercial structures and public infrastructures. This article explores the significance of construction and building materials, their types, properties, and sustainable alternatives.Types of Construction and Building Materials1. Concrete•One of the most widely used construction materials•Made by mixing cement, aggregates, and water•Provides structural strength and durability•Can be reinforced with steel bars for additional strength•Used in foundations, walls, floors, and pavements2. Steel•Strong and versatile construction material•Used in the construction of high-rise buildings and bridges•Can withstand heavy loads and extreme weather conditions •Available in various forms such as beams, columns, and plates •Can be recycled, making it a sustainable choice3. Bricks•Traditional and sustainable building material•Made from clay, shale, or concrete•Provides thermal insulation and soundproofing•Used in the construction of walls, facades, and chimneys•Different types include clay bricks, concrete blocks, and fired bricks4. Wood•Renewable and aesthetically pleasing material•Used in residential and commercial buildings•Provides natural insulation properties•Can be treated to increase durability and resistance to pests •Used for structural elements, flooring, and decorative purposes5. Glass•Transparent and versatile construction material•Used in windows, doors, and facades•Allows natural light to enter buildings•Provides thermal and sound insulation•Special types of glass include tempered glass and laminated glass Properties of Construction and Building Materials1. Strength•Crucial for ensuring structural stability and safety•Depends on the type and composition of the material•Concrete and steel have high strength properties•Wood has good strength-to-weight ratio2. Durability•Materials should withstand environmental factors and aging •Concrete and steel are highly durable•Wood requires proper maintenance for long-term durability3. Thermal Insulation•Materials with good thermal insulation properties reduce energy consumption•Insulation materials include foam, fiberglass, and cellulose •Wood and bricks provide natural insulation4. Fire Resistance•Materials that are resistant to fire prevent the spread of flames •Concrete and steel have high fire-resistant properties•Wood can be treated to improve its fire resistance5. Soundproofing•Materials with soundproofing properties reduce noise transmission •Insulation materials, such as mineral wool, absorb sound waves •Concrete and bricks have good soundproofing capabilities Sustainable Alternatives1. Recycled Materials•Utilizing recycled materials reduces the demand for natural resources•Recycled concrete and steel can be used in construction projects •Recycled plastic and glass can be used for non-structural purposes2. Low Carbon Materials•Materials with low carbon footprint contribute to sustainable construction•Examples include bamboo, straw, and hempcrete•These materials have lower embodied carbon compared to traditional options3. Green Roofs•Green roofs consist of vegetation and provide multiple benefits •Improve thermal insulation and energy efficiency•Absorb rainwater and reduce stormwater runoff•Enhance biodiversity and aesthetic appeal4. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)•ICFs are blocks made of foam or polystyrene•Provide excellent thermal insulation and energy efficiency •Enhance the building’s strength and durability•Reduce the overall construction time and laborConclusionConstruction and building materials are essential components of any construction project. They determine the strength, durability, and sustainability of the structures we build. Concrete, steel, bricks, wood, and glass are commonly used materials, each with its specific properties. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards sustainable alternatives, such as recycled materials, low carbon options, green roofs, and insulated concrete forms. By carefully selecting and utilizing these materials, we can create buildings that are not only functional but also environmentally friendly.。



(1) Cement and concrete researchImpact factor: 0.727(2006)1.028 (2007)Full Journal Title: CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE RESISSN: 0008-8846Issues/Year: 12Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(2) Cement concrete and aggregateImpact factor: 0.067 (2006)Full Journal Title: CEMENT CONCRETE AND AGGREGATESISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Aggreg.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE AGGRISSN: 0149-6123Issues/Year: 2Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALSPublisher Address: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(3) CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITESImpact factor: 0.457(2006)0.962(2007)Full Journal Title: CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITESISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Compos.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE COMPISSN: 0958-9465Issues/Year: 8Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE,COMPOSITES(4) ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCHImpact factor: 0.5 (2006)0.4 (2007)Full Journal Title: ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Adv. Cem. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: ADV CEM RESISSN: 0951-7197Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: THOMAS TELFORD HOUSE, 1 HERON QUAY, LONDON E14 4JD, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(5) JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGImpact factor: 0.449 (2006)0.452 (2007)Full Journal Title: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGISO Abbrev. Title: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.JCR Abbrev. Title: J MATER CIVIL ENGISSN: 0899-1561Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERSPublisher Address: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(6) ACI MATERIALS JOURNALImpact factor: 0.419 (2006)0.670 (2007)Full Journal Title: ACI MATERIALS JOURNALISO Abbrev. Title: ACI Mater. J.JCR Abbrev. Title: ACI MATER JISSN: 0889-325XIssues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: AMER CONCRETE INSTPublisher Address: 38800 INTERNATIONAL WAY, COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, PO BOX 9094, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48333-9094Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(7) CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSImpact factor: 0.343 (2006)0.841 (2007)Full Journal Title: CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSISO Abbrev. Title: Constr. Build. Mater.JCR Abbrev. Title: CONSTR BUILD MATERISSN: 0950-0618Issues/Year: 8Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(8) MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCHImpact factor: 0.379(2006)0.317 (2007)Full Journal Title: MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Mag. Concr. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: MAG CONCRETE RESISSN: 0024-9831Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: THOMAS TELFORD HOUSE, 1 HERON QUAY, LONDON E14 4JD, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(9) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERINGImpact factor: 0.824 (2007)Full Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERINGISO Abbrev. Title: Int. J. Impact Eng.JCR Abbrev. Title: INT J IMPACT ENGISSN: 0734-743XIssues/Year: 10Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL(10) ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICSImpact factor: 1.227 (2007)Full Journal Title: ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Eng. Fract. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: ENG FRACT MECHISSN: 0013-7944Issues/Year: 18Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: MECHANICS(11) International Journal of FractureImpact factor: 1.003(2007)Full Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTUREISO Abbrev. Title: Int. J. Fract.JCR Abbrev. Title: INT J FRACTUREISSN: 0376-9429Issues/Year: 18Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS Subject Categories: MECHANICS(12) THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICSImpact factor: 0.781 (2007)Full Journal Title: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: THEOR APPL FRACT MECISSN: 0167-8442Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BVPublisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICALMECHANICS(13) FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURESImpact factor: 0.726 (2007)Full Journal Title: FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURESISO Abbrev. Title: Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct.JCR Abbrev. Title: FATIGUE FRACT ENG MISSN: 8756-758XIssues/Year: 12Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLAND Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICALMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(14) StrainImpact factor: 0.642 (2007)Full Journal Title: STRAINISO Abbrev. Title: StrainJCR Abbrev. Title: STRAINISSN: 0039-2103Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLAND Subject Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(15) Computers and ConcreteImpact factor: 0.351 (2007)Full Journal Title: Computers and ConcreteISO Abbrev. Title: Comput. Concr.JCR Abbrev. Title: COMPUT CONCRETEISSN: 1598-8198Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: SOUTH KOREAPublisher: TECHNO-PRESSPublisher Address: PO BOX 33, YUSEONG, DAEJEON 305-600, SOUTH KOREASubject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYENGINEERING, CIVILMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(16) EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICSImpact factor: 0.985 (2007)Full Journal Title: EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Exp. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: EXP MECHISSN: 0014-4851Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: 233 SPRING STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10013Subject Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYMECHANICSMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(17) ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSISImpact factor: 0.565Full Journal Title: ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSISISO Abbrev. Title: Eng. Fail. Anal.JCR Abbrev. Title: ENG FAIL ANALISSN: 1350-6307Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICALMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING。

Construction and Building Materials Volume

Construction and Building Materials Volume

Study on the effect of basalt fiber on the energy absorption characteristics of porous materialqLuo Xin a ,⇑,Xu Jin-yu a ,b ,Bai Er-lei a ,Li Weimin caDepartment of Airfield and Building Engineering,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710038,China bCollege of Mechanics and Civil Architecture,Northwest Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710072,China cAirport Office,Air Force Logistics Department in Guangzhou Military Region,Guangzhou 510052,Chinah i g h l i g h t sThe energy-absorption indicators under different strain rate have been obtained. The energy-absorbing features and effect of basalt fiber have been analyzed. Basalt fiber has obvious improving effect on the toughness of porous material. Basalt fiber can improve the energy-absorbing ability of porous material. Basalt fiber has a promising future in the feature improving field.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 13December 2013Received in revised form 22May 2014Accepted 30June 2014Keywords:Basalt fiberPorous materialEnergy absorption characteristics Dynamic compressive testSplit Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB)Pulse shaping techniquea b s t r a c tCeramics–cement based porous material (CCPM)and basalt fiber reinforced ceramics–cement based por-ous material (BFRCCPM)have been prepared.The quasi-static compression test and impact compression test of both CCPM and BFRCCPM have been made and the energy-absorption indicators under different strain rate have been obtained.The energy-absorbing features of them have been comparatively analyzed and the effect of basalt fiber has been comparatively studied.The results show:under quasi-static com-pression state,the peak toughness and full toughness increase continuously with strain rate.Under the same strain rate,the peak toughness of BFRCCPM are obviously higher than that of CCPM.It is because basalt fiber can increase the peak toughness and full toughness.During impact compression stage,the peak toughness and specific energy absorption are highly strain rate sensitive and increase continuously with it.Basalt fiber has obvious improving effect on both peak toughness and full toughness.During impact compression state,the more energy the specimen absorbs,the more seriously it is damaged.BFRCCPM is comparatively slightly damaged given the same amount of absorbed energy.It is because the important effect of the basalt fiber.So,it can be concluded that basalt fiber can improve the energy-absorbing ability of porous material and has a promising future in the feature improving field.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionPorous material [1–3]is the composite of solid phase and its porous structure can change from perfectly structured beehive to disordered three-dimensional network like sponge or foam group.The most notable difference between porous material and entity-structured material is that porous material has its uniqueand delicate hole structures which gives it unique and comprehen-sive properties like low thermal conductivity,low permeability,good damping capacity,low density,excellent mechanical proper-ties,and the greatest of these is outstanding energy absorption characteristic.At present,the worldwide researches on energy-absorbing materials mainly focus on porous materials,including high polymer and foamed metal materials,such as polyurethane foam [4,5]and foamed aluminum [6,7].However,these materials are complicated to prepare,too expensive or unsatisfying in strength or plasticity,so new porous materials need to be devel-oped urgently to overcome those disadvantages.Ceramics–cement based porous material (CCPM)is newly developed energy-absorb-ing material that belongs to the category of both cement-based/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.06.0720950-0618/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.qFoundation item:Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (51208507,51378497);Projects of youth technology new star of Shaanxi province in China (2013KJXX-81);Doctorate Fellowship Foundation of Air Force Engineering University(kgd082314005).⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+862913630283725.E-mail address:persun.shpb@ (X.Luo).composite material and inorganic porous bining the advantages of cement-based composite material and porous material,it can show the superimposed effect,and overcome the disadvantages of traditional energy-absorbing materials.The improvement of material is endless,so how to increase the energy-absorbing ability of CCPM is a topic worthy of in-depth study.Basaltfiber[8]is a new type of environmentally friendly mate-rial with many exceeding properties for it is high temperature resistant,acid and alkali resistant and has exceeding mechanical properties and high insurability.Numerous researches[9,10]indi-cate that basaltfiber is excellent in improving the properties of other materials and has a great developing prospect.In this paper,cementitious materials,ceramic aggregates and fiber are used as basic materials.And based on Dense Packing The-ory,basaltfiber reinforced ceramics–cement based porous mate-rial(BFRCCPM)is prepared with basaltfiber content of0,0.2%(in volume).The quasi-static compression test and impact compres-sion test of both CCPM and BFRCCPM have been made and the energy-absorption indicators under different strain rate have been obtained.The energy-absorbing features of BFRCCPM have been comparatively analyzed and the effect of basaltfiber has been com-paratively studied.2.Experimental details2.1.Raw materialsThe ingredients to prepare BFRCCPM are mainly cementitious materials,cera-mic aggregates andfiber.Cementitious materials:r cement:42.5R ordinary Portland cement;sfly ash: parameters reach level of class I;t silica fume:average particle size is between0.1 and0.15l m,15and27m2/g specific surface area,92%SiO2content;u superplast-icizer:20%water-reducing rate;v water:drinking water.Ceramic aggregates:r alumina hollow balls:four parts of particle size level (0.2–1.0mm,1.0–2.0mm,2.0–3.0mm,3.0mm–5.0mm),Al2O3>99%,compressive strength at normal temperature>8Mpa;s ceramsite:packing density is510kg/m3, cylinder pressure strength P1.5Mpa,water absorption615%,shape coefficient is ‘‘globular shape61.6’’.Fiber:basaltfiber,15l m infilament diameter,chopped length18mm,density 2650kg/m3,young’s modulus93–110GPa,tensile strength4150–4800MPa, ultimate elongation in percent3.1%.2.2.Mixture ratio designThe dense accumulation of particle system has great influence on many indus-trialfields and the core technique of it is how to apply Dense Accumulation Theory [11,12].The fact that composite materials can be mademakes it possible to apply the theory.According to Dense Packing Theory,the mixture ratioevery1m3:386kg cement,213.5kgfly ash,29.68kglasticizer,184kg water,352kg ceramsite and226kgBFRCCPM is prepared withfiber content of0.2%(infiber is5.3kg every1m3.The approach to form the holefor porous material,for CCPM,alumina hollow balls withlevel,the volume ratio of which is73:9:10:8,are used,andsmall pores,which can guarantee the combination holes in2.3.Preparation methodA60L forced mixer is used.Considering thealumina hollow balls and ceramsites should be mixed asicizer and water up in advance,and keep thelowing steps;2.Stir the micro-silica and half amount ofAdd half amount of superplasticizer solution and continuethe ceramsites and stir for another30s;4.Add the rest ofand cement,stir the mixture for another120s,and thePut the mixture out of the mixer,and manually blend itmina hollow balls and basaltfiber.The preparation of the specimen:Put the specimen inremove it from the mould after24h.Right after themen in standardized condition(T=20±2°C,relativelater,polish the specimen with a waterstone(Regulatefaces and the surfaceflatness),and the geometricabout U95Â50mm.3.Testing method3.1.Quasi static mechanics testingA quasi-static compression test of BFRCCPM is made with improved HHY series electro-hydraulic servo system.Under differ-ent strain rates,to test the quasi static compression properties of CCPM,the loaded strain speeds should be constant.They are 600l e=min,6000l e=min,12;000l e=min,which can be con-verted into strain rates_e,1Â10À5sÀ1,1Â10À4sÀ1,2Â10À4sÀ1respectively.After data processing,the stress-strain curves of CCPM and BFRCCPM under quasi static state and three different strain rates are obtained,as is shown in Fig.1.According to Fig.1,the stress-strain curves of CCPM and BFRCCPM share some features in common.At the initial loading stage,stress goes up sharply with strain,which shows obvious elasticity.While when it comes to the peak value,there appears stress plateau.That is to say,with the increase of strain,stress is unstable above some level untilfinal brittle failure.So,the stress-strain curves obviously have three clear stages:elasticity stage,stress plateau stage and softening and damaging stage.3.2.Impact compression testA100-mm-diameter split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)is used for testing,and this apparatus consists of main body,energy source and measurement systems.Main body mainly includes launch tube,projectile,incident bar,transmission bar and energy absorbing setup;energy source system mainly includes air com-pressor,pressure vessel;measurement system includes velocity and dynamic strain measurement setup.The propagation process of stress pulse in the SHPB apparatus can be described as follows:the impact of the striker bar at the incident bar generates an elastic strain wave,which is called inci-dent pulse that propagates through the incident bar and reaches the incident bar-specimen interface.While a part of the incident pulse is reflected back into the incident bar,the rest of it propa-gates through the specimen and generates the transmitted pulse in the transmitted bar.The test validity mainly depends on the Stress equilibrium and constant strain rate loading.In order to improve the accuracy of the test of dynamic mechan-Fig.1.Quasi static stress–strain curves.X.Luo et al./Construction and Building Materials68(2014)384–390385theoretical research,simulation [16],some scholars half-sine-like stress pulse can effect,so the goal of reducing The reason is that,in the deformation of shaper can part of stress pulse.At the same pulse shaper,the rising time of than 200us,much bigger more pulse.As a result,there is into stress equilibrium state.So the specimen stays in a stable strain rate ( _e)can be defined as the stress equilibrium state to of strain rate with time under responding _ehas also been found.As is shown in Fig.2,pulse purpose of the nearly constant antee the test validity and e i ,reflected pulse e i and strain gauge on the bar.The into strain rate (_es ðt Þ),stress (r s ðbe expressed respectively as_e s ðt Þ¼ðe i Àe r Àe t Þc s r s ðt Þ¼E ðe i þe r þe t ÞAse s ðt Þ¼c s Rt 0ðe i Àe r Àe t Þd s 9>>=>>;where E is Young’s modulus of A s are cross-sectional areas of the is the original length of the After data processing,the compression are obtained,as According to the comprehensive analysis,the stress-strain curves of CCPM and BFRCCPM with different strain rate share something in common and each of them can be generally divided into six stages,including initial elastic loading stage,stress plateau have been unified yet.The main indicators of it include peak toughness,full toughness,specific energy absorption and so on.Peak toughness Te p refers to the area enclosed by the strain axis and the part of the stress-strain curve before the stress reaches its peak value whereas Te l refers to the entire enclosed area.Specific energy absorption (SEA)refers to the amount of stress wave energy every unit of the material absorbs.Its value can be influenced by many experimental factors and the tested value is close to the real value only under impact compression state.Define the incident wave,reflected wave and transmitted wave respectively as W i ,W r ,W t :W i ¼Ac E R t 0½r i ðt Þ 2dt W r ¼Ac E R t0½r r ðt Þ 2dt W t ¼Ac E R t 0½r t ðt Þ 2dt 8>><>>:ð2Fig.2.The curve of strain rate vs time.Fig.3.Stress–strain curves.386The energy absorbed by the broken specimenw ¼W i ÀðW r þW t ÞThe energy absorbed by every unit of the SEA ¼w =A s l s Put formulas (3)-(5)in formula (6)and absorption [17]can be worked out:SEA ¼AEc A s l sZt½e i ðt Þ2Àe r ðt Þ2Àe t ðt Þ2 dtwhere T refer to the moment when the damaged.To better describe the improving effect of improving index (FII )should be defined.In the study of some indi-cator X ,the indicator before the involvement of the fiber is defined as X 1,and after the fiber is involved,the indicator is defined as X 2.FII X is worked out as follow:FII X ¼X 2ÀX 11Â100%ð6Þ4.2.The analysis of the toughness under quasi-static compression state Peak toughness Te p and full toughness Te l are employed in the analysis of the toughness under quasi-static compression state.Fig.4shows the the relationship between Te p and strain rate According to the Fig.4,under quasi-static state,peak toughness Te p increases continuously with strain rate,which is a shared char-acter of CCPM and BFRCCPM.However,the Te p of CCPM increasesfaster than that of BFRCCPM.When _e¼2Â10À4s À1,the Te p of CCPM is at its largest increase rate (49.7%).And under the same strain rate,the peak toughness of BFRCCPM is apparently higher than that of CCPM,which is extremely obvious when _e¼1Â10À5s À1.The relationship between Te l and strain rate under quasi-static state is shown in Fig.5.During quasi-static state,according to the figure,Te l increases continuously with strain rate and the Te l of CCPM increases fasterthan that of BFRCCPM.When _e¼2Â10À4s À1,the Te l of CCPM is at its largest increase rate (60.3%).And under the same strain rate,the full toughness of BFRCCPM is much higher than that of CCPM,which is extremely obvious when _e¼1Â10À5s À1.These change and the peak toughness and full toughness are improved respec-tively by 123.2%and 107.0%.To conclude,under quasi-static state,basalt fiber has obvious effect on the energy absorbing character of CCPM and can largely improve its energy absorbing ability.4.3.The analysis of peak toughness under impact compression state The relationship between Te l ;d and strain rate under impact compression state is shown in Fig.7.According to the figure,peak toughness Te l ;d increases continu-ously with strain rate and is greatly higher than the peak tough-ness under quasi-static state.Te l ;d is highly strain rate sensitive,and as is shown in formula 9,their relationship can be described with a exponential function.Te l ;d ;CCPM ¼0:0378e0:0153 _eTe l ;d ;BFRCCPM ¼0:0474e 0:0140 _e 8><>:ð7ÞComparatively,under the same strain rates,the Te l ;d of BFRCCPM is higher than that of CCPM,which is more obvious whenthe strain rate is lower.When _e¼38:00s À1,FII Te l ;d is as high is 19.35%.It follows that under impact compression state,basalt fiber can largely improve peak toughness and energy-absorbing ability before the stress reaches its peak value.Fig.4.The relationship between Te p and strain rate.Fig.5.The relationship between Te l and strain rate.Fig.6.FII Te p and FII Te l under different strain rate.X.Luo etfunction and when it comes to BFRCCPM,the relationship can be expressed by a linear function.SEA CCPM ¼À0:0291 _e 2þ8:5155 _eÀ159:50SEA BFRCCPM ¼5:4476 _eÀ32:10(ð8ÞComparatively,under the same strain rate,the SEA of BFRCCPMis higher than that of CCPM and the gap is wider when the strain rate gets higher.The change law of FII SEA with strain rate is shown in Fig.9.It follows that under impact compression state,basalt fiber can improve the SEA under any strain rate and with the increase of strain rate,the improving scale decreases at the beginning and increases afterwards,with the improving scale greater than 20%.When _e¼126:00s À1,the improving scale is as great as 44.93%.Basalt fiber is very effective in improving the specific energy absorption.4.5.The strain rate dependency of energy-absorbing characteristics No matter what kind of indicator is adopted to show the energy-absorbing ability,it can be concluded that the energy-loads;while during impact compression state,the internal damage evolution process and the facture morphology of the material gets changed due to its inertial effect,as a result,the material cannot auto select to be damaged from the weakest part as it is during quasi-static state but to be damaged in a least energy assumption process related to the current strain rate;with the increase of strain rate,the material’s auto selecting ability decreases gradually but its energy-absorbing ability gets higher,i.e.the material shows higher internal mechanical abilities.4.6.Energy absorption and facture morphologyUnder impact compression,CCPM has to firstly go through an elastic stage during the early loading period and then enters the stress plateau stage before peak value.If the specimen is loaded with constant stress,the stress plateau stage will last longer and the energy absorption will be stable,which has to give the credit to the collapse and closing of parts of the specimen’s porous struc-tures.After the stress plateau stage,the specimen enters the elas-ticity-lasting stage and plasticity stage,when the features of the solid phase of hole wall are expressed.When the stress increases to the peak value,the solid phase of hole wall is damaged and the specimen rapidly enters the descending stage when the weak areas develop into a failure surface and the solid phase of hole wall is broken into clumps.When the stress decreases to that of the stress plateau stage before peak value,there appears the stress pla-teau state after peak value,which has to give the credit to the por-ous structures in the clumps that have not collapsed and closed,and this stage can be understood as the extension of the first stress plateau stage.It follows that CCPM has always been changing energy with the external world,turning the external mechanical energy into strain energy and storing the heat energy as its internal energy.At the same time,it also turns strain energy into plastic energy,surface energy and releases energy to the external world in forms of electromagnetic radiation,acoustic emission and kinetic energy.So,it can be considered that the energy change has been going on during the whole deformation damage process.The Facture morphology of CCPM are shown in Fig.10.According to Fig.10and the relationship between SEA and strain rate shown in Fig.9,it can be deduced that energy absorp-tion and damage forms are positively correlated,and the specific performance is that the more energy the specimen absorbs,the more seriously it is damaged.As for BFRCCPM,it basically has the same stages and the change laws are generally the same with that of CCPM,but different from CCPM,BFRCCPM has basalt fiber involved in every stage,and the basalt fiber is especially more effective in the stress plateau stage and during the damage to solid phase of hole wall before and after the peak value.Basalt fiber has positive effect on heat emissionFig.7.The relationship between Te l ;d and strain rate.Fig.8.The relationship between specific energy absorption (SEA)and strain rate.Fig.9.The change law of FII SEA with strain rate.when it is pulled out or broken.The damage forms of BFRCCPM under different strain rate are shown in Fig.11.By comparing Figs.10and11,CCPM is more seriously damaged than BFRCCPM if they absorb the same amount of energy.It is because that the basaltfiber in BFRCCPM plays an important role in energy absorption.During the loading process,the basaltfiber connected with the specimen might be pulled out or be broken, which will release some energy.The damage forms show the fea-tures of solid phase of hole wall,and when CCPM and BFRCCPM absorb the same amount of energy,the solid phase of hole wall in BFRCCPM absorbs less energy than that in CCPM,so the macro phenomenon is that BFRCCPM is comparatively slightly damaged.The internal micro crack and macro damages are directly resulted by external energy.Every developing stage of micro cracks,including the formation,reproduction,extension,intercon-nection and consolidation needs to absorb external energy and these energy absorption processes are irreversible.So,the damage forms under impact compression stage can be well explained from an energy absorption point of view:when the incident wave car-ries a small amount of energy,i.e.when _e is low,the absorbed energy is only enough for the evolution of the few of the micro cracks and the micro cracks cannot develop to a macro level.As the incident wave carries more energy,the amount of absorbed energy increases.When the absorbed energy is enough for the micro cracks to develop into major cracks,the specimen is partly damaged and there appears the‘core leaving’phenomenon.As the absorbed energy continuous to grow,the micro cracks in the core area also develop together with those in the circumjacent area,which totally breaks or even smashes the specimen.5.ConclusionsCeramics-cement based porous material(CCPM)and basalt fiber reinforced ceramics–cement based porous material (BFRCCPM)have been prepared.The quasi-static compression test and impact compression test of both CCPM and BFRCCPM have been made and the energy-absorption indicators under different strain rate have been obtained.The energy-absorbing features of BFRCCPM have been comparatively analyzed and the effect of basaltfiber has been comparatively studied.(1)During quasi-static compression state,the peak toughnessand full toughness increases continuously with strain rate, but the peak toughness and full toughness of CCPM increase faster than those of BFRCCPM.(2)During quasi-static compression state,the peak toughnessand full toughness of BFRCCPM are apparently greater than those of CCPM.Basaltfiber has obvious improving effect on both peak toughness and full toughness,which is most obvious when _e¼1Â10À5sÀ1and the peak toughness and full toughness are improved respectively by123.2%and 107.0%.(3)During impact compression state,the peak toughness andspecific energy absorption are highly strain rate sensitive.They increase continuously with the strain rate.The rela-tionship between peak toughness and strain rate can be expressed by a exponential function,and the specific energy absorption of CCPM and BFRCCPM can be respectively expressed by a linear function and quadratic function.Basalt fiber can largely improve the peak toughness and specific energy absorption.(4)Energy absorption and damage forms are positively corre-lated,and the specific performance is that the more energy the specimen absorbs,the more seriously it is damaged.With the same amount of absorbed energy,CCPM is more seriously damaged than BFRCCPM,because the basaltfiber in BFRCCPM has played an important role.(5)No matter under quasi-static compression state or impactcompression state,and either toughness or energy absorp-tion is chosen as the energy-absorbing indicator,it can be concluded that basaltfiber can effectively improve the energy absorbing features.37.69 s-153.14s-164.34 s-183.63 s-192.78 s-1114.75 s-1126.43 s-1Fig.10.Facture morphology of CCPM.42.29s-157.39 s-168.56 s-180.95 s-189.23 s-197.06s-1104.73 s-1113.38s-1120.74s-1Fig.11.Facture morphology of BFRCCPM.X.Luo et al./Construction and Building Materials68(2014)384–390389References[1]Defraeye Thijs,Blocken Bert,Derome Dominique,et al.Convective heat andmass transfer modelling at air–porous material interfaces:overview of existing methods and relevance.Chem Eng Sci2012;74:49–58.[2]Luo X,Xu J,Bai E,et al.Mechanical properties of ceramics–cement basedporous material under impact loading.Mater Des2014;55:778–84.[3]Chu Yong Sik,Kwon Chun Woo,Lee Jong Kyu,et al.Fabrication ofporous 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1)Journal of Hydraulic Engineering—ASCE 2)Dam Engineering 3)Journal of Fluids and Structures 4)Journal of Hydraulic Research 5)International Water Power :Dam Constructions 6)Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 7)Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Dynamics 8)International Journal of Solids and Structures 9)Computers and Structures 10)Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

construction and building materials评价 -回复

construction and building materials评价 -回复

construction and building materials评价-回复Construction and building materials play a crucial role in the development and sustainability of our built environment. From residential houses to commercial buildings, the materials used significantly impact the structural integrity, durability, and overall aesthetic appeal of the structures. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of construction and building materials, evaluating their importance and impact in the construction industry.1. Introduction to Construction and Building Materials Construction and building materials refer to the substances used for the construction of structures, including residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. These materials can be natural, synthetic, or a combination of both. The selection of appropriate materials depends on factors such as the purpose of the structure, the local environment, and the economic implications of the project.2. Importance of Construction and Building Materials Construction and building materials serve as the backbone of any construction project. They provide structural support, protect against external forces, and enhance the overall performance of thestructure. High-quality materials ensure the longevity and durability of buildings, reducing the need for frequent repairs and renovations.3. Common Types of Construction and Building Materialsa. Concrete: Concrete is a versatile material that is widely used in construction. It consists of cement, sand, aggregates, and water. Concrete offers excellent compressive strength and durability, making it suitable for foundations, floors, columns, and walls.b. Steel: Steel is a widely used construction material due to its high tensile strength and durability. It is commonly used in structural frameworks, beams, columns, and reinforcement bars for concrete.c. Bricks: Bricks are one of the oldest construction materials known to humans. They are made from clay or other natural materials and are used for walls, facades, and pavements. Bricks offer excellent thermal insulation and fire resistance.d. Wood: Wood has been used for construction for centuries. It is lightweight, easy to work with, and provides excellent thermal insulation. Wood is used for frames, roofs, flooring, and decorativeelements.e. Glass: Glass is gaining popularity as a construction material due to its transparency and aesthetic appeal. It is used for windows, facades, and interior elements, allowing natural light to penetrate the structure.4. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Construction MaterialsWith the growing awareness of environmental sustainability, there is an increasing emphasis on using sustainable and eco-friendly construction materials. These materials aim to minimize environmental impact and promote energy efficiency. Some examples include:a. Recycled Materials: Using recycled materials such as recycled concrete, steel, or glass reduces the demand for new resources and minimizes waste generation.b. Green Roofs: Green roofs consist of vegetation planted on the rooftop, reducing energy consumption, absorbing rainwater, and improving air quality.c. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF): ICFs are blocks or panels made of insulating materials such as polystyrene or polyurethane. They provide excellent thermal insulation, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling.d. Bamboo: Bamboo is a renewable resource that grows rapidly and has high tensile strength. It is used for structural elements and decorative features.5. Impact of Technology on Construction MaterialsTechnology has revolutionized the construction industry, leading to the development of innovative construction materials. For example:a. High-performance Concrete: High-performance concrete incorporates additives and fibers to enhance its strength, flexibility, and durability.b. Self-healing Materials: Self-healing materials can repair cracks and damages without external intervention, increasing the lifespan of structures.c. Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology is being utilized to enhancethe performance and properties of construction materials, such as improved strength and self-cleaning properties.d. Smart Materials: Smart materials have the ability to sense and respond to environmental conditions, optimizing energy usage and improving comfort within buildings.6. ConclusionConstruction and building materials are the foundation of any structure and significantly impact its performance, durability, and sustainability. The selection of appropriate materials should consider factors such as structural requirements, environmental impact, and economic feasibility. With the advent of innovative technologies and sustainable practices, the construction industry continues to evolve, aiming for safer, greener, and more efficient buildings.。



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HT1017Category/Exhibitor’s Name Stand No.Category/Exhibitor’s Name Stand No.Zhejiang Yidun Mechanical&Electrical Co.,Ltd HT1114 Wood Working MachineryChadha Engineering Works HT516A Matrix GmbH HT213 SIP (Industrial Products) Limited HT316 ToolsApex Trading Co LLC HT313 Amana FZE HT320 Avanturf Co., Ltd. HT930 Changzhou Broad & Star PolyurethaneProduct Co.,LTD HT1022 Dongguan Kite Laser Tech. Co., Ltd. HT1120 Emay Enterprises Co., Ltd. HT529 Hangzhou Kinty Tool Manufacture Co., Ltd. HT723 Hangzhou Vision Chain Transmission Co., Ltd. HT1127 Hebei Hawei I&E Trade Co., Ltd. HT710 Hebei Huaige Crane Machinery Co., Ltd. HT1117 Hubei Provincial Jiaxin Machinery Import &Export Co., Ltd. HT523 Jiangsu Jiuding New Material Co., Ltd. HT1220 Jinhua Hongju Tools Co.,Ltd. HT729 Jining Yongsheng Rigging Hardware Co., Ltd. HT129 Leman Eastern Limited HT911 Lianyungang Orientcraft Abrasives Co., Ltd. HT511 Longyou Yilaida Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. 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Ht810SIP (Industrial Products) Limited HT316 Air Pneumatic AccessoriesArmac Industrial Co., Ltd. HT524 Air Pneumatic ToolsArmac Industrial Co., Ltd. HT524 Air Impact WrenchArmac Industrial Co., Ltd. HT524 Hand Tools & AccessoriesKingroy Middle East LLC HT327 Cangzhou Bohai Safety & Special ToolsCo., Ltd. HT711 Chadha Engineering Works HT516A Changshu 5.Rich Hardware Co., Ltd. HT1216 Grand Impex HT417A Leting Yannan Farming Tools Factory HT612 Hangzhou Great Power Tools Co., Ltd. HT1125 T-MAX Industrial Co., Ltd. HT617 Yongkang Hongsheng Tools Factory HT921 ClampsLaizhou Hongyuan Bench Vice ManufactureCo., Ltd. HT613 Zhangjiagang Jianquan Tools Co., Ltd. HT1119 CuttersHangzhou John Hardware Tools Co.Ltd. HT1112 Harbin Saint Light Industrial Trading Co., Ltd. HT1213 Heyuan Puyi Cemented Carbide Plant LimitedCompany HT705 Heyuanshi Yingguang Cemented CarbideCo., Ltd. HT130 Jinhua Teammax Tool Manufacture Co.,Ltd. HT823 Nanjing Codeal Corp.,Ltd. HT724 PYE Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT405 Zhejiang Carics Tools Co., Ltd. HT608 Glue & Spray GunsAnhui Goldmen Industry & Trading Co., Ltd. HT619 Shixia Holding Co., Ltd. HT712 Grinding Tools & MaterialsNanhe County Guowu Steel File Factory HT717 Suzhou Liangming Power Tools Co., Ltd. HT627 Glass CuttersHeyuan Puxin New Energy TechnologyCo., Ltd. HT707Exhibitor Product Index Category/Exhibitor’s Name Stand No.Category/Exhibitor’s Name Stand No.HammersCangzhou Dean Safety & Special Type ToolsProducing Co., Ltd. HT629 Changzhou Wuppertal Tools Co., Ltd. HT828 Guangzhou Berrylion Tools Co., Ltd. HT922 New Way Tools Co., Ltd. HT516 Ningbo Wuyuan Electric Tools Co., Ltd. HT1118 PYE Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT405 Shangdong Liangzi Hardware Co., Ltd. HT1122 Wuyi Xiandai Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd. HT721 Yuyao Mingfeng Plastic Product Factory HT728 Zhejiang Haotian Import And Export Co., Ltd. HT706 HandsawsNanjing Codeal Corp.,Ltd. HT724 Kopram HT420 PYE Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT405 PliersPYE Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT405 Zhejiang Haotian Import And Export Co., Ltd. HT706 Zhangjiagang Tool-Super Manufacture Co., Ltd. HT1024 Zhangjiagang Tianxin Tools Co., Ltd. HT229 Screwdrivers & AccessoriesNew Way Tools Co., Ltd. HT516 Ningbo Zhonggang Tools Co., Ltd. HT623 PYE Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT405 Yih Cheng Factory Co., Ltd. HT514 Shear ToolsKopram HT420 SocketsMatrix GmbH HT213 New Way Tools Co., Ltd. HT516 Transtime Tools Co., Ltd. HT425 Zhejiang Toolking Hardware & Tools Co., Ltd. HT918 Wrenches & AccessoriesBalwindra Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT504 Benchmark Media International Corp. HT226A Deeps Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT411 Lin’An Yuqian Chenggong Hardware ToolsFactory HT817 Mansarovar Impex HT406 New Way Tools Co., Ltd. HT516 Ningbo Toproad Import&Export Co., Ltd HT1124 Ningbo Toproad Import&Export Co., Ltd. 2 HT609 PYE Tools Pvt. Ltd. HT405Torque Tech Precision Co., Ltd. HT413 Transtime Tools Co., Ltd. HT425 Yongkang Zhuohao Industry & Trade Co.,Ltd. HT1020 Yuhuan Yungtee Machine Co., Ltd. HT708 Hydraulic Tools & AccesoriesTaizhou Jukon Machinery Co., Ltd. HT1116 PumpsRajeev Metals Pvt. Ltd. HT510 Taizhou Yaoda Industry & Trade Co., Ltd HT720 Zhejiang Dayuan Pumps Industry Co., Ltd. HT1226 Sheers & GrapplesJiaxing Huasen Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd. HT1030 ValvesNingbo Sun-alps Industry Develop Co.,Ltd HT527 Measuring & Detection Tools & AccessoriesHarbin Saint Light Industrial Trading Co., Ltd.HT1213 Jinhua Maka Technology Co., Ltd. HT116 Ningbo Great Wall Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. HT605 Zijin Tools Co., Ltd. Jinhua Zhejiang HT604 LevelsStonex Europe SRL HT312 Topcon Positioning Middle East and Africa FZE HT418 Measuring Tools & WheelsShenzhen Mileseey Technology Co.,Ltd. HT924 Stonex Europe SRL HT312 Range FindersTopcon Positioning Middle East and Africa FZE HT418 Power Tools & AccessoriesFuan Kema Motor Co., Ltd. HT804 Golden Tools Trading L.L.C. HT223 Jiangyin Kangrui Stainless Steel ProductsCo., Ltd. HT1217 Ningbo Huangtai Industrial Co., Ltd. HT230 T-MAX Industrial Co., Ltd. HT617 Zhejiang Landtec Tools. Co., Ltd. HT1016 Zhejiang Haimao Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. HT614 Zhejiang Jiyang Mechanical&ElectricalProducts Co., Ltd. HT114 Zhengyang Industry & Investment Co., Ltd. HT1012 United Power Equipment Co., Ltd. HT515 Yongkang Hongsheng Tools Factory HT921Category/Exhibitor’s Name Stand No.Category/Exhibitor’s Name Stand No. Unison Technical Co., Ltd. HT427Portable Power ToolsBayt Al-Udad Hardware Tr. HT217Einhell Middle East HT221Matrix GmbH HT213Power Tools AccessoriesChi Zong Machine Co., Ltd. HT512Chongqing Dajiang Power Equipment Co., Ltd. HT620Kopram HT420Matrix GmbH HT213Stationary Power ToolsEinhell Middle East HT221Speciality Tools & AccessoriesGuangzhou Donghaiyuan Garden Tools Co., Ltd. HT1113Jinhua Zhongxin Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. HT821Rizhao Huifeng Net Co., Ltd. HT126Diamond & Jewellery ToolsJiangsu Huachang Tools ManufacturingCo., Ltd. HT606DIY ToolsChi Zong Machine Co., Ltd. HT518Kangaro Industries (Regd.) HT311Tool Cases & Tool SetsTorque Tech Precision Co., Ltd. HT413Wood Working Tools & AccessoriesHeyuan Puyi Cemented Carbide Plant LimitedCompany HT705Zhejiang Shenfa Tools Co., Ltd. HT625。

construction materials书

construction materials书

Construction Materials一、引言建筑材料是指用于建筑和修复建筑物的材料,包括各种原料和制品。






















• 通常砂浆的强度大,粘结力也大; • 基底材料是润湿的、粗糙的、表面清洁的,则粘结越
好; • 砂浆粘结力还与养护条件有关。
• 要求 —— 强度、耐久性要求; —— 和易性要求; —— 技术经济合理。
• 配合比设计过程 —— 初步配合比的计算; —— 沉入度、分层度及强度检验; —— 水分校正。
6 建筑砂浆
砂浆——细骨料混凝土 ①胶结砖、石或砌块,构成砌体; ②镶贴花岗岩、大理石、水磨石、贴面砖、瓷砖、马赛
克; ③填充砖墙勾缝和大型墙板的接缝 ④墙面、地面、梁柱结构表面的抹面。
硬化砂浆的强度和强度等级; 砂浆粘结力、变形性能、凝结时间和耐久性
•水泥净浆——标准稠度用水量 •混凝土——坍落度、维勃稠度 •砂浆——沉入度
齿条测杆 指针 刻度盘 滑杆 固定螺丝
固锥体 固锥筒
答案 水泥强度和水灰比; ②对于砌筑吸水底面的砂浆,其强度取决于水
11、新拌砂浆的和易性同混凝土相比不必考虑( )。
12、砂浆的配合比设计时,试配强度公式fmh=fm+tσ。当 强度保证率为95%时,概率度t应为( )。



(1) Cement and concrete researchImpact factor: 0.727(2006)1.028 (2007)Full Journal Title: CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE RESISSN: 0008-8846Issues/Year: 12Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(2) Cement concrete and aggregateImpact factor: 0.067 (2006)Full Journal Title: CEMENT CONCRETE AND AGGREGATESISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Aggreg.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE AGGRISSN: 0149-6123Issues/Year: 2Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALSPublisher Address: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(3) CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITESImpact factor: 0.457(2006)0.962(2007)Full Journal Title: CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITESISO Abbrev. Title: Cem. Concr. Compos.JCR Abbrev. Title: CEMENT CONCRETE COMPISSN: 0958-9465Issues/Year: 8Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE,COMPOSITES(4) ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCHImpact factor: 0.5 (2006)0.4 (2007)Full Journal Title: ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Adv. Cem. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: ADV CEM RESISSN: 0951-7197Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: THOMAS TELFORD HOUSE, 1 HERON QUAY, LONDON E14 4JD, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(5) JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGImpact factor: 0.449 (2006)0.452 (2007)Full Journal Title: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGISO Abbrev. Title: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.JCR Abbrev. Title: J MATER CIVIL ENGISSN: 0899-1561Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERSPublisher Address: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(6) ACI MATERIALS JOURNALImpact factor: 0.419 (2006)0.670 (2007)Full Journal Title: ACI MATERIALS JOURNALISO Abbrev. Title: ACI Mater. J.JCR Abbrev. Title: ACI MATER JISSN: 0889-325XIssues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: UNITED STATESPublisher: AMER CONCRETE INSTPublisher Address: 38800 INTERNATIONAL WAY, COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, PO BOX 9094, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48333-9094Subject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(7) CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSImpact factor: 0.343 (2006)0.841 (2007)Full Journal Title: CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSISO Abbrev. Title: Constr. Build. Mater.JCR Abbrev. Title: CONSTR BUILD MATERISSN: 0950-0618Issues/Year: 8Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(8) MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCHImpact factor: 0.379(2006)0.317 (2007)Full Journal Title: MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCHISO Abbrev. Title: Mag. Concr. Res.JCR Abbrev. Title: MAG CONCRETE RESISSN: 0024-9831Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: THOMAS TELFORD HOUSE, 1 HERON QUAY, LONDON E14 4JD, ENGLANDSubject Categories: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(9) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERINGImpact factor: 0.824 (2007)Full Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERINGISO Abbrev. Title: Int. J. Impact Eng.JCR Abbrev. Title: INT J IMPACT ENGISSN: 0734-743XIssues/Year: 10Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL(10) ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICSImpact factor: 1.227 (2007)Full Journal Title: ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Eng. Fract. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: ENG FRACT MECHISSN: 0013-7944Issues/Year: 18Language: MULTI-LANGUAGEJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: MECHANICS(11) International Journal of FractureImpact factor: 1.003(2007)Full Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTUREISO Abbrev. Title: Int. J. Fract.JCR Abbrev. Title: INT J FRACTUREISSN: 0376-9429Issues/Year: 18Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS Subject Categories: MECHANICS(12) THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICSImpact factor: 0.781 (2007)Full Journal Title: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: THEOR APPL FRACT MECISSN: 0167-8442Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSPublisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BVPublisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICALMECHANICS(13) FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURESImpact factor: 0.726 (2007)Full Journal Title: FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURESISO Abbrev. Title: Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct.JCR Abbrev. Title: FATIGUE FRACT ENG MISSN: 8756-758XIssues/Year: 12Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLAND Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICALMATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(14) StrainImpact factor: 0.642 (2007)Full Journal Title: STRAINISO Abbrev. Title: StrainJCR Abbrev. Title: STRAINISSN: 0039-2103Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: BLACKWELL PUBLISHINGPublisher Address: 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2ZG, OXON, ENGLAND Subject Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(15) Computers and ConcreteImpact factor: 0.351 (2007)Full Journal Title: Computers and ConcreteISO Abbrev. Title: Comput. Concr.JCR Abbrev. Title: COMPUT CONCRETEISSN: 1598-8198Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: SOUTH KOREAPublisher: TECHNO-PRESSPublisher Address: PO BOX 33, YUSEONG, DAEJEON 305-600, SOUTH KOREASubject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYENGINEERING, CIVILMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(16) EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICSImpact factor: 0.985 (2007)Full Journal Title: EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICSISO Abbrev. Title: Exp. Mech.JCR Abbrev. Title: EXP MECHISSN: 0014-4851Issues/Year: 4Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: SPRINGERPublisher Address: 233 SPRING STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10013Subject Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYMECHANICSMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING(17) ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSISImpact factor: 0.565Full Journal Title: ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSISISO Abbrev. Title: Eng. Fail. Anal.JCR Abbrev. Title: ENG FAIL ANALISSN: 1350-6307Issues/Year: 6Language: ENGLISHJournal Country/Territory: ENGLANDPublisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDPublisher Address: THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDSubject Categories: ENGINEERING, MECHANICALMATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING。

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Behavior and mix design development of concrete made with recycled aggregate from deconstructed lead-contaminated masonry materialsJ.Hu a ,⇑,K.Wang b ,J.A.Gaunt ba Department of Engineering Technology,Texas State University-San Marcos,San Marcos,TX 78666,United StatesbDepartment of Civil,Construction and Environmental Engineering,Iowa State University,Ames,IA 50011,United Statesa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Available online xxxx Keywords:Aggregate Cement Concrete Lead Masonry Nomograph Recycleda b s t r a c tThe present study is to develop an effective method for using deconstructed,lead-contaminated masonry materials in new concrete so as to minimize the environmental impact,cost,and time of the deconstruc-tion.The approach to this method is to use crushed masonry materials to replace natural aggregate in conventional concrete.Two different types of masonry materials (concrete blocks and clay bricks)were collected,painted with lead-based paint (LBP),and then crushed to simulate recycled LBP-contaminated masonry materials.Three types of cement (type I Portland cement,Calcium Sulfoaluminate (CSA)cement,and Portland cement with 5%phosphate addition)were selected for sequestering lead in the recycled aggregate.A concrete mix design matrix was developed with different water-to-cement ratios (w/c),aggregate-to-cement ratios (a/c),types of cements,and types of masonry materials.Based on the test results,mix design nomographs were developed for concrete made with the recycled,LBP-contaminated masonry materials.The results indicate that the lead can be sequestered,or rendered non-leachable,due to the high alkalinity of cement.The concrete therefore no longer has the toxicity characteristic for lead and is suitable for various types of new construction,such as foundation and pavement,reinforced beams,columns,and walls.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn the United States,many masonry structures built before 1980s contain lead-based paint (LBP),which causes a considerable environmental and health concern.Both the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)have established regulations governing the management of LBP in buildings.Deconstruction of these struc-tures is often time consuming and costly due to the paint removal and the hazardous material disposal [1–3].Clearly,a more cost effective,environmentally friendly method is urgently needed for remediating and reusing deconstructed masonry materials con-taminated with LBP.From a chemical point view,the degree of the hazard resulting from LBP is often defined by the solubility of lead in a material.The solubility of lead in a material is generally controlled by the pH or alkalinity of the material.The Eh–pH diagram for an aqueous lead-carbonate system indicates that lead will be insoluble if the system has a pH value above 6or 7[4–6].In a cement-based material,the pH values of pore solutions often range from 11to 13,thus possi-bly sequestering lead in the material.Using the above-mentioned concept,a study has been con-ducted to sequester lead by recycling the lead-contaminated deconstruction masonry materials as concrete aggregate.A key of this study is to design rational mix proportions so that the concrete cannot only sequester lead in the recycled aggregate but also meet general concrete construction and structural performance require-ments,such as having proper workability and strength.This paper presents a rational mix design method for proportioning non-hazardous,well-performing,sustainable concrete utilizing the recycled,lead-contaminated aggregate for field construction.The mix design development includes three major steps:(1)characterizing the recycled masonry materials –evaluating their toxicity,specific gravity,absorption,and strength,(2)proportion-ing concrete mixtures based on workability control –designing concrete mixtures to have low,medium and high slumps so as to permit the concrete to be used for different construction applica-tions,and (3)performance evaluation –examining the lead leach-ing ability or sequestering effectiveness and strength of the concrete containing recycled,lead-contaminated deconstruction masonry materials.As a result,a series of mix design nomograms are established that illustrate the relationships between the mix proportion parameters (such as water-to-cement ratio,aggre-gate-to-cement ratio,and cement content)and concrete perfor-mance (such as lead sequestering effectiveness and strength).0950-0618/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.07.067Corresponding author.Tel.:+15122456328;fax:+15122453052.E-mail (J.Hu).prepared (Table 2).Air entraining agent with the recommended dosage was used in all of the concrete mixes studied.2.3.Test methodsPhysical properties of the masonry materials were characterized,and their total and leachable lead contents were evaluated.The specific gravity and absorption of the crushed masonry materials were measured according to ASTM C127and ASTM C128.Sieving analysis and bulk density (unit weight)tests were conducted for the painted and crushed masonry materials according to ASTM C136,and ASTM C29respectively.The leachability of lead from the LBP-painted recycled aggregates and the concrete mixes made with those aggregates was tested using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP),EPA Method 1311[9].The total lead con-tent in the materials was also evaluated using the California Waste Extraction Test (WET)[10].Concrete was mixed based on the ASTM C192multiple-step mixing procedure.The slump of fresh concrete was measured according to ASTM C143immediately after mixing.In this study,the slump test was not only a measurement to evaluate the workability of concrete,more importantly,the slump value was used as a con-trol parameter for concrete mix design.Different slumps are required for different concrete construction applications.Concretes with three different ranges of slumps were designed:(1)25–50mm slump for low workability concrete (generally used for pavements and slabs),(2)75–100mm slump for medium workability concrete (generally used for beams,walls,columns,reinforced concrete),and (3)150–175mm slump for high workability concrete (generally used for heavily reinforced components with complicated shapes).The entire sample preparation and curing process followed ASTM C192.Compressive strength of hardened concrete was tested at the age of 3,7and 28days according to ASTM C39.The broken specimens from compression testing were further processed and then used for the TCLP soluble and total lead content (WET)tests.3.Results and discussion3.1.Characterization of recycled,LBP-contaminated aggregate Table 3presents the physical properties and lead content of the lead-contaminated masonry materials used.The test results indi-Table 1Oxide and chemical composition of cement (%).CaOSiO 2Al 2O 3Fe 2O 3MgO SO 3TiO 2Oxide composition (%)Portland cement 62.9620.96 4.54 3.48 2.91 2.77–CSA cement40.00 5.5537.50 1.50 1.7510.00 1.25C 3SC 2S C 3A C 4AF Gypsum Ca 4Al 6O 12SO 4Chemical composition (%)Portland cement 53.7119.58 6.1410.590.78–CSA cement0.4212.5910.64–1.0773.37Fig.1.Painting with LBP.Fig.2.Crushing of LBP contaminated masonry materials.cated that the recycled masonry materials had lower specific grav-ity (2.34–2.39)than natural aggregate (2.5–2.9),while the absorp-tion of the recycled aggregate (5.11–7.11%)was much higher than natural aggregate (0.2–4.0%)[11,12].The void contents of the four(a) Masonry A (b) Masonry BTable 2Concrete mix proportions.CementMasonry a/c w/c C (kg/m 3)Cement Masonry a/c w/c C (kg/m 3)1Portland A 3.00.2850025Portland C 6.00.362662Portland A 3.00.3145626Portland C 6.00.422653Portland A 3.00.3247727Portland C 6.00.442554Portland A 4.50.3234828Portland D 3.00.394835Portland A 4.50.3433029Portland D 3.00.434756Portland A 4.50.3732130Portland D 3.00.484367Portland A 6.00.3426531Portland D 4.50.503408Portland A 6.00.3626632Portland D 4.50.523299Portland A 6.00.4125433Portland D 4.50.5633410Portland B 3.00.3450634Portland D 6.00.5626711Portland B 3.00.3547135Portland D 6.00.6025712Portland B 3.00.4047336Portland D 6.00.7425313Portland B 4.50.3935137CSA B 3.00.4546814Portland B 4.50.4231838CSA B 4.50.4635415Portland B 4.50.4831739CSA B 6.00.5026916Portland B 6.00.4526940CSA D 3.00.4647017Portland B 6.00.4825641CSA D 4.50.5134918Portland B 6.00.5523642CSAD 6.00.6126519Portland C 3.00.3049943Phosphate B 3.00.3748320Portland C 3.00.3348644Phosphate B 4.50.4134921Portland C 3.00.3647545Phosphate B 6.00.4925322Portland C 4.50.3333946Phosphate D 3.00.4347323Portland C 4.50.3634447Phosphate D 4.50.5333624PortlandC4.50.3933448PhosphateD6.00.62263Note :Here,a/c is aggregate-to-cement ratio;w/c is water-to-cement ratio;and C is cement factor.J.Hu et al./Construction and Building Materials xxx (2012)xxx–xxx3and 10.1g/Kg,larger than 1g/Kg,which shall be defined as hazard materials based on the California regulation.masonry C and D had TCLP lead content of 142and 77mg/L and the total lead content from WET tests of 12.5and 5.82g/Kg,which were defined as haz-ard materials based on both the RCRA and California regulations.The critical issue in the present study is to find out whether or not the concrete made with these hazard materials still have tox-icity characteristic.3.2.Lead content and lead leachability of concreteThe above mentioned lead-contaminated masonry materials were crushed and used as aggregate in the concrete mixes as de-signed in Table 1.The TCLP lead,TCLP pH and total lead of the 48designed mixes were determined at the concrete age of 28-days.Results of compressive strengths,together with lead content and lead leachability of all 48mixes can be found in Table 4.Detailed test results and analysis can be found in Wang et al.[8].Fig.5presents the TCLP pH value and leachable Pb content of concrete mixes studied.Although the total lead in the concrete mixes were high (up to 2.2%),the figure shows that all concrete mixes studied,except four mixes with masonry material D,had TCLP leachable Pb content less than 1mg/L,much lower than the RCRA limit of 5mg Pb/L.As a result,these concrete mixes are con-sidered as nonhazardous materials under RCRA although their aggregate is hazardous.The four mixes that showed hazard charac-teristic were mixes 34and 36(Table 1),which had a high a/c (6.0)and low Portland cement content (267and 253kg/m 3)and mixes 40and 42,which was made of CSA cement with a/c of 6.0and 3.0respectively.The result is probably due to the fact that the CSA cement was less alkaline than Portland cement,and the con-crete made with CSA cement had lower pH values than the corre-sponding concrete made with Portland cement,thus being less effective for sequestering lead in the concrete.A mix design withhigher cement content or high alkaline cement may be used to in-crease the alkalinity of the concrete and reduce its TCLP Pb value.Addition of 5%phosphate in Portland cement did not signifi-cantly change the TCLP lead concentrations and total lead in the concrete.It is believed that if highly insoluble hydroxypyromorph-ite [Pb 5(PO 4)3OH]was formed in the concrete system through the lead phosphate reaction,it would have sequestered lead from the highly acidic conditions of the total lead test.This might have sug-gested a means for rendering LBP-contaminated masonry nonhaz-ardous under California law.This reaction,however,did not occur in the present study.The concentrations of phosphate added ran-ged from 31%to 62%of the amounts needed to stoichiometrically convert the lead in the concrete to hydroxypyromorphite but did not result in proportionate reductions in detectable total pressive strength of concreteCompressive strength of all concrete mixes was tested at ages of 3days,7days,and 28days.Fig.6illustrates the effects of materials and mix parameters on the concrete strength.The trends of the ef-fects were similar for the concrete at three different testing ages.Generally,concrete strength decreased with increased water-to-cement ratios (w/c)and aggregate-to-cement ratios (a/c).As observed in Fig.6,for a given w/c,masonry B and D resulted in higher concrete strength than masonry A and C,which is prob-ably related to the concrete workability and strength of the recy-cled aggregate,respectively.For a given mix proportion,concrete made with CSA cement provided higher early age compressive strength than the corresponding concrete made with Portland ce-ment.The large strength and workability ranges imply that,with appropriate design,the concrete made with recycled aggregate from deconstructed masonry materials can be used for variousTable 3Physical properties and lead content of lead-contraindicated masonry materials.Concrete blocks Clay bricks AB C D Specific gravity 2.34 2.39 2.37 2.39Absorption (%)7.70 5.95 6.52 5.11Voids between aggregate particle (compacted)(%)36.7937.2041.3239.92Voids between aggregate particle (uncompacted)(%)38.5241.9847.746.33Compressive strength (MPa)21.0732.7973.65101.53TCLP pH6.737.02 5.11 4.88TCLP Pb,mg/L (toxicity limit:5mg/L) 4.17 1.2914277WET Total Pb,g/Kg (toxicity limit:1g/Kg)15.410.112.55.82Note :The underlined values indicate that these materials are classified as toxic materials based on RCRA or California regulations.4.Gradation of the aggregate recycled masonry materials studied.(Note:DOT-C3and C4are natural aggregate used for conventional pavement concrete USA)types of constructions,such as foundation,pavement,reinforced beams,columns,and walls.A cost effective analysis by the authorsshowed that a significant saving can be achieved by using LBP-con-taminated masonry materials as recycled aggregate in concrete.The cost savings may result from eliminating LBP removal and waste material disposal,which will minimize the use of secure landfills,eliminate the time and equipment required for sieving and re-grading recycled aggregate,and reduce natural aggregate consumption for concrete construction.Details of this cost effec-tive analysis can be found in a separated publication [13].4.Mix design nomograph developmentIn the present study,a nomograph was developed for concrete made with each type of recycled,LBP-contaminated aggregate and ing the mix design nomograph,proper mix propor-tions can be selected for the desired workability and strength.The nomograph combines three relationships developed for the prop-erties of fresh and hardened concrete into one graph.The mix de-sign nomograph uses three correlations:Abrams’law,Lyse’s law,and Molinari’s law [14,15].Abrams’law correlates the compressive strength of concrete with the w/c as:f 0c ¼k 1k w =c2ð1Þwhere k 1,and k 2are constants depending on the materials used.Lyse’s law correlates the water-to-cement ratio (w/c)with the aggregate-to-cement ratio (a/c)(by weight)as:ða =c Þ¼k 3ðw =c Þþk 4ð2Þwhere a/c is the aggregate-to-cement ratio,k 3,and k 4are constants depend on the materials used.Molinari’s law correlates the cement content and aggregate-to-cement ratio as:C ¼1000k 5ða =c Þþk 6ð3Þwhere C is the cement content,k 5,and k 6are constants depend on the materials used.Fig.6shows samples of general mix design nomograph.The nomograph can be used to determine the concrete mix proportion (a)for a given compressive strength but different workability (slump)requirements (Fig.7a)or (b)for a given workability but different strength requirements (Fig.7b).As shown in Fig.6a,according to the required compressive strength f 0c ;1;2;3,one can determined the w/c for concrete mixtures (w/c1,2,3)throughTable 4Compressive strength,lead content and lead-leachability of concrete mixtures.f 0c ;3(MPa)f 0c ;7(MPa)f 0c ;28(MPa)TCLP pH TCLP Pb (mg/L)Total Pb (g/Kg)124.730. 6.610.012.611.360.4916.07 5.67.310.310.780.0621.48 5.68.812.010.690.0520.69 4.5 1.168.371121.126.334.211.41 2.1910.41219.325.032.611.190.499.11313.718.523.511.070.359.0149.412.816.111.33 1.088.515 6.49.311.910.87 1.210.78168.310.514.610.850.2510.1117 5.37.410.011.25 1.2710.7618 2.9 3.9 5.610.89 1.110.821922.326.032.810.910.758.872018.625.430.310.96 1.168.02115.318.227.411.23 1.097.6228.113.419.610.220.277.623 6.210.913.810.60.948.6824 4.88.915.510.570.447.5250. 2.419.67260.0 1.369.99270.0 2.5 5.49.79 1.189.172828.433.338.0110.83 4.192922.331.340.911.150.16 4.43015.019.826.410.980.76 5.23113.816.728.211.460.95 5.03212.015.923.810.40.63 5.513311.712.218.59.750.58 4.19347.413.117.07.33 6.14 6.30357.710.516.38.86 1.43 6.2436 3.8 6.87.9 6.4133 5.513719.623.825.910.290.227.943816.717.921.810.40.328.93911.212.013.310.540.3711.14026.428.730.2 5.7891.9 4.7Fig.5.TCLP pH value and Pb content of concrete mixes studied.J.Hu et al./Construction and Building Materials xxx (2012)xxx–xxx5Abram’s Law.Then,the a/c ratio (a/c 1,2,3)can be evaluated through Lyse’s Law based on the w/c and required workability (slump)le-vel.Finally,the cement content (C 1,2,3)can be determined based on the Molinari’s Law from a/c.The concrete mix design is there-fore determined based on these three parameters:w/c,a/c,and C.In order to comply a set of mix design nomograph,a series of mixes with different proportion components (w/c,a/c and C)gen-erally need to be prepared based on controlled workability.The6J.Hu et al./Construction and Building Materials xxx (2012)xxx–xxxperformance (such as compressive strength)of these mixtures are then evaluated and incorporated into the nomograph so as to establish the relation between mix proportion parameters (w/c,a/c and C).Fig.8provides four examples of nomographs of concrete made with different masonry materials and different types of cement.In these nomographs,compressive strength at three different ages (3,7,and 28days)was considered as the concrete performance crite-ria in addition to workability.These nomographs demonstrate sim-ilar trends to those published in the literature [14].Similar nomographs can also be developed if other performance test re-sults,such as flexural strength,are used to replace concrete strength values in the figure.Thus,concrete can be designed to meet the other performance criteria.More nomographs resulting from the present study can be found in the reference reported by Wang et al.[8].The mix design nomographs developed in this study can help field engineers select the proper mix proportion parameters to meet specified concrete performance criteria.Concretes with desir-able compressive strengths and workability levels can be designed using LBP-contaminated recycled aggregates.While these con-cretes might have high concentrations of total lead (up to 2.2%in this study),they would not have a toxicity characteristic for lead and would not be classified as hazardous materials under RCRA.J.Hu et al./Construction and Building Materials xxx (2012)xxx–xxx 75.ConclusionsA variety of concrete mixes was made with four different aggre-gates recycled from lead-contaminated masonry materials,three different kinds of cement,three different aggregate-to-cement ra-tios,and a wide range of water-to-cement ratios.The concrete workability,compressive strength,total lead and lead leachability of the concrete mixes were evaluated.Based on the test results,mix design nomographs were developed.The following conclu-sions can be made: 1.Lead in the LBP-contaminated masonry materials can be sequestered in concrete due to the high alkalinity of cement.Although some masonry materials were classified as hazard materials due to leachable lead content,concrete mixes made with such materials showed no toxicity characteristic for lead according to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).2.Although having low specific gravity and high absorption,crushed masonry materials,without sieving and re-grading process,can be simply used to replace all natural aggregate8J.Hu et al./Construction and Building Materials xxx (2012)xxx–xxxand to produce new concrete that meets structural and con-structability requirements.3.Using of Calcium Sulfoaluminate (CSA)cement significantly increased concrete strength at early ages but had a little effect on the 28-day compressive strength.The CSA cement was less alkaline than Portland cement,and the concrete made with CSA cement had lower pH values than the corresponding con-crete made with Portland cement,thus being less effective for sequestering lead in the concrete.4.Theoretically,phosphate cold react with lead to form hydrox-ypyromorphite,thus resulting in sequestration of lead.How-ever,such a reaction did not occur in the present study and the addition of 5%phosphate had no significant effect on appar-ent total lead content,lead leachability,or compressive strength.5.When well designed and well processed,the concrete made with all recycled aggregate from deconstructed masonry mate-rials can have a large range of workability and strength,thus applicable to various new concrete constructions,such as foun-dation and pavement,reinforced beams,columns,and walls.6.The mix design nomograph developed in this study can be used to decide concrete mix design with desired strengths and work-ability.This method can be easily adapted by field engineers for designing concrete with aggregates recycled from different field deconstruction projects.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the Strategic Environmen-tal Research and Development Program (SERDP)for sponsor the re-search project and the support provided by the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center).Special thanks are given to Mr.Robert Steffes,Dr.David White,Dr.Zhi Ge,and Mr.Eric Lindquist for their assistance in the lab and Mr.John Lathum at the Department of Environmental Health and Safety,Iowa StateUniversity for providing advice and assistance in dealing with occupational safety and hazardous waste issues associated with this project.Mr.Row Carr and Mr.Steve Otto at the Holcim Ltd.kindly provided donations of masonry materials and cement.References[1]ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program).ThermalSpray Removal of Lead-Containing Paint of Steel Structures,US Department of Defense,Cost and Performance Report (CP-9607);1999.[2]Hock VF,Edwards-Daniels A.Field demonstration of lead-based paint removaland inorganic stabilization technologies.Environmental Quality Management Inc.;2001.[3]Jacobs DE,Mielke H,Pavur N.The high cost of improper removal of lead-basedpaint from housing:a case report.Environmental Health Perspectives;2003.p.111.[4]Garrels RM,Christ CK,Solutions,minerals,and equilibria.Harper and Row;1965.[5]Brookins DG.Eh–pH diagrams for geochemistry.Springer-Verlag;1988.[6]Cao X,Ma LQ,Chen M,Hardison DW,Harris WG.Weathering of lead bulletsand their environmental effects at outdoor shooting ranges.J Environ Quality 2003;32:526–634.[7]ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials).Annual Book of 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