getting started with stata for windows
TitleDescriptionThis entry describes the organization of the reference manuals.RemarksThe complete list of reference manuals is as follows:[R]Stata Base Reference ManualVolume1,A–HVolume2,I–PVolume3,Q–Z[D]Stata Data-Management Reference Manual[G]Stata Graphics Reference Manual[XT]Stata Longitudinal-Data/Panel-Data Reference Manual[MI]Stata Multiple-Imputation Reference Manual[MV]Stata Multivariate Statistics Reference Manual[P]Stata Programming Reference Manual[SVY]Stata Survey Data Reference Manual[ST]Stata Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables Reference Manual[TS]Stata Time-Series Reference Manual[I]Stata Quick Reference and Index[M]Mata Reference ManualWhen we refer to“reference manuals”,we mean all manuals listed above.When we refer to the reference manuals,we mean all manuals listed above except the Mata Reference Manual.When we refer to the Base Reference Manual,we mean just the three-volume Base Reference Manual,known as[R].When we refer to the specialty manuals,we mean all the manuals listed above except[R]and[I], the Quick Reference and Index.Detailed information about each of these manuals can be found online at/manuals/12intro—Introduction to base reference manualintro—Introduction to base reference manual3mmarize varlist if in weight ,optionsoptions descriptionetail display additional statisticsmeanormat use variable’s display formatsepvarlist may contain factor variables;see[U]11.4.3Factor variables.varlist may contain time-series operators;see[U]11.4.4Time-series is allowed;see[D]by.aweight s,fweight s,and iweight s are allowed.However,iweight s may not be used with the detailoption;see[U]11.1.6weight.Items in the typewriter-style font should be typed exactly as they appear in the diagram, although they may be abbreviated.Underliningmmarize may be abbreviated su,sum,summ,etc.,or it may be spelled out completely.Items in the typewriter font that are not underlined may not be abbreviated.Square brackets denote optional items.In the syntax diagram above,varlist,if,in,weight,and the options are optional.The options are listed in a table immediately following the diagram,along with a brief description of each.Items typed in italics represent arguments for which you are to substitute variable names,observation numbers,and the like.The diagrams use the following symbols:#Indicates a literal number,e.g.,5;see[U]12.2Numbers.Anything enclosed in brackets is optional.At least one of the items enclosed in braces must appear.|The vertical bar separates alternatives.%fmt Any Stata format,e.g.,%8.2f;see[U]12.5Formats:Controlling how data are displayed. depvar The dependent variable in an estimation command;see[U]20Estimation and postesti-mation commands.exp Any algebraic expression,e.g.,(5+myvar)/2;see[U]13Functions and expressions.filename Anyfilename;see[U]11.6File-naming conventions.indepvars The independent variables in an estimation command;see[U]20Estimation and postestimation commands.newvar A variable that will be created by the current command;see[U]11.4.2Lists of new variables.4intro—Introduction to base reference manual£...£SE/Robust£...£Maximizationintro—Introduction to base reference manual5。
1.1 Stata的基本功能Stata具有数据管理、统计分析、图形绘制和模型拟合等功能。
1.2 Stata的特点Stata具有高度的统一性和完整性,适合处理小样本和大样本数据。
1.3 Stata的安装Stata支持Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统。
用户可以从Stata 官方网站购买软件并进行在线安装,或者通过光盘进行离线安装。
2.1 数据导入Stata支持导入多种数据格式,如CSV、Excel和SPSS等。
2.2 数据清洗数据清洗是数据处理的重要环节,目的是提高数据的质量和可用性。
3.1 数据转换数据转换是将数据从一种形式转换为另一种形式的过程。
Stata 提供了多种数据转换命令,如变量生成、变量重编码和重塑数据等。
Stata 使用手册说明书
1Read this—it will helpContents1.1Getting Started with Stata1.2The User’s Guide and the Reference manuals1.2.1PDF manuals1.2.1.1Video example1.2.2Example datasets1.2.2.1Video example1.2.3Cross-referencing1.2.4The index1.2.5The subject table of contents1.2.6Typography1.2.7Vignette1.3What’s new1.4References12[U]1Read this—it will helpThe Stata Documentation consists of the following manuals:[GSM]Getting Started with Stata for Mac[GSU]Getting Started with Stata for Unix[GSW]Getting Started with Stata for Windows[U]Stata User’s Guide[R]Stata Base Reference Manual[ADAPT]Stata Adaptive Designs:Group Sequential Trials Reference Manual[BAYES]Stata Bayesian Analysis Reference Manual[BMA]Stata Bayesian Model Averaging Reference Manual[CAUSAL]Stata Causal Inference and Treatment-Effects Estimation Reference Manual[CM]Stata Choice Models Reference Manual[D]Stata Data Management Reference Manual[DSGE]Stata Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models Reference Manual[ERM]Stata Extended Regression Models Reference Manual[FMM]Stata Finite Mixture Models Reference Manual[FN]Stata Functions Reference Manual[G]Stata Graphics Reference Manual[IRT]Stata Item Response Theory Reference Manual[LASSO]Stata Lasso Reference Manual[XT]Stata Longitudinal-Data/Panel-Data Reference Manual[META]Stata Meta-Analysis Reference Manual[ME]Stata Multilevel Mixed-Effects Reference Manual[MI]Stata Multiple-Imputation Reference Manual[MV]Stata Multivariate Statistics Reference Manual[PSS]Stata Power,Precision,and Sample-Size Reference Manual[P]Stata Programming Reference Manual[RPT]Stata Reporting Reference Manual[SP]Stata Spatial Autoregressive Models Reference Manual[SEM]Stata Structural Equation Modeling Reference Manual[SVY]Stata Survey Data Reference Manual[ST]Stata Survival Analysis Reference Manual[TABLES]Stata Customizable Tables and Collected Results Reference Manual[TS]Stata Time-Series Reference Manual[I]Stata Index[M]Mata Reference ManualIn addition,installation instructions may be found in the Installation Guide.[U]1Read this—it will help3 1.1Getting Started with StataThere are three Getting Started manuals:[GSM]Getting Started with Stata for Mac[GSU]Getting Started with Stata for Unix[GSW]Getting Started with Stata for Windows1.Learn how to use Stata—read the Getting Started(GSM,GSU,or GSW)manual.2.Now turn to the other manuals;see[U]1.2The User’s Guide and the Reference manuals.1.2The User’s Guide and the Reference manualsThe User’s Guide is divided into three sections:Stata basics,Elements of Stata,and Advice.The table of contents lists the chapters within each of these sections.Click on the chapter titles to see the detailed contents of each chapter.The Guide is full of a lot of useful information about Stata;we recommend that you read it.If you only have time,however,to read one or two chapters,then read[U]11Language syntax and [U]12Data.The other manuals are the Reference manuals.The Stata Reference manuals are each arranged like an encyclopedia—alphabetically.Look at the Base Reference Manual.Look under the name ofa command.If you do notfind the command,look in the subject index in[I]Stata Index.A fewcommands are so closely related that they are documented together,such as ranksum and median, which are both documented in[R]ranksum.Not all the entries in the Base Reference Manual are Stata commands;some contain technical information,such as[R]Maximize,which details Stata’s iterative maximization process,or[R]Error messages,which provides information on error messages and return codes.Like an encyclopedia,the Reference manuals are not designed to be read from cover to cover.When you want to know what a command does,complete with all the details,qualifications,and pitfalls,or when a command produces an unexpected result,read its description.Each entry is written at the level of the command.The descriptions assume that you have little knowledge of Stata’s features when they are explaining simple commands,such as those for using and saving data.For more complicated commands,they assume that you have afirm grasp of Stata’s other features.If a Stata command is not in the Base Reference Manual,you canfind it in one of the other Reference manuals.The titles of the manuals indicate the types of commands that they contain.The Programming Reference Manual,however,contains commands not only for programming Stata but also for manipulating matrices(not to be confused with the matrix programming language described in the Mata Reference Manual).1.2.1PDF manualsEvery copy of Stata comes with Stata’s complete PDF documentation.The PDF documentation may be accessed from within Stata by selecting Help>PDF documentation.Even more convenient,every helpfile in Stata links to the equivalent manual entry.If you are reading help regress,simply click on(View complete PDF manual entry)below the title of the helpfile to go directly to the[R]regress manual entry.We provide some tips for viewing Stata’s PDF documentation at https:///support/ faqs/resources/pdf-documentation-tips/.4[U]1Read this—it will help1.2.1.1Video examplePDF documentation in Stata1.2.2Example datasetsVarious examples in this manual use what is referred to as the automobile dataset,auto.dta.We have created a dataset on the prices,mileages,weights,and other characteristics of74automobiles and have saved it in afile called auto.dta.(These data originally came from the April1979issue of Consumer Reports and from the United States Government EPA statistics on fuel consumption;they were compiled and published by Chambers et al.[1983].)In our examples,you will often see us type.use https:///data/r18/autoWe include the auto.dtafile with Stata.If you want to use it from your own computer rather than via the Internet,you can type.sysuse autoSee[D]sysuse.You can also access auto.dta by selecting File>Example datasets...,clicking on Example datasets installed with Stata,and clicking on use beside the auto.dtafilename.There are many other example datasets that ship with Stata or are available over the web.Here isa partial list of the example datasets included with Stata:auto.dta1978automobile databplong.dta Fictional blood-pressure data,long formbpwide.dta Fictional blood-pressure data,wide formcancer.dta Patient survival in drug trialcensus.dta1980Census data by statecitytemp.dta temperature dataeduc99gdp.dta Education and gross domestic productgnp96.dta U.S.gross national product,1967–2002lifeexp.dta1998life expectancynetwork1.dta Fictional network diagram datanlsw88.dta1988U.S.National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women(NLSW),extractpop2000.dta2000U.S.Census population,extractsandstone.dta Subsea elevation of Lamont sandstone in an area of Ohiosp500.dta S&P500historic datasurface.dta NOAA sea surface temperaturetsline1.dta Simulated time-series datauslifeexp.dta expectancy,1900–1999voter.dta1992U.S.presidential voter dataAll of these datasets may be used or described from the Example listing.Even more example datasets,including most of the datasets used in the reference manuals,are available at the Stata Press website(https:///data/).You can download the datasets with your browser,or you can use them directly from the Stata command line:.use https:///data/r18/nlswork[U]1Read this—it will help5An alternative to the use command for these example datasets is webuse.For example,typing .webuse nlsworkis equivalent to the above use command.For more information,see[D]webuse. exampleExample datasets included with Stata1.2.3Cross-referencingThe Getting Started manual,the User’s Guide,and the Reference manuals cross-reference each other.[R]regress[D]reshape[XT]xtregThefirst is a reference to the regress entry in the Base Reference Manual,the second is a reference to the reshape entry in the Data Management Reference Manual,and the third is a reference to the xtreg entry in the Longitudinal-Data/Panel-Data Reference Manual.[GSW]B Advanced Stata usage[GSM]B Advanced Stata usage[GSU]B Advanced Stata usageare instructions to see the appropriate section of the Getting Started with Stata for Windows,Getting Started with Stata for Mac,or Getting Started with Stata for Unix manual.1.2.4The indexThe Stata Index contains a combined index for all the manuals.Tofind information and commands quickly,you can use Stata’s search command;see[R]search.At the Stata command prompt,type search geometric searches Stata’s keyword database and the Internet tofind more commands and extensions for Stata written by Stata users.1.2.5The subject table of contentsA subject table of contents for the User’s Guide and all the Reference manuals is located in theStata Index.This subject table of contents may also be accessed by clicking on Contents in the PDF bookmarks.1.2.6TypographyWe mix the ordinary typeface that you are reading now with a typewriter-style typeface that looks like this.When something is printed in the typewriter-style typeface,it means that something is a command or an option—it is something that Stata understands and something that you might actually type into your computer.Differences in typeface are important.If a sentence reads,“You could list the result...”,it is just an English sentence—you could list the result,but the sentence provides no clue as to how you might actually do that.On the other hand,if the sentence reads,“You could list the result...”,it is telling you much more—you could list the result,and you could do that by using the list command.6[U]1Read this—it will helpWe will occasionally lapse into periods of inordinate cuteness and write,“We describe d the data and then list ed the data.”You get the idea.describe and list are Stata commands.We purposely began the previous sentence with a lowercase letter.Because describe is a Stata command,it must be typed in lowercase letters.The ordinary rules of capitalization are temporarily suspended in favor of preciseness.We also mix in words printed in italic type,such as“To perform the rank-sum test,type ranksum varname,by(groupvar)”.Italicized words are not supposed to be typed;instead,you are to substitute another word for them.We would also like users to note our rule for punctuation of quotes.We follow a rule that is often used in mathematics books and British literature.The punctuation mark at the end of the quote is included in the quote only if it is a part of the quote.For instance,the pleased Stata user said she thought that Stata was a“very powerful program”.Another user simply said,“I love Stata.”In this manual,however,there is little dialogue,and we follow this rule to precisely clarify what you are to type,as in,type“cd c:”.The period is outside the quotation mark because you should not type the period.If we had wanted you to type the period,we would have included two periods at the end of the sentence:one inside the quotation and one outside,as in,type“the orthogonal polynomial operator,p.”.We have tried not to violate the other rules of English.If youfind such violations,they were unintentional and resulted from our own ignorance or carelessness.We would appreciate hearing about them.We have heard from Nicholas J.Cox of the Department of Geography at Durham University,UK, and express our appreciation.His efforts have gone far beyond dropping us a note,and there is no way with words that we can fully express our gratitude.1.2.7VignetteIf you look,for example,at the entry[R]brier,you will see a brief biographical vignette of Glenn Wilson Brier(1913–1998),who did pioneering work on the measures described in that entry.A few such vignettes were added without fanfare in the Stata8manuals,just for interest,and many more were added in Stata9,and even more have been added in each subsequent release.A vignette could often appropriately go in several entries.For example,George E.P.Box deserves to be mentioned in entries other than[TS]arima,such as[R]boxcox.However,to save space,each vignette is given once only,and an index of all vignettes is given in the Stata Index.Most of the vignettes were written by Nicholas J.Cox,Durham University,and were compiled using a wide range of reference books,articles in the literature,Internet sources,and information from individuals.Especially useful were the dictionaries of Upton and Cook(2014)and Everitt and Skrondal(2010)and the compilations of statistical biographies edited by Heyde and Seneta(2001) and Johnson and Kotz(1997).Of these,only thefirst provides information on people living at the time of publication.1.3What’s newThere are a lot of new features in Stata18.For a thorough overview of the most important new features,visithttps:///new-in-stata/[U]1Read this—it will help7 For a brief overview of all the new features that were added with the release of Stata18,in Stata whatsnew17to18Stata is continually being updated.For a list of new features that have been added since the release of Stata18,in Stata whatsnew181.4ReferencesChambers,J.M.,W.S.Cleveland,B.Kleiner,and P.A.Tukey.1983.Graphical Methods for Data Analysis.Belmont, CA:Wadsworth.Everitt, B.S.,and A.Skrondal.2010.The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics.4th ed.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.Gould,W.W.2014.Putting the Stata Manuals on your iPad.The Stata Blog:Not Elsewhere Classified./2014/10/28/putting-the-stata-manuals-on-your-ipad/.Heyde,C.C.,and E.Seneta,ed.2001.Statisticians of the Centuries.New York:Springer.Johnson,N.L.,and S.Kotz,ed.1997.Leading Personalities in Statistical Sciences:From the Seventeenth Century to the Present.New York:Wiley.Pinzon,E.,ed.2015.Thirty Years with Stata:A Retrospective.College Station,TX:Stata Press.Upton,G.J.G.,and I.T.Cook.2014.A Dictionary of Statistics.3rd ed.Oxford:Oxford University Press.Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。
第2讲 新手入门指南
[GSW] Getting Started with Stata for Windows 新手入门指南(第二讲)Stata是一个博大精深的(rich and deep)统计软件包,正如统计学本身的博大精深。
新用户的最佳学习途径是练习手册上的每一个例子,在这方面花费时间多多练习会对今后从事真正的统计分析大有裨益(great benefit)。
Stata全部的官方指导手册都有一个符号标识:[GSM] Getting Started with Stata for Mac[GSU] Getting Started with Stata for Unix[GSW] Getting Started with Stata for Windows[U] Stata User’s Guide[R] Stata Base Reference Manual[D] Stata Data Management Reference Manual[G] Stata Graphics Reference Manual[XT] Stata Longitudinal-Data/Panel-Data Reference Manual[ME] Stata Multilevel Mixed-Effects Reference Manual[MI] Stata Multiple-Imputation Reference Manual[MV] Stata Multivariate Statistics Reference Manual[PSS] Stata Power and Sample-Size Reference Manual[P] Stata Programming Reference Manual[SEM] Stata Structural Equation Modeling Reference Manual[SVY] Stata Survey Data Reference Manual[ST] Stata Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables Reference Manual[TS] Stata Time-Series Reference Manual[TE] Stata Treatment-Effects Reference Manual:Potential Outcomes/Counterfactual Outcomes[ I ] Stata Glossary and Index[M] Mata Reference Manual1.Stata入门示例第二讲将介绍几个Stata可以完成的基本任务,如打开一个数据集,调查数据集的内容,使用一些描述性统计,制作一些图表,并做一个简单的回归分析。
xiSubject Table of ContentsThis is the complete contents for all of the Reference manuals.Getting Started[GS]Getting Started manual..................Getting Started with Stata for Macintosh [GS]Getting Started manual......................Getting Started with Stata for Unix [GS]Getting Started manual...................Getting Started with Stata for Windows [U]User’s Guide,Chapter2...................Resources for learning and using Stata [R]help...................................................Obtain online help Data manipulation and managementBasic data commands[R]describe........................Describe contents of data in memory or on disk [R]display.......................................Substitute for a hand calculator [R]drop......................................Eliminate variables or observations [R]edit......................................Edit and list data using Data Editor [R]egen................................................Extensions to generate [R]generate.................................Create or change contents of variable [R]list................................................List values of variables [R]memory.........................................Memory size considerations [R]obs............................Increase the number of observations in a dataset [R]sort............................................................Sort data Functions and expressions[U]User’s Guide,Chapter16............................Functions and expressions [R]egen................................................Extensions to generate [R]functions.......................................................Functions Dates[U]User’s Guide,Section15.5.3....................................Date formats [U]User’s Guide,mands for dealing with dates [R]functions.......................................................Functions Inputting and saving data[U]User’s Guide,mands to input data [R]edit......................................Edit and list data using Data Editor [R]infile...............................Quick reference for reading data into Stata [R]insheet.........................Read ASCII(text)data created by a spreadsheet [R]infile(free format)..........................Read unformatted ASCII(text)data [R]infix(fixed format).......................Read ASCII(text)data infixed format [R]infile(fixed format).........Read ASCII(text)data infixed format with a dictionary [R]input.............................................Enter data from keyboard [R]odbc..........................................Load data from ODBC sources [R]outfile............................................Write ASCII-format dataset [R]outsheet......................................Write spreadsheet-style dataset [R]save.................................................Save and use datasetsxii[R]e shipped dataset [R]e dataset from web Combining data[U]User’s Guide,mands for combining data [R]append...................................................Append datasets [R]merge.....................................................Merge datasets [R]joinby............................Form all pairwise combinations within groups Reshaping datasets[R]collapse.................................Make dataset of means,medians,etc.[R]contract........................................Make dataset of frequencies [R]press data in memory [R]cross..........................Form every pairwise combination of two datasets [R]expand..............................................Duplicate observations [R]fillin................................................Rectangularize dataset [R]obs.............................Increase the number of observations in dataset [R]reshape..........................Convert data from wide to long and vice versa [R]separate...........................................Create separate variables [R]stack..........................................................Stack data [R]statsby.........................Collect statistics for a command across a by list [R]xpose..................................Interchange observations and variables Labeling,display formats,and notes[U]User’s Guide,Section15.5............Formats:controlling how data are displayed [U]User’s Guide,Section15.6....................Dataset,variable,and value labels [R]format.......................................Specify variable display format [R]bel manipulation [R]bel utilities [R]notes..................................................Place notes in data Changing and renaming variables[U]User’s Guide,mands for dealing with categorical variables [R]destring...................................Change string variables to numeric [R]encode..............................Encode string into numeric and vice versa [R]generate.................................Create or change contents of variable [R]mvencode.................Change missing to coded missing value and vice versa [R]order...........................................Reorder variables in dataset [R]recode..........................................Recode categorical variable [R]rename...................................................Rename variable [R]split.........................................Split string variables into parts Examining data[R]pare two datasets [R]codebook....................Produce a codebook describing the contents of data [R]pare two variables [R]count.........................Count observations satisfying specified condition [R]duplicates.............................Detect and delete duplicate observations [R]gsort.........................................Ascending and descending sort [R]inspect........................Display simple summary of data’s characteristicsxiii [R]isid.............................................Check for unique identifiers [R]pctile...................................Create variable containing percentiles [ST]stdes............................................Describe survival-time data [R]summarize..............................................Summary statistics [SVY]svytab..............................................Tables for survey data [R]table...........................................Tables of summary statistics [P]tabdisp.....................................................Display tables [R]tabstat....................................Display table of summary statistics [R]tabsum..........................One-and two-way tables of summary statistics [R]tabulate...............................One-and two-way tables of frequencies [XT]xtdes...........................................Describe pattern of xt data Miscellaneous data commands[R]corr2data...................Create a dataset with a specified correlation structure [R]drawnorm............................Draw a sample from a normal distribution [R]icd9...............................ICD-9-CM diagnostic and procedures codes [R]ipolate................................Linearly interpolate(extrapolate)values [R]range..............................Numerical ranges,derivatives,and integrals [R]sample...............................................Draw random sample UtilitiesBasic utilities[U]User’s Guide,Chapter8..................Stata’s online help and search facilities [U]User’s Guide,Chapter18.........................Printing and preserving output [U]User’s Guide,Chapter19...........................................Do-files [R]about...........................Display information about my version of Stata [R]by...............................Repeat Stata command on subsets of the data [R]copyright......................................Display copyright information [R]do...........................................Execute commands from afile [R]doedit.......................................Edit do-files and other textfiles [R]exit............................................................Exit Stata [R]help...................................................Obtain online help [R]level............................................Set default confidence level [R]log....................................Echo copy of session tofile or device [R]obs.............................Increase the number of observations in dataset [R]#review.........................................Review previous commands [R]search...........................................Search Stata documentation [R]translate.............................................Print and translate logs [R]view...................................................Viewfiles and logs Error messages[U]User’s Guide,Chapter11.......................Error messages and return codes [R]error messages................................Error messages and return codes [P]error..................................Display generic error message and exit [P]rmsg.....................................................Return messages Saved results[U]User’s Guide,Section16.6................Accessing results from Stata commands [U]User’s Guide,Section21.8..........Accessing results calculated by other programsxiv[U]User’s Guide,Section21.9....Accessing results calculated by estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Section21.10....................................Saving results [P]creturn...............................................Return c-class values [R]estimates.........................................Manage estimation results [P]return.................................................Return saved results [R]saved results.................................................Saved results Internet[U]User’s Guide,ing the Internet to keep up to date [R]checksum.........................................Calculate checksum offile [R]net.......................Install and manage user-written additions from the net [R]net search.............................Search Internet for installable packages [R]mands to control Internet connections [R]news....................................................Report Stata news [R]sj...............................Stata Journal and STB installation instructions [R]ssc...................................Install and uninstall packages from SSC [R]update......................................................Update Stata Data types and memory[U]User’s Guide,Chapter7............................Setting the size of memory [U]User’s Guide,Section15.2.2............................Numeric storage types [U]User’s Guide,Section15.4.4..............................String storage types [U]User’s Guide,Section16.10......................Precision and problems therein [U]User’s Guide,mands for dealing with strings [R]press data in memory [R]data types....................................Quick reference for data types [R]limits............................................Quick reference for limits [R]matsize.......................Set the maximum number of variables in a model [R]memory.........................................Memory size considerations [R]missing values..............................Quick reference for missing values [R]recast.......................................Change storage type of variable Advanced utilities[R]assert.................................................Verify truth of claim [R]cd.......................................................Change directory [R]checksum.........................................Calculate checksum offile [R]copy............................................Copyfile from disk or URL [R]unch dialog [P]dialogs................................................Dialog programming [R]dir.....................................................Displayfilenames [P]discard...................................Drop automatically loaded programs [R]erase.....................................................Erase a diskfile [P]hexdump..................................Display hexadecimal report onfile [R]mkdir....................................................Create directory [R]more...............................................The—more—message [R]query............................................Display system parameters [P]quietly............................Quietly and noisily perform Stata command [R]set....................................Quick reference for system parameters [R]shell....................................Temporarily invoke operating system [P]smcl......................................Stata markup and control language [P]sysdir................................................Set system directoriesxv [R]type...............................................Display contents offiles [R]which.............................Display location and version for an ado-fileGraphics[G]Graphics manual.............................Stata Graphics Reference Manual[R]boxcox.........................................Box–Cox regression models [TS]corrgram....................................................Correlogram [TS]cumsp......................................Cumulative spectral distribution [R]cumul..............................................Cumulative distribution [R]cusum..............................Cusum plots and tests for binary variables [R]diagnostic plots.................................Distributional diagnostic plots [R]parative scatterplots [R]factor.....................................................Factor analysis [R]grmeanby.....................Graph means and medians by categorical variables [R]histogram....................Histograms for continuous and categorical variables [R]kdensity..................................Univariate kernel density estimation [R]lowess.................................................Lowess smoothing [ST]ltable...........................................Life tables for survival data [R]lv....................................................Letter-value displays [R]mkspline.........................................Linear spline construction [R]pca............................................Principal component analysis [TS]pergram.....................................................Periodogram [R]qc...................................................Quality control charts [R]regression diagnostics..................................Regression diagnostics [R]roc............................Receiver-Operating-Characteristic(ROC)analysis [R]serrbar.......................................Graph standard error bar chart [R]smooth..........................................Robust nonlinear smoother [R]spikeplot........................................Spike plots and rootograms [ST]stphplot.........Graphical assessment of the Cox proportional hazards assumption [ST]streg............Graph estimated survivor,hazard,and cumulative hazard functions [ST]sts graph.............Graph the survivor,hazard,and cumulative hazard functions [R]stem................................................Stem-and-leaf displays [TS]wntestb.......................Bartlett’s periodogram-based test for white noise [TS]xcorr..............................Cross-correlogram for bivariate time series StatisticsBasic statistics[R]egen................................................Extensions to generate [R]anova....................................Analysis of variance and covariance [R]bitest.............................................Binomial probability test [R]ci......................Confidence intervals for means,proportions,and counts [R]correlate.....................Correlations(covariances)of variables or estimators [R]logistic.................................................Logistic regression [R]oneway........................................One-way analysis of variance [R]prtest...............................One-and two-sample tests of proportionsxvi[R]regress..................................................Linear regression [R]predict..................Obtain predictions,residuals,etc.after estimation[R]predictnl...Obtain nonlinear predictions,standard errors,etc.after estimation[R]regression diagnostics............................Regression diagnostics[R]test..............................Test linear hypotheses after estimation[R]testnl.........................Test nonlinear hypotheses after estimation [R]sampsi..................................Sample size and power determination [R]sdtest............................................Variance comparison tests [R]signrank........................................Sign,rank,and median tests [R]statsby.........................Collect statistics for a command across a by list [R]summarize..............................................Summary statistics [R]table...........................................Tables of summary statistics [R]tabstat....................................Display table of summary statistics [R]tabsum..........................One-and two-way tables of summary statistics [R]tabulate...............................One-and two-way tables of frequencies [R]ttest................................................Mean comparison tests ANOV A and related[U]User’s Guide,Chapter29................Overview of Stata estimation commands [R]anova....................................Analysis of variance and covariance [R]rge one-way ANOV A,random effects,and reliability [R]manova........................Multivariate analysis of variance and covariance [R]oneway........................................One-way analysis of variance [R]pkcross.......................................Analyze crossover experiments [R]pkshape..........................Reshape(pharmacokinetic)Latin square data Linear regression and related maximum-likelihood regressions[U]User’s Guide,Chapter29................Overview of Stata estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Chapter23...............Estimation and post-estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Section23.14..................Obtaining robust variance estimates [R]estimation commands..................Quick reference for estimation commands [R]areg.........................Linear regression with a large dummy-variable set [R]cnsreg..........................................Constrained linear regression [R]eivreg..........................................Errors-in-variables regression [R]fracpoly.....................................Fractional polynomial regression [R]frontier...........................................Stochastic frontier models [R]glm..............................................Generalized linear models [R]heckman.........................................Heckman selection model [R]impute.......................................Impute data for missing values [R]ivreg................Instrumental variables and two-stage least squares regression [R]mfp...............................Multivariable fractional polynomial models [R]mvreg...............................................Multivariate regression [R]nbreg..........................................Negative binomial regression [TS]newey............................Regression with Newey–West standard errors [R]nl.................................................Nonlinear least squares [R]orthog........................Orthogonal variables and orthogonal polynomials [R]poisson.................................................Poisson regression [TS]prais..................Prais–Winsten regression and Cochrane–Orcutt regression [R]qreg...................................Quantile(including median)regression [R]reg3................Three-stage estimation for systems of simultaneous equationsxvii [R]regress..................................................Linear regression [R]regression diagnostics..................................Regression diagnostics [R]roc............................Receiver-Operating-Characteristic(ROC)analysis [R]rreg.....................................................Robust regression [ST]stcox....................................Fit Cox proportional hazards model [ST]streg.........................................Fit parametric survival models [R]sureg................................Zellner’s seemingly unrelated regression [SVY]svy estimators....................Estimation commands for complex survey data [R]sw..................................Stepwise maximum-likelihood estimation [R]tobit............................Tobit,censored-normal,and interval regression [R]treatreg.............................................Treatment effects model [R]truncreg...............................................Truncated regression [R]vwls........................................Variance-weighted least squares [XT]xtabond....................Arellano–Bond linear,dynamic panel-data estimator [XT]xtfrontier.............................Stochastic frontier models for panel data [XT]xtgee......................Fit population-averaged panel-data models using GEE [XT]xtgls........................................Fit panel-data models using GLS [XT]xtintreg..........................Random-effects interval data regression models [XT]xthtaylor................Hausman–Taylor estimator for error components models [XT]xtivreg.....Instrumental variables and two-stage least squares for panel-data models [XT]xtnbreg Fixed-effects,random-effects,and population-averaged negative binomial models [XT]xtpcse...........OLS or Prais–Winsten models with panel-corrected standard errors [XT]xtpoisson....Fixed-effects,random-effects,and population-averaged Poisson models [XT]xtrchh.............................Hildreth–Houck random coefficients models [XT]xtreg...Fixed-,between-,and random-effects and population-averaged linear models [XT]xtregar.........Fixed-and random-effects linear models with an AR(1)disturbance [R]zip.........................Zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial models Logistic and probit regression[U]User’s Guide,Chapter29................Overview of Stata estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Chapter23...............Estimation and post-estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Section23.14..................Obtaining robust variance estimates [R]biprobit............................................Bivariate probit models [R]clogit.............................Conditional(fixed-effects)logistic regression [R]cloglog...................Maximum-likelihood complementary log-log estimation [R]constraint.........................................Define and list constraints [R]glogit......................................Logit and probit on grouped data [R]heckprob...................Maximum-likelihood probit estimation with selection [R]hetprob....................Maximum-likelihood heteroskedastic probit estimation [R]logistic.................................................Logistic regression [R]logit....................................Maximum-likelihood logit estimation [R]mlogit..........Maximum-likelihood multinomial(polytomous)logistic regression [R]nlogit.............................Maximum-likelihood nested logit estimation [R]ologit............................Maximum-likelihood ordered logit estimation [R]oprobit..........................Maximum-likelihood ordered probit estimation [R]probit..................................Maximum-likelihood probit estimation [R]rologit......................................Rank-ordered logistic regression [R]scobit............................Maximum-likelihood skewed logit estimation [SVY]svy estimators....................Estimation commands for complex survey data [R]sw..................................Stepwise maximum-likelihood estimation [XT]xtcloglog................Random-effects and population-averaged cloglog modelsxviii[XT]xtgee......................Fit population-averaged panel-data models using GEE [XT]xtlogit.........Fixed-effects,random-effects,and population-averaged logit models [XT]xtprobit..................Random-effects and population-averaged probit models Pharmacokinetic statistics[U]User’s Guide,Section29.18..............................Pharmacokinetic data [R]pk..................................Pharmacokinetic(biopharmaceutical)data [R]pkcollapse.......................Generate pharmacokinetic measurement dataset [R]pkcross.......................................Analyze crossover experiments [R]pkexamine................................Calculate pharmacokinetic measures [R]pkequiv........................................Perform bioequivalence tests [R]pkshape..........................Reshape(pharmacokinetic)Latin square data [R]pksumm....................................Summarize pharmacokinetic data Survival analysis[U]User’s Guide,Chapter29................Overview of Stata estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Chapter23...............Estimation and post-estimation commands [U]User’s Guide,Section23.14..................Obtaining robust variance estimates [ST]ct.......................................................Count-time data [ST]ctset......................................Declare data to be count-time data [ST]cttost............................Convert count-time data to survival-time data [ST]ltable...........................................Life tables for survival data [ST]snapspan.............................Convert snapshot data to time-span data [ST]st......................................................Survival-time data [ST]st is............................Survival analysis subroutines for programmers [ST]stbase................................................Form baseline dataset [ST]stci...............Confidence intervals for means and percentiles of survival time [ST]stcox....................................Fit Cox proportional hazards model [ST]stdes............................................Describe survival-time data [ST]stfill...........................Fill in by carrying forward values of covariates [ST]stgen.............................Generate variables reflecting entire histories [ST]stir........................................Report incidence-rate comparison [ST]stphplot.........Graphical assessment of the Cox proportional hazards assumption [ST]stptime.........................Calculate person-time,incidence rates,and SMR [ST]strate....................................Tabulate failure rates and rate ratios [ST]streg.........................................Fit parametric survival models [ST]sts......Generate,graph,list,and test the survivor and cumulative hazard functions [ST]sts generate.........................Create survivor,hazard,and other variables [ST]sts graph.................Graph the survivor and the cumulative hazard functions [ST]sts list....................List the survivor and the cumulative hazard functions [ST]sts test....................................Test equality of survivor functions [ST]stset....................................Declare data to be survival-time data [ST]stsplit.......................................Split and join time-span records [ST]stsum.........................................Summarize survival-time data [ST]sttocc..........................Convert survival-time data to case–control data [ST]sttoct............................Convert survival-time data to count-time data [ST]stvary..................................Report which variables vary over time [R]sw..................................Stepwise maximum-likelihood estimationxixTime series[U]User’s Guide,Section14.4.3...............................Time-series varlists [U]User’s Guide,Section15.5.4..............................Time-series formats [U]User’s Guide,Section16.8...............................Time-series operators [U]User’s Guide,Section27.3..................................Time-series dates [U]User’s Guide,Section29.12........................Models with time-series data [TS]time series...............................Introduction to time-series commands [TS]arch......Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity(ARCH)family of estimators [TS]arima.........................Autoregressive integrated moving average models [TS]corrgram....................................................Correlogram [TS]cumsp......................................Cumulative spectral distribution [TS]dfgls..........................................Perform DF-GLS unit-root test [TS]dfuller...........................Augmented Dickey–Fuller test for a unit root [TS]newey............................Regression with Newey–West standard errors [TS]pergram.....................................................Periodogram [TS]pperron....................................Phillips–Perron test for unit roots [TS]prais..................Prais–Winsten regression and Cochrane–Orcutt regression [TS]regression diagnostics.....................Regression diagnostics for time series [TS]tsappend...............................Add observations to time-series dataset [TS]tsreport.................Report time-series aspects of dataset or estimation sample [TS]tsrevar............................Time-series operator programming command [TS]tsset....................................Declare dataset to be time-series data [TS]tssmooth.......................Smooth and forecast univariate time-series data [TS]tssmooth dexponential..........................Double exponential smoothing [TS]tssmooth exponential..................................Exponential smoothing [TS]tssmooth hwinters.........................Holt–Winters nonseasonal smoothing [TS]tssmooth ma..........................................Moving-averagefilter [TS]tssmooth nl................................................Nonlinearfilter [TS]tssmooth shwinters...........................Holt–Winters seasonal smoothing [TS]var intro........................An introduction to vector autoregression models [TS]var...........................................Vector autoregression models [TS]var svar...............................Structural vector autoregression models [TS]varbasic..................Fit a simple V AR and graph impulse response functions [TS]varfcast pute dynamic forecasts of dependent variables after var or svar [TS]varfcast graph............Graph forecasts of dependent variables after var or svar [TS]vargranger..............Perform pairwise Granger causality tests after var or svar [TS]varirf.................................An introduction to the varirf commands [TS]varirf add...................Add V ARIRF results from one V ARIRFfile to another [TS]varirf cgraph......Make combined graphs of impulse response functions and FEVD s [TS]varirf create....Obtain impulse response functions and forecast error decompositions [TS]varirf ctable.......Make combined tables of impulse response functions and FEVD s [TS]varirf describe........................................Describe a V ARIRFfile [TS]varirf dir..................................List the V ARIRFfiles in a directory [TS]varirf drop......................Drop V ARIRF results from the active V ARIRFfile [TS]varirf erase.............................................Erase a V ARIRFfile [TS]varirf graph.......................Graph impulse response functions and FEVD s [TS]varirf ograph...............Graph overlaid impulse response functions and FEVD s [TS]varirf rename..........................Rename a V ARIRF result in a V ARIRFfile [TS]varirf set.............................................Set active V ARIRFfile [TS]varirf table................Create tables of impulse response functions and FEVD s [TS]varlmar...........Obtain LM statistics for residual autocorrelation after var or svar。
stata17 中文操作手册
文章标题:深度探究stata17 中文操作手册1. 概述在今天这个信息爆炸的时代,数据分析软件的需求越来越大。
stata17 作为一款专业的数据分析软件,其中文操作手册更是对中文用户友好。
本文将从深度和广度两个方面探讨stata17 中文操作手册,旨在帮助读者更全面、深入地了解该软件。
2. 简介让我们来简要介绍一下stata17 中文操作手册。
stata17 是一款专业的统计学软件,其中文操作手册为中文用户提供了方便快捷的使用帮助。
无论是初学者还是专业用户,都可以通过阅读中文操作手册,快速掌握stata17 的使用方法和技巧。
3. 深度探讨3.1 逐步介绍stata17 的基本操作步骤,如数据导入、数据整理、数据分析等。
在stata17 中文操作手册中,不仅提供了stata17 的基本操作步骤,还对每个步骤进行了详细的解释和示例。
这有助于用户从简单的数据导入开始,逐步掌握stata17 的各种高级功能。
3.2 深入分析stata17 的高级功能,如面板数据分析、生存分析、结构方程模型等。
stata17 中文操作手册还介绍了stata17 的高级功能,如面板数据分析、生存分析、结构方程模型等。
这些高级功能的详细介绍和示例,为用户提供了丰富的学习资源,帮助他们更深入地了解stata17 的强大功能。
4. 广度覆盖4.1 涵盖的领域广泛,包括经济学、社会学、医学等各个领域。
除了深入介绍stata17 的操作方法和高级功能外,stata17 中文操作手册还涵盖了各个领域对数据分析的需求。
无论是经济学、社会学还是医学等领域的数据分析方法,都可以在stata17 中文操作手册中找到相关内容。
4.2 提供丰富的实例和案例,帮助用户更好地理解和运用stata17。
stata17 中文操作手册提供了丰富的实例和案例,这些实例和案例不仅有助于用户更好地理解stata17 的操作方法,还可以帮助他们将stata17 应用到实际的数据分析中去。
18Learning more about StataWhere to go from hereYou now know plenty enough to use Stata.There is still much,much more to learn because Stata is a rich environment for doing statistical analysis and data management.What should you do to learn more?•Get an interesting dataset and play with Stata.e the menus and dialog system to experiment with commands.Notice what commandsshow up in the Results window.You willfind that Stata’s simple and consistent commandsyntax will make the commands easy to read so that you will know what you have doneand easy to remember so that typing some commands will be faster than using menus.b.Play with graphs and the Graph Editor.•If you venture into the Command window,you willfind that many things will go faster.You will alsofind that it is possible to make mistakes where you cannot understand why Stata is balking.a.Try help commandname or Help>Stata command...and entering the command name.b.Look at the command syntax and the examples in the helpfile,and compare themwith what you pare them closely:small typographical errors make commandsimpossible for Stata to parse.•Explore Stata by selecting Help>Search....You will uncover many statistical routines that could be of great use.•Look through the Combined subject table of contents in the Stata Index.•Read and work your way through the User’s Guide.It is designed to be read from cover to cover,and it contains most of the information you need to become an expert Stata user.It is well worth reading.If you are not this ambitious and instead prefer to sample the User’s Guide and the references,there is some advice later in this chapter for you.•Browse through the reference manuals to read about statistical methods you like to use,making use of the links to jump to other topics.The reference manuals are not meant to be read from cover to cover—they are meant to be referred to as you would an encyclopedia.You canfind the datasets used in the examples in the manuals by selecting File>Example datasets...and then clicking on Stata18manual datasets.Doing so will enable you to work through the examples quickly.•Stata has much information,including answers to frequently asked questions(FAQ s),at https:///support/faqs/.•There are many useful links to Stata resources at https:///links/.Be sure to look at these materials because many outstanding resources about Stata are listed here.•Join Statalist,a forum devoted to discussion of Stata and statistics.•Read The Stata Blog:Not Elsewhere Classified at https:// to read articles written by people at Stata about all things Stata.•Visit Stata on Facebook at https:///statacorp,join Stata on Instagram at https:///statacorp,find Stata on LinkedIn at https:///company/statacorp,and follow Stata on Twitter at https:///stata to keep up with Stata.•Subscribe to the Stata Journal,which contains reviewed papers,regular columns,book reviews, and other material of interest to researchers applying statistics in a variety of disciplines.Visit https://.12[GSM]18Learning more about Stata•Many supplementary books about Stata are available.Visit the Stata Bookstore athttps:///bookstore/.•Take a Stata NetCourse R .NetCourse101is an excellent choice for learning about Stata.See https:///netcourse/for course information and schedules.•Attend a classroom or a web-based training course taught by StataCorp.Visithttps:///training/classroom-and-web/for course information and schedules.•View a webinar led by Stata developers.Visit https:///training/webinar/for the current list of topics and schedule.•Watch Stata videos at https:///user/statacorp.Suggested reading from the User’s Guide and reference manuals The User’s Guide is designed to be read from cover to cover.The reference manuals are designed as references to be sampled when necessary.Ideally,after reading this Getting Started manual,you should read the User’s Guide from cover to cover,but you probably want to become at least somewhat proficient in Stata right away.Here isa suggested reading list of sections from the User’s Guide and the reference manuals to help you onyour way to becoming a Stata expert.This list covers fundamental features and points you to some less obvious features that you might otherwise overlook.Basic elements of Stata[U]11Language syntax[U]12Data[U]13Functions and expressionsData management[U]6Managing memory[U]22Entering and importing data[D]import—Overview of importing data into Stata[D]append—Append datasets[D]merge—Merge datasets[D]compress—Compress data in memory[D]frames intro—Introduction to framesGraphics[G]Stata Graphics Reference ManualReproducible research[U]16Do-files[U]17Ado-files[U]13.5Accessing coefficients and standard errors[U]13.6Accessing results from Stata commands[U]21Creating reports[RPT]Dynamic documents intro—Introduction to dynamic documents[RPT]putdocx intro—Introduction to generating Office Open XML(.docx)files[RPT]putexcel—Export results to an Excelfile[RPT]putpdf intro—Introduction to generating PDFfiles[R]log—Echo copy of session tofile[GSM]18Learning more about Stata3Useful features that you might overlook[U]29Using the Internet to keep up to date[U]19Immediate commands[U]24Working with strings[U]25Working with dates and times[U]26Working with categorical data and factor variables[U]27Overview of Stata estimation commands[U]20Estimation and postestimation commands[R]estimates—Save and manipulate estimation resultsBasic statistics[R]anova—Analysis of variance and covariance[R]ci—Confidence intervals for means,proportions,and variances[R]correlate—Correlations of variables[D]egen—Extensions to generate[R]regress—Linear regression[R]predict—Obtain predictions,residuals,etc.,after estimation[R]regress postestimation—Postestimation tools for regress[R]test—Test linear hypotheses after estimation[R]summarize—Summary statistics[R]table intro—Introduction to tables of frequencies,summaries,and command results [R]tabulate oneway—One-way table of frequencies[R]tabulate twoway—Two-way table of frequencies[R]ttest—t tests(mean-comparison tests)Matrices[U]14Matrix expressions[U]18.5Scalars and matrices[M]Mata Reference ManualProgramming[U]16Do-files[U]17Ado-files[U]18Programming Stata[R]ml—Maximum likelihood estimation[P]Stata Programming Reference Manual[M]Mata Reference ManualSystem values[R]set—Overview of system parameters[P]creturn—Return c-class values4[GSM]18Learning more about StataInternet resourcesThe Stata website(https://)is a good place to get more information about Stata.You willfind answers to FAQ s,ways to interact with other users,official Stata updates,and other useful information.You can also join Statalist,a forum devoted to discussion of Stata and statistics.You will alsofind information on Stata NetCourses R ,which are interactive courses offered over the Internet that vary in length from a few weeks to eight weeks.Stata also offers in-person and web-based training sessions,as well as webinars on Stata features.Visit https:///learn/ for more information.At the website is the Stata Bookstore,which contains books that we feel may be of interest to Stata users.Each book has a brief description written by a member of our technical staff explaining why we think this book may be of interest.We suggest that you take a quick look at the Stata website now.You can register your copy of Stata online and request a free subscription to the Stata News.Visit https:// for information on books,manuals,and journals published by Stata Press.The datasets used in examples in the Stata manuals are available from the Stata Press website.Also visit https:// to read about the Stata Journal,a quarterly publication containing articles about statistics,data analysis,teaching methods,and effective use of Stata’s language.Visit Stata’s official blog at https:// for news and advice related to the use of Stata.The articles appearing in the blog are individually signed and are written by the same people who develop,support,and sell Stata.The Stata Blog:Not Elsewhere Classified also has links to other blogs about Stata,written by Stata users around the world.Follow Stata on Facebook at https:///statacorp,Twitter at https:///stata, Instagram at https:///statacorp,and LinkedIn athttps:///company/statacorp.You may also follow Stata on Twitter athttps:///stata fr or https:///stata es.These are good ways to stay up-to-the-minute with the latest Stata information.Watch short example videos of using Stata on YouTube at https:///user/statacorp.See[GSM]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for details on accessing official Stata updates and free additions to Stata on the Stata website.[GSM]18Learning more about Stata5 Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。
Stata1. IntroductionStata is a powerful statistical software package widely used by researchers and analysts for data analysis, data management, and visualization. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and functions for statistical modeling, econometrics, and time series analysis. This document will provide an overview of Stata and its key features.2. Getting StartedTo start using Stata, you need to have the software installed on your computer. Stata is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. You can download the software from the Stata website and install it following the provided instructions.Once installed, you can launch Stata and begin working with your data. Stata provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to interact with the software using menus and dialogs. Additionally, Stata also provides a command-line interface for advanced users who prefer to work with the software using command syntax.3. Data ManagementOne of the key features of Stata is its powerful data management capabilities. Stata allows you to import data fromvarious file formats, such as Excel, CSV, and SPSS. You can also directly enter data into Stata using its data editor.Stata provides a wide range of commands for data cleaning and manipulation. You can use these commands to filter and subset data, create new variables, recode variables, and merge datasets. Stata also supports working with large datasets efficiently, thanks to its advanced memory management techniques.4. Data AnalysisStata offers a comprehensive set of statistical and econometric tools for data analysis. You can perform a wide range of statistical tests, such as t-tests, chi-square tests, and regression analysis. Stata also provides specialized commands for panel data analysis, time series analysis, and survival analysis.In addition to the built-in commands, Stata also supports user-written programs and packages. You can extend the functionality of Stata by writing your own programs or by installing third-party packages developed by the Stata community.5. Data VisualizationStata provides powerful tools for data visualization, allowing you to create high-quality graphs and charts. You can create various types of graphs, including scatter plots, line graphs, bar charts, and histograms. Stata also provides customization options for colors, labels, and styles to enhance the visual appeal of your graphs.You can export the graphs and charts created in Stata in various formats, such as PNG, PDF, and SVG. Stata also supports dynamic graphics, which allow you to create interactive graphs that can be manipulated and explored by the users.6. Collaboration and ReproducibilityStata supports collaboration and reproducibility through its project management features. You can organize your work into projects, which include the data, analysis commands, and output files. Stata keeps track of the sequence of commands executed in each project, allowing you to reproduce your analyses easily.Stata also supports version control, allowing multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. You can track the changes made by different users and merge their modifications seamlessly.7. Resources and SupportStata provides a wealth of resources and support options for its users. The Stata website offers a wide range of documentation, tutorials, and examples to help you learn and use the software effectively. Stata also has an active user community where you can ask questions, share experiences, and get help from other Stata users.Additionally, Stata offers technical support to its users. You can contact Stata technical support for assistance with software installation, troubleshooting, and other technical issues.8. ConclusionStata is a versatile statistical software package that provides a wide range of tools and functions for data analysis, data management, and visualization. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, Stata offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features to meet your statistical needs. With its comprehensive documentation, active user community, and technical support, Stata is a reliable choice for researchers and analysts.。
Getting started on STATASTATA is a user-friendly but yet powerful econometrics/statistics package which runs under Windows and UNIX. In the following tutorials we will use the Windows version. STATA for windows is installed on the PC's in 1D5, 1D20 and 1D23.When you open STATA on your PC, four different windows will appear on your screen. The main window (black with yellow writing) shows the results of thecommands you tell STATA to do. You type in commands in the small window at the bottom. The window in the upper-left corner provides a log of the commands you have written (you can copy and paste previous commands from this window). The window in the lower left corner shows you the variables of the dataset currently in memory (this window is blank when you start STATA since no datasets have yet been loaded).The STATA prompt is given by a dot: . Error messages are typed in red and are unfortunately not always very informative.Reading datasetsThere are three ways of reading data. First make sure that the current memory does not contain any data by typing:.describeThis command gives a description of the data in memory. Don't type the full stop as this refers to the STATA prompt. To read in a dataset that is already in STATA format we use the "use" command:.use filenameYou don't have to type in the extension of the filename, but STATA assumes that this is ".dta". Thus in order to read in the dataset there must exist a file which has the extension .dta. There are several pre-loaded data sets on your PC. One is called "auto.dta". The extension tells you that this is a dataset in STATA format..use autoThen type.describeTyping .clear will clear the data in memory. Typing .exit will end your STATA session, but note that you can only do this when there is no data in current memory.You can also read in data interactively. Suppose you want to read in a data set that contains three variables and three observations. You can do this by typing.input x1 x2 x3STATA will then prompt you for the data to be read. Type in the data for the first observation and press enter, then the second observation, third, fourth, and soon. When you are tired of reading in data this way, type:.endTo save the data you sillyThis data will then be saved in STATA format and the file will be called "silly.dta". Try the describe command, then clear current memory.At some stage it will be necessary to read in data in ASCII format. This is relevant when you get your data from some other external source (useful when you aregetting data for your MSc dissertation). To read in a data set which contains three variables use the following command:.infile x1 x2 x3 using filename.rawSTATA use the convention ".raw" for data in ASCII format.Example. Read your "silly" data set. Then save it as an ASCII dataset by typing.outfile x1 x2 x3 using silly.raw.clear.describe.infile y1 y2 y3 using silly.raw.describe.outfile x1 x2 x3 using filename(this data-set will be saved as filename.raw)Log filesAs you type in commands, results will be displayed in the main window on your screen. You might have noticed that you cannot scroll this window which means that you cannot see what you have done previously. One way to look at what you have done previously is to create a log file. You can do this by clicking on the "Log" button in the upper left corner of your screen, and then write the name of the log file. The name can be anything, but it is useful to keep the .log extension so that you know for later that this file is indeed a log file. Also make sure to keep track of which directory the log file is saved in. When you have specified a new name for the log file you can bring the log to the "background" by clicking on the button in the left-hand corner, and then choose close. This will not close the log file, only bring it to the background. To bring the log file on top of the screen, click the log button again. It is then self-explanatory. Using log files is extremely useful and you should always create one so that you can keep track of what you have done. When you have finished your STATA session you can open the log file in Word and make amendments.Some useful commandsHere are some useful commands that you should try when you have some data in memory..describeThis describes the data in *.dta.pwd".pwd" is a UNIX command but works in STATA. It gives you the Present Working Directory which tells you where you are (in what directory). You change directory by typing cd "pathname". In order to move up one level in the directory structure, type "cd .."Note that you can change directory when you are in STATA..summarize.summarize,detail.summarize variable1 variable2 variable3where variable# refers to the variable names you have in current memory.You can alter the data set by using the "keep" and "drop" commands. Here are some examples (note that I have assumed that there is an identifier variable in memory called idvar):.drop if idvar>200.drop var2 var3.keep if idvar>200.keep var1 var2 var3.sort var1 (ascending by var1).gsort -var1 (descending by var1)You can merge datasets in STATA quite easily. This works in the following way: The current data set in memory is referred to as the master data. You merge a data set to the master data by typing:.merge using filenameMake sure that the merge procedure did what you wanted it to _merge.drop _merge"_merge" is a variable created by STATA after the merge command. It takes three values and provides information about the merge. If _merge=1 then the observation comes from the master data set only, whereas if _merge=2 then the observation comes from the data set you merged into the original data set. Finally, if _merge=3 then both data sets contributed to the observation in the new data set. Important: make sure both data sets are sorted by the same variable. You can also merge data sets by common variables. A related command is:.append using filenameIf you want to have a look at your data then this is the command to use:.list.list var1 var2 var3.list var1 var2 in 1/ var1You can also use the STATA editor to browse your data set. Do so by clicking on the "editor" button. From here you can do simple data manipulations.You construct new variables by using the "generate" command, and you can alter the values of existing variables by using the "replace" command. Here are someexamples:.generate newvar = oldvar1+oldvar2.replace oldvar = oldvar + newvar.replace oldvar = oldvar + newvar if newvar==1.replace oldvar = oldvar + newvar if newvar<1.replace oldvar = oldvar + newvar if newvar<=1Miscellaneous:* comments#delimit ;#delimit crSTATA has a range of built in functions. Type ".help function" to get an overviewYou can also generate random numbers from a range of distributions:.clear.set obs 40.gen x1=uniform().gen x2=normd(z).gen x3=tprob(df,t)Graphics.The graph facility in STATA produces good quality graphs. Here are some examples:.use auto.graph mpg weight, ylab xlab.graph mpg weight, ylab xlab tlab rlab.graph mpg weight, c(l).graph mpg weight, c(l) sort.gen wgt2=weight*weight.regress mpg weight wgt2.predict hat.graph mpg hat weight, c(.l) s(0i) sort.predict s, stdr.gen lo = hat-2*s.gen hi = hat+2*s.graph mpg hat hi lo weight, c(.lll) s(0iii) sort ylab xlabti(Regression of Milage on Weight and Weight-squared) t2(Bandsreflect 2 times the standard error of residuals)Histograms:.graph mpg, bin(20) xlab ylabSaving your graph:- Use the menu to save the graph. You can then paste it into a word document if you wish.Here is a more interesting example:Lets suppose we want to plot the Dollar/Sterling exchange rate using quarterly data. First we need to retrieve the data from somewhere. Minimise STATA and open Netscape. Go to the following address: /departments/ec/cup/data.htmlclick on EXCHQ.txtSave this data by going into the file menu and choose "save as". Choose an appropriate name and a sensible path name, i.e. E:\USER\exchq.raw. The data will be saved in ASCII format, which explains why I have chosen the extension .raw.Go back to STATA and read in this simple data set. Remember to use the "infile" command since this is in ASCII format. Before we can make a plot of this serieswe need an indicator for the quarters. Here is one way to create a sequence of integer values:.gen one=1.gen quarters=1.replace quarters=one+quarters[_n-1] if quarters[_n-1]~=..listNow make the graph by typing:.graph quarters exc, xlab ylab c(l).save excBatch mode and programsUp until this point we have run STATA in interactive mode. This means that STATA prompts us to type in commands. When we do, STATA does what we asked it to do, and then prompts us again for a new command to be typed in. This is interactive mode. However, there will come a point when you want to run STATA commands in batch mode. This means that you use a text editor to write down the commands, and then run this as a batch file. Here we can use the Notepad editor and you will find it in the "Main" menu. Batch files need to have the extension ".do". In STATA you run batch files by typing do (You do not have to type the extension .do as this is assumed by STATA).Writing programs in STATA is very similar to writing batch files. Here is an example of a program that scans the household record in the NLSY (National Longitudinal Survey of Youth). Note the use of the "#delimit" command.*--------------------- Program starts here ------------------------- capture program drop hhrecprogram define hhrec* Specify ; to indicate end of command line#delimit ;* Make the program scroll until endset more 1;* Specify space allocationset mem 12m;*Read in the houshold record data fileuse hhrec;#delimit cr* delimiter no longer semicolon*specify "counter" for the do-looplocal ye=79* do-loopwhile `ye' <=92{gen hhkids`ye'=0replace hhkids`ye'=hhkids`ye'+1 if(rel==2|rel==3)&age<18* update counterlocal ye=`ye'+1}* end do-loopend*The program creates a variable called "hhkids" which gives the number of children in *the household.*---------------------- Program ends here -----------------------This file will also have an extension .do. There is a slight difference though. When you type "do filename" at the STATA prompt, STATA will read in the program to become a new built-in STATA command. In the example above I defined the program to be called HHREC. So here is what I hhrec {STATA will read in the program}.hhrec {STATA will execute the program}Shape of data setsData sets in STATA are either "wide" or "long". Long format looks like the following (two observations identified with the variable id):idyearvar1var21894.2311903.4511912.342891.232901.342911.561Wide format looks like:idyear89year90year91var189var289var190var290var191var291 18990914.2313.4512.3428990911.231.341.56The shape of your data set is of particular importance if you are operating with panel data (NT) or survival data. In most cases you would find the "long" format tobe the preferred shape of your data. Time series data are in long format, but note that time series are usually concerned with aggregate series so there will be noneed for the "id" variable to distinguish unit observations.Reshaping datasets. Suppose you want to reshape your data set from wide to long format. This is the way you do it:.reshape groups year 79-92.reshape vars hhkids.reshape cons id.reshape longTo reshape the data back to wide format you simply type:.reshape wideThe Help facilityThe number of STATA manuals in the department is very limited and they are expensive to buy. As a result you need to use the Help bstrapThis gives you a description of OLS regression. You can type ".help command" for any of the STATA commands. The problem is that you need to know thename of the command. You can also try .whelp, or .lookup, e.g.:.lookup probit.lookup logit.lookup egen.lookup xtregYou can also print the help files. To do so you need to read in the help file into a text editor. You can use the Notepad editor for this. STATA help files haveextension filename.hlp.Return to home page。
Stata软件入门教程李昂然浙江大学社会学系Email: ********************版本:2020/02/051. 导论本教程将快速介绍Stata软件(版本16)的一些基本操作技巧和知识。
同时,也可以在命令窗口中输入set locale ui zh_CN来设置中文显示。
本教程中使用的案列数据源自中国家庭追踪调查(China Family Panel Studies)。
具体数据出自本人于2019年发表于Chinese Sociological Review上“Unfulfilled Promise of Educational Meritocracy? Academic Ability and China’s Urban-Rural Gap in Access to Higher Education”一文中使用的数据。
同时,本教程提供相应的do file和数据文件给同学们下载,同学们可以根据do file复制本教程的全部内容。
同时,在Stata中输入help [command]便可以查看关于命令使用的详细信息。
Do-file Editor 编辑器说明书
Title doedit—Edit do-files and other textfilesDescription Quick start Menu Syntax Remarks and examplesAlso seeDescriptiondoedit opens the Do-file Editor.This text editor lets you create and edit do-files,which typically contain a series of Stata commands.If you specifyfilename,doedit will open a textfile,such as a do-file or an ado-file,saved to disk.Quick startOpen a new untitled do-file in the Do-file EditordoeditOpen new or existing do-file in the Do-file Editordoedit myfileMenuWindow>Do-file Editor12doedit—Edit do-files and other textfiles SyntaxdoeditfilenameRemarks and examples Clicking on the Do-file Editor button is equivalent to typing doedit.doedit,typed by itself,invokes the Editor with an empty document.If you specifyfilename,that file is displayed in the Editor.You may have more than one Do-file Editor open at once.Each time you submit the doedit command,a new window will be opened.A tutorial discussion of doedit can be found in the Getting Started with Stata manual.Read[U]16Do-files for an explanation of do-files,and then read[GSW]13Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata to learn how to use the Do-file Editor to create and execute do-files.Also see[R]do—Execute commands from afile[GSM]13Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata[GSU]13Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata[GSW]13Using the Do-file Editor—automating Stata[U]16Do-filesStata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organizationof the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.®。
Stata for Mac 入门指南说明书
edit command, 59 editing data, see Data Editor editing dates, see Data Editor, date editing editing do-file, see Do-file Editor Encapsulated Postscript, see EPS end-of-line delimiter, 138 EPS, 138 equality, 12–13, 81 examples,
ado command, 35 arithmetic operators, see operators, arithmetic automatic update checking, see updates, automatic
update checking
batch mode, 134–135 bouncing dock icon, see Notification Manager Break, 86
graph setup, see graphs, schemes Graph window, 17, 106
contextual menu, 106 right-clicking, 106–107 toolbar button, 26 Graphical User Interface, see GUI graphs, copy and paste, 137 copying, 106 drag and drop, 137 export formats, 138 exporting, 137 opening, 137 overlaid, 19–21 printing, 21, 106 renaming, 106 right-clicking, 106 saving, 106 schemes, 115 subgraphs, 17 GUI, 25–30
4Getting helpSystem helpStata’s help system provides a wealth of information to help you learn and use Stata.Tofind out which Stata command will perform the statistical or data management task you would like to do,you should generally follow these steps:1.Select Help>Search...,choose Search all,and enter the topic or keywords.This searchwill open a new Viewer window containing information about Stata commands,references to articles in the Stata Journal,links to Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ s)on Stata’s website, links to videos on Stata’s YouTube channel,links to selected external websites,and links to community-contributed features.2.Read through the results.If youfind a useful command,click on the link to the appropriatecommand name to open its helpfile.3.Read the helpfile for the command you chose.4.If you want more in-depth help,click on the link from the name of the command to the PDFdocumentation,read it,then come back to Stata.5.If thefirst helpfile you went to is not what you wanted,either click on the Also see menuand choose a link to related helpfiles or click on the Back button to go back to the previous document and go from there to other helpfiles.6.With the helpfile open,click on the Command window and enter the command,or click onthe Dialog button and choose a link to open a dialog for the command.7.If,at any time,you want to begin again with a new search,enter the new search terms in thesearch box of the Viewer window.8.If you select Search documentation and FAQs,Stata searches its keyword database for officialStata commands,Stata Journal articles and software,FAQ s,and videos.If you select Search net resources,Stata searches for community-contributed commands,whether they are from the Stata Journal or elsewhere;see[GSW]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more information.Let’s illustrate the help system with an example.You will get the most benefit from the example if you work along at your computer.Suppose that we have been given a dataset about antique cars and that we need to know what it contains.Though we still have a vague notion of having seen something like this while working through the example session in[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session,we do not remember the proper command.Start by typing sysuse auto,clear in the Command window to bring the dataset into memory.(See[GSW]5Opening and saving Stata datasets for information on the clear option.) Follow the above approach:1.Select Help>Search....2.Check that the Search all radio button is selected.3.Type dataset contents into the search box and click on OK or press Enter.Before we pressEnter,the window should look like12[GSW]4Getting help4.Stata will now search for“dataset contents”among the Stata commands,the reference manuals,the Stata Journal,the FAQ s on Stata’s website,and community-contributed features.Here is the result:[GSW]4Getting help3 5.Upon seeing the results of the search,we see two commands that look promising:codebookand describe.Because we are interested in the contents of the dataset,we decide to check out the codebook command.The[D]means that we could look up the codebook command in the Data Management Reference Manual.The codebook link in(help codebook)means that there is a system helpfile for the codebook command.This is what we are interested in right now.6.Click on the codebook link.Links can take you to a variety of resources,such as help for Statacommands,dialogs,and even webpages.Here the link goes to the helpfile for the codebook command.7.What is displayed is typical for help for a Stata command.Helpfiles for Stata commandscontain,from top to bottom,these features:a.The quick access toolbar with three buttons:i.The Dialog button shows links to any dialogs associated with the command.ii.The Also see button shows links to related PDF documentation and helpfiles.iii.The Jump to button shows links to other sections within the current helpfile.b.The second line of a helpfile shows a View complete PDF manual entry link.Clicking on the link will open the complete documentation for the command—in this case,codebook—in your PDF viewer.c.The command’s syntax,that is,rules for constructing a command that Stata will correctlyinterpret.The square brackets here indicate that all the arguments to codebook are optional but that if we wanted to specify them,we could use a varlist,an if qualifier,or an in qualifier,along with some options.(Options vary greatly from command to command.) The options are listed directly under the command and are explained in some detail later in the helpfile.You will learn more about command syntax in[GSW]10Listing data and basic command syntax.4[GSW]4Getting helpd.A description of the command.Because“codebook”is the name for big binders containinga hard copy describing each of the elements of a dataset,the description for the codebookcommand is justifiably terse.e.The options that can be used with this command.These are explained in much greaterdetail than in the listing of the possible options after the syntax.Here,for example,we cansee that the mv option can look to see if there is a pattern in the missing values—somethingimportant for data cleaning and imputation.f.Examples of command usage.The codebook examples are real examples that step throughusing the command on a dataset either shipped with Stata or loadable within Stata fromthe Internet.g.The information the command stores in the returned results.These results are usedprimarily by programmers.For now,either click on Jump to and choose Examples from the drop-down menu or scroll down to the examples.It is worth going through the examples as given in the helpfile.Here is a screenshot of the top of the examples:Searching helpSearch is designed to help youfind information about statistics,graphics,data management,and programming features in Stata,either as part of the official release or as community-contributed features.When entering topics for the search,use appropriate terms from statistics,etc.For example,you could enter Mann-Whitney.Multiple topic words are allowed,for example,regression residuals.[GSW]4Getting help5 When you are using Search,use proper English and proper statistical terminology.If you already know the name of the Stata command and want to go directly to its helpfile,select Help>Stata command...and type the command name.You can also type the command name in the Searchfield at the top of the Viewer and press Enter.Help distinguishes between topics and Stata commands because some names of Stata commands are also general topic names.For example,logistic is a Stata command.If you choose Stata command...and type logistic,you will go right to the helpfile for the command.But if you choose Search...and type logistic,you will get search results listing the many Stata commands that relate to logistic regression.Remember that you can search for help from within a Viewer window by typing a command in the command box of the Viewer or by clicking the magnifying glass button to the left of the search box,selecting the scope of your search,typing the search criteria in the search box,and pressing Enter.Help and search commandsAs you might expect,the help system is accessible from the Command window.This feature is especially convenient when you need help on a particular Stata command.Here is a short listing of the various commands you can use:•Typing help commandname is equivalent to selecting Help>Stata command...and typing commandname.The helpfile for the command appears in a new Viewer window.•Typing search topic in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help> Search...,choosing Search all,and typing topic.The output appears in a new Viewer window.•Typing search topic,local in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help>Search...,choosing Search documentation and FAQs,and typing topic.The output appears in the Results window instead of a Viewer.•Typing search topic,net in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help>Search...,choosing Search net resources,and typing topic.The output appears in the Results window instead of a Viewer.See[U]4Stata’s help and search facilities and[U]4.8search:All the details in the User’s Guide for more information about these command-language versions of the help system.The search command,in particular,has a few capabilities(such as author searches)that we have not demonstrated here.The Stata reference manuals and User’s GuideAll the Stata reference manuals come as PDFfiles and are included with the software.The manuals themselves have many cross-references in the form of clickable links,so you can easily read the documentation in a nonlinear way.Many of the links in the helpfiles point to the PDF manuals that came with Stata.It is worth clicking on these links to read the extensive information found in the manuals.The Stata help system, though extensive,contains only a fraction of the information found in the manuals.Most Stata reference manuals are each arranged alphabetically.Each Getting Started with Stata has its own index.A combined index for all other manuals can be found in the Stata Index.This combined index is a good place to start when you are looking for information about a command.Entries have names like collapse,egen,and summarize,which are generally themselves Stata commands.6[GSW]4Getting helpNotations such as[R]ci,[R]regress,and[R]ttest in the Search results and helpfiles are references to the Base Reference Manual.You may also see things like[P]PyStata integration,which is a reference to the Programming Reference Manual,and[U]12Data,which is a reference to the User’s Guide.For a complete list of manuals and their shorthand notations,see Cross-referencing the documentation,which immediately follows the table of contents in this manual.For advice on how to use the reference manuals,see[GSW]18Learning more about Stata,or see[U]1.2The User’s Guide and the Reference manuals.Stata videosThe Stata YouTube channel is an excellent resource for learning about Stata.The brief videos demonstrate many topics using Stata’s graphical user interface.They cover basic topics,such as data management,graphics,summary statistics,and hypothesis testing,and advanced topics,such as multilevel models and structural equation models.There are also several playlists that provide a series of videos about a topic in sequence.For example,the“Power and sample size calculations”playlist includes videos about how to calculate power,sample size,and effect size for two independent proportions and for paired samples.The “Survival analysis”playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for survival analysis, conducting basic descriptive analysis of survival data,graphing survival data,and calculating survivor functions and life tables.The“Time series”playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for time-series analysis,creating time-series graphs,using time-series operators in estimation, andfitting ARMA and ARIMA models.There is even a“Back-to-school video”playlist for students who are using Stata for thefirst time or want a refresher after summer break.See https:///links/video-tutorials/for an up-to-date list of videos organized by topic.The playlists can be accessed directly at https:///user/statacorp/.The Stata JournalWhen searching in Stata,you will often see links to the Stata Journal.The Stata Journal is a printed and electronic journal,published quarterly,containing articles about statistics,data analysis,teaching methods,and effective use of Stata’s language.The Journal publishes peer-reviewed papers together with shorter notes and comments,regular columns,tips,book reviews, and other material of interest to researchers applying statistics in a variety of disciplines.The Journal is a publication for all Stata users,both novice and experienced,with different levels of expertise in statistics,research design,data management,graphics,reporting of results,and Stata,in particular.See https:// for more information.Associated with each issue of the Stata Journal are the programs and datasets described therein.These programs and datasets are made available for download and installation over the Internet,not only to subscribers but also to all Stata users.See[R]net and[R]sj for more information.Because the Stata Journal has had several articles about measures of inequality,if you select Help >Search...,choose Search documentation and FAQs,type inequality,and scroll down a bit,you will see some of these references:[GSW]4Getting help7SJ-18-3refers to volume18,number3of the Stata Journal.st0539refers to the package name; st indicates that this package is in the“statistics”category of the Stata Journal.Listed next is the title of the software package and the authors.The community-contributed commands found within this package are listed next in parentheses,followed by the reference details of the article.Clicking on an SJ link,such as SJ18(3):692--715,will open a browser and take you to the Stata Journal website,where you can view the abstract of the article and purchase the article.The search listing concludes with a brief description of the community-contributed package.The Stata Journal website allows all articles older than three years to be downloaded for free. See Downloading community-contributed commands in[GSW]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more details on how to install community-contributed software.Also see [R]ssc for information on a convenient interface to resources available from the Statistical Software Components(SSC)Archive.8[GSW]4Getting helpWe recommend that all users subscribe to the Stata Journal.See[U]3.4The Stata Journal for more information.Links to other sites where you can freely download programs and datasets for Stata can be found on the Stata website;see https:///links/.[GSW]4Getting help9 Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。
二、单用户许可证初始化方法对于个人或单用户使用的许可证,以下是一种常见的初始化方法:1. 获得许可证文件:用户在购买Stata软件时,会获得一份许可证文件,通常以扩展名为.lic的文件形式提供。
2. 打开Stata软件:双击Stata的应用程序图标或通过命令行打开Stata。
3. 输入许可证指令:在Stata的命令窗口中输入"set license user [路径/文件名.lic]",其中[路径/文件名.lic]是您获得的许可证文件的路径和文件名。
4. 验证许可证:Stata会验证并加载许可证文件,如果许可证有效且与该计算机匹配,Stata将完成许可证初始化过程。
5. 检查许可证状态:您可以使用命令"about"或"license"来检查Stata 许可证的状态,确认许可证已成功初始化。
三、网络许可证初始化方法对于多用户共享的网络许可证,以下是一种常见的初始化方法:1. 设置许可证服务器:管理员需要在网络中设置一台计算机作为许可证服务器,并在服务器上安装Stata软件。
2. 获取许可证文件:管理员向Stata官方或授权代理商获取网络许可证文件,该文件包含有关许可证服务器和许可证数量的信息。
一、Stata的安装与启动1. 安装:首先,从Stata的官方网站下载安装程序并运行。
2. 启动:安装完成后,双击桌面上的Stata图标即可启动软件。
二、Stata的界面1. 主界面:Stata的主界面被分为三大部分,分别是命令窗口、结果窗口和变量窗口。
- 命令窗口:用户在这里输入Stata的命令进行数据分析和操作。
- 结果窗口:用户在命令窗口执行命令后,结果会在该窗口中显示。
- 变量窗口:用于展示当前打开的数据文件中的变量信息。
2. 窗口菜单栏:位于主界面的顶部,包含了一系列菜单选项,用于对数据和分析进行操作。
- 文件(File):包含了打开、保存和导出数据文件的选项。
- 编辑(Edit):用于编辑数据文件的选项,如剪切、复制和粘贴。
- 数据(Data):提供了对数据的统计描述和数据变换的功能。
- 统计(Statistics):包含了估计模型、执行统计假设检验等选项。
- 图形(Graphics):用于绘制各类统计图表。
- 理论(Help):提供了关于Stata的帮助文档和资源链接。
三、Stata的基本操作方法1. 数据载入与保存:在Stata中,可以通过`use`命令或者通过界面上的“文件”菜单来打开已有的数据文件,使用`save`命令将当前工作的数据文件保存。
2. 数据查看与编辑:使用`browse`命令可以查看数据文件的内容,使用`edit`命令可以编辑数据。
3. 统计描述:通过`describe`命令可以查看变量的基本描述统计信息,如均值、标准差等。
4. 数据转换:在Stata中,可以使用命令来对数据进行各种转换操作,如创建新变量、合并数据集、排序等。
Wooldridge economitrics Introduction about Stata
J.M.StateUniversity Wooldridge MichiganRUDIMENTS OF STATAThis handout covers the most often encountered Stata commands. It is not comprehensive, but the summary will allow you to do basic data management and basic econometrics. I will provide some information on more advanced estimation commands through class handouts of Stata output.Reading Data FilesThe command to read a Stata file is use. If the Stata file is called WAGE1.DTA, and the file is on the diskette in the A: drive in the directory DATA, the command isuse a:\data\wage1After entering this command the data file WAGE1.DTA is loaded into memory.There is also a command, called infile, that allows you to read an ASCII file. I will not cover that here since all of the files we use have already been converted to Stata format. You should read the Stata manual or, even better, a publication called Getting Started with Stata for Windows, which is published by the Stata Press (College Station, Texas).If you have loaded a file, say WAGE1.DTA, completed your analysis, and then wish to use a different data set, you simply clear the existing data set from memory:clearIn doing this, it is important to know that any changes you made to the previous data set will be lost. You must explicitly save any changes you made (see "Leaving Stata" below). If, for example, you created a bunch of new variables, and you would like to have these variables available the next time you use the data, you should save the data set before using the clear command.Looking At and Summarizing Your DataAfter reading in a data file, you can get a list of the available variables by typingdesOften a short description has been given to each variable. To look at the observations on one or more variable, use the list command. Thus, to look at the variables wage and educ for all observations, I typelist wage educThis will list, one screen at a time, the data on wage and educ for every person in the sample. (Missing values in Stata are denoted by a period.) If the data set is large, you may not wish to look at all observations. You can always stop the listing (which Stata provides a screenful at a time) by hitting Ctrl-Break. In fact, Ctrl-Break can be used to interrupt any Stata command.Alternatively, there are various ways to restrict the range of the list and many other Stata commands. Suppose I want to look at the first 20 observations on wage and educ. Then I typelist wage educ in 1/20Rather than specify a range of observations, I can use a logical command instead. For example, to look at the data on marital status and age for people with zero hours worked, I can typelist married age if hours == 0Note how the double equals here is used by Stata to determine equivalence. The other relational operators in Stata are > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than or equal), <= (less than or equal), and, ~= (not equal). If I want to restrict attention to nonblacks, I can typelist married age if ~blackThe variable black is a binary indicator equal to unity for black individuals, and zero otherwise. The "~" is the logical "not" operator. We can combine many different logical statements: the commandlist married age if black & (hours >= 40)restricts attention to black people who work at least 40 hours a week. (Logical and is "&" and logical or is "|" in Stata.)Two useful commands for summarizing data are the sum and tab commands. The sum command computes the sample average, standard deviation, and the minimum and maximum values of all (nonmissing) observations. Since this command tells you how many observations were used for each variable in computing the summary statistics, you can easily find out how many missing data points there for any variable. Thus, the commandsum wage educ tenure marriedcomputes the summary statistics for the four variables listed. Since married is a binary variable, its minimum and maximum value are not very interesting. The average value reported is simply the proportion of people in the sample who are married.I can also obtain summary statistics for any subgroup of the sample by adding on a logical statement.sum wage educ tenure married if black | hispaniccomputes the summary statistics for all blacks and hispanics (I assume these are binary variables in my data set). If I have a pooled cross section or a panel data set, and I want to summarize for 1990, I typesum wage educ tenure married if == 1990I can restrict the sample to certain observation ranges using the command in m/n, just as illustrated in the list command.For variables that take on a relatively small number of values -- such as number of children or number of times an individual was arrested during a year -- I can use the tab command to get a frequency tabulation. The commandtab arrestswill report the frequency associated with each value of arrests in the sample. I can also combine tab with logical statements or restrict the range of observations.Sometimes, we want to restrict all subsequent analysis to a particular subset of the data. In such cases it is useful to drop the data that will not be used at the start. This can be done using the drop or keep commands.For example, if we want to analyze only blacks in a wage equation, then we can typedrop if ~blackThis drops everyone in the sample who is not black. Or, to analyze only the years between 1986 and 1990 (inclusive), we can typekeep if (year >= 1986) & (year <= 1990)It is important to know that the data dropped are gone from the current Stata session. If you wantto get them back, you must reread the original data file. Along these lines, do not make the mistake of saving the smaller data set over the original one, or you will lose a chunk of your data. (More on this below under "Leaving Stata.")Defining New VariablesIt is easy to create variables that are functions of existing variables. In Stata, this is accomplished using the gen command (short for generate). For example, to create the square of experience, I can typegen expersq = exper^2The new variable, expersq, can be used in regression or any place else Stata variables are used. (Stata does not allow us to put expressions into things like regression commands; we must create the variables first.) If an obervation had a missing value for exper then, naturally, expersq will also be missing for that observation. In fact, Stata will tell you how many missing observations were created after every gen command. If it reports nothing, then no missing observations were generated.In creating new variables, you should be aware of the fact that the names of variables must be no longer than eight characters. Stata will refuse to accept names longer than eight characters in the gen command (and all other commands).If I have the variable saving and would like to compute the natural log of saving, I can typegen lsaving = log(saving)If saving is missing then lsaving will also be missing. For functions such as the natural log, there is an additional issue: log(saving) is not defined for saving≤ 0. When a function is not defined for particular values of the variable, Stata sets the result to missing. If negative or zero saving is a legitimate outcome, you probably do not want to use its natural log.Logical commands can be used to restrict observations used for generating new variables. For example,gen lwage = log(wage) if hours > 0creates log(wage) for people who work (and therefor whose wage can be observed). Using the gen command without the statement if hours > 0 has the same effect in this example.Creating interaction terms is easy:gen blckeduc = black*educwhere "*" denotes multiplication; the division operator is "/". Addition is "+" while subtraction is "-".The gen command can also be used to create binary variables. For example, if fratio is the funding ratio of a firm's pension plan, I can create an "overfunded" dummy variable which is unity when fratio > 1 and zero otherwise:gen overfund = fratio > 1The way this works is that the logical statement on the right hand side is evaluated to be true or false; true is assigned the value unity, and false assigned the value zero. So overfund is unity if fratio > 1 and overfund is zero if fratio≤ 1. Because of the way Stata treats missing values, we must be somewhat careful. In particular, a missing value is treated as being greater than any number. Therefore, "fratio > 1" will be true whenever fratio is missing. We clearlydo not want to set overfund to unity when fratio is missing. So if there are missing data, we should add the commandreplace overfund = . if fratio == .The replace command is generally useful for redefining certain values of a variable.As another example, we can create year dummies using a command such asgen y85 = (year == 1985)where year is assumed to be a variable defined in the data set. The variable y85 is unity for observations corresponding to 1985, and zero otherwise. We can do this for each year in our sample to created a full set of year dummies.The gen command can also be used to difference data across different years. Suppose that, for a sample of cities, we have two years of data for each city (say 1982 and 1987). The data are stored so that the two years for each city are adjacent, with 1982 preceding 1987. To eliminate observed effects, say in relating city crime rates to expenditures on crimes and other city characteristics, we can use changes over time. The changes will be stored alongside the 1987 data. It is important to remember that for 1982 there is no change from a previous time period because we do not have data on a previous time period. Thus, we should define the change data so that it is missing in 1982. This is easily done. For example,gen ccrime = crime - crime[_n-1] if year == 1987gen cexpend = expend - expend[_n-1] if year == 1987The variable "_n" is the reserved Stata sybol for the current observation; thus, _n-1 is the variable lagged once. The variable ccrime is the change in crime from 1982 to 1987; cexpend is the change in expend from 1982 to 1987. These are stored in 1987, and the corresponding variables for 1982 will be missing. We can then use these changes in a regression analysis, or some other analysis. As we saw above, the replace command is useful for correcting mistakes in definitions and redefining variables after values of other variables have changed. Suppose, for example, that in creating the variable expersq, I mistakenly type gen expersq = exper^3. One possibility is to drop the variable expersq and try again:drop expersqgen expersq = exper^2(The drop command can be used for two different purposes: to drop a variable entirely from the data set, as above, or to drop some certain observations from the data set.)A faster route is to use the replace command:replace expersq = exper^2Stata explicitly requires the replace command to write over the contents in a previously defined variable.Basic Estimation CommandsStata makes estimating a variety of models by a variety of methods straightforward. These notes cover the basic ones. We will encounter additional commands for panel data estimation, probit, tobit, and some other models later on.Ordinary Least SquaresFor OLS regression, we use the command reg. Immediately following reg is the dependent variable, and after that, all of the independent variables (order of the independent variables is not, of course, important). An example isreg lwage educ exper expersq married blackThis produces OLS estimates, standard errors, t statistics, confidence intervals, and a variety of other statistics usually reported with OLS. Unless a specific range of observations or a logical statement is included, Stata uses all possible observations in obtaining estimates. It does not use observations for which data on the dependent variable or any of the independent variables is missing. Thus, you must be aware of the fact that adding another explanatory variable can result in fewer observations used in the regression if some observations do not contain a value for that variable. If I add to the above regression a variable called motheduc (mother's education), and this is missing for certain individuals, then the sample size will be decreased accordingly. Sometimes we wish to restrict our regression based on the size of one or more of the explanatory variables. In the regressionreg contribs mtchrate size sizesq if size <= 5000where size is number of employees of a firm, the analysis is restricted to firms with no more than 5,000 employees. I can also restrict the regression to a particular year using a similar "if" statement, or to a particular observation range using the command in m/n.Predicted values are obtained using the predict command. Thus, if I have run a regression with lwage as the dependent variable, I get the fitted values by typingpredict lwagehatThe choice of the name lwagehat is mine, subject to its being no more than eight characters and its not already being used. Note that the predict command saves the fitted values for the most recently run regression.The residuals can be obtained bypredict uhat, residwhere again the name uhat is my choice.Tests of multiple linear restrictions can be obtained after an OLS regression using the test command. For exclusion restrictions, just list the variables hypothesize to have no effect:test north south eastjointly tests whether the three regional indicators can be excluded from the previously estimated model. Along with the value of the F statistic you also get a p-value. As with the predict command, test is applied to the most recently estimated model. More general linear hypotheses can be tested, but I will not cover those here. (These can always be rewritten as exclusion restrictions, anyway.)OLS with heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors and t statistics is obtained using the reg command but adding robust at the end of the command line, preceded by a comma. Soreg lwage educ exper expersq married black, robuststill obtains the OLS estimates but reports heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors. The robust option is useful in other setups, too, including cluster samples and panel data. Any command that can be used after reg can be used after reg with the robust option. For example, we can test multiple exclusion restrictions in a heteroskedasticity-robust fashion by using the test command. Two Stage Least SquaresThe reg command can also be used to estimate models by 2SLS. After specifying the dependent variable and the explanatory variables -- which presumably include at least one explanatory variable that is correlated with the error -- we then list all of the exogenous variables as instruments in parentheses. Naturally, the list of instruments does not contain any endogenous variables.An example of a 2SLS command isreg lwage educ exper expersq married (motheduc fatheduc exper expersq married)This produces 2SLS esimates, standard errors, t statistics, and so on. By looking at this command, we see that educ is an endogenous explanatory variable in the log(wage) equation while exper, expersq, and married are assumed to be exogenous explanatory variables. The variables motheduc and fatheduc are assumed to be additional exogenous variables that do not appear in the log(wage) structural equation but should have some correlation with educ. These appear in the instrument list along with the exogenous explanatory variables. The order in which we order the instruments isnot important. The necessary condition for the model to be identified is that the number of terms in parentheses is at least as large as the total number of explanatory variables. In this example, the count is five to four, and so the order condition holds.Allowing for more than one endogenous explanatory variable is also easy. Suppose caloric consumption (calories) and protein consumption (protein) are endogenous in a wage equation for people in developing countries. However, we have regional prices on five commodity groups, say price1, ..., price5, to use as instruments. The Stata command for 2SLS might look likereg lwage educ exper male protein calories (educ exper male price1 price2 price3 price4 price5) if year == 1990if the analysis is restricted to data for 1990. Note that educ, exper, and male are taken to be exogenous here. The order condition easily holds (8 > 5).After 2SLS, we can test multiple restrictions using the test command, just as with OLS.Editing the Command LineStata has several shortcuts for entering commands. Two useful keys are Page Up and Page Down. If at any point you hit Page Up, the previously executed command appears on the command line. This can save on a lot of typing because you can hit Page Up and edit the previous command. Among other things, this makes adding an independent variable to a regression, or expanding an instrument list, fairly easy. Hitting Page Up repeatedly allows you to traverse through previously executed commands until you find the one you want. Hitting Page Down takes you back down through all of the commands.It is easy to edit the command line. Hitting Home takes the cursor to the beginning of the line; hitting End moves the cursor to the end of the line. The key Delete deletes a single character to the right of the cursor; holding it down will delete many characters. The Backspace key (a left arrow on many keyboards) deletes a character to the left of the cursor. Hitting the left arrow (J) moves you one character to the left, and the right arrow (L) takes you one character to the right. You can hold down J and L to move several characters.The key Ins allows you to toggle between insert and overwrite model. Both of these modes are useful for editing commands.Recording Your Work: Creating a Log FileFor involved projects, it is a good idea to create a record of what you have done (data transformations, regressions, and so on). To do this you can create a log file. Suppose I have a diskette in the A: drive and I would like to create a log file on this diskette. Before doing any analysis (but maybe after reading in my data set), I can typelog using a:ps4This will create the file PS4.LOG on the diskette in the A: drive. Note that, unless you specify suffix explicitly, Stata adds ".LOG" to the end of the file name. Of course, if I want the log file on the default drive (usually C:) I would omit a: in the command.Often, you might wish to temporarily close your log file while you look at the data, or run regressions that you are not sure you wish to keep. Since log files can get big in a hurry, it is useful to know that they can be turned off and on at any time. The commands arelog offlog onThese commands require that a log file has been opened (note that the name of the log file is not needed in either case). If you use the log off command, remember to type log on before doing anything you wish to keep.When you are finished, you can close the log file for good:log closeAfter typing this command, log on will not open the log file. If I decided a want to add onto the end of an existing log file, say PS4.LOG on the A: drive, I must typelog using a:ps4, appendAny subsequent Stata commands and output will be added to the end of PS4.LOG. If I omit the append command, Stata will not allow me to open a file called PS4.LOG. If I decide that what is currently in PS4.LOG is no longer needed, but I want to use the same file name, I would typelog using a:ps4, replaceYou should use this with caution, because you will lose the old contents of PS4.LOG.Stata log files are just standard ASCII files, and can be looked at using standard DOS commands (such as type and more). They can also be directly sent to a printer.Leaving StataIf I have made no changes to my data file, then to leave Stata (after closing my log file, if I have opened one up), I simply typeexitStata will not let me exit if new variables have been created, or if I have dropped part of the sample. Generally, if the data set is at all different from the one I initially read in, Stata will tell you this and refuse to let you exit. If you do not wish to save any changes you have made then typeexit, clearThis is especially useful if, after reading in the initial file, you dropped some observations before undertaking your analysis. In most cases you do not want to save the smaller data set over the original one.The Help CommandYou can learn more about the previous commands, as well as many other Stata commands, using the on-line help feature. To get a listing of the topics available using the help command, type help contentsInformation on specific commands can be obtained by typing help followed by the command name. You must use the full command name, not the abbreviations. Below are some examples: help regresshelp generatehelp testUsing Stata as a Calculator and Computing p-valuesStata can be used to compute a variety of expressions, including certain functions that are not available on a standard calculator. The command to compute an expression is display, or di for short. For example, the commanddi .048/(2*.0016)will return "15." We can use di to compute natural logs, exponentials, squares, and so on. For example,di exp(3.5 + 4*.06)returns the value 42.098 (approximately). These previous examples can be done on most calculators. More importantly, we can use di to compute p-values after computing a test statistic. The commanddi normprob(1.58)This gives the probability that a standard normal random variable is greater than the value 1.58 (about .943). Thus, if a standard normal test statistic takes on the value 1.58, the p-value is 1 - .943 = .057. Other functions are defined to give the p-value directly.di tprob(df,t)returns the the p-value for a t test against a two-sided alternative (t is the absolute value of the t statistic and df is the degrees of freedom). For example, with df = 31 and t = 1.32, the command returns the value .196. To obtain the p-value for an F test, the command isdi fprob(df1,df2,F)where df1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, df2 is the denominator df, and F is the value of the F statistic. As an example,di fprob(3,142,2.18)returns the p-value .093.11。
第一讲之 stata简介
(五) Stata的程序设计功能
• 也具有很强 的程序语言 功能 • Stata的ado文 件(高级统计 部分)都是用 Stata自己的 语言编写的。
prog define rp set obs `2’ set seed `3’ gen rp=. /* 定义程序名 /* 定义数据库的最大记录数 /* 设置随机数种子, /* 定义变量 rp,用于存放 Poisson 分布 随机数 local lamda0=exp(`1’) /* 计算 lamda0=exp( ) local j=1 /* j=1 while `j’<`2’+1 { /* 对 j<n 循环,j 表示产生的第 j 个 Poisson 分布随机数 local i=1 /* i=1 local r0=1 /* r0=1 while `i’>0 { /* i 循环 local r1=uniform() /* r1=均匀分布的随机数 local r0=`r1’*`r0’ /* r0=r1*t0 if `r0’< `lamda0’{ /* 如果 r0<lamda0 local n0= `i’-1 /* n0= i-1 local i=-1 /* i=-1 } local i= `i’+1 /* i 循环 } quiet replace rp=`n0 ’if /* 第 j 个 rp=n0 _n==`j’ local j= `j’+1 /* j 循环 } end
第一讲之 stata简介
第一讲 stata简介及计量应用
• 一、 stata简介
– Stata最初由美国计算机资源中心(Computer Resource Center)研制,现在为Stata公司的产品, 已连续推出10个版本。它操作灵活、简单、易学易用, 是一个非常有特色的统计分析软件,越来越受到人们 的重视和欢迎,并且和SAS、SPSS一起,被称为新的三 大权威统计软件。 – 短小精悍、功能强大 – 广泛应用于社会科学、行为科学、生物统计、流行病 学及其他多种学科领域。
Stata及数据处理目录第一章STATA基础 (3)1.1 命令格式 (4)1.2 缩写、关系式和错误信息 (6)1.3 do文件 (6)1.4 标量和矩阵 (7)1.5 使用Stata命令的结果 (8)1.6 宏 (10)1.7 循环语句 (11)1.8 用户写的程序 (15)1.9 参考文献 (15)1.10 练习 (15)第二章数据管理和画图 (18)2.1数据类型和格式 (18)2.2 数据输入 (19)2.3 画图 (21)第3章线性回归基础 (22)3.1 数据和数据描述 (22)3.1.1 变量描述 (23)3.1.2 简单统计 (23)3.1.3 二维表 (23)3.1.4 加统计信息的一维表 (26)3.1.5 统计检验 (26)3.1.6 数据画图 (27)3.2 回归分析 (28)3.2.1 相关分析 (28)3.2.2 线性回归 (29)3.2.3 假设检验 Wald test (30)3.2.4 估计结果呈现 (30)3.3 预测 (34)3.4 Stata 资源 (35)第4章数据处理的组织方法 (36)1、可执行程序的编写与执行 (36)方法1:do文件 (36)方法2:交互式-program-命令 (36)方法3:在do文件中使用program命令 (38)方法4:do文件合并 (39)方法5:ado 文件 (40)2、do文件的组织 (40)3、数据导入 (40)4、_n和_N的用法 (44)第一章STATA基础STATA的使用有两种方式,即菜单驱动和命令驱动。
图1.1Stata12.1的基本界面关于STATA的使用,可以参考Stata手册,特别是[GS] Getting Started with Stata,尤其是第1章A sample session和第2章The Stata User Interface。
安装Stata 是使用该软件的第一步,下面将介绍安装Stata的方法。
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1Introducing Stata—sample sessionIntroducing StataThis chapter will run through a sample work session,introducing you to a few of the basic tasks that can be done in Stata,such as opening a dataset,investigating the contents of the dataset,using some descriptive statistics,making some graphs,and doing a simple regression analysis.As you would expect,we will only brush the surface of many of these topics.This approach should give youa sample of what Stata can do and how Stata works.There will be brief explanations along the way,with references to chapters later in this book as well as to the system help and other Stata manuals.We will run through the session by using both menus and dialogs and Stata’s commands so that you can become familiar with them both.Take a seat at your computer,put on some good music,and work along with the book.Sample sessionThe dataset that we will use for this session is a set of data about vintage1978automobiles sold in the United States.To follow along by pointing and clicking,note that the menu items are given by Menu>Menu Item>Submenu Item>etc.To follow along by using the Command window,type the commands that follow a dot(.)in the boxed listings below into the small window labeled Command.When there is something of note about the structure of a command,it will be pointed out as a“Syntax note”.Start by loading the auto dataset,which is included with Stata.To use the menus,1.Select File>Example Datasets....2.Click on Example datasets installed with Stata.3.Click on use for auto.dta.The result of this command is fourfold:•The following output appears in the large Results window:.sysuse auto.dta(1978Automobile Data)The output consists of a command and its result.The command,sysuse auto.dta,is bold and follows the period(.).The result,(1978Automobile Data),is in the standard face here and is a brief description of the dataset.Note:If a command intrigues you,you can type help commandname in the Command window tofind help.If you want to explore at any time,Help>Search...can be informative.•The same command,sysuse auto.dta,appears in the tall Review window to the left.The Review window keeps track of all commands Stata has run,successful and unsuccessful.The commands can then easily be rerun.See[GSW]2The Stata user interface for more information.•A series of variables appears in the small Variables window to the upper right.12[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session•Some information about make,thefirst variable in the dataset,appears in the small Properties window to the lower right.You could have opened the dataset by typing sysuse auto in the Command window and pressing Enter.Try this now.sysuse is a command that loads(uses)example(system)datasets.As you will see during this session,Stata commands are often simple enough that it is faster to use them directly.This will be especially true once you become familiar with the commands you use the most in your daily use of Stata.Syntax note:In the above example,sysuse is the Stata command,whereas auto is the name ofa Stata datafile.Simple data managementWe can get a quick glimpse at the data by browsing them in the Data Editor.This can be done by clicking on the Data Editor(Browse)button,,or by selecting Data>Data Editor>Data Editor(Browse)from the menus or by typing the command browse.Syntax note:Here the command is browse and there are no other arguments.When the Data Editor opens,you can see that Stata regards the data as one rectangular table.This is true for all Stata datasets.The columns represent variables,whereas the rows represent observations.The variables have somewhat descriptive names,whereas the observations are numbered.The data are displayed in multiple colors—atfirst glance,it appears that the variables listed in black are numeric,whereas those that are in colors are text.This is worth investigating.Click on a cell under the make variable:the input box at the top displays the make of the car.Scroll to the right until you see the foreign variable.Click on one of its cells.Although the cell may display“Domestic”, the input box displays a0.This shows that Stata can store categorical data as numbers but display human-readable text.This is done by what Stata calls value labels.Finally,under the rep78variable, which looks to be numeric,there are some cells containing just a period(.).The periods correspond to missing values.[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session3 Looking at the data in this fashion,though comfortable,lends little information about the dataset. It would be useful for us to get more details about what the data are and how the data are stored. Close the Data Editor by clicking on its close button.We can see the structure of the dataset by describing its contents.This can be done either by going to Data>Describe data>Describe data in memory or in afile in the menus and clicking on OK or by typing describe in the Command window and pressing Enter.Regardless of which method you choose,you will get the same result:.describeContains data from C:\Program Files\Stata13/ado/base/a/auto.dtaobs:741978Automobile Datavars:1213Apr201317:45size:3,182(_dta has notes)storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelmake str18%-18s Make and Modelprice int%8.0gc Pricempg int%8.0g Mileage(mpg)rep78int%8.0g Repair Record1978headroom float%6.1f Headroom(in.)trunk int%8.0g Trunk space(cu.ft.)weight int%8.0gc Weight(lbs.)length int%8.0g Length(in.)turn int%8.0g Turn Circle(ft.)displacement int%8.0g Displacement( float%6.2f Gear Ratioforeign byte%8.0g origin Car typeSorted by:foreignIf your listing stops short,and you see a blue more at the base of the Results window,pressing the Spacebar or clicking on the blue more itself will allow the command to be completed.At the top of the listing,some information is given about the dataset,such as where it is stored on disk,how much memory it occupies,and when the data were last saved.The bold1978Automobile Data is the short description that appeared when the dataset was opened and is referred to as a data label by Stata.The phrase_dta has notes informs us that there are notes attached to the dataset. We can see what notes there are by typing notes in the Command window:.notes_dta:1.from Consumer Reports with permissionHere we see a short note about the source of the data.Looking back at the listing from describe,we can see that Stata keeps track of more than just the raw data.Each variable has the following:•A variable name,which is what you call the variable when communicating with Stata.Variable names are one type of Stata name.See[U]11.3Naming conventions.•A storage type,which is the way Stata stores its data.For our purposes,it is enough to know that types like,say,str number are string,or text,variables,whereas all others in this dataset4[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample sessionare numeric.While there are none in this dataset,Stata also allows arbitrarily long strings,or strL s.strL s can even contain binary information.See[U]12.4Strings.•A display format,which controls how Stata displays the data in tables.See[U]12.5Formats: Controlling how data are displayed.•A value label(possibly).This is the mechanism that allows Stata to store numerical data while displaying text.See[GSW]9Labeling data and[U]12.6.3Value labels.•A variable label,which is what you call the variable when communicating with other people.Stata uses the variable label when making tables,as we will see.A dataset is far more than simply the data it contains.It is also information that makes the data usable by someone other than the original creator.Although describing the data tells us something about the structure of the data,it says little about the data themselves.The data can be summarized by clicking on Statistics>Summaries,tables, and tests>Summary and descriptive statistics>Summary statistics and clicking on the OK button.You could also type summarize in the Command window and press Enter.The result is a table containing summary statistics about all the variables in the dataset:.summarizeVariable Obs Mean Std.Dev.Min Maxmake0price746165.2572949.496329115906mpg7421.2973 5.7855031241rep7869 3.405797.989932315headroom74 2.993243.8459948 1.55trunk7413.75676 4.277404523weight743019.459777.193617604840length74187.932422.26634142233turn7439.64865 4.3993543151displacement74197.297391.8372279425gear_ratio74 3.014865.4562871 2.19 3.89foreign74.2972973.460188501 From this simple summary,we can learn a bit about the data.First of all,the prices are nothing like today’s car prices—of course,these cars are now antiques.We can see that the gas mileages are not particularly good.Automobile aficionados can get a feel for other esoteric characteristics.There are two other important items here:•The make variable is listed as having no observations.It really has no numerical observations because it is a string(text)variable.•The rep78variable hasfive fewer observations than the other numerical variables.This implies that rep78hasfive missing values.Although we could use the summarize and describe commands to get a bird’s eye view of the dataset,Stata has a command that gives a good in-depth description of the structure,contents,and values of the variables:the codebook command.Either type codebook in the Command window and press Enter or navigate the menus to Data>Describe data>Describe data contents(codebook) and click on OK.We get a large amount of output that is worth investigating.In fact,we get more output than canfit on one screen,as can be seen by the blue more at the bottom of the Results window.Press the Spacebar a few times to get all the output to scroll past.(For more about more, see More in[GSW]10Listing data and basic command syntax.)Look over the output to see that[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session5 much can be learned from this simple command.You can scroll back in the Results window to see earlier results,if need be.We will focus on the output for make,rep78,and foreign.To start our investigation,we would like to run the codebook command on just one variable, say,make.We can do this,as usual,with menus or the command line.To get the codebook output for make with the menus,start by navigating to Data>Describe data>Describe data contents (codebook).When the dialog appears,there are multiple ways to tell Stata to consider only the make variable:•We could type make into the Variablesfield.•The Variablesfield is a combobox control that accepts variable names.Clicking on the drop triangle to the right of the Variablesfield displays a list of the variables from the current dataset.Selecting a variable from the list will,in this case,enter the variable name into the editfield.A much easier solution is to type codebook make in the Command window and then press Enter. The result is informative:.codebook makemake Make and Modeltype:string(str18),but longest is str17unique values:74missing"":0/74examples:"Cad.Deville""Dodge Magnum""Merc.XR-7""Pont.Catalina"warning:variable has embedded blanksThefirst line of the output tells us the variable name(make)and the variable label(Make and Model). The variable is stored as a string(which is another way of saying“text”)with a maximum length of 18characters,though a size of only17characters would be enough.All the values are unique,so if need be,make could be used as an identifier for the observations—something that is often useful when putting together data from multiple sources or when trying to weed out errors from the dataset. There are no missing values,but there are blanks within the makes.This latter fact could be useful if we were expecting make to be a one-word string variable.Syntax note:Telling the codebook command to run on the make variable is an example of using a varlist in Stata’s syntax.Looking at the foreign variable can teach us about value labels.We would like to look at the codebook output for this variable,and on the basis of our latest experience,it would be easy to type codebook foreign into the Command window(from here on,we will not explicitly say to press the Enter key)to get the following output:6[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session.codebook foreignforeign Car typetype:numeric(byte)label:originrange:[0,1]units:1unique values:2missing.:0/74tabulation:Freq.Numeric Label520Domestic221ForeignWe can glean that foreign is an indicator variable because its only values are0and1.The variable has a value label that displays Domestic instead of0and Foreign instead of1.There are two advantages of storing the data in this form:•Storing the variable as a byte takes less memory because each observation uses1byte instead of the 8bytes needed to store“Domestic”.This is important in large datasets.See[U]12.2.2Numeric storage types.•As an indicator variable,it is easy to incorporate into statistical models.See[U]25Working with categorical data and factor variables.Finally,we can learn a little about a poorly labeled variable with missing values by looking at the rep78variable.Typing codebook rep78into the Command window yields.codebook rep78rep78Repair Record1978type:numeric(int)range:[1,5]units:1unique values:5missing.:5/74tabulation:Freq.Value21823031841155.rep78appears to be a categorical variable,but because of lack of documentation,we do not know what the numbers mean.(To see how we would label the values,see Changing data in[GSW]6Using the Data Editor and see[GSW]9Labeling data.)This variable hasfive missing values,meaning that there arefive observations for which the repair record is not recorded.We could use the Data Editor to investigate thesefive observations,but we will do this by using the Command window only because doing so is much simpler.If you recall,the command brought up by clicking on the Data Editor(Browse)button was browse.We would like to browse only those observations for which rep78is missing,so we could type[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session7.browse if missing(rep78)From this,we see that the.entries are indeed missing the default numerical missing value;Stata also allows.a,...,.z as user missing values,but we do not have any in our dataset. See[U]12.2.1Missing values.Close the Data Editor after you are satisfied with this statement.Syntax note:Using the if qualifier above is what allowed us to look at a subset of the observations.Looking through the data lends no clues about why these particular data are missing.We decide to check the source of the data to see if the missing values were originally missing or if they were omitted in error.Listing the makes of the cars whose repair records are missing will be all we need because we saw earlier that the values of make are unique.This can be done with the menus and a dialog:1.Select Data>Describe data>List data.2.Click on the drop triangle to the right of the Variablesfield to show the variable names.3.Click on make to enter it into the Variablesfield.4.Click on the by/if/in tab in the dialog.5.Type missing(rep78)into the If:(expression)box.6.Click on Submit.Stata executes the proper command but the dialog remains open.Submit isuseful when experimenting,exploring,or building complex commands.We will primarily use Submit in the examples.You may click on OK in its place if you like,and it will close the dialog box.The same ends could be achieved by typing list make if missing(rep78)in the Command window.The latter is easier once you know that the command list is used for listing observations. In any case,here is the output:8[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session.list make if missing(rep78)make3.AMC Spirit7.Buick Opel45.Plym.Sapporo51.Pont.Phoenix64.Peugeot604We go to the original reference andfind that the data were truly missing and cannot be resurrected.See[GSW]10Listing data and basic command syntax for more information about all that can be done with the list command.Syntax note:This command uses two new concepts for Stata commands—the if qualifier and the missing()function.The if qualifier restricts the observations on which the command runs to only those observations for which the expression is true.See[U]11.1.3if exp.The missing()function tests each observation to see if it contains a missing value.See[U]13.3Functions.Now that we have a good idea about the underlying dataset,we can investigate the data themselves.Descriptive statisticsWe saw above that the summarize command gave brief summary statistics about all the variables.Suppose now that we became interested in the prices while summarizing the data because they seemed fantastically low(it was1978,after all).To get an in-depth look at the price variable,we can use the menus and a dialog:1.Select Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests>Summary and descriptive statistics>Summary statistics.2.Enter or select price in the Variablesfield.3.Select Display additional statistics.4.Click on Submit.Syntax note:As can be seen from the Results window,typing summarize price,detail will get the same result.The portion after the comma contains options for Stata commands;hence,detail is an example of an option.[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session9.summarize price,detailPricePercentiles Smallest1%329132915%3748329910%38953667Obs7425%41953748Sum of Wgt.7450%5006.5Mean6165.257Largest Std.Dev.2949.49675%63421346690%1138513594Variance869952695%1346614500Skewness 1.65343499%1590615906Kurtosis 4.819188From the output,we can see that the median price of the cars in the dataset is only$5,006.50!We can also see that the four most expensive cars are all priced between$13,400and$16,000.If we wished to browse the most expensive cars(and gain some experience with features of the Data Editor),wecould start by clicking on the Data Editor(Browse)button,.Once the Data Editor is open,we can click on the Filter Observations button,,to bring up the Filter Observations dialog.We can look at the expensive cars by putting price>13000in the Filter by expressionfield:Pressing the Apply Filter buttonfilters the data,and we can see that the expensive cars are two Cadillacs and two Lincolns,which were not designed for gas mileage:10[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample sessionWe now decide to turn our attention to foreign cars and repairs because as we glanced through the data,it appeared that the foreign cars had better repair records.(We do not know exactly what the categories1,2,3,4,and5mean,but we know the Chevy Monza was known for breaking down.) Let’s start by looking at the proportion of foreign cars in the dataset along with the proportion of cars with each type of repair record.We can do this with one-way tables.The table for foreign cars can be done with menus and a dialog starting with Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests >Frequency tables>One-way table and then choosing the variable foreign in the Categorical variablefield.Clicking on Submit yields.tabulate foreignCar type Freq.Percent Cum.Domestic5270.2770.27Foreign2229.73100.00Total74100.00We see that roughly70%of the cars in the dataset are domestic,whereas30%are foreign.The value labels are used to make the table so that the output is nicely readable.Syntax note:We also see that this one-way table could be made by using the tabulate command together with one variable,foreign.Making a one-way table for the repair records is simple—it will be simpler if done with the Command window.Typing tabulate rep78yields .tabulate rep78RepairRecord1978Freq.Percent Cum.12 2.90 2.902811.5914.4933043.4857.9741826.0984.0651115.94100.00Total69100.00We can see that most cars have repair records of3and above,though the lack of value labels makes us unsure what a“3”means.Take our word for it that1means a poor repair record and5means a goodrepair record.Thefive missing values are indirectly evident because the total number of observations listed is69rather than74.These two one-way tables do not help us compare the repair records of foreign and domestic cars.A two-way table would help greatly,which we can get by using the menus and a dialog:1.Select Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests>Frequency tables>Two-way table withmeasures of association.2.Choose rep78as the Row variable.3.Choose foreign as the Column variable.4.It would be nice to have the percentages within the foreign variable,so check the Within-rowrelative frequencies checkbox.5.Click on Submit.Here is the resulting output:.tabulate rep78foreign,rowKeyfrequencyrow percentageRepairRecord Car type1978Domestic Foreign Total1202100.000.00100.002808100.000.00100.0032733090.0010.00100.004991850.0050.00100.005291118.1881.82100.00Total48216969.5730.43100.00The output indicates that foreign cars are generally much better than domestic cars when it comes to repairs.If you like,you could repeat the previous dialog and try some of the hypothesis tests available from the dialog.We will abstain.Syntax note:We see that typing the command tabulate rep78foreign,row would have given us the same table.Thus using tabulate with two variables yields a two-way table.It makes sense that row is an option—we went out of our way to check it in the ing the row option allows us to change the behavior of the tabulate command from its default.Continuing our exploratory tour of the data,we would like to compare gas mileages between foreign and domestic cars,starting by looking at the summary statistics for each group by itself.A direct way to do this would be to use if qualifiers to summarize mpg for each of the two values of foreign separately:.summarize mpg if foreign==0Variable Obs Mean Std.Dev.Min Maxmpg5219.82692 4.7432971234.summarize mpg if foreign==1Variable Obs Mean Std.Dev.Min Maxmpg2224.77273 6.6111871441 It appears that foreign cars get somewhat better gas mileage—we will test this soon.Syntax note:We needed to use a double equal sign(==)for testing equality.The double equal sign could be familiar to you if you have programmed before.If it is unfamiliar,be aware that it is a common source of errors when initially using Stata.Thinking of equality as“exactly equal”can cut down on typing errors.There are two other methods that we could have used to produce these summary statistics.These methods are worth knowing because they are less error-prone.Thefirst method duplicates the concept of what we just did by exploiting Stata’s ability to run a command on each of a series of nonoverlapping subsets of the dataset.To use the menus and a dialog,do the following:1.Select Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests>Summary and descriptive statistics>Summary statistics and click on the Reset button,.2.Select mpg in the Variablesfield.3.Select the Standard display option(if it is not already selected).4.Click on the by/if/in tab.5.Check the Repeat command by groups checkbox.6.Select or type foreign in the Variables that define groupsfield.7.Submit the command.You can see that the results match those from above.They have a better appearance than the two commands above because the value labels Domestic and Foreign are used rather than the numerical values.The method is more appealing because the results were produced without needing to know the possible values of the grouping variable ahead of foreign,sort:summarize mpg->foreign=DomesticVariable Obs Mean Std.Dev.Min Maxmpg5219.82692 4.7432971234->foreign=ForeignVariable Obs Mean Std.Dev.Min Maxmpg2224.77273 6.6111871441 Syntax note:There is something different about the equivalent command that appears above:it contains a prefix command called a by prefix.The by prefix has its own option,namely,sort,to ensure that like members are adjacent to each other before being summarized.The by prefix command is important for understanding data manipulation and working with subpopulations within Stata.Make good note of this example,and consult[U]11.1.2by varlist:and[U]27.2The by construct for moreinformation.Stata has other prefix commands for specialized treatment of commands,as explained in[U]11.1.10Prefix commands.The third method for tabulating the differences in gas mileage across the cars’origins involves thinking about the structure of desired output.We need a one-way table of automobile types(foreign versus domestic)within which we see information about gas mileages.Looking through the menus yields the menu item Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests>Other tables>Table of means,,and frequencies.Selecting this,entering foreign for Variable1and mpg for the Summarize variable,and submitting the command yields a nice table:.tabulate foreign,summarize(mpg)Summary of Mileage(mpg)Car type Mean Std.Dev.Freq.Domestic19.826923 4.743297252Foreign24.772727 6.611186922Total21.297297 5.785503274The equivalent command is evidently tabulate foreign,summarize(mpg).Syntax note:This is a one-way table,so tabulate uses one variable.The variable being summarized is passed to the tabulate command with an option.Though we will not do it here,the summarize() option can also be used with two-way tables.A simple hypothesis testWe would like to run a hypothesis test for the difference in the mean gas mileages.Under the menus, Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests>Classical tests of hypotheses>t test(mean-comparison test)leads to the proper dialog.Select the Two-sample using groups radio button,enter mpg for the Variable name and foreign for the Group variable name,and Submit the dialog.The results are.ttest mpg,by(foreign)Two-sample t test with equal variancesGroup Obs Mean Std.Err.Std.Dev.[95%Conf.Interval]Domestic5219.82692.657777 4.74329718.5063821.14747Foreign2224.77273 1.40951 6.61118721.8414927.70396combined7421.2973.6725511 5.78550319.956922.63769 diff-4.945804 1.362162-7.661225-2.230384diff=mean(Domestic)-mean(Foreign)t=-3.6308 Ho:diff=0degrees of freedom=72 Ha:diff<0Ha:diff!=0Ha:diff>0 Pr(T<t)=0.0003Pr(|T|>|t|)=0.0005Pr(T>t)=0.9997From this,we could conclude that the mean gas mileage for foreign cars is different from that of domestic cars(though we really ought to have wanted to test this before snooping through the data).We can also conclude that the command,ttest mpg,by(foreign),is easy enough to remember.Feel free to experiment with unequal variances,various approximations to the number of degrees of freedom,and the like.Syntax note:The by()option used here is not the same as the by prefix command used earlier.Although it has a similar conceptual meaning,its usage is different because it is a particular option for the ttest command.Descriptive statistics—correlation matricesWe now change our focus from exploring categorical relationships to exploring numerical relation-ships:we would like to know if there is a correlation between miles per gallon and weight.We select Statistics>Summaries,tables,and tests>Summary and descriptive statistics>Correlations and covariances in the menus.Entering mpg and weight,either by clicking or by typing,and then submitting the command yields.correlate mpg weight(obs=74)mpg weightmpg 1.0000weight-0.8072 1.0000The equivalent command for this is natural:correlate mpg weight.There is a negative correlation, which is not surprising because heavier cars should be harder to push about.We could see how the correlation compares for foreign and domestic cars by using our knowledge of the by prefix.We can reuse the correlate dialog or use the menus as before if the dialog is closed.Click on the by/if/in tab,check the Repeat command by groups checkbox,and enter the foreign variable to define the groups.As done on page12,a simple by foreign,sort:prefix in front of our previous command would work, foreign,sort:correlate mpg weight->foreign=Domestic(obs=52)mpg weightmpg 1.0000weight-0.8759 1.0000->foreign=Foreign(obs=22)mpg weightmpg 1.0000weight-0.6829 1.0000We see from this that the correlation is not as strong among the foreign cars.Syntax note:Although we used the correlate command to look at the correlation of two variables, Stata can make correlation matrices for an arbitrary number of variables:。