毕业论文具体格式:摘要、正文及参考文献具体格式如下文注:1. 中文摘要前空一行。
(空一行)abstractas the manager and leader of a school, the principal is not only a practicer to carry out the policy of the educational reform, but also a forthgoer of educational reform in school. the ability and value tropism play an important role in the management of a school, which has a deep influence in the educational reform. but all of those are embodied in the leadership behavior. as an important theoretical problem, much achievement has been acquired abroad and in hong kong and taiwan, but in mainland china, the professional research is not fruitful and gives too much attention to superorganic theoretical considering, which emphasizes value tropism and ignores factual research.as a new leadership theory, transformational leadership theory is very suitable for the social and educational circumstances full of change and uncertainty. using the multi-factor leadership questionnaire and the sampling method of delamination and random, the author carries out a research to 119 principals of senior middle schools. through analyzing the data the author tries to offer some valuable suggestion for the principals.key words:principal; leadership behavior; senior middle school注:1.英文摘要前空一行。
《05年论文评审 中学》
朱恩 李庆明 李明旺 李茂文 王恩峰 李明旺 孟俊华 周梅 高淑苓
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山东 平阴县实验中学
济南市平阴县实 山东 验中学 济南市平阴县实 山东 验中学 济南市平阴县实 山东 验中学
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2005.3.22 2005.3.28 2005.3.30 2005.3.30 2005.3.29 2005.4.5 2005.3.28 2005.3.28 2005.3.28 2005.3.28 2005.3.28 2005.3.17 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.8.15 2005.4.13 2005.4.13 2005.4.13
教育部北京师范大学基础教育课程研究中心 教育部“促进教师发展与学生成长的评价研究”数学学科课题组
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张连勇 刘杰 尚晓娟 黄继英 徐绵玉 王玉梅 王玉梅 石瑛 石瑛
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高考英语完形填空名校好题100篇:专题 05 强基计划之议论文篇 (原卷版)
专题05 强基计划之议论文篇——高考英语完形填空名校好题100篇(原卷版)距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。
1(2022·上海金山·统考一模)In 2007, a group of researchers began testing a concept that seems as if it would never need testing: Is more happiness always better than less? The researchers asked college students to rate their feelings on a scale from “unhappy” to “very happy” and compared the results with academic and social outcomes. Although the “very happy” participants had brilliant social lives, they performed ____1____ in school than those who were me rely “happy”.The researchers then examined a data set from another study that rated college freshmen’s “cheerfulness” and ____2____ their income nearly two decades later. They found that the most ____3____ were not the highest earners. That distinction (荣誉) once again went to the second-highest group, which rated their cheerfulness as“above average.”As with everything in life, happiness has its ____4____. Pursuing happiness to the exclusion of othergoals-known as psychological hedonism (享乐主义)—is____5____. It gives a life where you do not reach your full potential, where you are ____6____ to take risks, where you choose temporary pleasures over challenging experiences that give life meaning.When I talk with people about their fear of negative outcomes in life, their true source of fear, in many cases, ____7____ how they will feel about having failed, not about the consequence of the failure itself. This is similar to the way that discomfort with ____8____ causes more anxiety than guaranteed bad news. To ____9____ these bad feelings, people give up kinds of opportunities that involve the possibility of failure.However, bringing good things into your life, whether love or career success, usually involves risk. Risk does not, of course, _____10_____ make us happy. A risky life will very likely bring disappointment, but it can bring greater _____11_____ than a life played safe, as the studies above suggested.None of this is to say that we are foolish for wanting to be happy. _____12_____, the desire for happiness is natural and normal. Making the pursuit of positive feelings your highest or only goal, however, is a costly life strategy. Endless happiness is impossible to achieve, and doing so _____13_____ many of the elements of a good life. As the Canadian-A merican psychologist Paul Bloom wrote, “It’s the _____14_____we choose that affords the most opportunity for pleasure, meaning, and personal growth.”Though pain should never be anyone’s goal, each of us can strive for a rich life in which we not only seek the sunshine but fully ____15____ the rain that inevitably falls as well. This is the paradox (悖论) of being fully alive. 1.A.unwillingly B.unpleasantly C.admirably D.incredibly2.A.generated B.increased C.tracked D.drained3.A.joyful B.wealthy C.successful D.distinctive4.A.advantage B.balance C.opportunity D.preference5.A.fruitful B.significant C.priceless D.rewardless6.A.desperate B.hesitant C.likely D.tempted7.A.centers on B.works on C.takes on D.passes on8.A.performance B.discipline C.uncertainty D.ignorance9.A.conceal B.create C.tolerate D.avoid10.A.necessarily B.inevitably C.similarly D.deliberately11.A.fascination B.rewards C.depression D.challenges12.A.On the contrary B.That is to say C.For instance D.In turn 13.A.harvests B.encounters C.designs D.sacrifices14.A.happiness B.wealth C.dishonor D.suffering15.A.escape B.predict C.experience D.produce2(2022·上海静安·统考一模)According to a Gallup World Poll, 1.1 billion people want to move temporarily to another country in the hope of finding more profitable jobs. An additional 630 million people would like to move abroad permanently.The global desire to leave home arises from poverty and necessity, but it also grows out of a belief that such mobility is possible. People who hold fast to this universal ____16____ assume that individuals can and should be feel at home anywhere in the world and that they need not be ____17____ to any particular place. This view was once regarded as a negative product of the industrialization but is now accepted as central to a(n) ____18____ economy.It leads to opportunity and profits, but it also has high ____19____ costs. According to a long research into the emotions and experiences of immigrants (移民) and migrants, many people who leave home in search of betterp rospects can’t avoid feeling ____20____ although few speak openly of the substantial pain of leaving home.Such tolerance of emotional suffering became common among mobile Americans in the 20th century, and represented a(n) ____21____ from the past. In the 19th century, Americans of all groups, pioneers, soldiers and the millions of immigrants who streamed into the nation, loudly complained that moving was emotionally ____22____. Medical journals explored the condition, often referring to it by its clinical name: nostalgia (思乡).Today, discussions of nostalgia are rare, for the emotion is typically regarded by individuals as an embarrassing block to progress and prosperity. The ____23____ makes mobility appear misleadingly easy.Technology also tricks us into thinking that mobility is ____24____. The comforting vision of ____25____ offered by technology makes moving seem less consequential, since “one is always just a mouse click or a phone call away”.But such a claim was ____26____ optimistic, for homesickness continued to hurt many who migrated. The____27____ that phone calls and the Internet provide means that those away from home can know exactly what they are missing the exact moment and how it is happening. It gives the impression that one can be in two places at once but it also highlights the ____28____ of that assumption.The persistence of homesickness points to the limitations of the universal philosophy that strengthens so much of our market and society. The idea that we can and should feel at home any place on the globe is based on a worldview that celebrates the independent, mobile individual and takes it for granted that men and women are easily separated from family, from home and from the past. But this view isn’t ____29____ our emotions, for our attachment to home, although often ____30____, is strong and enduring.16.A.subject B.wealth C.vision D.exchange17.A.transferred B.tied C.reduced D.bridged18.A.globalized B.intense C.exporting D.degrading19.A.transporting B.domestic C.psychological D.administrative 20.A.displaced B.suspected C.abused D.monitored21.A.guidance B.emergency C.departure D.justification22.A.misleading B.wearing C.resisting D.facilitating23.A.silence B.restriction C.obstacle D.emotion24.A.temporary B.traditional C.painless D.formal25.A.priority B.alert C.connection D.privacy26.A.overly B.ultimately C.critically D.narrowly 27.A.advancement B.suffering C.immediacy D.variety28.A.impossibility B.diversity C.distraction D.scale29.A.in line with B.in addition to C.in honor of D.in need of30.A.distributed B.underestimated C.illustrated D.identified3(2022·广东·汕头市聿怀中学校联考模拟预测)Do you listen? Do you really listen? Is there more to listening than just hearing?Listening is, by far, one of the most important aspects of communication. So often, you pay attention to your way of speaking, your ____31____ , your dialect, but neglect your ability to listen.It is my ____32____ that people scream out or change the intended purposes of much of what they hear. Too often, we consider listening the ____33____ part of conversation, although it requires our focus, purpose, and active participation.Listening means to give ear to, to pay attention to, to ____34____ , to witness, to hear with thoughtful____35____ , or to understand.The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and to be understood. The only way to understand is to ____36____ .Learn to be an active listener. Give off positive body language.____37____ a willingness to socialize. Ask the right questions. Boost your ____38____ so that you can understand more and achieve effective listening.Listening means we should respond, that we should be touched, that what we hear has a(n)____39____ on us.I believe that history _____40_____ itself only because no one listens the first time.You were given two ears, but only one mouth, which is a gentle hint that we should listen more, because God knew that listening was twice as _____41_____ as talking. Listening is the key building block in effective communications. Good listening skills are crucial, as listening is the fundamental _____42_____ of all information.Isn’t now the time to give the gift of listening to those about you? Given them your _____43_____ attention. Use your God given _____44_____ to become a better listener. For me, I’m going to put into _____45_____ what I believe in my heart and become a better listener.31.A.sounds B.words C.gestures D.movements32.A.conception B.plan C.purpose D.requirement33.A.active B.passive C.basic D.useless34.A.argue B.quarrel C.discuss D.obey35.A.advice B.attention C.love D.help36.A.ask B.learn C.try D.listen37.A.Send B.Present C.Predict D.Design38.A.courage B.confidence C.energy D.knowledge39.A.impact B.connection C.emotion D.difference40.A.makes B.fails C.repeats D.destroys41.A.interesting B.hard C.much D.long42.A.resource B.material C.source D.element43.A.considerate B.wide C.extra D.entire44.A.information B.talents C.messages D.ideas45.A.effect B.position C.practice D.service4(2022·天津·高三专题练习)China is taking a reform into account on its College Entrance Examination, under which two separate test modes-__46__and academic-will be introduced into the examination. Such reforms are badly needed, as the demand for highly-skilled professionals__47__sharply in the context of the country's economic restructuring.The test for technical mode will mainly__48__the technical skills of those students who plan to become_49_and mechanical workers while the academic mode attracts those students who prepare to_____50_____an academic career.Calls for reform of the current gaokao regime, under which students are admitted based__51__upon their academic performance instead of practical skills, have been__52__high in China in recent years.___53___,the existing system has some merits, as it provides__54__fair opportunities for all students, especially those from the poor areas, to change their__55__through receiving higher education. But it has also been__56__for having churned out college graduates with little practical skills, something that prevented them from__57__decent jobs.Last year, China had 6.99 million college_58_, only 77.4 percent of which have found a position, according to official__59__.__60__,the fact that many college graduates cannot find a proper job does not__61__mean China has too many talents. In many sectors, enterprises can't__62__the technicians and skilled workers they need.According to a sample survey of__63__professionals in 40 cities conducted by the the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, technicians and highly skilled workers account for__64__4 percent of the labor force, __65__with an average 35 percent in developed countries.46.A.economic B.technical C.combined D.academic47.A.rises B.falls C.changes D.turns48.A.act on B.operate on C.reflect on D.focus on49.A.teachers B.officials C.engineers D.writers50.A.create B.cultivate C.know D.pursue51.A.largely B.slightly C.totally D.wholly52.A.standing B.keeping C.flying D.running53.A.Admittedly B.Supposedly C.Excitedly D.Repeatedly54.A.completely B.naturally C.relatively D.reasonably55.A.past B.origin C.appearance D.fate56.A.commented B.targeted C.enjoyed D.regarded57.A.landing B.hiring C.doing D.liking58.A.students B.graduates C.technicians D.employees59.A.data B.guess C.media D.instruction60.A.However B.Therefore C.Anyway D.Furthermore61.A.possibly B.importantly C.necessarily D.generally62.A.find B.raise C.accept D.support63.A.talented B.proficient C.retired D.dedicated64.A.less than B.more than C.rather than D.other than65.A.connected B.associated C.dealt D.compared5(2022·天津·高三专题练习)We are instructed not to use any bad words or polluting language. But at one time, I didn't realize that these ____66____ complaining, but I later have ____67____ that complaining pollutes our lives.Plain and simple complaining is an ____68____ that people strongly disapprove (不认可) of! It causes many people a great number of ____69____ in their lives and destroys the joy of anyone ____70____.We need to ____71____ ourselves, how quick are we to become ____72____ and begin to complain when stuck in traffic or while ____73____ at the checkout in grocery stores or department stores? How quick are we to spot and point out all the ____74____ of our friends or family members? Do we ____75____ about our job when we should be thankful that we have one?The best antidote (矫正方法) for complaining is ____76____. People with gratitude do not complain. They are so ____77____ being grateful for all the good things they have that they have no time to ____78____ the things they could complain about.In fact, everyone needs to make it a daily ____79____ to live a life of thanksgiving. Let's be ____80____ and grateful. Before going to bed at night, try to ____81____ everything we have to be thankful for. Let it be the____82____ thing you do in the morning. Be grateful for “little” things or things you might ____83____ take for granted. Don't get ____84____ when you fail, and don't throw in the towel and quit either. Keep at it until you have ____85____ new habits and you are living with an attitude of gratitude.66.A.accepted B.produced C.included D.required67.A.learned B.admitted C.heard D.remembered68.A.explanation B.action C.excuse D.emotion69.A.decisions B.possibilities C.problems D.accidents70.A.talking B.listening C.standing D.enjoying71.A.enjoy B.relax C.remind D.ask72.A.impolite B.uninterested C.impatient D.unimportant73.A.waiting B.leaving C.walking D.running74.A.directions B.advantages C.plans D.faults75.A.worry B.discuss C.complain D.think76.A.understanding B.thankfulness C.communication D.ability77.A.worth B.popular C.against D.busy78.A.believe B.complete C.notice D.admit79.A.goal B.visit C.report D.diet80.A.curious B.positive C.attractive D.energetic81.A.forget B.predict C.consider D.determine82.A.other B.first C.next D.extra83.A.finally B.obviously C.immediately D.normally84.A.discouraged B.entertained C.ashamed D.astonished85.A.tried B.broken C.developed D.changed6(2022·天津·高三专题练习)Recently, some readers are invited to join the experts in a live webchat to discuss the future of cars in cities. They hold a heated discussion on whether we ban cars from city centres? Opinions are ____86____.Some people are ____87____ the idea. Clearly, cars have come to control our ____88____:It is hard to find anywhere away from background traffic noise. Pollution isn't the only problem from traffic. High-speed cars makes public space ____89____ to the pedestrian (行人). In some places, streets are fenced off to ____90____ pedestrians taking up car space. As city centres are ____91____ populated, not everyone is young or fit enough to walk distances especially ____92____ their way through crowds.However, some people hold the ____93____ view. They wonder whether it is ____94____ to carry the kids around on public transport. Walking or ____95____ in the city centers are easy ways. But walking and biking doesn't work if you've got three kids under 5. What's the ____96____?Besides, driving takes ten minutes to the city center ____97____ taking buses has to travel 10 miles to get to the shopping centre 5 miles away. Does it make sense?Still, some speak out their mind. They say, “I ____98____ the idea of ‘making t he car redundant (多余的)’—but the reality is that lots of us ____99____ some form of powered transport—because of heavy bags, kids,disability issues etc. I wish people who make these lovely statements would ____100____ those of us for whom walking/cycling is actually pretty ____101____.”As far as I'm concerned, we need to find transport solutions so inviting, enjoyable, affordable andwell-planned that people will not ____102____ to use cars. The best way to do that will vary, but I suspect that mostly it is a matter of ____103____ public transport from the elderly, and the poor, making it the most____104____ choice for those who can choose. But getting the pricing right will ____105____. 86.A.divided B.discussed C.held D.arranged87.A.to B.against C.for D.beyond88.A.lives B.environments C.transports D.travels89.A.suitable B.convenient C.dangerous D.impossible90.A.free B.allow C.offer D.stop91.A.poorly B.highly C.hardly D.badly92.A.pushing B.finding C.losing D.telling93.A.objective B.positive C.similar D.different94.A.certain B.available C.practical D.challenging95.A.cycling B.driving C.running D.living96.A.concern B.concept C.point D.solution97.A.until B.though C.while D.once98.A.believe B.prove C.hate D.love99.A.create B.need C.dislike D.buy100.A.consider B.sponsor C.support D.handle101.A.easy B.difficult C.helpless D.comfortable102.A.refuse B.afford C.choose D.learn103.A.preventing B.changing C.introducing D.linking104.A.personal B.perfect C.cautious D.attractive105.A.help B.operate C.pay D.occur7(2022秋·全国·高三假期作业)Imagine sitting inside a windowless train that's shooting through a tube at twice the speed of an airplane. Your train has no wheels, produces no ____106____ , makes its own electricity, and isn't affected by bad weather. This is the hyperloop, a new vision for the world's ____107____ , safest, and greenest form of transportation. Many have ____108____ this new technology, but others say the hyperloop vision is just a bunch of hot air.Hyperloop developers plan to use the properties of magnets to float, stabilize, and drive the capsules or pods for hundreds of miles through ____109____ tubes. Without air or ground to slow down the vehicles, what was once a five-hour journey would become a half-hour excursion, engineers promise.Supporters of the technology promote additional ____110____ of transporting passengers and cargo by hyperloop. For example, they firmly state that unlike other city-to-city transport that's ____111____ , such as planes or trains, hyperloop vehicles would leave as needed, like Ubers and taxis. While the ____112____ would hold only 28 to 50 passengers each, developers plan for them to depart stations in groups every minute or so which they say could amount to shuttling 50,000 people an hour. That's more than twice the passenger ____113____ of the world's fastest trains.Developers also say that hyperloop tubes would be ____114____ so they wouldn't interfere with other traffic or threaten wildlife. And tubes would be covered with solar panels to power the hyperloop's systems.______115______ , advocates regard the hyperloop as the transportation choice for the future.But not everyone is on board. Engineers have calculated that the high-speed vehicles will need to make much wider turns than currently envisioned, and otherwise they won't be ______116______ for passengers. This would add several miles to the proposed tube tracks, Engineers also say planners haven't included enough time for vehicles to safely brake and take off at stations. Some engineers believe it will take much longer than claimed to pump the ______117______ out of the tubes before each vehicle's departure. Critics thus say hyperloops can't go as fast or serve as many passengers per hour as advertised, making them ______118______ existing high-speed transportation options.Hyperloop companies say they're ______119______ these concerns. They claim that they can safely maintain high speeds by having the vehicles bank around the turns as a plane does. And their hyperloops will rely on the split-second reaction times of a computer to ______120______ vehicles quickly, frequently, and safely. 106.A.pollution B.sound C.energy D.wind107.A.cleanest B.lightest C.latest D.fastest108.A.adapted B.exploited C.embraced D.developed109.A.totally hollow B.nearly airless C.steadily narrow D.highly flexible 110.A.advantages B.costs C.qualities D.situations111.A.in constant demands B.on strict timetables C.in changeable states D.on essential services112.A.cabins B.lorries C.tubes D.vehicles113.A.fare B.capacity C.speed D.comfort114.A.underground B.parallel C.elevated D.shared115.A.However B.Therefore C.Beside D.Otherwise116.A.available B.economic C.easy D.safe117.A.force B.air C.heat D.water118.A.most popular of B.superior to C.no better than D.least profitable of 119.A.addressing B.causing C.voicing D.releasing120.A.ride B.pilot C.park D.alert8(2021秋·江西·高三校联考阶段练习)Many people mistakenly characterize camping as an activity for the younger generations. ____121____, camping is a fantastic activity for people of all ____122____. It’s even better when you enjoy multi-generational camping.Small children can be a good trial to ____123____ with. They have a harder time being ____124____ on the way to the destination and also have a shorter attention span (跨度). Despite these small ____125____, camping with children can be a vastly ____126____ experience. They experience wonder at the smallest things, so camping with them can ____127____ your sense of wonder at the world. If camping with them, be prepared to have various activities ____128____, which will keep the children busy and tire them out during the day.Older generations, with varied life experiences, are also fun to camp with. To enjoy this, ____129____ grandparents and great grandparents on camping trips, which provides you with an opportunity to hear their_____130_____ and learn from them. If camping with your elderly travelers, make different _____131_____ arrangements depending on their physical needs. RVing (房车) would be more comfortable as opposed to sleeping in a _____132_____. Also, take into consideration their _____133_____ when planning activities. Perhaps shorter hikes would be better than long backpacking trips.Every generation in your camping experience will _____134_____ a different set of experiences and knowledge. So multi-generational camping is _____135_____, allowing these wonderful things to come together and enrich the whole group just by letting them be together for a period of time.121.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Somehow D.However 122.A.personalities B.races C.cultures D.ages123.A.compete B.meet C.travel D.communicate124.A.moody B.patient C.awake D.curious125.A.difficulties B.habits C.tasks D.fights126.A.painful B.traditional C.rewarding D.popular127.A.renew B.change C.hide D.document128.A.called off B.put forward C.lined up D.agreed to129.A.expect B.invite C.challenge D.permit130.A.solution B.advice C.secrets D.stories131.A.studying B.diet C.living D.entertainment132.A.house B.tent C.hotel D.bus133.A.feelings B.abilities C.relationship D.knowledge134.A.bring B.acquire C.adopt D.encounter135.A.flexible B.convenient C.secure D.magical9(2022·上海·高三专题练习)How Do You Know Y ou’re Not in the Matrix?At the heart of the philosophy of Aristotle (亚里士多德) and St. Thomas Aquinas (阿奎那) is the idea that we come into contact with reality through the senses. But what if our senses are not a(n) ____136____ source? Perhaps our senses are deceiving us, and eve rything we perceive isn’t real but is an illusion like in the movie The Matrix.This ____137____ of sense knowledge was part of René Descartes’s (笛卡尔) methodic doubt, which many radical (激进的) skeptics have adopted. Descartes argued: whatever I have up till now accepted as most true I have acquired either from the senses or through the senses. But I have found that the senses may deceive me____138____, and it is sensible never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once. And one example Descartes gives as evidence is the fact that objects at a distance look smaller than what they are.But this is not deception. The sense of sight is reporting ____139____ what it perceives. As D.Q. McInerny (麦克伦尼) says, “This is the sense of sight functioning just as it should, in order to give me a proper knowledge of ____140____”. Only when one made the judgement that “the man is small and then becomes big” would____141____ come in. Truth and falsity do not ____142____ sensory perception but the act of judging that perception.Another ____143____ with Descartes’s reason for doubting sensory perception is that he relies on only one sensory power. It’s often the case that in order to test whether one sense i s deceiving us, we must ____144____ another sense.To use an example that many radical skeptics do to justify their doubt of sense knowledge, I may perceive the stick ____145____ immersed in water as crooked. How do I determine whether what I perceive is actually the case?I pick up the stick. When I do so, I judge the stick is actually ____146____. But in order to make a correct judgment about the stick, I use another sensory power -- namely, ____147____ -- that I must trust in order to make the proper judgment.With regard to Descartes’s example, in order to make a sound judgment about the ____148____ of the man walking up the street, Descartes would have to make contact with him through the sense of touch and measure him, which requires trust in sense knowledge.____149____, Descartes’s recognition of the man’s small stature as unusual presupposes his trust in his previous sensory experience of the man’s tall stature. As Ralph McInerny notes, “Descartes must trust his senses in order to challenge them”.So, if it’s reasonable to trust sense knowledge, and the senses put us into contact with the ____150____ world, then we can have greater certainty that what we perceive is objectively real.136.A.external B.primary C.reliable D.alternative137.A.disbelief B.application C.branch D.command138.A.in no case B.out of nowhere C.by all means D.now and then 139.A.accurately B.independently C.accidentally D.randomly 140.A.philosophy B.distance C.nature D.life141.A.analysis B.error C.change D.perception142.A.lead to B.serve as C.identify with D.reside in143.A.problem B.consideration C.advantage D.perspective144.A.abandon B.regain C.sharpen D.employ145.A.barely B.wrongly C.partially D.completely146.A.hollow B.straight C.thick D.bent147.A.smell B.sight C.touch D.taste148.A.size B.height C.age D.weight149.A.Therefore B.Furthermore C.However D.Whereas150.A.imaginary B.private C.contemporary D.outside10(2021秋·湖北·高三校联考阶段练习)Most people largely think highly of the educational technologies. However, some critics (批评者) question whether it is ____151____ if teachers depend so heavily on media that most of their ____152____ with students takes place in cyberspace (网络空间).Hans is one of them. “I think this childish and sometimes ____153____ pushing toward technology is very ____154____ —even disastrous,” he says.____155____, he also warns that there are few studies supporting the assumption that traditional ways of teaching are ____156____ to teaching via the Internet. He says that he could only point to his “feeling that real classroom presence should be ____157____”. He stresses the need for educators to ____158____ the use of educational technologies in their classrooms critically.Yet, he admits that using technology for the transmission (传播) of information is probably ____159____ as students are faced with the so-called knowledge _____160_____ in the 21st century and the rapidly increasing costs of education. However, information transmission should not be the most important function of_____161_____, he argues, noting that schools should be places where students face open questions and “riskful thinking”.“Mental challenging is something like gymnastics which can _____162_____ our mind. And this is what makes you a(n) _____163_____ member of the society,” he said. “To discuss _____164_____ in the classrooms is more likely to provide the students with such mental _____165_____.”151.A.special B.wise C.useful D.interesting 152.A.disagreement B.cooperation C.competition D.interaction153.A.blind B.rude C.passive D.quiet154.A.impressive B.dangerous C.logical D.immoral。
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请你们研究下列问题: (1)对长江近两年多的水质情况做出定量的综合评价,并分析各地区水质的污染状况。 (2)研究、分析长江干流近一年多主要污染物高锰酸盐指数和氨氮的污染源主要在哪些地区? (3)假如不采取更有效的治理措施,依照过去 10 年的主要统计数据,对长江未来水质污染的发展 趋势做出预测分析,比如研究未来 10 年的情况。 (4)根据你的预测分析,如果未来 10 年内每年都要求长江干流的Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类水的比例控制在 20% 以内,且没有劣Ⅴ类水,那么每年需要处理多少污水? (5)你对解决长江水质污染问题有什么切实可行的建议和意见。
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专题05 阅读理解之议论文(原卷版)
专题05阅读理解之议论文1.(2020届安徽省蚌埠市高三第三次质检)Scientist,conservation organizations and government trying to stop the trend of extinction (灭绝)often focus on protected areas such as national parks and wildlife preserves. But with as many as million species(物种)at risk,this plan of action may not be enough to conserve wildlife.Slowing the mass extinction that now appears to be underway will require more creative means of coexisting alongside wild plants and animals. A new study indicates the effectiveness of some such approaches by examining some lands managed by indigenous groups.“ We show really strongly that,from a biodiversity standpoint in terms of species richness,indigenous -managed lands are at least comparable to protected areas,” says biologist Richard Schuster of Carleton University. And in some places,they are better than parks and preserves -even though indigenous communities may use their lands’ resources by hunting or searching for food.Schuster and his team analyzed more than 15,000 areas in Australia,Brazil and Canada. They found that the total diversity of wildlife was highest on lands either managed or co -managed by indigenous groups,while randomly selected areas with no formal protection were the least bio-diverse. For threatened species in particular,indigenous lands scored slightly higher than protected lands on overall species richness in Brazil and Canada,as well as higher for threatened animals in Australia.Each country has a different geography,climate and history. Yet remarkably,Schuster says,the best indicator for species diversity is whether a given area was managed by an indigenous community. He pointed out that practices such as sustainable(可持续的)hunting,fishing and searching,as well as burning,are more likely to occur in such areas. Don Hankins,an ecologist at California State University,agrees. “ there’ s probably going to be more of a connection to the land,” he says,“ and a use of the land for the things that are there,compared to a national park. ”“ It’ s really important to listen to the people who live on the land and have them drive the stewardship efforts going forward,” Schuster says,adding that partnering with indigenous communities may enable the world’ s countries to better meet a wide range of conservation goals:“ We really need all the help we can get as a global community to prevent species extinction that we’ re facing right now. ”8.What does the underlined word “ indigenous” probably mean in Paragraph 2?A.Social. B.Native.C.Protected. D.Threatened.9.What did Richard Schuster find in his study?A.National parks are even higher in species diversity.B.Indigenous communities overhunted on their lands.C.Some preserves almost have no formal protection.D.Indigenous lands do better in keeping bio-diversity.10.Which of the following statements may Don Hankins agree with?A.Species diversity depends on geographical positions.B.Humans’ everyday activities are no longer sustainable.C.Indigenous groups have a close bond with their lands.D.Protected areas work perfectly in wildlife protection.11.What is the text mainly about?A.Beating back extinction. B.Dealing with environmental problems.C.Setting up nature reserves. D.Fighting against unsustainable behaviors.2.(2020届安徽省蚌埠市高三第三次质检)I grew up in a Midwestern town where the popular wisdom was to only talk about what was pleasant and to keep secrets,if necessary,to make that happen.This meant staying mum when someone offended you,rarely expressing unpleasant feelings and smiling slightly more than is necessary. It also meant zero room for airing any sort of dirty laundry,especially not the kinds of personal secrets that keep people up.Many of us like to believe that hiding unpleasant truths might make them eventually go away. Instead,keeping secrets— especially heavy ones— can spin an even more complicated web of loneliness and deception(欺骗). So why do we do it?The truth can hurt. But in many situations,it’ s better to get it out and let the recovery start,rather than allowing it to be more harmful.The burden of holding in the truth doesn’ t just disappear. It hides in the back of your mind and can cause disorder to your life and health.“ If the situations in your daily life are regular reminders of the secret,and you find it stressful to keep it,then yes,it can have emotional(感情上的)and physical consequences,” says Dr. Dean McKay.“ Some people also find keeping secrets stressful out of a general concern they will ‘ slip’ ,and this frequentthought of the secret can in itself be stressful. ”This difficulty is especially worse if you feel trapped by the secret,or if it brings up other unpleasant feelings like guilt,shame or anxiety.If you do decide that your secrets took your joy away and would be better off being let out into the world,and if that secret doesn’ t put other people in physical danger,there are healthy ways to share it.12.What is considered wise for most people in the Midwestern town?A.Expressing feelings freely. B.Keeping unpleasant truths secret.C.Answering violence with violence. D.Sharing private matters with friends.13.What is a suggested way to deal with the unpleasant situations?A.To hide your feelings. B.To tell a white lie.C.To make no response. D.To expose the truth.14.What can be inferred about secrets in the text?A.They are bad for your health. B.They are hardly accepted by people.C.They bring up more positive feelings. D.They help prevent disorder in your life.15.What will probably be talked about in the paragraph that follows?A.Reasons for holding secrets. B.Ways to share secrets.C.Doubts about breaking secrets. D.Tips on keeping secrets.3.(2020届福建省福州市高三毕业班质量检测)Look! A polar bear is lying lifeless on a beach. On the shore, in the background, stand three guards, talking to each other. One of them has a deadly weapon hanging casually on his shoulder. This powerful image has thrown into question the motivation for this kind of tourism, or ecotourism. Does our proximity (接近) to large animals in the wild, frequently fueled by a desire for exciting images, lead to such animals becoming accustomed to human contact? If that is the case, surely the losing side will end up paying the ultimate price for such proximity.To my sorrow, I have recently returned from a trip to Svalbard, and indeed stood two weeks ago on the very beach where the bear was shot. The bear’s death should never have happened. Was the beach examined from the ship offshore beforehand? Was there access to flares (照明弹) to scare off a bear that appeared suddenly? These are standard measures for any respected operator. The incident is probably the result of a terrible systemic failure.Nevertheless, the incident should not negate the value of ecotourism. In its best form, this kind of travel hasvery little impact, or indeed has a positive effect, on the environment where it takes place. This can be by making financial donations to conservation groups, providing income to local communities, or ensuring protection of certain areas or animals. In Svalbard, visitors become ambassadors for the endangered polar bear, increasing awareness of the fact that the far greater danger facing them is sea-ice melt in the Arctic Ocean.Ecotourism is expanding market that brings benefits as well as challenges to the regions around the world in which it operates. Simply closing off these regions is not the answer.8.Why was the polar bear dead?A.It was probably hunt for its fur by tourists.B.It was probably frightened to death by flares.C.The proper procedures weren’t probably followed.D.The beach wasn’t probab ly equipped with safety devices.9.What is the third paragragh mainly about?A.Ecotourism could be developed properly.B.Financial awareness has greatly advocated.C.Environmental awareness has greatly increased.D.Visitors have a guilty conscience about ecotourism.10.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragragh suggest?A.More challenges from guards haven’t yet been accepted.B.Better measures for conducting ecotourism are a good choice.C.The environmental benefits from ecotourism are very obvious.D.The positive effects of protecting tourists haven’t yet been felt.11.What is the purpose of the text?A.To cause readers to focus on polar bears.B.To stimulate readers to reflect on ecotourism.C.To stress side effects that ecotourism has caused.D.To analyze the reason why the polar bear was killed.4.(2020届广东省高考模拟)An advance in electronic publishing could make the ebook you are reading seem as dated as a silent film.Publishers hope to explore the growing success of ebooks by releasing versions with added soundtracks and musical accompaniments.The noises in the first multimedia books- released in Britain on Friday - include rain hitting a window in a Sherlock Holmes tale. When the plot of a book reaches the most exciting part, background scores will create tension. In America, works by Shakespeare and Jane Austen have already been released with music and background noise so that, for example, readers can hear tea cups clinking in Mr. Darcy's garden as they read Pride and Prejudice.Supporters argue that sound effects are the next logical development for ebooks and will add excitement for younger readers. Critics, however, will argue that the noise will ruin the simple pleasure of having the imagination stimulated by reading.Caroline Michel, chief executive of the literary agency, said the new generation of computer-literate readers was used to multiple sensory input. She said, “Young people have split computer screens where they may be watching television and replying to an email at the same time. If that's what the market wants then we should respond to the market.”Booktrack's sound effects work by estimating the user's reading speed. Each time you “turn” a page, the software reassesses where you have reached in the text and times the sounds to switch on accordingly. If the soundtrack becomes out of synch(同步), a click on any word will re-set it.Some authors fear that a soundtrack could destroy the peace and quiet of libraries and ruin the pleasure of reading. David Nicholls, author of One Day, the bestseller now released as a film, said, “This sounds like the opposite of reading. I have enough trouble reading an ebook because I’m constantly distracted by emails.”Stuart MacBride, the crime writer whose novel Shatter the Bones was an ebook bestseller, sells 18% of his books as electronic downloa ds. He said, “If I’m reading, I will do the noise in my head. I don't need someone to tell me what tea cups clinking sounds like. That would irritate me.”12.What's the passage mainly about?A.Opinions about ebooks with soundtracks.B.Response to the need of the book market.C.Reasons for traditional ebooks becoming outdated.D.Suggestions on encouraging readers' imagination.13.What do publishers expect an ebook soundtrack to do?A.Help to release an ebook as a film.B.Help readers improve reading speed.C.Add tension at a book's exciting point.D.Get readers familiar with the background.14.Who is in favour of added soundtracks for ebooks?A.Mr. Darcy. B.Caroline Michel.C.David Nicholls. D.Stuart MacBride.15.What do we know about Stuart MacBride?A.He was a person who was easy to get angry.B.He knew a great deal about tea and tea culture.C.Eighty-two percent of his books described crime.D.He imagined sounds related to the story when reading.5.(2020届广东省广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试)As we continue to explore farther out into our solar system and beyond, the question of humans living on other planets often comes up. Manned bases on the Moon or Mars for example, have long been a dream of many. There is a natural desire to explore as far as we can go, and also to extend humanity's presence on a permanent or at least semi-permanent basis. In order to do this, however, it is necessary to adapt to different extreme environments. On the Moon for example, a colony must be self-sustaining and protect its inhabitants from the airless, harsh environment outside.Mars, though, is different. While future bases could adapt to the Martian environment over time there is also the possibility of modifying the surrounding environment instead of just co-existing with it. This is the process of terraforming - adjusting Mars’ atmosphere and environment to make it more Earth-like. But the bigger question is, should we?One of the main issues is whether Mars has any native life or not and if it does, should it be preserved as much as possible? If the answer is yes, then large-scale human settlements on Mars should be completely off-limits. Small colonics might be fine, but living on Mars should not be at the expense of any native habitats, if they exist. If Mars is home to any indigenous life, then terraforming should be a non-issue; it simply should not be done.What if Mars is lifeless? Even if no life exists there, that untouched and unique alien environment needs to bepreserved as it is as much as possible. We’ve already done too much dam age here on our own planet. By studying Mars and other planets and moons in their current natural state, we can learn so much about their history and also learn more about our own world. We should appreciate (he differences of other worlds instead of just transforming them to suit our own ambitions.8.What is the best title for the text?A.A Is there life on Mars?B.Can we adapt to Mars?C.Should we terraform Mars?D.Are Mars and Earth So Different?9.What does the author think we should do if life is found on Mars ?A.Ensure that it's not harmed.B.Negotiate with the Martians.C.Change the unpopulated regions.D.Assess the advantages and disadvantages.10.What does the underlined word “indigenous” in parag raph 3 mean?A.Complex. B.Native.C.Foreign. D.Intelligent.11.How does the author develop his ideas in the text?A.By referring to others' research.B.By evaluating different planets.C.By justifying the benefits of terraforming.D.By arguing in support of one viewpoint.6.(2020届江西省抚州市高三教学质量监测)Walking through a local park recently, I saw a teenage boy wearing a T-shirt that read: “Effort wins over talent. ” It reminded me of an idea I think about often, that if you believe you can learn new things and develop new skills, by working hard, you are more likely to achieve those goals. This critical insight was brought up by Dr. Carol Dweck, a Stanford University psychologist, as a “growth mindset”.According to Dr. Dweck’s research, “talent is not fixed.” S tudies by Dweck and others have shown students who have a fixed mindset see new learning experiences as a moment to be judged, not an opportunity to learn. Thiscan make learning a painful struggle, leading many to give up. Students who have a growth mindset, on the other hand, experience challenges as the way to learn and improve. They see hard work as being about learning. Overall, they learn and achieve at higher levels, even when they start out at the same place as those with fixed mindsets.While Dweck identified growth mindset more than a decade ago, her insights were not made up. They have since been backed up by brain science, made possible by new technology that allows researchers to see images of the brain at work. Studies show that, when a person responds to new and difficult material by engaging in a struggle to learn, the neurons in their brain grow.Believing that you can grow your abilities through effort—that talent is not fixed—is crucial(要的). As Dweck puts it in her TED talk, we need to focu s on showing young people the "Power of Yet” meaning, I haven't learned this yet, or I'm not good at this yet.Growth mindset is an important idea for educators and schools, but it's also a powerful tool that everyone can use to help themselves to learn and achieve at high levels.12.What does the underline d word “insight” in paragraph 1 mean?A.Scenery. B.Research.C.Question. D.Idea.13.How is paragraph 2 mainly developed?A.By making comparisons. B.By giving explanations.C.By listing examples. D.By describing details.14.Which of the following statements shows growth mindset?A.“Wow, you are really gifted in maths.”B.“I just don't understand it yet.”C.“You are a clever student.”D.“My talents determine everything.”15.What will the author probably discuss next?A.Why to develop a better mindset. B.When to obtain a better mindset.C.How to apply the growth mindset. D.Where to learn the growth mindset.。
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夹片设计为圆形,内腔圆形为Φ19mm,装夹深度为 4.2mm,外表面为Φ24.7mm。
产品零件图如(图1)下:图1-1 塑件Fig.1-1 plastic1.2塑件的成型工艺性塑件材料为PE,即聚乙烯。
流动性好,溢边值为0.02mm 左右,流动性对压力变化敏感。
注塑机规格如(表1)所示SZ-60/40型注塑机的主要技术参数螺杆直径30mm最大锁模力400KN理论注射容量60cm3最小模具厚度150mm额定注塑压力180MPa最大模具厚度250mm模板行程250mm顶出力12KN喷嘴球半径10mm定位环直径80mm 孔半4mm深度10mm1.4塑件注射成型工艺条件采用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE),密度为0.94~0.96g/cm3,收缩率为1.5~3.6%,宜选用螺杆式注射机,转速为40-80r/min。
由于注塑机的最大注塑量为60cm3,而塑件体积为2.35cm3v vvn fg n -≤8.0其中v g————注射机最大注射量,2cm;v j————浇注系统凝料量,3cm;v n————单个塑件的容积,3cm;而凝料的容量和最小注射量应不小于注射机额定最大注射量的20%,故型腔数目n=7。
图2-1型腔的配置示意图Fig.2-1 cavity configuration diagram2.4浇注系统的设计2.4.1浇口数目的确定浇口是连接流道和型腔之间的一段细短流道,是浇注系统的关键部分,起着调节、控制流料速度、补料时间及防止倒流等作用。
塑料制件的重量较轻,型腔采用近似平衡式布置,而且材料PE 流动性好,又有较好的注射工艺性。
内壁表面粗糙度为Ra=0.63m μ;为防止主流道与喷嘴处溢料,主流道对接处应制成半球形凹坑,其半径R2=R1+(1~2)mm=10+1.5=11.5mm其小端直径d2=d1+(0.5~1)mm=4+0.5=4.5mm凹坑深取h=5mm ;为了减小料流转向过渡时的阻力,主流道大端呈圆角过渡,其圆角半径r=1~3mm ,取2mm ;在保证塑料良好成型的前提下,主流道L 应尽量短。
通常由模板厚度确定,一般取L ≤60mm ,这里取L=25mm ;主流道衬套选择A 型,其大端高出定模面H=10mm 。
图2-21、定模板2、浇口套3、注射机喷嘴Fig.2-21、platen2、sprue bush3、injection moldiong machine②冷料穴的设计聚乙烯的冷却速度慢,因此必须充分冷却,宜设计冷料穴,防止熔体冷料进入型腔。
设计成带Z 行头拉料杆的冷料穴,其底部做成钩形。
③分流道的设计分流道的截面形状选为圆形,其表面粗糙度为Ra=1.25-2.5m 。
由表6-1查得,聚乙烯的分流道直径为 1.6-9.5mm 。
取第一分流道直径1x D =0.5mm ,第二分流道直径2x D =0.3mm 。