



【全国校级联考】上海市金山中学2017-2018学年高一下学期期中考试数学试题一、填空题1 . 已知是等差数列的前项和,若,则__________.2 . 若的圆心角所对的弧长为,则扇形半径长为_________.3 . 方程的解集是__________.4 . 设,则的值为__________.5 . 函数的值域为___________.6 . 设函数是R上的奇函数,当时,,则当时,的解析式为_______________.7 . 若等比数列的前项和,则___________.8 . 如图所示,在直角坐标系中,角的顶角是原点,始边与轴正半轴重合,终边交单位圆于点,且.将角的终边按逆时针方向旋转,交单位圆于点.若点的横坐标为,则点的横坐标为________.9 . 已知函数,若将函数的图像向左平移个单位,所得图像关于轴对称,则实数的取值集合是__________________.10 . 已知数列满足,为数列的前项和,则____________.11 . 已知数列满足,若对任意都有,则实数的取值范围是___________.12 . 已知函数的图像与直线的三个交点的横坐标分别为,,,,那么的值是__________.二、单选题13 . 已知为数列的前项和,且满足,则()A.B.C.D.14 . 在中,角所对的边分别为,则“ ”是“ ”的 ()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件15 . 有下列四个命题:①只有在区间上,正弦函数才有反函数;②与是同一函数;③若函数的最小正周期为,则;④函数的最小正周期为.其中正确的命题个数为()A.B.C.D.16 . 对于实数,表示不超过的最大整数. 已知正数数列满足,,其中为数列的前项和,则()A.B.C.D.三、解答题17 . 设,求的值.18 . 已知等比数列满足:公比,且.求数列的通项公式;(2)设点在函数的图像上,求数列的前项和的最大值,并求出此时的.19 . 已知函数为偶函数,且函数图象的两相邻对称轴间的距离为.求的值;(2)将函数的图象向右平移个单位后,再将得到的图象上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的倍,纵坐标不变,得到函数的图象,求的单调递减区间.20 . 如图,公路围成的是一块角形耕地,其中顶角满足.在该土地中有一点,经测量它到公路的距离分别为.现要过点修建一条直线公路,将三条公路围成的区域建成一个工业区.(1)用来表示;(2)为尽量减少耕地占用,问等于多少时,使该工业区面积最小?并求出最小面积.21 . 用部分自然数构造如图的数表:用表示第行第个数,使得,每行中的其他各数分别等于其“肩膀”上的两个数之和,设第行中的各数之和为.已知,求的值;令,证明:是等比数列,并求出的通项公式;数列中是否存在不同的三项恰好成等差数列?若存在,求出的关系,若不存在,说明理由.。



上海市 2016-2017 学年高一信息科技放学期期中试题(时间 60 分钟,满分100 分)一、单项选择题(每题 2 分,共 64 分)1.以下对于算法说法错误的选项是()A.利用计算机解决问题的过程一般是:剖析问题→设计算法→编写程序→运转程序B.算法能够用自然语言、流程图或程序代码描绘C.算法的步骤一定是有限的。


2. 用流程图表达条件“ c=0”,要用到以下哪个框?()..A.B.C.D.3. 假如 a= true ,b= false , c= true ,d= false ,以下逻辑表达式的值为false的个数是 ()① aandb② aorb③ aandcornotd④ not(aandc)ordA.1个B.2 个C.3个D.4个4.以下合法的变量名是()A. A-B B . for C. a_1D. 4S5.表达式 Abs( - 16) + 15 Mod 13\5 的值是()A. 17B. 5C. 16 D . 16.46.以下用流程图描绘的算法中,正确的选项是()A.图1B.图2C.图3D.图47.“假如变量a, b的值中随意一个为0,那么y=y+ 1”,能实现该功能的VB 语句是()A.Ifa= 0 And b= 0 Then y= y+1B. If a*b= 0 Then y= y+1C.Ifa= 0, b= 0 Then y= y+ 1D. If a- b= a Then y= y+ 18.以下语句中的等于“=”作用与其余选项不一样的是()..A. if a =0then B. do while x=0C. for x=0 to 5D. if n mod 3=0 then9.在以下 VisualBasic程序段中,要使循环体 t = t*j履行 5 次,循环变量的终值能够是()For j= 1 To __________ Step 2t= t*jNext jA. -5B.0C.5D.1010.以下图是当循环、直到循环两种循环构造,请联合以下图选择以下说法中正确的选项是( )A.当循是当条件建立退出循B.当循不行能出不行循步的状况C.直到循是条件建立行循步D.直到循起码行一次循步11.一个含有循构的算法,若要保证循的次数10 次,以下中不可以达到....目的的流程个数()开始开始i← 1A←10A←“2”i← 1B←30B←“12”N Ni<=10i<10A← A-BA < BY Y Y NB←B-A⋯⋯⋯⋯输出A+B输出B+A输出 Bi← i+1i← i+1结束结束A. 1B.2C. 3D. 412.了求数列12+32+52+72+⋯⋯ +992的和,以下法的是()。





2.用流程图表达条件..“c=0”,要用到以下哪个框?()A.. D.3.如果a=true,b=false,c=true,d=false,以下逻辑表达式的值为false的个数是( )① a and b ② a or b ③ a and c or not d ④ not (a and c) or dA. 1个B.2个C.3个D.4个4.以下合法的变量名是()A.A-B B.for C. a_1 D.4S5.表达式Abs(-16)+15 Mod 13\5的值是()A.17 B.5 C. 16 D.16.46.下列用流程图描述的算法中,正确的是()A.图1 B. 图2 C. 图3 D. 图47.“如果变量a,b的值中任意一个为0,那么y=y+1”,能实现该功能的VB语句是( )A. If a=0 And b=0 Then y=y+1B. If a*b=0 Then y=y+1C. If a=0,b=0 Then y=y+1D. If a-b=a Then y=y+18.下列语句中的等于“=”作用与其他选项不同..的是()A.if a =0 then B. do while x=0C. for x=0 to 5D. if n mod 3=0 then9.在如下VisualBasic程序段中,要使循环体t=t*j执行5次,循环变量的终值可以是( )For j=1 To __________ Step 2t=t*jNext jA.-5B.0C.5D.1010.下图是当循环、直到循环两种循环结构,请结合下图选择下列说法中正确的是 ( )A.当循环是当条件成立退出循环B.当循环不可能出现不执行循环步骤的情况C.直到循环是条件成立时执行循环步骤D.直到循环至少执行一次循环步骤11.设计一个含有循环结构的算法,若要确保循环的次数为10次,下列设计中不能达到....该目的的流程图个数为()A. 1B.2C. 3D. 412.为了求数列12+32+52+72+……+992的和,以下说法错误..的是()。



高一信息技术期中试卷带答案考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx 姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.某同学用FrontPage 制作了一个网页,下面是网页中的部分html 代码及其预览图,如果在预览窗口中单击图片,则A .没有任何反应B .选定图片C .打开一个新的网页D .打开一个新建邮件窗口2.信息集成工具很多,人们选择这些工具时一般不首选的做法是 A .根据集成的目的和使用场合选择合适的工具 B .根据集成的内容和素材情况选择相应的工具C .根据流行程度选择技术含量高的工具D .根据现有的水平和精力选择容易上手的工具3.如图是小明根据数据制作的“我国主要城市污染指标统计”的部分数据,该表是按( )升序排列的。

A.城市B.年均SO2浓度C.年均降水PH值D.年均可吸入颗粒物浓度4.下列软件中,不能用来编辑网页的是A.记事本B.FrontPageC.画图D.Dreamweaver5.智能手机具备“摇一摇”功能,从硬件的角度是因为智能手机中有A.触摸屏B.摄像头C.传感器D.蓝牙6.在VB中,某对象的属性窗口如下图所示:该对象的控件类型是()A.Enabled B.Timer C.Tine D.Tine Timer7.删除Windows桌面上某个应用软件的快捷方式图标,意味着()。

A.删掉了该应用软件,对应的快捷方式图标被隐藏B.该应用软件和快捷方式图标一起被隐藏C.该应用软件和快捷方式图标一起被删除D.删掉了快捷方式图标,对应的应用软件被保留在硬盘中8.家庭用的无线路由器通常需要设置网络连接密码,这是为了A.身份验证B.防病毒C.防木马D.加密传输9.下图所示流程图是算法三种结构的哪种结构()A .分支结构B .顺序结构C .选择结构D .树形结构 10.现代社会中,人们把( )称为构成世界的三大要素。





..的第三位A.2的5次方 B.2的4次方 C.2的3次方 D.2的2次方3.在字符的ASCII编码表中,字符“a”代码的十进制值是97,那么字符“b”的ASCII编码是()。

A.1000001 B. 1000010 C. 1100001 D. 11000104.小王同学采用44100Hz的采样频率、量化位数为8位,立体声双声道的wav方式用录音笔录制了512秒的演讲,得到的录音文件是()KB。

A.44100×8×512÷8÷1024 B. 44100×8×2×512÷8÷1024C. 44100×8×2×512÷1024D. 44100×8×2×512÷85.以下未经过压缩的文件是()A. a.mp3B. b.jpgC. c.txtD. d.mpeg6.手机上网看新闻主要应用了()。

A. 通信技术B. 计算技术C. 控制技术D. 感测技术7.冯·诺依曼提出的计算机设计思想的思想体系是()。

A.计算机由硬件和软件组成B.以二进制和存储程序的概念为基础C. 计算机由主机和外设组成D.指令的执行分为取指令和执行指令两个过程8.以下与计算机运行速度关系不大..的是()。

A. CPU主频B. 内存容量C. 硬盘存储容量D. 高速缓存9.一台计算机的配置是:Intel Core2 T5600 1.83GHz/300GB 7200转/2GB DDR2/19寸,该配置对应描述的硬件设备名称是()。





..的第三位A.2的5次方 B.2的4次方 C.2的3次方 D.2的2次方3.在字符的ASCII编码表中,字符“a”代码的十进制值是97,那么字符“b”的ASCII编码是()。

A.1000001 B. 1000010 C. 1100001 D. 11000104.小王同学采用44100Hz的采样频率、量化位数为8位,立体声双声道的wav方式用录音笔录制了512秒的演讲,得到的录音文件是()KB。

A.44100×8×512÷8÷1024 B. 44100×8×2×512÷8÷1024C. 44100×8×2×512÷1024D. 44100×8×2×512÷85.以下未经过压缩的文件是()A. a.mp3B. b.jpgC. c.txtD. d.mpeg6.手机上网看新闻主要应用了()。

A. 通信技术B. 计算技术C. 控制技术D. 感测技术7.冯·诺依曼提出的计算机设计思想的思想体系是()。

A.计算机由硬件和软件组成B.以二进制和存储程序的概念为基础C. 计算机由主机和外设组成D.指令的执行分为取指令和执行指令两个过程8.以下与计算机运行速度关系不大..的是()。

A. CPU主频B. 内存容量C. 硬盘存储容量D. 高速缓存9.一台计算机的配置是:Intel Core2 T5600 1.83GHz/300GB 7200转/2GB DDR2/19寸,该配置对应描述的硬件设备名称是()。



. . . . = ,
11. (5 分)已知 θ 是第三象限角,且 sinθ﹣2cosθ=﹣ ,则 sinθ+cosθ= 12. (5 分) 在△ABC 中, 角 A, B, C 的对边分别为 a, b, c. 若 则 A= . =
二.选择题(每小题 5 分,共 20 分) 13. (5 分)已知点 P(tanα,cosα)在第三象限,则角 α 的终边在( A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 )
A.充分必要条件 C.必要不充分条件
三.解答题(14 分+14 分+14 分+16 分+18 分,共 76 分) 17. (14 分)已知 f(x)=log2(2x﹣1) . (1)求 f(x)的反函数 f﹣1(x) ; (2)解方程 f(2x)=f﹣1(x) . 18. (14 分) 已知 sin (2α﹣β) = , sin 求 sinα 的值. 19. (14 分)设 (1)若 (2)设 g (x)= 实数 m 的取值范围. 20. (16 分)如图所示,扇形 AOB,圆心角∠AOB 的大小等于 半径 OA 上有一动点 C,过点 C 作平行于 OB 的直线交弧 (1)若 C 是半径 OA 的中点,求线段 PC 的大小;
) , ,k∈Z, ,k∈Z; ,2kπ+ ) ,k∈Z. ,π) ,则 tan2α 的值是 ,π) , . ) ,k∈Z.
解得 2kπ﹣
∴函数 y 的单调增区间为(2kπ﹣ 故答案为: (2kπ﹣ ,2kπ+
7. (5 分)设 sin2α=﹣sinα,α∈(
【解答】解:∵sin2α=2sinαcosα=﹣sinα,α∈( ∴cosα=﹣ ,sinα= ∴tanα=﹣ 则 tan2α= 故答案为: 8. (5 分)已知 tan(π﹣α)=﹣ ,则 【解答】解:∵tan(π﹣α)=﹣tanα=﹣ , ∴tan , , = = . = ,



上海市金山中学2017~2018学年第二学期高一期中考试生命科学考试时间:60分钟;满分:100分;答题提示:选择题和综合题均在答题纸上作答,务必准确填涂个人信息! 一、选择题(共60分,每小题2分)1. 图1表示落地生根在适宜环境中常见的生殖方式,这种生殖类型属于( )A .出芽生殖B .卵式生殖C .孢子生殖D .营养繁殖2. 图2表示细胞中常见的生化反应,则下列相关叙述错误的是( )A .图中虚线框内为肽键B .化合物甲的R 基为—HC .图中的X 是水D .化合物丙含2个游离羧基3. 图3显示了人体内能源物质的代谢途径,大写字母代表物质,其中物质Z 直接参与了过程①,下列叙述不正确的是( )A .X 是葡萄糖B .Y 是丙酮酸C .Q 是甘油D .Z 可以是氨基酸脱去氨基的碳链4. 赫尔希和蔡斯分别为35S 和32P 标记的噬菌体蛋白质和DNA 组分,下列被标记的部位组合正确的是( )H 2N C HCH 2COOH COOH H 2N C HH COOH+ NC HHCOOH H 2N CH CH 2COOHCO H 酶X + 甲乙丙图2图1图3A .①②B .①③C .①④D .②④ 5. 基因工程一般包括4个步骤,其正确顺序是( )①目的基因与运载体重组;②获取目的基因;③筛选含目的基因的受体细胞;④重组DNA 分子导入受体细胞。

A .④①②③B .②④①③C .③②④①D .②①④③6. 在“细胞的观察和测量”实验中,小明已在低倍镜下观察到了清晰的蚕豆叶下表皮细胞,现要精确地测量保卫细胞的长度,接下来他应该做的是( ) A .使用目镜测微尺直接测量 B .转换至高倍镜C .调节细调节器D .调节光圈7. 小西做了“颤藻和水绵细胞的比较观察” 实验后,对两者的描述(用“×”表示“无”,“√”’表示“有”),正确的是( )8. 图5所示的免疫过程属于( )①体液免疫 ②特异性免疫 ③细胞免疫 ④非特异性免疫. A .①② B .①④ C .②③ D .③④ 9. 遗传信息和遗传密码分别位于( )A .DNA 和信使RNA 上B .DNA 和转运RNA 上C .信使RNA 和转运RNA 上D .染色体和基因上颤藻叶绿体 染色后固定结构√ A.C.B.D.水绵√× √颤藻叶绿体 染色后固定结构√水绵 √××颤藻 水绵 ×√√×叶绿体染色后固定结构颤藻 叶绿体 染色后固定结构×水绵 ×√√图4图510. 图6中,①~④表示一个细胞有丝分裂过程中染色体变化的不同情况。


上海市金山中学 2017-2018 学年高一下学期期中考试数学试题
(考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分) 一、填空题:本大题共有 12 题,其中第 1 题至第 6 题每小题 4 分,第 7 题至第 12 题每小题 5 分,考生应在答题纸上相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,否则一律得零分.
1.已知 Sn 是等差数列an 的前 n 项和,若 a4 = 3 ,则 S7 = __________.
【详解】当 x 0 时, −x 0 ,由已知得 f (−x) = cos(−x) = cosx ,
因为 f ( x) 是 R 上的奇函数,所以 (f x)= − (f − x)= −cosx .
故答案为 f ( x) = −cosx ( x 0) .
【点睛】本题主要考查函数的奇偶性,解决本题的关键在于:当 x 0 时,求出 f (−x) ,再寻求 f ( x) 与
f (−x) 的关系.
7.若等比数列an 的前 n 项和 Sn = 2 3n + r ,则 r = ___________.
【答案】 −2 【解析】 【分析】
根据 an = Sn − Sn−1 求得数列的通项公式,进而求得 a1 ,根据 a1 = S1 求得 r .
【详解】 Sn = 2 3n + r,Sn−1 = 2 3n−1 + r,(n 2,n N +),∴ an = Sn − Sn−1 = 4 3n−1 , 又 a1 = S1 = 6 + r ,由通项得: a2 = 8 ,公比为 3,
【详解】设 A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2).由三角函数定义,得
1 3




2017-2018学年上海市金山中学高一下学期期中考试英语试题(考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)第I 卷 (共110分)I. Listening comprehensionSection A Short conversationsDirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. Afteryou hear a conversation and question about it, read the four possible answerson your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At 5:15. B. At 4:45. C. At 4:35. D. At5:00.2. A. Because he dislike his old flat. B. Because he wanted to know new neighbours.C. Because he hated neighbours’ disturbance.D. Because he wanted a big place.3. A. Boss and employee. B. Interviewer and interviewee.C. Husband and wife.D. Lawyer and client.4. A. Cows and pigs. B. Ducks and bees.C. Chickens and pigs.D. Chickens and cows.5. A. The woman asked the man to show her around the place.B. The woman arrived sooner than was expected.C. The slow taxi didn’t prevent the woman from arriving on time.D. The show was to start at two and the woman got there too early.6. A. She asked the man to stop the work.B. She asked the man not to take the work seriously.C. She asked the man to finish the work as soon as possible.D. She asked the man not to be too nervous about the time.7. A. He will not learn cooking. B. He has no idea of cooking.C. He is already a good cook.D. He should eat less to keep fit.8. A. The restaurant. B. The garage. C. The sports center. D. Sam’s home.9. A. Because his friend didn’t call him. B. Because he doesn’t have painting tools.C. Because he isn’t patient enough.D. Because he went to see a patient.10. A. Reasonable. B. Perfect. C. Costly. D. Ridiculous.Section B PassagesDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The Popularity of travel guidebooks.B. The decline of travel guidebooks.C. The close connection between guidebooks and travelers.D. Travel guidebook’s ability to make money.12. A. Social network. B. Travel guidebooks.C. Friends from travel business.D. Geography teachers.13. A. Its high price. B. Its lack of individuality.C. Its unreal introduction.D. Its outdated information.Questions 14 through 176are based on the following passage.14. A. Twitter. B. Facebook. C. LinkedIn. D. MySpace.15. A. To obtain information from the world. B. To get connected with relatives.C. To pay bills online.D. To browse the news.16. A. Social network. B. Blogs. C. IPads. D. Newspapers.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following passage.17. A. Going to the cinema to see films. B. Going sightseeing.C. Staying indoors.D. Spending time with the man.18. A. Its long history. B. Its rocky mountains.C. Huge number of visitors.D. Its ice fields.19. A. In Jasper National Park. B. In a nearby town.C. By Lake Louise.D. In its commercial centre.20. A. Consuming of resources. B. Harm to ecosystem.C. Poor health of the local people.D. Tons of rubbish.Ⅱ. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.How to deal with Whiners(抱怨不停的人) ?There are always some people radiating negativity in the work place. For them, the temperature is never right, the boss is always a fool, the canteen food is awful,and they (21) __________ (treat) unfairly.Career experts say such habitual complainers are highly contagious(会蔓延的) , (22) _________ attitude can easily affect an entire team in a company. “While some complaints might be reasonable, (23) __________ are taken from thin air. You need to see between these different types and adopt the right strategy towards each,”said Li Ling, HR manager at Wal-Mart (China).It’s especially hard to deal with complaints at work (24) _________ you can’t just walk away or put your colleagues’ words out of mind. If you do, it will hurt your co-workers and you (25) _________ be isolated. In a team-based company you belong to a group and need to behave accordingly. But don’t show too much sympathy. Listening passively to others’ complaints could damage your image and give others the impression that you agree with them. “Listen to the whiners actively,” says HR Li. “Help them find a solution, or see (26) __________ there are ways to improve the situation.”Zhai Min, 24, a software engineer at Kingdee International Software Group in Shenzhen, found that 3 elderly workers liked to complain about everything, from (27) _____________ (extend) working hours to cheap hotels on business trips. “I let them talk about their opinions,” she said, “They feel better when (28) ___________ (tell) someone how they want things to be.”But listening actively is far from enough. Wang Dianxue, 27, is an Internet engineer at Beijing Push Marcom Group. His co-workers always complain that their computer systems are not working properly. “I ask about the specifics and work together with them (29) ____________ (fix) everything technically.” he said.HR managers believe that when staffs complain, it is more a matter of recognition than an actual problem. “The real problem is that the whiners don’t feel they are being taken seriously,” said Xu Jun, HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. “(30) ___________ (give) them advice or perspectives attentively and the problem will usually disappear.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Having a purpose in life makes you live longer, according to scientists at Rush University Medical Centre. They say that having focus, intentions and a sense of meaning in your life are all associated with lower mortality (死亡率) rates among older adults.What the purpose is (31) _______ not to matter much, nor does it seem to matter whether goals are (32) _______ or modest. It can be anything --- from wanting to (33) _______ a goal in life, to (34) _______ something in a volunteer organization, to as little as reading a series of books.The scientists looked at more than 1,200 elderly individuals who lived in community environments. The investigators did an initial evaluation of all participants, and then followed them for the period of 5 years.At the very beginning, the subjects were asked questions about their life (35) _______. They had to rate themselves on different areas. Their answers were used to work out whether they felt their life had meaning and that they felt they were working towards goals. The (36) _______ score on the sense-of-purpose measurement was 3.7 out of possible 5.When comparing the scores, the investigators (37) _______ that participants who had a higher sense of purpose had nearly 50% less of the risk of dying during the follow-up period. The (38) _______ of purpose in life with mortality did not differ among men and women, nor did it among white people and African-Americans.The investigators reported that (39) _______ associations with mortality were found with three particular items on the purpose of life questionnaire to determine the study participants’ agreement with the (40) _______ statements: “I sometimes feel as if I have done all there is to do in life;”“I used to set goals for myself,but that now seems like a waste of time;” and “My daily activities often seem unimportant to me.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Whether in the workplace or on the football field, effective teamwork can produce amazing results.(41) ______, working successfully as a team is not as easy as it may seem.Effective teamwork certainly does not just happen (42) ______; it takes a great deal of hard work. There are a number of (43) ______ that must be proper to make a good team.Effective (44) ______ is one of the most important elements of good teamwork.The team’s leader should possess the skills to create and maintain a positive working environment and inspire the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly (45)______.(46) ______ is a vital factor of all interpersonal relationship and especially that of a team.Team members must be able to (47) ______ their feelings, express plans and goals, share ideas and see each other’s opinions.It is absolutely necessary for team members to understand what their (48) ______ on the team is, what he or she is (49) ______ for. The team leader can enable this by defining the purpose in a definite manner in the beginning of the formation of the team.(50) ______ will arise no matter how well a team functions together. The best way to deal with conflicts is to have some organized methods of handling conflicts.Team members should be able to voice their concerns without fear of (51) ______ others.Instead of avoiding conflict issues, a hands-on approach that settles them quickly is (52) ______.It is often advised that the team leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and trying to remain (53) ______ if possible.The team leader must set (54) ______ to create good teamwork.In order to keep team members positive and devoted and motivated, the team leader herself or himself needs to show these qualities.The team (55) ______ the leader for support and guidance.So any negative words or behaviors on the leader’s part can be disastrous.41. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Similarly42. A. reasonably B. independently C. automatically D. exactly43. A. ways B. factors C. attitudes D. measures44. A. cooperation B. sharing C. devoting D. leadership45. A. informed B. valued C. devoted D. recommended46. A. Communication B. Exchange C. Debate D. Discussion47. A. voice B. hide C. develop D. translate48. A. effect B. base C. advantage D. role49. A. prepared B. responsible C. qualified D. rewarded50. A. Solutions B. Conflicts C. Questions D. Opinions51. A. influencing B. protecting C. offending D. depressing52. A. much better B. much simpler C. less used D. often neglected53. A. kind B. superior C. inferior D. objective54. A. a fit task B. a good example C. a high purpose D. a fair standard55. A. turns on B. takes on C. decides on D. relies on Section BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)One of the most inspiring quotes(名言) I ever heard was by Brian Tracy. He said: “The differences between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people fail many more times than unsuccessful people.”I deeply understood the wisdom of the quote soon after my fist book was published.I was living in Atlanta at the time and arranged my first signing sale for my new book at the phoenix and Dragon, the largest bookstore in the city. Although a nice sign was placed outside the room exhibiting images of both me and my book, not a single customer entered the room.Do they not like the title? I wondered. Do they not like the book cover? After 90 minutes, I was absolutely distraught.For the four years writing the book, I had felt a sense of mission and purpose like never before in my life. Working a full 8-hour day in my clinic, I had to get into bed by 9:30 pm every day, so I could wake up at 5:30 in the morning and have two hours of writing before heading into my clinic. Before I ever began each writing session, I would close my eyes for 10 minutes and then whisper, ”Please grant me the words to touch just one person’s life.”Now, sitting there alone at my first book signing, I wondered if my entire life wasn’t just a big joke. At that moment, just when I couldn’t feel any worse, a middle-aged couple walked into the room. I managed to hide my emotions and introduced myself and my book. The couple turned the pages each other, and the husband nodded to his wife. She then told me, “I think we’ll get the book.” Despite the impulse (冲动)to jump in the air, and hold their hands to thank them for being my first readers, I realized the woman was trying to say something else.“The reason we’re buying it,” she said hesitantly, “is because our son committed suicide two years ago. Maybe your story will help us get over it.”At that moment, I knew if I never sold another copy of the book, my four years of writing it had served its purpose. Although I would have many more challenging years until my book became a bestseller, this couple’s story was all the motivation I needed at that point to keep me ahead. Thanks to them, I would realize that thegreatest of lives are made all in the same way: One challenge ... one challenge ... one difficulty ... one step ... and one small victory at a time.56. The writer quotes Brian Tracy to emphasize the important of _________________.A. successB. confidenceC. braveryD. perseverance57. The word “distraught” probably means ______________.A. bored and impatientB. cheerful and proudC. upset and disappointedD. miserable and ashamed58. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?A. The writer had to quit his job to make time for his writing.B. The writer was not sure about the purpose of his writing at first.C. The writing was completed with great self-discipline and efforts.D. The process of writing the book was full of pains and happiness.59. By saying “my four years of writing it had served its purpose”. The author probably means that _____________.A. he had succeeded in selling his first book to the coupleB. he had managed to touch someone’s life with his bookC. he was quite satisfied with the feedback of his readersD. he had found someone who enjoyed his writing(B)60.Which of the following is the most suitable for Mary,who can just spare one day to travel around Singapore?A.City Sightseeing.B.DUCK.C.Night safari.D.Flyer.61.If David and his 9-year-old son are both animal lovers,they had better dial __________ for more information before their tour.A.6338-6859B.6338-6826C.6338-3311D.6338-6877 62.Mr. Smith is going to take his wife,his 13-year-old daughter and his 1-year-old son John to visit Singapore at their own leisurely pace, so he should get at least ________ ready.A.﹩89.B.﹩99.C.﹩91.D.﹩101.(C)Labor force is defined as being the total number of people who are available to work and earn income. This definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment,so it includes employers and the self-employed.Labor is one of the country’s resources which can be combined with other resources to produce the goods and services wanted by the community.Although the size of the workforce depends a great deal on the size of the total population,there are several other influences which also affect it.The age distribution (分布) of the total population has a very marked effect on the available workforce. If the population has a high proportion of very young people or of those too old to work,then the available workforce would be lower than if there were an balanced spread age distribution.If the population naturally grows rapidly, the number of births greatly exceeds (超出) the number of deaths then as a total population increases proportion of the workforce declines.Sometimes a population is described as aging which means that the birth rate is either falling or growing very slowly,and as people retire from the workforce there are insufficient numbers of young people entering it to replace those who are leaving it.In that situation the population is top-heavy with older people.So the percentage of the population in the workforce declines when there is either a rapidincrease in births or a falling birth rate.The age distribution of the population has several important effects on the economy.If the population is aging and there is an increase in the number of people retiring without a corresponding increase in the number entering the workforce,this raises the problem of the ability of the economy to provide a reasonable level of social services to the retired group.If the aged are to be cared for in special homes,finance must be available for that purpose.If the size of the workforce is small relative to the total population,then the government tax revenue(税收) is relatively low and either the government has less money available to it or the workforce members have to be taxed more heavily.63.In the passage “labor force” is defined as ___________.A.people who are available to work and earn incomeB.self-employed people onlyC.people who are looking for an employmentD.employers who create job opportunities64.The conclusion which can be drawn from the second paragraph is that___________.A.a natural growth of population leads to a balanced workforceB.a large population does not necessarily mean a higher proportion of workforce C.the larger the population,the higher the proportion of the workforce D.the workforce will be lower, if the population has a balanced age distribution,65.When a population is said to be aging,___________.A.there are more people retiring than those entering the workforceB.the birth rate must be growingC.there should be an oversupply of workforceD.There are more people entering the workforce than those retiring66.The population which is top-heavy with older people ___________ of a country.A.leads to the high rate of unemploymentB.results in low tax on the workforce membersC.affects employees’ incomesD.places pressure on the economy(D)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Conflict happens. It happens everywhere: between friends, in the classroom, around the corporate conference table. The good news is that it doesn't have to damage friendships or business deals. Knowing how to resolve conflict, wherever it happens, creates confidence and eases stress.Be prepared for any conditionsCare enough about your own well-being, your relationships with co-workers and your company, to talk about what is bothering you at work, to talk about conflict.Don't take it home or stuff it away. Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away.Start preparing to resolve a conflict by checking your own behavior. (67) ___________ Have they been pushed? How have you handled the situation so far? What is your own responsibility in the matter?(68) ___________The sooner you resolve conflict, the easier it is to resolve. Don't hang around.Don't let the matter boil into something bigger than it is.If a specific behavior has caused the conflict, promptness gives you an exampleto refer to and keeps you from building up hostility. It also gives the other person the best chance of understanding the specific behavior you want to talk about. Find a private, neutral placeTalking about conflict has almost no chance of succeeding if it’s carried out in public. Nobody likes to be embarrassed in front of peers or made an example of in public. Your goal is to eliminate the tension created by conflict. Privacy will help you. (69) ___________Share your feelingsNine times out of 10, the real conflict is about feelings, not facts. (70) ___________ Owning your own feelings, and caring about others', is key to talking about conflict. Remember that anger is a secondary emotion. It almost always arises from fear.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.According to an official report on youth violence, “In our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that his is the case, why aren’t students taught to manage conflicts the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive cars, or stay physically fit?First of all, students need to realize that conflicts are unavoidable. It is reported that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult. For example, a flight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence.If the conflict occurs, students can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer, he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words and accusations only addfuel to the emotional fire while soft words can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.After that, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterwards, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to clarify the speaker’s position. Then the two people should change roles.Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing. An argument doesn’t mean trying to figure out the fault of the other person but means understanding what the real issue is. As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller.第 II 卷 (共40分)I. Translation(3+3+4+5)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.71.让观众失望的是这位著名音乐家表现得如此粗鲁。





若=“abcdefg”,则 Mid(,4,3)取得的值是“def”。




(1分)(2)假设我们通过某一方法得到一个三位数各位数字之和为S,如何判断S 是9的倍数?写出VB语言的关系表达式(2分)(3)用VB语言完成本题。



(3分)金山中学20学年度第二学期高一年级信息学科期中考试答案第一部分基础知识部分一、选择题(每题2分)12345678910DDBCACCADC111213141516171920CBBBCBBABD二、计算题21.(205)10 = 2 (过程略)22.(1001)2 = (59)16 (过程略)23. 8600500 / 8 = 300000 字节24. 4410026016 / 8 =字节第二部分算法和程序设计2526272830ADBCBD31. 5 3 32. firstbreak33. 3 34. 40 1535. 11 36. 1437. = (-b + sqr(b^2 – 4ac)) / (2a)38. s = int(s100 + 0.5) / 10039.第 5 句存在错误,应该改为 do while k0.01 Mg=mg/2 Day=day + 1 Loop43.1) double / single / 浮点数mg = 1Day = 0Do while mg>0.01Mg=mg/2Day=day + 1LoopPrint daysum = 0for i= to 999 step 2gw = i mod 10sw = i \ 10 mod 10bw = i \ 100 mod 10s = gw + sw + bwif s mod 9 = 0 then sum = sum + iend ifprint sum。




”他是()A.比尔·盖茨 B.冯·诺依曼 C.阿兰·图灵 D. 克劳德·香农2.(110)10 + (110)2的运算结果是()。

A.(1100100)2 B.(110110)2 C.(E9)16 D.(74)163.对于用五笔输入法输入的汉字“算”,和用拼音输入法输入的汉字“算”来说,以下说法正确的是()。

A.它们的输入码相同,机内码不同B.它们的输入码不同,机内码相同C.它们的输入码和机内码都相同D.它们的输入码和机内码都不同4.存放一个24点阵汉字字形码,需要的字节数是()A.596 B. 3 C.72 D.1925.图像数字化与声音数字化都需要通过“采样”和“量化”两个步骤。





图片A 图片BA.图片A较大,因为图中海豚的个头比图片B大B.图片B较大,因为图中的海豚个数比图片A多C.图片B较大,因为图中的颜色变化比图片A多D.图片A与图片B一样大,因为分辨率及每种颜色量化的二进制位数相同7.小张正在调试自己的VB程序,在单击“运行”按钮后,运算结果成功地显示在屏幕上,则屏幕上显示的运算结果其数据来源是()。





2.用流程图表达条件..“c=0”,要用到以下哪个框?()A.. D.3.如果a=true,b=false,c=true,d=false,以下逻辑表达式的值为false的个数是( )① a and b ② a or b ③ a and c or not d ④ not (a and c) or dA. 1个B.2个C.3个D.4个4.以下合法的变量名是()A.A-B B.for C. a_1 D.4S5.表达式Abs(-16)+15 Mod 13\5的值是()A.17 B.5 C. 16 D.16.46.下列用流程图描述的算法中,正确的是()A.图1 B. 图2 C. 图3 D. 图47.“如果变量a,b的值中任意一个为0,那么y=y+1”,能实现该功能的VB语句是( )A. If a=0 And b=0 Then y=y+1B. If a*b=0 Then y=y+1C. If a=0,b=0 Then y=y+1D. If a-b=a Then y=y+18.下列语句中的等于“=”作用与其他选项不同..的是()A.if a =0 then B. do while x=0C. for x=0 to 5D. if n mod 3=0 then9.在如下VisualBasic程序段中,要使循环体t=t*j执行5次,循环变量的终值可以是( )For j=1 To __________ Step 2t=t*jNext jA.-5B.0C.5D.1010.下图是当循环、直到循环两种循环结构,请结合下图选择下列说法中正确的是 ( )A.当循环是当条件成立退出循环B.当循环不可能出现不执行循环步骤的情况C.直到循环是条件成立时执行循环步骤D.直到循环至少执行一次循环步骤11.设计一个含有循环结构的算法,若要确保循环的次数为10次,下列设计中不能达到....该目的的流程图个数为()A. 1B.2C. 3D. 412.为了求数列12+32+52+72+……+992的和,以下说法错误..的是()。





2017-2018学年度第二学期期中考试高一信息技术一、单项选择题,请依照题意选择适合的最正确选项(共50题,每题1分,计50分)1. 以下表示简单邮件传输协议的是()A.SMTP B.IMAP C.HTTP D.POP32. 因特网能为咱们提供多种效劳,以下不属于其中的效劳是()A.ISP B.TELNET C.E-MAIL D.FTP3. 驾驶培训学校采纳运算机模拟让学员进行驾驶训练,这要紧采纳的是运算机的()。

A.语音识别技术 B.密码识别技术C.虚拟现实技术D.分布处理技术4. 在处置神舟号宇宙飞船升空及飞行这一问题时,网络中的所有运算机都协作完成一部份的数据处置任务,表现了网络的()功能。


5.以下关于电子邮件的表达,错误的选项是( )A.电子邮件的内容是平安可信的B.电子邮件一次能够发送给多人C.电子邮件发送时,接收方若是不在线,邮件一样能够发送D.电子邮件能够添加图像、文档等作为附件6.某养老院为老人们佩带了具有监控其脉搏、血压转变的胸牌,以便监控中心实时把握老人们可能发生的意外情形,这种“可穿着”胸牌与监控中心最合理的连接方式是()A. Wi-FiB. 红外线C. 蓝牙D. 有线7.此刻电话的功能愈来愈壮大,能够上网、观看实时的电视节目和通过GPS实现导航,电话的这些功能表现了()A. 云计算技术B. 虚拟现实技术C. 无线网络技术D. 智能信息技术8.通过无线路由器创建的Wi-Fi网络,要紧利用的传输介质是()A. 红外线B. 激光C. 光波D. 微波9.以下关于防火墙的表达错误的选项是()A.防火墙能够分为硬件防火墙和软件防火墙两大类B.软件防火墙的价钱相对廉价,因此个人用户较多项选择择这种防火墙C.防火墙能够确保网络的平安D.防火墙能够提高网络的平安性10.在因特网上进行信息搜索时,常经常使用来缩小搜索范围的操作是()。

A.改变关键词 B.改换其他搜索引擎C.利用逻辑操纵符号OR D.使用逻辑控制符号AND11.在搜狐搜索引擎中,先单击“科学技术”,后选择“科学普及”类别,再单击“中国公众科技网”,这种搜索方式属于()A.全文搜索 B.元搜索C.目录搜索D.专业垂直搜索12.以下域名中,最有可能表示教育机构的是()。

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”他是()A.比尔·盖茨 B.冯·诺依曼 C.阿兰·图灵 D.克劳德·香农2.(110)10 + (110)2的运算结果是()。

A.(1100100)2 B.(110110)2 C.(E9)16 D.(74)163.对于用五笔输入法输入的汉字“算”,和用拼音输入法输入的汉字“算”来说,以下说法正确的是()。

A.它们的输入码相同,机内码不同B.它们的输入码不同,机内码相同C.它们的输入码和机内码都相同D.它们的输入码和机内码都不同4.存放一个24点阵汉字字形码,需要的字节数是()A.596 B. 3 C.72 D.1925.图像数字化与声音数字化都需要通过“采样”和“量化”两个步骤。





图片A 图片BA.图片A较大,因为图中海豚的个头比图片B大B.图片B较大,因为图中的海豚个数比图片A多C.图片B较大,因为图中的颜色变化比图片A多D.图片A与图片B一样大,因为分辨率及每种颜色量化的二进制位数相同7.小张正在调试自己的VB程序,在单击“运行”按钮后,运算结果成功地显示在屏幕上,则屏幕上显示的运算结果其数据来源是()。

A.控制器 B.运算器 C.内存储器 D.显示器8.华为推出了一款新手机,该手机标配存储容量64GB。

请问1GB容量可以存放()英文字母?A.1024 * 1024 * 1024 B. 1024 * 1024C.1024 * 1024 * 1024/8 D. 1024 * 1024 *1024 * 89.以下软件中,属于系统软件的是()。

A.金山毒霸B.PowerPointC.Windows Media Player D.Linux10.某人的不幸遭遇通过微博的传播引起了广泛的关注,接着,有微博提议对该人进行捐助,并提供了收款的账号。



A. 若事情本身是真的,捐款也是真的B. 不论如何,全当假的看待C. 即使事情本身是真的,捐款也有可能是假的D. 原来相信事情本身是真的,但听说要捐款后,认为两者都是假的11.组成计算机网络的三要素是计算机设备、通信线路和连接设备、网络协议。




由此实现数据的可靠传输的协议是()A.IP B.TCP C.UDP D.DNS14.学校机房的通常上网方式是()。

A.整个局域网通过无线接入因特网B.整个局域网通过路由器接入因特网C.每个电脑通过各自的ADSL线路接入因特网D.每个电脑通过各自的有线通线路接入因特网15.某公司网络中一台电脑的IP地址为11000000 10101000 00000000 00000010,理论上该公司的这个网络中可以包含主机数量最多是()。

A.192个 B.255个 C.254个 D.255个16.小王同学参加社会实践活动后,将活动的照片存储到了自己的网盘中供同学们下载。


A.数据通信 B.资源共享 C.分布式处理 D.信息安全17.小王家的电信宽带提供的下行速度是100Mbps,上行速度是10Mbps,他有10MB的照片要传到网盘中,理论上他最少需要的时间()。

A.1秒 B.8秒 C.10秒 D.80秒18.小王收到了一条95555的短信,说其招商银行的积分即将过期,具体请登录http://1c1ImOHa进行兑换,小王确认95555是招商银行的客服电话,对于这条信息,小王正确的做法是()。



八卦,由阳爻(yáo)“—”和阴爻“- -”两个元素构成,共有:“乾☰”、“兑☱”、“离☲”、“震☳”、“巽(x ùn)☴”、“坎☵”、“艮(gèn)☶”、“坤☷”这八个卦象。


A.001 B.110 C.100 D.01120.2017年5月27日,继前两战失利之后,2017年人机大战三番棋第三局结束,柯洁执白209手中盘负于AlphaGo。


Alpha Go利用基于人工神经网络的深度学习算法,判断出在当前规则内对自己最有利的步骤,从而将计算量控制在计算机可以完成的范围内。

科学家将围棋专家们的比赛记录输入给Alpha Go,并让其自己进行学习训练,某种程度上讲,Alpha Go的围棋本领是自学成才。


A.Alpha Go这类神经网络学习算法只能下围棋B.制作Alpha Go人工智能程序的研究人员下围棋水平必须很高C.Alpha Go采用的是穷举所有人机对战步骤并挑选合适的步骤下子D.人工智能不受疲劳、情绪等因素影响,在某些领域应用比人类更有优势二、计算题,在答题纸上写出计算过程,直接书写答案不得分。

(2+2+3+3分)21.(205)10=( )222.(1011001)2=( )1623.现有1个256色GIF位图文件,宽600像素,高500像素,求未压缩数据量(字节)。


第二部分算法和程序设计常用函数:1. 求算术平方根 sqr() 2. 求绝对值 abs() 3. 向下取整 int()除注明分值各题,其余每题2分,共50分。

25.当X分别为0,6时,表达式X<5 or X>=6 and not (X>=6)的值分别为()。

A.true,false B.true,trueC.false,true D.false,false26.下列描述算法的流程图符号中,如果要对“b=a+c”这一条件进行判断,应使用的流程图符号是()。

ABCD27. 现有数组d 如下:若按降序排列,采用选择排序算法选出最大值进行比较和交换,那么在第4轮的数据处理过程后,d(8)的值是()。

A .21B .6C .5D .1228. 在以下数组a 中,采用对分查找思想查找数据"all",则以下说法正确的是( )。

A .只需查找1次就能找到数据"all"B .第2次查找的范围是a(1)——a(4)C .查找过程中依次被访问到的数据是"due"、"bro"、"all"D .该数组中存放的都是字符型数据,无法使用对分查找29. 数组d 中的数据存放情况如下表,以下流程图的功能是()。







单次购物总价p(单位:元)小于100时享受98折优惠,100 ≤ p < 500时享受95折优惠,500≤p时享受9折优惠。



程序空白处应填写的语句是:_________________________________42.一个三位正整数,它是一个奇数,它的百位数、十位数、个位数之和为9的倍数,例如 225。



(1分)(2)假设我们通过某一方法得到一个三位数X各位数字之和为S,如何判断S是9 的倍数?写出VB语言的关系表达式(2分)(3)用VB语言完成本题。



(3分)金山中学2017学年度第二学期高一年级信息学科期中考试答案第一部分基础知识部分一、选择题(每题2分)二、计算题21.(205)10 = (11001101)2 (过程略)22.(1011001)2 = (59)16(过程略)23. 8 * 600 * 500 / 8 = 300000 字节 24. 44100 * 2 * 60 * 16 / 8 = 10584000 字节第二部分算法和程序设计31. 5 332. firstbreak 33. 3 34. 40 15 35. 1136. 1437. X = (-b + sqr(b^2 – 4*a*c)) / (2*a) 38. s = int(s*100 + 0.5) / 10039. 第 5 句存在错误,应该改为 do while k<=100 . 40. 1) p < 100 2) p < 500 41. (For i = ) 1 to c 42. 1) 枚举2) s mod 9 = 0sum = 0for i=101 to 999 step 2 gw = i mod 10 sw = i \ 10 mod 10bw = i \ 100 mod 10 s = gw + sw + bwif s mod 9 = 0 then sum = sum + iend ifnextprint sum。
