LH4-1 Conductor Jetting Rev1.0
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A 0.006 0.011 0.15 0.30
B 0.043 0.051 1.10 1.30
C 0.059 0.067 1.50 1.70
G 0.035 0.043 0.90 1.10
REF01数据表1、元器件参数特性1)High output accuracy(高输出精度)REF01: 10.0 V, ±0.3% maximumREF02: 5.0 V, ±0.3% maximumREF03: 2.5 V, ±0.6% maximum2)Excellent temperature stability(良好的温度稳定特性)REF01: 8.5 ppm/°C maximumREF02: 8.5 ppm/°C maximumREF03: 50 ppm/°C maximum3)Low noise(低噪声)REF01: 30 µV p-p typicalREF02: 15 µV p-p typicalREF03: 6 µV p-p typical最高供电电压范围:最大达36 V最低供电电流:最大值为1.4 mA高负荷驱动能力:最大10 mA(最大输出负载电流)温度输出功能(温度监控)应用场景精密数据系统高分辨率转换器工业过程控制系统精密仪器军事和航空航天应用概述REF01/REF02/REF03系列精密电压参考产品提供了稳定的10.0 V、5.0 V或2.5 V输出,且随供应电压、环境温度或负载条件的变化影响最小。
该设备有8引脚的SOIC、PDIP、CERDIP 和TO-99封装,以及20端口的LCC封装(仅883),进一步提高了该设备在标准和高压力应用中的可用性。
1、引脚配置不同封装下的引脚图如下:注:NC = NO CONNECT ,即不要在这些引脚上连接任何东西。
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: Snap to Grid : Snap to Object: Free Snap 從繪圖板中的調色板中選擇幾何體。
Ovation I O Reference Manual
This publication adds the Eight Channel RTD module to the Ovation I/O Reference Manual. It should be placed between Sections 19 and 20.Date: 04/03IPU No.243Ovation ® Interim Publication UpdatePUBLICATION TITLEOvation I/O Reference ManualPublication No. R3-1150Revision 3, March 2003Section 19A. Eight Channel RTDModule19A-1. DescriptionThe Eight (8) channel RTD module is used to convert inputs from Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) to digital data. The digitized data is transmitted to the Controller.19A-2. Module Groups19A-2.1. Electronics ModulesThere is one Electronics module group for the 8 channel RTD Module:n5X00119G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Personality module 5X00121G01 (not applicable for CE Mark certified systems).19A-2.2. Personality ModulesThere is one Personality module groups for the 8 channel RTD Module:n5X00121G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Electronics module 5x00119G01 (not applicable for CE Mark certified systems).19A-2.3. Module Block Diagram and Field Connection WiringDiagramThe Ovation 8 Channel RTD module consists of two modules an electronics module contains a logic printed circuit board (LIA) and a printed circuit board (FTD). The electronics module is used in conjunction with a personalty module, which contains a single printed circuit board (PTD). The block diagram for the 8 channel RTD moduleis shown in Figure 19A-1.Table 19A-1. 8 Channel RTD Module Subsystem ChannelsElectronic Module Personality Module85X00119G015X00121G01Figure 19A-1. 8 Channel RTD Module Block Diagram and Field Connection Wiring Diagram19A-3. SpecificationsElectronics Module (5X00119)Personality Module (5X00121)Table 19A-2. 8 Channel RTD Module SpecificationsDescription ValueNumber of channels8Sampling rate50 HZ mode: 16.67/sec. normally. In 3 wire mode, leadresistance measurement occurs once every 6.45 sec.during which the rate drops to 3/sec.60 HZ mode: 20/sec. normally. In 3 wire mode, leadresistance measurement occurs once every 6.45 sec.during which the rate drops to 2/sec.Self Calibration Mode: Occurs on demand only. The ratedrops to 1/sec. once during each self calibration cycle.RTD ranges Refer to Table 19A-3.Resolution12 bitsGuaranteed accuracy (@25°C)0.10% ±[0.045 (Rcold/Rspan)]% ± [((Rcold + Rspan)/4096 OHM)]% ± [0.5 OHM/Rspan]% ±10 m V ± 1/2LSBwhere:Rcold and Rspan are in Ohms.Temperature coefficient 10ppm/°CDielectric isolation:Channel to channel Channel to logic 200V AC/DC 1000 V AC/DCInput impedance100 M OHM50 K OHM in power downModule power 3.6 W typical; 4.2 W maximumOperating temperature range0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)Storage temperature range-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)Humidity (non-condensing)0 to 95%Self Calibration On Demand by Ovation ControllerCommon Mode Rejection120 dB @ DC and nominal power line frequency+/- 1/2%Normal Mode Rejection100 dB @ DC and nominal power line frequency+/- 1/2%Table 19A-3. 8 Channel RTD RangesScale #(HEX)Wires Type Tempo FTempo CRcold(ohm)Rhot(ohm)Excitationcurrent(ma)Accuracy± ±countsAccuracy± ±% ofSPAN1310OhmPL0 to1200–18 t o6496106.3 1.090.222310OhmCU 0 to302–18 t o1508.516.5 1.0 130.32D350OhmCU 32 to2840 to1405080 1.0110.2711350OhmCU 32 to2300 to1105378 1.0120.30193100Ohm PL –4 to334–16 t o16892163.671.0110.27223100Ohm PL 32 to5200 to269100200 1.0100.25233100Ohm PL 32 to10400 to561100301 1.0100.25253120Ohm NI –12 t o464–11 t o240109360 1.0100.25263120Ohm NI 32 to1500 to70120170 1.0130.32283120Ohm NI 32 to2780 to122120225 1.0110.27804100Ohm PL 32 to5440 to290100 208 1.0100.25814100Ohm PL 356 t o446180 t o230168 186 1.0300.74824200Ohm PL 32 to6980 to370200 473 1.0120.30834200Ohm PL 514 t o648268 t o342402452 1.0290.71844100Ohm PL 32 to1240 to51100120 1.0190.47854100Ohm PL 32 to2170 to103100 140 1.0130.3286 4100Ohm PL 32 to4120 to211100 180 1.0110.27874100Ohm PL 32 to7140 to379100 240 1.0100.25884120Ohm PL 511 t o662266 t o350200230 1.0240.5919A-4. 8 Channel RTD Terminal Block Wiring Information19A-4.1. Systems Using Personality Module 5X00121G01 Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above the terminal block. This diagram indicates how the wiring from the field is to beconnected to the terminal block in the base unit. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.Table 19A-4. Abbreviations Used in the DiagramAbbreviation Definition+IN, -IN Positive and negative sense input connectionEarth ground terminal. Used for landing shields when the shield is to begrounded at the module.PS+, PS-Auxiliary power supply terminals.RTN Return for current source connection.SH Shield connector. used for landing shields when the shield is to begrounded at the RTD.SRC Current source connection.Note:PS+ and PS- are not used by this module.19A-5. 8 Channel RTD Module Address Locations19A-5.1. Configuration and Status RegisterWord address 13 (D in Hex) is used for both module configuration and module status. The Module Status Register has both status and diagnostic information. The bit information contained within these words is shown in Table 19A-5.Definitions for the Configuration/Module Status Register bits:Bit 0:This bit configures the module (write) or indicates the configuration state of the module (read). A “1” indicates that the module is configured. Note that until the module is configured, reading from addresses #0 through #11 (B in Hex) will produce an attention status.Bit 1:This bit (write “1”) forces the module into the error state, resulting in the error LED being lit. The read of bit “1” indicates that there is an internal module error,or the controller has forced the module into the error state. The state of this bit is always reflected by the module’s Internal Error LED. Whenever this bit is set,an attention status is returned to the controller when address #0 through #11(B in Hex) are read.Table 19A-5. 8 Channel RTD Configuration/Status Register (Address 13 0xD in Hex)Bit Data Description -Configuration Register (Write)Data Description -Status Register (Read)0Configure Module Module Configured(1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured)1Force errorInternal or forced error(1 = forced error; 0 = no forced error)250/60 Hz select (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz)50/60 Hz System (1 = 50Hz) d(read back)3SELF_CAL (Initiates Self Calibration)Warming bit (set during power up or configuration)40050060Module Not Calibrated 708CH.1 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.1 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)9CH.2 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.2 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)10CH.3 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.3 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)11CH.4 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.4 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)12CH.5 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.5 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)13CH.6 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.6 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)14CH.7 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.7 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)15CH.8 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.8 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)Bit 2:The status of this bit (read) indicates the conversion rate of the module, write to this bit configures the conversion rate of A/D converters as shown below.see Table 19A-6.Bit3:Write: This bit is used to initiate self-calibration. Read: This bit indicates that the module is in the “Warming” state. this state exists after power up and ter-minates after 8.16 seconds. the module will be in the error condition during the warm up period.Bit4 & 5:These bits are not used and read as “0” under normal operation.Bit 6:This bit (read) is the result of a checksum test of the EEPROM. A failure of this test can indicate a bad EEPROM, but it typically indicates that the module has not been calibrated. A “0” indicates that there is no error condition. If an error is present, the internal error LED is lit and attention status will be returned for all address offsets 0-11 (0x0 - 0xB). The “1” state of this bit indicates an unre-coverable error condition in the field.Bit 7:This bits is not used and read as “0” under normal operation.Bit 8 - 15:These bits are used to configure channels 1 - 8 respectively for 3 or 4 wire op-eration. A “0” indicates 3 wire and a “1” indicates 4 wire operation, see Table 19A-7 and Table 19A-8).Word address 12 (0xC) is used to configure the appropriate scales for Channels 1 - 4 (refer to Table 19A-7 and Table 19A-8).Table 19A-6. Conversion Rate Conversion Rate (1/sec.)Bit 260 (for 60Hz systems)050 (for 50Hz systems)1Table 19A-7. Data Format for the Channel Scale Configuration Register(0xC)Bit Data Description Configuration (Write)Data Description Status (Read)0 Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 0Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 01Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 1Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 12Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 2Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 23Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 3Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 34Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 0Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 05Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 1Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 16Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 2Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 27Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 3Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 38Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 0Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 09Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 1Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 1Caution:Configuring any or all channel scales while the system is running will cause all channels to return attention status for up to two seconds following the reconfiguration.Caution:Configuring any or all channel scales while the system is running will cause all channels to return attention status for up to two seconds following the reconfiguration.10Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 2Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 211Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 3Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 312Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 0Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 013Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 1Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 114Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 2Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 215Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 3Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 3Table 19A-8. Data Format for the Channel Scale Configuration Register(0xE)Bit Data Description Configuration (Write)Data Description Status (Read)0 Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 0Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 01Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 1Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 12Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 2Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 23Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 3Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 34Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 0Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 05Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 1Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 16Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 2Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 27Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 3Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 38Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 0Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 09Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 1Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 110Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 2Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 211Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 3Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 312Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 0Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 013Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 1Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 114Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 2Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 215Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 3Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 3Table 19A-7. Data Format for the Channel Scale Configuration Register(0xC)19A-6. Diagnostic LEDsTable 19A-9. 8 Channel RTD Diagnostic LEDsLED DescriptionP (Green)Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.C (Green)Communications OK LED. Lit when the Controller is communicatingwith the module.I (Red)Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever there is any type of error with themodule except to a loss of power. Possible causes are:n - Module initialization is in progress.n - I/O Bus time-out has occurred.n - Register, static RAM, or FLASH checksum error.n - Module resetn - Module is uncalibrated.n - Forced error has been received from the Controllern - Communication between the Field and Logic boards failedCH1 - CH 8 (Red)Channel error. Lit whenever there is an error associated with a channel or channels. Possible causes are:n - Positive overrangen - Negative overrangen Communication with the channel has failed。
1/12RE 29037/03.10Replaces: 10.05Type 4WRPEH 104/4 controlled directional valve, directly operated,with electric position feedback and integrated electronics (OBE)Type 4WRPEH10Size 10Component series 2XMaximum operating pressure P, A, B 315 bar, T 250 bar Rated flow 50...100 l/min (Δp 70 bar)Table of contentsContents PageFeatures 1Ordering code 2Function, section 3Symbols3Test and service device 3Technical data 4 and 5Electrical connection6Technical notes with regard to cable 6Integrated electronics 7 and 8 Characteristic curves 9 and 10Unit dimensions11Features– D irectly actuated controlled directional valve, with control spool and sleeve in servo quality– S ingle-side operated, 4/4 fail-safe position in deactivated state– E lectric position feedback and integrated electronics (OBE), calibrated in the factory– E lectric port 6P+PESignal input of differential amplifier with interface A1 ±10 V or interface F1 4...20 mA (R sh = 200 Ω)– U sed for electro-hydraulic control systems in production and test plantsInformation on available spare parts:/spcOrdering codeFunction, sectionSwitch-off behaviorIf the electronics is switched off, the valve immediately moves to the secured basic position (fail safe).In this process, the P-B/A-T position is passed which might cause movements at the controlled component. This must be taken into account when designing the plant.GeneralIn the field of integrated electronics, the specified command value is compared with the actual position value. In case of deviations from the standard, the lifting solenoid is activated. Due to the changed magnetic force, the lifting solenoid ad-justs the control valve against the spring.Lifting/control cross-section are adjusted proportionally to the command value. In case of a command value provision of 0 V, the electronics adjusts the control valve against the spring to center position. In deactivated condition, the spring is un-loaded to a maximum and the valve is in fail-safe position.– Service case Type VT-VETSY-1 with test device, see RE 29685– Measuring adapter 6P+PE Type VT-PA-2, see RE 300681 C ontrol solenoidwith position transducer 2 Valve bodies 3 Mating connectorsTest and service deviceSymbolsTechnical datageneral Type Gate valve, directly operated, with steel sleeve ActuationProportional solenoid with position control, OBE Type of connection Plate port, porting pattern (ISO 4401-05-04-0-05)Installation position Any Ambient temperature range °C –20...+50Weightkg 7,1Vibration resistance, test conditionMax. 25 g , space vibration test in all directions (24 h)hydraulic (measured with HLP 46, ϑoil = 40 °C ± 5 °C)Hydraulic fluid Hydraulic oil according to DIN 51524…535, other media upon requestViscosity rangeRecommended mm 2/s 20...100Max admissiblemm 2/s 10 (800)Hydraulic fluid temperature range°C –20...+70Maximum admissible degree of contamination of the hydraulic fluid cleanliness class according to ISO 4406 (c)Class 18/16/13 1)Flow directionAccording to symbolRated flow atΔp = 35 bar per edge 2) l/min 50 (1:1)50 (2:1)100 (1:1)100 (2:1)Max operating pressurePort P, A, B bar 315Orifice Tbar 250Limitation of use Δppressure loss at the valve C, C3, C5bar 315315160160Q Vnom : > Q N valves C4, C1bar 250250100100Zero flow at 100 barLinear characteristic curve Lcm 3/min < 1200< 1200< 1500< 1000Inflected characteristic curve Pcm 3/min < 600< 500< 600< 600Fail-safe positionCFlow at Δp = 35 bar per edge l/min 5050100100C3, C5cm 3/min 50 P–A Zero flow at 100 bar cm 3/min 70 P–B C3, C5l/min 110...100 A–T Flow at Δp = 35 bar per edge l/min 10...25 B–T C4, C1cm 3/min 50 P–A Zero flow at 100 barcm 3/min 70 P–B cm 3/min 70 A–T cm 3/min 50 B–TReaching the fail-safe position 0 bar 12 ms 100 bar 16 ms1) I n hydraulic systems, the cleanliness classes indicated for components must be observed.Effective filtration prevents faults and at the same time increases the service life of the components. For the choice of filters, see technical data sheets RE 50070, RE 50076 and RE 50081.2) F low at different ∆pQ x = Q nomTechnical datastatic / dynamicHysteresis %≦ 0,2Manufacturing tolerance qmax%< 10Actuating time for signal step 0...100 % ms≦ 25Temperature drift Zero shift < 1 % at ∆T = 40 °CZero compensation ex factory ±1 %electric, control electronics integrated in the valveRelative duty cycle %100 EDProtection class IP 65 according to DIN 40050 and IEC 14434/5 Port Mating connector 6P+PE, DIN 43563Supply voltage Terminal A: Terminal B: 0 V 24 V =nommin. 21 V = / max. 40 V = Ripple max. 2 V =Max. power consumption60 VA Fuse protection, external 2.5 AFInput, version A1 Terminal D: UE Terminal E:Differential amplifier, Ri= 100 kΩ0...±10 V0 VInput, version F1 Terminal D: ID –E Terminal E: ID –E Load, Rsh= 200 Ω4...(12)...20 mACurrent loop ID – EfeedbackMax. voltage of the differential inputs almost 0 V D → B }max. 18 V =E → BTest signal, version A1 Terminal F: Utest Terminal C:LVDT 0...±10 V Reference 0 VTest signal, version F1 Terminal F: IF –C Terminal C: IF –C LVDT signal 4...20 mA, at external load 200...500 Ω max.4...20 mA outputCurrent loop IF –CfeedbackProtective earthing conductor and shielding See pin assignment (CE-compliant installation) Adjustment Calibrated in the factory, see characteristic curve of the valveElectromagnetic compatibility tested according to EN 61000-6-2: 2005-08 EN 61000-6-3: 2007-01Version A1: Standard Version F1: mA signalElectrical data, see page 5Version:–Multi-core wireNoteSupply voltage 24 V = nom ,if the value falls below 18 V = an internalfast switch-off is effected which can be compared with “Release OFF”.Additionally for version F1:I D – E ≧ 3 mA – valve is activeI D – E ≦ 2 mA – valve is deactivated.Electric signals taken out via control electronics (e.g. actual value) may not be used for the switch-off of safety-relevant machine functions! (See also the European standard “Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components - Hydraulics”, EN 982.)–Litz wire structure, extra fine wire according to VDE 0295, class 6–Protective earthing conductor, green-yellow –Cu shielding braid Type:– e.g. Oilflex-FD 855 CP (Company Lappkabel)Number of wires:–Determined by the valve type,connector type and signal configuration Line Ø:–0.75 mm 2 to 20 m of length 1.0 mm 2 to 40 m of length OuterØ:–9.4...11.8 mm – Pg1112.7...13.5 mm – Pg161 Control2 On the customer side3 Mating connector4 Valve5 Contact surface6 On Rexroth sideTechnical notes with regard to cableElectrical connectionBlock diagram/Pinout Version A1: U D – E ±10 VPin assignment 6P+PE Version A1: U D – E ±10 V (R i = 100 kΩ)Integrated electronicsBlock diagram/PinoutVersion F1: I D – E 4...12...20 mAPin assignment 6P+PEVersion F1: I D – E 4...12...20 mA (R sh = 200 Ω)D–E Integrated electronicsFailsafeoff12420D–E(V) I D–E(mA)Flow characteristicsFlow characteristics Flow – signal function Q = f (UD – E)Q = f (ID – E)Flow characteristicsL: Linear 1:1Flow characteristicsVersionVersionCharacteristic curves (measured with HLP 46, ϑoil= 40 °C ± 5 °C)Pressure gainBode diagramCharacteristic curves (measured with HLP 46, ϑoil = 40 °C ± 5 °C)Unit dimensions (dimensions in mm)1 Valve housing2 Integrated electronics3 O-rings Ø 12 x 2 (ports P, A, B, T, T1)4 M ating connectorsee technical data sheet RE 08008 (separate order)5 Control solenoids with position transducer6 M achined valve mounting face, porting pattern according to ISO 4401-05-04-0-05Deviating from the standard:Ports P, A, B, T, T1 Ø 10.5 mmSubplates, see technical data sheet RE 45055(separate order)Required surface quality of thevalve mounting faceValve mounting screws (separate order)The following valve mounting screws are recommended:4 hexagon socket head cap screws ISO 4762-M6x40-10.9-N67F82170(galvanized according to N67F82170)Tightening torque M A = 11+3 Nm Mat. no. 2910151209or4 hexagon socket head cap screws ISO 4762-M6x40-10.9(friction rate µtotal = 0.12 – 0.17)Bosch Rexroth AG HydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, Germany Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 Fax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 ***************************** www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.Notes。
第三章使用软件的准备工作............................................................................................................................ 19
3.1 建立管网模型文件........................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 设置使用的单位制和单位............................................................................................................... 24 3.3 设置模拟选项................................................................................................................................... 25 3.4 合理选用摩阻公式和管道步长 KNOT SPACE ..................................................................................... 27 3.5 合理选用状态方程 .......................................................................................................................... 28 3.6 打开温度跟踪和气体属性跟踪 ...................................................................................................... 28 3.7 设定初始约束条件 .......................................................................................................................... 29 3.8 保存管网模型文件................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
<BR>HYDRAULICS GROUP PRODUCTINFORMATION FORM<BR>Subject : Replacement and Mounting Kits Frame Size 4-Series PVplus-UKIssue Number Owner Created By Date of Issue DocumentNumberStefan Schindler/COR/PARKER Stefan Schindler/COR/PARKER11/07/2002SSCR-5FNJ22 1.0Main BodyThis document contains the following information:Exploded view Frame Size 4zSeal Kits "SK"zReplacement Kits "RK"zMounting Kits "MK"zall design changeszPVI-BG4-GB-42-sw.pdf PVI-BG4-GB-41-sw.pdf PVI-BG4-GB-40-sw.pdfPVI-BG4-DE-42-sw.pdf PVI-BG4-DE-41-sw.pdf PVI-BG4-DE-40-sw.pdfExploded view, PV, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180correlation between position numbers and replacement kitspos. No.description page replacement kit 1, 2pump body, end cover--3swash plate, finished6swashplate kit4body seal4seal kit5cradle--6trunnion bearing, HX6trunnion bearing kit7spring washer, servo spring8servo spring kit8servo spring8servo spring kit9connector servo spring6swashplate kit10servo spring plug8servo spring kit11swash plate connector6swashplate kit13tapered / contour sleeve8tapered / contour sleeve 14shaft7shaft unit15piston and slipper, crimped6rotating group, set of pistons 16cylinder block6rotating group17retainer spring, cylinder block6rotating group18pilot cover--20distance washer6rotating group21slipper retainer6rotating group22retainer segment6rotating group23valve plate6valve plate26servo piston sleeve7servo piston sleeve27servo piston7servo piston kit28servo piston cover8displacement adjuster kit 29set screw8displacement limiter kit 30thru drive adaptor10mounting kit, thru drive 31thru drive cover--32air bleed valve8air bleed valve35, 36rotation indicator, name plate--37key7shaft unit38snap ring for shaft7shaft unit39snap ring for bore6rotating group41hexagon socket head cap screw, retainer6rotating group42hexagon socket head cap screw, body6connecting bolt kit43hexagon socket head cap screw, pilot6connecting bolt kit44rivet--45guide pin, servo spring8servo spring kit46locator pin cradle--47locator pin, valve plate6valve plate48locator pin, body6connecting bolt kit50washer, servo piston7servo piston kit51, 56washer, cylinder block6rotating group52washer, shaft7shaft unit53, 54magnet cover for ports, thru drive--55protection plug, drain port--57roller bearing, rear7shaft unit58plug, compensator interface4seal kit59plug, feedback4seal kit60chain link6swashplate kit62roller bearing, front7shaft unit63 - 71o-ring4seal kit72shaft seal4seal kit73self sealing lock nut4, 8seal kit, displacement limiter 75 - 77, 78backup rings, retainer for shaft seal4seal kit79 - 81pipe plug4seal kit82hexagon socket countersunk head cap screw6trunnion bearing kit83hexagon socket head cap screw, cradle--84o-ring4seal kit85hexagon socket head cap screw, thru drive10mounting kit, thru drive 87locator pin, thru drive adaptor10mounting kit, thru drive 90o-ring4seal kit91coupling9mounting kit, coupling 92adaptor for keyed shaft9mounting kit, couplingSK-Seal kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180N Seals NBRV Seals FPME Seals EPRP Seals FPM, shaft seal PTFE (for case pressure)W Seals NBR, shaft seal PTFE (for water glycole)1Threads: metric, ports: BSPP3Threads: UNC, ports: UNF7Threads: metric, ports: ISO 61498Threads: UNC, ports: ISO 614942Design series 42includes:41body seal, frame size 4581pipe plug VSTI-10x1-OR-A3C ISO 6149 NBR seals NBR 58(1)pipe plug VSTI-10x1-OR-A3C ISO 6149 FPM seals FPM 58(1)pipe plug VSTI-10x1-OR-A3C, ISO 6149 EPR seals EPR 591pipe plug M 27 x 2 ISO 6149, NBR seals NBR 59(1)pipe plug M 27 x 2 ISO 6149, FPM seals FPM 59(1)pipe plug M 27 x 2 ISO 6149, EPR seals EPR 632o-ring 2-010-N552-90; 6,07 x 1,78seals NBR 63(2)o-ring 2-010-V747-75; 6,07 x 1,78seals FPM 63(2)o-ring 2-010-E540-80; 6,07 x 1,78seals EPR 651o-ring 2-136-N552-90; 50,47 x 2,62seals NBR 65(1)o-ring 2-136-V747-75; 50,47 x 2,62seals FPM 65(1)o-ring 2-136-E540-80; 50,47 x 2,62seals EPR 661o-ring 2-036-N552-90; 60,05 x 1,78seals NBR 66(1)o-ring 2-036-V747-75; 60,05 x 1,78seals FPM 66(1)o-ring 2-036-E540-80; 60,05 x 1,78seals EPR 671o-ring 2-157-N552-90; 113,97 x 2,62seals NBR 67(1)o-ring 2-157-V747-75; 113,97 x 2,62seals FPM 67(1)o-ring 2-157-E540-80; 113,97 x 2,62seals EPR 681o-ring 2-140-N552-90; 56,82 x 2,62seals NBR 68(1)o-ring 2-140-V747-75; 56,82 x 2,62seals FPM 68(1)o-ring 2-140-E540-80; 56,82 x 2,62seals EPR 691o-ring 2-153-N552-90; 88,57 x 2,62seals NBR 69(1)o-ring 2-153-V747-75; 88,57 x 2,62seals FPM 69(1)o-ring 2-153-E540-80; 88,57 x 2,62seals EPR 701o-ring 2-145-N552-90; 64,77 x 2,62seals NBR 70(1)o-ring 2-145-V747-75; 64,77 x 2,62seals FPM 70(1)o-ring 2-145-E540-80; 64,77 x 2,62seals EPR 711o-ring 2-035-N552-90; 56,87 x 1,78seals NBR 71(1)o-ring 2-035-V747-75; 56,87 x 1,78seals FPM 71(1)o-ring 2-035-E540-80; 56,87 x 1,78seals EPR 721shaft seal BABSL 0,5 60 x 80 x 7-NBR seals NBR 72(1)shaft seal BABSL 0,5 60 x 80 x 7-FPM seals FPM 72(1)shaft seal PTFE, frame size 4 with EPR o-ring seals EPR, S 72(1)shaft seal PTFE, frame size 4seals P, W 731self sealing nut M 14 x 1,5; SEAL LOCK751back up ring 8-136-N300-90; 51,26 x 2,18seals NBR 75(1)back up ring 8-136-V709-90; 51,26 x 2,18seals FPM 75(1)back up ring 8-136-E652-90; 51,26 x 2,18seals EPR 761back up ring 8-035-N300-90; 57,61 x 1,35seals NBR 76(1)back up ring 8-035-V709-90; 57,61 x 1,35seals FPM 76(1)back up ring 8-035-E652-90; 57,61 x 1,35seals EPR 771back up ring 8-036-N300-90; 60,78 x 1,35seals NBR77(1)back up ring 8-036-V709-90; 60,78 x 1,35seals FPM77(1)back up ring 8-036-E652-90; 60,78 x 1,35seals EPR781J82 x 2,5 DIN 472, retainer for shaft seal791pipe plug VSTI R3/4" ED NBR NBR, thread 1 79(1)pipe plug VSTI R3/4" ED FPM FPM, thread 1 79(1)pipe plug VSTI R3/4" ED EPR EPR, thread 1 79(1)pipe plug 12HP50NS-NBR, 1 1/16-12 UNF NBR, thread 3 79(1)pipe plug 12HP50NS-FPM, 1 1/16-12 UNF FPM, thread 3 79(1)pipe plug 12HP50NS-EPR, 1 1/16-12 UNF EPR, thread 3 79(1)pipe plug VSTI-27 x 2-OR-A3C ISO 6149 NBR NBR, thread 7, 8 79(1)pipe plug VSTI-27 x 2-OR-A3C ISO 6149 FPM FPM, thread 7, 8 79(1)pipe plug VSTI-27 x 2-OR-A3C ISO 6149 EPR EPR, thread 7, 8 801pipe plug VSTI R1/4" ED NBR NBR, thread 1 80(1)pipe plug VSTI R1/4" ED FPM FPM, thread 1 80(1)pipe plug VSTI R1/4" ED EPR EPR, thread 1 80(1)pipe plug 4HP50NS-NBR, 7/16-20 UNF NBR, thread 3 80(1)pipe plug 4HP50NS-FPM, 7/16-20 UNF FPM, thread 3 80(1)pipe plug 4HP50NS-EPR, 7/16-20 UNF EPR, thread 3 80(1)pipe plug VSTI-12 x 1,5-OR-A3C ISO 6149 NBR NBR, thread 7, 8 80(1)pipe plug VSTI-12 x 1,5-OR-A3C ISO 6149 FPM FPM, thread 7, 8 80(1)pipe plug VSTI-12 x 1,5-OR-A3C ISO 6149 EPR EPR, thread 7, 8 811pipe plug VSTI R1" ED NBR NBR, thread 1 81(1)pipe plug VSTI R1" ED FPM FPM, thread 1 81(1)pipe plug VSTI R1" ED EPR EPR, thread 1 81(1)pipe plug 16HP50NS-NBR, 1 5/16-12 UNF NBR, thread 3 81(1)pipe plug 16HP50NS-FPM, 1 5/16-12 UNF FPM, thread 3 81(1)pipe plug 16HP50NS-EPR, 1 5/16-12 UNF EPR, thread 3 81(1)pipe plug VSTI-33 x 2-OR-A3C ISO 6149 NBR NBR, thread 7, 8 81(1)pipe plug VSTI-33 x 2-OR-A3C ISO 6149 FPM FPM, thread 7, 8 81(1)pipe plug VSTI-33 x 2-OR-A3C ISO 6149 EPR EPR, thread 7, 8 841o-ring 2-164-N552-90; 158,42 x 2,62seals NBR84(1)o-ring 2-164-V747-75; 158,42 x 2,62seals FPM84(1)o-ring 2-164-E540-80; 158,42 x 2,62seals EPR841o-ring 2-163-N552-90; 152,07 x 2,62seals NBR84(1)o-ring 2-163-V747-75; 152,07 x 2,62seals FPM84(1)o-ring 2-163-E540-80; 152,07 x 2,62seals EPR841o-ring 2-048-N552-90; 120,37 x 1,78seals NBR84(1)o-ring 2-048-V747-75; 120,37 x 1,78seals FPM84(1)o-ring 2-048-E540-80; 120,37 x 1,78seals EPR841o-ring 2-044-N552-90; 94,97 x 1,78seals NBR84(1)o-ring 2-044-V747-75; 94,97 x 1,78seals FPM84(1)o-ring 2-044-E540-80; 94,97 x 1,78seals EPR841o-ring 2-042-N552-90; 82,27 x 1,78seals NBR84(1)o-ring 2-042-V747-75; 82,27 x 1,78seals FPM84(1)o-ring 2-042-E540-80; 82,27 x 1,78seals EPR841o-ring 2-041-N552-90; 75,92 x 1,78seals NBR84(1)o-ring 2-041-V747-75; 75,92 x 1,78seals FPM84(1)o-ring 2-041-E540-80; 75,92 x 1,78seals EPR901o-ring 2-012-N552-90; 9,25 x 1,78seals NBR90(1)o-ring 2-012-V747-75; 9,25 x 1,78seals FPM90(1)o-ring 2-012-E540-80; 9,25 x 1,78seals EPR2611o-ring 6-346-N552-90; 9,4 x 2,1seals NBR261(1)o-ring 6-346-V747-75; 9,4 x 2,1seals FPM261(1)o-ring 6-346-E540-80; 9,4 x 2,1seals EPRPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180VT Connecting bolt kitM Metric versionS SAE/UNC version40Design series 40 - 42includes:424hexagon socket head cap screw M 16 x 75 DIN 912 12.9thread M 42(4)hexagon socket head cap screw 5/8" - 11 UNC x 3", 12.9thread S 434hexagon socket head cap screw M 8 x 20 DIN 912 12.9thread M 43(4)hexagon socket head cap screw Nr. 5/16" - 18 UNC x 3/4", 12.9thread S 482roll pin 8 M6 x 16 DIN 7 St 50KRK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180GLE Trunnion bearing unit40Design series 40 - 42includes:62trunnion bearing segment HX, frame size 4822hexagon socket countersunk head cap screw M 5 x 10 DIN 7991, RK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180ROG Rotating group40Design series 40 - 42includes:159piston and slipper, crimped161cylinder block, bimetal171retainer spring, cylinder block204distance element211slipper retainer plate222retainer segment391snap ring for holes, 60 x 2 DIN 472414hexagon socket head cap screw M 8 x 30 DIN 912 12.9, coated511washer, SS 48 x 60 x 3 DIN 988561washer, 44 x 59 x 3RK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180KOS Piston assembly, set40Design series 40 - 42includes159piston and slipper, crimpedRK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180SS Valve plateR Clockwise rotationL Counter-clockwise rotation40Design series 40 - 42includes:231valve plate, clockwise rotation, frame size 4rotation R 23(1)valve plate, counterclockwise rotation, frame size 4rotation L 471locator pin 6 M6 x 14 DIN 7 StRK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180SRS Swashplate unit41Design series 41includes:31swash plate, finished, frame size 491locator for servo spring, frame size 4111swash plate connector frame size 4601chain link, 596 - 111 DIN 8187PVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180WP Shaft unit, keyedWZ Shaft unit, splinedWQ Shaft unit, keyed, heavy duty SAE onlyWF Shaft unit, splined, heavy duty SAE onlyM Metric versionS SAE/UNC version40Design series 40 - 42includes:141shaft, keyed, metric, frame size 4keyed, metric14(1)shaft, keyed, SAE, frame size 4, heavy duty keyed, SAE, heavy d. 14(1)shaft, keyed, SAE, frame size 4keyed, SAE14(1)shaft, splined, metric, frame size 4splined, metric14(1)shaft, splined, SAE, frame size 4, heavy duty splined, SAE, heavy 14(1)shaft, splined, SAE, frame size 4splined, SAE371key, 14 x 9 x 75 DIN 6885 St keyed, metric37(1)key, 12,7 x 12,7 x 75,5keyed, SAE, heavy d. 37(1)key, 11,1 x 11,1 x 55keyed, SAE382Snap ring for shaft, 60 x 2 DIN 471522washer, PS 60 x 75 x 2 DIN 988571Roller bearing F 204754, INA621Roller bearing NUP - 2212 - EC,RK-Replacement kitPV140PV series, frame size 4, PV140PV180PV series, frame size 4, PV180HE Stroke limit unit, adjustableN Seals NBRV Seals FPME Seals EPR41Design series 41 - 42includes:281servo piston cover291stroke limiter, M 14 x 1,5, displacement 140 cm³/rev size 14029(1)stroke limiter, M 14 x 1,5, displacement 180 cm³/rev size 180701o-ring 2-145-N552-90; 64,77 x 2,62seals NBR70(1)o-ring 2-145-V747-75; 64,77 x 2,62seals FPM70(1)o-ring 2-145-E540-80; 64,77 x 2,62seals EPR731self sealing lock nut, M 14 x 1,5; SEAL LOCKRK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140SKS Servo piston kit42Design series 42includes:271servo piston, frame size 4504washer SS 22 x 32 x 2 DIN 988RK-Replacement kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180RFS Servo spring unit40Design series 40 - 42includes:71spring washer, servo spring, frame size 481servo spring, frame size 4101servo spring cover, frame size 4451Connex LG 22 x 100, roll pinPVBG4PV series, frame size 4, PV140 - PV180 SB Servo piston sleeve N Seals NBR V Seals FPM E Seals EPR42Design series 40 - 42includes:261servo piston sleeve, frame size 4661o-ring 2-036-N552-90; 60,05 x 1,78seals NBR 66(1)o-ring 2-036-V747-75; 60,05 x 1,78seals FPM 66(1)o-ring 2-036-E540-80; 60,05 x 1,78seals EPR 711o-ring 2-035-N552-90; 56,87 x 1,78seals NBR 71(1)o-ring 2-035-V747-75; 56,87 x 1,78seals FPM 71(1)o-ring 2-035-E540-80; 56,87 x 1,78seals EPR 761back up ring 8-035-N300-90; 57,61 x 1,35seals NBR 76(1)back up ring 8-035-V709-90; 57,61 x 1,35seals FPM 76(1)back up ring 8-035-E652-90; 57,61 x 1,35seals EPR 771back up ring 8-036-N300-90; 60,78 x 1,35seals NBR 77(1)back up ring 8-036-V709-90; 60,78 x 1,35seals FPM 77(1)back up ring 8-036-E652-90; 60,78 x 1,35seals EPR32RK-Replacement kitPV000PV series, alle frame sizen EV Air bleed valve N Seals NBR V Seals FPM E Seals EPR40Design series 40 - 42includes:2601body air bleed valve2611o-ring 6-346-N552-90; 9,4 x 2,1seals NBR 261(1)o-ring 6-346-V747-75; 9,4 x 2,1seals FPM 261(1)o-ring 6-346-E540-80; 9,4 x 2,1seals EPR2621spring air bleed valve2631ball Ø 6,35, tungsten carbide, class G202641roll pin, 2 x 10 DIN 148113RK-Spare parts kitPVBG4PV series, frame size 2, PV032 - PV046 KH Feedback / contour sleeve0Feedback sleeve for standard pumpsK M S T U W Y Z 41Design series 41 - 42includes:131Feedback sleeve frame size 413(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 18,5 kW horse power code K 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 22 kW horse power code M 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 30 kW horse power code S 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 37 kW horse power code T 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 45 kW horse power code U 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 55 kW horse power code W 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 75 kW horse power code Y 13(1)Contour sleeve frame size 4, 90 kW horse power code ZContour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 18,5 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 22 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 30 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 37 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 45 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 55 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 75 kW Contour sleeve for horse power compensated pumps, 90 kWPos.Qty Ordering code Description Remark MK-Mounting kit: coupling for thru drive pumpPVBG4PV series , frame size 4, PV140 - PV180K01Second pump: metric splined shaft N25 x 1,5 x 15 DIN 5480K02Second pump: metric splined shaft N32 x 1,5 x 20 DIN 5480K03Second pump: metric splined shaft N40 x 1,5 x 25 DIN 5480K04Second pump: metric splined shaft N50 x 2 x 24 DIN 5480K11Second pump: SAE splined shaft 9T16/32DP flat root side fitK12Second pump: SAE splined shaft 11T16/32DP flat root side fitK13Second pump: SAE splined shaft 13T16/32DP flat root side fitK14Second pump: SAE splined shaft 15T16/32DP flat root side fitK15Second pump: SAE splined shaft 14T12/24DP flat root side fitK16Second pump: SAE splined shaft 17T12/24DP flat root side fitK17Second pump: SAE splined shaft 13T8/16DP flat root side fitK18Second pump: SAE splined shaft 15T8/16DP flat root side fitK20Second pump: metric keyed shaft Ø 12 mmK21Second pump: metric keyed shaft Ø 16 mmK22Second pump: metric keyed shaft Ø 18 mm40Design series 40 - 42includes:91(1)coupling, metric, N50 x 2 x 24 DIN 5480shaft K04 91(1)coupling, metric, N40 x 1,5 x 25 DIN 5480shaft K0391(1)coupling, metric, N32 x 1,5 x 20 DIN 5480shaft K02, K20, K21, K2291(1)coupling, metric, N25 x 1,5 x 15 DIN 5480shaft K01 91(1)coupling, SAE, 15T8/16DP, flat root, side fit shaft K18 91(1)coupling, SAE, 13T8/16DP, flat root, side fit shaft K17 91(1)coupling, SAE, 17T12/24DP, flat root, side fit shaft K16 91(1)coupling, SAE, 14T12/24DP, flat root, side fit shaft K15 91(1)coupling, SAE, 15T16/32DP, flat root, side fit shaft K14 91(1)coupling, SAE, 13T16/32DP, flat root, side fit shaft K13 91(1)coupling, SAE, 11T16/32DP, flat root, side fit shaft K12 91(1)coupling, SAE, 9T16/32DP, flat root, side fit shaft K11 92(1)adaptor for keyed shaft Ø 18 (also needed: pos 91, shaft K02)shaft K22 92(1)adaptor for keyed shaft Ø 16 (also needed: pos 91, shaft K02)shaft K21 92(1)adaptor for keyed shaft Ø 12 (also needed: pos 91, shaft K02)shaft K20Pos.Qty Ordering codeDescriptionRemarkMK-Mounting kit: adaptor for thru drive pump PVBG4PV series , frame size 4, PV140 - PV180 A For thru drive pump: SAE A, Ø 82,55 B For thru drive pump: SAE B, Ø 101,6 C For thru drive pump: SAE C, Ø 127 D For thru drive pump: SAE D, Ø 152,4 H For thru drive pump: metric Ø 80 J For thru drive pump: metric Ø 100 K For thru drive pump: metric Ø 125 L For thru drive pump: metric Ø 160 M Metric screws S UNC screws N Seals NBR V Seals FPM E Seals EPR40Design series 40 - 42includes:301thru drive adaptor SAE A, Ø 82,55, metric screws interf. A, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE A, Ø 82,55, UNC screws interf. A, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE B, Ø 101,6, metric screws interf. B, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE B, Ø 101,6, UNC screws interf. B, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE C, Ø 127, metric screws interf. C, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE C, Ø 127, UNC screws interf. C, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE D, Ø 152,4, metric screws interf. D, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor SAE D, Ø 152,4, UNC screws interf. D, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 80, metric screws interf. H, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 80, UNC screws interf. H, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 100, metric screws interf. J, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 100, UNC screws interf. J, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 125, metric screws interf. K, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 125, UNC screws interf. K, screws: S 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 160, metric screws interf. L, screws: M 30(1)thru drive adaptor: metric Ø 160, UNC screws interf. L, screws: S 311cover plate, thru driveoption T 691o-ring 2-153-N552-90; 88,57 x 2,62seals NBR 69(1)o-ring 2-153-V747-75; 88,57 x 2,62seals FPM 69(1)o-ring 2-153-E540-80; 88,57 x 2,62seals EPR 841o-ring 2-041-N552-90; 75,92 x 1,78interf. H, NBR 84(1)o-ring 2-041-V747-75; 75,92 x 1,78interf. H, FPM 84(1)o-ring 2-041-E540-80; 75,92 x 1,78interf. H, EPR 841o-ring 2-042-N552-90; 82,27 x 1,78interf. A, NBR 84(1)o-ring 2-042-V747-75; 82,27 x 1,78interf. A, FPM 84(1)o-ring 2-042-E540-80; 82,27 x 1,78interf. A, EPR 841o-ring 2-044-N552-90; 94,97 x 1,78interf. B, J, NBR 84(1)o-ring 2-044-V747-75; 94,97 x 1,78interf. B, J, FPM 84(1)o-ring 2-044-E540-80; 94,97 x 1,78interf. B, J, EPR 841o-ring 2-048-N552-90; 120,37 x 1,78interf. C, K, NBR 84(1)o-ring 2-048-V747-75; 120,37 x 1,78interf. C, K, FPM 84(1)o-ring 2-048-E540-80; 120,37 x 1,78interf. C, K, EPR 84(1)o-ring 2-163-N552-90; 152,07 x 2,62interf. D, NBR 84(1)o-ring 2-163-V747-75; 152,07 x 2,62interf. D, FPM 84(1)o-ring 2-163-E540-80; 152,07 x 2,62interf. D, EPR 84(1)o-ring 2-164-N552-90; 158,42 x 2,62interf. L, NBR 84(1)o-ring 2-164-V747-75; 158,42 x 2,62interf. L, FPM 84(1)o-ring 2-164-E540-80; 158,42 x 2,62interf. L, EPR 854hexagon socket head cap screw M 12 x 30 DIN 912 12.9screws: M 85(4)hexagon socket head cap screw 1/2" - 13 UNC x 1 1/4", 12.9screws: S872locator pin 8 M6 x 16 DIN 7not for option T 972hexagon socket head cap screw, M10 x 20 DIN 912 12.9option T, screws: M 97(2)hexagon socket head cap screw 3/8" - 16 UNC x 3/4", 12.9option T, screws: SScrews, washers etc. needed to fix the second pump to the adaptor are not included in the kit。
操作顺序 分闸时间 燃弧时间 开断时间 合闸时间 最大外形尺寸
相间距 重量 标准尺寸图
环境温度 热带气候标准
IEC 62271-100 GB 1984-2003
Ur [kV] Us [kV] Ud(1min) [kV] Up [kV] fr [Hz]
12 12 42 75 50-60 1600 40
12 12 42 75 50-60 1600 40
12 12 42 75 50-60 2000 25 31.5 40
25 31.5 40
63 80 100
12 12 42 75 50-60 2000 25 31.5 40
25 31.5 40
1 随着触头的分离,阴极触头的整个表面形成多个独立的斑点,阴极斑点产生的金 2 属蒸气维持着真空电弧。
4 发散型真空电弧的特征是电弧扩散覆盖到触头表面并平均分配热应力。
5 在真空灭弧室的额定电流范围内,电弧总是发散型的。触头的烧蚀可以忽略不
4 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 10 10
新 VD4 真空断路器是 ABB 驰名的灭弧室和浇注极柱研 发和制造技术,以及先进的操动机构研发、设计和生产 技术的完美结合。
VD4 中压真空断路器的灭弧室被整体浇注在环氧树脂 中。整体浇注的极柱结构更坚固,可为真空灭弧室提 供更加充分的保护,并可消除灰尘和潮气对灭弧室的 外绝缘能力的影响。
安装方式 VD4 断路器操动机构正面布置,有固定式和可抽出式两 种安装方式。可抽出式 VD4 适用于 ABB 公司 UniGear ZS1 系列开关柜。 应用场合 VD4 断路器使用在配电系统中,可适用于控制和保护电 缆、架空线、变压器、马达、发电机和电容器组。
AI...AI-TWIN...订货号根据DIN VDE0110:1989-01标准确定电器间隙和爬电距离VDE标准DIN VDE0110采纳了IEC标准IEC664/664A的实质性内容,以实现下述目标:从要承受的绝缘负荷出发来选所需要的绝缘强度,以此来确定所需的最小绝缘距离。
若在产品说明中无特殊说明,则本产品样本中所列产品的电气间隙和爬电距离均按标准DIN VDE0110:1989-01及过电压等级Ⅲ和污染等级3确定。
4极永磁无刷直流电机仿真结果BRUSHLESS PERMANENT MAGNET DC MOTOR DESIGNFile: Setup1.resGENERAL DATARated Output Power (kW): 0.55 额定输出功率Rated V oltage (V): 220 额定电压Number of Poles: 4 极数Given Rated Speed (rpm): 1500 给定额定转速Frictional Loss (W): 11 摩擦损耗Windage Loss (W): 0 风损Rotor Position: Inner 转子位置Type of Load: Constant Power 负载类型Type of Circuit: C2 控制电路类型Lead Angle of Trigger in Elec. Degrees: 0 晶体管导通角Trigger Pulse Width in Elec. Degrees: 120 导通脉宽One-Transistor V oltage Drop (V): 2 晶体管压降One-Diode V oltage Drop (V): 2二极管压降Operating Temperature (C): 75 运行温度Maximum Current for CCC (A): 0Minimum Current for CCC (A): 0STATOR DATANumber of Stator Slots: 24 定子槽数Outer Diameter of Stator (mm): 120 定子外径Inner Diameter of Stator (mm): 75 定子内径Type of Stator Slot: 3 定子槽类型Stator Sloths0 (mm): 0.5hs1 (mm): 1hs2 (mm): 8.2bs0 (mm): 2.5bs1 (mm): 5.6bs2 (mm): 7.6rs (mm): 0Top Tooth Width (mm): 4.62351 齿顶宽度Bottom Tooth Width (mm): 4.78125 齿底宽度Skew Width (Number of Slots) 1 斜槽宽Length of Stator Core (mm): 65 定子铁心长度Stacking Factor of Stator Core: 0.95 定子叠压系数Type of Steel: D23_50 定子材料Slot Insulation Thickness (mm): 0 槽绝缘厚度Layer Insulation Thickness (mm): 0 层绝缘厚度End Length Adjustment (mm): 0 端部长度调整Number of Parallel Branches: 1Number of Conductors per Slot: 60 每槽导体数Type of Coils: 21 绕组类型Average Coil Pitch: 5 平均节距Number of Wires per Conductor: 1 电线每导体数Wire Diameter (mm): 0.71 线径Wire Wrap Thickness (mm): 0.08 线绝缘厚度Slot Area (mm^2): 59.42 槽面积Net Slot Area (mm^2): 54.12 净槽面积Limited Slot Fill Factor (%): 75 最大槽满率Stator Slot Fill Factor (%): 69.1907 槽满率Coil Half-Turn Length (mm): 143.747 线圈半匝长ROTOR DATAMinimum Air Gap (mm): 0.5 最小气隙Inner Diameter (mm): 26Length of Rotor (mm): 65Stacking Factor of Iron Core: 0.95 叠压系数Type of Steel: D23_50 转子材料Polar Arc Radius (mm): 37 极弧半径Mechanical Pole Embrace: 0.7 机械极弧系数Electrical Pole Embrace: 0.699985 电极弧系数Max. Thickness of Magnet (mm): 3.5 最大磁钢厚度Width of Magnet (mm): 38.7594 磁钢宽度Type of Magnet: XG196/96 磁钢材料Type of Rotor: 1 转子类型Magnetic Shaft: No 转轴是否磁性PERMANENT MAGNET DATA 永磁材料参数Residual Flux Density (Tesla): 0.96 剩磁密度Coercive Force (kA/m): 690 矫顽力Maximum Energy Density (kJ/m^3): 183 最大磁能积Relative Recoil Permeability: 1 相对回复磁导率Demagnetized Flux Density (Tesla): 5.85937e-005 退磁磁通密度Recoil Residual Flux Density (Tesla): 0.867073 回复剩磁密度Recoil Coercive Force (kA/m): 690.015 回复矫顽力MATERIAL CONSUMPTION 材料消耗Armature Copper Density (kg/m^3): 8900 电枢铜密度Permanent Magnet Density (kg/m^3): 7800 永磁材料密度Armature Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7820 电枢铁芯密度Rotor Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7820 转子铁芯密度Armature Copper Weight (kg): 0.729388 电枢铜重量Permanent Magnet Weight (kg): 0.275114 永磁材料重量Armature Core Steel Weight (kg): 2.63935 电枢铁心重量Rotor Core Steel Weight (kg): 1.44611 转子铁心重量Total Net Weight (kg): 5.08996 总重量Armature Core Steel Consumption (kg): 5.44721 电枢铁心消耗Rotor Core Steel Consumption (kg): 1.85836 转子铁心消耗STEADY STATE PARAMETERS 稳态参数Stator Winding Factor: 0.879653 定子绕组系数D-Axis Reactive Inductance Lad (H): 0.021587 直轴电枢反应电抗Q-Axis Reactive Inductance Laq (H): 0.021587 交轴电枢反应电抗D-Axis Inductance L1+Lad(H): 0.0281925 直轴同步电抗Q-Axis Inductance L1+Laq(H): 0.0281925 交轴同步电抗Armature Leakage Inductance L1 (H): 0.00660549 电枢绕组漏抗Zero-Sequence Inductance L0 (H): 0 零序电抗Armature Phase Resistance R1 (ohm): 5.67264 电枢绕组相电阻Armature Phase Resistance at 20C (ohm): 4.6662 20度绕组相电阻D-Axis Time Constant (s): 0.00380546 直轴时间常数Q-Axis Time Constant (s): 0.00380546 交轴时间常数Ideal Back-EMF Constant KE (Vs/rad): 0.981343 反电势常数Start Torque Constant KT (Nm/A): 0.800227 启动转矩常数Rated Torque Constant KT (Nm/A): 1.02912 额定转矩常数NO-LOAD MAGNETIC DATA 空载磁路数据Stator-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.61237 定子齿磁密Stator-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.16604 定子轭磁密Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 0.728065 转子轭磁密Air-Gap Flux Density (Tesla): 0.677341 气隙磁密Magnet Flux Density (Tesla): 0.731645 磁钢磁密Stator-Teeth By-Pass Factor: 0.00468801 定子齿旁路系数Stator-Yoke By-Pass Factor: 3.45683e-005 定子轭旁路系数Rotor-Yoke By-Pass Factor: 2.00386e-005 转子轭旁路系数Stator-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 36.1578 定子齿安匝Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 14.5864 定子轭安匝Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 3.18795 转子轭安匝Air-Gap Ampere Turns (A.T): 323.26 气隙安匝Magnet Ampere Turns (A.T): -377.204 磁钢磁势Armature Reactive Ampere Turns 电枢反应安匝at Start Operation (A.T): 3647.8 启动安匝数Leakage-Flux Factor: 1 漏磁系数Correction Factor for Magnetic 磁路修正系数Circuit Length of Stator Yoke: 0.582455 定子轭磁路修正系数Correction Factor for MagneticCircuit Length of Rotor Yoke: 0.793199 转子轭磁路修正系数No-Load Speed (rpm): 2091.38 空载转速Cogging Torque (N.m): 6.36774e-013 齿槽转矩FULL-LOAD DATA 负载特性数据Average Input Current (A): 2.93027 平均负载电流Root-Mean-Square Armature Current (A): 1.95039 电枢电流有效值Armature Thermal Load (A^2/mm^3): 58.7204 电枢热负荷Specific Electric Loading (A/mm): 11.9199 电枢线负荷Armature Current Density (A/mm^2): 4.92624 电枢电流密度Frictional and Windage Loss (W): 13.0778 风磨损耗Iron-Core Loss (W): 28.9672 铁芯损耗Armature Copper Loss (W): 43.1578 电枢铜耗Transistor Loss (W): 8.92247 晶体管损耗Diode Loss (W): 0.44813 二极管损耗Total Loss (W): 94.5734 总损耗Output Power (W): 550.085输出功率Input Power (W): 644.659 输入功率Efficiency (%): 85.3297 效率Rated Speed (rpm): 1783.34 额定转速Rated Torque (N.m): 2.94556 额定转矩/负载Locked-Rotor Torque (N.m): 40.3887 堵转转矩/启动转矩Locked-Rotor Current (A): 50.559 启动电流WINDING ARRANGEMENT 绕组排列The 2-phase, 2-layer winding can be arranged in 6 slots as below: AAABBBAngle per slot (elec. degrees): 30 每槽电角度Phase-A axis (elec. degrees): 105 A相轴电角度First slot center (elec. degrees): 0 第一槽中心角TRANSIENT FEA INPUT DATA 瞬态数据For Armature Winding: 电枢绕组Number of Turns: 360 匝数Parallel Branches: 1 并联支路数Terminal Resistance (ohm): 5.67264 相电阻End Leakage Inductance (H): 0.00252843 终端漏抗2D Equivalent Value: 二维分析用到的等效数据Equivalent Model Depth (mm): 65 等效气隙长度Equivalent Stator Stacking Factor: 0.95 等效定子叠压系数Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor: 0.95 等效转子叠压系数Equivalent Br (Tesla): 0.867073 等效剩磁磁密Equivalent Hc (kA/m): 690.015 等效矫顽力Estimated Rotor Moment of Inertia (kg m^2): 0.00149257 转动惯量估计值。
岛津三重四极杆液质联用仪教材-V1 [兼容模式]
65.0 32.5 10.6 M M+2 Cl M M+2 M+4 Cl2 M 31.7 3.4 M+2 M+4 M+6 Cl3
p-Chlorophenol C6H5ClO Exact Mass: 128.0029 Nominal Mass: 128
分子式 C3H6O C2H2O2 C4H10
名义质量 36+6+16 = 58 24+2+32 = 58 48+10 = 58
平均质量 58.1791 58.0361 58.1222
准确质量 58.0417 58.0054 58.0780
色谱图: TIC:Total Ion Chromatogram 总离子流色谱图 EIC:Extracted Ion Chromatogram 提取离子流色谱图 MC: Mass Chromatogram 质量色谱图(同EIC) MIC:Mixed Ion Chromatogram 混合离子流色谱图 采集模式: SIM:Selected Ion Monitoring 选择性离子监测模式 Scan:扫描模式 SRM: Selective Reaction Monitor 选择反应监测 MRM: Multiple Reaction Monitoring 多反应监测 子离子扫描 ( Product Ion Scan);母离子扫描 (Precursor Ion Scan); 中性丢失扫描 (Neutral Loss Scan)
intensity [M+H]+
除 谢谢
0.0 在运行前检查所有参数,根据负载类型修改参数值。 1.0 始终在本说明书标定的电压范围内使用,否则,可能导致变频器损坏。
当选择自动重启动功能时,由于电机会在故障停止后突然再启动,所以应远离设备。 操作面板上的“STOP”键仅在相应功能设置已经被设定时才有效,特殊情况应准备紧急停止开关。 如果故障复位是使用外部端子进行设定,将会发生突然启动。请预先检查外部端子信号是否处于关断
资料收集于网络 如有侵权请联系网站 删除 谢谢
感谢您选购 LG 变频调速器!
危险 注意
不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤害或死亡。 不正确的操作可能导致轻微的人身伤害或物体硬件的损坏。
按照产品的重量处理。 堆放变频器包装箱数量不要超过规定数目。 按照本手册的指令规范安装。 交货期间不要打开外壳。 不要放置重物在变频器上。 检查变频器的装箱方向是否正确。 不要使变频器受到摔跌或挤压。 对于 200V 级变频器,使用 3 类接地方式(接地电阻<100Ω)400V 的变频器(接地电阻
参数初始化后,在运行前需要再次设定参数。当参数被初始化后,参数值又重新回到出厂设置。 变频器可以容易地设定为高速运行,在运行前先检查一下电机或机械设备的容量。 使用直流制动功能时,不会产生停止力矩。当需要停止力矩时,安装单独设备。 当驱动 400V 变频器和电机时,用绝缘整流器和采取措施抑制浪涌电压。由于在电机接线端子配线常数
第一章 安装 .....................................................................................................................................10 1.1 检查 ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 1.2 环境条件 ............................................................................................................................................. 10 1.3 安装 ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 1.4 其它注意事项 ..................................................................................................................................... 11 1.5 尺寸 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.6 基本配线 ............................................................................................................................................. 17 1.7 电源端子 ............................................................................................................................................. 18 1.7.1 类型 A 构造 ............................................................................................................................... 19 1.7.2 类型B 构造 ................................................................................................................................. 19 1.7.3 类型C 构造 ................................................................................................................................. 20 1.7.4 电源端子配线 ............................................................................................................................. 21 1.8 控制端子 ............................................................................................................................................. 23 1.8.1 控制端子配线 ............................................................................................................................. 24 1.8.2 键盘和 RS485电路连接配线 ..................................................................................................... 25
2002-02-20 Rhode Island Club, USA 2001-01-01 Volendam, NL 2000-11-11 Kitzsteinhorn, A 1996-04-11 Dusseldorf Airport, D
H05Z1Z1-F is a light duty, harmonized, flexible, halogen-free, black jacketed multi conductor 300/500 V. European cord. Recommended when halogen-free, low-smoke and corrosive gas properties are required in case of fire. Applications include connecting electrical appliances under medium mechanical stresses environments in offices, kitchens and households. H05Z1Z1-F can commonly be found in connections to refrigerators, washing machines and spin-dryers. These cables can also be used in cooking and heating apparatus if not in direct contact with hot parts of the apparatus.
低烟无卤热塑绝缘和护套的软线 International Designation H05(7)Z1-U,R,K HD21.15
4N系列达林顿输出光电耦合器简译中文说明书日本东芝公司 PHOTOCOUPLER GaAs IRED & PHOTO-TRANSISTOR 4N29(Short) 4N29A(Short) 4N30(Short) 4N31(Short) 4N32(Short) 4N32A(Short) 4N33(Short)应用:交流线性/数字量逻辑隔离传输模块AC L INE/D IGlT AL L OGIC IS OLA TOR数字量/数字量逻辑隔离传输模块DIGIT AL LOGIC/D IGIT AL L OGIC IS OLA TOR电话线路接收机TELEPHONE LINE RECEIVER复对线接收机TWISTED PAIR LINE RECEIVER继电器接触监视器RELAY CONTACT MONITOR这是日本东芝公司生产的二极管发光、达林顿光电管接收放大的双列标准组合模块。
特性:开关时间Switc hing Time:100us(最大)直流电流传递比率DC Current Transfer Ratio:500%11Ω(典型)绝缘电阻隔离电压Isolation V oltage:2500rms(最小)UL Recognized :UL1577,File No.E67349极限参数(*)环境温度25℃。
电气特性(*)联合电子设备工程会议注册的大多数最小绝缘电压,然而,日本东芝公司记录的大多数最小绝缘电压是2500v 1分钟。
标准正向电流 I F (m A )环境温度 Ta (℃)准许集电极功率消耗功率P C (m W )环境温度 Ta (℃)脉动正向电流P U L S E F O R W A R D C U R R E N TI F P (m A )任务周期比率 D R正向电流I F (m A )正向电压 V F (v)正向电压温度系数⊿V F /⊿T a (m A /℃)正向电流 I F (mA)脉动正向电流I F P (m A )脉动正向电压 V Fp(v)集电极电流 I C (m A )集电极-发射极压降 V CE (v)集电极电流 I C (m A )正向电流 I F (mA)当前转换比例C U R R E N T T R A N S F E R R A T I O I C /I F (%)正向电流 I F (mA)集电极漏电流 I C E O (A )环境温度 Ta (℃)集电极电流 I C (m A )环境温度 Ta (℃)开关时间(u s )负载电阻 R L (K Ω)961001EBC2 TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of itsproducts.Nevertheless,semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or faiI due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerabilitv to Physical stress.lt is the responsibilitv of the buver,when utiIizing TOSHIBA products to observe standards of safety and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure ofa TOSHIBA product could cause loss of human life,bodily injury or damage to Property.in developing yourdesigns,please ensure that TOSHIBA Products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent products specifications Also Please keeP in mind the Precautions and conditions set forth in theTOSHIBA Semiconductor ReIiability Handbook.Gal um a rsenIde(GaAs)s a su6stance used i1 the products desc r bed n th s document 6aAs dust and fumes a re to~c DO not break cut o r0uIver ze the product,o r use chemicls to dls$o[ve them when disposi na Of the products,fo¨ow the approp riate reguIation s Do not dispose of theproducts with othe[indust r!al wa ste or with d~mestic ga rbageThe P roducts desc ribed ln this document a re subJect tO fo reion exchange and fore g n t rade contro aw$ The nfOrma¨on conta ned he reln is P resented on v as a guIde for the appl cat On s of ou‘prod ucts NO responsib l tv l…ass ed bv TOSHIBACORPORATION for a ny nfr ngements of nte ectua P rope rtv o r othe r rluhts Of the thi rd pa rt es wh曲maY resu t f rom lts use No I cense s q ca ntedby implicetion o r otherwise uhd…nvl几i te|_ectu…I Pfo rtv…the r riqhb of TOsH}BA CORPORATIoN…the r5The nformation conta ned here n is subject to cha nge withour noti~e。
Omega Engineering 产品说明书:热带电缆与预设温度器
Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death
Width inches
1 1 1 1 1
Length inches
24 48 72 96 120
Total Watts 104 209 313 418 522
Part Number 120VAC
HTWT101-002-60F HTWT101-004-60F HTWT101-006-60F HTWT101-008-60F HTWT101-010-60F
• Never handle the heating tape while it is in operation; always disconnect the heating tape from the power source and allow to cool prior to handling.
heaters. • Do not crush or apply severe physical
stress on heater or cord assembly. • Unplug heater when not in use. • Make sure there is a uniform fit prior
• The end-user is responsible for providing suitable overprotection device. It is highly recommended that a ground fault circuit breaker be used.
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Broaching – Keeping the Flow Inside
Drill bit sticking out 6” is not a problem 通常钻头伸出导管6英寸 Aim to keep jets inside
Broaching – Keeping the Flow Inside
Initial Jet In
Increase flow when slacking off weight 下放时逐渐增大排量 Try to have full flow before 80’ 尽量在钻至80英尺(或25米)之前开至最 大正常排量(1000-1100 gal/min) Monitor pump pressure and Delta P 检测泵压与马达压差 Do not work pipe in initial 40 to 60 最初40至60英尺不要上下活动钻具 Avoid pack off or motor stall 避免井眼垮塌或马达憋停憋泵
Broaching - Causes
ECD decreases as flow increases*
9 E8.9 C D8.8 8.7 8.6 8.5 0 500 GPM 1000 1500
180 ft/hr 120 ft/hr 60 ft/hr
Broaching occurs when too much pressure inside casing forces fluid outside 导管内压力过高是导致泥浆外流 的主要原因 Flow should pass inside casing if it is clear and unobstructed 如果没有遇 阻,泥浆应该从导管内部循环至海床
Prepare to Jet In
Review communication path between Driller, Co Rep, ROV, DD etc. 确定沟通机制 Notify Driller, Captain and Crane Op 协调好 各个部门 Plan to start Jet In with full stand of DP 喷射钻井开始前调整好,腾出整柱钻杆 Single joint available in case of problems 准备好单根钻杆保证不时之需 Mouse hole available in case of problems准 备好鼠洞以备不时只需
Structural Casing
First string of casing installed – 第一道 管串 Large enough to offer enough friction to stay in place – 表面积足够大,提供足够的摩 擦阻力 Must be near vertical to avoid wear - 必须 保证导管近乎垂直 Provide structure and support for subsequent casing strings – 为将来的后续套 管提供支撑 Withstand the bending loads from environmental conditions - 承受弯曲荷载 Provides support for BOPs – 为水下防喷器提 供支撑
Structural Casing with Mud Mat
Mud mat may be used if there are concerns about soil not able to support structural casing – 如果地层无法支撑,必须安装Mud Mat May be used on smaller pipe offering less skin friction – 如果导管太小,可以使用 Mud Mat来作为辅助支撑物
Spud In of Jet In Assembly
Top drive locked 锁住顶驱 WOB zeroed 钻压清零 Confirm location with ROV from 2 directions 再次确认以下海底位置 Confirm Stick Out of BIT 确认钻头伸出长 度 Very low flow to keep nozzles clear 小排 量保证水眼清洁 Check location with ROV 用水下机器人观察 整个喷射钻进工序 Check bubble inclination 检查导管井斜 Do not engage Heave Compensation 不要打 开补偿器
JET INS – 喷射钻进
History of Jetting In Structural Casing
Pre 1970’s 钻进后下导管
地层松软,井壁不稳定 作业时间较长,尤其是深水项目
1980’s - 首次出现 Mid 1990’s - 拓展到西非, 巴西, 墨西哥湾。 准备阶段做土壤取样研究。 After 2000 – 深水项目的首选
Returns to Sea Floor
Returns stay inside casing through running tool then fall to sea bed 泥浆循环体系应建立于钻具和导管之 间,从而保证吸附力 Excess weight can deviate from vertical 如下放钻压过大,导管容易 倾斜过大
Limit Slack Off Weight
Slack off weight should not exceed weight below mud line 下放重量不得超过海床以下钻具总重量 Neutral Point should remain below mud line during jet in 中性点要时刻保持于海床平面以下 If neutral point goes above running tool drill pipe may buckle! 如果中性点上易至海床以上,钻杆容易 屈曲甚至断裂!
Reciprocation of Casing 活动管柱
Don’t reciprocate first 40’ below mud line 40英尺前不要活动钻具 Keep reciprocations small when less than 100’ below mud line 100英尺前小幅度上下活动不易上提太大(3-5 m) Always reciprocate before a connection 接 立柱前上下活动钻具 Speed is very important 活动速度至关重要 Fast speed liquefies soil – a good thing 速度较快可以液化地层,减少摩阻
Neutral Point
WOB Control 钻压控制
Maximum WOB is based on the buoyed weight of casing string + the inner string
最大钻压为导管加钻具的浮重 (加一安全因子)
The minimum WOB is based on the buoyed weight of the casing only
Drill bit sticking out past the connection is a problem – particularly if motor is slick
May even build inclination No seal
*Chart based on 300 ft conductor at 5000’
Broaching – Keeping the Flow Inside
Casing should have a continuous seal if it is being pushed into formation 套管鞋处形成好的密封 Broaching more likely to occur at start of jet in 在喷射钻进刚刚开始的时候最容易发生外 窜的现象 Avoid pack offs 需提防岩屑垮塌 Avoid high ECDs 防止ECD过高
Reciprocation After 1st Stand
Don’t wait for it to drill off if ROP is low – Reciprocate 一旦ROP明显下降(<10m/hr),立刻 上下活动钻具 Longer stroke if required, typically 30 to 60 feet 如果摩阻太大,活动空间可扩大到15 -20m Pump Hi-Vis every 30-45ft, increase flow rate and WOB according to penetration rate 根据喷射速度调整钻压和排量,每个 单根或者半柱泵入稠浆清洁井眼
Bit Size vs Casing Size
26”Bit in 1.5” 17 ½” Bit in 1.5” Wall 36”” Wall 36””
Overview – 概览