BE lecture 9 10 stakeholder 之 供应商



本规范共分 22 章和 13 个附录,主要内容包括:总则,术语,基本规定,墙体节能 工程,幕墙节能工程,门窗节能工程,屋面节能工程,地面节能工程,供暖节能工程, 通风与空调设备节能工程,空调与供暖系统冷热源节能工程,空调与供暖系统管网节能 工程,配电节能工程,照明节能工程,地源热泵系统节能工程,太阳能光热系统节能工 程,太阳能光伏节能工程,监测与控制节能工程,建筑环境工程,资源综合利用工程, 建筑节能(绿色建筑)工程现场实体检验,建筑节能(绿色建筑)工程质量验收。
( 7 ) 本 规 范 第 16.2.10 条 依 据 国 家 标 准 《 太 阳 能 供 热 采 暖 工 程 技 术 规 范 》 GB50495-2009 第 5.3.5 条的规定。
(8)本规范第 3.4.4 条为绿色建筑工程涉及的建筑环境与资源综合利用子分部工程 验收方式的规定。
本规范由重庆市城乡建设委员会负责管理,由重庆市建设技术发展中心(重庆市建 筑节能中心)、重庆市绿色建筑技术促进中心负责具体技术内容解释。在本规范的实施 过程中,希望各单位注意收集资料,总结经验,并将需要修改、补充的意见和有关资料 交重庆市建设技术发展中心(重庆市渝中区牛角沱上清寺路 69 号 7 楼,邮编:400015, 电话:023-63601374,传真:023-63861277),以便今后修订时参考。
建设部备案号: J13144-2015
重庆市工程建设标准 DBJ50-234-2016Leabharlann 公共建筑节能(绿色建筑)工程
Code for acceptance of energy efficient public building(green building) construction
(3)本规范第 1.0.4、3.1.2、11.2.4、22.0.6、22.0.7 条内容分别依据国家标准《建 筑节能工程施工质量验收规范》GB50411-2007 第 1.0.5、3.1.2 条、11.2.3、15.0.5、15.0.5 条等强制性条文要求。

Organization Objectives Stakeholders

Organization Objectives Stakeholders
Avoid excessive pressure on small or weaker suppliers to cut price
Pay fair prices and pay invoices promptly
EXTERNAL Stakeholders Government
Stakeholder Interest
Share ownership schemes (between workers,
managers, and shareholders)
Advantages: The right to buy shares at a specific price or time allows workers to benefit from the success of the business and aligns the employee interests with the shareholders. Disadvantages: Administration costs; decline in employee motivation if stock price falls; dilution of stock for all shareholders; motivation maybe limited for employees if there is a time requirement to earn shares.
Security of their loans Pay interest
and the ability of the
Pay back capital owed
business to repay them
Prompt payment of


3 术语和定义 .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7 运行 ........................................................................................................................................ 8 7.1 合同审查................................................................................................................................................................ 9 7.2 设计开发................................................................................................................................................................ 9 7.2.1 测试和验证................................................................................................................................................................9 7.2.2 配置与数据管理......................................................................................................................................................10 7.3 产品实现.............................................................................................................................................................. 11 7.3.1 程序失效模式和后果分析 (PFMEA) .......................................................................................................................11 7.3.2 控制计划..................................................................................................................................................................11 7.3.3 测量系统分析 (MSA) ............................................................................................................................................... 11 MSA 应按照 AIAG MSA 参考手册完成,如下所示: ........................................................................................................11 7.3.4 工艺能力..................................................................................................................................................................11 7.3.5 检查.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.3.6 产能分析..................................................................................................................................................................12 7.3.7 PPAP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Resolution 系列耳机说明书

Resolution 系列耳机说明书

Resolution SubwooferPowered SubwooferQUICK SETUP GUIDEGetting StartedTHE LEADER IN AUDIO ENGINEERINGThank you for your purchase of the Resolution Subwoofer, a powered subwoofer in the Resolution Series of loudspeakers.The Resolution Subwoofer delivers large amounts of sustained low frequency infor-mation without reservation. Excellent cabinet construction, robust driver selection and 650 watts of genuine Krell amplification combine to offer the huge output, speed and resolution necessary for the ultimate home theater or music system experience. The Resolution Subwoofer features a one-inch MDF enclosure with 2-inch thick front and rear baffles. The sealed box design promotes clean, accurate bass. A separate control cavity completely isolates electronics package from the driver.The single 15-inch driver has a very stiff, reinforced polypropylene cone. Peak to Peak linear travel is 1-3/8-inch, and the voice coil is extra long. Motor geometry fea-tures a focused magnetic field that promotes control and lowers distortion.The 650 watt Krell Current Mode power amplifier is a Class AB design featuring a 1000 watt transformer and 55,000 microfarads of filter capacitance. Class AB amplifi-cation provides power quickly and sustains power indefinitely, thereby providing complete control of the driver under the most demanding conditions.This document outlines the basic steps for unpacking, placing, connecting, and oper-ating the Resolution Subwoofer. The owner’s reference for this product, including a detailed description of features and the product warranty, is available on the web at:Please contact your authorized dealer, distributor, or Krell if you have any ques-tions not addressed in the owner’s reference.Follow these steps to safely unpack your subwoofer:1.Set the shipping box right side up using the arrows on the box as a guide.2 people needede a box-cutting knife and slit the tape all along the top seams of the outer carton.3.Open the flaps to reveal the inner carton.4.Slit the tape along the top seams of the inner carton.5.Open the flaps and remove the power cord and two cardboard boxes, marked “accessories” and “grille”, and set aside.6.Carefully invert the box, so that the top foam piece is on the floor. Make certain that the subwoofer stays inside the carton as you bring it to the vertical position.2 people needed7.Kneel down and grasp the top foam piece.8.Carefully lift the inner and outer cartons straight up, and off the box. The sub-woofer is still inverted.9.Remove the bottom foam piece.10.Set the inner and outer cartons and the bottom foam piece aside.11.Gently slide the protective sleeve around the subwoofer down, toward the top ofthe subwoofer and toward the top foam piece on the floor.WARNINGSTHERE ARE NO USER-SERVICE-ABLE PARTS INSIDE ANY KRELL PRODUCT.Krell Resolution Subwoofer 1UnpackingNoteSave all packing materials. If you need to ship a Resolution Series loudspeaker in the future,repack the unit in its original packaging to prevent shipping damage.This product complies with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC).2 Krell Resolution SubwooferNotesBe careful not to scratch the loudspeaker cabinet with the grille locator pins.Clean the grille periodically to remove accumulated dust.Gently wipe the grille from top to bottom using a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. Do not use rubber condi-tioner or solvent.Attach the grille to the loudspeaker before you play music. The Resolution Subwoofer has a snap-on grille, which is comprised of grille cord strung between 2 metal grille blocks. The grille is shipped in the cardboard box marked “grille”.Follow These Steps to Attach the Subwoofer Grille:1.Grasp the grille blocks on each end of the grille and lift the grille out of the grille box. Place the grille block with the Krell logo on the bottom front of the sub-woofer; and place the other grille block on the top front.2.Gently guide the grille locator pins into the 3 grille holes on the bottom front of the subwoofer.3.Grasp the remaining grille block,allowing it to rest between thethumb and forefinger of each hand.4.Pull firmly to stretch the grille cords,until the grille locator pins align with the 3 grille holes on the top front of the subwoofer.5.Gently guide the pins into the grille holes. You hear a click when the grille is in place.Detach the Grille Before You Repack the Subwoofer:1.Grasp the grille block attached to the top front of the subwoofer.2.Gently pull the grille block straight out until the grille locator pins slide out of the grille holes.3.Remove the grille block with the Krell logo from the bottom front of the subwoofer.4.T o protect the grille, place it in the grille box until you are ready to rein-stall it.This product is manufactured in the United States of America. Krell ®is a registered trademark of Krell Industries, Inc.,and is restricted for use by Krell Industries, Inc., its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are registered to their respective companies.©2004 by Krell Industries, Inc., All rights reserved12.Locate the spikes, rubber feet and locking washers, in the small cardboardbox marked “accessories”.13.Choose the set of feet you want to use on your subwoofer.14.Thread the washers onto the feet.15.Screw each foot/washer assembly into the 4 screw holes located on the bot-tom of the subwoofer.16.Carefully invert the subwoofer so that it is resting on the feet, right side up.17.Spin the washers counterclockwise up the shaft of each foot to fix the heightof the foot.18.Remove the top foam piece and protective sleeve. You are ready to positionthe subwoofer in the listening area. 2 people needed Each Resolution Subwoofer requires at least 2 inches (5 cm) of clearance on each side and in front, and at least 2 inches (5 cm) of clearance above and to the rear of the subwoofer for adequate ventilation. The subwoofer delivers excellent per-formance in nearly any location in the listening room. Two placement options fol-low:Option 1: Stereo.Place the Resolution Subwoofer midway between the left and right loudspeakers.Option 2: Home Theater. Place the subwoofer in a corner of the room, preferably one foot from any wall.AC Power Guidelines.The subwoofer has superb regulation and does not require a dedicated AC circuit. Operate the subwoofer only with the power cord supplied.PlacementTo Install Feet On Your LoudspeakerPosition the loudspeaker in the listening area before attaching the grille.Each Resolution Subwoofer is provided with 2 sets of feet: 4spikes and 4 rubber feet. The sharp, pointed spikes are ideal for carpeted floors. The rubber feet protect tile and wood floors.Unpacking , continuedTo Attach/Detach the Subwoofer Grille(not illustrated)Figure 1 Resolution Subwoofer Back Back Panel FunctionsIEC ConnectorFrequency Adjust ButtonsIMPORTANTDo not disconnect signal cables when the amplifier is on and con-nected to the loudspeaker. Doing so will cause a loud pop that may damage your components.Tighten loudspeaker binding posts by hand only.NotesWhen powering up any system,always turn amplifiers on last.When powering down, always turn amplifiers off first.When single-ended inputs are used, shorting jumpers must be inserted into pins 1 and 3 on the XLR connectors. The jumper is not necessary for the right XLR when in mono/LFE mode.Jumpers are provided in the accessory box.Krell Industries, Inc., 45 Connair Road,Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA TEL 203-799-9954, FAX 203-891-2028, E-MAIL *********************WEB SITE 4 Krell Resolution SubwooferYour Resolution subwoofer product serial number is:P/N 307978-W v 04.0Krell recommends using balanced interconnect cables which minimize sonic loss and are immune to induced noise, especially with installations using long cables.Balanced connections have 6 dB more gain than single-ended connections. Before connecting the subwoofer to your system, make sure that all power sources and components are off. Neatly organize wiring between the subwoofer and all sys-tem components. Separate AC wires from audio cable to prevent hum or other unwanted noise from being introduced into the system.There are 2 connection modes for the subwoofer, 1) Mono/LFE (LFE is active) and 2) Stereo (LFE is not active). In addition, there are 2 connection options under the Stereo mode: A) Stereo with 1 subwoofer and B) Stereo with 2 subwoofers.Choose the LFE mode to use the Resolution Subwoofer in your home theater sys-tem, driven by the LFE/sub processor output. Choose the stereo mode if you want the subwoofer(s) to interface with the main left and right loudspeakers full time, driv-en by the left and right channel outputs of your preamplifier or processor.Connect the subwoofer to AC power, and turn signal sensing off. Follow these steps: 1.To connect the subwoofer in the LFE mode (LFE is active)Put the input switch in the down position. Mono/LFE is selected. The mono/LFE input is active, and the right stereo input and output are disabled.Put the filter switch in the down position. LFE is selected. The left mono output is now disabled. Low pass and high pass filters are deactivated. Do not select filter frequencies.Connect the LFE output from the processor to the left mono/LFE input. Use either a single-ended or balanced connection.Set the level control to the three o’clock position.Use the surround processor to balance the subwoofer level with the system loudspeakers.2A.To connect 1 subwoofer in the stereo mode (LFE is not active)Put the input switch in the up position. Stereo is selected. All inputs are enabled. Put the filter switch in the up position. Low pass is selected. The filters are active.Connect the left and right preamplifier outputs to the left mono/LFE and right inputs. Connect the left/mono and right outputs to the left and right amplifier inputs. Use either single-ended or balanced connections.Set the crossover points for high-pass frequency and low-pass frequency using the frequency adjust buttons.Adjust the level control to balance the subwoofer with the system loudspeakers.2B.To connect 2 subwoofers in the stereo mode (LFE not active)Put the input switch in the down position. Mono/LFE is selected. The right stereo input and output are disabled.Put the filter switch in the up position. Low pass is selected. The filters are active.Connect the left or right preamplifier output to the left mono/LFE input.Connect the left mono output to the left or right amplifier input. Use either single-ended or balanced connections.Set the crossover points for high-pass frequency and low-pass frequency using the frequency adjust buttons.Adjust the level control to balance the subwoofer with system loudspeakers.Repeat for the second subwoofer.Connecting theResolution Subwoofer to Your System。



07A1. Taking Delivery2.Factor endowments3.Learning effects4.clusters of related industries5. Location-specific advantage6.attentiveness7.industrial dispute8. equity(in accounting)9. down payment10. bonus point 11.Work permit 12. floor plan13. freehold 14.leasehold 15.stakeholder16. a filing cabinet 17.expenses claims sheet 18. no-frills airlines19. staff turnover 20.workshop1) 提货2) 要素禀赋3) 学习效应4) 相关产业集群5) 区位优势6) 周到7) 劳资纠纷8) 净资产9). 首付10) 积分11) 工作许可证12) 楼层平面图13) 永业产权14)_租赁权15). 利益悠关方16) 文件柜17) 费用报销单18) 经济型航空公司19) 员工流动20) 研讨会_07B1. Value for money2.Factor endowments3.Learning effects4.outstanding balance5. Location-specific advantage6. mortgage7.industrial dispute 8.motoring magazine 9. down coverage 11.Work permit 12. full amenities13. leasehold 14.breakeven 15.stakeholder16.disposal 17.expenses claims sheet 18. take precautions19. staff turnover 20. civil liability1)物有所值2) 要素禀赋3) 学习效应4) 余额5) 区位优势6) 住房按揭7) 劳资纠纷8) 汽车杂志9). 首付10) 报道篇幅11) 工作许可证12) 全套设施13) 租赁权14) _盈亏平衡15). 利益悠关方16) 处置财产17) 费用报销单18) 采取防范措施19) 员工流动20) _ 民事责任08A1. Profit and loss statement2.Factor endowments3. Zero inventory4.EPS(earnings per share)5. Location-specific advantage6. Taking Delivery7.Industrial dispute8. Equity(in accounting)9. Lecture theatre10.lump sum 11.Work permit 12. Overheads13. Freehold 14.General merchandise 15.Stakeholder16. FOB(Free On Board) plimentary tickets 18. No-frills airlines 19. Staff turnover 20. Know-how1) 损益表2) 要素禀赋3)零库存4)每股收益5) 区位优势6) 提货7) 劳资纠纷8) 净资产9). 阶梯教室10) 一次性付款11) 工作许可证12) 公司日常开支13) 永业产权14)_杂货15). 利益悠关方16) 离岸价17) 免费赠送票18) 经济型航空公司19) 员工流动20)专有技术/略号08B1.A backlog of orders2. Net worth3. Financing cost4.Core competence5.Corporate event6. Bulk discount7.risk-free investment 8.Brand stretching 9. Disposal10.Bargaining power 11.Legal action 12. Annual Leave13. Leasehold 14.Roadshow 15. Operating margins16. CIF 17. Dividend per share 18. Concession19. Settle the balance 20. Tribunal rules1) 定单积压2) 净资产3) 融资成本4) 核心竞争力5) 企业社交活动6) 批量折扣7) 无风险投资8) 品牌延伸9). 出售10) 议价能力11) 法律诉讼12) 年假13) 租赁14)_路演15). 经营利润16) 到岸价17) 每股分红18) 减让19) 结清余款20) 法庭裁决。

stakeholder 意思

stakeholder 意思

stakeholder 意思1. 什么是stakeholder?在商业和组织管理领域,stakeholder(利益相关者)是指能受到组织行为影响或对组织有重要利益关系的个人、团体或社会。



2. 利益相关者的重要性在现代商业环境中,企业越来越意识到了利益相关者的重要性。



3. 利益相关者管理为了更好地管理利益相关者,组织需要进行利益相关者管理。



4. 个人观点和理解在我看来,利益相关者管理是企业和组织非常重要的一部分。



5. 总结和回顾利益相关者不仅是企业发展过程中的参与者,也是推动企业发展的重要力量。









Lecture 1有形产品 tangible products无形产品 intangible products客户关系管理 customer relationship management选择性关系管理 selective relationship management客户盈利分析 customer profitability analysis供应链管理 supply chain management分销商 distributor零售商 retailer直销 direct marketing降低需求措施 demarketing当前客户 current customers潜在客户 potential customers未来客户 perspective customers规模经济 economies of scale销量 sales volume对产品进行持续改良 continuous product improvement 客户满意度 customer satisfaction较好的客户价值 superior customer valueLecture 2营销环境 marketing environment宏观环境 macroenvironment微观环境 microenvironment社会影响 societal forces最高管理层 top management高级管理层 senior management财务 finance研发 Research & Development采购 purchasing运营 operations会计 accounting供应商 supplier供应短缺 supply shortage供应延误 supply delay营销中介 marketing intermediaries转售商 reseller批发商 wholesaler零售商 retailer营销服务中介 marketing services agencies货物流通公司 physical distribution firms金融中介 financial intermediaries再加工 further processing有竞争力的营销策略 competitive marketing strategy 公众 publics人口结构的影响 demographic forces年龄结构 age structure消费者结构 consumer patterns消费结构 spending patterns自然环境 natural environment原材料 shortage of raw materials能源成本energy cost政府介入 government intervention主动策略 proactive approach被动策略 reactive approachLecture 3Strategic planning: 战略规划Business portfolio: 业务投资组合Mission statement: 远景、宗旨Market-oriented: 以市场为导向Objective: 目标Strategic business unit: 战略业务单位Corporate strategy: 公司战略、公司策略Question marks: 问题类Stars: 明星类Cash cows: 问题类Dogs: 狗类Existing products: 现有产品Existing markets: 现有市场Market penetration: 市场渗透Market development: 市场开发Product development: 产品开发Diversification: 多样化经营、多元化经营Market segmentation: 市场细分Target: 选择、选中Market positioning: 定位Marketing plan: 营销计划Situation analysis: 情况分析Action programs: 行动方案Monitoring: 监督Assessment: 评估Executive summary: 经营综合报告Timing: 定时、计时Lecture 4Consumer buyer behavior: 购买者行为学Marketing stimuli: 市场刺激因素Subculture: 亚文化群Perception: 感知、认识Motivation:动力Cultural factor: 文化因素Social class:社会阶层Household type: 家庭类型Reference group: 参照群体Consumer response:消费者反应Opinion leader:舆论领袖、舆论领导者Innovator: 创新者Experiencer: 体验者Maker: 制造者Achiever:成功者、成功人士Striver:奋斗者、奋斗人士Thinker:思考者Believer:信仰者Physiological (needs): 生理需要Safety: 安全感Belongingness: 归属感Esteem: 尊重Self-actualization: 自我实现(的需要)Involvement: 参与度Complex buying behavior: 复杂购买行为Information gathering: 信息搜集Evaluation behavior: 评估行为Dissonance-reducing buying behavior: 降低失调的购买行为Habitual buying behavior: 习惯性购买行为Variety-seeking buying behavior: 寻求多样化的购买行为Need recognition: 需求识别Information search: 信息搜寻Evaluation of alternatives: 替代品评估Purchase decision: 购买决策Postpurchase behavior: 购买后行为Early adopter: 早期用户Early majority: 早期大众Laggard: 落后者Lecture 5 VocabularyBusiness-to-business market: 企业对企业市场Business buying process: 商业采购流程Institutional market: 机构采购市场Straight re-buy: 直接再购Modified re-buy: 调整再购New task: 新任务采购Systems selling: 配套出售Derived demand: 衍生需求Inelastic demand: 无弹性需求Fluctuating demand:波动需求Buying center: 采购中心Users:使用者Influencers:影响者Buyers:购买者Deciders:决策者Gatekeepers:守护者Procurement:采购Online purchasing:在线采购Technological change:技术变革Political and regulatory developments:政治与监管(制度)的发展Competitive developments:竞争性发展Organizational structure: 组织结构Procedures:流程Job position:工作职位Risk attitudes:对待风险的态度General need description: 大体需求描述Product specification: 产品规格Supplier search:寻找供应商Proposal solicitation: 征集项目书Order-routine specification:订单程序说明Performance review: 性能评估Lecture 6 VocabularySegmentation: 市场细分Segment:细分市场Targeting: 目标市场选择Positioning:市场定位Psychographics:消费心态学 (psychographic adj.)Life cycle: 生命周期Multiple segmentation:多重细分策略Mass marketing: 大规模营销Segment marketing:细分营销Niche marketing:利基营销Micromarketing:微观营销Differentiated marketing: 区别营销Undifferentiated marketing: 无差异营销Pre-emptive: 先发制人的Value proposition: 价值定位、价值主张Unique selling proposition: 独特销售主张Lecture 7 VocabularyCore product: 核心产品Actual product: 实际产品Augmented product: 附加产品Product level: 产品层次Convenience product: 便利产品、便利品Shopping product: 选购产品、选购品Specialty product: 特殊产品、特殊品Unsought product: 非渴求产品 (unsought goods: 非渴求物品) Material and parts: 物料配件Capital items: 资本货物Supplies and services: 供应与服务Intangibility: 无形性Inseparability: 不可分割性Variability: 差异性Perishability: 短暂性The service-profit chain: 服务利润链Internal Marketing: 内部营销External marketing: 外部营销Interactive marketing: 互动营销Deception: 欺诈Exploitation: 投机利用Lecture 8 VocabularyProduct attributes: 产品特性Branding: 塑造品牌、打造品牌、建立品牌Packaging: 包装Labeling: 标贴Brand: 品牌Brand equity: 品牌资产Brand positioning: 品牌定位Brand name selection: 品牌名称选定Brand development: 品牌开发Brand sponsorship: 品牌赞助Licensing: 品牌专利授权、品牌特许加盟Co-brand: 联名Line extension: 产品线延伸Brand extension: 品牌延伸Multibrands: 多品牌Brand management: 品牌管理Product mix: 产品组合Consistency: 一致性Product strategy: 产品策略Lecture 9 VocabularyNew product development: 新产品开发Product lifecycle: 产品生命周期Acquisition: 收购Idea generation: 构思的产生Idea screening: 构思的筛选Concept development and testing: 概念开发与测试Marketing strategy: 市场策略Business analysis:业务分析Product development: 产品开发Test marketing: 试销Commercialization: 商业化Sequential product development: 有序产品开发Simultaneous product development: 同步产品开发Team-based: 基于团队的Introduction: 推行期Growth: 成长期Maturity: 成熟期Decline: 衰退期Controlled exit: 受控的退出Lecture 10 VocabularyPrice 价格Pricing 定价/定价法/定价策略Pricing strategy (pl. -es) 定价策略Cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价法Competitor-based pricing 竞争导向定价法Target profit pricing/break-even analysis 目标利润定价法Value-based pricing 价值导向定价法Premium:a higher price 加价/保费Parity:the same price 平价Discount:a lower price 折扣Cost-plus pricing 加成定价Break-even pricing 平衡定价Market-penetration pricing 渗透定价/薄利多销Market-skimming pricing 撇脂定价Stakeholder 利益相关者International pricing 国际营销定价Product mix pricing strategies 产品组合定价Product line pricing 产品线定价Optional-product pricing 任选产品定价Captive-product pricing 俘虏产品定价By-product pricing 连带产品定价/副产品定价Product bundle pricing 搭售产品定价/捆绑式定价Price-adjustment strategies 价格调整策略Discount and allowance pricing 折扣定价Segmented pricing 细分市场定价Psychological pricing 心理定价Promotional pricing 促销定价Mantissa pricing 尾数定价Loss leader pricing 招徕定价Reference prices 参考价格Geographical pricing 地理定价FOB-origin pricing 寄发地定价Uniform-delivered pricing 统一运费定价Zone pricing 区域定价Basing-point pricing 基点定价Lecture 12 VocabularyFDI 外国直接投资Greenfield operations 新设投资/新建投资M&A 兼并与收购Direct investment 直接投资Exporting 出口Joint venturing 设立合资企业Licensing (授权)品牌特许加盟Contract manufacturing 委托制造Management contracting 经营承包Joint ownership 共有权/共同所有权Barter 物物交换/以物换物/易货Tariff 关税Embargoes 禁运/禁止贸易Exchange controls 外汇管制Quotas 定额/配额Compensation 补偿Buyback 返销Counter-purchase 相互购买Lecture 13 VocabularyProfessional ethics 职业道德Code of ethics 道德准则Deceptive practice 欺诈行为High-pressure selling 高压销售Planned obsolescence 计划报废Materialism 物质主义、实利主义Consumerism 保护消费者利益主义Environmentalism 环保Enlightened marketing 有远见的营销方式Consumer-oriented marketing 以消费者为导向的营销Innovative marketing 创新型营销Customer-value marketing 追求客户价值的营销Sense-of-mission marketing 具有使命感的营销Societal marketing 社会营销Lecture 11 VocabularyPersonal selling 人员推销Direct marketing 直复营销Marketing communications mix 营销沟通组合Promotional activities 促销活动Sales promotion 促销Communication process沟通过程Sender 发送人Receiver 接收人Encode 编码Decode 解码Message 消息、信息Media 媒介Response 反应Feedback 反馈Noise 噪音Awareness 知晓Knowledge 了解Liking 喜好Preference 偏好Conviction 确信Pull strategy 拉动策略(诱导策略)Push strategy 推动策略(积极策略)Affordable method 可供给额法Percentage-of-sales method销售百分比法Competitive-parity method 竞争平位法Objective-and-task method 目标任务法Contact point(s) 接触点Performance measure(s) 业绩指标、业绩评估。

Bose 产品使用指南.pdf_1705905620.9668128说明书

Bose 产品使用指南.pdf_1705905620.9668128说明书

Italiano - 3S ommarioCompilare e conservare le seguenti informazioni:I numeri di serie e di modello si trovano sulla confezione originale e sulla scheda della garanzia.Numero di serie ______________________________________________________________________Numero di modello ___________________________________________________________________Data d’acquisto ______________________________________________________________________È consigliabile conservare la ricevuta insieme a questo manuale di istruzioni.Informazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra (4)Caratteristiche .............................................................................................................. 4Disimballaggio ...................................................................................................................... 5Collegamento del dispositivo ............................................................................................ 6Uso delle cuffie con il dispositivo . (6)Controlli delle cuffie .................................................................................................... 6Funzioni di base ............................................................................................................ 7Funzioni di riproduzione multimediale .................................................................... 7Importanza del comfort (8)Inserimento delle cuffie nelle orecchie .................................................................... 8Sostituzione dei puntali .............................................................................................. 9Rimozione delle cuffie ................................................................................................. 9Ulteriori regolazioni per garantire comfort e stabilità .. (10)Uso della clip per abiti ................................................................................................. 10Uso di un auricolare singolo ....................................................................................... 10Risoluzione dei problemi .. (11)iPad, iPhone e iPod sono marchi commerciali di Apple Inc., registrati negli Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi. Il marchio “iPhone” è utilizzato su licenza di Aiphone K.K.“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” e “Made for iPad” significa che un accessorio elettronico è stato progettato per essere collegato specificamente a un iPod, iPhone o iPad rispettivamente ed è coperto dalla certificazione dello sviluppatore che assicura la conformità agli standard prestazionali di Apple. Apple non è responsabile del funzionamento di questo dispositivo o della conformità dello stesso agli standard di sicurezza e normativi. L’uso di questo accessorio con un iPod, iPhone o iPad può influire sulle prestazioni wireless.Utilizzo delle cuffie4 - ItalianoInformazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® UltraLe cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra uniscono prestazioni audio realistiche a un design confortevole, caratteristiche difficili da trovare nella maggior parte delle cuffie tradizionali.Caratteristiche• Goditi la musica e lasciati assorbire completamente da un suono ricco e pulito.• Esclusiva tecnologia TriPort ® per bassi dal timbro naturale, anche a volumi elevati.• Il microfono e telecomando in linea consentono di passare con facilità dalle chiamate alla musica e viceversa su specifici modelli di iPod, iPhone e iPad.• I puntali StayHear ® mantengono in posizione le cuffie in modo confortevole.• Progettate e testate per la massima qualità e durevolezza.• La custodia consente di conservare e proteggere le cuffie.• Disponibili in un’ampia gamma di colori tra cui scegliere quello più adatto al proprio stile.Utilizzo delle cuffieItaliano - 7Funzioni di baseAumentare il volume Premere e rilasciare il pulsante +.Ridurre il volumePremere e rilasciare il pulsante –.Rispondere a una chiamataQuando si riceve una chiamata, premere e rilasciare il tasto Rispondi/Fine per rispondere.Chiudere una chiamata Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Rifiutare una chiamata in arrivoPremere e tenere premuto il pulsanteRispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi rilasciarlo.Passare a una chiamata in attesa mettendo in attesa quella correnteDurante una conversazione, premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine una volta. Premerlo e rilasciarlo di nuovo per tornare alla prima chiamata.Passare a una chiamata in arrivo o in attesa chiudendo quella corrente Durante una conversazione, premere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi o del controllo vocalePremere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Per ulteriori informazioni sul controllo vocale, consultare il manuale di istruzioni del dispositivo.Funzioni di riproduzione multimedialeRiprodurre o mettere in pausa un brano musicale o un video Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Salto in avanti Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione.Avanti rapidoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione, tenendo premuto dopo la seconda pressione.Salto all’indietro Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione.RiavvolgimentoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione,tenendo premuto dopo la terza pressione.。



The Jensen Move
• Replace Max Shareholder Value with “Enlightened Value Maximization” = Sum of all values of all financial claims on the firm. • Issue #1: “Purposeful Behavior Requires the Existence of a Single-Valued Objective Function” • Issue #2: “Total Firm Value Maximization Makes Society Better Off”.
The Integration Thesis
• Most business decisions, or sentences about business have some ethical content, or implicit ethical view. • Most ethical decisions, or sentences about ethics have some business content or implicit view about business. • One of the most pressing challenges facing business, ethics, and society scholars (and business executives) is to put business and ethics together.
The Responsibility Principle
• Most people, most of the time, want to and do accept responsibility for the effects of their actions on others. • The Responsibility Principle is incompatible with the Separation Fallacy. • Ethics doesn’t get off the ground with some version of the Responsibility Principle.



Stake holder利益相关者是指股东、债权人等可能对公司的现金流量有要求权的人。







利益相关者矩阵确定利益相关者的位置有两种方法:权力/动力矩阵和权力/利益矩阵、权力/动力矩阵可预测性高低低 A B影很少问题不可预测,但可管理响高 C D影响大,但可预测最大的危险或机会编辑本段分析如下:图示列出了一个权力/动力矩阵,在这个矩阵上可以画出各利益相关者的位置。


1. 最难应付的团体是处于D区内的那些团体,因为它们可以很好地支持或阻碍新战略,但是它们的观点却很难预测。


2. 相反,在细分市场C内的利益相关者,可能会通过管理人员的参与过程来影响战略,这些管理人员同意他们的'观点'并建立那些代表他们期望的战略。

3. 虽然细分市场A和B内的利益相关者权力很小,但是这并不意味着它们不重要。





全球供应商手册更新于2018年8月15日各区域用户还应查阅:“具体区域信息和要求”点击上述章节打开链接。 投产遏制过程 要求所有供应商开发一个内部遏制计划,以确保天纳克工厂接收到100%无瑕疵产品。





供应商必须在PPAP 提交之前在TITAN 指定文件夹C 中提交附带检验标准的遏制计划。


供应商应按照批准的控制计划以I-chart 图格式记录和保存遏制结果。

供应商应根据天纳克要求提供I-chart 图。




遏制期应在SOP 之后至少持续从首次发运后90天,且不少于10批货物(小批量)(天纳克工厂自主决定)。

(投产遏制标识)8-15-18 F如果在供应商定点时没有特别说明,日产能基于每天20小时,每周定义为5天(周一早上到周五晚上),每年基于48周(240天),如果供应商得到天纳克项目采购/产品采购和供应商质量工程师/供应商开发工程师的书面同意,可以使用不同的标准运营模式。






产能验证需要在正常的工作条件下进行:- 报价涉及的操作者数量,按照生产控制计划进行质量控制;- 所有使用的材料和零件应该是PPAP批准的;- 其它的证明过程能力的控制需要离线完成而不影响产能输出。



刀商目录大全出产商简介及特点Allen Elishewitz Benchmade 蝴蝶牌, MISSION MPF 刀设计者,专门设计独特刀款AITOR 着名西班牙多用途丛林刀,Jungle King I, II, III, Desert King ....AL MAR 美藉华人名刀匠马国森、品质上乘之收藏刀Becker Knives & Tools 美警察及特殊部队选用之坚固爆破工具之一Benchmade 蝴蝶牌- 多个美国警察部门采用之军警摺刀Boker 德国制摺刀、直刀BUCK 前M9 刺刀官方指定生产商BUSSE COMBAT 坚固耐用丛林刀之一Camillus 1876年开始制造及生产之美国军刀厂Chris Reeve 南非着名军刀及美术摺刀刀匠Cold Steel 美国着名多元化冷钢刀,摺刀、直刀Columbia River Knife & Tool 集合多位名刀匠设计之多用途刀具Criswell 美式日本刀EMERSON Commander, CQC7... , Ernest Emerson 名刀匠设计FireStone 美国着名虎头刀厂Francesco Pachi 意大利着名艺术派刀匠,善用大马士革、像牙、琥珀、珍珠等作刀材料GERBER 摺刀、直刀、军刀(Mark II, Applegate...)KA-BAR 美国海军陆战队在韩越战时使用之军刀及搏击刀LANSKY 世界知名磨刀器生产商Mad Dog Knives 美国着名格斗战术刀,Kevin Mc Clung 设计及全手造Masters Of Defense 着名战术刀Trident, Tempest, Ladyhawk, CQD ....Microtech 美国特种部队采用军刀, US Socom, Vector, Kestrel, Elite ....MISSION 美国海豹部队指定选用钛金属刀之一,MPK, MPT, MPU...Ontario Knives 美国历史悠久刀厂,专门生产海陆空军刀, M9, M7 US Marine Corp Knives...Paul Chen (陈朝波) 着名日本剑刀匠Richartz 德国高级万用小摺刀SeberTech 小型工具系列, M2, M3, M4 Seber ToolSentry Solution 多用途护刀用品, Tuf-Cloth, Tuf-GlideSOG 多元化刀厂,包括直刀Seal knife、摺刀、工具钳...Spyderco 军警摺刀STRIDER KNIVES 海豹部队特战刀Tactical Ops 最新款求生战术刀TIMBERLINE 美国海豹部队指定选用钛金属刀之一: Specwar TitaniumTool Logic (连结网) 美国公司设计,日本制造、轻巧、高质量、多用途小型工具United Cutlery 设计生产超过五百产品,着名设计有蓝保刀Rambo I, II, III, 夺宝奇兵Indiana Jones、Harley Davidson 等等.....William Henry (连结网) 全手造刀美术刀匠Wilson Tactical 着名美国改枪工厂Wilson Combat 最新系列战术刀国际知名刀具厂商与供应商运动刀具,折刀,生存刀,便携工具A.G. Russel来自德国的运动刀具。



外贸英语服装行业面料专业术语纺织面料靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:Claimond veins倒毛:Down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain仿麂皮:Micro suede牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower雕印植绒:Embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:double-faced woolen goods羊毛立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒: Nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:Micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹:Nylon-cotton fabric (plain重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft 人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandexT/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven peach REVERSE SIDE 反面RE-WASHING 返洗READY-TO-WEAR 成衣蒸化(aging自动筛网印花(automatic screen printing满地印花(blotch print烂花印花(burn—out prints涪烘(curing直接印花(direct prints拔染印花(discharge prints干法印花(dry prints双面印花(duplex prints静电荷(electrostatic charge静电植绒(electrostatic flocking按特殊要求印花(engineered print叠印 (fall on平板(flatbed植绒印花(flock printing植绒(flocking半色调或中间色调(halftone手工筛网印花(hand screen printing热转移印花(heat--transfer printing喷射印花(jet printing机械植绒(mechanical flocking罩印(over print印花色浆(print paste印花对花准确/对花不准(print register/off register 对花(registration防染印花(resist printing滚筒印花(roller printing圆形筛网印花或圆网印花(rotary screen printing筛网印花(screen printing打样(strike off热转移印花(thermal transfer printing经纱印花(warp prints湿罩干印花(wet—On—dry湿罩湿印花(wet—On—wet湿法印花(wet prints制作精巧 skillful manufacture工艺精良 sophisticated technology最新工艺 latest technology加工精细 finely processed设计精巧 deft design造型新颖 modern design造型优美 beautiful design设计合理 professional design造型富丽华贵 luxuriant in design结构合理 rational construction款式新颖 attractive design款式齐全 various styles式样优雅 elegant shape花色入时 fashionable patterns任君选择 for your selection五彩缤纷 colorful色彩艳丽 beautiful in colors色泽光润 color brilliancy色泽素雅 delicate colors瑰丽多彩 pretty and colorful洁白透明 pure white and translucence 洁白纯正 pure whiteness品质优良 excellent quality(high quality 质量上乘 superior quality质量稳定 stable quality质量可靠 reliable quality品种繁多 wide varieties规格齐全 complete in specifications 保质保量 quality and quantity assured 性能可靠 dependable performance操作简便 easy and simple to handle使用方便 easy to use经久耐用 durable in use以质优而闻名 well-known for its fine quality数量之首 The king of quantity质量最佳 The queen of quality信誉可靠 reliable reputation闻名世界 world-wide renowm久负盛名 to have a long standing reputation誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad 历史悠久 to have a long history畅销全球 selling well all over the world深受欢迎 to win warm praise from customers增白: WHITE / SNOW WHITE特黑: BLACK / JET BLACK奶白: IVORY/ECRU/OFF WHITE/CREAM大红: RED紫红: BORDEAUX/WINE紫色: BURGUNDY/PLUM/VIOLET/PURPLE绿色: GREEN灰色: GREY玉色: OYSTER/PEACH黄色: YELLOW卡其: KAHKI雪青: LILAC古铜色: BROWN梅红: FUSCHIA墨绿: CHARCOAL豆绿: OLIVE藏青: NAVY/BLUE天蓝: SKY BLUE粉红: PINK米色: BEIGE橘黄: ORANGE驼色: CAMEL[color=Orange][size=2]产品包装方面: [/size][/color] 卷杆: RILLING/WINDING散装: LOOSE PACKING编织袋: WEAVING BAG纸箱: CARTON木箱: WODEN CASE中性包装: NEUTRAL PACKING单幅卷杆: ROLLED ON TUBES IN OPEN WIDTH 双幅卷杆: DOUBLE FOLDED ON ROLLS双幅折板: DOUBLE FOLDED ON BOARD腰封: PAPER TAPES纸管: TUBE吊牌: LABLE / HANG TAG唛头: SHIPPING MARK船样: SHIPPING SAMPLE塑料袋: POLY BAG匹长: ROLL LENGTH拼匹: ROLL WITH SEWING / ROLL WITH JOIN 拼箱: LCL整箱: FCL出口包装: EXPORT PACKING涂银: SILVER烫金: GOLD PRINT磨毛: BRUSHED起皱: CRINKED/ CREPED硬挺: STIFFENING抗静电: ANTI-STATIC抗起球: ANTI-PILLING防羽绒: DOWN PROOF防霉: ANTI-FUNGUS免烫: WASH AND WEAR砂洗: STONE WASHED阻燃: FLAM RETARDANT环保染色: AZO FREE / NO AZO防水: W/P ( WATER SHRINKAGE )里料: LINING面料:FABRIC平纹: TAFFETA斜纹: TWILL缎面: SATIN / CHARMEUSE绡: LUSTRINE提花: JACQUARD烂花: BURNT-OUT春亚纺:PONGEE格子: CHECK条子: STRIPE双层: DOUBLE – LAYER双色: TWO – TONE花瑶: FAILLE弹力布: SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA 牛仔布: JEANET牛津布: OXFORD帆布: CAMBRIC涤棉:P/C涤捻: T/R白条纺: WHITE STRIPE黑条纺: BLACK STRIPE空齿纺: EMPTY STRIPE人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric涤纶:PLOYESTER锦纶:NYLON/POLYAMIDE醋酸:ACETATE棉:COTTON人棉:RAYON人丝:VISCOSE仿真丝:IMITATED SILK FABRIC真丝:SILK氨纶:SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA 长丝: FILAMENT短纤: SPUN黑丝:BLACK YARN原纱、本色纱:gray yarn坯布、本色布:gray fabric纺纱:spinning纱支:yarn count经纱:warp纬纱:weft经密:ends per inch纬密:picks per inch织物结构:fabric construction布宽:fabric width单幅:single width双幅:double width天然纤维:natural fiber复合纤维:conjugated yarn长纤维:filament短纤维:cut staple,spun混纺纱:blended yarn交织:cross weave被子:Quilt; Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的)被壳:Comforter Shell传统式枕套:Pillow Sham开口式枕套:Pillow Case靠垫:Cushion帷幔:Valance窗帘:Curtain闺枕:Boudoir Pillow圆抱枕:Neck Roll被单:Bed Sheet包被单:Sheet床单:Flat Sheet床罩:Fitted Sheet; Bed Skirt枕巾:Pillow Towel桌布:Tablecloth盖毯:Throw毛毯:Woolen Blanket毛巾毯:Towel Blanket睡袋:Sleeping bag; Fleabag home textil家纺bedding 床上用品quilt 被子comforter胖被duvet cove被套quilt cover 被套comforter shell被壳sheet set床单套flat sheet床单套fitted sheet 床垫套pillowcase 西式枕(美)sham 中式枕(美)housewife pillowcase西式枕(英)oxford pillowcase中式枕(英)university 大学bed skirt床裙petti skirt床裙(加拿大mattress床垫(toss pillow 靠垫/抱枕cushion cover 靠垫壳breakfast cushion 早餐枕bumper床帷子table cloth台布placemat 盘垫runner长条doily杯垫oval椭圆的oblong长方的square正方的round圆的kitchen厨房oven mitt微波炉手套pot holder锅垫hotpot火锅window 窗window treatment 窗上用品panel大窗帘drapery大窗帘tier小窗帘valance帘头swag三角帘sca**窗幔*scot valance倒三角帘shade遮光帘blind遮光帘Accessory附件trimming饰边tassel 吊苏fringe排苏button扣子stud暗扣zipper拉链thread线rayon人丝线metallic thread金属线tape带子ribbon丝带,缎带lace蕾丝,花边cord线绳twist粗绳sequin亮片bead 珠子label标签care label水洗标sewn-in label水洗标woven label织标printed label印刷标签***** sticker不干胶纸帖law label法律标barcode条形码carton label箱帖carton纸箱swing tag 吊牌hang tag吊牌master carton外箱inner carton内箱vinyl bag PVC袋handle 提手gusset加高folding board垫板insert 彩卡package包装case pack装箱数shipping mark唛头main mark主唛side mark 侧唛container集装箱seal number封号dimension尺寸measurement尺寸design 设计designer设计者style风格description描述ricrac水浪带association协会store 商店department store 百货公司speciality store专卖店discount store折扣店supermarket 超市chain store连锁店importer进口商exporter出口商vendor卖主,供应商agency代理商manufacturer制造商,厂商supplier供货方factory工厂mill工厂retailer零售商[/size][/color]纺织原料 textile raw materials天然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre动物纤维 animal fibre罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric 提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric 多梳栉经编针织物 multi-ba* **bric 树脂衬 resin interlining麻布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib家纺英语的专业术语(中英文对照)产品色彩风格/Color and style of the products 产品结构分类/Product structure classification 套件主题 / themes of each set产品生产规格 / Production specification专卖店陈列 / stand alone displaying产品需求比例/Proportion of products demand 产品风格 Style of the products典雅 CLASSIC精致 FANCY舒适 ELEGANT春夏产品色彩 Main color of the products in Spring and summer秋冬产品色彩 Main color of the products in autumn and winter产品高贵色彩 COLORS FOR HIGH-END PRODUCTS9-儿童类9-children’s sets 10-夏凉产品 10-summer household products 印花/ Print Programs绣花 / Embroidered Programs提花 / Jacquard Programs蕾丝 / Lace Programs婚庆 / Wedding Sets盖被绣花 Fully embroidered throws枕边绣花 Embroidered pillow cases被面绣花 Embroidered duvet covers被套:duvet cover有边枕套:pillow shame无边枕套:pillow case床单:sheet床裙:bed skirt盖被:throw被芯:duvet睡衣:pajamas抱枕:cushion小件产品:basic set里料 lining面料fabric平纹 taffeta斜纹 twill牛仔布 jeanet牛津布 oxford帆布 cambric涤棉 P/C涤捻 T/R白条纺 white stripe 黑条纺 black stripe涤纶polyester锦纶nylon/polyamide 醋酸acetate棉 cottonretailer零售商wholesale*批发商**bric面料cotton棉布polyester涤Linen亚麻ramie苎麻silk真丝mulberry silk桑蚕丝dupioni双宫绸linen/viscose麻粘布percale高纱支sateen缎纹布satin佳丽缎sheer透明面料voile薄纱organdy薄纱organza硬纱taffeta塔夫绸corduroy灯芯绒faux suede麂皮绒velvet天鹅绒sew缝cut 剪finish整理iron整烫ruffle 自由折box pleat对脸折seam 接缝seam allowance缝头hem卷边face/front 面back/reverse底filling/batting/wadding 填充物棉子needle针opening/closure开口button closure纽扣封口zipper closure 拉链封口hidden zipper暗拉链flange飞边scallop荷叶边layout布局scatter分散的horizontal水平的vertical垂直的cuff/.hem西式枕的复边programme项目project项目order订单purchase order(P.O.订单negotiate谈判approve/confirm确认production生产bulk production 批量生产mass production大规模生产manager经理general manager总经理director董事,主管flight航班forwarder货代consolidator集运公司、人inspection检验audit审查,验厂list一览表,清单namelist名单cost成本price价格quote报价quotation报价quota配额duty税freight运费commission佣金distribution center配货中心review查看shipping出运delivery发货register注册cubic meter立方米square meter平方米foot英尺inch英寸centimeter厘米file文件attachment附件catalogue目录warehouse仓库standard标准quality质量quantity数量team/group组,队sample样品comment意见change/amend更改exclusive专门logo标志picture/photo图片finish后处理pre-treatment前处理content成分bleach漂白fabric weight面料克重construction组织结构screen网(平网/圆网印花)mercerize 丝光sanding 磨光soften 柔软seersucker 泡泡纱wash 水洗launder.(动词洗涤laundry.(名词)水洗woven 梭织的,机织的knit 针织的hand wash手洗dry clean 干洗machine wash 机洗flammability 阻燃性appearance retention 外观持久性dimension stability 尺寸稳定性[/size][/colorassociation协会department store 百货公司speciality store专卖店discount store折扣店supermarket 超市chain store连锁店importer进口商exporter出口商vendor卖主,供应商agency代理商manufacturer制造商,厂商supplie*供货方**ctory工厂mill工厂。

BESTSELLER 供应商行为准则总章

BESTSELLER 供应商行为准则总章



”1. 2. 0 所有的的供应商以及为BESTSELLER A/S以及其他BESTSELLER的公司生产的的分包商都应该遵守这份行为准则. 供应商以及其他们的分包商在以下都被称为供应商。



1. 2. 1 所有的供应商都应该同时遵守现时实行的法规。


1. 2. 2 BESTSELLER认识到世界各地的立法和文化差异,因而供应商的运营环境也不尽相同。




1. 2. 3 此行为准则同样是BESTSELLER持续地评估供应商是否达到要求的基础评估内容。

1. 3. 0 遵守此行为准则是成为BESTSELLER供应商的一个先决条件。


1. 3. 1 如果供应商使用的工厂不能达到要求,BESTSELLER有权要求供应商督促工厂进行改进。

1. 3. 2 如果BESTSELLER已经提供给其供应商一套改善方案,而其并没有被执行,BESTSELLER有权力在没有任何通知的前提下终止与其的业务关系,和可能取消任何进行中的生产或是货物运送。

1. 3. 3 严重违反BESTSELLER行为准则的行为将导致与BESTSELLER合作的立即终止。

1 基本准则1. 4. 0 这些特殊的要求都列在行为准则的以下标题里:2.0.0 工作环境和住房条件3.0.0 社会责任4.0.0 生产环境综合条例1. 5. 0 递送和/或生产BESTSELLER A/S产品的供应商应该遵守其所在地区的法律法规,同时应遵守本行为准则。



供应商卖东西英语作文高中As the world becomes more globalized, the importance of suppliers in the business world has grown significantly. Suppliers are responsible for the provision of goods and services that are essential to the operation of many businesses. In this essay, we will explore the role of suppliers in selling products to businesses.Firstly, suppliers are key players in the supply chain. They provide businesses with the raw materials, components, and finished products that are necessary for their operations. Without suppliers, many businesses would be unable to produce their own products or provide their own services. For example, a car manufacturer would be unable to produce cars without the supply of raw materials such as steel, rubber, and plastic.Secondly, suppliers play a crucial role in maintaining the quality of the products sold to businesses. They are responsible for ensuring that the products they supply meetthe required standards and specifications. This is particularly important in industries such as the food and pharmaceutical industries, where the quality of the products can have a significant impact on the health and safety of consumers.Thirdly, suppliers can offer businesses a competitive advantage. By providing high-quality products at a competitive price, suppliers can help businesses to increase their profitability and gain an edge over their competitors. For example, a supplier of high-quality, low-cost components can help a business to produce products that are more affordable and therefore more attractive to customers.Finally, suppliers can also provide businesses with valuable support and advice. They can help businesses to identify new opportunities, develop new products, and improve their operations. For example, a supplier of IT services can help a business to improve its computer systems and software, which can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.In conclusion, suppliers play a vital role in selling products to businesses. They are responsible for providing the raw materials, components, and finished products that businesses need to operate, maintaining the quality of the products sold, offering a competitive advantage, and providing valuable support and advice. As such, businesses must carefully select their suppliers and maintain strong relationships with them to ensure their continued success.。



介绍供应商英文作文Supplier is a crucial part of our business. They provide us with the raw materials and products we need to keep our business running smoothly. Without a reliable supplier, we would not be able to meet the demands of our customers.When looking for a supplier, we always consider their reputation in the industry. We want to work with suppliers who have a track record of delivering high-quality products on time. This helps us maintain our own reputation for reliability and quality.Price is also an important factor when choosing a supplier. We need to balance the cost of the products with the quality and reliability of the supplier. We want to get the best value for our money without sacrificing thequality of our products.Communication is key when working with a supplier. Weneed to be able to communicate our needs and expectations clearly, and we expect the same from our suppliers. Good communication helps us avoid misunderstandings and ensures that we get the products we need, when we need them.Flexibility is another important quality we look for in a supplier. Our business is always changing, and we need suppliers who can adapt to our evolving needs. A supplier who is willing to work with us to find solutions to unexpected challenges is invaluable to our business.Finally, we value suppliers who are committed to sustainability and ethical business practices. We want to work with suppliers who share our values and are committedto minimizing their environmental impact and treating their workers fairly.In conclusion, finding the right supplier is essentialto the success of our business. We look for suppliers who have a good reputation, offer competitive prices, communicate effectively, are flexible, and share our commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices.Working with the right suppliers helps us provide the best products and service to our customers.。



介绍供应商英文作文英文:As a purchaser, I have worked with many suppliers over the years. However, there is one supplier that stands out from the rest. This supplier is known for their high-quality products, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service.One of the reasons I continue to work with thissupplier is their attention to detail. They take the time to understand my needs and work with me to find the best solution. For example, when I needed a custom product, they were able to create a prototype quickly and make adjustments based on my feedback.Another reason I appreciate this supplier is their communication. They are always responsive to my emails and phone calls, and they keep me informed throughout theentire process. This level of communication helps me toplan my own production schedule and ensure that I receive my products on time.Overall, this supplier has been a valuable partner for my business. Their commitment to quality, pricing, and customer service has helped me to grow my business and meet the needs of my customers.中文:作为采购员,我多年来与许多供应商合作过。


Module: MAN201 W2
Dr. Xuanwei Cao Department of Management
Office: BB 224 Office Hour: We. 15:00-17:00 xuanwei.cao@
Desired/ Expected
Be a good corporate citizen. Give back.
The CSR Equation
Economic Responsibilities
+ Legal Responsibilities +
The Pyramid of CSR
The Four Components of CSR
Societal Expectation
Examples Be profitable. Maximize sales, minimize costs. Obey laws, adhere to regulations Avoid questionable practices. Do what is right, fair, and just
terms of a whole social system, and holds him or her responsible for the effects of his or her acts anywhere in that system.
Business Criticism/Social Responsibility Cycle



感谢我们的供货商英语作文《Thank You to Our Suppliers》Dear Suppliers,I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all of you. Your partnership and support have been invaluable to our business.Over the years, you have consistently provided us with high-quality products and services. Your mitment to excellence has enabled us to meet the demands of our customers and mntn a high level of satisfaction.Your reliability and punctuality in delivering goods have helped us to streamline our operations and avoid unnecessary delays. Your willingness to go the extra mile to acmodate our special requests and urgent orders has been a great relief during challenging times.We also appreciate your professionalism and expertise. Your insights and suggestions have often helped us to improve our processes and make better decisions. Your teams have always been responsive and helpful, addressing any concerns or issues promptly.In a highly petitive market, your contributions have been a key factor in our success. We look forward to continuing our partnership and growing together in the future.Once agn, thank you for all that you do. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we are truly grateful.Best regards,[Your Company Name]。

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• Source: Transparency International (/)
Which industry is more likely to engage in bribery to public officials?
• • • • • • • • • • Oil &Gas Agriculture Telecommunications & Equipment Real estate and property development Fisheries Banking & Finance Public works contracts &construction Pharmaceutical & medical care Arms and defence Hotels, Restaurant & Leisure
Heinz Baked Beans Distribution
Ethical issues for suppliers (1)
• Individual issues
– Gifts, bribes and hospitality
• Consider the intention of the gift giver • Look at the impact on the receiver • Focus on the perception of other parties
Example – supplier relationship as part of an industrial network (2)
– Poorer labour conditions – Less environmental protection – Lower attention to heath and safety
• Implications of global supply chain • Individual firms appear to be faced with prospect of an extended chain of responsibility
– Code of conducts
• Many large organisations setting up a formal code – e.g., Procurement Code of Conduct • Guidelines by professional bodies – e.g., the International Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (/)
MSc Business Ethics week 9
Suppliers as stakeholders
• Stakeholder of a corporation:
– An individual or a group that either is harmed by or benefited from the corporation or whose rights can be violated, or have to be respected, by the corporation (Evan and Freeman, 1993).
• Impacts on indigenous businesses
– Size, power and political influence of MNEs and exposure to the competition
• Differing labour and environmental standards
• Organisations and their suppliers can be seen as mutually dependent.
Example – supplier relationship as part of an industrial network (1)
Heinz Baked Beans Supply
– Sourced through global supply chain: “race to the bottom”
Ethical problem andosts often accompanies by ‘sweatshop’ condition
Score 8.8 8.8 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.9 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 6.8 6.6 6.5 5.9
Bribery Payers Index 2008
• Scores range from 0 to 10, indicating the likelihood of firms headquartered in these countries to bribe when operating abroad. • The higher the score for the country, the lower the likelihood of companies from this country to engage in bribery when doing business abroad.
Country Belgium Canada Netherlands Switzerland Germany United Kingdom Japan Australia France Singapore United States Spain Hong Kong South Africa South Korea Taiwan Italy Brazil India Mexico China Russia
– My business? Your business?
Strategies to ‘ethical’ sourcing
Disengagement • Setting of clear standards for suppliers and a means for assessing compliance with these standards • Failure to meet standards in short / medium term will result in disengagement by the company • e.g., Reebok's “Zero tolerance” policy on child labour Engagement • Rely on longer term ‘aims’ together with incremental ‘target’ in order to foster a step-bystep approach to improve standards • Firms likely to work with their suppliers to achieve improvement • e.g., Wal-Mart
Tutorial questions – Bitter Sweet
• What individual and a group of individuals are involved until the crops reach to the UK land? • Any ethical issues in the process? • What would you suggest to do if Mark were to have a ‘better’ life?
Ethical issues for suppliers (2)
• Organisational level issues
– Misuse of power; the question of loyalty; preferential treatment; conflicts of interest