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Teaching plan

Unit 2 English around the world

(Direct speech and indirect speechⅡ)

Ⅰ. Teaching aims

⒈Get students to master the usages of Commands and Requests and review

direct speech and indirect speech.

Command: ⑴Do that now! ⑵Open the door.

Request: ⑴Would you please… ? ⑵Please…

⒉Get students to practice Commands and Requests by role-playing.

⒊Get students to summarize the grammatical rules and encourage students to

apply the rules into practice.

Ⅱ. Key points of this period

⒈Train students’ speaking skills.

⒉Master the grammatical rules.

Ⅲ. Difficult points of this period

⒈Get every student involved in the learning activities.

⒉Get every student to be active in class.

Ⅳ. Teaching methods

⒈Situational Approach and Communicatinal Approach.


Ⅴ. Teaching aids

Blackboard, chalk, pictures, etc.

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead in


Direct speech(直接引语) : 一字不改地将别人的话放在引号内;

Indirect speech (间接引语) : 用自己的话对别人的话进行转述,不用引号;




a. 如果主句的谓语是现在时或是将来时,间接引语时态不变。

b. 如果主句的谓语是一般过去时,间接引语的谓语的时态按下列规律变化:





“ My mother took me to an exhibition yesterday,” she said.

She said (that) her mother had taken her to an exhibition the day before.



用连词whether 或if 引导,谓语动词said 改为asked,宾语从句用陈述句语序;Practice:

“ Is your son going to Shanghai today or tomorrow?” he asked.

He asked whether / if my son was going to Shanghai that day or the next day.




“What did Edison do to help the doctor operate on his mother?”the teacher asked.

The teacher asked what Edison had done to help the doctor operate on his mother.

Step2 Show game

⒈Get two of the students to come to the front to play a show game.

⒉Instruction: Student A make commands and Student B does what he / she is



⑴Point to your left eye.

⑵Open the door.

⒋Get students to report what Students A and B did.

⑴Student A told Student B to point to his / her left eye.

⑵Student A told Student B to open the door.

Step3 Command and Request

⒈In English you use a command or a request when you want someone to do something. Please look at the three sentences and tell the difference.

Open the window.

Please open the window.

Would you please open the window?

→→Command: If someone in authority commands you to do something, they tell you that you must do it. (not polite)

Request: If you make a request, you politely or formally ask someone to do something. (very polite)

⒉Look at these expressions and classify them into Commands and Requests. Commands: Correct your spelling mistakes.

Go and …!

Do that now!

Hold that elevator!

Say that again!

Go and buy some more petrol!

Take the dog for a walk!

Requests: Please…

Can I sit here and wait for the doctor?

How do you spell that please?

Would you please …?

Can I please…?

Would you please speak more slowly?

Could you repeat the sentence?
