Introduction Why are People Asking these Questions A Call for Bringing Situation into Quest
兰迪·波许- 时间管理于弗吉尼亚大学2007年11月27日, 星期二.更多信息, 请访问© Copyright Randy Pausch,2007英文文本由Friederike SophieBrand提供. 其中可能会有错误.中文翻译由张晓宇(河流)提供, 能力问题, 其中必不乏错译,漏译等. 为了翻译稿的通顺, 我做了一些细小的文字润色. 感谢Lichao Chen对我的翻译错误的指正! 如有意见与建议, 请与我联系沟通, 我将及时做出修改. 时间关系,我没有翻译讲座前后的致辞,敬请原谅.Email: ocirlin@标注体系: []用来表示波许教授在讲座中的动作等. {}表示译者的注记.Randy Pausch:兰迪·波许:Thank you, that's very kind, but never tip the waiter before the meal arrives.谢谢. 非常感谢.不过大餐尚未享用,先别给我这个侍者小费.(讲的好再鼓掌.)Thank you, Gabe and Jim, I couldn't imagine being more grateful for an introduction. These are two people that I've known a long time, I taught here at UVA, I love this school, it's an incredible place filled with tradition and history and respect, the kind of qualities that I really admire, that I want to see preserved in American society. And this is one of the places that I just love for preserving that. I think the honor code alone at the University of Virginia is something that every university administrator should study and look at and say: “Why can't we do that too?“ I think there are a lot of things about this place to love.谢谢你们, 盖伯, 吉姆. 非常感谢对我的介绍.我认识了这两个朋友很久了.我曾经在弗尼吉亚大学这里讲过课.我热爱这所学校,这是一个充满非常深厚的传统,历史与尊崇的地方.我确实很欣赏这样的特点,我也期望这些特点长存于美国社会中,而这里也正是一个我所希望能长存这样的特点的地方.我认为,光是弗尼吉亚大学的荣誉规范体系这一件事就值得每个大学管理者去学习,他们应该去反思:“为什么我们不能这样做?”我觉得这里的许多东西都让我喜爱.I'm going to talk today on the topic of time management. The circumstances are, as you probably know, a little bit unusual. I think at this point I'm an authority to talk about what to do with limited time. My battle with pancreatic cancer started about a year and a half ago. Fought, did all the right things but as my oncologist said, if you could pick off a list, that's not the one you'd want to pick. On August 15th, these were my CAT scans. You can see that if you scroll through all of them, there are about a dozen tumors in my liver, and the doctors at that time said, - I love the way they say it: “You have three to six months of goodhealth left.“ Optimism and positive phrasing. It's like when you are at Disney: “What time does the park close?“ - “The park is open until eight.“ So I have “three to six months of good health.“ Well, let's do the math: Today is three months and twelve days. So what Ihad on my day-timer for today was not necessarily being at the UVA. I'm pleased to say that we do treat with palliative chemo, they're going to buy me a little bit of time on the order of a few months if it continues to work. I'm still in perfectly good health. With Gabe in the audience, I'm not going to do push-ups, because I'm not going to be shown up. Gabeis really in good shape! But I continue to be in relatively good health, I had chemotherapy yesterday, you should all try it, it's great.我今天要讲的话题是时间管理.你可能已经知道了,我现在的情况有些不寻常.我觉得现在,在利用有限的时间能做些什么的话题上,我算是个权威了.我与胰腺癌的战斗开始于一年半之前.我尽我所能和它战斗,但就像我的肿瘤医师说的那样,如果有一张写着各种癌症名字的单子来让我挑,那也不要选择得上胰腺癌.在8月15日,我的CAT扫描结果出来了. 你们翻翻页就可以看到,我的肝脏上差不多有一打肿瘤.那时医生说到--我喜欢他们这样说--你还有三至六个月的健康生命可活.这是个乐观而积极的表述.这就像当你身在迪士尼乐园问道:“公园几点关门?”“公园一直开到八点.”那么,我有“三到六个月的健康生命”.那么来做个计算吧.明天就已经三个月零十二天了,我的日历不知道带到这里没有,我很高兴与化疗打交道,要是它能继续有效的话,它能帮我换回几个月的时间,我仍非常健康.盖伯在听众里面,我就不做俯卧撑了,因为我不想炫耀了.盖伯身体很棒!我一直处在相对健康的情况下.我昨天刚做过化疗, 你们不妨都试一下,很棒.But it does beg the question, I have finite time - some people said: “So why are you going and giving a talk?“ There are a lot of reasons I'm coming here and giving a talk. One of them is that I said I would. That's a pretty simple reason. And I'm physically able to. Another one is that going to the University of Virginia is not like going to some foreign place. People say: “Aren't you spending all your time with family?“ And by coming back here for a day, I am spending my time with family both metaphorically and literally because it turns out that - many of you have probably seen this picture from the talk that I gave, these are my niece and nephew Chris and Laura. My niece Laura is actually a senior... a fourth- year! here at Mr. Jefferson's university. Laura, could you stand up, so they seeyou've gotten taller? There you are. I couldn't be happier to have her here at this university. The other person in this picture is Chris, if you could stand up so they seeyou've gotten much taller? They have grown in so many ways, not just in height. It's been wonderful to see that and be an uncle to them. Is there anybody here on the faculty orPh.D. students of the history department? Any history people here at all? Anybody here who is from history, find Chris right after the talk. Because he is currently in his sophomore year at William and Mary and he's interested in going into a Ph.D. program in history down the road and there aren't many better Ph.D. programs in history than this one. So I'm pimping for my nephew here! Let's be clear!但说实在的, 我只有有限的时间了. 有人说,那你为什么来做讲座呢?我来这里做讲座有许多原因.一个原因就是我曾说过我会来.这是一个非常简单的理由.并且我的身体条件也允许我这样做.另外,对我来说弗尼吉亚大学并不是一个陌生的地方.人们常问:“难道你不打算将所有的余生都与家人度过吗?”我与我的家人一起来到这里,不仅是身体一起,心灵也在一起.你们中的许多人可能已经在我原先的演讲中看到过这张图片了.我的侄女劳拉是个大三..大四的学生.她在杰弗逊大学.劳拉,站起来下好吗,让大家看看你长高了没有.你在这哦.她在这里,我别提多开心了.另一个照片里的人是克里思,能不能站起来,让大家也看看你长高没有? 他们在很多方面都成长了,而不仅仅是身高.看到这些,作为叔叔的我感觉非常棒.这里有历史部的老师或是博士生吗?这里有搞历史的人吗?要是谁搞历史的话,讲座结束后不妨找克里思谈谈.他现在是威廉玛丽大学的大二的学生,对继续读历史学的博士生非常感兴趣.没几个大学的历史学博士项目比这里更好.说白了,我在给我的侄子找后门!What are we going to talk about today? We're going to talk about - this is not like the lecture that you may have seen me give before. This is a very pragmatic lecture. One ofthe reasons that I had agreed to come back and give this is because Gabe and many other faculty members had told me that they had gotten so much tangible value about how to get more done, and I truly do believe that time is the only commodity that matters. So this is a very pragmatic talk. It is inspirational in the sense that it will inspire you by giving you some concrete things you might do to be able to get more things done in yourfinite time. I'm going to talk specifically about how to set goals, how to avoid wasting time, how to deal with a boss, - originally this talk was how to deal with your advisor, but I triedto broaden it, so it's not quite so academically focused. How to delegate to people, some specific skills and tools that I might recommend to help you get more out of the day. And to deal with the real problems in our lives, which are stress and procrastination. If you can lick that last one, you are probably in good shape.我们今天都要讲些什么呢?我们要讲些--这和你们以前看到的我的讲座不一样. 这是一个很实用的讲座.我愿意回来做这个讲座的一个原因就是盖伯和许多教师都告诉我,他们觉得如何在有限的时间内做更多事,有实实在在的价值,我真的觉得时间是唯一重要的东西.这是一个非常实用的讲座.它告诉你一些非常实际的方法来帮助你在有限的时间内做更多的事情.从这个角度而言,这个讲座是很有启发性的.我将专门地讨论如何设立目标,如何避免浪费时间.如何与老板打交道..本来是要讲如何与你的辅导员打交道的,但我尝试去扩展这次讲座,使之不是仅针对学术.如何委派他人,教你们使用一些特定的技巧和工具来使你的一天更有效率.还包括如何与身边的问题打交道,例如面对压力和拖延.如果你不拖延的话,你身材可能会很棒.You don't need to take any notes. I presume if I see any laptops open you're actually just doing IM or email or something. If you're listening to music, please at least wear headphones. All of this will be posted on my website and to make it really easy, if you want to know when to look up, any slides that have a red star are the points that I think you should really make sure that you got that one. Conversely, if it doesn't have a red star, well...你们不用记笔记.要是我看到有笔记本电脑开着的话, 我会假定你实际上是在聊天,发邮件,或干其它的事.要是你在听音乐,至少把耳机戴上.这次的讲座的全部内容将会在我的网站上发布出来.更方便的是,如果你想回顾这次讲座,我把重点的幻灯片用红星标注出来了. 反之,要是没有红星,呃..The first thing I want to say is that Americans are very, very bad at dealing with time as a commodity. We're really good at dealing with money as a commodity. We are, as a culture, very interested in dealing with money, how much somebody earns is a status thing and so on, but we don't really have time elevated to that. People waste their time and it always fascinates me. One of the things that I've noticed is that very few people equate time and money and they are very, very equatable. The first thing I started doing when I was a teacher was asking my graduate students: “Well, how much is your time worth anho ur?“ Or if you work at a company: “How much is your time worth to the company?“ What most people don't realize is that if you have a salary, let's say you make 50,000 $ a year, you probably cost that company twice that in order to have you as an employee because there's heating and lighting and other staff members and so forth, so if you get paid 50,000 a year, you are costing that company - they have to raise 100,000 $ in revenue! And if you divide that by your hourly rate, you begin to get some sense of what you are worth an hour. When you have to make trade-of fs of “Should I do something like write software or should I just buy it or should I outsource this?“, having in your head what you cost your organization an hour is really a staggering thing to change your behavior. Because you start realizing that, wow, if I free up three hours of my time and I'm thinking in that in terms of dollars, that's a big savings! So start thinking about your time and your money almost as if they are the same thing. Of course Ben Franklin knew that a long time ago.我想说的第一件事是,美国人不善于将时间看作商品,我们很善于将金钱看成商品.作为一种文化,我们对跟金钱打交道非常感兴趣,一个人的收入多少往往是身份高低的象征,但我们却从未将时间提升到这样的高度.人们浪费他们的时间,这种现象经常引起我的注意.我注意到: 极少的人将时间看作与金钱同等重要的东西,尽管它们事实上非常同质. 在我当老师时,第一件事就是问我的研究生,你的一个小时值多少钱?或者你工作在公司里,你的一小时对公司来说值多少钱?许多人并不知道,如果你有一份50000美元年薪的工作, 那么你可能实际上要耗掉公司两倍于你的薪水的钱来雇用你:要考率到水电,其它人力等等的费用. 也就是说,如果你每年拿到50000美元, 那么公司的盈利得相应增加100000美元! 用这个数字去除你的工时, 你就能对你自己一个小时的价值有点感觉了. 当你需要做一些交易的时候,比如说,我是去自己写一个程序,还是去买一个,或是将这项工作外包出去给别人.在你的头脑中保持你每个小时耗掉公司多少钱这样的概念,对改变你的行为有巨大的帮助.因为你开始意识到,哇,如果我能节省自己三个小时的时间,把它换算成金钱,那真是省了很多钱啊!所以,要开始把你的时间和金钱当成同等的事物来考虑.当然,本杰明.富兰克林很久之前就懂这个道理了.So you've got to manage it and you've got to manage it just like you manage your money. Now I realize not all Americans manage their money, that's what makes the credit card industry possible. And apparently, mortgages too. But most people do at least understand - they don't look at you funny if you say: “Can I see your monetary budget for your household?“ In fact, when I say “your household budget“, you presume that I'm talking about money when in fact the household budget I really want to talk about is probably your household time budget.于是你需要开始像打理你的金钱一样来打理你的时间, 我知道现在也不是所有美国人都去打理自己的金钱,这造就了信用卡行业.当然,还有抵押贷款.不过许多人最终将会明白.当你说: “我能否看一下你的家政预算?”的时候,他们不会以滑稽的眼神看着你了.事实上,当我提到你的家政预算的时候,你可能会假定我说的是经济上的,而实际上,我说的是你的家政时间预算.At the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon, students would come in during the orientation, I would say: “This is a master's program, everybody is paying full tuition.“ It was roughly 30,000 $ a semeste r, and the first thing I would say is: “If you're going to come into my office and say: “I don't think this is worth 60,000 $ a year“, I will throw you out of the office. I'm not even going to have this discussion.“ Of course they would say: “Oh god, this Pausch guy is a real jerk.“ And then they were right! But what I then followed on with was: “Because the money is not important. You can go and earn more money later. What you'll never do is get the two years of your life back. So if you want to come into my office and talk about the money, I'll throw you out, but if you want to come into my office and say: “I'm not sure this is a good place for me to spend two years“, I will talk to you all day and all night because that means we're talking about the right thing, which is your time, because you can't ever get it back.在卡耐基-梅隆大学的娱乐技术中心, 参观的学生有时会走进我的办公室.我会告诉他:“这是一个硕士项目,每个人都要付全额的学费.”大约是三万美元一年.首先我要说,要是你走进我的办公室对我说, “我觉得这不值六万美元一年的学费.”那我会把你扔出办公室.我将不再和你讨论.当然,他们会说:“哦,老天,这个叫波许的家伙真混蛋.”他们说对了!但我接着要说:“因为金钱并不重要,你能把你的钱以后再挣回来.但你永远不能找回你这两年度过的时光.要是你打算走进我的办公室跟我讨论钱的事,我会把你扔出去;但如果你走进了跟我说:“我不知道这里是否值得我花费两年时光.”我会跟你没日没夜的谈,因为这代表着我们在谈论正确的事情,那就是你的时间,你永远也不能找回自己逝去的时光.A lot of the advice I'm going to give you particularly for undergraduates - how many people in this room are undergraduates, by show of hands? Okay, good! Still young! A lot of this - put it to Hans and Franz of Saturday Night Life if you're old enough: “Hear me no w, but believe me later!“ A lot of this is going to make sense later, and one of the nicest things is that Gabe has volunteered to put this up on the web. I understand that people can actuallywatch videos on the web now. So a lot of this will make sense later, and when I talk about your boss if you're a student, think about that as your academic advisor, if you're a Ph.D. student, think about it as your Ph.D. advisor, and if you're watching this and you are a young child, think of this as your parent because that is the person who is in some sense your boss.许多建议是专门为本科生准备的. 这里有多少人是本科生,手举起来!好的!你们还年轻啊!今天说的许多好多东西,如果你看Saturday Night Life的Hans and Franz的话,都是“现在先听着,晚些才相信”的.许多东西,你以后才会意识到.最好的是,盖伯愿意将这次讲座整理到网上.我知道人们现在可以通过网络观看视频了,到你再次看这视频时,可能就能意识到一些东西了.如果你是个学生,当我讨论到关于老板的时候,你可以想象成是你的辅导员,如果你是博士生,那就换成博士生导师.要是你还是个年轻的孩子,那么就想象成你的父母,他们就类似你的老板.{注:Saturdy Night Life是一档美国周末晚间的节目,Hanz and Franz是其中的角色.我没有看过这个节目,如果有朋友看过的话不妨告诉我更多背景知识.}The talk goes very fast and I'm very big on specific techniques. I'm not really big on platitudes. Platitudes are nice, but they don't really help me get something done tomorrow. The other thing is that one good thief is worth ten good scholars. And in fact, you can replace the word “scholars“ in that sentence with almost anything. Almost everything in this talk is to some degree inspired, which is a fancy way of saying lifted, from these two books [Cathy Collins: Time Management for Teachers, 1987; Career Track Seminar: Taking control of Your Work Day, 1990], and I found those books very useful but it's much betterto get them into a distilled form. What I've basically done is I've collected the nuggets for your bath.讲座的速度很快,我长于专业技巧,而不善于老生常谈.它们可能听起来不错,但不能真正地帮助我们在未来去把事情搞定.同时,“一个好的贼顶过十个好的学者.”事实上,你可以将句子中“学者”这个词换成几乎任何一个其它的词.这次讲座中几乎所有的思想都收到这两本书的启发:[Cathy Collins: Time Management for Teachers, 1987; Career Track Seminar: Taking control of Your Work Day, 1990]我发现这些书非常有用,可将它们中的精华提炼出来会更好.我基本上已经将书中的精华采集出来,为你准备好了.I like to talk about “The T ime Famine“. I think it's a nice phrase. Does anybody here feel like they have too much time? Okay, nobody, excellent. I like the word “famine“, becauseit's a little bit like thinking about Africa. You can airlift all the food you want in to solve the crisis this week but the problem is systemic, and you really need systemic solutions. A time management solution that says, “I'm going to fix things for you in the next 24 hours“ is laughable, just like saying: “I'm going to cure hunger in Africa in the next year.“ You need to think long-term and you need to change fundamental underlying processes because the problem is systemic, we just have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. 我喜欢讲“时间饥荒”. 我觉得这个短语很好. 在座的各位,有人觉得自己的时间很多吗? 很好, 没有. 我喜欢“饥荒”这个词, 是因为这有点让人联想到非洲.你可以空降一些食物来解决这周的危机,可问题是系统性的,因此你也需要系统性的解决方案.“24小时之内我能帮你把事情做完”,这样的时间管理方法就很可笑,这就像是说:“一年之内我能解决非洲的饥饿”一样. 你得从长计议,你需要通过改变基础的,潜在的过程来解决这个系统性的问题:我们有太多的事情要做,但我们没有足够的时间.The other thing to remember is that it's not just about time management. That sounds like a kind of a lukewarm, a talk about time management, that's kind of milk-toast. But how about if the talk is: How about not having ulcers? That catches my attention! So a lot of this is life advice.This is, how to change the way you're doing a lot of the things and how you allocate your time so that you will lead a happier, more wonderful life, and I loved in theintroduction that you talked about fun! Because if I've brought fun to academia, well, it's about damn time! If you're not going to have fun, why do it? That's what I want to know. Life really is too short, if you're not going to enjoy it... People who say: “Well, I've got a job and I don't really like it“, I'm like: “W ell, you could change?!“ “But that'll be a lot of work!“ - “You're right, you should keep going to work every day doing a job you don't like. Thank you, good night.“此外,这次讲座并不仅仅是关于时间管理.一个关于时间管理的讲座,听起来可能就感觉无关痛痒-无非就那么回事.但如果这个讲座是:如果没有得溃疡会怎样?那就会引起我的注意.这次讲座包含了不少对人生的建议.这包括如何去改变你行事的方式,如何把你的时间汇聚起来,以使你过上更幸福,更精彩的生活. 我挺喜欢刚刚谈到快乐的讲座前的介绍.因为要说我能给学术界带来了些欢乐,那就是在关于时间的问题上.如果你不打算快乐,那么为什么还要做某件事?我想知道答案.生命着实太短暂,难道你不想好好去享受它吗?有人说,“嗯,我有一份工作,但我不喜欢.”我会说“那么,你能改变现状吗?”“可那要做很多工作!”“确实如此,可你每天做着自己不喜欢的工作,也要干很多事啊.谢谢,晚安..”So the overall goal is fun. My middle child Logan is my favorite example. I don't think he knows how to not have fun. No, grant, the lot of the things he does are not fun for his mother and me. But he's loving every second of it. He doesn't know to do anything thatisn't ballistic and full of life. He's going to keep that quality, he's my little Tigger, and I always remember Logan when I think about the goal is to make sure that you lead your life - I want to maximize use of time, but that's the means, not the end. The end is maximizing fun.所以说人生的总目标就是快乐. 我最喜欢拿我的孩子劳甘举例子.我不知道他什么时候才不快乐.他做的许多事情对我和我的妻子来说,都不显得那么有趣.然而,他却的确非常享受做这些事的每一秒钟. 他不知道怎样不去专心的做什么事情.他一直保持着这样的特点,他就是我的小跳跳虎.当我意识到我的目标是让自己能够引领自己的生活时,我总能想起劳甘.我希望尽可能最大化的利用我的时间--但这就意味着,还没到止境.止境是获得最大化的快乐.People who do intense studies and log people on videotape and so on say that the typical office worker wastes almost two hours a day. Their desk is messy, they can't find things, they miss appointments, are unprepared for meetings, they can't concentrate. Does anybody in here by show of hands ever have any sense that one of these things is part of their life? Okay, I think we've got everybody! So these are a universal thing and you shouldn't feel guilty if some of these things are plagueing you because they plague all of us, they plague me for sure.有人做了仔细的研究, 他们通过录影带观察, 发现普通的办公室职员一天差不多能能浪费掉两个小时.他们的桌面乱糟糟的,东西要用的时候就找不着,他们经常忘记掉约会,或是对会议毫无准备,无法集中注意力.这里有人也有过同样的感觉吗?举手.好的,差不多所有人都这样! 这是件很普遍的事情, 你也没必要因为这些现象的困扰感到负罪感.因为这些事也同样困扰着所有人.当然,也包括我.The other thing I want to tell you is that it sounds a little clichéd and tried, but being successful does not make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes you successful. If I've been successful in my career, I assure you it's not because I'm smarter than all the other faculty. I mean, I'm looking around, and I'm looking at some of my former colleagues, and I see Jim Cohoon up there: I'm not smarter than Jim Cohoon. I constantly look around at the faculty at places like the University of Virginia or Carnegie Mellon, and I go: “Damn,these are smart people!“ And I snuck in! But what I like to think I'm good at is the meta-skills, because if you're going to have to run with people who are faster than you you have to find the right ways to optimize what skills you do have.另外我想告诉你们, 可能听起来有点陈腐,不过成功并不意味着你会管理好你的时间.而管理好你的时间却能够使你成功.要说我的职业生涯还算成功的话,我向你保证,这不是因为我比别人聪明.我的意思是,当我放眼四顾,我能看到一些我曾经的同事,我看到了吉姆·科洪,我没有他聪明.我一直在观察那些在卡耐基-梅隆或者弗尼吉亚大学这样地方的教师,我会惊叹,“天啊,全是聪明人.”而我也在其中暂露头角.我倾向于认为我擅长(时间管理这个)基本技能.因为如果你要和比你跑的快的人赛跑,你就必须找到能最大程度的发挥你掌握的技能的路径.Let's talk first about goals, priorities and planning. Anytime anything crosses your life,you've got to ask: “This thing I'm thinking about doing, why am I doing it? Almost no onethat I know starts with the core principle of, there's this thing on my To Do list, why is it there? Because if you're start asking like, why am I... my kids are great at this. That is, allI've ever heard at home is: Why? Why? Sooner or later they're going to stop saying “Why“, they're just going to say: “Oka y, I'll do i t.“ So ask, why am I doing this, what is the goal,why will I succeed at doing it, and here's my favorite: What will happen if I don't do it? The best thing in the world is when I have something on my To Do list and I just go: Hmm, no.No one has ever come and taken me to jail.让我们先谈谈目标,优先级和计划.无论什么时候,有什么事进入你的生活,你得要问问自己,我想做的这件事, 我为什么要做?然而我认识的人里面,几乎没有人能够去想这个核心的问题: 如果这件事出现在我的任务列表中, 它为什么会出现在那里?因为如果你这样问自己,我为什么...我的孩子很擅长这样问.我在家经常听到,为什么?为什么?过一阵他们就会停下来不再问为什么,他们会说,好吧,我做.所以,要问自己,为什么我要做这件事?目标是什么?为什么我能做成这件事?还有我最喜欢问自己的:如果我不做这件事会怎样?世界上最好的事情就是当我的任务列表上面还有东西没有做的时候,我把它放在一边,也没有人来把我抓到监狱里.I talked my way out of a speeding ticket last week, that was really cool. It's like the closestI've ever going to be to attractive and blonde. I told the guy why we had just moved and so on and so forth, and he looked at me and said: “Well, for a guy who's only got a couple of months to live, you sure look good!“ I just pulled up my shirt to show the scar and I said, “Yeah, I look good on the outside but the tu mors are on the inside.“ He just ran back to his cruiser and... ! So that's one positive law enforcement experience for me.我上周和警察交谈把我的一张超速罚单免了,这真的很酷,这感觉就像我变成金发美女那样诱人一样.我告诉那个警察我们刚刚搬到这里,很多情况不熟悉,等等等等...他看着我对我说, “作为一个只有几个月能活的人,你看起来不错!”我拉起我的T恤,把手术疤给他看,说:“是的,从外面看我还不错,不过肿瘤在里面.”他就跑回到他的巡警车里面..对我来说,这是和执法机构打交道的一次愉快经历.The police have never come because I crossed something off my To Do list. That's a very powerful thing because you've got all that time back. The other thing to keep in mind when you're doing goal setting is, a lot of people focus on doing things right. I think it's very dangerous to focus on doing things right. I think it's much more important to do the right things. If you do the right things adequately, that's much more important than doing the wrong things beautifully. Doesn't matter how well you polish the underside of the banister. Keep that in mind.警察从来没有因为我忽略掉我任务清单上的某事而把我抓走.这是件很棒的事,因为你可以把做这些事的时间省下来.另外要记住,当你制定自己的目标的时候,许多人把精力放在正确的做事上面.我觉得把精力集中在正确的做事上不好,做正确的事更重要.把正确的事做的差不多, 要比把错误的事做得漂亮重要的多.就像你把栏杆的下沿擦的再亮也一点也不重要.牢记于心.Lou Holtz had a great list: Lou Holtz's 100 things to do in his life. He would once a weeklook at it and say: If I'm not working on those 100 things, why was I working on the others?。
六要素:what who when where why how
概要写作(小ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文)
④Finally, the anxiety of dating is greatly lessened with cyber-dating. Traditionally, men take the lead in dating. They are the ones who have to ask a woman out on a date. They have to risk rejection. It’s no better for women, however. Many women still wait for a man to ask them out first. Then, if they don’t want to go out with him, they have to let the man down gently. While it’s true that sometimes with cyber-dating men still get rejected and women still reject, you experience this in the privacy of your own home. Moreover, you never have to see the person again because you have never met! It’s the perfect solution.
小学上册英语第二单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.When I grow up, I want to have a ________ (赛车). It goes very ________ (快).2.My _____ (花坛) is colorful and bright.3.What is the capital of Germany?A. MunichB. FrankfurtC. BerlinD. Hamburg答案:C4.I have a ___ (pen/pencil) in my bag.5.__________ is what happens when ice absorbs heat and melts.6.Many flowers can attract __________ (蝴蝶).7.The concept of climate resilience emphasizes the capacity to adapt to ______ changes.8.The kitten loves to bat at ______ (玩具).9.I like to watch ______ (电影) with my family on weekends. It is a great way to spend time together.10.Water is made up of hydrogen and ______.11.Did you know that a _______ (小海马) is a gentle creature?12.The ______ is a source of inspiration for many.13.My _____ (祖父) tells the best stories.14.The __________ (历史的见证) enriches understanding.15.How many colors are there in a traffic light?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five答案: B16.What do we call the first month of the year?A. DecemberB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. March答案:B17.I like to help my mom ________ (做饭) for dinner.18.What do we call the process of becoming better?A. ImprovementB. GrowthC. DevelopmentD. Progress答案: A19.The flower smells very _______ (花的味道非常_______).20.My mom enjoys _______ (动词) in the kitchen. 她的手艺很 _______ (形容词).21.What is the name of the famous beach in Rio de Janeiro?A. CopacabanaB. IpanemaC. BondiD. Waikiki答案:A. Copacabana22.The first successful total face transplant was performed in ________.23.The atomic mass of an element includes protons and ______.24.We are _______ (learning) about animals.25. A _____ (种子库) preserves different types of seeds.26.The food is ___ (healthy/unhealthy).27.I saw a _______ (小恐龙) at the museum.28.The _____ (sky/ground) is blue.29. A ______ is a way to quantify observations.30.What do we call a place where you can borrow books?A. StoreB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Museum答案:B31.We are having ________ (野餐) by the lake.32.What do caterpillars turn into?A. BeesB. AntsC. ButterfliesD. Moths答案:c33.What do we call the collection of stars that forms a pattern?A. ConstellationB. GalaxyC. NebulaD. Cluster答案:A. Constellation34.The chemical symbol for neodymium is ______.35.I enjoy making ________ (美味的食物) for family.36.What do you call the process of water falling from the sky?A. EvaporationB. PrecipitationC. CondensationD. Collection答案: B37. A ____ is known for its strength and ability to lift heavy objects.38.What do we call a young kangaroo?A. CalfB. JoeyC. KittenD. Cub答案:B39.We need to clean the ______. (house)40.Many plants grow well in _______ soil.41.What do we call the process of combining two or more colors?A. BlendingB. MixingC. MergingD. Combining答案:B42.The chihuahua is a tiny _______ (狗).43.What is the name of the famous mountain range in Europe?A. RockiesB. AlpsC. AndesD. Himalayas答案:B.Alps44.The __________ is a famous landmark in Egypt.45.I love to ______ (dance) to music.46.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered Australia?A. James CookB. Abel TasmanC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Christopher Columbus答案: A47. A ______ is a plant that grows in very dry areas.48.I see a __ in the sky. (plane)49.Which unit is used to measure temperature?A. MeterB. LiterC. CelsiusD. Gram答案: C50.The teacher is _____ the students to listen. (asking)51.Which animal is known for its ability to fly south for the winter?A. PenguinB. EagleC. SparrowD. Dolphin答案:C52.The ____ is known for its impressive speed and can run very fast.53.The Earth's crust is constantly being shaped by ______ activity.54.The dog is _______ (在叫).55.The __________ is a region known for its mountains and valleys.56.I like to ___ in the garden. (help)57.The seal uses its whiskers to sense ______ (周围的环境).58. A _____ (daisy) is a common flower.59. A _______ is a process that causes a change in the physical state of a substance.60.The orca is known as the killer ________________ (鲸鱼).61.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru known for its Incan ruins?A. Machu PicchuB. TikalC. PetraD. Angkor Wat答案: A62.Sound travels through ______ (air).63. A squirrel gathers _______ for its winter storage.64.What do you call the part of a book that tells you what the book is about?A. CoverB. TitleC. IntroductionD. Foreword答案: B65.She is a _____ (记者) who investigates important issues.66.I have a _____ (favorite) toy.67. A turtle moves slowly but has a hard _______.68.What do we call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. BreakfastC. DinnerD. Snack答案:B69. A caterpillar becomes a _______ (蝴蝶).70.ecological footprint) reflects human activity's impact. The ____71.Chemical reactions can be classified as ______ or exothermic.72.What is the capital city of the Dominican Republic?A. Santo DomingoB. SantiagoC. La RomanaD. Puerto Plata答案: A73.The ________ was a pivotal struggle in the history of the nation.74.What is the capital of the UK?A. LondonB. EdinburghC. DublinD. Cardiff答案: A75.ssance encouraged exploration of new ________ (思想). The Rena76.The _______ (Celtic) culture is known for its rich traditions and music.77.I have a ______ of stuffed animals. (collection)78.The chemical formula for barium hydroxide is _______.79.The __________ is a famous mountain located in Japan. (富士山)80.The llama can carry heavy ______ (负担).81.I enjoy collecting __________ after it rains. (雨滴)82.The main gas emitted during combustion is __________.83.The _______ of an object can be changed by applying force.84.I have a toy ________ that I built.85.The __________ (历史的启示) enriches our understanding.86.The ________ (气候适应) is critical in farming.87.I can ______ (保持) a balanced life.88.What is the main ingredient in a salad?A. BreadB. VegetablesC. MeatD. Rice答案:B89.Hamsters store food in their ______ (脸颊).90.What is the name of the famous artist known for his "The Persistence of Memory"?A. Salvador DalíB. Pablo PicassoC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet答案: A91.The process of photosynthesis converts light energy into ______ energy.92.What do we call the process of a liquid absorbing heat and turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. SublimationD. Freezing答案:A. Evaporation93.The teacher helps students develop _____ (技能).94.The _____ (night) is quiet.95.My friend is my best _______ who listens to my thoughts and feelings.96.The __________ is a famous river in the United States. (密西西比河)97.The playground is ________.98.At school, we have a toy day. It’s fun to see what others ________ (动词) and share our favorite ________ (名词).99.The puppy loves to _______ (追逐) its tail.100.The capital of Germany is ________.。
The Art of Asking Questions
The Art of Asking Questions As humans, we are naturally curious beings, constantly seeking to understand the world around us. One of the most important skills we possess is the ability to ask questions. Whether it's in a classroom setting, during a job interview, or in our personal lives, asking the right questions can lead to valuable insights, deeper connections, and a greater understanding of ourselves and others. However, the art of asking questions is not always easy. It requires a balance of curiosity, empathy, and critical thinking. In this response, we will explore the importanceof asking questions, the various types of questions, and the impact of asking questions on our personal and professional lives. First and foremost, asking questions is essential for learning and growth. From a young age, we are encouraged to ask questions in order to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world. In a classroom setting, students are taught to ask questions to clarify concepts, challenge assumptions, and engage in critical thinking. This not only fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also encourages students to think independently and develop their own ideas. In a professional setting, asking questions is equally important. It demonstrates a willingness to learn, adapt, and problem-solve, all of which are crucial skills in today's fast-pacedand ever-changing work environment. Moreover, asking questions is a powerful tool for building relationships and fostering connections. When we ask someone about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, we show that we value their perspective and are genuinely interested in what they have to say. This can lead to more meaningful conversations, increased trust, and a stronger sense of community. In a professional setting, asking thoughtful questions can also help build rapport with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. It shows that we are attentive, engaged,and committed to finding solutions that meet everyone's needs. On the other hand, asking questions can also be challenging. Many of us fear asking questions because we worry about appearing ignorant or incompetent. We may also fear rejection or judgment from others. However, it's important to remember that asking questions is a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes courage to admit that we don't have all the answers and to seek help when we need it. By asking questions, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, perspectives, and opportunities for growth. Inaddition, the types of questions we ask can have a significant impact on the quality of our interactions and the outcomes we achieve. Open-ended questions, for example, encourage deeper reflection and conversation, while closed-ended questions can be useful for gathering specific information or clarifying details. Reflective questions can help us gain insight into our own thoughts and feelings, while probing questions can challenge assumptions and stimulate critical thinking. By understanding the different types of questions and when to use them, we can communicate more effectively and navigate complex situations with greater ease. Furthermore, the impact of asking questions extends beyond our immediate interactions. It can also lead to innovation, problem-solving, and personal development. When we ask questions, we challenge the status quo and push boundaries. This can lead to new ideas, solutions, and ways of thinking that benefit not only ourselves but also our communities and society as a whole. In a professional setting, asking questions can lead to improved processes, products, and services that better meet the needs of customers and stakeholders. In conclusion, the art of asking questions is a fundamental skill that has the power to transform our personal and professional lives. It is through asking questions that we learn, connect, and grow. By embracing curiosity, empathy, and critical thinking, we can ask better questions, engage in more meaningful conversations, and drive positive change. So, let's not be afraid to ask questions. Let's embrace the art of asking questions and see where it takes us.。
Host: The first question that I am kind of interested in asking what you think each has contributed to the computer and technology industry, starting with you, Steve, for Bill and vice versa.主持人:第一个我挺感兴趣想问的是你们觉得彼此对计算机和科技行业的贡献分别是哪些乔布斯,你先来说说盖茨,然后再交换。
Jobs: I think the biggest thing was that Bill was really focused on software, before almost anybody else had a clue it was really the software.乔布斯:最关键的一点是盖茨非常专注于软件而且是在大家都还搞不清什么是真正的软件时就开始了。
Host: Bill, how about the contribution of Steve and Apple?主持人:盖茨,你说说乔布斯和苹果的贡献?Bill: First, I want to clarify I am not fake Steve Jobs.盖茨:首先我想澄清,我不是“假的乔布斯”(博客上的一个玩笑)Host: Actually I looked at an Apple ad from 1978 It was a print ad that shows you how ancient it was. And it said, thousands of people have discovered the Apple Computer.主持人:事实上,我还看了一个1978年的苹果广告是份印刷广告,所以可以看出这是多么久远前的事了.广告是这样说的,上千人发现了苹果电脑。
请给出一篇以提问问题开篇的英语范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1What makes a great leader? Is it their charisma, their intelligence, or their ability to inspire others? This question has been debated by scholars, experts, and leaders themselves for centuries. Some argue that a great leader must possess a strong vision and the ability to communicate it effectively. Others believe that a great leader is someone who leads by example and earns the trust and respect of their followers.In my opinion, a great leader is someone who combines all of these qualities and more. A great leader must be able to adapt to different situations, think critically, and make difficult decisions under pressure. They must also have a sense of empathy and emotional intelligence, as well as the ability to motivate and empower others.One example of a great leader who embodies these qualities is Nelson Mandela. Mandela was a visionary leader who fought against the injustices of apartheid in South Africa. He was able to unite a divided country, inspire hope in millions of people, andbring about lasting change through his determination, courage, and humility. Mandela's leadership style was based on principles of forgiveness, reconciliation, and inclusivity, which are values that continue to inspire leaders around the world today.In conclusion, the qualities that make a great leader are complex and multifaceted. It is not enough to simply have intelligence or charisma; a great leader must also have empathy, courage, humility, and a strong sense of purpose. As we strive to become better leaders ourselves, we can look to great leaders like Nelson Mandela for inspiration and guidance on how to lead with vision, integrity, and compassion.篇2How many questions can one ask in a day? From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night, our minds are constantly buzzing with questions. Some are simple and mundane, like "What should I have for breakfast?" or "What should I wear today?" Others are more complex and philosophical, like "What is the meaning of life?" or "Why do bad things happen to good people?"Questions are an essential part of human nature. They drive us to seek knowledge, to challenge our beliefs, and to deepenour understanding of the world around us. They can spark curiosity, ignite creativity, and inspire change. Asking questions is how we learn, grow, and evolve as individuals and as a society.But in today's fast-paced world, where information is readily available at our fingertips and answers are just a Google search away, are we asking enough questions? Are we taking the time to ponder the deeper mysteries of life, or are we content to simply accept things as they are? Are we asking the right questions, or are we focusing on the trivial and the superficial?Asking questions is not just about seeking answers. It's about challenging assumptions, exploring new possibilities, and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. It's about being curious, being open-minded, and being willing to embrace uncertainty. So the next time you find yourself wondering about something, don't be afraid to ask a question. Who knows what you might discover?篇3Why do we ask questions? What is the purpose of questioning and how does it help us learn and grow? These are important questions that we often overlook but are essential for our development and understanding of the world around us.Questions have the power to spark curiosity, ignite conversations, and stimulate critical thinking. They challenge our assumptions, push boundaries, and open up new possibilities. Asking questions allows us to explore different perspectives, seek deeper understanding, and confront our own biases and prejudices.Furthermore, questions are key to our learning process. They help us gather information, solve problems, and make informed decisions. By asking questions, we engage with the world actively, rather than passively consuming information. This active engagement encourages deeper thought, reflection, and synthesis of ideas.In addition, questions facilitate communication and collaboration. They bridge gaps between individuals, foster empathy, and promote understanding. By listening to others' questions and sharing our own, we create a dialogue that enriches our relationships and expands our horizons.Moreover, questions push us to think critically and creatively. They challenge us to think outside the box, consider alternative perspectives, and find innovative solutions to complex problems. By questioning the status quo, we can drive change, make improvements, and strive for excellence.In conclusion, asking questions is a powerful tool for learning, growth, and development. It enables us to engage with the world actively, learn from others, and challenge ourselves to think more deeply and critically. So let us not be afraid to ask questions, for it is through questioning that we can truly expand our minds and evolve as individuals.。
为什么提出问题比解决问题更重要英语作文Why Asking Questions is More Important than Solving ProblemsIntroductionIn our fast-paced world, problem-solving skills are often praised as a crucial aspect of success in both personal and professional life. However, in reality, the ability to ask meaningful questions is even more important. Asking the right questions leads to deeper understanding, innovation, and ultimately better problem-solving outcomes. In this essay, we will explore why asking questions is more important than solving problems.Developing critical thinking skillsAsking questions is a fundamental aspect of developing critical thinking skills. When we ask questions, we are actively engaging with a topic, seeking to understand it on a deeper level. This process of inquiry forces us to think critically about the information we are presented with, rather than simply accepting it at face value. By questioning assumptions, challenging beliefs, and seeking out new perspectives, we are able to develop a more nuanced understanding of the world around us.Driving innovation and creativityAsking questions also plays a crucial role in driving innovation and creativity. When we question the status quo and challenge conventional wisdom, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and ideas. By asking "why?" and "what if?" we are able to break free from the constraints of the familiar and explore new ways of thinking and problem-solving. In this way, asking questions serves as a catalyst for innovation, leading to breakthroughs and advancements in a wide range of fields.Fostering collaboration and communicationEffective communication is essential in both personal and professional relationships. When we ask questions, we demonstrate a willingness to listen to others, to seek out their perspectives, and to engage in meaningful dialogue. This fosters a sense of collaboration and cooperation, as we work together to find solutions to common challenges. By asking questions, we are able to build strong relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to problem-solving.Leading to more effective problem-solvingUltimately, asking questions leads to more effective problem-solving. By taking the time to thoroughly understand a problem before attempting to solve it, we are able to identify the root causes, consider all possible solutions, and make informeddecisions. This approach reduces the risk of making hasty or uninformed choices that may only lead to temporary solutions or even exacerbate the problem in the long run. By asking questions, we are able to approach problem-solving with a clear, logical, and systematic mindset, leading to more sustainable and impactful outcomes.ConclusionIn conclusion, asking questions is more important than solving problems. By developing critical thinking skills, driving innovation and creativity, fostering collaboration and communication, and leading to more effective problem-solving, asking questions serves as the foundation for success in all aspects of life. In a world that often values quick fixes and superficial solutions, we must remember the power of inquiry and the importance of asking the right questions. By embracing the art of questioning, we can unlock new possibilities, challenge existing paradigms, and ultimately create a better future for ourselves and for the world.。
2023-2024学年秋学期人教版九年级英语Unit 5单元检测卷附答案
()1---Why did the girl cry when she saw_________fisherman?----Well,he had such___________ugly face that the girl felt scared.A.a;/B.the;anC.the;theD.a;an()2.----A lot of dogs were killed last month.-----Why are people so__________to dogs?I think they should be punished badly.A.dangerousB.seriousC.cruelD.impolite()3.----It's reported that many children in small villages can’t___________their education.-----Really?We should value the chance to study.A.mentionB.offerC.refuseD.afford()4.----We should protect the animals__________great danger.-----Yes.It’s time___________us to do something helpful.A.on;;forC.on;;of()5.-----Your classroom is really bright and clean.---It______________after school every cleanedB.cleanedC.cleansD.was cleaned()6.---Look at the boy running on the ground.Is it Davis?---It________be him.I saw him go to the teacher’s office just now.A.mustB.can’tC.couldD.might()7.---English seems very difficult to me,Dad.----Oh,don’t_____________it.It may be difficult,but it is very useful.A.dropB.fallC.goD.stop()8.----Please give me a call___________when he gets to Beijing.----OK.I matterC.even soon as()9.-----Hi,Tom.Are you going to the party tonight?----No,because I'm invitedC.invitingD.invited()10.-----My mom says I have made much progress in paper cutting.-----________________________!A.Well doneB.With pleasureC.Good luckD.No problem第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各个小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
为什么成为一个好的倾听者很重要英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Why It's Important to Be a Good ListenerHave you ever tried talking to someone who doesn't pay attention to what you're saying? It's really frustrating, isn't it? When people don't listen, it makes you feel unimportant and like your words don't matter. That's why being a good listener is such an important skill to learn.Being a good listener means focusing all your attention on the person who is speaking. It means putting away distractions like your phone or video games, looking at the person in the eyes, and really concentrating on understanding what they are trying to say. It's about showing respect for the other person and valuing their thoughts and feelings.There are lots of reasons why it's so important to be a good listener. Let me share a few with you:It helps you learn new things.When you listen closely, you can pick up all sorts of new information and ideas that you didn't know before. Your teachers, parents, friends, and classmates all have unique experiences and perspectives that you can learn from if you just take the time to listen attentively. Being a good listener opens your mind to new knowledge and ways of thinking.It makes people feel valued and respected.Imagine how you feel when someone doesn't listen to you –unimportant, ignored, and frustrated, right? Well, when you are a good listener, you make the person talking feel just the opposite – valued, respected, and heard. People appreciate it when you give them your full attention and show that you care about what they have to say.It helps you understand people better.Have you ever misunderstood what someone was trying to tell you because you weren't listening properly? When you listen carefully, you are much more likely to truly understand where the other person is coming from, how they really feel, and what they need or want from you. Good listening builds understanding between people.It helps solve problems and conflicts.A lot of conflicts and misunderstandings happen simply because people aren't listening to each other properly. When people listen respectfully to each other's perspectives and needs, it becomes much easier to find solutions that work for everyone. Being a good listener can prevent or resolve many problems and arguments.It makes your relationships stronger.Whether it's with your family, friends, teachers, or other important people in your life, listening well helps you connect better with them. People feel closer to you when they feel heard and understood. Strong relationships need good communication, and good listening is a huge part of that.Those are just some of the reasons why learning to be an attentive, engaged listener is so valuable. It helps you learn, helps you understand others, prevents conflicts, and strengthens your relationships. Listening is a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life in school, friendships, family, and whatever you choose to do when you grow up.So how can you become a better listener? Here are some tips:• Put away distractions like phones, games, or other activities that divide your attention.• Make eye contact with the person speaking to show you are focused on them.• Don't interrupt! Let the person finish their thought before you respond.• Ask questions if you don't understand som ething to make sure you got it right.• Pay attention to body language and tone of voice, not just the words.• Avoid getting distracted by forming your response while the other person is still speaking.• Be patient and don't rush the person. Give them time to explain their full thoughts.• Check your understanding by repeating back the main points in your own words.Listening well takes practice, but it's an incredibly valuable skill that will serve you for your whole life. Make an effort to be a good listener to your parents, teachers, friends, and others. You'lllearn so much more, have better relationships, and be able to communicate and solve problems more effectively.In a world full of distractions and noise, being someone who truly listens is a amazing gift to give the people around you. Make it your goal to be an amazing listener – the rewards will last a lifetime!篇2Why It's Important to Be a Good ListenerHave you ever been talking to someone, and they weren't paying attention to you at all? Maybe they were looking at their phone or watching TV instead of listening to what you were saying. It doesn't feel very good, does it? When people don't listen to us, we might feel unimportant or like our thoughts and feelings don't matter.Being a good listener is one of the most important things we can do for our friends, family members, teachers, and others in our lives. It shows respect and care for the other person, and it helps us understand them better too. Let me tell you why being a good listener is so important.Listening Makes Others Feel ValuedWhen we really listen to someone, it makes them feel valued and respected. It shows that we care about what they have to say and that their thoughts and feelings matter to us. Think about how you feel when someone is listening closely to you – you probably feel happy and important, right? That's how you can make others feel just by being a good listener.Listening Helps You UnderstandIf we don't listen carefully, we might miss important information or misunderstand what someone is trying to tell us. But when we listen closely, we can really understand what the other person is saying, how they're feeling, and why they feel that way. This understanding helps us to be better friends, family members, and classmates.Listening Builds TrustWhen someone knows that we will listen to them without judging or interrupting, they feel safe and comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with us. This builds trust in our relationships. People are more likely to open up and be honest with us if they know we will really listen to them.Listening Helps Solve ProblemsMany times, when people are talking to us, they might be trying to share a problem or issue they're having. If we don't listen carefully, we won't understand the problem fully, and we won't be able to help solve it. But if we listen closely, we can better understand the situation and offer helpful suggestions or solutions.Listening Shows RespectWhen we listen to someone, it shows that we respect them and value their thoughts and feelings. It's a way of honoring the other person and treating them with kindness and consideration. On the other hand, if we don't listen, it can make the other person feel disrespected or unimportant.So, how can we become better listeners? Here are some tips:Make eye contact and face the person who is speaking. This shows them that you're focused on them and what they're saying.Don't interrupt. Let the person finish their thoughts before you respond.Ask questions if you don't understand something. This shows that you're trying to understand them better.Put away distractions like phones, tablets, or toys. These can make it hard to really listen.Repeat back what the person said in your own words. This shows that you were listening and helps confirm that you understood correctly.Be patient and don't rush the篇3Why Being a Good Listener Is So ImportantHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk to you about why it's really important to be a good listener. It's a skill that will help you in so many ways, both now when you're a kid and when you grow up too. Let me explain why listening matters so much.First of all, being a good listener helps you learn better. Think about when you're in class at school. If you're not paying attention and listening carefully to what your teacher is saying, you'll miss out on understanding the lesson properly. You might not catch the important details or instructions. But if you listen closely, it's much easier to understand and remember whatyou're being taught. Good listening makes you a better learner!Listening also helps you follow rules and directions. Whether it's your parents telling you to tidy your room, or a coach explaining how to play a game, you篇4Why Being a Good Listener is So ImportantHave you ever tried talking to someone who wasn't paying attention? It's really frustrating, isn't it? They stare off into space, fidget around, and when you're done they have no idea what you just said. Well, I used to be that person who wasn't a very good listener. But I've learned that being a good listener is an incredibly important skill that can help you in so many ways.When you're a good listener, it shows people that you care about them and what they have to say. It makes them feel valued and respected. Think about how good it feels when someone really listens to you and takes an interest in your thoughts and feelings. You feel like you matter to them. By being a good listener yourself, you can make others feel that same way.Being a good listener also helps you learn new things. When you pay close attention to what people say, you pick up all sorts of interesting information and different perspectives. The worldis filled with so much knowledge and by keeping your ears open, you can soak up all those fascinating facts and ideas.For example, last year in science class we learned about dinosaurs. Our teacher talked all about the different types, how they lived, and what may have caused them to go extinct. If I hadn't been listening carefully, a lot of that cool dinosaur info would have gone right over my head! But by keeping my eyes on the teacher and my mind focused, I learned some awesome dinosaur knowledge.Good listening skills can even help you make more friends. When you listen to people without interrupting or daydreaming, it shows you're interested in them and value their thoughts and feelings. People are naturally drawn to others who make them feel heard and understood. So by being an engaged listener, you connect better with those around you and can develop stronger bonds.My buddy Jake is a great example of how good listening leads to great friendships. Jake always looks you in the eye, doesn't fidget around, and asks questions to make sure he understands what you're saying. Because of this, pretty much everyone enjoys talking to Jake. We all feel like he genuinelycares about us and our lives. No wonder Jake has such a big circle of close friends!In addition to helping you learn and make friends, strong listening skills are important for success at school and eventually on the job. In class, you need to listen closely to your teachers to absorb all the material and instructions. If you zone out, you'll miss key information and could struggle academically.The same goes for the workplace when you're older. You'll need to listen carefully to directions from your boss, feedback from colleagues, and the needs and concerns of customers or clients. Poor listening could lead to mistakes, upset clients, and hold you back from promotions and raises. That's why employers value employees who have developed exceptional listening abilities.For me personally, I found that becoming a better listener has already helped improve my grades. Last year, I had trouble in math because I would drift off during the lessons and miss how to solve certain types of problems. But this year, I made an effort to clear my mind, focus intently on the teacher, and ask questions if anything was unclear. By really listening during math class, I finally started to understand the material. My latest testscore was a 92%! All because of consciously working on my listening skills.So how can you become a better listener? First, make eye contact with the person speaking and avoid distractions like looking at your phone. I know it's tempting to play games during class, but trust me, it's so much better to put your undivided attention on the teacher or whoever is talking.Next, don't start thinking about what you're going to say next while the other person is still speaking. That's a bad habit that will pull your focus篇5Why Being a Good Listener is So ImportantHi there! My name is Alex, and I'm a 4th grader. Today, I want to talk to you about something that's really important –being a good listener. You might be thinking, "Listening? That's easy, I do it all the time!" But let me tell you, being a truly good listener is harder than it seems, and it's a skill that can make a big difference in your life.First of all, let's talk about why listening is so important. When you really listen to someone, it shows that you care aboutthem and what they have to say. It makes them feel valued and respected. Imagine how you feel when someone really pays attention to you while you're talking – it feels good, doesn't it? You feel like your thoughts and feelings matter.On the other hand, when someone doesn't listen to you, it can be really frustrating and even hurtful. It's like they're saying, "What you have to say isn't important to me." That's not a nice feeling at all. I know I've felt that way before when I'm trying to tell my parents or friends something, and they're not really paying attention.Being a good listener isn't just about being polite, though. It can also help you learn new things and understand different perspectives. When you really listen to someone, you might hear ideas or information that you've never thought of before. You might learn something new about a subject you're interested in, or you might even change your mind about something you thought you knew for sure.For example, let's say you're talking to a friend who's really into science, and they start telling you about this cool experiment they did in class. If you're not listening, you'll miss out on learning something new and interesting. But if you arelistening carefully, you might get excited about science too, and maybe even want to try the experiment yourself.Being a good listener can also help you make friends and get along better with others. When people feel like you're really listening to them and trying to understand where they're coming from, they're more likely to want to be your friend and spend time with you. Nobody likes hanging out with someone who's always zoning out or interrupting them.But how do you become a good listener? It's not as easy as it sounds. Here are some tips:Pay attention. This means really focusing on the person who's speaking and not letting your mind wander off. It can be tempting to start thinking about other things, like what you're going to have for lunch or that new video game you want to play. But if you catch yourself doing that, gently bring your attention back to the person talking.Don't interrupt. It's rude to cut someone off while they're speaking, even if you think you know what they're going to say or you're just really excited to share your own thoughts. Wait until they've finished talking before you say anything.Ask questions. If there's something you don't understand or you want to know more, ask questions! It shows that you're interested and trying to understand.Look at the person. Making eye contact (when it's appropriate) and paying attention to their body language and facial expressions can help you understand them better.Don't judge. Even if you disagree with what someone is saying, try to listen with an open mind. You don't have to agree with everything, but you should still respect their right to share their thoughts and feelings.Put away distractions. Turn off your phone, close your laptop, and give the person your full attention. Distractions make it really hard to listen well.Being a good listener takes practice, but it's a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life. It can help you do better in school, make and keep friends, and even succeed in your future career.Imagine if you were a doctor, for example. You'd need to be an excellent listener to understand your patients' symptoms and concerns. Or if you were a teacher, you'd need to listen carefully to your students to know how to help them learn best. Even ifyou end up being a scientist or an engineer, you'll need to be able to listen to your colleagues and collaborators to work well together and come up with great ideas.So, the next time someone is talking to you, really try to listen – not just hear the words, but understand what they're saying and how they're feeling. It might be hard at first, but it's a skill that will pay off in so many ways.Who knows, you might even learn something new and exciting that you never would have discovered if you weren't listening! And at the very least, you'll make the people around you feel valued and respected – and that's always a good thing.篇6Why Being a Good Listener is So ImportantHi friends! Today I want to talk to you about something that is really, really important – being a good listener. Listening might not seem like a big deal, but trust me, it is super duper important! Let me tell you why.First of all, being a good listener helps you learn so much more. Think about it – when you're in class, you have to listen carefully to your teacher to understand what they are teachingyou. If you don't listen well, you could miss out on learning really cool stuff about math, science, history, and more! The same goes for when your parents or other adults are trying to teach you new things. Good listeners soak up knowledge like a sponge.It's also so important to listen well to your friends when they are talking to you. Maybe your best friend is telling you about something exciting that happened at their soccer practice. Or perhaps they are feeling sad because they had a hard day. If you don't listen carefully, you could miss out on understanding how they really feel. That could mean you say the wrong thing and accidentally hurt their feelings without meaning to! Listening shows you care.Speaking of caring, being a good listener is a way to show kindness and respect to others. When someone is talking to you and you really listen, it tells them "What you have to say matters to me." Can you imagine how special that makes them feel? It's like giving them a great big hug with your ears! On the other hand, if you spacing out, playing on your tablet, or not paying attention, it's like saying "You're not important." That's so rude and unkind. Nobody likes feeling ignored or unimportant.Listening well can also keep you safe from danger. Let。
需要一个倾听者英语作文As an AI language model, I will do my best to provide a thoughtful and comprehensive response to your request for an essay on the need for a listener. I will first respond in English, and then provide the Chinese translation.The Need for a ListenerIn a world that often moves at a relentless pace, the value of having a compassionate and attentive listener cannot be overstated. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or a professional counselor, the presence of someone who is willing to truly hear and understand us can be a profound and transformative experience.One of the fundamental human needs is the desire to be heard and understood. We all have thoughts, feelings, and experiences that we long to express, but sometimes the challenge lies in finding someone who is willing to listen without judgment or preconceptions. A good listener is not simply someone who nods and waits for their turn to speak; rather, they are individuals who actively engage with us,ask thoughtful questions, and demonstrate a genuineinterest in our well-being.When we are able to share our innermost thoughts and emotions with a trusted listener, it can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. By giving voice to our concerns, fears, and aspirations, we can often gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the challenges we face. Moreover, the act of being listened to can be immensely validating, reminding us that our experiences and perspectives are worthy of consideration and respect.In a world that is increasingly dominated by technology and digital communication, the need for face-to-face, human-to-human interaction has become even more crucial. While social media and messaging apps can provide a sense of connection, they often lack the depth and nuance of a genuine conversation. A good listener is someone who is present and attentive, who can pick up on the subtle cues and emotions that are often lost in digital exchanges.Furthermore, the presence of a listener can be particularly valuable for individuals who are struggling with mental health challenges, such as depression, anxiety,or trauma. In these cases, having someone who is willing to listen without judgment and provide a safe, supportive space can be a crucial step in the healing process. By sharing their experiences and concerns with a trusted listener, individuals can begin to process their emotions, gain new perspectives, and develop strategies for coping and moving forward.Of course, it's important to recognize that being a good listener is not always an easy task. It requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to set aside our own agendas and preconceptions. Good listeners must be able to create a safe and non-judgmental environment, ask thoughtful questions, and provide a supportive and validating presence without trying to "fix" the problem or offer unsolicited advice.Ultimately, the need for a listener is a fundamentalpart of the human experience. By creating spaces where individuals feel heard, valued, and understood, we can foster deeper connections, promote emotional well-being, and contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or aprofessional counselor, the presence of a good listener can be a powerful and transformative force in our lives.需要一个倾听者在这个步伐飞快的世界里,拥有一个富有同情心和专注力的倾听者的价值是无法估量的。
为什么朋友是最适合的倾听者英文作文Why Friends Make the Best ListenersHaving someone to talk to when we're feeling down, stressed, or confused is essential for our mental and emotional well-being. While professional therapists and counselors can provide valuable support and guidance, there's something special about confiding in a friend. Friends are often the most suitable listeners for a variety of reasons, and in this essay, we'll explore why this is the case.First and foremost, friends know us better than anyone else. They have seen us at our best and our worst, and they understand our quirks, insecurities, and fears. This deep level of familiarity allows friends to provide empathetic and compassionate support when we're struggling. They can offer reassurance, validation, and encouragement tailored to our specific needs because they truly understand who we are.Furthermore, friends offer a unique perspective on our problems. Because they know us so well, they can provide insight and guidance that professionals may not be able to offer. Friends can draw on their own experiences with us, as well as their knowledge of our values and goals, to help us find solutions toour challenges. They can offer practical advice, moral support, or simply a listening ear, depending on what we need at the moment.In addition, friends create a safe and non-judgmental space for us to express our thoughts and feelings. We can be vulnerable and authentic with our friends in a way that we may not feel comfortable being with others. Knowing that our friends accept us unconditionally allows us to be open and honest about our struggles, fears, and failures. This kind of emotional intimacy is essential for building strong and meaningful relationships.Moreover, friends have a vested interest in our well-being. They care about us deeply and want to see us happy and successful. This genuine concern motivates them to listen attentively, offer support, and provide practical help if needed. Friends are invested in our happiness not because it's their job, but because they genuinely care about us and our welfare.In conclusion, friends make the best listeners for a variety of reasons. Their deep understanding of who we are, their unique perspective on our problems, their ability to create a safe and non-judgmental space, and their genuine concern for ourwell-being all contribute to their effectiveness in supporting us. While professional help has its place, there's somethingirreplaceable about the support and empathy that friends can offer. So next time you're feeling down or overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out to a friend. Chances are, they'll be more than happy to lend an ear and offer their support.。
你是否需要一个倾听者英语作文The Need for a Listener.In the fast-paced world we live in, the significance of having a listener cannot be overstated. A listener is not just someone who hears our words but someone who understands our thoughts and feelings, who connects with us on a deeper level. The need for a listener arises from the inherent desire within us to be heard, to be understood, and to be accepted.Firstly, a listener provides a safe space for us to express ourselves freely. Often, we find ourselves holding back our thoughts and feelings due to fear of judgment or mockery. However, when we have someone who listens without judgment, we can open up and share our innermost thoughts and feelings. This freedom to express oneself is crucialfor psychological well-being.Moreover, a listener helps us gain clarity andperspective on our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, we may be confused or overwhelmed by our emotions, and it can be difficult to make sense of them. By sharing our thoughts and feelings with a listener, we often gain a new perspective on the situation, which helps us better understand our own emotions and make informed decisions.Additionally, a listener provides emotional support and comfort. When we are going through tough times, having someone who listens and cares can be immensely helpful. The simple act of being heard and understood can provide immense relief and comfort, knowing that we are not alonein our struggles.Furthermore, a listener helps us develop better communication skills. By practicing the art of listening, we learn to actively engage with others, to ask questions, and to show empathy. These skills are crucial for effective communication in all areas of life, whether it be personal relationships, professional settings, or social interactions.Moreover, a listener can serve as a mirror, reflecting back to us our own thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, we may not be aware of our own emotions or behaviors, but by observing the reactions of a listener, we can gain insights into ourselves. This self-awareness can help us grow and develop as individuals.In conclusion, the need for a listener is fundamental to our emotional and psychological well-being. A listener provides a safe space for expression, clarity and perspective on our thoughts and feelings, emotional support and comfort, and opportunities for developing better communication skills and self-awareness. As we move forward in our lives, it is important to recognize the value of having a listener and to cultivate those relationships that provide us with such a precious gift.As we delve deeper into the significance of a listener, it becomes evident that they play a pivotal role in shaping our emotional landscape. They are not just passive recipients of our stories; they are active participants in our emotional journey, offering support, understanding, andguidance.Firstly, a listener acts as a container for our emotions. When we are upset, confused, or joyful, alistener provides a space where we can pour out our hearts without fear of judgment or ridicule. This act of emotional containment is crucial in helping us regulate our emotions and process our thoughts.Moreover, a listener offers validation and affirmation. When we share our thoughts and feelings, it is essential to feel that we are being heard and understood. A listener who validates our experiences and feelings confirms our worth and helps us feel seen and heard.Additionally, a listener challenges us to think outside the box. They offer alternative perspectives and questions that prompt us to reconsider our assumptions and beliefs. This process of cognitive dissonance can lead to growth and transformation, helping us develop a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of ourselves and the world.Furthermore, a listener serves as a sounding board for our ideas and decisions. They provide feedback and suggestions that help us refine our thoughts and plans.This process of collaboration and refinement can lead to more well-rounded and thought-out decisions.In essence, a listener is a critical component of our emotional and cognitive toolbox. They help us navigate the complexities of life, process our emotions, validate our experiences, challenge our beliefs, and refine our decisions. As we continue to grow and evolve as individuals, it is essential to cultivate and cherish the relationships that provide us with such a valuable resource. After all,the journey of life is often more bearable and enriching when we have someone by our side who listens, cares, and understands.。
询问问题的重要性英语作文The Importance of Asking QuestionsCuriosity is a fundamental human trait that drives us to seek knowledge and understanding. It is through the act of asking questions that we are able to explore the world around us, uncover new insights, and expand our horizons. The importance of asking questions cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial component of the learning process and a catalyst for personal and intellectual growth.One of the primary benefits of asking questions is that it allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the world and the issues that we face. By asking questions, we can uncover hidden complexities, challenge assumptions, and gain a more nuanced perspective on a given topic. This is particularly important in today's rapidly changing world, where the ability to think critically and adapt to new information is essential.Moreover, asking questions is a key component of the scientific method, which has been instrumental in driving human progress and innovation. Scientists rely on the formulation of hypotheses and the testing of those hypotheses through experimentation andobservation to advance our understanding of the natural world. Without the willingness to ask questions and challenge existing theories, scientific progress would be stagnant, and we would be deprived of the groundbreaking discoveries that have transformed our lives.In the realm of education, the importance of asking questions cannot be overstated. Effective teachers recognize that encouraging students to ask questions is a fundamental aspect of the learning process. By creating an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, educators can foster a deeper engagement with the material, encourage critical thinking, and help students develop the skills necessary to become lifelong learners.Furthermore, the act of asking questions can have a profound impact on personal growth and development. When we ask questions, we demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow, and we open ourselves up to new perspectives and experiences. This can lead to increased self-awareness, the development of problem-solving skills, and the cultivation of empathy and understanding.In the workplace, the ability to ask questions is equally essential. Employees who are willing to ask questions are often more engaged, more innovative, and better equipped to solve complex problems. By encouraging a culture of inquiry, organizations can foster a morecollaborative and productive work environment, where employees feel empowered to contribute their ideas and challenge the status quo.However, it is important to note that the act of asking questions is not always easy or comfortable. In some contexts, asking questions may be perceived as a sign of weakness or a challenge to authority. Additionally, some individuals may feel self-conscious or hesitant to ask questions, fearing that they will be seen as ignorant or incompetent.To overcome these barriers, it is crucial to cultivate an environment that values and encourages the asking of questions. This can be achieved through open communication, the fostering of a growth mindset, and the recognition that asking questions is a sign of intellectual curiosity and a desire to learn.In conclusion, the importance of asking questions cannot be overstated. Whether in the realm of education, science, personal growth, or the workplace, the act of asking questions is a fundamental driver of learning, innovation, and progress. By embracing a culture of inquiry and empowering individuals to ask questions, we can unlock new possibilities, challenge existing assumptions, and ultimately, create a more informed and engaged society.。
我们为什么要提问的英语作文The Importance of Asking Questions.In the ever-evolving world of knowledge and understanding, the art of asking questions holds immense value. It is a fundamental tool that enables us to delve deeper into the complexities of our surroundings, to challenge existing beliefs, and to seek new perspectives. The significance of asking questions is evident invirtually every aspect of our lives, from academic pursuits to personal relationships and even the advancement of science and technology.Firstly, asking questions fosters a culture ofcuriosity and inquiry. Curiosity is a driving force that propels us to explore the unknown, to question the taken-for-granted, and to seek new explanations and understandings. It is through this constant questioningthat we are able to expand our horizons, to go beyond the limitations of our immediate experiences, and to discovernew possibilities. In academic settings, students who are encouraged to ask questions are more likely to develop a love for learning, to engage actively with the subject matter, and to retain information for longer.Secondly, asking questions helps us to clarify our thoughts and to communicate more effectively. When we articulate our questions, we are forced to organize our thoughts and to identify the specific gaps in our knowledge or understanding. This process of clarification not only helps us to better understand the issue at hand, but it also prepares us to communicate our confusion or.。
为什么人人要学英语作文Title: The Importance of Learning English Writing。
Introduction:English is widely regarded as the global language of communication, and its importance cannot be overstated in today's interconnected world. While there are various aspects to language learning, this article focuses specifically on the significance of learning English writing skills. From academic pursuits to professional success and personal growth, the ability to write effectively in English opens up numerous opportunities for individuals.1. Global Language and Communication:English serves as a lingua franca, facilitating communication between people from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Whether it is for business negotiations,academic collaborations, or international travel, English proficiency is crucial for effective communication. Writing skills play a vital role in these scenarios, enabling individuals to express their thoughts clearly and concisely, fostering better understanding and collaboration.2. Academic Advancement:English is the primary language of instruction in many prestigious universities and educational institutions worldwide. Proficiency in English writing is essential for international students to succeed academically. Fromwriting essays, research papers, and dissertations to participating in class discussions and presenting ideas, strong English writing skills are indispensable for academic excellence.3. Professional Opportunities:In today's global job market, English proficiency is often a prerequisite for employment. Employers seek candidates with strong communication skills, including theability to write effectively in English. Writing skills are vital for drafting emails, reports, proposals, and other professional documents. Moreover, with the rise of remote work and virtual teams, effective written communication has become even more critical for successful collaboration.4. Access to Information and Resources:The majority of the world's knowledge is available in English. From academic journals and research papers to online resources and literature, English is the language through which valuable information is shared. Proficient English writing skills enable individuals to access a vast array of resources, expand their knowledge, and stay updated with the latest developments in their fields of interest.5. Personal Development:Learning to write well in English not only enhancesone's academic and professional prospects but also contributes to personal growth. Writing allows individualsto express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a structured and coherent manner. It fosters critical thinking, creativity, and self-reflection. Writing also helps individuals develop their voice, gain clarity of expression, and refine their communication skills, which are valuable in all aspects of life.6. Cultural Exchange and Understanding:English writing provides a platform for cultural exchange and understanding. Through writing, individuals can share their unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural heritage with a global audience. It promotes empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for diverse cultures, fostering a sense of global citizenship.7. Enhanced Cognitive Abilities:Learning a second language, such as English, has been shown to have numerous cognitive benefits. It improves memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive flexibility. Writing in English requires individuals tothink critically, organize their thoughts, and articulate ideas effectively, thereby enhancing their cognitive abilities.Conclusion:In conclusion, learning English writing is of utmost importance in today's interconnected world. It opens up a world of opportunities, from academic advancement and professional success to personal growth and cultural exchange. English writing skills empower individuals to communicate effectively, access valuable resources, and contribute to global conversations. Therefore, it is essential for everyone to recognize the significance of learning English writing and strive to develop this skill for a brighter and more successful future.。
用英语介绍自己的格式When ites to introducing yourself in English, it can be quite an interesting and fun thing to do. It's like opening a little window into who you are for others to peek through.Well, let's start with the basics. You know, your name is like the key that unlocks the door to getting to know you. My name is [Your Name]. It's not some super - fancy, hard - to - pronounce name. It's just a simple name that has a story behind it. Just like how every little pebble on the beach has been shaped by the waves over time, my name has been shaped by my family and my culture.Then there's where you're from. I'm from [Your Hometown]. Oh, it's a place full of life! It's not a big, bustling metropolis like New York or London, but it has its own charm. It's more like a cozy little nook, where everyone kind of knows everyone else. You walk down the street, and you'll see familiar faces, and there's always a friendly smile or a warm greeting waiting for you. It's like a big family, really. If you've ever been to a small town where people are really connected, you'll know what I mean.Now, what about hobbies? Hobbies are like little treasures that we carry around with us. For me, I love reading. Reading is like a journey without having to leave your chair. You can be in a magical land one moment, and in a historical era the next. It's like having a magic carpet that takes you anywhere you want to go. And I also like painting. Painting is like pouring your heart out on a canvas. Every stroke is a bit of your emotion, your thoughts, and your view of the world. It's not about creating a masterpiece every time. It's more like having a conversation with the colors and the brush.What else? Oh, my favorite food! Food is such an important part of who we are. I'm really into dumplings. Dumplings are like little packets of joy. They can be filled with all sorts of delicious things, like meat and vegetables. They're warm and filling, and every bite is like a little explosion of flavor in your mouth. It's like a hug for your taste buds.When ites to my personality, I think I'm a pretty friendly person. I'm like a warm - hearted sunbeam on a cloudy day. I like to make people feel wee andfortable. I'm not the type to be standoffish or cold. I believe in sharing kindness, just like how you share a piece of your favorite cake with a friend. And I'm also quite curious. Curiosity is like a little spark in your mind that keeps you exploring new things. I'm always asking questions, wanting to learn more about the world around me. It's like I'm on a never - ending treasure hunt, and knowledge is the treasure.My dreams and aspirations are also a big part of me. I dream of making a positive impact on the world, even if it's just in a small way. It's like throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples spread out. I don't need to be some big - shot hero. Just being able to bring a smile to someone's face or help someone out in a tough situation is enough for me.In terms of my English - speaking skills, well, I'm always trying to improve. English is like a big, beautiful garden full of different flowers (words and expressions). I'm constantly exploring this garden, picking new flowers to add to my own bouquet of language. I make mistakes sometimes, but that's okay. It's all part of the learning process. It's like learning to ride a bike. You might fall a few times, but you keep getting back on until you can ride smoothly.I think that's a pretty good picture of who I am. Everyone is unique, and this is just my little corner of the world, presented in English for you to get to know me better. I hope that through this self - introduction, you can see me as a real person with real feelings, dreams, and a love for life. There's no need for grandiosity or pretense. Just being myself, with all my little quirks and qualities, is what makes this introduction genuine and hopefully interesting to you.。
要一个倾听者英语作文Title: The Importance of Having a ListenerIn our fast-paced world, where everyone seems to be constantly busy and preoccupied with their own lives, the simple act of listening has become a rare and valuable commodity. We live in a society where everyone wants to speak, but few are willing to take the time to listen. However, having someone who is willing to lend an ear and truly listen to you can be invaluable.First and foremost, having a listener provides us with a sense of validation and understanding. When we share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with someone who is willing to listen, it helps us feel heard and acknowledged. This can be incredibly comforting and reassuring, especially in times of distress or uncertainty. Knowing that someone is there to listen to us without judgment can help us feel less alone and more connected to others.Additionally, having a listener can also provide us with valuable insight and perspective. When we speak our thoughts aloud, it often helps us gain clarity and understanding about our own feelings and situations. A good listener can offer feedback, ask probing questions, and share their own thoughts andexperiences, helping us see things from a new perspective and make sense of our own thoughts and emotions.Furthermore, having a listener can be a source of support and encouragement. When we have someone who is willing to listen to us vent, cry, or express our deepest fears and insecurities, it can be incredibly cathartic and healing. Simply having someone to lean on and share our burdens with can make us feel lighter and more capable of facing whatever challenges lie ahead.In conclusion, having a listener is a valuable and essential component of our emotional well-being. In a world that is often noisy and chaotic, having someone who is willing to listen can provide us with a sense of validation, understanding, insight, and support. So let's make an effort to be better listeners ourselves, and to cultivate strong, meaningful connections with those around us. After all, sometimes all we really need is someone who is willing to listen.。
Lesson planNSEFC Module2 Unit Reading InTeacher:Period:Period1Type:ReadingDuration: 45minutesTeaching ideologyThe current theory view reading as a interactive process which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text types. In the reading process, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.Teaching material and learning condition The analysis of teaching materialThe teaching material is the reading part from NSEFC Module2 Unit. The topic of this unit is . This passage mainly introduces .The passage consists of paragraphs. The first paragraph is a general introduction of the . Para.2 to Para.4 introduces . The last paragraph tells about . The topic is not new to the Ss. But there is some new words and phases in the passage.The analysis of learning conditionThe students are from grade1 in senior high school. As high school students, they have achieved certain English level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. Since they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic. They are familiar with the topic of and know some. But they may not know before. Moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences.Learning objectives1. Language skills●At the beginning of the class, Ss can predict the content of the passage based on the title.●Ss can scan the passage and find out the specific information such as the person related with ●Ss can summarize the passage with the help of the clues of the passage.2. Language knowledge●Ss can master the key words and phrases of the passage as follows, .●Ss can learn , especially3. Affects●Ss will realize that and they will concern themselves with the issue of4. Cultural awareness●Ss will broaden their minds by knowing something about5. Learning strategies●Ss will cultivate their ability individual learning and cooperative learning by doing someactivities independently and some in groups.●Ss will communicate with each other in English while doing the group work. Language focuses and anticipated difficultiesLanguage focusesThis is a reading period so the focus is to cultivate the students’ reading skills. The many activities are designed to help Ss to train their reading skills, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and summarizing.It is also important for the Ss to master the new words and phrases.Anticipated difficultiesAs the Ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some difficulties in understanding the passage. So the teacher will help them learn the new words and phrases.Ss may did not heard before, so the teacher will tell them some background knowledge about it.Teaching methodThree-stage model: Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.Teaching aidsMultimedia devices and PPT documents: In order to help Ss to fully understand the whole passage, I adopt Multimedia devices and PPT documents to bring the real-life situation into the classroom.Teaching proceduresStep1. Lead-in (6min)Activity1. Greetings and Free-talking (2min)T Leads into the topic by asking Ss some they know. Ss tell the name of the they know freely.T: Hello boys and girls.(Ss say hello to the teacher.)T: When we say , what appears in your minds?(Ss tell the things appear in their minds freely.)T: What are the ?(Ss tell some names of .)Activity2. Picture-talking (4min)T shows some pictures about the in China and abroad. After seeing the pictures, Ss are expected to tell the similarities of them.T: Just now, you talk about some in China. Now, let’s see some pictures of some . (T shows the pictures and Ss see them carefully.)T: What do the have in common?For example, they are very precious. What are your opinions?(T gives them some hints and Ss tell the characteristics of )[Aims]In this step, T first leads in the topic by talking with the Ss freely about the which is familiar to them and then Ss see some pictures and tell the characteristics. These two activities aim to arouse the Ss’interests in the topic and activate their old knowledge of . Then Ss will be mentally prepared for the reading comprehension. What’s more, when they are talking about the charateristics of, they will realize that the are rare and precious and they will concern themselves with the issue of .Step2. Pre-reading (3min)Activity1. Knowing something about (1min)T gives a brief introduction of the. Ss will know the.T: Today, we are going to learn . It is . Do you know what is? (T shows some pictures of and Ss get to know the .)Activity2. Predicting (2min)T asks Ss to read the title of the passage and then ask them some questions. Ss will predict the content of the passage with the help of the title.T: please look at the title “”, what does “动词” mean?(If the Ss can not give the answer, then T explain it.)T: In search means that people are looking for it. Why are people looking for it? Can you guess? What will the passage talk about?(Ss predict the content, but T will not give the answer here.)[Aims]In this step, the Ss first know some information of the ; the background information will make it easier for the Ss to understand the passage. Then T asks Ss to make predictions about the passage. It aims to help Ss develop the reading skills of predicting.Step3. While-reading (22min)Activity1. Skimming (4min)Ss skim the whole passage and find out and check their predictions.T: Why are people still ? Here is a multiple choice for you.Activity2. Scanning (3min)T presents several true or false statements and asks the Ss to scan the passage and judge the right from the wrong.(Keys: F,F,T,T,F)Activity3 Close-reading (15min)T designs various kinds of activities and Ss do the activities to fully understand the passage. Para.1T: Please read Para.1 carefully and then take some note about the .Para.2-4Please read Para.2-4 carefully and then find out the removal of the room.Please read Para.2-4 carefully and then find out the person related with the Amber Room and the things them down with it.Para.5Please read Para.5 carefully and then find out the the rebuilding of the amber room.[Aims]By doing some many activities, the Ss will develop their reading strategies and language efficiency. T help the Ss study the passage paragraph by paragraph.. Ss will learn some key words and phrases in the passage.Step4. Post-reading (12min)Activity1. Dissuasion (6min)Ss have learned the rebuilding of the passage and T asks the Ss to discuss whether people . T give the example of “” which is . Ss share their opinion on the issue and the reasons.Activity2. Role-play (6 min)T creates a situation in which a student of the class has visited the Amber Room, so he/she come back to introduce the amber room.Ss work in pairs, one act as the one who has visited the palace. The other acts as one who is curious about the Amber Room, they should make a dialogue.The beginning of the conversation is given.A: the one who has visited the palaceB: the one who is curious about the Amber Room[Aims]These two activities are to develop the Ss’comprehensive language competence. The role play serves to be an output of the reading and an evaluation of their learning.Homework (1min)Ss write a summery ofSs review the words and phrase of the passage and make sentence with each. Blackboard designInterpretationGood morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.Part 1 Teaching MaterialThe content of my lesson is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit____________________. This unit is about____________________ (topics). By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the interest in___________________. At the same time, let the students learn how to____________________ (functional items). From this lesson, it starts___________________________(structures). (As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.Part 2 Teaching AimsAccording to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions.(2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation.(3)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about _______________________ (information) and get their own idea about_______________________________.2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)(1) To develop the Ss’abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanningability.(4) To train the Ss’abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)(1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study. Part 3 the Important and Difficult PointsBased on the requirement of the syllabus.The important points are__________________________ such as ______________. The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________. Part 4 Teaching Methods As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims,1(after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) .1. Communicative Approach(交际教学法)2. Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法)3. Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法)4. Total Situational Action (情景教学) a “scene —activity”teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss. At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.Part 5 Teaching ProcedureStep 1. Lead-in. (_____min)___________________________________________________________________ Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’attention about the class/topic/passage.(2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _______________.Step 2. Pre-readingTask 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)Let Ss _____________________________________________________________ Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)___________________________________________________________________ Now, let’s see what happened to the_______________/ let’s check whether it is right or not.Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________.(2) To have a better understanding about the importance of ___________________. Step 3. While-readingTask 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph.Para 1 ___________________Para 2 ___________________Para 3 ___________________…Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to finish ___________________________.Task 3. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions.Task 4. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)Scanning: Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.第2/3页Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills. And proper competition can arouse the Ss’interest in English learning. “Task-based”teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Step 4. Post-readingTask 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)(接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes. (接task4)Retell the story /Sum up the passage in Ss’own words according to the chart.Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)Discuss _______________________________________________with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole class.Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English. Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.Step 5. Homework1. __________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for to master the knowledge they learned after class. It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.。
202-其他资源-妙语俏皮话(Witty Remark)
Unit 1 Greeting, Introduction & Farewell Why are movie stars so cool?—Because they have so many fans.Unit 2 Asking for HelpUnit 6Unit 7Unit 10Unit 12minutes later he calls the desk and say, “You’ve given me a room with no exit. How do I leave?”The desk clerk says, “Sir, that's absurd. Have you looked for the door?”The person says, “Well, there's one door that leads to the bathroom. There's a second door that goes into the closet. And there's a door I haven't tried, but it has a 'do not disturb' sign on it.”● A farmer, who went to a big city to see the sights, asked the hotel's clerk about the time ofmeals.“Breakfast is served from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 3, and supper from 6 to 8,” explained the clerk.“Look here,” inquired the farmer in surprise, “when am I going to get time to see the city?”“Room Service. Can you send up a towel?”“Please wait, someone else is using it.”Unit 14prohibited (禁止). "Uh-oh," I said, realizing my mistake. "I just make an illegal turn.""I guess it's all right." my daughter replied, "The police car behind us did the same thing.”Unit 15Unit 16On aBusThere were many people in the bus and no vacant seats. When a woman entered, an old man near the door attempted to rise, but she forced him back into his seat. “Thank you,” she said, “but pleases don’t do that. I am perfectly able to stand.”“But, madam, let me...”began the man.“I ask you to keep your seat,” interrupted the woman with the hands on his shoulders.But the man tried to rise, saying: “Madam, will you kindly permit me to...”“No, no,” said the woman and again forced him back.Even a perm has its term. 电烫的头发也有变直的时候。
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Why are People Asking these Questions? :A Call for Bringing Situation into Question-Answering System EvaluationElizabeth D. LiddyCenter for Natural Language ProcessingSchool of Information StudiesSyracuse UniversitySyracuse, New York 13210315-443-5484 (v) 315-443-5806 (f)liddy@; IntroductionI believe that in order for the field of Question-Answering (QA) to evolve to the stage where it will provide maximum utility, the environment in which a QA system is to be used should become a parameter in the evaluation of QA systems. That is, the current evaluation paradigm is becoming restrictive and may well push development in a single direction that will not produce systems that will prove useful in multiple environments. Even a quick review of the potential scenarios in which QA can be utilized suggests two key facts: 1) what is considered ‘a useful answer’ in one context might not be useful in another, and; 2) currently permissible methods that systems can utilize to determine correct answers are not feasible in many real world QA environments. This paper will advance this position and suggest a range of situational dimensions that should be considered for inclusion in the QA evaluation roadmap.QA EvaluationWhile there was significant early research in Question Answering in the fields of logic and linguistics (Belnap, 1963; Belnap & Steel, 1976), automatic QA was first focused on in a large-scale evaluation framework in the TREC Conferences, beginning with TREC-8 in 1999 (Voorhees & Tice, 1999). The paradigm established in TREC-8 and continued in the next two TREC Conference QA tracks is simple fact-based, short-answer questions. Initially, answer strings were limited to either 50 or 250 bytes depending on the run type. In TREC-10, the 250 byte condition was eliminated and the list task was added. The list task consisted of 25 questions which specified the number of unique responses to be retrieved, e.g., “What four countries are the top producers of wheat in the world?” All other parameters of the main QA task remained the same (Voorhees, 2001).Discussion at the TREC 2001 Workshop on QA intimated that the QA track in TREC 2002 will accept as correct only fragments which contain the minimal answer to the question. Any explanatory text, even if within the 50 byte limit, will cause the answer to be marked as incorrect. Additionally, the practice introduced in TREC 2001 of a system first determining the most frequent potential answer by searching the web, and then finding a document in the TREC collection which contained that answer fragment will continue to be allowed.Potential ProblemsThe need for a more refined evaluation of answer strings was evident from some sample answers shown at the Workshop as they contained text that was non-contributory to the answer and just happened to contain the correct answer that had been provided to the relevance assessors. However, this was not always true. In some instances, the additional text can be argued to have provided useful supportive or confirmatory information. The potential problem I see in therequirement of a minimal answer is that this evaluation paradigm, which does not permit the inclusion of supporting information that might be useful in some QA scenarios, will foster the development of systems which will be useful in only a subset of the contexts in which QA systems are truly needed.Furthermore, the decision to allow systems to utilize redundancy on the web to select answers (Brill et al, 2001) will also foster methods that may not be useable in many QA environments. It is highly unlikely that the redundancy approach will transfer to QA systems that are developed for specialized resource environments. While the simple factoid questions for which multiple instances of responses can be found on the web have been the norm in the QA track, this is not typical in other environments for which QA systems provide great utility.While the existing QA evaluation scenario has utilized very simple questions, has focused on a narrow definition of length of useful answer to the exclusion of other issues, and has permitted the use of a method of determining an answer which will not work in other than the simple query environment, some QA system builders have begun to call for an evaluation paradigm that considers dimensions above and beyond correctness (Breck et al, 2000). We strongly agree with this view and encourage the discussion of a broader evaluation paradigm for the QA Roadmap that will take into account the wide range of environments in which QA is already providing an essential service.Range of Possible QA EnvironmentsConsider the three following real-life environments for which we have developed QA systems. In each of these environments, the collection, the type of queries, how the system determines answers, and what constitutes an acceptable answer formulation for the user vary dramatically.1.Scientific Questions from Undergraduate StudentsWe have developed a QA system (Liddy, 2001) with funding from NASA and AT&T for use within a collaborative learning environment for undergraduate students from two universities majoring in aeronautical engineering who are taking courses that are taught within the AIDE (Advanced Interactive Discovery Environment for Engineering Education). The students are able to ask questions and quickly get answers in the midst of their hands-on collaborations within the AIDE. The collection against which the questions are searched consists of textbooks, technical papers, and websites that have been pre-selected for their relevance and pedagogical value. We are currently working towards the addition of transcripts of class lectures and accompanying power point slides. The students’ questions are not typically simple factoid questions, but tend more towards ‘Why’ and ‘How’ questions and require more than bare answers, such as:•How do ablating materials minimize energy conducted into a RLV?•What are the changes made to the design of the Shuttle SRM since the Challenger Accident? •How are malfunctions detected for the pitch and yaw gimbal actuators of the space shuttle OMS engines?Answers are provided in increasing window sizes, allowing the student to gradually expand the amount of text by mouse-clicking from ‘answer-providing passage’, to paragraph (s) containing the ‘answer-providing passage’ to full document(s) containing the ‘answer-providing passage’. The system is currently undergoing user testing. The U S Army has funded us to create a similar capability for the students in the Army’s intelligence training programs. They share NASA’svision that work in the future will consist largely of virtual collaborative situations in which questions that arise will need to be answered electronically from selected sources.2.Citizens’ Search for Statistical InformationNaïve users need to access statistical information, but frequently do not have the sophisticated understanding required in order to translate their information needs into structured database queries using the controlled vocabulary which are currently required. However, these users can articulate quite straightforwardly in their own terms what they are looking for. One approach to satisfying the masses of citizens with needs for statistical information is to automatically map their natural language expressions of their information needs into the metadata structure and terminology that defines and describes the content of statistical tables. To accomplish this goal, under funding from NSF’s Digital Government Initiative (/~tables/), we undertook an analysis of 1,000 user email queries seeking statistical information from federal agencies which provide internet access to their statistical tables. Our goal was to understand the dimensions of interest in naïve users’ typical statistical queries, as well as the linguistic regularities that could be captured in a statistical-query sublanguage grammar. We developed an ontology of query dimensions using this data-up analysis of the queries and extended the ontology where necessary with values from actual tables. We proceeded to develop an NLP statistical-query sublanguage grammar that enabled the system to semantically parse users’ queries and produce a template-based internal query representation which was then mapped to the tables’ metadata, in order to retrieve relevant tables which were displayed to users with the relevant cell’s value highlighted (Liddy & Liddy, 2001). Typical queries were:•I am trying to find the percentage of women in the workforce from the years 1900 to 1998. •I want to know how many people worked for small businesses last year.•What was the average amount of time women spent on housework per week in 1900; 1950;1995?This project made it eminently clear that the situation predicts the nature of the questions, the resources searched, and the acceptable answer formulation.3.Speech-based Inquiries in Travel and TourismIn an exciting project in the commercial world, we worked with a speech understanding technology company to provide answers to travelers who were planning Caribbean vacations via interaction with a voice-activated system. While the business idea was well-researched, the current status of speech-understanding technology was not, and the corporation failed to pull off the application. However, I mention it here because it introduces a third and very different set of users, answer-providing resources, and answer formulation in which appropriate supporting detail is essential.•We're looking for a family resort in the Caribbean with baby sitting, other activities fora family with a one and three year old. Any suggestions?•My fiancee and I were wondering if there was anywhere we could go in October that would not be extremely crowded, yet more secluded?•When is the best time to go on a Caribbean Cruise - and do you recommend bring our16 year-old so? He is very bright.Again this situation points out that evaluation needs to reflect an environment – we do not foresee that all questions will be ones that can be satisfied with short answers which are found redundantly present on the web. Requirements in this particular situation contradict the TREC QA evaluation requirement that evidence supporting the answer should not be provided.ConclusionWe have found that the collection of documents that will be available for querying, the nature of queries generated by real users, as well as the breadth vs. narrowness of what constitutes a useful answer in each of these instances is not the same. Therefore, it would only seem appropriate that an evaluation should fully specify the user, the purpose for which they are asking their question, and the nature of an acceptable answer. These should be parameters that can be varied in QA evaluations. It is essential that the situational aspects be known so that the criteria provided to the human relevance assessors truly reflect what users in that particular context would require. Evaluations should be designed that simulate as closely as possible the dimensions of the context in which users will be posing their questions. Clearly the use of multiple scenarios would enhance the possibility that evaluation would lead to a range of QA systems, each defined by the parameters of the situation in which they are to be used.ReferencesBelnap, N. D. (1963). An analysis of questions: Preliminary report. Scientific Report TM-1287.Santa Monica, CA.Belnap, N. D. & Steel, T. B. (1976). The logic of questions and answers. New Haven, CT., Yale University Press.Breck, E.J., Burger, J.D., Ferro, L, Hirschman, L., House, D., Light, M. and Mani, I. (2000). How to evaluate your question answering system every day…and still get real work done.Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC).Brill, E., Lin, J., Banko, M., Dumais, S. & A. Ng. (2001). Data-Intensive question answering.Notebook Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference. Gaithersburg, MD: NIST Special Publications.Liddy, E.D. (2001). Breaking the Metadata Generation Bottleneck. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Roanoke, VA., June 25, 2001.Liddy, E.D. & Liddy, J.H. (2001). An NLP approach for improving access to statistical information for the masses. Proceedings of the Federal Committee on StatisticalMethodology Research Conference. Arlington, VA.Voorhees, E. and Tice, D. (1999). The TREC-8 question answering track evaluation. In Voorhees, E. and Harman, D. Proceedings of the Eighth Text Retrieval Conference.Gaithersburg, MD: NIST Special Publications.Voorhees, E. (2001). Overview of the TREC 2001 question-answering track. In Voorhees, E. and Harman, D. Notebook Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference. Gaithersburg, MD: NIST Special Publications.。