



砺剑2015快乐考生三轮冲刺猜题卷(三)英语本试卷分第1卷和弟II琴耐押分.海分150分•才试时同IZ0分1f •第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小題;每小题1・5分•满分7.5分)听下面5段对诂•毎段对诂后有•个小走•从題屮所洽的AJXC三个选奥屮选出最住选項•并标在试卷钓相应位程•听完毎段对话府■你郁有10秒钟的时问*网符存关小题和阅渎下一小题.每段对话仅读一迟・1. Whot doco the mon play?A. Sports.B. Musical instruments・C. Computer gAmes・2. Whai will the woman probably do today?A. Ailcnd the wedding・B. Go over her leans.C. Eai out with the man.3. Whd the manS major?A. Journalism・R. Business.C. International relations.4. Where docs this conversation take place?A. At a bus slop.B. At the railway station.C. At lhe airiJort・5. What docs the man mean?A・ He has been to the rcataurant many times・R. He heard about the restaurant from Tom.C. He intends to try a better restaurant.第二节(共15小題;毎小題1.5分•満分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白•毎段对话或狡白后有几个小題•从題中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最隹迭项•并标在试卷的相甩位盘,听毎段对话或独门前•你将有时间阅读各个小題•毎小題5秒钟'听完后•并小越将輪出5秒钾的作答时间.每戡对诂或独口渎两適.听第G段材料,问答第越.6. Who onya organic vcgctnblcfl ta&tc better?A The nm.B. The woman.C. The woman's friend.7. What does the woman suggest doing?A. Only buying organic products.B. I rymg some organic vegetables・C. Asking Joe for advice about food・听第7段材料・fc|答第題.B. What dog th© woman think of washing clothos by horgolf?A. Troublesome・IL Fun・ C. Not a bin deal.9. Why will she lake her clothes to the laundry tomorrow?A・ Il's loo tiring io hand wash sheets.B. She has loo much work to do.C. She just heard about the laundry, 听弟8段材料•凹答弟1U至1210. What liappvrcd lu Tuny (uday?A. He loot hid job.B. He was criticiiecl by his boss・C. llis vacation in summer was cancelled.11. How does he feel about it?A. Astonished.B・ Extremely angry・C. Sad but not surprised・12. What is he going io do?A. Wait to be called back to tlic company・B・ Talk with hie about hie problems・C Sturt fn Innk fnr A new jch・听第9段材料•冋答第13至16題L13. Where did chopsticks originate?甩In Japan. B. In China. C. In Korea.14・ What kind of chopsticks are often uxd by ordinary Chinese people?A. Wood or bamboo ones.B. Jude uwC・ Plo3tic onca.15. Why did an?ient kings and emperors silver chopsticks?A. To show their wealth.B. To see if their food was poisoned.C. To show their power.16. What do Chinese people think knives and forks suggest?A. Violence.B. High quality life.C. Gcnllciicdd・听第10段材料•回答第17空20 age17. Whnf cnnrA^ i* English l.it^ratiire 201?A・ A course on the works of William Shakespeare.B. A course on the history of English literature.C・ A course on classics of English literalure・18. When will the midterm exam be held?A. After Romeo and Juliet.B. Right after Macbeth.C. Inuring Week 6・19. Which o( the following NOT on the li«t of book*?甩Hamlet・ B. Macbeth. C. Henry V1.20. What is the talk mainly about?A・ Changes in homework assignments.B. The life of William Shakespeare.C・ William Shakespeare's masterpieces・第二部分:阅读理解(共两廿■满分40分)第一节(共"小謂;毎小超Z分■備分旳分)阅渎下列畑文.从毎融所给的四t•选项(A.B.C^U D)中・选出般住选项•;V. HMOM・•匸 & pivv^^・!弟二部分:阅读理解(共曲节■满分40分);弟一* (共2小題;毎小题z分•满分3U分)阅谏下列矩丈•从俗题所给的四亍选项(AJ3.C种【"屮・迭岀址住迭项•ANeil Kerwin became American Univeriicy^C At*) 14th president in September 2007. ;Kerwin joined AU in 1975 and has held numerous department and leadership positionsan•eluding head of the School of Public /Xffairs. In this interview# he speaks about developing :leadership among AU students and inspiring them to public service and the lessons he has :learned as I he president of Amcncan Univer^iiy."The 'ongcr 1 da this kind of workahe clearer it i” to me that leadership is a collecti ve :activity. This happens here at American University hundreds of times every day at every•It^vvl uf lliv duij.g mill nmjmgitig li/tid wwi k Cu IVMV I I ihudv gt/rtU・Siinply ■ leniki “hip uaiutvl \ be the field or rccponrsibility of one person or a email group at the top・ At :tc beet t it IB up ;to tho nrgunijjitinn "** A president 'a role is to make that clear T ensure it happens* and provide space dcas« :encouragement and acknowledgmcni of accomplishmenu* Vision it !lL 卓tH〉is impor- ;tanubut one thi( colleagues have not contributed (o or are not widely shared will not serve :the purpose. 1 have also learned delegaiiorK授权)is also important to success and that it is :a process of constant adjustment .not a single act. No one is perfect in the work we do*and :by recognizing ihis» you're developing a healthy culture that suppons reform. And. of :course ・nont of thi^ relieves the president of mo^t responsibility for the inntitvtion »and the ;nood to bo cloarly and visibly accountable・99 u Another lesson is lhal crises(角机)assume a life of their own. They arc a ureal time :lo learn and a bad lime to plan« ll is when times arc good and stable that you need to exam :inc the things lhai arc of the grcatcsi risk to your organization in the long term. As a lcad- :er • you must be able lo provide lhe enrrfy at)d niottveition among your employees lo ask :these difficuh quesiionn.because difficult times will come・ °:21. According to Neil Ker win. leadership mainly depends on ______________________ •A. iht prc^idrnl liinisclfB・ dtudenta in the universityC. small group at the top【)・the orKanization itself;22. What are the important quaiities of Iwider^hip mentioned in the third parAgraph?A・ Vision and delegation.B. Adjustment and contribution・C・ Responsibility and accountability・D. Encouragemeni and acknowlcdgmeni.;22. What are the important qualities of leadership mentioned in the third paragraph?A. Vision A nd delegation.B. Adjustment and contribution.: E・ Responsibility and accountability・D・ Encouragcmcni and acknowlccigmeni.;23. Whdl docs (he autlioi mgn by saying*41• •・ diffkuh liiucs will couw・”?A. Crieets provide ue with energy^R. Ji" cjiiilr likely tn hnpppnC. are the greatest risks.D・ Crises help people make change・:24. What does the pa畑gc mainly lell us about?A. The lessons Neil learned in University.B. The difficulty Neil has in his office.C・ Neill opinion on leadership.D. NeiFe motivation and organisation.RI hcrc wa^ a new house al the corner of Hatteras*in the Los Angeles where 1 walk my :daughter's dog every morning・ Il hadn t been there the day before. It was a doll-house- :size box.The sign said "Friendly by Nature—Little Free Library. Charter Number 4775. In :smaller lettered! said "Take a liook.Return a Book**ancl <it the butrom•Reduce• Reuse> ;Rcpuipose• Rccy<lc・"Ikhinu the paneled dooi were books.I couldn t rofuRo it. I opened tho door to uk<^ R clever look・ I cho«v two, /Xntonia i Fraser^s ^Must YouGo^w aboui her life, and Audrey Niffcneggcr's -The Time Traveler^ • Wi/八I left tlnnking of books I could leave for another s pleasure. The next day T bought :two of my own, which・by the following day had been taken.The Little Free Library movement began in Wisconsin• then quickly spread thniughout :the country in cities• towns.and rural areas. It was the inspiration of I odd Bol. who had :wanted <o honor his laie mother.a teacher who loved books. He buili a small wooden one- :room school house«And filled it with books・ Even on rainy days< people would »top by to : make choicer ・c rop off bookn and rcmArk on tho library I Ixxauty ・1 enjoy the mystery of my local Little Free Library. Who provided the book I'm read:ing? Who look (he book 1 lefl? Did that person enjoy it as much 肚I had?Today I'm reading ^The UntoUt Stvries of Notoriom Art Hrhls ** by An!bony M. :Amorc ami lom Mashberg .Aller I finished it*back it will go. What to add next from my :own collection? Hmnt Ferhaps Alice Holtman s 卜bird Htww" and Peter liremayne sj "Fifutn Sister FidelmaI m 50 glad 1 stopped to investigate th«t new little house on the comer,i 25. What did the writer find on tho stracit one day?A. A small new house.B. A street doe.: C. A sign with words. D. A few books・;26. Which of the following best descrilies the Library?A. Enjoyable and large.B. Free and popular.C・ Mysterious and crowded・I). Attrnctivc and chnrgcftble.27. The Library wa« gcarccd by Todd Bol _________________ ・A. with an aim to spread newsB. in order to sell more booksC・ in memory of his motherIX for the purpose of recycling booksZ8・ Which book belonged to the writer?A. Must You Go?11. The Time Traveler、Wifc.C. Fr ft ten Si iter .IX The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Hriali ・CScientists have been puzzled by the phenomenon that migrating birds fly not just in groups all the timc» but in * V** formations and they have tried to figure out what benefit birds get from this particular (ormation. Now»a research group from University of London may have found ihc an^wcimignuing birds fly in a 44 V* to save energy»acuurding io a atudy published in the journal Nature.When n hi rd fhpg(接翅)its wing^« it ^tirg rho «ir uround it «nd it to move in different directions. Scientist found in the studv that the air creates an upward-movinR wave at the tips of the wings, which means (hat if a bird flies around the wingtips of another birdul can get t. boost(抬from the rising air and therefore use less energy to »tay in the air.Apart from the Tree rick" strategy.sctcnlisu were alek) surprised to observe that mi graung birds limed llwir wing bcais and adjusted ihcir pu^iiiun^ in a very precise way io mnximizc the liking effect while avoiding nren^ where the nir move downward・M Thry*rr ah r tn <ipn^r whnt \ gning nn (rnm the hi rd in fmnt • whrrr * gnnd «ir * g coming from and now how io position ihcnisclvcs perfectly in il・” lead researcher Steven Portugal told BBC.In fact• the*V H formation has long thought to help birds fly more efficiently(效率高地).A previous study showed that birds heart rales went down when (hey were Hying to gether in a "V" formation. Jet fighters were also found(o be able reduce (her energy use by up io 18% by slaying near the windups of uilivr jvi fighler^. Du ill of these findings led neientintn to our peel that the V w formation had an efficiency purpose* but until now they *lill l^rk prrMif"Por sciential^*the new atudy provides an insight into on inrcrcstmg nniural phenome・ non・ But il could mean even more for aircraft companies—helping them understand how they can imiialc that with their planeformations to save fuel.said Portugal.29. What is tFe author's purpose in writing this article?A. To explain how birds benefit from migration.B. Tu iniruducc l>uw rnigrsnittg bird^ find llivir way.C・ To tell M>mc npplicctiono of migroting bird?' M V TR formations. 门・To report new fitulingy about migrating birds' U V R formations.30. According to the recent study.when birds migrate ___________________ .A. they don't change their l“d birds during the whole journeyB. they fly in "V formations to protect themselves against enemiesC. they fonn the shape of a "V” to make best use of the lifting effectD. the air they stir around makes il hard lor lhe birds behind to ily f&st31 ・ What is the significance of the new study according to this articlcYA. Il ijiiglu ailuiafl Luiupauied Lv> lliink of wmys Lu itupiove t!仃R・ It hac proved that the u V H formation can improve in efficiency in many fields・(* It led srirnti^H In Hi<rnvrr fhwt hirrlJ heart ratp« gn down when ihry fly in aD. It shows that the best formation of jet fighters in battle should be a M V R formation.32. The underlined word ^imitate0 in the last paragraph most probably means " _______________________ w.A. useB. copyl:・ change D. learn|>Is there ^omcching that you've A I WAV^ wanted to cry but ju^t never had the time? Well ・rruikG pUn« to try it now pinco you on gummar vacAtion・ Not A II vacations CA II (or : taking A taiir hit* to Hike photos of fftmous InnHmxrk*. Snmo vACAcion» allow you plenty of opportunities to learn・丁he most difficult aspect of a learning vacation may be ch(x)sing one I M^AUSC the possi bilitirs arc end css. If you enjoy cooking• various companies can take you to ludy. France ; Spain t Mexico or even Peru・ Once therew you can learn to prepare the local cuisine(烹饪). Trips arc often planned to fit in with local food festivals or special events ・The ferrn ^loaming vacaciun** often brings language to mind. The best way tu learn a language in in on environment where itS ypoken・ Study Spnni^h* French or English・(>r at tempt a more unuvual language like Polish, Estonian or Thai. You'll be able to learn about the country and absorb the culture at the same time.H you are fond of sports.you can polish your skills or lairn new ones. Golf and tennis schools welcome players of all levels. If you want a bigger thrilLyou can learn to surf • go ] climbing or race enrs.It s even possible to learn the art and techniques of bull fighting while on vacatiot:!You can also discover our inner artist. Many places offer jxainting classes in different mvdiuui^. Tlie suviiiuIuu0iiun> uf tliv uffv: plenty uf ^ubjtxllaai piuvide : tion (or practice.If you prrfrr rapniring thr wnrld nn film. tnkr A pkofngruphy vjirjitinn. Travel with n : small Rroup to photograph beautiful animals or scenery. You can also practise vour tech-: nique on people or at historical sights.Once you decide on a vacation* choose a company carefully. Request names of recent cu^iomcrs you can contacGand then risk I hem for an eveluation. The more you know before : you gOtihe better prepared you 11 be?. Then go oul and learn something!33. Why is 1( hard for you io decide on a learning vacailon?A・ DcL;dU5c it is Imid lot you to make plans.B. Because the poB^ibilitiee are unlimited・(* Inrrr ;irr mnny gnnd fnnds from uhrnndD. Kecausc therc're too many food festivals or events.34. Which of the following sports suits you if you don t like thrills?A. Or racing.B. Playing tennis.C. Rock climbing.D. Surfing.3b, l hc structure of the text would be __________________ ・So o& M W= 00 _I笫二节(共5小鬆;毎小题2分■满分10分)根据短文内容■从加文后的选项中选岀能填入空白处的斤隹选项.选项中有两项为多余选项。













1.What does the hat cost?A.$ 19.15 B.$ 90.15 C.$ 9.152.What address is the man looking for?A.415 Fourth street.B.514 Fourth street.C.415 Fifth street.3.Where do they talk probably?A.At a restaurant.B.In a factory.C.At home.4.What is Lily goint to do?A.Catch a train home.B.Do her homework.C.Go to park.5.How will the man probably mail the books?A.By ordinary mail.B.By sea mail.C.By air parcel.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

















1.What is the man doing?A.He’s working in the office.B.He’s on his honeymoon.C.He’s learning to drive.2.Who are the speakers?A.Doctor and patient.B.Teacher and student.C.Guide and tourist.3.How much will the woman have to pay for the recorder?A.$ 90 B.$ 120 C.$ 1254.What time does the shop open?A.At 8:00 B.At 8:30 C.At 8:455.What are the two speakers talking about?A.The final exams.B.An American movie.C.Their friend,Tom.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




2015年全国高考理科猜题卷I(高清版) 英语试题(PDF版)

2015年全国高考理科猜题卷I(高清版) 英语试题(PDF版)

'& (! .-& !% +, " $ -& $, "% $ , {|} $ ~P J~ P _ v K $ $ 7 * ( + HHIH kS?#)7Q {J~P / u4vox K$ JK$ $ w {D_ K$I $ w7.ox J~P, {% M ~ m.% M )$ M% ;2 < > 5 5 2 6. / < >6 < 5 5 2 6 3 1 6 N 1 7 6 < / ?1 *% ( 6 1 < 0 4 64 2 6= 6 4 > 5 G 3 E 6 5 2 6 H G < L 7 % (% ( 6 1 < 0 4 64 2 6 4><= 3 6 5 % +% ( 6 1 < 0 4 64 2 6 46 < 5 3 > / 6 5 2 3 > G 4 6 % B4 B6 )% , ./ < > 6 G 6< 7 6/ 6 > 5 3 > 6 = 3 >5 2 3 4= 3 < G 0 6 ?D D B *% K . % (% K 2 7 6 6 % +% O 0 7 % {% ) ~ m.% : 9$ :% ;2 < 5= -. 6E > .< I 0 5 5 2 67 6 4 5 < 0 7 < > 5 *% F 5 3 4 H < / 0 4 H 74 6 < H = % (% F 5 4 6 G = /< 1 1 6 5 4 G < 7 6D < 7 5 3 6 4 % D B +% O < / 0 4D 6 G 6H 5 6 >1 / 6 5 -= 3 > 6 % D 9% ;2 < 5 1 < >. 6 G 6 < 7 >H 7 /5 2 61 > L 6 7 4 < 5 3 > *% K 2 67 6 4 5 < 0 7 < > 5 3 4I 2 64 6 < % ?5 (% P 6 < H = 3 4L 6 7 0 G < 7> . < = < 4 % ?D D ? +% Q 6 0 G < 71 0 4 5 / 6 7 42 < L 6< = L < > 5 < 6 4 5 2 6 7 6 % B B {% : ~ m.% ! #! "$ ! #% , ./ 0 1 23 4 5 2 6 5 . -4 6 < E 6 7 4 3 > 1 / 6D 6 7/ > 5 2 D *% R& # # #% R' # # #% (% ! !% ;2 < 5= -5 2 6 5 . -4 6 < E 6 7 44 6 > =/ 4 5/ > 6 > D D ?*% K 2 62 0 4 67 6 > 5 % (% S < 3 G 4 6 % K 2 6B < 4 % +% ?0 ! "% ;2 < 5 1 < >. 6 G 6 < 7 >H 7 /5 2 61 > L 6 7 4 < 5 3 > *% K 2 6. / < >2 < 4B 5<7 < 3 4 6 % (% K 2 61 < 7 G < >2 < 4I 6 6 >D < 3 =H H % +% K 2 6 5 . -4 6 < E 6 7 44 5 3 G G= > 52 < L 66 T 5 7 </ > 6 2 3 4/ > 5 2% D ?5 {% 9 ~ m.% ! &! M$ ! &% ;2 < 5 3 4 5 2 6/ < > 4D 7 I G 6 / *% , 3 4D < 4 4 7 5 3 4/ 3 4 4 3 > % D B (% , 61 < > 5 H 3 > =2 3 4 5 7 < L 6 G 6 7 41 2 6 1 E 4 % +% , 62 < 4 G 4 52 3 41 7 6 = 3 5 1 < 7 = % ! '% ;2 < 5= 3 =5 2 6/ < >I 0 3 >5 2 6= 6 < 7 5 / 6 > 5 4 5 7 6? 6 4 5 6 7 = < ? D ? *D < 3 7H 4 2 6 4 % +% ! $% ;2 6 7 6= 6 4 5 2 3 41 > L 6 7 4 < 5 3 >/ 4 5 G 3 E 6 G < E 6D G < 1 6 ?5 *% * 5 5 2 6I 4 44H H 3 1 6 % (% * 5 5 2 6C 4 5< > =O 0 > = %+% * 5 5 2 6D G 3 1 64 5 < 5 3 >% !"#$ % " & '! " & *% *4 7 5 44 0 3 5 % D (% *D < 3 7H 4 0 > G < 4 4 6 4 % B +% R' $ # #%










第Ⅰ卷(选择题共115分)第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。






1. When is Jessica’s Birthday?A. Sep. 8.B. Sep. 9.C. Sep. 10.2. Which hotel does the woman live in now?A. China Great Hotel.B. Holiday Inn.C. Hilton.3. Why will the woman not go to the zoo tomorrow?A. The man will be with his son.B. She will attend a meeting.C. It’l l snow heavily.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a bus stop.B. At a railway station.C. In a bank.5. When did the woman arrive?A.8:00.B.8:30.C.8:45.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。









1. Why does the man say sorry?A. He smoked there.B. He can’t open the side pocket.C. He hasn’t had the hand luggage checked.2. Where are the speakers?A. In a shop.B. In a restaurant.C. In a hotel.3. What is the man going to have repaired?A. A lamp.B. A TV.C. A CD player.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. An actorB. A performanceC. A film.5. What part of her body has Maria hurt?A. Her neck.B. Her arm.C. Her hand.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. How much did the man pay for the camera?A. £150.B. £160.C. £175.7. What does the woman think of the camera?A. Expensive.B. Practical.C. User-friendly.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



砺剑2015快乐考生三轮冲刺猜题卷(四)英语本试.忌分為I雀和弟II卷闻*分.*并】50分.考试时佝120分件・第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节•满分30分)第一节(共5小Hi;每小BS 1.5分■満分7. 5分)听下而5段对话.每段对话后右一个小题•从题中所给的A.BX三个选项中选出垠佳选项•并标在试卷的相应位晋,听完毎段对话后•你祁冇10秒钟的时间来冋祥冇关小题和阅读下一小题・每段对话仅读一迓.1. What does the woman mean?A. She enjoywl the movie・B. She didn a t watch the movie,C. She didn i like the movie.2. When dues the nmn finish work un Monday?A. Ai 5 p・讥B. Al G p. ui,C. At 4 p. uu3・ What can wc lcam from the woman?A. The fltaK don't like weekends・Ii. Th。

utaff A II vary buuy・C.They r^nn*t “rvo “rk4. What does the num ask the woman to da?A. Watch his bag.B. Call his friend.C. Go to the washroom.5・ What does the woman think of the apartments in New York City?A. They are expensive. B・ They are valuable^ C・'「hey are too ^mall・荣二节(共15小題i每小題1・5分■満分22.5分)听下而5段对话哎独白.毎段对话或強白后右几个小題•从題中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选岀最佳选项,并标在试卷的栢应位賢•听甸段对话或独白浒•你将有时间阅读备个小題,毎小题5秒钟;听完后•各小题将給岀5秒伸的作答时间.毎段对话或独门读聘遍.听第6段材料•回答第6、7題.6. Whal prevented the woman s car from starling?A. T h<? faulty engine・K I he dead battery. 1“ The lack of petrol.7. What will the woman do?A・ Reiurn her bauery. TV Buy A new car. C・ Gei some peirol.听第7段材料■冋答第8.9越.& Who is the woman probably? A. A manager.B. An aaaiatant.9・ Whal is the man*s telephone number? A. 021—634S8796.B. 021—64357896.听第R&材料•冋答第M 至”/・10. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers 9A. Interviewer and interviewee ・B. Bern and employee. (:.(customer and waiter.11. Why does the woman want to leave her present company? A ・ She hasn f t had a promotion-B ・ The company isn't doing well.C ・ She can't display her abilities there ・13. Why has the woman gone to I*raguc?A. To go sightseeing ・ B ・ To aitcnd a conference ・ C. Tu MX a hivud ・14・ Why docs the m/n advice the woman to take the subway?A. The rood9 arc nnrrow ・B ・ It ie not convenient to take 3 bus.C ・ The interesting places are all very far.15. Flow Inng rlors it l;ikr (mm I hr het.I tn th<* ranfrrrnrr rrntrr hy hn«?A ・ 6 minutes.B. 15 minutes.C. 5 minutes.16. Whnt can we learn from the conversation?A ・ is easy to get lost at the subway station.B. The pay by trip on the subway depends on the distance.C. There isn*t a subway station near the conference center. 听第10段材料•冋答第17至20®. 17. Why do campers choose Long Lake Camp?C. A 3alc3woman« C ・ 021—64338796.12・ When can lhe woman start her new job?A. Because of its unique creative programs.B. Because of its location.C. Because ot its good services.18・ How many staff members are there at the camp?A. 89.B. 30.C. 145.19. Which is NOT provided at the camp?人ExLiluig U I AMMVA・ B. Slagu pvi fwi umJiued・ C. W UJA J VI ful ・20. When dorr the c«mp open efleh day?A・ From 10 a. m・ to 6 p・ m・B. From 9 s. m. to 2 p. m.C. From 9 a. m・ Qo 6 p・ m.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节■满分代分)兌一节(共15小题;毎小题2分■満分30分)阅汝F列短文•从毎电所給的皿个进项(A.B.C和匸、)中,世出最住送项.AA British doK-lovcr has invented a high-tech way of feeding his pct by Twitter. Com・ puter expert Nat Morris.30・has designed a svstem to Rive his pet a "tweet tre^t** bv send ing him a Twitter message.Ilis dog Toby gets more delicious dog biscuits from a computer controlled food ma chine whenever Nat sends a message to °@feedtoby w・Nat often works away from home and isn't always able to feed Toby by hand. But his new invention illows Nal to iced hin dog from anywhere in the world.Nat saidJToby absolutely loves it. At fir^t he know what was going on. N<>w he sits underneath the machine, wagging his tail and waiting for the food to drop・"Nat (ills the food machine with small pieces of dog biscuits^ but not too many in case four year old Toby gets too many messages. And Nat has even equipped his house with an online camera so he can see Toby enjoying rhe food at his home.But one problem is that friends and family have been amaxed with (he *(wecl treat w machine that they have started sending tweets to Toby too・ So Nal has had to restrict feed ing time to make sure Toby doesn't turn into Tubby・*r^vplv liavu I XXH Mending luiu al ttll 1K>U:» uf tltu aby.g I lwd iu limit il lu between 9 a. m. and 9 p. m. I m thinking of doing an updated one which «n mco5urc his weight before he fed*juat to mzikc aurc hcl not putting on too much puppy fati w ex plained Nat.How Nat's Twittor Foddor works ■Whrn JI mr<Rjigr in <rnt in @fmhcby•“ i. rcrrived by A mint-rnmpufrr that h linlcrrl tn the food marhine.When lhe mini computer receives lhe message.a bell rings and Toby comes running o ver ami sits in from of the feeding machine. Nest > lhe machine s motor pulls open a trap door which releases a serving of foo(L The doggy biscuits then drop mro Toby s food bow). Finally a digital camera takes a photo of him and sends it back to Nat on Twitter—so he knows Toby has been fed. 2\. Nat has invented a high-tech way to feed his dog because he •A. wants his friends to feed Toby乐考生B. has very strong computing skillsC. is often too busy to feed his dogD. doesn't like to feed Toby by hand 22. It can be learned from the passage that TobyA. sits beneath his feeder all day long罠is now used to being fed by machineC. doesn, know what happens io the feederD・ nu lunger receiver iwcc<5 rruvii Ndi*s friends23・ Whiuli of lite following allows lite uQiicvl Oidci of how (lie Twillci Fccdcia. The bell gcx-3 off.b・ A mcooagc io oent to @fcc<hoby.c・ Th。

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