小学四年级人教 精通版 上册英语总复习 归纳

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Unit 1: 中国 - China,美国 - America,英国 - England,新

加坡 - Singapore,加拿大 - Canada,好的 - good,朋友 - friend,兄弟 - brother,姐妹 - sister,男孩 - boy,女孩 - girl,教师 - teacher,农民 - farmer,邮递员 - postman,医生 - doctor,护士- nurse,司机 - driver。

Unit 2: 班级 - class,年级 - grade,一 - one,二 - two,三

- three,四 - four,五 - five,六 - six,七 - seven,八 - eight,

九 - nine,十 - ten,十一 - eleven,十二 - twelve,十三 - thirteen,十四 - fourteen,十五 - fifteen,十六 - sixteen,十七 - seventeen,十八 - XXX,十九 - XXX,二十 - XXX。

Unit 3: 菠萝 - pineapple,柠檬 - lemon,苹果 - apple,梨 - pear,西瓜 - watermelon,猕猴桃 - kiwi fruit,橙 - orange,香

蕉 - banana,土豆 - potato,番茄 - tomato,胡萝卜 - carrot,黄

瓜 - cucumber,茄子 - eggplant,青椒 - green pepper。

Unit 4: 晴朗的 - fine,好的 - nice,温暖的 - warm,凉爽

的 - cool,炎热的 - hot,寒冷的 - cold,晴朗的 - sunny,多云

的 - cloudy,有风的 - windy,下雨的 - rainy,下雪的 - XXX。

Unit 5: 帽子 - cap,有边帽子,草帽 - hat,体恤衫 - T-shirt,连衣裙 - dress,女士衬衣 - blouse,夹克 - jacket,雨衣 - raincoat,毛衣 - sweater,短裙 - skirt,衬衫 - shirt,短裤 - shorts,牛仔裤 - jeans,袜子 - socks,鞋子 - shoes。

Unit 6: 大的 - big,小的 - small,长的 - long,短的 - short,高的 - tall,胖的 - fat,瘦的 - thin,强壮的 - strong,新的 - new,旧的 - old,幸福快乐 - happy。


Unit 1: 新朋友 - new friend,来自 - from,看到 - see,遇

到 - XXX,再次 - again,好的 - nice,好的 - glad,这 - this,

也 - too,哪里 - where,欢迎 - e,谁 - who,游戏 - game,猜 - guess,是(做)- do,看 - look,美丽的 - beautiful,什么 - what,好的 - great,叔叔 - uncle,婶婶 - aunt,电视播音员 -

TV reporter,小心 - be careful,警察 - policeman。

Unit 1:

I am pleased to know your name。How about lining up and counting from one to two。Right。let's play a game and find our Neighbours。Very good。it's time to wake up。Why are you late。Some milk。thanks。It's funny how vegetables can make us feel better.

Unit 2:

I like speaking in English。Can you show me how to peel

and eat a fruit。Smell that。and let me pass you the bread。Do

you know how to play with a bat。Smart。Do you have any juice。please?

Unit 3:

Today。let's play football and fly kites。Shall we go to the zoo。Here。have some fish and swim with us。It's a good idea to drink water。thank you。The weather is great for shopping。Dear。can you put on your clothes now?

Unit 4:

Over there。I have a pretty gift for you。Happy birthday。Can you help me try on this vest。Sure。look at those twins。They are really cute。We can certainly walk with them.

Unit 5:

XXX has big ears and eyes。The rabbit has a fluffy tail。Come here。both of you。Happy New Year。Act like a monkey and use your nose to XXX.

Unit 6:

Where are you from。Who is this girl。She is my sister。Who is this boy。He is XXX.

Let's play together and have fun。We are excited to play。Would you like to visit the zoo or go swimming。or perhaps do some shopping。Can I please have some cold milk instead of water?

XXX cloudy now。but it's still hot today。Have you seen my new T-shirt or my cap。My jeans are also missing。Can you please help me find them。Oh。here they are。Would you like to try on this orange vest and red skirt or these blue jeans and green shorts?
