



The phase-field method has become an important and extremely versatile technique for simulating microstructure evolution at the mesoscale. Thanks to the diffuse-interface approach, it allows us to study the evolution of arbitrary complex grain morphologies without any presumption on their shape or mutual distribution. It is also straightforward to account for different thermodynamic driving forces for microstructure evolution, such as bulk and interfacial energy, elastic energy and electric or magnetic energy, and the effect of different transport processes, such as mass diffusion, heat conduction and convection. The purpose of the paper is to give an introduction to the phase-field modeling technique. The concept of diffuse interfaces, the phase-field variables, the thermodynamic driving force for microstructure evolution and the kinetic phase-field equations are introduced. Furthermore, common techniques for parameter determination and numerical solution of the equations are discussed. To show the variety in phase-field models, different model formulations are exploited, depending on which is most common or most illustrative. c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


自由度,在相平衡时自由度为零。在进行 相平衡计算时,必须是在自由度为零的情 况下,否则系统会提示出错。
出现系统提示,有时需要根据提示进行相应 的操作调整。在这个计算过程中,可以把它 当成是警告,而不必根据提示操作 。
在输入 MAP命令之前,需要进行文档保 存,便于今后计算时直接调用或是便于在 其它模块中读取文件,减少重复的操作。
3)热力学模型模块:为每一个相选择合适的热力学模型。 热力学模型的选择决定了各项的吉布斯自由能与参数的相关 程度。同时模块也会列出所有从数据库中读取的热化学信息 (也可交互式输入)及参数的表达式。
4)Scheil模块( SCHELL_SIMULATION ):用于模拟非平 衡凝固行为,利用THERMO-CALC模块可以做相平衡计算 (如液相线及固相线温度、各相的成分及比例等)、相图计 算及热力学量的计算,还可以将热力学数据制成表格、计算 化学反应的热化学变化及驱动力、评价化学系统的相平衡及 相转换,并且通过自动绘图程序绘制各种多元相图。目前, 许多外国非专业热力学计算的材料工作者都利用它来进行热 力学计算。
13)POTENTIAL_DIAGRAM 模块:用于气相——金属反应体 系,在一定压力、温度条件下,察看不同形态含金属的氧化物、 硫化物、碳化物、硅化物、氮化物等形成与混合气相的关系。 用各种命令行就可以计算和画出各种各样的金属——气相作用 体系的位图。
14)POURBAIX_DIAGRAM 模块:用于除了其它影响因素如: 体积分数、温度、压力等外,水溶液中不同组成相(气相、化 学计量比固态化合物以及固溶体)之间的基于酸度值pH和电位 Eh的计算。
数据库 (存储热力学参数)


动力 阻力 当温度低于转变温度, △gv为负值。 只有|V △gv |> Aσ +εV △ G<0
• 临届晶胚尺寸:r*=2 σ/ (△gv—ε) 形核功: △ G*=16π σ 3/3 (△gv—ε)2 2.非均匀形核 △ G=V △gv+Aσ +εV —△gd
动力 阻力
3.晶体缺陷对形核的作用: 1)空位
第一章 金属固态相变特征
basic features of metallic solid-state phase transformation
§1 固态相变的特点
• 驱动力:新相与母相的自由能差 • 阻力:界面能和应变能 • 基本过程:成核(nucleation) • 长大(growing)
一、相界面(phase interface )
• 1.盘状最小,其次是针状,球形最大。 • 2.主导作用:具体分析。
• 缺陷的促进作用。
• 思考:晶体中常见的缺陷有哪些?
六、原子的扩散 七、过渡相的形成
§2 固态相变的形核
• 成核主要在母相的晶界、层错、位错等 晶体缺陷处形成。是非均匀形核。 一、均匀形核 1.形核功: △ G=V △gv+Aσ +εV
• 1.弹性应变能:随错配度变化 • 2.错配度:δ= Δa/a
δ<0.05 δ=0.05-0.25 δ >0.25
完全共格 半共格 非共格
一、相界面(phase interface )
• 二、新相长大速度:界、新相形成的转变速度与过冷度的关 系



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Authorisation 批准
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editor GUI.
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WA R N I N G- RF HAZARD 警告—射频危害
This equipment is designed for use in association with radio frequency (RF) radiating systems and is capable of producing up to 50W of RF power in the 800 to 2200 MHz region. Users are reminded that proper precautions must be taken to minimise exposure to these RF fields to the recommended limits. Please pay particular care to the following areas: 此设备设计用于无线电射频(RF)发射系统,能够在800至2200兆赫的射频区域内 产生高达50瓦的射频功率(RF)。用户应注意,必须采取适当的预防措施,尽量 减少暴露在射频区域里,保持在建议的范围内。请特别注意以下几个方面:

金属材料相图及物理性能计算软件--JMatPro V8_0简介

金属材料相图及物理性能计算软件--JMatPro V8_0简介

金属材料相图及物理性能计算软件JMatPro V8.0JMatPro包含的合金类型JMatPro软件包含一系列宽范围的合金类型,目前可以计算的合金类型包含铝合金、镁合金、铸铁、不锈钢、高中低合金钢、钴合金、镍基合金、镍铁基合金、镍基单晶超合金、钛合金、锆合金、焊料合金(锡焊)、铜合金;JMatPro 的主要特点独一无二性可以毫不夸张的说,JMatPro是金属材料性能计算方面的独一无二的软件。

在美国能源部的National Energy Technology Laboratory决定采用此软件时,软件采购负责人R. Mohn 写到:“This purchase order is being issued to Sente Software Inc because there is no alternative since they are the manufacturer of JMatPro and, as such, is the only source of this software. No other vendor can supply this software. This software is the only reliable, commercially available software available to make calculations for stable and metastable phase equibria; solidification behavior and properties; thermo-physical and physical properties; phase transformations; chemical properties; and mechanical properties for number of nickel-based and iron-based superalloys…”快速和正确的计算能力JMatPro是以强大而稳定的热力学模型、热力学数据为核心技术和计算基础的,所有物理模型的建立都经过了广泛的验证,以确保材料性能计算的准确性。



知识点:相图与计算相图相图(phase diagram)被誉为材料工作者的“地图”,相图表示在一定条件下,处于热力学平衡状态的物质系统中平衡相之间关系的图形,又称平衡图、组成图或状态图。










20世纪70年代以来,利用计算机绘制相图已经成为一个新的学科,被称为CALPHAD (Calculation of phase diagram)。

即利用已知的n 元相图来绘制(n+1)元相图。






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Nuclear GraphiteTaiju ShibataJapan Atomic Energy Agency,4002Narita-cho,Oarai-machi,Higashiibaraki,Ibaraki 311-1393,Japan1.INTRODUCTIONGraphite and carbon materials are used for fission and fusion reactors in the nuclear energy field.These materials have excellent mechanical and thermo properties at high temperatures,and are used as moderator and reflector to energetic neutrons produced in the reactors.In the fission reactors,they are used for structural components in gas-cooled reactors,i.e.CO 2gas-cooled reactors and helium gas-cooled reactors [1].The former CO 2gas-cooled reactors,Magnox reactors,and advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs)have been developed in the United Kingdom since 1950s.Graphite is used as moder-ators for neutrons in the reactor core,and graphite components are located to keep fuel rods in the reactors.The reactors can obtain high temperatures of CO 2gas of about 390 C (Magnox)and 635 C (AGR),which are used to generate electricity by a steam turbine system.The latter is high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs).The HTGRs are graphite-moderated and helium gas-cooled reactors,and they have been under development since 1960s.Graphite and carbon materials are used for in-core structural components,such as fuel blocks,reflectors,and core support structures.These blocks have different func-tions as the in-core components.HTGRs can provide high temperature of helium gas of about 950 C at the reactor outlet,which is applicable not only for power generation by gas and steam turbine systems but also for process heat source in a hydrogen production system [2].Inherent and passive safety features of HTGRs are also attractive ones.In the fusion energy field [3e 7],graphite and carbon materials are used for high-temperature plasma-facing components for fusion devices,e.g.JT-60of Japan AtomicEnergy Agency (JAEA)in Japan,TFTR in the United States,and JET in the EuropeanUnion.The application of carbon material in the ITER has been studied under the international cooperation.The application to the fusion field is summarized in a reference [3].This paper describes on the application of the graphite and carbon materials in the fission reactors,especially for the HTGRs.The functions of the in-core components,neutron irradiation effects on graphite,and R&D items are described.2.OUTLINE OF HTGR S2.1.Outline of HTGR Development in the WorldFor the development of the HTGRs,experimental and demonstration reactors had been constructed and operated in the Europe and the United States from 1960s to 1980s [1].The experimental reactors are Dragon (Euratom,20MW thermal power),A VR (Germany,15MW electric power),and Peach Bottom (USA,45MW electric power),and the demonstration reactors are Fort Saint Vrain (USA,330MW electric power)and THTR (Germany,300MW electric power).The HTGRs use multilayered ceramic-coated fuel particles (TRISO)about 1mm in diameter to keep the fission product gases within the particles.The graphite and carbon materials are used for the in-core structural components such as fuel blocks,reflector blocks,and core support structures.The temperature of the reactor coolant,helium gas,at the outside reactor vessel was more than 700 C.The power generation system by steam turbineHandbook of Advanced Ceramics./10.1016/B978-0-12-385469-8.00006-X 113Copyright Ó2013Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.was demonstrated through the plant operation of these historical HTGRs[1].In1990s,the JAEA had developed the HTTR,thefirst HTGR in Japan,which is a test reactor with30MW thermal power[2,8].Prismatic block-type fuel elements are used in the HTTR.It was demonstrated in2004that the HTTR can produce high-temperature helium gas of about950 C at the reactor outlet for thefirst time in the worldwide HTGR developments[9].A long-term high-temperature operation test,50days of continuous operation with the outlet temperature of950 C,had been successfully carried out in 2010[10].The goal of the HTTR project is to demonstrate a thermochemical hydrogen production cycle,iodine-sulfur (IS)process,with nuclear heat from the HTTR.The VHTR is a promising candidate for the Generation-IV nuclear energy systems,and an international collabora-tion has been carried out through the GIF[11,12].Regarding the commercial HTGR/VHTR projects for individual country,the United States focuses on the next generation nuclear plant(NGNP),and China started the construction of high-temperature reactor-pebble-bed module(HTR-PM). The nuclear hydrogen development and demonstration (NHDD)project has been studied in Korea.JAEA has been carrying out R&Ds on the design of an original VHTR based on the technologies established through the HTTR construction and operation.JAEA’s design is for a prismatic block-type reactor,gas turbine high-temperature reactor300-cogeneration(GTHTR-300C)[13].It can generate electricity and produce hydrogen by the IS process.The material properties including irradiation effects of graphites,used for the in-core components of the HTGR/ VHTR,depend highly on raw materials and forming processes.It is necessary to evaluate the irradiation effects for individual graphite grade used for the in-core compo-nents.JAEA had established the material database of IG-110graphite,PGX graphite,and ASR-0RB carbon for the in-core components of the HTTR[14,15].The irradiation effects on the material properties of IG-110are included in the database[16].The design of graphite components for GTHTR-300C is based on the established IG-110material database.Chinese test reactor HTR-10with10MW thermal output uses IG-11graphite,unpurified grade of IG-110,for reflector blocks.IG-110will be also used for the Chinese HTR-PM reactors.There are also databases of irradiated material proper-ties for historical graphite grades of H-451of the United States and ATR-2E of Germany,for example,developed between1970and1980[17e19].They are historical grades,and it is difficult to obtain these graphites for the reactor components with commercial scale,now.On the other hand,recently,new grades of nuclear graphite, namely,IG-430,NBG-18,PCEA,etc.,are being developed, and the irradiation effects on the material properties of these grades are obtained[20].2.2.In-Core Graphite and Carbon Structures in the HTTRGraphite and carbon materials are used for the in-core components of the HTGRs in order to obtain high temper-ature of helium gas at the reactor outlet.The components are categorized based on their safety function,replaceability,etc. In the followings,the application of the graphite and carbon materials to the HTGR in-core components is described with reference to the design of the HTTR[8,15,16].The arrangement of graphite components in the HTTR is shown in Figure1[8].The reactor core consists mainly of hexagonal fuel blocks,control-rod guide blocks,and replaceable reflector blocks.The active core,which is2.9m in height and2.3m in diameter,consists of30fuel columns and seven control-rod guide columns.The active core is surrounded by replaceable reflector blocks and permanent reflector blocks and supported by the core support components.The graphite components are categorized into two kinds taking their safety function and replaceability into account [15].One is core graphite components,the other is core support components.These graphite components have different use and functions as follows:i)The core graphite components are replaced at regularinterval;on the other hand,the core-support graphite components are permanent components.ii)The core support components have more serious structural functions than the core graphite components. Therefore,the stress limit for the core support components is set to be more severe than that for the core graphite components.2.2.1.Core Graphite ComponentsThe fuel blocks are graphite hexagonal prisms with an array of fuel holes.The fuel blocks are360mm acrossflats and 580mm in height as shown in Figure2[8].Three dowel pins are installed on the top face,and they engage with dowel sockets in the bottom face of the block above. TRISO-coated fuel particles with UO2kernel are dispersed in the graphite matrix and sintered to form a fuel compact. Fuel compacts are installed in a fuel rod made of graphite, 34mm in outer diameter and577mm in length.Fuel rods are inserted into the vertical holes in fuel block.Coolant helium gas of the reactorflows through gaps between the holes and the rods.The fuel blocks are fabricated from the IG-110graphite, isotropicfine-grained nuclear grade.Table1shows typical thermomechanical properties of the IG-110graphite[8,15]. Control-rod guide blocks and replaceable reflector blocks have the same external shape as the fuel blocks.They are also fabricated from the IG-110graphite.Handbook of Advanced Ceramics2.2.2.Core Support Graphite ComponentsThe assembly of core support is also shown in Figure1[8]. The hexagonal hot plenum block array is made up of two axial layers.This structure provides lateral and vertical positioning and support of the core array.The hot plenum block assembly contains passages,which collect the primary coolantflow from the outlet of the columns and distribute it into the high-temperature plenum beneath the hot plenum blocks.These blocks are fabricated from grade PGX,medium-tofine-grained molded graphite.Table1 shows typical thermomechanical properties of the PGX graphite[8,15].The core support posts and seatsareFIGURE2Block-type fuel element of the HTTR[8].Replaceable reflector block (IG-110)Control rod guide block (IG-110)Fuel block (IG-110)Permanent reflector block (PGX)Hot plenum block (PGX)Support post (IG-110)Lower plenum block (PGX)Bottom block (PGX)Carbon block (ASR-0RB)Core graphite componentsCore support graphite componentsFIGURE1Arrangement of graphite components in the HTTR[8].Chapter|2.5Nuclear Graphitedesigned to structurally support the core and hot plenum block array.The posts and seats are made of the IG-110graphite with higher strength than the PGX graphite.The thermal insulation layer at the core bottom consists of three blocks:lower plenum block,carbon block,and bottom block.The main function of the carbon block,ASR-0RB carbon,is to keep the metallic core support structures below 500 C.Table 1shows typical thermomechanical properties of ASR-0RB carbon [8,15].The permanent reflector is a graphite structure surrounding the replaceable reflector and control-rod guide columns.The permanent reflector is an assembly of graphite blocks making 12circumferential segments and 8axial layers.These blocks are made of PGX graphite.2.2.3.Design Criteria for Graphite Components in the HTTR2.2.3.1.Outline of the Design CriteriaFor the construction of the HTTR,JAEA (formerly,JAERI)established the graphite structural design code [14].In this code,the ASME-CE-code draft for graphite core support structure,which was prepared in 1980but not established,was partially modified in the items of biaxial failure theory,buckling limit,and oxidation effect on the basis of the experimental data [8,15,16].The JAEA’s design code contains a set of material property data for the IG-110graphite,PGX graphite,and ASR-0RB carbon being used in the HTTR core.The specified minimum ultimate strength,Su,is determined from statistical treatment of strength data such that the survival probability is 99%at a confidence level of 95%,because the ultimate strength exhibits considerable statistical scatter.Table 2shows the Su values for graphites andcarbon specified in the structural design code [14,15].As per the environmental effect on the strength,both the increase of strength by neutron irradiation and the decrease of strength by oxidation are considered.On the other hand,the increases of strength by temperature and strain rate are not considered due to a conservative design viewpoint.For the requirements on the quality assurance of graphite and carbon materials for the in-core components,industry-wide standards for the raw material and process-ing have not been established.Hence,for the quality assurance of in-core components of the HTTR [21],it was carried out on the basis of the requirements from reactor design.Their quality has been controlled during production and after machining with respect to their properties and specifications.Figure 3shows the flow diagram of accep-tance test program for the manufacturing process of graphite and carbon components in the HTTR [15,21]. Effects on Graphite Material PropertiesFor the application of graphite materials to the in-core components,one of the important subjects is to take into account the neutron irradiation-induced property changes.The fundamental mechanisms on the irradiation effects on graphite were studied and summarized in references [22,23].However,the material properties of graphites are dependent highly on their grades based on raw materials and forming process.The irradiation effects on the graphite are also dependent on their grades.Here,the irradiation effects on the IG-110,as a reference of the nuclear grade of graphite,are briefly described based on the above mentioned design code for the HTTR [14].The properties,considering the irradiation effects,aretheHandbook of Advanced Ceramicsdimensional change,longitudinal elastic modulus,mean coefficient of thermal expansion,thermal conductivity, strength,and steady-state irradiation creep coefficient.In the design code for the HTTR,they are expressed in the graphical expressions of material property data as a function of fast neutronfluence about several irradiation tempera-tures.The design curves in the graphical expressions were determined based on the irradiation experimental results at the JMTR of JAEA,etc. Change The irradiation-induced dimensional change is a fundamental neutron irradiation effect.Figure4shows the relative dimensional change of the IG-110as a function of fast neutronfluence for several irra-diation temperatures[14].It is used for the design of graphite components in the HTTR.The dimensional change depends on irradiation temperature.The dimensional change behavior at higher neutronfluence is expressed in Figure5[24].The curves in thisfigure are obtained by the intrapolation andFIGURE3Flow diagram of acceptance test program for manufacturing process of graphite and carbon components in the HTTR[15,21]. Chapter|2.5Nuclear Graphiteextrapolation of the experimental data with evaluation.Generally,at the first stage of the irradiation,the bulk of the graphite is in shrinkage.This mechanism is expressed based on the irradiation behavior of grain and pore structure of graphite [22,23].For each graphite grain,the neutron irradi-ation causes expansion in c-axis direction and shrinkage in the a-axis direction.The expansion in the c-axis direction is accommodated by pores among the grains,since nuclear graphites have about 20%of porosity in general.As a result,the bulk of the graphite,polycrystalline structure with grains and pores,shows shrinkage by the neutron irradiation at the first stage.When the neutron fluence is increased,the shrinkage is attained to the minimum point,“turn around”.Then,the dimensional change has turned out to be increased.It was explained that the residual stress given by the shrinkage process causes micro cracks in the bulk of graphite,and the cracks work to increase the dimensional change rate.The fast neutron fluence of the turn-around point depends on the graphite grade and irradiation temperature.For the IG-110graphite,it is about 2Â1026n/m 2(E >0.1MeV)at irradia-tion temperature of 600 C [24]. Elastic Modulus Figure 6shows the change of longitudinal elastic modulus of the IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence for several irradiation temperatures [14].The change in elastic modulus due to irradiation is calculated from the change of velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic wave and the un-irradiated value of the longitudinal elastic modulus.At the initial stage of the irradiation,as shown in the figure,the modulus is rapidly increased by the pinning effect of dislocations in graphite crystals [22,23].Then,at the next stage of the irradiation,the modulus is gradually increased by the irradiation-induced dimensional shrinkage,i.e.the decrease of porosity of graphite. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion The change of the mean coefficient of thermal expansion of IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence is shown in Figure 7for several irradiation temperatures [14].The mean coefficient of thermal expansion is increased at the initial stage of the irradiation and then is decreased by the irradiation. Conductivity Figure 8shows the change of the thermal conductivity of IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence for several irradiation temperatures [14].The conductivity is rapidly decreased by the initial stage of the irradiation.Irradiation-induced defects reduce the mean free path of phonon,which dominates the thermal conduc-tivity of graphite [22,23].The lower irradiation temperature gives the greater decrease in the conductivity.It is because that high-temperature irradiation causes annealing recovery of irradiation-induced defects during the irradiation.–1.5%–1.0%IG-110–0.5%0.0% Temperature (°C)Fast Neutron Fluence (1025n/m 2, E>0.18MeV)R e l. D i m e n s i o n a l c h a n g e1200FIGURE 4Dimensional change of the IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence [14].-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.5-1.0- e l. D i m e n s i o n a l C h a n g e (%)Fast Neutron Fluenc (x1026 n/m 2 , E 0.1MeV)FIGURE 5Dimensional change of the irradiated IG-110graphite obtained by interpolation and extrapolation of existing data [24]. Neutron Fluence (10 n/m, E>0.18MeV)252(E 0 : Longitudinal elastic modulus at room temperature)(E : Longitudinal elastic modulus at high temperature)0R e l. Y o u n g ’s m o d ul u s c h a n g e (E /E –1)Irradiation Temperature (°C)IG-110FIGURE 6Change of longitudinal elastic modulus of the IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence [14].Handbook of Advanced Ceramics2. The change of the compressive and tensile strengths of IG-110graphite by fast neutron irradiation is shown in Figure 9[14].In this neutron irradia-tion range,the both strengths are increased by the irradiation. Irradiation Creep Coefficient Irradiation-induced creep behavior is evaluated from the dimensional change due to irradiation with loaded condition.An irradiation-induced creep equation is expressed based on the model,which is the combination of the Maxwell model (steady-state irradiation creep)and the Kelvin model (tran-sient irradiation creep)[15].εc ¼asE 0f 1Àexp ðÀbg Þg þK sg (1)Here,εc :Irradiation induced creep strain s :Stress (MPa)g :Fast neutron fluence (Â1026n/m 2,E >0.1MeV)a,b:Transient irradiation creep parameters K :Steady irradiation creep coefficientE 0:Longitudinal elastic modulus before irradiation (GPa).Figure 10shows the steady-state irradiation creep coefficient of IG-110as a function of irradiation temperature [14].–0.1–0.2–0.3(α : Mean coefficient of thermal expansion after irradiation from 20 °C to irradiation temperature)–(α0 : Mean coefficient of thermal expansion before irradiation from 20 °C to irradiation temperature)–FIGURE 7Change of mean coefficient of thermal expansion of IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence [14]. 0 : Thermal conductivity at irradiation temperature before irradiation K : Thermal conductivity at irradiation temperature after irradiationFIGURE 8Change of the thermal conductivity of IG-110as a function of fast neutron fluence [14].Chapter |2.5Nuclear Graphite3.R&D S FOR VHTR DEVELOPMENTS e of Graphite Components for Long Service LifeMechanical and thermo stability of in-core graphite components is important during their service life in reactor operation.The service life of the core graphite components in the HTTR is about 1.5Â1025n/m 2(E >0.18MeV)in the fast neutron fluence.It is possible to extend the service life for commercial reactors based on the in-core design.The service life of the core graphite components in the GTHTR-300C [13]is evaluated as the fast neutron fluence of about 5Â1025n/m 2(E >0.18MeV).For the prismatic block type reactor,graphite components are replaceable.The fuel graphite blocks in the GTHTR-300C will be replaced atevery four-year interval during the reactor operation.For Pebble bed-type reactors,the maximum fast neutron fluence may be in the order of 1026n/m 2(E >0.1MeV)in case that core graphite components are not replaced throughout the reactor lifetime.It is important to design the graphite components to bear the severe fast neutron irradiation.Since the in-core graphite components of the VHTR are used subject to severe condition,it is important to assess their structural integrity during the service life.Residual stress is accumulated in the graphite compo-nents by irradiation-induced dimensional change due to thermal gradient and neutron flux distribution within the component during the reactor operation.The lifetime of the graphite component is determined by the comparison of the residual stress and the stress limit.The allowable service life is determined so that the irradiation-induced residual stress does not exceed the limit [25].For the stress limit of the graphite components in the design standard of the graphite components in the HTTR,it is set as one-third of the specified ultimate minimum strength Su for the core graphite components,which are replaceable components [15].The graphite grade with high strength will give the high stress limit.It is important to use a graphite grade with high strength to use in the long service life.In this point,IG-110graphite used in the HTTR has enough high strength.On the other hand,the residual stress is evaluated by viscoelastic analysis taking uncertainty of in-core temper-ature and neutron irradiation condition into account [26].The evaluated residual stress,hence,contains some safety margin.It is possible to extend the allowable components lifetime by reducing the margin with reasonable way,if we can measure the residual stress directly.JAEA is devel-oping the nondestructive evaluation technique for the residual stress of graphite components by using a micro-indentation method.It uses the change of the indentation behavior loading/unloading at the residual stress conditionRelative strength = (Strength after irradiation)/(Mean strength before irradiation) e l. c o m p r e s s i v e s t r e n g t h c h a n g e(a)IG-1100. e l. t e n s i l e st r e n g t h c h a n g e(b)IG-110Fast Neutron Fluence (1025n/m 2, E>0.18MeV)Fast Neutron Fluence (1025n/m 2, E>0.18MeV)FIGURE9Changes of (a)compressive and (b)tensile strengths of IG-110graphite by fast neutron irradiation [14].FIGURE 10Steady-state irradiation creep coefficient of IG-110as a function of irradiation temperature [14].Handbook of Advanced Ceramicsof graphite.Since the indentation behavior is affected by the residual stress condition,it is possible to evaluate the stress from microindentation behavior.The details of this study are shown in references[27,28].3.2.Standard for the Graphite Components of VHTRFor the design of the graphite components in the HTTR,the graphite structural design code for the HTTR[14]and inspection standard of graphite for the HTTR[21]were applied.It was so because the general standard system for the HTGR had not been established at that time.Recently,to prepare the general standard system,a“special committee on research on preparation for codes for graphite components in HTGR”at Atomic Energy Society of Japan(AESJ)had established draft of standard for graphite components in HTGR(including VHTR)in March2009[29].In the United States,a subgroup in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)is working to establish a new design code for graphite core components,which can be applicable to gas-cooled reactors including VHTR.For the establishment of the standard of the AESJ,the standards for the graphite components of HTTR and ASME were reviewed.The established standard is based on the HTTR graphite design code[14]and the inspection stan-dard of the graphite components for the HTTR[21].The established“draft of standard for graphite core components in high temperature gas-cooled reactor”is composed of(1) general rules,(2)design standard,(3)material and product standards,(4)in-service inspection and maintenance stan-dard,and(5)appendix and explanation.The graphite components are classified into three cate-gories(A,B,and C)in the standpoints of safety functions and replaceability.In the design section,the stress limits are determined by deterministic evaluation in principle.Alter-natively,it is possible to determine the stress limits by probabilistic evaluation with an appropriate fracture proba-bility.The general requirements for the in-service inspection and maintenance standard are determined.When a defect larger than a design assumption is found in graphite components by the in-service inspection,the cause shall be investigated,and the propriety of continuous use shall be judged by application of fracture mechanics,etc.As an appendix of the design standard,the graphical expressions of material property data of IG-110graphite as a function of fast neutronfluence are expressed.The graphical expressions were determined through the intra-polation and extrapolation of the irradiated data.The irra-diation data for historical grades H-451and ATR-2E were used for the evaluation of the intrapolation and extrapola-tion of irradiation data for IG-110.The details of the intrapolation and extrapolation method were reported in references[24,30].3.3.Development of Control RodMade of C/C CompositeThe control rods of HTGRs are used at severe temperature condition.At the reactor scram,control rods are immedi-ately installed into the reactor core with high temperature. For the HTTR,ferritic superalloy Alloy800H is used for the metal parts of the control rod[8].Its maximum allowable temperature to be used repeatedly after the scrams is900 C.On the other hand,for the VHTR,thermo condition of the core will be more severe than that of the HTTR.It is important to develop the control rod made of heat-resistant ceramics composite-material substitute for metallic materials.It is one of the major subjects for the VHTR development.The heat-resistant ceramic composite, C/C composite,and SiC/SiC composite are major candi-date materials for this purpose.Figure11shows the scheme of R&Ds at JAEA for the control rod made of C/C and SiC/SiC composites[31].The R&D items are categorized in the following phases:(1) database establishment,(2)design and fabrication,and(3) demonstration test in the HTTR.For the database establishment in phase(1),the data on material properties at un-irradiated and irradiated condi-tions are necessary.JAEA focuses especially on a two-dimensional C/C composite(2D-C/C composite)that has the layer structure of laminae composed offibers and matrix[32].Since the2D-C/C composite has great anisotropy in thermal and mechanical properties in parallel and vertical to lamina directions,it is important to take the anisotropy into account for design of the components. Neutron irradiation effects on the properties are also anisotropic and important.A PAN-based and plain-woven 2D-C/C composite,CX-270G grade,is one of the candidate materials for the control rod application.It is graphitized at (1) Database (C/C and SiC/SiC)Un-irradiation/ Irradiation experimentsstrength, elastic modulus, CTE,thermal conductivity, etc.(2) DesignControl rod structureDesign methodology(3) Demonstration by HTTRLarge component irradiationat primary helium-gas coolantwith temperature gradientEvaluation onirradiation effectsfor graphitizedC/C compositeInternationalcollaborationGraphiteirradiationdatabaseJAEAInternationalcollaboration FIGURE11Scheme of R&Ds on application of C/Ccomposite to control rod[31].For color version of thisfigure,the reader is referred to the online version of this book.Chapter|2.5Nuclear Graphite。


开发画面的层次结构 .......................................................................... 43 创建模板以确保一致性 ...................................................................... 43 设计画面 ............................................................................................... 43 规划语言 .....................................................................................................44 规划报警 .....................................................................................................44 为操作员提供信息 ....................................................................................45 规划趋势 .....................................................................................................45 规划配方 .....................................................................................................45 设计安全系统............................................................................................ 46






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室温强度计算: 固溶强化 沉淀强化 对于单相的多晶金属而言,屈服强度与晶粒直径满
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对于电磁感应,特别是随温度变化的电磁感应问题,金属合 金的磁导率 m 参数显得尤为重要
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相图和热力学密切相关:相图不仅能够直观给出目标体系的相平衡状态,而且能够表征体系的 热力学性质;由相图可以提取热力学数据,由热力学原理和数据也可构筑相图。早在 1908 年 Van Laar[3] 就尝试利用后来被称作“正规溶体模型”的溶体模型计算了二元相图的一些基本类型。20 世纪 70 年代 以来,随着热力学、统计力学、溶液理论和计算机技术的发展,相图研究从以相平衡的实验测定为 主进入了计算相图的新阶段,并发展成为一门介于热化学、相平衡和溶液理论与计算技术之间的交 叉学科分支—CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagrams),其实质是相图和热化学的计算机耦合 (Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry)。计算相图在严格的热力学原理框架下, 利用各种渠道获得的相关热力学数据计算得到相图。和实验相图相比,计算相图具有以下特点[4]: ① 可以用来判别实测相图数据和热力学数据本身及它们之间的一致性,从而对来自不同作者和运用 不同实验方法所获得的实验结果进行合理的评估,为使用者提供准确可靠的相图信息;② 可以外推 和预测相图的亚稳部分,从而得到亚稳相图;③ 可以外推和预测多元相图;④可以提供相变动力学 研究所需要的相变驱动力、活度、T0 线等重要信息;⑤可以方便地获得以不同热力学变量为坐标的 各种相图,以便用于不同条件下的材料制备与使用过程中的研究与控制。
5.2.1 淬冷法......................................................................................................................................... 2 5.2.2 热分析......................................................................................................................................... 7 5.2.3 相图拓扑学及反应图 ............................................................................................................... 13 5.3 相图热力学计算的一般原理............................................................................................................... 20 5.4 常用热力学模型................................................................................................................................... 22 5.4.1 纯组元和化学计量比化合物 ................................................................................................... 23 5.4.2 溶体相和中间化合物 ............................................................................................................... 23 5.4.3 磁性有序无序和化学有序无序对热力学性质的贡献 ........................................................... 31 5.4.4 多元系热力学性质的外推方法 ............................................................................................... 36 5.5 二元相图热力学计算实例................................................................................................................... 40 5.5.1 液相和固相均完全互溶的同晶型二元相图计算 ................................................................... 40 5.5.2 液相完全互溶,固相完全不互溶的简单共晶型二元相图计算 ........................................... 42 5.5.3 液相完全互溶,固相部分互溶的共晶型二元相图计算 ....................................................... 44 5.5.4 溶解度间隙的计算................................................................................................................... 46 5.5.5 生成中间化合物的二元相图计算 ........................................................................................... 48 5.5.6 亚稳相图计算........................................................................................................................... 51 5.6 相图热力学计算常用软件 ................................................................................................................. 53 5.6.1 Thermo-Calc............................................................................................................................. 53 5.6.2 Factsage................................................................................................................................... 58 5.6.3 Pandat....................................................................................................................................... 62 5.7 相图的热力学优化计算实例............................................................................................................... 65 5.8 多元相图测定及计算........................................................................................................................... 69 参考文献....................................................................................................................................................... 78



PeakView用法PeakView 是用于查看和处理质谱数据的强大工具。

以下是有关 PeakView 的详细用法说明。

一、简介PeakView 是 AB Sciex 公司开发的一款功能强大的生物信息学软件,主要用于处理和分析质谱数据。

它支持多种质谱数据格式,包括 .wiff、.dat、.txt 等,能够进行多维数据分析、谱图比较、肽质量指纹图谱分析等。

PeakView 的界面直观,操作简单,适合生物信息学、蛋白质组学和代谢组学等领域的研究人员使用。

二、数据导入与查看1. 打开 PeakView 软件,点击菜单栏上的“File”,在下拉菜单中选择“Open”,然后选择要导入的质谱数据文件。

2. 在弹出的窗口中选择数据文件类型和路径,点击“Open”按钮即可导入数据。

3. 导入数据后,可以在主界面上查看谱图。


4. 在谱图上右键单击,可以选择显示或隐藏不同维度的数据,如 XIC、TIC、Peaks 等。

三、数据分析1. 在菜单栏上选择“Processing”,在下拉菜单中选择“Multidimensional Viewer”,即可打开多维数据分析器。

2. 在多维数据分析器中,可以对数据进行聚类分析、主成分分析等操作,以便更好地了解数据特征和分布。

3. 在菜单栏上选择“Tools”,在下拉菜单中选择“Spectral Comparison”,即可进行谱图比较。


4. 在菜单栏上选择“Analysis”,在下拉菜单中选择“Peptide Mass Fingerprint”,即可进行肽质量指纹图谱分析。


四、结果导出与可视化1. 在菜单栏上选择“File”,在下拉菜单中选择“Export”,然后选择要导出的数据类型和格式。

2. 在弹出的窗口中选择导出路径和文件名,点击“Save”按钮即可导出数据。



國立交通大學材料科學與工程學系碩士論文利用一階迴轉曲線及磁圓偏振光譜針對L10-FePt/Ni雙層膜翻轉行為之探討Reversal mechanism of L10-FePt/Ni investigated byfirst-order-reversal-curves and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism研究生:李一憲指導教授:曾院介博士中華民國一百零三年九月國立交通大學材料科學與工程學系碩士論文利用一階迴轉曲線及磁圓偏振光譜針對L10-FePt/Ni雙層膜翻轉行為之探討Reversal mechanism of L10-FePt/Ni investigated byfirst-order-reversal-curves and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism研究生:李一憲指導教授:曾院介博士中華民國一百零三年九月翻轉行為之探討Reversal mechanism of Ni/L10-FePt investigated byfirst-order-reversal-curves and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism研究生:李一憲Student:I-Hsien Lee指導教授:曾院介博士Advisor:Dr. Yuan-Chieh Tseng國立交通大學材料科學與工程學系碩士論文A ThesisSubmitted to Department of Materials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringNational Chiao Tung Universityin partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMasterinMaterials Science and EngineeringSeptember 2014Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China中華民國一百零三年九月翻轉行為之探討研究生:李一憲指導教授:曾院介博士國立交通大學材料科學與工程學系(研究所)摘要近來,因磁記錄媒體密度需求不斷提升,具有高垂直磁晶異向性材料被廣泛地研究。


























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图象检视工具ImageViewer 6.1

图象检视工具ImageViewer 6.1

图象检视工具ImageViewer 6.1
1.基于5E学习环和HP工具的数学实验创课设计——以“函数图象平移变换”的教学为例 [J], 黄一娉;黄梦远;唐剑岚;
2.人文与工具:大学语文教学构建的平衡点检视 [J], 刘金华;牛文倩
3.巧借"函数图象"工具理解电路"功率"问题 [J],
4.检视与重构:重大灾疫时期央、地扶持中小微企业财税工具的联动策略 [J], 曾远
5.检视与反思:工具理性视阈中的2018年《刑诉法》修改 [J], 吴卫军

界面共格关系 透射电镜

界面共格关系 透射电镜

界面共格关系透射电镜界面共格关系(Interface crystal-lographic relationship)是指两个不同晶体结构之间的接触面处,其原子排列保持相对连续和协调的现象。

在透射电子显微镜(Transmission electron microscope, TEM)中,通过观察和分析这种共格关系,可以深入了解材料内部的结构和性质。



在TEM中,界面共格关系通常可以通过以下几种方式观察:1. 明场成像(Bright-field imaging):在这种成像方式下,电子束直接穿透样品,通过成像系统观察到不同晶体结构之间的界面。


2. 暗场成像(Dark-field imaging):在这种成像方式下,电子束被样品表面的电子束衍射,形成衍射图案。


3. 电子衍射(Electron diffraction):通过测量电子束在样品表面发生的衍射现象,可以获取样品内部晶体的信息。


4. 能量散射谱(Energy dispersive spectroscopy, EDS):通过测量电子束与样品原子相互作用时产生的能量信号,可以获取样品的元素组成信息。





1.斜测电离图描迹的自动提取 [J], 王大鹏;宋欢;胡耀垓;谢存;赵正予
2.基于部分反射理论的Es层电离图描迹研究 [J], 李辉;车海琴;吴健;吴军;徐彬
3.斜向探测电离图描迹提取算法研究 [J], 张成峰;王昶;刘子龙;朱启强
4.垂直探测电离图净化算法研究及实现 [J], 陈跃;杨东升;程延锋
5.一种斜向探测电离图实高分析法 [J], 陈其芬

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• LB是一套连续出版的数值与事实型 大型工具书,由Hans Landolt 和 Richard Börnstein两位教授在1883 年共同创建; • 数据来源于全世界千余名物理与工 程领域的科学家撰稿的研究期刊全文 • 所有数据都经过严格苛刻的挑选
如何利用Springer Materials检索科学数据?
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Knபைடு நூலகம்vel数据库使用方法
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