One of the Influence of Westward Movement___American SpiritAfter having watched the documentary <<The Story cf Us>>, I really realize that westward movement is very tough .When we saw that in the extremely cold winter ,the snow blocking their proceeding way,they have no choice but to stop there ,however ,they are soon out of food.For this time ,we really see that people eat people ,we just feel shocked but not disgusting .When we see that a pregnant woman gave birth to a child,we can see women’s bravery.They bear the b ad environment together with their husbands.What’s more ,we also can see many children marching on the road of their worthy paradise—western area with their all family. I still remember that Jim Smith was bitten by a vicious bear ,his head was blooding ,he was going to die ,but his partner saved him by putting the needle again and again to his head .The scene is very shocking,we can inmaging how painful he will be,but we can only see that he didn’t say any word,but he just bit his teeth tightly. I can just say how powerful humanbeing is.Several days later, Jim Smith was all right again,he sill went together with his partners’ on their way.No matter men ,women,or children,they are all on their way with fortitude eyes.I still remember Mike Donna Path(today is Lincon Road) in honor of poineers’ push west. I still remember how good they are when they are on the road to the west,I still remember that they sold their all prosiperity ,including theirhouse,their land,their ever momery of their previous life just in order to purse their unknown future .All the way to west ,there are many difficulties,they are still optimistic,and they just march on like soldiers.Even though they all lost their valuable lives,they still have no regret about what they have done.Westward movement is the American people hard poineering process. Facing various difficulties and obstacles, the united people abandon all outmoded conventions and customs, overcome difficulties, pioneering and enterprising, thus cultivating formed the united nation reality, optimism and courage of national character, it is a persistent inexhaustible treasure.In the western new development territorial statehood problems caused the north-south fierce conflict. According to the American constitution, each state has two senate seats. New state is as a free state or slave-holding state to a federal, which relates to that whether the north or the south is the bourgeoisie planter control problem of the senate. In a sense, no westward movement, the north-south contradictions still not intensified into a civil war. But civil war victory over accelerates the development of western regions to cleare the obstacles.。
The Comparison between American Westward Movement and China Western Development一.Similarities1. Direction: The development from its coast areas to the inland.2. The vast expanse of the western region is rich in mineral resources, water resources and forest resources. To take advantage of the rich natural resources in western regions and their market potential, fully open up the domestic market.3. The advanced way of production and culture were brought to the west. Both have great influence on the west regions.二.Differences1. Definition(1)American Westward Movement is a long and sustained process of development. It began after the founding of the United States. At first, the immigration moved across the Appalachian Mountains into the east of the Mississippi River region. From the 1820s, immigrants started moving across the Mississippi River into the new expansion.Back in the United States prior to independence, the Americans began to expand to the western North American continent, but until the United States after independence, the United States westward movement was more active and planned, and continues to the present.(2)China Western Development is a policy adopted by the People's Republic of China to boost its less developed western regions. The policy covers 6 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 1 municipality.The main components of the strategy include the development of infrastructure (transport, hydropower plants, energy, and telecommunications), enticement of foreign investment, increased efforts on ecological protection (such as reforestation), promotion of education, and retention of talent flowing to richer provinces.2. Background(1) American Westward Movement: As early as colonial period, the immigration activity to the west began. Slave owners in the south, land speculators and industrial capitalist in the north, and common people hope to get the land in the west. After the War of 1812, America experienced a period of both economic and physical expansion. As population increased, more and more people needed new opportunities in the west.(2)China Western Development: Since 1978, under Deng Xiaoping's Reform and Open-up policy, China has been developing rather rapidly by most standards, particularly its eastern, coastal regions. The western region, however, has been left behind with widening disparities between the east and west with regard to such conditions as education, economy, infrastructure, and social development.3. Main Purpose(1)American Westward Movement:It aimed to get resources and develop its capitalist economy.(2)China Western Development:To develop its socialist economy.The Chinesegovernment has chosen to vigorously pursue the economic development of its western provinces. It seeks to raise the standard of living of people in its west, to bring about more interaction between west and east, and at the same time to raise the level of development of the entire country.4. Way of development(1)American Westward Movement: Westward Movement is the process of pioneering the American people. To face various difficulties and obstacles, the United States abandoned the people of all stereotypes, overcome difficulties and forge ahead, thereby fostering the formation of the American nation reality, optimism and courage of the national character, which is an inexhaustible wealth of a life time. Americans forced people to migrate and slaughter the Indians. It has the nature of the invasion. It is full of force and bloody economic expansion.(2)China Western Development:The government intensifies propaganda and carries out many preferential policies and supports. Therefore, people in the country are voluntary to make contributions to the development of the west.5. Effects(1)American Westward Movement: T o some extent, it promoted America’s economic development and increased the national strength of the United States. However, it sharpened conflicts, and rendered the emergence of the Civil War.For the American Westward Movement, which is in a free market economy and the territorial expansion against the backdrop of large-scale population movements as the basis for the pilot transport, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry as the main point, in order to promote regional development in growth centers socio-economic development process. The results of the American West, complete the east and west between U.S. political and economic integration, promoting the development of capitalist industrialization, modern agriculture led to the American Revolution, the industrial revolution and the knowledge revolution, foster the pioneering spirit of the American people, especially the United States in the western development embodied in the esteem, fear no sacrifice, high-spirited, constantly finding new lands, new wealth of the cowboy spirit of the frontier spirit, the Americans became indomitable, heroic optimism, courage, to explore more than the spirit of the entire nation. In short, the United States through the Westward Movement, in the hundred millions of years in the development of square kilometers of land. And established in these lands of modern agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, and this growth is the U.S. number one economic power in the world had a decisive impact. So, no westward movement, there is no United States today.(2)China Western Development:The results show that great achievements have been made in infrastructure construction and ecological improvement. The west regions enjoy a fast economic growth rate, the development with best quality. Comprehensive strength is promoted. The living standard of the people is increased. And it is beneficial for China’s national equality, unity and mutual prosperity.。
Westward Movement (1820 ~ 1849) The early 19th century, thousands of people went across the Appalachian Mountains or moved to west, and some pioneers, moved to the United States border, and even to the places which belonged to Mexico's territory in depth, and between Alaska and California, Oregon. The pioneers are brave and diligent, and they went to the west to seek a better life. The Westward Movement is a large-scale immigration, which developed the processes of the American west and the urbanization, industrialization and the national integration of United States. The Westward Movement of the U.S have had a significant and far-reaching impact on economic, political and social. The development of agriculture in the western region provided for industrial development a large amount of food, raw materials, exports and domestic markets. It made the labor force’s layout of United States changed; It promoted the formation of a unified domestic market and developed rapid of the eastern and western commercial complementary. The western development and utilization of resources also met the needs of industrial development and the rapid development of the transport industry is also ... ... the American Westward Movement inspired American creativity and economic vitality, and the United States improved the national comprehensive strength and international status; It was of great significance for the United States that took off the entire national economy. Nhomakorabea
西进运动 3
thank you.
在西进运动过程中,出现3次巨大的移民高潮。第一 次移民高潮出现在18世纪末期和19世纪初期,那时 由于美国政府颁布一系列的土地法令并从法国购买 了路易斯安那广大地区,移民们感到拓殖活动有了 一定的保证,纷纷涌向西部,开拓俄亥俄、肯塔基 和田纳西等地区,为后来日益扩大的中西部产粮区 奠定了基础。
★老西部(old west)——大西洋滨海平原的西边是瀑布线(Fall line),河流和瀑布湍急。在殖民 地时期,这里是英属殖民地的西部边疆,也称为老西部。 ★中西部(mid west)——即中央低地,平原广袤,东接阿巴拉契亚山脉,西到落基山。
★远西部(further west)——落基山以西到太平洋沿岸的地区。
第三次移民高潮是伴随着19世纪中叶美国领土扩张和兼并 到来的。当时,美国的领土扩张朝着两个方向继续推进: 在西南方面,它于1845年兼并得克萨斯;在1848年美墨 战争中,夺取墨西哥领土的一半;在西北方面,经过与英 国长期谈判,于1846年取得俄勒冈大片土地。最后,这 两方面的扩张在加利福尼亚汇合,完成对整个大西部的占 领。与此同时,由于加利福尼亚发现金矿,激起涌向西部 采掘黄金的移民浪潮。后来,一部分淘金人转而务农或开 设店铺,成为加州的永久定居者;另一部分则从加州前往 西北部地区勘查矿藏。在19世纪50~60年代,由于小农 大量移入进行粮食生产和落基山脉以西地区被划分为一些 州和准州,开采矿藏的营寨发展成为永久性居住区。
Westward Movement
贾姐 水哥 肖哥 小伊伊
愤怒的葡萄 1940
西进运动及其影响 精品
Frederick Jackson Turner
1、印第安人的皮货贸易与殖民地人 突破阿巴拉契亚山脉。 2、独立后土地投机活动的发展与移 民进入俄亥俄河流域。 3、到达密西西比河。越过密苏里 河,深入内陆和挺进远西部。 4、占领大平原
Meriwether Lewis 1807
人口增加 “天定命运” 的思想Manifest Destiny
1845年7—8月间,《美国杂志和民主评论》 的主编约翰•奥沙利文首先推出了所谓“天定命运” 的扩张主义理论,公然宣称:美国的创建是天定命 运,美国的扩张是上天的安排,美国负有天赋使命 传播民主制度,有义务强行拯救邻近国家。
美国的初步繁荣 (1789~1861)
一 美 国 西 部 的 概 念
★老西部(old west)——大西洋滨海平原的西边是瀑布线(Fall line),河流和瀑布湍急。在殖民 地时期,这里是英属殖民地的西部边疆,也称为老西部。 ★中西部(mid west)——即中央低地,平原广袤,东接阿巴拉契亚山脉,西到落基山。 ★远西部(further west)——落基山以西到太平洋沿岸的地区。
在铁路修建上美国政府采取了“多修铁路多得益”的政策。 铁路公司每修一英里的铁路,可以得到铁路沿线一定面积的 土地;同时,规定铁路公司可以根据修筑铁路的长度和地形 的不同,从政府那里获得不等的贷款。1828年美国才开始 修筑铁路, 1860年铁路里程便长达3万英里,其中大部分 修建在西部地区。 在公路的建设上,美国政府的一个重要政策是鼓励私人投资。 为了解决公路建设资金的不足,收费公路成为美国最早优先 发展的事业。从1792-1794年修建第一条公路开始,到 1830年修筑公路总里程长达6400公里。 随着蒸汽机船的发明与使用,美国政府又加强了对水运的建 设。1817-1828年由纽约州资助修筑长达350英里的伊利 运河,把东部的哈得逊运河和西部的大湖区联系在一起,使 当时一英里20美分的运价降到1美分。总之,在1815- 1840年间,各州投资1.25亿美元,建造了3000英里的运 河,使美国当时成为世界上运河最发达的国家。
If you know the Civil War, you will know America.
This novel satisfies the boys’ hope for the fame, heroism, gold and silver wealth and adulation of the deepest aspirations, and vividly depicts the life in an American frontier town before the Civil War.
Western Cowboy
The Civil War
Capitalist economy of northen regions
Abolish slavery 1
develop capitalist economy
Plantation economy of southern regions
Reserve slavery
The fiercest conflict is the matter of blacks’ freedom . So you can see the whole story is about how to set Jim free.
Huckleberry Finn
Naive and naughty Desiring to be free Brave Energetic and curious
Longing for freedom and daring to change destiny Brave, selfless, and kindhearted
The main plot
The Rise of Middle Class
In Jacksonian era, the majority of common men found opportunities in the relatively fluid society to achieve material success, as in those that preceded and followed it, established “middle class” respectability. ”
Page 10
The Start of Spoil System
When Jackson became President, many wealthy Easterners held federal government offices. Jackson dismissed many of these people from office, replacing them with his supporters. The spoil system is a practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party—as opposed to a system of awarding offices on the basis of some measure of merit independent of political activity.
Westward Movement is a movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands farther west. Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American people and their society expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. It plays a vital role in the formation, the development and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Movement has seeped into this young nationality in the sphere of cultural influence. However, at the same time Westward Movement is also the Indians’ tragic history.The causes of Westward Movementrge Population. As early as in 1820’s there was flood of new immigrants fromEurope to the United States. Then the stream of immigration continued. Between 1815 and 1830 over 500 000 Europeans came into the United States. They had expected to live a better life, but they found themselves still poor in the crowded Northeast. As they were dissatisfied with the conditions at home, they hoped to find a more favorable environment on the frontier.2.California Gold Rush. Gold was discovered in California in the 1840s. This rush madelots of people move West with the hopes of becoming rich!3.Cheap, Fertile Land. As for the local farmers, they had no better life and they lost theirland piece after piece because of land speculation. So they moved west to the vast area of wilderness where the land was cheap and great for farming.4.Freedom for Runaway from Slaves. Slaves from the South could have freedom in thenew western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.The progress of Westward MovementThe westward movement began in the early 1600's with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800's. First, some illegal immigrants went into west, and then American government brings these areas into their control. Then, many pioneers located in these areas. At first, pioneers were located in the east of Mississippi River. In the early 19th century, America expended its territory by the way of buying and invasion. In 1803, American government bought the Louisiana from French. From the early age of 19th century, the immigrants move to the west of Mississippi River. By the mid-1840's, adventurous pioneers had reached what are now California and Oregon in the Far West. The last frontier was the Great Plains between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The settlement of that region began in the 1860's. In 1862, Lincoln promulgated the homestead law and made the westward movement reach the peak.American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but also the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy.The influences of Westward Movement1.It stimulated the development of American west. It provides ample labors and wealthfor the exploration, and it laid a firm foundation for capitalistic development of American.2.It utterly changed American appearance: large quantities of barren lands werereclaimed; a lot of capital farms were set up; the development of agriculture in west provided a large amount of food, material and domestic market on industrial development; nature recourses were opened up to developed industries.By expanding the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful countries of the 20th century.3.It Shaping American Characteristics. Western unique survival requirement formedimportant attribute which molded the American nationality disposition and values, and it also planted the spirit and the dream of the American. The vast field of west and the cultural difference provided an opportunity for development of individualism. Under the given condition of Westward Movement, and the competition of the society has fostered American people’s pragmatism.4.Providing Plentiful Sources for American Culture and Art. Westward Movementhas played a premier role in popular culture. Westerns and the stories abouttheir life on the frontier have been popular in the United States and throughoutthe world5.However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural lossfor the Native Americans of North America。
Westward movement 西进运动
西部产粮区奠定了基础;第二次是1815年以后,移民们在大湖区开拓,建立了美国谷 物生产和畜牧业的基地,同时在南方的濒临墨西哥湾介于佐治亚南部与路易斯安那之 间的平原地区,建立棉花种植园,扩大了南部的奴隶制种植园经济;第三次高潮是19 世纪中期,开拓了俄勒冈、加利福尼亚等地。到1890年,西进运动正式结束。西进运 动和领土扩张是交织在一起的,在西进运动过程中,西部得到开发,大大促进了美国 经济的发展;但是,随着西进运动的进行,大批印第安人遭到屠杀,幸存者被强行赶 到更为荒凉的“保留地”,他们的被迫迁徙之路也被称为印第安人的“眼泪之路”。
淘金热(Gold Rush)
• • 淘金热是美国西进运动的产物,也是其中极为重要的一个环节。对美国18-19 世纪的经济开发,农业扩张交通革命,工商业发展具有重要的意义。 淘金热是由于西进运动的发展引发的人口迁移为开端的。在人口第三次大规 模的浪潮来临之际,美国移民萨特在加利福尼亚的萨克拉门托附近发现了金 矿,并有冒险商人、操纵者、土地投机家布兰那使金矿发现的消息扩大到全 世界。 西进运动的发展首先是由于布兰那在加利福尼亚的企业中首次与顾客用金沙 交换商品并从中捕获商机开始的,由于他的宣传在一定程度上产生了经济效 应。 更为重要的是美国政府的支持和引导。美国政府支持西部牛仔向西部披荆斩 棘,并在淘金热兴起前后准备正式兼并加利福尼亚,即便在加利福尼亚商品 匮乏之时也设法调剂和统筹商品货源。 初期 金矿被发现后,美国沸腾,世界震撼。近在咫尺的圣弗朗西斯科首先感受到 了淘金热的冲击,几乎所有的企业停止了营业,海员把船只抛弃在了圣弗朗 西斯科湾,士兵离开了营房,仆人离开了主人,涌向金矿发源地,农民典押 田宅,拓荒者卡垦荒地,工人扔下工具,公务员离开写字台,甚至连传教士 也离开了布道所。这股热潮一直席卷到圣弗朗西斯科北部的俄勒冈及南部的 墨西哥。成千上万的淘金者使加利福尼亚人口猛增。并且许多新近出现的城 镇很快成为国际性的城市。
• 移民政策
• 1787年的美国土地法令 人们可以向西部自 由迁徙
• 俄亥俄公司一马当先,1787-1788年冬天, 他们的先遣队从麻萨诸塞和康涅狄格出发, 向着日落的方向前进。此后,群众性的大 规模的西进运动便蓬勃发展,移民主要来 自北美十三州的新英格兰、中部州和南部 州
(1)利用风险投资机制,建立高科技园区。 (2)利用区域经济管理政策,促进西部开 发。 (3)利用市场的力量,促进落后地区的经 济发展。
20世纪30年代,美 国的科技革命发端 于斯坦福大学及其 周围地区,60年代 成为高新技术的核 心
在加州产生了举世瞩 目的“硅谷”。自60 年代在加州的圣何塞 市建立硅谷高科技园 区以后,美国在西部 以至全国建立了十几 个类似的高科技园区。 这些园区对工业创新 和科研成果的孵化, 对美国西部甚至整个 美国经济和科技的发 展起到了极为重要的 作用。
• 第三次移民高潮是伴随着19世纪中叶美 国领土扩张和兼并到来的。当时,美国
的领土扩张朝着两个方向继续推进:在 西南方面,它于1845年兼并得克萨斯; 在1848年美墨战争中,夺取墨西哥领 土的一半;在西北方面,经过与英国长 期谈判,于1846年取得俄勒冈大片土 地。最后,这两方面的扩张在加利福尼 亚汇合,完成对整个大西部的占领。与 此同时,由于加利福尼亚发现金矿,激
同时,在美国产业布局的西移过程中,政府加 大了对西部地区的财政支持,并鼓励企业迁移 到西南部的阳光地带。
·在克林顿政府期间,始终把发展美国落后地区的任务留 给了私人部门。
美国历史 中英文
1) The "discovery" of the New World 发现新大陆①The "first Americans" were the Indians 最早的美国人是印第安人②In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, supported by the Spanish queen, he led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now west Indies. He thought he had reached Asia and didn't know he had discovered a New Continent.15世纪后期,意大利航海家克里斯多弗.哥伦布,在西班牙女王的支持下,于1492年率领船队穿越浩瀚的大西洋,抵达了现在西印度群岛的一些小岛。
③Ameriga Vespucci proved that the land was a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after him.阿美利歌•韦斯普奇证明了这是新大陆,因此,以他的名字命名。
2)Causes of the colonization of the New World 殖民时期Opportunity was a magic word.机遇是一个神气的词①The new Would drew English nobles (who dreamed of getting more land and establishing great new estates.).②Drew other people who could not find jobs in England.③Most of all , it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe.④Many settlers came to the English colonies in search of religious freedom because they had been persecuted in England.1)他吸引了英国的贵族(那些梦想在荒原上创建庞大的新地产的)2)吸引那些在英国无法找到工作的人。
阐述运动原因和效果的英文作文英文回答:Causes of Motion.External forces: Forces that act on an object from outside, such as gravity, friction, and tension.Internal forces: Forces that act within an object, such as electrostatic forces and chemical reactions.Momentum: The tendency of an object to continue moving in the same direction with the same velocity unless acted upon by an external force.Inertia: The resistance of an object to any change in its motion, whether at rest or in motion.Effects of Motion.Displacement: The change in position of an object from one point to another.Velocity: The rate at which an object changes its position, measured in meters per second (m/s).Acceleration: The rate at which an object's velocity changes, measured in meters per second squared (m/s²).Kinetic energy: The energy possessed by an object due to its motion, calculated as (1/2)mv², where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity.Work: The energy transferred to or from an object by a force acting through a distance, calculated as Fd, where F is the force and d is the distance.中文回答:运动的原因。
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The Significance of American Western MovementAbstract:American Westward Movement in 19th century, in fact, is a large-scale advancement of American economy exploitation and a territorial expansion. It plays a vital role in the formation, the development and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Movement has seeped into this young nationality on its cultural influence. To answer these questions this thesis mainly analyzes American Westward Movement from a historical angle to help us to recognize American culture and history. For this purpose, this thesis discusses Westward Movement’s influences on American economy, its national characteristic and the formation of its values. Also, the writer reflects its dark side in the thesis.Key Words:Westward Movement; national character; pioneer; Indian culture transport;I. IntroductionAmerican Westward Movement in the 19th century was the process of economy exploitation and territory expansion waged by the Americans from Appalachian Mountains to the west from the end of 18th century to the end of 19th century. It lasted about one hundred years, and American territory was expanded from the 13 colonies at the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the Independence War to the vastarea-the shore of the Pacific Ocean. This movement was a space and time-spanning, large-scale, and far-reaching social migrant. “Till now, to a certain extent, the history of America can be said that it is a history of colonizing.” The first period of Westwar d Movement was from the American War of Independence to the period of the Civil War. During this period, it mainly developed agriculture. The west land was very important for USA after its independence. But for Westward Movement, there would be no today’s America.By expanding the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century.Firstly, capitalistic agriculture grew up, and then animal husbandry, commerce, mining, and industry were following up. At last, it existed a situation in which agriculture and animal husbandry developed at the same time, industry and agriculture promoted each other, transportation and commerce trade progressed overall.However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America. Is Westward Movement barbaric or civilized? The answer is not absolute. Karl Max materialism holds that every thing has two sides. We should make a concrete and historical analysis. In Westward Movement, we speak of not only its civilization but its barbarity. Under the whites’ bullet and natural acute disease, those survival Indian tribes have sufferedso-called genocide and culture extinction. The two opposite and related sides of Westward Movement are composed of the main melody of the development of America in 19th century.II. The Significance of American Westward MovementAs the first independent capitalism country of the mainland of America, the birth of the new USA symbolized the tremendous leap in American history. Newly independent America drew on the policy of western aggrandizement. On one hand, thousands upon thousand immigrants moved from east to west. On the other hand, the whole country changed from an agriculture country to an industrial country. Finally it helped to bring about a birth of modern USA.During Westward Movement, the government laid out a series of policies, such as immigrant policy and capital investment. Between 1820~1860,about five million immigrants came into USA, it provided adequate labors. Furthermore, the Homestead Act of 1862 was the important legislative act of 19th century. The land policy of American government at that moment provided institution and policy guarantee for peasants to get the soils and develop agriculture. Therefore, it promoted the westward exploitation, and also spurred USA to a great agriculture country rapidly. During 1815-1840, government invested 125 million dollars to every state for building 3000 miles’ canal. This period American transportation got a big boost. For another, therewere policies of fostering development of education, attracting more foreign investment, perfect manpower, environmental protection and so the like. Under these effective strategies, American people constantly opened up. This westward movement, across what was often called the American frontier, was of enormous significance. They not only contributed to the expansion of American territory, influence on American politics,but also formed American characters. At last, the frontier life in Westward Movement brought plentiful source material to American culture and art in the future.2.1. Promoting American Economic DevelopmentWestern exploitation utterly changed American appearance: large quantities of barren lands were reclaimed; a lot of capital farms were set up; the development of agriculture in west provided a large amount of food, material and domestic market on industrial development; nature recourses were opened up to develop industries. Furthermore, trade and transportation had got new leaps……A well-known British statisticians Parker said in the book of the Secret of American Economic Success: “TheUnited States is in an especially outstanding natural environment. She can enjoy the commercial marine. The Easters Ports are open to the busiest Europe. The United States is leading the development of the world. ” The economists Falkland of the U.S. Economy School said: “No other county in the history like America has su ch abundant resources. As one of the large industrial countries, America must have a large number of important minerals. Westward Movement stimulates creativity and economic vitality of the United States. It is enhancing the Comprehensive national strength and international status in the United States. It is paving the way of the economy of the United States.” However, recalling the history of the developing process of the United States, the first 13 British colonies before independence had only a small place from Appalachian Mountains to the east of the Atlantic coastal strip. The outstanding nature conditions were mainly brought for the expansion nearly100-year-westward movement. It is easy for us to get achievements Westward Movement created and fostered the situation of America.2.2. Shaping American CharacteristicsWestern unique survival requirement formed important attribute which molded the American nationality disposition and the values, and it also planted the spirit and the dream of the American. The frontier experience encouraged the development of certain "American" characteristics. Frontiers were isolated places, and so pioneers had to make many items they might otherwise have traded for or bought. They built their own houses and barns and produced their own food. They made their own candles, clothing, furniture, pots, tools, and other necessities. As jacks of all trades, pioneers became inventive and self-reliant. In addition, frontiers offered opportunities for success to those who worked hard. As a result, pioneers tended to be optimistic about the future and concerned with material wealth. Boastfulness and self-confidence emerged as frontier traits as well.2.21The Continuous Migration and ExploitationWestward Movement ran through the time of free capitalism. It was a mass participation movement for exploiting the west, which carried out as individual, family or collective. In this campaign, millions of the labor masses endured hardship in pioneer work, they had created enormous material and spiritual wealth. The pioneers only took along the most important living necessaries, such as seeds, farm implements, guns, corns, domestic animals and the like. They struggled westward across hills, mountains, and prairies on foot and on horseback. Some floated through the Erie Canal on barges or traveled down rivers on flatboats and steamboats. Others crossed the rugged wilderness in covered wagons. Men brought their wives and children along, and undertake heavy tasks. Women gathered firewood and collected manure to cook food. However the food they took along could not hold out till the destination. Consequently, edible wild herbs and wild fruits became their supplementary food. They experienced the simple and crude board and lodging conditions, unpredicted weather, the dangerous shoal, cliff and precipice, bandits and cholera, dysentery disease. All of these made them tired out, be down with illness, and even lost their lives. Nevertheless, yearning for a better and brighter future, they put all eggs in one basket and conquer all obstacles for striding towards the west. Formany pioneers, the Cumberland Gap, the Oregon Trail, and other roads west became paths to opportunity, and it opened wide for the most courageous and the most decisive person. All of t hese affect and mold Americans’ characters. Its tremendous influences even radiate today’s Americans. Thus they are not satisfied with the existing state perpetually, and seek their beautiful dreams constantly. So someone calls America “a nation founding on the wheels”.2.22. Affection for the WorkAfter the early pioneers arrived in the west land, firstly, they looked for the most favorite land. Having settled down, they set out to build their own homeland. They drew on the local resources, and built shabby houses for their earlier living places. Owning to the vastness of the west, they lived rather scattered one another. So the creation of new life was very difficult. Most men had two jobs as peasants and hunters. They planted grain and vegetables, and fed cattle and pigs. They also went to the countryside for hunting. With the time passed, those diligent and engrave farmers sold their running smoothly land to the new pioneers at a higher price. Then, the whole family left and sought for another cheaper land towards the west, looking for their new dream. For a strong and healthy man, the fertile land of the west was like a battlefield fighting as his own will. Therefore, in their opinion it was not astonished to build up from nothing. At that moment, their success mostly depended on their own endeavor. Under this background, naturally, people didn’t consider that the properties inherited from the background of their families were important; they valued achievements gained by their own efforts highly. For this reason, all American people made their efforts in their work. A great number of Americans take delight in doing the job.2.23. IndividualismThe vast field of west and the cultural difference provided an opportunity for development of individualism. It was not necessary for pioneers to need any concept, which had nothing to do with the urgent mission. The psychosis problems originated from the struggle against every force of the material world. The wilderness really exists and it must be conquered. Therefore, the character formed under such conditionwas strong, rough and sometimes heroic. At that moment, personality was one kind of reality because it had to correspond with circumstances. The main interpersonal relationships that people had to face was competition. Although there still was mutual aid and cooperation, and charitable behaviors, fierce competition was still main aspect. Then, the individualism had grown, and gradually it developed into one political and social philosophy viewpoint of the west. It pays much attention to freedom, and comprehensively emphasizes self-budgeting and self-controlling, which is not subjected to outside restrain. This kind of viewpoint thinks all values should be centered by selfhood. Each person is equal on morality and justice. Meanwhile, we take this opportunity to understand some modern life characters of Americans: the typical intransigency, impetuosity, irritability and haste. Those personalities are just one associated goods under the certain circumstances.2.24. PragmatismUnder the given condition of Westward Movement, and the competition of the society has fostered American people’s pragmatism. They all believed the idea “survival of the fittest”. Owning to the nature and social distinguishing feature, the pioneers must do everything in accordance with the social condition. Therefore, in that age, Americans may shake off the traditional yoke of the feudal moral, ethical code. They firstly made great efforts to live, and met the needs of the people by working hard. Finally, they used this way to achieve the goal. The pragmatism improved and prevailed in Westward Movement at the beginning of 19th century. The Americans gradually formedthe idea in accordance with the experience of adventure, and they also stressed the plasticity of living and greatly developed the function of experience. The pioneers in Westward Movement continuously told their descendants about the fact andself-striving history.2.3 Providing Plentiful Sources for American Culture and ArtWestward Movement has played a premier role in popular culture. The frontier life ,like the mythology of the countries with a long history, has provided a rich source for American literature and arts. Some American novels, movies , and televisionsprograms, generally known as American westerns ,are based on stories of the frontier life. Adventurous horsemen with guns are always the main characters in western films. They embodied the American dream of equality , freedom ,justice, humanity and the idealized results of the struggle against evils. Their concept of equality and hero worship spread all over the United States. Westerns and the stories about their life on the frontier have been popular in the United States and throughout the world. The exploits and adversities of those who moved west, from mountain men and cowboys to women homesteaders and cavalrymen, have been the subject of countless novels, poems, paintings, films, and television programs. Frontier figures such as Daniel Boone, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Kit Carson, as well as Native Americans such as Tecumseh, Sitting Bull, and Geronimo, have become heroes in literature and art. Modern political leaders, from Theodore Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy, have evoked frontier images in reference to themselves and their ideas. Both as myth and reality, Westward Movement continues to be a part of national life.On literature, it mainly reflects capitalist flourishing in the first half of 19th century and capitalist outlook of ascending age. It stresses the romanticism. It usually depicts immigrants’ daily life and the state of mind in a humor and fantasy style, and the authors often highlight life of American and natural scenery in the age of capitalist society in romanticism style. Thus it starts to really own the literary trends of American native country. Walter Whitman was known as federal poet laureate. His poet was historic significance and culture sediment. In his book, You, One's Own Mother, he gave Americans warmest praises because he recognized the opening spirit, vigor, enterprising spirit, and imagination existed in that age. Westward Movement expanded its territory from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the coast Pacific Ocean, doubled American land. And the population increased sharply. Its capitalist economy developed swiftly; agriculture all matter was allocated by form of arrived democracy, the development of transportation had reached a climax; many new cities sprang up. The development of urbanization sped up and city plan developed at a high speed. At last, this small confederation ever resided in a narrow land has become a great proud country. Westward Movement produced a kind of humanity influence. It affected andcreated this young nation.2.4 PoliticsWestern democracy is the extension of the western system.. Northwest ordinance was promulgated to better manage the use of the role of law in the western states. In the west, “the possible establishment of the state, will always be a part of federal United Stated of America, subject to federal laws and regulations in any constitutional changes, the subject of America in congress meeting for the development of the area all the laws and regulations.” This law est ablishes the relationship of the western states and the federal states. This is conductive to the use of western independence ,at the same time to strength the authority of the Federation. At this point, in the western states and eastern part of the new states to join the federal equally . According to federal states :according to the state senate which sent the principle of equality ,the House of Representatives according to population distribution. This is bound to have far-reaching impact on United States legislation. America as an independent when only 13 states ,the number of newly built nearly double the number of the United States, so that the western states of accession to the north and the south broke the legislative council relativities between the two regions. The right of the western United States to participate in life is strengthened , which had a major impact on the United States lenitive life.It can be said that the United States is the most vulnerable to instability in the flow. Westward Movement show the American habit of character and the best way of life. They have unique character and the way of life in the land of the western region to create the wealth, and as they are bound to raise the economic status of the expansion of the right to call for democracy, especially in the western area of equal property rights, investment in construction of facilities such as the requirement of a common fund-raising. Some states provide for the creation of the right , the right of referendum, and some states require voters to abolish religious tests and restrictions on the property. Democratic right to vote is the most high-profile developments, such as on women’s right to vote ,in 1776 through the “Pennsylvania Constitution”,the third: “Every free person who reached the age of 21 and had lived a year and paidtaxes in the days before on the public the election on behalf of the states and have to vote.III. ConclusionAmerican Westward Movement is on the one hand a great history, on the other hand a miserable history. The legacy of it is a mixture of great accomplishments and grim tragedies, heroic persistence and terrible errors.American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy. It brings together under a single government and economy the land that makes up the United States today. Westward Movement contributes to the emergence of the wealthiest and most powerful nation. The frontier experience also encourages the development of certain "American" characteristics. This has been achieved, however, by conquering and dispossessing other people, especially to Indians. We regret the Indian destruction greatly. In the past, they had brilliant civilization which shined over the area of North American. Unfortunately, they lay down silently under the light of museum after American government’s suppressing the way of life of them. The west had produced great wealth and had supplied enormous resources to others in the nation and the world. This production, however, had often resulted in enormous environmental damage. The pioneers became extremely wasteful because they lived among such plentiful natural resources. Pioneers cut down vast areas of forests, lost large amounts of gold and other minerals in careless mining operations, and exhausted the soil.The two opposite and related sides of Westward Movement are one of the most influential forces to shape North American history. American Westward Movement is the movement of extensive immigrants’ understanding and has great influence on American economy, politics and the national spirit.AcknowledgementsI am very grateful here to many individuals who helped me a lot in various ways in the writing of this thesis. I would first express my sincere appreciation to my tutor teach, Li Lifeng gave me great help. She also gave me a carefully check for my work. So I deeply grateful to her.I want to give lots of thanks to my friends: xiao chen. She help me check the work , give some suggestion and translate some sentence. So I can finished this work.Bibliography[1] 何顺果.美国史论文集[M]. 北京: 三联书店出版社, 1983:pp136, 142.[2] 余志森.美国史纲[M]. 上海:华东师范大学出版社,1988:pp365, 412.[3] 厄力斯.帕刻.美国经济成功之秘密[M]. 上海:上海民智书局,1930:p23.[4] 柯恩.美国划时代作品评论集C]. 北京: 三联书店,1988:p136.[5] Frederick Jackson Turner. The Frontier in American History [M]. New York, 1920: pp92, 73.[6] 张琼.西进运动对于美国文化的影响[J]. 杭州师范学院学报, 2001(1):pp49,50.[7] 王岱.美国扩张与发展史话[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1984:pp46,47.[8] 宋瑞芝.走进印地安文明[M]. 北京:民主与建设出版社, 2001:pp37,39.[9]美国西进运动的拓荒精神对中国西部大开发的启示[J].西安联合大学学报,2002,(5)[10]来安芳.英美概况[M].郑州.河南人民出版社,2004[11] Brodhead Peter. Life in Modern America[M]. Longman: 1990.[12] Carroll C. Calkins. The Story Of America[J]. New York: The Reader’s Digest Association Inc.,1975.[13] Frederick Jackson Turner. The Frontier in American History[M]. New York: 1920.[14] Fremont P. Wirth. The Development of America[M]. 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Manifest Destiny 天定命运论
• 1836年3月2日,德克萨斯人举行全体代表 大会,宣布脱离墨西哥,成立“孤星共和 国” (得克萨斯共和国) • In 1845 it joined the United States as the 28th state, which led to the War between Mexico and America in 1846. • 其领土范围涵盖现今美国得克萨斯州以及 部份的新墨西哥州、科罗拉多州、怀俄明 州、奥克拉荷马州、堪萨斯州。
The Gold Rush淘金热
(GOLD RUSH,英语里意为对金子的向往)淘金热是美国西进 运动的产物,也是其中极为重要的一个环节。对美国18-19世 纪的经济开发,农业扩张,交通革命,工商业发展具有重要的 意义。
It began on January 24, 1848, when gold was discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill, in Coloma, California, a foreman working for Sacramento pioneer John Sutter, found shiny metal in the tailrace of a lumber mill Marshall was building for Sutter on the American River.
影响: 自1854年起,加利福尼亚的淘金热成下降趋势,黄金产值下降,但整个采金业取向 深度和广度发展。 其影响在于:1)人口的急剧增长,社会财富剧增。 2)带动了加利福尼亚地区工业及相关产业的发展。 3)大量移民的涌入,加快了农业、牧业的发展。 4)采矿业带动西部交通运输业的发展。 第二次采金热是50年代在科罗拉多发现金矿至70年代在内华达发现金矿。这时采集 矿种增多,并因此使美国作为最大的产金国的地位一直保持到1898年。同时,由于 技术的发展使得商人、工业、企业家纷纷形成采矿公司,并逐步控制了采矿区。
China's western region development strategy and the urgent need to address creepingenvironmental problemsby Michael H. Glantz, Qian Ye and Quansheng Ge"... it is important, if not imperative, that planners take the time to seriously consider many of the potential obstacles they are likely to face and that could derail their western development goals."∙Introduction∙China's western region∙China's Western Region Development Strategy∙Some environmental concerns...∙...And some suggestions∙References∙Author information∙Additional web resourcesIntroduction(Back to top)A Japanese researcher, Professor Yabuki, has compared China's provinces to various countries around the globe in terms of geographic area, per capita income and population size. While China covers about 7 percent of the Earth's land surface, it has about 20 percent or so of the Earth's human population. A look inside the country along various demographic and natural land features shows that there is an invisible line that divides the country along several dimensions: eastern (coastal) and western provinces, ethnic Chinese and ethnic minorities, high population density in the east and low density in the west, relative affluence in the east versus the west, upper reaches of major water resources in the west and majordownstream users in the east, favored economicdevelopment plans for the east as opposed to thewestern provinces (until recently), and so forth.Thumbnail link to map of China showing'hotspots' and 'glasswall' Such an invisible line, a virtual glass wall based oneconomics, politics, raw materials, levels ofdevelopment, and ethnicity, tends to reinforceregional differences or cleavages between those who inhabit the region to the east of the line and those to the west of it. During the past two decades under Deng Xiaoping's "Open Door" policy, China has been developing rather rapidly by most standards,particularly its eastern, coastal regions. Thewestern region, however, has been left behind withwidening disparities between the east and west withregard to such conditions as education, economy,infrastructure, and social development. Enlightenedgovernments do not like to see such reinforcedcleavages in their country and often seek to level theeconomic playing field through partnerships andenhanced meaningful cooperation and interaction.China's western region (Back to top)China's western region includes 11 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities under thedirect administration of the central government.These include the following: Shaanxi, Qinghai,Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Ningxia, Xinjiang, InnerMongolia, Gansu, Tibet and Chongqing. The regioncovers 5.4 million square kilometers, 57 per cent ofthe country's land area, and has a population of 285million people, 23 per cent of the total populationof the nation. More than half of the country'sidentified natural resources are in the westernregion.Despite its relatively vast size, the region is notvery fertile. Water resources are in scarce supply,and are dependent on the vagaries of climatevariability from year to year and decade to decade.Speculation aside, it is not yet clear what influenceglobal warming has had or will have on inter-annual climate variability in western China. Thus, the paucity of fertile soil combined with the uncertainties of precipitation makes it a difficult region for widespread agricultural production activities. Making things even worse is the fact that severe wind erosion is a constant occurrence in the region; in fact, eroded areas in the western region are estimated to make up 80 per cent of the country's total eroded land. In addition, the resultingdust-laden winds can worsen environmental conditions thousand of kilometers or more downwind--as evidenced by the several sandstorms that have plagued Beijing in recent years. More dramatic in a global sense has been the spread, notably since at least the late 1990s, of major dust storms across the Pacific Ocean to regions as far distant as North America. Furthermore, meteorological observations show that the strength and frequency of these sandstorms, which are mainly generated in the western desert and semi-arid regions, have increased significantly in recent times.The bottom line is that the western provinces, as defined geographically by China, are the least populated but have considerable untapped human and natural resources. These provinces also happen to have the largest share of China's minority cultures. How then to dismantle that invisible wall for the betterment of all concerned?This task is rendered even more difficult by the fact that along with the rapid development of its economy in recent years, China is also suffering from the degradation of its natural environment (water, land and air). That degradation has been well recorded and reported: Water and air pollution due to the increasing number of factories, cars, and people as a result of increasing affluence and a lack of enforcement of environmental laws; soil erosion due to uncontrolled deforestation, grazing activities and other improper land use activities; intermittent as well as chronic water shortages as well as declining water quality; longer periods of low or noflow in the country's major rivers due to waste and mismanagement of water; desertification and an increase in the frequency and intensity and duration of dust transport due to poor land use practices, and so forth. These problems lie squarely at the intersection of naturally occurring climate change and human-caused land-use changes that also affect regional climate, and clearly need to be taken into account, if China is to be able to successfully and develop its western provinces in a sustainable way.Indeed, the Chinese government has chosen to vigorously pursue the economic development of its western provinces. It seeks to raise the standard of living of people in its west, to bring about more interaction between west and east, and at the same time to raise the level of development of the entire country.China's Western Region Development Strategy(Back to top)In 1999, the Chinese government publically announced its official plan to develop western China. Its goal is to try to achieve a satisfactory level of economic development in the western part of the country in a five- to ten-year time-frame and to establish a "new western China'' by the middle of the 21st century. In its view, at the end of the period, all people in the region will enjoy economic prosperity, social stability, ethnic unity and an ecologically healthy and sustainable landscape. To achieve such results, China has already begun to speed up the building of extensive infrastructure projects in the western region. Water conservancy, energy, telecommunications and urban facilities have been placed at the top of the government's "Western Region Development Strategy" agenda.So, the multi-billion dollar, multi-year western region development strategy is apparently being pursued with the idea in mind to erase existing political, economic, social and cultural cleavagesbetween east and west. In addition to committing its own resources to this Herculean economic endeavor, Chinese leaders are seeking investment in their western development plans from international sources such as the World Bank, the Asia Development Bank and international corporations such as the Ford Motor Company and various oil companies. As stated by a Ford Motor Company representative, the western provinces have the right conditions for foreign investment: abundant natural resources and cheap labor. In addition to financial support for this long-term development effort, the government is also seeking moral and political support . Each new foreign investment supplies some of that.How best to manage economic and social development in the western region, however, is still at the heart of the "Western Region Development Strategy." For example, four major projects are currently envisioned: a south-to-north water diversion, a west-to-east natural gas transfer, a west-to-east power transmission and the construction of a Qinghai-Tibet Railway. These projects are being launched successively over the next five years. While this brings to mind the early days of Chinese communism and the development strategy of "man over nature," such as Mao Tse-tung's Great Leap Forward campaign of the late 1950s, today's Chinese government is paying at least some attention to environmental impacts. However, it is not yet clear to what extent the government will forego an economic prospect in the name of environmental protection, mitigation of the effects of desertification, or its contribution to human-induced global warming.Some environmental concerns...(Back to top)This generates great concern among some observers within China and, perhaps more vocally, outside the country, about the potential impacts on the environment and minority cultures in the west of these proposed massive infrastructure constructionprojects (e.g., water diversion schemes and resulting population movements to the western region ... and surely there will be more to come as components of the WRDS become fully implemented). Particularly troublesome is the fact that the Chinese bureaucracy, a command-and-control decision-making structure, does not yet have experience in the undertaking of objective, scientifically based environmental impact assessments; nor has it taken full advantage of existing assessments carried out in similar ecological settings elsewhere around the globe.Furthermore, each of the specific climatic and environmental problems listed earlier in this article is considered a "Creeping Environment Problem (CEP)," as defined by Glantz (1994; see also Glantz 1999). CEPs are those "changes that are imperceptible from one day to the next, but over some period of time they become noticeably worse. By then, however, attempts to address them have become more difficult as well as more costly." Thus, the risk is that any government tendency to ignore CEPs in the short term might very likely have environmental and financial consequences that will eventually set back many short-term developmental gains.Although there have been several studies on the CEPs in developed and developing countries (the United States, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, Brazil, Hungary), creeping environmental problems per se have not been studied in China. As a result, several of the above-mentioned environmental problems have not yet been successfully assessed or addressed in China. The overriding goal of dealing with CEPs is to identify potential thresholds of degradation (or more neutrally, environmental change) to enable the government to respond to them sooner than usual: that is, before the low-grade, slow-onset, long-term, cumulative environmental changes become crises.Developing the western provinces will be a daunting task, and the Chinese authorities know it. The history of economic development efforts in many other countries as well as in China itself is strewn withscores of examples of development successes and failures, with the memories of the failures being much more enduring....And some suggestions(Back to top)At this early juncture in China's proposed escalation in western development activities, it is very important for its planners to pay attention to an ancient Chinese proverb: "To Know The Road Ahead, Ask Those Coming Back." Another adage that is relevant is as follows: "If you do not change your course, you will get where you are going." Thus, it is important, if not imperative, that planners take the time to seriously consider many of the potential obstacles they are likely to face and that could derail their western development goals. Only by learning from analogous past international as well as Chinese experiences of attempts at rapid economic development, especially in fragile environments, might China have a chance to avoid, in future decades, the debacles that were associated with such programs as the Great Leap Forward in the 1950s.When you mention the western provinces to most Chinese people living in the east, the image that usually comes to mind is one of vast uninhabited lands, inhospitable mountains, arid lands and true deserts. Because of its spatial scale and the time proposed to fulfill it, the WRDS will play a significant role in the regional and global environmental changes. We emphasize this point because few people realize that several of the world's major rivers have their origins in the Tibetan-Qinghai plateau (the Mekong, Irrawadi, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yangtze, Yellow rivers). Climatic, land use and/or desertification-related changes there are known to adversely affect the streamflow that in turn goes to meet the needs of about 3 billion people downstream.As Chinese leaders set out to develop their country in the shortest time possible, it becomes extremelyimportant that they trade experiences with othercountries around the globe about: the costs, benefitsand consequences of rapid development activities inarid and semi-arid areas; leapfrog developmentproposals; mega-development schemes; the impacts ofincreasing affluence of various segments of theirpopulation; radical population shifts; the impactscaused by such major land-use changes on theenvironment in general; and, more specifically, onsustainable development in the western region overthe long term.Furthermore, they must consider the potential impactsof a human-induced climate change on all of thesedevelopment activities and on changes in land use.Much information about these issues already existsand it is crucial that government leaders assure thattheir agents in charge of developing the westunderstand the needs of the fragile westernenvironments and of the region's inhabitants. In thisway, they will be able to maximize the economic,social and environmental benefits that are likely toemerge as a result of a well planned Western RegionDevelopment Strategy.References(Back to top)Glantz, M.H., ed. 1999. Creeping environmentalproblems and sustainable development in the Aral SeaBasin. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.Glantz, M.H., ed. 1994. Creeping environmentalphenomena and societal responses to them. Proceedingsof workshop held 7-10 February 1994 in Boulder,Colorado. Boulder, Colorado: National Center forAtmospheric Research, Environmental and SocietalImpacts Group (NCAR/ESIG).Author information(Back to top)Michael H. Glantz is a Senior Scientist (Political Science) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado You can reach him for comment as follows:Michael GlantzEnvironmental and Societal Impacts GroupNational Center for Atmospheric ResearchPO Box 3000Boulder, Colorado 80307USATel: 303-497-8119Fax: 303-497-8125Email: glantz@glantz@Web site: /HP_mickey.htmlQian Ye is Director of the Center for Development and Application of Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). You can reach him for comment by email at:qianye@.Quansheng Ge is Director of the China Global Change Program, Institute of Geology, CAS. You can reach him for comment by email at:gequansh@.Additional web resources(Back to top)University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/ucar/Environmental and Societal Impacts Group (UCAR)/About the Arid Lands Newsletter。
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Westward Movement is a movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands farther west. Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American people and their society expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. It plays a vital role in the formation, the development and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Movement has seeped into this young nationality in the sphere of cultural influence. However, at the same time Westward Movement is also the Indians’ tragic history.The causes of Westward Movementrge Population. As early as in 1820’s there was flood of new immigrants fromEurope to the United States. Then the stream of immigration continued. Between 1815 and 1830 over 500 000 Europeans came into the United States. They had expected to live a better life, but they found themselves still poor in the crowded Northeast. As they were dissatisfied with the conditions at home, they hoped to find a more favorable environment on the frontier.2.California Gold Rush. Gold was discovered in California in the 1840s. This rush madelots of people move West with the hopes of becoming rich!3.Cheap, Fertile Land. As for the local farmers, they had no better life and they lost theirland piece after piece because of land speculation. So they moved west to the vast area of wilderness where the land was cheap and great for farming.4.Freedom for Runaway from Slaves. Slaves from the South could have freedom in thenew western territories where they settled in all black communities free from white prejudice.The progress of Westward MovementThe westward movement began in the early 1600's with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800's. First, some illegal immigrants went into west, and then American government brings these areas into their control. Then, many pioneers located in these areas. At first, pioneers were located in the east of Mississippi River. In the early 19th century, America expended its territory by the way of buying and invasion. In 1803, American government bought the Louisiana from French. From the early age of 19th century, the immigrants move to the west of Mississippi River. By the mid-1840's, adventurous pioneers had reached what are now California and Oregon in the Far West. The last frontier was the Great Plains between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. The settlement of that region began in the 1860's. In 1862, Lincoln promulgated the homestead law and made the westward movement reach the peak.American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but also the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy.The influences of Westward Movement1.It stimulated the development of American west. It provides ample labors and wealthfor the exploration, and it laid a firm foundation for capitalistic development of American.2.It utterly changed American appearance: large quantities of barren lands werereclaimed; a lot of capital farms were set up; the development of agriculture in west provided a large amount of food, material and domestic market on industrial development; nature recourses were opened up to developed industries.By expanding the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful countries of the 20th century.3.It Shaping American Characteristics. Western unique survival requirement formedimportant attribute which molded the American nationality disposition and values, and it also planted the spirit and the dream of the American. The vast field of west and the cultural difference provided an opportunity for development of individualism. Under the given condition of Westward Movement, and the competition of the society has fostered American people’s pragmatism.4.Providing Plentiful Sources for American Culture and Art. Westward Movementhas played a premier role in popular culture. Westerns and the stories abouttheir life on the frontier have been popular in the United States and throughoutthe world5.However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural lossfor the Native Americans of North America。