

雅思口语Part One考题汇总20231203

雅思口语Part One考题汇总20231203

雅思口语Part One考题汇总20231203雅思口语Part One考题汇总雅思口语Part One考题汇总Hometown1. Where do you come from?2. What kind of place is your hometown?3. What is your hometown famous for now?4. Is there anything interesting in your hometown?Student or work同学(高校)1. Are you a student or do you work?2. What is/was your major?3. Why did you choose this major?4. Is your major very popular in your country?5. Do you think it’s difficult/easy to get a job6.7.高中或者学校生1. What’s your favorite subject?2. 有工作的人1. Are you a student or do you work?2. Do you like your job? Why?3. Is it very difficult to get your job?4. 5. 6.The place where you live1. Do you live in a city or a town?2.3.4. Do you live in a house or in a flat?5. Which room do you like the best?6.Music1. Do you like music?2. What music do young people like (in your country)?3. Have you been to any concert in the city you live in?4. What are the differences between the music from CDs and that of live concerts?5. What are the differences between the concerts on TV and live concerts?6. Would you like to take part in a live concert? Why?7. From when on do schools begin to have music lessons?8. Should there be music lessons at schools?9. Do many children learn to play a musical instrument in your country?。



雅思口语part1题库雅思口语part1题库Music1. Do you often listen to music?2. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?3. Where do you listen to it?4. How do you feel when you listen to this music?5. Have you ever been to a musical performance?6. What musical instrument is most popular in China?7. Which instrument would you prefer to study – the piano or the violin?8. What benefits do children gain by studying music?9. Do you think it's important to learn to play a musical instrument?10. Do you think schools should teach children how to playa musical instrument?11. Is music an important subject at school in China?12. Did you often listen to music when you were a child?13. How does music affect people?14. Compare the music that young people like and the music that old people like.15. Why do many old people dislike pop music?Sleeping1. How many hours do you sleep everyday? Why?2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?3. Is taking a snap important?4. Do old people sleep a lot?5. Do you think staying up late in a good thing?Writing1. Do you often write things?2. What do you usually write?3. How often do you send e-mails?4. What are your main reasons for using e-mails?5. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?6. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?7. When do children begin to write in your country?8. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?9. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?10. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people? Newspapers1. What are the different ways people get news?2. What types of news do you like?3. Do you think children like (= are interested in) the news? (Why?/Why not?)4. Are old people and young people interested in the same (kinds of) news?5. How does the news affect people?6. Do you often read newspapers?7. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?8. Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?)9. Why do (you think) people read newspapers?10. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?11. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?Concentration1. Is it important to focus on things?2. When do people need to concentrate on things?3. Is it easy to focus on things?4. How can people deal with 2 different things at the same time? Boating1. Do you like boating?2. Why do you like it?3. What have you ever done by boat?4. Do Chinese people travel by boat?Cars1. Do you like cars?2. Do you have a driver's license?3. Do you (or your family) have a car?4. Do you often drive it?5. (If you don't have a car) Do you plan to buy a car in the future?6. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose?7. What model (= what brand) of car would you like to buy?8. What kinds of cars are popular in your country?9. Do you like traveling by car?10. Who do you prefer to travel with?11. Do you like to take long trips in a (your) car?Cards1. Do you ever receive letters or cards?2. Do you receive many letters or cards?3. When was the last time you received a card?4. Do you (ever) give cards to your friends?5. Have you ever given cards to your friends?6. Which do you think is better, to send or receive a card ora letter?Arts1. Do you like art? (Why?/Why not?)2. What form of art do you like the most?3. What kind of art are you best at?4. In you childhood, what experience of art did you have?5. Did you ever produce any artwork (or, works of art) when you were a child?6. Do you ever buy (or, have you ever bought) a painting?7. Do you think art is an important part of life?8. What benefits does art bring to people?9. How important do you think art is in the lives of people?10. Why do you think people like to have a painting in their homes?Health1. What do you do to keep healthy?2. How do people maintain good health?3. What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"?4. Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future?5. What activity that promotes good health?Bags1. What types of bags do you use?2. What do you put in these bags?3. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?4. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?5. When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?6. How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?7. Do you think the style of a bag is very important? (Why?/Why not?)8. Do you have a bag for special occasions?Museums1. Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?3. Do you often visit a museum?4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?5. When was the last time you visited a museum?6. Do you think museums are important?7. Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?8. What do you think is the role of museums and art galleries?9. Which kind of art do you think is more important, the art we see in the cinema or the art we see in art galleries and museums?10. Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial for children?11. Do schools in China have excursions to museums?12. Do you think teachers should take their students on visits to museums? Dancing1. Do you like to dance? (Why?/Why not?)2. Have you ever learned to dance?3. When was the last time you danced?4. What kind of dancing do Chinese people like?5. Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?6. Do you think there are any benefits for young people to go dancing?7. When do Chinese people like to dance?8. Does China have any traditional dances?9. Is traditional dance still popular today in China? (Why?/Why not?)10. Is there much difference between traditional dancing andmodern dancing?11. What kinds of dancing are popular with young people in China?12. Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people?13.What do you think is the influence of dance on society?14.Do you like to watch dance performances?Entertainment1.What do you do for entertainment?2.What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?3.What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?4.What choices for entertainment are there for young people around where you live?5.Are there any entertainment places near your school (or university)?6.Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?7.Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?Friends1.Do you have many (close) friends?2.Are most of your friends from school (or university) or from outside school (or university)?3.Do you think friendship is important?4.Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone? (Why?)5.Are friends more important than family? (Why?)6.What kind of people do you like to have as friends?7.If you had the opportunity, would you spend more time with your friends?8.What do you and your friends do together?9.Do you prefer to meet your friends at home or away from your home?10.How do you keep in contact with your friends?11.Do you like meeting new people?12.Do you like making friends with (a lot of) people?13.Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?14.Do adults and children make friends in the same way?15.Do you think it's possible to become real friends with the people you meet on the internet , for example, on chat sites or personal introduction sites?Leisure time1.When do you have free time?2.How do you like to relax?3.How do you relax?4.How do you usually relax (in your spare time)?5.Do you have enough time for your hobby?6.How much time do you spend relaxing?7.What do you do on weekends?8.Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing?9.What can people do to find more time for relaxing?10.Do you often do things with others in a group?11.Do you ever go out with your workmates/colleagues or classmates?12.Do you prefer to do things in a family group or a group of friends?13.What leisure activities do you and your family like doing together?14.In your leisure time, what do you usually do with your friends or family?15.Do you think it's important to spend your leisure time with your family? Time1.Would you say you are good at managing your time?2.Do you wear a watch?3.Do you think time is very important?4.Do you think time management is important?5.Have you ever been late for anything?6.Were there any serious consequences when you were late?7.How do you feel when you are late?8.When do you feel time moves fast?9.When do you feel time moves slowly?10.If you could go back in time, would you do?11.Do you think punctuality is important?12.What are some examples of occasions when it's important to be on time?13.How would you feel if the person you were waiting to meet with was not on time?14.Do you think older people and younger people both have the same attitudes towards pun ctuality?15.Do you think parents should try to teach their children about time management?Housework1.Do people in your country do much housework?2.In your home, who does the housework?3.Do you do much housework?4.What housework do you like to do?5. What housework did you do when you were a child?6. Do you think children should do housework?7. Do you feel people in your country have enough time to do housework?8. Do you think people like doing housework by themselves?9. Do you usually do any housework?10. Do you like to do housework?11. What housework do you least like doing?12. If a child helps do some of the family housework, how do you think this affects the child' s development?13. What do you do to help the family?14. Have there been any changes in the housework people do since the time when your par ents were your age?15. Do you think people should be paid to do household chores?work1. What job do you do?2. What is the nature of that work?3. Why did you choose to do that job?4. Is that a popular choice of career in your country?5. Would you say your job is very important?6. How do you think your subject will help you in the future?7. How did you get that job?8. Is it easy to find work doing your job?9. Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV?10. Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs?11. Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the work itself?12. Which do you enjoy more, working or studying?13. What do you like about your work?14. Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like?15. What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job? Hometown1. Where do you come from?2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them?3. Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school?4. What do you think needs to change in your hometown?5. What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time?6. Why did you choose to live here/there?7. What do you like about your hometown?8. What do you think needs to be done to make your hometown a better place to live in?9. For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city?10. What facilities does your hometown have?11. What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?12. What's the most attractive part of your hometown?13. What forms of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown?14. How could your hometown attract more visitors?15. Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?Photography1. Do you like to take photographs?2. How did you become interested in photography?3. In what situations do you take photographs?4. What kind of photos do you like to take?5. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?6. How do you keep your photos?7. Do you frame any of your photos?8. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?9. Is photography a popular hobby in China?10. Why do some people do not like taking photographs?11. Why do you think some people like taking photographs when they visit another place?12. Do Chinese people like to visit photograph exhibitions?13. What kind of photos do they like to look at?14. Do you think being a photographer would be a good job?15. What factors make a good photograph?Weekends1. What do you do in your spare time?2. What do you usually do on weekends?3. When do you spend time with your family?4. What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?5. What are you going to do next weekend?6. Do you feel that weekends are more important to you than when you were a child?7. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? (Why?)8. Would you say weekends are important to people?9. How does the average person in China spend his or her weekend?10. Do you know anyone who works at the weekend?11. Should people be working or resting on Saturdays and Sundays?12. Is it important for people to have weekends off?13. Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?Schools1. What was the first school you attended?2. How old were you when you started school?3. Where did you go to school?4. Where was it?5. Tell me something about the school. (= Can you describe it?)6. Was it far from your home?7. How did you go to (or, travel to) school?8. Did you like it?9. What were the good things about that school?10. Would you say it was a good school?11. Would you send your child to that school today?12. What different types of schools have you been to?13. Which school did you like the most? (Why?)14. Did your parents choose your secondary school (= high school) for you?Names1. Does your name have any special meaning?2. When Chinese people name their children, are there any special customs that are follow ed?3. Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names?4. How are Chinese names and Western names different?5. What name do people at home call you?6. Do many people in China have a nickname?7. Are there any big differences between people's names today in China and people's name s many years ago?8. Do Chinese people like to have common names?9. Why are some Chinese names very similar to each other?10. Do Chinese people today usually have a third name?11. Is your surname very common in China?12. What's the most common surname in China?13. Do Chinese people attach a lot of importance to names?14. Do people in China ever change their names?15. Would you like to change your name?Weather & Season1. What's the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?2. How is the weather here different to the weather in your home country?3. Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?4. Would you like to move to a place with different weather?5. What sort of weather do you like the most?6. What season do you like best?7. What do you do in that season?8. What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?9. Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?10. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?11. Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?Mobile Phones1. Do you have a mobile phone?2. Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life?3. What do you use it for?4. How often do you use it?5. When did you get your first mobile phone?6. How did you get your first mobile phone?7. How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?8. Have mobile phones developed (or changed) in the past few years?9. What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?10. Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?11. Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?12. Do you usually use your mobile phone to call people or to send text messages?13. Who do you usually call/send text messages to?14. Do you think you will be using your mobile phone more (than you use it now) in the futur e?15. How do you think mobile phones will develop (or change) in the future?Internet1. Have you ever bought anything on the internet?2. What do you think is the best way to learn about the internet?3. Is there anything you don't understand about the internet?4. Do you think the internet is a good thing?5. Is there anything that's not so good about the internet?6. Do you think the use of the internet needs to be controlled?7. Is the internet very popular in China?8. What kinds of people most often use the internet?9. What age group of people most often uses the internet?10. How can people best make use of the internet?11. In general, what impact does the internet have on people's lives?12. How can people learn things on the internet?13. What sorts of things can people learn on the internet?14. What do you think are the benefits of "e-learning"?15. Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?Clothes1. Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)2. Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)3. Do you think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on others?4. What kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear? (Why?)5. Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?6. Do you wear the same kinds of clothes in winter and summer?7. Do your friends have the same tastes in clothes as you?8. What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do people in your country like to wear?9. Do you think you will still be wearing the same kinds of clothes when you are old?10. Do you prefer informal or formal clothes? (Why?)11. Do you feel comfortable when wearing formal clothes? (Why?/Why not?)12. Do you think formal clothes are important?13. When do people wear formal clothes?14. Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?Transportation1. How did you get to the test today? (What form of transportation did you use?)2. Why did you choose that form of transport?)3. Do you often use public transportation?4. What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?5. For you, what are the benefits (advantages) of using that form of transportation?6. Is it very expensive (= very dear)?7. Is transportation very important where you live?8. What's the most common means of (= form of) transport in your hometown?9. What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?10. How do you think the transport system could be improved?11. Do you think transportation costs (gasoline, subway, bus & taxi fares, etc) are expensive in your hometown?12. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?13. How do you think transport (in your hometown) will change in the future (or, in the next 2 0 or 30 years)?14. In China, is transportation in the big cities the same as transportation in small towns and villages?Parks1. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?2. Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?3. How often do you go there?4. What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?5. What do other people do in these places?6. When do other people go there?7. Do you think parks and public gardens are important to acity?8. Do you think every city and town should have parks and public gardens?9. What do you think are the functions of parks and public gardens?Studies1. Do you work or are you a student?2. What subject are you studying?3. Why did you choose to study that subject?4. Is that a popular subject in your country?5. Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other r eason?6. What are the most popular subjects in China?7. Why did you choose that university?8. Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university?9. Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like?10. What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university?11. What's the most interesting part of your subject?12. What are your future work plans?13. How will you get the job you want?14. Why are you taking the IELTS test?15. In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/ university experience?Accommodation1. Can you describe the place where you live?2. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?3. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?4. Please describe the room you live in.5. Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?6. What kind of decorations does it have?7. How do you think this room could be improved?8. What can you see when you look out the window of your room?9. How well do you know your neighbors?10. What kind of people are your neighbors?11. Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in your neighbors' homes?12. Do you like the environment where you live?13. Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children?14. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?15. What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you like to live in?。






个人经历类问题1. 请介绍一下你自己。



2. 你从小到大住在哪里?我出生在XXX,一直在那里生活到XXX岁,之后我去了XXX市读大学,现在我在这里工作了。

3. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它能够让我更好地理解世界,并且在我的专业中也非常重要。

家庭类问题1. 你家有多少人?你和他们住在一起吗?我家有XXX人,我和我的父母以及一个兄弟住在一起。

2. 你最喜欢与家人做什么活动?我最喜欢与家人一起看电影或者游戏,这样可以增强我们之间的联系,同时也是放松和享受时光的好方式。

3. 你家习惯晚餐一起吃吗?是的,我们家习惯晚餐一起吃,这是家人之间沟通交流的好机会,也帮助我们更好地了解彼此的生活和工作。

工作和学习类问题1. 你目前的工作是什么?你喜欢它吗?我目前的工作是XXX,我非常喜欢这个工作,因为它与我的专业相关,并且也给我提供了可以提升自己的机会。

2. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它能够让我更好地理解世界,并且在我的专业中也非常重要。

3. 你是否参加过课外活动?如果有,你参加的是什么活动?是的,我参加过一些课外活动,比如志愿者服务、音乐和阅读俱乐部等。


生活和兴趣类问题1. 你最喜欢的电影类型是什么?我最喜欢的电影类型是悬疑和犯罪类型的电影,因为这种类型的电影可以让我感受到紧张和刺激,也让我想更多地思考人性和社会问题。

2. 你喜欢旅行吗?你去过哪些国家或城市?是的,我非常喜欢旅行。

雅思口语part 1题目和参考答案

雅思口语part 1题目和参考答案

Part 1: Social Networking1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?Um…I suppose the main one I use is weibo, which is basically the equivalent of Twitter in the West. And um… as well as that, I occasionally use a website called renrenwang, which is essentially a Chinese version of Facebook, although I don’t really use it as much as I used to, cos I think weibo’s a bit better.2. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? I’m not really that picky actually. I mean, if anyone’s interested enough to get in touch with me on a social networking site, then it feels quite nice, you know, someone’s gone out of their way to contact me. So I kind of appreciate it, and I’m generally willing to make friends with them.3. Are you a social person?Yeah, I’d say I am, cos I mean, I like hanging out with my friends a lot and doing stuff with them. And… yeah, I just generally enjoy being around others, and you know, I’ve always found it quite easy to strike up conversations with people, even complete strangers! So yeah, I’d say I am quite a social person.(If no:)Not really, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you! Because um… how can I put it…, I’m just not the kind of person who actively strikes up conversations with others. You know, to me that’s just too much effort, and I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about! So I tend to just keep to myself.4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking site?I’m honestly not that sure because I’ve never really made a big effort to find friends on the Internet, but thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably not that easy, although it’s definitely possible, cos um… I think you never quite know someone properly until you’ve met them in the flesh. At least that’s been my experience anyway!5. What kinds of chatting APPs or software do Chinese people like to use? Well definitely the most popular APP right now is WeChat, cos I mean, literally everyone in China uses it. And as well as this, QQ is the other really popular way of communicating with people, and if you’ve been in China for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve been asked for your WeChat or QQ number!Part 1: Being Alone1. Do you like being alone?Yeah, I don’t mind being alone. I guess as long as it’s not, like, for a really long length of time, it’s fine. You know, it’s kind of um… I don’t really know how to put it, but I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is that it feels kind of relaxing being alone. You know, it gives me the chance to ponder and reflect on certain stuff. So um… yeah, I find it quite enjoyable, but if I’m alone for a long length of time, then I guess it can get quite depressing.2. What do you do when you’re alone?I would say, on the whole, I mainly like to read when I’m alone. That’s one of the things I most enjoy doing, you know, sitting down with a book. It’s just a really relaxing way to pass the time! And apart from that, um.. what else do I like doing on my own…? Uh… Sometimes I might watch a bit of TV, because ifit’s too quiet around me it can feel a bit discomforting, if you know what I mean, it just adds to the loneliness. So if I’ve got the TV on, it feels kind of nice having some sound around me, which in a way, gets rid of the loneliness to some extent.3. Do you prefer to spend time with your friends or just stay at home alone? Um… thinking about it, I’d say I generally prefer to spend time with my friends, simply because I always have a good time whenever I’m with them. But that’s not to say I don’t like being on my own at home, it’s just that it’s not as fun! You know, I’m quite a sociable person by nature, so I tend to prefer being in the company of others.4. When was the last time you were alone?Um… I suppose it really depends for how long. Because I mean, pretty much every day I’m alone for some parts of the day, although it may just be for a very short period of time. But um…let me see……the last time I was alone was yesterday in fact, when I was doing some reading in my room. And I was on my own for about two or three hours or so.Part 1: Teachers1. Do you have a favourite teacher?Um… Yeah, I suppose I do, but it’s actually kind of hard to pick out a favourite because I’ve been really lucky with all my teachers. You know, they’ve been really great, at least most of them anyway, but I guess my favourite teacher would have to be my Chinese language teacher, because she was incredible. I mean, the amount of effort she put into her teaching, and her attention to detail, were just amazing. And not only that, but she also showed a genuine care for all of us, which left a really deep impression on me. So yeah, out of all my teachers, I’d say she was probably my favourite.2. What kinds of teachers do you like?I guess…. um…first of all, teachers who are passionate about their subject, because you know, if they show enthusiasm for what they’re teaching, I’m much more likely to get interested in that subject and do well in it. And as well as this, I also like teachers that are supportive and…what’s the word…. approachable. So in other words, teachers that show patience and understanding, and are there for you if you need help.3. What are the qualities of a good teacher?Um…. I guess the best way to answer this would be to think of some of the good teachers I’ve had at school and university. So please hang on just a second while I have a quick think about it…..! Ok, well the good teachers I’ve had have shown a genuine care for their students. You know, they genuinely want their students to learn and develop. It’s not just simply a job to them. So yeah I think that’s the most important thing – taking their job seriously and really caring about their students’ development.4. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?No, I think as a general rule, teachers shouldn’t get angry at students. You know, it never ends well when teachers get angry, at least in my experience! So in my view, I think teachers should always control their temper, whatever the situation, and instead use other means to get their point across. I mean, I’m sure you’veexperienced it before, that when a teacher gets angry, the whole atmosphere in the class changes, to one of fear, which is definitely not conducive to learning.5. Do you like strict teachers?Yeah I do. I have no problem with them at all, as long as they’re fair! Because I think, on the whole, they tend to set high standards, and so consequently, that makes us work harder and learn more. And the other good thing about strict teachers is that they keep students in line, which means that the class won’t be interrupted by slackers who just want to joke around and be a nuisance.6. What’s the difference between young and old teachers?There’s probably not all that much difference actually, but I guess the main one would be the level of experience. You know, I think it’s fair to say that old teachers tend to have more experience than young ones, and so they’ll be more skilled at adapting to any kind of situation that might arise in class, whereas young teachers might struggle.So that’s one difference, and I suppose another might be the use of technology, cos probably a lot of old teachers might stick to the traditional teaching methods they’re familiar with, whereas young teachers, I think, are more likely to bring technology into their teaching, such as using iPads and laptops in class. So yeah, I’d say these are probably the main differences.Part 1: Being in a hurry1.When was the last time you did something in a hurry?Um… when was it?...Let me have a think…I guess it was probably um… a few weeks ago, when I was on holiday, and I had booked a taxi to arrive at the place where I was staying, at about noon-ish, and I still had some clearing up to do, you know, I didn’t want to leave the place in a mess. So yeah, I was basically in a hurry tidying everything up and getting all my things packed before the taxi arrived.2. Do you like to finish things quickly?Yeah I do, cos I really don’t like things to hang over me, you know, it’s just not a nice feeling when you’ve got stuff to do hanging at the back of your mind. So I like to get stuff done as quickly as I can, but saying that, I still want to do it well of course! I mean, I’m not gonna do something haphazardly just to get it done quickly, I still wanna make sure I do it well!3. What kinds of things do you never do in a hurry?It’s an interesting question!... I’ve never really thought about that one! What kinds of things will I never do in a hurry?...um… I suppose things I would never do in a hurry would be important things, like coursework which counts towards my final grade, and what else?...I’m kind of hard pressed to think! Um… oh yeah, getting to the airport to catch a flight! You know, I’ll always give myself lots of time to get there, even if it means I arrive at the airport several hours in advance, cos it just gives me peace of mind. I mean, if you miss a flight, then your holiday’s probably gone down the drain, so it can be pretty disastrous! 4.Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry? Um… well thinking about it, I suppose it’s simply because when people are in a hurry, they’re not really thinking clearly. You know, their mind’s kind of um.. how can I put it… I guess you could say flustered, thinking about lots of thingsat the same time, and not really being focused. So in that state of mind, I think you’d agree it’s easy to overlook things, especially small details, which will likely lead to mistakes being made!Part 1: Snacks1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?Um, quite a wide variety actually. Let me just think of few, um.. I like eating nuts a lot… like cashew nuts, pistachios…peanuts of course, and also melon seeds, which you get in the shops a lot over here. And um, what else do I like eating?…. Oh yeah, dried beef, or beef jerky as I think it’s also called. That’s another snackI quite enjoy eating every now and then.2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?I think it really kind of depends what snack it is, cos a lot snacks, like nuts for example, are actually pretty healthy for you. You know, they’ve got quite a lot of nutrition, but other kinds of snacks like crisps, or potato chips as some people call them, aren’t so good for you, cos they’re basically processed food, so they’ve got a lot of additives and preservatives. So those kinds of snacks you’ve got to eat in moderation, I suppose.3.Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?Yeah, they don’t mind me eating snacks. They kind of let me do what I want really, you know, I’m old enough to decide for myself what I want to eat! So they don’t really have a say in the matter. They used to, when I was younger, but now, I can pretty much do as I please!4.What was the most popular snack when you were a child?Um, without a doubt, it was crisps, cos I remember when I was a child, all my friends absolutely loved eating them, as did I, and we always had a bag of crisps in our lunchbox to take to school! And they were popular among adults too, not just children. So yeah, I’d say crisps were definitely the number one snack whenI was little.5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat?Um…let me have a think….well, when I look at children now… what kinds of things do I see them eating?....um… Sweets definitely, which I guess is the same the world over! And uh, what else?.... Oh, biscuits! I almost forgot! I see a lot of children eating biscuits of all shapes and sizes. Oh and fruit of course, if that counts as a snack!Part 1: Hanging out with friends1. How often do you hang out with friends?If not often:I guess probably something like once or twice a week. Mainly on weekends, simply because that’s when I have the most time. I would like to hang out with them more, but I’m just too busy during weekdays with my study and stuff. So yeah, by and large, I only get to do stuff with my friends on weekends.If often:Quite a lot actually. I mean, I’d say I hang out with them pretty much every day, because I go to class with them, and when class is over, we often chill out and do stuff together before heading back to our dormitory.2. Who do you usually like to hang out with?Um… I’d say it’s mainly my classmates, cos I get on with them really well, at least most of them anyway! And that’s probably due to the fact that we’ve got a lot in common, like studying the same subject, and having the same interests. And um, yeah, we’re quite a close-knit group, so I always tend to have a good time when I’m out with them.3. Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?Um.. all sorts of places really, nowhere in particular. I mean, we kind of just go where our mood takes us. So for example, if we wanna just go somewhere to relax, then one place we like going to is Starbucks, because it’s just a very chilled-out place and we all like our coffee! And as well as that, other places we like to hang out at are shopping malls, cos there’s quite a lot to do there, and also KTV, because we always have a lot of fun whenever we go. So yeah, these would be the main places.4.Do you like to go out with a big group or just a few friends?If you prefer being with just a few friends:Um.. on the whole I’d say I prefer going out with just a few friends, because um,… I dunno, it’s just um…I find I enjoy myself more when I’m just chatting with a few friends. It just feels…. I don’t quite know how to put it, …. It just feels like we can have deeper conversations when there are just a few of us, as opposed to a big group. You know, in a big group, it’s kind of difficult having a meaningful conversation with anyone. Plus it’s also more effort to organize and do things in a large group, like getting a table in a restaurant, or a room at KTV. So basically I find it’s not really as relaxing or enjoyable as being with just a few friends.If you prefer being out with a big group:I’d say I actually prefer going out with a big group of friends, because the more the merrier, as far as I’m concerned! You know, a big group has more of a party feel to it, so for me it’s generally a bit more fun. So I mean, I don’t mind going out with a small group, but when there’s a big group of us, it just feels a bit more exciting, if you know what I mean.Part 1: TV1.How much TV do you watch?Um… not that much, to be honest with you. I mean, I occasionally watch a sports game on TV, if it’s a team that I like, but um… that’s pretty much it! You know, most things now I just watch on my laptop or iPad.2. What’s your favourite TV program?I’m not really that sure, but off the top of my head, I’d say it’s probably Kuaile Da Benying, which I guess you could translate as Happy Camp. And it’s basically a kind of entertainment show where they invite celebrities on and play games and stuff with them. And I suppose the reason I like it so much is that it always makes me laugh whenever I watch it.3.Did you watch much TV when you were a child?No I wouldn’t say I did, because I spent most of the time either doing homework or playing with my friends. And my parents kind of discouraged me from watching it as well, cos they didn’t think it was good for me.Or:Yeah, I did watch a fair amount, mainly cartoons! And I guess it’s because I didn’t have any brothers or sisters to play with at home, so there wasn’t that much to do apart from watch TV.4. What types of programs did you watch when you were a child?I suppose it was mainly just cartoons, so I was no different from any other child in this respect. You know, as a child, cartoons are the most fun programs to watch and also the easiest to understand, and that’s really why I watched them the most.5.Do you think television has changed in the past few decades? Um…yeah, I would say that it‘s changed quite a lot. I mean, to begin with, in the past, there used to be only a limited variety of programs, whereas nowadays, there is a much wider range of things on TV, such as talent shows, dating shows and stuff like that. So that’s one thing, and another obvious change is that TV programs nowadays are pretty much all in colour, whereas in the past they used to all be in black and white. So yeah it’s changed quite a bit.6. Has television changed your life in any way?Yeah, I suppose it has, mainly in terms of the entertainment it’s provided. In other words, the programs I’ve watched have brought quite a lot of enjoyment to me. And so without TV, I guess my life wouldn’t have been as fun.Part 1: Time Management1.Are you good at organizing time?If yes:Yeah, I’d say I’m not too bad at it actually. I mean, I always get my work done on time, and I also set aside a bit of time each day to do exercise, like going for a jog or something. So um, yeah, I’d say I’m pretty organized in terms of my time.If no:No, I’m pretty bad at it, to be honest with you! I don’t normally write much down, and I don’t really spend that much time organizing what I need to do. I kind of just live each day as it comes, if you know what I mean! So yeah, I guess it’s something I need to get better at!2.How do you usually organize your time?I mainly organize it by using the uh ….what do you call it?! … the uh… calendar APP on my phone, cos I can put all my appointments and things onto it. And whenever I need to check something, I can just look at my phone. So I find it extremely helpful, and ever since I started using it, I’ve been a lot more organized.3.Do you think planning is important for time management?Yeah, most certainly. You know, I think, for anything, planning is important, and time management is no exception, because if you don’t plan your time, how can you manage it?! So I think they kind of go hand-in-hand.4.Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?I guess for some people, it’s extremely important. You know, for them, time is money, and if they don’t manage their time efficiently, they won’t be earning as much as they could. So they kind of figure that, if they pay an expert to help them manage their time well, then in the long-run, they’re gonna earn more money. So I guess you could say it’s a kind of investment.5. Do you think children should learn to manage time?Yeah, I actually think it’s a really useful thing for them to learn, and in fact, a lot more useful than many other things they’re taught at school! You know, if they learn how to manage their time at an early age, then it’s gonna help them throughout their life. So yeah, I think it’s a very good idea to do this.6. Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?I guess there could be a number of reasons depending on the person. I mean, off the top of my head, one possible reason could be that some people make unrealistic plans, which are very hard to follow through on. For example, someone might, let’s say, plan to…I dunno, like, spend two hours a day at the gym, or practicing their English, and in reality, it might be quite difficult to do, especially for a long length of time.So this would be one reason, and I suppose another reason would be that people might be very set in their ways and have bad habits which are difficult to break out of. Like for me, I spend a lot of time reading the sports news, which is not really a very productive thing to do! And that time could be better spent doing other things, which I’m very aware of, but I still do it. So I think these kinds of ingrained habits prevent many people from carrying out their plans.7. How would you teach your children time management?That’s an interesting question, and I guess probably the way I would teach them would be to set a good example for them, in terms of how I manage my own time. So for example, show them my calendar and how I update it, so they can see how it’s done, and then hopefully do something similar themselves!Or:I would encourage them to get into the habit of doing something immediately, instead of putting it off to another time. For example, if they were given some homework with a one week deadline, I would encourage them to do it straight away instead of leaving it to the last moment. What else? Um…. I’m sure there are other ways, but this is all I can think of right now!8.Do old people and young people manage their time in a similar way? It’s really hard to generalize I think, but on the whole, I’d say they don’t really, no. I mean, young people mainly manage their time based on their studies and work. You know, that’s what their day revolves around – it’s the focus of their day. So that could be managing their time based on their homework, on their class timetable and working hours. And for older people, it’s basically just free time they’re managing! So their plans, I guess, are more flexible, and not so detailed.Another difference:I think it’s probably fair to say that young people use technology to manage their time, for example using APPs on their mobile phone, whereas I guess themajority of old people just write down their plans in a calendar or something like that.Part 1: Housework1. Do you like doing housework?No I can’t stand doing housework to be honest with you. I mean, I just find it a lot of effort. And I also don’t like getting my hands dirty, so I avoid it whenever I can!Another possible answer:No, I wouldn’t say I do, cos I find it kind of tedious. But saying that, I do get quitea nice feeling when I’ve finished it and everything looks clean and tidy!2. How do you think housework could be made more interesting?That’s a good question. I guess um... it could be made into a game, I suppose, for example have a competition with your friend to see who can, like, clean a room the fastest. That could possibly make it a bit more interesting and exciting. Um…What else? Uh let me see... that’s all I can really think of, I’m afraid – just make some game out of it!3. Did your parents ask you to do housework when you were a child? Yeah they did. Mainly it was, like, tidying my room, cos it was always quite messy. Yeah, that was the main thing. And uh, what else? Oh yeah, sometimes they would ask me to help with the washing up, but that was pretty much it. So I guess I’m kind of lucky, in that my mum did most of the housework.If no:No, on the whole, they didn’t because they wanted me to focus on my homework. Occasionally, I did do a little bit to help, like sweeping or mopping the floor, if there was a lot to be done, but by and large, I escaped doing most of the household chores, so I was pretty lucky I suppose!4. Do you think children should do some housework?Yeah I think it’s a good thing for children to do. You know, I’d say it kind of prevents them from taking things for granted, and um, it also helps develop a good work ethic.5. Which do you think is better for doing housework, a machine or a person?I think, on the whole, a person is better, because a machine might miss out a few bits. Just to give you an example, I’ve seen in some electrical appliance stores these robots that move in a random motion sucking up the dust off the floor. And to me it looks pretty inefficient, because they might go over the same spots repeatedly whilst missing out other areas. And this is not something a person would do. Having said that, I think a combination of both – i.e. humans operating certain machines, like vacuum cleaners, is probably the most ideal way to do housework.6. In the future, do you think machines will replace humans for doing housework?Not completely, no, because, as I mentioned just now, machines often need humans to operate them, so I think, in all likelihood, it will continue to be acombination of both machines and humans.Part 1: Sleeping1. How many hours do you sleep each day?It’s kind of hard to say for sure, but I guess on average, I probably get about 7 or 8 hours of sleep a day, something like that. Cos I’m normally in bed at about 11 ish, and I usually get up sometime around 7. So yeah, 7 to 8 hours is about the norm for me.2.Is it necessary to take a nap every day?No, I wouldn’t say it is. And also I think it kind of depends on the person, because some people do feel the need to have a nap to give them energy for the rest of the day, but for others, like myself, we can quite easily get through the day without taking a nap.3. Do old people sleep a lot?It’s pretty hard to generalize, but on the whole, I wouldn’t really say so, no, because I mean, if I think about the elderly people I know, they’re normally up pretty early each day. And I mean, they might take a nap at some stage during the day, but I wouldn’t consider that to be sleeping a lot!4.How can one sleep well?I’d say it kind of differs between people, because what works well for one person might not work well for another. But by and large I’d say most people sleep well when it’s quiet around them. And I think it helps too if you’ve had a fulfilling day. Because I mean, for me, I always tend to sleep better if I’ve done a lot that day, like doing exercise and stuff.5. Do you like to get up early in the morning?If no:No, not particularly! I’m not really a morning person, and if I do get up early, I always feel extremely groggy, and it takes me a while to feel fully awake. So yeah, I’m not at my best first thing in the morning!If yes:Yeah I do actually. You know, it feels quite good getting up early while everyone else is still sleeping. Sometimes I might find it difficult dragging myself out of bed, but once I’m up, I feel pretty good, and it means I can get more things done that day.6. Can you sleep well if you’re in a noisy environment?No, definitely not! I find it very difficult getting to sleep if there’s lots of noise around me, which I guess is the same for most people.Part 1: Trees1.Do you like trees?Yeah, I do. And uh, I don’t really think there’s anything not to like about them! You know, they look nice, they add more colour to a place, um… so yeah I think trees are great!2. Are there any important trees in your country?Important trees?! Um… I’m really not sure to be honest! I mean, there probably are some, yeah, but I’m not aware of any! Um… Actually, hang on a sec – I’vejust thought of one kind of tree, and that’s bamboo, which I’d say is pretty important here in China, first of all, because a lot of stuff’s made out of bamboo here, like chopsticks for example, and also because it’s closely tied to Chinese culture. For instance, bamboo appears quite a lot in Chinese art. So um, yeah, I’d say bamboo is probably the most important kind of tree here.3. Is there a forest near your hometown?Yeah I suppose there is, because there’s quite a lot of natural scenery surrounding our city, much of which is covered with trees.If no:No there isn’t, at least not that I’m aware of. It’s mainly just farmland and small towns and villages around my hometown.4. Where can one find trees in your country?All over the place! For example in the cities, you can find them in parks, and also a lot of the streets are lined with trees. But I guess to find the most trees, you have to venture out of the urban areas into the countryside, especially the hills and mountains, because these are the places which are still in their natural state, and you’ll find that many of the mountainous areas are covered with trees.5. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?I guess it depends why the visitor is going to a certain place. So for instance, if they’re going to enjoy the natural environment and scenery, then yeah, I think having trees will obviously attract more visitors. But if the visitors are going for a different reason, for example to a famous tourist attraction or something, then I think trees aren’t really gonna have any impact on the number of visitors. You know, they don’t even enter the equation! So it’s kind of hard to generalize.6.Did you ever climb trees when you were a child?Yeah I did. I had great fun climbing trees when I was little. I really enjoyed it, and I even remember when my mum took me to buy new shoes, I always chose ones with the best grip, because they would be the best for climbing trees in. So yeah, it was something I really enjoyed doing.7. Have you ever planted a tree?No, I can’t say that I have! First of all, I don’t think it’s that easy to do, cos you’ve got to find somewhere that sells tree seeds, and then you’ve got to find a suitable place to plant one. So yeah, it’s not something I’ve ever done before.8.Do you think more people should plant trees?Yeah, I think more people should. At least in theory it sounds like a good idea, although I don’t know how well it would actually work in practice. Cos I mean, you can’t just go around planting trees anywhere! You know, there needs to be a certain amount of planning. So it might be better to give this responsibility to just a limited number of people who knew what they were doing.9. Do you think trees are important?Yeah, I’d say they definitely are. I mean, first of all, if I’m not mistaken, they help make the air cleaner. I can’t remember the name of the actual process, but they’re basically able to convert CO2 into oxygen, which we all need to breathe.。



雅思口语第一部分参考题答案1. Animals●Do you like animals?--你喜欢所有动物,还是只喜欢某些动物,它们的共同特点是什么?你喜欢它们的具体表现是什么?●Do people in your country like animals?--答案是肯定的,多数人还是喜爱动物,对动物挺友好的,但也有少数人虐待动物的,着实可恶!●What animals do people like to keep as pets in your country? (Why)--从最常见的开始说起,并说明为什么它们那么受欢迎。


●Is there any change right now compared with the past?--这个问题问的是过去人们养的宠物和现在又什么区别。

其实,过去又有多少人养宠物呢?●Do people of different age keep different ani mals as pets?--对不起,这个真不知道,但是你可以猜猜。

参考:--Yes I do, but not all animals. I prefer animals that are smart, cute and um, hairy多毛的, for example dogs. I dislike those hairless animals, like snakes and lizards.蜥蜴They look so scary, you know. I get goose bumps毛骨悚然whe never I see them.--Well, generally yes. I think most people are fond of animals. And this can be seen fromthe fact that so many people keep animals as pets. But I have to ad mit承认that some people are cruel残忍的杀害to animals.I often read news reports about someone maltreat ing 虐待or even killing stray 流浪dogs and cats. It’s really abhorrent 【?b'h?r?t】可恶的behavior.--As I know, the most common pets are obviously dogs, all kinds of dogs, like pugs(哈巴狗), Peke(京巴), poodles(贵妇,贵宾), pit bulls(比特犬), huskies(哈士奇), chows (松狮), Pome/ranians(松鼠狗,博美犬),Samoyeds(萨摩耶),bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and cocker spaniels(可卡犬). In my neighborhoods, 9 out of 10 pets are dogs. And I think the main reason why dogs are so well-liked is because they are great fun and smart, you know, you can teach them to do some simple tricks技巧, and they make great company when you are lonely, and for children, they are wonderful playmates, and one more thing, dogs are loyal to their master. So they’re in deed确实mankind’s best friend.--Mum, well, I don’t k now much about the past, but I suppose one big change is that more people keep exotic异国pets now days than before, like German shepherd牧羊犬and Persian cat波斯猫. I don’t think people in the past could buy such pets.--I’m not sure, but I guess so. For example, I often see elderly people have pet birds, but I’ve never seen any young people keep them. And it seems to me that dogs are well-liked among all age-groups, yeah.2. Your hometown (Version 1)●What’s your hometown famous for?--头疼,我们那里没什么有名的呀,那就实话实说呗;如果有,具体说一说就行,比如你们那里的食物有名,然后准备一种食物就可以啦,但一定要能描述它。



雅思口语part1:1. Work or study⚫What technology do you use when you study?⚫What technology do yo use at work?⚫What work do you do?⚫Do you like your job? Is it very interesting?⚫Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?⚫Do you miss being a student?⚫Why did you choose to study that subject/ why did you choose to study those subjects? ⚫What subjects are you studying?⚫Is it very interesting?⚫Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?⚫Are you looking forward to working?⚫Do you like your subject? (Why? /Why not?)2. Home/Accommodation⚫Who do you live with?⚫What kinds of housing/accommodation do you live in?⚫Do you live in a house or a flat?⚫What the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived inthe past?⚫Can you describe the place where you live?⚫What room does your family spend most of the time in?⚫How long have you lived there?⚫What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?⚫Do you plan to live there for a long time?⚫Are the transport facilities to your home very good?⚫Please describe the room you live in.⚫Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?⚫What part of your home do you like the most?3. hometown⚫Where is your hometown?⚫Is that a big city or a small place?⚫How long have you been living there?⚫Do you like your hometown?⚫Is there anything you dislike about it?⚫What do you like most about your hometown?⚫Do you like living there?⚫Please describe your hometown a little.⚫Do you think you will continue to living there for a long time?4. Morning time⚫Do you like getting up early in the morning?⚫What do you usually do in the morning?⚫What did you do in the morning when you were little?⚫Are there any differences between what you do in the morning now and what you didin the past?5. Technology⚫What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones?⚫What electronic devices have you bought lately?⚫Is there any technology you want to buy?⚫Is technology important in your life?6. Public transportation⚫What kind of transportation do you usually take?⚫When do you usually take public transportation, in your everyday life or when you are travelling?⚫Do most people prefer public transportation in your country?⚫Did you take public transportation when you were a kid?7. Weather⚫What is the weather like where you live?⚫Do you prefer cold or hot weather?⚫Do you prefer dry or wet weather?⚫Do you have the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/how often?8. Birthday⚫What do you usually do on your birthday?⚫What did you do on your birthday when you were young?⚫Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?⚫Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China?9. Names⚫Does your name have any social meaning?⚫How would you choose names for your next generation?⚫Does anyone in your family have the same name as you?⚫Are there any difference between how Chinese name their children now and in the past?10. Snacks⚫What snacks do you like to eat?⚫Did you often eat snacks when you were young?⚫Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?⚫When do you usually eat snacks now?11. Geography⚫Do you like geography?⚫Have you ever studied geography at school?⚫Are you good at reading a map?⚫Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?12. Social media⚫Do you or your friends like using social media?⚫Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?⚫Do you want to work in social media? Why?⚫What’s the most popular social media in China? Why?13. Puzzles⚫Did you do puzzles in your childhood?⚫Do you want to make your dreams come true?⚫Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which is more difficult for you?⚫Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?14. Books and reading habits⚫Do you often read books? When?⚫Do you read differently now than you did before?⚫Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?⚫Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?15. Evening time⚫Do you like the morning or evening?⚫What do you usually do in the evening?⚫What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?⚫Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now what you did in the past?16. Advertisement⚫Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?⚫What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?⚫Do you share advertisements with others?⚫Do you want to work in advertising in the future?17. Computers⚫In what conditions would you use a computer?⚫When was the first time you used a computer?⚫What would your life be like without computers?⚫In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?18. Old buildings⚫Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?⚫Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?⚫Do you prefer to live in an old building or a modern house?⚫Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?19. Talents⚫Do you have a talent or something you are good at?⚫Was it mastered recently or when you were young?⚫Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?⚫Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?20. Watch⚫Do you wear a watch?⚫Have you ever got a watch as a gift?⚫Why do some people wear expensive watches?⚫Do you think it is important to wear a watch? Why?21. Housework and cooking⚫Do you do some cooking/help your family cook at home now?⚫Did you do some house cleaning when you were young?⚫Do you have breakfast at home every day?⚫Do you want to learn how to cook well?22. Birthday⚫What do you usually do on your birthday?⚫What did you do on your birthday when you were young?⚫Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?⚫Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China?23. Writing⚫Do you write a lot?⚫What do you like to write? Why?⚫Do you think the things you write would change?⚫Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?⚫Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?24. Singing⚫Do you like singing? Why?⚫Have you ever learned to sing?⚫Who do you want to sing for?⚫Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?25. Doing sports⚫What sports do you like?⚫Where did you learn how to do it?⚫Did you do some sports when you were young?⚫Do you think students need more exercise?26. Sitting down⚫Where is your favorite place to sit?⚫Do you always sit down for a long time?⚫Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?⚫When you were a child did you usually sit on the floor?27. Collecting things⚫Do you collect things?⚫Are there any things you keep from childhood?⚫Would you keep old things for a long time?⚫Where do you usually keep things you need?28. Boring things⚫What kinds of things are boring to you?⚫What will you do when you feel bored?⚫What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?⚫Do you think school is boring?29. Meeting places⚫Where is your favourite place to meet with your friends?⚫Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with friends?⚫Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places in the present and in your childhood?⚫Why are some meeting places better than others?30. Street market⚫What do people usually buy at the street market?⚫Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on street market?⚫When was the last time you went to a street market?⚫Are there many street markets in China?31. Cinemas⚫Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?⚫Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?⚫Do you still like watching the movie which you liked when you were a kid?⚫Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?32. the area you live in⚫Where do you like to go in that area?⚫Do you know any famous people in your area?⚫What are some changes in the area recently?⚫Do you like the area that you live in?雅思口语part 2——人物类话题1. 发小Describe a friend from your childhoodYou should say:Who he/she isWhere and how you met each otherWhat you often did togetherAnd explain what make you like him/herPart 3:⚫Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why or why not?⚫How important is childhood friendship to children?⚫What do you think of communicating via social media?⚫Do you think online communication through social media will replace face-to-face communication?2. 认识的不同文化的人Describe a person you know who is from a different cultureYou should say:Who he/she isWhere he/she is fromHow you knew him/herAnd explain how you feel about him/herPart 3⚫Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?⚫What are the advantages and disadvantages of culture diversity?⚫How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?⚫Which Chinese traditions are disappearing?3. 喜欢种花果之人Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (eg. Vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)You should say:Who he/she isWhat he/she growsWhere he/she grows themAnd explain how he/she enjoys growing plantsPart 3⚫Are there many people growing their own vegetable now?⚫Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?⚫What do you think of the job of a farmer?⚫What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?4. 时尚人士Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably/wellYou should say:Who he/she isWhat job he/she doesWhat kind of clothes he/she wearsAnd explain why he/she likes fashionPart 3⚫Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future? Why?⚫Why is fashion very important to some people?⚫Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?⚫Are women more fashionable than men? Why?5. 喜欢一起聊天的朋友Describe a person you enjoyed talking with.You should say:Who he/she isWhen you talkedWhat you talked aboutAnd explain why you enjoyed talking with this personPart 3⚫Where do young people like to meet?⚫What do young people talk about when they meet up?⚫Do you think it is necessary to be honest when talking with friends?⚫On what occasions do we need to talk with strangers?6. 你的国家的名人Describe a popular person in your country.You should say:Who he/she isWhat he/she has doneWhy he/she is popularAnd explain how you feel about him/herPart 3⚫What kinds of people are popular at work?⚫Are bosses more popular than employees at work?⚫Which one is important, maintaining a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at work?⚫What benefits can children get if they become popular at school?7. 想要共事的家人Describe a family member you want to work with in the future.You should sayWho he/she isWhether you worked together beforeWhat kind of work you would like to do with him/herAnd explain how you feel about him/herPart 3⚫What kinds of family businesses are common in China?⚫Is it good to work with family members? Why?⚫Why do people want to have a family business?⚫What are the benefits of working with family members?8. 有趣的邻居Describe an interesting neighbor.You should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhat he or she doesAnd explain why you think this person is interestingPart 3⚫Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?⚫How can people improve the relations with neighbors in a community?⚫How do children build relations with others in a community?⚫Is it beneficial to get along with neighbors?雅思口语part 2——地点类话题1. 常去的熟人之家Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visitYou should say:Whose home it isHow often you go thereWhat it is likeAnd explain how you feel about the homePart 3⚫What are the differences between buildings in the city and in the countryside?⚫Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?⚫What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities?⚫Is it expensive to decorate a house or an apartment in the place where you live?2. 运动场所Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you've been toYou should say:Where it isWhen you went thereWhat you did thereAnd explain how you felt about this placePart 3⚫Do young people like to do sports?⚫What are the benefits of sports for children?⚫Is it necessary to build public sports spaces?⚫What do you think of companies donating sports venues for poor children?3. 宜居之地Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your hometown). You should say:What it isWhere it isWhat you know about this placeAnd explain why you recommend it as a nice place to live.Part 3⚫Where do people like to live in your country?⚫Why do many people move to the city?⚫What are the advantages of living close to the workplace?⚫What kinds of places do older people prefer to live in?4. 重要河流/湖泊Describe an important river/lake in your country.You should say:Where it isHow big/long it isWhat it looks like And explain why it is importantPart 3⚫How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?⚫Do you think rivers and lakes attract tourists?⚫How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?⚫Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?⚫Do people like that river in your country?⚫Do you like any activities on water?⚫Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming?⚫Do people in your country go to swing in their spare time?5. 安静的地方Describe a quiet place where you like to spend your time.You should say:Where it isHow often you go thereWhat you do thereAnd explain how you feel about this placePart 3⚫Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?⚫Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?⚫Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?⚫Why are there more noises made at home than in the past?⚫Why do some people like to use noise as background sound when they are workingor studying?雅思口语part 2——事物类话题1. 有趣小说/故事Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interestingYou should say:When you read itWhat the story or novel was about Who wrote itAnd explain why it was interestingPart 3⚫How does technology help people tell stories?⚫Do you prefer to read e-books or paper books?⚫Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?⚫What kinds of novels are suitable for film adaptation?2. 喜欢看的电影Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch againYou should say:What type of movie it was What it was aboutWhere you watched itAnd explain why you would like to watch it againPart 3⚫Where do people normally watch movies?⚫What are the differences between watching movies at home and in a cinema?⚫Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why?⚫Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies nowadays?3. 印象深刻的英语课Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyedYou should say:What it was about When you had itWhat the teacher didAnd why you enjoyed the lessonPart 3⚫Why do people learn foreign languages?⚫What makes a good foreign language teacher?⚫Do you think grammar is important when learning foreign languages?⚫Is it interesting to be a foreign language teacher? Why?4. 让你自豪的照片Describe a photo you took that you are proud ofYou should say:When you took itWhere you took itWhat is in this photoAnd explain why you are proud of itPart 3⚫Why do some people like to record important things with photos?⚫What can people learn from historical photographs?⚫Is taking photos the best way to remember something?⚫which is better, taking photos or keeping diaries?5. 喜欢的节目Describe a program you like to watchYou should say:What it isWhat it is aboutWho you watch it withAnd explain why you like to watch itPart 3⚫What programs do people like to watch in your country?⚫Do people in your country like to watch foreign TV programs?⚫What is the benefit of letting kids watch animal videos than visiting zoos?⚫Do teachers play videos in class in your country?6. 漂亮物品Describe an object that you think is beautifulYou should say:What it isWhere you saw itWhat it looks likeAnd explain why you think it is beautifulPart 3⚫Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past? Why?⚫What beautiful scenery spots are there in your country?⚫Where do you think people usually come into contact with beautiful things?⚫Why do you think people create beautiful things?7. 节约时间的方法/改变Describe a recent change in life that helps you save a lot of time.You should say:What it isWhat you have doneHow it helps you save timeAnd explain how you feel about this changePart 3⚫What can people do to save time?⚫Do you think technology helps people to save time? How and why?⚫Do you think parents and schools should be responsible for teaching children to save ⚫time?⚫Do people can manage time well become successful more easily?8. 工作/学习中的建议Describe a time when someone gave you positive advice on your work.You shouldsay:When it happenedWho the person isHow the advice affected youAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫Is it important to give children positive feedback?⚫What would happen if parents overly encourage their children?⚫Do you think negative feedback is more important that positive feedback?9. 积极改变Describe a positive change you made in your life.You should say:What the change wasWhen it happenedHow it happenedAnd explain why it was a positive changePart 3⚫When should parents encourage their children?⚫Should parents always encourage their children?⚫Do you think negative feedback is more important that positive feedback? Why?⚫Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?10. 改变世界的发明Describe an invention that changed the world.You should say:What the invention wasWhat it can doHow popular it isWhy it is an important inventionPart 3⚫What is the most helpful innovation at home?⚫What household appliance make us lazy?⚫What kinds of inventions can be used at school?⚫Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?11. 传统产品Describe a traditional product in your country.You should say:What it isWhen you tried this product for the first timeWhat it is made ofAnd explain how important this product isPart 3⚫Why are traditional products important?⚫Do you think traditions are important for a country? Why?⚫What are some traditional Chinese products?⚫Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?12. 想参加的比赛Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate inYou should say:What the contest/competition is aboutWhere the contest/competition will take placeWhen it will be heldAnd explain why you would like to participate in itPart 3⚫What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?⚫Why are competition shows popular?⚫What kinds of industries need competition? Why?⚫Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?雅思口语part 2——事件类话题1. 收钱Describe a time when you received money as a giftYou should say:When it happened Who gave you moneyWhy he/she gave you moneyAnd explain how you used the moneyPart 3⚫Why do people rarely use cash now?⚫When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?⚫Should parents reward children with money?⚫Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?2. 塑料废品Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g.in a park, on the beach etc.) You should say:Where and when you saw the plastic wasteWhy there was a lot of plastic wasteWhat you did after you saw themAnd explain what your thoughts were about thisPart 3⚫Do you think we should use plastic products?⚫How can we reduce our use of plastic?⚫What kinds of plastic waste are often seen in your country?⚫Why do people like to use plastic products?3. 失约Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointmentYou should say:What the appointment was forWho you made it withWhy you forgot/missed itAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart 3⚫How do people who are busy remember things they need to do?⚫Do you think people should remember family history?⚫If someone doesn't really like whom they are going to meet they may deliberately miss their appointment. Is that true? Why?⚫Which is more important: work-related appointment or an appointment with a friend?Why?4. 信息搜索Describe a time when you needed to search for informationYou should say:What information you needed to search forWhen you searched for itWhere you searched for itAnd explain why you needed to search for itPart 3⚫How can people search for information now?⚫What information can people get from television?⚫Do you think libraries are still important in the digital age?⚫Does the development of the Internet have any impact on some disadvantaged people?5. 分享Describe something you had to share with othersYou should say:What it wasWho you shared it withWhy you had to share it with othersAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫Do you think kids like to share? Why?⚫How can parents teach their children to share?⚫What do you think is the benefit of sharing for children?⚫Is there anything that parents would persuade children to share with others?6. 糟糕购物Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a storeYou should say:When it happenedWhat you boughtWhat problem you hadAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart 3⚫What kind of service do you think is good?⚫What are the differences between shopping online and in stores?⚫What problems do customers often have while shopping?⚫What do you think customers should do when there are problems with the products they bought online?7. 争论Describe a disagreement you had with someoneYou should say:Who you had the disagreement withWhat the disagreement wasWhat happenedAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫What would you do if you disagree with someone?⚫How can we stop an argument with escalating into a fight?⚫Who do you think should teach children to respect their teachers?⚫What disagreements do parents and children usually have?8. 征求意见Describe a time when someone asked for your opinionYou should sayWho asked you for opinionWhy he/she wanted to know your opinionWhat opinion you gaveAnd explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion.Part 3:⚫Why do some people dislike gibing their opinions?⚫Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?⚫Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?⚫What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the internet?9. 困难决定终成功Describe a difficult decision that you made and had a good resultYou should sayWhat the decision wasWhen you made that decisionWhy it was difficult to makeAnd explain how you felt about the good resultPart 3⚫Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?⚫Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?⚫Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?⚫What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the internet?10. 用手机做重要事情Describe a time when you used your cellphone to do something important.You should say:When it happenedWhat happenedHow important the cellphone wasAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫What do you usually do with a cellphone?⚫What are the differences between young people and old people when they use⚫cellphones?⚫Which one is more important, using a cellphone to make phone calls or to read messages?⚫Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in public places?11. 交通拥堵Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jamYou should say:When it happenedWhere it happenedHow you passed the time while waitingAnd explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jamPart 3⚫When do traffic jams usually happen?⚫What are the causes of traffic jams?⚫Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased in the future or will it become worse?⚫What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?12. 一次非常忙碌的经历Describe a time when you were very busy.You should say:When it happenedWhere you wereWhat you didAnd explain why you were very busyPart 3⚫Are you often busy?⚫What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?⚫Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?⚫What kind of stressful things do people experience at work?13. 帮助小孩Describe a time when you helped a child.You should say:When it happenedWho you helpedHow you helped him/herAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫Do you often help kids? How?⚫Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?⚫what can school do to develop students’ awareness of volunteering?⚫Who benefit more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people they help? 14. 提高注意力Describe something that helps you concentrate on study/work.You should say:What it isHow it helps you concentrateWhen you do itAnd explain how you feel about itPart 3⚫Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?⚫Do you think technology will harm children’s ability to concentrate?⚫What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?⚫Can exercise help people improve concentration?15. 花费甚少的外出日Describe a special day out that didn’t cost you much.You should say:When the day wasWhere you wentHow much you spentAnd explain how you feel about that dayPart 3⚫Do people like to spend their leisure time our inn your country?⚫How do people spend their leisure time in your country?⚫How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?⚫Do you think only old people have time for leisure?16. 丢东西的经历Describe an occasion when you lost something in a public place.You should say:What you lostWhen and where you lost itWhat you did to find itAnd explain how you feel about this experiencePart 3⚫What kinds of things do people usually lose?⚫What do people often do when they lose personal belongings?⚫is it effective to offer rewards to find lost things?⚫What kinds of people often lose things?17. 保健方式Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy.You should say:What it isWhen you do itWho you do it withAnd explain why it can help you keep fit and healthyPart 3⚫How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?⚫What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?⚫How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?⚫Do you think it is good for governments to utilize celebrities to help people build health ⚫awareness?18. 惊喜之事Describe something that surprised you.You should say:What it isWho did thisHow you found out about it and what you didAnd explain why it surprised you and made you happyPart 3⚫How do people express happiness in your culture?⚫Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?⚫How can people be happy?⚫Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?。



Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。





2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。


3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。



雅思口语 part1- 完好题库及范文1.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?Yes, in China teas is very popular as it has a huge cultural significanceto us. Tea has always?been a large part of our culture since early Chinesehistory and it is still very popular today. Many Chinese people also likecoffee and it is especially popular with the younger generations, but itdoes not have the same cultural significance of tea since coffee originated from the Americas and was only introduced to the rest of theworld a few hundred years ago.2. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?Actually, I prefer to prepare cokes for them. If i must choose one, Ithink it is tea. Chinese p eople prefer to serve tea to their g uests.All restaurants in China will serve a pot of tea to guests instead of coffee. Ithink coffee is more suitable for some business occasions or afternoontea.3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?Well,the last time I drank tea or coffee would have to be this morning.It is almost part of my daily ritual(仪式) that I wake up and begin my day with either a tea or coffee. Normally I drink tea as I preferthis to coffee but sometimes when I wake up feeling especially tired I decided to drink a coffee instead for the extra caffeine( 咖啡因) it contains.1. How many public holidays do you have in china?There are about 20 days in total during the year which are public holidays in China. The longest days are the Spring Festival and the National Day, both of which are 7 days. People enjoy the relaxation timeand often like to travel during these two festivals. However, as there areso many people in China, each scenic spot is crowded with people duringthe long holiday, which is really terrible. So sometimes it is nice just tostay at home and relax there.2. Do you think people need more public holidays?Yes, of course. I think public holidays are very important for personal wellbeing and also the wellbeing of society as a whole. It is nice to allcome together and have a break at the same time as there is always astrong sense of community and celebration during a public holiday. Also, modem life can be very stressful, so it is important that people have proper breaks that they can look forward to.3. How do you usually spend your holidays?I usually spend my holidays by going out into the countryside andenjoying an activity that I cannot access in the city. Sometimes I will go with my friends and we will find some beautiful countryside to walk through and perhaps a mountain to hike up. Other times, we may go to alake to fish in or perhaps do some swimming if it is warm enough. I thinkthis is a nice way to spend your holidays when you live in the city.4.Which holiday is your favourite?My favourite public holiday in China is definitely the Spring Festivalholiday. Firstly, it is my favourite because it is the longest. The Spring Festival is a week long which gives my family and I a lot of time to relax or engage in recreations. Furthermore, during the spring festival adults giveus undergraduate children money to encourage us to work hard in ourstudies, this is a lovely gift and always makes the holiday feel more special.1. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?I prefer the wet weather. In my hometown, the weather is pretty wet,and it rains all the time, so I think I am used to wet weather. So being wetand the cold does not bother me and it means that I can appreciate thebeauty of rain and the lovely sound it makes. Furthermore, dry weathercan be often very hot and unbearable which I do not like.2. What kind of weather do you like most?My favourite kind of weather would definitely be a warm spring afternoon with a light breeze. I like weather that is temperate and mild(暖和的和平和的), the kind of weather you can lay down in and relax. Iprefer such weather to wind, rain and snow. Because I like to spend mytime outdoors and these kinds of weather prevent me from doing that.3. What is your favourite season?My favourite season is probably autumn. I do love spring and watching all of the flowers bloom and new life being bom,however, there is something about walking down a path full of trees with orangeand brown leaves. I think it is more beautiful than anything else I haveseen in my life. Summer and winter can be too extreme in temperaturesfor me. Therefore, I would have to say that autumn is my favourite season.4. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?My hometown is in a very wet region of the country, therefore weget quite a lot of rain throughout the year and also snow in the very coldmonths of winter. For a lot of people, this weather would be quite disagreeable, but personally I am used to it and can even find it beautiful.I have grown to enjoy both the rain and snow and I find them comforting especially when I am not in my hometown.1. Do you use perfume?I like to wear perfume (涂抹香水)on special occasions. But I do not wear perfume every day as I think that is a little bit unnecessary and luxurious. However, wearing perfume is a lovely way to do something special on important days or when you want to make a good impression. Therefore, I like to wear perfume when going to parties or formal occasions such as job interviews.I always enjoy when peoplecompliment me on the perfume that I am wearing.2. Do you give perfume as a gift?I think perfume is a lovely thing to give as a gift, but it does havesome difficulties.Because?there is such a large range of different perfumes it is hard to decide which perfume to give as a gift. People canhave different tastes and it would be very upsetting if you gave someonea perfume they did not like. Therefore, I think perfume is only a good giftwhen you know the person really well and know what perfumes they like.3. What does perfume mean to you?Perfume means a lot to me. Personally, I think perfume is very special and I only use it on rare?occasions. Therefore, I associate perfume with(把⋯系在一同) a lot of special memories.?Furthermore,though I use perfume rarely, my mother wears perfume every day. Therefore, perfumealways makes me think of my mother, whom I love very much. Thus, I think perfume is very meaningful and I love when I can smell it in the air.4. What kind of perfume do you like?My favourite kind of perfume is subtle and delicate. I think there aremany perfumes which can be quite overpowering and garish (没法抵抗的和艳俗的) .I do not like these as I can find powerful smells to be quite nauseating. Therefore, I really love delicate perfumes such as ones withmild floral notes. It is for these reasons that Chanel n.05 is my favourite perfume. I think its scent is very lovely and sophisticated. This was alsomy mother’ s favourite perfume.1. Do you like reading?I think reading is one of the best ways to spend free time. When I gethome from work, I like to relax in the evenings by reading a good book. Ilike to read a lot of thrilling and exciting fiction. I love a well told story, soreading always puts me in a good mood. I also read nonfiction from timeto time and learn a lot of interesting facts. There are so many benefits to reading.2. What kind of books do you read?Mostly I like to read detective fiction. These are stories in which thereare complicated crimes that are solved by a charismatic( intelligent detective. I find these stories very exciting 有魅力的) andand utterlycaptivating (特别吸引人).My favourite detective stories are the SherlockHolmes novels written by Arthur Conan Doyle. However, I also like to read a lot of non-fiction, so I learn a lot of interesting facts and theories.3. Do you read electronic books?At first I was against the idea of reading electronic books. I had veryromantic notions (浪漫的想法)about physical paper books and thoughtthat they were far superior to electronic books. However, a friend of mineexplained how electronic books are much better for the environment asyou do not have to cut trees down for paper. So now I read electronicbooks, and they seem just as good as paper books. Also you can oftenbuy books very cheaply when they are electronic books.4. Do you read books related to your profession?occasionally read books related to my profession. I am an actor andthere are some very interesting books on the art and history of acting. Ilike to read them from time to time as often there are good suggestionsand lessons which improve my acting skills. These books are very helpfulfor my career and also they are often quite interesting. However, for themost part I like to escape my job and read fiction when I have time toread.1. When do people smile to others?Smiling is essentially a way that people communicate to each other.Most of the time people will smile to show they are happy. Therefore, it isvery common to smile when you see your friends and loved ones, as itmakes you happy to see them. However, people can smile for many different reasons. Sometimes people smile because something is funnyand sometimes people smile when they think something is absurd. It isalways nice to smile.2. Do you smile when someone takes photos for you?I like to smile when somebody takes a photo for me. It is nice to smile in photographs because when you look back on them later you can remember how happy you felt at the time. However, not everyone likessmiling in photographs. There are a lot of people who think smiling inphotographs feels forced and they would rather look natural. For me, smiling always feels natural, so this is not a problem.3. Can you recognize a fake smile?I think sometimes it can be very obvious when somebody is doing afake smile. A genuine smile always looks very natural and sincere (真诚) .However, in contrast ,a fake smile often looks static and forced. Therefore, I think a fake smile is very easy to recognize. It is very commonfor people to do fake smiles when they are in awkward or uncomfortable situations. Personally, I like to avoid doing any fake smiles, as I think it isbad to be insincere.4. Do you like to smile?I like to smile a lot. I think when you smile a lot the world seems like ahappier and more beautiful place. It is often said that smiling is contagious (会传染的),so when you smile a lot the people around youalso smile. I think this makes everyone feel good and happy. Therefore, Ireally like to smile. I think smiling is a nice way to express your happinessand perhaps brighten up someone else’s day.1. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?Personally, I prefer to be outdoors than indoors. I love nature verymuch, so I am happiest when I am outside and I am surrounded by treesand wildlife. I like to look at the blue sky, and feel the sun upon my skin. Ifeel like staying indoors can often feel gloomy and claustrophobic (消极的和幽闭的) . So I do not understand why anyone would prefer to be indoors than outdoors.2. Did you like to go outside when you were young?When I was young I used to spend a lot of time outdoors playingwith my friends. There were all sorts of different games we would play inthe public parks. We spent a lot of time in the sun, running around in fields of grass. As long as the weather was good, I would spend most ofmy time outdoors. However, if it was really cold or raining hard then I would not go outside very much.3.Did you often go over to your friends9 house when you were young?When I was young I would often go over to my friend ’s house. After school, my friends and I liked to play games together and socialize. Sometimes we would do this outdoors, but in the winter it was too cold,so we would normally play at each otherlot of fun, and we would play indoor ’s houses. It would always be a games such as hide and seek.However, I think we all would have rather been playing outdoors.4. Is it important for children to play outdoors?I think it is very good for children to play outdoors. Playing outsidedevelops a lot of healthy traits within a child. Often children play very energetic and sporty games when playing outdoors, therefore, playingoutdoors is good for developing good exercise habits in children. Furthermore, playing outdoors offers children opportunities to developtheir social skills which are very important in life. There are many benefitsfor a child who spends a lot of time playing outdoors instead of being inthe house.1. Do you make plans everyday?I think it is a very good idea to make plans every day. Organizationalskills are very important and making plans is a good way to ensure thatyou are being productive. So, I try to make plans most days but I do notmake them every day. I think it is also important to have days to relaxwhere there is nothing definite you have planned to do. It is important tohave balance in life.2. Are you good at managing your time?I am quite good at managing my time. When I was young, I used tobe quite bad at time management. I would get distracted (扰乱、思想不集中) very easily and often forget to do things. Then my friend suggestedthat I write lists and use them to help me manage my time. Ever sincethen I have been far more focused and efficient in my day to day tasks.Following lists is a very effective way to manage your time and I wouldhighly recommend it to anyone who is distracted easily.3. What is the latest plan you made?I am an actor and I recently was given a leading role in a new play.There were a lot of lines I had to learn for this play, so I planned a schedule for how and when I would learn the lines. I?dedicated differenttimes of the day for the different scenes I was in. I followed my plan in acommitted manner every day and I learnt my lines very quickly.Following a plan is a very effective way to achieve your goals.4.What is the hardest part about making plans?Personally, I believe the hardest part about making plans is finding abalance between work and relaxation. It is very important that we reward ourselves for hard work and take well deserved breaks. Giving yourselftime to relax is important to achieve long term productivity. However, Ioften struggle to plan breaks when there are a lot of things which I haveto get done. I am trying to figure out a good way to ensure I am findingtime to relax in between work.1. Do you often use a calculator?I often use a calculator when I have to do complicated mathematicsand I do not have a lot of time. For example, I work a part-time job in acafe and frequently must add up multiple sums to figure out the total ofa customer’ s bill. This would take me quite a while to do in my headtherefore I like to use a calculator. The improves the speed with which Ican do the calculation and also lowers the risk that I may make an error.2. Are girls generally good at mathematics?Girls are generally just as good as boys at mathematics.Some people are naturally better at mathematics and some people struggle with it but I do not think it is determined by gender. When I studied mathematics at school some of the best people in my class were girls. Ithink that some people are just really passionate about mathematics butthere are a lot of people who find it boring and are not so good at it.3. Do you think it is difficult to learn mathematics well?I think it can be very difficult to learn mathematics well.Some mathematics is very complicated and it takes a lot of hard work and focus to understand it properly. However, for some people complicated mathematics comes naturally to them. For these types of people mathematics is not difficult to leam well because they have an innate (天生的) talent for mathematics. I always think this is very impressive, as I personally found it quite difficult to learn mathematics well.4. Do you think mathematics is important?Mathematics is a very important subject. In many ways, mathematicsis the basis of society as we know it. So many important aspects of modem society rely on mathematics.A good example of this is architecture.There are so many beautiful buildings and impressive skyscrapers that exist because of very precise mathematics.Without mathematics it would be impossible to engineer complicated buildingsand commodities.1. Do you think your city is clean or not?I think parts of my city are clean but there are areas which are not. Ilive in a very large city, Beijing, the capital of China. As my city is so large,there are loads of people who live here and some people do not respectthe city properly. Therefore, there is often litter (垃圾、不行数名词)on the streets and also the pollution can cover things in soot (尘埃) . However, there are certain areas, such as my hometown, which are very clean because most of the people look after the place.2.How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on thestreet?It makes me very annoyed when I see people throwing garbage onthe street. I think littering is very disrespectful and it is loutish (无礼的)behaviour. It is a stupid action to degrade (降f氐)and dirty your? own community. Most of the time, if I see someone littering, I will confrontthem and tell them to pick up their garbage.3. Why do some people throw garbage on the street?I do not understand why some people throw garbage on the street.To me, it seems completely illogical ( 不合逻辑的) to throw your garbage onthe street and make a community dirty. However, I guess that somepeople may have been raised with bad and selfish values (养成了不好的和自私的价值观) .They may expect someone else to come along and pick itup for them. Therefore, maybe people throw garbage on the street out of laziness.4. What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?When I am walking along the street and I have a piece of garbage Iwill keep it on me until I find a bin (垃圾桶)to put it in. It is not difficult to hold a piece of garbage in your hands for a little while.? Luckily in Beijingthere are many public bins therefore I do not have to wait very long before I find a place to throw away my garbage. I would never drop mygarbage on the street.l.Why did you choose that subject?When I was applying for Universities, I chose to study Literature and Language. I chose to study this because when I was young, I had a strong passion for both reading and writing so I wanted to develop my literaryskills. I would like to develop a career based around literature so a good understanding of its history and development will be very useful for myfuture. For these reasons I thought Literature and Language was a goodchoice for me to study.2.1s it interesting?I find what I study very interesting. One of the perks (利处)of my study area is that it is not completely based on facts. Studying literatureallows me to explore and form opinionated( 执拗己见的)arguments which are based on literature. It gives me a sense of freedom when I amdoing my studies. I also have a very wide range of reading, so every lesson has fresh and interesting material for me to study.3. What subjects are you studying?There are two parts of my studies, literature and language. For theliterature modules, we mainly focus on European literature,studying poetry, prose and drama. These are divided into different eras of writingwhich starts from the medieval (中世纪的)and finishes at the modem day.For the language modules, we study the fundamentals and advanced theories of language and grammar. These subjects are normally a lotmore difficult than t he literature subjects, b ut I still find them very interesting.4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon?I prefer to study in the mornings. After waking up from a good nights sleep, I normally have a lot of energy and motivation. I find it enjoyable to study as the sun rises and then make myself a nice breakfastto keep my energies up. I find myself more distracted (心慌意乱的) in the afternoons especially during winter when the sun sets very early in theday. I find that it is harder to work when it is dark outside, I lose my motivation.5. Are you looking forward to working?I am looking forward to working because I hope to continue workingin the same area of my studies. However, work may be much more enjoyable than my studies. In the work place, I will have definite goals to accomplish and I think doing so will be very satisfying. I look forward tobeing part of a team and working together to achieve a common end.6. D0 you like your subject?I like my subject very much as it is very interesting, and it also allowsme to be creative and to immerse myself into a good book. I often enjoywhat I am studying so much that I even forget it is a piece of work. Itfeels like what I would choose to do for recreation as well. I am very happy that I chose to study Literature and Language, a subject that is very dear to me.1. Do you often visit your relatives?I try to visit my relatives as often as I can. Sometimes this is easy but sometimes this can be difficult. For example, my mother and father livein the same city as I do, so I visit them often for dinner or a coffee. However, my grandparents live many hours away by train therefore visiting them is more difficult. Therefore, I visit them on special occasionswhen I can find the time. I think it is important to visit your relatives asfrequently as possible.2. What do you do when visiting relatives?When I visit my relatives most of the time we will share a meal together. I think sharing a meal with your loved ones is the best way tospend time with each other and catch up on each others?lives. We like tospend the evening discussing old memories and new things that are happening in our lives. Sometimes, for my grandparents, I will help themdo tasks around their house which they struggle to do alone.3. When was the last time you visited relatives?The last time I visited my relatives was when I went to my grandparents9 house for the weekend. While I was there, we spent a lotof time discussing my life and my future plans. My grandparents are always very interested in what I am doing. I also did some cleaning forthem and helped them move some furniture which they would have struggled to do alone. I like to help my grandparents when I am with them and make their lives a little easier.4. Why do people visit their relatives?I think people visit their relatives because they love and care for them. Our relatives will always be there for us in our times of need and itis nice to visit each other and have a close relationship with our relatives.Life can be difficult and life can be lonely, so having relatives that you areclose to is very important. People visit their relatives because they enjoyspending time with the people they care about.1. What do street markets sell?Street markets sell a variety of different things. There are street markets which sell fresh food a nd produce to local people and restaurants alike. There are also markets where people can buy clothes, souvenirs ( 纪念品)and other commodities( 日用品).However , my favourite type of street market are the street food markets, where youcan buy cheap hot meals to have for your lunch or dinner.2. Are there many street markets in China?Street markets are very common in China especially for food. In smallvillages and large towns, the street markets are always full of people buying food a nd household items. The produce and commodities on offer ( 销售中的) are always good value as well. Street markets are really common because Chinese people like things which are good value formoney. However, in large cities such as Beijing it is becoming a lot morecommon for people to shop in supermarkets instead of street markets.3. What are the differences between street markets andsupermarkets?There are a lot of differences between street markets and supermarkets. Supermarkets are often a lot more convenient than street markets as everything y ou need to buy can be found in one place.Furthermore,supermarkets often stock (备有)a wider range of productsso there are more things for you to buy. However, street markets can often be cheaper and also support smaller owned local businesses. So, Ithink it is better to use street markets.4.Do you often go to the supermarkets?I try not to go to the supermarket very often. Personally, I prefershopping at street markets as I like to support small local businesses andI also have a good relationship with many of the street vendors (销售者)there. However, every once in a while ( 每隔一段时间), Ineed to buy something which I cannot find at the street market and therefore I haveto go to the supermarket. So, I would say that I probably go to the supermarket once every fortnight (两周).1. Have you ever lent books to others?I frequently lend my books out to other people. I am an avid (狂热的)reader and get very excited about books, therefore, when I read a goodbook I instantly recommend it to my friends. I trust my friends a lot therefore I have no reservations about lending my books out to them.Thus, I lend my books out to others very frequently and occasionally ifthey really love the book, I will let them keep it.2. Do you like to lend books to others?I really like lending books to other people. I like to lend my books toothers because when you have both read the same book, you( 你们)share a very meaningful experience. There is a wealth of discussion you can have with somebody over a book. Furthermore, my friends have always returned my books in good condition and very quickly, therefore,I am never worried about lending them.3. Have you ever borrow money from others?I do not ever borrow money from people. Personally, I think it is always better to earn the money first and then buy what you need. It isnot a good habit to get in to debt with people(?与其余人产生债务关系) .Therefore , I have always avoided borrowing money from people. Iwould find it very distressing (难过的)if I borrowed money from someoneand was not able to pay them back. Therefore, I do not think it is worthtaking the risk.4.How do you feel when people don5t return things theyborrowed from you?I think it can be very annoying when people do not return things they borrowed from me,but it depends on the context.For example, sometimes someone has not returned an item because they needed touse it longer than they first imagined. This does not bother me. However,people often do not return things they have borrowed because they forget or are too lazy to. In my opinion, this is unacceptable.1. Do you like travelling?I love travelling very much. Personally, I think travelling is one of thebest ways to develop as a person. By travelling you gain a lot of experience and get to discover new cultures. This turns you into a morerounded ( 全面的) and better person. You never know what you are goingto discover when you travel to a new place, so travelling is always an exciting thing to do. I try to travel as much as possible.2. Which cities have you travelled to?Last year I took a year to travel abroad and I spent a lot of that timetravelling in Europe. Therefore, I visited many ancient European cities such as Rome and Venice in Italy. I also travelled to Barcelona in Spain,London in England and Paris in France. It was beautiful and amazing tovisit these places which have had such a different history to where I amfrom. There are so many more cities I would like to visit in the future.3. What kind of cities do you like to travel to?Personally, I like to travel to large cities with really old histories. I liketo get completely lost in a new place and accidentally discover loads ofhidden places in t he city. Everywhere you go there is such a wealth of knowledge to access and discover. One of my favourite things to find isreally old architecture, Because of this, I loved travelling in Greece andItaly as there were so many ruins (废墟)for me to visit.4.What is the place that left you the deepest impression when travelling?。



(完整版)雅思口语part1试题库个人信息类Studies1.What subject(s) are you studying?2.Why did you choose to study that subject?3.Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?)4.Is it very interesting?5.(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?6.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon?Teachers1.Do you have a favorite teacher?2.Do you want to be a teacher in the future?3.What kinds of teachers do you like?4.Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?5.Do you like strict teachers?6.What's the different between young and old teachers?7.Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently?8.What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates?Hometown1.What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)?2.Is that a big city or a small place?3.Please describe your hometown a little.4.How long have you been living there?5.Do you like your hometown?6.(Possibly) Do you like living there? *7.What do you like (most) about your hometown?8.Is there anything you dislike about it?9.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?Accommodation1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?2.Do you live in a house or a flat?3.Who do you live with?4.How long have you lived there?5.Do you plan to live there for a long time?6.(If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where youare living now and where you have lived in the past?7.Can you describe the place where you live?8.Which room does your family spend most of the time in?9.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?10.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?11.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?12.Please describe the room you live in.13.What part of your hometown do you like the most?个人爱好Vegetables and fruits1. What's your favorite vegetable and fruit?2. How often do you eat fruits?3. Are there any special fruits in your hometown?4. Should we eat vegetables every day?Snacks (New)1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?4. What was the most popular snack when you were young?5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?Trees1. Do you like trees?2. (Similar to above) Do you like (to go to) the forest (or, a forest)?3. Is there a forest near your hometown?4. Would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees?5. Where can one find trees (or forests) in your country?6. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?7. Did you ever (like to) climb trees when you were a child?8. Have you ever planted a tree?9. Do you think more people should plant trees?10. (Similar to above) Do you think we should plant more trees?11. Do you think trees are important?12. What would you say are the benefits of having trees?13. Do you think we need to protect trees?Television (New)1. How much TV do you (usually) watch?2. What's your favorite TV program?3. Did you watch much TV when you were a child? (How much?)4. What (types of) programs did you watch when you were a child?5. Do you think television has changed in the past few decades?6. (Possibly) Do you think television has changed since you were a child?7. Has television changed your life in any way?Film1. Do you like to watch films?2. Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?3. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?4. Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?5. What kinds of movies do you like best?6. What was the first film that you watched?Swimming (New) /Sports1. Do you like swimming?2. Is it difficult to learn how to swim?3. Where do Chinese like to go swimming?4. What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?5. Do you like to watch sports on TV?6. Do you play any sports?7. Do you have a favorite sports star?8. What’s the most popular sports in China?9. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?10. Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?Clothes1. What clothes do you usually like to wear?2. Do / did you wear the same clothes at school and at home?3. Will you change your clothes when you go home today?4. Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child?5. Did you like them?Reading books1. What kinds of books did you like to read when you were young?2. Do you still keep these books?3. Have you ever given others books as gifts?4. What’s your f avorite kind of books?Music1. Do you often (like to) listen to music?2. When do you listen to music?3. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?4. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?5. What's your favorite kind of music?6. Have you ever been to a concert before?7. Do you like to listen to live music?8. When did you start listening to this type of music?9. Where do you listen to it?10. How do you feel when you listen to this music?11. Do you like listening to songs?12. Have you ever been to a musical performance?13. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?14. Is music an important subject at school in China?15. Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes, give details.) What kindsof music are (most) popular in China?Museums1. Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?3. Do you often visit a museum?4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?5. When was the last time you visited a museum?6. Do you think museums are important?7. Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Photography1. Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?)3. How long have you liked taking photographs?4. How (why) did you become interested in photography?5. How often do you take photographs?6. In what situations do you take photographs?7. What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)8. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?9. Who do you take photos of?10. How do you keep your photos?11. Do you keep your photographs on your computer?12. Are there any photos on the walls of your home?13. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?)14. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)生活休闲Weekends1. What do you do in your spare time?2. When do you spend time with your family?3. What do you usually do on weekends?4. What did you do last weekend?5. What do other people in your hometown (or, in your country) usually do on weekends?6. What are you going to do next weekend?7. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?8. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?Public holidays1. What public holidays do you have in your country?2. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?3. What do you usually do during public holidays?4. What did you do during the last public holiday?5. Do you think public holidays are important?6. Why do we need public holidays?Transportation1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?2. How often do you take buses?3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?4. Is driving to work popular in your country?5. Do you think people will drive more in the future?6. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?7. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?8. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?Newspapers/News1. Do you often read newspapers?2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?3. What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?4. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?5. Do you think it’s important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?)6. Why do (you think) people read newspapers?7. What different types of newspaper are there in China?8. Do you care about the news?9. Is the news important (to you)?10. What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?11. Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news or international news? (Why?)12. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?13. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?14. Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?抽象话题Text messages/phone calls (New)1. Do you text someone if he doesn’t answer your phone?2. Is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling him?3. Have you ever had difficulty replying?4. How often do you send text messages?5. How often do you make phone calls?6. Do you like to call your parents or send text messages to them?Social network (New)1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?2. Are you a social person?3. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?5. What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese like to use?Time management1. Are you good at organizing time?2. How do you usually organize time?3. Do you think planning is important for time management?4. Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?5. How would you teach your children time management?Teamwork(New)1. When was the last time you worked with a team?2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?3. What’s the most important thing for teamwork?4. Do you like to be a leader?Sleeping1. How many hours are you asleep for every day?2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day?3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why?4. What time do you usually go to bed?5. Do you always have a good sleep?Sky1. Do you like to watch the sky?2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?3. Do you like to watch stars?4. Have you ever taken a course about stars?5. What's your favorite star?Being in a hurry (New)1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?2. Do you like to finish things quickly?3. What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?Being alone1. Do you like to be alone?2. What do you like to do when you are alone?3. Do you like to spend time with your friends or just stay at home on your own?4. When was the last time you were being alone?Mathematics1. When did you start learning math?2. Do you like math?3. Who taught you math?4. Who’s your favorite teacher so far?5. Is math difficult for you to learn?6. Do you like to use a calculator?History (New)1. Do you like (to learn about) history?2. What historical event do you find most interesting?3. Do you think history is important?4. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?5. Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs?6. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?7. Can you name a person from history whom you would like to learn more about?8. Why would you like to learn more about him/her?Forget about things/memory (New)1. What do you remember to do every day?2. What helps people to remember things?3. Why do old people forget about things easily?4. Have you ever forgotten something important?Helping others (New)1. When was the last time you helped others?2. Do you like to help strangers?3. Did your parents teach you the importance of helping others when you were young?4. Have you ever refused to help others?5. Would you keep helping people in the future?6. Hanging out with friends7. How often do you like to hang out with friends?8. Who do you usually like to hang out with?9. Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?10. Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?Handwriting1. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer(typewriter or word-processor)?2. Nowadays, how do most people write things?3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?4. When do children begin to write in your country?5. How did you learn to write?6. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?7. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?8. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?Emails and Letters1. Do you write many letters or emails?2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?3. Which do you more often write, emails or letters?4. How often do you write an email or a letter?5. What are the differences between emails and letters?6. What do you usually write about?7. Who do you usually write to?8. Is it hard to think of what to write?9. What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to write?10. How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?11. What kinds of emails (or letters) do you receive that make you feel happy?12. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?Colors (New)1. What colors do you like?2. What’s the most popular color in China?3. Do you like to wear clothes or bright colors?4. What’s the different between men and women’s preference on colors?5. Do colors affect your mood?Countryside (New)1. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?2. What do people living in the countryside like to do?3. What are the benefits of living in rural areas?4. What’s the different between living in the city and living the countryside?。



Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。





2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。


3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。

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雅思part1口语题库大全2022雅思口语题库2022【1】题目:1.Do you think your city is clean or not2.How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street3. Why do some people throw garbage on the street4.What do you do with garbage when you are on the street范文:1.Do you think your city is clean or notWell, I suppose my city is quite clean for most of the time, thanks to thehard work of sanitation workers,you can see neatstreets and classificationtrash bins everywhere. By the way, if you travel to my city and take a look, youwill be amazed by how perfectly it is maintained as a clean place to livein.2.How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the streetWhen witnessing people throwing garbage on the street, I always feel veryangry, because I think as citizens we all have the responsibility to take careof the city and abide by the regulations. Only by doing this can we build abeautiful and clean home.3. Why do some people throw garbage on the streetFrom my understanding, I think people throw garbage on the street mainlybecause they find it is a more convenient way to get rid of the garbage thanthrowing it in the garbage bin. Also, I would say it is because there are notenough garbage bins around the city.4.What do you do with garbage when you are on the streetWhen I am on the street, first of all I myself would never throwgarbagerandomly, and would always help keep the street clean. Secondly, if I pass by apiece of garbage on the street, I usually volunteer to pick it up and throw itinto the nearest garbage bin.1-4月雅思口语话题雅思口语题库2022【2】题目:1.Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live2.Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live3.Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night4.How often do you look at the sky范文:1.Is there a good place to look at the sky where you liveYes, I suppose so. I’ve got a tiny b ut clean balcony in my room, where Ithink is a perfect location to appreciate the sky. Standing on the balcony andstaring skywards, I can always find it mysterious and attractive. It’s like ane某quisite masterpiece of Vincent van Gogh. So, whenever I have time, I will goto this small balcony to enjoy the appealing view.2.Can you see the moon and stars at night where you liveWell, to be honest, I believe it is a pity that I can hardly see thosecelestial bodies clearly in the evening these days. Since theair pollution hasinfluenced the visibility at night greatly. The moon and stars can be spottedsometimes when the weather is nice enough but I have to say it is becoming lessand less frequent for me to see them.3.Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at nightActually, I don't have a preference for either of them, but if I have tomake a choice, I would say the sky in early time. The reasonis that, in themorning the sky is still covered in mist and I am really into this kind of vagueview. Also, the rising sun in the morning sky represents the brand- newbeginning of another day, whichI think is a positive symbol.4.How often do you look at the skyFrankly speaking, I barely look skywards because for most of the time Istay indoors, so there is no chance for me to do that. But when I was little, mymom and I used to take a walk every day after dinner so when walking around, Ioften raised my head to appreciate thestarry sky.雅思口语题库2022【3】题目:1.When was the last time you drank tea or coffee2.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee3.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at home4.What kind of foreign food are popular in your country5.What kinds of new food have you tried recently6.Do you like to try new food范文:1.When was the last time you drank tea or coffeeWell, actually I am a big fan of coffee and I have the habit of drinkingthis kind of beverage every day. You know, I just had a cup of espresso thismorning. I am really partial to it because just a sip of coffee can keep merefreshed and energetic. As for tea, it is not a common thing in my dailylife.2.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffeeI believe that most people in our country are more likely to choose tea,because it is an essential part of our culture. But sincecoffee was introducedinto China and it is regarded as a modern beverage, the number of coffee loversis also growing. Especially among the young people, drinking a cup of Americanohas become a habit in the morning.3.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at homeDefinitely coffee! The reasons are simple. Personally, I’m not interestedin drinking tea, so you can find anything but tea in my apartment. Besides, theflavor of coffee can be changed according to guests’ preferences. You can add adash of milk or sugar if you don't like bitter taste, but the flavor of tea isnot changeable. So I am not sure it is suitable for every visitor.4.What kind of foreign food are popular in your countryI suppose the so-called “junk food” in the western country has gained a lotof popularity in China. There is a large number of restaurants servinghamburgers, pizzas and French fries. People, especially youngsters, are reallyenthusiastic about them probably because eating this kind of food is time-savingand also very fashionable. But personally, I don't regard it as a positive trendin our society.5.What kinds of new food have you tried recentlyWell, I am always willing to try new things and last month I saw anewly-opened Me某ico restaurant,so I decided to take a taste. I ordered nachos and tacos, which are twotypes of Me某ican food. I thought it might take me some time to get used to thefood but surprisingly I fell in love with it from the first bite! The spicyflavor is e某actly my cup of tea.6.Do you like to try new foodYes, of course! I am passionate about trying new restaurantsespeciallythose that serve foreign food. Every time I have meals in a restaurant that Ihave never been to, it is like having an adventure. Also, as a real foodie, I’mfond of cooking with different ingredients, hoping that I can invent my ownrecipe one day.雅思口语题库2022【4】题目:1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life2.Who is your favourite movie star3.Are international superstars popular in your country4.Do you want to be a superstar范文:1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real lifeYes, I have! But it was quite unintentional. It was about three years ago,my friends and I went to the cinema for the latest movie. When we were waitingoutside, suddenly a sharp scream caught my attention. Then I found that therewas a large group of people holding posters in their hands and among them was afamous actor. That is howI met a celebrity accidentally.2.Who is your favourite movie starI think Tom Cruise is probably the movie star who can attract my attentionmost. His appearance and acting skills are the most appealing things to me. Inthe movie series Mission: Impossible, his e 某cellent performance really impressedme. By the way, his latest movie also made me more respectful to him because hedid lots of e某tremely difficult movements although he is almost 60-year-old.3.Are international superstars popular in your countryI suppose so. As more and more international movies and TV programs arebeing introduced into Chinese market, we have more e某posure to foreignsuperstars so undoubtedly, they are gaining popularity in China. Most of myfriends are passionate about some international celebrities like Mr. Bean,Nicole Kidman and of course, my favorite actor Tom Cruise.4.Do you want to be a superstarDefinitely no! Being a celebrity means that I might lose my privacy and Ireally detest the feeling of being stared by the paparazzi. And it is verylikely that I would be criticized by some people who know me only from thedistorted reports in the attention-grabbing tabloids. Although being famous canbring a large amount of money, I still don't want to sacrifice my personallife.雅思口语题库2022【5】题目:1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling2.Which cities have you travelled to3.Do you like travelling4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel to范文:1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling Personally speaking, the place that left the deepest impression on me wasVancouver, which is acoastal city in western Canada. I stayed there for nearly half a year whenI was an e某changestudent. I enjoyed travelling around the city and e某ploring its naturalscenery.2.Which cities have you travelled toWell, I’ve traveled to many North American cities as well as Asian cities,including New York,Washington D. C., Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Bangkok and so on. I visitedthese cities during myholidays and also my e某change semester two years ago.3.Do you like travellingYes, I’m a fan of traveling, especiall y backpacking, which is a kind oftraveling characterized bylow e某penses and high degrees of cultural immersion. I enjoy traveling verymuch mainly out of myeagerness to know more about different cultures.4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel toAs a nature lover, I’m always fascinated by cities with gorgeous naturalbeauty and authenticcuisine. Compared to metropolitans, I rather prefer traveling to smalltowns that are close tonature, especially those adjacent to mountains or lakes.雅思part1口语题库大全2022。
