工 带料要 折合 近二 两 黄金 。 这 )
样 久而 久之 ,亨生 西服便 形 成 了领头 窝服 、 胸部 丰 满 . 下摆 圆 顺, 袖笼 前 圆后登 , 围胁 势 自 腰
新潮 。其 版 型既 有 “ 绅士 派 ” 英 美 款 式 之潇 洒 , 有 “ 宋 派 ” 又 罗
负 盛名 。其 独具 的风格 神 韵被
行 业 中誉 为“ 年一 派 ” 青 。
春 ,奉 帮 裁缝 出 身 的徐继 生 与
人 合伙 , 开设 了 “ 生 ” 服店 。 恒 西 13 9 3年 , 为 “ 生 ” 服 店 改 亨 西 ( 语 H n sm 英 a do e的 谐 音 ) 意 ,
神 .这 也就 是 “ . 亨生 ” 西服 之所 以被公誉 为 “ 青年 派 ” 西服 的 内
功 所在 。
国 民党 党政要 员 、富豪 商贾 都
急 待将新 的高 档 西服 替换 旧
装 , 是个 西 服 发展 的机 遇 : 这 再 加上 “ 生 ” 一 批 艺高 胆 大 的 亨 有 奉 帮师徒 撑 门面 。有 许 多 固定 的客户 ,商店 不 愁 没生 意 。 由 此 , 成 了 “ 生 ” 持 中西 结 促 亨 坚
合 , 断 创 新 , 成 了 自己 “ 不 形 青
年 派”西 服 的风 格 :引 领 时 尚 “
次 ,其 他较 高 的为 “ T头 ” 七 、
“ 五工头 ” 。当时 每件 售价 连 等
潮 流 , 究合 身 得体 ” 讲 。它充 分
吸取 了国 内外 各 种西 服 流派 之 所 长 , 位时 尚前 列 , 定 追求 国际
妙 之 处 就 在 于 ,那 些 外 表 看 上
去 无甚 差别 的西 服 ,却在 一些
The four Fashion Weeks in early fall have attracted wide attention from all corners of the world fashion indus-try. World buyers have congregated at shows to seek out new fashion elements. Designers eagerly present their creations representing the latest fashion trends, and fashion enterprises are at hand pre-paring orders for the next season.Designers, buyers, creations and orders are closely connected with fashion education, with the schools of business atfashion colleges being the major platform for building such connections. “The major difference between our school of business compared to other schools is the theme of fashion we have been upholding in our majors and course settings, and our fash-ion practices.” I was deeply impressed by this simple remark made by Zhao Hong-shan, dean of the School of Business of the Beijing Institute of Fashion T echnol-ogy, when she gave an exclusive interview to China’s Foreign T rade .It is widely known that the Beijing40Institute of Fashion Technology was formerly the Beijing T extile Institute of T echnology, which was founded in 1959. It was renamed the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and the School of Business was founded in the 1980s.“Integration between industry and education in the fashion business” as a teaching orientationThe School of Business provides both bachelor’s and master’s programs.Integration Between Industry and Education in the Fashion Businessby Guo Yan— Interview with Zhao Hongshan, Dean of the School of Business of Beijing Institute of Fashion TechnologyChina’s Business School that Knows Fashion Management BestThe bachelor’s program includes 5 ma-jors, including international economy and trade (trade and finance), account-ing (CPA major orientation), market-ing (fashion brand management and fashion buying and planning), business management (fashion management, and corporate sales management), and information management and systems (data analyst major orientation). The master’s program includes business management and international com-merce. “The teaching orientation of our school is integrating production with education in terms of the fashion busi-ness. We focused on the establishment of a comprehensive and world-famous business management education systemto become the leader in fashion man-agement education,” explained Zhao Hongshan.According to the needs of the market, the school also added bachelor’s programs for fashion sales management in 2004, fashion brand management in 2011 and fashion buying and planning in 2017. The master’s program now includes the major of business man-agement (including the three major orientations of fashion brand manage-ment, fashion design management and accounting) and the major of interna-tional business management (including the three major orientations of overseas fashion business investment and man-agement, global fashion brand manage-ment and cross-border e-commerce).“The professional master’s program for international business focuses on real capabilities and practices. We normallyhave two professional tutors, but we arecurrently trying to introduce off-campusresources. Last year we invited 5 visitingprofessors, including 1 deputy chairmanof a listed company, 3 foreign professorsand 1 expert from the National Reformand Development Commission. Thisyear we will continue to hire professorsfrom foreign universities to set up cours-es or give academic presentations.” ZhaoHongshan continued by mentioningthat they hope to expand their coopera-tion channels to leverage more resourcesin terms of businesses, universities andacademic experts.The faculty of the School of Busi-ness includes 60 members, with 51 full-time teachers. About 63% of facultymembers are professors or associateThe fashion industryis a sunrise industrythat will benefit fromthe upgrading ofconsumption.41professors. The school also has part-timeteachers, visiting professors, start-up tu-tors and part-time master’s supervisors.Most of the start-up tutors are seniormanagers of enterprises. “Our school hasthree national honors in terms of inno-vation and start-ups. The School of In-novation and Start-ups is also part of theSchool of Business, and mainly provideseducation and training services. Thecourses are developed, organized andtaught by our professors. The innovationand start-up education is for incorpo-rating business education into the entireacademic structure of the university. It isa required course for all students of theuniversity and is worth two academicpoints,” said Zhao Hongshan.The fashion industry is a sunriseindustry that will benefit from the up-grading of consumption. The techno-logical breakthrough, industry contentand model will continuously change.“Our school is keeping up with thetimes. I think the Beijing Institute ofFashion Technology will rival the other211 universities as it plays to its uniquestrength.” Zhao Hongshan explainedthat, in the bachelor’s program, educa-tion, fashion brand management, andfashion buying and fashion manage-ment are the three unique major path-ways of the school. The strength of theschool lies in that it has developed vari-ous courses to support the education.Improving global vision, andintegrating with the Belt andRoad InitiativeThe fashion industry needs toconnect with the world. The School ofBusiness has been working with SeoulNational University, the University ofArts, London, Manchester Metro-politan University, Birmingham CityUniversity, the University of North Al-abama, Texas A&M University, Kings-ville and other foreign universities todevelop inter-disciplinary talent withglobal visions. There have been manycooperation programs, such as “3+1+1”.“For example, the students ofthe fashion brand management majorworked with their counterparts fromthe arts and fashion design major atManchester Metropolitan University toco-develop the BIFT & MMU Fashionand Promotion Project. Both schoolsstudied the teaching courses and closed the session by presenting their study results and academic exchanges. This project required our students to carry out business planning under a different cultural context and enabled them to understand the differences in marketing environments in different countries,” said Zhao Hongshan.Besides this, the school is working with the University of North Alabama to promote “innovation project” education. The first example of this is a “2+2” model through which students can obtain di-plomas conferred by two universities; and the second is a “3+1” model where stu-dents can obtain a graduation certificate regarding an innovation project offered by the Beijing Institute of Fashion T echnol-ogy, as well as a US-certified diploma for the “innovation project” conferred by the University of North Alabama.“We are also sending our teach-ers to visit foreign universities, attend international symposiums and other types of academic exchanges. In the past 3 years, approximately a dozen of our teachers have been able to go over-seas for academic studies. Our school requires that teachers born after 1985 must provide all-English courses. The overseas exchanges help them improve their English, as well as their academic capabilities,” said Zhao Hongshan.Zhao Hongshan has increasingly felt that China is receiving more world attention as communications with for-eign universities increased. “Each of us serves as a bridge when we go abroad. In the past, foreign countries wanted to know more about the Chinese market and now they treat us as competitors. We have been working with the Uni-versity of Arts, London to implement case studies about China.”Zhao talked about the origin of such cross-border cooperation. As the Univer-sity of Arts, London has an EMBA pro-gram that offers students the chance to travel abroad, due to rich interest in Chi-na, the university intends to arrange for students to travel to China to see the local business development and fashion indus-try model under this new era of network-ing. “We recommend target companies and we hope to recommend one brand for each type of fashion. We are currently also working on the detailed plans. The preliminary list includes Balabala for children’s clothing, Aimer for underwear, Hstyle for network creations, and Y oun-gor and Cotte for smart manufacturing. These are best Chinese companies in the clothing industry.”Besides this, the School of Business is also promoting exchanges with coun-tries along the Belt and Road regions. “We have been in touch with those countries in the past and in recent years we are recruiting more students fromAs the strategy of double innovations has been promoted, the School of Business has established approximately 30 off-campus innovation and entrepreneurial practice bases, as well as creating a team of 40 innovation tutors.42countries in the Belt and Road region. For example, this year we recruited 7 overseas master’s students: 3 of them were from Kazakhstan, 2 from Russia, 1 from Bulgaria and 1 from Benin. The courses are provided in both Chinese and English,” said Zhao Hongshan. Focusing on real practices and finding students’ strengthsAs the strategy of double innova-tions has been promoted, the School of Business has established approximately 30 off-campus innovation and entrepre-neurial practice bases, as well as creating a team of 40 innovation tutors. The prac-tice-based education system has achieved remarkable results. The subject matters covered mainly include computer simula-tion and sand table simulation education to improve the entrepreneurial practice system. The school has also organized themed activities and created practice op-portunities with real companies.“One of the major differences between our business school and other research-type schools is that we focus on real practices, especially through in-ternships and contests.” Zhao Hongshan then further explained that doing an internship is the perfect way to increase cooperation with companies so as to de-velop real-practice courses. The courses about buying and planning are designedthrough communication with companies to better understand their requirements when searching for talent. The courses will be adjusted according to changes in business circumstances and corporate demands. “In this process, as our teachers mainly focus on academic research, we will hire more tutors from the industry and society to supplement this.”The School of Business provides intellectual support for the fashion in-dustry, and now incorporates various research and training institutions, in-cluding the Research Center of Capital Garment Culture and Industry, the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Center, the Fashion Sales Research Center, the Fashion Brand Promotion Center, the Fashion Industry Big Data Management Center, the Garment Manager Training Center, the Huabei Belle School and the Seven Wolves Management School.In addition, the School of Business has been entering its students in various fashion contests, which have included the National College Students Ad-vertisement Competition, the PEMT National Marketing Competition, the China OOH Youth AdvertisementInnovation Competition, the ChinaInternet + Innovation and Entrepre-neurship Competition, the NationalEnglish Competition for College Stu-dents and the PVGO National CampusInnovation Competition. It is estimatedthat, in the last 3 years, approximately100 students have won provincial ornational awards.“We focus on several competitionseach year, and we organize, train and rec-ommend our students for these. The tu-tors will play their role by training the stu-dents, and we hope that each student willparticipate in at least 3 contests during hiscollege years.” Zhao has found that, in thepast, many students were baffled abouttheir future career, but that attendingcompetitions helped them develop theirteam spirit, organization, presentation,and persuasion skills. They will discoverissues regarding business models, finance,marketing and organizational proceduresthrough real practice. Furthermore, thestudents will have the chance to find outwhere their strengths lie. This process willreinvigorate their powers of knowledgeEducation & culturE43and construct a structure where studentswill have a preliminary career plan beforewalking leaving the campus.“We have been telling our stu-dents that affection is the preconditionfor persistence and enthusiasm. Edu-cation is a process of self-discovery andself-realization,” summarized ZhaoHongshan.Because of the close connectionswith the industry and real businesspractices, students are trained in socialabilities. It is known that most businessschool graduates work in the fields oftextiles and garments, fashion adver-tisement, and the manufacturing andnetworking industries, with the em-ployment rate in these areas surpassing95%. Zhao Hongshan said that with therise of emerging industries, the demandfor professional buyers, luxury productmanagers and big data brand managerswill also increase. Such market needscater to their talent development plan.Indeed, it is because of the clear focus onreal business practices that the businessschool students have been very popularin the job market.Wishes from the DeanMission and Responsibility. Great achievements always result from the choices of the era. The purpose of an MBA education is to allow students understand the essence of the era. Since the Chinese economy has been growing towards prosperity since 1978, and has already exceeded expectations in some areas, China should play an important role as a responsible and strong country in the world. Such an endeavor requires a group of talent to shoulder these re-sponsibilities. Students living in this age should have an open mind and global vision to respond to the call of the time and take responsibility for the national revitalization and develop-ment of fashion industry.Continued effort. People differ from each other in terms of their planning and the use of their time. How about simply making a bit of an effort every day? The 365th power of 1.01 is 37.78, while the 365th power of 0.99 is 0.026, which is a difference of 1500-fold. Difficulty always stands hand-in-hand with progress, and the threshold is a precondition for building real abilities. if you continuously seek shortcuts, then you are always making a fool of yourself. Each achievement corresponds to certain costs and requires a certain amount of effort to realize such achievements.Coordinated innovation. The fashion industry has reached a turning point as its scale and quality has devel-oped to a certain level. Chinese fashion brands already account for 1/3 of the four big fashion week exhibitions. The brands that we emulated no longer represent the best of the time. The development of the industry requires new technolo-gy and models. New sales, manufacturing and finances have emerged, and coordinated innovation is a basic quality for MBA students of this new era.Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Business School is the business school that knows fashion manage-ment best in China, and has nurtured many leading talents in the Chinese fashion industry.。
1.8.2010– 31.7.2012
Dr. John A. Buswell
Senior College Tutor, Shaw College 逸夫書院資深書院導師
1.8.2010– 31.7.2012
Mr. Chan Andrew Yiu Yung 陳燿墉
Adviser (honorary), Faculty of Medicine 醫學院名譽顧問
Visiting Scholar (honorary), Dept of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences 眼科及視覺科學學系名譽訪問學人
17.6.2010– 16.6.2011
Dr. Hou Zhibo 侯志波
Research Associate (honorary), School of Biomedical Sciences 生物醫學學院名譽副研究員
1.6.2010– 30.6.2010
Dr. Philip L. Wickeri 魏斐立
Research Associate (honorary), Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Dept of Cultural & Religious Studies 文化及宗教研究系崇基學院神學院名譽副研究員
22.6.2010– 21.11.2011
Prof. Chung Kim Sau 鍾劍修 Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept of Economics 經濟學系客座副教授
30.6.2010– 30.8.2010
Prof. Chan Chok Wan 陳作耘 Honorary Clinical Professor, Dept of Paediatrics 兒科學系名譽臨床教授
顶级男装买手店NOOS:摩登绅士这样穿作者:凌雯静来源:《东方企业家》2015年第11期几个月前,《王牌特工:特工学院》Kingsman:The Secret Service在中国上映,导演马修·沃恩用极客的手法和Cult的影像让影迷们直呼过瘾。
”(The suit is the moderngentleman's armour),当哈里将艾格西带到Kingsman基地设在伦敦定制男装的心脏萨维尔街进行“改造”后,所有男性观众都只有同一个想法:再见吧T恤牛仔裤,西装才是王道!在上海,比邻上海音乐学院的复兴中路1315号,就有这样一家顶级男装买手店——NOOS。
NOOS由Never Out of Style的首字母组成,意思是永不过时,旨在为男士提供不同场合的着装解决方案。
创始人HecoTAK和Jenica TSE是一对八零后夫妻,NOOS是二人回国后的创业。
于是,他们开始经过精心筛选,洽谈,以NOOS 的名义,从意大利,英国,美国,日本带回了适合国人的衣帽鞋袜,也带回了欧洲传统老店的设计。
• The former Zhongshan University, originally known as Guangdong University, was founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen (also known as Sun Zhongshan), a great democratic revolutionist in Chinese history.
• The University has three campuses which cover a total area of 5.04 square kilometers. Guangzhou Southern Campus (formerly Zhongshan University Campus) and Guangzhou Northern Campus (campus of the former Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences) are located south and north of the Pearl River, while the new campus in Zhuhai lies to the west of the South China Sea.
Academic Staff
• The University has over 10,700 academic staff members, among whom more than 600 are full professors, over 1300 associate professors, 350 doctoral supervisors. There are 3 CAS academicians, 3 CAE academicians, • CAS: China Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 • CAE: China Academy of Engineering 中国工程院 • 名誉的:honorary • 客座教授:guest professor
Candidate Profile
Candidate Profile: SAPPersonal DetailsName: ZhuZhiMinSex: MaleBirth: 1980-12-21Native Place: Guangdong Province(广东省)Height: 168Marital Status: UnmarriedFamily Residence: Shenzhen CityWork Exp. :8English Level :CET-6Contact Mobile: 138********Education1997 – 2001: Finance and Economics University Of JiangxiMajor in: Information system and Information engineerBachelor DegreeGeneral Assessment1.A complex talent with strongly management knowledge and abundance computer technology2. Fluency in English / Mandarin with good presentation skill3.Abundance ERP implementation and Project management.Good team lead and manage ability.4.Proficiency in SAP R/3 PP/SD/MM/FI/CO,Paradigm and ABAP.5.Acquaintance in Hi-tech, Comunication,Electronic, Toys, Metal, PCB industry6. Four years experience in SAP Consultant.7. Be good at obtaining the customer’s requirement and analyzing and designing business process8, A strong business planning, requirement analysis, process design, configuration and testing, implementation, training and writing skills;9, Good communication and coordination ability and sense of teamwork,can withstand the strong pressure;Work Experience1. Company: ShenZhen SangFeiPeriod:2007.2-2009.2Position:SAP MM/SD specialist technical supportResponsibilities:1、In charge of the company SAP MM /SD business planning, requirement analysis, process design, configuration, testing and implementation of business processes;2、Take use of SAP data analysis system to provide regular statements, discover、early warning and kill the problems;3, Provide users with related technical support and training about the MM / SD modules;4, Participate in enterprise business process research and process improvement analysis. Achievements:1, Together with external consultants to implement SAP MM module in SF company, design the blueprint and business processes and configuration;2, According to the needs of business development, ,taking the relevant configuration of MM / SD for establishing the inter-company business transactions, and improving the system to meet the company's new business development requirements;3, Be positive in communication with customers and training staff to improve the relevant application ability of the SAP system. For which I received the praise.2. Company: 3NOD DIGIT GroupPeriod:2003.11-2007.2Positions:SAP FI/CO IT reporting to SAP managerResponsibilities:1、The bussiness process research、design andλ configuration;2、Be charge of the SAP FI/CO module maintenance;3、The implementation of ERP of the subsidiary of the group and project management.4、Investigate user’s requirement and test the new process inλ ERP and train the users.5、Receive the complaint come from the user of theλ group and arrange one to do it.6、Maintain the system and develop theλ report.Achievements:1.With strong proven business ,technical knowledge and experience and coupled with leadership and interpersonal skills , I investigated the existing business process of factory and designed the a full cycle business process.I work with the power user to implement the PP,MM,FI/CO,.My responsibility included business design,configuration,documentation,end-user training and supporting,developing the reportwith ABAP.Through improving some weakness portion in management area,It strengthens production planning and controlling, material management, finance management and controlling and improves the completion ability and the management level of factory.3. Company: ShenZhen share info system CO LTDPeriod:2001.9-2003.10Positions:Project Manager of IT DepertmentResponsibilities:1, Be responsible for maintenance of software products;2, Be responsible for the project implementation of software products;3, Be responsible for collation and analysis of the demand of the clients and submit them to the R & D for development;4,Be involved in the design and planning of new products.Achievements:1, One after another carring out the project implementation for the company's major clients, such as the Harbin netcom, CCTV,鸿联95, CDC, Shenzhen state taxes successfully;2, As UT, Huawei's software outsourcing companies, I,as a demand interface in the company, was very good for UT, Huawei to provide the demand response services;3, In the course of project implementation, fully considering the customer's internal business processes, designed the suitable system management in line with the customers business process;In the course of project implementation,I got to know the ERP and the SAP,So,I started to learn the ERP theory and SAP by myself.。
HMYC 2014.11.27 HMYC 品牌文案HMYC Brand Copy品牌宣言Brand ManifestoHMYC不屈服于桎梏的印象缔造,致力于引领和革新都市男性的时尚穿衣品味,鼓励他们对着装保持认真而严谨的态度。
We are committed to setting trends and revolutionizing menswear to help men maintain a positive attitude and high level of sensitivity towards fashion. We gather European classic fashion elements and integrate rock n roll spirit into our elegant collection to encourage them to follow their hearts and expresss the true nature.产品策略Product StrategyHMYC以精湛的工艺、考究的细节、优良的材质,来演绎其对卓越品质的追求;以伦敦街头风为主打特色,在时尚的绅士装里融入摇滚元素,塑造自信优雅、随性真我的男性形象。
HMYC possesses a range of superb strengths such as craftsmanship, exquisite details and excellent material to show the pursuits of best quality. With the London street style as the main feature, HMYC integrates rock elements with fashion to create a modish male withconfidence and elegance.Classical shirts with high quality would be the core product of HMYC. Of course HMYC will offer a wide range of products such as pants, vests, jackets, accessories and other products to enrich the product structure by integrating the seasonal fashion elements.设计元素Design ElementsHMYC将欧洲风尚的各种经典汇聚,并将传统精工的色织、提花、印花等染织工艺融入设计。
美文赏析(五十八)The Definition of a Gentleman 绅士的定义
美文赏析(五十八)The Definition of a GentlemanJohn Henry Newman 1801-1890 It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain. This description is both refined and, as far as it goes, accurate. He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him. His benefits may be considered as parallel to what are called comforts or conveniences in arrangements of a personal nature: like an easy chair or a good fire, which do their part in dispelling cold and fatigue, though nature provides both means of rest and animal heat without them. The true gentleman in like manner carefully avoids whatever may caused a jar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom he is cast;--- all clashing of opinion, or collision of feeling, all restraint, or suspicion, or gloom, or resentment; his great concern being to make every one at their ease and at home. He has his eyes on all his company: he is tender towards the bashful, gentle towards the distant, and merciful towards the absurd; he can recollect to whom he is speaking; he guards against unseasonable allusions, or topics which may irritate; he is seldom prominent in a conversation, and never wearisome.He makes light of favours while he does them, and seems to be receiving when he is conferring. He never speaks of himself except when compelled, defends himself by a mere retort, he has no ears for slander or gossip, is scrupulous in imputing motives to those who interfere with him, and interprets every thing for the best. He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair; advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments, or insulates evil which he dare not say out. From a long-sighted prudence, he observes the maxim of the ancient sage that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend. He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults, he is too well employed to remember injuries, and too indolent to bear malice. He is patient, forbearing , and resigned, on philosophical principles; he submits to pain, because it is inevitable, to bereavement, because it is irreparable, and to death, because it is his destiny. If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blunder.New words and expressions生词和短语jolt [dʒəult] n.震动,摇动,颠簸,震惊collision [kə'liʒən] n.碰撞,冲突,抵触bashful [bæʃful] adj.局促不安的,扭怩的,羞怯的absurd [əb'sə:d] adj.荒谬的,荒唐的confer [kən'fə:]vt.商谈,商议vt.(on)授予,赋予retort [ri'tɔ:t] v.反驳,回嘴n.反驳,回嘴slander ['sla:ndə] n.诽谤,诋毁scrupulous ['skru:pjuləs] adj.细致的,一丝不苟的insulate ['insjuleit] vt.隔离,使隔绝prudence ['pru:dəns] n.审慎,精明,深谋远虑indolent ['indələnt] adj.懒惰的,怠惰的malice ['mælis] n.恶意,怨恨bereavement [biri:vmənt] n.丧亲,丧友blunder ['blʌndə] n.犯错误参考译文绅士的定义绅士是从不给人造成痛苦的人,这个说法近乎是给绅士下的一个定义。
我们 三 人 坐 定 ,侍 应 躬 身 问 :“戴 生 ,今 日食 眼斜 视他 ,便移 开 目光 ,说 :“这 不 急 的咯 ,等 两年
点 咩 皑 ?”却 不 提 供 菜 单 。戴 斯 年 说 了句 :“都 吧 。”我 觉察 到 了微 妙 ,便 刹住 话头 ,举起 杯底 的
系 自己人 ,简单 嘀。”算 是点 完 了菜 ,戴斯 年把 这 剩 酒 说 :“来 ,我敬 你 们 两 个 。”大 家 目光 又 回到
后 ,姣 好 的 面 容若 隐若 现 ,令 人 想 一 探究 竟 。她 上 去 ,水 晶杯轻 轻相 碰 ,“咣 ” “咣”发 出 清脆悦
穿 着 珍 珠 白的 无 领 套 装 ,碳 灰 黑 的 滚 边 镶 嵌 在 耳 的声音 。
领 口、袋 口 、袖 口、脚 口、门襟 ,白不 耀 眼 ,黑 不 极
“你 好 !我系冯 生 。”我伸 出了手 。 “你 好 !你 好 !” 他 接 过 我 的 手握 住 ,怔 了 一 下 ,“你边 度人 啊? ”
“我系上 海人 。” 他 突然 甩 开 我 的 手 :“喔 唷 ,大 家上 海 人 ,讲 啥 头命 的广 东 闲话 ?”我俩 一 阵哄笑 。 他 递 上 名 片 ,我 一看 :香 港 戴 氏实业 集 团有 限公 司 ,戴斯 年 ,副 董事长 。 戴 氏实 业是 香港 家 喻户 晓的上 市公 司 ,我抬 起 头 重新 审视 着 戴 斯 年 。戴 斯 年连 忙 说 :“公 司 老 板是 我大 阿哥 ,我们 家六 兄妹 ,我 最小 ,只好 做 点跑 腿 的事 。” 戴 斯年 一挥 手说 ,做 制服这 种 事交 给下 面 的 人去做 ,我们 吃饭 ,白相 。 我 们 约 了 晚上 六 点 半 在铜 锣 湾 洛 克道 的富 豪饭 店 吃饭 ,我从 公 司坐地 铁过 去 只有一 站 路 。 我掐 准 时间 到达 时 ,恰 好一 辆奔 驰 敞篷 车在饭 店 门 口停 了下 了 ,戴 斯 年从 驾 驶 位 下来 ,急匆 匆 越 过 车 头 ,打开 副 驾 驶 位 的车 门 ,一 个 女 人搭 着 他 的手 下 了车 。戴斯 年把 车 交给 泊车侍 应 ,用 手指 点 了点挽 着他 手臂 的女人 向我 介绍 :“江 雨桐 ,我
中山服的起源特点英语作文English:The Zhongshan suit, also known as the Chinese tunic suit, has its origin rooted in the early 20th century revolutionary period in China. It was popularized by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China, and was adopted as the national dress of the country. The Zhongshan suit is distinguished by its high collar, four pockets, and a straight-cut silhouette, representing a blend of traditional Chinese attire with Western-style fashion. It became a symbol of modernity and political revolution, as well as a symbol of national unity. Today, the Zhongshan suit continues to be worn on formal occasions and political ceremonies, reflecting its enduring significance in Chinese culture.Translated content:中山服,又被称为中国立领服,起源于20世纪初的中国革命时期。
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) was a Chinese revolutionary and politician who is commonly referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in China. He played a key role in the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China.Early Life。
Sun was born in Guangdong province, China, in 1866. He was the son of a farmer and was educated in a Christian school. He later went to study medicine in Hong Kong and then went to Hawaii to continue his studies.Revolutionary Activities。
In 1894, Sun founded the Revive China Society, which aimed to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish ademocratic government. He also established the Tongmenghui, a political party that aimed to unite the various revolutionary groups in China.In 1911, Sun played a key role in the Xinhai Revolution, which overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China. He served as the provisional presidentof the new government, but was forced to resign due to political instability.Political Career。
西装中山装英语作文英文:As a professional, I think it is important to have a good understanding of both Western and Eastern cultures, especially when it comes to fashion. When it comes toformal wear, the Western suit and the Chinese Zhongshansuit are two of the most iconic styles.The Western suit, with its tailored cut and sharp lines, is a classic choice for formal occasions. It is typically made of wool or a wool blend, and comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The suit jacket is usually worn with a collared shirt, tie, and dress shoes. In Western culture, the suit is seen as a symbol of professionalism and sophistication.On the other hand, the Zhongshan suit, also known asthe Mao suit, is a traditional Chinese garment that hasbeen worn for over a century. It was popularized by SunYat-sen, the first president of the Republic of China, and has since become a symbol of Chinese culture. The Zhongshan suit is typically made of cotton or silk, and features a high collar and four pockets. It is often worn with a white shirt and black leather shoes.Both the Western suit and the Zhongshan suit have their own unique styles and cultural significance. As a bilingual professional, I believe it is important to be able to appreciate and understand both of these styles.中文:作为一名专业人士,我认为了解西方和东方文化,特别是在时尚方面,是非常重要的。
The University of Hong KongFaculty of EducationMaster of Education Programme (M Ed) 2016-2018Specialism: Guidance and CounsellingDr Mantak YuenCourse CoordinatorTelephone: 3917 8542Email: *************The MEd (Guidance and Counselling) is a graduate course designed for administrators, teachers, student affairs professionals, and guidance personnel concerned with various aspects of educational guidance, career education and counselling in schools and similar settings. The course is based upon the belief that personal-social, spiritual, academic and career development is essential for all students.The course specifically addresses cou rse participants’ competencies necessary for implementing comprehensive guidance and career education programmes in educational settings. The course participants in this specialism will be encouraged to reflect on their own practices and strategies in guidance and counseling which contribute to building the guidance system in the school and similar settings. The aim is to develop their ability to find creative solutions to various critical issues in student development in Asian cultural contexts. Attention will be given to designing and implementing a guidance curriculum, the provision of career-related activities, and the development of policy and support related to student guidance, student affairs, career education and counselling.Who would benefit from this specialism?This specialism is designed for administrators, student advisors, guidance teachers, career teachers, class-teachers and student affairs professionals. In particular, this specialism will benefit those who are required to implement student development programmes in schools, tertiary institutions and government departments. The specialism will be appropriate for those with some prior experience in guidance, counselling and careers work, as well as professionals just beginning to work in this field.Mode of study:To be available on part-time mode (for 2-year part-time study)Outline of four Specialist Courses and one Specialist Elective:Course 1: Comprehensive guidance and positive youth development (6 credits; Yr 1 Sem 1; Rachel Sun)This module will give an introduction of the theories of comprehensive guidance and positive youth development. It will consider theoretical and practical bases for designing and implementing comprehensive guidance and counselling programmes to be used in individual, group, and systemic contexts. Practices and research in using positive youth development approach to guidance will beintroduced. The Whole-School Approach will be discussed in the school context of policy formulation, system development and support measures for preventive, developmental and responsive services for students. Relevant good practice in Hong Kong school settings will be shared. The module can be relevant to all administrators, teachers and guidance personnel. Course participants are expected to work individually and in collaborative learning groups to integrate practices and theories.Course 2: Counselling, career education and talent development in schools (6 credits; Yr 1 Sem 1; MT Yuen)This module will compare theories and practices of counselling, career education andtalent development programmes in schools in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.Topics will include life career perspective, comprehensive school guidance and counselling program, identification of students for talent development programmes, assessment of life career and talent development, individual development planning, student advisory and mentorship schemes, theories of career development, career awareness among children, career exploration among adolescents, career decision making among senior secondary school students and college students, career development of the talented and students with special needs, talent development in schools, theories of talent development, career counselling of the exceptionally gifted, family influence, multicultural perspective, gender issues, life-wide learning, career-related experiences, services learning, programme evaluation and enhancement.The module is relevant to all teachers and guidance personnel who wish to enhance students’ career and talent development through subject teaching and co-curricular activities. Case studies of good practice in Hong Kong and elsewhere will be introduced. Course participants are expected to work in collaborative learning groups to integrate practices and theories.Course 3: Theories and practices of counselling and group guidance (6 credits; Yr 1 Sem 2; MT Yuen)This module will examine theories and practices in counselling and group guidance in schools. The content will include the following topics: counselling in a school setting; helping process and skills; theoretical approaches to counselling; beginning and developing a counselling relationship; career counselling; assessment, measurement and appraisalin counselling; ethical issues in counselling; theories of group guidance and their implementation in schools; group leadership skills; peer counselling; life skills and leadership training; skills in large-group guidance in the classroom and beyond. Selected case studies of counselling and group guidance in local educational settings will be examined. The module can be relevant to all administrators, teachers and guidance personnel who would like to apply counselling skills in their coaching, teaching and guidance activities. Course 4: Practicum in counselling and group guidance (6 credits; Yr 2 Sem 1; MT Yuen & adjunct lecturers)All students are required to complete an individualized practicum in counselling and group guidance at a school, or at an approved agency/organization. The supervised practicum aims to provide students the opportunity to practise and receive regular supervision as well as developing professional competencies in specific contexts. Students are to undertake group and individual supervisions. To pass this course, students must demonstrate competency in counselling within a range of presenting issues, and demonstrate critical reflection on knowledge of theory and issues related to counselling practice and supervision.Specialist Elective: Counselling process, ethics and skills (6 credits; Yr 1 Summer; Matthew Chu)This course will introduce students to the basic processes, ethics and skills of counselling applicable in schools or other educational settings. Knowledge and understanding of how a counselling relationship develops over time (process) will be focused on and facilitated within a workshop style delivery. Personal development of the course participants will be encouraged through many opportunities to observe, practice skills and reflect on personal interaction and process. Topics will include skills for engaging student, assessment, goal setting and action planning, ethics in counselling, skills for developing helping relationship, skills in managing crisis, and skills for ending the counselling relationship. The course is relevant to all teachers and guidance personnel who wish to enhance their counselling competencies. Participants are expected to engage actively in experiential learning activities and reflection.Research Methods Course, Electives, and Project/DissertationIn addition to four specialist courses and one specialist elective, students will also have to complete both the following requirements:1) A research methods course Methods of Research and Enquiry (12 credits; programme evaluation will be substantially covered in this research methods course; Yr 1 Sem 2 Rachel Sun; Year 2 Sem 2 Rachel Sun).2) An option of either a dissertation (course 18 credits) OR two elective courses plus a project by independent study (course 6 credits each). Through the electives and project/ dissertation, students are encouraged to develop indepth understanding on issues such as school bullying, student suicide & depression, drugs abuse, cyber addition, premarital sex, compensated dating and strategies in building student resilience, individual student planning, crisis management and supporting students in distress and/or with special needs. In 2016-2018, the following electives will be offered: Counselling assessment and intervention; Abnormal psychology and positive psychology; Psychology and education of the gifted and talented; Life education policy and curriculum; and Managing disruptive behavior in school. Students may also select other courses from the MEd programme.。
意大利男士品牌Ermenegildo Zegna(杰尼亚)本季大胆推出Oversize的长袍外套,长及脚踝的九分裤,以表达玩味经典的时尚态度,让您的夏日穿着更加随性优雅。
而HUGO BOSS(雨果博斯)的最新系列引入非洲大陆的原始风情作为灵感,升华为迷彩狩猎主题,让衬衫、T恤、甚至超现代大衣显得更有风范和型格。
创立于1868年的IWC Schaffhausen(万国表),至今已有130年历史,凭借顶级的技术内涵、创新思维和品牌个性,它被尊誉为“机械表专家”。
香港新城市广场领衔“轻奢”,职场新人新演绎位于沙田的香港新城市广场,网罗一众兼具潮流和实用价值的国际知名品牌,摇身成为“都市轻奢风”的代名词,吸引各路年轻男女前来“潮buy”!现在,商场的时尚魅力再度升级,携手美国Pop Art大师Gabriel Specter,推出Fashion Never End展览,以天马行空的艺术创作向Paul Smith、Yves Saint Laurent、Vivienne Westwood等时装巨擘致敬。
初涉职场,找准定位非常重要,不可过于张扬,但又不能失去自我,穿衣遵循简约而不简单的搭配法则,而近期开幕的Paul Smith本季推出的重点服饰沉稳百搭亦或个性活泼,均可满足需求。
Elegant Watch(三宝钟表珠宝)拥有60多个著名钟表品牌,包括卡地亚、宝铂、万宝龙等,而且每一位服务人员都是经验丰富的“钟表专家”,可以为您度身推荐最适合的那一块“身份的象征”。
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Common Sense
西服的袖子長度,以手臂下垂,袖子下端離拇指10 釐米,稍比襯衫袖子短
最穩重的顏色多為丈青或灰黑色,其他如咖啡色, 深棕色都不太適合正式場合穿著 如果穿單排扣西服,只須扣最上面的一粒扣子,或 者只扣中間的扣子,或是最上面的兩粒
What Do You Fit?
上衣不宜過長.單排扣.以簡單為主 顏色不要太鮮豔.條紋 打褶的褲子要摺痕深 。
收腰上衣.但上衣長度不宜把臀部全部蓋住 不要黑色、藏青、深灰等深色調 以淺灰色等淺色為好。
What Do You Fit?
對排扣(因鈕扣位置較低) 選大寬格的西服 顏色以淺色系為主
(冬)黑色絲襪. 彩色絲襪請小心搭配.但仍不建議
選擇適合自己的高度 顏色與衣服有整體感 忌當迅猛龍 好的鞋底很重要
短脖子:簡單款式耳環.長項鍊 長脖子:垂吊式耳環.短項鍊
頭髮整齊.露出乾淨的臉 可擦淡香水
Be A Lady
裙子…A字裙.直筒裙.及膝 褲子…直筒褲.合身但不緊身
圓臉尖臉:圓領 圓臉:尖領 短脖子:立領 長脖子:荷葉領
條文可修飾.不同的領子也很重要 建議選擇七分袖 女孩兒~內衣不外顯
Why Do We Need?
專業 誠意 氣質
Be A Gentleman
Hair Style
乾淨整齊 不要怪里怪氣 但是可以很帥氣
Be A Gentleman
Common Sense
日版 不收腰
日版短歐版1公分 歐版 收腰
直條紋或方格紋越不明顯質感越好,選擇只有 細看才能分辨出圖案的面料
Select 安全款…與襯衫同色系 變化款…條文.點點.花紋 亮眼款…與襯衫不同色.但是要能搭配 How 領帶尖不應低於皮帶頭,但也不要高於它
Be A Gentleman
求求你!別在皮帶上攜掛手機、鑰匙…影響皮帶 的裝飾性,既不簡潔也不幹練
皮帶長度繫好後,尾端介於第一&第二褲絆間 皮帶寬窄應該保持在3公分。皮帶太窄…娘 皮帶頭與拉鍊成一直線!
單排扣.寬鬆式 以黑色.藏青色 帶花紋.條紋.格子等,忌太醒目。
Be A Gentleman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 拜託~是長袖! 與西裝顏色相搭 與膚色相撘 不敗款…柔和色系 禁忌款…小黑穿很黑/小白穿很亮 活潑款…條文.方格 領寬與脖子 翻領與立領
Be A Gentleman
襯衫可自己用手洗 放洗衣機一定要裝洗衣袋 剩下的…送洗吧~
合身 得體 端莊 乾淨 整體感
Be A Gentleman
TIP!想讓腿看起來更修長… 褲管的長度可延伸到鞋後跟的1/2處
Shoes & Socks
正式西服只能以傳統、 莊重的繫帶式皮鞋相配 請穿長及小腿肚下的深 色單色系襪子